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Department of Management Sciences

University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

Course Information
Course Title Project Management Course Code MGT-411
Credit Hours 03 (Three) Course Level BBA 4 Years
Instructor Information
Name Sajid Mehmood Office
Email Contact No. 0336-5412074

Course Details
1: Course Description
This course addresses the basic nature of managing general projects, not specially focuses
on one typeof project, no matter construction project or R&D projects. The course uses the
project life cycle as theorganizational guideline, and contents will cover the whole process of
project management, includingproject initiation, project planning, projectimplementation
and project termination. We will study thecharacteristics of project and project
management, look at how to define a project, how to organize aproject, how to plan a
project, how to implement, trace and control a project, and how to terminate andpost-
evaluate a project. Topics will include: basic concepts of project and project
management,projectselection, project definition, project organization structure, team
building,communication and conflictmanagement, project planning method and
techniques,resource allocation, project monitoring andcontrol, project termination. The
course will betaught in the way of learning, discussing, case analyzing,and class exercising.
2: Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
 Describe professional project management
 Initiate a project.
Plan project work.
 Develop project schedules
 Develop cost estimates, and budgets.
 Plan project quality, staffing, and communications.
 Analyze project risks.
 Plan project procurement.
 Manage project procurement
 Execute project work.
 Monitor and control project work.
 Monitor and control project schedule and costs.
 Monitor and control project quality, staffing, and communications.
 Monitor and control project risks and contracts.
 Close the project.
3: Course Learning Outcomes
This course is a primer on the basics of Project Management. Students will learn how to use
ProjectManagement techniques to plan, organize, control, document and close out
theirprojects successfullyand with minimum risk.
The course will not make you an instant project manager - or necessarily a successful one.

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

However, it will provide you with a good understanding of the skills required to plan and
then manage a project through its project life cycle.
4: Course Pre-requisite/s
Undergraduate course in management
5: Recommended Textbooks and Journals
Jeffery K. Pinto Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage
Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr, Project Management: A Managerial Approach 7th
A handbook on Project Management (Most Important)
By Prof. Dr. Sardar Ahmed Ansari
6: Course Readings

7: Course Evaluation Criteria

Assignments: 10%
Project 10%
Quizzes 5%
Mid-Term Exam. 25%
Final Exam. 50%
Total: 100%

8: Plagiarism Policy
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism
Material submitted for assessment in connection with coursework assignment must represent the
student's own efforts, and be his / her work (except group work). Brief quotations from the
published or unpublished work of another person may be used, but must always be attributed.
quotations, or close paraphrasing or copying from the work of another person (including another
student) without acknowledgement both at the relevant point in the text, and in any bibliography,
constitutes plagiarism, which is an assessment offence.

9: Assignment/Presentation/Case Study Briefings

The assessment approach is based on a concern for assessing the quality of the learning outcomes
achieved by the student. The assignments are structured to assess group as well as individual
performance and will involve the evaluation and application of both marketing principles to a
given business situation.

Research The report should present evidence beyond the standard textbook
material and company provided information. There should be
evidence of information and data from various sources, including
the use of literature to support argument.
Analysis The quality and quantity of the analytical input, including
application of theoretical models, frameworks and concepts,
together with logical reasoning and arguments.
Understanding Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the subject
materials and chosen organisation in the context of their marketing
Evidence Use of evidence from literature, internet sites financial and regular
press and professional journals and similar sources to support
assertions and conclusions
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

Presentation Quality of standard of presentation, including the use of logical
structure, use of headings and subheadings, use of diagrams,
appropriate references, citation of published sources and
appendices. (Harvard System Preferred)
Writing Skills and Quality of the written work in terms of grammar, syntax and
Techniques spelling, and also clarity, cogency and economy for writing style
10: Class Attendance and Missed Exam Policy
Students are required to attend all classes in the course. Students who miss classes are far likely to
meet the requirements of the course. A student who misses more than 5 classes will get zero in
class participation. If a student does not attend minimum of 70% of total classes he/she will not
be permitted to take final examination in the course.

Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will be
allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of the
Chairperson of the department.

Sixteen Weeks Plan

Week Class Course Contents/Activities *Teaching Method Deadlines
1 Project defined, PM defined,
Projects &Programs, PLC.
Organization Strategy & Project
2 Managing the portfolio, Strategy
& Projects.
Project Development in Pakistan
Monitoring, Implementation &
Project Evaluation
3 Project Format
Lecture & Group
RFP's & Vendor selection, SWAT
2 analysis,
Organizational structure, culture.
4 Sources of Project Identification
Feasibility Study Essential of
Feasibility study Lecture & Case study
Organization charts, Project Discussion
Case Study discussion.
3 5 Project formulation/preparation Lecture
Project goal and Targets
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

Project Scope Financial Planning
Period of Implementation
Defining the Project: Project
Charter, Gather
requirements, defining scope,
creating a WBS.
6 Tools & Techniques, define
activities, Lecture and Practical Assignment
Responsibility Matrixes, Example No. 01
Communication Planning.
7 Project Appraisal & approval
Sensitivity Analysis
Quantifying project Cost &
Methods of Discounted Cost
Benefit Analysis
Choice of Discount Rate
Lecture & Quiz Quiz No. 01
NPV, Benefit Cost Ratio, IRR,
4 B/E Point, PBP,
Measure of Financial Aspects
Activity duration estimates,
estimating tools,
Bar and Milestone Charts.
Case Study on Project Appraisal
8 Critical Path method, Lead & Lag
Lecture & Practice
project duration, Open discussion.
9 Planning tools, sequence
activities, Critical Path
5 method, L & L activities, Project
10 Managing Risk Chapter - Half. Lecture
11 Managing Risk Chapter -
Remaining Half,
12 PERT Analysis, Contingency Assignment
Lecture and Practice
Reserves No. 02
13 Reducing Project Duration
Lecture and
Scheduling Comparison
14 Scheduling resources & cost:
Setting a schedule Lecture & Quiz Quiz No. 02
15 Setting a resource schedule. Lecture
16 Resource Leveling, setting a cost
8 Lecture and Practice
and time baseline
the Example
schedule, Critical chain method.
9 17& 18 Mid-term Examination

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

19 Project Authorization
Project Approval Agencies
Leadership: Leadership skills,
Project Leadership,
Stakeholder management,
Qualities & etc.
20 In class discussion about good
leadership, class Group Activities
based activity regarding good regarding Leadership
project Manager.
21 Building the team, managing the
Lecture & Group
Team building activities.
11 22 Virtual teams, Team Performance,
management, Recognition and
23 Outsourcing: Procurement
requirements, Assignment
contract types, conflict No. 03
24 The art of negotiation, Change
Lecture Quiz No. 03
25 Cost/schedule system, Time
performance, cost Lecture
baseline development
13 26 Earned Value System,
Performance Status report, Lecture and Open
forecasts, to complete index Discussion
27 Scheduling & cost variance. Lecture and Practice
Practice the Practical Examples. the Practical Example
28 Project Implementation &
Types of Monitoring
Monitoring Methodology
Group Activities
Steps for Execution of a Project
In class and after class exercise.
Project Planning
and Group Activities.
15 29 Evaluation: Purpose of evaluation,
the project audit, Assignment
Project audit life cycle, No. 04
Performance measurement report.
30 Project Closure: The varieties of Lecture Quiz No. 04
termination, Project success
criteria & CSF
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

Project Evaluation
Types of Evaluation
Evaluation Indicators
31 Student Project Reports & Final Project
Presentation Evaluation
32 Student Project Reports & Final Project
Presentation Evaluation
End-term Examination
*Lecture, Discussion, Class Seminar, Case Study, Presentation etc

 Teaching & Learning Methods

 Class lectures, lecture notes and slides, and project are designed to achieve the course
 You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in
class and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask questions, participation has 5%
of the grade.
 You are responsible for all material covered in the class.
 Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class, by phone or by

Additional Notes
Project Presentation will be marked on the subject matter, professionalism, and creativity,
The project will be group of 5 students and all must participate in presentations, it is your
responsibility to select your group and coordinatethe effort and presentations of the
Cheating  Cheating or copying from neighbor on exam, quiz, or homework is an illegal
and unethical activity, it will lead you to fail the course, JUST standards and
regulations will be applied.

Workload  Average work-load student should expect to spend is 16 hours/week

Participation  Participation in, and contribution to class discussions will affect your final
grade positively. Raise your hand if you have any question, it worth 5% of the grade.
 Making any kind of disruption and (side talks) in the class will affect you
negatively, Cell phone (Mobile) must be shut off before you get in to the class.

Finally,  Make backups of all of your work.

 This includes any assignment and project materials you and your group

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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat

Course Outline Spring-2020

Signature Signature
Course Instructor Coordinator Specialization

Signature Signature
Chairperson, Department of Management Dean, Faculty of Management and
Sciences Administrative Science

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