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VALUE ADDED TAX It does not matter where the sale was made.

question is: where it is consumed?
In business tax, everything begins in consumption.
We consume goods and service. Exportation is from inside to outside. Consumption
It can be actual or constructive consumption. is made outside the Philippines. That is why
exportation is not subject to VAT. It is either zero-
Actual Consumption – example, bili kang pagkain, rated or exempt. In either case, you will not pay
kinain mo. Nagbukas ng ilaw, gumagamit ka ng VAT. We do not have any authority to tax abroad.
kuryente. Sumakay ka sa uber at grab. It is zero-rated if the seller is VAT-registered person.
Section 106 (A) (2) (a)
Anything in the Philippines may be taxed. (2) The following sales by VAT-registered persons
shall be subject to zero percent (0%) rate:
Consumption tax. It is tax on consumption. It is tax (a) Export Sale
on the purchase, not on the sale. It is tax on the
buyer. He is able to consume because he bought it. If not VAT-registered person, exempt.
Section 109 (1) (o)
Person being taxed is the buyer. You do not tax the (1) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (2) hereof,
seller. the following transactions shall be exempt from the
value-added tax.
How come the seller pays the VAT? (O) Export sales by persons who are not VAT-
VAT is indirect tax. Being an indirect tax, the impact registered;
of taxation and burden of taxation fall on two
Destination Principle or Cross-Border Doctrine in
different persons.
relation to Territoriality Principle
Impact means the person to whom the law
originally imposes the tax liability.
What are the business taxes?
Incidence refers to the person who will ultimately
1. VAT (Title IV)
pay the liability.
2. Other percentage taxes (Title V)
In indirect tax, seller originally pays but the person
3. Excise Tax
liable is the buyer. Seller is the statutory tax payer.
Buyer is the legal or real taxpayer.
Excise tax is tax on non-essential items, luxury
The burden is shifted to the seller.
goods and harmful items. Example: cigarette, liquor
Two types of Consumption
VAT and OPT cannot be imposed simultaneously.
1. Domestic – the use of the goods and
Section 109 (1) (e)
availment of services happened here.
(1) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (2) hereof,
2. Foreign – the use of the goods and
the following transactions shall be exempt from the
availment of services happened outside the
value-added tax.
Philippines. (E) Services subject to percentage tax under Title V;

Applying the principle of territoriality, we can only Shares of stock in domestic stock corporation sold in
tax consumption within the Philippines. Our a local stock exchange is subject to OPT (1/2 of 1%)
authority is only within our jurisdiction. We do not (Section 127). It is not subject to VAT.
tax foreign consumption. In relation to Section 24 (C)

Domestic sale is subject to VAT. Seller and buyer is VAT and Excise tax can be imposed simultaneously.
Type of Sales
Importation is subject to VAT. Direction of 1. Domestic
importation is from outside to inside. Consumption 2. Foreign or export sale
is made in the Philippines. Thus, it is subject to VAT.
a. Actual export sale – the goods
physically was transferred from What do you mean by in the course of trade or
Philippines to another country business?
b. Constructive export sale – goods in The phrase "in the course of trade or business"
the Philippines are delivered in an means the regular conduct or pursuit of a
entity in the Philippines, as if the commercial or an economic activity, including
goods went out of the country. transactions incidental thereto, by any person
regardless of whether or not the person engaged
Example: render a sale located in a
therein is a non-stock, nonprofit private
customs territory or economic zone.
organization (irrespective of the disposition of its net
They are treated by fiction of law as income and whether or not it sells exclusively to
foreign territory. members or their guests), or government entity.
3. Transactions Deemed Sale
What type of government is subject to VAT?
Section 106 (A) (2) (a) (1) Government entity performing proprietary function.
The only actual foreign export sale If it is performing governmental function, it is
(1) The sale and actual shipment of goods from the exempt to VAT.
Philippines to a foreign country, irrespective of any
shipping arrangement that may be agreed upon GR: Repetitive or habituality
which may influence or determine the transfer of XPN:
ownership of the goods so exported and paid for in 1. Importation
acceptable foreign currency or its equivalent in 2. “including transactions incidental thereto”
goods or services, and accounted for in accordance 3. The rule of regularity, to the contrary
with the rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral notwithstanding, services as defined in this
ng Pilipinas (BSP); Code rendered in the Philippines by
nonresident foreign persons (natural or
Constructive export sale juridical) shall be considered as being
Section 106 (A) (2) (a) (2) to (6) rendered in the course of trade or business.
4. Section 106 B Transaction Deemed Sale
Sale of silver to BSP is subject to VAT.
A is the owner of the bakery. Through the years, he was
SEC. 109. Exempt Transactions. (1) (U) able to keep sacks of flour. B wanted to buy the sacks of
flour. Is it subject to VAT although he is only selling
(U) Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by
persons engaged in international shipping or air
Yes. It is incidental to trade of business
transport operations;
Vs. Section 106 (A) (2) (a) (6)
CASE: Mindanao II Geothermal Parnership vs CIR
Sale to airline companies – zero-rated.
There is a sale of Nissan patrol car. CIR: it is subject
In either case, they will not pay anything.
to VAT. Taxpayer: it is isolated transaction.
Even if that is an isolated transaction, a sale of your
Who are the persons liable to pay VAT?
service car is a sale incidental to your ordinary
SEC. 105
course of trade or business and subject to VAT. The
sale is voluntary.
As business tax, it must be in the ordinary course of
trade or business to be subject to VAT. CASE: CIR vs Magsaysay Shipping Lines
Any person sells barters, exchanges, leases goods or Shipping lines is forwarding company. Sale of ship
properties, renders services. is the issue here. BIR: subject to VAT. It is incidental
If not in the ordinary course of business, you are not to the business. Respondent: our business is
subject to VAT. forwarding and not selling of ships.
Even if it is transaction incidental thereto, it is NOT
When there is importation, it need not be in the subject to VAT.
ordinary course of business. Even if it is for personal
use, it is subject to VAT as a general rule.
There are a lot of exempt exportation in Section 109.
Magsaysay is under the private essential program of Philippines is a signatory
the government. The sale is involuntary and not effectively subjects such
subject to VAT. sales to zero rate.
You have to look on the
Expropriation of property is an involuntary sale. international agreement.
Example: PEZA
(Economic Zone Act)
Transactions Deemed Sale No need for BIR There is a need for BIR
Section 106 (B) Transactions Deemed Sale. - The application or approval application and approval
following transactions shall be deemed sale: The word “zero-rated” It must be indicated in
(1) Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of need not be printed in invoice and receipt.
business of goods or properties originally intended your invoice or receipt
for sale or for use in the course of business;
Example: A has a supermarket. There are imported VAT-Exempt Zero-Rated Transaction
corned beef. He had visitors. A got corned beef from Transaction
his supermarket. It is transaction deemed sale and VAT Liability: None VAT : Liability: None
subject to VAT. Base x Zero is always
(2) Distribution or transfer to: zero
(a) Shareholders or investors as share in the profits It will only give you It will give you total
of the VAT-registered persons (property dividend) partial relief. relief.
or When you buy goods, When you purchase, you
(b) Creditors in payment of debt; you have no output. In pay for input. No output
Example: San Miguel beer declared dividends and your purchases, you pay paid. Input tax can be
distributed beers. It is considered as transaction for input refunded. Section 112
deemed sale
If a property in kind was used as payment (dacion Characteristics of VAT
en pago), it is subject to VAT. 1. Indirect Tax
(3) Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made 2. Proportional Tax – fixed rate
within sixty (60) days following the date such goods 3. Does not apply tax pyramiding or cascading
were consigned; (look for the date of actual sale) or tax on tax
(4) Retirement from or cessation of business, with 4. Fiscal Tax
respect to inventories of taxable goods existing as of
such retirement or cessation. Invoice – sale of goods; Tax Base: gross selling price
Receipt – sale of services; TB: gross receipt
VAT is indirect tax
The value-added tax is an indirect tax and the Section 106. "Gross selling price" means the total
amount of tax may be shifted or passed on to the amount of money or its equivalent which the
buyer, transferee or lessee of the goods, properties purchaser pays or is obligated to pay to the seller in
or services. This rule shall likewise apply to existing consideration of the sale, barter or exchange of the
contracts of sale or lease of goods, properties or goods or properties, excluding the value-added tax.
services at the time of the effectivity of Republic Act The excise tax, if any, on such goods or properties
No. 7716. (Section 105) shall form part of the gross selling price.
GSP x 12% VAT = Output Tax
Differentiate Automatic Zero-rating vs Effective To determine GSP, VAT must be excluded.
Automatic Zero-Rating Effective Zero-Rating Section 108. "Gross receipts" means the total amount
What appears in Section what appears in Section of money or its equivalent representing the contract
106 A2a 1-6. Because 106 (A)(2)(c) price, compensation, service fee, rental or royalty,
they are specifically Sales to persons or including the amount charged for materials
identified as zero-rated entities whose supplied with the services and deposits and
in the Tax Code exemption under special advanced payments actually or constructively
laws or international received during the taxable quarter for the services
agreements to which the
performed or to be performed for another person, VAT-exempt entity on importation later on sold the
excluding value-added tax. import. Is there VAT consequence?
Yes. Purchaser may be considered as importer who
Selling price without VAT is 100% will now be liable to pay VAT.
12% of this amount with VAT
Prices are 112% As VAT-registered person, you are given the option
Selling price x 12 % = Output to consider exempt transaction be subject to VAT. It
is irrevocable for 3 years.
Selling price/9.33333= Output
As exempt, there is no VAT liability. If you opt to be
Section 112. Refund of input tax on zero-rated sale - subjected to VAT, you are liable to 12% VAT.
Refund of input tax arising from zero-rated sale only So why opt to pay VAT?
vs. For the claim of input tax.
Section 229. Refund of tax erroneously or illegally
collected *If you have significant input tax, just register to use
the input tax.
Section 228. Protesting of Assessment
Section 109
Gross sale/gross receipt did not exceed 100,000, no A. It only covers marine and agricultural products. It
VAT and no OPT. You are not doing it as business, must be unprocessed to be exempt. Simple process
but a mere subsistence. are still considered in their original state.
L. If sale by cooperative, it is still exempt even
If Gross sale/gross receipt is more than 100,000 but processed or in the original state
below, 1,919,500 – registration to VAT is optional
Liable to 12% output and can claim input if opted to B. Specialty feeds are subject to VAT
If did not register, you are liable to pay OPT of 3% G. Medical and dental services should not be
rendered under the employer-employee
If Gross sale/gross receipt is 1,919,500 and up, relationship. This pertains to self-employed
registration is mandatory. professionals.
CASE: St. Luke’s Medical Center vs CIR
Expected sale is P1M. Registration to VAT is Sale of medicine in the hospital pharmacy. The
optional. You opt to register. Your actual gross sale pharmacy must be owned and operated by the
reached P2M. You are VAT-registered. 12% VAT hospital to be VAT-exempt if sale is made to in-
and can claim input. patients. If made to out-patient, it is subject to VAT.
If not owned by the hospital, the sale is subject to
Expected sale is P1M and you did not register. Your VAT
liability is 3% OPT. During the year, your sale I. It is under employer-employee relationship
reached P2M. The liability now is 12%. Since not
VAT-registered, you cannot claim input tax. H. Government education institution is exempt from
VAT. Private educational institutions accredited by
If lot is sold, P1,919,500 is the threshold DepEd, TESDA and CHED.
If house and lot, P3,199,200 is the threshold
If lease of residential unit, P12,800 is the threshold. Sec 109.
VAT on importation
Lease of residential unit for it to be subject to VAT,
GR: It is subject to VAT whether or not in trade or you have to meet a threshold of P12,800.
business However, if the unit is a commercial one, it is
XPN: exempt entity on their importation automatically subject to VAT. No more threshold
Asian Development Bank that has to be met because if being lease
commercially, it is in the ordinary course of business *Both thresholds must be met to be subject to
which is a requirement to be subject to VAT. VAT.

How do you define a unit? If you are selling a lot, the threshold is P1,919,500.
It can be a dormitory, apartment, house, or If your are selling a house and lot, the threshold is
condominium. Look for the agreement with the P3,199,200.
There are 3 adjacent lots owned by A, B and C. Then, E
For example, the lease contract pertains to a house, it does comes wanting to buy a lot for his house. E told A that he
not matter how many will be the occupants. If the rent is wants to buy the lot for P1M. It was sold in January 1. E
for the house, the house is considered as 1 unit only told B that he will buy his lot in March 1 for P1M. E told
regardless of the number of occupants. If P30,000 is the C that he will buy the lot in August 1 for P1M. Are the
rent for the house and there are 3 occupants, the rent of sales of the three lots subject to VAT?
each occupant is P10,000. Will that be subject to VAT? No.
According to the lessor, the rent of each occupant is only What if each lot is sold for P1.5M, is it subject to VAT?
P10,000. Is that correct? No.
No. The treatment of the house is one unit which the What if A sold to lot for P2M, B for P1M and C for
rent is above the threshold. P1.9M is it subject to VAT?
If engaged in the sale of land, only the sale of A is
If you are renting a house with 3 others, your rent is subject to VAT. It exceeded the P1,919,500. If it is a
P5,000 a month. Since 4 of you are staying there, the rent capital asset, it is not subject to VAT.
is P20,000. Will that be subject to VAT?
No. The unit in the contract is only P5,000. First and second lot owned by A. third lot owned by B. E
told A that he will buy the lot for P1M in January 1 and
If you are a bed spacer, 10 kayo sa room. The rent is the other lot for P1M in March 1. E told B that he will
P2,000 per person. So per room, the rent is P20,000. Will buy the land for P1M. The lots are for the house. Is it
that be subject to VAT? subject to VAT?
No. Even though the whole unit will amount to Only the sale by A since it is for residential house
P20,000 but the unit in the contract is P2,000. It is not and lot. As a general rule, you have to meet the
subject to VAT. P1,919,500. However, if you are buying lot to
convert it to one residential house, there are certain
Monthly rental is on per unit per occupant basis. requirements.
1. The buyer and the seller must be one and
For example, there are 10 units in apartment A with 30 2. Look at the date of sale. More than two sales
sqm. Unit B has 20 units and 28 sqm area. Unit C has 10 must happen within the period of one year
units and 35 sqm area. Monthly rental for every unit A is (not necessarily a calendar year, it must be
P10,000, for B is P15,000 and for C is P20,000. Will the within 12 month period.) If it exceeded one
lessor be subject to VAT? year, the intent to convert it to one
FIRST: Look for the monthly rental threshold. Only residential lot is only after thought.
B and C met the first threshold. 3. Meet the threshold requirement
SECOND: Look for the annual rental whether it 4. The lots must be adjacent
would meet the threshold of P1,919,500.
B = P300,000 a month x 12 = P3.6M In a condominium, is the parking subject to VAT?
C = P200,000 a month x 12 = P2.4 M It is treated as a separate unit and always subject to
Thus, B and C is subject to VAT. VAT.

If B has only 1 unit which is P15,000 a month, is it R. Sale of newspaper

subject to VAT? 1. As to the regularity of publication, it must be on a
Even though above P12,800, the annual rental is not regular interval (monthly, quarterly, daily)
met. Thus, it is not subject to VAT. 2. There has to be a fixed price
3. As to the subscribers, there must be regular
4. The newspaper or magazine must not be
principally devoted to advertisement How can you be liable for VAT for the first time?
1. The first year of operation of the business
Under Sec 109 1W, you are not liable to VAT and opted to be a VAT-registered person
because you did not meet the threshold. However, 2. Formerly you are non-VAT registered and
you are liable to OPT under Sec 116. registered to VAT

The enumeration in Section 109 A to V are exempt CASE: Fort Bonifacio Development Corp vs CIR
transaction regardless of the level of sale even above There is a sale of land to the government, no input
threshold except for lease of residential unit. tax. When it was sold again, there is no input tax.
Under W, other than those mentioned in A to V There is a buyer, who wants to claim transitional
which exceed the threshold of P1,919,500 is subject input tax on land and improvements.
to OPT. It is considered as goods and inventory under Sec
106A. Real property is considered as goods. Thus,
How to determine VAT liability? the buyer was able to claim input tax.
Compute output tax and input tax. The difference is
the VAT liability. Presumptive input tax of 4%
If the output is higher than the input, there is VAT. There is actually no input tax but the law presumes
If the output is lower than the input, there is no VAT that there is. It may only be claimed by persons or
liability. The excess of tax may be carried over to the firms engaged in the
next quarter. 1. processing of sardines, mackerel and milk,
When do you pay tax? 2. in manufacturing refined sugar and cooking
Pay on the date when you file the return. (Pay as oil
you file system) 3. packed noodle-based instant meals
Is there an exception? It is considered as primary agricultural products
Section 114. VAT. which are exempt from VAT under Sec 109. There is
VAT return shall be filed quarterly following the no output VAT in exempt properties. If no output,
close of each taxable quarter. Payment shall be made no input that can be claimed. These products are
monthly already processed since there is no input.

If you are engaged in the manufacture of lanterns, Sec 112. Refund of input tax on zero-rated sales
the bulk of purchases of sale of materials would be Sec 228. Protest of assessment
from May to August. September to October is Sec 229. Refund of tax erroneously or illegally
usually the period of sale. collected

The sources of input taxes GR: Refund of input tax on zero-rated sales is not
1. Domestic purchases –company located in tax erroneously collected. San Roque Power vs CIR
the Philippines subject to 12% VAT Sec 229 will only apply if the input tax is
2. Importation erroneously collected.
3. Transitional input tax of 2%
4. Presumptive input tax When you should file the claim?
In Sec 112, it must be filed within 2 years from close
Rate of 12%, 2% and 4% of the quarter when the sales occurred. Look if
calendar of fiscal year.
Transitional input tax - input tax allowed by law to In Sec 229, it must also be filed within 2 years from
a taxpayer who will be liable to VAT for the first the date of payment of the tax erroneously or
time (non-VAT to VAT transition) illegally collected.
This can only be claimed once. It is not a yearly
input tax. If you filed a claim on April 1, 2014 to CIR because
2% of the beginning balance of the goods, inventory, in January 1 you had zero-rated sale, it will expire
materials and supplies OR actual input tax paid, on March 31, 2016.
whichever is higher
If you filed your claim on Feb 1, 2016 to CIR, it is an is filed, BIR
administrative claim. BIR has 120 days to decide the must decide
claim (until May 31, 2016). If the BIR has a decision on within 180
May 31, 2016 denying the refund. If you received the days. If
decision on June 2, what is your remedy? reinvestigation,
You can appeal to CTA within 30 days from the taxpayer has
receipt of the denial. It is already a judicial claim. within 60 days
to submit
Two instances when you can go directly to CTA en supporting
banc: evidence + 180
1. Decision of RTC involving local taxes days to decide
2. Decision of Central Board of Assessment Claim for Claim must be
Appeals (CBAA) regarding real property refund may made within 2
taxes exceed the 2 years only
All other appeals, go to CTA Division. year period
(maximum of 2
If you filed on March 1, 2016, you still have a period years + 120
of 120 days to wait for the resolution of the BIR. If days + 30 days)
may decision na, go to CTA division.
If after 120 days, BIR has no decision, the inaction of CASE: RCBC vs CIR
BIR is denial. You can now appeal to CTA Division Look for the nature of advice issued by BIR whether
within 30 days it is general or specific. If it is general and
interpretative, it is applicable to all taxpayer
GR: San roque Power vs CIR similarly situated.
Period of 120 days plus 30 days is mandatory. If the
period of 120 days has not expired yet, CTA cannot GR: Input tax can always be claimed as a refund
decide the case for lack of jurisdiction. XPN: Transitional input tax – wala ka naming
binayad e
XPN: BIR allowed filing of appeal despite the non-
expiration of 120 days. Effective only for the period Section 115
of Oct 6, 2010 to December 10, 2016. Taxpayer need The Commissioner or his authorized representative
not wait for the expiration of 120 days to appeal if is hereby empowered to suspend the business
there is a decision already. operations and temporarily close the business
establishment of any person for any of the following
Remedy violations:
CIR -> CTA Division -> CTA en banc -> SC via Rule (a)  In the case of a VAT-registered Person. -
45 (1) Failure to issue receipts or invoices;
(2) Failure to file a value-added tax return as
Section 229. required under Section 114; or
For example, A paid tax erroneously on June 1, 2014. (3) Understatement of taxable sales or receipts by
The 2 year period will expire on May 31, 2016. A thirty percent (30%) or more of his correct taxable
applied for refund on January 2, 2016. Decision was sales or receipts for the taxable quarter.
issued on March 3, 2016 denying the refund. A can (b)  Failure of any Person to Register as Required under
go to CTA within 30 days from receipt of decision. A Section 236.
filed appeal to CTA on May 3, 2016. A received the The temporary closure of the establishment shall be
decision denying appeal on May 5, 2016. He only for the duration of not less than five (5) days and
has until May 31 to avail the refund. shall be lifted only upon compliance with whatever
EVERYTHING SHOULD HAPPEN WITHIN 2 requirements prescribed by the Commissioner in the
YEARS. closure order.

Sec 112 Sec 229 Sec 228 CASE: Commonwealth Management Service Corp.
BIR has 120 No period was If vs CIR
days to decide specified reconsideration
Profit is not a consideration before an enterprise is
subject to VAT. Thus, even though CoMaSeCo has
no profit and uses the dues collected for its
expenses, it is still subject to VAT.

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