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es ing 8 S38 POE I yoy) bins tmonmengs |All Rights Reserved] AL2011/20/8-1 = Soe ge hy ae Goan Bane egmopeBAQO mon sooty Fon Dcpsnnicne of eXiinationn, Si Lurks’ BeparigGhebteeR eta Ane SO TaN oF ESiiiaarions. SP Lani qasan eng Gndm-og—(qud-e5E) Bes, IT eae saat Gu mgs UsSIews sos ubces, 2011 gesb; General ere heat: (Adv. Level) Examination, August 2011 emdQg om adGelca omeca r aan ceseed: BSE © gasbeo BERT SaaS. g5ue, Oem gums Apsaypeyeuaiued 1 Information & Communication Technology _I © cslad o9ed Gado dodoa! 969 Bena quae Bacto | ® Oem asl mDmsd GD seq omsi08, | 1a og BIRB went sQumets Two hours # cuind oped Aga 2 q8 edad ecBdecs! Badr BBeksin, % Gem | BD 50 omat det dat gatosd (1), (2),3), 4), (5) oe BERGDEst BO,5é ool ars a.EsoD. 20) BES saison, to CIOS oped SeEe caleDD Coege! SBE OBdadt (X) een¢ gaidsIn 1. Bedececiostxs 2480 (Analytical Engine) ota oB eye BDGet DSc} ¢? (1) Bected oyetnd (Blaise Pascal) QY dabeed 4x98 (Charles Babbage) @)_seat e201 498204 (John Von Neumann) (4) seied 8. gOomoax0%! (ohn V. Atanasoft) (5) sie} egtets Sex (John Presper Eckert) s3q8 BdBe eorknss8 g8DO84 wo onein eBoeino o2d¢s fy CAT eianat WS (2) GOT weet mo ob YDS 2D. (/220205 (Ultrasound) yo m2 <0. \Sundes 2¢08, © ney Gee (Binuy)'e.8209 Sales, OOK 3.” @) 111000 eto 2.) WO. —G Hi9W » 6 GSM ond osg9 enn Satis} (1) Global System for Mobile Access eeso «. (2) fobal System for Mobile Communication sqpo «. (3) Global System for Mobile Phone eseao «. (6) Global System for Mobile Transmission ego (6) Global System for Mobile Interconnection seo 7. e8neim eg eqn dycd ma Om culo we (Database) Dtow Oped” () eyeGooay (Flat file) @) 2608 (Hierarchical) @) Se (Network) a sie (Relational) (5) Oeb—e =o (Object oriented) 8 cBnein chess d90dem (Rouler) goa suties Oates (W) these Bg2 avlardesBai (Host) goin Og (Packets) Besos (Broadcast) 388 8 ore Germdad BEED seo Sars (Monitor) 4883. DB) Off orn, qe ScsHt Power) gSadegaecs 39 Wi Ae «md ostexdsBstd anlsDene sqm gO cake, (5) 8st 2 BBO ee end sxc seem (Load balancing) 26 2880 g5 =xe883. aan Network connectivity) orkS BBsteoL eager (@) traceroute) netstat 3 (Com ) hostnanre 2828 2Bo00. (Software development process) 82 12 2B. 15. 19. 20. AL/2011/20/S-1 (@) 29% (Open) wo e-in @ 802 wo Qgno9 (5) Bywos oo oa ayrptegoBusl OOo embed cSe ott (1) sodyee (Embeded) edO8e eee ©. () Sxoarcm aBent ecg? (Enterprise resource planning) SgOBiset ees o. ) Becteeg (Exper) eoSaxt oes | @ em® seBanades (Knowledge management) ogoSest ees | @ Saeee, sege (Transaction processing) goa ee 3. \ soo cab9n oOo quedet SGO5 ONBadetes Ontos! aes? | w io > 2g (Hybrid) (Qy eOmoBe (Natural) 9 Qn (Structured) | c | 28 gADam Se AYO OBost emfet Oxind ensdutest som guleO BOSS OGst ef (1) 088 ¢O8ad gBe (Index) oes Q) BBoySe® (Welcome) 89 se 6. () 08 eb8sd Btodast eee «. (i)) 208 eOBes Begon Bgd see «. () 288 sind dost gins ened 608 EQost es o. qudnity Sdagn wooo aeemrad Os |e Tovored F OYBAS SHiget aq02 OHS SEaq9 seo» SeOst BSS, eB aBaxDeacl Op BBs! qOOrme anne BH OB Oost emda ero? | () Bage sxdmAstect eoedot= O:tio2 | @ ac& estos og Beg® BAgstect ako o.bm0 O) Bag® exdeSrted enadnt> 9288 sd grBoni BBBmdOe (Specification) mo B¥s2¢> gnYWe Oendrsiom O2b0m9 QPRSES co gavcee isgoe sdasmbe exces Son | CIA 42,5 = () 523, @) FBC, @) FBB,, (4), OBC, @uowc, t DYCPexorgam oBoecmam (Server) gor mntiae HOt ¢? IP @8= ca 22 ©) IP GBn0Ess 8 mo (Domain name) cd? 2 @) B8Be=Br7d 4929 oxd9 (Directory services) 29 G@) S88eR8e gad qeintine wbasidmds} mged Qa DFO seo 6) 9B4e gmddWes (Virus attacks) S8oeiD chess erdzieo S29 192, 248 87.3 cen IP Goes ey 255. 255, 255.225 ediasiniel 3 aqme ayO9 star we oGe? ees (Subnet mask) Srose aes : 1) sbBaal ado Q)- @@3 goe (Twisted pain) 2x0 esse give ania (Fibre optics) s2i3e @ Sapst6 (Coaxial) s2f9e a () Boum (Open) Ob exloc OSI Bbseo qoarBes6 (Reference model) gsm Sew (Transport layer) Sst asoy 1) egde BOSE S202. @) xin 8g (Packet) 8%s0> (Routing) 3828. x8 exgers8. (Flow control) (4) Gn08-BO-5.098 (Process-to-process) eotiedyonaB. ©) ede gend6eca8. (Error detection) poe gdedo 925 SBoct (Python) g8edd Seids sods SB gy 6O,Se (syntactically correct) eB ¢? () total = 0 Q) total for i in range (1, 12): for i in range (1, 12): total = total +i total = total + i @)ytotal=0 (4) total = 0 for i im range (1, 12): for i in range (1, 12) total = total + i total = total +i (5) total = 0 2 | 22, 23, AL2011/2018. on 2 mB e188 comm ecasin. 9188 soon OSs} Boecs omsin msorin®s BFAqD oo> gabOm BOS geome wOgD ee? panesal (1) S8Beme9 “1 gos gad mE BO Os 20S Q) wBBema Sans qn BE BD ba DOSE Bente SET GS BIsBBema Iqos end mE 5D bu, “2d- 200 oa avin Sey gm 0858" on S&B0s of (4) D8Beme 6qoe qRe mE BD ov, “BA © gas 2828." om o8800 046. (5) e88eme MNO mE Goo 8B, BY cdma! gases gad 8800 bs gboce. ae 28o0 200 (Hard disk) “Ses0Secen" (Fragmentation) B9 Seo Bom yFOc Olde omv¥at Seiad) RGptset one ogust Rem Samm qadeo Sed erin goBe oDos af <8. ) doe geBa eos of ob. G) 2890 mBsd gobs BEBO mS oD. @) 6805 gain Gane meant G8 08 () mBncd om emomS gen (Bad sectors) 3200 OB 008. Soci gato eB5 (Computerized databases) BARD BHD gale E29 EOD Aes. A = BBnein on cain afte me@mumdetc egm nes S¢O82m0 (Manual system) 98> 0,204 Gnd aBest Gas od. Bos goo mag carmse (Retrieval), sede oe C - quin Suses (Duplications) sxe yn. D muastade of ean Obguet abaeeadt eae Ociset goo equet SOS gan ct Q) Am Bose, @Q) Api Desk, QB w Core @ Bo» Deve, () Cm Desa, | que 24, 25,26 geinded 88as SES aEE ODD agus! B{O8 Bzinds = A,B,C.D sdo%| (Relation) eemete. chia coscm OgndsS0deuR9, cot sve Agreed gE gos, Ges m8, BBns, HA) mygaBest evens (NIC) es cost Fos (DOB) S852 OYH® Sem quia ageust and 95 aH90 gdo0 ©. ocd Oss Baas agen Genco cA) Ot CIE ¢ EOYHOO Be wdsBOIu00 GOs eB. gos edaxm9C9 A895) QHEHO BOS HB Bsasst emmH20 ¢ Hods406a00 gOws o08. | 28821 (Relations) : ‘A ~ Student(admissionNo, studentName, address, DOB, NIC) B - Subject(subjectCode, subjectName) C ~ Mark(admissionNo, subjectCode, marksObtained) D - Teacher(teachesNo, subjectCode, teacherName, subjectName, class) goo quien S898 egedst 38m g8m gasasiesd (3 Normal Form) gystest DOSS gf () Am C98 2) AmDaeé, a @ ACe Devs. © BC owe equal cocsse wasiin gacdct SGs8st Gua (Student, Bs: imary kev) Be Coad.) Gubjee) =» 2g (Mark) [SRE QP Bas: 26, 20. 29, 31 vanes a pune ) craed B38 eno, Seaaied 28, 40 extn’ canon! coe; cast gBgne qéBast ndq cdeise! 2D) SES SOG gies eas Gh SELECT seam ite, musi four So Nak HELE Sess = Mtn (2) SELECT Student.admissionNo, ea subjectCode, Student.marksObtained i FROM Student, Mark WHERE Student.admissionNo = Mark. admissionNo | SELECT Sera sara bj, mason FROM Student, Mark (4) SELECT Student.admissionNo, studentName, subjectCode, marksObtained | frou Sle Mk SIMERE Susi = ais (5) SELECT Student.admissionNo, studentName, subjectCode, marksObtained 1 fou Sm Mak STSERE imi « Mu io 8 c@tost ome wo8m 26 Fry) =(¥F9) bom gaidn mdse! ¢? @ © @y ©o wt 6) x 2 m8 mite etnds Biome adg caste! ona qebsdm mod GBs gems OAL «? aw (aa) (rc) @ (A+8)+(B.0) : a Px o (@)-(a2) w (Basleq {a2} +(ac} a ope gah entees actin, B Sea (eapciyn © + mseteno (Security) 2x8 (Cost) E+ aD ene (Access time) goo edad agedcl BDO Onde eBoein Sao OHBRSES Bam eaDKa;OD BUD eslNE Le () BosDeods Boe @) B,Dey Esse. J) om aBart gemeans go me 80 (4) A,B,Cwo Dooe. A.B, Dm E098, eo gakbn Gop obo sear ‘A = wdeeoy Som (Read Only Memory) B - 8m ganz (Secondary storage) C + 88m eames (Cache memory) D - ays08 Game (Flash memory) E = ea8e05 geB mae (Random Access Memory) nex Gam (Volatile memories) Oaaaet AoHe wes! gum amas em ED cP () AmBeok, @) Am Cee 0) Cw De0e G Cote 6) Dm Eset | pom qekpn gave ecmo Acsia. A= exBentinasd Opies 98 BOsd and erbarcad BOuk ® eet? c2? 99 mS 5S B - aesdes emg maBseuet ems) sod ne my O i C. _ eBaclinsy Bane somusind oxo aBsxge oxqmumd Bdsm BO D « Siby ntangnas Dine spaseind evtenibe sgmand’ Boe BO | AL2011/20/8-1 32, @stknwn exdd2 (Online services) BEARD SoD cHeOD yore tem dex. | ‘A. = exBsmiSeund Srtines aids goa mjSa09 S3u ge 89. | + sxfeniinnd eo8® B69 oem geectsgitin arcigead B82 go 5 + B8e2 mieidast aga mE_D 6m 50% extemiBmanact emmsmo ogy se ge 2 | eeiOxgaman Srbinen sf de ge De | +E - erteniSman om exidgamsy am eqaqmo® en yemide gedaum 85a ae 58. | Sree geABSDF (Online ordering) eases Ovlent SOI er 1 A =) Boees. -@) AB m Ca0d, A.B oy Dsoe, @ ACD = Bee, @) B.Der Exe 33. ope casdm gmve sem Aezin. A + Soacaet Gads® moc 08:0 (Latency) emBEs mB a8 condons 882, B - Qo deses Ogos (Hierarchical memory structure) woBn 899. C - ang dock &-dson5s8 (Processor clock speed) 98 gUOeast ¢B2O emmS D9. ®rst Fgesot (Vonn Neumann) Boreas ga80 of ancien ObOos Dest cded > | seen 3052 BBst ¢? res @) Bose @) Coe, Ae Beee @ Aw Cook. M. ome gakOn oBasicn oag® agosto. | A - GOrddetd eget god BOm ddome o¢n® 05 oB8s 20 sonid3. B - doves ¢8¢Ssdeae (Customization of automobiles) C = qatatig mdm gOnsess (Advertising) D - 28s 5826 @&4,0=dee (Customization of domestic environments) ent 9058 comes (Ubiquitous computing) @B2% BOs gSex ea quiet goo qeteos BUI (1) Am Bode, @ Bm Coe | G) AB m Coe, @ ABs Devs. (5) B.Com Dove, 35, one eqnet q3n® cenato: ‘A ~ 88 mor (Object oriented) B - Gg cwg® e-DbOe (Rapid Application Development) C = abBe=05 (Spiral) D - ggnon (Structured) moo 8. miatdvers BSED ome gale gase Eom. any A A - qointinos op debe emis seus. \ B - quintisoee 9 aBasIO Om Efacustd m2 EBOmOed guinteed oYed siwdes aig eda! Bane enrdgcy ©8000 geBa Bo mae. | C = WIC ag gaintiveed mdmadada8 | | D - gain aoam metecd File Transfer Protocol (FIP) @B=t 2®8%, . . EB - Bm,9 qd quiatichgas® enon, QB4Gs0 ont 4890 ond m9 eco HG BESO cord mB 06 go> 8D) eqedet 286 grow HY oBe? () A,B Doe, @ a.B w Exve, G) A.D s9 Ene, @ B.Cm Dae&. (5) B,Cm Baad. 37, Om gats0m eGast (Python) gat> ¢8n® ecm aeele. A 152° | 20, ‘abe, 5.23 © ~ (Crame®: "Nimat, ‘age’: 18) Se ALB.Caste e2n800 Python cea 3&2 (Datatypes) $8208! | 3 — AL/2011/20/S-1 Cg. HTMLecanan smn 2 98 ons Sedds0 (Code segment) spoon BOR Beg aniéete. aul i cli>Mango i
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