3 Men Rescued From Island After Writing SOS in Sand: Questions

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3 Men Rescued from Island After Writing SOS in Sand

Three men have been rescued from a tiny Micronesian island after writing a giant SOS
sign in the sand that was seen from the sky, authorities say.

The men had been missing for nearly three days and were found on the uninhabited
Pikelot Island. Their huge SOS was written on a beach and was seen by searchers on
Australian and US aircraft, the Australian defense department said.

SOS, which comes from Morse code, is understood around the world as a call for help.

The men had left Pulawat atoll in a seven-meter boat on July 30, and had planned to
travel about 43 kilometers to Pulap atoll. But the department said that they went off
course and ran out of fuel. They were found about 190 kilometers from where they had
started their journey.

Searchers in Guam asked for help from Australia. A military ship, Canberra, which was
returning to Australia from Hawaii, changed its course to come to the area and work
with the US searchers.

Canberra's commanding officer, Captain Terry Morrison said he was pleased with the
work of everyone on board the ship.

The rescued men were found to be healthy, and an Australian military helicopter was
able to land on the beach to give them food and water before they were picked up by a
Micronesian boat.


1. How many days had the men been missing before they were found?
2. Who spotted the men's SOS sign?
3. Were the rescued men sick or injured when they were found?
4. What are your thoughts on the men's rescue?
5. Have you ever had any mishaps while traveling? If so, please share your story.
6. Are you good at dealing with stressful or frightening situations? Please explain
your answer.
7. Have you ever helped someone out of trouble? If so, please share your
8. In your opinion, what jobs require the most bravery? Why do you think so?
9. When was the last time you traveled on a boat? Where did you go?
10. Is sailing a popular hobby where you live? Please explain your answer.
11. Do you spend a lot of time at the beach? Please explain your answer.
12. What tropical islands do you hope to visit someday? Why?
13. Would you rather go on vacation in Australia or Hawaii? Why?

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