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Judaism Through Its Scriptures

Learn about the key beliefs and practices of Judaism through an examination of its sacred texts
and their interpretation.

PredictionX: Omens, Oracles & Prophecies

An overview of divination systems, ranging from ancient Chinese bone burning to modern

Hinduism Through Its Scriptures

Learn about the rich diversity of Hindu sacred texts – hymns, narratives, philosophical thought –
and their interpretations.

Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”)

ModPo is a fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, with an emphasis
on experimental verse, from Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman to the present.

Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization

Colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful
pharaohs, strange gods, and mysterious mummies are features of Ancient Egyptian culture that
have fascinated people over the millennia

The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archaeology and History of the Palatine Hill
Studying ancient - as well as medieval or modern - cities basically means telling local urban
stories based on the reconstruction of changing landscapes through the centuries

Roman Art and Archaeology

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the culture of ancient Rome beginning
about 1000 BCE and ending with the so-called "Fall of Rome.

The Holocaust - An Introduction (II): The Final Solution

The Holocaust was an inconceivable historical event, which forever robbed Western culture of
its innocence. As civilized human beings, we fail to understand how events of such horror could
have taken place, and how an idea so inhumanly warped could have spread like wildfire through
an entire continent, instigating the systematic annihilation of millions of Jews.

Masterpieces of World Literature

Embark on a global journey to explore the past, present, and future of World Literature.

Video Game Design History

Learn about the evolution of video games from experts at The Strong National Museum of Play,
the world's largest collection of video game materials.

Arab-Islamic History: From Tribes to Empires

Learn about the history of the Arab and Muslim world during its first millennium, including
political, social and cultural aspects

Explore the social developments of Japan

-Methodologies to "visualize" Japanese history between the 1850s and 1930s
-An understanding of Westernization, social protest, modernity in Japanese history through
digital imagery
-Strategies for learning — and teaching — history through visual sources
-Noteworthy factors which promoted the development and change of Tokyo in the postwar
period, such as the U.S. occupation and Tokyo Olympic Games
-The dynamic exchange of gazes in postwar Tokyo from different perspectives

Hollywood: History, Industry, Art

Explore the history of Hollywood, from Edison and the birth of film to the rise of the internet.

The History of Medieval Medicine Through Jewish Manuscripts

Learn about medieval Jewish medical training and thought by exploring and interpreting medical

Explore the Civil War’s long-term impact

-How generations of historians have explained the road to secession, the causes and conduct of
the war, the coming of emancipation, and the struggle to breathe meaning into the promise of
freedom for four million emancipated slaves
-Slavery's central role in the southern and national economies
-How the issue of the expansion of slavery came to dominate national politics
-The dramatic change in historians' interpretations of the period in the last two generations
-How the Civil War and Reconstruction turned on issues of continued relevance today

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