English-MCQ-2 Dust of Snow

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1. “The way a crow Shook down on me

The dust of snow From a hemlock tree”

a. The composer of these line is -:

i) Leslie Norris ii) Robert Frost

iii) Adrinne Riche iv) Ogden Nash

b. Where was the poet?

i) sitting on a heap of snow ii) sitting under a tree

iii) sitting inside his cottage iv) sitting on a tree

c. What has the crow done?

i) it has thrown dust on the poet

ii) it has shaken the tree

iii) it has shaken off some snow on the poet

iv) it has dropped a fruit on the poet.

2. “Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of a day I had rued.”

a. The poet had been feeling

i) very happy ii) very depressed

iii) very excited iv) very cheerful

b. The crow has changed the poet’s mood by -

i) singing him a song

ii) giving him fruits

iii) shaking down the dust of snow

iv) flying away from there

c. The poet is trying to suggest that -

i) small things bring big changes in life.

ii) dust of snow is very useful

iii) a crow is a significant bird

iv) a hemlock tree has a lot of importance.

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