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To say that Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IoT)
is changing the way things getting done in manufacturing, is an
understatement. Fueled by the rapid rise of smart technologies,
manufacturers are bringing together IoT, connected machines,
robots, sensors, smart devices, generalized compute technologies,
and a steady stream of real-time data analytics to automate many of
the mundane — and not so mundane — tasks of the factory. These
technologies are poised to change nearly everything in the factory.
But they are doing more than just increasing industrial automation,
they are helping create “intelligent” factories which are marked by
autonomous production, hyper-agility, and real-time analytics that
provide operational transparency and make data a transformative
force for the business.

Modern industry industrial development has lasted for several hundred
years but now arrives the era of Industry 4.0 comes. The concept of
Industry 4.0 was initially proposed for developing German economy in
2011. According to Lukac , the first industrial revolution began at the end
of the 18th century and is was represented by mechanical production
plants based on water and steam power; the second industrial revolution
starts started at the beginning of the 20th century with the symbol of mass
labour production based on electrical energy; the third industrial
revolution begins began in the 1970s with the characteristic of automatic
production based on electronics and internet technology; and rightnow,
the fourth industrial revolution, namely Industry 4.0, is on-going, with the
characteristics of cyber physical systems (CPS) production, based on
heterogeneous data and knowledge integration.

The modern industry has seen great advances since its earliest iteration
at the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century. For
centuries, most of the goods including weapons, tools, food, clothing and
housing, were manufactured by hand or by using work animals. This
changed in the end of the 18th century with the introduction of
manufacturing processes. The progress from Industry 1.0 was then rapid
uphill climb leading up to the upcoming industrial era – Industry 4.0. Here
we discuss the overview of this evolution.

Industry 1.0 The late 18th century introduced mechanical production

facilities to the world. Water and steam powered machines were
developed to help workers in the mass production of goods. The first
weaving loom was introduced in 1784. With the increase in production
efficiency and scale, small businesses grew from serving a limited
number of customers to large organizations with owners, manager and
employees serving a larger number. Industry 1.0 can also be deemed as
the beginning of the industry culture which focused equally on quality,
efficiency and scale.

Industry 2.0 The beginning of 20th century marked the start of the
second industrial revolution – Industry 2.0. The main contributor to this
revolution was the development of machines running on electrical energy.
Electrical energy was already being used as a primary source of power.
Electrical machines were more efficient to operate and maintain, both in
terms of cost and effort unlike the water and steam based machines
which were comparatively inefficient and resource hungry. The first
assembly line was also built during this era, further streamlining the
process of mass production. Mass production of goods using assembly
line became a standard practice.

Industry 3.0 The next industrial revolution resulting in Industry 3.0 was
brought about and spurred by the advances in the electronics industry in
the last few decades of the 20th century. The invention and
manufacturing of a variety electronic devices including transistor and
integrated circuits auto- mated the machines substantially which resulted
in reduced effort, increased speed, greater accuracy and even complete
replacement of the human agent in some cases. Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC), which was first built in 1960s was one of the landmark
invention that signified automation using electronics. The integration of
electronics hardware into the manufacturing systems also created a
requirement of software systems to enable these electronic devices,
consequentially fuelling the software development market as well.

Industry 4.0 The boon in the Internet and telecommunication industry in

the 1990’s revolutionized the way we connected and exchanged
information. It also resulted in paradigm changes in the manufacturing
industry and traditional production operations merging the boundaries of
the physical and the virtual world. Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) have
further blurred this boundary resulting in numerous rapid technological
disruptions in the industry.


 Mobile devices
 Internet of Things (IoT) platforms
 Location detection technologies
 Advanced human-machine interfaces
 Authentication and fraud detection
 3D printing
 Smart sensors
 Big data analytics and advanced algorithms
 Multilevel customer interaction and customer profiling
 Augmented reality/ wearables
 Fog, Edge and Cloud computing
 Data visualization and triggered "real-time" training


CPSs are integrations of computation, networking, and physical

processes: the combination of several systems of different nature whose
main purpose is to control a physical process and, through feedback,
adapt itself to new conditions, in real time.

CPSs are transforming the way humans interact with engineered

systems, just as the internet has transformed the way people interact with
information. Humans will remain crucial in this scenario. As the most
flexible and intelligent “entity” in the CPS, humans assume the role of a
sort of “highest-level controlling instance”, supervising the operation of the
mostly automated and self-organizing processes.

A CPS, being composed of many heterogeneous elements, requires

complex models to define each sub-system and its behaviour. Dynamic
interactions among sub-systems are then orchestrated by an overarching
model: a control entity which ensures a deterministic behaviour of each
sub-system. Current design tools need to be upgraded to consider the
interactions between the various sub-systems, their interfaces, and

Communication performance in terms of latency, bandwidth and reliability

largely impact the dynamic interactions between sub-systems. For a
wireless network, factors like device location, propagation conditions, and
traffic load change over time. This means that the communication network
also needs to be integrated as one of the models in the overall CPS
“model of models”.

In the future, CPSs will be present in all industry sectors and, within the
Industry 4.0 paradigm. CPSs will open new production methodologies
becoming the standard of tomorrow for industry. Production environments
will be self-configuring, self-adjusting, and self-optimizing, leading to
greater agility, flexibility, and cost effectiveness. As illustrated below,
every functional aspect of a production chain will be affected, from
design, to manufacturing, through supply chains, and extending to
customer service and support.

Digital twins are powerful masterminds to drive innovation and
performance. Imagine it as your most talented product technicians with
the most advanced monitoring, analytical, and predictive capabilities at
their fingertips. By 2018, companies who invest in digital twin technology
will see a 30 percent improvement in cycle times of critical processes,
predicts IDC.

There will be billions of things represented by digital twins within the next
five years. These proxies of the physical world will lead to new
collaboration opportunities among physical world product experts and
data scientists whose jobs are to understand what data tells us about

Digital twin technology helps companies improve the customer

experience by better understanding customer needs, develop
enhancements to existing products, operations, and services, and can
even help drive the innovation of new business.

For example, GE’s “digital wind farm” opened up new ways to improve
productivity. GE uses the digital environment to inform the configuration
of each wind turbine prior to construction. Its goal is to generate 20%
gains in efficiency by analyzing the data from each turbine that is fed to its
virtual equivalent.

“For every physical asset in the world, we have a virtual copy running in
the cloud that gets richer with every second of operational data”, says
Ganesh Bell, chief digital officer and general manager of Software &
Analytics at GE Power & Water.

All indications seem to predict we are on the cusp of a digital twin

technology explosion. More companies will learn of real-world and pilot
program success stories and will want to deploy their very own digital
twins to gain a competitive advantage.


Smart manufacturing has been defined as the fully-integrated,
collaborative manufacturing systems that respond in real time to meet
changing demands and conditions in the factory, in the supply network,
and in customer needs. Smart industry is a synonym for Industry 4.0 or
industrial transformation in the fourth industrial revolution within which
smart manufacturing de facto fits.
Industry, the manufacturing business, manufacturing companies and
even manufacturing processes are in full transformation.This is mainly
due to increasing automation, digital transformation, the bridging of digital
and physical environments (as enabled by IoT or the Internet of Things),
evolving industrial and manufacturing technologies, the intensive usage of
data/analytics, industry and manufacturing challenges,human, economic
and societal evolutions and demands and the integration of information
technology and operational technology (IT and OT).

1. Marr, Bernard. "Why Everyone Must Get Ready For The 4th
Industrial Revolution". Forbes. Retrieved 14 February 2018.
2. Hermann, Pentek, Otto, 2016: Design Principles for Industrie 4.0
Scenarios, accessed on 4 May 2016
3. Jürgen Jasperneite:WashinterBegriffenwieIndustrie 4.0 steckt in
Computer & Automation, 19 December 2012 accessed on 23
December 2012
4. Kagermann, H., W. Wahlster and J. Helbig, eds., 2013:
Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative Industrie
4.0: Final report of the Industrie 4.0 Working Group

Industry 4.0 and the disruptive technologies within it are changing the way
in which we live and work all around the world. Arriving at a time in which
the energy industry itself is also going through a transition, the 4th
industrial revolution has the potential to accelerate the pace of the energy
transition and the success of the future energy landscape. However, in
order to do so, the energy industry must quickly and successfully
implement the technologies within Industry 4.0 in a way which supports
the decarbonisation and decentralisation of energy.

Done by,
K.Pradeep (mechanical),
Chennai institute of technology

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