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Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (2003) 72s–76s

A variable pulse width Nd:YAG laser for conservation

Renzo Salimbeni *, Roberto Pini, Salvatore Siano
Istituto di Elettronica Quantistica – CNR, Via Panciatichi 56/30, 50127 Florence, Italy


Photoablation is a physical process employed for the cleaning of artefacts. While several authors have reported investigations concerning
the dependence of the effects induced on the material for different laser wavelengths, no similar investigations have been reported so far
about the dependence on the pulse duration, in spite of its importance being recognised. In order to approach this issue and optimise the
interaction process on different materials, a new Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system with variable pulse width for cleaning applications was
designed and built at the Quantum Electronics Institute in Florence. It provides an extended pulse duration in respect of the standard
Q-switched regime, by means of interchangeable optical fibres in the resonator. The new laser allows to change the pulse duration in the
range between tens and hundreds of nanoseconds up to several microseconds. According to our experience, the adjustment of the pulse
duration in this range may avoid the possibility of strong mechanical forces and excessive heating in the substrate, as it has been observed
with standard Nd:YAG laser systems. The laser may be proposed for an accurate cleaning in a variety of restoration problems and materials.
© 2003 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nd:YAG laser; Laser cleaning; Conservation; Cultural heritage

1. Introduction variety of materials in cultural heritage conservation. A

variable pulse width Nd:YAG laser has been devised and
Nd:YAG laser systems have been devised in view of constructed. The output parameters demonstrate the possi-
specific applications, with two standard operating regimes: bility to optimise the cleaning phase in a restoration
Q-switching and free-running operations. This turns out in procedure as well as any other ablation process for a wide
two independent ranges of pulse widths: nanoseconds to a variety of materials.
few tens of nanoseconds for the former, and hundreds of
microseconds to milliseconds for the latter.
No practical interest was given to the possibility to 2. Dependence of the ablation side effects upon
achieve laser pulse widths in the intermediate range of the pulse width
hundreds of nanoseconds to tens of microseconds, except
for special prototypes developed for research. The main
A quantitative estimation of the optimum pulse duration
reasons for this were the lack of real applications requiring
for the laser cleaning treatment of material alteration has not
a laser characterised by a variable pulse width.
yet been determined for many conservation problems. A
Recently, there has been a special interest in laser
possible answer is that standard Q-switching Nd:YAG lasers
cleaning of artefacts. In this field, different materials may
operating at the fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm and
require a laser pulse width ranging from nanoseconds to
with a typical pulse duration of 5–20 ns are good enough. In
microseconds, in order to optimise the cleaning results.
the literature, this is frequently reported, with many kinds of
In this paper, a solution is presented for a versatile and artefacts cleaned essentially by means of a fast vaporisation
accurate use of Nd:YAG lasers in the cleaning of a large associated with an intense photomechanical effect. The
reason for the large number of experiments reported so far
with standard Q-switched lasers is straightforward: they are
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-55-416128; fax. +39-55-414612. offered on the market with a well-established technology,
E-mail address: (R. Salimbeni). their cost is acceptable, their experimental utilisation pro-
© 2003 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 2 9 6 - 2 0 7 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 1 1 4 9 - 4
R. Salimbeni et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (2003) 72s–76s 73s

vides better results for a selection of problems than other still provide safe conditions. For Q-switched lasers, the
traditional techniques. typical operative fluences are in the range 0.1–1.5 J/cm2.
Nevertheless in many reports [1–4], the use of Higher values can easily induce critical photomechanical
Q-switched lasers on stones was debated, with still open effects due to thermoelastic spallation of strata with a not
issues, such as colouring or discolouring effects, the most negligible absorption or to the shock wave associated with
safe intensity range to avoid dense plasma formation over a dense plasma expansion, in case of highly absorbing
the surface and undesired side effects. encrustation components.
Some authors [5,6] have taken advantage of the fact that With the SFR operation, at 20 µs, the photomechanical
standard Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers may provide various effects are practically absent, and the operation becomes
wavelengths at the first (1064 nm), second (532 nm), third uncritical and much more relaxing for the operator.
(355 nm) and fourth (266 nm) harmonics, investigating
The availability of Nd:YAG lasers with different duration
what is the dependence of the cleaning result not only on the
gave us the possibility to appreciate the advantages achiev-
cleaning rate, but also in terms of quality of the surface left,
able with the slightly extended Q-switched pulses for
discoloured or not, the induced average roughness.
materials other than stones. This was clearly showed in a
Our consideration was differently based on the impor-
cleaning test of a coated bronze [10]. The alteration removal
tance of the laser duration on the quality of the cleaning
induced by using a prolonged pulse width Q-switched laser
result, and that only the lack of a laser system capable of
(40 ns), with a low fluence, was very effective and precise
varying the duration has hindered so far such experiments.
without any counter-backeffect on the substrate.
In fact only a few authors have reported experiments and
evaluations concerning lasers with different pulse duration. About the need that different materials may be better
Liu and Garmire [7], for example, examined a wide range of treated using suitable laser pulse duration, other consider-
laser types (and duration) to estimate running costs for ations come out from the physical analysis of the two main
graffiti removal. In a previous work [8], we did a compari- effects excited during the laser treatment: the photome-
son between the dynamics of the material blown off and the chanical and the photothermal effects.
ultrasonic shock wave generated over the surface during the The photomechanical effect induced by Q-switched
laser irradiation, for Nd:YAG lasers with different pulse pulses produces peak pressure values from tens to hundreds
duration: 6 ns, 20 µs and 200 µs. The change in the pulse of bars [8] due to the shock wave dynamic. In many cases,
duration was in this work very drastic, involving the two such peak pressures, corresponding to the operative fluence
well-known operative regimes of standard Nd:YAG lasers, range for Q-switched pulses, are not acceptable. Thus, for
Q-switching (6 ns) and Free-Running or Normal Mode for example, our explanation for the frequent whitening and
some authors (200 µs). The system operating at 20 µs in a spotting on the Ca-oxalate layer cleaned with Q-switched
Short Free-Running Mode (SFR) was developed specifi- pulses at the operative fluence (<1 J/cm2) is the thermoelas-
cally to work at an intermediate duration in order to avoid tic generation, which may be strong enough to detach small
either strong mechanical effects or excessive substrate fragments as a single pulse effect.
heating. A prolonged pulse duration, and conversely a lower peak
The results of this laser, denominated Smart Clean in its intensity would avoid overpressure, in both cases of ther-
commercial version, were excellent in the cleaning inter- moelastic or plasma-mediated ablation regimes. Actually all
ventions of very important stone masterpieces such as the possible photoacoustic generations are proportional to
statues (Abacuc by Donatello) carried on by the Opificio of the laser intensity.
Pietre Dure in Florence, and monuments [9] (Mausoleum of
A duration in the range of microseconds would com-
Teodorico). We demonstrated the possibility to achieve a
pletely avoid any strong force acting on the material, so that
very gradual removal of the encrustation, without any
more friable stones would be better treated, but with some
observable colouring/discolouring on the substrate surface.
losses of effectiveness for well-coherent metals, patinas or
For many other stones, such as pliocene sandstone and
various limestones, this SFR laser performed very precise
cleaning as well, preserving patinas and removing many On the side of the thermal effect, a frequently considered
kinds of deteriorated layers, examples are gypsum based condition to avoid substrate heating is that the vaporisation-
crusts and fluorosilicate coatings coming from previous old wave is faster than the thermal conduction wave, so that
treatments. only a negligible amount of energy deposited by radiation
The main characteristic of this laser is essentially a can be lost outside the borders of the material blow off.
photothermal removal, with an operative fluence higher than More precisely the heating of the surrounding material is
for Q-switching, but with the advantage of a less critical negligible if no irreversible change of the status of the
fluence range. A fluence of 1–2 J/cm2 is typical, but also material is determined by the heating. The simple schemes
much higher values do not induce any damage on various reported in Fig. 1 describe the two typical situations: a
lithotypes, as observed during the validation tests. Thus, for thermally confined condition of the material removal, and a
example, for white marbles, fluences above 50 J/cm2 can not confined condition.
74s R. Salimbeni et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (2003) 72s–76s

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic scheme of a general case of deterioration of a coated

Fig. 1. Stratigraphic schemes of the thermally confined (left) and not metal submitted to laser cleaning.
confined (right) conditions for various ranges of laser pulse duration in the
cleaning of stones.
This general case finds specific examples in outdoor
Lopt is the optical penetration depth, which in saturated exposed bronze statues and decorations, and in archaeologi-
conditions can be assumed coincident with the ablation cal findings. The general commitment is the preservation of
depth. The thermal diffusion length, defined as stable oxides such as cuprite layers, or valuable coatings
such as gilding. In a conservation problem recently brought
Ztherm = 2(DτL)1/2, to our attention, the conclusion of the study about the
distribution of temperature in a thin gold film on bronze was
represents the spatial extent of the heating, i.e. the depth at that a pulse width of 50 ns determines a lower maximum
which the temperature rise by thermal conductivity is temperature than a 10 ns or much longer pulses [11].
reduced to ∆T(Ztherm) = 0.09 ∆T(Z = 0).
In conclusion, the laser pulse width should be suitably
Hence short and medium duration pulses may determine
selected between tens and hundreds of nanoseconds up to
a thermal confinement (Ztherm < Zopt) according to the ther-
microseconds if the specific material characteristics need to
mal diffusivity D of the material. In Table 1, the value of D
avoid strong mechanical stresses (examples are friable
and the extension of Ztherm in various stones and metals are
surfaces of some stones), or need to keep as low as possible
reported for different pulse durations.
the temperature rise (organic varnishes, low melting point
In conclusion, considering that each laser shot typically
metals, etc.) following each pulse.
removes several tens of microns of black gypsum crust with
short Q-switched pulses, and some tens of microns with the
experimented 20 µs pulses, for all the duration range con-
sidered here, the laser cleaning of stones takes place in 3. Intracavity fibre resonator
thermally confined condition.
Table 1 reports also that metals would need short pulses, In the study concerning the SFR laser [8], we discussed
but for metals, the optical absorption occurs in nanometer and demonstrated the utility to consider intermediate pulse
thickness, so the concept of confinement cannot apply for duration by shortening a free-running emission. In this
microsecond or nanosecond pulses. In Fig. 2, a typical paper, we present the possibilities offered by the opposite
situation is reported, where an inorganic crust composed of approach: extending the pulse width of a Q-switch emission.
dust, soil, carbon deposit remains over mineralised layers A number of different resonators have been tested in
and finally over patina or coated metal. In this case, a order to extend the pulse duration in Q-switched Nd:YAG
transition between a thermally confined removal of the lasers: intracavity fibres [12] have been found to be the most
crust, and a conductive phase irradiation of the coating convincing solution to achieve a variation of orders of
metal will take place, as long as the latter remains exposed magnitude. Fig. 3 shows the typical scheme of the laser
to further irradiation. resonator.
Table 1
Thermal diffusion length Ztherm, in various stones and metals for different pulse duration
Material Thermal diffusivity Ztherm (µm)
D (cm2/s)
τL = 10 ns τL = 100 ns τL = 1 µs τL = 10 µs
Water 0.00144 0.076 0.24 0.76 2.4
Carbonatic stone 0.007 0.17 0.53 1.7 5.3
Sandstone 0.0118 0.21 0.66 2.1 6.6
Gold 1.18 2.2 6.8 22 69
Copper 1.14 2.1 6.7 21 67
R. Salimbeni et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (2003) 72s–76s 75s

Fig. 3. Scheme of the laser resonator with length L extended by an optical


Silica core/silica cladding fibres were employed, with a

nominal numerical aperture of 0.2, 400 µm in diameter and
typical transmission losses of 2 dB/km at 1064 nm, aver-
aged over long paths. The Nd:YAG rod was 6 mm in Fig. 4. Pulse shapes of the variable pulse duration Nd:YAG laser with some
diameter and 85 mm in length. An elliptical coupler ensured possible width options.
optical pumping with a linear flashlamp.
The fibre was cut into pieces of 5.5, 9, 13, 27 and 40 m The pulse shapes for the various fibre lengths are regular.
which were tested intracavity as interchangeable compo- Some modulation was observed when a Brillouin scattering
nents. A precise micropositioner moves in alignment with effect was excited along small diameter and long fibre
one or another piece of fibre, to change the pulse width. pieces. Fig. 4 shows the typical symmetrical shapes. The
After each change, the alignment of rear and output mirrors peak values have been normalised.
was carefully checked and found in optimised condition.

5. Conclusions
4. Characterisation and results
In view of the utilisation of Nd:YAG lasers in cultural
An immediate advantage of this solution is the coupling heritage conservation procedures that has spread fast, the
of the laser emission into an external fibre without any approach of quite different cleaning problems with best
problem. A single lens with antireflection coating achieves a accuracy and control is important.
90% energy coupling. An optical cable length of 3 m was In many cases, this corresponds to the need to change the
used during all the output parameter measurements. The laser pulse duration between tens and hundreds of nanosec-
output of the fibre was analysed by an energy meter and a onds up to several microseconds. This has been accom-
photodiode. plished by means of a variable pulse duration Nd:YAG laser
Table 2 reports the main output parameters for the using interchangeable fibres positioned inside the resonator.
various fibre length options. One order of magnitude of This laser will be a powerful tool for the conservator,
variation is demonstrated, but there is no physical limit to who may easily modulate the effectiveness of the cleaning
get longer pulses. A check for the risk of damage of the fibre process according to the material features. On the short
at the shortest duration gives a maximum intensity of pulse side, the photoacoustic process will be more suitable
0.5 GW/cm2, which is more than one order of magnitude for stiff encrustation, for example with heavily oxidised
lower than the threshold of optical breakdown on silica. metals, while the long pulse options are more suited for the
Hence there is a wide margin to achieve pulses shorter than removal of encrustation over friable stones. This solution to
100 ns. our knowledge is the first one to give such flexibility in the
The beam intensity distribution is more flat than in a application of ablation techniques in conservation.
normal resonator because of the homogenisation due to the
Furthermore this laser lends itself to further investiga-
long intracavity fibre. The intensity is properly top hat, with
tions concerning the dependence of the effects associated
a constant value over 90% of the area.
with the laser-material interaction on different laser pulse
Table 2
Laser emission parameters for various fibre lengths
Fiber length Pulse width FWHM Output energy
(m) (ns) (mJ) Acknowledgements
5.5 175 105
9 280 110 The authors are grateful for the financial support given by
13 450 130 the Project “Regional Innovation Strategies”
27 1000 120
RIS + Toscana, and by the Special Project of CNR “Safe-
40 1800 100
guard of Cultural Heritage”. The authors acknowledge the
76s R. Salimbeni et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (2003) 72s–76s

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