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APµ •u» GÊz öuÀ»õ®

Bv£PÁß •uØ@Ó E»S (v¸USÓÒ : 351)
C¸Ò}[Q Cߣ® £¯US® ©¸Ò}[Q
©õŒÖ Põm] ¯ÁºUS (v¸USÓÒ : 352)
We have seen the meaning of
©¸Ò }UP® & C¸Ò }UP® & ©õŒÖ Põm] & Cߣ® £¯zuÀ
Removal of delusion - removal of ignorance - Removal of sorrow
- Clarity in vision - in an elaborate manner.
Thus, delusion should be removed; ignorance, the cause of
delusion also should be removed.
Then alone, one will gain larity in vision - In Sanskrit, this is known
as samyak darsanam, that is, knowing a particular concept in a proper
manner, in the right sense.
There is a certain Ananda, in gaining, clarity of knowledge. The
more clarity in knowledge, more is the happiness.
Mahakavi Subramania Bharatiyar has written a lot, about this clarity
in knowledge, by expressions like & AÔÂ@» öuÎÄ, ©vußøÚ ªPz
öuÎÄöŒ#x, öuÎÄÓ@Á AÔ¢vkuÀ etc.,
If we have a clear vision about life, it will lead to inner happiness.
Any amount of wealth cannot bring that happiness.
The joy obtained by experiencing sense pleasures through external
objects, is very inferior, when compared to the happiness drawn from
The happiness, that one gains by clear understanding of the reality
of life, has no bounds. It isi limitless.
The joy obtained through sense pleasures is known as ]Ö Cߣ®
of lower nature. The happiness, that comes from knowledge is, @£›ß£®
that of higher nature.
The happiness born out of knowledge, is not mixed with sorrows.
This happiness is alone defined as moksha in the scriptures.
Thus, removal of delusion leads to removal of ignorance. Removal
of ignorance leads to clarity of vision. Clarity of vision leads to happiness.
This Kural can also be interpreted as follows -
Removal of delusion, leads to clarity of vision. Clarity of vision
leads to removal of sorrow.
We have taken two meanings for the word C¸Ò, in this Kural.
One is ignorance and the other one is sorrow.
Not only removal of sorrow, it leads to everlasting happiness. We
can always be happy.
There is a beautiful song in Jivakachintamani, which tells as follows
ö©#ÁøP öu›uÀ bõÚ®, ÂÍ[Q¯ ö£õ¸ÒPÒ u®ø©¨
ö£õ#ÁøP CßÔz @uÓÀ Põm], I®ö£õÔ²® Áõmi
E#ÁøP E°øµz @u¯õx JÊSuÀ JÊUP®, ‰ßÖ®
CÆÁøP {øÓ¢u @£õÌ@u C¸ÂøÚ PȲ® GßÓõß.
Knowledge is, understanding the reality. Negating the unreal and
understanding the reality of objects is known as vision.
Through knowledge, our vision about life, our attitude changes.
Attitude is dependent on knowledge.
This proper attitude is mentioned as Põm].
Discipline is keeping the sense organs under control and protect-
ing the soul in this body.
If we follow these three - that is, Discipline, absence of delusion
and proper knowledge, one can get liberated from punya paapa karmas
and here and now, one can understand happiness to be one’s own
The word Põm]¯Áº in the Kural, refers to men of wisdom, Jnanis,
who have clarity in knowledge.
In another context, Tiruvalluvar says that,
Psqøh¯Áº GߣÁº PØ@Óõº •Pzvµsk
¦sqøh@¯õº PÀ»õ uÁº
Only the learned ones are said to have real eyes. Education is the
real, inner eye. In the absence of proper knowledge, the physical eyes
will misinterpret everything.
We have to see everything, only with the eyes of knowledge.
Tirumular said,
•PzvÀ PsöPõsk £õºUQßÓ ‰hºPõÒ
APzvÀ PsöPõnk £õº¨£@u BÚ¢u®
We have to understand the importance of knowledge, which is the
inner eye, that leads to clarity in vision and everlasting happiness.
With this, I conclude the meaning of this Kural.
C¸Ò}[Q Cߣ® £¯US® ©¸Ò}[Q
©õŒÖ Põm] ¯ÁºUS (v¸USÓÒ : 352)
My prayerful blessings to all.
Let Valluvam live forever.
Let humanity prosper with love.

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