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DESCRIPTION OF MANI DVEEPA OF SRI NAGARA AGASTHYA: “OQ Lord Hayanana: Where is this Sri Nagara? Who had built it in the beginning? Kindly describe to me all about it: its extent, grandeur etc. Thou alone art the sun that can dry up all the slush of doubts: ‘SRI HAYAGRIVA:“O LORD OF RISHIS"! Sri Lalita the grantor of desires of all her devotees by Her mere glance, after having vanquished Bhandasura from her invincible Sri- Chakraraja-Chariot, became the cynosure of all eyes, the target of all praise, the source of all happiness and joy: (Is not “Ananda” the flag of her chariot!). The Trinity as well as Indra and his devas all desired to have Her live amidst them so that they may ever be near Her. She being ever united with Her Lord - Kameswara, could spend the rest of Time in ecstasy! Accordingly, they obtained Sri Devi's permission for the construction of a glorious city, unequalled in all the universe, for Her abode with Kama-Siva in the very place where she had first appeared in the flames of the Maha-Yaga of self-surrender and sacrifice, seated on Her glorious nine tiered Sri Chakra Chariot. The Trimurtis along with Indra and the devas sent for Viswakarma, the architect of the celestials as also Maya the (mayavic)illusion-creating architect of the asuras and spoke to them sweetly thus, after welcoming them with due respect and love: “Oh ye great architects of the Universe! we desire you to construct a most magnificent city wherein Sri Devi-Lalita Kameswari -may dwell in unison with Lord Kameswara, Her mansion must be situated in the centre surrounded by sixteen enclosing-cities of different gems and metals. The mother manifests herself in sixteen different forms (Shodasi). Hence her abode should also be surrounded by sixteen different enclosures, Greatly flattered at having been assigned such a mighty task for the Divine Mother's pleasure, and filled with joy and great expectations, Viswakarma and Maya made obeisance to the Trimurtis and said: “Blessed are we for having thus been ordained by Ye, Oh Lords, for such a grand task! Pray, tell us, how the several enclosures and surrounding countries should took like, and their relative positions.” The Trimurtis were pleased at their readiness and thus replied to the wonder- architects in gentle words pleasing unto Sri Devi also: “O Ye great ones! The sixteen celestial cities to be built amid sixteen enclosures shall be named after the sixteen Nitya-Devis of Sri Devi Lalita, for She is of the form of these sixteen Nitya-swarupinis causing limited time and Timeless Eternity. She is the very root of Time; and causes the cycle of seasons, days, years - nay Manvantaras and Maha Kalpas themselves. The sixteen celestial cities may be named thus: 1. Kameswaripuri on Central Meru Mountain 2. Bhagamalapuri on Nishadha Kshetra 3. Nitya klinnapuri on Hemakuta 4. Bherundapuri on the Himalayas 5. Vahnivasinipuri on Gandha Madana Mountain 6. Maha Vajreswaripuri on Neelamesha 7. Sivaduthi 8. Twaritapuri on Mahendragiri 9. Kulasundaripuri on Mahagiri 40. Nityapuri on the Ocean of Salt 41. Nilapatakapuri on the ocean of sugar-cane juice 12. Vijayapuri on the ocean of wine 13. Sarvamangalapuri on the ocean of ghee 14, Jwalamalinipuri on the ocean of curds 15. Chitrapuri on the ocean of milk 16. Mahanityapuri on the ocean of water 129 / 164 ‘You may commence the construction of these sixteen Chive wi ur s-epicious, moment and exhibit your many unequalled skills, praiseworthy in all the vast universe; As your very thoughts become things, it takes but a short time for you both to materialise your plans and designs! Maya and Viswakarma once again made obeisance to Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara as also to Indra and other rulers of the boundaries of the universe and set to work in accordance with the directions given to them; very soon, there sparkled Sri Nagara constituting the above mentioned sixteen Nitya-cities amid the celestial a> ‘Sri Hayagriva then began to relate to Agasthya a full description of Sri Nagara along with their ruling devatas. ‘SRI HAYAGRIVA: The Meru Kshetra was a thousand yojanas in height, being the axis or base of all the fourteen worlds. This Meru mountain constitutes four ks, one in the centre, and three around it in the directions of S.W., N.W. and N.E.; each of these three surrounding peaks is a hundred yojanas in height and another hundred in extent. These three are the abodes of the Trinity! Brahma (Creator) Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Dissolver). The middle or central peak is four hundred yojanas in height as well as in extent; and it is on this central peak of Mi Meru that Sripura exists, extolled by the great and good ones. How is it possible to describe Sripura and its many parts; Yet, | shall relate to you as much as | have heard, or come to know about it. The outer enclosure is of iron,with gates opening to the four directions.At every gate are two doors made of iron. Attached to the two doors are two shining bolts. The four gates are thus made secure. Listen now, O Khumbhaje! to the disposition of the (Gopuras) many storeyed ornamental spires. At each corner, on each side is erected a gopura; there gopuras on either side of the gat of the shape of a lotus. The top most tier of this central gopura is adorned with three crowns. The (Kalasas) crowns were broader at the base and tapered away to the top. The crowns on the gopura erected at the gai east; at the western gate they are from south to north;at the northern gate as at the sourthern gate, and so also the crowns on the gopura of the eastern gate resembled those at the western. (i) Inside the lron-Prakaras lies the bronze sala which is akin to the sala of iron in description. The area between the iron & bronze enclosures is filled with magnificent gardens and is the store house of all types of life born of seeds. All varieties of trees and plants and creepers etc. bearing delicious fruits and fragrant flowers of all descriptions,and belonging to all the seasons of the year, rousing sringara rasa in the breasts of all men and women. This vatika is termed nana- Vrksha-Mahodyana-Vatika. (ii) Seven yojanas away from the bronze prakara and four yojanas higher lies the square-shaped copper prakara. The land enclosed by the bronze and copper well known as “KALPAKA VATIKA" or the abode of the Kalpa Vriksha ling trees. The area between bronze and copper enclosures, calied the Kalpakavatika forms the second tier. These plants yield camphor and are adorned with gem like seeds bearing fresh fruits and fragrant flowers with shining gold for bark yielding silks and honey. (iii) Seven yojanas away from the copper enclosure and four yojanas higher lies the third Kakshya(enclosure)of lead known as the Santana Vatika and consists of trees which have the power to grant children as boon. Sri Hayagriva then began to relate to Agasthya a full description of Sri Nagara along with their ruling devatas. ‘SRi HAYAGRIVA: The Meru Kshetra was a thousand yojanas in height, being the axis or base of all the fourteen worlds. This Meru mountain constitutes four peaks, one in the centre, and three around it in the directions of S.W., N.W. and N.E.; each of these three surrounding peaks is a hundred yojanas in height and another hundred in extent. These three are the abodes of the Trinity! Brahma (Creator) Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Dissolver). The middle or central peak is four hundred yojanas in height as well as in extent; and it is on this central peak of Maha Meru that Sripura exists, extolled by the great and good ones. How is it possible to describe Sripura and its many parts; Yet, | shall relate to you as much as | have heard, or come to know about it. ‘The outer enclosure is of iron, with gates opening to the four directions.At every gate are two doors made of iron. Attached to the two doors are two shining bolts, The four gates are thus made secure. Listen now, © Khumbhajel to the disposition of the (Gopuras) many storeyed ornamental spires. At each corner, on each side is erected a gopura; there are gopuras on either side of the gates; and in the middle of the area is a mighty gopura of the shape of a lotus. The top most tier of this central gopura is adorned with three crowns. The (Kalasas) crowns were broader at the base and tapered away to the top. The crowns on the gopura erected at the gate are arranged from west to east; at the western gate they are from south to north;at the northern gate as at the sourthern gate, and so also the crowns on the gopura of the eastern gate resembled those at the western. (i) Inside the Iron-Prakaras lies the bronze sala which is akin to the sala of iron in description. The area between the iron & bronze enclosures is filled with magnificent gardens and is the store house of all types of life born of seeds. All varieties of trees and plants and creepers etc. bearing delicious fruits and fragrant flowers of all descriptions,and belonging to all the seasons of the year, rousing sringara rasa in the breasts of all men and women. This vatika is termed nana- Vrksha-Mahodyana-Vatika. (ii) Seven yojanas away from the bronze prakara and four yojanas higher lies the square-shaped copper prakara. The land enclosed by the bronze and copper boundaries is well known as “KALPAKA VATIKA" or the abode of the Kalpa Vriksha or Wish-yielding trees. The area between bronze and copper enclosures, called the Kalpakavatika forms the second tier. These plants yield camphor and are adorned with gem like seeds bearing fresh fruits and fragrant flowers with shining gold for bark yielding silks and honey. (iii) Seven yojanas away from the copper enclosure and four yojanas higher lies the third Kakshya(enclosure)of lead known as the Santana Vatika and consists of trees which have the power to grant children as boon. 119

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