Oxygen Free Radicals and Platelet Activation

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Oxygen Free Radicals and Platelet Activation

Article  in  Free Radical Biology and Medicine · February 1997

DOI: 10.1016/S0891-5849(96)00488-1

213 129

5 authors, including:

Luigi Iuliano Angela Rita Colavita

Sapienza University of Rome Asrem


Roberto Leo Francesco Violi

University of Rome Tor Vergata Sapienza University of Rome


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Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 999–1006, 1997
Copyright q 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0891-5849/97 $17.00 / .00

PII S0891-5849(96)00488-1

Original Contribution

Luigi Iuliano,* Angela Rita Colavita,* Roberto Leo,*

Domenico Praticò,† and Francesco Violi*
*Institute of Clinical Medicine I, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; and †Center for Experimental Therapeutics, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA

(Received 29 May 1996; Revised 4 September 1996; Accepted 4 September 1996)

Abstract—This article reviews our current understanding of the role of oxygen free radicals in platelet activation.
Several studies have indicated that platelets, in analogy to other circulating blood cells, are able to produce oxygen
free radicals, which are likely to play an important role in the mechanism of platelet activation and aggregation.
Platelet activation has been obtained with very low, physiologically relevant concentrations of radicals generated
chemically, by leukocytes, and by hemoglobin derived from membrane leakage of erythrocytes. Knowledge of the
role of reactive species in platelet physiology is relevant because platelets are brought into close contact with other
cells capable of producing free radicals, such as neutrophils, macrophages, and endothelial cells, during the formation
of thrombus. The physiopatological importance of these findings is high because it is now emerging that free radicals
may have a role in the mechanism of atherosclerosis and its thrombotic complications, where the causative role of
platelets is well documented. This background suggests therapeutic interventions with antioxidants as antiplatelet
agents to improve the pharmacological effect of classical antiplatelet drug such as aspirin. Copyright q 1997
Elsevier Science Inc.
Keywords—Free Radicals, Platelets, Atherosclerosis, Antioxidants

INTRODUCTION lationship between OFR and platelet function. Due to

the growing body of evidence supporting the patho-
Oxygen free radicals (OFR), which include the super- physiological role of platelets in cardiovascular dis-
oxide anion (O 2 0i) and the hydroxyl radical (HOi), and ease, knowledge of this interaction may be useful in the
other oxygen species, like H2O2 and the singlet oxygen further understanding of the mechanism(s) accounting
(1 DgO 2), are highly reactive substances that react with for vascular complications.
lipids, proteins and DNA, provoking irreversible This review will focus on the relationship between
changes of their biomolecular structure. There is a OFR and platelet function and on the possible interplay
growing body of evidence that OFR play an essential of OFR, platelets and cardiovascular disease.
role in the control of cell functions. They are interme-
diate metabolites in several enzymic reactions, they are
involved in the post-translational protein turnover, and Production of OFR by platelets
play a role in the control of signal transduction. Many
components of the vascular system, such as leukocytes, Among the initial studies on platelets and OFR is
monocytes and endothelial cells are able to release OFR that of Marcus et al.1 that demonstrated O 2 0i produc-
upon appropriate stimulation. It is less well known that tion by platelets using the ferricytochrome c and nitro-
also platelets can produce OFR; the physiological role blue tetrazolium assays. In this study, superoxide gen-
of this phenomenon has long remained obscure. In the eration was not blocked by aspirin, indicating produc-
last 10 years several studies have investigated the re- tion by a membrane-associated system different from
the cyclooxygenase enzyme. However, baseline super-
Address correspondence to: Prof. Francesco Violi, Institute of oxide production was measurable in resting platelets,
Clinical Medicine I, University La Sapienza, 00185 Rome, Italy. but these levels did not change following platelet ac-


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1000 L. IULIANO et al.

tivation and aggregation. This is contrast to leukocytes diphenyliodonium.15 Studies by Salvemini et al.16
where activation by strong agonists results in a marked showed that diphenyliodonium inhibited the aggrega-
increase in superoxide production. The superoxide rad- tion of platelets stimulated with thrombin, ADP or col-
icals thus produced are incorporated into the phago- lagen. Evidence for the existence of a distinct oxidase
cytic vacuole, which is important for bacterial killing. in the platelet membrane, which produces hydrogen
Later work has shown that platelet activation is asso- peroxide, was provided by Finazzi-Agrò et al.5 They
ciated with an increase in superoxide production,2 – 6 reported that this enzyme, which requires NADH as
even if not in a burst-like manner, with a possible role cofactor, could be activated after challenging platelets
for killing parasites.2 Further studies reported that dur- with particulate membrane-perturbing agents. It is even
ing aggregation other oxygen reactive species are re- possible that some hydrogen peroxide is derived from
leased by platelets. Hydrogen peroxide, delivered dur- dismutation of the platelet-derived superoxide, and
ing platelet activation, was detected by fluorescent support for this proposal exists in the literature. Our
methods, using scopoletin3 or 2,7-dichlorofluorescein group5 demonstrated that the addition of SOD to ar-
as a probe6 and by the use of catalase, which is able to achidonic acid- or collagen-primed platelets induces
inhibit several platelet responses to agonists.7 It is also aggregation, thromboxane A2 production, and degran-
evident that some of the hydrogen peroxide produced ulation, through dismutation of the platelet-derived
by platelets is converted into the very reactive hydroxyl O 2 0i to H2O2, which is a potent activator of primed
radical through Fenton-like chemistry, as platelet ag- platelets.
gregation can be inhibited by HOi scavengers.8 – 10 In A potential additional source of O 2 0i/H2 O 2 could be
addition, products resulting from the reaction of HOi, the nitric oxide synthase enzyme, as it was demon-
formed during platelet activation, and the scavengers, strated that the combination of L-arginine deficiency
which inhibit the platelet response, were demonstrated. and NADPH sufficiency predisposes nitric oxide syn-
Platelet-generated salicylate-HOi adducts, 2,3 and 2,5 thase to produce superoxide or hydrogen peroxide.17
dihydroxybenzoic acids, were isolated by high-perfor- Previous studies provided evidence that free radicals
mance liquid chromatography,10 and the DMPO-HOi are formed during the eicosanoid metabolism at the
adduct was detected by ESR.9 level of the PGH synthase enzyme. PGH synthase ex-
Carbon centered radicals as intermediate species of hibits both cyclooxygenase and hydroperoxidase activ-
eicosanoids metabolism have been detected, for ex- ities, which are associated with the protein and occur
ample by ESR, but it is not known whether their role at two reciprocal sites. The cyclooxygenase (bis-oxy-
is confined to the mechanism of the lipooxygenase and genase) activity catalyzes PGG2 formation and the per-
PGH synthase enzymes, or if they escape from the spe- oxidase activity reduces the 15-hydroperoxy group of
cific enzymatic cascade system and exist as free PGG2 to PGH2 utilizing an array of electron donors.
species. These reducing substrates are cooxidized during the
Finally, among free radical species is to be men- peroxidase reaction with formation of radical interme-
tioned the bioregulator nitric oxide (NOi),11 which ex- diates and leading to the possibility of initiation of
erts well characterized effects on platelets. A nitric ox- chain reactions due to radicals escaping from the active
ide synthase has been purified to homogeneity from site into the free solution.18 – 21 An additional source of
human platelet cytosolic fractions,12 However, this spe- free radicals during the conversion of arachidonic acid
cies is outside the scope of this review as the host of is the lipooxygenase enzyme which catalyzes the for-
functions and effects of NOi have been extensively de- mation of arachidonyl hydroperoxides through the re-
scribed elsewhere.13,14 dox cycling of a non-heme iron atom in the active site.
Occasional release of peroxyl radicals from the enzyme
active site was documented by ESR.22
Mechanism of OFR release by platelets
OFR production by platelets can be ascribed to sev-
Role of OFR on platelet function
eral pathways, including membrane oxidases, nitric ox-
ide synthase, and the arachidonic acid pathway. The effect of OFR in platelet function has been ex-
An oxidase similar to that working in phagocytic amined with chemical- and cellular-generated fluxes of
cells, which catalyzes the production of superoxide us- free radicals.
ing NADPH as electron donor, was also proposed as a Handin et al.23 incubated platelets with an O 2 0i gen-
putative source of superoxide in platelets. However, to erating system, i.e. xanthine and xanthine oxidase, and
the best of our knowledge, the enzyme has not been demonstrated that O 2 0i causes platelet aggregation and
purified from platelets and indirect evidence of its ex- induces serotonin release. While SOD prevented su-
istence is based on the use of the non-specific inhibitor peroxide-induced platelet activation, catalase and man-

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Free radicals and platelets 1001

nitol did not, indicating that at least in this system for platelet aggregation and may contribute to thrombus
O 2 0i was the oxygen species involved in platelet acti- formation (Fig. 1).
vation. Studies aimed at investigating the role of H2O2
in platelet physiology provided conflicting data, as it
Interaction between OFR and platelet signal
was reported that H2O2 either inhibits or enhance7,24 – 27
activation pathways
platelet aggregation. This paradox can be resolved by
the fact that inhibitory effects were only observed using Several pathways can be taken into account in ex-
high concentrations of H2O2. Ohyashiki et al.27 reported plaining the mechanism by which OFR induce platelet
inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation with 2– activation (Fig. 2). Free arachidonate is the precursor
10 mM H2O2. This concentration, which can seriously of the main platelet activator thromboxane A2. The
damage the structure of platelet membrane and the fine availability of free arachidonate is regulated by two
tuned exposition of receptors, is far from what one mechanisms: i) the release from phospholipids, through
would expect in physiological conditions. For example, the action of phospholipases; ii) the reincorporation
H2O2 released by activated leukocytes may reach local into phospholipids by the enzyme arachidonyl-CoA
levels of 10–12 mM28 Accumulating evidence indicates synthetase. This reacylating enzyme was reported by
that H2O2 potently favours activation of platelets Hornberger et al.36 to be inhibited by H2O2, with a con-
primed with arachidonic acid or collagen, with Kapp in sequent rise in free arachidonate that is converted into
the submicromolar range.29,30 Consistent with this, our thromboxane A2. Many authors reported that OFR ac-
group31 demonstrated the activation of platelets in tivate phospholipase A2 through stimulation of several
whole blood by polymorphonuclear leukocyte-derived signal pathways.9,29,33,37 We demonstrated that incuba-
hydrogen peroxide. Recently, we9 reported that acti- tion of platelets with a potent and selective inhibitor of
vation of platelets exposed to H2O2 is mediated by hy- the Na//H/ antiporter inhibited platelet aggregation in-
droxyl radicals (HOi) formed in an extracellular Fen- duced by OFR.9 Phospholipase A2 is also activated by
ton-like reaction, and detected directly by ESR Ca// mobilization but until now there is no clear evi-
measurements of the spin-trapped HOi adduct. The role dence that OFR stimulate Ca// mobilization in plate-
of HOi was confirmed in experiments with radicals gen- lets. While Mirabelli et al.38 showed an increase in cy-
erated exogenously by EDTA-bound iron, and it was tosolic Ca// concentration upon platelet exposure to
proposed that OFR act as ‘second messengers’ during oxidative stress, others9 failed to demonstrate that OFR
the platelet activation process. The biological impor- induce changes in intraplatelet Ca//. Positive results
tance of these studies was corroborated by experiments must be interpreted with caution when a high flux of
in which the relationship between erythrocytes and OFR is used, since artifactual signals could be gener-
platelet function was investigated. Thus, it was shown ated. In fact, H2O2 concentrations higher than 100
that nanomolar levels of hemoglobin released from mM may induce membrane leakage of intracellular con-
damaged red blood cells can induce platelet activation, tent with concomitant delivery of FURA-2 in the ex-
with a molecular mechanism involving a Hb-derived tracellular space, giving rise to a signal by extracellular
free radical species detectable by ESR, but still calcium (unpublished results from our laboratory).
unknown.32 The general question of which pathway The stimulation of phospholipase A2 may also occur
is involved in platelet activation triggered by free indirectly through the activation of the protein tyrosine
radicals is unresolved. However, it seems likely that kinase system by OFR. Phosphorylation of protein ty-
PLA2 is a crucial component since PLA2 inhibitors rosine kinases (PTK) has been shown to play a critical
prevent activation of platelets by OFR.9,29 In accor- role in the induction of cellular responses to extracel-
dance with this proposal is also the susceptibility of lular stimuli in a wide variety of cell types.39 In plate-
platelet PLA2 to lipid peroxides generated in the lets, many diverse agonists induce multiple waves of
membrane by Fe///tert-butyl hydroperoxide33 or tyrosine phosphorylation, suggesting potential roles for
during LDL oxidation.34 such protein modifications throughout the platelet ac-
Taken together, these data indicate that platelets are tivation process. PTK inhibitors, such as tyrphostins,
activated upon exposure to OFR-generating systems, genistein and erbstatin have been shown to block sev-
including those derived from polymorphonuclear leu- eral platelet events including IIb/IIIa activation and ag-
kocytes and red blood cells. Interestingly, it has been gregation.40 Inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases,
demonstrated that platelets are in close contact with enzymes which inhibit the activity of PTK, causes a
leukocytes and erythrocytes in clinical settings associ- dramatic increase in tyrosine phosphorylation and a
ated with vascular disease, such as unstable angina or concurrent platelet aggregation. Several recent reports
myocardial infarction.37 The presence of OFR in the clearly indicate a role for OFR in regulating PTK ac-
surrounding medium is therefore an important stimulus tivity. It has been demonstrated that H2O2 inhibits ty-

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1002 L. IULIANO et al.

Fig. 1. Free radicals generated by leukocytes and by hemoglobin released from red blood cell lysis contribute to platelet aggregation
and thrombus formation at the level of vascular wall.

rosine phosphatases leading to the activation of PTK.41 tion of these effects. It should be emphasized that the
UVB irradiation produces free radicals and increases signal transduction mechanisms involved are probably
prostaglandin biosynthesis through a signal transduc- much more complicated than outlined above, in anal-
tion pathway leading to activation of phospholipase ogy with the situation found in other cell types.
A2.37 In studies defining the regulation of cytosolic OFR may also stimulate arachidonate metabolism
phospholipase A2 activation, mitogen activated protein acting at different levels; for instance, by increasing the
(MAP) kinase was reported to play a role. Phospholi- activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. It has been re-
pase A2 has been shown to increase its activity 2–6 ported that H2O2 and other hydroperoxides are able to
fold after phosphorylation operated by MAP kinase.42,43 stimulate this enzyme, so inducing an increased pro-
MAP kinase is phosphorylated and activated by a PTK- duction of thromboxane A2.47 Consistent with this, as-
dependent pathway.44 pirin inhibits aggregation of primed platelets stimulated
In brief, oxidative stress activates tyrosine kinases by H2O2.48 But, OFR can also activate platelets at a
associated with the plasma membrane, this induces ty- level independent from the eicosanoids pathway, as it
rosine phosphorylation which in turn phosphorylates resulted from experiments in which several antioxi-
MAP kinase. This kinase subsequently phosphorylates dants were shown to reduce cyclooxygenase-indepen-
and activates cytosolic PLA2 and produces an increase dent platelet aggregation, which was observed in
in substrate (arachidonic acid) for the enzyme prosta- aspirin treated platelets challenged with high con-
glandin endoperoxide synthase (Fig. 2). centrations of agonists. Thus, vitamin E, the HOi scav-
Chao et al.45 have demonstrated that PTK phos- enger salicylate.49 and the antioxidant dipyridamole,
phorylation can also be regulated by NADPH-depen- which scavenges O 2 0i, HOi and peroxyl radicals,50 – 52
dent processes such as the generation of OFR. In fact, significantly inhibited aggregation of aspirin-treated
PTK phosphorylation is sensitive to both exogenous platelets.53 – 55
and endogenous oxiding agents and antioxidants.46 The Finally, OFR might affect platelet function by re-
phosphotyrosine accumulation may result from either acting with nitric oxide (NO*), a vasodilating substance
oxidant-induced activation of tyrosine kinases, from in- released by endothelium in response to stimulation with
hibition of tyrosine phosphatases, or from a combina- a variety of endogenous substances. NO* is also pro-

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Free radicals and platelets 1003

Fig. 2. OFR and platelet signal activation pathways. (/) denotes activation and (0) denotes inhibition. PTK: protein tyrosine
kinase; MAP: mitogen activated protein; cPLA2: cytosolic phospholipase A2; P: phosphate residue; PTP: protein tyrosine phos-
phatase; Na//H/: sodium-hydrogen antiporter; AA: arachidonic acid.

duced by platelets in which it inhibits aggregation by Dietary manipulation in animals demonstrated that
increasing cGMP.11 – 14 The biological activity of NO* vitamin E deficiency is associated with increased plate-
is limited by the concurrent presence of O 2 0i, which let aggregation and synthesis of arachidonic acid me-
reacts rapidly with NO* in aqueous solution (k Å tabolites thromboxane B2 and 12-hydroxyeicosatetrae-
3.7 1 107 M01 s01)56 to form the peroxynitrite anion noic acid.58 – 60 In addition, rats, fed a vitamin E-free
(OONO-), which in turn decomposes to HOi at neu- diet, were reported to exhibit increased activity of phos-
tral pH.57 pholipase A2.61
Taken together, these findings suggest that OFR be- Vitamin E supplementation in man has produced
have as stimulator of platelet aggregation by acting at equivocal results regarding platelet effects. Some au-
different levels of the signal activation pathways, i.e. thors failed to affect substantially platelet aggregation
by inhibiting NOi and by stimulating arachidonic acid and arachidonic acid metabolism after vitamin supple-
metabolism, Ca// influx and tyrosine kinases (Fig. 2). mentation to healthy subjects, using high doses (400–
1500 international units/day)62 or low doses (200 in-
ternational units/day)63 vitamin E.
Platelet function and antioxidants
No clear cut evidence has emerged from in vitro
The role of OFR in the mechanism of platelet acti- studies about the inhibitory effect of vitamin E on plate-
vation has been assessed indirectly by using antioxi- let function. Some reports of platelet responses may
dants, in particular by examining the role of vitamin E have limited in vivo relevance due to the use of rela-
as modulator of platelet function. tively high concentrations (about 1 mM) of vitamin

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1004 L. IULIANO et al.

E.64,65 Blood vitamin E concentration ranges from 10 creased production of OFR in patients with diabetes
to 60 mM,66 and can be increased by 2.5–3 times after mellitus. Consistently, Colette et al.74 demonstrated that
diet supplementation with 900 IU of alpha-(RRR)-to- dietary vitamin E supplementation reduces platelet hy-
copherol for one week.67 We demonstrated that 50–100 peractivity and aggregation in insulin-dependent dia-
mM vitamin E significantly reduced cyclooxygenase- betic patients, and has a beneficial effect in the treat-
independent platelet aggregation.53 Some of the re- ment of thromboembolic complications, particularly in
ported effects derived from the use of high concentra- conjunction with an inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
tions of vitamin E might be attributed to vitamin E Further evidence on the role of OFR-mediated plate-
quinone, that inhibits platelet function more effectively let activation in cardiovascular disease comes from the
than vitamin E by a magnitude of 5–10-fold.68 Inhi- experimental model of cyclic flow variation in vessels,
bition of platelet aggregation by ascorbic acid,69 and by which is mediated by platelet aggregation. In a canine
synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxyani- model with cyclic flow variation in stenosed and en-
sole65 and butylated hydroxytoluene,70 was also re- dothelium- injured coronary arteries, Yao et al.75 ex-
ported. Therefore, further studies are necessary to as- amined the role of OFR on platelet aggregation in vivo.
sess how antioxidants affect platelet function in vivo. In this model treatment with either antioxidants, recom-
Dose-response studies as well as analysis of the rela- binant human manganese- and copper-zinc-superoxide
tionship between plasma and platelet concentration of dismutase, or catalase eliminated platelet aggregation-
antioxidants and platelet function are still lacking. associated coronary cyclic flow variation in 63%, 62%,
These studies should define if and to what extent an- and 64% of the animals, respectively. Ikieda et al.,76
tioxidant supplementation affects platelet function, and reported comparable results, and in addition showed
the optimal dosage necessary to reach such an effect. that the infusion of xanthine-xanthine oxidase or hy-
Finally, it is interesting to note that the well known drogen peroxide significantly increased the frequency
drug dipyridamole, used in coronary artery disease for of cyclic flow variations.
its antiplatelet and vasodilating activity,71 was recently These results provide evidence that OFR play an
shown to possess antioxidant activity, including super- important role in inducing platelet aggregation in vivo,
oxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging, and chain and indicate that this effect may be of relevance in fa-
breaking activity.50 – 52 Considering that the antiplatelet voring thrombotic events. Thus, the use of antioxidants
activity of dipyridamole has never been clearly eluci- could be useful to reduce platelet aggregation and may
dated, and in the light of the activating effect of OFR represent a new therapeutic approach to prevent throm-
upon platelets, it is conceivable that dipyridamole ex- bosis in vivo.
erts the antiplatelet activity essentially through an an-
tioxidant mechanism.

Oxygen free radicals and platelet function: are there The demonstration of a close relationship between
any clinical implications? OFR and platelet function and the possibility to regu-
late the interaction by antioxidants, should be consid-
Few clinical studies have carefully investigated the ered as an important background to explore further the
potential relationship between OFR, platelet function role of OFR in clinical settings in which platelet hy-
and cardiovascular disease in vivo. Some indirect evi- perfunction has a role in the progression of vascular
dence suggesting that OFR might be involved in the disease. The study of that interaction between OFR and
activation of platelets comes from studies performed in platelets will be useful in understanding the atheroscle-
diabetic patients. Increased platelet activation in vivo rotic process, in which there is an imbalance between
was demonstrated by Davı̀ et al.72 who showed that oxidative processes and antioxidant defence with a shift
patients with diabetes mellitus have high urinary ex- towards an increase of oxidative process. Furthermore,
cretion of 11-dehydro-tromboxane B2, the stable me- there is much evidence indicating that the use of anti-
tabolite of tromboxane A2 which is a potent stimulator oxidant retards the progression of atherosclerosis and
of platelet aggregation. The mechanism accounting for ameliorates endothelial dysfunction. Further studies are
platelet activation in diabetes mellitus is yet unclear but necessary to establish whether this is solely due to a
it is conceivable that this could be favoured by an ox- direct effect of the antioxidants on endothelium or also
idant-antioxidant imbalance, as diabetic patients have includes platelet functional changes.
a reduced content of vitamin E in the platelet
membrane.73 Taking into account the role of antioxi-
Acknowledgements — This work was supported by the Italian Na-
dant on platelet function, it cannot be ruled out that tional Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche grant #
platelet hyperaggregation may also be related to in- 06152, 95.02298.04, to L.I.).

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Free radicals and platelets 1005

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