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‫ فراس عبدالعباس دلي‬: ‫اﻻسم‬

Group F
Oral Homework

Tome’s fiber :
The odontoblasts maintain their elongating processes in dentinal tubules ( Tome’s fiber) as a result,
dentin has permeability can increase pain sensation.

Mantle dentin :
is the name of the first formed dentin in the crown closest to enamel. the DE junction is soft and thus
provides cushioning effect to the tooth. It is thus the outer or most peripheral part of the primary dentin
and is about 20 mm thick.

Secondary dentin :
Secondary dentin forms internally to primary dentin of the crown and root. It develops after the crown
has come into clinical occlusal function and the roots are nearly completed. Secondary dentin is a
narrow band of dentin bordering the pulp and representing that dentin formed after root completion.
This dentin contains fewer tubules than primary dentin. There is usually a bend in the tubules where
primary and secondary dentin interface

Transparent or sclerotic dentin :

The odontoblasts may die because of trauma or old age, and dead tracts then develop in dentin. The
tubules may later calcify as they fill with mineral. When this occurs, the dentin is termed sclerotic or
transparent dentin.

Tertiary dentin :
It is classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary on the basis of the time of its development and the
histologic characteristics of the tissue.

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