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Endodontic Topics 2013, 29, 125–159 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Ultrasonics in endodontics

The power of ultrasonic vibrations has been harnessed in the field of dentistry—evolving in its use and
purpose—for just over 60 years. The first section of this review describes the evolution and various applications
of ultrasound in dentistry, and examines in detail the ultrasonic tools that have been developed for endodontic
purposes. The second section of this review describes the use of ultrasonics during specific endodontic procedures,
from access to obturation, incorporating as much as possible the most recent and relevant research available to

Received 27 July 2013; accepted 1 September 2013.

Introduction: technology piezoelectric effect, then, which is the application of

and history electrical energy to a piezoelectric material, results in
mechanical energy that is harnessed by dental ultrasonic
devices (2). The mechanical energy is transferred to
History of ultrasound and description cutting tools or tips that produce microvibratory
of principles movements in the ultrasonic frequency range. This
The scientific principle enabling enabling the reverse piezoelectric effect was theoretically predicted
production of mechanical vibration in the ultrasound by Gabriel Lippmann in 1881, and then verified, again,
frequency range is the piezoelectric effect, which was by the Curie brothers shortly thereafter (2). Ultrasonic
discovered in 1880 by Pierre and Jacques Curie (1). frequencies are those oscillating sound pressure waves
The term piezoelectric means “electricity by pressure,” above the upper limit of the human hearing range,
a word created by Wilhelm Hankel in 1881 to describe which is approximately 20 kilohertz (kHz). The
the phenomenon of generating an electric charge from ultrasonic frequency range often used in dentistry is
the application of mechanical or strain energy onto 25–42 kHz; in comparison, the sonic frequency range
a crystalline piezoelectric material (2). Pierre and is 6–8 kHz (5,6). Most commercial piezoelectric dental
Jacques Curie first made this discovery in Rochelle salt, devices produce oscillations between 28–36 kHz.
while also identifying other naturally occurring
crystals, such as quartz, tourmaline, and topaz, that
Ultrasound in early cavity preparation
have piezoelectric capability. Other widely used
piezoelectric materials, such as piezoelectric ceramics, Starting in 1951, Lewis Balamuth filed a series of
fibers, and polymers, have since been developed, patents relating to the development of a hand-
making the application of piezoelectricity ubiquitous, operated ultrasonic device with cutting tools that
including sensor technology, power harvesting for would oscillate at a very high frequency and low
portable and wireless electronic applications, sonar, amplitude, for use in cutting tooth structure for cavity
high voltage power sources, radio and television, and preparations. An abrasive slurry containing particles of
clocks (3,4). aluminum oxide was flowed around the end of the
The benefit of ultrasonic technology in practical tool, which was pressed against the tooth structure to
dentistry and endodontics occurs mostly from the be cut. It was the inventor’s belief that cavitation of
production of vibratory movement, not from the liquid component of the slurry, whereby the liquid
the production of electricity. The corollary of the would rupture with tremendous force, caused the


abrasive particles in the slurry to be continuously metallic surface, thus improving the performance of
driven against the tooth structure. This action was existing ultrasonic tips for cavity preparation. Today,
thought to be primarily responsible for the cutting this is a promising alternative to the use of high-speed
action (7). The ultrasonic vibrations in this particular rotary handpieces in cavity preparation, as well as the
dental device were produced by magnetostriction, removal of composite and amalgam materials (16).
as opposed to piezoelectricity. Magnetostriction is Several studies have reported the advantages of using
another way in which ultrasonic vibrations are created. CVD tips, such as tip durability, improved access, and
The principle of magnetostriction was discovered by ultraconservative caries removal (17). The reduction
James Joule in 1847, who showed that an iron rod in noise production has also been reported as
could increase in length when exposed to a magnetic beneficial in pediatric dentistry, where the sound of a
field (8). Magnetostrictive units operate between high-speed turbine can be unpleasant for young
18–45 kHz, converting electromagnetic energy into patients (18). However, ultrasonic cavity preparation
mechanical oscillation when an alternating magnetic with CVD diamond ultrasonic tips, although equally
field is applied to a stack of metal strips. The metal effective in cutting and less invasive, can still be 4 to
strips are made out of a ferromagnetic material that 8 times slower than traditional rotary diamond
changes their physical dimension lengthwise, causing bur preparation, with one study also reporting
the ultrasonic tip to vibrate (9–11). a significantly higher rate of microleakage after
The initial response to ultrasonic cavity preparation restorative procedures due to the production of a
was positive, with studies of that time reporting dentin surface less favorable for adhesion systems
the benefits of an efficient, noiseless, heatless, and (19–22). A different study reports no difference in
vibrationless mode of tooth preparation, even without tensile bond strength after adhesive procedures
the need for local anaesthesia (12). The pulp response between the two modes of tooth preparation (23). At
to ultrasonic cavity preparation was favorable and thus the present time, the results of studies comparing the
deemed safe for use (13). Although promising, the topography of tooth tissue after cavity preparation or
disadvantages included limitations with respect to prosthodontic margin refinement with ultrasonic tips
visibility, wear of the working tips, a technique- or high-speed rotary instruments are inconclusive;
sensitive method, and expense in acquiring the device. some report a difference in topography with more
Most importantly, the perceived efficiency of surface roughness after ultrasonic preparation (24,25),
ultrasonic cavity preparation could not surpass the while others report smoother margins and fewer
practicality of high-speed rotary cutting (9,14). striae with the use of ultrasonics (26,27). Although
Despite the versatility and advancement, in recent ultrasonic cavity preparation has many advantages, it
years, of laser and air abrasion tools, the high-speed likely will not affect current clinicians’ primary reliance
handpiece continues to be the primary method of upon high-speed handpieces.
conventional cavity preparation, and is unlikely to be
replaced by any other technology (15).
Ultrasound in periodontal therapy
The most common use of ultrasonic devices in
Current trends in ultrasonic
dentistry has been for the removal of plaque and
cavity preparation
calculus for periodontal therapy, a discovery that is
It is interesting to note that, within the last decade, attributed to Zinner, who reported on the use of
interest in ultrasonic cavity preparation has ultrasonics without the use of an abrasive (28). Hard
experienced a small resurgence, possibly having to do accretions on the tooth surface are removed primarily
with improved and modified ultrasonic devices and by the physical action of the oscillating tip;
tips and its heavily adopted use in endodontics, incorporation of an abrasive would damage the tooth
periodontics, and oral surgery. surface. Since the introduction of the magnetostrictive
The development of diamond ultrasonic tips in the Cavitron prophylaxis ultrasonic device by Dentsply in
late 1990s manufactured using a method called the late 1950s, this particular device has been the basis
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) resulted in high for the majority of dental-related ultrasonic research in
adherence of the abrading diamond material onto the the years following its introduction to clinical practice

Ultrasonics in endodontics

(9). Since then, many other ultrasonic devices have disciplines that investigated the use of ultrasonics to
been manufactured by various companies. Both enhance the inactivation of bacteria (42,43). In the
magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic devices same year, a different study reporting on what is
are used in scaling, but it is inconclusive whether one presumed to be the first use of a modified ultrasonic
device is preferable over the other for scaling. One tip for a retropreparation during an apicoectomy was
concern is the resulting smoothness of the tooth published (44). Both studies, almost 20 years after
surface; one study shows that a piezoelectric scaler Richman’s inceptive paper, were harbingers of two
leaves a statistically significantly smoother tooth important techniques used today, garnering in the
surface than the magnetostrictive device when using age of “endosonics,” a term coined by Martin &
the same lateral pressure (6). In contrast, another Cunningham (45,46). Into the 1980s, research
study reports the piezoelectric device to be more momentum increased for looking at the synergistic
efficient in removing calculus, while leaving the root way in which ultrasonic oscillations were able to
surfaces rougher than magnetostrictive devices (29). produce cleaner root canals during irrigation and the
The results of a consensus position statement is that effect of using ultrasonically activated files on dentin to
scaling and calculus removal using hand instruments, directly instrument root canals (47,48). Although
sonic, or ultrasonic devices produce similar results, and other instrumentation methods, most famously
it is undecided whether surface roughness affects nickel–titanium rotary instrumentation, have largely
healing of the periodontium or which method of rendered ultrasonic root canal instrumentation
removal produces the most surface roughness (30). ineffective, the role of ultrasonics in the agitation and
activation of irrigants during the chemical cleaning
phase of endodontics has enjoyed a revival in
Ultrasound in endodontics
popularity and importance. This is reflected in the
The application of ultrasonics to endodontics is research literature of the past decade and in the
credited to Richman, who first wrote about its adoption of the working principles in practical
application to root canal therapy and root resection in techniques by clinicians.
1957 (31). The research literature from the 1950s During the 1990s, the focus turned to the use
reflects a heavy emphasis on the use of ultrasonics in and possible consequences of ultrasonic root-end
cavity preparation and scaling and calculus removal. preparations during apicoectomy after the commercial
The research during the next two decades sought to introduction of the first retrotips designed by Dr. Gary
further develop ultrasonics in periodontics, and also Carr (49). Although some early endodontic studies
sought to find new applications for ultrasonics in have used magnetostrictively powered ultrasonic
dentistry. During the 1960s, researchers investigated devices, the piezoelectrically powered device has
the use of ultrasonics for cleaning instruments, become the preferred choice among clinicians for
removing stains from acrylic resin dentures, and in endodontic work. Firstly, the magnetostrictive devices
precision metal casting for dental purposes (32–35). generate more heat than piezoelectric devices, which is
During the 1970s, in addition to examining the effect less desirable when cutting bone and structures near
of ultrasonic tools on the tooth surface during bone (50). Secondly, the elliptical motion that has
periodontal therapy (36,37), ultrasonic technology been attributed to magnetostrictive devices is not
was applied to temporomandibular joint dysfunction considered ideal for endodontic use, although the
therapy (38) and used to measure translatory exact nature of tip motion in piezoelectric devices has
movements of the condyle during motion (39). In recently been called into question (51). What the
1976, a study by Martin on the use of ultrasonics piezoelectric device and the many tip designs that have
to increase the bactericidal efficiency of irrigation become available since the 1990s have allowed
during root canal therapy was published, using a clinicians to do is remove dentin or other dental
magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaler adapted to produce materials in a very controlled and precise manner,
oscillatory motions in an endodontic file (40). Martin using tips that are often approximately the same size as
found that applying ultrasonics to a bactericidal agent root canal dimensions or smaller. Other tips are
resulted in more efficient killing of bacteria (41). This designed to deliver vibrational energy in a focused
presumably followed studies in other applied science manner, without the intention to cut tooth structure.


These capabilities have resulted in a wide range of relevant physical effects, such as oscillations, cavitation,
indications for use during procedures such as access, and acoustic microstreaming, are mostly beneficial
re-treatment, and apicoectomy. to endodontic procedures, but some effects, such
It is interesting to consider that only 20 years ago, as the production of heat and the emission of
the rationale for the use of ultrasonics in endodontics electromagnetic energy, require precaution to be taken
was considered controversial (52), as it is now an in certain clinical circumstances.
integral tool during most tasks and challenges of root
canal therapy.
Acoustic streaming
As mentioned in the previous section, piezoelectric
Ultrasound in oral surgery
ultrasonic devices are now widely used in endodontics,
When ultrasonic microvibrations are applied at resulting in a handpiece that is able to deliver
frequencies between 25 and 29 kHz, the tip is able to oscillatory movement in the ultrasonic frequency
selectively cut mineralized tissues without permanently range with wider oscillation amplitudes than
damaging soft tissues (53). When coupled with magnetostrictive devices (61). When ultrasonic tips are
specially designed tips, a great measure of safety and used in the handpiece, the mechanical oscillation
precision cutting of bone is possible in anatomical produced at the tip is used to cut biological tissues or
areas with important soft tissue structures such as dental materials. When endodontic files are used in the
nerve tissue. The piezosurgery device for oral surgery handpiece, the files oscillate along the longitudinal axis
is three times more powerful than the typical dental of the instrument, with maximal amplitude occurring
ultrasonic unit and uses modulated frequencies, at the antinodes and minimal oscillation at the nodes
allowing it to cut through highly mineralized tissues (40). The file oscillations are primarily responsible for
(54). the production of acoustic streaming, which is the
The development of piezoelectric bone surgery in movement of fluid in a vortex-like motion around the
1988 is credited to Dr. Tomaso Vercellotti, and has file when pressure waves are projected through it (62).
been adopted in many oral surgery procedures, such as Acoustic streaming may also be associated with the
sinus lifting, bone grafting, orthognathic surgeries, occurrence of cavitation, which will be discussed
and craniomaxillofacial surgeries (53,55). Clinicians shortly (63). Regular streaming patterns have been
have also reported little residual debris, less bleeding in visualized even in tight geometries, such as a root canal
the surgical site attributed to the effects of cavitation, (64), and can help to replenish spent irrigant in the
and minimal trauma in comparison to the use of apical region of a root canal (62). However, the
traditional bone-cutting instruments (56). The time streaming patterns can change, especially if a file is
required for piezosurgery is considered comparable, loaded or disturbed near an antinode (64).
although longer, to the use of conventional tools, and
only light forces are required for optimal cutting
depths (57–59). The postoperative healing is
considered to be excellent, with patients experiencing Cavitation refers to the oscillatory motions of gas-
less stress than during conventional surgery (57,60). filled bubbles in an acoustic field, bubbles that are
Medical surgical procedures requiring precision powered by energy from the ultrasonic field (40). The
during osteotomy or osteoplasty in the vicinity of vital microscopic bubbles are formed and then collapse
soft tissue structures (such as in neurosurgery or and explode, resulting in localized areas of pressure
orthopaedic surgery) are quickly adopting this and heat production (65). This transient type of
technology as well. cavitational activity has been shown to occur around
the tips of ultrasonic scalers (5). When a tapered file is
used to transmit ultrasonic oscillations, theoretically a
Biophysical effects of ultrasound
displacement amplitude of greater than 135 μm is
The physical effects created by the production of required to produce cavitation (66). When the
ultrasound are oscillations, heat, cavitational activity, collapse of these microscopic bubbles occurs near a
acoustic microstreaming, and radiation (11). The surface, microjets are formed that can use shear

Ultrasonics in endodontics

hydrodynamic forces to aid in the removal of adherent is able to significantly reduce the aerosols produced
matter, an effect that is reported to have an affect (78,79). One study, using a high-volume evacuation
0.5 mm from the ultrasonic tip (65,67). The and conventional dental suction, found limited
significance and presence of transient cavitation during microbial contamination when a piezoelectric
the use of dental ultrasonic devices is uncertain. It has ultrasonic scaler was used for hygiene therapy (80).
been reported that no cavitation is present during the The use of a preprocedural mouthrinse of 0.12%
oscillation of several sizes of endodontic files at various chlorhexidine or 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride has
power settings appropriate for clinical use (63). More also been shown to significantly reduce the microbial
recent studies have shown the presence of cavitation content of dental aerosols (81,82). Aerosol reduction
at the second antinode or the body of a file, with measures appropriate to the dental procedure should
no cavitational activity at the tip during unloaded be taken when using an ultrasonic device.
conditions (68). A different study reports cavitation
activity at the tip during unloaded conditions under
high power settings (69). Some cavitation has been
seen at the tip during loaded conditions (65). It is The current evidence on the effect of ultrasonic dental
possible that the presence of cavitation may be related equipment on cardiovascular implantable electronic
to the power setting used and a threshold amplitude of devices (pacemakers) is inconclusive. It has been
movement of 135 μm (70,71). The contribution and shown in the past that dental equipment capable of
reliable production of cavitation during clinical applying an electric current to a patient could
endodontic procedures is a debatable issue. potentially interfere with a pacemaker (83), including
magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers (84). The few
studies that have examined the effect of piezoelectric
ultrasonic units on pacemakers have found no
Thermal imaging has been used to show that interference to date (77). Current guidelines
piezoelectric ultrasonic devices, as well as recommend the avoidance of magnetostrictive devices
magnetostrictive ultrasonic units, produce heat when on those patients with pacemakers, whereas the use of
in contact with tooth structure or dental materials due piezoelectric devices does not appear to affect
to friction (72). Ultrasonic vibration of a metal post pacemakers (85). More research is recommended and
under dry conditions can produce significant heat clinicians should be thorough in documenting the
transfer to surrounding tooth structures in as little as type of pacemaker device, including serial number and
20 s; it is advised to intermittently cool the post with mode of operation, in the patient chart (85).
water or air (73). The general heating effect can be
minimized by using low and medium power settings,
and also light contact, but water should be used to Current endodontic
cool the tooth structure (or the air-flow function ultrasonic machines
in newer ultrasonic models), depending on the
procedure (74). Ultrasonic activation is also able to
increase the temperature of the surrounding irrigant in
a root canal up to 10 degrees Celsius (75). It has been The first piezoelectric ultrasonic device for dentistry
shown that heating sodium hypochlorite greatly was developed in 1979 by the Satelec company (86);
increases tissue dissolution (76). such a device generally consists of the main body that
contains the ultrasound generator, a foot pedal, and a
handpiece. While the operating frequency is generally
fixed and not changeable by the clinician, the main
When an ultrasonic device is used with water coolant, body contains a power dial to control the power
an aerosol is produced that can contain setting and thus the power output; increasing the
microorganisms and even blood contamination power setting should theoretically increase the
(77,78). These aerosols can remain airborne for some amplitude of the oscillation (67). A piezoelectric
time. The use of an extraoral high-volume evacuation material is contained in the handpiece that oscillates at


a frequency of 24–42 kHz in the presence of an remove 202% more dentin at comparable power levels
electromagnetic field (5). In some ultrasonic (90). There is variability in the power output of
generators, the tip is pushed to the farthest extent of different ultrasonic units such that the linear/
the amplitude, and with the opposite action being a numerical scale of the power dial is not an accurate
recoil action. Other more recent ultrasonic generators estimation of power outout, and is not comparable
control both the push and pull motion, resulting in from machine to machine, even within the same
better control (86). The oscillations are transmitted to manufacturer (70,91,92). The displacement
an ultrasonic tip, some of which are designed to also amplitude of ultrasonic tips has been reported to
deliver water or air, depending on the purpose of use. increase linearly with increasing power settings in one
The flow rate of water delivery can be adjusted on study (91), and a different study has also shown that
most ultrasonic units. tips operated at high power were 240% more effective
There has been much interest in the type of than the same tips operated at mid-level power (90).
oscillation patterns produced by magnetostrictive or However, a more recent paper using scanning laser
piezoelectric devices. The movement of the tip can be vibrometry to evaluate the vibration characteristics has
characterized by measuring its amplitude and by shown that there is little consistency in power output
describing its pattern of motion. It had been and no linear increase in tip amplitude with increasing
previously thought that piezoelectric devices produced power settings (93). In fact, the ultrasound generator,
only linear vibrations of an ultrasonic tip. The most handpiece, and power were all significant variables,
current research indicates that piezoelectrically with significant variability between generators and
powered tips result in elliptical patterns of movement, handpieces of the same model. It is unknown at the
ranging from near-linear motions to circular motions, present time whether this is a generalizable finding to
both under unloaded and loaded conditions (87). all piezoelectric dental units; ultrasonic devices with
Even during unloaded tip conditions, the elliptical improved features with respect to control of power
axes of the motion was subject to change (87). What and amplitude have recently been developed and thus
has been determined to be a significant factor in the tip more research is indicated. As such, it is recommended
motion and vibration amplitude is the actual geometry to select a low setting initially, and increase the power
of the tip itself, with long and slim tips operated at as needed in the clinical setting for any tip selected for
high power producing greater elliptical patterns than use (93).
short and broad tips operated at low power settings
(51). Other factors such as the power setting used,
Commercial ultrasonic devices
lateral force, water flow, and tip angulation are known
to affect vibration motion and amplitude as well There are many commercial piezoelectric ultrasonic
(88,89). Even the tightness with which a tip is screwed dental devices available from companies such as
into the handpiece with the proper wrench may affect Sybron Dental Specialties, Obtura Spartan, Osada
the motion and amplitude (51). Some modern Inc., EMS, Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Acteon,
ultrasonic devices, however, incorporate a feedback and Vista Dental Products. Many such devices are
mechanism in the ultrasound generator that provides versatile and can be used for endodontic, periodontal,
more power to the tip when the tip is in contact with general dentistry, and hygiene procedures with the
a surface (86). The result is that the longitudinal correct tips, irrigation, and power level. The ProUltra
component of oscillation is unchanged in unloaded Piezo by Dentsply Tulsa is a popular device (Fig. 1),
and loaded situations, or even increased during loaded and is designed to be used with the ProUltra or
conditions (87). In this way, the efficiency of the tip is Satelec handpiece (the Satelec handpiece with LED
relatively unchanged. components). The ProUltra endodontic tips or Satelec
ultrasonic tips are compatible with these handpieces,
but compatibility should be checked when using
components from different manufacturers. Hygiene
A recent study compared the cutting efficiency of two and periodontal tips can also be used with the
ultrasonic units, using each unit at a mid-range and ProUltra Piezo device, although the use of water is
high power level, and reported one unit to be able to recommended (as for other ultrasonic devices) during

Ultrasonics in endodontics

damage of the handpiece may occur. A water flow rate

of 0–90 mL/min is possible, and adjustable for use
with those ultrasonic tips with a water port. The
several technological improvements featured in the
ProUltra Piezo are identical to the Newtron Cruise
Control® technology incorporated into the P5 series of
ultrasonics by Acteon. The Newtron line also offers a
handpiece with an LED light option, which may be
helpful if the operator does not have a strong light
source or is not using a surgical microscope. The
Newtron line also offers variations of their ultrasonic
devices, featuring an option for a self-contained
irrigation unit, and an option for an “air-active”
feature which allows filtered air to be channeled to the
tip at low pressure to remove debris.

Current endodontic ultrasonic tips

and attachments
A great variety of ultrasonic tips are commercially
Fig. 1. ProUltra Piezo ultrasonic device by Dentsply available for endodontic, periodontal, surgical, and
Tulsa. general practice uses. The tips manufactured by
various companies are often able to be used on
different piezoelectric ultrasonic devices, but one must
such procedures. The use of water can be omitted for check that the thread pattern on the unit and the tip
certain endodontic applications, such as the removal is compatible. Two different thread patterns, an
of obstructions or locating hidden canals, but the E-thread and an S-thread, are currently used. The tips
potential for heat transfer should be recognized during are also manufactured from a range of metal alloys,
procedures such as post removal or retropreparation, such as stainless-steel and titanium alloys, and can be
and appropriate cooling measures used. The frequency coated with an abrasive such as diamond or zirconium
range generated by the ProUltra Piezo device is nitride in order to increase the cutting efficiency of the
28–36 kHz, which is similar to other ultrasonic tip. Many of the tips incorporate a built-in water port
devices. The ProUltra Piezo features several so that debris can be washed away and cooling can take
improvements compared to older generations of place if desired. Almost every ultrasonic tip for
ultrasonic devices. These improvements are grouped endodontic use incorporates a contra-angle bend that
under the term SmartPower® technology and feature allows the clinician to have a virtually unobstructed
bi-directional power and control in both forward and view into the working area, and is most easily used
reverse oscillation directions, allowing the tip to stay with the aid of a surgical operating microscope.
centered within a precise operating parameter. Older Surgical endodontic ultrasonic tips incorporate a
ultrasonic devices produce the bi-directional second bend placed closer to the end of the tip in
movement by pushing the tip and allowing the tip to order to allow parallel access to the root canal when
recoil on its own. The ProUltra Piezo device maintains creating retropreparations. As a result of the variety
the desired power without adjustment of the dial of tips available, there is an appropriate tip design
setting when the tip is loaded during use, and is also for virtually every step of endodontic treatment,
able to recognize the intended working frequency of a from access to obturation, each to be used in the
particular tip, operating the tip at that optimal recommended power setting range. Clinicians are able
frequency. The tips are tightened by a wrench as a to address teeth with hidden and calcified canals, and
tight fit is required, but one must be cautious not to those teeth with obstructions such as pulp stones,
overtighten the tip, as there is no stop point and posts, pastes, and separated instruments. Thus,


clinicians are able to provide orthograde root canal to high power, and feature a wider tip and design
treatment for teeth that would have otherwise features suited to coronal disassembly, post removal,
had only apical surgery or extraction as treatment and the removal of larger pulp stones. ProUltra Endo
options. Furthermore, when apical surgery is #3 (17 mm), #4 (19 mm), and #5 (24 mm) are used
required, retropreparations can be done in roots from low to medium power, and feature increasingly
around challenging anatomical configurations in a longer and finer tips, suited to searching for hidden
conservative and precise manner. Clinicians should canals, troughing fine fins and narrow isthmuses, and
note that the use of ultrasonic tips around porcelain removing separated instruments within the root canal.
restorations can cause fracture of the porcelain ProUltra Endo Tips #6, #7, and #8 (20 mm, 24 mm,
material and great caution must be exercised to avoid and 27 mm, respectively) are made from a titanium
direct contact. The following represents a description alloy and are used in the lower power range only. Due
of a selection of commercially available endodontic to the titanium alloy construction, these end-cutting
ultrasonic tips. tips have inherent flexibility and are mainly used for
apical obstructions. The ProUltra Endo Tips do not
have a water port, as much of the intended use
Access refinement and apical
requires careful visualization; water is used instead
microsurgery tips
intermittently to wash away debris or for its cooling
The ProUltra Endo Tips are numbered from 1 effects. The CPR line of tips from Obtura Spartan, also
through 8, and are designed to address most numbered from #1 to #8, are of similar design but are
intracoronal and intracanal procedures (Fig. 2). These coated with diamond grit and have a water port.
were designed by Dr. Clifford Ruddle. ProUltra Endo Specialized tips designed specifically for the vibration
Tips #1 through #5 are made of stainless-steel and are of posts, such as the VT tip by SybronEndo or the
zirconium nitride-coated instruments for increased Vibrapost by B&L Biotech, feature a wide and blunt
efficiency in cutting (Fig. 2). ProUltra Endo #1 end designed to be placed, at maximum power, against
(17 mm) and #2 (17 mm) can be used from medium a metal post. The ProUltra Endo #1 is often used to
vibrate posts as well.
The ProUltra Sine instruments are a set of six access
refinement tips designed by Dr. Clifford Ruddle. They
are coated with a diamond grit for increased efficiency
during cutting procedures. Although there is some
similarity in tip design to the range of ProUltra Endo
Tips, this range also features small and large ball and
football-shaped tips which are able to add precision
and control to those procedures that would otherwise
be performed with conventional carbide burs, such as
refining axial walls, removing peripheral dentin,
disassembling coronal restorations, and troughing for
hidden canals. They are used on low power settings
and have an optional water port. The BUC tips from
Obtura Spartan are also a series of six access
refinement tips, but do not feature a ball or football
end. The range of six BUC tips feature a rounded tip,
a flat disk-like tip for planing smooth pulp chamber
floors, and a pointed, active tip for apical cutting.
(b) These too are available in small and larger diameter
sizes. They are diamond-coated and contain a water
Fig. 2. (a) ProUltra Endo Tips 1–8 by Dentsply Tulsa.
port. The BUC-1 tip has been shown in several studies
(b) Zirconium nitride coating on a ProUltra Endo-2 to have a high dentin cutting efficiency in comparison
ultrasonic tip. to several other tip designs (94,95).

Ultrasonics in endodontics

Fig. 3. KiS microsurgical tips by Obtura Spartan.

The ProUltra Surgical Endo Tips are a set of six

instruments made from stainless-steel coated with
zirconium nitride, like the ProUltra Endo Tips.
However, the surgical tips have a water port, placed
near the tip for better water delivery. When used
during microsurgery, the various double angles allow
specific tips to be used in certain quadrants of the
mouth, and to reach difficult areas. The tip allows
a 3 mm retropreparation to be made. The KiS
microsurgical tips by Obtura Spartan are a similar set
of ten tips (Fig. 3). These tips are also double-angled,
feature a water port, have a 3-mm cutting surface and
0.5-mm tip diameter, but are coated with diamond
grit. The additional tips include those with a 2-mm (b)
and 4-mm cutting surface, and a 0.7-mm tip diameter.
The BK-3 tips from SybronEndo feature a Fig. 4. (a) The BL range of ultrasonic tips by B&L
microsurgical tip with three angled bends, providing Biotech. (b) 100 μm microprojections on the BL-1
access and visibility. The CT Tips, UT Tips, and SJ ultrasonic tip by B&L Biotech.
Tips from SybronEndo each address larger, moderate,
and very fine retropreparations, respectively. Designed
by Dr. Gary Carr, they are made of stainless-steel, are suited for the bulk removal of dentin, while those tips
uncoated, and feature a water port. Several of these with 50 μm microprojections are suited for those
tips are also available in a diamond-coated version. procedures requiring more precision. Also unique to
the microsurgical series is the ability of the clinician to
create a custom bend in the tip, using a specialized
Microprojection tips
bending jig with five position depths. This allows the
A new innovation in ultrasonic tip surface texture is creation of a tip with the desired angle between
the creation of microprojections on the tip body 3–7 mm in length. A recent study has shown that
instead of zirconium nitride or diamond grit coatings. the BUC-1 tip and the BL-2 tip have similar dentin
The BL tip line from B&L Biotech features a series removal efficiencies when operated at the same
of six stainless-steel endodontic tips (Fig. 4a) and a power level; however, the BUC-1 tip demonstrated
series of twelve microsurgical tips in the JETip range. greater efficiency when both were operated at the
The microprojections are integrated onto the tip manufacturer’s recommended settings (96). Linear
(except BL 6, which features a pointed tip without microgrooves, as opposed to microprojections, have
microprojections) (Fig. 4b), and thus are more also been milled into a shank for another new
resilient to wear, unlike the abrasive particles, which ultrasonic tip design in the START-X series of tips
can be lost. The microprojections are 100 μm and (Dentsply Maillefer) but these tips have been shown to


have less efficacy than the BUC-1 tip when used at the than a zirconium nitride-coated tip and tips without a
recommended settings (96). surface coating (103). It is difficult to make definitive
conclusions regarding tip efficiency from the available
research due to the limited number of studies, the
differing methodologies of efficiency assessment, and
There are only a limited number of studies, each with the use of different tips and ultrasonic devices.
different methodology, examining the conditions
under which an ultrasonic tip should be used in order
Guidelines for use
to optimize cutting efficiency and safety. The studies
to date show that optimal and safe use is dependent It is recommended that ultrasonic tips be used with
upon multiple factors, such as the ultrasonic unit itself, a light touch and be kept moving during use, as
the power setting, and the type of tips used in a an excessive force can significantly reduce the
particular study (90). Surface coatings on ultrasonic displacement amplitude of the tip (58,104). Studies
tips are intended to increase efficiency and durability; have used a range of different contact loads, from
diamond-coated tips have been shown to require less 15–200 g of force (94,97,102,104), but a recent study
time than stainless-steel tips or zirconium nitride tips has determined that the average trained endodontist
to cut similar preparations (97–99), and other studies uses 15 g of downward force during ultrasonic
have shown zirconium nitride-coated tips to perform instrumentation (102). Excessive forces or use of the
similarly to uncoated stainless-steel tips (97,99). tip in extremely narrow canals can also cause the
The recently introduced JETip ultrasonic tips with ultrasonic tip to stall, in which case contact with
microprojections have been shown to perform the material being cut should be momentarily broken
similarly to diamond-coated tips with respect to time in order to allow the oscillations to re-establish
of preparation, with no loss of microprojections from themselves through the tip (105). The ultrasonic tips
the tip surface; the diamond-coated tips were shown should also be used at the recommended power
to have lost diamond particles from the abrading settings. Due to the inherent variation of ultrasonic
surface (100). It is uncertain whether the loss of devices themselves, the lowest power setting in the
diamond particles or the zirconium nitride coating recommended range should be used, and increased as
contributes significantly to the loss of cutting needed for a given procedure. Increasing the power
effectiveness. One study applying an axial load only to setting increases the cutting efficiency of the ultrasonic
one particular diamond-coated ultrasonic tip found a tip (90,94). However, the use of inappropriately high
significant decrease in efficiency after 10 min of use, power settings can result in breakage of a tip in as little
but no further significant decrease up to 30 min of use as 10 s (106). In one study, when a variety of
(95). A recent study has shown no significant decrease ultrasonic tips were placed under 100 g of loading
in efficiency of cutting with the same diamond-coated force and operated at maximum power, three out
ultrasonic tip up to 190 min of use, using both an axial of ten tips broke 2–3 mm from the tip end with
force and a linear movement in order to more closely between 10 s and under 3 min of use (106). Thinner
simulate clinical practice applications (101). The tip designs and the incorporation of multiple bends or
manner of use of an ultrasonic tip may influence its excessive angulations can predispose a tip to breakage
efficacy. While no study has identified a single (90,105,106).
ultrasonic tip with consistently greater cutting One final concern in the safe use of ultrasonic tips is
efficiency than all other tips, the BUC-1 tip has been the generation and transmission of heat to the
shown in a few studies to have particular durability and supporting dental structures. The production of heat
efficiency, possibly attributed to its tip design and is not necessarily a terrible consequence and can be
dimensions, but not necessarily factors such as the harnessed for a beneficial purpose, such as to increase
surface area available for cutting and the size or the temperature of irrigants during ultrasonically
coarseness of the diamond grit particles (94,101,102). activated irrigation (76,107). However, it has been
A recent comparison of pointed ultrasonic tips using shown that a temperature rise in the supporting bone
both an axial force and linear movement found that a beyond 47°C for a certain period of time can produce
diamond-coated tip removed significantly more dentin irreversible damage (108). Significant increases in

Ultrasonics in endodontics

temperature have been detected in the post and tooth the apical third or the full working length in a root
structure during the application of ultrasonic energy to canal filled with irrigant and activated in the mid-range
metal posts when no cooling measures are used (109), power settings. It is not clear exactly how much
or during the removal of fractured endodontic files activation time is required to make a positive clinical
(110). Again, the resultant temperature rise is a impact resulting in better healing, but several studies
multifactorial process depending upon root canal wall have shown that 1 min of activation has resulted in
thickness (according to certain studies), tip design, significantly cleaner canals or better penetration of
power setting, and time of use (111). Intermittent use irrigant into lateral canals (116,119). Microstreaming
of the ultrasonic, with copious air or water coolant, has and the ability to create shear stresses are directly
been shown to be effective in reducing the potential related to the square of the displacement amplitude of
for serious heat-related injury to the periodontal the file, while cavitation, as previously mentioned, has
tissues (73). been shown to occur under a specific set of conditions,
such as when a file oscillates freely with a vibration
amplitude greater than 135 μm at high power levels
Current endodontic (66). A recent study of file oscillations using files of
irrigation attachments various sizes and lengths in a root canal has shown that
Effective irrigation has enjoyed renewed importance in the maximum amplitude of file displacement was
the chemomechanical process of root canal shaping 22 μm (120). In addition, increasing the power setting
and disinfection. The acknowledgement of the actually resulted in reduced displacement amplitudes
inability of mechanical rotary files to debride for certain files. Such studies will help to determine
approximately 40% or more of a root canal surface, optimal conditions and settings for oscillating files and
especially in complex root canal systems, has determine whether cavitation can indeed be created in
emphasized the need for irrigants to come into contact root canals.
with the entire root canal (112,113). The effect of
ultrasonic agitation or activation of root canal irrigants
Ultrasonic irrigation systems
by acoustic microstreaming has been shown to have
an enhanced effect on their properties (76,114). Recently, two ultrasonic irrigation needles have been
Ultrasonic activation allows irrigants to penetrate root available in the commercial market that have the
canal complexities such as lateral canals with greater additional feature of delivering irrigant during use
efficacy than conventional irrigation methods, and also either by a hand-held syringe or a peristaltic pump.
to remove significantly more debris from canals and They have been found to be at least as effective or
isthmuses (115–118). more effective than other irrigation methods
(116,121). One such needle, the ProUltra®
PiezoFlow™ Ultrasonic Irrigation Needle, is a
Ultrasonic file adaptor
25-gauge flat open-ended needle made from stainless-
Ultrasonic activation of irrigants in a root canal can be steel that is tightened into the ultrasonic handpiece
achieved by using an ultrasonic file adaptor that will with a wrench and used in the mid-range power
accept stainless-steel or nickel–titanium files, from ISO setting in fully instrumented canals. A syringe or other
sizes 15–40. Ultrasonic file adaptors are manufactured irrigation source is attached to the Luer-lock
by several dental companies and securely hold a connection on the ultrasonic needle through which
smooth shank end of a file in the chuck, which is irrigant is delivered. The VPro™ Stream Clean
tightened by using a wrench to turn the nut. A file can Ultrasonic Irrigation System (Vista) is a similar system
be removed from its handle to be placed into the except that the ultrasonic irrigation needle is a
ultrasonic file adaptor, or the files can simply be 30-gauge flat open-ended needle that is constructed
purchased without a handle attached. The use of from nickel–titanium. Much caution needs to be
files with a non-end cutting tip, such as the Irrisafe exercised when using an irrigation needle with a flat
files (Acteon), is recommended in order to avoid open-ended needle; the apical pressures created with a
unfavorable alteration of the apical anatomy. Irrisafe flat open-ended needle can be several-fold higher at
files are parallel stainless-steel files. The file is placed to irrigation flow rates exceeding 4 mL/min than when


closed-ended side-vented needles are used (122). they are thought to create fewer craze lines or
When assessing extrusion of sodium hypochlorite chipping, and less frequently cause fracture of
beyond the apex in an in vitro study, a continuous porcelain in comparison to carbide burs (126). In
ultrasonic needle using a flow rate of 10 mL/min was certain studies, diamond burs and carbide burs have
found to have the highest risk for extrusion in caused porcelain damage in equal measure, and air
comparison to using a side-vented needle, negative abrasion with aluminum oxide particles has been
pressure irrigation, and passive ultrasonic irrigation touted as a possible way to provide access through
(123). This effect was particularly marked when the porcelain without the creation of chipping,
continuous ultrasonic needle was operated closer than microcracks, or catastrophic failure (127,128).
5 mm from the root apex. Thus, great care should be Carbide burs and diamond grit burs are highly
taken if using this device in teeth with open apices effective for amalgam and gold alloy metals, and
and/or perforations, and binding of the needle tip diamond grit burs have been found to be highly
should be avoided. effective for cutting through non-precious metals
Applications in endodontics
Access refinement
Access Ultrasonic tips are advantageous during endodontic
Many general endodontic textbooks advocate using access preparation due to the ability to cut dentin very
various sizes of round carbide burs to create an access precisely and conservatively, and due to visibility
preparation in teeth, often citing the sensation of unimpeded by the head of a high-speed handpiece
“falling” through the pulp chamber roof as an (Fig. 5). The selection of the tip for use depends upon
indication of achieving access to the pulp tissue. the task to be performed. For the gross removal of
Clinical reality presents us with teeth where visibility is dentin in an access preparation, an ultrasonic tip such
limited and the location of the canals can be difficult, as the BUC-1, CPR-2D, or the BL-1 can be used as
with impediments such as access preparations through these tips have a length suitable for most access
crowns, pulp stones, and secondary and tertiary dentin preparations, a strong tip that is less predisposed to
deposition. In such cases, the sensation of falling fracture, and abrasive grit along half of its length.
through the pulp chamber roof does not apply and These ultrasonic tips allow us to identify, isolate, and
predisposes the clinician to iatrogenic errors such as remove pulp stones from the pulp chamber; if the pulp
perforation or severe gouging of the dentin walls and stone is large and occludes most of the pulp chamber,
floor. the ultrasonic can be used to break and vibrate the

Effect on porcelain materials

Ultrasonic tips are inefficient for the creation of the
initial access outline and bulk of dentin or dental
material removal, and they should not be placed in
direct contact with porcelain crowns and facings.
Although specialized ultrasonic tips can be used
with ceramics, for example during the ultrasonic
cementation of porcelain restorations (124), the brittle
nature of ceramic materials—even recently developed
ceramic materials—means that contact with ultrasonic
tips can cause ceramics to fracture and even become
dislodged (125). Thus, traditional high-speed burs are
used to create the majority of the endodontic access.
Diamond burs are used to cut through ceramic crowns Fig. 5. A conservative access preparation through a
or the ceramic portion of porcelain–metal crowns as crown done with the aid of ultrasonic tips.

Ultrasonics in endodontics

Fig. 6. (a) An access preparation into a lower molar shows the presence of a large pulp stone. (b) Removal of the large
pulp stone reveals several smaller pulp stones within the pulp chamber. Courtesy of Dr. B. Aljazaeri, Saudi Arabia.
(c) Several small pulp stones are seen during the process of removing the root of the pulp chamber. (d) Completed
access with removal of all of the pulp stones.

stone into smaller pieces for removal (Fig. 6). When a Modification of the access preparation in this way
pulp stones occludes the entrance to a canal orifice, and troughing along the pulp floor to explore grooves
the ultrasonic tip can be used to carefully smooth the and isthmuses can greatly increase our ability to find
pulp stone away. The BUC-2, BUC-2A, and BL-4 hidden and calcified canals (130); untreated root canal
ultrasonic tips have a disk-like working end that is able anatomy is likely related to long-term failure of
to smoothly plane attached pulp stones away when endodontic treatment (131). In maxillary molars, the
used with a brush-like motion without gouging the high incidence of the second mesiobuccal canal makes
floor, and are thus good alternatives to ultrasonic tips it important for clinicians to thoroughly search for
with a pointy end or a smaller working diameter. it (132); ultrasonic tips make this task easier and
The same tips can subsequently be used to unroof predictable while conserving as much dentin as
pulp chambers and remove calcifications or interfering possible (Fig. 9). The diameter of the working end of
dentin (Fig. 7). The tips can also be used to move most ultrasonic tips is smaller than most burs allotted
access line angles as required (Fig. 8). These tips can for this purpose and provides great control in
then smooth the walls of the access preparations, directionality. The ultrasonic tip is moved and lightly
resulting in a smooth and clean pulp canal chamber brushed from the MB1 canal along the ithmus or in a
with straight-line access into each canal orifice. slightly mesial and palatal direction, and is generally


Fig. 7. (a) This access was initiated by a clinician and referred to an endodontist when all of the canals could not be
located. (b) The pulp chamber was unroofed using ultrasonic tips. Courtesy of Dr. M. Ektefaie, Canada. (c) Ultrasonic
tips were used to refine the access and remove calcifications around the orifices. (d) Completed access to multiple
orifices in the mesial root of this mandibular molar. Courtesy of Dr. M. Braniste, Canada.

found at a distance of 1–3 mm from the MB1 orifice. a slightly smaller diameter, for isthmus exploration and
There is, of course, some variation in the location of removal due to the limited thickness of dentin, such as
the second mesiobuccal canal, and its location can be the BUC-1A, CPR-3D, CPR-4D, or the BL-5.
challenging, especially if the MB2 orifice separates
from the MB1 canal below the MB1 orifice, or is Ultrasonic instrumentation
located more than 3 mm from the MB1 orifice.
Also, any root with two or more canals will likely
contain an isthmus between the canals, such as in the
mesial roots of mandibular molars, or in the C-shaped The powered cutting action of ultrasonically powered
anatomy of mandibular molars. Ultrasonic tips are K-files generated interest in the 1980s as a
used in such cases to explore and trough gently along more efficient and effective alternative to the
the isthmus, which aids in cleaning of the isthmus instrumentation of root canals by hand-powered
and also in identifying additional canals that would K-files. For the ultrasonic instrumentation technique,
otherwise remain undiscovered and untreated, such as a 10 K-file and a 15 K-file was used by hand to
middle mesial canals (Fig. 10). It is sometimes prudent working length. Then, the 15 K-file was placed into
to use slightly longer ultrasonic tips, or those tips with the ultrasonic file adaptor, placed into the canal, and

Ultrasonics in endodontics

Fig. 9. (a) Dentin is seen covering the region of the

MB2 orifice. (b) Ultrasonics were used to smooth away
the dentin to reveal the MB2 orifice. Courtesy of Dr. A.
Riyahi, Canada.

sequentially larger files until the desired apical size was

reached (133). Other instrumentation techniques in
addition to step-back procedures, such as step-down
or other modifications, have been reported as well

Fig. 8. (a) A pulp stone was removed from this Canal cleanliness
maxillary molar. (b) The MB1 orifice is partially covered
by dentin. (c) An ultrasonic tip was used to remove the An early study by Martin (136) showed that an
interfering dentin and move the access line angle. ultrasonically energized file was able to remove
Courtesy of Dr. M. Ektefaie, Canada. more dentin than the same file used by hand
instrumentation, possibly due to what is described as a
activated, moving in a push-and-pull motion for dimensional planing effect. This effect of superior
approximately 1 min until the working length was debris removal from the root canal was confirmed by
reached. Then, the 20 K-file was placed into the other studies using resin canal models, as well as
ultrasonic adaptor, and this was repeated with extracted human teeth (137,138). Some studies


SEM and histological evaluation showed little

difference in cleanliness (133,139,140). Apart from
the ambivalent results, it was also shown that no single
hand instrumentation or ultrasonic technique could
consistently completely clear a root canal of debris and
tissue (133).
Ultrasonic instrumentation as the sole modality of
root canal shaping and tapered preparation has not
been overwhelmingly adapted by clinicians; this
technique can result in the creation of irregular canal
shapes and straightening and transportation of the
canal—more than is seen with hand instrumentation
(141,142). Pre-curving the ultrasonic files was
reported to help prevent transportation and aid in
creating a continuous canal shape (143). However,
other difficulties were reported as well, such as the
frequent need to enlargen the canal by hand in order
to accommodate the next endosonic file, the lack of
tactile sensation, and the risk of file fracture if the tip
became bound during use (144). The time required
for ultrasonic instrumentation is also significantly
longer than hand instrumentation (144). Ultimately,
the preparation of root canals with rotary endodontic
files allows clinicians to efficiently produce a well-
centered and more tapered preparation in comparison
to ultrasonic or hand instrumentation, and
ultrasonically activated files are no longer used with
the intent to instrument or remove dentin from root
canal walls (145).
Although a few studies did conclude that
ultrasonically energized files were able to produce
significantly cleaner canals in comparison to hand
instrumentation, it was soon acknowledged that this
cleanliness was likely the result of not only mechanical
preparation, but also the ultrasonic activation of an
irrigant (146). In bactericidal studies, investigations
were done to determine whether the effect of
ultrasound itself through acoustic streaming and
cavitation was responsible for a bactericidal effect in
root canals, or whether the activation of a bactericidal
Fig. 10. (a) Access preparation in the lower molar irrigant (by ultrasonic means) created a bactericidal
reveals dentin covering the mesial canals. (b) Ultrasonic
tips are used to carefully smooth away dentin. (c) The
effect. One study found that cavitation could not be
orifices, including a middle mesial canal, are found. generated by the ultrasonically energized 15 K-file at
Courtesy of Dr. M. Braniste, Canada. the highest recommended power, meaning that the
strong cavitational forces that would be required to
showed no difference in root canal cleanliness or debris disrupt bacteria were not created. It was determined in
removal when comparing ultrasonic instrumentation another study that acoustic streaming alone was able
with several different techniques of hand to kill bacteria in suspension in a time-dependent
instrumentation; using extracted teeth as models, manner, but after 15 min, the percentage of killed

Ultrasonics in endodontics

bacteria had little clinical impact (147). Although Acoustic microstreaming

acoustic streaming may not have a direct effect on
bacteria, it may be able to loosen debris and bacterial The aforementioned studies were instructive, but
aggregations. A subsequent study confirmed the small it was hard to deduce whether the additional
value of ultrasound by itself in killing bacteria in debridement was the result of a characteristic inherent
suspension, instead demonstrating the efficacy of to ultrasonic activation of the irrigant, or the result of
sodium hypochlorite in killing the same bacteria in the additional instrumentation in the form of pushing,
suspension without any activation procedures (148). pulling, and/or circumferential motions and
irrigation. In 1987, this question was addressed by two
studies (63,66). The first study tried to detect
Irrigation cavitation by ultrasonic files in an endodontic setting,
but none could be detected using several sizes of
It is generally accepted that ultrasonic instrumentation files and various power levels (63). Instead, intense
is not an efficient or advantageous method of root acoustic microstreaming was detected and visualized.
canal preparation and debridement by itself; this is also In the next study, the possible effect of acoustic
reviewed in the previous section on instrumentation. microstreaming was investigated (66). After
However, its role as a supplementary method of instrumentation of two groups of teeth to a size 35
irrigant agitation in helping to achieve improved file, one group was subjected to an additional 5 min of
treatment outcomes by enhancing disinfection and ultrasonic activation of the irrigant with a 15 K-file,
dissolution of tissue is becoming well established. making sure that the file did not touch the canal walls
Agitation of the various irrigants used during root so that any effect seen could be attributed only to
canal treatment, whether by ultrasonic, sonic, or acoustic microstreaming. The ultrasonic group had
manual techniques, has become a routine part of cleaner root canal walls when viewed under SEM,
endodontic treatment for many clinicians. It is also linking the results seen to the phenomenon of acoustic
seen by some as an additional step or option for teeth streaming. Recent studies have also demonstrated the
with persistent infection, presenting as continuous effectiveness of ultrasonic activation after completion
exudation or hemorrhage (149). of rotary instrumentation, resulting in improved smear
layer removal (152), debris removal from small
anatomical irregularities (153), and synergistic
Canal cleanliness
behavior with irrigants to kill biofilm bacteria (114).
An early study using resin root canal models measuring The ultrasonically energized irrigant may also be
residual radioisotope-laden gelatin found that an effective in debris removal up to 3 mm beyond the
additional ultrasonically activated procedure with a end of the file, unaffected by root canal curvature
smaller no. 15 finger plugger after hand or ultrasonic (154). During acoustic streaming, which is optimally
instrumentation with a 30 K-file was completed performed with a 15 or 20 K-file placed at working
reduced the radioactivity significantly more than when length or in the apical third, the irrigant streams about
just hand or ultrasonic instrumentation was used the energized file in a series of smaller and larger
(150). The researchers in this study described trying to patterns (Fig. 11). Fewer streaming patterns are seen
make contact with the walls of the root canal model with larger files (66). The best effect is said to be
with the ultrasonic tip using lateral pressure and achieved when the file is small, the displacement
circular motions. A similar study in extracted human amplitude is large, and the frequency of operation is
teeth compared a hand-instrumented canal prepared high (155). As much as possible, the ultrasonic file
to a size 30 K-file using the step-back technique to the needs to be able to oscillate freely as contact with the
same technique supplemented with an additional root canal walls can modify the ability of the file to
3 min of ultrasonic agitation with a 15 K-file used vibrate and reduce the displacement amplitude
in a push-pull and circumferential motion, with (71,156). Still, there are some studies that show
intermittent replenishment of irrigant (151). The ultrasonic activation procedures after instrumentation
ultrasonic technique resulted in significantly cleaner to be no more effective than conventional needle
canals, as well as cleaner isthmuses. irrigation in smear or debris removal (157,158) or in


Fig. 11. (a) An ultrasonic handpiece is fitted with a file adaptor. (b) The file is placed into the prepared canals filled
with irrigant for passive ultrasonic irrigation. (c) The file is energized ultrasonically. Courtesy of Dr. M. Parhar,

reducing the incidence of positive bacterial culture secondary oscillations of the file and reduced
results before obturation (159,160). oscillation amplitude (69). As a result, the authors
have recommended amending the term “passive
ultrasonic irrigation” to “ultrasonically activated
Passive ultrasonic irrigation
The technique of ultrasonic activation of an irrigant
after instrumentation has been completed has been
Continuous ultrasonic irrigation
referred to as passive ultrasonic irrigation. The term
passive is used to denote the intention to simply Continuous ultrasonic irrigation is achieved by
activate the irrigant, and not to cut or contact the simultaneously and continuously delivering irrigation
dentin with the activated file, thus differentiating it during ultrasonic activation through a water port
from previous efforts to ultrasonically instrument the incorporated into the ultrasonic tip, such as the
root canal walls. During passive ultrasonic irrigation, ProUltra® PiezoFlow™ or the VPro™ StreamClean™
the irrigant is intermittently replenished using a system. Unlike passive ultrasonic irrigation, the
conventional irrigation syringe. Passive ultrasonic replenishment of irrigant with a conventional syringe
irrigation has been shown to be equally effective with between ultrasonic file activations is not required.
a blank wire or a non-fluted finger spreader used in Continuous ultrasonic irrigation has been shown to be
place of a conventional fluted file, implying that the more effective in clearing apically placed debris than
use of a blank wire will prevent the creation of canal other irrigation modalities, such as conventional
irregularities, apical perforation, or transportation syringe irrigation, manual dynamic activation, and
(155,161). However, a recent study has shown that apical negative pressure (117,118). When comparing
the file-to-wall contact during passive ultrasonic passive ultrasonic irrigation and continuous ultrasonic
irrigation was actually rather significant; the file was in irrigation, both modalities have been shown to
contact with the wall 20% of the activation time, but perform similarly in the removal of debris in a root
this contact time resulted in the file being affected 70% canal (162). In another study, both modalities
of the contact time, resulting in low-frequency performed comparably and better than conventional

Ultrasonics in endodontics

syringe irrigation in the penetration of irrigant into faecalis biofilm beyond the level achieved with
simulated lateral canals (116). Infected lateral canals ultrasonics and sodium hypochlorite together (167).
are a possible cause of recurrent or late endodontic When the micro-bubbles are exposed to ultrasound,
treatment failure; delivering irrigant to the entire root there is increased bubble production, and it is thought
canal system, including lateral canals, is important for that the increased bubble dynamics as well as the
the predictable long-term success of endodontic production of reactive oxygen species might be
treatment (131). responsible for the anti-biofilm activity.

Time of activation Removal of intracanal medicaments

The minimal or optimal amount of time needed to Finally, the use of a calcium hydroxide paste or similar
ultrasonically activate an irrigant in order for a intracanal paste as an inter-appointment medicament is
beneficial effect to occur is unclear. One study used during multiple-visit treatments in order to
protocol, after complete instrumentation, used passive prevent the regrowth of root canal bacteria and has
ultrasonic irrigation for as little as 20 s to measure the been shown by many studies to improve the long-term
penetration of sodium hypochlorite into the dentinal outcome of endodontic treatment (168,169). The
tubules; this amount of time resulted in significantly activation of calcium hydroxide itself for as little as
greater penetration of irrigant in comparison to no 1 min has also been shown to increase the release of
agitation or alternative agitation methods (163). For calcium and favor a higher pH, which is beneficial in
the removal of the smear layer, one study reported resorption lesions (170). Its complete removal from the
complete removal of the smear layer after passive root canal after it is used during treatment by irrigation
ultrasonic irrigation of sodium hypochlorite for 3 min is known to be impossible, but generally desired.
(164). Another study examining the amount of dead Residual calcium hydroxide may interfere with sealer
bacteria in a biofilm after exposure to 2% chlorhexidine penetration into the dentinal tubules (171). However,
solutions with or without ultrasonic agitation used the presence of residual calcium hydroxide may have no
agitation time periods of 1 min and 3 min, revealing impact on the bond strength of some popular sealers
that the percentage of killed bacteria depended upon such as AH26 Plus and iRoot SP (172). Residual
not only the time of exposure, but the chemical calcium hydroxide may predispose the root canal to
formulation of the irrigant as well (114). Several study apical leakage when a zinc oxide eugenol-based sealer is
protocols have shown significant improvement in used (173), but the issue is debatable as one study
canal cleanliness after 1 min of ultrasonic activation shows calcium hydroxide medicament does not
(116,165). More research in this area may help to predispose a root canal to increased apical leakage
provide recommendations for minimum irrigant (174). Most studies reveal that the complete removal
activation times for a variety of irrigant formulations. of calcium hydroxide using instrumentation,
conventional irrigation, or activated irrigation methods
is not possible regardless of the technique (175). Some
New innovations
studies show no advantage of passive ultrasonic
The direction of future research on ultrasonics and irrigation in removing calcium hydroxide (176), while
irrigation appears to be innovative, but also realizes other studies show passive ultrasonic irrigation to
that effective enhancement of irrigation may require enhance its removal (177–179). Ultrasonic activation
multiple modalities of irrigant delivery and agitation. time varied in these studies, ranging from 8–10 s per
One study has shown that the combination of apical canal up to 1 min per canal, so there is no consensus on
negative pressure and passive ultrasonic irrigation was the amount of agitation time required for maximum
the only method able to deliver irrigant up to the removal of an intracanal medicament. The choice of
working length and into multiple lateral canals, in irrigant may also affect calcium hydroxide removal
comparison to apical negative pressure or passive efficacy, with calcium chelating irrigants such as 17%
ultrasonic irrigation in isolation (166). Another recent EDTA and 10% citric acid enabling greater removal of
study used an emulsion containing micro-bubbles that calcium hydroxide (171,180). Again, this is not a
are energized ultrasonically to reduce Enterococcus unanimous finding (175).


Root filling procedures obturation can yield improved outcomes, particularly

with lateral condensation techniques.

Sealer distribution
Adaptation of MTA
Numerous methods have been used to distribute
root canal sealer into a root canal. In several studies Indirect ultrasonic activation has been suggested for
comparing placement of sealer by a hand instrument use to vibrate mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in
or by ultrasonics, the use of ultrasonic energy for order to improve the adaptation of the material into
the application of sealer resulted in a more thorough the root canal space, and to remove any voids in the
and even covering of the root canals walls (181,182), material. The indirect technique generally involves
and more radiographically visible accessory canals placement of MTA using an appropriate carrier into
(183). However, even if this was the case, the the root canal, and indirectly activating a condenser
method of sealer placement may not have a placed in contact with the bulk of the MTA material
significant effect on apical leakage (184). One study by pressing an ultrasonic tip in contact with the
shows no difference in the placement and even condenser. A recent SEM study examining the
distribution of sealer when comparing hand files, a marginal adaptation of MTA found that indirect
lentulo spiral, ultrasonic files, or a master gutta- ultrasonic activation in conjunction with smear layer
percha cone (185). Other studies show that other removal resulted in significantly improved marginal
methods, such as using a lentulo spiral or an adaptation (193). Indirect ultrasonic agitation during
irrigation needle, are better able to evenly distribute placement also improved the compressive strength of
a sealer layer in a root canal in comparison to MTA (194), as well as the resistance to bacterial
ultrasonic placement (186). Thus, at this time, there leakage (195). However, a micro-CT analysis of MTA
is no overwhelming evidence for the ultrasonic root canal fillings found that a higher incidence of
placement of sealer before obturation. voids within the material was present with indirect
ultrasonic activation; thus, this study recommends the
manual compaction of MTA with pluggers (196).
Many factors possibly affect the adaptation of MTA in
One by-product of ultrasonic energy is heat energy. addition to the use of indirect ultrasonic activation,
When heat energy is transmitted by an ultrasonic tip or such as the consistency of the mixed MTA, the time of
file, the heat is able to soften gutta-percha material. A activation, and the power setting used. Further
very limited number of studies have investigated the research to determine the optimal conditions for
ability of using ultrasonic heat energy to soften and intimate material adaptation with the reduction of
subsequently compact gutta-percha either laterally or voids is needed.
vertically during obturation in order to achieve a more
dense root filling (187). Studies have shown that in
comparison to cold lateral condensation, using an Re-treatment and
ultrasonic lateral condensation technique resulted in a obstruction removal
denser filling, fewer voids, and less apical microleakage
(188–191). Warm vertical compaction of gutta-
Gutta-percha and paste removal
percha, whether using a traditional heat source or
ultrasonic vibrations, provided a similar sealing ability Gutta-percha can be removed by using ultrasonic tips.
(192). Softening gutta-percha using an ultrasonically An ultrasonic tip is selected that will passively fit into
activated file or tip for the purpose of obturation is not the straight portion of a root canal and is activated
frequently used (188) but may be advantageous as the (Fig. 12). The heat produced will soften the gutta-
file or tip is likely to cool quickly, preventing percha and the gutta-percha is displaced coronally as
inadvertent removal of the gutta-percha when the tip moves deeper into the canal. This method has
retracting the tip or plugger (188). More research is been found to be faster than using hand files to remove
indicated to establish whether the incorporation of gutta-percha (197). Unless used inappropriately, it
ultrasonic condensation of gutta-percha during is unlikely that the heat associated with the

Ultrasonics in endodontics


Fig. 12. An ultrasonic file (or appropriate ultrasonic tip)

is placed alongside the gutta-percha filling, which is
removed. Courtesy of Dr. M. Parhar, Canada.

thermosoftening of gutta-percha by ultrasonic

methods will exceed 10°C on the external root surface
(198). The use of rotary instruments are now
routinely used for the efficient removal of gutta-percha
from root canals, but supplementing rotary removal
with ultrasonic removal of gutta-percha and sealer
remnants from the walls under the dental operating
microscope can result in statistically significantly
cleaner walls (199). Hard-setting obturation materials
such as resorcinol–formalin paste have limited
solubility in solvents once set (200). Ultrasonic tips Fig. 13. (a) A lower molar with a paste-type obturation
material is re-treated. (b) The old obturation material
can be used to chip and sand away hard paste materials was removed using ultrasonic tips.
in the straight portions of a root canal; this requires
some patience (Fig. 13).

(205). However, the extent to which these various

Factors affecting post removal
factors affect post retention after ultrasonic vibration is
The application of ultrasonics to almost every aspect of not conclusive and requires further study. For instance,
re-treatment allows clinicians to save time, conserve a larger post diameter may require greater force to
tooth structure, and avoid apical microsurgery. The remove after ultrasonic loosening than a thinner post
removal of an intraradicular post during re-treatment (206), while another study has shown that post
can be difficult and time-consuming and, as such, diameter is not related to efficacy of removal (207).
several studies have been done to discern predictable One study has shown that those posts cemented with
methods of post removal. The efficacy and zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements may have a
effectiveness of post removal can be dependent upon retentive force that is easier to disrupt in comparison
several factors, such as the depth of embedment of the to resin cements, which may be largely unaffected by
post into the root; the type, design, and material of ultrasonic vibrations (208,209). Other studies have
post fabrication; the type of tooth in which the post is shown that the type of cement used does not influence
cemented; as well as the luting agent used to cement the amount of force required to remove the posts
the post (201–204). The particular ultrasonic device after ultrasonic vibration, including resin cements
used may also affect the efficiency of post removal (210,211).


Methods of post removal

Various methods of post removal are available, and

these methods are often combined to maximize
loosening of the post, or used sequentially if one
method is not making sufficient progress after several
minutes of use (212). Exposure of the post can be
accomplished by using a combination of surgical
length #2 and #4 round burs to remove the core
material. Ultrasonic tips such as the BUC-1 or
BUC-1A can be used to further remove cement and
core materials immediately around the post in a
circumferential manner without aggressively removing
dentin around the orifice and coronal third of the root,
as troughing or ditching with large burs around the
post can result in the excessive loss of tooth structure
(213). It is important to avoid the furcation area due
to the relative thinness of dentin, when applicable. At
this point, ultrasonic instrumentation for post removal
is the most commonly applied technique to loosen and
vibrate posts, a technique that has been used since the
late 1970s (201,213,214). Sonic instrumentation is
not effective for post removal (201). In order to
vibrate a post, the tip of the ultrasonic instrument,
typically a tip such as the ENDO-1 (Dentsply Tulsa),
CPR-1 (SybronEndo), VT (SybronEndo), or
VibraPost (VP) (B&L Biotech) is set at high power,
and the tip placed against the post. The ultrasonic
energy transfers to the post as vibrational mechanical
energy, and promotes the failure of the cement bond
(Fig. 14). When the tip is placed near the cervical
region of the tooth at an angle to the post, as opposed
to the most incisal position of the post, the force
required to dislodge the post is decreased; many
studies also place the ultrasonic tip on the post
approximately 2 mm from the tooth structure to
maximize the harmonics and conduction of energy
(201,215). The ultrasonic tip can also be moved up
and down along the post as well as circumferentially to
encourage further loosening. After sufficient loosening
Fig. 14. (a) A post is uncovered and the surrounding
of the post, the post can be picked out of the canal
core material is removed. (b) The surrounding core
with Stieglitz forceps or a similar tool. material has been removed. Ultrasonic tips are used to
For posts that have fractured at or near the level of remove visible cement from around the post and vibrate
the pulp floor, or are fully embedded within the root the post to promote disintegration of the cement seal.
canal, a small pointed ultrasonic tip such as the (c) The post has been removed.
BUC-1, ENDO-2, or ENDO-3 can first be used to
create space or a small gutter circumferentially or
alongside the post, where there is adequate thickness
of dentin to expose the coronal portion (216). This

Ultrasonics in endodontics

may also involve carefully breaking up any visible core intradentin cracks was analyzed in comparison to teeth
and cement materials around the fractured post with where the cemented posts were left in place or only
the ultrasonic tip. Loosening the fragment in such a endodontic treatment without post placement was
manner may dislodge the post. If possible, a post provided (219). There was a statistically significant
vibration tip such as an ENDO-1, or a scaler tip, can higher incidence of cracks in those teeth where
be placed against the exposed portion of the post; this ultrasonics was used for post removal, in comparison
allows vibrations to be transmitted to the post and will to those teeth where only endodontic treatment was
further shatter the integrity of the cement (216,217). provided. In those teeth where only post placement
Removal of such a fractured post can be challenging was performed, there was also a fewer incidence of
and requires some patience; judicious case selection cracks but the difference was not statistically significant
is also necessary, as sometimes other post removal in comparison to the ultrasonic post removal group
systems may be needed to remove a fractured post. (219). However, catastrophic root fracture is a rare
occurrence. A study of 1,600 teeth from which posts
were removed in a private clinic found a 0.06%
Time required for post removal
incidence of root fracture as a result of post removal
The amount of time required to sufficiently loosen a procedures, which also included ultrasonic use (220).
post using ultrasonics varies, again, with the multiple A survey of endodontic specialists has estimated a root
factors mentioned that affect post retention. Post fracture incidence of 0.002%; this group reported
dislodgement has been found to occur in as little as ultrasonic use to be the most common method of post
40 s, while other studies have found that often several removal (214).
minutes of ultrasonic use are required, with one study The other risk associated with post removal is the
reporting 16 min to be the most effective amount of production and conduction of heat from the ultrasonic
time (203,212,218). One in vivo study recorded an tip to the post, which can be transmitted to the
average of 7.7 min required for ultrasonic post periodontal attachment apparatus. It is well known
removal, with a range of approximately 2–13 min that a temperature increase to 47°C for 1 min can
(219). These study results are difficult to compare as cause bone necrosis (108). It has been shown that
different ultrasonic devices, post types, and luting as little as 15–20 s of continuous dry ultrasonic
materials are often used; one study found no beneficial instrumentation can contribute to injurious heat
effect of ultrasonic vibration for 16 min (210) while trauma, especially when high power settings are used
another study of 234 patient records reported all (73,221). The thickness or thinness of dentin around
posts requiring removal were successfully removed in a post has been shown to have no significant effect on
approximately 3 min (220). Additional factors such as the increase in temperature (222). Heat transmission
the extent of coronal disassembly, as well as the extent of such magnitude through a post can result in loss of
of leakage before post removal is attempted, may affect bone, soft tissue, or teeth in the days and weeks after
the ease with which posts are removed. In general the initial heat trauma. Dental rehabilitation after
terms, if a post is not significantly loosened after heat trauma can be a lengthy and extensive process;
10–15 min of ultrasonic vibration, it may be wise to fortunately, this is not a frequent occurrence and the
consider further removal of cement around the post use of ultrasonics for post removal is generally seen as
with a thin and long ultrasonic tip, or using a different a safe and conservative procedure (223). Using very
post removal method. short cycles of ultrasonic instrumentation coupled
with cooling procedures in between such as copious
water irrigation (15 mL/min and 30 mL/min have
Risks of post removal
been recommended by certain studies) can prevent
There are some risks associated with post removal such trauma (109,224). A cotton pellet saturated with
using ultrasonic methods. One is the possibility of Endo-Ice has also been shown to be as effective as
causing cracks and/or fractures of the root dentin copious water cooling (73). Air cooling has also been
during vibration and removal of a post. In an in vivo shown to be effective, but the conductivity of water—
study using cadaver teeth, cemented posts were and thus the ability to transfer heat away—is much
vibrated until removed, and the frequency of canal and greater than air (225). It is also interesting to note that


an in vitro study revealed that it can take between canal aberration, perforation, ledges, or weakening of
20–30 s for a temperature gauge located at the cervical the root (234). The principle of this technique can also
area of an extracted tooth to drop 10°C to the baseline be applied to the removal of silver points, although
temperature after cooling procedures are applied (73). braiding techniques using hand files to pull out silver
points may be used if or when space is available
alongside the obstruction (217). Alternative
Removal of metallic files and obstructions
techniques using the abrasive action of ultrasonics
The removal of fractured instruments within a root have also been used to erode and eliminate silver
canal has become a safer and more predictable points and other obstructions; however, stainless-steel
procedure with the use of ultrasonics and the dental obstructions and posts made of non-precious metals
operating microscope. Many techniques can be used will not benefit from this technique (235).
to attempt to remove fractured instruments, but the The removal of fractured instruments can also
management of fractured files should be also governed induce high temperatures in the root canal walls
by the evaluation of factors such as the location of the (110), and periodic cooling with air or water is also
file, the root curvature, and the presence of apical recommended during the attempted removal of
disease (226). Aggressive file removal procedures can separated files. It has been shown that fine tips such as
induce additional stresses in a tooth that might initiate the CPR #5 and CPR #6 (Obtura Spartan) can be used
vertical root fracture (227,228). The success rate for at low power settings for up to 60 s and 120 s,
removing or bypassing fractured instruments as respectively (111). However, care should be taken
reported by studies has a variable range; one recent with all tips used for 1–2 min to remove fine file
study reports a success rate of 70.5%, including fragments as significant increases in temperature can
fragments both visible and non-visible to the eye occur within this time period (110). A recent study has
under the microscope (229). The success of using evaluated the effectiveness of two ultrasonic tip designs
ultrasonics alone to remove fractured instruments has that enable the flow of air (in place of water) through
been favorable, with studies reporting success rates of the tip to reduce the temperature rise during the
54.4% (229) and as high as 93.3% (230). Another removal of fractured instruments (74). The ability to
recent paper reported a success rate of 80% when provide a flow of air instead of water is a new feature of
using an ultrasonic technique to remove separated the P-Max-XS ultrasonic device by Satelec/Acteon.
instruments; this required an average of 36 min for file Both tip designs were shown to be effective in
removal (231). reducing the increase in temperature measured on the
Most recent studies use an ultrasonic file removal external root surface, but one particular tip designed
method that closely follows or is a variation of the to direct air along the entire ultrasonic tip, as opposed
Ruddle technique (231–233). This technique uses to the coronal two-thirds of the ultrasonic tip, was
modified Gates Glidden burs to create a “staging shown to be significantly more effective (74).
platform” at the coronal aspect of the fractured
instrument. Then, fine ultrasonic tips of various Apical microsurgery
lengths are used without water to trough around the
most coronal part of the instrument in order to expose
Traditional and modern apicoectomy
it, followed by ultrasonic vibration of the instrument
fragment to loosen it. Counter-clockwise movements Surgical endodontic treatment has adopted new
of the tips can also be used to dislodge the fractured materials, new techniques, and benefits from the use of
file. Some appropriate ultrasonic tips are CPR #3–8 the surgical operating microscope. These changes have
(Obtura Spartan) or ProUltra Endo #3–8 (Dentsply resulted in predictable healing and higher incidences
Tulsa), with the longer and more flexible tips used for of healing than when traditional techniques are used
deeper file locations (Fig. 15). A dental operating (236–239). A recent meta-analysis indicates that root-
microscope is required for this technique, and the end surgery performed using a traditional technique
ability to visualize the file fragment is also required. results in a 59% positive outcome, while root-end
Attempts to use this technique with fragments located surgery performed using modern microsurgery
beyond a curve in a root canal can result in significant techniques results in a 94% positive outcome (240).

Ultrasonics in endodontics

Fig. 15. (a) A long hand file has been separated in a lower molar, with removal previously attempted using a
combination of burs and the braiding technique. (b) The case was then referred to an endodontist, where long and
thin ultrasonic tips were used to remove the instrument. Courtesy of Dr. M. Ektefaie, Canada. (c) A No. 3 Gates
Glidden has been separated in an upper molar and wedged into the palatal canal. (d) Ultrasonic instruments were used
to remove dentin around the head of the Gates Glidden and ultimately remove the separated drill.

The traditional technique generally involves root-end improve adaptation of the material to the walls of the
resection with a 45 degree bevel angle and retrograde retropreparation (241).
preparation using a carbide bur. The modern
technique involves root-end resection with minimal or
no bevel, and a retrograde preparation using specially
designed ultrasonic retropreparation tips (Fig. 16). A Root-end cavity preparation using an ultrasonic tip
dental operating microscope is used for the modern results in higher-quality conservative preparations
technique (237). Although a variety of root-end filling with fewer occurrences of perforation than when
materials can be used, the use of MTA is a material conventional micro-handpiece burs are used (242).
well-supported by evidence. It is generally placed with Using an ultrasonic retropreparation tip (or retrotip)
specialized carriers to the cavity preparation and produces a more conservative preparation than a laser
compacted with small pluggers. Ultrasonic vibration of tip (243). The resulting cavity preparation is centered
MTA may be able to improve the quality of sealing and with parallel walls, follows the path of the original root


diamond particles after repeated use (246); the JETips

do not appear to lose their microprojections (100).

Smear layer
Root-end preparations can result in the accumulation
of debris and in the production of a smear layer, which
may harbor bacteria and pulp remnants (247,248).
The removal of the smear layer has been advocated for
orthograde endodontics, and thus it seems reasonable
to remove potentially contaminated debris during
retrograde procedures as well (249). Demineralization
of resected root ends with 50% citric acid has also been
(a) associated with more rapid and complete healing
in what is seen to be enhanced cementogenesis
(250). It has been found in one study that the smear
layer can be effectively removed by applying 35%
orthophosphoric acid gel for 15 s, followed by rinsing
with distilled water for 1 min (248). Using 35%
orthophosphoric acid resulted in improved smear layer
removal in comparison to a 24% EDTA gel (248).
Various chelating agents and organic acids of varying
concentrations have been tested for smear layer
removal, which is reflected in the various protocols
used in different studies (251). However, it has also
been shown that removal of the smear layer may not
improve bacterial leakage when a retropreparation is
filled with MTA; more research is indicated on
whether smear layer removal will improve clinical
healing after apical microsurgery (252).
Fig. 16. (a) Apical microsurgery of a maxillary incisor
during retropreparation with an ultrasonic retrotip.
(b) Continued removal of gutta-percha during the Dentinal cracks
retropreparation stage.
One concern with the use of ultrasonic retrotips for
cavity preparation is the possible creation of cracks at
canal and/or isthmus, and can be standardized at a the root-end, although the clinical impact is not
depth of 3 mm, which is the minimum depth required exactly clear (253). It is possible that cracks may
for an effective seal (244,245). Longer retrotips promote leakage, perhaps resulting in failure of apical
are available and can be used when a deeper surgery procedures (254). It was shown in extracted
retropreparation is required. The retrotip is used with teeth that there were significantly more cracks in
water irrigation. Fracture of the ultrasonic tip 2–3 mm the dentin when ultrasonics were used to create a
from the end is possible with use and coincides with the retropreparation in comparison to root resection
bend, which can be acutely angled at 75° or 80° in alone, with high power settings creating significantly
certain surgical tips. While the widely-used diamond- more cracks than when low power settings were
coated retrotip has been found to be effective due to its used (255). It was thought that this result may be
abrasive properties, the recently introduced stainless- due to the use of extracted teeth unsupported by
steel microprojection tip called JETip (B&L Biotech) a periodontal attachment; a subsequent study
has been found to be equally effective. The diamond- comparing the incidence of cracks after ultrasonic
coated retrotips can lose a significant portion of the instrumentation at high and low power settings in

Ultrasonics in endodontics

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