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AL/2011/20/8-T1 Bag © SRB GOO J wiged wu fnceena ay / All Rights Reserved] ee es Co ee epi: enti i Tank Bip AE RE BRERRR iis nk 2 qoson eng anda: Gad 65¢) Seas, 2011 qeaida odes OuiIg)s sonsot—us87(ews so) ufcens, 2011 paad, General:Certificate of Education (Adv. Level) Examination, August 2011 eordag m addedgn occa gras, OsrLgurcd AsnPeeuatad I Information & Communication Technology Soalemed gouldae ayant: Cm) OBE # 689 gdm oye 89 10 Bot gun oD. 66 oge acon #088 goin age A co Bam emodt senda gaa gem ed CR eemdial gun eB. emda eed @ Aum mugs Se QOH. + © aotg wobnsd @8 acy om) Ed A A emde - Qynam dd g2-7) Bag @ ganded SEqc, 88 oged © anarin. Be SEgn, gum sged gO eet GB aede Be ge o. eB GO B gOome End GSO geno 49 ¢ Ria BEad Scremedisly ebm AD ¢ exgenaten, elelote fa fe is b 6 B emde - dom 2aQ8 @2 8 - 10) ne 288 emrde Yan Mast aOxiim ob. Sa gdm ondwd vc? SEnd esasin. 6B eqma etag Coo ao C2885 widen. adgtics gum ged gouhnetet BoB mes glue Q og A ow B EE aad emdd Onl BEQd, ages! 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Bo eemy ammd Om Bg Bybartoat quagdOe® gona, Ben m8, Bled F8na, cdGa => oaind Bo GH quer mI eddmast eOsmrenn mOO SgmceBOsuo qOard qa. Out Bald es 81020 Ob e102 Bo ye. Hat AdBa GOoooal ceo Oc6 AOA OO OD Game BOs mysis. ct td Gerad abst Gud adm oq oy eine! GOs eqns emed Ba os. | (@) qos SBeBe amo ER adwoat giuto, [odo8 699 dean. AL/2O11/20/8-IE {b) goa (a) emda mgmsor EBasriualS eBay Oe waidumnd Omd-dmat (oneto-|siea one), emd-caremsBeet (one-to-many) cia? eBocef.smd -cosedenes (many-to-many) Ueleed| -5- 48 evi coDSe! OUSmdess dato, om on os Baeis, pean | we8Osie00 (Relationship) ©&Son00 (Candinality) ‘eg (Reason) ee ou \ | © “ERedast ge, abariou (Relationships) Ym Gocslees (Attributes) eO8E2 98 emce” 288 Sudm ems ond ques gB gue nérin. B qG sBea mln nde od BERS cankE adsin. [60006 898 dient. 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(©) edooOm O92 oBdq odoGesS agsey eoogsD (Transaction file) exiOe qeoa, Hoe oo o6ie, sqestinada'p exina on 6B @me gong oD. sdoSoe “Employee master” 02 “Depart- ment master"'sm Og C88 a78 cumdsns adsin, ome OgeD def det qin qBe®e oem Doost © wey o—Boeime GBnig® (Validation check) dyB ad qeiouKn. ‘¢8ia goe0o (Data element)| ‘eg@rasan Gcige (Validation check) eet eines Employee master 990 g¢ 68x AD/adwsise goss ao (Numeric value) DEE Eo oD Employee master ®q0 yg SOB OO /advs B6xigos! jaqcsatioeBetey axifeacs Department master 5Q0 me cfm ao/ace Sandel eget 26 eno Bo Feces @ “Pheat Berges 8,189” (Video conferencing) eis “atime BBS" (Copyright) am 26 edad sczte, +7 [eam 4, (@) em ecldo qB Szgmr@ “VdOH Brero-m” (System software) eo! “ag Gags" AHHH (Application software) eges OMBadce adetn. ap Baca reeoneret ‘Sareea Bossom eon HR [ 8088 490 Ogatn. AL/2011/20/S-1E ‘| : steed 3 «haiti. 8h) Lanka Depry aa ee oe tat Sear etapa ot oP EX ean eng Gosia og (Cad eee) Smaa, 211 qari sda Quigis gIng7 UsSI(2ws go) ures, 2011 Se General Certificate of Education (Adv. Level) Examination, August 2011 Femdqg m enised¢o oniveia i fntormation & Communication fechnotogy Coes: % | i # BmO gain wada0 dese SE_d sousin. J} | Bemde | | (2) eossSin S8oeie (Typical computer) @3 exng® domed (CPU) gd. 2-dDs QO e800) «? $98 2-09D eDH goo mubsast GBegom dsio. (b) Soa medmandeced? qodams goBaedece (Storage compaction) ga» Soler! Sui'S ensue! EOE dvi. . ' (c) qOe2x cord (Cluster) en@abes ecBet BdQ@me gOe60 3] 10400 9 em_Dm sng gOmvaccd| (File space) Bg0m onda ocina méeko. (soond> g80es 8B SI2e aca condoms missin) | (@) qd 9830s: (Digital cuit) g2gn18 sco 488 sdwr wadsl,oom, 89 {O83 odor weds} 25 qos qoo EQGm wedHOss (Prime number) m8 (Is} am 29 awawede! SPeix! edeqn 2-409) gene oce 1 Cd) em gud, gut 2,9 509 Oca of. =O BOs o-dzo-w wmISaHd Om cade coor! Boece Om av cuadone adoin, (eH aRmr BBs SOS cDeind amon) | fi) qos Bove Sind GLO ogo SMD ce09 gH EmsD2 OGD (Truth table) BLBex> 5 eym; oH A.B, Co D 282% (083 gun md 0,88 aden 3Qs8 Bd eh eDenB 80 vast ASeena So 235, FAB.C.D) 23 oSsced Gagne Bioce sms0B. com cubs |B smn. O90, 0% 9305308 Best mdsom g&m BAO aBater wdzin. ATR] CTD] FARGD opel SacBee (i) goo AL/2011/20/S-I C (@) HIMLedamas a8acideas! “ge20" (Elements) sm “coestess” (Attributes) oxy 04 B95 © (b) 265 cad q1B Om ems Qenous! ont cocatesant ond com nERWaN Bred mbasel Seis; ndsin, . (br Gi) href Gi) sre Gv) html (c) ema cakO 35 BOmemst galsm, G qumeD mB ard eBeng® eSoSm edd BH omvds seasin, @ Wildst - Mozilla Firefox Tec Bt pontine} File Edit View History Bookmarks Tock: Help | ‘ | Cc “ wwldSL hte +- 2 | & Most Visited > Getting Started _Latest Headlines t = = - rH (_ witast | t 9 Sri Lanka is famous for its wildlife. There arg many National parks and Sanctuaries where one can see animals in their natural habitat. Highlights it Sri Lanka? soa ene 2 Why visi wee » Blue Whale Leopard Elephant | i | a Wildlife Tours to Sri Lanka | | | : | i : GOD QS BOD wHD adGot ons gstOo oH gended BEQH Soasin. ( goa HTML ecdmed Bagd o8¢ S00d ¢296; Stine (Arial font), ¢acy Drei Mem BE o0 OE (Format) ystD80 dos eB. ea agmy ede» CSS velo dete Gav quvain, Gil) goo gae0m HTML adda ae oom geisdo doce (Tag) O83 eS vnsin AcH,8 Sens Dosis, Tour to yala (ii) ‘Blue Whale’, ‘Leopard’ ess ‘Elephant’ sca edad 26 @8 stBeat camin¥ yen om30 HTML ecansd A800 B89 eqn) gdes HTML exin Bede Badin (iv) ‘Wild Sri Lanka’ we @ae (Caption) a850 Sno sess eS exmded Se ociet exis que HTMLectace get & AL/2011/20/8-1L -10- . [3. @) Ann BaSsi dond stocia 108,388 mast Om HG omnia O cdeQ we 2st HLS | 280 599g CB. Aw Bede sqm IPBBm Bc0Ess am oD. te | sae dost gone m aeiGedyna 95 aSO eDas0 00S, {) gom des eqns sadon codoe Osment (Subnet mask) catsnr sdzier i Gil) 282 oS se een SBoms etGeByne eew O88 4890 eDas qo8esina (Device) nd) aéete. 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(i) O28 B38 Dou xgw eqn HBxt eurgoR@oi, 8-Or8suee8 (e-commerce) oS, | Dmsodecet 0390960 [Business to Business (B2B)] | Oxos2dsert S28enJBen000 [Business to Consumer (B2C)] oe | erBerdSmareart soSemsBea09 [Consumer to Consumer (C2C)] | vanes Boa am Bg dein. (ii) S@o@Ge eemeGodar Omsrde04 eefDe090 [B2E (Business to Employee)] cag G-3 nq 2viRedy=>) . 28008 ces qysiet (fax), Begs! mene (e-mail) 2m 2D (web) sea C93. 29 ICT Bese scx.

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