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1.0 GRAMEEN PHONE:.................................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 COMPANY OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES....................................................................................................................................3
1.3 TARGET CUSTOMER............................................................................................................................................4
1.4 STRATEGIC FOCUS..............................................................................................................................................4
1.5 BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGIES.................................................................................................................................5
1.6 CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGIES.............................................................................................................................6
1.7 COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES...................................................................................................................................6
2.0 ROBI....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 COMPANY OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................................6
2.2 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES....................................................................................................................................6
2.3 TARGET CUSTOMER............................................................................................................................................6
2.4 STRATEGIC FOCUS..............................................................................................................................................6
2.5 BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGY/STRATEGIES..................................................................................................................6
2.6 CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY/STRATEGIES...............................................................................................................7
2.7 COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES...................................................................................................................................7

Task 1: Identify the following information from the secondary sources:

1. Short company overview
2. Products and services
3. Target customer
4. Strategic Focus
5. Business level strategy/strategies
6. Corporate level strategy/strategies
7. Cooperative strategies

(A) Bangladeshi Telecom Companies

Grameen Phone, Robi, Banglalink

(B) Indian Telecom Companies

Jio, Idea, Airtel

Task 2: Do you see any major strategic differences between Bangladeshi and Indian Telecom




Telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. People are nowadays
considering having frequent communication among them. So, in course of time and with the
growth rate of population and also appeal for high standard living, telecom industry is
growing in a high pace. Grameenphone Ltd. is the largest mobile telecommunications
operator in Bangladesh because of its revenue, coverage, and subscriber base. The company
was incorporated on 10 October 1996 as a private limited company. Grameenphone has so far
invested more than BDT 347.4 billion to build the network infrastructure. Grameenphone is
one of the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed more than BDT 669.5 billion
in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Grameenphone
turned to a public limited company on 25 June 2007. The company became stock listed on

the Dhaka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock Exchange and started its trading from 16
November 2009. Additionally, the IPO of Grameenphone, the largest Telecoms player, and
indeed the largest corporate by value in the country, in November 2009, has also seen the
Telecoms sector take on much greater significance in Bangladesh’s capital markets
development. The shareholding structure comprises mainly two sponsor Shareholders namely
Telenor Mobile Communications AS (55.80%) and Grameen Telecom (34.20%). The rest
10.00% shareholding includes General public & other Institutions. The total number of
mobile phone subscription has arrived 74 million at the end of April, 2019.


Grameenphone offers a wide range of products and services for its consumers.
 Voice-based Products:
o Various prepaid
o Postpaid plans.

 Internet-based products:
o Various internet packs o Video packs
o Social packs o Smart plans

 Roaming Services:
o Outbound roaming
o Inbound roaming
o International SMS

 Value Added Services:

o Instant messaging o News alert
o Miss call alert & call block o Sports alert
o Job alert o Health tips
o Access to social networks o Downloadable content
o SMS, voice SMS & MMS o Infotainment
o Welcome tune o Music radio

 GP Star Program:
o A loyalty program for its subscribers that aims to provide benefits while
sopping from partner outlets

 Devices:
o Android OS smartphone o 3G modem, 3G router
o Apple iPhone o Wearables and accessories
o Tablets of renowned brands o GP Krishi Sheba

 Digital Services:
o GP music o Wowbox
o Bioscope o Facebook Free basic
o Comoyo o Wikipedia Zero

 Enterprise Solutions:
o Corporate bulk SMS o Buddy tracker
o Voice message broadcast o Train tracking
o Vehicle tracking system o Local toll-free service
o Team tracker o Go Broadband


 Focusing on high value customer:

Grameenphone strive to provide superior network coverage, connectivity, quality and
reliability, as well as to continue their product and service innovations through continued
investment in their network and products. They are focusing on high value customer segment
which they expect will grow as Bangladesh population becomes more affluent with their
value-added services, in particular Internet access and BlackBerry. They intend to increase
their focus on high value business segment customers, given the high usage of voice and non-
voice services by these customers


Grameenphone Limited's strategy was to effectively become the second national operator in

 Continuously grow subscriber base:

Grameenphone’s strategy is to grow their subscriber base, while seeking to limit declines in
APPM, by increasing the availability of their products and services throughout the

 Achieve capital and operational efficiencies:

Grameenphone’s strategy is to continue to exercise strong discipline over their operating
costs and capital expenditure to achieve improved efficiency and productivity in their
operations and leverage their existing capacity. They have also plan to reduce their operation
and maintenance expense by, among other things, using solar power, controlling service
agreement pricing and lobbying to reduce the SIM tax.

 Brand Awareness and brand values:

Grameenphone intend to support their brand by undertaking brand refreshment exercises
from time to time. They have planned to increase brand awareness through various point of
sales promotions.

 Increased revenue from non-voice services:

Grameenphone is offering a wide-range of non-voice services, including SMS, MMS, games,
information services, content download, ring back tones, Internet access and Blackberry
services. They plan to continue increasing their revenue from non-voice services, developing
additional services and further expanding their presence as one of the largest providers of
internet access in Bangladesh


Grameenphone mainly applies cost leadership strategy. In addition, they also apply
differentiation strategy as their business level strategy

 Build organizational commitment to quality.
 Focus on the consumers (their needs).
 Find ways to measure quality.
 Set quality goals and create incentives (performance bonus).
 Identify defects and trace them at source.


 Grameen Phone follows related diversification as their corporate level strategy. It enables
them to keep the cost low and earn better expertise
 Grameen Phone follows product concept and offers an elegant and customized
package named ‘Business Solution’ for the high-end corporate users.
 Grameenphone offers packages such as ‘Ekota’ for small and medium enterprises
which is available in both prepaid and postpaid forms and has community tariff
 GP Public Phone (GPPP) is the package for PCO enterprises.


2.0 ROBI


Robi Axiata Limited is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad of Malaysia, and Bharti Airtel,
of India. Axiata holds 68.69% controlling stake in the entity, and Bharti holds the remaining 31.31%
share in the company. Robi is the second largest mobile network operator in Bangladesh with
46.88Mn subscribers as of end of December 2018. The company commenced operation in 1997 as

Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) with the brand name ‘Aktel’. In 2010, it was rebranded
as ‘Robi’ and the company changed its name to Robi Axiata Limited.

Following the merger with Airtel Bangladesh, the merged company, Robi started its commercial
operation on 16 November 2016. As of now, this is the biggest ever merger of the country and first
ever merger in the mobile telecom sector of Bangladesh.

Robi was the first operator to introduce GPRS and 3.5G services in the country. It is the first company
to launch 4.5G service in all the 64 districts of the country. In fact, this landmark milestone was
achieved on the first day of the commercial launch of the service by Robi on 20 February 2018. By
the end of 2018, Robi created the largest 4.5G network of the country with nearly 7,400 sites covering
99 per cent of the thanas of the country. Robi also proudly claims to have the widest international
roaming coverage with 398 operators across 182 countries with widest 4G roaming footprint in 29
countries with 40 operators.


Robi offers a wide range of products that include prepaid and postpaid packages that give
customers the flexibility to choose one that suite their preferences.
 Voice-based Products:
o Various prepaid Plans
o Postpaid plans.

 Internet-based products:
o Various 4.5G internet packs o Video packs
o Social packs o Smart plans

 Roaming Services:
o Outbound roaming
o Inbound roaming
o International SMS

 Value Added Services:

o Instant messaging o News alert
o Miss call alert & call block o Sports alert

o Education and career o Health tips
o Access to social networks o Robi Radio
o Life Style and Finance o Push mail
o Welcome tune o Music radio

 Devices:
o Android OS smartphone o 3G modem, 3G router
o Apple iPhone o Wearables and accessories

 Enterprise Solutions:
o Corporate bulk SMS o Local toll-free service
o Voice message broadcast o Vehicle tracking system






 Data Connectivity: Transfer files between any remote locations; at the extraordinary
Group Talk Plan (GTP) rates Machine

 Connectivity: You can connect all of your point of sales machines with your head
office server through ROBI''s packet switch data connectivity or circuit switch data
connectivity; at the extraordinary Group Talk Plan (GTP) rates

 FCT Solution: A dedicated SIM receives multiple calls which can then be filtered to
unlimited PABX connections: astronomical savings due to a lower than TNT per
minute cost; Taka 1.25 per min. Ideal for PABX applications Fixed Cellular Terminal,
is a cost-saving solution for enterprises. Connected to a PABX, FCT can route
outgoing calls to mobile phones through the GSM network. As a result, your
enterprise can benefit from the extremely low 'mobile to mobile' rates offered by
ROBI Corporate and save dramatically on 'office calls to mobiles'.

 SMS Based Solution: ROBI Corporate provides customized solutions to facilitate the
sales reports from the diverse Points-of-sales; message broadcasts to customized
groups; inventory updates.

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