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r shallknow
thatI am
-Ezekiel 35 15.


JANUARy1, 1942

MIo,,~ (Palt 1) 3
Armageddon Foreshadowed 7
... 11

RE ThE 1942 YEARnOOS........... 2

1942 CaLEN~)aR.................. 2
~’ 0
P~msa~ Sz~x,,0.xraLr Br ITS MISSION
HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. 8. A.
T people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS six’ned to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
J. ~. Rb"TrrrnFOnD,
President W.E. VAn’.U’~BL-n,Grr, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit.
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be Lhe peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:2"3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
TIIAT JEHOVAH Is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of Ilfe or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures, that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis- Y~’-xlrr-T SUBSCRIPTION
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STAT~S, $1.00; CANADA aND ~IISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN. $I 50;
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obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted Mmto heaven above every creature and above every name FO~G~ O~CES
and clothed him with all power and authority. British 34 CravenTerrace, London,W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION Is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian
............... 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfield, N. S. W.Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of 8outh African Boston House, CapeTown,,South Africa
Please address the Society in every cas~
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s orgnmza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the BibIe, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all ~ho will hear.
THATTIlE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity, povertyor
adversity axe unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Watch.
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the estabhshment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, madeonce each
God’s kingdom on earth. ~ear, stating the reason for so requesting It. Weare g~adto thus aid the
needy, but the written appUcatlon once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
TItAT THERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which ?,’ot$ce to /~ubscribers: Acknowledgment of a newor a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the desiTuctlon QcrJptlon wall be sent only when requested. Changeof address, when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of r~ghteousness in :equested, maybeexpected toappear onaddress labelwithin onemonth.
A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that ~ournal onemonth beforethesubscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
the earth" w~th a righteouq race. Enteredas second-cla~
matterat the post olfleo at B,’ool, lyn. N. Y.,
undertile Act of March3, 1879.
"INTEGRITY" TESTIMONYPERIOD belated. Hence the production of the 1942 Yearbook of Jehot’ah’~,
3hdwlnter field maneuvers test the INTEGRITY,and the umted w,tnesses has been unavoidably held up Announcement of ~ts
~cstlmony period during February ts approprmtely thus named. pubhcatlon will be made shortly, and which report, we believe,
Tins "Integrzty" Testimony Period wall be the opening month of ~ Ill be well worth waiting for.
the 1942 three-month Watchtower campmgn, hence the people of
integrity toward God will specialize on taking subscriptions for 1942 CALENDAR
the magazine Tl~e Watchtower, announcing ,Jehovah’s kingdom or The text chosen for the year 1942, to w~t, "Blameless in the
Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus Additmnal to the in- day of our Lord" (1 Cor. 1: 8), provides the theme for a calendar
trinsic value of the magazineitself, the latest book, Chddren,wLl] picture which Is most befitting these days of dec~smn. Highly
be g~en as a premium with all new subscr~ptmns for a year, and artistic and novel, the picture clearly and eloquentIy .sets out the
that at the regular subscription rate of $1.00. God’s l~eople of choice God’s covenant people must make eonccrmng the greal
integrity will be steadfast therein and will prove their blameless- issue of world domination. Beneath is a neat calendar pad, indi-
ncss ot devotion by taking part in thin Testm~ony regardless of cating the line of actlv~ty of Jehovah’s blameless ones for each
the cost to self. Manynewly Interested readers of The Watchtower, month of 1942, nammgthe special Testimony Periods and also the
deeply appreciating it, wdl be desirous of joining m th~s specmi special endeavors to be made during the intervening months. The
testimony privilege, and we invite such to write th~s office for contrlbutmn for this service calendar is 25c each, or $1.00 for
~eferenees needed to put them in touch with the nearest local com- 5 copies mailed together to one address. Companies should send
pany organized for thin campaign. A record should be kept of in combination orders, uath remittance to cover, through their
all work done and the result, and the same reported in the ap- local companyservant.
pointed manner at the close of February.
RE THE 1942 YEARBOOK Week of February 1: "Micah" (Part 1),
and disrupted
Due to the uncertain conditionson earthover 1-17 inclusive, The Watchtower January 1, 1942.
~h~chwe haveno controltheinformation for thecompilation
of Week of February 8: "Micah" (Part 1),
a reportof the workworld-wide
forthe serviceyear1940-1941
is 18-38 melus~ve. The Watchtower Janua~- 1, 1942.
I, 1942 No 1


"Hear, ye peoples, all of you; hca, ke+t, 0 earth, aml all that tl~ereb~ is: a~ut let the Lo~d Jehoral< be u d-
+2ess again:st you, the Lord from t, is holy temple."mMic. 1:2, A.R.V.
EHOVAH’Sjudgment day is here. He appears in even at the present time who claim to have made a
J his high court representatively by his commis-
sioned High Judge, Christ Jesus, to whomhe has
covenant with Jehovah to do his will but who do not
see and appreciate the evidence showing the presence
committed full power and authority to render judi- of Christ Jesus. Such are described by the apostle
cial decisions and to execute the jud~nents rendered. as "ever learning [nmking a pretense of learning],
(John 5 : 22, 27) Jehovah is no respecter of persons and never able to come to the knowledge of the
and shows no partiality toward anyone in judgment. truth".--2 Tim. 3:7.
Knowing the end from the beginning, Jehovah in the 3 During the past few )’ears the Lord has furnished
centuries past caused his judgments to be written, such an abundance of proof showing the presence of
and which judgments apply to those who come within Christ Jesus at his temple that it would appear to
the scope or terms thereof. V~rhen the time comes to be a waste of time to discuss in detail at this time
take account with his creatures he causes his law to the evidence concerning his presence, and especially
be proclaimed, and this becomes a witness for or when there is so much that we must now get in mind.
against those who hear. The creatures themselves Those who truly love the Lord’s appearing, as men-
have much to do in putting themselves in position to tioned by the apostle (2 Tim. 4: 8), are of the temple
receive the jud~nent of condenmation or the judg- companyand appreciate the light that shines in their
ment of approval. This is especially true at the pres- hearts ; but all others are in the dark, somein g~ eater
ent time, for the reason that Christ Jesus, the great darkness than others.
Judge, now sits upon his judgTnent seat and before ’ The Lord’s Word says: "Light is sown for the
him all nations and peoples are gathered. The nations righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart"
are now being judged and separated, and this is done (Ps. 97: 11) The righteous here mentioned are not
just preceding the execution of the final judgments. those who merely express their faith in Christ Jesus
: Judgment, as the Scriptures declare, begins "at as the Savior, but the righteous are those whomthe
the house of God". (1 Pet. 4: 17) That means that the Lord ’hath clothed with the garments of salvation
judgment of the Lord first takes account with those and covered with the robe of righteousness’. (Isa.
covenanting to do the will of God, including both 61: 10) Such are the ones who are in the temple and
those in the expressed covenant and those in an im- are righteous by reason of having received the favor-
plied covenant with Jehovah. It means the taking able judgment of approval by the Lord, and are made
into account the true and faithful followers of Christ a part of his organization. Such approved ones by
Jesus, and the "evil servant" class, and all those who reason of being covered with the robe of righteous-
hold themselves out as the people of God and the ness now "greatly rejoice in the Lord", and continue
followers of Christ Jesus. The judgments of the Lord to serve with joy. It is for such that the light shines
must of necessity be announced and executed after in the temple, and for such the light was sown. It is
the great Judge comes to his temple, because there is the light of Jehovah’s glory shining in the face of
the place of judgment. It was in 1914, as shown by Christ Jesus, his great High Priest, and which light
the Scriptures and the physical facts, that Jehovah is reflected or mirrored to those in the temple, and
placed his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, upon his throne who are therefore in tim covenant for the Kingdom.
and directed him to rule while the enemy was still (2 Cor. 4:4-6, Both.) The light is veiled from the
carrying on his wicked work. (Ps. 110: 2) It was eyes of those who are moved by selfishness, envT,
1918, as shown by both the Scriptures and the phys- covetousness or ambition. Such persons do not see
ical facts, that Christ Jesus came to the temple of and appreciate the unfolding of prophecy which the
Jehovah for judgment. (Mal. 3 : 1 ) There are those Lord God is unfolding in these days of judgznent To
those who have a pure heart the light shines upon If one becomes imbued with the thought that he
their countenance, illuminating their minds and fill- is singled out to do a certain and a great work, and
ing the heart with joy. The pure in heart is one who he proceeds upon that theory, he thus shows himself
is wholly devoted to God and his kingdom, and who to be a fool, within the meaning of the Scriptures:
is free from selfish exaltation or a desire to receive "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
the plaudits of men. Those who possess an upright (Ps. 53: 1) He does not say this in words uttered
and pure heart are the ones to whomGod’s light at his mouth, but by his course of action he shows that
tim temple now brings great gladness. his motive is to ignore God. He does not have in mind
5 As The Watchtower has heretofore said, there is that Godhas put in his organization his creatures as
now a war on, in which the forces of Satan attempt it pleases him (1 Cor. 12: 18), and that those who are
to accomplish the destruction of Jehovah’s witnesses of that organization are taught, not by men, but by
and all others who worship and serve Jehovah in Jehovah and by Christ Jesus. (Isa. 30: 20; 54: 13)
spirit and in truth and who associate with Jehovah’s Such selfish persons disregard the instructions of
witnesses. (Rev. 12: 17) One who has made a cove- Jehovah and Christ Jesus, and pursue a course of
nant to do the will of God, and who then is envious, lawlessness or iniquity. "A fool despiseth his father’s
covetous and ambitious, shows that he has yielded instruction; but he that regardeth reproof is pru-
to the seductive influence of Satan. He does not ap- dent." (Prov. 15: 5) Such person disregards what
preciate the real issue that is now to be finally de- God gives his people through Christ Jesus at the
termined. It is the nameof Jehovah that is involved ; temple, and in the place thereof he sets forth his
and the holy name of Almighty God will be vindi- own wisdom, speaking of a great work that he as a
cated, and that within a short time. It is the will of man is delegated to do in behalf of those who shall
God that his name shall now be proclaimed through- be saved, and he further says that he is not doing
out the earth as a witness to the people. After this such work because his hands are tied. Those who are
is done, God declares, he will demonstrate his su- wise hear the words of the Lord and follow his Word.
preme power to all creation. (Iflx. 9: 16, Leeser) To Such study the prophecies and watch carefully the
be faithful to God, and to continue to have a part in events that come to pass showing the fulfilhnent of
the proclamation of his truth, the creature must put prophecy. The prophecies were written for the very
self entirely in the background and must delight to purpose that the man of God might be fully furnished
do whatsoever is the will of God, even though in and prepared for the work that is now being done at
the doing of the same he is placed in a position of the end of the world and which must be completed
less honor amongst men than that occupied by oth- before Armageddon.
ers. In order to see and appreciate the issue, and in ’ Complainers say of Tlve Watcl2tower that it con-
order to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his tains nothing new and of interest but continues to
might, those in the covenant for the Kingdom must harp on the same thing, and that such shows that
continue to obey the injunction written by the apostle The Watchtower contains only the opinion of man.
to "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a work- Let God’s people bereminded that Jehovah caused
man that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing a nmnber of his prophets to write about the same
tim word of truth". (2 Tim. 2: 15) In order to divide thing, each one disclosing a picture of what shall
and properly apply the truth one must see and ap- come to pass in the future. To be sure, the Lord
preciate that Jehovah is God and that his name is knows how difficult it is for imperfect men to keep
above all others; that it has been defamed and must in mind the things which God caused to be recorded,
now be vindicated; that Christ Jesus is the great and he continues to give instructions, causing the
Vindicator ; and that he is now at the temple conduct- light to shine upon his prophecy and exhibiting it to
ing judgment for the vindication of Jehovah’s name ; the view of his people that they may learn and keep
that those of the temple class constitute his "faithful in mind what the issue now is and what they must
and wise servant", to whomthe Lord has committed do. For this reason a number of the prophets wrote
the work of delivering his message of the Kingdom, or prophesied about the same thing, and the facts
and hence to them is committed all of his Kingdom come to pass in fulfillment of such prophecies in
interests on earth; that the preaching of this gospel order that the man of God may have proof upon
is (1) to notify the people that Jehovah is God and proof that is corroborative evidence of the fulfillment
tlmt his ldngdom is here, and (2) to give warning of the prophecy, and this in order that the man of
and information to those whodesire to be on the side God may be kept strong in faith and in hope. To this
of Jehovah ; and that by this means Jehovah through end we must be diligent in the study of God’s Word,
Christ Jesus is gathering unto himself his "other that our hope may be strong: "And we desire that
sheep", and that this work must be done before the every one of you do shew the same diligence to the
wrath of God breaks upon the enemy organization. full assurance of hope unto the end."--Iteb. 6 : 11, 12.
8 With this issue of The Watchtower a study of gaged in God’s service is not nowmaterial. To highly
the prophecy of Micah is undertaken. Those who esteem men or for one himself to seek high esteem
possess a pure heart and mind will pursue this study from men cannot be pleasing to the Lord, and such
and find much corroborative proof of what has here- persons could not receive the Lord’s blessings. Like-
tofore been learned, and therefore will have more wise the man who seeks to justify himself in the eyes
evidence to make strong their hope of accomplishing of men that they might approve and honor him couhl
that which the Lord has committed to his people who not have the Lord’s favor in so doing. "And he said
love him and who serve him. The record of the proph- unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves be-
ecy written aforetime by Micah, and for the benefit fore men; but God knoweth your hearts; for that
of the remnant, opens with the statement : "Tile word which is highly esteemed among men, is abomination
of the Lord that came to Micah the Morasthite in in the sight of God."~Luke16 : 15.
the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of ~° The time when the word of God came to Micah,
Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jeru- together with the surrounding conditions, fixes or lo-
salem." (Mic. 1: 1) Not the word of man, but the cates the time when the prophecy is in course of ful-
Word of Jehovah God, hence as from the oracle or filhnent. It is there written that it was "in the days
most holy of the temple, and therefore the sure and of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeldah, ldngs of Judah",
safe guide to the one who has undertaken to serve that Jehovah sent his word to Micah. The fact:~ relat-
Jehovah. It is the authoritative word of God, there- ing thereto and immediately following shou the time
fore, that came to Micah and comes to the people of the fulfillment is after the coming of the Lord
whom Micah foreshadows and represents. That Jesus to the temple, which occurred in 1918. The
Word of God is always a safe guide. "The word of names by which Jehovah’s prophets are identified
the Lord is right." (Ps. 33: 4) "Thy word is a lamp are always significant. The name "Micah" is an ab-
unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, breviation of the name "Micaiah", and which means
and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous ’%Vho[is] like Jah?" (See Revised Versio~t, margin,
judg’nmnts. Thy word is true from the beginning ; and and Rotherha,z, margin, at Jeremiah 26:18.)
every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ’~ A prophecy usually has at least a partial fulfill-
ever."--Ps. 119: 105, 106, 160. ment before God’s people discern the same. Prior to
It clearly appears that Jehovah by Christ Jesus the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple in 1918
is doing his work on earth mnong his people and the faithful servants of God on earth looked for the
hence is guiding his people in the right way accord- establishment of the Kingdom and for their own
ing to his promise. (Prov. 3 : 5, 6) Jehovah always going to heaven, and the "restitution" of mankind in
performs his promises faithfully. To his covenant general. It was after 1918 that God’s people on earth
people Jehovah says: "I have put my words in thy began to realize that the name of Jehovah is tim
mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of all-important issue, and then they began to ask, as
mine hand." (Isa. 51:16; Jer. 1:9) Thus the Lord Micah asked, "Who is like Jah?" The word "Jah",
declares he has entrusted his people with the priv- or Itebrew Yah, is an abbrexfiation or contraction of
ilege and obligation of telling his message: "Ye are the word "Jehovah" and means the same thing. (Ps.
my witnesses . . . that I am God." (Isa. 43 : 10, 12) 68: 4, R.V.) The remnant now see that there is none
Jehovah having thus favored his people, they must like Jehovah; and therefore they have set this ques-
be true to him and speak his word to others : "He that tion before all the world, and particularly by bringing
hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully." this question before "’Christendom", as being the main
(Jer. 23: 28) The Lord does not say to speak the or chief issue nowto be settled for ever. None of the
words of wisdom of man, nor to be influenced or remnant saw that this is the great issue until after
guidhd by the word of man. Those who are convinced Satan was east out of heaven and Christ ,Jesus came
that The Watclztower is publishing the opinion or to the temple for judgment. The proof increases, as
expression of a man should not waste time in looking progress is made in the study of prophecy, and shows
at it at all, because a man’s opinion proves nothing beyond all doubt that the prophecy hegan to have
except when that opinion is based wholly upon the fulfillment after tim coming of Christ Jesus to the
Word of God. Those who believe that God uses The temple.
Watchtower as a means of communicating to his ’~The prophet Micah was "the l~Iorasthite"
people, or of calling their attention to his prophecies, ("Morashtite," R.V.); hence he was from the town
should study The Watchtower with thankfulness of of Moresheth-gath. (Vs. 14) That town was near the
heart and give Jehovah God and Christ Jesus all the Philistine city of Gath. Micah, who was God’s wit-
honor and credit and give neither honor nor credit to ness, pictures Jehovah’s witnesses now in close con-
any man. The prophecy of Obadiah shows clearly tact with the modern-day Philistines, the Roman
that the identity of the persons or individuals en- Catholie Hierarchy and allied clergy, otherwise

called "organized Christianity". Moresheth means which belonged to the Lord and gave it to a heathen
"’possession". Gath means "vat", as a place for the king: "For Ahaz took away a portion out of the
pressing of grapes, that is, a winepress. The Philis- house of the Lord, and out of the house of the ldng,
tine giant Goliath came from the city of Gath. and of the princes, and gave it unto the ldng of As-
(1 Sam. 17:4) King Uzziah of Judah "warred syria; hut he helped him not. Andin the time of his
against the Philistines, and brake down the wall of distress did he trespass yet more against the Lord:
Gath" and other cities of the Philistines. (2 Chron. this is that king Ahaz. For he sacrificed unto the
26 : 6, 7) That was just before Micah became a proph- gods of Damascus, which smote him; and he said,
et. Micah appears to have been a Judean, of the tribe Because the gods of the kings of Syria help them,
of Judah. Micah began to prophesy in the reign of therefore will I sacrifice to them, that they may help
Jotham, the son of Uzziah. The name "Jotham" me. But they were the ruin of him, and of all Israel."
means "Jehovah [is] perfect". He succeeded his --2 Chron. 28: 21-23.
father Uzziah, who was stricken with leprosy from ~s Isaiah prophesied during the reig-n of Ahaz an,t
the Lord and died of that malady. This suggests the pronounced doom upon the confederacy that Israel
period of time after "Christendom" was similarly made with Assyria, saying, "Associate yourselves,
smitten spiritually in the year 1918. (2 Ki. 15 : 7, 36- O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces." The
38; 2 Chron. 26:23; 27: 1-9) Because of his faith- World War came suddenly to an end in 1918, and at
fulness to Jehovah Jotham became mighty. "So once the League of Nations began to be formed. It
Jotlmm became mighty, because he prepared his was in 1919 that the clergy issued a manifesto declar-
ways before the LOaDhis God. tie was five and twenty ing that "the League of Nations is the political ex-
years old when he began to reign, and reigned six- pression of God’s kingdom on earth". In other words.
teen years in Jerusalem. And Jotham slept with his the clergy, representing "Christendom", so called.
fathers, and they buried him in tile city of David; and which is unfaithful Israel, entered into a con-
and .Mlaz his son reigned in his stead." (2 Chron. federacy with the Devil’s organization, substituting
27: 6, 8, 9) This was long after King David defeated the Devil’s makeshift for and in the place and stead
tile Philistines at Mount Perazim and at Gibeon. The of the kingdom of heaven under Christ Jesus. Th~.
fact that the Philistines still manifested themselves prophet Isaiah continued the warning to Israel, de-
against the Israelites after David defeated them does claring that the confederacy with the heathen king
not at all alter the fact that those two battles were would be disastrous under the rule of Ahaz. The
typical of what would come to pass at the end of the prophet Isaiah, in prophesying concerning the con-
world. Each prophetic picture or drama is separate federacy, said: "Take counsel together, and it slmll
and distinct from the others and manifestly is re- come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not
corded for a specific reason, and the chronological stand; for God is with us [that is to say, Isaiah an,I
happening thereof has nothing to do with the real all who stood faithful to Jehovah God]. For tht.
meaning of the picture. Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and in-
’~ Uzziah made war with the Philistines and broke structed me that I should not walk in the way of thi-
down their wall (2 Chron. 26: 6,7); and after that people."~Isa. 8: 10, 11.
his grandson, Ahaz, the son of Jotham, reigned, and ~" Ahaz ignored the warning given by Isaiah. ju.q
during his reign the Philistines came and made war as "Christendom" ignored the warning given by God’.-
upon the Israelites. The Edomites made war against people at the end of the World War, and turned awa)
.Iudah. "The Philistines also had invaded the cities from Christ Jesus the King and made an allianet,
of the low country, and of the south of Judah, and with the Devil or otheluvise openly declared for tho
had taken Beth-shemesh, and Ajalon, and Gederoth, Devil. It was the fear of man that drove "Christen-
and Shocho with the villages thereof, and Tinmah dora’s" leaders fully into the Devil’s camp. Continu-
with the villages thereof, Gimzoalso and the villages ing then his prophecy, Isaiah addressed his word~
thereof; and they dwelt there." (2 Chron. 28: 18) to the faithful servant of Jehovah: "Say ye not, .’\
This strongly supports the conclusion that in the day confederacy, to all them to whomthis people shall
of Jehovah’s witnesses, the remnant, whom Micah say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor
lnetured, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and allies be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and
would make war against the people of God, which let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And
war we now see in progress. he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of
~’ The name "&haz" means "he hath grasped". He stumbling, and for a rock of offence, to both tile
was a wicked ruler. "For the Lord brought Judah houses of Israel [both houses, that is, natural Israel
low, because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made and unfaithful spiritual Israel, which is ’Christen-
Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the dom’ and which entered into the confederacy of the
Lord." (2 Chron. 28: 19) He wrongfully g’rasped that nations under the Devil’s control] ; for a ,_,in and for
r E p,.
a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many Philistines: "And the Lord was with him: and h(.
among them [including Ahaz; the modern clergy prospered whithersoever he went forth; and tw r,:-
leaders or religionists in particular] shall stumble, belled against the king of Assyria, and served lmn
and fall, and he broken, and he snared, and be taken. not. He smote the Philistines, even unto (;az’t, and
Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my dis- the borders thereof, from the tower of the watchmen
ciples." (Isa. 8: 9-16) All this strongly supports the to the fenced city." (2 Ki. 18 : 7, 8) Hezekiahfollov,’ed
conclusion that the prophecy of Micah is fulfilled in the steps of David: "He, in the first year of his
and applies after the coming of the Lord Jesus to the reign, in the first month, opened the doors of the
temple and after the setting up of "the abomination house of the Lord, and repaired them"; this because
of desolation", which occurred early in the year 1919 Hezekiah told the priests that they must cleanse the
according to the world calendar.--Dan. 12: 11. house of the Lord. "For our fathers have trespassed,
" It was about that time (A.D. 1919) that the so- and done that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord
called "Protestantism", represented by the "Protes- our God, and have forsaken him, and have turned
tant" clergy, died completely out. The "young lion", away their faces from the habitation of the Lord.
mentioned in the Scriptures, that roared against and turned their backs. Also they have shut up the
God’s antitypical Samson, ceased to exist at that doors of the porch, and put out the lamps, and have
time and the "Protestant" clergy went over, body not burned incense nor offered burnt offerings in
and hreeches, to the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, the the holy place, unto the Godof Israel. Nowit i: in
modern Philistines. (Judg. 14: 5, 6) Since then the mine heart to make a covenant with the Lord God
RomanCatholic IIierarchy has considered that they of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from
have a clean field to shortly conquer and rule the us. *~Iy sons, be not nownegligent : for the Lord hath
whole world, and in this they are making particular chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and
that ye should minister unto him, and hurn incense."
progress in America at the present time. Ahaz, who
also pictured the so-called "Protestant" clergy, who "And they gathered their brethren, and sanctified
had grasped that which had belonged to the Lord themselves, and came, according to the command-
ment of the king by the words of the Lord. to cleanse
and turned it over to the Devil, died; and that also
pictured the end of "Protestantism". Prophetically the house of the Lord."--2 Chron. 29 : 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15.
concerning this it is written: "In the year that king ’~ Micah was prophesying during that time, and
Ahaz died was this burden. Rejoice not, O Philistia, this apparently supports the conclusion t]mt the
all of thee, because the rod that smote thee is broken ; prophecy of Micah began to have fulfilhnent with the
for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth an coming of Christ Jesus, and after the coming of the
adder, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. Lord to the temple, and while the remnant is being
And the first-born of the poor shall feed, and the taken into the Kingdom covenant and the sanctuary
needy shall lie down in safety; and I will kill thy is cleansed. Nowthe l~Iicah class, that is, tlm rem-
root with famine, and thy remnant shall be slain. nant, see and appreciate that there is a war in prog-
Howl, O gate; cry, 0 city; thou art melted away, O ress against the modern Philistines, and they greatly
Phitistia, all of thee; for there cometh a smoke out rejoice as they contemplate the Lord’s complete vic-
of the north, and there is no straggler in his ranks." tory over that wicked errand in God’s own due time.
(Isa. 14: 28-31, Am. 12ev. l’er.) If the RomanCath-
olic tIierarchy had any vision whatsoever of Jeho- ARMAGEDDONFORES[IADOWED
vah’s purposes that crowd would not now be boast- ’° It was during the reign of King ttezekiah that
ing and felicitating each other, because their days Jerusalem was assaulted by the enemies of the Lord.
are numbered and the end thereof is near, and this is Sennacherib, the ldng of Assyria, took the f(,n,’cd
:hown by the prophecies. cities in the Iand of Palestine, and then sent I~al)-
’~ Hezeldah, the son of Ahaz, then came to the shakeh, his messenger, to Jerusalem and there tried
throne of Israel, and Micah continued to prophesy to induce the Jews to forsake IIezekiah and willingly
during his reign. (2 Chron. 28: 27) The name Heze- surrender to Sennacherib. Likewise Satans emis-
kiah means "Strength of Jah", and, true to his name, saries have employed many devices in an attempt to
Jehovah did strengthen him. "Itezekiah began to seduce God’s people and cause them to for~-ake the
reign when he was five and twenty years old, and he ldngdom of God and go over to the Devil’s or~amza-
reigned nine and twenty years in Jerusalem; and tion. At the present time the Devil’s repre~-entative,
his mother’s name was Abijah, the daughter of the Roman Catholic tIierarehy and alhed clergy,
Zechariah. And lie did that which was right in the working behind the scenes, are trying to induce God’s
sight of the Lord, according to all that David his people to bow to men and images and to salute them
father had done." (2 Chron. 29 : 1, 2) This Hezekiah and to salute flags, and to therehy attribute salva-
also fought against the enemy of God, including the tion to things rather than to God, the purpose of the

enemy being to cause men to be unfaithful to the "possession of peace". Unfaithful Jerusalem pictures
Lord and to thereby bring about their own destruc- the ruling class of "organized religion" (otherwise
tion. The boastful threats of Rabshakeh and his prin- called "Christendom", in which the clergb" are tile
cipal, Sennacherib, being told to Hezekiah, that ldng chief actors) and also pictures the "man of sin", "the
sent a messenger to the prophet Isaiah, asking him son of perdition," or the Judas class.--2 Thess.
to inquire of the Lord what he must do : "And Isaiah 2 : 3-12 ; John13 : 26, 27 ; 17 : 12.
said unto them, Thus shall ye say unto your master, :’ Jehovah by his prophet now addresses his com-
Thus saith the Lord, Be not afraid of the words that mandto all the religionists, as well as to all other
thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king peoples of the earth, and says to them : "]tear, all ye
of Assyria have blasphemed me. Behold, I will send people [Hear, ye peoples, all of you (Bey. Vet.)];
a blast upon him; and he shall hear a rumour, and hearken, O earth, and all that therein is: and let the
return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall Lord God be witness against you, the Lord from his
by the sword in his ownland." (Isa. 37 : 6, 7) In this holy temple." (Micah 1: 2) That means Catholics and
prophetic picture it is clearly seen that Jehovah will "Protestants", so called, and all other religious sys-
fight the battle of Armageddonand destroy the ene- tems, including laymen and clergymen or shepherds,
my and preserve alive those who faithfully stand and the "principal of the flock", the "elective elder"
with him. class, and the "man of sin" class, and all whofollow
2, It was "in the days of . . . [the] kings of Judah" after or associate with them. Otherwise stated, the
that the word of Jehovah came to Micah. Antityp- commandis addressed to all of Satan’s organization,
ically this means that in the day of the coming of including the leading men or the rulers thereof, and
Christ Jesus the King, and of the gathering unto all supporters thereof, that is, all to whomthe Devil
himself of all others who praise and serve Jehovah, has come down in wrath and for all of whomit is now
the prophecy has fulfillment. At the same time the un- a time of woe. (Rev. 12: 12) To all of such Jehovah
faithful rulers in "Christendom" (like Ahaz the un- says: "Let the Lord God [sovereign Jehovah] be
faithful) are in power, ruling the nations of the witness against you"; "and let my Lord Jehovah be
earth. Jehovah’s witnesses are now in the land of among you for a witness." (Rotherham) Christ Je-
"praise", for which "Judah" stood, and they are seen sus had then been enthroned by Jehovah, had cast
actively engaging in praising and serving Jehovah Satan out of heaven, and now began to give his at-
God. The word of Jehovah came to Micah at a time tention particularly to the things of the earth, when
in which "he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusa- this part of the prophecy specifically began to apply.
lem". Micah prophesied within twenty-one years, The World War was stopped by Jehovah in order
up until the destruction of Samaria and the carrying that the peoples of earth might have an opportunity
away of the ten tribes of Israel. "And it came to pass to hear Jehovah’s testimony, which he would deliver
in the fourth year of king Hezeldah, which was the by and through his witnesses, before he executed Sa-
seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, tan’s organization at Armageddon. The time had
that Shahnaneser Idng of Assyria came up against come to hear, and they must ’qmar" and "hearken",
Samaria, and besieged it. And at the end of three though they forbear, that is, desist or refuse to give
years they took it, even in the sixth year of Hezeldah heed to the cornmandmentThis gospel of God’s king-
(that is the ninth year of Itoshea ldng of Israel) dom must now "be preached as a witness to all the
Samaria was taken. And the ldng of Assyria did nations before the end comes, as the Lord Jesus suh-
carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in sequently stated.--Matt 24: 14, 21.
lIalah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the " Mark this, that the command comes "from his
cities of the Modes."--2 Ki. 18: 9-11. holy temple". That exactly corresponds with the time
-~-" Samaria means"watch station". It was the capi- when the "Messenger of the covenant" has suddenly
tal city of the ten tribes, which composed one of the or straightway come to the temple, having finished
two houses of Israel, and concerning whom Isaiah the work of preparing the way before Jehovah. (Mal.
prophesied that Christ would be a stone of stumbling. 3: 1) It is the time when Jehovah has ’brought forth
(Isa. 8:14) Therefore Sarnaria well pictures the his servant TH~-Bt{ANCR’at the temple. (Zech. 3: 8)
"’Catholic population", which is under the domina- Jehovah’s great Vindicator, the High Priest after
tion of the RomanCatholic Itierarehy, and also the the order of Melchizedek, has come to the temple and
laity or commonpeople of the so-called "Protestant" hence ’the desire of all nations has come’. (tIag. 2: 7)
religious organization; and also includes all those The great High Priest is now "a priest upon his
who are guilty of the "sin of Samaria", that is, the throne", ministering to the things of Jehovah God
worshipers of religious leaders or so-called "heroes". according to His sovereign will. (Zech. 6: 12, 13)
Micah prophesied up to within 110 years of the de- Therefore in the representative capacity of his
struction of Jerusalem, the name of which city means Christ, and clearly in line with the prophecy uttered

by kIieah, "Jehovah is in his holy temple; let all the who are thus fully consecrated and devoted to doing
earth keep silence before him" and hear the testi- the will of God.
mony which the Lord has commanded his witnesses ~’ The Lord God now gives the warning and com-
to deliver : "But Jehovah is in his holy temple : let all mands the attention of all, saying, "For, behohl,"
the earth keep silence before him." (Hab. 2: 20, thus drawing the clear and undivided attention to
Am. Rev. Ver.) It is the time of judgment: "The what is about to be said. The Lord is at his temple,
and now the people must receive notice of warni~:g
Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in
because the ’day of the vengeance of our God’ is here,
heaven; his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children and those commissioned by the Lord God must now
of men. The Lord trieth the righteous; but the bear testimony of and concerning Jehovah’s venge-
wicked, and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth. ance against Satan’s organization and give warning
Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brim- thereof to the people. (Isa. 61:2) It is a time ~o
stone, and an horrible tempest; this shall be the por- most serious, attentive, and obedient to the Lord God.
tion of their cup. For the righteous Lord loveth right- ’~ The prophecy then announces why the Lord is
eousness; his countenance doth behold the upright." commanding attention: "For, behold, the Lord com-
--Ps. 11 : 4-7. eth forth out of his place, and will come down, and
’~ The judganent begins at the house of God. (1 Pet. tread upon the high places of the earth." (Mic. 1 : 3)
4:17) Then the judgment proceeds to the separating "The Lord cometh forth out of his place," says the
of the nations and identifying and marking each prophecy, which place is Zion, his official habitation,
class. (Matt. 25 : 31-46) It is the time whenthe temple and in which he has been since 1918 and where he is
of God is opened in heaven and the ark of the cove- located permanently: "For the Lord hath (.l’.oscn
nant is seen therein, which denotes the presence of Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is
Jehovah. (Rev. 11:19, A.R.V.) These scriptures are myrest for ever ; here will I dwell ; for I have desired
all in exact harmony, to be sure; all bear testimony it."~Ps. 132: 13, 14.
not only that the Lord Jesus is present as King and ~ At this point of the prophecy Satan has been
that the end of Satan’s rule is at hand, but that the cast out of heaven and down to the earth and Jeho-
Lord Jesus, as the great and duly commissioned vah nowgives his attention to the things of the ¢,arth,
Judge of Jehovah, now carries forward his work acting, as he always does, through his great tIigh
of judgment. Priest, to whomhe has committed all power in hcav-
’~ Heretofore students of the Scriptures have re- en and earth. This is the time to which Jeh¢ )yah s
lied upon chronology to prove the presence of the prophet referred when he wrote these words : "O that
Lord, but the strongest evidence, and the most con- thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest
elusive proof of his presence, is the fulfillment of come down, that the mountains might flow down at
prophecy, which has taken place and which could thy presence, as when the melting fire burneth, the
take place only after the coming of the Lord to the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name
temple. Some persons who think themselves in Christ known to thine adversaries, that the nations may
Jesus will now quibble over the word "sig’n" as that tremble at thy presence!"--Isa. 64:1, 2.
word is found in Matthew24 : 3, and will say that ’the so It is the time for the giving of testimony of warn-
word is in the singular, showing that there is but one ing and for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. The
sign, and therefore there is no evidence of Christ’s earth, as the Scriptures clearly declare, is the foot-
presence’. Such a conclusion is entirely without stool of Jehovah, and now the time has come for the
reason and is exactly contrary to the Scriptures. enemies of God to be trodden under foot by Christ
The apostles propounded the question to Jesus, Jesus, his Executor. (Ps. 110: 1-5) Therefore J¢’l~’.,
"W-hat shall be the sign of thy comingf’ (Matt. 24: 3) yah has come down to "tread upon the high places of
The word "sign" used therein; while in the singmlar, the earth". No religionists, rulers, organizations or
does not denote merely one thing. The word means, persons may now act proudly before Jehovah and get
and is so defined by lexicographers: "An indication, away with it, because the time has come to bring the
token or proof of a fact." Many witnesses may be high and mighty, the haughty and scornful, down to
called to testify to establish a certain thing or fact, the dust. Regardless of how lofty and high anything
and their testimony as a whole is referred to as the in the earth may be, still it is beneath the heel of
proof, indication, token or sign in support of the Jehovah and that of his Christ. No rulers of the
question at issue. It is not the purpose here to discuss wicked world constitute the "higher powers" (Ilom.
the proofs of the Lord’s presence at any length, be- 13: 1), regardless of all the fuss that has been made
cause that question is now fully and completely set- about this, because Jehovah God and Christ Jesus
tled to the entire satisfaction of those who love and are the Higher Powers, and Jehovah alone is su-
serve Jehovah and requires no discussion by those preme, and he makes all the earth to be the footstool
of his Christ: "The lofty looks of man shall be gent in the performance of their commission now and
humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed continuously until Armageddon. If the battle of the
down; and the LORDalone shall be exalted in that great day of God Almighty is merely to accomplish
day. For the day of the Load of hosts shall be upon the destruction of the wicked, then why should the
every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one Lord commandall to hear and to give heed to what
that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low."-- he is about to do? To be sure, Jehovah could have
destroyed the Devil and his organization long ago;
Isa. 2: I1, 12. but it clearly is his will that something else must be
" The kingdoms and the rulers of the earth have done. Here again appears the supreme issue, which
long been the backbone of Satan’s earthly organiza- is strongly emphasized, that is, the vindication of
tion, but now the time has come when those scornful Jehovah’s name. Satan has buitded a mighty organi-
and haughty men, who have hardened their hearts zation in defiance of Jehovah God. He and his agents
like stone against Jehovah, must be and will be have brought great reproach upon the name of Jeho-
broken and brought down to the dust: "And the vah, and this he has accomplished chiefly by employ-
mountains shall be molten under him, and the val- ing reli~onists to carry on a racket in the name of
leys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the the Lord God and in the name of Christ. Tile effect
waters that are poured downa steep place."-Mic. 1 : 4. upon the commonor ordinary people has been and is
~ The backbone of Satan’s organization is repre- that they have been deceived, being given entirely
sented by the "mountains", which stand out above the the wrong impression of Jehovah and his purpose,
other parts of tile ground. Jehovah is as "a consum- and this has caused them to disregard God’s Word
ing fire" to his enemies, which fire will quickly melt and to curse his name. Now Jehovah brings about
down the powers that now rule the nations. "But the the end of all the wicked rulers and the ruled. His
day of tile Lord will comeas a thief in the night; in purpose is to destroy the enemy, not merely to get
the which the heavens shall pass away with a great the enemy out of the way, but that his name may be
noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ; vindicated, and that all creation that lives may know
the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall and understand that he is God, whose name alone is
be burned up." "Looking for and basting unto the Jehovah, and those that live can receive life only
coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens, being from Jehovah through Christ Jesus our Lord and
on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt Redeemer.
with fervent heat."--2 Pet. 3 : 10, 12. ~" The Devil and his crowd, particularly the Roman
’~ The great governments and rulers of the earth. Catholic Hierarchy and allied clergy, fight from be-
likened unto the mountains, shall be split and valleys hind, because they are the cowards working in the
shall be cleft in them, destroying their adhesiveness, darkness under the forces of darkness. They take
dividing and breaking their unity, and leaving them advantage of their adversary and stab him in the
in ruin. Their leagues and treaties and alliances and back. Jehovah proceeds exactly in a contrary nmn-
confederacies will not hold. Jehovah caused his ner, because Jehovah is righteous, always right.
prophet to utter a prayer which shows his purpose Whenthe time comes for him to fight he gives the.
to destroy all these wicked earthly powers: "As enemy full and fair warning and then tells hill to
smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax get ready and to do his worst, because the enemy is
melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the going to be destroyed. At the same time he gives
presence of God."--Ps. 68:2. fair warning to the people, including all those of
" The Lord also uses a flood of waters as a figure good-will who desire righteousness, warning them
of speech, saying: "As the waters that are poured of the day of the expression of his wrath upon Satan
down a descent." (Margin) This shows that when and his organization; and this he does in order that
Jehovah God begins the execution of his judgments those of good-will who hear and give heed may flee
the earthly organizations will be dissolved quicldy "into tile mountains" (Matt. 24: 15, 16), to the "cities
and shall melt away like a mountain torrent, which of refuge" (Num. 35: 11-15), the only place of safety,
rushes downand sweeps everything that is in its path. that is, to God’s kingdom under Christ. This favor
~ This prophecy is also a statement of Jehovah’s and blessing the people can have only by placing
judgment and determination to destroy all of Sa- themselves with God’s organization and rendering
tan’s organization at Armageddon and is another themselves in obedience to his commandments.
positive and conclusive statement that the witness ’~ This is a most solemn time and requires the most
work to be done by Jehovah’s witnesses must be com- serious consideration to be given to God’s Word, not
pleted before Armageddon, which is great tribula- only by the people of good-will who are thus warned.
tion falling upon Satan’s organization. This is an but also by those who are commissioned 1)y Jehovah
,~rgent reason why Jehovah’s witnesses must be dill- to give the warning. God comnmn(ts his witnesses to

go throughout the land and give the warning by in- are wholly indifferent. They seldom take part in the
forming the people of his vengeance that will shortly witness work, saying that someone else may do that.
be expressed. Christian people formerly thought that Whether such indifferent ones are in the temple or
God’s purpose is chiefly to save them and give them not, they have been informed of God’s purpose and
life;hut now it appears that there is much more in- commandedto make that purpose known unto others.
w)lved. Those who do get life with Christ Jesus must (Rev. 22 : 17) Therefore there rests upon such a very
fully obey the comnmndmentsgiven by the Lord. He grave responsibility of participating actively in the
tells his witnesses in plain phrase that if they fail to witness work. T]~e Watchtower calls attention to
give the warning, as commanded, they shall suffer these things because it seems clearly to be necessary
destruction. "So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a to repeatedly warn some of the consecrated that
watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou there now rests upon them a very great obligation
shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them and duty, and their failure to give heed to the Scrip-
from me. WhenI say unto tl~e wicked, O wicked man, tures, which Jehovah has caused to be written hy hi~-
thou s, halt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn prophets, will bring all such negligent ones clearly
the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die to the point of adverse judgment, which they will re-
in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine ceive. God is no respecter of persons, and each one
hand."--Ezek. 33: 7, 8. who hears his commandments is responsible to the
~ There are those who claim to be followers of Lord. Further consideration of this prophecy that
Christ Jesus and in line for the Kingdom who seem follows discloses that Jehovah assig-ns a reason why
to have no appreciation of these and like texts in the he gives the warning, and why he will execute his
Scriptures. They go to a convention of God’s people vengeance upon the various ones who do not heed his
and apparently listen to some speaker whom they Word and show their complete willingness to Gluey
fancy deliver his speech, and when it comes to serious and then obey the commandmentso~ the Most lliJ:h.
consideration of what God commandsthem to do they (To be continued)


{{ANDI beheld another beast coming up out of the this dates from ancient Eg5pt fm~vardand (.onlimlc, down
/-k earth; and he had TWO ItORNSlike a lamb, and he
spake as a dragon Andhe exerciseth all the power
to the seventh world powertoday. Satan built up a pov. er-
ful organization with manyparts thereto. Timt x is~bte
of the first beast [that rose up out of the sea] before him, earthly organizatmnis otherwise symbolizedby "the earth",
and causeth the earth and them whichdwell therein to wor- and which, according to 2 Peter 3:10, is markedfor de-
ship the first beast, whosedeadly woundwas healed. And struction. The two-hornedbeast comesup out of the earth,
he doeth great wonders, so that he makethfire comedown that is to say, growsup out of the orgamzationthat already
from heavenon the earth in the sight of men,and deceiveth existed. The two-hornedbeast then directs the makingof
~hemthat dwell on the earth by the meansof those miracles the "imageof the beast".
whichhe had powerto do in the sight of the beast; saying That "wild beast" that cameup "out of the sea" is Sa-
t~ them that dwell on the earth, that they should makean tan’s entire visible organization on earth. It had one of its
~mageto the beast, which had the woundby a sword, and seven heads woundedin the World War of 1914-1918. and
did live.’--Rcv. 13:11-14. the woundwas healed. The tuG-hornedbeast is the Angl,-
IIere the apostle John, representing God’sanointed wit- AmericanImperialism, that is to say, the combinedpowel
nesses on earth today, beheld "another beast" having "two of Britain and America, and whichis a part of the organi-
horns like a lamb" and "coming up out of the earth", and zation of "the god of this world". (2 Cot. 4:4; Luke4:5-7)
d~ speech was like a "dragon", whichis a symbolof Satan. TheBritish Empti’eis the seventh of the x~orld powelsI>~ed
\V1thin the meaningof the prophetic Scriptures, "beast," in the Bible (Roy. 17 : 9, 10), and it is the most poucrful
briefly defined, meansa rule by violence; that is, (I) of all. That world power grew up out of the natmu~ and
violent eoercion of the conscienceof the governed,the peo- peoples that had already been organized into Satan’s x ~s-
ple; and (2) a rule over or control of the person by the iblc organization, symbolizedby "the earth". Ilenee the
exercise of force in a violent manner. Gradually the Lord Scriptures say that ’the two-hornedbeast came up out ol
(~od has madeknownto his people on earth the identit-y of the earth’. This does not at all mihtateagainst the fact that
this two-hornedbeast, a~ well as the wild sea beast. In God’s it was and is a part (the seventh head) of the utld beast
organization the symbol of "the wheels" is found. (See that cameup out of the sea. Growingup out of this Devil
Ezekiel 1: 16.) In an assembled and operating machine organization (the ’sea beast’) camethe two-hornedbeast.
tllere are wheels within wheels. Every great organization The "two horns" would symbolize a dual power. It is
has parts, and the wheels represent important parts. Satan~ to be noted that these horns are like a lamb’s. A lamb’s
the mimicgod, wemight expect to try to follow in his or- horns are just beginningto sprout ; they are not very much
ganization a course similar to that of JehovahGod. Satan in evidence. This wouldseemto suggest that the powerex-
brought "out of the sea" his "wild beast" organization, and ercised by the Anglo-Americanimperialism would be cxer-
cised in an apparently innocent way. A lamb is an ap- A religious tie binds the British and American nations
parently innocent beastie. It is well knownthat the British as one. Although the Catholics are strong in Britain and
are past masters at diplomacy. They arc suave and exercise America, these two countries are the bulwark of Protes-
their power in a diplomatic manner. In other words, this tantism. No Catholic has ever been able to be elected presi-
symbolic beast has tremendous forces at work, silently exer- dent of the United States. Nominally, England has a
eising influence where few suspect it is active. The apostle king; yet in fact it is a democratic representative govern-
John says that this "beast" spoke "as a dragon". ment in form and is ruled by the commercial and political
The British Empire really started as an empire when interests in which the clergy unite; the Protestant clergy
its ruling sovereign chartered the English East India Com- constitute an important part. There are in the official gov-
pany in A.D. 1600. Centuries before that England was a ernment lords temporal and lords ecclesiastical. There is
part of the RomanEmpire; therefore, as an empire she also a financial or commercial relationship between the two
grew up "out of the earth", that is to say, out of Satan’s countries of Britain and America that binds them together.
visible organization already in existence. Within seven They are in fact one great country, acting separately and
years after the beginning of the empire, to wit, May 13, distinctly and yet together, and fitly represented by the
1607, the first permanent settlement in America was found- "two horns".
ed at Jamestown, Virginia. That marked the be~nning of Concerning American imperialism as dating from the
the thirteen colonies of the Brutish Empire in America; "MonroeDoctrine" of 1823, that doctrine is, in substance,
and for 169 years thereafter these colonies were an integral that European monarchies or governments must not by con-
part of the British Empire. Even today in America Great quest acquire territory and rulership over the countries of
Britain is referred to as "the mother country". The revolu- North and South America and make them colonies arid
tion of 1776, and the subsequent establishing of the inde- thereby enlarge the territory of the European nations. The
pendent government of the United States, does not at all doctrine does not declare, however, against enlargement of
militate against the fact that the symbol of ’the two-horned United States territory on the Western Continent at the ex-
beast’ refers to Britain and the United States. pense of smaller American republics, and history records
that America did make war with Mexico and took over
The two nations or countries have had too many con- Texas; she made war with Spain and established a pio-
tacts arid important and related interests, to separate them
rectorate over Cuba and Puerto Rico. For a ttme she estab-
Englisl~ is the commonlanguage of the two nations, and is lished a protectorate over Santo Domingo, Itaiti, and put
today the dominant language of the earth. Some British in operation a military policy in Nicaragua. In co-operation
imperialists view the United States as one of the integral w~th Brazil and the Netherlands government in exile the
parts of the British Empire, now the British Commonwealth American army troops took up positions in I)utch Guiana
of Nations since 1931. By act of the Brutish Parliament the (Surinam) on November 23, 1941, allegedly to guard the
various countries forming the empire, or commonwealth, aluminum ore deposits there, for the duration of the pres-
have each a recognized measure of independence and auton- ent war or of the emergency. America acquired the Canal
omy, and each has had a separate scat in the League of Zone and Alaska. She also acquired title to the Philippine
Nations. To be sure, the United States stands out in a class
Islands, to the ttawaiian Islands, and to Samoaand Guam,
all by herself amongst the English-speaking people, and and thereby enlarged her territory.
that makes of her distinctly one of the "horns" of the two-
horned beast and also a part of the seventh world power. True to the traditional policy (to wit, diplomatic hypoc-
risy) of the two-horned beast, the ostensible reason for the
It is true that there was war between Britain and the Monroe Doctrine was to protect the infant republics of the
Umted States in IS12, but it is also true that there have American continent. The real reason was in the interest of
been many rebellions in Ireland. At the time of the World Britain and America. In support of this conclusion the fol-
War the United States and Britain were so interconnect- lowing historical fact is related, as quoted from The E,,-
ed in their financial relationships that they were prac-
tically one. The commercial interests of the two countries cyclopedia Americana, Volume 19, pages 373, 374: "This
are vitally tied together. The stoking of a British vessel feeling of confidence in the continuance of the new govern-
was the real pretext for America to enter the World War, ments [Colombia, Chile, Mexlco, Brazil, and LaPlata] rc-
and during the war most of the American troops and sup- celved a severe shock when the combination of central
phes were carried in British ships. It was the Brutish-owned European powers, commonlycalled the Holy Alliance [the
American newspapers that took the lead in the propaganda chief amongst which was Germany], after crushing several
attempts at liberal government in Europe, turned its at-
campaign carried on to put America in the World War,
tention to Spain and to the Spanish co[omcs . . . The
and she went in as an ally of Britain.
United States feared that France won!d undertake this
There is today a reciprocity agreement between the commissionalso and would claim Cuba as the price of service
United States and Canada, a part of the dominion of the to Spain, thereby securing a broader foothold in Amemca."
British Commonwealthof Nations. The Latin countries of To show that Great Britain was deeply interested in the
South America have feared the imperialistic aims of the policy of the Monroe Doctrine, and that Bmtain and Amer-
United States. In the Pan-American Union the United ica were working in conjunctmn with each other, the follow-
States is the dominant figure, of course. The imperialism
ing historical fact is quoted:
of America dates from December 2, 1823, with the "Monroe
Doctrine", which doctrine does not declare against the "The time seemed to have come in 1823 for some sort of
lJmted States’ enlarging her termtory on the Western Con- action that would head off the threatened invasion of Latin
tinent at the expense of minor American republics. America by third parties in behalf of Spain. Something

was also needed to check the Russian advance into North There never before was a land monster like the ’two-
America, and the opportunity was convenient for express- horned beast’. Says The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 4,
ing the undying love of Americans for the popular govern- page 558, undcr the title "British Empire": "It is the larg-
mcnt that they had chosen. At this momentGeorge Canning, est body of land and of people under any one jurisd~ctmn
Foreign Minister of Great Britain, stepped into the contro- on the globe, comprising about one-fourth of the eartt’.’s
versy. England was interested in unrestricted trade with surface, and one-fourth of its inhabitants. Extcnmve por-
the Spanish-Amerlcan countries and was extremely opposed tions of it lie in each of the five grand divisions of the globe.
to the constricting policy of the Holy Alliance, both in Its organization is entirely differcnt from that of any other
Europe and Amemca. IIence, in August and September
1823, Canning four times proposed to Richard Rush, our ’empire’ in history."
Minister in London, that the United States join England If to the above are addcd the vast domains of the United
in a declaration against intervention, and [President] States and its territories it is seen that this two-horned
Monroe was inclined to accept the proposal. After long "beast" governs and casts a shadow over a large part of the
Cabinet discussions John QuincyAdams, Secretary of earth’s surface. This imperialism dating from A.D. 1600
State, convinced the President that it would be better to is unparallelcd and is the greatest empire of all time.
make an independent declaration. Adams’ papers show that The vision shows this beast with "two horns like a lamb".
he not only suggested but formulated most of the important
A lamb is an inoffensive creature and acts only on the de-
premdential message of 2 Dec. 1823, several passages in
fensive. It is the boast of the British that England has al-
~hich, construed together, constitute the original and
genuine Monroe Doctrine." ways wagcd a defensive warfare. The Americans claim that
America is always on the defensive. Both Britain and Amer-
As with the League of Nations compact of 1919, an
American president got the credit for wmting the Monroe ica claim to be always on the defensive and as harmless as
Doctrine, but it really emanated from a fertile British a lamb. Revelation 13:11 proceeds with the descrlptmn:
mind. In support of this conclusion the following historical "And he spake as a dragon." Concerning the Dragon,
Revelation 12 : 3, 4 says : "And the dragon stood before the
fact is important:
woman[God’s organization] which was ready to be deliv-
"The original Monroe Doctrine was at once effective.
Canning [the Foreign Minister of Great Britain] was so ered, for to devour her child [The Theocratic Government
by Christ Jesus] as soon as it was born." Thus it makes a
muchinterested in the result that he claimed it for himself
and said (21 Dcc. 1826): ’I looked another way . . . vicious attempt to destroy God’s kingdom.
sought for compensation in another hemisphere .... I One of the names of the Dragonis that of Serpent. which
called the new world into existence to redress the balance means deceiver; and while this two-horned ’~beast" has had
of the old.’ " (Page 374) The same authority further says a lamb-like appearance, its words have been deceptive.
"’During the Spanish War of 1898 Great Britain made it ’Thy speech betrayeth thee.’ Its speech shows it to be the
clear that other European powers must not interfere with offspring of the great Dragon, the Devil, because history
the American policy of the United States." (Page 375) shows it is poisonous, deceptive and devouring, and making
--The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 19. a vicious attempt to destroy Jehovah’s kingdom and the
This shows that both of the horns of the ’°beast" were witnesses thereof, in order to gain world domination.
working together, and the physical facts of 1941 show they Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ shall gain the world
continue to do so. domination and exercise it forever.


They that understand amonglhe people shall i~struct many. In all this did not Job sin with his lips.---Job 2: 10.
--Dan. 11:33.
Jehovah’s faithful witnesses have becomeinstructors of It is the Theocratic Government that is of paramount
many by visiting them at their homes and by holding study importance. Therefore the prophetic drama of Job includes
meetings and aiding them in studying God’s Word. Such the Itead and body members of that government, also the
has been and is a tremendous witness work, carried on m faithful men of old who will be the earthly rcpresentatives
divers ways, to wit, by use of books, booklets, magazines, of that government and rule amongst men, filhng the places
radio, phonographs, and by traveling from place to place of visible governors; and also those whoreceive the (brine
and from house to house, speaking to those willing to hear. commission from Jehovah and who act under that govern-
They have met with many who have had a hearing ear, and ment to carry out that d~wnemandate to fill the earth. The
these the witnesses have instructed in the way of the Scrip- severe test to which Job was subjected foretold the test to
tures. Their journey and work as Jehovah’s servants are which the members of The Theocracy arc put; and a like
along the rough and rugged way, viewed from the human
viewpoint, but always the way of joy of heart to those who test is put upon every one who holds an official positron un-
wilhngly engage in the field witness work. It is not expected der that righteous government. Each and evcry one under
it would be easy on the human organism; it has not been. the test must hold fast his intco~rity in order to receive the
It has been too hard for some. Therefore says the prophecy : approval of the Lord Jesus Christ the King and of Jeho-
"Yet they shall fall." W 10/15/41 vah. tV 8/15/41
JANUARY $ The Theocracy? If I am not wholly and entirely for The
But tl~ou, Lord, art most high for evermore. For, Io, thi~te Theocracy I am against The Theocracy." One cannot bc
enemies, 0 Lord .... shall perish.--Ps. 92: 8, 9. negligent or indifferent to God’s commandmentsconcern:ng
The Theocratic Government and expect to receive God’s ap-
Jehovah will vindicatc his name by destroying all those provah Jacl was put to the test, and she without hesitation
who work against his government under Christ Jesus. It is put herself entirely on the side of Jehovah and his typical
Satan, that wicked one, operating his religious-totalitarian covenant people, who there remained faithful to God. Jael
conspiracy against The Theocracy that is now desperately pictured a faithful, obedient class whoshall receive the ever-
fighting against Jehovah’s kingdom. There is no compromise lasting blessings of Jehovah and his King. W5/1/41
and no possibility of peace between God and the wicked.
Today the Vatican officials, together with the dictators, are
moving with all their power to destroy everything in the JANUARY 7
earth that ~ill not submit to the devilish rule. All this is in God spared not . . . the old world, but saved Noah, th~
defiance of .4almighty God and a reproach upon his name. eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringb~g
Jehovah’s name must be vindicated It shall be vindicated! in the flood upon the world.--2 Pet. 2: 4, 5.
The only possible way to bring about the vindication of Jehovah set Noah before men as an example for those to
Jehovah’s name is the complete destruction of the wicked, follow who have faith in God and in his kingdom and ~ho
every part of Satan’s organization. At the battle of that would be faithful. WhenGod puts his approval upon a man,
great day of God Almighty all the wicked shall be destroyed. others who come afterwards do well to give consideratmn
W 1/15/ii as to why God marks that man with approval. God never
changes, and when he approves one man we may be sure
JANUARY 4 that his approval will be placed upon other men who like-
Myson, forget ~ot ray law; but let thine heart keep ray wise do well before him. God is no respecter of persons.
eommandments.~Prov. 3: 1. What is required of one to merit God’s approval he like-
The true followers of Christ Jesus arc begotten or accepted wise requires of all others who receive his approval. The
by Jehovah and acknowledgedby him as his children or sons, Scriptures disclose the reason why God approved Noah
and these must be obedient to Jehovah God their Father He was just, was blameless in his conduct, maintained his
if they would receive life everlasting. These become new integrity, was a man of faith, and was faithful under the
creatures in Chrmt Jesus, who is the Head of tile new crea- test, being obedient to God. W 5/15/41
tion or spiritual Israehtes: "Therefore if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; JANUARY 8
behold, all things are become new." (2 Cor. 5: 17) Having The Lord thy God, he is God, the faiff~ful God, wl~ich
received the spirit of God, these arc led by his spirit and are keepeth covenant and merey.--Deut. 7: 9.
his sons. (Rom. 8 : 14-16) As children they must be obedient
Jehovah, the Almighty God, has announced hm purpose
to his commandments;they could not live otherwise. Such
are and must be witnesses to Jehovah and bear testimony to concerning man and has caused that announced purpose to
his name and to hm kingdom, and hence they arc called by be recorded in the Bible, which is His WordJehovah’s cx-
the Lord Jehovah "Mywitnesses".-Isa. 43 : 10-12. W 2/15/4I pressed purpose concerning man constitutes or m God’s
covenant concerning man. A "covenant" is a bindin,z prom-
ise, or a declaration of purpose, to do or not to do a ocr-
JANUARY 5 tain thing. WhenGod makes a covenant he brads lnm~elf
The Lord lmth sworn in truth unto David, he will not turn to keep it faithfully. Nothing any creature can do would
from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy thronz. hinder God in carrying out his announced purpose E~cry
~Ps. 132: 11. expressed purpose of Jehovah concerning m:m ~ a coxe-
Jehovalfs Word makes it impossible for the faithful nant which Almighty God performs in )us own due tmu,
.~ervant to doubt the establishment and complete dominatmn If God takes a man into covenant with hun. that ~s (’aih,
of The Theocracy. Not only has Jehovah given his unchange- a two-reded or bilateral covenant. The obl~gatmn req~ upon
able word. but he has confirmed his word by his oath that he both parties to the covenant to carry thct co~(,nan~ rata
will build up his capital orgamzation Zion with his beloved complete operation according to its terms W 6/15/41
One, Christ Jesus, as the Itead thereof, upon the throne of
the orgamzation, and that his good and righteous govern- JANUARY 9
ment shall rule the world in righteousness and that rule I have set before yo~t life and death, blessing and cm ~u~q"
shall never end. King David stood as the representative of therefore choose life, that both tlwu and thy seed
Christ Jesus, and the words above are the response of Jeho- may live.~Deut. 30: 19.
vah to David’s prayer ; which words He binds with his oath, Such is the statement of the divine rule, from which
thus making doubly sure that He will bring forth his gov- Jehovah never deviates, and everyone who believes God can
11" 3//15/41The Theocracy, to complete vmtory and glory. rely upon that rule. Jehovah does not arbitrarily compel
any man to take a specific course. God made man a flee
JANUARY 6 creature with the privilege of choosmg to obey the great
Creator or to take an opposite course. That rule applmd
Thea Jael, IIeber’s wife, took a nail of the tent, and took to Adam,the first man. It is the fixed rule of Jehovah, and
an hammer.~ her lmnd, and went softly unto him, and he never changes. Jehovah’s purpose is to give men a full
smote the nail into his temples.~ludg. 4: 21. and fair opporttmity to gain life by choosing the same or to
It is not sufficient for one to say, "I am a Christmn; I choose the very oppomteof life, which is extmctmn. ICnowl-
love lhc Lord"; but in judging himself one must ask him- edge is reqmred to make the choice, and God afford~ every
self : "AmI proving my faith and devotion by joyfully and opportunity for man to gain such knowledge Jehovah
enthusiastically obeying the commandmentsof Jehovah and furmshes the opportumty to man to know which ~s the
hi~ Kin9 "~ AmI giving m.v cntn’e and undivided devotion to right way. W2/1/41

JANUARY I0 looked to God and obcjed hl~ law he would not have died
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord Adamchose the opposite course, with the result that hc
is risc~ upon thee.--lsa. 60: 1. died and all others of humankind came under condemna-
tion by inheritance. In due time all the race must dte All
Jehovah gives this command to his covenant people
whcn his time arrives for them to go into action. The com- do die and remain dead except those who choose the ~ay
mandments of the Most IIigh cannot be ignored or side- of life and conformto the rules Godhas laid down, pointing
out the course they must take. To escape death, des¢’lfl)ed
stepped. To receive his approval ever3." creature who has as "hell", which is the grave, they must look above That
made a solemn covenant to do Itis wilt must act, not with means they must look to Jehovah for guidance in the way
sullenness or stubl,ornness, but with a burning zeal and
genuine joy. Such a one has a heart full of gratitude which of life if they would becomewise in God’s way. IV 7, I5’11
leads to unselfish devotion and zeal for the Lord. With
Jehovah there is a fixed time for everything. Whenthat JANUARY 14
time arrives it is the duty and privilege of his covenant Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a u’o~l, man !hat
people to quickly respond to his commandments. In the needeth not to bc ashamcd.--2 Tim. 2:15.
hour of gross darkness upon Satan’s organization and all
people under it the great Vindicator of Jehovah appears The Scriptures arc provided by the Lord for his co~ enanl
and makes himself manifest to his faithful servants, and his people that they maybc fully equipped for every good ~ ork
_~lory and power are seen to be on those whofaithfully fol- One who neglects to study the Scriptures and to be graded
low his lead. WJ/1/41 by the advice and admonition there given cannot haxe the
Lord’s approval. Wemust study his Wordand do hls work~.
J,~NUARY 1! that we may receive his approval. Stud)" classes and servloe
meetings are regularly held amongst God’s people ior the
Lo: Jdwvah emptying the earth and layi~g it waste; aml purpose of enabling them to keep in mind the proper thing~
hc will ot’crturn the/ace thereof, and scatter them who and their mind fixed upon the righteous things of the Lord
dwelt therein . . . for Jehovah hath spoken this Evem" one of God’s covenant people should attend such
wocd.--Isa. 24: 1, 3, Rotherham. meetings when it is reasonably possible and take an aetl~e
Jehovah inspired his prophet to tell of a vision of Ar- part in them. One whois negligent and not attcndm,..- .~uei~
mageddon x~ hich he had, and which prophetic utterance is study classes is failing to seek righteousness and mccl,nc,~.
about due for fulfillment. The prophecy discloses what will which the Lord requires of all he approves W,; ’15’;1
be the result of Jehovah’s "strange act" upon the earth.
There (’an be no doubt that Jehovah will do exactly as Ins JANUARY 15
words announce b.v the prophet, because "Jehovah hath
spoken this word". IIis word cannot return to him void, but These words, which 1 commandthee this day, shall bc upon
shall accomplish his announced purpose. (Isa. 55: 11; thy heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently vnto thgt
childre~ --Deut. 6: 6, 7, A.R V.
46: 11) But who on earth now believes what He has an-
nounced? Only those who have taken their stand firmly on Jehovah’s words are not altered and arc heard with com-
the side of The Theocracy and who joyfully support that pelling force now by ever)" one who has gwen hts dex OtlOn
kingdom. To them Jehovah has given full assurance, for to The Theocratic Government. Today the obllgatmn is laid
their comfort and hope. W 4/15/il upon every parent who is in a covenant to do Jeho~ ah’s ~ill
to bring his children into the congregatmn, that they may
JANUARY 12 learn the Lord’s words and see their privilege of serving
Van shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that The Theocratic Government The parents that serve Jeho-
proceedeth out of the mouth of God.--Matt. 4: 4. vah and love their children will be dihgent to instruct them
Nowin these last days the demons are seducing and de- m the way of righteousness, that they may serve the Lord
bauching the entire human creation, and the only excep- and hve. Parents who neglect this divine obllgatim, d~,-
close thereby that they have not a proper appreciation ol
tions thereto are those whodevote themselves to and faith-
fully obey the Lord God. If the people now on earth who their relatmnship to God nor of their obligatmn to the
arc of good-will toward Godwould find the way to life ever- children they brought into the world. W9/1/41
lasting the), must be led by the true guide, which is God’s
Word. The will of Almighty God expressed to his creatures JANUARY 16
is his Wordand constitutes the true guide, which directs Mycm’eglant will l not breah, nor alte~ the thin7 ll~,t t,
manldnd into the way of life everlasting. Jehovah sent gone out of my lips.--Ps 89: 3t.
Jesus to the earth to proclaim IIis expressed will, and this
he did for the purpose of guiding men in the right way. Jehovah’s covenant cannot be altered or hindered lIl,
The message which Jesus declared was and is not his own, covenant here namedis his unbreakable word that hl~ Tl:eo-
but is that which proceeds from the mouth of Almighty cratie Governmentby Christ Jesus, his Beloved One, shall
God. Jesus said : "The Father whmhsent me, he. gave me a be established and rule the world in righteousness. The
~ommandment,what I should say."--John 12 : 49. ll" 6/1/41 Theocratic Government is of greatest importance, because
by it Jehovah’s name shall be vindicated, the completion
and operation of that Theocracy is about to be revealed to
all creation, and now the demons have mustered all their
7"he way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart force and power to resist The Theocracy that they nught
from hell beneath.--Prov. 15: 24. continue to rule the world in wickedness. The controversy
Jehovah has made plain his purpose to permit men to is that all the demons are against The Theocracy, and th~;
choose the way of life or choose the way of death. God placed controversy will be settled finally at ArmageddonIndivid-
before Adam the way of life and the way of death. God ual salvatmn, while important to creatures, is of small im-
reformed man that he must obey if he would live, but if portance when compared with The Theocratic Government.
he should choose to disobey he must die. Had Adamalways w ~o/1/41
JUVENILEENTHUSIASTS,SALTLAKECITY that that afternoon he had had a visit from Jehovah’s wit-
"Saturday mornings, 9 a.m., I have been meeting with nesses who were going around with books explaining the
a group of school children (average attendance 14) and Scriptures. He said what these books contained was true
studying the book Children for one hour before going into and that Jehovah’s witnesses were doing a fine work. The
field service. These children are enthusiastic; some have result was that in one hour’s calling, at no more than thirty
started into service for the first time in such features of the houses, seven bound books were placed. Rest of village is
work as back-calls, street work, and delivering Children still to do."
Study Courses to homes. They are so eager to write book-
study questions that we ha~ e questions for two weeks ahead INTERESTED INQUIRY FOR STUDY CLASS (ENGLAND)
and are now taldng turns on handing in questions. The "Dear Sir: I have read your pamphlet Theocracy, and
children willingly worked the very block they live on, and I understand that your Association sponsors groups to stud)’
yesterday I saw two little girls playing the phonograph the Bible; will you therefore please give me the address of
for another little girl on a porch. Whenthey returned to a group in or near Sanderstead or Croydon (Surrey)
my car I asked about their experience, and one said: ’Oh, that I may get in touch with them. Will you please send me
she is a school chum of mine Her father doesn’t believe another 6 copies of your pamphlet, for which I enclose 1/- ;
there is a God, so we played the record for her and gave her if this is not sufficient I will send the balance whenI know
a booklet to read and then give to her father.’ howmuch is due. I enclose a stamped and addressed label."
"I took a little boy, age eight, on the street with me.
Timid at first, he held myhand tightly. Pretty soon he was IN THE RURAI.~ OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI
calling out ’Consolatzon!" himself ; so I placed him by a post "The first house I stopped at in the morningwas a small
a few feet from me. He continuing offering the magazine farm house. There was a group of people on the porch, so
even though one ’goat’ rebuffed him. Soon I saw a well- I played them the recording ’Message of Hope’, and then
dressed mantalking to him and a small crowd of boys around presented the books Religion and Theocracy. One of two
him. I first thought I should go over and hetp him; then men in the group, whomI had thought were politicians or
I recalled ’Wisdomuttcrcth her voice in the streets’ (Prov- preachers and who turned out to be preachers, took the
erbs 1:20) and how tile Informant urged the young peo- books to examine them. Then both began to ask me ques-
ple to place themselves in the Lord’s hands in street work. tions and to answer them their way, refusing to take my
So I watched the scene until the man walked off C,tRaYIXG answers. They belittled me and my work and the ’damnable
A .XlaOAZIXE.The boys remained; so I walked over to see if doctrine’ I was distributing, one of them saying: ’I
they were bothering the little publisher. On the contrary, wouldn’t carry old Judge Rutherford around in a box; if
they were asldng questions and gladly accepted a sample I was going to preach I would not use a second-hand ser-
copy. Then the littIc publisher repeated this conversation mon.’ The one who had the books handed me a quarter and
with the well-dressed man: Manasked, ’Whoare you serv- said to the other: ’I want this book; it is a new one.’ They
ing o Iiitler ?’ Boy replied: ’No, God.’ Man: ’Whois God?’ had evidently read the other books too. They then advised
Boy: ’Jehovah.’ Man: ’Whois Jehovah ?’ The boy, in an ex- me, very seriously, to stop this work. The one who had taken
asperated manner, said: ’So I just pointed up into the sky, the books said : ’I wouldn’t carry that around for a thousand
and finally he caught on.’ The gentleman contributed five dollars a day.’ I told him I would not stop for a thousand
cents for the magazine, insisting the boy take one penny for a day. Their parting words were: ’I am going to fight this
himself." damnable doctrine in this community while we are holding
this revival here.’ He did. The next day, and the second
DELIVERING "TltEOCRACY" TO BRITISII CLERGY house we stopped at, we were met with these words: ’I
"I called upon one rector of a near-by village [near heard you preached about last night, but I have been read-
Thornhill, Dewsbury, England], with whomI have previ- ing these books for four years, and I know he was lying.’
ously held conversations regarding the truth. On th~s oc- This was from a lady of seventy years. It developed that
eas,on I was invited into his study to discuss the present- she was visiting her daughter and lived six miles up the
day problems and their relation to Bible prophecy. The way we were working, and she asked to ride with us After
rector agreed to read the booklets Theocracy and SaHsfied. leaving her daughter’s home, who had believed the preacher,
I noticed a set of Vindicatioa on his booksl~elves. I referred our friend said: ’My son was coming by for me, but I
him to Christ’s words at Matthew chapter twenty-three, wanted to get off and talk with you folks and to be with
pointing to its present-day application. I invited him to someone who is trying to do right.’ She stayed with us the
study the commandat Revelation 18:4: ’And I heard an- balance of the day, and most of the ones we called on were
other voice from heaven, saying, Comeout of her, my peo- her relatives and opposed the truth. She has never been
ple, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive associated with Jehovah’s witnesses, but she will be here-
not of her plagues.’ On leaving he accompanied me to the after."
car, where he carried on conversation with my wife and
daughter, with the result that he asked us to spend an eve- WHOINTERESTED THENEWPUBLISIIER?
ning by appointment with him. A week later we were all "One new one reports for the first time this month.
three working from door to door in tins village, and these (Mt. Pleasant, Utah) This new publisher is the party where
remarks were passed to us: ’Are you the Bible people that our 10-year-old publisher started a model study about two
the rector mentioned in his sol, non on Sunday last?’ On months ago. The little children are now doing thm~s that
questioning we found the rector had told his congregation many experienced publishers have thought difficult."



JANUARY 15, 1942

MICAH(Part 2) 19
The Reason 211
Place of Worship 21
MEMORIAL ............... 18
~TlClE ~
P~z~s~n> Sz~mo~m.~r BY ITS MISSION
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICEI~S signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
J. Y. Rv’ray_a~ro~,President W.E. VA:¢ A~B~Grr, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught o£ Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shaII be the peace o£ thy children." -1sarah 54:I3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God. is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
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to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beNnning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
Is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge tn controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
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obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death ; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $I.00; C~.NADA AND~IISCELLANEOUS Foazlc,,¢, $1 50:
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Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s orgamza- Please addressthe Society in every ca~e.
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward nmnklnd
as expressed fn the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tra~ationsof thCs joutmal appearin several languages.)
before all whowill hear.
TIIAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted .AIl sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity, poverty or
aaverzity are unable to pay the subscmpUonpmeemay have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon wmtten application to the pubhshers, madeonce each
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THATTHERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can postal regulations.
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to gubscmbers: Acknowled~entof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scrtptmn will be sent only whenrequested. Change of address, when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness tn requested, maybe expected to appear on address label ~lthm one month.
A renewal blank {carrymg iorlce of expiration} will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
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underths Act o] March8, 1879.

MEMORIAL This "Intcffnty" Teshmony Permd will be the opening month of

Tuesday, March 31, after six p.m., is the date Scripturally the 1942 three-month Watchtower campargn, hence the people of
arrived at for 1942 for the memorial celebration to both Jehovah’s integrity toward God will specialize on taking subscriptions for
name and the sacmfice of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, hts the magazine The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah’s kingdom or
Theocratic King. Each Chnstlan company, therefore, should as- Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. Additional to the in-
semble after SLXp.m. of March 31, and the anointed ones thereof trinsic value of the magazineitself, the latest book, Children, will
celebrate the MemormI,thmr compamoasthe "other sheep" being be given as a premium with all new subscriptions for a year, and
present as observers. If there rs no competent person present to that at the regular subscriptmn rate of $1.00. God’s people of
dehver a brief discourse immediately before the partaking of the integrity will be steadfast thereln and will prove their blameless-
emblems,that short article appearing in the March15, 1939, issue ness of devotmn by taking part in this Testimony regardless of
of The Watchtower should be read before those assembled prior the cost to self. Manynewly interested readers of The Watchtower,
to partaking. Since the breaking of the bread and drml~ng of deeply appreciating it, will be desrrous of joining m this special
the wine both picture the death of Jesus. it follows that both em- testimony privilege, and we invite such to write this office for
blems should be served together at partakung, and not separately. references needed to put them m touch with the nearest local com-
The emblems should be unleavened bread and real red wane. Jesus pany orgamzed for thin campaign. A record should be kept of
and his apostles used real red wine in symbol of his blood, and the all work done and the result, and the same reported in the ap-
anointed remnant should follow theLr lead. A. report of the cele- pointed m*nuer at the close of February.
bration should be made to the Society as instructed in the In-
formant. In preparation therefor the article "Memorial" sugared "THE WATCHTOWER"
above will be studied with profit.
The Watchtower is a magazine without equal in the earth, and
is concededthis rank by all that have been truthful readers thereof
"INTEGRITY" TESTIMONYPERIOD during its more than sixty years of pubhcation. The Watchtower
~dwinter field maneuvers test the I~TEGRITY, and the united has increased in importance with the progress of the years, and
testimony period during February is appropriately thus named. (Continued on page 31)
No. LXIII Jasu~my15, 1942 No 2


"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord wiU not hold him guiltless that
taketh his ,mine in vain."--Ex. 20:7.

EtlOVAtt’S name confers great honor upon the Jehovah’s Word and turned away from him have
J creature or organization that takes or receives
that name. God chose the city of Jerusalem as a
reproached his name and taken God’s name in vain,
and are placed by the Lord in the class of the wicked.
place of habitation for his covenant people, and he Jehovah has been long-suffering with the wicked,
put his name there and thereby made it a most fa- and concerning this the apostle says : "Whenonce the
mouscity. God caused his temple to be built at Jeru- long-suffering of God waited in the clays of Noah,
salem and nmde that the place to worship him. It while the ark was a preparing." (1 Pet. 3:20) The
was Jehovah’s city, symbolic of his organization on English word "suffer", as used, is given various
earth. The city of Jerusalem and almost all of the meanings, among which is: To permit, or tolerate;
people there received the favor and name of Jehovah to hold up, or delay; such as holding up or delaying
in vain, and this, of course, in violation of God’s com- the execution of a judgment. The Scriptural mean-
mandment. Likewise "Christendom", which was fore- ing of the word is often the same. It means being slow
shadowed by Jerusalem, has received the name and to express anger, forbearing, to defer, that is, to
favor of God in vain. To ’take the name of God in permit the x~dcked one to take his own course until
vain" does not mean the man in the street who uses God’s due time to act.
vile language, as the clergymen are in the habit This forbearance or long-suffering of God does
of applying this text. The one who consecrated trim- not mean that he ever looks with favor upon the
self to do the will of God, exercising faith in Christ wrongdoer. On the contrary, it is written: "God
,Jesus as his Savior, and who starts to follow in the judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the
footsteps of Jesus and then draws back, has taken wicked every day [God . . . hath indignation every
the nameof God in vain. Or if he takes a course con- day (A.B.V.)]." (Ps. 7: 11) Again it is written: ".~dl
trary to what the Scriptures point out, becoming the wicked will [God] destroy." (Ps. 145:20) Ilow-
heady, haughty and highminded and smiting his ever, Jehovah waits his own due time to execute ]ds
brethren, he has received the name of God in vain. judgment against the wicked. The followers of Chmst
Those who take God’s name in vain bring great re- Jesus also must learn to be long-suffering and for-
proach upon his name, and their end is destruction. bearing. To such these words of tl~e Scriptures are
Some may ignorantly get off on the wrong path after addressed, to wit: "’-Walk worthy of the vocation
they have taken the Lord’s name, but, when receiving wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meek-
the warning and the knowledge directing them in the hess, with longsuffering, forbearing one another m
right way, if they would live they must quickly love." (Eph. 4: 1, 2) "Forbearing one another, and
change their course and walk in the right way. forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel
The wicked are those who have received enlight- against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do
enment from God concerning his purpose and who ye."~Col. 3 : 13.
then turn away from and put themselves in opposi- ’ These scriptures cannot be properly construed
tion to God. Lucifer was great in the organization to mean that one who has received the name of the
of Jehovah, was enlightened, occupied a place of Lord should never be angry. Righteous indzgnation
great responsibility, became covetous and ambitious, against wrongdoing is proper and right, because the
and turned himself in full opposition to Jehovah. man who follows the Lord Jesus Christ cannot look
He is therefore designated in the Scriptures as "that with approval upon wrongdoing. The following
wicked one". (1 John 3: 12) All who have known God words are addressed to those who have consecrated
and Christ Jesus and who have then repudiated themselves to do the Lord’s will, and to follow in the

footsteps of Jesus, to wit: "Be ye angry, and sin those who have taken his name in vain. "For the
not." (Eph. 4: 26) How can one be angry and not transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins
commit sin ? Howcan one sin by becoming angry or of the house of Israel. ~rhat is the transgression of
because of anger? Sin is the transgression of God’s Jacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high
law. (1 John 3: 4) When one becomes angry he may places of Judah ? are they not Jerusalem ?"--Mic. 1 : 5.
desire to give expression to that anger by adminis- ’ As used in this text the name "Jacob" (meaning
tering bodily punishment to the one against whom "supplanter") stands primarily for the northern
he is angry. Such is a violation of God’s law, and house, that is, the ten tribes of Israel having their
therefore sin. The law of God says: "To me belong- capital at Samaria. The remaining tribes of Israel
eth vengeance, . . . I will render vengeance to mine had their capital at Jerusalem. Thus, antitypically,
enemies." (Deut. 32:35,41,43; Rom. 12:19; Heb. all "Christendom" is wrapped up in the disobedience
10 : 30) As the Lord is long-suffering toward his ene- of and in opposition to Jehovah God.
mies, biding his own due time to punish them, so ’ They are his enemies and shall suffer his venge-
those who have received the name of Jehovah must
ance. The prophet then propounds the question con-
be long-suffering and forgiving and leave it to God cerning the "transgression of Jacob", and by another
in his own due time to execute his judgment against
question answers the first, to wit: "Is it not Sama-
the wrongdoers. The followers of Christ Jesus in the ria ?" King Omri, the father of Ahab, made Samaria
day of Jehovah’s vengeance have a work to do in the capital of the ten tribes of the house of Jacob.
connection with the expression of Jehovah’s venge-
(1 Ki. 16: 23, 24) The prophet Micah later in his
ance, and that work is, as their commission states, prophecy (6 : 16) says of the transgression : "For the
’to declare the day of the vengeance of our God.’ statutes of Omri are kept, and all_the works of the
(Isa. 61 : 2) However, Jehovah declares in his Word house of Ahab [the Baal or Devil worshipers], and
his vengeance against all defamers of his name, but
ye walk in their counsels." Besides Baal worship, the
that he will do the executing. The scripture also "sin of Samaria" included the worship of the golden
says that all the saints shall have part in the execu-
calves at Dan and Bethel which confounded the wor-
tion of judgment, in this: that they have part in ship of Jehovah God with idols and turned the peo-
binding the wicked ones by declaring the judgments
ple away from the true worship of Jehovah at his
of Jehovah already written.--Ps. 149 : 8, 9. temple. (1 Ki. 12: 26-33; Amos8: 14) It was also the
The remnant must do the part assigned to them, kingdom of Samaria that formed the conspiracy or
which part is to boldly proclaim God’s purpose as confederacy with Damascus in Syria to fight against
expressed in his Word. Jehovah caused his prophets Judah, and concerning which confederacy Isaiah
of old to declare and to write down the judgments, prophesied that it should be broken in pieces for the
and it is these judgments of the Lord God heretofore reason, as the prophet stated, "God is with us," his
written that his faithful witnesses now must make faithful people. (Isa. 7 : 1-9 ; 8 : 9, 10) Therefore "the
known, declaring to those who will hear God’s pur- transgression of Jacob" applies to "the friendship
pose of executing such judgments. of the world", that is, Baalism, the Devil worship;
also the giving of great honor to and worshiping
THE REASON creatures (especially religious leaders, who claim to
Taking up here now the further consideration of represent or stand for God), and particularly honor
the prophecy of Micah, note that Jehovah’s word and worship such as to the RomanCatholic Itier-
came to Micah, and Micah was commandedto declare archy and other clergymen who demand and receive
that word; and now Jehovah’s witnesses, whom such honor and worship from their subjects. It also
Micah pictured, must likewise declare the Word of includes the great honor and worship to men who are
God. "Christendom" has taken the name of Jehovah religious leaders in any organization of religionists
God; and by "Christendom" is meant the Roman
that has taken the name of God and Christ Jesus;
Catholic Hierarchy, the other clergy, "elective
also those participating in the "confederacy", or
elders," the "man of sin", "the son of perdition," the
Judas company, and all others who profess to be League of Nations, which is set up in the place of
servants of God, regardless of denomination or and in opposition to Christ Jesus the King, "The
name, and who are associated together as a part of Lion of the Tribe of Judah." All these things are in-
Satan’s organization. As there was only a remnant cluded in that transgression or sin of Samaria. ~rhen
of Israel that remained true to Jehovah, even so now the Greater Jehu, Christ Jesus, comes down to
there is only a remnant of those who profess to be modern-day Samaria, he puts an end to such trans-
servants of God that remain true to their covenant. gressions and to the transgressors by executing Je-
Jehovah by his prophet Micah now here states the hovah’s judgment against them, as foreshadowed in
reason why God will execute his vengeance upon the prophecies.--2 Ki. 10: 1-27; Isa. 28: 1-4.

PLACE OF WORSHIP from the royal family down to the commonpeople,

° Jehovah put his name upon Jerusalem and caused because of unfaithfulness, did not confine their wor-
his temple to be builded there, and at Jerusalem was ship to the temple at Jerusalem, as commanded, but
the place to worship Jehovah God. The "high places", they sought other places to carry on a form of wor-
as that phrase is used in connection with Israel, were ship, both inside and outside of Jerusalem. Thus
forbidden places for going through a form of wor- doing, Jerusalem, bh, reason of bein~ the capital, city,.
ship. Jerusalem was the only loft)" place for the wor- became responsible for the improper use of the high
ship of Jehovah and where it was done according to places throughout the nation. Their course of actmn
his law; therefore the question propounded in this shows that they had taken and received the name of
prophecy : "And what are the high places of Judah ?" God in vain. The king failed to cut off those high
meaning, Where is the responsibility for the high places, and that brought still greater responsibility
places throughout Judah? upon the city and the king. Then Solomon the king
lo From the earliest times, as stated by historical became unfaithful in his old age and turned to Devil
authority, it was the custom among the heathen na- worship.~l Ki. 11 : 7-13.
tions to erect a place of worship on a high or con- ~-The prophet Micah began to prophesy in King
spicuous spot. The RomanCatholics have ever fol- Jotham’s reign, and concerning such king it is writ-
lowed this course. Call to mind now that the Roman ten : "And he did that which was right in the sixht of
Catholic Hierarchy have erected their buildings in the LORD;he did according to all that his father
the most conspicuous spots in every country. They Uzziah had done. IIowbeit, the high places were not
seek the high or lofty places to make great show of removed; the people sacrificed and burned incense
themselves. WhenGod made tile covenant with Israel still in the high places. He built the higher gate of the
in Moab, he there in the law stated to the Israelites: house of the LOI~D."(2 Ki. 15 : 34, 35) As for Jotham’s
"Ye shall utterly destroy all the places wherein the son, Ahaz, he grossly violated God’s law: "And he
nations which ye shall possess served their gods, sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and
upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and on the hills, and under every green tree." (2 Ki. 16 : 4)
under every green tree ; and ye shall overthrow their The ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel also
altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves violated God’s law by using such high places for their
with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images forms of worship. Whenthe ten tribes made a league
of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of with the king of Syria against Judah, Ahaz, the king,
that place. Ye shall not do so unto the LORDyour brought the kingdom of Judah into a league with
God. But unto the place which the LORDyour God Assyria : "And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was
shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name found in the house of the LORD,and in the treasures
there [that is, Jerusalem], even unto his habitation of the king’s house, and sent it for a present to the
[his temple] shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt king of Assyria. And the king of Assyria hearkened
come: and thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, unto him; for the king of Assyria went up against
and )our sacrifices, and )’our tithes, and heave offer- Damascus, and took it, and carried the people of it
ings of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill captive to Kir, and slew Rezin."~2 Ki. 16: 5-9.
offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and of your ~ Modern-day worshipers, who Inake a pretense
flocks: and there ye shall eat before the LORDyour of worshiping God by indul&dng in forms of godli-
God, and ye shall rejoice in all that ye put your hand ness and speaking meaningless words, do this while
unto, ye and your households, wherein the LOIID thy their hearts are far removed from Jehovah, and they
God hath blessed thee." (Deut. 12:2-7) At the be- insist upon what they call their "rights and liberties",
grinning of Solomon’s reign there was no temple for and set up their own organization of worship and
worship at Jerusalem: "Only the people sacrificed adopt these forms of service to suit their ownfancies.
in high places, because there was no house built unto They have no interest in the kingdom of God, and the
the nameof the Lotto, until those days..4rod Solomon Kingdom interests are removed far from them, and
loved the LORD,walking in the statutes of David his for that reason the Lord gives these Kingdominter-
father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high ests ’to a people bringing forth the fruits thereof’.
places. And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice (Matt. 21: 43) These modern-day reli~onists make
there; for that was the great high place: a thousand a league or confederacy with the iniquitous nations
burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar. of this world which oppose Jehovah and his kingdom.
In Gibeon the Load appeared to Solomon in a dream King Hezekiah destroyed the high places of ungodly
by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee." worship; as it is written: "He removed the high
--1 Ki. 3:2-5. places, and brake the images, and cut down the
~ Concerning the high places that were forbidden groves, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent that
the Lord said: "Are they not Jerusalem?" The Jews, Moses had made; for unto those days the children
N. Y.

of Israel did burn incense to it; and he called it dom", which claims to be so strong that it is unbreak-
Nehushtan [(margzn) a piece of brass]. He trusted able; it shall be brought down to ruin and become
in the Lone God of Israel ; so that after him was none like a field of desolation¯ Describing the ruin that
like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that should come upon Samaria, and likewise upon
were before him."--2 Ki. 18 : 4, 5. "Christendom", or organized rehgionists and their
~’ Today one greater than Hezekiah is needed to organizations, the prophet said: "I will make [it]
clean out the unholy practice of the religionists, and ¯ . . as plantings of a vineyard"; "vineyard planta-
Jesus Christ proceeds to do that very thing. The son tions" ( Leeser).
of King Hezekiah went contrary to what his father ~’ Isaiah, who prophesied also in the days of
had done and built high places contrary to God’s Micah, said of unfaithftfl "Christendom": "And now,
law : "For he built again the high places which Heze- go to ; I will tell you what I will do to myvineyard ;
kiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be
altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab ldng eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it
of Israel ; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and shall be trodden down; and I will lay it waste; it
served them. And he built altars in the house of the shall not be pruned nor digged ; but there shall come
Lonv, of which the LORDsaid, In Jerusalem wilt I put up briers and thorns ; I will also commandthe clouds
myname."--2 Ki. 21 : 3, 4. that they rain no rain upon it. For the vineyard of
~ The RomanCatholic Hierarchy and allies follow the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men
the same course of the wicked king Manasseh. The of Judah his pleasant plant; and he looked for judg-
word of the prophet Ezekiel applying to the unfaith- ment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but
ful "Christendom" says: "Thou hast also built unto behold a cry."--Isa. 5 : 5-7.
thee an eminent place, and hast made thee an high ~’ As Jehovah said concerning Samaria that he
place in every street. Thou hast built thy high place would "pour down the stones thereof", so he thus
at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty foretells how he will completely wreck and ruin ex-
to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to every one alted "Christendom", and especially the Roman
that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms. In Catholic Hierarchy and allied clergy¯ Jehovah fore-
that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of told the same thing by his prophet Obadiah. In this
every way, and makest thine high place in every manner Jehovah emphasizes his purpose to destroy
street; and hast not been as an harlot, in that thou the hypocritical religionists, that no one will have
sternest hire ; but as a wife that committeth adultery, any excuse to be ignorant of what is coming upon that
which taketh strangers instead of her husband [ They great hypocritical and devilish organization.
give gifts to all whores: but thou givest thy gifts to ~’ The prophecy of Micah discloses Jehovah’s pur-
all thy lovers, and hirest them, that they may come pose to destroy "Christendom’s" superstructure and
unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.And I will also that he will wreck it and tear it downto its very
also We thee into their hand, and they shall throw foundations and sweep away its great heap of lies,
down thine eminent place, and shall break down thy and expose it to shame and disgrace. The Roman
high places ; they shall strip thee also of thy clothes, Catholic Hierarchy and allied clergy and their "prin-
and shall take thy fair jewels, and leave thee naked cipal of the flock" have rejected Christ Jesus, the
and bare." (Ezek. 26 : 24, 25, 31-33, 39 ; see Vi~zd~ca- sure Foundation Stone, and now within a short time
twn, Book One, page 191 and following) Thus Jeho- Jehovah shall completely destroy all of that wicked
vah foretells his purpose to destroy the religionists organization.~Isa. 28 : 16-21.
that have assumed his name and have wickedly re- ’° For many years "Christendom" has practiced
preached his name, and that have therefore taken his the Deril religion and has committed the sin of Sa-
name in vain. These truths are now revealed and maria by extolling creatures, pretending to canonize
given to God’s people that they may carry the same and make saints of them and to exalt them as objects
to the people of good-will, who may now hear the of worship, and has taught the people to pray to and
command of the Lord coming from his temple and worship such so-called "saints", which "saints" never
seek the Lord’s favor as he has directed. did in fact exist, but are wholly a fraud and a sub-
~ Jehovah then declares his purpose to ruin Sama- terfuge. This wicked thing has been done in open vio-
ria: "Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of lation of Jehovah’s commandmentat Exodus 20: 1-5.
the field, and as plantings of a vineyard; and I will Graven images are everywhere used by "Christen-
pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I dom", and particularly by the RomanCatholic Hier-
will discover the foundations thereof." (Mic. 1: 6) archy, to impress the people and to hoodwink them
Even though Samaria was a strong and defended and to cause them to give honor and worship to crea-
city able to withstand a siege for three years, which tares and things. Therefore Jehovah foretold by his
it did, in due time it fell. Likewise boastful "Christen- prophet what shall come upon "Christendom": "And
E R. 23

all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to water, dead women’s toes, crucifixes, and all manner
pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with of images for idol worship and practices by the P~o-
the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate; man Catholic Hierarchy and allies, stand for nothing
for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they other than harlotry toward Jehovah, and that at the
shall return to the hire of an harlot."--Mic. 1 : 7. purchase price of some selfish inducement or "hire".
~ The people of good-~dll who are of the "Catholic The clergy, and particularly the Roman Cath,)hc
population", and others of honest heart, must now Hierarchy, have built up a fraudulent s.vstem into
learn of these truths, and the obligation is laid upon which they have drawn the worst kind of criminals,
Jehovah’s remnant to see to it that they do have the and have used the name of Jehovah and of Christ Je-
opportunity to hear and to learn these great truths. sus to induce the poor and ignorant to support them
The beating to pieces of Samaria’s graven images and to bring into the coffers of the old "harlot" their
foreshadows the destruction that shall come upon the hard-earned money to satisfy the selfish desires of
religious systems of "Christendom" that have used a crowd of dissolute men. It is cruel enough to prac-
these inanimate things to deceive and rob the people. tice fraud upon the people and to thereby fleece them
In Moab Jehovah commanded his people, saying: out of their hard earnings, but it is far more wicked
"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, to use the nameof the Lord as a shield for their prac-
nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not tice of cruelty, in order to carry out their fraudulent
bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into schemes.
the house of the LORDthy God for any vow ; for even "By their practices of idolatry those religion
both these are abomination unto the LORDthy God." mongers have defrauded the people, enriched them-
--Deut. 23: 17, 18. selves with material things, and have defamed the
2, Here Israel foreshadowed "Christendom", which reputation and name of Almighty God. Hence, says
for a long while has practiced whoredom and con- the Lord of them, they shall find their proper place,
tinues to indulge therein. "Christendom" has brought that is, in destruction. "For out of the reward of un-
"the hire of a whore" and "the price of a dog" into chastity she gathered them, and unto the reward of
the religious organizations that have assumed the unchastity shall they return." (Rotlmrl, am) Jehovah
name of God and Christ; and all of such is a direct inspired his faithful servant James to address his
violation of God’s law. The religionists have sought words to the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and allies,
after and committed whoredomor illicit relationship including the "principal of the flock" who have as-
with all other parts of the Devil’s earthly organiza- sumed the name of the Lord and have at the same
tion. Crooked commercial traffickers and corrupt time formed a part of Satan’s world, and therefore
politicians have been invited and taken into the it is written: "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know
organizations of these religionists, and they have all ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with
worked together to extract filthy lucre from the peo- God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the
ple whomthey have seduced and debauched by their world, is the enemy of God."--Jas. 4:4.
devilish doctrines. By means of such whoredom the ~ For a long while those men have lived wantonly.
hire, or money derived therefrom, has been brought using their ill-gotten gains for their own sensual
into the organization that claims to represent God pleasure. God announces his purpose to destroy their
on earth. A sodomite was likened unto the "price of institutions and those who have builded them up.
a dog", and such have also been brought into the But, say the opponents of the Kingdom, why say any-
organization that sails under the name of Christ. thing about these things now? The answer is, Be-
RomanCatholic priests claim to be moral and stand cause Jehovah has commandedhis witnesses to de-
as guardians of the people to safeguard and preserve clare the day of his vengeance upon those who have
their morals, but in truth and in fact they are the defamed his name and have taken his name in yam,
most lecherous crowd amongst men. They have used to the end that the people may be warned of their
and continue to use the cloak of their so-called approaching doom, and that those of good-will who
"Christian religion", by which to hide and carry on have been held in subjection to those practice,’s of
at will their immoral practices to satisfy their sen- fraud may have opportunity to flee to God and to
sual desires. Christ. The work of Jehovah’s witnesses in thus pro-
’~ Jehovah gives full assurance that "Christendom" claiming the truth at the present time is done that the
shall be destroyed and "all of the idols thereof will "great multitude" may find the way to Zion before
I lay desolate". (See Ezekiel 23:2-10; Vindication, the battle of the great day of God Almighty beNns.
Book One, page 303.) For what reason will the Lord The Watcldower publishes these things for the bene-
thus do ? "For she [’Christendom’] gathered it of the fit of all those who love and serve Jehovah God.
hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire ’~ The prophecy of Micah at this point makes a
of an harlot." All the images, beads, gold lace, holy picture of what the religionists will do when they

cometo realize that sudden destruction is just before Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives,
them: "Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their
stripped and naked; I will make a wailing like the buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt."--Isa.
dragons, and mourning as the owls." (Mic. 1 : 8) That 20:4.
picture is not one expressing sympathy with the re- so Further depicting the miserable condition of
ligionists, but is for a sign unto them, indicating the religionists when their calamity befalls them
prophetically to "Christendom" what awaits that un- the prophet wails "like the dragons [crocodiles,
holy organization. It is not the will of Jehovah that (Leeser)]." The crocodile, when angry, produces a
his faithful people should howl and lament for any- snorting sound; and according to Rotherl, am, this
one that becomes unfaithful to God and his kingdom, text says the noise is like wild dogs. Likewise the
and who has for that reason lost all. Anyone who clergy ("dumb dogs"), whenfully realizing that their
howls and laments because the wicked suffer destruc- end has come, will howl. Furthermore the prophet
tion shows that he is not faithful to and does not says: "Mourning as the owls"; that is, with a loud
love the Lord God. This is made certain by the words and woeful mourning. Concerning those same reli-
of the prophet Jeremiah: "For thus saith the LOI~D, gion mongers it is foretold by another prophet of
Enter not into the house of mourning, neither go to Jehovah that these shall howl; as it is written:
lament nor bemoan them [symbolically] ; for I have "Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; and wallow yourselves
taken away my peace from this people, saith the in the ashes, ye principal of the flock." (Jet. 25 : 34)
LortD, even lovingkindness and mercies. Both the James tells of the same crowd that will indulge in
great and the small shall die in this land; they shall extreme howling in that day. (Jas. 5 : 1-6) The proph-
not be buried, neither shall men [the Jonadabs or et Micah, therefore, by thus howling and going naked
’other sheep’; the ’great multitude’] lament for them, and wailing, foretells what shall befall the unfaithful
nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for "Christendom", and particularly the leaders thereof.
them."--Jer. 16: 5, 6. "’"Christendom" has already received a stroke
~’ Concerning this Jehovah instructed Ezeldel that from the Lord, and now she begins to give evidence
he should not weep when his unfaithful wife was thereof; but soon her howl will be much more dis-
taken away suddenly in death, thus picturing those tinct and distressing: "For her wound is incurable;
who are unfaithful to and defame God’s name. "Son for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate
of nmn, behold, I take away from thee the desire of of my people, even to Jerusalem." (Mic. 1:9) Jeho-
thine eyes with a stroke ; yet neither shalt thou mourn vah has given his word that "Christendom" shall re-
nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down. Forbear ceive the destructive blow with his "glittering
to cry, make no mourning for the dead [who have Sword". (Deut. 32:41) That stroke by Jehovah’s
been guilty of the sin of Samaria], bind the tire of Executioner will not be like the World War bump
thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy that was given the "beast" on the head that was after-
feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of wards "healed" (Rev. 13:3,12); but it will be
men."--Ezek. 24: 16, 17; see Vindications, Book One, deadly blow from which there will be no recovery.
page 332. It will be a devastating slaughter, "according to the
~" When one who has been in God’s organization slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb." (Isa. 10: 26)
and in his service proves unfaithful and destruction The deadly wound received there cannot be healed.
awaits him, those who are faithful to God will not Armageddon will destroy the religionists and also
lament or weep for such. The greatest favor that the others that are against God, including the "man
ever came to man is to know and serve Jehovah and of sin", the Judas class, and every part of "Christen-
bear the name of Jehovah, and anyone who is un- dora", and all of Satan’s organization.
faithful to that blessing and privilege is unworthy " The Philistines hated the Israelites; and like-
of sympathy. Further supporting this conclusion the wise the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the modern
prophet of Jehovah wrote: "And the slain of the Philistines, hate God’s people now on earth. The Ro-
LORDshall be at that day from one end of the earth man Catholic Hierarchy pretends to be friendly to
even unto the other end of the earth; they shall not all professing Christians who are called "Protestant"
be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried ; they shall or by other names, and even friendly to the Jews, who
be dung upon the ground."~Jer. 25 : 33. completely reject Christ Jesus, but all this apparent
’° The prophet Micah says : "I will go stripped and friendliness on the part of the Itierarchy is hypo-
naked"; and by doing so a picture is madeof the cap- critical and dishonest. That cold-blooded organiza-
tives taken when the Lord ’leads captivity captive’. tion has no kind feeling for anyone, but is entirely
(Ps. 68: 18; Eph. 4: 8) Concerning Assyrian treat- selfish. The news to the modern Philistines concern-
ment of the captives of Samaria the prophet of God ing the calamity that will come upon the other reli-
wrote: "So shall the king of Assyria lead away the gionists would be good news to them. The prophet
fflieWATCtlTOWE R. 25
of Jehovah says: ’q:)eclare ye it not at Gath [In "Saphir" there used means ’%eautiful; goodliness";
Gath do not tell (Botherham)], weep ye not at all; that which was once beautiful, and which hecame
in the house of Aphrah roll thyself in the dust." (Mic. filthy by reason of the Devil’s planting selfish men
1 : 10) The giant and champion of Gath, Goliath, was therein to corrupt it. The Lord declares his purpose
slain by David when David was a mere shepherd lad, to strip "Christendom" naked, disgrace her. and ex-
and from that time on the Philistines had a bitter pose her to shame and contempt. She is nowno long(,r
hatred against the Israelites and thereafter sought ’garnished by Jehovah’s spirit’. (Job 26: 13) God’s
to "destroy it for the old hatred". (Ezek. 25: 15-17) faithful servant class alone can say, "The Load is
In the prophecy of Micah the Lord says ’it is not to the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup : th,m
be told in Gath’; and this appears to mean that the maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in
message is not to be told for the benefit of the modern pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will
Goliath, the giants of the modern Philistines, but bless the Loop, who hath given me counsel ; my r(,ins
Jehovah’s witnesses are to declare the vengeance of also instruct me in the night seasons." (Ps. 16: 5-7)
Jehovah for the benefit of those that are held in re- "IIis enemies will I clothe with shame ; but upon him-
straint by the Philistines, that is to say, the honest- self shall his crown flourish."--Ps. 132: 18.
hearted Catholics, to the end that these might learn ~’ The prophet Micah here, according to the Au-
the truth and flee from the doomed organization. thorized Version, says: "’The inhabitant of Zaamm
While the message must tell of the wickedness of the came not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel." But
modern Philistines, the real purpose is to benefit the according to the Rotherham it reads: "The inhab-
honest people. The witnesses of Jehovah are not to itress [female] of Zaanan hath not gone forth." The
weep at all because of the calamity that shall befall name "Zaanan" means m~,ratmg
" " Ce " , ~that is, nmving
the modern Philistines or any part of Satan’s organ- habitually from place to place. This description: fits
ization. Tile adverse judgment of Jehovah is against well the hooded female division that is sent forth by
all Philistines and all others who are against God and the Iloman Catholic Hierarchy, moving about from
his Idngdom, and there shall be no weeping because place to place to extract hard-earned moneyfrom the
of the exposure of that crowd and the proclamation pockets of the "Catholic population", wlnch common
of the adverse judgment against them. Jehovah people are forced by reason of fear to dig up regu-
brings punishment upon that city or organization larly for the support of the unholy organization.
that has assumed his name, and it shall come upon Jehovah’s Executioner comes up before the face of
every part of Satan’s organization. (Jer. 25 : 28, 29) this wicked crowd; as it is written: "Ite that dasheth
Says the prophet: "In the house of Aphrah roll thy- in pieces is come up before thy face." (Nah. 2: 1)
self in the dust." The name "Aphrah’, as here used, Whenthis takes place, and is about to fall upon the
means "dust". (Margin) When Jehovah performs enemy, these cannot migrate from place to place and
"his act, his strange act", and Satan’s crowd see it gather sustenance from the pastures for the benefit
about to fall upon them, they will wallow in the dust. of the worldly crowd of bloodsuckers who defame
This is expressly stated concerning the shepherds Jehovah’s name; and in this connection says another
and the "principal of the flock": %Vail, ye shepherds, prophet of Jehovah: "The LORDhath spoiled their
and cry; and roll yourselves about (in the dust), pasture." (Jer. 25: 36) The above-described gather-
leaders of the flocks; for full are your days for you ers of funds from the people go about in a mourning
to be slaughtered, and I will scatter you ; and ye shall attitude, as if they were poor and needy; hut the end
fall like a costly vessel."~Jer. 25 : 34, Leeser. of their hypocritical work is soon to come.
’~ Jehovah chose Jerusalem and put his name there ~ In recent years the organization once known as
and made that place "beautiful for situation". (Ps. "Protestant" has become the ally of the RomanCath-
48: 2) Likewise when God, through Christ Jesus and olic Hierarchy. In this connection note the words of
his faithful apostles, began his organization upon the prophecy, "in the mourning of Beth-ezel." (Mic.
the earth and God put his name upon it, that also 1: 11) According to the other translators it appears
was beautiful. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy, there- that this phrase does not belong to the preceding,
after organized by Satan, entered in amongst the but to the words that follow, to wit, "tle shall receive
true followers of Christ Jesus and corrupted the or- of you his standing." "At the lamentation of Beth-
ganization on earth, and in time all "Christendom" ezel shall he [that is, Jehovah’s Vindicator and
became corrupt, and the faithful servants of God Avenger] take from you his station." (Rotherl~a~n)
withdrew therefrom. In relation thereto the prophet "The wailing of Beth-ezel [(margin) a place near]
says : "Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, hav- shall take from you the stay thereof." (R.V.) The
ing thy shame naked : the inhabitant of Zaanan came name "Beth-ezel" means "near-by house", that is, a
not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel; he shall re- neighbor, a stand-by or an ally, or organizations al-
ceive of you his standing." (Mic. 1: 11) The name lied together. The alliance of the RomanCatholic
R. BROOKLYN,l~, ". Y.

Hierarchy includes all the neighbor reli#onists of that the ’%oly year" would sweep the nations into
"Christendom"; and these allies, when it comes to the great prosperity. Dismal failure has been the result,
showdown, will be useless, and their mourning and and, instead of great prosperity, the woes increase.
lamentation will accomplish nothing. It will be no Scheme after scheme is brought forth, such as the
advantage to the allies to be thus associated, because NRA, which the Roman Catholic Hierarchy claims
Jehovah’s Executioner will bring down mourning to have originated, and this falls flat. i~A1 such
and disaster on the allies, so that the RomanCatholic schemes have failed. As the prophet says : "Christen-
Hierarchy and every other part of the religious dom" waited "anxiously for good" (R.V.), but good
crowd will be unable to stand and none will be able did not come. Instead of blessings, such as world-
to fall back and receive aid and support their allies. wide prosperity which the worldly-wise prophesied
Christ Jesus will execute all the enemies of God. would come, "Christendom" gets exactly what her
These facts must now be known to those who love namehere means, that is, bitter things, waters filled
the Lord. For this reason he causes them to be made with poison, schemes of death and destruction.
known, so that the mail of God may be fully equipped "Christendom" has turned entirely away from God,
for the war. and all "Christendom" shall be turned into destruc-
,6 Immediately following tile World War interna- tion. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all
tional schemes were brought forward and put into the nations that forget God."--Ps. 9:17.
operation in an effort to stabilize the nations and "The religionists, and particularly the Roman
to save the governments from crashing. Such schemes Catholic Hierarchy, loudly proclaim that they will
have accomplished nothing, and there have been save the world from disaster, and the rulers who
ninny of them. Woeafter woe has befallen tile peo- form the principal ones of the flocks join with the
ples of earth, and the rulers have refused to hear and religionists in opposing and persecuting all who
learn the reason for such woe and distress. Concern- truly serve God and who declare to the people the
ing this it is written in the Scriptures: %Voeto the real cause of the trouble and what shall be the rem-
inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea! for the devil edy. Jehovah’s Wordmakes it clearly to appear that
is come do~m unto you, having great wrath, because all human schemes for world recovery, reconstruc-
tie knoweth that he hath but a short time."~Rev. tion and stabilization, will end up with bitter real-
12 : 12. ities and the schemes will all fail and disappear.
~’ It has been a time of great sorrow upon the rul- "Organized religion," the antitype of faithless Jeru-
ers and upon the people, and only those who have salem, cannot possibly save the situation. Particu-
turned to the Lord and serve him have understood larly since 1918 the organizations of this world have
the reason for such woe and distress. The clergy been a real "Maroth", that is, ever-increasing ’bitter-
would make the people of their parishes to believe ness’, exactly as the Scriptures have foretold. (Rev.
that the many woes and distresses upon the world are 12 : 12 ; 8 : 10,11) Jehovah will wind up and finish this
because the people are not faithful to their church organization with far greater bitterness at the battle
organization. The Scriptures are emphatic in that of Armageddon. As the "seven last plagues" have
all these woes proceed from the Devil for tile pur- been bitter to "Christendom", even so with ever-
pose of turning the people away from and causing increasing bitterness will come the world’s complete
them to curse God. The clergy therefore are doing destruction. "Behold, their valiant ones shall cry
the work of Satan in inducing the people to believe without ; the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitter-
that God is sending these woes at the present time, ly." (Isa. 33: 7) "And I [Jehovah] will makeit as the
and thus inducing the people to curse God. Referring mourning of an only son. and the end thereof as a
to fins same time Jehovah’s prophet wrote : "For the bitter day." (Amos 8: 10) "The great day of the
inhabitant [inhabitress (Rotherham and Leeser)] Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the
of Maroth waited carefully [anxiously] for good; voice of the day of the LORD;the mighty man shall
but evil came down from the LORDunto the gate of cry there bitterly." (Zeph. 1:14) As that hitter
Jerusalem." (Mie. 1:12) The name "Maroth" means climax comes near God commands his witnesses in
"’bitternesses", such as bitter waters or springs of thunder tones sounding above the bitter weeping of
water. In the face of repeated woes the RomanCath- the world, saying to his people : "Let not thine hands
olic Hierarchy, taking the lead, brought together all be slack." (Zeph. 3: 16) The Watchtower urgently
religious organizations and the principal ones of calls attention to these things, and repeatedly does
their flock, including tile most unscrupulous politi- so, that the witnesses whom Jehovah has commis-
cians and heartless commercial traffickers; and all sioned may not become negligent in obeying the com-
these together, and with great blare of trumpets, mandments of the Lord. The "great multitude" must
launched the so-called "holy year" and expressed in be warned and helped to see their privileges.
their loud-sounding prayers and speeches the hope "Verse twelve of Micah’s prophecy further says:
15, 1942 fftieWATCHTOWER. 27

"Evil came down from the LORDunto the gate of set up a king, and concerning the king Jehovah com-
Jerusalem." Manifestly this refers to Jehovah’s manded what should be done, in these words: "’But
"work", which stings and brings into disgrace the he shall net multiply horses to himself, nor cause
religionists, and more particularly to Jehovah’s the people to return to Egypt [for Imlitary equip°
"strange act", which will completely destroy unfaith- ment or help], to the end that he should multiply
ful Jerusalem and all other parts of Satan’s organi- horses [to be bound to chariots] ; forasmuch as the
zation. "Organized religion" and her allies continue LORDhath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return
to look to earthly things, human institutions, for no more that way."--Deut. 17: 16.
good, entirely ignoring God and his provision for °’ But in time the Israelites entirely forgot this
the human race. Instead of good resulting to them, commandmentof the Lord. It is written that Solomon
their woes continue. The woe that the Devil brings had forty thousand horses for his chariots. (1 Ki.
upon the people is that of general suffering, whereas 4 : 26) He had "cities for his chariots, and cities for
the "evil" that the Lord brings upon the clergy is his horsemen", and "rulers of his chariots, and his
first to disgrace them by exposing them and then to horsemen". (1 Ki. 9: 19-22) He had horses m~d char-
completely destroy them at Armageddon. lots brought up out of Egypt. (1 Ki. 10:26-29) lie
~o Further addressing the headstrong and boastful, forgot to depend on the Lord, but disregarded (iod’s
who have forsaken God and who are now God-for- commandment and went according to the ways that
saken, the prophet of the Most High says: "0 thou "Christendom" now goes. "Organized religion" or
inhabitant [inhabitress (Hebrew)] of Lachish, bind "Christendom" has made a like grievous error. Those
the chariot to the swift beast [the steed (Rother- great religionists claim to represent God, but instead
ham) ; horses (Leeser)] : she is the beginning of the of depending on God they have depended upon the
sin to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions strong military arm of this world, that is, the "char-
of Israel were found in thee."--Mic. 1 : 13. lots’ and ’swift beasts’. In this the?" have showna lack
~ The name "Lachish" means "obstinate, height, of faith in God, and because of fear of man the whole
impregnable". In ancient times the city of Lachish organization of "Christendom" has been brought into
had been made a fortified city by the unfaithful ldng the snare of the Devil. The beginning of this sin of
Rehoboam.(2 Chron. 11 : 5, 9) In bringing about the the professed daughter of Jerusalem, that is, "or-
destruction of Jerusalem Nebuchadnezzar, the exe- ganized Christianity" so called, was the putting of
cutioner of Jehovah at that time, fought against faith in and depending upon the military and strong
Lachish. (Jer. 34: 7) Now"Christendom", which powers of this world for help, and thereby entirely
unfaithful to God and which was foreshadowed by departing from Jehovah God.
unfaithful Jerusalem, is involved and is in for a ’~ Referring to this same thing the psalmist says :
cleanup. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy has always "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we
been against God and his kingdom, although, falsely, will remember the name of the LORDour God." (Ps.
claiming to represent Godand Christ. In these latter 20 : 7, 8) But it is certain, as stated by Jehovah, that
days all the organizations religious have joined the power in which "Christendom" has trusted has
hands with the Roman Catholic ttierarchy and all completely failed her. "And it shall come to pass in
have trusted, and continue to trust, in the govern- that day, saith the LOrtD, that I will cut off thy horses
ments of the nations of this world, as high and im- out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy char-
pregnable fortresses, as a place of defense and se- lots." (Mic. 5: 10) Now "Christendom" faces that
curity; but none of those so-called impregnable foretold destruction. The transgression of God’s law
forces shall be able to stand when Jehovah’s Execu- is seen, and says God’s prophet : "For the transgres-
tioner moves into action. sions of Israel [Jacob the unfaithful, who started to
" In this part of the prophecy the beginning of serve God] were found in thee." Then the question
the sin of "organized Christianity", or "organized is propounded, ’%Vhat is the transgression of Jacob
religion", is named. According to another transla- [Israel] ~." (Vs. 5) The answer is : "The sin of Sama-
tion the text reads: "Bind the chariot to the swift ria." It was found in unfaithful Jerusalem, and now
steed, O inhabitant of Lachish : she was the beginning that similar condition and sin is found in "Christen-
of sin to the daughter of Zion ; for the transgressions dom". The "sin of Samaria" was and is creature wor-
of Israel were found in thee."~Mic. 1:13, A.R.V. ship, Devil worship, rebellion against God’s com-
’~ The city of Lachish is not the "beginning of the mandment, the worship of creatures and things, and
sin", but the beginning of the sin is "the chariot" to all this in plain violation of God’s law. At the present
which the swift steed is bound. Steeds or horses are time this sin has reached a climax in an attempt by
symbohc of military equipment of the world of Sa- the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their allies to
tan. WhenGod made a covenant with Israel in Moab, compel the people to salute men and flags and other
he anticipated that Israel would desire and would things and thereby attribute protection and salva-
N. Y.

tion to things of this world, whereas all protection alliance with the commercial traffickers and profes-
and salvation is of God through Christ Jesus. The sional politicians and all other elements of Satan’s
remnant and the Jonadabs stand out firmly against seed, and look to such for help ; but her allies or help-
such sinful practice; and with determination to not ers will fail her and "Christendom" will say: "My
yield to tile enemy, these faithful ones attribute and brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as
boldly make knownthat all protection and salvation the stream of brooks they pass away." (Job 6:15)
is of God through Christ Jesus. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy and her co-religion-
,6 Jerusalem was unfaithful to God, and likewise ists constitute ’the house of lies and deceit’, and that
her antitype, "Christendom," has proved entirely un- wicked organization hides her crookedness behind
faithful to God. The judgment against the offenders such deceit and lies and depends upon the same for
has been written :"Therefore shalt thou give presents protection and strength. That hypocritical organi-
[dismissals (Hebrew) ; a dismission (Roth.) ; a part- zation says, as God’s prophet foretold she wouhl say :
ing gift (A.R.V.)] to Moresheth-gath: the houses of "We have made lies our refuge, and under false-
Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel." (Mie. hood have we hid ourselves." But the Lord declares
1:14) The name "Moresheth-gath" used in this that such refuge of lies he will completely destroy.
prophecy means "possession of Gath, or, inheritance The reason is, Jehovah declares that he will sweep
of Gath", and the name appears to be used ironically away the refuge of lies and expose the wickedness
towards Jerusalem, and her antitype, that is, "Chris- of those religious organizations and completely (te-
tendom." Instead of possessing and inheriting, Jeru- stroy the same, and the religion mongers also. (Isa.
salem would have to yield it up as a possession of 28 : 15-21) For a long while nowthe religionists have
her enemy, and would also be compelled to dismiss or tried to make themselves popular with their allies.
let go her enemy with presents or gifts, thereby los- the commercial traffickers and politicians, by howl-
ing the city, and be compelled to pay in addition to ing long and loud in defense of the present world
that loss. This was illustrated when the Israelites powers, and declaring themselves as the supporters
were leaving E~-pt and when the Egyptians gave to of these world powers. Thus they have shown them-
them jewels of silver, and of gold and raiment. The selves, as the Scriptures declare, as the open ene-
Hebrews spoiled the Egyptians. (Ex. 12: 35, 36) mies of God; and being God’s enemies, they shall,
foreshadowed what should come to "Christendom". together with all other enemies, suffer complete de-
"’Christendom" will be compelled to surrender what struction.~Jas. 4 : 4.
she looked upon as her possession and inheritance "Those who love and serve Jehovah are now he-
and to suffer additional ills. "Christendom," and ing permitted to see the light shining upon the proph-
particularly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, boast- ecies of Jehovah, by means of which they are given
fully says: "Wewill possess and rule the world, be- an understanding of God’s purposes to completeb
cause that is our right." Instead of realizing that destroy the religious organizations and the men who
desire, "Christendom" will have to yield possession use them to carry on their cruel racket, and to also
to her enemy, the Executioner of Jehovah, because destroy all other elements of Satan’s organization:
Jehovah’s King has received from the hand of the and that such destruction is near at band. The reveal-
Most High "the nations for thine inheritance, and ing of these truths to his witnesses in this day of
the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Jehovah lays upon the consecrated and anointed ones
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt a far greater obligation than they have heretofore
dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel". (Ps. 2:8, 9, had or seen. What is Jehovah’s purpose in now per-
A.R.V.) Those who are faithful unto God and unto mitting his people to have an understanding of his
their covenant shall be with Christ Jesus and, by the prophecies? Manifestly his chief purpose is that his
grace of Jehovah, shall with him be joint-heirs in all people, whomhe has taken out of the world for his
of his possession and inheritance.--Rom. 8:16, 17. name, may see and understand their great privilege
" According to the American Revised Verswn the of bearing his name and exhibiting the same before
latter part of the verse (Micah 1: 14) reads: "The the people and telling the people of God’s purpose
houses of Achzib shall be a deceitful thing unto the before Jehovah’s great power is executed against the
kings of Israel." The name "Achzib" means "deceit- enemy. Never before has there been given to crea-
ful, falsehood, or, a deceitful thing". True to the tures such a privilege, and it clearly appears that
name, the houses of Achzib became an unfaithful ally there never again will be another such opportunity
and yielded to Sennacherib, forsaking the alliance to bear witness to the name of Jehovah God. Long
with Israel. The Hebrews called Achzib by the name ago Jehovah appointed Christ Jesus the heir of all
’liar’ or ’deceitful’. It was "as a liar, and as waters things; and the time is at hand for Christ Jesus to
that fail" in the summerheat.--Jer. 15:18. take possession of all things, and the time is also at
’~ The religionists of "Christendom" have made an hand for these great truths to be made knownto the
J~,~V,iRY 15, 1942 29

world, and particularly to those of good-will, that and the privilege and obligation is laid upon all the
they may seek a place of refuge and safety. As the Jonadabs, as well as upon the remnant, to study the
examination of this prophecy continues it will be seen prophecies, that they may be equipped to perform
that by his prophet Micah God foretells the taking the part assigmed to them in Jehovah’s great ar-
possession of all things by the Lord Jesus Christ, and rangement. These great truths Jehovah has hidden in
what shall follow. The greatest crisis of all time is his Word until his due time to vindicate his name;
here, and it behooves everyone that would live to and that time is now here. It behooves all, therefore,
acquaint himself with the present-day truths and who would live, to avail themselves of the oH)or-
hasten to obey the Lord, the rightful King of the tunity of knowing Jehovah God and his purpose, and
world, who is now present and moving into posses- to sing forth the praises of his King and of his
sion of his inheritance. These truths The Watchtower Kingdom.
endeavors to publish in harmony with God’s will, (To be continued)


JANUARY17 taking the side of the Lord Jesus Christ. If a mandoc~ not
Wherein God, wilIi~tg more abundantly to shew unto the choose to take that step, then what? "He that bellevcth on
heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, the Son hath everlasting life; and he that bcheveth not the
confirmed it by an oath.--Heb. 6: 17. Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God ahid(,th on
Men who have pledged themselves to serve Jehovah God him." (Vs. 36) This is in harmony with the statement
have divided themselves into two classes: some have de- the divine rule announced by Moses. in which Jehovah set
parted from that covenant, while others have been faithful. before the Israelites life or death and pernuttcd them to
The failure of some, in turning away from their covenant, choose their way.--Deut. 30: 19. W 2/1/41
has in no wise altered His announced purpose. Having pur-
posed it, he will do it. There cannot be the slightest doubt
about the result in the mind of one who loves Jehovah, and Then the people of Jehovah went down to the gates A~,.ahe.
for the comfort and assurance of his faithful servants Jeho- awake, Deborah; awake, awake, utter a song: Ar~sc, Darak.
vah supports his word by his unbrea.kable oath. From Abel ---Judg. 5: 11, 12, Am. Rev Vcr.
to the last of God’s holy prophets there were faithful men Four times the word "awake" is uttered. It was a call
on the earth who not only believed in The Theocracy but from Jehovah to his servants then to awake and stir li~cm-
staked their all on it and gladly suffered martyrdomrather selves unto active service and praise of IIis name It was
than to yield to the enemy’s power, and thus they main- a fourfold call to awake, hence a full and complete call.
tained integrity to God. W3/15/41 The prophecy here foretells the call of Jehovah to tus or-
ganization on earth ("Deborah") at the coming of Chmst
JANUARY 18 Jesus ("Barak") to awake and arise to activity and to ad-
Blessed is the ~lation whose Godis Jehovall, the people whom vertise his name and his kingdom. This he does just pre-
he hath chosen.--Ps. 33: I2, Am. Rev. Ver. ceding tile time when he exercises his supreme power against
Set over in contrast with the wicked are those who have Satan and his entire organization. Those of Jehovah’s or-
covenanted to do God’s will and who faithfully and stead- ganization must obey his commandmentto m~mediately and
fastly abide by that agreement and carry out their cove- actively participate in declaring the name of Jehovah in
nant. The destiny for such is life everlasting in peace, joy singing his praises, and declaring his judgment already
and glory forever in the presence of the Most High. That written against those who arc opposed to him and to his
"blessed nation" is the nation of which Christ Jesus is the kingdom. W 4/1/41
ttead, and including all who are made members of God’s
capital orgamzation under Christ. NowGod’s time has come JANUARY 21
whenhe, by Christ Jesus, is gathering to himself his "other I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is wilh,n
sheep". These should be enlightened concerning what is my heart.--Ps. 40: 8.
required of all who undertake to be servants of God and Because of his full and complete obedience unto his
Christ. What God has caused to be written in his Wordof Father under the most trying conditions Jesus was given
and concerning others that have gone before serves to hfe immortal, the highest place in the universe next to
furnish a guide to those who arc now seeking the way of Jehovah, and the admimstration of Jehovah’s wilt (Phil.
faithful service and everlasting life. W7/1/41 2: 8-11) Because of hxs complete obedience Chrmt Jesus is
made the Author of eternal salvation to all that obey him.
JANUARY 19 (Heb 5: 8, 9) It is of the greatest importance to knowthese
He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth facts, if one would live. All humankind were born in sin
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. because of the sin committed by Adam, and therefore all
--John 3: 16. of his children inherited death. God has provided redemp-
Man is given the choice of believing on the Lord Jesus tion and salvation of men from dcatt~ by and through the
Christ, if he wouldlive and not perish. It follows, therefore, sacrifice of the man Jesus unto death (led therefore pro-
if he does not believe he will perish. Manwas already sub- vides the gift of life to all menwhobeheve on the Lord Jesus
ject to death by reason of inheriting the result of Adam’s Christ as the Savior and who then covenant to be ob(.dient
violation of God’s law, and now Jehovah was giving man an to the laws of God and hence obedmat to Christ Jesus.
opportunity to choose to extricate himself from death by W 2/15/41

JANUARY 22 weight and the sin which so easily besets us’ God’s people
The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, a~ut his ears today have all the wealth of his revealed Word and the
are open unto their cry.--Ps. 34: 15. record of faithful men who have gone before and who proved
Jehovah beholds the righteous in distress, hears their their integrity toward God, together now with an abun-
cry for help, and delivers them. He deals exactly in an dance of physical facts which have come to pass in fulfill-
opposite manner with the wicked, and the memoryof them ment of God’s prophecies, to uphold and strengthen them
shall perish from the earth. As all are born in sin by reason and to fully fortify them against all opposition and vio-
lence heaped upon them by the enemies of The Theocracy.
of the disobedience of the first man, a man becomes right-
eous only by faith in Jehovah and in Christ Jesus’ shed W 3/15/41
blood as his redemptive price, and by full consecration and
obedience to God and Christ. Before man can be made
righteous he must show his faith in Godand in Christ Jesus The Lord preserveth the faithful.--Ps. 31.: 23.
by wilhngly making a covenant to do the will of the Most There are those who have made a covenant to do God’s
ttigh, and then he must maintain his righteousness which will and who later, because of fear of man, and particu-
he has received through Christ Jesus by faithfully perform- larly of those who rule, have declined to take any part in
ing the terms of that covenant. He must be entirely for Je- His "strange work" and have withdrawn themselves from
hovah and his kingdom and not compromise with the enemy. activity. Such fearful and negligent ones will not receive
w 5/1/41 any protection and blessing from the Lord. The faithful
JANUARY 23 and obedient ones, who do not fear men but who fear God
and joyfully obey his commandments,will receive protec-
Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generations, and tion and blessings from the Lord Jehovah and his King.
Noah walked with God.--Gen. 6: 9. The faithful "remnant" and their true "companions", the
"Perfect" is defined by the best Biblical authorities as Lord’s "other sheep", now read the prophecies and their
"blameless, sound, sincere, undefiled and upright, one of explanations which God has provided, and, so doing, they
integmty and a bearer of the truth". Noah was a man of rejoice that the evidence is clear that the day of deliverance
faith, and he was faithfully obedient to God. He ascer- from oppression is near at hand and the day of vindicauon
tained God’s commandmentand rendered himself in obe- of Jehovah’s name will be the result. They have faith that
dmnec thereto. It follows, therefore, that ever5" other who God will do exactly as he has promised. W 4/15/41
may expect and hope to receive God’s approval must be
just, sincere, pure in thought and action, a bearer of the
truth, and one who maintains his integrity toward God. JANUARY 27
He must have faith in God and be faithfully obedient to For the commandment is a lamp, and the Mwis ligT~t ; and
God’s will or commandment.Noah was a "preacher of right- reproofs of instruction are the way of life.--Prov. 6: 23.
eousness" at a time when the earth was filled with violence. The person who desires God’s approval must be guided
Undoubtedly he maintained his integrity toward God under aright. The Bible, which contains God’s Word, is true and
great adversity and shunned not to declare the truth under
is the correct guide : "Thy word is a lamp unto myfeet, and
all circumstances, which truth he received from God. a light unto my path." (Ps. 119: 105) The Bible guides
W 5/15/41 sincere persons to desire and pray for the most ~mportant
JANUARY 24 things that may result to their welfare. God has put such
prayers into the mouth of his sincere servants, and one of
His secret is with the r~ghteous.~Prot’. 3:32. these prayers is this: "Shew me thy ways, O Lord, teach
The purpose of Jehovah is a secret to sinful men. Since me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me" (Ps
each announced purpose of Jehovah is a secret, his cove- 25:4, 5) The sure and unfailing promises of God to such
nant is a secret to all against The Theocracy. What, then, sincere seekers for truth arc certain, and God will fulfill
is reqmrcd of man before he can be taken into covenant with those promises, tte who would be wise in things that are
Jehovah’ He must fear God. Ile must have knowledge that right seeks pure knowledge, such as is contained in the
the .\lmighty God is Jehovah, the Creator, the Fountain Bible: "Wise men lay up knowledge."--Prov. 10:14
of hfe, and the only Giver of life ever!astmg He then W 6/1/41
recognizes Jehovah as the all-powerful One who ~s just and
righteous and entirely unselfish. Behoving that all bless- JANUARY 28
ings flow from Almighty God, the creature man fears to take He that is not with rne is against me; and he t/mr 9athereth
any course that would cause hml to miss the blessings God not w=th me scattercth--Luke 11:23.
gives. He believes that disobedience to God would cause
him to lose God’s favor, and fears lest he might not receive A man may be ignorantly against The Theocracy and
God’s favor. He desires to be taught of God, that he may the King thereof, but when he is enlightened he must qmck-
go in the right way. W 6/15/41 ty turn about and take the right corn"so, and, doing so, he
will be forgiven. Whena man learns of Jehovah and his
JANUARY 25 gracious goodness manifested through Christ Jesus and then
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye treats that great truth with indifference or wlth willfulness,
should obey ,t in the lusts thereof.--Rom. 6: 12. his wrong course is not forgivable. He thus sins auamst
light or against the holy spimt, which is light The blood of
Why have so many creatures failed? There has been Christ Jesus is the price that purchased mankmd, and is
one chief besetting sin that has caused failure, and that be- not a commonthing. Therefore when a man sees and under-
setting sin is demomsm,otherwise called "religion". It was stands that his hope of life is by faith and obcdmneeunto
that close-girdling sin, religion, concernmgwhich the apos- Jehovah God and Christ and he then spurns or disregards
tle wrote to those who had made a covenant to be faithful that favor, the wrath of God remains upon him and hm end
servants and witnesses of Jehovah: ’Let us lay aside every is with all others of the wicked class. W5/1/41
JAnUAry 15, 1942 --5eWATCHTOW
Noall u’cnt in, and his sons, a~d his wife, and his sons" wives The gorernment shall be upon his shouldcr : and t~is ~mmc
with hzra, ~nto tile ark, because of the.waters of the flood. shall be called . . . The everlasting Father, The Prince
--Gen. 7: 7. of Peacc.~Isa. 9: 6.
The people in Noah’s day heard the sound of his voice Centuries ago Jehovah announced his purpose to create
warning of the coming flood, but they gave no heed to that and set up a paternalistic government, to be presided o~ er
warning. They knew Noah was building the great boat, by his beloved Son. That government is the great Theoc-
which was a testimony of his faith in God, but the people racy, by which Christ Jesus exercises a paternal care over
who saw it regarded it as of no importance. Noah’s work the interests of the people that shalt hve on the earth, lle
and testimony were so important in the carrying out of is the King and the Father of them that obey him, and they,
Jehovah’s purposes that God used him to foretell what as his children, will address Christ Jesus as "Fattwr". Jeho-
must come to pass at the time of setting up the Kingdom. vah God is the King of Eternity, and the fountain of hfc
The ark which Noah built at Jehovah’s commandpictured Nonecan get life contrary to his will. Jehovah has delegated
the organization built by the Most High through Christ to his beloved Son, the King, full authority to admtmster
Jesus and which is God’s capital organization with Christ life to those who shall receive life everlasting. In these
Jesus as Head. Carrying the eight persons over the flood latter days the Most High has made this fact clear to those
pictured the survivors of Armageddonthat God will carry who have fled to the Lord and found refuge. W9/1/41
over to the new world. W5/15/41
.4 wise ~nan will hear, and will increase learning; and a man Still he holdeth fast his integrity.---Job 2: 3.
of u~derstandi~g shall attain unto w~se cou~tsels. Integrity means "innocence, blamelessness, that is. with-
--Prey. 1: 5.
out fault". Job stood for Jehovah and his prom~sed King-
Whowill hear, give heed, understand, and choose the dom. Job held fast his integrity, and therefore was blame-
way of life ? Jehovah’s answer is: "The wise shall under- less before God. Washe blameless because he was perfect in
stand." God’s Word shows that there are two classes now organism and had the right to life ? No ; he was the offspring
on the earth: (1) those whowill be wise and shall find the of Adamand hence under condemnation. His integmty, or
way to righteousness and life; and (2), the other class, blamelessness, consisted in the fact that he refused to be
wh:ch continues in wickedness, darkness and reliNon, and moved from his steadfast devotion to God and ins coming
rcmains under condemnation and suffers eternal death. The Kingdomby the Messiah. Job would suffer all things rather
present is "the time of the end", that is, the end of Satan’s than be unfaithful to The Theocracy. Job’s integrity fore-
uninterrupted rule. Such is the due time for those who are tells that those whomhe pictured must be immovahl) de-
wise to understand Jehovah’s purpose and take the course voted to the Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, and
that leads to life everlasting. Nowis the due time when those that regardless of what the enemy is permitted to mfl~ct
who shall form the "’great multitude" must hear and choose upon them. They must remain faithful, true and wholl.v de-
wisely, and will understand. For this rcason the Lord causes voted thereto. In no other way could they be blameless
the message of The Theocracy to be sounded. W 7/I5/41 before God. W 8/15/4I

(Contim~ed from page 18) a report of the workworld-widefor the service year 1940-1941is
belated. Hence the productmnof the 1942 Yearbookof Jehorah’s
never has it been more valuable than today, at this world crisis, v:ztnesses has been unavoidably held up. Announcementof its
whenthe destroy of each intelhgent humancreature is being de- pubhcation will be made shortly, and which report, we behove,
cided. The getting of correct mformatmnand mstrnctlon, just will be well worth wmtmgfor.
such as is requ:red for the times, to decide your course wisely to
a happy destroy, was never more wtal than now, for "where there
is no vision, the people potash". Informedpersons well acquainted 1942 CALENDAR
with the consistent contents of The Watchtoweragree that those
whowant to gain life in peace and happiness without end should The text chosen for the year 1942, to wit, "Blameless mthe
read and study it together with the Bible and mcompanyw~th day of our Lord" (1 Cor 1:8), prowdesthe theme for a calendar
other readers. This LS not giving any credit to the magazine’s picture which is most befitting these days of demsmnII~ghly
pubhshers, but is due to the great Author of the Bible with its artistic and novel, the picture clearly and eloquently sets out the
truths and prophecies, and whonowinterprets its prophecies by chmce God’s covenant people must make concerning the ~reat
events in fulfillment and thereby enlightens the meekones con- issue of world dommatmn Beneath is a neat calendar pad, indi-
cerning the estabhshment of has Theocratic Governmentand its cating the line of activity of Jehovah’s blameless ones for each
blessings and requirements for those whoshall hve He It is that monthof 1942, namingthe special TestimonyPermdsand also the
makes posmble the material that is pubhshed mthe columns of special endeavors to be madeduring the intervening months. The
this magazine and whogives promLsethat it shall continue to contribution for this sere’ice calendar is 25c each, or $1 00 for
publLshthe advancingtruths as long as it continues to exist for 5 copies mailed together to one address. Compames should scnd
the service of the interests of his Theocratic Government.Care- in combinationorders, w~th remittance to cover, tlarough their
fully and prayerfully read this issue of The Watchtower. Then local companyservant.
do not delay to marl in your subscriptmn that you may receive
it regularly,twice a month,twenty-fourcopies the year. It is only "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
$1.0() mthe United States, or $1.50 in foreign conntries.
Weekof February 15: "Micah" (Part 2),
RE THE1942 YEARBOOK ¶ 1-25 reclusive, The WatchtowerJanuary 15, 1942.
Due to the uncertain and disrupted conditions on earth over Weekof February 22: "Micah" (Part 2),
which we have no control the information for the compilatmnof 26-49 inclusive, The WatchtowerJanuary 15, 1942.
"Another magazine publisher and I called at each room "A publisher (Bergen, N.J.) brings Mrs. The
in an Albuquerque hotel, assisted by the bellboy, who told Watchtower and Consolation every week, and learns that
us when the people in the different rooms would be in. Com- she has a crippled sister in Leicester, England, from whom
pleting the rooms, we proceeded to the lobby to offer the she has not heard recently. In Consolation she reads of
magazines there. One man refused The Watchtower, saying bombing raids on Leicester, and wonders about her sister,
that it was against the government and we were conscien- and writes, mentioning the article in Consolation and that
tious objectors and should all be in concentration camps it is the first she has heard of the raids. A lovely calm letter
and that’s where we would be soon. The hotel manager, returns from the sister, assuring Mrs.’it that she is all
having overheard the conversation, said he was glad to con- right and not mentioning the bombing raids at all, but
tribute for The Watchtower, as he knew something about us, rather that two lovely Jehovah witnesses sisters call on her
that he knew our organization was the first that had been regularly and bring her great comfort--and now hold a
stopped in Germany. The man who had refused The Watch- study in her home each week. P. S. Mrs. H sees the Lord’s
tower, overhearing the hotel manager, had nothing more care over her sister all the time she has been anxious about
to say. In an apartment house, my knock caused two ad- her, and now Mrs. H is a Jehovah’s witness herself’."
jacent doors to be opened at the same time. The clergyman
answering one door said: ’Don’t go in there: that woman’s IF YOUR MAGAZINE ACCOUNT IS GOOD
mind is unbalanced.’ The lady at the door where I knocked "While engaged in street-witnessing work with the mag-
stepped out and said: ’Young man, how dare you tell any- azines, at Tucson, Arizona, five of us, all pioneers but one,
one not to come into my house with a phonograph. I will were arrested for ’peddling without a license’. Wewere
have the law put you out.’ Then to me she said : ’Comeright thrown into a filthy jail, full of drunks because this was the
m and play the record.’ At its conclusion she remarked how week-end, and all night long the place was a madhouse.
well she appreciated it, inviting me to call back again. She Fighting and cursing went on till Sunday morning. How-
expressed shame that her preacher-neighbor had ordered ever, when most of these sobered up, they were of good-will,
me away, saying she knew he sold dope and that she would ~mdresented the injustice done to us, and they gladly re-
make it necessary for him to move away. Around the block, ceived the message of God’s kingdom. One prisoner, being
a young lady of about 25 answered the door and invited imld for burglary in several states, reminded us manytimes
me to play the record. Inside, the landlord Catholic priest to send him literature when he goes up to serve eight years
quickly rose from his chair and said: ’No, you don’t want in prison. Another Mexican, who had been fighting all
to hear that--it is against us Catholics’ (waving his arms night, asked questions all the next day, and he promised
in rage). Tile girl said: ’Yes, I want to hear it.’ He said: to come to the Watchtower studies when released. (He came
’No, if you listen to that you are not a true Catholic.’ She:to our house the other day and took the book Children.)
’You can’t give me life, and I want life.’ The priest then Wewere in jail five days and found many ’sheep’ who rec-
addressed me: ’You can’t play that in my house.’ I then ognized our message as the truth. One army boy, arrested
sho~ed her Conspiracy Agai~zs~ Democracy (with one of for stealing an auto while drunk, told us when he sohcred
the conspirators glaring at me, white with anger). Said the up that he came from St. Louis, Mo. On being asked if he
lady. ’Yes, I want that, he can’t keep me from reading it, remembered the Theocratic convention of Jehovah’s wit-
and you people call again when he is not in.’ " nesses, he immediately answered: ’Oh, sure, I went to hear
Judge Rutherford, "one of the boys." I’ve been to some
IN BO.~IB-SCARRED LIVERPOOL Watchtower meetings, and they’re the best I’ve ever been
"One Saturday morning I called upon a lady. After to.’ Manyother prisoners eagerly ate up all we had to tell
explaining to her the message on my Testimony card, she them. Whenwe were finally released on bail, immediately
decided to take the booklets Gocernment and Peace and we made preparations for Saturday’s magazine work We
Refugees. I called back to see how she enjoyed them, and printed stickers entitled ’Free Sample’ to be placed on our
she told me she started to read them the same night, when magazine bags. Also all the back-date magazines we could
she was alone, owing to her husband’s working as a bus get hold of were stamped ’Free sample copy’ (we had been
conductor until midnight, as it was his turn to work late
arrested following the State Supreme Court decision that
duty. This lady lives in Kensington, a suburb of Liverpool,
and this particular night was the worst they had ever had receiving a contribution for literature was selling). Sev-
for air raids. Strange to say, she never heard the air-raid eral hours were set aside that Saturday for street distribu-
warning, neither did she hear the noise of exploding bombs. tion, and by the end of the first hour we had placed, by the
and was quite surprised when her husband came and told Lord’s grace, 300 magazines. By evening we placed the
her what a terrible night it had been. I started a modelstudy grand total of 787 magazines. These were placed in the
of the Bible with her, which she greatly enjoys, and she hands of many people of good-will for the reason that the
has subscribed for The Watchtower. She now comes out on ’goats’ refused to take them, even though they were free.
the work when she can, and also attends the Watchtower The police could find no excuse to interfere, and a great
study. She is full of questions when I go. Her husband also many people said they saw no reason for arresting us in
reads the publication. She says the truth is marvelous, and such a wonderful work. Thus was shown again to the Lord’s
she realizes that religion has becomepolitical and commer- people how Satan’s plots back-fire and work to the interest
cial. What comfort those fiI~t two booklets gave !" of Jehovah’s Theocracy."

, .1




A Sign .. 37
ln~lnceiity ........... 39
Fishers ........................ 41
Hunters ............................. 43






FIELD EXPEI~IENeES ......................... 48

.--j" "Ii
.................................... 34
l’~usn~ Sz~mo~-~-~r Itr ITS MISSION
HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A T people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible Instructmn specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
N. H. K.WO~R,President W.E. ~TANAI~BURGtt,Eecretary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shah be the peace of ~hy children." -Isaiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent In the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It Is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Exceuuve Olfieer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities,
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man ~Jt’~*RLT SL’BSCRIPTI0.’~
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of U.~ITm)
$I 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GI~KAT BRITAII~,AESTRALASL%,AND SOUTH #kFRICA, 68. American remit-
’tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, Br*tlsh, South African and Australa~mn remhtance~
should be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countriesother than tbo~e mentionedmay be made to the Brooklynoffice~
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by Inter~at,o.alPo~talMoney Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FO~E~C:~
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~t|sh..........................
31 Craven Terrace, Londo~, ~V.~England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadlaa
40Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5,Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief OltScer thereof and is the right- Australa.~ar. ........... 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfield. N.S. W., Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Boston House, Cape Town,South .kfrlca
Plea~e address
theSociety inevery case.
Chr:~t Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his ,attnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the frults of the kingdom (Tra~lattOn$o! fht~ jo~,nal appear~n several languages.)
before all who will hear.
TItAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincerestudentsof the Biblewho by reasonof infirmity,pore-ivor
adversityare unable to pay the subscripuonprice may ba~e The Batch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establtM~ment of tower free upon written appllcatlonto the publlsbera,made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year,statingthe reasonfor so requestlngIt. We are glad ~o thuq old lhe
needy, but the wr*tten appllcatmn once each year *s reqmrcd by the
TItAT THERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth cnn
come only by and through Jehovah’s 1;mgdomunder Christ, which Notice to Subscribers" Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal ~ub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruetmn scr,ptmn wlil be sent only when requested. Chanze of nddrc.~, when
requested,may be expectedto appear on addreqs label v~Hhln one mon’h
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank {carryingno,ice of expiration)will be sent ~th the
the earth, and that unfler the kingdomthe people of good will that journalone month before the subscrxptionexpires
sure,ye Armageddonshall carry out the d~v,ne mandate to "fill Entered a~ s¢cond-clas~ matter at the po~t o~’~ce at Broo?.ly~t, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the A¢’1 o/ March $, 1879.

MEMORIAL 1942 three-month Watchtower campaig’n, hence the people of ~a-

Tuesday, March 31. after stx p m, ~s the date Scmpturally tegnty toward God now speemhze on taking subscru)l~cn~ for
arrived at for 1942 for the memorialceh,br:~t~o:~ to both Jehovah’s the magazine The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah’s kingdom or
haole and the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, h~s Theocratic Government by Chrmt Jesus Ad&tmnal to the m-
Theocratic King. Each Christian company, thcrefvre, should as- trmmc value of the magazine xtself, the latest book, Chddren. ~s
semble after six p.m. of March 31, and the anointed ones thereof given as a premium w~th all new subscnptmns for a ~ear, and
celebrate the Memorml,their eompamonsthe "’other sheep" being that at the regular subsenptmn rate of $1 00. God’s people of
p~esent ,xs observers. If there is no competent person present to mtegmtywtll be steadfast thereto and w~ll prove thexr blameless-
dehver a brmf discourse Immediately before the partaking of the ness of devotion by tahng part m tb~s Testtmony regardless of
emblems, that short arUcte appea::ng m the March 15, 1939. ~ssue the cost to self..~Iany newly interested readers of The WatH,tower.
of The Watchtower should be read before those assembled pr,or deeply appreemtmgxt, wx]l be desirous of joining m th~s speeml
to partaking. Since the breaking of the bread and drinking of tesUmony pmvflegc, and we mvtte such to write th~s office for
the wine both picture the death of Jesus, it follows that both em- references needed to put them in touch with the nearest local com-
h!cms should be served together at partaking, and not separately. pany orgamzed for this campaign. A record should be kept of
The emblems should be unleavened bread and real red wine. Jesus all work done and the result, and the same reported m the ap-
and his apostles used real red wmem symbol of h~s blood, and the pointed manner at the close of February.
ano-uted remnant should follow thexr lead. A report of the cele-
bration should be made to the Society as instructed in the In- 1942 YEARBOOKOF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES
formant. In preparation therefor the article "Memorial" suggested
above will be stu&ed with profit. It is now available, this new Yearbook the pubheatlon of w}nch
was held up owing to circumstances which you will apprec:ate
"INTEGRITY" TESTIMONYPERIOD when you read xt. Yet the interest which thts 1942 Yearbook holds
fieldmaneuvers andthe united for all who are concerned about the progress of God’s work m
testthe INTEGRITT,
testimony thus named. the earth remains just as v~tal and presently heipful as ~f ,ssued
periodduringFebruaryis appropriately
Periodis the opening
monthof the (Continued on page 47)
1, 1942 NO. S

"’Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; a~d after will 1 se~d for
malty huJlters, a~zd they shall hunt tl~em from every momztain, and from every ]till, a~;cl out of the l~olcs
of the rocl~s."--Jer. 16:16.
EHOVAHknows who are his people. He knows ’ The nations of the earth, particularly those that
J where they have been scattered by the forces of make up so-called "Christendom", have been notified
demonism. "The foundation of God standeth sure, and warned by those whom God has gathered and
having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are whomhe has made his witnesses, of and concerning
his." (2 Tim. 2: 19) He declares it to be his irre- his purpose to establish the Theocratic rule over the
sistible and unalterable purpose to gather together earth by and through his King, Christ Jesus. The
in one all intelligent creatures on earth, whether of nations have treated God’s faithful witnesses with
the spiritual or of the earthly class, who take their contempt; they have spurned the message these wit-
stand for his Theocratic Government by the ~Ies- nesses have faithfully proclaimed, and they have
siah. This gathering together to the Lord’s side must preferred to ignore God and have chosen the rule of
take place before the final war of Armageddon, and demons in furtherance of their own selfish schemes
hence those gathered must flee now from the enemy for world domination. They leave the expressed will
organization and to THE THEOCn^CY.That Govern- and written Wordof God out of all their plans ; they
ment is nowin operation in the midst of its enemies. put not their trust in Jehovah to set up his righteous
The time has come to the full for the administration kingdom over humankind by his o~-n almighty pow-
or "dispensation" of the great Messiah at God’s er; they prefer to exercise governmental control
right hand, and the gathering has been in progress themselves and refuse to entertain any thought of
nowsince A.D. 1918, first of the spiritual class, and the direct rule of God by his King Christ Jesus, or
more recently of the other class who shall live on submit thereto. They take the name of God upon
earth forever in unbroken peace and happiness un- their lips in connection with their reliNous rites, but
der the righteous dispensation of Tm~TH~.OCaACY. by their course of action they have forgotten Him.
"He hath purposed in himself: that in the dispensa- God’s judgment concerning them is: "The wicked
tion of the fulness of times he might gather togetker shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that for-
in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, get God." (Ps. 9: 17) Shortly they shall suffer the
and which are on earth ; even in him."~Eph. 1 : 9, 10. same fate as unfaithful Jerusalem in the days of
The beginning of the righteous administration Jeremiah, and which city became religious and broke
means that the nations of the world have reached her covenant with Jehovah God and was completely
"the time of the end". That time began with the in- destroyed by his executioner. Religious Jerusalem
coming of the day of Jehovah in 1914, and the final was the prototype of present-day "Christendom".
end thereof will come at Armageddon. There the All who abide in her and support her and trust in
primary issue of UmW~S~L DO~I~AT~O:~will be set- her leadership shall go down into the ditch of "hell"
tled once and for all time. THSTm~oc~AcY will settle with her, suffering a like fate as did the demonreli-
it right, which is, in favor of the great THEOCRAT,gionists of Jerusalem. Then only the prophet Jere-
JEEOW~,the Almighty God. That victory will be a miah and his faithful companions, such as the Jona-
vindication of God’s name and will mean deliverance dabs and Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, escaped with
and blessing to all creatures who live and who love their lives and with God’s approval. Likewise at Ar-
righteousness and truth. Jehovah is the Supreme mageddon only members of the spiritual remnant
Being and the only source of faithful to Jehovah God, and
Because of the important hearing of the
life, of law and of order, and prophecy upon Jehovah’s "strange work" o| also their devoted earthly com-
his Theocratic rule over all the immediate present time, this article takes panions, shall escape destruc-
the universe, including this the place of Part 3 of the series on "Micah", tion of "Christendom" and the
and Part 3 will be published in the next issue.
earth, is the only rightful rule. other nations of the world.

’The establishment of The Theocratic Govern- eous race. This they will do after Armageddon has
ment of Jehovah God in the hands of his beloved cleared the earth of the nations that forget God;
King in 1914, and the proclamation of its establish- and thus will be fulfilled the mandate which God
ment thereafter, have served as a great judgment originally gave to Adamand Eve in Eden, but in
test of all on earth, both those claiming to be "Chris- which they failed.--Gen. 1:28.
tians" or in a covenant with God and those compos- The judgment of the nations still continues, an(1
iJ,g the nations of-the world. As anointed King, all the evidences are that it is rapidly coming to a
Christ Jesus also exercises judicial functions, and close a~ld the time for the pronouncement and execu-
has come to the place of judgment, God’s temple. tion of the Lord’s righteous judgment. There are yet
Tile judgment has been in progress since 1918, with many persons of good-will, or sheep-like ones, to be
his coming then to the temple. He examines first his gathered to the side of TIlE THEOClXACY. The final end
own servants to whom he has committed his King- being at hand, they now must be gathered with no
dora interests, "his goods," and then those who pro- loss of time or of motion. The prophet Jeremiah and
fess to be his servants but who are evil, slothful and his faithful companions lived in the final years of
wicked servants and in reality servants of the enemy. judgment upon religious Jerusalem and saw its de-
"’For the time is come that j’udgment must be~n at struction, and they survived it in vindication of Jeho-
the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what vah’s promise of preservation. Jeremiah spoke in tile
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of name of Jehovah God and was one of Jehovah’s un-
God? And if the righteous [servant] scarcely be broken line of witnesses from and after Abel. tie
saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner ap- therefore pictured the remnant of spiritual Israelites
pear?" (1 Pet. 4: 17, 18) Thereafter the judg’ment who are Jehovah’s witnesses in these the last days
proceeds to all the nations of the world, particularly of "Christendom".
"Christendom", which claims to serve God and to Jeremiah prophesied from and after the thir-
be his kingdom. teenth year of King Josiah. (Jet. 25: 1-3) Because
This order of judgment was shown in Jesus’ of Josiah’s faithfulness and devotion to Jehovah and
prophecy concerning events at the end of the world his typical Theocracy Jehovah God did not bring the
of Satan, where we now are. The Lord Jesus there destruction of doomed Jerusalem in his day, but
foretoht that Jehovah’s "faithful and wise servant" postponed it for forty years from the time that
would become manifest, and also "that evil servant". Jeremiah began his ministry of witnessing. Thus
(Matt. 24:45-51) Then the Lord gave the parable Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of the wicked
of the wise and the foolish virgdns, illustrating the kings that followed Josiah and until the last earthly
same two classes, and their final judgment. (Matt. king, wicked Zedekiah, in whose day Jehovah G,,,1
25: 1-13) Also the parable of the servants to whom executed his judgment upon covenant-breaking Jeru-
their lord entrusted the talents of his kingdom in- salem. These forty years of grace afforded tm~e for
terests, which servants their lord at his coming as Jehovah’s witnesses, the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
ruler or king judged, rewarding the faithful serv- and Zephaniah, to give a final witness to Judah and
ants and causing the wicked and slothful servant to Jerusalem, for the benefit of all those of good-will
be east out of his organization and into the world in toward Jehovah and as a warning of impending de-
darkness. (Matt. 25: 14-30) Then the Lord Jesus con- struction to the covenant-breakers, the demonreli-
eluded his prophecy by giving the parable concern- gionists and their political and commercial allies
ing the judgnnent of the nations at his return as King and supporters. Those who heeded the warning and
and Judge, in which judgment the people of good- abandoned the religion organization and went over
will who do good to his brethren who are Jehovah’s to Jehovah’s executioner escaped together with Je-
witnesses are symbolized by sheep and gathered to hovah’s faithful prophets; those who refused to take
his right side of favor and protective power; and the message seriously and persecuted Jeremiah and
those who mistreat his brethren because they are his companions and who clung to the things of reli-
Jehovah’s witnesses are likened unto goats and sep- gion and trusted in the self-righteousness of their
arated to his left side of disfavor and condemnation. religious leaders perished.
The "goat" class are turned into fiery destruction, ’ These things were recorded in the Bible. not for
to which the Devil and all his angels are reserved. a mere record of ancient history having little or no
The "sheep" class are blessed and after Armageddon bearing upon persons of modern times, but for the
are ushered into everlasting life on earth under the instruction of those in these days who seek life and
Theocratic kingdom of blessings. (Matt. 25: 31-46) desire to know the right course that leads to life.
Those blessings under the Kingdom include the joy- The larger and complete fulfillment of those ancient
[’ul privilege of fulfilling the divine mandate to "be judgments of Jehovah God are brought to pass upon
fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth" with a right- like organizations and classes of people at the end
9 fi.eWATCHTOWE 37

of the uninterrupted rule of Satan. Concerning those Jehovah’s instruction. Unburdened singleness wa.~
natural Jews it is written: "Nowall these things enjoined on Jeremiah, not merely that he might bt.
happened unto them for ensamples: and they are free of distracting earthly responsibihties and m,
written for our admonition, upon whomthe ends of necessary weights that would hinder him in I)erform-
the world are come." (1 Cor. 10:11) ’:Whatsoever ing his covenant toward God. By this course of action
things were written aforetime were written for our Jeremiah would be for a warning sign to his com-
learning, that we through patience and comfort of panions and to the religdonists ; also it would bear out
the scriptures might have hope." (Rom. 15 : 4) Those his sincerity in delivering the message, and also th,.
who hope to live to see a righteous government estab- truthfulness and dead certainty of his message.
lished on earth which shall deliver man from the " Jehovah’s witnesses today are not under the
rule of the wicked and bless all lovers and doers of restriction such as the Lord put on Jeremiah, hut,
righteousness must study those ancient "ensamples" in view of the serious conditions now with us and
or types and follow the admonition therein contained. which bespeak more terrible things shortly to come.
Such are filled with comfort and strengthened to en- they do well to consider tlmir course, whether it be
dure until the end of the mournful rule of wickedness, well for them to follow the course of Jeremiah under
and maintain their integrity toward God. Those who like conditions in behalf of a full part in Jehovah’s
do not take heed unto these things written afore- "strange work" that is to end at Armageddon. Jeho-
time, but think they can stand in their own strength vah assigned the reason for his restriction upon his
and wisdom, fall in the great temptation and perish. obedient prophet: "For thus saith the LonI) concern-
The doom of "Christendom" is sealed. Armaged- ing the sons and concerning the daughters that are
don is very near. The destruction there will be tre- born in this place, and concerning their mothers that
mendous, exceeding anything of past human history. bare them, and concerning their fathers that begat
What, then, shall Jehovah’s witnesses, as foreshad- ttiem in this land: they shall die of grievous deaths;
owed by faithful Jeremiah, and their companions, they shall not be lamented, neither shall they be
the Lord’s "’other sheep", now do ? Shall they mourn buried; but they shall be as dung upon tile face of
at the sure prospect of the death and destruction of the earth; and they shall be consumed by tile sword,
the millions of religionists? Shall they devote part and by famine; and their carcases shall be meat for
of their tiine to the Lord’s witness work and spend the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth."
the rest of the time in carefree pleasure-seeking and (Jer. 16:3,4) Itence Jeremiah’s childlessness and
enjoyment like those who are "lovers of pleasures his freedom frolu home cares and burdens wouht be
more than lovers of God"? The answer is found in a telling example and would be in full agreclnent
the instruction given to Jeremiah udder like cir- with the warning of impending danger and destruc-
cumstances. tion which lie proclaimed.
A SIGN ’~ In the destruction of Jerusalem which followed
~ When Jerusalem’s doom of destruction was de- shortly thereafter the Lord’s executioner (lid not
termined, Jeremiah writes, "the word of the LOUD spare the sons and daughters of the religionists. This
came also unto me, saying, Thou shalt not take thee brought great grief upon their parents, who had
a wife, neither shalt thou have sons or daughters broken their covenant with God and turned to reli-
in this place." (Jer. 16: 1) Jerelniah was one of the gion. ¯ ’kfter Jehovah sends forth his witnesses pic-
Levite priests and from the city of Anathoth in the tured by the man clothed in linen with an inkhorn
land of the tribe of Benjamin : and those priests were by his side to mark the meek or teachable ones in
permitted to marry. Jeremiah was a young man their forehead, meaning the seat of intelligence and
when the Lord called him to he a prophet. He was understanding, the Lord God gives eoImnand to his
fully devoted to Jehovah God and his service, and executioners: "And to the others he said in lnine
completely determined to do the Lord’s wilt. There hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite ;
let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: slay
is no record that he ever married; in this he followed
the strict instruction of Jehovah God specifically to utterly old and young, both maids, and little children,
and women; but come not near any man upon wholn
him. This applied to him as long as lie was "in this
place", that is, witnessing within doomed Judah and is the lnark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they
Jerusalem, and he was there forty years, until its began at the ancient men [religious clergy] whiclk
final destruction. Jeremiah never complained be- were before the house [the temple]. And he said unto
cause an.v marriage he might entertain was post- them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the
poned and must be deferred through all those years. slain; go ye forth. And they went fortll, and slew
lie served the great TunocnA% JEHOVAH;he was in the city."--Ezck. 9 : 5-7.
subject to Jehovah’s will, whose prophet and witness ’~ That those having children would have diffmul-
he was, and lie understood the proper reason for ties on that account at this end of the world of demon
rule, Jesus plainly showed in his prophecy, saying: phemed and reproached, and at such vindication all
"And woe unto them that are with child, and to them his servants rejoice. For forty years Jeremiah per-
that give suck in those days!" (Matt. 24: 19) And sonally warned Jerusalem and Judah, yet they did
when he was on his way to his death he turned to tile not repent. At the destruction of the city and the
womenthat were following, and said: "Daughters of desolation of that land they died in their sins and
Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, iniquities, which destiny they had willingly chosen
and for your children. For, behold, the days are com- by their course of conduct toward Jehovah’s mes-
ing, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the bar- sage and his messengers.
ren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps ~ For more than sixty years now, and particularly
which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say since 1918, "Christendom" has been warned of the
to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover approach of Armageddon and been shown the way
us." (Luke 23 : 28-30) This clearly makes it to appear of escape which Jehovah God has provided. The re-
why it is better and wiser for those of the Lord’s ligious leaders and their political and commercial
"other sheep", and who hope to become of the "great allies have scoffed at the warning, and even called
multitude" that shall survive Armageddonand there- it seditious, and have persecuted and do persecute
after be given tile divine mandate to "fill the earth" Jehovah’s faithful witnesses and their companions.
with a righteous offspring, to defer matters t~ntil Nowwe are near the rL’,’AL ~XDof the "time of the
after the tribulation and destruction of Armageddon end", and the nations of "Christendom" are in the
are past; then the new and righteous invisible over- throes of war and turmoil. The political and com-
lord of mankind will exercise dominion over the mercial elements hypocritically offer prayers, pre-
cleansed earth and the Lord God will restate the sumably to God, for peace, and they look to the head
divine nmndate to the Armageddon survivors. Those of the greatest religious organization on earth as
waiting on the Lord spare themselves many difficul- their mediator to intercede with God, for God to
ties, burdens, heartaches and griefs and enjoy the grant peace and prosperity once again on earth.
greatest measure of freedom for a part in the work While they all look to and mouth petitions to God
foreshadowed by the activities of Jeremiah and his for his blessing of peace the)" at the same time make
companions. Those of the Lord’s "other sheep" who war on faithful Christians, God’s witnesses, who
now have children or to whomchildren are born in lawfully and harmlessly- proclaim the Theocratic
the natural course of things do well to follow the ad- Government of Jehovah God by his "Prince of
vice of the apostle and "bring them up in the nurture Peace", Christ Jesus. They expect, by tile complete
and admonition of the Lord"; and the children of suppression of these faithful witnesses for THE
such consecrated and devoted parents do that ~ hich TItI~ocRAcY, to come to the condition where they can
is right and commandedof the Lord when they "’obey with relief say, "Peace and safety." Thereby they
your parents in the Lord". (Eph. 6: 1-4) This is the make war upon Jehovah and his T~iEocnAcY. IIence
only course of wisdom, leading to the Lord’s :~pproval all their peace prayers, peace plans, peace confer-
and to safety dur!"ng the Armageddontribulation. ences, and peace treaties and organizations shall be
" Jehovah gives further instruction to his serv- in vain and be but the prelude to their "sudcten de-
ants concerning their course of action in th~-e days struction"; "For I have taken away my peace from
of world crisis: "For thus saith the LOnD,Enter not tlns people, saith tile LonD, even lovingkindness and
into the house of mourning, neither go to lament nor mercies." Though God has no pleasure in the death
bemoan them: for I have taken away my peace fro;n of the wicked, lie does not mourn their destruction,
this people, saith the LoaD, even lovingkindness and and lie instructs h~s faithful servants not to mourn.
mercies. Both the great and the small shall die in this Such refusal to mourn in advance is also a sign of
land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men what shall come to pass at Armageddon with its
lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make them- blotting out of all religionists and the principal of
selves bald for them. Neither shall men tear them- their flock. That great destruction will be so stunning
selves for them in mourning, to comfort them for that those suffering bereavement arid who them-
tile dead ; neither shall mengive them the cup of con- selves are headed for destruction will be unable to
solation to drink for their father or for their mother." weep and mourn. (Jer. 25: 33-35) They have been
(Jer. 16: 5-7) The judgTnents of the Lord are right- duly warned. Their blood is on their own heads.
eous, and the execution thereof is done in righteous- Those who have faithfully and persistently given the
ness. Those who are his servants and who have his testimony and warning are clear and innocent of all
spirit do not mourn the destruction of the wicked at blood thus shed.
the hands of the Lord’s appointed executioner. Their ’" Because the religionists and their supporters and
destruction is in vindication of Jehovah’s name, hangers-on do not take seriously, the message deliv-
which name the wicked have despised and blas- ered by Jehovah’s witnesses, the state of affairs to-

day is as in the days of Noah. (Matt. 24: 37-39; Luke ,s What remains yet of God’s "strange work" of
17 : 26, 27) They feast as did King Belshazzar right witnessing, which immediately precedes that "stran ze
before his own death and Babylon’s overthrow; they act", is nearing a completion, and, whenfinished, tins
intoxicate themselves with the things of Satan’s grandest privilege on earth will for ever have passed.
world, and this has become a "jazz" age, so called. Jehovah’s witnesses, therefore, can ill afford to di-
Even the professed "Christian religionists" are now vide their time and attention between the Lord’s ac-
"lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God". tive service part of the time and for the rest of the
(2 Tim. 3: 4) "Written aforetime" for the admoni- time indulgdng in the pleasure-mad doings of the
tion of Jehovah’s witnesses in this very day is the nations that forget God. To do so would be a shxcken-
further instruction to Jeremiah: "Thou shalt not ing of the hand in his service and would be a viola-
also go into the house of feasting, to sit with them to tion of their covenant to do the Lord’s will all the
eat and to drink. For thus saith the Loud of hosts, time and the Devil’s none of the time. Let none think
the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out that, because they put in a stated mininmmrequire-
of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice ment of hours in the Lord’s service or the average
of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the working hours of a laboring man of the wo~ld, they
bridegroom, and the voice of the bride." (Jer. 16 : 8, 9) are thereafter released and are justified in "’jazzing"
The like desolate condition was foretold on that great about in the worldly fashion and spending time and
organization called Babylon, symbolizing Satan’s or- bodily energy in the empty and purposeless social-
ganization, to wit: "With violence shall that great ities, which take one’s thoughts and affection off the
city Babylon he thrown down. and shall be found no Creator and his Theocracy and expose one to demon
more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, attacks and temptations. The faithful must be serv-
and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no ants of the great THEOCRAT and his glorious Govern-
more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever ment continually, "day and night." Faithfulness to
craft he be, shall be found any more in thee ; and the duty in the "strange work" of the Lord is our safe-
sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in guard, and now, when so near the goal, the vindica-
thee;andtilelightof a candleshallshineno more tion of His name and the complete triumph of his
at allin thee;and thevoiceof thebridegroom and Theocracy, we cannot safely or with wisdom let down
of the brideshallbe heardno moreat allin thee: the barriers to the invasion and control of the de-
for thymerchants werethe greatmen of the earth; mons. Moreover, the refusal to go in the same way
forby thysorceries wereall nationsdeceived. And of pleasure which the world goes is a sign by .] ehovah
in herwasfoundthebloodof prophets, andof saints, through his witnesses on earth that the days are
and of all thatwere slainupon the earth."(Rev. limited for "Christendom’s" selfish seeking of pleas-
18:21-24)Hencesuch pleasuresand merry-making ures instead of the seeking first the Kingdomof God.
are short-lived now.Foolish, and wastingvaluable
time and opportunity, are all thosewho indulge LNSlNCERITY
therein. ~’ Insincere religious hypocrites take great offense
=’ The modernworldboastsof its achievementsat the proclamation of the judgments of the Lord
andof whatit expects yetto accomplish, butit has against "Christendom". In their self-righteousness,
absolutely nothingoverwhichto bragnorany cause and blinded by religion and the demons, they are un-
forrealjoy.Itspleasures aremerely superficial and able to see their shortcomings and willful violation
fleeting. Theyaredemon-controlled andturntheat- of the Lord’s commandments. Their suseeptibilitms
tentionand interestawayfrom the only sourceof are offended at the bold proclamation of Kingdom
life and joy everlasting, to wit, The Tiwocm~Tlc requirements and of the day of vengeance of our
GOVERX~t,z.~% or Zion,whichis prophetically called God against religion or demonism and those who
"thejoy of the wholeearth",thatis, of the"new practice such. They pretend to see no fault nor sin
earth". (Ps.48:2) Theworldly pleasures areno part in their religious doctrines, rites and activitms, and
of the"joyof the Lord"nor of the "pleasures for their participation in the world’s affairs which ignore
evermore", whichareat hisrighthand.(Ps.16:11) T~ T~ocRAcY, and they cry for "more religion"
Therefore thefaithful Ch1%tian whosehopeis in the and plan a "new world order" wherein there shall be
new world,whereindwellethrighteousness, cannot "more religion". Such insincerity Jehovah foretold
rejoicewiththisdoomedand dyingworld.Jehovah’s to Jeremiah, saying: "And it shall come to pass,
witnesses, as picturedby Jeremiah,have a great when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and
andserious jobto do,andthetimein whichto do it they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD
is limitedby theapproaching hour whichGod knows pronounced all this great evil against us ? or what is
and has fixed for the beginningof Armageddon, our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have com-
"hisstrange act." mitted against the LOI~Dour God? Then shalt thou

say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken engage in the worship of the "beast and his image".
me, saith the LORD,and have walked after other gods, Instead of rendering obeisance to God’s anointed
and have served them, and have worshipped them, I~ng, Christ Jesus, they without Scriptural warrant
and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law: and authority set up a man as ’vicegerent of Christ
and ye have done worse than your fathers; for, be- Jesus’ and as the one who occupies on earth the place
hold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his of Almighty God, and they literally kiss the toe of
evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me ; there- this puny man before whom they bow in worship.
fore will I cast you out of this land into a land that Now, after a witness to the kingdom of God such as
ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there "Christendom" and the world has never before
shall ye serve other gods day and night ; where I will known, by the distribution by Jehovah’s witnesses of
not shew you favour."~Jer. 16:10-13. hurrdreds of millions of books and booklets and tracts
2o It is this very condition in modern-day "Chris- in many languages, and over many years, the vast
tendom" that has caused honest men and women to majority of "Christendom" willfully and blindly con-
turn away from her in disgust. She has grown worse tinue on following their blind religious guides and in
after her fifteen centuries of existence, not better, indifference or open and express opposition to THr.
and her wound is beyond cure; and for this reason THEOCRACY. Never was "Christendom’s" responsi-
many persons of good-will who are yet held in "Chris- bility greater than now.
tendom" are perplexed and sigh and cry because of ,2 Therefore Jehovah assures his witnesses that he
the abominations which are done in the midst of her will destroy the entire religious organization of
to the reproach of God and lfis King Christ Jesus. "Christendom" as surely as he did ancient Jerusa-
"Christendom" worships the demon gods and de- lem. Jeremiah lived to see the fulfillment of the
monized men, and human creations of her own hands. prophecy he pronounced moved by Jehovah’s spirit.
She objects to the exposing of the "eternal torment" The organization of "Christendom" will be desolated
and "purgatory" doctrines of religion, and prefers to as was the land of Judah and of Jerusalem. Those
worship a fiendish god who believes in tormenting religionists who commit hypocrisy and demonism
creatures in literal fire and brimstone for eternity within her in the name of the Lord shall find their
after death. Her ruling factors "frame mischief by refuge of lies a false stronghold and shall be driven
law" in order to put the modern-day Jeremiah class out into the open and shown up as none other than
"on the spot", and punish the parents who teach their devil-worshipers and part of the Devil’s organiza-
children God’s commandments and obedience there- tion, symbolized by Babylon. Such compare with
to. They deprive the children of these parents of the those religious Jews who were cast out of the land
right to an education in their public schools because of their fathers and taken captive by the arnfies of
such children refuse to idolize and salute flags and Nebuchadnezzar and carried off to demon-ruled
emblems and to thereby break God’s commandments Babylon, to die there as revolters against Jehovah
as taught. They regiment the people and exalt crea- God. l:t shall be with them as with the "evil servant":
tures and order all to heil men and ascribe salvation "The Lord... shall cut him asunder [from IIis
and protection to them. They exalt the political state organization], and appoint him his portion with the
above Jehovah God and his Theocracy and require hypocrites." (Matt. 24: 51) There is "where I will not
obedience to the laws of the state which were made shew you favour", declares Jehovah God. This is in
without regard to the will and commandments of line with his utterance, "Let favour be shewed to
God and to obey which laws would mean to violate the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in
a Christian’s covenant by breaking the supreme com- the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and
mandments of the Most High. will not behold the majesty of the LO~D." (Isa.
~1 Further, "Christendom’s" governing factors take 26: 10) During all the years of the favorable time
away the free and open right and privilege to worship during which the message of THE THEOCn.~CYhas
Jehovah God in spirit and in truth by proclaiming been preached they have rejected the Lord’s pro-
tile good news of his THEOCtlATICGOVERXSIEXT by vided way to life and security, and have shown them-
Christ Jesus, and thereby take away the Christians’ selves "goats". They are gathered to the Lord’s side
"daily sacrifice" to Almighty God. They ignore his of disfavor, and are cursed and sent away into de-
promised Government of the world and propose a struction suffered by the Devil and his entire or-
"new world order" of their own making instead of ganization.
THETIIEOCRaCY,and they set up this "abomination "The nations that forget God, and the wicked
of desolation" and make it their idol and render covenant-breakers, shall never return from destruc-
allegiance and worship to it. The beastly world or- tion: "For the day of the Lord is near upon all the
ganization and this totalitarian "image" thereof they heathen [the nations] ; . . . they shall be as though
call "the higher powers", and insist that all peoples they had not been." (Obad. 15, 16) Those who trouble
1, 1942 ~ieWATCHTOWER. 41

the Lord’s faithful witnesses and refuse to know of the remnant of faithful spiritual Israelites, Jeho-
Jehovah God and to obey the good news of his vah’s witnesses.~John 10: 10, 16.
THEOCllATICGOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus "shall be ~ The physical facts fulfilling Bible proplwcies
punished with everlasting destruction from the pres- multiply to prove that the Lord Jesus, the (lrcat(,r
ence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power". Cyrus, came to the temple in 1918 for judgment, ths
(2 Thess. 1:6-9) Hence the next words of Jehovah faithful remnant, who sought to worship God in slnr-
through his prophet Jeremiah could not apply to it and in truth, were then being held in restraint and
those destroyed covenant-breakers after Armaged- bondage to the demon-controlled world organization
don: "Therefore behold, the days come~ saith the pictured by Babylon. Gradually he revealed to them
LORD,that it shall no more be said, The LORDliveth the truths now due of and concerning the l,:ingdom,
that brought up the children of Israel out of the land and thereby freed them from the fear and servitude
of Egypt; but, The LORDliveth that brought up the to that organization and brought them to him in the
children of Israel from the land of the north, and temple condition and set them to work. Ite judgc~d
from all the lands whither he had driven them: and all the professed ones by his truth and service, and
I will bring them again into their land that I gave sent forth the approved ones, anointed with the
unto their fathers." (Jer. 16: 14, 15) The Israelites, Lord’s spirit, to ’preach this gospel of the Kingdom
together with their father Jacob, moved down into for a witness unto all nations’. (Matt. 24: 14) .Many
the land of Egypt. After the death of Jacob and his persons of good-will have heard the witness and fol-
son Joseph, then ruler of Egypt, the Israelites fell lowed after the faithful remnant over the highway
away to the devil religion of Egypt and their enemies that leads to God’s organization, Zion, and have put
greatly oppressed them. Jehovah then raised up his themselves under its protection. Multitudes of these
prophet Moses and turned tile Israelites away from have already thus come to Zion and been brought into
religion to worship the true and living God, "whose his temple to there serve God "day and night"; and
name alone is Jehovah." For his name’s sake he led many more will continue to come. Recently, at St.
them forth from Egypt by the hand of Moses, and Louis, Missouri, in August, 1941, these were plainly
while so doing he made a name for himself. (2 Sam. visible in great numbers as they gathered there with
7 : 23) Therefore it was said : "The LOaDliveth that the diminishing number of the remnant, in a grand
brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Theocratic Assembly totaling in excess of 115,000
Egypt." persons. Continuing faithful, such shall form the
~’ Due to yielding to religion, the Israelites were "great multitude", which shall carry out the divine
later taken into captivity and exile at Babylon and nmndate to bring forth and fill the earth with right-
their homeland lay desolate for seventy years. Then eous creatures. Thus the physical facts are plainly
Jehovah through his typical instrument, King Cyrus at hand whereby it may he said: "Jehovah liveth,
of Persia, decreed that the temple should be built that brought up the chihlren of Israel from Ihe land
at Jerusalem, and his professed people who were re- of the north, and from all the countries whither he
strained in Babylon he brought into judgment before had driven them." (Am. Bey. Ver.) This is all part
him on this issue of the temple. A remnant showed of Jehovah’s "strange work", and it excites the won-
faith and obedience and responded to the call to the der and the malicious opposition of all nations, both
temple service, and Jehovah brought them out of those making up "the king of the north" and those
Babylon, which lay to the north, and other lands and making up "the ldng of the south" and their allies.
restored them to his chosen land and set them to --Dan. 11 : 40.
work at temple service. Not only a remnant of faith- FISIIERS
ful Israelites returned and entered the temple serv- ’~ The nations that forget God seek to hinder the
ice, but also multitudes of companions who were not gathering of these "other sheep" of the I,ord; and
Israelites by birth. These were the proselytes, and this at the instigation of the RomanCatholic tlmr-
particularly those known as "the Nethinims", that archy, which purposes to make all the world Catholic
ia, "the given ones" for aux_iliary service at the tem- and totalitarian and seeks to bring all humancrea-
ple, and who were from many nations and tongues. tures by totalitarian methods into the fold of the
(See Ezra 2: 1, 2, 43-60 and 8:17-20; also Nehemiah Roman Catholic Hierarchy to be fleeced and op-
3:26-31 and 7: 46-62.) These also correspond with pressed. Thus the "strange work" is fast coming to
the "mixed multitude" of various non-Jewish nation- a close, as evidenced by the forcible shutting down
alities that went up with the Israelites when Moses of this work in many nations. In parts the Lord is
led them out of Egypt. Being non-Israelites, all these still holding open the opportunity for work, particu-
picture the Lord’s "other sheep" of the present time larly in Britain and America and other democratic
whomhe has been gathering and continues to gather lands. Even in the lands where the totalitarian gov-
into the one fold to become the devoted companions ernments and dictators have banned the freedom of
N. Y.

speech and of assembly and of worship of Almighty the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths
God and have declared the work "illegal", some work of the seas." (Ps. 8:4-8 and Heb. 2:6-9) When
continues to be done and some of the "other sheep" was on earth he called fishermen to be his apostles
are found and fed and helped unto the Lord. Hence that they might be "fishers of men". (Matt. 4: 18-22)
the further words of Jehovah are yet true, and which Once he taught the people from fisherman Simon’s
appear to have a special application at this late date boat slightly off shore, and thereafter bade the oum-
when he has brought his gathered ones into a unity er, ’~Launch out into the deep, and let down your
and put in operation among them his Theocratic or- nets for a draught." "And Simon, answering, said
ganization for service: "Behold, I will send for many unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and
fishers, saith the LoaD, and they shall fish them; and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will
after will I send for many hunters, and they shall let down the net. And when they had done this, they
hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net
and out of the holes of the rocks." (Jer. 16 : 16) This brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which
clearly appears to mean that the nations where yet were in the other ship, that they should come amt
many of the Lord’s "other sheep" are scattered are help them. And they came, and filled both the ships,
determined to hinder and possibly prevent the gath- so that they began to sink .... And Jesus said unto
ering work and therefore these sheep are in tliding Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch
from the enemies in fear and restraint; but that men." (Luke 5 : 1-11) Later, to pay the tax or tribute
Jehovah God bv Christ Jesus is determined that all money, Jesus sent fisherman Peter, saying : "Go thou
the rest of his "other sheep" shall be gathered and to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish
that the gathering shall be brought to a completion, that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his
to wit, before Armageddon, which hastens on. mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money; that take,
2, Jehovah has his ways and means of doing his and give unto them, for me and thee." (Matt. 17 : 27)
work and carrying out his will. These are "strange" After his resurrection from the dead he appeared on
unto the enemies, the reli~onists, and it is a "strange the seaside to his apostles while fishing, and who had
work" unto them, and they do not believe its purpose, fished all night without success, and then he repeated
but impute evil motives to it. They seek to hold onto the miracle of the sudden draught of fishes for them.
the strayed and scattered sheep and to keep them (John 21: 1-14) On their coming ashore he already
subject to their selfish uses and exploitation. The had fish broiling on the fire for them. 1,1 his parable
time for the gathering is soon up; there is no time of the dragnet he had foretold how at the end of Sa-
to be lost now by those whomthe Lord graciously tan’s uninterrupted rule he would use his holy angels
uses on earth in the gathering work. It requires a with him as fishers to do a separating work toward
unity of action and a co-ordinating of operations by the good and the bad "fish": "So shall it be at the
all those engaged therein and a use of all the means end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and
and ways He lms provided for the work. It calls for sever the wicked from among the just." (Matt.
a careful combing of territory and a diligent search- 13 : 47-50) Christ Jesus is the great Fisher.
ing of the isolated, remote an(i scattered places where ’°Then Christ Jesus sent forth his apostles as
the sheep are not associated in a company but are "fishers of men". Since his coming to the temple, in
dispersed, knowing not whither to go for the Good 1918, the river of truth of life has flowed forth from
Shepherd’s care. They will not be left to perish at God’s temple with healing to all who partake of the
Arnmgeddon. "For thus saith the Lord God; Behoht truth with faith and obedience. Jehovah God, by his
I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them prophet Ezekiel, foretold this in a vision, and added :
out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day "And it shall come to pass, that every thing that
that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall
will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out come, shall live: and there shall be a very great mul-
of all places where they have been scattered in the titude of fish, because these waters shall come hith-
cloudy and dark day. And I will bring them out from er: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall
the people, and gather them from the countries, and live whither the river cometh. And it shall come to
will bring them to their ownland, and feed them upon pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it ... to
the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to
inhabited places of the country."--Ezek. 34: 11-13. their kinds as the fish of the great sea, exceeding
~ The Good Shepherd, Christ Jesus, at the temple, many." (Ezek. 47:1-10) Under the guidance of his
is in charge of the gathering of his "other sheep". holy angels Christ Jesus has sent forth the faithful
.,ks "the Son of man" he was given dominion over all remnant approved in the temple judgment, and
earthly things: "all sheep and oxen, yea, and the anointed and commissioned as Jehovah’s witnesses,
beasts of the field ; the fowl of the air, and the fish of and they with united action cast in the net under the

direction of the great Fisherman, and he has gath- THEOCRAT and his THv.OCaATIC Gov~Im~tnxTby Christ
ered unto him thereby many "fish", to wit, many per- Jesus. To this end the Lord now sends "for many
sons of good-will, his "other sheep". These have de- hunters, and they shall hunt them"; for they belong
voted themselves to God and now, in obedience to the to the Lord, being of good-will toward him. "For
Fisher’s invitation, join in the fishing. every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon
a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the moun-
HUNTERS tains; and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I
~° "And after will I send for many hunters, and were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is
they shall hunt them." Not all the Lord’s "other mine, and the fulness thereof." (Ps. 50: 10-12) Now
at the time Jehovah God by Christ Jesus is about to
sheep" are gathered unto him at the temple by the
fishing method. He follows this up with the hunt. rise up to the prey against the enemies of God and
The first hunter mentioned in Scripture was the his people, he sends forth his remnant of an(tinted
covenant-breaking Nimrod, who built Babylon and witnesses and their devoted companions on the lmnt
established the first dictatorship, or totalitarian rule, for the scattered ones of good-will who desire to
come into the Lord’s fold, his organization, there to
and was worshiped religiously as "Nimrod, the
enjoy peace and safety and the Lord’s provided food.
mighty hunter before [superior to and in opposition 3~. Hunting requires courage, endurance, alertness,
to] Jehovah". (Gem 10: 8-10, ATn. Rev. Vcr.) Today
Satan, the chief of demons, and who established Nim- promptness to spring into action, constant keeping
rod as dictator, has restored the totalitarian rule by on the track and stalking the game; a diligent search
the conspiracy of tile political and commercial and of the isolated and scattered parts, leaving no place
religious elements of his visible organization. Such untouched or uninvestigated, and particularly the
elements use the military and strong-arm squad to places where game are wont to come for food. drink
regiment and terrorize the people. As Nimrod hunted or rest in security, and even to leave some chc~iee
and pursued both beasts and men and broke the ever- desired food for the scent of the game and to invite
lasting covenant concerning the sanctity of God- and attract them to manifest themselves. It re(tuires
given life, likewise totalitarian dictatorship, "the watching and waiting, with hope. Where "many
abomination of desolation," hunts and pursues all hunters" work together, they surround a certain
nations and organizations of humankind, and great area, which they have divided off, and then move in
is the destruction of humanlife in violation of God’s steadily toward the commoncenter, beatinz the lmsh-
everlasting covenant. This is with the full conniv- es or underbrush as they draw together in order to
ance, approval, blessing and co-operation of the stir up their quarry. Thus they work together in
"fifth column" religious element, particularly the unity, and jointly seek to let nothing escape, and
P~oman Catholic Itierarchy. Some propt~ecies liken they assist and help one another. They carry their
the religious clergy to hunters that hunt for unsus- equipment with them, keep their e ve~ and ears open,
pecting victims of their racket (Ezek. 13: 18-20; Jer. entertain no fear of creatures, and act with speed in
5:26-31), but they specially hunt down the faithful the use of their provided equipment.
servants of Jehovah God to destroy them. (Lain. ~ With totalitarian rule overrunning the whole
3 : 52,4 : 18, 19 ; Mie. 7 : 2) Then Jehovah likens him- earth, and Armageddon swiftly approaching, the
self to a skillful hunter and says: "Therefore wait conditions now require that Jehovah’s commissioned
ye upon me, saith the LouD, until the day that I rise l’eople and their companions follow the example of
up to the prey; for my determination is to gather the the huntsman. For several ?ears now Jehovah has
nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour had in effect his Theocratic organization, and he has
upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce been training and instructing them for this very
anger." (Zeph. 3 : 8) "Evil shall hunt the violent man ~x ork. They have been assigned each one his territory
to overthrow him."--Ps. 140:11. in the field, and they must not permit their attention
" Due to the unfaithfulness of the religious clergy, to be drawn away, but be constant in doing the one
and their carelessness and indifference to the needs thing, knowing what they are seeking for, and they
and eternal interests of the flock, those whomthe nmst walk circumspectly, ever ready to use the Lord’s
Lord now gathers as his "other sheep" have been equipment provided for this late day, and must act
preyed upon by the totalitarian "beast" and "his and work together in absolute unity. Thus the Lord
image", and have been scattered, and they have hid God, who sends them forth, will uncover the crea-
themselves upon "every mountain" and "every hill" tures upon whomhe has set his eyes. It may be, when
and in "the holes of the rocks", for fear of men and He fulfills his prophecy at Daniel 11 : 44, to wit, "But
demonized creatures. Now, before Armageddon tidings out of the east and out of the north shall
breaks, these must be sought out and stirred up to trouble [the totalitarian ~king of the north’ and his
come forth and identify themselves as for the great allies]," that then the warning of the Lord will be
44 fffieWATCHTOWEP,.
so emphatic and unmistakable that many of those mous," being multiplied because of the light that is
after whomhe sends his hunters will be stirred up shining today through God’s organization and be-
and manifest themselves. cause of the added responsibility such light brings.
~’ The Lord knows where they are and how to reach "Christendom’s" responsibility is therefore multi-
them, and he will not let his hunters stalk around plied in comparison with that of ancient Judah and
fruitlessly. "For mine eyes are upon all their ways; Jerusalem. First the ldngdomof the ten tribes of Is-
they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniq- rael fell away to religion or demonism, and Jehovah
uity hid from mine eyes." (Jer. 16: 17) Their iniq- punished them first by letting their capital Samaria
uity is their yielding to religion and restraining be destroyed and the surviving Israelites be carried
themselves for fear of men; and the Lord has let away exiled to a strange heathen land. Judah and
ttmm suffer from the mournful authority of the Jerusalem looked on at the religion and unfaithful-
wicked until they "sigh and cry for the abomina- ness of Israel and Samaria and at God’s punishment
tions" that these do, and particularly the totalitarian thereof, but Judah and Jerusalem did not take heed
"abomination of desolation". Nowthat this "desolat- to this warning example. They likewise turned away
ing abomination" seeks to stand in the place "where to demonismor religion, and their sin and iniquity
it ought not", to wit, in the place and stead of God’s were doubled; and Jehovah punished them and de-
Theocratic Government over humankind, God bids livered only a remnant who maintained their integ-
them flee, and he uses his hunters to stir them up to rity under His discipline.--See Jeremiah 3: 6-11;
flee without delay to God’s organization of refuge. Ezek. 23 : 11.
~ Because of their practice of religion and their " "Christendom" has the Bible in its completeness
service of creatures and things instead of the Creator and with its record of tim warning examples of the
.lehovah, he says: "And first [that is, before gather- ten tribes of Israel, and of Judah and Jerusalem.
ing them unto the temple] I will recompense their "’Christendom" has not taken heed thereto, nor re-
iniquity and their sin double; because they lmve de- garded the warning of Jehovah’s witnesses. Itence
filed nay land, they have filled mine inheritance with her lawlessness and her sins of religion are manifold
their eareases of their detestable and abominable greater in enormity than those of the typical cove-
things." (Jer. 16:18) Religdonists have done these nant people of Jehovah God. God duly recompenses
things, by wanton bloodshed which they have ap- "’Christendom", and none can continue in or umte~
proved and supported; by man-made and demon- her for any length of time without experiencing a
inspired images and things and organizations which measure of tlmt recompense. The full recompense
they have set up for adoration and worship to draw will come at Armageddon, now near. It therefore be-
away the affection and service of mankind from the hooves Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions to
Creator; by the heiling and honoring of men; and lose no time, but to nmke every effort and use every
by their opposition to God’s Theocratic rule by opportunity to aid all persons of good-will to get out
Christ Jesus and their persecution of Jehovah’s promptly lest these share "Christendom’s" destruc-
faithful witnesses, who obey God rather than men. tion..ks pictured by tile Jewish captives and exiles
Thus such have defiled the things pertaining to God, in Babylon, they must come out of Babylon and come
to wit, "nay land" and "mine inheritance". By mem- unto Zion, God’s organization.
bership in and attendance at and support of such ~a Jehovah God has foretold tlmt this would come
religious and allied organizations and movements, to pass, and it is proper that his covenant-peoph.
the ensnared persons of good-will partake of these shouhl expect it and now watch and work for it t~
sins and iniquities of the organizations, and hence come to pass in vindication of Itis word. Jeremiall
Jehovalfs disfavor and displeasure is upon them and the prophet, and one of Jehovah’s witnesses, saxs:
he recompenses them accordingly as long as they "O Jehovah, my strength, and my stronghold, and
continue therein. my refuge in the day of affliction [which is nmv], unto
~ But how does the Lord "recompense their iniq- thee shall the nations come from the ends of th~’
uity and their sin double"? This does not refer to a earth, and shall say, Our fathers have inherited
duplicate or double period of time. Other transla- nought but lies, even vanity and things wherein there
tions of this part of the Hebrewtext make the mean- is no profit." (Jer. 16: 19, A.R.V.) As a result of the
ing clearer : "And I will repay first their double iniq- fishing and hunting, the multitudes of the persons
uities, and their sins." (Catholic Doz~aytranslation) of good-will are coming forth from tile religiou~ and
"And (thus) will I pay them at the first their twofold worldly organizations, in this time when Satan the
iniquity and their sin." (Leeser’s translation) "And Devil brings great woe and distress upon all nations.
I will recompense first the double of their iniquity These seekers of the Lord come from all nations and
and their sin." (Literal Itebrew translation) The kindreds and people and tongues and confess that
iniquity and sin is "double", that is to say, "enor- Jehovah God and his Theocracy are :heir strength,
1, 1942

stronghold and refuge in this period of great afflic- strate that Satan is a mimic god and that the demons
tion. Their combined harmonious testimony and vol- under Satan and which the nations that have for-
untary confession is that their religious fathers, in gotten God now worship in the name of religion are
"Christendom" and in heathendom, inherited nought no gods, but are false, deceiving and sentenced to
but lies of demonism and of traditions of men, and everlasting destruction. Under the control of the
which are vain babblings of men and absolutely un- demon-gods, men, including the religious clergy, re-
profitable, and in reality injurious and leading to fuse to believe the record of the exercise of God’s
destruction. They abandon religion as a deadly thing, hand and might in his acts as set forth in the Bible;
and now practice Christianity, which is the worship but at Armageddon God will repeat those acts on a
of God in spirit and in truth. They take the Lord’s vaster scale and thereby make the scoffing religion-
side in the great issue which must shortly be decided ists know his hand and his power. IIe will fight the
for all eternity. battle of that great day of God Almighty just once;
~’ The primary issue now up for final determina- it will not be repeated, because tie will fight it to a
tion is vmwnsaLDO~IINATIOX : Whois the Almighty completion in the total destruction of all opposers
God, the Supreme Power, who shall rule heaven and and all who challenge him as the only true and living
earth and who shall be worshiped by all creatures God. Andbefore they descend in disgraceful defeat in-
therein that live? Knowing his power and position, to destruction he will make"Christendom" and all for-
Jehovah, for the good of his covenant people, com- getters of God to knowthat his name is the holy name
mands that they shall worship him and have no gods that they have despised and reproached, Jnnov.tH !
besides him. (Ex. 20: 1-5) "Christendom" pretends " All these things being so, the final gathering by
to be in a covenant with God, but, on the contrary, the Lord is on. Let nothing for one instant interrupt
brings great reproach upon the name of Jehovah the onward push of his covenant-people in His serv-
and his THEOCnATm GOVERXLIE-’,’Tby Christ ,Jesus. ice. The time is short, the opportunity is great, and
She worships false gods, or mighty ones, which de- blessed is he that has a part in it. Nowto l~old fast
mon-controlled men make and set up and require the our integrity toward the Almighty God is the ALL-
people to worship in a regimented fashion. Because I3IPORTANT thing, and to receive the approval of the
the issue is due to be determined, the Lord says: Lord in this "day of the Lord", that we may be blame-
"Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are less in His sight, and have some place assigned to
no gods? Therefore, behold, I will this once cause us to continue forever in His glorious service. Lose
them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand no time at all. Steadfastly and unceasingly do 3"our
and my might; and they shall know that my name is duties as assigned by the Lord. Walk close to the
The Loud [or, JEHOVAH(marginal reading)]."-- Lord. Walk circumspectly. Show kindness, mercy
Jer. 16: 20, 21. and loving devotion to all whoare of good-will. Short-
,o At Armageddon Jehovah God will make mani- ]y his gathering of all such will be finished, his
fest his mighty "right hand", to wit, Christ Jesus, his "strange work" will be done, and he will bring to pass
Executive Officer, and by him Jehovah will demon- his "strange act" of vindication of Itis name.

January 9, 1942 will moveon in the work in complete unity of action, as
To ALLLOVERS OF TIIETHEOCRACY: they unanimously expressed at the Theocratic Assembly
On January8, 1942, ourbeloved brother, J. F. Ruther-of Jehovah’s witnesses in St. Louis.
ford,faithfully finished his earthly course as a warrior nownot mournstandmg
All those
or be
steadfast for TIlE Tftn0CRxCY
disturbed or fearful, but will
for The THEOCRACTIC GOVERNI~IENT and a minister of the
Wordof God. Knowingof your deep concern and of your that their faithful fellow servant and brother has main-
prayers to Godfor him ever since his serious illness prmr health, his
tained integrity toward the Lord, in s~ekness and in
to the Detroit Convention of July, 1940, we hasten to has nowentered aevil
through report and through good report, and
higher field of service forever with the
notify you. Lord.--2 Tim. 4 : 7, 8.
It wasBrother Rutherford’s desire to "die fighting with Brother Rutherford’s consistent faithful activity and
his boots on" ; and this he did. The Lord graciously spared unbending devotion to THETItEOCRACY, espccmll.v ~mce
him to complete the report of the 1942 Yearbookof Jeho- becomingpresident
vah’s witnesses, therein sha~-ing that the greatest witness and continues to beofa the Society, January 6, 1917, has been
ever given had been accomplishedand that the year’s dis- of one who’fought a goodand true blessed exampleto us all as
fight and kept the faith’ and
tribution of books and booklets reached the grand total of proved worthy of a part in the vindication of Jehovah’s
36,030,595 copies. He always had foremost in mind to nameby Christ Jesus; and for this we gn’e thanks to God
Do TInS OXET8LnO,to declare the nameof Jehovah and his
kingdom, to keep covenant with Him, and to look well to grace, to let nothing stop us until the Lord’s "strangeLord’s
With you keeping on working, determined, by the
the interests of his brethren.~l John 3: 16.
To him it was a joy and comfort to see and knowthat is finished, we are,
all the witnesses of the Lord are following, not any man, Your brethren and fellow servants,
but the King Christ Jesus as their Leader, and that they WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, INC.
FEBRUARY 2 that lives everlastingly must be wholly and completely de-
Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among voted to Almighty God and to his beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
you this day, which ye shall commandyour children This is the covenant that Jehovah God remembers for ever,
to observe to do.--Deut. 32: 46. the word which he commandedto a thousand generations,
It cannot properly be said that these laws of God apply which covenant he made with Abraham and swore to the
only to the ancient Israelites. Exactly the contrary is ex- antitypical Isaac, Christ Jesus, that in his Seed, The Christ,
pressed in God’s Word. His law is the same toward all who blessings shall come to those who obey,--Ps. 105: 7-9.
seek to live. Children seek knowledge and must be taught, W 10/I/41
and it is the desire of all sane persons, both adults and chil-
dren, to receive life everlasting. Obligation is laid by the FEBRUARY 6
Lorduponconsecrated parents to seeto it thattheirchil- Let ~totre that wai~ on thee be ashamcd.--Ps. 25:3.
drenareinstructed in God’slaw.Theycannotdisregard this David had waited patiently for Jehovah to manifest
obligation andexpect hisfavor. It is alsothedutyof tile himself
andcarefully due timeand to deliver David from his enemies. In his own
parents to havetheirehiIdren in subjection Jehovah did deliver David. To wait patiently
guidethemin the way of righteousness. All parentswho means to fully trust in God and confidently move forward
have agreedto do God’swillare boundby the command- in performance of assigned duty, well knowing that one
menisof AlmightyGod to teachtheirchildrenthe Word is on the right way and backed up by the King of Eternity.
of God andto instruct thcmin the way of righteousness.Such ones never try to run ahead of Jehovah, but follow
--Deut. 4:9; 6: 6, 7. W 2/’15/41 explicitly the instructions given. One who is patient is
FEBRUARY 3 anxious in his mind, watching with great care that he may
But for tl~is cause lmve I allowed thee to remain, in order not miss an opportunity to honor Almighty God. Patience,
to show thee my power; and in order that they may proclaim therefore, means a trial of faith and a refusal to be turned
aside from steadfast devotion to God, regardless of what
my name throughout all the earth.--Ex. 9:16, Leeser. persecution the enemy may bring. WhenJehovah’s due time
God announced his purpose to have his name declared arrives for him to avenge his servants he will do so, his
throughout all the earth before he exercises his power in the primary purpose being to vindicate his holy name W3/1/41
destructmn of Satan’s organizatmn. To have witnesses in
the earth to declare his name was God’s announced purpose ; FEBRUARY 7
and therefore it is written: ’God first visited to take out of See, I have set before thee this day life a~td good, ar~t death
the nations a people for his name . . . that the residue of and evil; in that I comn~andthee this day to love the Lord
men might seek out the Lord, and all the nations upon whom thy God.--Deut. 30:15, 16.
my name is called.’ (Acts 15: 14-18, Both.) All of which
was God’s purpose, known unto him from the beginning; God led the Israelites out of Egypt by the hand of Moses.
and likewise the end was known. That covenant of Jehovah In this he was giving them an experimental educatmn that
is everlasting and unchangeable All of God’s covenants are they might freely choose either the way of Iife or the way
everlasting, and are not subject to change. W 6/15/11 of death. God made prophetic pictures with those choosing,
by which he emphasized the divine rule that men are free
FEBRUARY4 to choose the way of life or the way of death In due time
Behold, a king shall reign in righlcousnes% and princes he sent his beloved Son to earth to declare the truth and
shall rule in just~ce.--Isa 32: 1, Leeser. to make known to man the only means of rcceivm~z life
everlasting No man, however, was then compelled to accept
"Princes," or governors, are those who exercise a ruhng Jehovah’s appointed way, but the same was offered to hm~
powcr under the commandand supervision of the higher freely. Whena manmakes an intelligent thrace to enter rote
power Tim new heaven is the new invisible ruling power,
x~hereas the new earth is the rule of the people by visible a covenant with Jehovah God, thereby a~reemg to tie tt~s
representatives of the supreme and mxlsible pox~er. Since will, he then enters upon the way of hfe. tte must meet lhc
reqmrements of God’s law to receive the blessings of life
the new heaven and new earth is a rule of ngi,teousness,
eternal. W 2/1/41
there must be menfully quahfied to fill the place of visible
rulership. They must be righteous. God has fixed the rules FEBRUARY 8
by which men can qualify, and all who are placed by the
Lord in positions to rule and adm:nister the laws of The The Lord rebuke thee, 0 Sa~an; even the Lord that hath
Theocracy must act under The Theocracy and must first chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: l.s not this a brand plucked
qualify according to the divine rules. All such must have out of the flre?~Zech. 3: 2.
full faith in God and in Christ Jesus and be subject to At the temple judgment Satan was there to look after
crucial tests in order to prove their faithfulness. That rule his religionists, whomtie had subtly trapped by means of
of righteousness, visible and invisible, shall bring great joy deccit and the practice of formalism and other religious
to men. IV 8/1/11 ceremonies. The faithful ones standing there with the Lord
are as ’brands plucked from the fire’. What fire? The de-
FEBRUARY 5 structive fire of demonismor religion. Somewho had cove-
The tabernacle of God is with men, and he w27l dweUwith nanted to do God’s will had withstood that destructive in-
them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall fluence and power even though they were mixed up with
be with them, and be their God.--Rev. 21:3. and identified as religionists. Their "garments" are symbols
In vision John saw the Holy City, which is The Theoc- of identification, and the soils on their garments pictured
racy, coming downfrom God out of heaven to rule in right- the religion or demon influence. At the temple judgment
eousness. It is that Theocracy by Christ Jesus that will carry the rejected ones were unwilling to divest themselves of
out God’s purpose to wipe out wickedness and bring joy their religious garments, bnt the faithful and approved
and everlasting peace to those that live. It is in that Theoc- ones were anxious to do God’s will and follow the great
racy, Zion, where God shall dwell. Every human creature Judge. W 3/15/4I
1, 1942 eWATCHTOWEt% 4;
Blessed above wome~shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite 0 Daniel, shut up the words, aTvd seal the book, even to the
be; blessed shall she be above womenin the tent. time of the end; . . . But go thou thy way ti,q the cud be:
---J udg. 5: 24. for thou shaIt rest, and stand in thy lot at the eT~d
JaeI was ble~ed because of her faith and obedience. of the days.--Dan. 12:4, 13.
Therefore she pictured a class on earth following the be- By his prophet Daniel the Almighty says: "The 1-.’;o
ginning of the temple judgwnent, who hear the message of shall be at the time appointed." (11:27) Those word~ are
The Theocracy, believe in God and Christ, and covenant a guarantee from Jehovah that the end of the rule of lh(,
to do God’s will, and who then prove their faith by being world by the demons shall come, and that at thc tmae t:e
obedient to His commandments.Joel is mentioned in strict has appointed. Nothing can change that time. l)an:el is
contrast to the indifferent and negligent and unfaithful. certain to have a "better resurrection" and to be one of ~]~e
Jael pictured the Lord’s "other sheep". She was a weaker "princes in alt the earth". IIe finished his course as a fa~fl,-
vessel compared with the men of Meroz: yet she showed her ful servant and prophet of God, and died like other men
faith and devotion, where the unfaithful men failed. God and went to rest in the grave, there to remain until (;od’~
pronounced his curse upon Meroz, which curse proclaims due time to awaken him out of death. Time of his resurrec-
that the persons against The Theocracy, and whofail, either tion may be any day now. when he, as one of earth’s gov-
by negligence or willful disobedience, to render service to ernors, shall appear and assume his diviudy aI’,po:nted
The Theocracy, arc wicked. W 5/1/41 office. W9/15/41
FEBRUARY 10 IIe hath put a ",’,cw song in my movth, even praise unto r, ur
Stand agah~st the wiles of the dcviL--Eph. 6: 11. God: many shalt see it, and fcar.--Ps, q0:3
Satan’s purpose is to cant out his original challenge By faith now God’s remnant see the do)" of deliverance
to Jehovah and biing about the destruction of all who have is near. and they are all filled with the song o." prr, i~e t~) lhe
made a covenant to do God’s will. As to Jehovah and his Most Itigh. Andwhat results from their singin2 the victory
purpose, He permits the Devil and his associate demons to song and continuing faithfully in the service in these dark
bese~ Ihs covenant people in order to give Satan full oppor- days now upon the world? They see peopl,, of 7()od-wll!
tunity to carry out his wicked challenge and at the same whoare being awakened, hurriedly taking the’.r place on the
time to afford an opportunity for those who have made a side of The Theocrae.v and wending their way to refuue and
covenant with God to obey him and maintain their integmty life. As the Psalm of David says: "Manysl~ail ~ee it i The
toward him. It is the time of crucial testing. The same rules Theocracy, and the deliverance and blcs’~ing~ tlmt , :’.qllc,ous
of the Lord apply to those who are Jonadabs and who have government brings], and fear [Jehovah], and shall tr’l~: in
hope to be of the "great multitude" as apply to others who the LORD," Jehovah, the King of Eternity, and in the K’.ng
have madea covenant to do the Lord’s will. Let this be kept Christ Jesus It is timely and appropriate lhat ~l,e)" jo~n
in mind: that the demons now direct their winked actmn in the song. Therefore such are putting their ~ru~t m the
chiefly against God’s covenant people, both of the "remnant" Lord and are finding refuue under his orgamz,:tmn, and
and of the Jonadabs, because the demons have control over they too join in the song ]Y 3/1/11
all the others of this wicked world. W5115141
FEBRUARY 11 Despise not the chastcni~g of the Lord.--Prc, v 3: 11.
The wicked shall be turned into hell, aTul all the nations Persons who have for vcars been serving Jehovah and
that forget God.--Ps. 9: 17. Christ Jesus are still subjected to severe trmls. Someu onder
Jehovah has made known his fixed rule, which rule ap- why. The answer is tha~ all who receive Jch(a ah’s apl)rox
plies to all persons or nations that at one time pretended or must prove their steadfastness for The Theocrae) ()no
claimed to sem’e him and then turned away from and against prove this only by being put to the test and remamin_- im-
the Most tiigh This is a warning from A’lmighty God given movable under it and continuing steadfast for Jehovah ard
to all those who have assumed the obllgatmn of serwng his King Even now, when the King of The Theocracy is
him. Ile compels no one to serve him, but when they under- upon his throne, his servants on earth find them~cl,,es t)e-
take it they must bear the rcsponsibihty of fulfill:ng their set by man5-trmts; but to the faithful suel~ trml~ are not at
covenant. One may enter into an actual covenant with God all surprising Those wholl3 devoted to Tl:e Theo(’rae~ and
to do his will, while others may be in an imphed covenant who see the great fight being made b.v the erem.v a_’zan~at
to do God’s will by reason of their information and outward The Theocracy can appreciate why the m,.ttv~dual, m{;,),t’s
claim of being God’s servants God’s rules do not change. or,zanization arc put to the test As with Job, so nov, ~,ne ~ ho
God is no respecter of persons. He makes knmnahis rules, will receive the reward of Jehovah’s approval mu,t be put
and the creature who agrees or undertakes to obey them to the test and prove entirely blameless before God.
must perform or take the consequences. W 7/1/41 W 11/1/41

(Continued from page 34) and hence a contribution of 50e ~s asked for a single ec~py?Jeff
at the usual time. The president’s report of the past year’s work m nowyour order w~th remittance to cover. Compames ~ ,ll make
throughout this war-sweptworld showsup the supreme~ssue which up combmatmnorders and send such m through lhe local com-
affects the lives of all and whichmakesmost maportantthe proc- pany servant.
lamatmnof the messagenowdehvered to all natmns by Jehovah’s "WATCIlTOWER" STUDIES
wffnesses. Youwill be joyfully surprised at the sumtotal of work Weekof March 1: "Final Gathering,"
reported done in the service year fraught with greatest d~fficulty. 1-14 inclus:ve, The B’atehtower February 1. 1942.
The Yearbookfurther includes the yeartext with its comment,and
also a text for each day of the year and a pointed comment thereon Weekof March 8: "Final Gathering,"
according to the latest revelations of Kangdom truth and prophecy. ¶ 15-25 mclus~ve, The WatchtowerFebruary. i, 1942.
The ed~tmnof the Yearbookis always hmated, thereby increasing Weekof March 15: "Final Gathering,"
the printing expense, moreso nowwith rising costs of materials, ¶ 26-41 inclusive, The WatchtowerFebruary 1, 1942.
18 YEARSOLDAND18 STUDIESWEEKLY He says it’s God’s book and every word is true. WhenI
"As I was going to my car a boy of about eight came up don’t want to read it to him he says: "Mama,I’ll explain
on his bicycle and asked what I was selling, and if I had it to you, if you’ll only read it. Yousee religion didn’t do
called at his home. I told him his mother did not care for what it was supposed to, and God had to send these people
the literature because ’she had lmr own religion’. He said around with the books l"’ Another child told his parents
he would like to read and understand the Bible and asked they ought to do something about this work, or how else
if I had a little booklet he eould llave to read. I gave him should they expect God to protect them in Armageddon’"
Theocracy. He promised to read it, and sped away. Three A LADIN BANGALORE, SOUTHERN LNDLk,WRITES :
weeks ago I passed a small airport and stopped to watch
"I am engaged in a work that is very interesting. May
lhem awifile. As I was sitting in myear a young boy came
along on his bicycle and sat on the fender of my ear. IIe I join in the work, and I like to be Jehovah’s witness, as
happened to look in, saw my books, and asked if I was not I see the books tell me the truth. I met Mrs. Mergler giving
leaflets, and helped her. I am keeping a report of what I
the same Bible man that had talked to him a long time ago.
I recognized him, and asked if tie had enjoyed his booklet. have done. I have done eight hours and collected 10 annas.
lie was very .~orry but his sister had burned it accidentally I did two hours this morning. I am taking books from Mr.
while cleaning house and he felt very bad. I asked if he was Mergler. My mother is a Catholic and my brothers and
still interested in understanding the Bible. ’Yes !’ I invited sisters are too. But mymother says I can be what I like.
trim to sit in the car with me and we would try to under- I think religion is all rubbish, because it has proved false.
stand it together. Welooked up the scriptures about the Myname is Bobby Skill. I am eleven years old. Mr. Mergler
has given me some territory, and I am going to set to work
soul, death and hell. Wetalked for about an hour and lie
every evening. I spent this week-end with Mrs. Mergler, and
asked if I ~ould come over to his house and tell his mother
these scriptures. I went, and lie called out his mother. I slept in the ear. Charles is going back to school, and Mrs.
Abrupt in manner, she said she did not want me to call Mergler will be away; so I have to work all by myself. At
because she did not know who Jehovah was and did not want last I have found some work to do, real work."
to find out. The boy followed me to my car and whispered IN WORKING DURHAM, N. H., a COLLEGE TOWN
that he did not want to go to church any more and would "A fine-looking man opened the door. Introducing the
I please come over to the airport next Sunday same time phonograph, I started it going. Upon finishing the lecture
and he would meet me there and we could have a real good ’Message of Hope’ I asked: ’Howdid you like that ?’ ttur-
study in the Bible. I promised. The next Sunday I kept my riedly he stepped out onto the porch and said in broken
appointment. I waited, hi a few minutes he came, all out English and all in one breath: ’I am a Germanrefugee. I
of breath from going so fast. We had a very interesting like that. I believe that. Youare one of Jehovah’s witnesses,
study. After it was over tie asked if we were the ones that are you not? I know of you in Germany; they call you
played the vietlolas, and asked if he could hear the music. Bibelforscher, do they not? Yes, Jehovah’s witnesses are
I played "Message of IIope’ and he said it was better than the most wonderful people. They do so much good in the
music. I have been coming for about three weeks now. I now concentration camps. One of Jehovah’s witnesses saved my
haxe over eighteen model studies a week and most of them friend’s life. He was going to commitsuicide in the concen-
are with yomlg boys and girls. They are really taking hold tration camp and one of Jehovah’s witnesses comforted him
faster than their parents. I am eighteen years old, and I and gave him hope not to die. Whenfirst wc heard about
wish to encourage more young w~tnesses about my age to the Bibelforscher we didn’t care for them; but they are so
become more active in back-call uork." good, so bold, so courageous, and so fearless that we love
the sound of the words "Jehovah’s witnesses". I never knew
"CHILDREN WILLGETIT QUICKER" I would really see one. I was a lawyer in Germany.I heard
v" ’No, I don’t care for your books at all. I’m a Catholic much about them, but never saw one. They did so much
But the booklet you left--Johnny, ~howthe lady your book ~’ good in the concentration camps that they had to make
Tx\elve-year-old Johnny prodaeed a well-worn copy of smaller concentration camps inside of the others and put
Armagcddol~, marked and underlined. Mother: ’You can Jehovah’s witnesses there so that no one else could get near
see how he has studied it, and as we haven’t a Bible he even them I never knew I would ever see one. I thank God that
took it downto the library and asked the librarian to show I have seen one free and going around like this.’ During this
him howto find the places in the Bible !’ Pioneer" "Johnny, time he was searching all his pockets; he found twenty
I want to make you a personal gift of this book Children. cents, which he insisted on my accepting for the work. I
I ha~ e several little second-handBibles at homethat I picked handed him Children. He declined, saying, ’I would rather
up in a bookstore, and you are xxelcome to one. You’ll soon you give this to someoneelse so they too can find out about
receive a few "’surplises", so be sure to read the book and this. Yousee I already lmowand love Jehovah’s witnesses.’
I’ll be over again in a few weeks to help you to study.’ I answered: ’To know and to feel as you do is right, but
Mother: "I don’t know if he should take it. We’re Cath- not enough. This book was not printed for the other fellow,
ohes--.’ Johnny: ’Believe me, if I had any money, I’d sure but for the ones who feel as you do, persons of good-will
buy the book myself.’ The book stayed put! Another in- It will help you to find out what to do, because if you would
stance: Mother: "I just don’t like )’our literature. I got the survive Armageddonyou must not only love Jehovah’s wit-
book Children, but I simply don’t like it at all. Myseven- nesses, you yourself must becomea witness and share in the
year-old boy, however, keeps following me around: "Mama, work we are doing.’ His joyful reply was: ’Then I will ac-
won’t .you please read to me out of this beautiful book?" cept it ; and be assured I want to do mypart.’ "
, shallknow
thatI am
- Ezekiel

15, 1942

(Part3) .......................................... 51
............................................................ 53
..................................................... 56
God............................................ 57
........................................ 61
.................................... 64
PERIOD............ 50
"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES .......................... 6:3

117 Adams

Street -
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
:people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de~
OFrlCEES signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
I’T. H. ITXORR,Pres,dcnt "W.E. "~’A.N"A3IBL"R.G.-I,Secretary It arranges systematm Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taudoht of Jchovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes su,t-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of pubhc
d rcat shall be the peace of thy children." -I,;:=h S./:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is enurely free and separate from all religien, parties, see~s
TIIAT JEtlOVAIt is the only true God, is from everlasting to
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
e~e:’!a~t,ng, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Gi~er of life tmn for the ldngdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to ins e~eatmes; that the Loges was the beginmng of h~s creation, ICing. It is not dog’matic, but Invites careful and critical examlna-
and his active agent in tI:e ereatmn of alI th,ngs; that the Loges tion of Its contents In the ltght of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ m glory, clothed w~th all Dower m
dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to per-end!Lines.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Omeer of Jehovah.
TIIAT GOD created the earth for man, created pexfeet man ~EAELYSL~BSCRIPTIONPRICE
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully d~s-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of ~::ITZDNTATES,$100; CANADAAND ~[ISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,$] ~)0:
Ad-m~’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREATI]RITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTHAFRICA, 6S. American relnlt-
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THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than tho,e mentioned ma) be made to the Brooklyn oI~ce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptlve price for but by lntera~at~onal Postal?,ioney Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
ex’Hted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOI~EIGN OFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. British....................................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.~ I:n:land
TItAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Canndian ............................... 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
Aust~ala~zan .................. 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. S W., Aus,ralia
and that Christ Jesus is the Ctnef Officer thereof and is the right- So2,thA,frzcar~ ............................. Boston Itouse, Cape Town, South .lfrlca
ful ICm~ of the worhl: that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society Lu every case.
Ch:lst Jesus are children of Zmn. mentbers of Jehovah’s or;amza-
tiun. and are his wimesses whose duty and privilege it ~s to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the BJble, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Trar~slattons at fhiz jourua~ appear t~ severn! languages.)
before all ~ho will hear.
TItAT TIlE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may ha~e The "Watch-
Sat’m from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
3ear, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written apphcaUon once each year ~s reqmred by the
postal regulatmns.
THAT TIlE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment ota new cr a renewal ~ubo
has now begun: that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scnptmn will be sent only when requested Chan~e of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label ~llhln one month.
of Satan’s orgamzation and the establishment of n~hteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration} wHI be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the peo,’~le of good will that journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Arnm~eddon shall carry out the dl~me mandate to "fill Entered a.~ second-class matter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race under the Act o.f March3, 1879.

MEMORIAL 1942 three-month Watchtower campaign, hence the people of :n-

Tu.-sday, March 3I, after six p m, ~s the (late Scripturally tegnty toward God now speelahze on taking subscmptmns for
arrived at for-1942 for the memorial celebratvm to both Jchoxah’s the magazine The IVatchtower, announcing Jehovah’s ~ngdom or
name and the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Christ Jesus. his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. Additional to the m-
Theocratic King. Each Chnstmn company, therefore, should as- trmmc value of the magazine itself, the latest book, Chddren, ~s
.-emble after six p.m. of March 31, and the anointed ones thereof g~ven as a premmm with all new subscmptions for a year, and
celebrate the 3Iemorlal, their compamons the "other sheep" being that at the regular subscnphon rate of $1.00. God’s people of
pre-ent as observers. If there is no competent person present to integrity will be steadfast thereto and will prove their blameiess-
dehver a brief d~scourse ~mmedmtety before the partakln~ of lhe ness of devotion by taking part In thls Testimony regardless of
e~nblems, that short arhele appearlng m the March 15, 1939, ~ssue the cost to self. 5Iany newly Interested readers of The Watchtower,
of The Watchtower should be read before those assembled prtor deeply appreciating ~t, xnll be demrous of joining in th~s specml
to partaking. Since the breaking of the bread and drinking of testunony pmvllege, and we invite such to write this office for
the wme both picture the death of Jesus. ~t follmxs that both em- references needed to put them m touch with the nearest local com-
bMns should be served together at partaking, and not separately. pany organized for this campaign. A record should be kept of
The emblems should be unleavened bread and real red ~ me. Jesus all work done and the result, and the same reported in the ap-
and h~s apostles used real red wine m symbol of Ins blood, and the pointed manner at the close of :February.
anointed remnant should follow their lead. A report of the cele-
bration should be made to the Socmty as instructed in the In- 1942 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES
ferred at. In preparation therefor the article "Memorml" suggested It is now available, tins new Yearbook the pubhcatlon of which
abme w~ll be studied w~th profit. was held up owing to circumstances which you will appreemte
when you read it. Yet the interest which this 1942 Yearbook holds
"INTEGRITY" TESTIMONY PERIOD for all who are concerned about the progress of God’s work m
Midwinter field maneuvers test the I.~EGmTr, and the united the earth remains just as v~tal and presently helpful as ~f issued
testnnony period during February ts appropriately thus named. at the usual t~me. The premdent’s report of the past year’s work
Tlus "Integrity" Testimony Period ~s the opening month of the (Cont~ed on page 63)
15, 1942 No 4


God, ?cho at sundry times and in divers manners spake i~ lime past unto the fathers by the prold~els. ]:ath
i1~ these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all thzngs.~Heb. 1:1,2.
EHOVAH is the Eternal One, who lives forever. be "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ". and
J "For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live
for ever." (Deut. 32:40) Creatures whomhe ap-
shall share the inheritance with him.--Rom.8 : 16, 17 ;
12: 4, 5.
proves and to whomhe g~ves the right to life may Now "Christendom" is torn by war between "the
thereafter live forever, but concerning Jehovah only king of the north" and "the king of the south" over
is it written : "Even from everlasting to everlasting, wOnLDDO.mX*TmX, and which "kings" seem to be pic-
thou art God." (Ps. 90: 2) He is the King of Eternity tured by "the kings of Israel" concerning whom
"Nowunto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the Micah prophesied, one king with his capital at Sa-
only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. maria to the north and the other king with his capital
Amen." (1 Tim. 1:17) He shall never leave his su- at Jerusalem to the south. In the days of these two
preme estate, but it is his right and within his al- world powers locked in battle Jehovah’s words by
mighty power to determine who shall be next to Him his prophet apply with greater force: "Yet will I
and sit at his right hand. Such one he calls and makes bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah:
his "heir". It is his beloved and only begotten Son he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel."
whomJehovah has appointed to this favored posi- (Mie. 1: 15) The places bearing those names have
tion. First, however, the Son must maintain the honor long passed away, but the names are full of meaning
of his Father’s name by holding fast his integrity and apply now to organizations and conditions in
to God under the most crucial test from the enemy "Christendom" partieularly. The name "Mareshah"
and by remaining "faithful unto death". That was means "inheritance". "Christendom" claims the in-
nineteen centuries ago. There God sent his Son as heritance of the Kingdom and seeks to be the "m-
the greatest of his prophets unto his typical covenant habitress" thereof. IIer two "kings" battle for the
people, Israel, to bear witness to the name of his world control, and her chief religious organization,
Father. Israel rejected the words he spake unto them with headquarters at Vatican City, favors the total-
in his Father’s name and by His authority. They itarian "king of the north" as against the so-called
warred against him and killed him; whieh conduct "democratic", liberal "king of the south". The pope
marked the "last days" of that typical people. Israel% offers himself to act as mediator in settling the issue
religious leaders said: "This is the heir; come, let us at the coming peace conference, but Jehovah God
ldll him, and let us seize on his inheritance."--Matt alone will decide the issue of world domination: "Yet
21: 38. will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of .Mare-
"- God raised his proved and faithful Son from the shah." That "heir" is Jehovah’s anointed and ap-
dead and exalted him to his o’~ul right hand in heaven, pointed King of his THEOCRATIC GOVEP, NME’;T, Chris[
as His heir of right, aeeording to the terms of their Jesus, and the government of the new world shall be
covenant. Now that great Prophet, foreshadowed upon his shoulder forever. The word "heir" in the
by Moses, has eome to the temple, and through his IIebrew text literally means "possessor" (Rother-
fellow witnesses yet on earth he speaks unto the pro- ham’s translation, maryzn). "Christendom" will not
fessed people of God, including "Christendom". inherit the kingdom of heaven. Her chief religious
"’Christendom" claims the rulership of the world for representative, whoclaims to be the "viear of Christ",
herself, and would seize upon the Kingdom and hold will not inherit with Christ Jesus, and "Christen-
it by totalitarian dictators. The time is at hand for dora’s" two "ldngs" shall not gain the world domina-
God’s appointed Heir, Christ Jesus, to take posses- tion. All these shall be destroyed at the battle of
sion of all things. He guarantees that his faithful Armageddonby Jehovah’s ’q~eir of all things". Christ
followers who are the members of "his body" shall Jesus becomes "possessor" of the dominion, by con-
quest as well as by Jehovah’s appointment and au- Adullam". The totalitarian monstrosity and all its
thorization. religious, political, conunercial and military allies
’"Ite shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel," will be forced to retreat and draw back to "Adullam",
says the sure word of prophecy. The name "Adullam" their last defense line and standing place. Their
means "justice of the people", or, "hiding place." "refuge of lies" and hiding-place of falsehood shall
Near the ancient city of Adullam was the cave of not be successful camouflage, and Jehovah’s glorious
Adullam where David and his companions hid from King shall execute justice against them. Thereby he
the face of the demonized King Saul. (1 Sam. 22: l; justifies or vindicates his Father’s nameJehovah and
2 Sam. 23:13) Other renderings of tile text are: renders justice in behalf of his people, avenging them
"’The glory of Israel shall come even unto Adutlam." upon their enemies. The religious shepherds and the
(Am. l?ev. Ver.) "As far as Adullam shall enter the principal of their flock shall find no safe hiding or
glory of Israel." (Rofl~erham) Tile nations and rul- escape, but Jehovah’s people who have sought meek-
ers of "Christendom" have failed to render justice ness and righteousness shall "be hid" in that (lay of
to the people who love righteousness and hate iniq- the Lord’s anger and shall survive Armageddon.
uity. Such lovers of righteousness will glory in the Thus shall be fulfilled the prophecy concerning Jeho-
One whomJehovah sends to render justice, and who vah’s Elect Servant and King: "He shall bring forth
is the representative of the great "God of glory". judganent to the Gentiles"; that is, to the "great mul-
The nation of natural Israel rejected and still re- titude" out of all nations and who are delivered from
ject Jehovah and his heir, and "Christendom" has tile unjust demon rule over humankind.--Isa. 42: 1.
followed the unfaithful example of her prototype and ’The world, particularly "Christendom", now
done the same. Now Jehovah and his Kingdom Ileir mourns because of the destruction caused by the
are the glory of spiritual Israel, and concerning this great war between the two "kings" for world domi-
true "Israel of God" he says: "For I, saith the LoaD, nation, and the pope’s "sorrowing heart" is n:uch
will . . . be the glory in the midst ofher."-Zech. 2:5. mentioned in the news by press and radm. But Ar-
Referring to the unfaithful nation of Israel and nmgeddon, which shall be the world’s greatest amt
her antitype, "Christendom," Jehovah says: "IIath last tribulation, is immediately ahead and unavoid-
a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? able ; and looking ahead to it Jehovah says to "Chris-
but my [professed] people have changed their glory tendom" concerning the organizations and move-
fin" that which doth not profit. For my people have ments which she has mothered and nourished : "Make
committed two evils; they have forsaken me, the thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate chihlren;
fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cis- enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone
terns, broken cisterns, that can hohl n(, water." (Jet. into captivity from thee." (Mic. 1: 16) The nations
2: 11.13) Under the influence of the demons "Chris- which call themselves "’Christian" practice heaiht.n-
tendom" is given over to religion, which is the wor- i.-h rites in the name of religion; and the heathen
ship of the creature and not the Creator: "and shaved the head with a razor in mourning, l’tflhng
changed the glory of the uncorrr, ptib!e God into an tile head was a sign of distress, grief, anguish and
image nmde like to corruptible man, and to bird~, and mourning. "Cut off thine hair, O Jerusal(,m, and cast
fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." (Rein. 1:23) it away, and take up a lamentation on ldgh places;
C(,:werning these things which religionists and their for the Load hath rejected and forsaken the genera-
allies have adopted for worstup Jehovah says: tion of his wrath. For the children of Judah have
"’Therefore will I change their glory into shame." clone ex’il in mysight, saith the LenD; they have set
(lies. 4: 7) lie has alrea(ty put them to shame hv their abominations [particularly the totahtalian
message of tile truth and ()f the true worship pro- ’abomination of desolation’] in the house whtch is
clam~ed by his faithful servants and u itnesses on called by myname, to pollute it." (Jer. 7 : 29, 30)
the earth. "Christendom" believed Jehovah’s message sent
through his faithful renmant and their companions,
The religionists, whether of "the king of the "Christendom" would mourn over what is conung
north" or of "the king of the south", now piously to her and her supporters and hangers-on at Arma-
cry out through the newspapers and over the radio
geddon. But she sorrows not over this, because of
for a "peace with justice". They try to hide them-
selves under this sham to appear as the just guard- unbelief, nor over the persecutions which she has
ians of the peoples’ interests and to hold their polit- heaped upon Jehovah’s servants and witnesses, nor
ical and commercial allies in line. "Christendom’s" for the reproach she has cast upon his name and his
rulers and "mighty ones" (or gods), both demons and THEOCnATIC GovEnNaiENT.
men, are her glory; but Jehovah’s Heir and King, ’ The Lord bids her mourn for her "delicate chil-
who is "the glory of Israel", shall at Armageddon dren", or, "for the children of thy delight." (Am. Rev.
advance against these enemies and "shall come unto Vet.) The Roman Catholic Hierarcily claims hun-
15, 1942 fftieWATCHTOWEI 53

dreds of millions throughout the earth as "children ple; and this He does for our admonition in these
of the Catholic Church"; but the nations and govern- perilous times. "Woe to them that devise iniquity.
ments of "Christendom" have many other children. and work evil upon their beds! when the morning 1-
They have rejected God’s beloved Son and his faith- light, they practise it, because it is in the power of
ful brethren and refused The THEOCRATIC GOVERN- their hand." (Mic. 2: 1) This means that their lau-
¯ ~IEN%which is the people’s only hope and salvation. lessness is deliberate. Amongstthe Israelites it was
They have brought forth human schemes and organi- a willful violation of their covenant toward God.
zations and movements, all under demon inspiration Today the Bible has been spread over the world by
and influence, and they have announced these off- hundreds of millions of copies, in a thousand tongues.
spring of theirs as sure and reliable remedies for the particularly in the nations that profess to be "Chris-
ills of the people. At great cost and at the expense of tian". "Christendom" has the Bible, and in it is set
the taxed commonpeople they have anxiously moth- forth fully and clearly the law of Jehovah God.
ered and nursed and reared such offspring, as re- "Organized religion" has these Scriptures and claims
covery acts, financing institutions, relief organiza- to study and to be familiar with them, and yet the
tions, cultural societies, industrial and occupational law of God is flagrantly broken throughout "Chris-
guilds, economic boards, and sundry committees, tendom", and the lovers of righteousness suffer and
leagues, commissions, authorities and companies, are afflicted. The political and commercial elements
fronts and unions, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, and the "strong-arm squad" continually commit law-
and especially the totalitarian-religious "abomina- lessness in contempt of God’s commandments, and
tion of desolation". These "Christendom" has brought the religious element do not protest, but connive at
forth and nurtured as a sign of her religious culture the lawlessness lest they should lose the financial aid
and "civilization" and to uphold her name and carry and the political and legal and police bacldng and
forward her plans and policies, and to sustain her protection of their political and judicial and com-
into perpetuity regardless of the will of God. The mercial allies.
continuing and increasing troubles and difficulties ’~ Therefore the religious element, that is, the
upon the people show the failure and futility of these clergy, are the most blameworthy. Thev are most
"delicate children" of religion’s "civilization". responsible before God, and shall not escape render-
Furthermore, as part of this demon organization ing a full account therefor. The commonpeople pay
under Satan, "the god of this world," they shall pass them and look to them for teaching on the law of
away at Armageddon. They will not survive, and God, but instead they have been taught human moral
"Christendom" will not be able to hold onto them. standards of so-called "character", and traditions of
They are doomed with her. Hence God will enforce men which transgress and nmke of none effect God’s
his commandto her: "Enlarge thy baldness as the law; and the people in general do not object, but
eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee." "love to have it so". They submit to the advice of their
This particular eagle family has the crown of the reliNous clergy that they must not revolt against the
head and also the neck, or the part where the skull iniquities of these religious ruling elements because
and beak meet, all bald or bare of feathers. To en- the clergy say these are "the higher powers" and are
large the baldness like such eagle’s denotes that the "ordained of God"; whereas in truth and in fact the
approaching time of mourning would be no ordinary only "higher powers" are Jehovah God and Christ
event for "Christendom", but one such as was never Jesus. (See Romans13: 1-10.)
before, nor shall ever be repeated. It is her everlast- ’~Coneerning the order-loving and law-abiding
ing defeat and destruction. All men of good-will who ones it is written: "The sleep of a labouring man is
desire to live should not mourn but should flee from sweet, whether he eat little or nmeh: but the abun-
her to THF. THEOCRACY, and without delay. dance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep." (Eccl.
wo~. 5:12) Instead of enjoying such sweet sleep the de-
visers of iniquity hatch lawless schemes while the
’° The cry of "Woe!" is not very agreeable to hear,
righteous peacefully sleep. Concerning the "man of
and "shocks the sensibilities" of some, but it is a sin" class, of which the RomanCatholic IIierarchy
warning to those who seek righteousness. It is there-
are the most powerful and prominent part, the serv-
fore a benefit for such to arouse them as to what they
ant of the Lord says: "There is no fear of God be-
should avoid if they would have God’s approval and
fore his eyes. The words of his mouth are iniquity
live. "The eyes of the LOnDare in every place, be-
holding the evil and the good." (Prov. 15: 3) He be- and deceit: he hath left off to be wise [to have the
holds the evils afflicting the people in "Christendom" fear of God], and to do good. He deviseth mischief
at the end of the world, where we now are, and he upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not
makes them clearly to appear by his record of like good; he abhorreth not evil." (Ps. 36: 1, 3, 4) By the
things that existed amongst his typical covenant peo- time of morning light they have made sure of the
craftiest and the outwardly most respectable and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall
"legalized" way to take to do theb iniquity, and when receive the greater damnation." (Matt. 23: 14) The
th,:ir allies are also awake to co-operate with them. prophet Isaiah pronounced a similar woe : "Woe unto
:3 And why do they thus defy God and flout his them that join house to house, that lay field to fiehl,
law .~ "Because it is in the power of their hand" to till there be no place, that they [the ]andhohters] may
do it now and get away without any accounting to be placed alone in the midst of the earth [on vast
tile cowed and oppressed people. Jehovah declared landed estates ; whereas the poor, propertyle~s class-
that for a limited time he would permit Satan and es are herded together in overcrowded hlocks in tene-
his demons to remain, and at the end of wlfich time ment districts and slums]! In mine ears said the
Jehovah would have his witnesses to declare his LOr~Dof hosts, Of a truth, manyhouses [of the covet-
name throughout all the earth. It has been the day ous ones in power] shall be desolate, even ~reat and
of power of the demons and their deluded dupes and fair, without inhabitant" (Isa. 5:8,9) The vast
agents on earth, and now the time of their power is landed estates, the great mansions and e(lifi(’es, and
near its end. Hence the demons now feverishly drive the blocks of property possessed by the clergy, par-
these to use their power in defiance of Jehovah God ticularly those of the RomanCatholic IIierarcl~y,
while it is in their hand to do so. They attempt to in- stand in marked contrast with the ding~." living quar-
crease their power and to do still more iniquity ters of those who are the regular contributors to the
against the people of good-will toward God. Some upkeep of the religious leaders and their expensive
time before the World War a well-known Paulist organization. This is a convincing testimony proving
father of the chief religious organization on earth the application of these prophecies to our very day.
was asked at a public mission: "’Does the Catholic ~ The favorites of the religious organizati~m are
Cl,m’eh regard Protestants as heretics, and does it likewise owners of broad lands and many hou:t,-, and
not believe and teach that heretics should be pun- they are made "the principal of the flo¢,lC, lIiq¢,ry
islmd, even with death if necessary?" To which this records that the clergy have been notormu~ for thmr
religionist of today replied: "’I do not doubt, if they covetousness of the fields, houses and other l)ropert.v
were strong enough, that the Catholic people would of the membersof their congregations, and they have
binder, even by death if necessary, the spread of such used religious frauds and craft)" argum¢mts and
errors through the people. And I say, rightly so." means to gain them while tile owners hved or by be-
’* That published statement (reported in the New quests at their death. Nowthe great religious o: gani-
York Herald) has never been officially denied or re- zation is allied with the arbitrary dictators, which
nounced; and it is significant and prophetic in view covet the rich and productive lands of other natitm~,
of what is seen coming to pass upon the smaller or great and small, and which dictators build ut~ tlm
weaker Protestant, non-Catholic and democratic, most powerful military organization in the world
liberal nations of the world and at the hands of Cath- and by violence unequaled, and aided by a reli;mu~
olic totalitarian dictators who have a concordat ar- "fifth column", invade the countries one after a,:-
rangement with the head of this Pautist father at other and grab the land and its natural resources and
Vatican City, Italy. It is made clearly to appear, by the properties builded thereon.
deed and course of action, that the totalitarian mon- " The combine called "the ldng of the north", and
strosity, "the abomination that maketh desolate," is which is nmde up of the "Axis powers" and the Itler-
carrying out the will of the RomanCatholic Hier- arehy tlmt have thmr headquarters at the Vatican,
archy and is "the sword of the church" in its hand of is out for world domination in order to set up again
power’. Only God’s Word gives hope and comfort to the old "Holy RomanEmpire", this rune world-wide.
seekers of truth and of righteousness, that this ex- Foretelling the covetous and violent course of this
ceptional outbreak of religious-totalitarian wicked- composite world power, or ’qdng", tile prophecy says
heSS is an evidence that it is now about to be de- (Dan. 11:40-43): "And the king of the north :hall
stroyed by the Lord, and with it all workers of iniq- come against him like a whirhvind, with chariots
uity.--Ps. 92 : 7-9. [motorized equipment], and with horsemen [swift-
,3 Further showing the lawlessness that is now moving forces], and with many ships [raider ships,
practiced and that shall be shortly cleared off the submarines, airships]; and he shall enter rote the
earth the prophet says: "And they covet fields, and countries, and shall overflow and pass over. IIe shall
take them by violence; and houses, and take them enter also into the glorious land [the things pertain-
away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a ing to Jehovah’s covenant people], and many coun-
nmnand his heritage." (Mic. 2 : 2) Christ Jesus cried tries shall be overthrown; but . . . He shall stretch
woe to the religious clergu" of his day because of like forth his hand also upon the countries; and the land
crimes by tilem: "Woe unto you, scribes and Phari- of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have, power
sees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and over the treasures of gold and of sih’er, and over
15, 1942 2-tieWATCHTOWE
P,. OO

all the precious things of E~’pt." It was recently a little while, and the wicked shall not he: yea. thou
announced in the news that the religious member of shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall ~,ot
this "king of the north" has built fifty churches on be." (Ps. 37:9, 10) Hence, woe to the wicked!
wheels to reach isolated districts and conduct masses, ,o Those in a covenant with God to do his will are
and also that the Vatican has for some time been all of one family of the great Life-giver and Father:
training priests to follow the Axis armies into the "of whomthe whole family in heaven and earth 1.~
occupied regions of Russia and to take over the named." (Eph. 3 : 15) The very name "Christend,;n(’
orthodox churches there. Ever since the break be- means to say that the nations thus called profes.- to
tween the Eastern and Western reliNous organiza- be "Christian" and thereby imply that they are in a
tions about ten centuries ago the RomanCatholic covenant to do God’s will, and they claim to be God’s
Hierarchy has coveted this. Nowthe opportunity to family. Instead, they are of the great family of reli-
satisfy this greed has come. gion or demonism, and speak nmch of "the father-
’~ Christ Jesus, by virtue of his perfection and hood of God, and the 1)rotherhood of man"; hut they
obedience when a man, is called "The Son of man". do not say which god. They should not be hauzhty,
His faithful members of "his body" who follow him but should think over what Christ Jesus told the
are the house of sons of God, over which Christ Jesus clergy and their dupes as to which god was their
is the Head. To these faithful followers he said: father. (John 8: 42-44) True to their own family,
"Blessed are the meek; for the?- shall inherit the they do not treat Jehovah’s witnesses as brothers of
earth." (Matt. 5:5) "But the meek shall inherit the their family; which they are not. Then the Lord,
earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance having in mind the aforementioned devices of iniq-
of peace." (Ps. 37:11) Besides these who compose uity, warns "Christendom", the modern counterpart
this "little flock", the Lord now brings "other sheep" of unfaithful Israel : ¯’Therefore thus saith the LOt, D,
into the fold, to wit, the people of good-will toward Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from
God and his TttEOCRATICGOVERXt~IENT by Christ Je- which ye shall not remove your necks: neither shall
sus. and who shall form the "great multitude". (Rev. ye go [walk] haughtily: for this time is evil."--
7:9-17) If these hold fast their integrity and abide Mic. 2 : 3.
faithful to THy. THEOCRACY till Armageddonis ended, ~’ The evil which Jehovah devises against the fam-
their everlasting heritage shall be life on the earth ily of "Christendom" is not iniquity or wickedness.
under that righteous government. These now must "For all his ways are judgment; a God of truth and
seek righteousness and meekness to realize the prom- without iniquity, just and right is he." (Deut. 32 : 4)
ise of being "hid in the day of the LORD’Sanger".~ Hence the "evil" is that which brings grief, pain,
Zeph.2 : 3. injury and loss, and which Jehovah God by Christ
~ Nowthe faithful remnant and their companions, Jesus executes against those wicked covenant-break-
these "other sheep", are greatly oppressed in all na- ers as a judgment and punishment against them for
tions, and especially by the totalitarian powers and their lawlessness and wickedness. This evil shall
those of that spirit in other lands. All these powers come upon them at Armageddon, when they have
were foreshadowed by the Amalekites and the Mid- filled up the measure of the iniquity of their religious
ianites under their princes, Oreb and Zeeb, and con- fathers. The destruction shall suddenly take them,
cerning whom the psalmist says: "The Midianites like the noose of a trap, and they shall not be able to
¯ . . like Oreb, and like Zeeb; yea, all their princes pull back their haughtily tilted heads and stiff necks.
as Zebah and as Zalmunna: who said, Let us take to "The lofty looks of man shall be humt)led, and the
ourselves the houses of God in possession." (Ps. haughtiness of men shall be bowed down; and the
83 : 9, 11, 12) In like mannerthe ruling powers, at the LORD[Jehovah] alone shall be exalted in that day.
instigation of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and For the day of the LORDof hosts shall be upon every
their clerg’y allies, have seized the property and lit- one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that
erature and the very persons of Jehovah’s witnesses is lifted up, and he shall be brought low."--Isa.
in the land brought under the totalitarian rule and 2 : 11, 12.
seek to run them off the earth or to destroy them. ;~On the earth pride has gone to seed, and the
They greatly oppress these covenant people of Jeho- haughty and the stiffneeked ones, because of the
vah because such seek to "dwell in the house of the pride of their hearts and their pride in their rehgmus
LOIIDfor ever"¯ (Ps. 23: 6) Jesus foretold that these organizations, will not seek after JEHOVAH GODand
would be now "hated of all nations for my name’s his THEOCRATIC Govzr,~’~r~.xT, but exalt themselves
sake". (Matt. 24:9) For the comfort of such robbed and other creatures instead. For them Armageddon
and oppressed ones Jehovah by his prophet says: does not bring deliverance from destruction and the
"For evil doers shall be cut off: but those that wait bondage to Satan’s organization ; for them "this time
upon the LoaD, they shall inherit the earth¯ For yet is evil". "For it is an evil time." (Am. Rev. Ver.) It
56 NieWATCttTOWEK .~. Y.

brings the evil or calamity which Jehovah in his mandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus
righteousness has devised for all workers of iniquity, Christ". To such ones the words of the prophecy are
particularly those who do such under the eloak of re- a command to deliver the parable, and they have
ligion and, worse, in the name of God. For all such been delivering it, especially since 1922, as the facts
there shall be no way of escape. (Jer. 25: 34, 35) of record disclose. They do not lament for "Christen-
"Organized religion," which has pretended to be the dom", but rejoice at the prospect of the vindication
eity or organization of the Lord, shall go downfirst, of Jehovah by his destroying everything that blas-
but the political and commereial elements and their phemes and reproaches his name. They have no sym-
supporters need not think to escape unpunished pathy with the wicked, nor do they regret the punish-
thereafter. "For, ]o, I begin to bring evil on the city ment coming upon sueh from the hand of God. In the
which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly spirit of the parable of lamentation they deliver His
unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will message and show what "Christendom" shall com-
call for a sword [Armageddon] upon all the inhabit- plain of and lament for, particularly at the climax
ants af tile earth, saith the Lop, I) of hosts." "Ite will of this day of judgment.
give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the ,s "Christendom" has not been a glory to God, nor
LORD."(Jer. 25: 29, 31) For "Christendom" there a blessing to the people, but she has claimed the peo-
now only a "certain fearful ]ooldng for of judgment, ple for her own "pasture" and has spoiled them.
and fiery indignation, which shall devour the ad- Claiming it as her "portion" to exalt herself and rule
versaries". (Heb. 10: 27) "Thus saith the Lord God, as the kingdom of God and as the "higher powers",
An evil. an only evil, behold, is come. An end is come, she has blinded the people concerning the true King-
the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is dora of God and still tries desperately to keep tilem
come." (Ezek. 7 : 5, 6) Jehovah’s witnesses now sound from going over to The THEOCmXTm GOVEnX.~tnXT
the warning. now being proclaimed to the nations for a witness.
PARABLE (Matt. 24: 14) She now tries to deceive thmn, and
~ The "day of Jehovah" dates from the year 1914. does deeeive them, by setting up "the abomination
in which the period of uninterrupted rule of Satan of desolation" as a "new world order" in the place
as "the god of this world" ended : there also the "times and stead of Jehovah’s Theocracy by Christ Jesus.
of the Gentiles" ran out, which times began at the She goes totalitarian, one nation after another, to
overthrow of the typical Theocracy at Jerusalem in hold the people in line under a strict regimentation
606 B.C. and continued for "seven times", or 2,520 by demonized men. Already the religious pastors
years. (Luke 21:24; Ezek. 21:24-27) The "day howl that the proelanmtion of The TIinocnaTiC GOV-
ERNMENT has spoiled their pastures. However, u hen
Jehovah", therefore, began with the setting up by
Jehovah of his true Theocracy with Christ Jesus Armage(ldon begins, the ruling factors, and parucu-
as King; and this Jehovah accoml)lished by the en- larly the religious part thereof, shall say. as fore-
tln’oning of his anointed King on Zion anal sending told in the parable: "Webe utterly spoiled." The.-e
being now so entrenched in power, only Jehovah God
]tim forth to rule in the midst of his enemies. (Pss. 1)y Christ Jesus could do such spoiling; and lle will.
2: 6; 110: 1, 2) It Is also spoken of in the prophecies
as "that day". Therefore since A.D. 1914 this proph- "A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an houling
ecy is due to be fulfilled, and is being fulfilled: "’In of the principal of the flock, shall be hear(l: for the
Load hath spoiled their pasture." (Jer. 25:3(;) "’The
that day shall one take up a parable against you. and
lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be (lab" [of the Lord~l that cometh shall I)urn them up,
utterly spoiled; he hath changed the portiou of my saith the LOaDof hosts, that it shall leave them nei-
people: how hath he removed it from me! turning ther root nor branch." (Mal. 4: 1) Christ Jesus al~o
awab he hath divided our fields."--Mic. 2:4. says to them, because they have not brought forth
-"’ Here tim "’parable" is a pithy, taunting prophetic the fruits (that is, the truths and works) of the King-
statement, and presents a likeness of what is foretold dom: "The kingdom of God shall be taken from you,
to come upon those whomthe speaker of the parable and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits there-
of."--Matt. 21 : 43.
imitates. To those it is not 1)leasant to hear. and it is
delivered to them as a "lament", and "with a lamenta- ~" "Christendom" claims to be the visible represen-
tion of lamentation". (Hebrew) It torments their sus- tation of God’s ldngdom on earth and feels cocksure
ceptibilities, and they by all means try to stop the of standing for ages and then at last entering into
lamenting of the parable; they do not believe it, but her portion in heaven. Her greatest religdous organi-
are afraid it might be true. Hence it is manifest that zation has claimed to be built upon "this rock" and
the one who takes up and laments the parable is the that ’the gates of hell shall not prevail against her’.
servant class of Jehovah, his witnesses under his By having his truths of the Bible proclaimed Jeho-
Chief Witness, Christ Jesus, and who "’keep the eom- vah has exposed her and shown that her claimed
FnBaUARY15,1942 fffieWATCHTOWER.
"portion" is a false claim. At Armageddon he will tration of this, where the vast throng of Jehovah’s
give her cause to complain and lament that God has anointed renmant and their companions packt’d out
changed her self-assumed porhon and removed from the enormous 25,000-seat-capacity Arena and swelh.d
her all things she arrogantly pretended were her out beyond the walls thereof and over th¢. ad.mccnt
rightful and God-given portion. He has already taken grounds, and including a distant trailer city, to make
away from her the privilege of being his witnesses, a total audience of over 115,000; and this represe~t-
and has conferred it upon the humble and faithful ing the United States and Canada alone. A like .\s-
"people fur his name", whomhe has for years been sembly of Jehovah’s witnesses and companion, in
taking out from the nations for his purpose. Because Leicester, England, the following month, had an
these abandon "Christendom" for THE TttEOCRAeY attendance of 12,000, in spite of wartime conditions
and are therefore not of this world, even as Christ and danger of raids by the air "arm" of "the king of
Jesus is not of it, these are as rebels and apostates the north". And it appears there is yet much work
unto "Christendom", and concerning them she la- to be done in these lands of "the king of the south".
ments: "Turning away he hath divided our fields"; Itence the remnant and companions can say and do
(Am. Bey. Vet.) "to the rebellious he divideth our say : "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places ;
fields"; (Rotl~ert~am) "to an apostate our fields doth yea, I have a goodly heritage."--Ps. 16:6.
he apportion." Unto Christ Jesus, whom"organized ~" In these service privileges "Christendom" and
religion" crucified as a rebellious apostate, Jehovah her religionists have no part. They have no heritage
has gdven the nations for his inheritance and pos- to measure or bound off in the Lord’s organization,
session, and at Armageddon he shall dash them in in Jehovah’s "holy land". "Christendom" has re-
pieces. Thereafter he shall give the habitation of the jected his THnOCBATIC Govmtxbiax:r by Christ ,Jesus
broad fields of the earth over to the "great multitude" and has persecuted and continues to hate the mes-
that survives. Here ends the parable of lamentation, sengers thereof, and the Lord has east her off, and
and the prophet next shows the cause why the la- for her there will be no restoration. 3_t Armageddon
menting one complains. destruction awaits her. The Lord at the temple has
~’ "Therefore thou shalt have none that shall cast a weighed her in his balances of judgment and found
cord by lot in the congregation of the Lord." (Mic. her wanting and she has no standing with or among
2 : 5) The "cord" here is a "measuring line" (Rother- the congregation of the Lord. "’The ungodly shall not
l~am), as for measuring off the bounds of an assigmed stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congrexa-
portion of land : "’He cast out the heathen also before tion of the righteous." (Ps. 1:5) This is a warning
them, and divided them an inheritance hy line, and to all persons yet found in "Christendom" to flee out
made the tribes of Israel to dwell m their tents." before Armageddon.
(Ps. 7S:55) In 1918, by reason of the acts of the OBEYING GOD
religionists of "Christendom" then rent bv war, God’s
consecrated people were cast out of tl’leir earthly ~ The experiences of Jehovah’s witnesses and com-
panions in the so-called "’Christian nations" make
em~dition of service as heralds of the I,iingdom. and
clear the application of the further words of the
for a time they were exiled from such privileged prophecy: "’Prophesy ye not, say they to them that
(,arthly condition. Then they repented of their failure
prophesy: they shall not prophesy to timm. that they
in (;oct’s service due to fear of men, and the Lord de-
livered them and restored them to his organization shall not take shame." (Mic. 2: 6) The Lee-er trans-
lation renders the text more literally :" ’Preach not’;
and its active service as Jehovah’s witnesses on earth.
(but) the.v shall preach." This agrees with what he-
-~ The measuring of the growth of Jehovah’s vis- fell another witness of Jehovah, to wit, the prol~het
ible service organization then is pictured symboli- .~_nlos, at the hands of Amaziahthe priest of’ r(.h~mn,
cally under the figure of Jerusalem : "I lifted up mine who said: "Prophesy not again any more at Bethel:
eyes again [after A.D. 1!)18], and looked, and, behold, for it is the kin~s chapel, and it is the kinx’s court."
a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then said "Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, . . .
I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To Nowtherefore hear thou the word of the Lomb: Thou
measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth there- sayest, Prophesy not against Israel, and drop not
of, and what is the length thereof. And, behold, the thy word against the house of Isaac. Therefore thus
angel that talked with me went forth, and another saith the LoaD; Thy wife shall be an harlot in the
angel went out to meet him, and said unto him, Run, city, and thy sons and thy (laughters shall fall by the
speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be sword, and thy land shall be divided bv line ; and thou
inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of shalt die in a polluted land: and Israel shall surely
men and cattle therein." (Zech. 2:1-4) Tile Theo- go into captivity forth of his land." (Amos7 : 10-17)
cratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses in St. Louis, This shows the shame that shall surely come upon
Missouri, for five days in August, 1941, was an illus- opposers of Jehovah’s message.

~2 Bv virtue of their consecration to God and their gious clerk-, and who defy God and are determined
covenant with him to do his will, and by virtue of to rule or ruin, and they feel embarrassment at the
the anointing of iris spirit, Jehovah’s witnesses are Theocratic message, and take shame. Hence their
his ordained ministers of the gospel and are under finaI aim is that Jehovah’s witnesses "shall not
instruction and command from hi,n to preach "all prophesy to them, that they shall not take shame".
the counsel of God", and that whether the religion- The prophecy shows that eventually they shall seem-
ists hear or forbear to bear. No creature or organiza- ingly succeed, and then they shall cry, "Peace and
tion of creatures has the right or authority, because safety!" and shall honor and felicitate one another.
God’s message does not please or agree with such, Then when they think they have hidden their shame,
to conunand Jehovah’s witnesses to keep silence and ’sudden destruction shall come upon them; and they
then to try to enforce them into silence by restrain- shall not escape.’ (1 Thess. 5:3) Hence the prophecy
ing them from contact with others whodesire to hear. says : "He will not escape shame."-Mic. 2:6, Harka~y.
Jehovah and Christ Jesus are "the Higher Powers", 3~ Jehovah, the God of Abraham and Isaac and
and their commandments are prior to and superior Jacob, addresses his words directly to "Christen-
to those of men and organizations on the earth. In dom", which religionists call "the house of Jacob ’.
a clash with laws of men the superior or supreme Jacob was the father of the house called by his name,
law of God must prevail and must be obeyed by those that is, the Israelites after the flesh. Now"Christen-
in a covenant to do the will of the Most High. Any dora" pretends to he spiritual Israel and lays claim
other course on the part of Jehovah’s covenant peo- to the birthright which Jacob had according to the
ple would be disobedience and covenant-breaking and will and decree of God. "Christendom," which is now
would be punishable with everlasting death, destruc- going totalitarian, feels hurt at the message of Jeho-
tion. The Lord’s commandmentgiven 1800 years ago, vah by his witnesses, and assigns wicked motives to
before any of the present governments of "Christen- them in proclaiming his THEOCIIACY.She declares
dom" came into existence, and which commandment their words do harm and injury to the people and
has never been revoked but now applies at this end especially to the State and to religion. The religious
of the world to Jehovah’s covenant people, is, to wit: clergy, both Catholic and Protestant, and their duped
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached servants cry it is Communismand that Jehovah’s
in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and witnesses are stirring up religious hatred and big-
then shall the end come." (Matt. 24 : 14) Particularly otry and are conducting a "campaign of hate" leading
since the coming of the Lord to his temple in 1918 to religious intolerance. But their own actions of
this prophecy and commandment has been under- violence and in contempt of Constitutional law prove
going fulfilhnent in the face of the hatred of the na- that they are the intolerant ones. To such Jehovah
tions and the world-wide opposiUon to and persecu- by his prophet now speaks: "0 thou that art named
tion of Jehovah’s witnesses. the house of Jacob [(Botherham) th ou wh o ar t
~’ In every nation where Jehovah’s witnesses and said to be the house of Jacob], is the spirit of th~,
companions have preached the message of the King- Load straitened [shortened; impatient] ? are these
dora the governing factors, at the prodding of the his doings? do not my words do good to him that
Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other clergy allies, walketh uprightly ?"--Mic. 2 : 7.
have made strenuous efforts to stop the preaching " The RomanCatholic Hierarchy claims to be the
or prophesying. The Hierarchy, presuming to dic- oldest religious organization in "Christendom", and
tate to the political, judicial and police elements, has actually about 1500 years of existence; and the
order them to stop the witnesses by illegal means and so-called "Protestants" (late from and after the Ref-
by force and v-iolenee. They conspire together and ormation period of 400 years ago. During tim forty
misapply the commercial regulations and sedition years prior to A.D. 1918, when Christ Jesus, the
laws and frame mischief by new laws specmlty made, Messenger of Jehovah, was ’preparing the way be-
and then order and threaten Jehovah’s witnesses: fore Him’ that he might come to the temple for judg-
"Preach not!" God’s covenant people reply: %Ve ment (Mal. 3: 1-3), Jehovah’s consecrated people
ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5: 29); earth were telling of the establishment of his King-
and they keep on obeying him, preaching the same as dom and of the end of Satan’s world and of the bat-
hitherto and increasing their efforts, "putting on fie of Armageddon and were warning the people to
more steam," though they suffer a jail sentence or flee from the wrath to come there; but since the
mob violence or concentration camp or even a sen- Lord’s coming to the temple in 1918 they have given
tenet to death. In this course they follow in the steps an even greater witness and warning to "Christen-
of Christ Jesus, who left them the right example. dora" and all nations. Shall the religionists and their
(1 Pet. 2 : 21) The proclanmtion of the truth exposes allies, nowat this late date, say rightly that Jehovah
those who practice demonism, particularly the reli- is without long-suffering and forbearance and is in-
FEBnUAnY15,1942 fffieWATCHTO\¢ZEP,. 59

tolerant in sending his witnesses to "declare . . . the thought of injuring anyone, hut only de.~irin~ to
day of ver.geance of our God" as being at hand? Is "’comfort all that mourn". Whenthey enlci a c,m.-
it the I,ord’s way of doing to selld catastrophe upon munity and bring the l(inadom me-sa~e fl’(,11,, d,,,)r
tlm world as a punishment without first sending due to door, they do so fearlessly and "’pas, hx .~,,,o’dx ely
notice and warning over a period of time? It is Sa- as inert averse from war". They are n.~’;tral a~ ~(~ the,
tan’s doi~gs to now bring woes upon the people with- war of the nations of the world and d,) not dc-lr,., ~o
m~t previous warning. Jehovah’s course at the time enter into a fight or controversy ~’,lth any ]:’d’,~l:t:l
of the Flood in Noah’s day and at the destruction of creatures ; their battle is not with flesh and 1,1o,,~t, ’.rot
Jerusalem first in Jeremiah’s day and again in the against the demons.(Eph. 6:12),,)~
days of the apostles of Jesus Christ shows it is His of the enemiesof the truth nowover a periled (~f .~ ~,ars
rule to forewarn the disobedient of the evil to come hardly permit the Kingdom publishers to pa,-: ILv
and to mercifully allow the persons of good-will an with any sense of human security from -lssault. be-
oPI)ortunity to hear and heed and to escape to safety cause they are now aware that the enem~e, have
and preservation. Therefore Jehovah squarely puts plotted and are lying in wait as highwaymen or
the question up to "Christendom" concerning the bandits. Their identity as Jehovah’s approved and
words which his witnesses declare : "Do not my words commissioned witnesses is pictured as a rol)e. The
do good to him that walketh uprightly?" Itence the enemy sneeringly speak of them as "Jehovah’s wit-
ones that take offense show thereby that they are at nesses" and challenge their right to this "new name",
fault and are not walking uprightly before God. How- and they "pull off the robe" from the underzarment,
ever, the religionists continue to justify themseh’es figuratively speaking. So doing, they would make
and to protest against the truth and to "fight against God’s covenant people to outwardly appear a> v:ith-
God", and hence his words do good only to the people out marks of God’s true organization an(] not h.,~an-
of good-will, who become the Lord’s "other sheep" tiffed with the true I,:ingdom gospel. Instead. they
and who shall form the "great multitude". accuse them of being disguised hawkers, hooks~.llers,
~ Furthermore the Lord says: "Even of late my propagandists, Communists, seditious, engaging in
people [thou that art named the house of Jacob] is commercial work for selfish gain, proselytizers, and
rosen up as an enemy: ye pull off the robe with the disturbers of the public peace and mva,ting ~he rights
garment from them that pass by securely as men of others to worship God as they please. Says dehn-
averse from war." (Mic. 2: 8) Those who practice vah’s witness: "I am for peace; but when I sl)eak,
religion or demonism draw near to God with their they are for war." (Ps. 120: 7) The faithful servants
lips and in buildings dedicated to reliNon, but their continue on in obedience to God’s comman(ls, and
hearts are far removed from IIim and his Tneocr~AcY thereby "put to silence the ignorance of foolish men".
by his King. The clergy, and particularly the reign- --1 Pet. 2:15.
ing religdous ruler at Vatican City and his Hierarchy ~’ In the Scriptures God’s organization is pictured
who also sit on thrones, apply to themselves the under the symbol of good womenwhom he approved,
prophecies and promises concerning God’s kingdom, and whomhe used to give birth to his witnesses; for
and they give false instruction concerning the King- example, Sarah, who bare Isaac; and Ilebekah. who
dora to the political and judicial rulers of "Christen- bare Jacob ; and Rachel, who bare Joseph and Benda-
dora", and now they speak of themselves establishing min; and Amram’s wife, who bare Moses and Aaron.
a "new world order" in which religion will rule, after Jehovah’s universal organization is called Zmn, and
this war. Thus they rage and inmgine a vain thing, gives birth to his capital organization under Christ
and the rulers take counsel together against JnnOVAH Jesus, the Itead thereof. Therefore Zion is symbol-
and his anointed King and Theocratic Government; ized as the woman which gives birth to the "man
and they charge that the proclamation of that right- child", the Theocratic Government with Christ as
eous Government is seditious and dangerous to the King. (Rev. 12: 1-5) Concerning such Jetmvah
security of the state, and persecute Jehovah’s wit- the prophet Micah foretold, saying: "The womenof
nesses and declare them illegal. "Even of late," as my people have ye east out from their pleasant
it were, "even yesterday" (marginal reading), their houses; from their children have ye taken away my
opposition has become more marked and widespread. glory for ever." (Mie. 2" 9) This does not apply
Satan is the arch enemy of God, and they make them- literal women, although the governing factors of
selves friends of Satan’s world organization and "Christendom" have literally done the ttun~s here
thereby make themselves God’s enemies.--Ps. 2: 1-6; described and which the Israelites also did in tlm type.
Jas. 4 : 4. -’~ The systems of religion claim to be God’s organi-
~ In an orderly manner Jehovah’s witnesses are zation, but do not bring forth the fruits of IIis or-
doing a lawful work, which is also commandedby the ganization, to wit, the truth and works of the Theo-
Lord. They are peaceably minded and without cratic Government by Christ Jesus; nor do they
bring forth the "children of the kingdom", those who is therefore "the abomination that maketh desolate".
shall be tile "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with This "abomination" may now be seen "standing
Christ", and who shall "reign with him a thousand where it ought not", to wit, "in the holy place," where
years". (Matt. 21:43; Rom. 8: 16, 17; Rev. 20:4, 6) the Theocracy by Christ Jesus only has the right and
The religionists do not discern the two great organi- appointment by God to stand. Therefore Jehovah by
zations in opposition to each other, Jehovah’s organ- his prophet now says to all persons of good-will to-
ization and that of Satan, nor that religion is demon- ward him and his Kingdom: "Arise ye, and depart:
ism. Religionists have nothing in commonwith God’s for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it
organization, Zion, his "woman", but are friends of shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction."
the world in which Satan is "the god of this world". (Mic. 2: 10) This corresponds with the warning
Hence, being the seed of Satan’s "woman"or organi- Jesus concerning the present totalitarian monstros-
zation, they fight against God’s womanand her seed, ity that aims to rule the world : "Whenye, therefore,
particularly "the remnant of her seed" down here at shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of
the end of the world. (Gen. 3: 15; Roy. 12: 17) They by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (who-
east out God’s true "woman", particularly those who so readeth, let him understand :) then let them which
become of his capital organization called "the Lamb’s be in Judaea flee into the mountains." (Matt. 24:15, 1(;)
wife" or "bride", as though these "women" had no Jehovah is the great Mountain or Rock, and Christ
place in the "pleasant house" of the Lord. The reli- Jesus is his "express image"; and those who would
~onists in the "king of the north" combination back escape must flee from "Christendom" and take refuge
up the "Axis powers" in their fight for worhl domina- under Jehovah and his Theocratic Government by
tion by restoring the "Holy Roman Empire", and Christ Jesus. To remain in "Christendom" wouhl
concerning which "king of the north" it is written’ mean to perish at Armageddon; for "Chr~stendonf’
"’Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor is polluted and leads to destruction at Armageddon,
the desire of women[God’s organization and its de- where she also shall be destroyed.
sirable children], nor regard any god: for he shall " These are the "last days", and Jesus warned that
magnify himself above all."--Dan. 11:37. then false prophets would arise. (Matt. 24 : 24) Such
~ Jehovah’s glory is upon the faithful children of prophets are not filled with the spirit of the Lord,
his organization and who are Jehovah’s witnesses. but have filled their belly with the east wind. (Job
lie honors them with his message and the privilege 15:2) They sow not the Word of God, but sow the
of declaring it, aml his protection as a glory is over wind and shall reap the whirlwind of Armageddon.
them. They must maintain their integrity toward These political and religious prophets make big pre-
God under the crucial test unto the end if they wouhl dictions and teach the traditions of men that make
enter into the heavenly glory reserved for them. The void God’s Word of prophecy. (Matt. 15: 1-6) They
demonized reli~onists seek to bring ahout tim de- stand out in striking contrast with Jehovatfs faith-
struction of these children by causin~ them to break ful witnesses and their companions who strictly hoht
faifll with God and to let go their integrity and to to and preach God’s Word and its prophecies now
violate their covenant with God. With some like undergoing fulfilhnent. Which of the two do the pe,~-
Judas the religionists succeed in their vicious efforts, ple of "Christendom" prefer and choose’ Jehovah
and thus they take away for ever from these unfaith- by his mouthpiece answers : "If a man, walking in the
ful children their worthiness to Jehovah’s reserved spirit [for, (Am. Rev. Ver., margin) If a man walk-
glory. A faithful remnant do hold fast their integrity ing in wind: (Rotherham) a man who~oeth after
like Job, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon them wind] and falsehood, do lie, saying, I will prophesy
and they continue to shine as his witnesses and at the unto thee of wine and of strong drink: he slmll even
last inherit the promised glory.~Isa. 60:1. be the prophet of this people."~Mic. 2: 11.
’° For centuries the people have sought rest in re- " The apostle also foretold this, saying: "The time
ligion and in the organization called "’Christendom". will come when they will not endure sound doctrine ;
Today the politicians and commercial element and but after their own lusts shall they heap to them-
the clergy of all denominations cry out in public: selves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall
"What the world needs is more reli’..don.’" But they turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be
have not given the people rest by religion, up till now. turned unto fables." (2 Tim. 4 : 3, 4) Tiros the nations
nor can they do so by "’more religion" in a proposed have forgotten God. They put their trust in men, and
"new world order" after this war. "Christendom" resent God’s true message of judgment and warning
xx ill find no rest through the schemes of her demon- and choose to listen to demonized men who predict
ized rulers and backers. Her "new worht order" good times to come by human achievements without
leaves Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVEIINMENT out the need of Jehovalfs Theocratic Government by
of con,ideration and is opposed to his purpose and Christ Jesus. To such prophets they do not say:
FEBRUARY15, 1942 fftieWATCHTOWER. 61
"Prophesy not." Hence they choose religion, and shall but will maintain their integrity and continue to pro-
not drink joy, but only sorrow and death at Armaged- claim the true prophecy of God’s Word and to stand
don. The Devil’s efforts hy these false prophets is to immovable for his THnOCRACY, that thus they may be
deceive the remnant of Jehovah’s elect and their de- "blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ".
voted COlnpanions. The faithful ones will not permit ~i Cor. 1:8.
themselves to be deceived by religion or demonism, (To be continued)

IlE Lord’s work never stands still; it is always pro- & Tract Society, of Pennsylvania, and the Watchtower B~-
T gressmg. It is ahvavs on scheduled time. The Lord
often changes the personnel of his visible earthly or-
ble and Tract Society, Incorporated. of NewYork The~e are
necessary for the purpose of doing such business as t ran~fer
gamzation, but the work of witnessing to lus Theocracy by of property, having bank accounts, and various other legal
Christ Jesus goes grandly on. All the opposition that the duties COlmectedwith the work of the Lord’s visible organi-
great adversary can muster cannot interfere with Jeho- zation of his covenant people.
vah’s Theocratic arrangement for doing his "strange work". The charter of each corporation conforms to the law.
In 1916 the Lord God called to rest one whomhe had In harmony with the requirements thereof, shortb b0fore
long used prominently on earth in connection with His finishing his earthly labors the president, J. F. Rutherford,
work, and the adversary did everything possible to disrupt called four membersof the corporations together and sug-
the x~ork entirely. IIe had already sown the seeds of criti- gested that, as soon after his death as possflfle, the members
cism, discontent, jealousy, and egotism in the hearts of of the two boards be called in joint session and a presMcnt
self-seeking and self-conceited ones within, aside from ene- and vice-president be elected in order that the work m~ght
mies without, and such included even some of the members continue to be properly earned on without mterrul~tmn.
of the board of d,reetors of the Society. and of the headquar- On the afternoon of January 13, 1942, the full member-
ter’s working force, and also some in the field abroad. There ship of the two beards convened in the parlor at the Brot&-
were siftings all along the line, which were brought to a lyn Bethel home. Nathan II. Knorr, who at the last general
elunax with the Lord’s coming to the temple in 1913 for electron at Pittsburgh was elected viee-presMent, had re-
judgment, as announced in the prophecy at ?,Ialaehi 3: 1-3. quested several days before that the membersof ttw b~ards
But this in no x~ise interfered with tile Lord’s accomplish- make it a point to earnestly seek divine wisdom1)5 pra5 er
ing his purpose through his organization. and meditation, that they might be guided alught, and this
Jehovah duly raised up another servant, and ti~e work they dM. The joint meeting opened with prayer, espeemlly
thereafter increased by leaps and bounds, and all today requesting that Jehovah God might grant wisdon: m the
associated with and active in the Somety can bear tesumony choice of such servants as He desired to represent !ran m a
to the privileges enjoyed in that great work. Nowthe Lord legal way under the orgamzations.
has called homethat faitt:ful servant uhomIIe has greatly After due and careful consMeration the follmx ing t, eth-
used in the proclamatmn of Jehovah’s r.ame a:nl Kingdom, ren were respectively nominated and una,umously eh’cted,
to receive his reward. But the Lord’s work is now so well namely, Nathan It. Knorr, as president, and Ila3dcn C.
organized under the leadership of the Lord himself that Covington. as vice-president, of the two corporatmn~ I.ater
there is complete unity and harmony in the field at large, that sameday, at a gathering of the Bethel famtl3 at lh’t,t~k-
at the Bethel family, and amongthe membersof the boards lyn, the results of the electron were announced b3 the
of directors of both the Pennsylvania and the New York seerc’~ar?" of the board of dn’ectors, and met w~th an en-
corporation of the Society. Tilere are no "fifth columnists" thusmstmrcsl,onse This was later supplemented t)3 a lclte,,
of the adversary anywhere manifest, as were so noticeable which, because of its interest to all lovers of Tiff. Tllkoc-
from 1916 to 1918. This of itself is great evidence timt Jeho- l~xcY, ~e herewith pubhsh.
vah is working through the hearts of Ins devoted people, 124 Columbm lh’lghts,
directly guiding them and directing the work of the organ- Brooklyn, N Y,
lzation through which he carries on ins present work on the January 14, 1942
earth. WatchtowerBible &Tract Society, Inc.,
There are several indications that the Lord still has a 117 AdamsStreet,
great work to do before the final battle of Armageddon. Brooklyn, NewYork.
To this end it is necessary that his people be in proper con- DEAR BRETHREN:
dition to fight on as one. It is not the province of any of Even though we had been continually advlscd of Brother
the members of the Lord’s body to say who shall be his Rutherford’scondition,m accordancewlth hm dlrectmn,u ord of
hm passing on came wffh a momentary shock; but the knm~h.dge
representative on earth in any special capacity. That is
that he has goneon to his rewardand a h,ghcr field of service is
for the great Theocrat alone. However, the Lord Jesus laid a source of deep joy. Because of our mhmateassocmtmnw~th
down the rule that we must "render unto Caesar the things BrotherRutherford m the Kingdomservice, permitting us to see
that are Caesar’s", until The Theocratic Government is his untiring zeal and unswerving devotmnto TnLTnEOCnACY, we
functioning everywhere and "Caesar" is no more. axe sure that he is nowwghthe Lord m3oy.--2 Timothy4 : 7, 8
In order to comply with present legal requirements, two While we greatly miss his counsel to and fcllowshq~w;th thin
corporations were formed, knownas the WatchTowerBible family, we recognize that tt wouldbe selfishness on our part to

w~sh to have it other then the Lord has directed. Therefore we died: "Myfather, my father! the chariot of Israel, and the horse-
accept wldl joy the Lind’s will m this matter. "The LORDgave, men thereof!" We now have mingled feehngs of sorrow at the
and the LOaDhath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." loss of a true friend, counselor and faithful servant of :he Lord,
--Job 1 : ’2-1. and yet have a reamcmg toward Jehovah because we "know that
We were conx ersant w~th the eondttmns of hm illness and know Hmsprat was upon one who had fought a good fight, fimshed h:s
that crew pro~ston was made that consecrated and human skill course, and was changed m a twmkhng of an eye, and wdl be
and loving devoUon could provtde to fulfill the medmal reqmre- w~th the Lord m the invisible capital orgamzation forcxer
ments for his care and comfort, and winch was according to his ’Blessed are the dead whod~e in the Lord ’
own supervising and dtrectlon. The sorrow of the brethren at Brooklyn, who no lon,..-er x~.’,l
We reahze that there remains a tremendous amount of work have hm ~mmedmted~rectmn and advme, ts sha~ed by us We knou
ahead for us to do. Therefore hm change shall not stow us up m your confidence ~s m Jehovah, and that the Lord Jeuus will con-
the performance of the task the Lord has assigned to us. We are tinue to &rect us, knowing THETHEOCRACY is here.
&termmcdto keep close to the Lord and to one another, firmly Wewmhto state our confidence is in Tg~: THEOCR.*,C’r.and to
pushing the hattie to the gate, fighting shoulder to shoulder.-- the best of our abfltty, by the Lord’s grace, we will carD" on the
Isamh 28.6; Zephanmh 3: 9, A.R.V., margin. work as d~rected and g~ven us to do. We are eager, anxmu~ and
Since the days of Jesus, the L~rd God has had no vmlble wflhng to comply w~th and car D’ out orgamzahon mstructmns :n
earthly leader of Hts orgamzatmn We recogmze that Jehovah every detail as they proceed from the Lord’s orgamzatmr. We
has an orderly and systematic way (,f carrying on His work, ac- stand m our place, and with determination, boldness and joy pa~-
cording to Hmwill, and the law of the land properly reqmres t~mpate in the "strange work", co-operating and working und-r
’.hat bomeoneoccupy the office of president of the Society, whmh your supervision unttl the work ~s completed. Our prayers ascend
Somcty is used by H~s people under the directmn of Christ Jesus, to Jehovah that you will be given wtsdom, courage and fam~ to
God’s anomted King and our Leader. The Lord ’sets the members perform whatever ~s Jehovah’s will.
m the body aecordmg to his pleasure’, and it now pleases him that In the grace and strength which the Lord will supply, we will
our beloved Brother Knorr act as president of the Society, he bear our burdens, keeping our minds always fixed on J EUOX*~ and
bern,..- the unar~mous ehmee of the board of directors as graded THE TII~;ocP~CY, the vm&eahon of Hm glormus name and th."
by the Lord, the oflleml notice whereof every member of the work being done by our Lord Jesus Christ, and we pray that we
Bethd fam:!y enthu~m~Ucally reeelxed. all may be kept in perfect peace, as the Lord has pronnsed "Thou
Our mhmate u%oe:atmn w~th Brother It.herr for approm- wilt keep him m perfect peace, whose mind ~s stayed on thee
nu:te!y twenty yea~s, who almost half of that tnne served m a because he trusteth m thee. Trust ye m the LOI~Dfor e~er. f,,r m
(onqdentml relatmn~hip with Brother Rutherford and under Ins the LOaDJEttOVAH~s everlasting strength." We are
d:tect;on in an executive capamty, enables us to apprecmte the Your brethren in the service of The T~EOCm~T,
Lord’s dtreehon m the choice of Brother Knorr as prestdent and TORONTO,CaN
thereby the lown~ watch-care of the Lord oxcr ths people Stockholm, Sweden, January 15, 1942
We are moved by the Lord to here express our determma’~mn Press dispatch Judge’s death shrred us, ealhng forth expres-
to go forward with greater zeal ’.n closer unit3, reeognmng now, stuns grahtude for hmfaithful service and prayers m behalf th¢,-~e
more than ever before, the need of a sohd phalanx against the now hearing responmbility.
enemy. We will support and co-operate with one another m THE J o n a .’," E.’." E~,07
ThEOCRaCYw~th wholehearted de~otmn to Jehovah, our Lind
Jesus Christ. the Soemty. and its president. South African friends rejoice with Judge that he has fi,ushvd
All this is furthm corroboratl~c proof that the Sectary is hts course and entered into hm rewaId fmthful unto death \\%
Jcho~alFs visible orgamzatmn, u~ed hy Ibm to carry on lhs work shall rams Mm,but our full confidence for future d~rectmn ,f the
on the earth at the present time, and tim~ ~t will continue as such work contmuesmthe Lord We extend our sympathy to yoa and
regard!ess of any change m personnel. assurance of our prayers for gmdance
As admonished by the ape,tie, at Ephcsmns 6.18, we assure CAPETOWN (S. A.) BRANCII OI’FICE
ynu of our daily prayers to God m your bdmlf, and continue
Your wtllmg fellow servants, We have just learnt of the death of our beloved B,’,~tla.r
TItL BETHEL FAMILY Rutherford, and we hasten to offer the Bethel Famdy (who u,~
perhaps m~ss htm most) our heartfelt sympathy m the:r loss
In harmony wi~h the prophetic Iactme at Joel 2: 7, 8, 11 Our hearts are sore at the "knowledgethat our counselor and frmnd
of the .~teady for~ard movement of Jehm ah’s army of war- ~s no longer w~th us, but at the same ttmc we rejome that th,s
l’l’,lI’S for TIlE TIIEOCRo~,CY.wl;ell one devoted servant fa~llt- loving, loyal sen’ant of Jehovah has entered hts eternal re,yard.
f,Aly fimshes tus work in the flesh the surviving ones do not and ~s for ever w~th our King We do not know what exper,enees
break ranks nor halt and cease following the Lamb of God yet remain for us this rode the veil, but we take thin opportumty
whithersoever Ite leadeth, but dose up the ranks and press of assuring you of our continued loxe and co-opcratmn m the in-
on at Jehovah’s command. The following, which are part terests of THET.~EOC.’taC7 All God’s people m Bnhsh Gu,ana
join m w~shmgyou the Lord’s guidance and rmhest blessings
of the many telegrams and letters received, show that Jeho- W~th much love, we remain,
vaiFs servants are united m his Theocratic orgamzation and Yours for Turn TH~OCR,C~.
will carry on with the work until fimshed. B~vrzsH Gula~’a BRa.’,’c~, F. E Phflhps


Yesterday the radm broadcast news concerning the death of Greetings m the name of Jehovah, our God, and Christ Jesus,
Brother Rutherford.At first~t seemed
hardlytrue.yetthesecond our King. It is w~th sorrow that we learn through the press of
broadcast m the day and earlyth~smorninghas broughtit home your loss and our loss in Brother Rutherford’s death. Be assured,
to us thathe hasfimshed h:scourse. dear brethren, not only of our sorrow and sympathy, but also our
\Vcmourninsdeath. It is ourloss.We feltbe’,~u!deredas we determmatmn to press on m thc Lord’s work Notwithstanding
reahzcd hc was no longerw~thus on earth,andfelthke express- our love and esteem for Brother Rutherford because of Ins fmfli-
mg thex~,~rd~ ofJoash,thekingof Israel, at thet~mewhenEhsha fulness to Almighty God, we fully ~eahze that we are following
’ fie\,VATCHTOVVEP,.. 63
Jehovah’s Anmnted,Christ Jesus, our King. and that IIe will con- reward. Be a*sured of our continued co-operation nnd ~-,-p’~xt
tinue to lead tt~s l)eople to a glorious ~lctorj- and the ~mdicatlon Webeheve fins expresses the sentnnent of fin- ..-ectwll el .~I,.u e
of Jeho~ah’~ name united with you m TttL TItEoci~xcr b3 I15, ~Iaee
1,\’l:h warmClnustmn love, we are v~(.OTT .’~ND Ik.c, ,[.r
Yore.- for the great TIlEOCR’,T,
Though heavy in heart, rejmemg m Brother Ruff,e,;,,’ d’- x:,-
XORTIiWEST "UNIT tor 3 the Miami Company umtedly pledge then unq’mh!ed do-
xotion to Jehovah and full eo-operatmn with the SOt:cry
Pubhshers here recognize the "Society" as God’s mstnm:ent and THE3h±MI[Fla.] CoMeaxrJE!IO\.~,H’~ ~,~ lI.’,i ~,,q.s
channel under TIlE ’] tiEOCRACY to carry on the work of preach-
mg the gospel of God’s l:mgdom under Chmst; that God and We rejmce wRhyou m Brother Rutherford’~ zealous, f:,nh[,,fi,
Christ are our Leaders and Teachers, and that we are determined unflinching devotmn to Almighty God and ]hs Theoe:acv. and
to carl’3, on under super~lsmn of the Socwtytill this work is done, tilat after suffering muchfor a little time he has at last enhqed
and any further service that God may purpose. Eighty-seven into his everlasting blessed inheritance We loved hmi t),.xond
join m this assurance to you. ~ ords, and you also who continued to serve with hun

We sorrow with you m the departure of our fellow serxant 124 Cohmibm Ylmghts
Brother Rutherford, but also rejoice that he died fa:thful to the January 13, 1942
great Jehovah, our Father, and Christ His King We assure you DEMt BROTItEn K.X’ORR:
of our loyalty to. arid coutmued service in, THETIIEOCR~.CY in It was my privilege to be at the table tin¢ exenm~ uhon
Brother Van Amburgh introduced you to the family as the ltew
brotherly love and dexotlon to the end that we shall "be steadfast,
unmovable, aluays abounding m the work of the Lord". preshlent of the Society, the Lord’s orgamzation on the cai:h
ALLEGHENY UNIT OF I want to take fins opportumty to express to ymLas the \ l~-
PITTSBLRGII COMPANY OF JEHOV.XH’S WITNESSES lble du eetor of the earthly interests of Tin: TItEOCR
’,C’l’, my\~ hole-
hearted expression of unity and my love for you as a sel~ant oi
DE.~nBRETI!P.FN : Jehovah and my demre to co-operate w~th you m doing tile Lind’s
\Ve ~sh to express our sympathy m the passing on of our will.
den~ l)ro:her and fellow servant in THETttEocmxcY,also rejoice I knowthat by being obedient to the directions that come ham
x~lth you, knowing Brother Rutherford died faithful and entered you I will be properly guided, because you are now the thief
rote greater service. We are m full harmony will. the WATCh- servant of the Lord here on earth. The apostle Paul, uhen unt-
TOWER SOCItT’i" and recognize it as the channel of Jehovah on mg to the saints at Ephesus, sta*,ed, at Ephes’.ans 6" 5-7, tl,at the
earth and that our leaders are Jehovah and Christ the King. brethren are to be obedwnt to them that arc masters according to
JEIIOVAtt’S WITNESSESBOYERTOWN [Pa.] CoMPAxY the flesh, and to do this, not with the lntentmn of receiving tile
praise and honor from men, but to do it as unto Christ Jesus, the
With mingled ~oy and sorrow we learn of Brother Rutherford’s I,hng of T~E T~EOCm~CY. That is my ram.
death. He gave his all. Wepraise Jehovah for his great labor of Ever thankful for the fact of my privilege of bem_g at head-
love for ThE THEOCm~CY. May Jehovah guide and protect you m quarters and ulth 3ou m endeavoring to proxe our integrity,
meeting the perplexing problems of thin evil day as you care for I remain
the interest of His visible orgamzatmnWepledge our full loyalty :For THE THEOCR.XCY,
and co-operation. GEO\\’. I{.ELLY
ATLANTA[Ga.] CO~PA.’,’Y Nathan Knorr,
124 Columbia Hmghts,
Ilave just learned of Brother Rutherford’s entrance rote his Brooklyn, N. Y.
reuard, and have comfort in contemplating that wonderful meet- May rich portmn Lord’s sprat be poured out upon your new
mg with the Lord and the glorified members of the temple cora- privileged appointment. Greatiy rejoice to ~l,olchea~tediy co-
l)any. Although greatly missing his earthly presence, we now wish operate w~th you.
to pledge our continued unswerwng loyalty to TuE THEOCaaCy ALBERTSCIIROLDER, London Branch Servant
m full co-operation with the Society m God’s "strange work",
looking for THESlOX of Jehovah’s complete victor3- over all un- Cable received Assoemtmn heart,ly conforms Othei Bram.hes
righteousness. advised. We,loin you m the great wink of wgness.

Word of Brother Rutherford’s passing received with mingled Unableto publish or to acknowledgetnd~ ldually all the
feelings of sorrow and joy: sorrow for scparatmn from a faith- graemus eommumeatmns rec(qved, even from worldly con-
ful and vahant fellow soldier, wise counselor and brother, and cerns of good-will, x~c herewith express our deep appreem-
joy that he has finmhed his course and recmvcd hm well-earned tion and thanks to each sender.

(Continued from page 50) the printing expense, more so now with rising costs of matermls,
and hence a contrlbutmn of 50c is asked for a single copy Marl
throughout this war-swept world shows up the supreme issue whmh m now your order with remittance to cover. Compamesu ill make
affects the lives of all and which makes most important the proc- up combination orders and send such in through the local com-
lamation of the message now dehvered to all nations by Jehovah’s pany servant.
witnesses. You will be joyfully surprised at the sum total of work
reported done m the service year fraught with greatest difficulty. "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
The Yearbook further includes the yeartext with its comment, and Week of March 22: "Micah" (Part 3),
also a text for each day of the year and a pointed commentthereon ¶ 1-22 reclusive, The Watchtower February 15, 1942.
according to the latest revelatmns of Kingdomtruth and prophecy. Week of March 29: "Micah" (Part 3),
The edlhon of the Yearbook is always hmited, thereby increasing ¶ 23-42 mclumve, The Watchtower February 15, 1942.
STUDY IN THE INTERNMENT CAMP before we got out on bond. The trial was held, and the true
"I received a letter from Fred B , Fort ~, colors of the judge and officers were made clear. Mr Itines
North Dakota, and I immediately called on him. He is a said: ’This boy took the twenty-five cents for The Watch-
young man. aged 26, and has been in detention seven tower and put it in his pocket.’ The prosecuting attorney
months. His parents taught him out of C. T. Russell’s saw he could not find any charge against us and said "Let
books, but he had never had access to any of Judge Ruther- it go; I have nothing more to say.’ So the judge became the
ford’s publications. He speaks and reads English ,as well prosecuting attorney: ’Where do you get these Watch-
as German, so I gave him four German books and Religion towers? When, and how much, do you pay for them ? Who
and Children, and now I have a study with him every two takes charge of this work here?’ He went to the smallest
weeks. I haven’t got inside yet, but I call for him and they detail to find evidence against us, but in this he failed.
bring him out. I have been with him three times, and now Despite this Hal was found guilty of violating the city’s
he tlas a Children book study going inside, from 9 to 10 p.m. ordinance No. 729, ’Peddling Without a License,’ and was
every day, with a few joining m with him. (Jotm 10.27-29) sentenced to ten days or a fine of ten dollars, and the other
I also give him The Watchtower and Consolation.’" four witnesses were dismissed. The case has been appealed
to the Superior Court of Arizona. The next morning, about
3 a.m., one could hear fire engines clanging! Their destina-
"A publisher with a smattering of the Spanish language tion happened to be the Woolworth Building. It also hap-
placed a Watchtower in the Spanish with Mr. G , a pened that the judge’s offices were located in this building
sheepherder in NewMexico, who speaks only a few words It was too bad for him! The whole place burned to the
in Enghsia, and left Satvatwn as the premium book. On ground, including Judge Cella’s offices, furniture, papers.
making a routine back-call with the newly translated book and all. We’re out on the streets every week now, holding
Religion, the pubhsher was surprised to find Mr. G-- up high the banner of truth, The Watchtower.’"
had carefully read Salvation and, as Spanish books have no
index, had made his own on the last blank page, listing a THE FIRE CAPTAIN’S SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRED
number of things that especially interested him, ’Joseph "On contacting him I found he was interested and had
and his brethren,’ ’Beth-Sarim,’ among others. Arrange- been reading The Watchtower for seven years, but had
ments were made to call with a lecture series in his own ’just let the subscription expire’. He had never attended a
language. After Mr. G heard it he turned to vari- meeting and knew very little about the" organization except
ous places in the books where points mentioned in the speech to get the literature from time to time. After I ran several
were discussed more at len~h. He had finished the second series of recorded lectures at the fire station I conducted
book and wanted to ¢ontmbute something to the publisher one model study there and placed a full set of Judge Ruther-
for playing the recording; so a book Prophecy was sug- ford’s books and a subscription for The Watch tower and for
gested and placed with him instead, also a Bible suggested Consolation with him. Since there was too much lnterrup-
and ordered. Whenthe Bible was delivered Mr. G "s tmn at the station the fire captain invited me to come to
employer was there, .and toId the pubhsher how glad he his homefor the studies. There I found his wife anti eiuhh’en
was that has sheepherder was so interested in a good work, also of good-will, but not reading any of the literature for
and pointed out that he had installed electricity for him, themselves. All took part in the studies, and the interest
now that he studied so much. At a later call, which was for grew rapidly. Of course, the Devil got busy immediately.
the purpose of assisting Mr. G to attend a public model Soonafter we had started the studies, the fix e-year-old bah.~
study, in Spanish, an,,ther series of recordings was played drowned. This, however, did not weaken thmr faith, but,
and Mr. G could point out things in the third book rather, strengthened them. The ’Job’s comforters" were gtx en
and even in the Bible, which is the first he has ever owned a real witness by the newly interested mother The fire chief.
tie has purchased new clothes to attend the study and was not knowing Jehovah’s w~tnesses conducted funeral sere-
so delighted with the first study that he doesn’t ~ant to missices, had engaged a minister to do so, but to!d h,m he must
one, and we expect hamto join us soon an feeding the Lord’s preach from the B~ble, and ’no lles about the baby going to
’other sheep’." heaven’, etc. Nowthe father and mother and three of the
THE ARREST IN TUCSON, ARIZONA children are in the serwee and attending the meetings
"A man in civilian clothes walked tap to Hal, pulled "Saturday night in the magazine street distribution I
The Watchtower from IIal’s hand and gave one penny for walked into a barbershop where I usually place a Consola-
it. Hal asked: ’Is this all you would wish to contribute for tion and found the men arguing on the soul questmn I pro-
it ?’ to which the religious dupe answered, ’Oh !’ and handed duced Consolation No. 578, showed them Judge Ruther-
Hal a quarter. Hal proceeded to give the man change, when ford’s article on ’Holy Souls--Dead or Alive ?’ and placed
he heard a policeman behind him say: ’You’re under arrest twelve copies. Only one present failed to get it."
for peddling The Watchtower without a license.’ This po- "A beauty parlor manager who had known nothing of
liceman (named Hines) must have been behind Hal all this the Truth except the booklet Millions Now Lwing Wall
time. As soon as the arrest took place, the civilian-clothes Never Die, which she read as a child, was so well impressed
man grinned to the cop and disappeared in the crowd with- with it that she recognized the work by hearing the phono-
out taking his change. This was hot stuff for the other ’boys’ graph record. Arranged for a model study in the beauty
at the stationhouse, because they came around corners on two parlor for Sunday morning. After hearing "Children of
wheels and picked up four other publishers who were merely The King" she realizes churches are no place for her chil-
displaying The Watchtower. Wewere in jail for five days dren, and now takes them to Watchtower studies "
r shallknow
thatI am
.-~ektel 35:15.

MARCH1, 1942

MICAH (Part 4) ............................. 67
Hear ............................ 70
No Vision ....................... 75
Spirit ...................... 76

............................... 77

............. 79

........................ 80


PERIOD........................... 66
........................... 66
.................................................. 66

SE~wo.’,-rm.~r :Br ITS MISSION
HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. $. A.
T peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
0FFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
h’. II. KNOt’.R,President ~’V. E. VANAMBLT.GI’I, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of" Jehovah; and supphes other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other meansof public
~reat shall be the peace of" ±hy chddren." -lsnt~h 54:1"2. Instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God. is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
eveilastmg, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
and his aeUve agent in the creation of alI things; that the Loges King. It is not dog, antic, but invites careful and critical examina-
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now tim Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to persona!~ties.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Exeeut,ve Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man YEARLY~L’nSCRIPTIOI~" P~cz
for tile earth and placed him upon it; that man ~fllfully dLs-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of "E’Nrrm~ STATES, $100; CANADA AND MISCELLA~0US FOREIGN. $I 50"
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and wL:lmut the right GREAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTH AFRICA, ~S. Amerlcan rermt-
lances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or b)
to life. Draft. Canadmn, British, South African and Australas*an rem:Hances
shouldbe made dlrectto the respectivebranchoffices.Rein*trances from
TtfAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countriesother than those ment,onedmay be made to the i~rooklynotRce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by InternationalPostal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FO,,F~G~OrneEs
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br(tlsh
THAT3EItO\rAIt’S ORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadiar*
and that Chmst.l’esus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- AustraZa~a~
7 Beresford
Africa** BostonHouse,
......................... Cape Town,South
ful Ktnz of the world, that the anointed and f’uthful followers of Please address
theSocietyinevery case.
Chm~tJesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s orgamza-
tion, arid are his witnesses whoseduty and prix ilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare hLs purposes toward mankind
as expressed in tile Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tra~sIat~o.$o! th~ journal appearCat several languages.)
before all v, ho will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted nd~ersltyare unable to pay the subscr*pt*onprice may ha~e The Watch..
S:~tan from heaven and is proceeding to the estabhshment of tower free upon written applicationto the publishers,made once each
~ear,statingthe reasonfor so requestingit. We are gladto thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written applicationonce each year is required by the
THATTIlE RELIEF and blessings nf the peoples of earth can
come only by and tluough JehowO.l’s kmgdo.n under Christ, x~hich Noticeto Subscribers"
of a newor a renewal
has now begun; that t-he Lord’s next great act is the destruction scr~ptmn
Change of addregs,
of Satan’s oraanizatlon and the estabhshment of righteousness in A renewal
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal
snr~Lve Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Enteredaz seeo~tdclass matterat the post o/~cs at Brool.lyn,N. Y,,
the earth" with a righteous race. underthe Act of March8,1879,


The spring month of April is a fav(u’able t,me for the "Chil- V¢ffh pleasure the Society announces publication of a ne~
dren of TILe King" Testimony Pell,~d. and x~h,ch is thtuefore a booklet, Hope--for the Dead--for the Surwvors~m a lhyhteous
xxorht-wide permd of umted actmn by those adxeitismg the King Wo~ld. The theme ~tself impresses one that the booklet meets a
and the Kingdom. In all the earth not only those of the ,’momted very. present need, when mfihons of hearts need to be refused with
remnant, but also all those hopm,.,- to becomethe earthly "children new hope both for the hvmg and for the newly dead; and the
o: the King", will take part, and if any such want reterenees to contents, m an up-to-date settmg, wall delight you It is a 64-page
e~mq)amesorgamzed for th~s testnnouy let them w~tl’.out delay booklet, self-covered, but having a very engaging cover design
write the ofllee m their respective eountrws. Muchadvance prep- Date of ~ts release for general circulation m the field ls announced
aratmn for this campaign ~s reqtured. April being the clo-e of elsewhere, but you will first desire to read and enjoy it yourself
the three-month Watchtower Campaign, the serxants and ch,ldren
ot the Kmgwtll continue offering the speelat eombmatmn,namely, and thereby "know how best to present and use it m ’comforting
a year’s Watchtower snbscmptlon, to,ether with the p~emmmof all that mourn’. You may obtain your personal copy now, con-
tim book Chddren and the new booklet Hope, and all this for tributing 5c therefor.
thy ~egular subsemptlon rate of $1.00 :n America, and correspond-
m~ly m the other lands. Let this he your best month of tile eam-
pa~n. and at the end thereof you wtll w~th 3oy turn m 3’our report This new Yearbool~ presents the president’s report on the work
of activities and the frmts thereof, throughout the world th,s past year, showing the greatest year’s
work yet dcsp~te persecution and war. It further includes the
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES yeaxtext and comment, and also a text for each day of the year
Week of April 5: "Micah" (Part 4), and a pomted comment thereon. The edition of the Yearbook Is
¶ 1-20 mclus,ve, The Watchtower March 1, 1942. always hmated, hence a contribution of 50c a copy is asked. It will
Week of April 12: "Mmah" (Part 4), be rended to you postpaxd on receipt of your order with ~emlttance
¶ 21-42 melnmve, The Watchtower March 1, 1942. to cover.
No. LXIII ~IARctt1, 1942 No 5


"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, he shall gather tile lambs with his arm, avd carry them ~n his
bosom, a~td shall gently lead those that are wtth young."--l~’a. 4o:11.
EItOVAHis tile Great Shepherd. "Jehovah is my reli~on, which is deinonism, has deceived many of
J shepherd; I shall not want," gratefully sung one
of His "sheep". (Ps. 23: 1, Am. Rev. leer.) These
the Lord’s "sheep" and caused them to stray irom
the path of truth and of the worship of God in spirit
words, though glibly repeated by religionists as and in truth. The worldly organizations of rule~ .,hip
beautiful poetry, do not apply to all humancreatures. have taken advantage oi’ this and, like wild beasts,
Few, comparatively, seek the leadership, protection have preyed upon the strayed sheep and scattered
and provision of the great Keeper of His own flock. them. The political element have been induced to do
The psalmist David was a shepherd before becom- this under the influence of the demons, who use reli-
ing king of Israel, and he was one of the t)2aical cove- gion and religionists to stir them up to such acnm~
nant people of Jehovah God. Both as a shepherd and against Jehovah’s sheep. Concerning such rel~Mon-
as the first king of the typical Theocracy in Israel, ists it is written: "Neither have ye brought a~aiu
David was a type of the Good Shepherd, who gave that which was driven away, neither have ye sought
his life for his sheep, and who is made the "King of that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty
kings, and Lord of lords". David anointed his obe- have ye ruled them. And they were scattered because
dient sheep with oil ; and the Great Shepherd anoint- there is no shepherd: and they becalne meat to all
ed the One who is "the Lamb of God" with the oil of the beasts of the field when they were scattered. My
gladness above his fellows, and he is Jehovah’s sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon
Anointed King, that is to say, Christ the ICing of every high hill: .yea, myflock was seattere(l upon all
The THEOCRATICGOVErtRMENT. When David was the face of the earth, and none did search or seek
anointed to be king the spirit of Jehovah came upon after them."~Ezek. 34: 1-6.
him; and the spirit of the Lord God is likewise upon ’ The great scattering of Jehovah’s covenant peo-
Christ Jesus to be his Chief Witness, whose name is ple in fulfillment of this prophecy took place at the
called "Faithful and True". height of the World War in 1918, and at the instance
David fought the Philistines, the demonized ene- of the religionists of "Cllristendom", particularly
mies of God’s covenant people, and including the the RonmnCatholic Hierarchy. Such took adv’mtaze
giant Goliath, who pictures the terrible totalitarian of the war state to carry out timer conspiracy with
monstrosity of the present time, and David also won politicians
l) and judicial officers, to wit, to break u
the strange battles against them at Mount Perazim the organizatmn of Jehovah’s servants proelamfing
and at Gibeon. Now the Greater David, Jehovah’s God’s kingdom by Christ Jesus. (Matt. 24:7-9)
Beloved One, gains for his followers the victor)" over Thereby a great test came upon these consecrated
the religious-totalitarian rule of the world, and at ones ; but a faithful remnant endured tim severe trial
"the battle of that great day of God Almighty" he of their faith and devotmn and held fast t~ Jehovah
shall destroy all the demon-worshiping modern Phil. God and his kingdom, and shortly therealter and in
istines, the reli~onists and their political and com- his due time Jehovah by the Good Shepherd re:~’ath-
mercial allies. Nowhe carries on Jehovah’s "strange ered the scattered remnant unto himself at the tem-
work" of notifying such in advance of that "strange ple for his further service.
act". "I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I
The effort of the thieves and the wild beasts is will surely gather the remnant of ]srael; I will put
to scatter the sheep, to make them their prey. The them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in
loving purpose of the Great Shepherd is to gather the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise
his sheep and to keep them together under his watch- by reason of the multitude of men." (Mic. 2: 12)
care and protection. At times sheep stray away ; and "Israel" was the name Jehovah gave to Jacob be-

cause he maintained his integrity toward God and temple, which is the condition of unity with him and
kept his faith in Jehovah’s coming Theocratic Gov- is in the plaee that is unseen to the eye of the nat-
ernment and refused to compromise with the govern- ural man.
ments of this world. Both names applied to the nat- S Coneerning the faithful remnant of spiritual
ural Israelites, and now apply in an antitypieal Israelites alive in the flesh at the time of the Lord’s
sense to Jehovah’s covenant people, who are the coming to his temple the prophecy states: "I will
spiritual Israelites, and of whomChrist Jesus is surely gather the remnant of Israel"; that is, these
the Head. "But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; which had been scattered by the action of the reli-
and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, gionists and allies, and who showed iniquity of lip
and not in the letter." (Rom.2 : 29) The faithful stand by keeping silent because of fear of men, but who re-
in marked contrast with those whoclaim to be spirit- pented of their course of submission to worldly pow-
ual Israelites and therefore heirs of the birthright, ers opposed to God and thereafter sought the face
but who are hypocritical religionists, and whomthe of the Lord and a renewing of their activities in his
prophet addressed earlier, saying: "0 thou that art service. The Lord showed such his mercy, and early
named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD in 1919 he began to gather these unto him at the tem-
straitened?" (Mic. 2 : 7) Such have the spirit of Esau, ple and to revive them in his service. "The LORD doth
who proved unworthy of the birthright and was will- build up Jerusalem; he gathered together the out-
ing to sell it for a mess of pottage and then sought casts of Israel." (Ps. 147:2) "And it shall come
to kill his brother Jacob and caused him to flee from pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand
home and become a wanderer.--Gen. 25: 29-34; again the second time [the first time being the gath-
27 : 41-46; 28 : 1-10. ering of the Israelites back to Jerusalem in B.C. 536]
6 The assembly which Jehovah God makes is great- to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be
er than appears to the humaneye. The apostle fore- left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from
told of those who come "to the general assembly and Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from
church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of
and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the sea. Andhe shall set up an ensign for the nations,
just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather
the new covenant." (Heb. 12 : 23, 24) The assembling together the dispersed of Judah from the four cor-
is unto Zion, which is Jehovah’s capital organization, ners of the earth." (Isa. 11 : 11, 12) The remnant are
his Theocratic Government by his beloved King, gathered as a "people for his name", and therefore
Christ Jesus. "I will surely assemble.., all of Jehovah cleanses away their uncleanness of lip and
thee," says the Lord ; and this includes those faithful puts his word in their mouth. He sends them forth
Christians who maintained their integrity toward to declare his name throughout all the earth before
God even unto the death and who died prior to the he shows his almighty power against the Devil and
coming of the King to the temple for judgment. the demons and their earthly agents who wickedly
These were sleeping in the graves at the time of his scattered the servants of Jehovah.
coming, and their being assembled would mean being 9 These servants are gathered out from the or-
awakened out of death and being "changed, in a mo- ganizations of the Devil which have held them in re-
ment, in the twinkling of an eye", and being "raised straint; and Bozrah, the chief city of Idumea or
a spiritual body".--1 Cor. 15 : 51, 52, 44. Edom, pictured the demon-worshiping religious sys-
’Concerning this assembly the apostle further tem of the Devil’s organization. The word "Bozrah"
says : "Nowwe beseech you, brethren, by the coming means "inclosure"; that is, a "sheepfold". Hence the
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering to- correct translation of the text of Micah’s prophecy
gether unto him." (2 Thess. 2: 1) The assembling (2: 12) must be as given by Leeser: "I will surely
these sleeping saints, including the apostles and gather up the remnant of Israel; I will place them
those who have believed through their word, ’pre- together as flocks in the fold"; to wit, in the Lord’s
vents’ or precedes the gathering of the devoted serv- fold, and not in the enemy organization pictured by
ants of Jehovah yet alive on earth. "Even so them Bozrah. "For the LORDhath a sacrifice in Bozrah,
also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea." (Isa.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, 34 : 6) Those represented by Bozrah have taken part
that we which are alive, and remain unto the coming in scattering Jehovah’s sheep, and they continue in
of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. this malicious effort to this day, and for this they
. . . and the dead in Christ shall rise first." (1 Thess. shall be slaughtered at Armageddon. Nothing can
4: 14-16) Their resurrection, being in the spirit, of hinder the predetermined work of God, and now he
necessity must be invisible to humaneyes, and their gathers into the unity and safety of his organization
gathering is unto the great King and Judge at the the faithful remnant of his ’qittle flock": "as droves
MA~C~i, 1942 fftieWATCHTOWER.
in the midst of their pen." (Leeser) This gathering together by wire and public-address systems, and
of the anointed remnant from and after 1919 con- when45,000 assembledin tile key city, Detroit, alone :
tinues on down more particularly to 1931, when the and also in 1941, when Jehovah God br(;ught the
Lord revealed to them their "new name", to wit, members of the reumant and of his "other sheep"
"Jehovah’s witnesses." Then the Lord began to bring together at one place in Theocratic Asseml,ly, t~ ~ it,
more fully into view the earthly class of good-will, in St. Louis, Mo. There tile assembly gr(mnda and the
who are pictured as the "other sheep" of the Lord and surrounding fiehls of witness work fairly hmmned
who shall live on earth for ever under the Kingdom. with the joyful noise of a vast nmltitude of m~r,’
The "remnant" sheep are few in number, compara- than 115,000, feeding at the Lord’s provi,ted talfle
tively, but the Lord’s "other sheep" are those who and sounding forth his name and his Theocratic
shall form the "great multitude" without number, Govermncnt, which shall rule in righteonsne-s over
and these become the companions of the renmant in the children of the King. Furthermore, the f~llow-
the witness work, and thus the company of all God’s ing month, and due to the war between the Nazi-
sheep is increased. Fascist "king of the north" and the opposing "l,ing
,o The gathering particularly of the Lord’s "other of the south", a like assembly was held at Leicester,
sheep" is yet going on, and will soon reach a climax England, where 12,000 assembled to hear the .-_amc
before Armageddon breaks. Concerning the gather- speeches by recording and to make like pr,~clamation
ing of the spiritual Israelites and their devoted of Tus THeOCr,AcYto the peoples. The effect of the~-o
earthly companions, and the carefulness and thor- assemblies, particularly those in 1941, is to spur the
oughness and urgency with which it should be done, Lord’s servants on to greater effort and diligence
Jehovah caused his prophet to write: "I will bring in connection with the Lord’s work of hunting" and
them again into their land that I gave unto their ingathering of the remainder of his "other sheelf’
fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith before the universal war of Armageddon begins.
tim LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I They "put on more steam".
send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them ~ The war against religion is on. It is not a war
from every mountain, and from every hill, and out with carnal weapons, as with tanks and mm’idne
of the holes of the rocks." (Jer. 16: 15, 16) This re- guns, but with the weapons of truth, including ’the
sults in a great demonstration to the glory of the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God", and
Lord and which is noised abroad throughout the land, which weapons are "mighty through God to the t)ull-
to the great chagrin and dismay of the enemy. Says ing downof strong holds". (Eph. 6: 17; 2 Cor. 10: 4)
the Lord of his gathered "sheep": "They shall make The publication of the truth will not in itself over-
great noise by reason of the multitude of men." throw the great reli~ous organization, but it exposes
1RotlLerham renders this: "Like a flock in the midst the stone. It also breaks the power of religqon or
of its pasture shall they hum with men." This does demonism which has been established like strong-
not mean internal strife and discord among those hohls of error in the minds and hearts of tlte people,
gathered into tlle Lord’s fohl, but denotes great and from the restraint of which the people of good-
activity in showing forth the praises of Jehovah and will nmst be broken loose. The strongholds of reli-
in advertising his Theocratic Government by Christ gion must be pulled down in their minds, and they
Jesus. "’Thus saith the Lord God, I will yet for this must render it a dead thing to them, and tlmir minds
be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for must be renewed bv the knowledge and the un(ler-
them; I will increase them witl~ menlike a flock. As standing of the truths of Jeimvah and his Theoc-
the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solenm racy. Only the Lord God can destroy the mighty,
feasts, so shall the waste cities [made so by the entrenched religious organization throughout the
enemyin 1918] be filled with flocks of men; and they earth; and lte wilI do so at the be~nning of Arma-
shall knowthat I am the LoRD."--Ezek. 36 : 37, 38. geddon. Now he breaks the strong power of reliemn
*~ The Lord God has given marvelous demonstra- over the lives and actions of his remnant and thmr
tions of this in very recent years, to wit, in 1938, companions.
when approximately 150,000 gathered together in ~’~ Religion is a great system of confusion, and
assemblies at the same time in 47 cities in Britain, therefore Jehovah calls the religious organizat~¢,n
America, Canada, Australia, and other lands, and "Babylon". At Babel, or Babylon, religion was firat
by wire and wireless conununication heard the stone organized by the totalitarian ruler, Nin~ro(l. For
convention speeches from the key assembly at Lon- seventy years ancient Babylon held Jelmvah’s typical
don, England; also in 1940, while war raged in covenant people, that is, the faithful remnant there-
Europe and great persecution was upon Jehovah’s of, in captivity as exiles froln God’s organization. In
witnesses in America, and when 18 assemblies from due time he sent kings from the east, and they broke
coast to coast were held in the United States, all tied into the city, and thereafter the Lord released his de-
N. Y.

voted remnant and sent them forth from Babylon. through the gates ; prepare ye the way of the people ;
Modern Babylon, particularly "’Christendom" with east up, east up the highway; gather out the stones;
its "’orgamzed religion", held Jehovah’s consecrated lift up a standard for the people." (Isa. 6_’2: 10) "De-
servants in like bondage during the World War and part ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no
for some time thereafter. These were unable to free unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye
themselves. Then the Lord did so bv sending his clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD.For ye shall
Messenger of the Covenant, to wit, Christ Jesus, not go out with haste, nor go by flight : for the LORD
"the pri,lee of the ldngs of the earth," to the temple, will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your
and lie broke the restraints of the strong hold of rereward [rearguard]." (Isa. 52: 11, 12) They march
religion for them and led them forth. Of and concern- forth as victors over religion, not apologetically nor
Ing this the prophet says: "The breaker is come up in fear of self-exalted men, but boldly announeil,g
1)efore them; they have broken up, and have passed the name of Jehovah the Supreme One and also his
through the gate, and are gone out by it; and tlleir King of the Holy City, which is the only hope of the
king shall pass before them, and the LoaD on [at] people of good-will that seek life. The Lord’s "’other
the head of them."~Mic. 2:13. sheep" follow with and after the remnant, and the
""The breaker" is Christ Jesus, who has come to assembling of the rest of such "other sheep" con-
the temple and manifests his presence unto his tinues and the gathering work increases m earnest-
"’faitlfful and wise servant" elass, enlightening the ness as the "final end" draws near.
eyes of their understanding by the unfolding of God’s
Word, and who thus ’comes up before them’. They HEAR
re(.o’:nize him as their Leader, and discern that Jeho- ’* Reli~ous and political leaders in the liberal na-
vah God and Christ, and not human creatures, are tions granting free speech, free press and free w,~r-
tlleir Teachers. "And though the Lord give you the ship of God enjoy these freedoms for thems(.h’~.s,
bJead of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet but they declare that the servants of Jehovah have
shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any no right or commission to call public attention to
more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers." (Isa. and criticize the derelictions and failures of classes
30: 20) Other translations call Christ Jesus "the or organizations of men. God’s message proclaimed
wall-breaker" (Leeser); "one making a breach" neither names any individuals nor attacks and ridi-
(i?otherl~am). The religious leaders imprison the cules such, and yet they bee themselves according to
members of their congregation behind great walls of the description of God’s Word as declared bv Cod’s
religious traditions of men and "’doctrines of de- witnesses, and their tender religious susceptibilities
mons"; they back up the political powers and give are greatly shocked. Particularly do religdous lead-
them a great huild-up as the "ln~her powers .... or- ers howl that they are being subjected to that which
dained of God", and they use these political powers exposes them to ridicule, shame and obloquy, and
as a wall of protection for themselves and to put and they stir up acts of violence against the witnesses.
keep Jehovah’s faithful and active servants under This failing to silence the faithful proelainlers of
tebtraint. They did so in 1918, and succeeded then God’s Word, the religious element cry out to the po-
for a time. But the "wall-breaker" appeared and took litical element for a revamping of the Bill of human
the lead, and in 1919 opened the way for their free rights and for the enactment of new laws to get
and fearless action as the witnesses of Jehovah unto Jehovah’s servants. Note the cunning of the Set pent
all nations. as below:
’~ Following after the King of Jehovah’s THEO- In the November, 1941, issue of the Law Bericw
CP, ATIC {jOVERN.~IENT, the faithful remnant broke the of a prominent eastern religious college, a Catholic
entanglements of the besetting sin of religion, and priest, who is a memberof the Congregation of Mls-
the bonds of the fear of men, political and religious, stuns, writes specifically concerning Jehovah’s ",vlt-
and marched forth through the gate of Babylon and nesses, to wit: "Since they regard their propaganda
into the "liberty of the sons of God", the Lord’s activities as forms of worship, however, they are not
"free men". They followed no man, but recognized likely to let the susceptibilities of others interfere
that the Kingdom had come and that Christ Jesus is with what they regard as their God-given duty.
the King and rightful Ruler of the world, and that Hence it may be necessary to revise some of our
,lehovah was and is the Head over all, the great Theo- statutes in the interests of the general welfare ....
crat. They march away from the Devil organization it seems as though an amendmentto our statute will
of Babylon and march on to Zion, Jehovah’s capital be necessary in order for libel of a group to be pun-
organization, THE THEOCnACY, which shall govern ishable criminally. If such an extension is proposed
the new world in righteousness. Hence the Lord’s it shouldbe LIMITED TO WELL ASCERTAINABLE RACIAL
(.mnmand to lfis people now is: "Go through, go OR RELIGIOUS GROUPS, however, . . . " Finally, w~th
TE P,. 71

a practical admission that Catholic-inspired mob vio- ’~ Jehovah calls to both those of "Jacob" an,t tlv~-e
lence has failed to halt the witnesses in America, and of "Israel" to hear God’s message. Thereby the Lord,
then artfully blaming those who fought for religious in the modernfulfillment, speaks to the ruling i’actt~rs
liberty in Europe as responsible for the blood spilled of both "the king of the south" and "the king of tlte
in the fight, this priest with oily words concludes: north" now engaged in a struggle for worhl domi-
"Action of some sort is urgent for the protection of nation. The reli#ous and political and commereml
domestic peace and unity. The Witnesses cannot be elements of "Christendom" do not inquire of Jehovah
left to the mercy of mobviolence ; nor is a legislative God and of his enthroned King Christ Jesus, nor do
persecution proposed. But in the light of European they ask to be told of God’s purposes toward the
experience as to the frightful but loNcal results of world and of his judgment of them; but Jehovah
an unrestrained outpouring of intolerant and bigoted gives them full warning and commandshis witnesses
hatredIracial or religious--it is time for Americans to give the warning, and he orders his enemies to
to re-examine this question in its entirety and pro- "hear". So doing, Jehovah does not take advantage
vide a remedy which will be effective as well as just of his enemies facing destruction. Were such sincere
and constitutional." in their profession to be "Christians" and hence in a
" No laws by men that would forbid the preaching covenant with God to do his will, and if they wele
of God’s kingdom in the manner that Christ Jesus sincere in claiming to be "the higher powers" and
and his apostles preached it could be just; for only "ordained of God", they would respectfully hear
the Lord’s way is just, and what is opposed thereto God’s warning by his witnesses. As to the warning
could only be ’framing mischief by a law’. (Ps. 94 : 20) vigorously delivered by Jehovah’s witnesses, lmrtic-
The Lord has no fellowship with such iniquitous law- ularly down to 1940, the Lord has not asked wh(,ther
framers who are now in the throne on earth. Such they wanted to hear, hut he sent forth the warning
proposed laws could not even be constitutional, be- in mercy and fairness. Likewise in due time he will
cause they take away the right of an unpopular not ask whether the totalitarian ruliltg factors of
minority to freely worship God by following in the "Christendom" want to hear, but, shortly now, ""Ad-
steps of Jehovah’s Chief Witness as he left us the ings out of the east [front Christ the King] and out
example. (1 Pet. 2: 21) Whenhe called the religious of the north [from Jehovah God] shall troul~le him
clergy "wolves", ’q~?~pocrites," ’qiars, .... whited sepul- [the rulers gone totalitarian] : therefore lie shall ~o
chers" hiding the bones of Jehovah’s martyred wit- forth with great fury to destroy, and utterlx to make
nesses, "vipers," and other true terms, God’s Chief away many." (Dan. 11:44) This furious action pr,~ves
Witness was not guilty of "an unrestrained outpour- that such totalitarian-religious fighters against Je-
ing of intolerant and bigoted hatred" nor of "libel hovah’s THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT did not want to
of a group"; and yet He was crucified at the instance hear, but were displeased at what they heard and
of clergymen heading a mob and as an act that was therefore will try to make away with Jehovah’s wit-
"urgent for the protection of domestic peace and nesses and their faithful companions.
unit?"’. ~° "Is it not for you to know judg-ment?" Because
’~ The laws the Catholic priest hints at could be attempting to occupy the place of rulers ove~ the
nothing else nor less than "leNslative persecution" peoples of "Christendom" and as guardians of th(ur
and would put the lawmakers in the position of fight- interests, the religious, political and emnmerclalele-
ing against God. Such Catholic advice is totally con- ments should know and are responsible to know what
trary to the Jewish advice given by a doctor of the is justice or right judgmmnt, particularl.~ as they
law at Jerusalem: "And now I say unto you, Refrain claim to be the "higher powers" and rep~ esentinI: (;t,d
from these men, and let them alone: for if this coun- on earth. "The Godof Israel said, the Rock ol’ I:rael
sel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: spoke to me, Ite that ruleth over men must he .lust,
but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest ruling in the fea," of God: and tie shall be as the llzht
haply ye be found even to fight against God." (Acts of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning
5 : 38, 39) The day will soon comewhen the political without clouds: as the tender grass sprmgmZout of
lawmakers will realize that their present allies, the the earth by clear shining after rain." (2 Sam. 23 : 3, 4)
religious clergy, maneuvered them into fighting Such is the prophet’s description of what the ruler,
against God, "whose name alone is Jehovah," thus o," King of Jehovah’s THEOCRACY, is and shall be.
marldng themselves for slaughter at God’s hands at " "Christendom’s" ruling factors, with the clergy
Armageddon. (Rev. 17: 16, 17) Now, therefore, as their spiritual advisers, forget Jehovah God and
good time Jehovah by his prophet warns all such, his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. NOWthey follow the
saying: "And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of lead of the demonsand seek to set up in place of that
Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel: Is it Theocracy their "new world order" with rell,:ion, or
not for you to know judgment?"--Mie. 3: 1. demonism, under full protection of the political rul-

ers and financially supported by the commercial witnesses] of Jesus: and when I saw her, I won-
eh,ment. Such presumptuousness is abominable in dered." (Rev. 17 : 6) "And in her was found the blood
God’s sight, and thus they stand up their "abomina- of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain
tion of desolation" where it ought not to stand, to wit, upon the earth." (Rev. 18 : 24) Therefore let all who
"’in the holy place," as a fraudulent makeshift for would please God and live shun religion.
Jehovah’s holy Government under Christ Jesus. ~Particularly the religious leaders pretend to
(Matt. 24:15 : Mark 13 : 14) They promise the people have great love for the people and to be concerned
a "peace with justice", but in their manner of setting about their welfare here on earth nowand their eter-
up the totalitarian "abomination of desolation" they nal life hereafter: but religion is responsible for the
have shown no justice. war since 1939 between "the king of the north" and
:~ Furthermore, by Jehovah’s witnesses they have "the ldng of the south", and which is the most (te-
been notified that this is the day of judgment of the structive and bloody war of hmnan history and for
nations, particularly since the Lord’s coming to the which the people are suffering heavy burdens of
temple in 1918, and that they are being judged by taxation and great privations, and the totalitarian
their acts toward T~-mTHEOcr~.tCYand those who ad- powers treat human flesh as cheap and manv human
vertise it to the nations. They have the Holy Scrip- bones are literally broken and bodies flayed and
tures of the Bible which set forth the righteousness blown to pieces. The head of the greatest relig~ious
of God. They have ttmir many and spacious cathe- organization in "Christendom" oft advertises to the
drals and religious buildings for the assemhly to public his grief and "sorrowing heart" as for their
worship, and have a hired clergy paid to study God’s sufferings, and yet he has political alliances by con-
commandments and pro’poses. They have set aside cordats with the political elements of "the kin~ of
the first day of the week for all to have opportunity the north". Unto this religious potentate the so-called
of a full day to worship..ks for the modern-day "children of the church" throughout the worht vow
"heads of Jacob" and "’princes [rulers; judges] of their allegiance above their allegiance unto the po-
the house of Israel", even these the religious leaders litical State, and he claims spiritual power and au-
have made to be "the principal of the flock". Itave thority over more than 350 million of the religdous
they, then, any valid excuse before God not to know population of "Christendom", and particularly in the
judgment and what is justice ? nations that make up the Nazi-Fascist "’king of the
~ What, however, is their record since A.D. 1918, north", and his word to those millions is as the law
from and after which date all nations have been gath- of God. A few days before "the king of the north"
ered before Jehovah’s great Judge upon his throne blasted his way by blitzkme 9 over Poland several
at the temple ? Let the people now examine and judge hundred delegates of national, religious, veterans’
as to the fulfilhnent of the pr()l)hec.v. Fvensince cast- and trade-union groups met in Chicago, Illinois, and
ing Satan out of heaven Jehovah has i)ermitted him cabled a plea to the religious head at Vatican City
to remain; and Satan’s demon-controlled visible rep- to excommunicate that born, baptized and reared
resentatives on earth God has left to prove hy their Catholic dictator of Germany, to "help tlLe cause of
aet~ and deeds in office wilether reliamn has taught freedom, Christianity, humanity, and civilization at
them judgment and justice. Itas it ? Or the contrary, this time". The ’sorrowing-hearted’ ruler of Vatican
the prophet speaks concerning them as those "who City flatly refused their petition and heht fast his
hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their Concordat ties with the totalitarian dictator, and the
skin from off them, and their flesh from off their cruelest of all wars has continued since their peti-
])ones: who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay tion over two years ago.
their skin from off them; and they break their bones, ’~ Morerecently, the last day of 194I, a prominent
and chop them in pieces as for the pot, and as flesh financier of Cleveland, Ohio, and who is also recog-
within the caldron". (Mie. 3: 2, 3) Ttus compares with nized as an "authority on world, religions", wrote a
the action of a wild beast ; and the Scriptures liken the letter to the Vatican’s "apostolic delegate" to the re-
demon-ruled totalitarian organization of "Christen- ligionists in America. In this letter that banker and
dora" to a "scarlet coloured beast" with reliNon, "the industrialist urged upon the RomanCatholic Hier-
great whore," riding on the hack thereof as the spirit- archy the "calling upon its members everywhere to
ual superpower. (Rev. 17 : 1-5) The womanwho rides oppose the pagan German and Japanese forces that
the "’beast" is responsible for its destructive, bloody seek to enslave the worht. Onee the [Catholic] church
course against the people, and particularly against has spoken, Italy can no longer range herself on the
the servants of Jehovah God. Concerning "organized side of these ruthless aggressors nor Ireland con-
religion" the record says, in s)unbol: "And I saw the tinue to remain aloof from the struggle". (Cleveland
womandrunken with the blood of the saints, and with Plain Dealer, January 3, 1942; New York Times)
the blood of the martyrs [(Young’s) the blood of the Again the Vatican refuses to turn its millions of re-
MA~Ca1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 73

li~ous children against its totalitarian partners the remnant of God’s elect and their companions.
whomit is using as "the sword of the church", and "The righteous cry, and the LORDheareth, and de-
the sufferings of the people increase. The ultrareli- livereth them out of all their troubles." (l’s. 34 : 17)
gionists and allies consider that such is a cheap price Then the turn of the persecutors and opposer., comes
for tile gaining of their selfish aims, to wit, world and they have the chance to prove how mu(’h tht, lr
domination contrary to the will and kingdom of Jeho- cries and prayers avail with God. "Then." that is,
vah God by Christ Jesus. Nowthose members of the when "the breaker" begins to dash the nation.- to
Itierarchy who swear allegiance to that foreign pow- pieces like a potter’s vessel at Armageddonand their
er at the Vatican and who reside in the lands of "the cries to their demon gods prove unavailing, they
ldng of the south" profess to be great friends of raise their deathbed cries to ,Jehovah God. "And they
democracy, and recently one outstanding member of shall know that I am Jehovah," but their cries to him
the ttierarchy in America said at a large public reli- will not be of worship nor for the glory of his name
gious gathering: "Pernmnent peace can be founded and its vindication.
only on justice and charity. The only enduring peace ~ Jehovah will vindicate his name in the destruc-
that will restore the world to sanity and to a sense tion of the wicked; hence he will not answer their
of the dignity of humanpersonality is the peace of selfish prayers for preservation. "For he shall have
Pope Plus XII." (Cincinnati Ttmes-Star, October 13, judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no
1941) Thus they hope to pave the way for the reli- mercy." (Jas. 2: 13) "Whoso stoppeth his ears at the
gious partner of "the king of the nortil" to sit in on cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall
the expeeted peace conference and to control it. not be heard." (Prey. 21: 13) Especially since 1!318
~’ Also in the lands of "the king of the south" the they have been warned by Jehovah’s faithful ap-
religious, political and commercial men in authority pointed watchmen, but have scoffed at the warning
show they "hate the good, and love the evil" in their and not taken advantage of the time available to flee
hatred of THETHEOCRACY and the love of the demon- to the "mountains" of THETHnocn.~cr ; and now the
rule of the "present evil world", and therefore they FIXAL nXD comes upon them. Jehovah changes not,
hate Jehovah’s witnesses who proclaim THE THEOC- and he sticks to his jud~nent written and executes
r~ACY, and they make and improperly apply laws to the same upon them. "’When ?’our fear eometh as
suppress them. At the same time they love religion, desolation, and your destruction eometh as a whirl-
which is demonism, and love those who are the wind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
friends of the world and hence the enemies of God, Then slmll they call upon me, but I will not answer;
therefore "evil". In their secular and religious news- the?" shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
papers and publications they flay the sldn off and for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the
pick to pieces Jehovah’s witnesses, who are not of fear of the LOUD:they would none of my counsel;
this world, and these are also bruised and torn and they despised all my reproof: therefore shall they
broken by demonized mobs and lawbreaking police eat the fmfit of their ownway, and be filled with their
and the "strong-arm squad", stirred up by fanatical own devices."--Prov. 1:27-31.
reli~onists. Should these of "Christendom" not have ’~The Lord must let justice have its righteous
known and exercised justice and judgment? course at Armageddon. The demon-controlled reli-
~’ Nowconcerning such "heads" and "rulers" and gionists and their allies have behaved themselves as
"princes" and "judges" and their agents and hangers- "goats" against the least of Christ’s bretltren who
on the Lord God says: "Then shall they cry unto the proclaim TttE TH~OCRACL and the.v are gathered to
LORD[Jehovah], but he will not hear them; he will his left side of disfavor. He therefore hides his face
even hide his face from them at that time, as they of grace and pity from them: "The face of the Lor, D
have behaved themselves ill in their doings." (Mie. is against them that do evil, to cut off the remem-
3 : 4) These are words of comfort and encouragement brance of them from the earth." (Ps. 34: 16) The
to those who now suffer and whom the enemy now Lord has given them ample warning, and now he
make to cry out unto Jehovah God and Christ Jesus directs his faithful servants to tend his "other sheep"
for grace to help them to maintain their integrity and comfort all of good-will that mourn. The faithful
under persecution and reproach. "And shall not God know that the present persecution upon them is not
avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto a sig-n that Jehovah has hid his face from them, lint
him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that is permitted as a test of their integrity toward Itim
he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the and his TnnocR,tTm GOVERX.~IEXT, and they therefore
Son of mancometh, shall he find faith on the earth ?" endure with joyfulness and hold fast their integ-
(Luke 18: 7, 8) The religionists do not have such rity. Continuing to do so, they are "blameless in
faith, and they take advantage of God’s forbearance the day of our Lord Jesus Christ".--1 Cot. 1:8.
and continue to heap suffering and reproach upon ’° Great objection has been made to the statement,
N. Y.

"’ReliMon is a snare and a racket." and judges seated the hand). Concerning those who fail to support the
in solemn court have manifested great indig’nation religious organization they publicly say that the
a~ainst those who have published this plain fact. calamities and tribulations and woes upon the peo-
The political, judicial and police elements have great- ple are visitations from God for forsakin~ relignon.
ly exercised themselves to protect the religious rack- Further quoting the above-mentioned Hierarchy
eteers. Note now what the Lord God declares He member, the newspaper reports him as saying: "Be-
will do, and observe whether he condemns religion as cause the world is so degraded by sin--the sins of
a snare and racket : "Thus saith the LORDconcerning individuals, of homes, of nations--we may regard
the prophets [religionists] that make my people err, the present war as a divine chastisement." Which is
that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace: and he to say, that the totalitarian "king of the north" is the
that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare instrument of God and Christ to chastise the peopl~.s
war against him."--Mic. 3:5. of the nations that have broken away and do not sub-
~’ as true prophets or mouthpieces of God, mit to the ruler at Vatican City as the spiritual
the religious leaders make a great display of worldly superpower. Such statement is a religious blasphemy
k~’,owiedge and education and make great and bold against God, and is induced by the demonsto turn tim
(.la,ns for themselves, that they have a stand-in with people against God and into Satan’s trap of religion.
(;o:1 and possess special mysterious powers peculiar ,3 "And he that putteth not into their mouths, they
to themselves: and thus they make the deceived peo- even prepare war against him." This is the course
ple look to them for the exercise of such supposed of all racketeers. Those who refuse to come across
powers and they gain the confidence of the ignorant with contributions for protection from the racket,
t~ usting people. Then they teach the people the wis- they threaten and intimidate, and against them they
(t,m~ of this xxorld and the traditions of demonized carry on a war of damage and destruction. If any-
men which make void God’s Word of life. Thereby one exposes their racket and thereby causes inter-
they cause the people to err from the path of hght ference with their contributions and support fr.m
and life and to go in the way that leads to opposition others who have been their victims, they war upon
to Jehovah’s THzocrtAa:lc GovEI~X~tnxTand to de- such one to destroy him or his influence. For ttns
struction at Armageddon. These religious prophets reason Jehovah’s witnesses are the object of their
or spokesmen of demonism make loud. boastful pre- bitterest war and attacks. Jehovah’s witnesses do
dictions in behalf of the works and institutions of not put handouts into the mouths of tim religious
men, such as the League of Nations, which the Fed- prophets and preachers, but are uncompromisingly
eral Council of Ctmrehes in America called "the po- opposed to reliNon as being demonism. They preach
litical expression of the Kingdomof God on earth"; tim truths of the Bible, and this exposes the falsity
al:o such as the "new order of things" by the totali- and duplicity of religious gangsters and causes the
tarian dictators, for which "new order" the pope honest-hearted seekers after God to quit supporting
prayed on N(,w~.mber °4, 1940, and which prayer re- the religious institutions and the idle, nonproduclng
sl,(,n--ihle Italian authorities said echoed the aims of clerk’. The witnesses also go from house to hou-e
tlw "Axis powers"; and also such as popular human with the message in printed and recorded form, tlmt
rule. for which rule sudden fmendship is now ex- the people may read and hear, so that it is not neces-
pl(’~-~-ed by the official members in America of the sary for the truth-seekers to go to religious nL~,t,t~n:~-
totalitarmn Hierarchy, the European members of places and put moneyinto the collection plate for tim
winch Iticrarchy co-operate in the destruction of clergyman’s hire. The religious prophets or preach-
,letnoeratic and constitutional liberal governments. ers see their revenue being turned away, that the
The advocates of all such do not take into account victims of their racket are being put wise anti
the "end of the world" at Armageddon, now near. snatched from their power. Hence they prepare
~-Further describing their racket, the Lord says: gangster-like war against these benefactors of all
"’ [They] bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace." Leeser who love truth and righteousness and liberty.
renders this: "Who, when they have something to ~’ "They hallow against him a war !" (Botherham~
hire with their teeth, cry, Peace." This proves they Such war they carry on by appealing to the poiiti-
u~e religi(m for self-gain. To those who give them clans and laxxanakers and to the police force and
handouts, they "cry, Prosper!" (Rotherham) The "strong-arm squad"; and bv influencing the judges
apostle also speaks of the religionists, "whose God of the courts; and by pressure and boycott on the
is tl:eir bell)’, and whoseglory is in their shame, who commercial element ; and by propaganda amt misrep-
mind earthly things." (Phil. 3: 19) Whencollections resentation in both the secular and the religmus
and d~umtions are coming in, they are very generous newspapers and periodicals; and by concordats and
and liberal m Ix’stowing their ecclesiastical blessings secret deals with the totahtarian dictators. The
(whtclL cost them nothing but words and motions with clergy speak of this as a "holy war" in bet:all of
religion or demonism, and hallow such opposition to not fulfill to them his promise stated to his faithful
God’s "strange work", and thus prove themselves to witness Daniel : "NowI am come to make thee m~der-
be "goats". Jehovah foresaw this warfare, and he stand what shall befall thy people [Jehovah’s xxit-
warns and strengthens his people against it and in- nesses] in the latter days [where we now are]: for
vites the enemy to come and to do their worst : "Pro- yet the vision is for many days." (Dan. 10:141 The
claim ye this among the Gentiles ; Prepare war, wake faithful servants and witnesses of Jehovah, howevt, r,
up the mighty men, let all the menof war draw near ; are the ones that are now favored with the "vismn"
let them come up : beat your plowshares into swords, and they see in the events of these critical da.~s the
and your pruninghooks into spears : let the weak say, fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 11: 27-45.
I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye ~’ To another of his faithful witnesses of old ,Jt,ho-
heathen, and gather yourselves together round about : yah comnmnded: "’Write the vision, and make it
thither cause thy might?- ones to comedown, 0 LOr, D. plain upon tables, that he inay run that rea,h,th it.
.\Iultitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision; for For the vision is yet for an appointed time, hut at
the day of the LOaDis near in the valley of decision." the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it ta~ ry,
(,Joel 3 : 9-14 ; see the book Religion, pages 316-340) wait for it; because it will surely come, it will ,,~t
The faithful remnant and their companions maintain tarry." (Hab. 2: 2, 3) The religionists have r~,l~’t.~d
their integrity under such warfare and assaults and the Word of the Lord, and they have no visl,m of
l efuse to yield any support to the "prophets" of THETttEOCR,C’~’, the sole hope of mankind.Th~’l ~,t’ore
religion. they and their religious organizations shall I~- de-
NO VISION stroyed at Armageddon. "Where there is no vi.,lon,
’~ To those who war against His people of integrity the people perish; but he that keepeth the buy I,f
giving their undivided allegiance and support to hiin Jehovah God], happy is he." (Prov. 29: 1S) Th(,re
and his TnEocnATmGOVERX~tr~.xTJehovah now says: is a "vision", but not to those religious op~.~,-er, of
"Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not TttE THEOCR.XC¥. "And the vision of all is b~,,’,m.~e
have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that unto you as the words of a book [the llll~le] tlmt is
ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over sealed [till the time of the end], wlnch mend~*hv,,i t,~
the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. one that is learned [in religion], sayinm Remlthis, I
pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it i- .,eal,~I "
Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners
confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips: for (Isa. 29: I1) WereJehovah Godto ~.dve an\ sucl’~
"vision" they would surely commercialize it, as they
there is no answer of God." (Mic. 3: 6, 7) The fulfill-
ment of this prophecy marks the coming of the great have done their religion. "The prophets there(,l’ di-
mental and spiritual darkness upon "Christendom" vine for money." (Mic. 3: 11) To walk in lhe Ilzht
and her religious leaders. Such religious leaders fear and to escape destruction the persons of go, ,d-xx i ll
creatures and men, and not Jehovah God, and the must quickly turn away from those religiom,ts and
Lord withholds from them the light of his revealed unto THz THEOCRACY, upon which the alory of Jeho-
truth, because "’the secret of the LORDis with them vah shines, making plain his written Word.
that fear him", and "light is sown for the righteous". ’* Jehovah will bring to nought all the predictmns
(Pss. 25 : 14 ; 97 : 11) By the battle at Shiloh the reli- and divinations of the "prophets" eoncerniug worht
gious organization of ancient Israel was destroyed, domination by a "new world order" or a "’new l~,ague
and now the condition has come upon "Christendom" of Nations", so that they shall (’ease to divine and
as in the days of Israel right before the disaster of predict and promise, because always with failure and
Shiloh, to wit: "And the word of the LORDwas pre- self-exposure to themselves. Jehovah "
cious in those days; there was no open vision." the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad;
(1 Sam. 3: 1) The prophets of religion are in the that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their
darkness of starless night; they are blind leaders of knowledgefoolish". (Isa. 44: 25) Then those religi,nl-
the blind. They are not of the "young men" upon ists who look wise and pretend to have a vis,on xxill
whomthe Lord God pours out his spirit of illumina- be shamed by the Lord. No anti-hate laws azamst
tion and power and who "see visions" of Jehovah’s exposing religion to shame and public conten~pt will
THEOCRATIC GOVEnXMEXT and of his purpose to vin- be able to protect them. Their hopes for a new day
dicate his name thereby and to bless the obedient of of religion in polities will turn to darkness. Their
humankind.--Joel 2 : 28. sun of prosperity will set for ever, and the reli:zmus
’" Nowwe are in "the last days" of demon rule, diviners of blessings promised by other ways than
and the religionists together with their political and by God’s kingdom shall be confounded. All along
coInmereial allies are groping in the darkness in they have claimed that they are God’s chamwls of
wlfich the demons have been reserved unto the day communication and that God answers mankind
of judg’ment. God, whomthey pretend to serve, does through the mediumof the clergy, and their mouths

have been open presumably to give the message from and carry on a national conference of so-called
God. But after they begin to cry "Peace and safety !" "Christians" and Jews. They object to anyone dis-
as their one last prediction, then Godwill give them cussing contradictory reli~ous doctrines in public
reason to "all cover their lips; for there is no an- or to calling attention to delinquencies and hypoc-
swer of God".--Mie. 3:7. risies of professional men who are responsible be-
~ They shall cover their "upper lips" (Hebrew), fore God and men.
to not further open their mouths and show their fool- ’~ This is the day of judgment of "Christendom"
ishness and lies. Doubtless, when Jehovah gives his and of all the nations. Therefore Jehovah’s judg-
enlphatic warning to "Christendom’s" reli#ous-total- ments must be declared against such, and he raises
itarian rulers, as stated at Daniel 11:44, "tidings up his "people for his name", whomhe has taken out
out of the east and out of the north shall trouble from the nations. His spirit is his invisible power by
him," then the religious element shall find it prudent which he moves his devoted people in his service.
to disguise themselves and hide out. "And it shall Upon these lie pours out his spirit, and he commis-
come to pass in that day, ttlat the prophets shall be sions and empowers them to serve as his witnesses.
ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath As clearly marked by the facts in evidence, since
prophesied; neither shall the)" wear a rough gar- A.D. 1922 he has poured out his spirit of power,
ment to deceive: but he shall say, I am no prophet, and they have ’the double portion of Elijah’s spirit’,
I am an husbandnmn ; for man taught me to keep cat- and are filled with the boldness and fearlessness of
tle from my youth. And one shall say unto him, What the prophet Elisha. (2 Ki. 2:9, 15) They are blind
are these wounds in thine hands ? Then lie shall an- to everything save only THETHEOCRACY,and, like the
swer, Those with which I was wounded in the house blinded Samson, who pulled down the pillars of de-
of nly friends." (Zeeh. 13: 4-6) But they shall not es- monism, they are full of power by the Lord’s spirit
cape destruction. That is God’s only answer to them. to use the spiritual weapons of Christian warfare
and which weapons are mighty through God to the
SPIRIT pulling down of strongholds of religion or demon-
’°In contrast with that disastrous result which ism. Jehovah also puts his spirit upon his "other
has ah’eady begun fulfilling upon the religious proph- sheep", the companions of the remnant, just as He
ets and diviners, the faithful witness of Jehovah put his spirit upon faithful menof old before Christ,
says: "But truly I am full of power by the spirit of to accomplish his will and his work through them.
the LoaD, and of judgment, and of might, to declare ’~ The religionists shrink from the Lord’s judg-
unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin." ments written in his Word centuries ago and treat
(Mic. 3: 8) Those whopresume to act as the spiritual them as intolerant; but the "faithful and wise serv-
instructors to the nations are filled with the spirit of ant" of the Lord counts it an honor to declare .~ueh
the world. They make friendship with the world, and judgments and to be associated with Christ Jc,sus,
hence try to carry on the "good neighbor policy" who shall execute those judgnalents upon the enemy:
with Satan’s organization. They have utterly failed "To execute upon them the judgment written: thib
to declare to either the totalitarian or the democratic honour have all his saints." (Ps. 149:9) Such lmve
section of "Christendom" the transgres-ion and sins boldness in this (lay of jud~uent. (1 Jolm 4:17, 18)
these commit against Jehovah God and his King. They are filled with nlight, being strong in the Lord
The pontiff at Vatican City refuses to denounce and and in the power of his might. They have u~der-
excommunicate the arbitrary dictator of Germany, standing of their relationship to Jehovah and his
or to condenm the rape of Ethiopia or the invasion THEOCRACY, and therefore have strength. (Prov.
of Albania and Greece ; he pronounces the rebel who 8: 14) They glory in the might of no man, but in
set up the dictatorship upon the blood-soaked ruins Jehovah. (Jer. 9:23) They keep covenant with God
of the Spanish Republic a "Christian gentlenmn". by fulfilling their commission, being "filled with the
Whenthat disgrace to American judicial history was knowledgeof his will, in all wisdomand spiritual un-
selling justice for filthy lucre the Vatican knighted derstanding; that ye might walk worthy of the Lord
him as a "papal knigl,.t of the order of St. Gregory unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work,
the Great", and not one word of rebuke does that and increasing in the knowledge of God; strength-
religious Hierarchy utter against him since his re- ened with all might, according to his glorious power,
cent conviction and imprisonment in Federal jail. unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness".
Ileligionists of all denominations close their eves to --Col. 1 : 9-11.
history and slap one another on the back in public (To be cont,nued)

K,,ow therefore that Jehotah tt, y God, he ts God, the faithful God,
who ~eepeth covenant and lot’zpzg~ndness w~th them that love h~m
and ~eep his corn mandments.--Deuteronomy 7:9, A.R.V.
N A.D 33 Jesus with his disciples kept the passover, as
I commandedby Jehovah God. That was the last passover.
Jesus knew he was soon to be put to death and before
death. That his words meant that his body members are
partners in his suffering and death is fully supported by the
apostle, who under inspiration of the holy slnrit wrote:
that event he must instruct his disciples, and through them "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion
instruct others of like precious faith who should follow [partnership] of the blood of Christ? The bread wlueh we
after, of arid concerning his Father’s purpose, and therefore break, is it not the eommumon of the body of Christ ? For
he did the things recorded. "And as they were eating [the we, being man3", are one bread, and one body; for we are
Passover], Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, all partakers of that one bread.’--I Cor. 10: 16, 17.
and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my Those taken into this sacrificial arrangement with Christ
body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it Jesus must be made acceptable therefor by bemg justified
to them, saying, Drink ye all of it: for this is myblood of or made righteous through faith in Jehovah God and m Ins
the new testament, which is shed for manyfor the remission provided Lamb Christ Jesus and then making a full and
of sins " (Matt. 26: 26-28) The instltut,,on of this memorial unreserved consecration of themselves to Godto do Ins will
by the Lord Jesus tool: place immediately following the eat- (Rom. 5: 1, 9) Eating of the bread does not mean that those
ing of the last passover, and it is the memorial of Jesus’ eating are justified to life by that whichis symbolizedby lhe
death that his followers are commandedto annually observe. eating. Nor do those words of Jesus mean that all must feed
The law covenant, which included the yearly passover, upon that "bread" and be sustained by the humamty of
was made in Egypt ~ith Moses as the chief one or mediator. Jesus. One must first be justified before one can bt~come a
The new coxenant as foretold at Jeremiah 31:31-34 was part of that "q3read" which is afterwards broken Jesu~ took
made by Jehovah with Christ Jesus while Jesus was on the loaf of unleavened bread and broke it and said to his
earth (antitypical Egypt), and it was the blood of the followers: "This is my body." Then his word~ wL’re m sub-
Lord Jesus that made good or operative that new covenant. stance these : ’You must cat, that ~s to say, partake w~th me
Therefore tie said to his disciples, referring to the wine in and thereby become my parmcrs or fellow sufferers, and as
the cup which represented his lifeblood: "This is myblood this bread you see me break represents the body of Chmst,
of the covenant .... Drink ye all of it."~Matt. 26 : 27, 28, or the membersthereof, all of such must be broken tog~,~her.’
Am. Rev. Vet. Such breaking of the bread or "body" and the dlmkm~of
Previously Jesus had uttered these words (John 6 : 53) the blood must take place after those partakm~ hax e first
"Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his been justified and spirit-begotten and taken into t_’h~lst’s
blood, ye have no life in you." He was then speaking of his body, and therefore only such properly partake of the
"sheep", the ’qittle flock" (Luke 12: 32), who becomemem- Memorial emblems.
bers of Jehovah’s royal house of sons. Othemvise stated, it Justification does not result from such breakm~ of tile
is the ones begotten of God’s spirit as his sons and taken body and drinking of the blood, because .lust~fication by
into the new covenant that must eat the bread and drink faith and consecration must first precede or be had before
the blood. But do not all persons that ever get life have to the breaking of the bread and drinking of the wi~e can
’eat of the bread’? No. only the spiritual sons eat the bread, take place. Jesus did not offer the bread and wmeto every-
and drink the blood. All who get life on earth must exercise one, but only to those who had proved their faithfulness.
faith in the lifeblood of Christ Jesus poured out for the (Luke 22:28-30) It follows, then, that only those properly
remission of sins, but at the institutmn of the Memorial partake of the emblems who are first justified and sI~mt-
he was inviting his faithful disciples alone to be broken begotten, and who arc in line for the kingdom of heaven.
with him and to be dead with him and to thus share in his It is the will of God that Jesus shall have associated with
death and in his resurrection. Since then his words apply him in his work as Vindicator of his Father’s name 144.000
only to those who are consecrated to God and are spirit- mcmbcl.’s of his body, all together constituting one body or
begotten. Let it be carefully noted that "Jesus took bread, royal house of sons of God. (Rev. 14: 1-4) Every one of such
and blessed it, and brake it", and gave the broken bread must undergo a test similar to that to which Jesus xxms sub-
to his disciples and commandedthem to eat. The breaking jected and must suffer and maintain integrity or blameless-
is of veD- great importance and cannot be ignored or passed ness toward God and must dle with Chmst Jesus as a con-
over. It is of vital sig’nificance to all whoparticipate with dition precedent to entering into the Lord’s glory.
Christ Jesus in his kingdom. It means that they must be- Jesus then proceeded to instruct his disciples concern-
comemembersof tile ’q3ody of Christ" (1 Cor. 12 : 12-18, 27) mgthe cup. The wine in the cup referred to his blood, and
and must be broken with him and therefore die with him his words, "’This is myblood of the new testament," msab-
in order to share with him in his Kingdomglory.~l Cor. stance, meant this: ’Tins represents my blood, which blood
11: 23, 24. makes good the new covenant, which covenant my Father
Jesus’ words, "This is mybody," meant, "This bread rep- has made with me. Also, it is the price of rcdcmptmn for
resents my body." The bread was merely a symbol, and the the humanrace, as many thereof as believe and obey’ Jesus
breaking of it discloses what must be done to those of the knew drinking the blood meant death, according to tile
¯ ’body of Christ". The wine, or "fruit of the vine", repre- law of Jehovah. (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11) He was therefore
sented his lifeblood about to be poured out, and to the dis- inviting his disciples to perform an act that meant their
ciples he said : "Drink ye all of it." His words clearly mean death, and was thus inviting them to participate in his
that all who will be associated with him in his house must death, and hence he said: "He that eateth m5 flesh, and
first be broken and die and therefore share with him in his drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I m him." (John
1~. Y.

6.56) That is the only way to be taken into TH~CHRIST, changed from humanto spirit. Only such as are in a rela-
and only those who are taken into and become members of tionship to the Lord similar to that between the apostles
THE CHRISTare broken with Christ Jesus and pour out and the Lord could be taken into the covenant for the
their life with him. Kingdom.(See Luke 22 : 28-30.) Therefore it is only those
Everyone who makes an unconditional consecration to who are in Christ and who share in his death that have a
do God’s will properly symbohzes or gives outward testi- part in the Kingdom, THETHEOCRACY. This excludes every-
mony thereof by being baptized in water. That baptism, one but the spiritual and anointed ones, and these alone
however, does not put him into the "body of Christ"; he properly partake of the Memorial emblems.
must be baptized into the sacrificial death of Christ Jesus, Those who properly and therefore worthily partake of
and that must be done after he has consecrated himself to the emblemsmust be first justified, and then spirit-begotten,
God and has. received justification. Writes the apostle: and gathered to the temple and anointed now with God’s
"Knowye not, that so many of us as were baptized into spirit. The Jonadabs are a class consecrated to do God’s
Jesus Chmstwere baptized into his death ? Therefore we are will, but are not spirit-begotten. They are not justified.
buried with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ Their hope is not in heaven, but is that they may hve on
was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, earth for ever. They have found refuge in Jehovah’s or-
even so we also shoutd walk in newness of life. For if we ganization under Christ Jesus, where they must remain un-
have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we til the day of Jehovah’s wrath is passed; and while remain-
shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." (Rom. ing in bounds, they must continue to seek righteousness and
6 : 3-5) Only those called to the heavenly calling will share meekness. Being ’strangers in the camp’ (Ex. 20: 10), who
in the sacrificial death of Christ Jesus. Only the "little have devoted themselves to God and Christ, they must par-
flock" of the Lord’s sheep, the spirit-begotten ones, are in tmipate in declaring the name and kingdom of God under
line to share m the death of Christ Jesus and in his glory Christ. But since they cannot share in the death of Chmst
that shall follow, and therefore only such properly partake Jesus, and hence cannot partake of his resarrecUon, it would
of the Memorial symbols. be entirely out of order and improper for them to partake
Those in Christ Jesus must and will discern the body of of the emblems. Being under the protection of God’s or-
Christ; that is to say, they will clearly distinguish between ganization, they are companions of the anointed and must
the body of flesh and the body of THE CHRIST. (1 Cor. serve with the anointed and joyfully do with their might
12: 12-14) Only such partake properly or worthily of the what their hands find to do. The Scriptural evidence and
Memorial emblems. To partake unworthily means to be the facts show that the Lord’s "other-sheep", or Jonadabs,
unfit and to partake irreverently.--1 Cor. 11:27-31. are now being gathered to the Lord and, as such, they are
Says the apostle (1 Cor. 5: 7, 8): "Christ our passover continuously praising God and Christ his King, because
is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast." The they see that the day of salvation and deliverance has come.
apostle means those that are in the class to which he be- Therefore they hail Christ, the King of glory, and joyfully
longed, therefore the spiritual class. (1 Cor. 1 : 1, 2) If one serve him continuously.
is of the Lord’s "other sheep", or Jonadabs, whoshall form All the Scriptural argument, therefore, conclusively
the "great multitude" that survives the final battle of Ar- establishes these facts, that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted
mageddon and shall live on earth for ever, he is not "in the memorial of his death and commandedthat this should
Chmst". (John 10: 16; 2 Ki. 10: 15-23; Rev. 7: 9-17) And be celebrated only by those who are begotten of God’s sprat
if one is not in Christ he cannot share in the death and and bapt,zed into the spiritual body of Christ; that such
resurrection of Chmst. Therefore it would be improper for spiritual sons would fail of their duty and miss their great
him to partake of the Memomalemblems. privilege if they did not partake of the Memorial; that
once each year it is their duty and privilege to thus cele-
brate the Memorial. It is entirely right and proper for the
The apostle writes: "For as often as ye eat this bread, Jonadabs to be present at such meeting and observe what
and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come." is done, that they may have a keener appreciation of the
(1 Cor. 11:26) Those who partake properly and with un- relationship of the anointed ones to Jehovah and a keener
derstanding and discernment thereby show that they recog- appreciation of the relationship of the Lord’s "other sheep"
nize the purpose of the death of Christ Jesus and that it is to Godand to Christ. It should be and is a time of rejoicing
their privilege to suffer and die with him in order to live for them also, because they appreciate the fact that the day
and reign with him, sharing his glory. As foretold at Mala- of deliverance has come.
chi 3 : 1-3, Christ Jesus has nowcometo the temple for judg-
ment ; but there are yet on earth in the flesh those whoprop- By having in mind the inspired words of the apostle,
erly continue to celebrate the Memorialfeast and should do so to wit, "Christ our passover is sacrificed . . . therefore let
until their ’change’ comes at death, when they are "changed, us keep the feast," it is easy to be seen that the flock or class
of which the apostle himself was and is a part, to wit, all
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye", giving up the
like members of the spiritual company, alone can properly
human organism and receiving at the hands of the Lord a
partake of the Memorial emblems. Jonadabs, or those who
spiritual body. (1 Cor. 15 : 50-54) It is enjoined upon them
shall compose the "great multitude", can never properly
to celebrate the Memorial and thus bear testimony of their
relationship to God and Christ Jesus, and they would be partake of those emblems. To do so would be doing injury
woefully negligent if they failed to do so. "Till he come," to themselves, as warned at 1 Corinthians 11 : 27-31.
therefore, is properly construed to meanuntil the last mem- It was in A.D. 1918 that the Lord Jesus appeared at the
ber of Christ’s body on earth finishes his course and is temple for judgment and there began the judgment of the

consecrated, spirit-begotten ones. (Mal. 3: 1-3) The ones upon his second coming the wine pictured the "joy of the
approved at that ;ud~nent have been taken into the temple. Lord". Nowall of the temple company are le.lowm~ m ~bo
Since that time, therefore, the true followers of Christ Jesus Lord, as symbolized by drinking ulth him the x~ me "’m.v. ",
have partaken of the emblems, not in sorrow, but with joy, and they are there in the temple showing fortt: the pra~-~’s
because the Lord. tile Head of the house, is with them. of ,Jehovah their Father. "Andin his temple doth ex t’i~ o.~le
/Matt. 26: 29) "’The frmt of the vine" is the wine, and speak of his glory."--Ps. 29:9.


N CELEBRATING the Memorial as commanded by
I the Great Theocrat Jehovah through his King Christ
,Jesus all religion must be avoided, to wit, the traditional
and the feet-members of the ’%ody of Christ" ~houhl follow
theu" lead Because the breaking the bread and drml, m’:
the wine both s3mbo’:~ze the identical thing, thex ~h,uld
formalities and cercmomcs of men under the influence of be sem’cd to and partaken of toaether by the allolnlt’d reiD-
,]emonism, which is religion. To observe the Memorial and nant. Therefore before the partaking there should l~t, til~.t
to follow the procedure of our Leader Christ Jesus is a one prayer offered over both emblemstogetllcI, ln~tead of
part of Christianity, or doing the will of God. All those an individual prayer upon each emblem separately l:xtn
wilo have taken their stand for THETttEOCm~,CYand who where there appear to be none to partake of the emblem,,~nd
desire to fulfill the Theocratic rule will without fail assem- all are Jonadabs, such should assemble, the d~seou~,e ,1~, nlld
ble themselves to keep the Memorial at the time appointed. be spoken or read, and the emblemsshould be prox ~d,,d io!
According to the law of God and the example of Christ any emergencyand should be offered at the proper ~n:t. l,)r
Jesus the time corresponding with the night of Nisan 14, any possible one desiring to fulfill his covena!lt o,12g,.’tmn
ulrich is Tuesday, March 31, 1942, after sundown, is the to partake thereof.
proper date to hold this feast to the vindication of Jeho- This Scriptural record shows that after pallakm~ ,3i
vah’s name and in remembrance of the sacrifice of his Vin- the emblemsthe Lord Jesus and the apostles tah, ed a[a~ut ,l
dicator, Clmst Jesus, "the Lambof God." Therefore, after numberof things pertaining to the Lord’b service amt m.~ re-
6 p.m. of March 31 all Christians seeking meekness and taining their integrity by continuous and s~eadf,~,l a,.~ ~tx-
mghteousness will gather together to honor and give praise therein. Likewise it would next be m order alltl plc.~,ing
to God and his King. This privilege and obligation includes to the Lord for the chairman to use a few minutes t,, call at-
not alone the anointed remnant who shall partake of the tention to mid discuss the field service, espeemllx m’,:~m.:
bread and the wine, but also alt persons of good-will, the all present to take part in the current li altht¢m’,r o:,m-
Lord’s "other sheep", or Jonadabs. The assembling of these ~-
paign and also the "Children of Tile l(!ng" ’I’estmml~ l’t
latter with the remnant on this occasion shows that they riod beginning the very next morning, Wcdnesda.x. -ki’: ~1 1
have been gathered into the one fold in company with the Accordingly provision should be made that after thc ,hs-
Lord’s "little flock", that they are all at unity and fighting missal any of the attendants may obtmn needed Im’r;’.:!:re
~houlder to shoulder for TIlE TtlEOCRACY,and that they or territoD- and arrangements be made to take ncu]) !n-
are not ashamed to confess Christ’s brethren before men terestcd ones present into the witness work.
but their hope of salvation is in Jehovah and his provided The record by Matthew and ,Mark state that after ,fetus
Lamb, Christ Jesus. and the apostles had sung a hymn or psalm they went out
The full preparations for an orderly observance should of the assembly place. (Matt. 26: 30; Mark 14:261 But the
be made by the appointed servants of the group assembhng. record by John shows timt lmmed!ately before going out the
Since those of the spirit-begotten remnant are primarily Lord Jesus uttered a final prayer, as contained !n ,1,din
concerned, such of them as arc capable should rightly be chapter 17 and after which verse one of elmpt<,!’ c~l~cn
gl~ en the preference as to service. One should act as chair- says "’WhenJesus had spoken these words, lie ue~:t f,,~th
man of the assembly. Where those to partake of the emblems with tus disciples over tile brook Cedron, wt:ele u,:.~ a =.~r-
are all females, then a Jonadab brother might conduct, if den, into the which he entered, and his d~se!ples" It tittle-
present, otherwise a sister will have to serve as chairwoman. fore does not appear improper that a suitable SOtl~ I,t. s~:1~
Tile celebration should be opened with an appropriate song in closmg and thereafter a brief prayer be offered and ~ht
and a prayer. Then the chmrman or other competent per- assembly be thus dismissed to go forth to tile Lord’s furt]wr
son should deliver a brief discourse setting forth the points service in the field. A report of each gatllerulg ~s ,tc,~!t.d
covered m the article appearing above; or if no capable by the Society, showing both the total number attclMmg
speaker m available, then the said article should be read and those thereof partaking of the emblems.
by one who reads well. Prior to this occasmn the article
should have been studied by all, both privately and in the
are cordially invited to attend the celebrat!on of the .’Xlemo-
company, by the remnant and the Jonadabs, that thereby rial by Jehovah’s witnesses in their respeet!~c hw~ltl5 on
each one may have understanding of his relationship to the March31, 1942. Also all the Kingdompublishers x~ dl see to
Lord and may discern whether he should partake" of the it that all interested ones in their terrl~or~ a~e notlhed alld
emblems or not. urged to be present. All those complying w~th the l~o~d’s
As emblems the Lord Jesus and his apostles used real joyful Memorial arrangement will receive his apt,royal,
red wine m symbol of his blood, and also unleavened bread, blessing and strength.
"I have been working m a strong Catholic district and "The work is progressing, the number of pioneers in-
it was interesting to see how the message of truth given at creasing, and some, at least, realize that Armageddonis
the convention reacted on those that love to be in the dark. at hand and are arousing themselves to greater activity in
These arc some of the expressions made when witnessing helping the multitude" to gather into groups. One small
at the door: ’Are you one of the Jehovahs that were here town in the interior had one lone witness who was continu-
at The Arena ? Scram’. Keep moving! Weare RomanCath- ally begging for helpers. A representative from the oftlc~
olics.’ ’You Jehovah witnesses ought to be in concentration went up there, gathered the interested together, baptized
camps.’ ’Whydon’t you people let us alone ? This is a free several, and now this little town is reporting twenty-four
country.’ ’You people have a lot of nerve coming to a Cath- publishers each month."
olic city like St. Louis.’ Manywere really tormented, but
there are many sincere Catholics here and very much in- OFF TO A GOODSTART(NEWYORK}
terested in the message and they are reading our literature. "We’ve been working in our new territory as special
One Catholic lady said two nuns were at her home and they publishers now for ten days, and within that period of
said Jehovah’s witnesses were hurting the Catholic religion time have had some experiences which certainly prove that
(spoiling their pastures). The ’locusts’ must have eaten the Nowis the time Jehovah is gathering his ’other sheep’
varnish off, showing them up in their true nature. Many Cohoes is generally regarded as tough territory, because
Jehovah’s witnesses stopped at Catholic homes during the it is practically solid French and Irish Catholic; neverthe-
convention and they gave a good witness just by getting less, thankful to the Lord for the privilege he had given
acquainted better with our work. These are some of the ex- us, we went to work, and in one week placed over fifty
pressions made: ’Jehovah’s witnesses are fine people, grand Children books !! This we seldom do in what is called ’good
people, honest people, the finest people I ever met.’ ’We territory’. All of these books were placed with Catholic
thought you were different from what you are.’ Manyare people in Catholic homes. Never had I seen the Catholic
beginning to get their eyes open. Someinvited me in and population grab so eagerly for any of the literature as they
treated me fine and have back-calls on them. A young lady have the book Children. It just seems to be a book that every-
(she was the maid) came to the door and, after the witness, body wants. Yesterday Frances and I worked Church
asked if I was one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Said she: ’Yes, Street, on which there is a RomanCatholic church, a school
I am a Catholic, and the people living here are Catholic." and a nuns’ home; and in eight and one-half hours’ work our
Mr. and Mrs. W came to her with some books and told sound attendance amounted to 65 persons that listened to
her to read them, that they were the most wonderful books the recording ’Children’. Not one person was nasty, but all
they had ever read. She read them, and thought the same. agreed with what wo.s on the record and accepted literature.
We talked a long time. She said ’Mr. and Mrs. -- are The back-calls on these persons of good-will should prove
on a two weeks’ vacation, and I am leaving on a two weeks’ interesting. So far we have four established book studies,
vacation; so if you come back in two weeks, I am sure wc and next week a Watchtower study is being started. So we
three would like to hear more about this’. These three people already have a nucleus of a companystarted."
were Irish. They attended the convention and were thrilled.
One old Irish Catholic lady asked if all these bad things AN ALERTMAGAZINE PUBLISHER
about the Catholic ct-urch were so. When we parted she "Just before leaving San Antonio, Texas. while I ~as
said, ’God bless you.’ " witnessing on a street corner with magazines, a soldier came
up, asked the nature of the work, also asked the mea,nng
THEWEEKLY STUDYANDWITNESSINGGO ON of Revelation, chapter 16, in regard to the pouring out of
"On Friday evening, about 6:30 p.m., we had a sharp the seven vials of God’s wrath. I replied we have two books
raid on our termto~, at N. , and this without any sound- called Light, explaining all the book of Revelatmn, which
ing of an alert. As soon as possible I got on tim scene, for tie might obtain; they would give him a clear understand-
I learned the bombs had fallen on the main street, where ing of the vials as well as all Revelation. Whentie asked the
three of our publishers and their families ll~ e. I am pleased meaning of ’the wheel within the wheel’ [Ezekiel 1:16],
to say they themselves were unhurt, but their homes were and on my informing him that we have three books called
badly blasted, for they live all next door to one another, V2ndicaHon explaining all of Ezekiel that would make it
and two bombs had hit their terrace a little more than a clear to him about the wheels, tie asked how he might ob-
hundred yards higher up. There being no alert, people were tain these books. I replied: ’I will bring them to this same
on the streets just finishing their shopping, and a sister corner tomorrow eve if you would like to come for them.’
T. , who had attended the meetings for years, was killed Itc gladly accepted the offer, contributed for the two maga-
outright on the street where the bombs fell. Another lady zines, and went away. Next evening, at the same time, I was
walking with her lost both legs and an arm, and it is doubt- there with the five books, also the book Children, and showed
ful she will survive. All together, five people were killed; and explained its contents to him. Result: Six bound books
and there were many casualties. It is a remarkable fact and two more magazines placed, he saying he got the other
that almost all houses in the main street have had to be two magazines misplaced. I also gave him the invitation to
vacated, with the exception of those of our brethren, and Kingdom Hall. He has been coming to the W~tclltower
of those living in close proximity to them. This allows for study ever since and likes it all very much.This is a result
us to continue our weekly studies there, and the witnessing of street-corner witnessing; otherwise this soldier could
of the Kingdomto all that mourn."--Pioneer in Britain. not have been reached."
, -.( ~ "’ .

, I


MARCH IS, 1942

MICAH (Part 5) <"; -
"New World" Bulld~’r~ ~,;
Capital 01’~ AII1A,tl ll~il ,’"~"




"t’,... f ’ TESTIMONY PERIOD $2 :
I -! /’ "HOPE" ~2
,7’ ,~ ,
I 1 7 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and aH people of good wilL
h’. H. K~’oRa, Preside W.E. VAN AMBURGII, Eecretary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught o£ Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -I~azah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos King. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge In controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.

THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis- YEARr.T SUBSCRIPTIONP~C’Z
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of U~ZTZDSTATES,$I.00;CANADAAND MlSCZLLa.WZOUS FORZlG~r.$1.50’
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GEEATBRITAIN,AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUI~[~AFRZCA, 6S. Americanram*t-
rancesshouldbe made by Postalor ExpressMoney Orderor b~ Bank
to life. Draft.Canadian, British,SouthAfricanand Australasian remxttances
shouldbe madedirectto the respective
branchofllces. Remittances
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries otherthanthosementionedmay be madeto the Brooklyn
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by International
obedient ones of mankind: that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name Folmo~z OrTxczs
and clothed him with all power and authority. British 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, ~ana4f~a~t 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the rlgilt- Australasian 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
?South Al~rtca~ Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addrest the Society in everycase.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
All sincere etudent~ of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity. poverty or
been placedby Jehovah upon hls throne of authority,has ousted adversity are unable to pay the sutmcrlption price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reuon for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year Is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’skingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subsortbers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun;that the Lord’snext great act is the destruction scnption will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’sorganization and the estabhshmentof righteousness In A renewal blank {carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth,and that underthe kingdomthe peopleof good will that Journal one monthbefore the subser,ptJon expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divinemandate to "fill
Entered ae second-class mutter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth"witha righteousrace.
under the Act o] March $, 1879.

"CHILDREN OF THE KING" TESTIMONY PERIOD contents, in an up-to-date setting, will delight you. It is a 64-page
The sprmg month of Apml is a favorable time for the "Chil- booklet, self-covered, but having a very engagmg cover design.
dren of The Kmg" Testlmony Parred, and whmh is therefore a Date of ~ts release for general circulation in the field is announced
world-wide period of umted action by those adverttsmg the King elsewhere, but you will first desire to read_ and enjoy it yourself
and the Kmgdom. In all the earth not only those of the anomted and thereby k-now how best to present and use it m ’comfortmg
remnant, but also all those hoping to become the earthly "children all that mourn’. You may obtain your personal copy now, con-
of the King", will take part, and ff any such want references to tributing 5c therefor.
companies orgamzed for this testimony let them without delay
wllte the office in their respective countrws. Much advance prep- OPPORTUNITY OF SERVICE
aratmn for this campmgn is reqmred. April bemg the close of Any single brother, unencumbered, who is an experienced
the three-month Watchtower Campmgn, the servants and children orgamst and desires to devote full time in the serv,ce at Bethel
of the King will continue offering the special combmation, namely, may apply by writing
a year’s Watchtower subscriptmn, together with the premmm of Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,
the book Children and the new booklet Hope, and all thm for President’s Office,
the regular subscnptmn rate of $1.00 in America, and correspond- 124 Columbia Heights,
mgly m the other lands. Let this be your best month of the cam- Brooklyn, N.Y.,
palgn, and at the end thereof you will with joy turn m your report statmg his experience and quahfications as such.
of activities and the fruits thereof.
"HOPE" Tuesday,March 31, after six p.m., is the date Scripturally
With pleasure the Society announces publication of a new arrivedat for 1942 for the memorialcelebratmnto both Jehovah’s
booklet, Hope~for the Dead--for the Surwvors----in a RigMeous name and the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, his
lVorld. The theme itself impresses one that the booklet meets a TheocraticKing. Each Christiancompany,therefore,shouldas-
very present need, when millions of hearts need to be infused with sembleafterSLX p.m. of March 31, and the anointedones thereof
new hope both for the living and for the newly dead; and the (Con~i,-,ed on page 95)
No. LXIII ]~IARc~15, 1942 No. 6


"Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is ~nou~t Zion, o~z the sides of the nortt~, the cily o[ the
great King."--Ps. 48: 2.
EHOVAH has chosen his city for his capital or- by causing religion to apply to such organizations
J ganization. He himself is the builder of that glo-
rious city. Nowthe events of a world at war en-
the names that rightfully belong only to the organi-
zation of Jehovah God. Thus he establishes a coun-
gross the human minds and draw the attention to terfeit to mislead those who do not take the Bible as
the national capitals and away from the greatest their correct g’uide, and thereby he lines up the peo-
and most important government of all, the THEO- ple on his side, to aid him in the fight for universal
CRA~mGOVERN~E~T of the great God of heaven and domination. His purpose is to prove his challenge to
earth. The divided interests of the nations in the Jehovah and to cause the destruction of all men at
fight for world domination drive the peoples into Armageddon. The Devil’s chief instrument to deceive
their respective camps, and the biggest fact of all and confuse men is religion, and he makes full use
human history is pushed into the background and of the religious leaders. Such ultrareligionists pre-
ignored, which is, that God’s kingdom is here. It is tend to serve God and his Christ, but their works
in the hands of his Son, Christ Jesus, the King there- and doctrines prove that they serve the enemy of
of. It is Jehovah’s capital organization. It holds and God, and they cause the deceived and trusting peo-
shall forever hold the universal domination against ple to do likewise. To hold men in their organization
all contenders. Through it alone comes the deliver- they fraudulently brand such by the same names
ance of all them that fear God, and to it must human- Jehovah gives to his organization. They have long
Idnd flow for salvation, if they would live. compromised with the rulers of the world and en-
’ That capital organization, in which God resides, ticed such into joining their religious organizations.
is heavenly, hence invisible to haman eyes. Its name Thereafter they coerced the subjects of the rulers
is Zion, meaning "a monument guiding to God". It to join. Such nations of the world they call "Chris-
is the chief and highest part of his general or univer- tendom". The religious organization thereof they
sal organization. It is also called "the holy city, new call "Zion" and "Jerusalem", meaning the religious
Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven". super-government of "Christendom". Such national
(Rev. 21:2) Long ago Jehovah used visible things and religious systems claim to be in a covenant rela-
on earth to make prophetic patterns of these heaven- tionship with God, but, judged by their works, they
ly things, thereby to give instruction to menof faith, do not live up to that claim, and hence take the name
who look not at the things which are seen, but at the of God and of Christ in vain. They are covenant-
greater things, which are not seen by the natural breakers, and are all opposed to the Theocracy under
eye and which are eternal. (Hob. 9:23, 24; 2 Cor. Christ Jesus. They prove unworthy of the holy names
4:18) For such purpose Jehovah chose the typical the clergT apply to them. These facts help us to un-
city of Zion, the official residence of David, who was derstand the words of Micah, who prophesied to like
king of God’s typical Theocracy over the nation of unfaithful organizations, and whose words find ful-
Israel. Being the royal seat of God’s anointed king, fillment today.
and particularly being the place of God’s tabernacle
or temple, Zion was the chief part of the city of
Jerusalem, and therefore Jerusalem became the cap- ¯ "Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of
ital city of the nation. "Jerusalem" means "posses- Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor
sion of peace". judgznent, and pervert all equity." (Mic. 3: 9) "Chris-
s The great enemy Satan overreaches men and tendom’s" reli~ous clergy turn to the traditions and
uses them wittingly or unwittingly to set up ruling worldly-wise sayings of imperfect men, and so re-
organizations. Then he deceives the people in general ject God’s Word. In their religious meeting-places

they do not cause these words to be heard by their up again the infamous "holy Roman Empire". As
political and commercial allies, whom they have a consequence the earth is now being drenched with
made "the principal of the flock". God’s commandis blood wantonly spilled in violation of God’s "ever-
to "hear this", and over a period of years now he lasting covenant" concerning the sanctity of blood.
has made them hear by his faithful witnesses. These ~Gen.9 : 6 ; Isa. 24: 5.
he has raised up to announce that Jehovah is God, * Such is a bloody and demonized effort to build up
that Christ is the Ruler of the world of righteous- the religious-totalitarian "abomination of desola-
ness, and that TEE TH~.OCm~CY is the Government tion" and to cause it to stand permanently in the
that must rule the earth and heaven in equity, and place where it ought not and which place it can never
which shall enforce the judo~nents of the Lord in fill, to wit, the holy place of God’s righteous govern-
righteousness. The judgments of the Supreme Judge ment by Christ Jesus. Such now is their "iniquit.~",
over all, as written in his Holy Word, Jehovah’s or lawlessness. The law and decree of Jehovah is that
faithful servants have obediently declared to all the THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT under his Son shall
"’Christendom", but the heads and rulers thereof ab- rule the world. His King is the only legal or lawful
hor such judgments. Such prefer human judgments, Ruler, whomhe has anointed to that exalted posi-
and never was the earth, and particularly "Christen- tion because he loves righteousness and hates iniq-
dom", filled with greater injustices and inequity. uity. Hence the conspiracy of the worldly rulers, un-
Whenthere is a conflict the demon-influenced rulers der the religious guidance of the demonized clergy,
insist that the judgments of men come before those to block THE THEOCnACY and to continue misruling
of God, and they make Christians obedient to God’s the earth, is a flagrant disregard of God’s law and
commandmentsto unjustly suffer penalties for keep- testimony as set forth in the Bible and declared by
ing and declaring the judgments of the Lord. The his witnesses. It is gross iniquity and is abominable
totalitarian rulers respect the persons of men and in his sight, and it deceives the whole world because
their worldly position and power, and unequally ap- it operates under the cloak of religion.
ply the human law against the small minority who ’ The prophet of Jehovah exposes further the
try to keep themselves unspotted from the world. iniquity practiced in "Christendom": "The heads
The climax of their abhorrence of judgment and per- thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof
version of equity comes when they will shortly suc- teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for
ceed in everywhere ruling that the Christian works money; yet will they lean upon the Lor~D, and say,
of Jehovah’s covenant people are "illegal", and then Is not the Lo~D among us ! none evil can come upon
put them to silence under restraints forcibly. Then us." (Mic. 3: 11) In the time of Micah the chief 3us-
in all bad conscience they shall cry "Peace and tices, or judges of last appeal, were the king of the
safety !" and so mark themselves for sudden destruc-
nation (1 Sam. 8:5; Deut. 17:18; Prov. 29:14;
tion at the hands of the God of justice, judgment 1 Ki. 3: 7-9) and also the high priest at the temple.
and equity. (Ex. 28 : 30 ; Deut.33 : 8, 10 ; 17 : 8-13; 19 : 17 ; 21 : 5
"They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem 2 Chron. 19 : 8, 11) Also according to the law of God
with iniquity." (Mic. 3:10) The nations which prac- the regular Levites, both priestly and non-priestly,
tice demonism, but which they call the "Christian were authorized to act as judges in a lesser capacity.
religion", and wrongfully so, because all religion and (1 Chron.23 : 3, 4 ; 2 Chron.19 : 8 ; Mal. 2: 4, 7, 8) The
Christianity are opposed to each other, speak of princes, who were governors serving under and by
themselves as "Christendom". "Organized religion," authority of the king, also exercised judgeships (Jer.
particularly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, takes to 26: 10, 16; 21: 11, 12; Ezek. 45: 9) ; and likewise the
itself the position of a spiritual super-government "elders", understood to be experienced and mature
over the nations of "Christendom" and seeks to con- in judgment. (Num. 11 : 16, 17 ; Deut. 1 : 15-18) While
vert all nations to its religious organization. Fraudu- authorized to serve in such capacity, they did not
lently it takes to itself the names "Zion" and "Jeru- devote their entire time thereto, and God’s law made
salem", and applies to itself the promises of God no provision for them to receive legal or judicial fees.
applying to the true Zion and Jerusalem. Upon this ’ Acceptance of such judicial service and willing-
basis the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, with head- ness to perform therein must be entirely out of love
quarters at Vatican City, Italy, claims the right and of justice and the desire to see justice executed and
commission from God to rule the world in the name that righteousness obtained among the people and
of Christ. Being unable to do so by persuasion or that Jehovah’s law was obeyed and religion was re-
conversion, it sees no other way than by coercion sisted and kept out. To have Jehovah’s approval the
with violence. To this end it secretly financed and judges must fear Him, the Supreme Judge, and not
aided the totalitarian dictators into power and open- fear the face of man nor regard his appearance, but
ly made deals or concordats with such, all to build deal courageously for truth and righteousness, know-
15,194.2 $tieWATCHTOWER. 85

ing that Godshall be with the good. (2 Chron. 19: 11) judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the
They must not be dependent upon their judgeships poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in
for support or income. Acting as judges must be righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour." (Lev.
without remuneration, lest their judgments be 19:15) "Thou shalt not wrest judgment: thou shalt
warped or influenced. It was wholly improper to look not respect persons, neither take a gift: for a zift
for and accept fees and bribes. Their service must be doth blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words
entirely unselfish, in the interest of righteousness, of the righteous."--Deut. 16:19.
and in obedience to their covenant with God. "Chris- " God’s Word condemns the delaying of justice in
tendom," which claims to be spiritual Israel, has the expectation of getting something for the judge
never set up or observed such an organization and first. For example: Governor Felix sat in on the ease
process of justice. The record of the Inquisition of the apostle Paul. The religionists had forced Paul
courts of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is a most into court for preaching the gospel of God’s kingdom.
shocking travesty of justice and a disgrace. Felix, in hope of self-gain, delayed the execution of
° The heads of the typical nation of Israel yielded justice: ’~he hoped also that moneyshould have been
to selfishness and religion, and judged for the re- given him of Paul, that he might loose him: where-
wards they could extort from those whose cases they fore he sent for him the oftener, and communedwith
heard. In "Christendom" the law has become a pro- him." (Acts 24: 26) Receiving no reward or bribe,
fession. God-fearing law-writers of the past have de- he left Paul bound in prison for two years longer.
clared that all proper laws of mendraw their validity Like the faithful apostle, Jehovah’s witnesses of to-
from the law of God and that His law is supreme and day refuse to buy their way out. The apostles paid
binding on all everywhere and all the time; yet the no fines for preaching the Word of God. Nowwhen
legal profession are grossly guilty of ignoring the Jehovah’s servants are brought into court for obey-
law of God and setting it aside. In cases where the ing his commandto publish his name and his ldng-
servants of the l~lost High God are involved and dom, the)" refuse to pay fines imposed by those who
there is a clash between the supreme law of God and "judge for reward", and, rather, go to prison. They
the contrary laws of men, the judges of "Christen- do not compromise on the issue. They pay no crea-
dora" are repeatedly guilty of degrading God’s perfect ture for the privilege to preach, nor are they them-
law. How? By trampling upon it and exalting mis- selves paid to preach. It is God’s commandmentto
chievously framed laws of men as warrant to punish them, and they must keep integrity to tIim.
God’s servants for strict obedience to divine law. ""And the priests thereof teach for hire." The
Such judges pervert justice "for reward", that is, for term "priests" here designates the "man of sin" class,
some selfish consideration, whether the desire for the which the Scriptures foretold, which class today in-
political support of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy cludes the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other
or the approval of so-called "patriotic groups", or priests of religion, also the "evil servant" class, and
the fear of the mob or creatures who are in power the "elective elders" of the congregations, and all
and who threaten violence if their demon-inspired those whose covenant with God put them in line for
wishes are not obeyed. They refuse to grant Jeho- his "royal priesthood" but who then became self-
vah’s covenant people the "equal protection of the seeking and fell to reliNon for what they could get
law", but show respect to religion and practitioners out of it for themselves. The priests of Israel were
of reliNon. assigned the duty and obligation of informing them-
10 The prophecies exactly describe the condition in selves on God’s law and of teaching the people his
"Christendom". In the light of such prophecies the commandments. (Mal. 2:7) God made due provision
judges and legal profession do wisely to examine and for their support, and the)- must not use their office
judge themselves respecting their motives and ac- for self-gain besides those necessaries of life which
tions in dealing with Jehovah’s obedient servants: God provided. Becoming covetous, they departed
"Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of from that rule and perverted their teaching and
thieves: every one loveth gifts [blinding one to jus- taught commandments and traditions of men, all to
tice], and followeth after rewards: they judge not bring in profit for themselves. The "priests" of
the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow "Christendom" follow in the same course. They
come unto them." (Isa. 1 : 23) "The judge asketh for charge the people for every religious service they
a reward." (Mic. 7.3) "For I know your manifold render their parishioners and congregations, and
transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the honest observers of the day frankly admit that reli-
just, they take a bribe, and the)- turn aside the poor gion has become the greatest money-making racket
in the gate [where court was held] from their right." of all. The religious leaders do further seek hire in
(Amos 5: 12) Such is contrary to God’s rule, which the form of flatteries and the honor and praise of
does not change: ’~Ye shall do no unrighteousness in men. They seek not the honor which comes from God
N. Y.
only, and hence do not believe the Word of God. men, and upon human schemes and plans, and human
(John 5:44) Their love of money or selfish gain governments and peace organizations ; and such gov-
the root of the evil of religion. They do not love God ernments they call "Christian nations". "For they
or his righteousness, and hence do not obey his com- call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves
mandments. Seeking to win the applause and admira- upon the God of Israel; the LOUDof hosts is his
tion of men, they try to appear wise and learned. name." (Isa. 48:2) Thereby they have deceived and
Assuming to be teachers, they therefore refuse to yet deceive millions to remain in and to support
"see thy teachers" and to recognize that, since the "Christendom", as though to forsake the rehgious
Lord’s coming to the temple in 1918, Jehovah and organization meant forsaking God and his side.
Chmst Jesus are the Teachers and that ’all of Zion’s ~ Deceiving themselves and others those false
children shall be taught of Jehovah’, and not of men. prophets say: "None evil can come upon us." "There
--Isa. 30: 20; 54: 13. shall not come upon us calamity." (l?otherham) This
,3,,And the prophets thereof divine for money." is clearly a religious "shot" at Jehovah’s witnesses,
The clergy of "Christendom" divine or make predie- to makeout that they are liars and false prophets in
tmns to please the dictators or the political leaders. declaring the day of God’s vengeance and that the
The political schemes and programs of such they sup- battle of Armageddonis very near and there "Chris-
port and make unscriptural promises for them. They tendom" will be completely blotted out. "Son of man,
turn the people away from the sure and infallible behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision
prophecies of God’s Word, and speak great things that he seeth is for manydays to come, and he proph-
in behalf of the "new world order", or "the new moral esieth of the times that are far off." (Ezek. 12: 27)
order", or a "federated world after this war", or the They "put far away the evil day, and cause the seat
"new League of Nations"; which proposals of men of violence to come near. Therefore now shall they
are opposed to the rule of Jehovah’s Theocracy. go captive with the first that go captive, and the
For all their divination and religious serviee they banquet of them that stretch themselves [upon
expect and eagerly accept money, no matter how couches of self-confidence] shall be removed". (Amos
filthy the source thereof. The totalitarian dictator 6 : 3, 7) They trust in their religious organization to
gives almost 900 million marks each year to the sup- endure for ever and to be a charm against calamity,
port of the RomanCatholic church in Germany and as did the Israelites at Shiloh.
to the other religious organizations. Not strange, ’" To such Jehovah Godby his faithful witness says :
then, that they feel reflected upon in that Jehovah’s "Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of
witnesses conduct their public and other meetings the LORD,The temple of the LORD,The temple of the
with free seats and no collections taken up. They LoaD, are these. Therefore will I do unto this house,
frown upon and object to Jehovah’s servants’ freely which is called by my nmne, wherein ye trust, and un-
gdving of their time and means to go from house to to the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as
house proclaiming the inspired prophecies of God I have done to Shiloh. And I will east you out of my
and &stributing millions of pieces of free literature sight, as I have east out’all your brethren [the ten
and accepting only contributions for the further tribes of Israel], even the whole seed of Ephraim."
publication of the message. This shows up the prac- (Jet. 7 : 4, 14, 15) Regardlessof the ridicule of the reh-
tice of the rehgionists and exposes their false and gionists, Jehovah’s witnesses must continue to sound
demoniacal divinations, and this threatens their this warning of the Lord and to bid the people of
money-making. Their money shall perish with them good-will to hasten their flight out of the doomedor-
at Armageddon. ganization, lest they be overtaken in its destruction
~’ "Yet will they lean upon the LORD,and say, Is not at Armageddon.Religion’s "refuge of lies" and "hid-
the LORDamongus .~" That is, they claim the promise ing place of falsehood" are now being exposed by
of the Lord’s presence and expect him to back them the hail and overflowing waters of truth. Such will
up in their schemes, which are contrary to God’s pur- furnish religionists no protection or preservation
pose by his kingdom. They claim that their religious whenthe Godof justice settles accounts and enforces
organization is God’s organization, and that the peo- his righteous judgments, shortly. "Christendom’s"
ple must join up in order to get saved. Their ’leaning house of religion has been left unto her desolate, and
upon God’ is only in pretense; for they believe not the Lord God is not therein. It shall be destroyed,
his prophecies nor trust him to protect and deliver like its prototype at Jerusalem. (Matt. 23: 37, 38)
them if they strictly do his will and forsake their Calling itself "Zion" falsely will not save it.
friendship with Satan’s world. The facts, as demon- ~’ "Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed
strated by their works, show they put their reliance as a field, and Jerusalem shall becomeheaps, and the
upon the "strong-arm squad" and the carnal weap- mountain of the house as the high places of the
ons, and upon their own wisdom and that of other forest." (Mic. 3 : 12) "For your sake," that is, because
of you and as a recompense to you, you reliNous- "The proclamation of that hard prophecy by
totalitarian ruling powers of "Christendom" which Micah shocked the religious susceptibilities of the
exalt yourselves as the backbone of the "new world judges taking reward and the priests that preached
order" with religion riding atop shall be cut to pieces for hire and the prophets that divined for self-gain.
like a plowed field. Now, because of the fear of the It shook the credulity of the people in their religious
Hierarchy and its power in all the lands, the nations outfit. It condemnedthe operators thereof in the eyes
composing "the king of the south" hold back from of the public they were deceiving. As one representa-
bombing Rome and its ally, the Vatican; and the tive of a corporation broadcasting religious pro-
religious head even offers the Vatican as the site of grams free over its network said recently: "I do not
the expected peace conference at the end of the war. believe it is le~timate to hold the things that are
Ignoring that the Vatican’s aims of world domination dear to other people, things that they care about,
and making the world Catholic are the cause of the things that men cherish in their hearts, up to public
war between "the ldng of the north" and "the king of ridicule." (See booklet Truth~Shall It Be Sup-
the south", those battling powers take every precau- pressed? pages 14, 19.) Such operators and defend-
tion and make every allowance to safeguard that ers of religion would have God’s truth silenced and
hoary headquarters of religion or demonism on the proclaimers thereof barred from all means of
earth. (Dan. 11:41) As to self-styled "Zion", which publication. What care such that "Christendom" is
is a monumentof "organized religion", and as to all threatened with early and sudden destruction and the
"Christendom", which was foreshadowed by unfaith- lives of the general public are in gravest danger?
ful "Jerusalem", meaning "possession of peace", such Let
d such consider this: Since God does not regar
shall die, but shall not go downto the grave in peace. the things that are dear to and cherished by the reli-
Their "new world order" of federated nations trying gionists, but will destroy the same at Armageddon,
to keep the peace is put forth to mimic God’s "’world then Jehovah’s servants are committing nothing ille-
to come", "wherein dwelleth righteousness"; it shall gitimate or indecent in warning manldnd that God
perish like all religious hypocrites at Armageddon. will soon destroy such reliNous things, and showing
" Self-exalting "Christendom" shall be laid low the people why and wherefore. That is the greatest
and must becomeempty, as a field to be plowed. God’s service to the public. It is of the greatest necessity
executioner, Christ Jesus, shall plow it from end to and interest to them, and, with Armageddonso near,
end with an implement that shall tear, cut deep and the time was never more convenient and fitting.
upturn worse than a literal plow. The palaces of ~°The prophet Jeremiah later proclaimed the
political rulers, the mansions of commercial traffick- identical message that Micah did, to wit, during the
ers, the cathedrals and luxurious residences of reli- reign of Jehoiakim, which wicked king turned away
gious leaders, and the lofty walls and fortresses of from Jehovah’s law and commandments to religion
the "strong-arm squad" shall become heaps of ruin, or demonism. That was a few years before the de-
as surely as such happened to Jerusalem, typifying struction of Jerusalem and its temple. Today Jeho-
"Christendom". (2 I~i. 25 : 8-10 ; Mic. 1 : 6) The moun- vah’s witnesses boldly declare the like message to
tain or high place upon which religion has builded "Christendom", and the outcome of such faithful
her gawdy organization or ’~house" shall be cleared testimony declared is foreshadowed by what hap-
and swept clean of that devilish system. The high pened to Jeremiah, and which is proved by the expe-
and respected place of the temple of "organized reli- riences of Jehovah’s witnesses these last few years.
gion", where it has ruled as the spiritual superpower "Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had made an
over all nations of the world, shall be exposed as a end of speaking all that the Load had commanded
him to speak unto all the people, that the rm~.STS,
false, unwarranted and self-assumed position. At
and the raOPH~.TS,and all the people, took him, say-
Armageddonit shall be blasted first, and the super- ing, Thou shalt surely die. Whyhast ~hou prophesied
structure thereon with its religious ranks and honors in the name of the LORD,saying, This house [dear to
and official positions and high-sounding titles and and cherished in our hearts] shall be like Shiloh, and
pagan rituals and ceremonies and false doctrines this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant ? And
and traditions shall be razed. The whole place will all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the
be made "like mounds in a jungle" (Rotherham), house of the LORD."
like "forest-covered high-places". (Leeser) During *’ The religionists, to procure Jeremiah’s death,
the seventy years’ desolation of ancient Jerusalem called his message seditious, disturbing to unity and
the temple mountain boasted of no house of reliNon, against the government. Jehovah’s witness there
but was bare, waste, and uninhabited and became warned them that they would bring innocent blood
overgrown with a jungle or thick forest. So shall it upon themselves and the nation if they killed him,
be with "Christendom" for ever. and God would hold them responsible. Then certain

men, seeing through the patriotic bluster of the Devil’s organization, visible and invisible, including
clergy and not yielding to the tremendous religious "Christendom", and to crush it out of existence.-
pressure put upon them, stood out against the clergy Dan. 2 : 34-45.
and gave wise counsel. "Then rose up certain of the "That Government is called "Mount Zion" and is
elders of the land, and spake to all the assembly of the capital part of Jehovah’s universal organization.
the people, saying, Micah the Morasthite prophesied It is His royal family of sons, of which Christ Jesus
in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spake to is the Head. It is composed of 144,000 and One mem-
all the people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD bers, the One being the Head and the 144,000 being
of hosts, Zion shall be plowed like a field, and Jeru- the members of "his body". He is both the Founda-
salem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the tion and also the Chief Corner Stone of "the temple
house as the high places of a forest. Did Hezekiah of the living God", of which temple they are all "liv-
ldng of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death ? ing stones" conformed to His image and all built
did he not fear the LORD,and besought the LORD,and upon him as their sure Foundation and also under
the LoRDrepented him of the evil which he had pro- him as their Headstone. (Heb. 3: 6; Rev. 7:4-8;
nounced against them ? Thus might we procure great 14: 1-3; 1 Cor. 3: 11, 16, 17; 1 Pet. 2:4-10; 2 Cor.
evil against our souls." (Jer. 26:8-19) Jehovah de- 6:16) They together constitute a "kingdom of
livered Jeremiah, thereby illustrating his promise priests" and an ’’holy nation", and hence are likened
to protect and deliver his faithful who speak as he to a glorious temple adorning a mountaintop, as the
commands them to do. Let the religionists and the prophetic temple at Jerusalem was builded by King
rulers be warned: by their mistreatment and at- Solomon on top of Mount Moriah, which temple
tempted destruction of Jehovah’s witnesses they pro- mountain was thereafter called Zion. It is Jehovah’s
cure the evil of Armageddonagainst their souls and official royal residence.--Ex. 19:6; Pss. 78:67-69;
at the hands of Him who can destroy both body and 87:2.
soul in Gehenna.--Matt. 10:28. ~5 Necessarily Micah’sprophecyconcerning the
lastdaysand the templeor "houseof Jehovah" be-
ginsitsfulfillment by theactsof God,particularly
"In the present conflict for world domination the when he sentChristJesusto the templefor judg-
controlling powers of "the ldng of the north" and of ment,in 1918.ChristJesus,the GreaterSolomon,
the rival "king of the south" seek to gain the victory thereupon proceeded to buildthe spiritual or heav-
and establish themselves as the capital organization enlytemple,firstby resurrecting thebodymembers
over the new-world federation of nations. According thatsleptin deathandthenbringing thefaithful and
to the prophecies, neither shall win complete victory, approvedremnantof body membersyet on earthin
and organized religion will deal with both "kings", thefleshintounity~ithhimself at thetemple, there
recognizing both as the ’~higher powers", and will her- settingthemto workat templeserviceas witnesses
self seek to dominate them both as a super-national of Jehovah.
spiritual government. Religion and rulers will allow ’~In 1918 Jehovah,figuratively speaking,laid
no place for Jehovah’s message nor for his Theoc- ChristJesushisKingas the"precious cornerstone"
racy. Such vain imaginations and wicked devices in Zion,anddefiantly saysto allthemanyantichrists
shallnot stand.TheirFINALEND shallbe at God’s opposing THE THEOCRACY: "Yet have I set my king
appointedtime, at Armageddon.They are now in upon my holy hill of Zion." (Ps. 2: 6) The "war
theirlastdays,andJehovah establishes hiscapital or- heaven" began at Christ’s enthronement in 1914, and
ganization in powerandglory, andit stands forever. in that war Satan and his demon hosts were de-
2~ Concerning thisJehovah inspired hisprophetto feated and cast out of heaven and down to the earth
say:"Butin thelastdaysit shallcometo pass,that and put under Christ’s feet, debased to the position
themountain of thehouseof theLoaDshallbe estab- of a footstool. (Ps. 110: 1, 2) At Armageddonhe and
lishedin thetop of the mountains, and it shallbe all his hosts, demonic and human, shall be crushed
exaltedabovethe hills;and peopleshallflowunto out of existence under Christ’s heel. In fulfillment of
it."(Mic.4: 1) The"timeof theend"beganin A.D. Micah’s prophecy the royal "house of the Lord [Je-
1914,whenthe"timesof theGentiles [thenations]"hovah]" has been established as the head and capital
expiredand Jehovahenthroned ChristJesusas his over the universal organization of the Most High
King of THE THEOCRACYand sent him forthto rule God, and hence far above the governments (moun-
in the midstof all enemiesof T~. THEOCRACY. That tains) of "Christendom", which professed "Chris-
Government is not madewith humanhandsor votes. tian" governments arrogantly claim to govern the
It is theStone, whichDaniel sawin vision, "cutout" earth for and in the stead of Christ Jesus. Being
of Jehovah’s universal organization and whicheven under the demon rule which grabs for universal
nowmovesirresistibly on itswayto smitetheentire domination, the governments (mountains) of men
and which are overreached by such demons reject ation the political realization of the kingdomof the
the announcement of the enthronement of Christ Messiah. So doing, they commit gross blasphemy and
Jesus and that their "times of the nations", or of their finally and completely reject Jehovah’s building of
rule by sufferance of God, have run out. They reject his THEOCRATIC GOVERh’I~IF-NT under Christ.
the proclamation of the setting up of the THEOCRATIC " That proposed super-government will be the
GOVER5"5IEXT under Christ Jesus, and all nations hate highest "hill" or peak of "Christendom". That de-
and persecute Jehovah’s servants whom he com- monized humaninstitution will be the final and com-
mands to make the proclamation. By this course of plete expression of the antichristian "abomination
action such professing "Christian" nations refuse to of desolation". It is opposed to the universal domina-
have as their Head and King the beautiful Stone cut tion of THETHEOCR,~CI’.It assumes to stand in the
out by the great Theocrat Jehovah, and thereby they ’qmly place" instead of the temple or royal family
prove themselves to be antichrist. Christ Jesus rules of Jehovah, His ldngdom.(Dan. 11 : 31 ; 12 : 11 ; Matt.
as Head and exalted King regardless, and his glory 24:15) That ’desolating abomination’ can never
is not lessened. "The stone which the builders re- boost itself to take the place and power of the high
fused is become the head stone of the corner."-- THEOCRACY of Jehovah’s anointed King. It shall be
Ps. 118 : 22. abased unto hell, and THETHEOCRACY continues to be
~’ The "hills" are the highest parts of the nmuntain, "exalted above the hills" for evermore.
the peaks which dominate all the range. Under demon 29 "And peoples shall flow unto it." (Am. Rev. l’er.)
rule which challenges the universal domination of These follow after God’s faithful remnant of spirit-
Jehovah, making UNIVERSAL DO.~IINATIOlg the aI1- ual Israelites whotake the lead in the march to God’s
important issue confronting all creation, the "moun- kingdom. During the first world war the remnant
tains" or governments of men now propose a higher were put in restraint by the enemies of the Kingdom.
government of their own making. Looldng forward In 1919 Jehovah graciously delivered them from the
to the end of this war between the totalitarian "king imprisonment and bondage and they returned to his
of the north" and the anti-Nazi-Fascist "king of the organization and its work. "And the ransomed [de-
south", the world builders propose the establishment livered ones] of the LORDshall return, and come to
of a super-national government, fully protecting re- Zion with songs, and everlasting joy upon their
ligion and under religion’s sponsorship and guidance. heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sor-
Says one self-conceited clergyman: "God desires t~s row and sighing shall flee away." (Isa. 35 : 10; 51 : 11)
to build a federated world and to create a humanrace A great publicity campaig’n followed thereafter, to
fit for future generations to be born into." It was educate the peoples in the Bible truths concerning
"the king of the south" that pushed the League of the Kingdom. In their ignorance due to religion or
Nations in 1918-1920, and he now suggests a revival demonismthe peoples are in perplexity and know not
of such League of Nations to secure the expected which way to turn, being kept in the dark concerning
"Peace and safety" and to guarantee the freedoms the real meaning of the Kingdom and its establish-
promised to the people. The Vatican-Nazi-Fascist- ment. "This gospel of the kingdom" vigorously pro-
totalitarian combine, or "king of the north", proposes claimed by Jehovah’s witnesses since the World War
a "new world order" and has already begun the shows them the only right way to Jehovah’s favor
nucleus of his "new League of Nations" on the Euro- and protection and his Kingdom blessings in store
pean continent. All such super-governments are the for his "other sheep".--Matt. 24: 7, 14.
’‘hills" of the mountains of "Christendom". Prophecy ~° By now millions have heard the good news, and
indicates that at the close of the conflict "the king many thousands have joyfully accepted the message,
of the north" and "the king of the south" will, under turned their backs on religion, and turned their steps
the political strategy- of the Vatican, come to a com- toward the glorious mountain of THE THEOCRACY.
promise agreement and will set up a "new moral Like a great river, made up of streams from all the
order", a federated world under a super-government, nations and being continually enlarged as thousands
pictured as the "scarlet-coloured beast" on the back more join the movement into the Kingdom, these
of which there rides religion, the dominant part of "peoples" of good-will toward Jehovah and his Right-
which is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Today, in eous Government flow unto it and openly and actively
compliance with the sly scheme of that Hierarchy take their stand on His side. This the Devil, by his
for world domination, the Catholic and Protestant demonized rulers of "Christendom", has viciously
and Jewish religious organizations hypocritically act tried to prevent and to turn the flow of such peoples
out a "good neighbor" policy. Such religious federa- back, into the broad road leading to the "Dead sea"
tion may be expected to do at such future event as of destruction at Armageddon. This he has done by
the Federation of Churches in America did in 1920, planting his totalitarian-religious organization in
to wit, call the newpolitical-religious world confeder- between The THI~OCRATm GOVERNMENT and the great

"seas" of people alienated from God and under de- parents to their children] and say, Comeye, and let
mon rule. Jehovah foretold this by his prophet, and us [together] go up to the mountain of Jehovah".
warned that for such attempted interference with his (Am. Rev. Vet.) This shows that the Lord now ex-
"strange work" the demonized religious-totalitarian tends to them a part in his "strange work" of wit-
combine of "Christendom" shall meet a violent end nessing to THE THEOCRACY, and today these "other
at Armageddon: "And he shall plant the tabernacles sheep" in their increasing thousands take up the joy-
of his palace between the seas [and] the glorious ful burden of the Lord’s work alongside of and in
holy mountain ; yet he shall come to his end, and none unity with the faithful remnant of spiritual Israel.
shall help him." (Dan. 11 : 45, Young’s) The combined ,8 These "other sheep" of the Lord are not called
demonforces and rule cannot stop Jehovah’s "strange to go to heaven. They do not go to heaven and never
work" until done; and likewise they cannot halt the shall go up there. Their everlasting inheritance shall
ingathering and flow of the peoples, the Lord’s "other be on the cleansed and perfected earth. They hear
sheep", unto THETHEOCRACY until all such are gath- the remnant boldly proclaiming that God’s kingdom
ered into the "one fold" under Kingdom protection. was set up at his enthronement of his King in 1914
Standing immovably on that side and there holding and that TH~. Tm~oc~AcYis here, to destroy the
fast their integrity toward Jehovah God, they shall wicked and to bless the obedient and faithful. Hence
survive Armageddon and form the "great multitude" they go up to that "mountain of Jehovah", to wit,
that He will use thereafter to fill the earth with a "mount Zion," and take their stand publicly and out-
righteous offspring in joyous obedience to the divine spokenly on the side of the great THF.OC~AT and his
mandate.--Gen.1 : 28 ; 9 : 1, 7. everlasting Government of peace and righteousness.
"~ Micah’s vision of God’s "strange world’ in our Their eyes have been opened to see the antichristian
days toward "men of good-will" continues: "And "abomination of desolation" presumptuously stand-
many nations shall come [ (Am. Rev. Vet. and Roth- ing in the "holy place", and they unhesitatingly obey
erham) shall go], and say, Come [ye], and let us Jesus’ command to forsake "Christendom" and her
go up to the mountain of the LORD,and to the house religion and to flee to the "mountains", Jehovah God
of the Godof Jacob ; and he will teach us of his ways, and Christ Jesus, THE THEOCRACY. They make a full
and we will walk in his paths; for the law shall go and irrevocable consecration to God by Christ Jesus
forth of Zion, and the word of the LORDfrom Jeru- and devote themselves undividedly to THE THEOC-
salem." (Mic. 4: 2) Regardless of their nationality ~CY and its praise and service. They become pub-
by birth the persons of good-will are given God’s lishers for the Lord and strive to increase the num-
gracious invitation. Those who shall form the "great ber of publishers of TH~. TH~.OCm~CY by informing
multitude" now come out of ’all nations, kindreds, others of good-will and inviting them to take a like
people, and tongues’. Such were long ago foreshad- course, to join the company of those going up to the
owed by Rahab, Jael, Jonadab, Ebed-melech, and "mountain of Jehovah". The number "ten" applies
others of good-will, all of whomwere of other nations to AT~Lthe nations from which they come forth, and
than Israel. They shall form the nations who under another prophet describes their action, in this
The THEOCRATIC Gov~-Rx,~t~.~ shall glorify God on phrase: "Thus saith the LORDof hosts, It shall yet
earth, and concerning whomit is written: "Rejoice, come to pass, that there shall come people, and the
ye nations, with his people. And again, Praise the inhabitants of many cities: and the inhabitants of
Lord, all ye nations; and let all the peoples praise one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speed-
him." (Rom. 15 : 10, 11, Am. Bey. Vet., margin) ’%Vho ily to pray before the LORD,and to seek the LORDof
shall not fear thee, 0 Lord, and glorify thy name? hosts; I will go also. Yea, many people and strong
for thou only art holy : for all nations shall comeand nations shall come to seek the LORDof hosts in Jeru-
worship before thee; for thy judgments are made salem, and to pray before the LORD.Thus saith the
manifest."--Rev. 15 : 4. LORDof hosts, In those days it shall come to pass,
3~ The message of the Kingdom is not to be kept that ten men Jail of good-will] shall take hohl, out
selfishly. Jehovah’s faithful "remnant" are command- of all lan~ages of the nations, even shall take hohl
ed to go and preach it in all the world for a witness of the sldrt of him that is a Jew [Christ Jesus, the
unto all nations; and, in turn, all of good-will who great Judean, who leads in Jehovah’s praises], say-
hear are commanded to let others hear: "And the ing, We will go with you [feet members of Christ;
Spirit [Christ Jesus] and the bride [including Jeho- the remnant]; for we have heard that God is with
vah’s remnant of witnesses on earth] say, Come. you."--Zech. 8: 20-23.
And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that "’ They seek Jehovah’s "mountain" or TI~EOCrtATIC
is athirst come: and whosoever will, let him take of GOWR~I~NT in order to worship him and serve him
the water of life freely." (Rev. 22 : 17) Micah’s proph- at his temple. They forsake religion, which is devil-
ecy foretells that such "shall go [to others; also ism or demonism, and join God’s remnant in the war
hl~c~ 15, 1942 SSc’VVATCHTOWE
I:L 91
of exposing reli~on as of the Devil and against Jeho- through faith in Christ Jesus and his ransom sacri-
vah’s kingdom. Hence they say to those of a hearing fice they say: "And we WmLwalk in his paths." In
ear: "Let us go up to the house of the God of Jacob." this manner such meek or teachable ones heed Jeho-
The name "Jacob" applies antitypically to The vah’s ordinance stated at Zephaniah 2:3: "Seek ye
Christ, Jesus the Head and his body members. The [1] Jehovah, all ye meek of the earth, that have kept
"God of Jacob" is Jehovah. The "other sheep" ac- his ordinances; seek [2] righteousness, seek [3]
knowledge : ’~Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob meekness: it maybe ye will be hid in the day of Jeho-
for his help, whose hope is in Jehovah his God." (Ps. vah’s anger." (A~n. Rev. Ver.) Only by following this
146: 5, A.R.V.) "Jehovah of hosts is with us; the course dare they hope to escape destruction and to
God of Jacob is our refuge." (Ps. 46:11, Am. Rev. survive Armageddon and thereafter form part of
Vet.) Such disdain the criticism and persecution, and the "great multitude" that live and become children
associate themselves with Jehovah’s witnesses and of The King, to forever serve and glori[’y Jehovah
shoulder a goodly portion of the witness work and God on earth in companywith the visible representa-
responsibilities. In this they must maintain their in- tives of THETHEOCRACY, the resurrected faithful
tegrity, by constancy and by faithfulness to their men of old who shall be made "princes in all the
obligations and never permitting anything to entice earth". (Ps. 45: 16) The covenant of consecration
and turn them away to the "rudiments" of the de- that they make with God they must faithfully keep,
monized dying world. The great High Priest of God to enjoy fulfillment of His promise (Ps. 25: 10):
brings these into the temple, where God’s face shines "All the paths of the LORDare mercy and truth unto
with favor and blessing upon them. "Therefore are such as keep his covenant and his testimonies." tIis
they before the throne of God, and serve him day and truth and testimonies concerning his purposes they
night in his temple : and he that sitteth on the throne must declare in unity with the renmant. So doing,
shall dwell amongthem." (Rev. 7 : 15) The full-time they go over the ’"nighwa.v", in the "way of holiness",
service of the delightsome THEOCRACY is the dearest following after and with the remnant. (Isa. 35 : 8-]0)
thing to their hearts, and those who during the day They walk upon the "highway" that the remnant un-
are obliged to do other work to provide things decent der Christ Jesus have "cast up" and out of which
and required delight to go forth in His service at they have gathered the stumblingstones of religion.
night and other times of the week and to use all pos- ~Isa. 62 : 10.
sible of their waking hours in the direct service of "Why do they not follow the worldly slogan popu-
THE TtIEOCRACY. lar with the reliDonists, to wit, "All roads lead unto
~ The people of good-will toward God do not turn Rome [Vatican City]," and why do they take the
away Jehovah’s witnesses when they call at their way that is despised and persecuted by "Rome", the
doors, but are teachable. They listen to what the headquarters of religion ? The prophet answers : "For
Kingdompublishers have to say, and then act there- the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the
on. In the light of the message they discern that their Lord from Jerusalem." Regardless of what the build-
religious instructors have deceived them and held ers of the "new world order" claim for the "abomina-
them in i~orance of the only true and living God, tion of desolation", which also they try to compel all
Jehovah, and now they learn that He and his Son men to worship in a regimented nmnner, that anti-
Jesus are The Teachers, not the religionists nor any Kingdom of God monstrosity is not the "higher pow-
human creatures. They perceive that now Jehovah ers" from which issue the supreme law and the word
has only one organization, through which he dis- of true doctrine. Jehovah is the Supreme Power and
penses his truth to man, and that the visible part of the One Law~ver, and Zion his capital organization
that organization is made up of his devoted witnesses is "The Higher Powers". It is THE THEOCRACY, the
under Christ Jesus and that the message which these paternal government of Christ Jesus, the Everlast-
bear is not man’s message, but that these "children ing Father to humankind that lives. From it issues
of Zion" are taught of the Lord God Jehovah and by the perfect law that shall forever govern the new
Christ Jesus and through his revealed Word, the world. Creatures on earth that would enjoy life ever-
Bible. (John 6 : 45 ; Isa. 54 : 13 ; 30 : 20) The enlight- lasting may not ignore that divine law. In a conflict
ened persons of good-will turn from religion and to between the laws of "Caesar" and Jehovah’s law out
the great Teacher and seek more life-giving knowl- of Zion there is only one choice for such. God’s law
edge, saying confidently to one another : "And he will is the higher and comesfirst ; they must obey it with-
teach us of his ways." Now,before it is too late, they out compromise. They dutifully obey all the laws of
turn out of demonized man’s ways, which lead down "Caesar" that are in harmony with righteousness and
to destruction, and get onto the Lord’s ways, which not in opposition to the law of Almighty God. tIis
are truth and light and righteousness and life. law takes hold on all the affairs of their life each
s6 Presenting themselves in consecration to God day. (Ps. 119: 10, 11) Therefore they cannot follow

blindly in any course dictated by men in authority way, and the truth, and the life". (John 14:6)
without reference to God’s law. For one in covenant being God’s spokesman, "his name is called The Word
with the great Lawgiver and Judge to break Jeho- of God." (Rev. 19 : 13) He having come to the temple,
vah’s law out of Zion, Tr~E Trlc.ocRAcY, means de- it follows, as stated in the prophecy: "And the word
struction. of the LoRD [Jehovah] from Jerusalem" shall go
,8 Zion, the capital organization of the universe, forth. Such is "the Holy Jerusalem", which comes
is eternally Jehovah’s official residence by his spirit down from God out of heaven. Meaning The Christ,
and power. He laid Christ Jesus as the Chief Corner including Jesus the Head and all his body members,
Stone in Zion when Jehovah sent him to the temple, the apostle wrote: "But Jerusalem which is above
in 1918, and presented him as King of the new world ¯ . . is the mother of us all." (Gal. 4: 26) It is "the
to "Christendom". Thus Jehovah "hath built up city of the great King". (Matt. 5: 35) King David
Zion", and he appears in his glory, by the revelation reigned in typical Jerusalem on earth; Christ Jesus,
of his Kingdomtruth now, but by the visible exhibi- the Greater David, now reigns for evermore in the
tion of his glorious power in his "strange act" at ’qmly Jerusalem", which is heavenly and invisible
Armageddon. (Ps. 102: 16, Am. Rev. Ver.) Particu- to men. From Jehovah and through His King of the
larly from and after his presentation of his King on "holy Jerusalem" comes the word of the Lord, his
Zion Jehovah’s law has gone forth from his capital message and doctrine to his servants on earth who
organization, Zion, the seat of the Lawgiver. To his fear him and keep his commandments. That word
covenant people begotten of his spirit his law out of announces the doomof religion and traditions of men.
Zion is : "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah." "This ’° Jehovah feeds his people through his capital or-
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the ganization, of which Christ Jesus is the Head, and in
world for a witness unto all nations." "Proclaim . . . that connection he uses the visible part of his organi-
the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all zation. As the famished people had to come to Joseph
that mourn." (Isa. 43: 12; Matt. 24: 14; Isa. 61: 1, 2) the ruler of Egypt to get bread to live, so now those
To the religious, political, commercial ruling factors who seek life and comfort must come to Jehovah’s
of tile world his law has been fearlessly declared by organization and to his Greater Joseph, who is "The
his faithful witnesses since 1918: "Serve Jehovah Bread of Life". "The word of the Lord abideth for
with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, ever" (1 Pet. 1: 25, A.R.V.), and those desiring to
lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, for his live forever must feed thereon and throw religion
wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all they that to the dunghill. "For the word of the LORDis right."
take refuge in him." (Ps. 2: 10-12, Am. Rev. Ver.) (Ps. 33:4) The facts clearly establish that since the
The rulers, judges and clergy of the earth defy the Lord’s coming to the temple, and particularly since
law out of Zion and oppose The THEOCRATIC GOVERlq- 1922, the word of the Lord God Jehovah has gone
~IEXT and its proclamation. They shall miserably forth from the heavenly Jerusalem. The wondrous
perish at the kindled wrath of the King at Arma- truths of the Bible have been revealed, the prophecies
geddon. Jehovah’s faithful covenant people obey his have been made plain, and the doctrine of paramount
law, even when demonized men mischievously frame importance has b~en made crystal clear, to wit, the
laws to punish their obedience to God. The Lord’s Kingdom,Ttt¢. THwOCr~AC¥, which shall settle the pri-
"other sheep" leana and obey the divine law out of mary issue of u~iwns.~ DOMINATION wholly in Jeho-
Zion, and serve with the remnant as witnesses to vah’s favor and in vindication of his name. Blessed
Jehovah and his THEOCRACY, and they take refuge in are the remnant and all the meek ones of good-will
Christ Jesus, his Son and King. who go up to the mountain of the Lord’s house and
" Concerning that law out of Jehovah’s capital there feed upon his precious Word of life and light
it is written: "The commandmentis a lamp, and the and who then keep his law by dispensing that Word
law is light." (Prov. 6: 23) The King’s unchanging abroad to feed his "other sheep"l
rule nowapplies: "If thou wilt enter into life, keep "What shall follow? The prophecy yet to be con-
the commandments." (Matt. 19: 17) Obedience sidered makes this plain, for our further admonition
God’s law is the only way to life. The King on Zion and comfort.
showed to all the way of obedience, and he is "the (To be continued)

Behold, the eye of Jehovah is upon them that fear him, upon them
that hope in hts lowttgkmdness; to deliver their soul from death,
and to keep them ahve tn famine. Our soul hath watted for Jehoo
yah: he ts our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejotce tn
him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy lowng-
kindness, 0 Jehovah, be upon us, according as we have hoped
in thee.--Psalm 33: 18-22, A.I~.V.
N ANaddress before the Legislative body of America
I last December26 a visiting statesman of the world said :
Revelation 13 : 13 states that the two-horned beast ’per-
forms grcat wonders and makes fire come down from heaven
"If we had kept together after the last war, if we had in the sight of men’. This "fire" comes down, not from Jeho-
taken commonmeasures for our safety, this renewal of vah’s heaven, but from the exalted place of the "god of this
the curse [the catastrophe of world war] need never have world" in his organization. The evident purpose of this
fallen upon us .... In the days to come the British and work of his agents is to deccivc and mislead the people.
American people will for their own safety and for the good It shows that the two-horned beast is a favored instrument
of all wall: together in majesty, in justice and in peace." in his hands, especmlly cquipped to car~" out his designs.
Newspaper commentators were quite unanimous that this Amongthese signs, or "wonders", done and performed by
had reference to the League of Nations, of which there are the two-horned beast may be mentioned, to wit: liw estab-
still over forty members, and which League God’s prophet- lishment by it of the greatest eml)ire of earth, 1.uhng both
ic word foretold. the land and the sea; the gaining of supremacy in the win-
It has long been Britain’s proud boast that she rules the ning of the World War; the promoting of great rehgious
waves and that the sun never goes down on her domains missionary movements; the publishing and distribution of
and that she always takes the part of humanity. The Amer- millions of Bibles, engineered by the clergy, whothemselves
ican government makes the same boast concerning her lib- do not believe the Bible, but which is done to deceive the
erahty. British diplomacy is the last word in skill ; America people into understanding that these nations are Christian ;
has tried to copy it. At Revelation 13: 11, concerning the the capture and controlling of the banking power of the
two-horned creature symbolizing the modern dual world- world; the capturing of the "holy city" of Jerusalem in
power, the prophecy reads: "And he had two horns like 1917; the taking of the lead in the peace treaties of the
a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." At Ezekiel 29:3 the world ; the supplying of the chief portion of the moneyfor
great Dragon is described as saying of the peoples among the healing of the woundedhead of the ’sea-beast’ till tl~e
which he operates : "My river is mine own, and I have made rise of Hitler; the posing as the benefactors of mankind;
it for myself." So, too, the MonroeDoctrine, of 1823, says, and their clergy turning the people away from Jehovah God
’Itands off America,’ and which speech is therefore by the and from the Bible, and causing all that dwell upon the
two-horned creature or dual world-power and is like unto earth to worship the anti-Theocracy organization.
the speech of the Dragon. Revelation 13:1, 2 describes the Also: "He exerciseth all the power of the first beast be-
"beast" with seven heads that came up out of the sea and fore him, and eauseth the earth and them which d~ ell ~here-
representing the visible organization of the world with seven in to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was
successive world powers holding the world dominance each healed." (Verse 12) This is another wonder like fire coming
after the other. In the fight referred to in verse 3 of the down from the heaven of the "prince of this world". It was
prophecy Britain and America, the symbolic two-horned the two-horned beast that lined up the clergy contingent,
beast, really constitute the power that wounded the sixth especially to give ’heavenly’ approval to its fight for world
or German-controlled head of the ’sea-beast’ in the world domination. This fire from such heaven was not for the
war of 1914-1918 and then afterwards healed its wound. purpose of destroying "the earth", but to indicate that he
Further referring to the two-horned beast, Revelation has supernatural power to perform great things through
13:12 says: "And all the authority of the first beast he this two-horned instrument; also for the purpose of show-
ing that the two-horned beast has superior power to carry
executes in his presence, and makes the earth and those
who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal on destructive work, and that all the world should take
wound was healed." (Emphatic D~zglott translation) The note thereof and deport themselves accordingly. This pro-
two-horned beast receives its authority from the same gram carried out did deceive the peoples of earth, and such
source, to wit, "the god of this world." (2 Cor. 4 : 4) It be- deceptive policy is in keeping with the offspring of Satan
comes the dominant power because it is the seventh head in opposition to Jehovah’s THEOCRACY under Christ.
or seventh world power of the age-old world organization; The s)uubolic ’sea-beast’ includes all the world powers,
and it really takes first place, while the other nations play but in this particular picture is represented by Germany,
second fiddle. Although the sea-beast and the two-horned as the head which was wounded, and which was compelled
beast fought amongst themselves for world domination (like to take a grandstand seat and watch the performance of
the hypocritical religious clergy, which form a super- the two-horned beast doing its tricks and performing its
national, spiritual part of the symbolic beast), they are great wonders. The two-horned beast, having the attention
united in one thing, to wit : they are against the THEOCRATIC of all the rulers of the earth drawn to it, is represented, at
GOVEa~tENT of Jehovah God by his Anointed King, Christ Revelation 13.14, as "saying to them that dwell on the
Jesus. (Ps. 2 : 2, 3) Concerning the two world-powers fight- earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which
ing each other for world domination, namely, "the king had the woundby a sword, and did live". This is that sea-
of the north" and "the king of the south", Daniel 11:27 beast one of the heads of which had received the woundand
says: "They shall speak lies at one table [of the god of this had recovered. Rotherham renders this text: "They should
world]," and feed upon the same provender. (1 Cor. 10: 21) make an image unto the wild-beast."
They ignore God’s Word concerning his kingdom and all
evidence of the setting up of the same. Imbued with their This message or request the two-horned beast addressed
imperialistic idea, they go on to carry out Satan’s purpose to the rulers of its own empire, as well as all the other
in preparing for his final stand to rule the earth, at the rulers of the earth. This image should be made "unto the
battle of Armageddon. wild-beast", that is to say, in the likeness of the sea-beast

and for the benefit of the entire world organization¯ The The American Federation of Churches pronounced the
"image" which resulted was a modernization of the ancient League the "political expression of God’s kingdom on
universal-empire system, in a multilateral Peace Pact, for earth"; and another organization, called "League of Na-
the preservation of the imperial rule of the "god of this tions, Inc.", sent out a circular letter urging America’s
world", and for its benefit to avoid further strife between entry and asking: "In a world so dark as this, why blow
component parts of his organization, and to draw them out the only light there is?" The president of the United
into a compact and unite them in war against Jehovah’s States succeeding the war president made a desperate effort
TIIEOCRATICGOVERNMENT. This is a conspiracy against to induce the ratification of the World Court, which is a
God’s organization, and is an abomination unto Him, "the part of the League of Nations compact. In May, 1923, the
abomination of desolation." (Matt. 24:15) The facts con- clergy, embracing 125,000 congregations in America, began
clusively prove that the League of Nations is that "image a campaign to support the president’s proposal that the
of the beast". It is a formation of a thing for the benefit United States enter the "Permanent Court of International
of the anti-Theocratic organization of "the prince of the Justice" of the League of Nations. The Federal Council of
demons". Churches pushed this campaign and used all their power
The proof is also overwhelming that the League of Na- upon the politicians to bring about the desired result. They
tions compact originated with British officers and that the claimed to represent twenty million persons. Notwithstand-
famous "fourteen points" and the League compact itself ing the efforts of some of her people to keep the United
were drafted by British officers. But the honor of announc- States out, the nation is in the Leagueof Nations, in effect.
ing the same was given to the then president of the United In 1928 the secretary of state of the United States, act-
States. He was made the mouthpiece or spokesman for the ing as spokesman, presented at the conference of nations
two-horned, dual world-power, and his speech was smooth at Paris the treaty known as "The General Pact for the
and fair and calculated to turn men away from T,~,~ Renunciation of War", or the Kellogg-Briand pact. It was
THEOCRACY. signed by fourteen powers all of which were members of
Whenthe Americanpresidentspoketo the nationsof the League of Nations, and was ratified by the United States
the worldconcerning the Leaguea notedEnglishman said Senate. An American newspaper said thereon: "At last the
of him: "Itwaslikethevoiceof Godtalking overourheads United States has joined the family of nations¯ Weare no
to the continent and to the nationsof the world."When longer an isolated people. Weare not afraid of the ghost
thissamegreatpresident reached Paris,there, it is written of entangling alliances. Weare ready to assume the obliga-
of him,’in ParisWilson"received an ovationsurpassingtion of our power and good fortune."~Age-Herald (Bir-
anythingwitnessed in Francesincethe daysof Napoleon. mingham, Ala.).
¯ . . He visitedRome,wherehe wascountedas a sortof Another newspaper said: "The League opens the way
messiah,cometo saveEuropefromthe terrorsof future for the United States to assume seat in World Court." Ger-
wars."In Londonhe was made the occasionof a demon- many’s then foreign minister, according to the press, said
stration similarto thatgivenin Paris.’--See TheEncyclo- that "the adhesion by the United States to the Court was
pediaAmericana, under "Wilson". a logical sequel to the Kellogg Pact, that it would increase
The League of Nations compact finally included all the the tribunal’s prestige and greatly advance the cause of
relies or remnants of the original sea-beast having seven arbitration as opposed to war". The New York Evening
heads (world powers). The powers mgnatory to the com- World, of March 8, 1929, said, "A sequel to the Kellogg
pact embraced most of the nations of the earth. Egypt, the Pact was seen by many in the League of Nations today when
first world power of antiquity (now represented in Britain), the Council approved a motion by Foreign Minister Briand
and Mesopotamia, under the kingdom of Iraq (the site of of France, that a proposed treaty whereby financial assist-
Assyrm, the second world power, and of Babylon, the third ance would be given to countries who are victims of aggres-
world power), are included in the League of Nations. Iran sion will be submitted to non-members of the League ....
(Persia) and Greece, the fourth and fifth world powers, The commentin Geneva is that the United States is inter-
and the Anglo-American Empire, are included, and Italy ested in observance of the Kellogg Pact and that if any
(Rome, the sixth world power) was included until Musso- signatory resorted to war in violation of its provis,ons
lini announced Italy’s withdrawal December11, 1937. It is American sympathies would lean towards an economic
important here to note that one of the divisions of the blockade of the aggressor and perhaps to participation in
League is "The Permanent Court of International Justice", financial assistance to the victim or threatened victim."
at The Hague. (The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 17, The Journal De Geneve, of Switzerland, wluch voices
page 177) The League of Nations was made a part of the the sentiment of the League, thereafter said: "The League
Peace Treaty of Versailles. The president of the United can talk with the United States m the event of war and
States urged its adoption by the United States Senate. say, ’The Kellogg Pact has been vmlated What arc your in-
Opposition arose against him there, based "on substantially tentionsf IIenceforth the aggressor at least will encounter
imperialistic grounds". Big Business, manypoliticians, and the passive though none the less terrible reprobation of the
practically all the clergy of America joined a like group of United States." The facts therefore show that the peace
British ruling powers to put the League compact through. treaty known as "The General Pact for the Renunciation
The United States Senate refused to confirm the compact of "~¥ar" was a part of the League of Nations and an in-
and negotiated a separa{e treaty with the Teutonic powers. direct way, therefore a deceptive way, for the UmtedStates
But the fight to put America into the League did not at to get fully into the League, where she nowis. A few years
all stop there. ago the United States joined the International Labor Or-
ganization (I.L.O.) of the League which since the war Further concerning the two-horned beast Ilevelation
operating from its new working center in Montreal, Cana- 13 : 16, 17 reads : "Andhe causeth all, both small and great,
da. In November of 1941 the world conference of the rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a marl: in their
League’s I.L.O. was held in Columbia University in New right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man m~ht
York City, the United States secretary of labor attending. buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of ~hc
Revelation 13:15 tells that the two-horned beast "had beast, or the number of his name." This denotes regimenta-
power to give life [(Greek) pneuma; spirit or breath] unto tion of the people. Also according to the League compact
the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should every, nation that would not conform to the world-combine
both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship arrangement should be boycotted in its commerce and eco-
[honor] the image of the beast should be killed". In other nomic sanctions be applied; that was the open threat.
words, the "image" is a kind of dummythat requires a Liberty-lovers shudder at the possibility of all the nations
ventriloquist to speak for it, and the two-horned beast acts of earth turning totalitarian.
in the capacity of a ventriloquist to make it speak, and when The League of Nations, hailed as "the political expres-
it speaks it apparently utters a sound that emanates from sion on earth of God’s kingdom", was brought forth as a
its promoter, the two-horned beast. substitute for Jehovah’s kingdom. The Papacy tried to ride
Image-making for the purpose of worship is utterly on it but failed to get on the back thereof. The Papacy
contrary to the law of God, as declared at Exodus 20:4, 5 thereafter said little about or for that League of Na~mns.
and Romans 1:23. The religions clergy rooters for the Italy and Japan were in the League from the beginning.
League of Nations are most reprehensible in this respect, Austria got into it in December, 1920, and Germanyentered
because they claim to represent God and yet they are openly in 1926. The League of Nations served as a temporary sub-
breaking God’s law. Notwithstanding this, the clergy and stitute for THETHEOCRACY until the chief of demons and
their allies bend their efforts to compel the people to give his associates brought forth and placed the more abomina-
their honor to and put their reliance upon, and therefore ble thing where it has no right to be. In Germanythe Nazi
g~ve their worship to, the "image". According to the com- party, with the full sanction, approval and co-operation of
pact the violator of the League pledge "is automatically in the Papacy, planned their owaa League, and to that end
a state of outlawry" with the nations which have bound Catholic Hitler assumed the office of dictator, conch~ded
themselves to sever economic relations with the defaulting his concordat with the pope in 1933, and withdrew from the
League member. This is the same effect as that of the Paris Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. There-
Peace Pact. Thus it is seen that the "god of this world" after all the members of the so-called "Axis powers" with-
has prepared a means, by threatening "death", to keep the drew from the League.
nations in line; but the actual application of this rule did "Catholic Action" worked with the totalitarian rulers,
not work out that way, as is evident from the course of the particularly to make Hitler the spearhead of the Roman
nations since 1931, particularly when Japan invaded Man- Catholic Hierarchy in the effort to overthrow democracies
churia. The whole arrangement of the League of Nations and to re-establish the "Holy RomanEmpire". The purpose
or "image of the beast" is in opposition to the Lord’s of the religious-totalitarian combine is to carry out the
THEocm~aac GOVEm’,’XtF_~T by Christ Jesus, and is blasphe- wicked desire of the "Axis powers", particularly the Cath-
mous. The Lord God, as represented by his Judge and King olic organization, in destroying the republics and to bring
Christ Jesus, came to the temple in 1918, and here the such countries into the combine. This done, the reIigious
words of Jehovah God are appropriate. "What profiteth dictatorial power attempts to form a "new League of Na-
the graven image, that the maker thereof hath graven it; tions" and to bring all the conquered territory into that
the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of League. November 20, 1940, a formal alliance was signed
his work trusteth therein, to make dumbidols ? Woeunto between the Axi.~ powers and Japan and Itungary, at
him that saith to the wood [image], Awake; to the dumb Vienna, and the construction of the "new League of Na-
stone [image], Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over tions", the rule of earth by dictators, proceeded. A few
with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the days thereafter Rumania joined. No European country may
midst of it. But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the divorce itself therefrom. November 24, 1940, the pope
earth keep silence before him."--Hab. 2 : 18-20. prayed for such "new order".

(Continued from page 82) 1942 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES

celebrate the Memorial,their compamons the "other sheep" being This newYearbookpresents the president’s report on the work
present as observers. If there is no competentperson present to throughout the world this past year, showingthe greatest year’s
dehver a brief discourse immediatelybefore the partaking of the work yet despite persecution and war. It further includes the
emblems,that short article appearing mthe March1, 1942, Issue ycartext and comment,and also a text for each day of the year
and a pointed commentthereon. The edltmn of the Yearbook is
of The Watchtowershould be read before those assembled prior
to partakang. Since the breaking of the bread and drinking of alwayslimited, hence a contribution of 50c a copyis asked. It will
the wine both picture the death of Jesus, it follows that both em- be marledto youpostpaid on receipt of your order with remittance
blemsshould be served together at partaking, and not separately. to cover.
The emblemsshould be unleavened bread and real red wine. Jesus "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
and his apostles used real red winein symbolof his blood, and the
anointed remnantshould follow their lead. A report of the cele- Weekof April 19: "Micah" (Part 5),
bration should be madeto the Society as instructed in the In- ¶ 1-21 inclusive, The WatchtowerMarch15, 1942.
formant. In preparation therefor the artmle "Memorial"suggested Weekof April 26: "~Ilcah" (Part 5),
abovewill be studied with profit. ¶ 22-41 reclusive, The Watchtower.~Iarch 15, 1942.
AN IRISH-INDIAN PIONEERS IN FLAGSTAFF, NEW MEXICO ing our work. The letter was handed to Bill; so he back-
"On my way to a back-call, I passed within a block and called on her twice. In working the territory with the books
a half of the courthouse. One of the deputies picked me up. I had to call at this home where she roomed. The lady of
tie said: ’We have awfully embarrassing things to do some- the house, an elderly lady, invited me in. I put the phono-
times, but we have to do them. I am not placing you under graph to work on ’Children’. Whenthrough I knelt down
arrest, but I want you to go with me to headquarters for to shut it off and heard a man’s voice behind me saying
an investigation.’ There he asked me what it was all about. something. I began to demonstrate the book Children~ show-
I told him a recording here would explain, and proceeded ing her how the preachers had Jesus killed. The voice from
to play ’Children’ and the reverse side on ’Integrity’. Some behind me spoke : ’Is this the manyou called me up about ?’
seemed to enjoy the discs. The man who picked me up left The lady said ’Yes’. ’Did he try to sell you that book ?’ ’Not
after hearing the records. An American Legionnaire asl~ed yet.’ ’These are the people we have arrested several times;
if the Nazi flag meant as much to me as the American flag, the people of Wheaton don’t want them, so any kind of
and I told him it did not; the Americanflag stands for lib- charge you make I’ll arrest him. Is that all he’s done, play
erty and justice, and the Nazi flag just the opposite. I was that record?’ ’Yes.’ ’Well, I guess he h~ that right. Do
further asked: ’Is it a fact that you carry those records to you want that man to visit your house anymore?’ ’No, I
cover up your foreign brogue and the fact that you can’t don’t want those people around here.’ ’Well, tack a sign
speak English ?’ (Some of my ancestors met the Mayflower up "No Trespassing", then you’ve got them. Why don’t
of the Pilgrim fathers.) Several citizens were called on the you come to us and get a permit : we’ve arrested you people
phone; but nothing came of it. One deputy said: ’We had time and again.’ I replied that the court agreed we were
you up here last week ; how come you drifted back ?’ I told right in doing this work, and our work is upheld by the
him we had never left town. The deputy told us the county Supreme Court. ’Oh, the Supreme Court,’ he sneered. Then
attorney had told him to tell me to get my partner and he opened the door, and I shook the dust off myfeet."
leave town. He was informed that that was impossible. ]’old
I could go, I proceeded to a back-call, rejoicing beeau.~e the IN A BLACK-OUT ON THEPACIFIC COAST
Lord had made it possible to do so. Passing a house on which "I was playing a series for a young lady with several
I had called a couple of days before, a lady called to me: small children, expecting another lady soon, when the siren
’Hey, Mister! Have you got those magazines you had the blew for the black-out. The children upstairs began to cry,
other day ?’ I replied ’Yes’, and introduced the phonograph and she became quite panic-stricken. So we went upstairs,
recording. She contributed for the book Children, and said : brought all the children down, and lined them up on the
’I read that folder you left in the door, and surely did en- davenport. Then, after getting the Mrs. comfortably seated
joy it. I am awfully sorry I treated you the way I did.’ by the stove with the youngest child in her lap, we started
She was informed that Jehovah’s witnesses understand the the phonograph. As Judge Rutherford’s calm voice began
reason for the people’s being misinformed and that it hadn’t to speak, the children stopped whimpering and all was
discouraged me one bit." silence until the last record was played, all still being in
absolute darkness, as the houses here are not yet equipped
SPECIAL PUBLIStlERS IN AN ILLINOIS TOWN for black-outs. Then the womansaid, ’I’m never going to
"’We decided to work tile courthouse first. This town has be afraid again. I am going to just trust Jehovah to pro-
a populatmnof 8,200 and is very religious and superstitious. tect me and my children. I knew there was no protectmn
It boosts of a religious college, the largest Liberal Arts in from men, but now I know where real protection is.’ Until
Illinois, which is a branch of the MoodyBible Institute, the houses here arc equipped we will probably have to play
turning out mimsters for thirteen different brands of reli- the series in the dark, but it is simple if one lines the rec-
gion. Jehovah’s witnesses have previously been arreoted ords up in order, then put on No. 1 record; when that is
here and were never accepted very well. Bill started on the finished drop No. 2 right on over No. 1; then turn the two
top floor, while Bunt and I started on the bottom floor. over-together, which gives you No. 3 on top; then remove
Wehad worked only four offices when approached by two the top record, and you have No. 4. One can go right through
deputy sheriffs and asked to cometo the sheriff’s office for the lecture series this way without a hitch."
questioning. What were we doing in the courthouse? I told
trim we were preaching the gospel and ’hunting’ for the
"other sheep’. He said, ’I nmst be a goat then.’ I told him "During witness service with magazines on sidewalks of
I didn’t think so, and I bet he didn’t hate me, and I be- San Angelo Saturday afternoon a tall, elderly man ap-
lieved he might be a sheep. I then handed him the Bulletin proached and asked for a certain booklet. He stated he had
from Washington, D.C., ’Law-abiding,’ and my Testimony just been talking to a preacher who was an acquaintance,
card. He read them over carefully, then sazd that if we had when another preacher came along and said to the first
asked him he would have let us finish. I told him we could preacher: ’Look! see those Jehovah’s witnesses again on
not ask for permission. One of the deputies took a book the streets. They should be run out of the city !’ the preacher
Governme~t from my ease and asked the price. I told him evidently thinking the other two would agree with him.
the sheep contributed twenty-five cents, and when they were Instead, this tall, elderly man began to state some facts,
too poor we gave it to them. So he took the book and I have whereupon the preacher quickly beat it. An observing per-
a back-call on him. While the sheriff questioned us Bill son remarked: ’This must be the Lord’s work, because it
finished the other floors. One of the college girls wrote a continues to go on even against vicious opposition and
Chiea~o unit of Jehovah’s witnesses for information regard- persecution.’"
thatI am

APRIL 1, 1942

ACESOWLEr~]¢~T 111
STr~Dr~ST~ESS 111
P~moD 98
"W*~Po wv.Jz" STUDIES....................... 98
Usv R~zw~ SUBSCSn~O~BL~X .... 98
117 Adams Street
" "
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.
HIS JournaI Is published for the purpose of enablfng the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
t, the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
:N. H. Kh’ORR,President W.E. VANAMBU~G~, Secretary" It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be £em~}ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other meansof public
~reat shall be f.he peace of thy children." -l~ntah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, Is from everlasting to
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the ]Hakerof heavenandearthandthe Glverof llfe tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to hiscreatures ; thattheLogoswasthebeglnningOf hiscreation,Klng. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
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heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man YF.~LELY SUSSCRL~’r~ON PRIC~
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ful King of the world : that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society In every cns~
Christ Jesus are children of Zion. membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
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THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
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The spring month of Aprxl is a favorable tLme for the "Chil- With pleasure the Society announces publication of a new
dren of The King" Testimony Period, and which is therefore a booklet, Hope---for thv Dead--for the Survivors--in a R,ghteoas
world-wide period of united action by those advertising the King World. The theme itself impresses one that the booklet meets a
and the Kingdom. In all the earth not only those of the anointed very present need, when milhons of hearts need to be refused with
remnant, but also all those hoping to becomethe earthly "children new hope both for the living and for the newly dead; and the
of the King", want to take part. If any such want references to contents, in an up-to-date setting, will dehght you. It is a 64-page
companies organized for this testimony let them without delay booklet, self-covered, but having a very engaging cover dcmgn.
write the office mtheir respective countrms. April being the close of Date of ~ts release for general circulation in the field is announced
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Week of May 3: "g~cah" (Part 6), in renewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
1-19 inclusive, The Watchtower April 1, 1942. By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
tion of your Watchtower from the time of expiration, and with-
Weekof l~Iay 10: "Micah" (Part 6), out delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your name uni-
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I,1942 .NO. 7


"For Jelwvah is our judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovah is our king; he wiU save us."--lsa. 33: 22,
Am. Rev. Vet.
EHOVAtIis the final Judge, to whomall creatures up another." (Ps. 75: 6, 7) Jehovah makes Zion his
J and all organizations in the universe must render
account for their conduct. He is the Supreme
official residence. Hence the prophecy is fulfilled
that now "the law shall go forth of Zion, and the
Power, excelling all. ’ff-Ie is excellent in power, and word [of truth] of the LoI~D from Jerusalem".
in judgment, and in plenty of justice." (Job 37:23) (Mic. 4: 2) This sending forth of the law and word
"God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this, of the Lord God as set out in the Bible has been
that power belongeth unto God." (Ps. 62: 11) His true since the coming of Jehovah’s Judge to the
faithful and devoted Son he has exalted to be next temple in 1918 for judgment. Now the people of
to Himself, and to him He has delegated all power good-will toward God and his capital organization
in heaven and earth, to act as his Deputy Judge in are attending unto that law and word declared by
the judging of all the nations of earth and to execute His witnesses on earth. Thereby the Lord God is
the judicial decisions in righteousness. "For the teaching them of his ways and enabling them to
Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all walk in his paths, which lead unto life everlasting
judgment unto the Son; and hath given him author- in the paradise on earth.
it)" to execute judgment also, because he is the Son * By the light of the truth proclaimed such persons
of man." (John 5: 22, 27) Hence Jehovah and his see that Jehovah has placed his Judge upon tlle
Son Christ Jesus are the true and only "Higher royal throne and has exalted his capital organization
Powers". All souls that are wise and lovers of life Zion far above the "mountains", or governments, of
and righteousness will be subject to and will obey Satan’s visible organization under the shadow of
such ’’Higher Powers" rather than any other exist- which the people have suffered and mourned. Soon
ing power in opposition. all peoples who continue under demon rule will, by
2 Jehovah, by his appointed Judge of power, judges fear of the things coming, be driven to cry "to the
individuals and organizations. Jehovah makes the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from
decision as to which organization shall be exalted the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from
to the head of His universal organization, and also the wrath of the Lamb [of God] : for the great day
as to which organization shall be abased unto hell of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to
or destruction. Zion is Jehovah’s organization of stand?" (Rev. 6:16, 17) Such are the "goats" which
integrity, of which Christ Jesus is the Chief One or are made manifest by the Lord’s judgment of the
Head and of which organization all other members nations which is now proceeding. But the "sheep"
must follow in his footsteps and must like him class are meek, teachable toward the Lord. They see
maintain their integrity toward God even unto the that all the governments under demon rule are
death. It is a tried and faithful organization, and doomed to earl)" leveling to the ground, and hence
inseparably devoted to ’~holiness unto Jehovah". they flee to God’s capital organization, his holy
Therefore the Supreme Judge, Jehovah, promotes Mount Zion. They put themselves under it for pro-
Zion to be the capital organization of his universe, tection and to be hid from Jehovah’s Executioner
"angels and authorities and powers being made at the battle of Armageddon. (Zeph. 2 : 3) Only thus
subject" thereunto. (1 Pet. 3 : 22) On the ocher hand, doing may the "sheep" hope to live through that final
Jehovah declares his purpose to shortly level to the and decisive battle between God’s organization and
dust the unfaithful enemy organization of the demons the Devil’s organization. All the "goats" shall die.
under Satan. "For promotion cometh neither from ¯ Concerning Jehovah, as represented by his great
the east, nor from the west, nor from the south: but Judge upon the throne in Zion, the prophecy an-
God is the judge; he putteth down one, and setteth nounces: "And he shall judge among many people,

and rehuke strong nations afar off; and they shall tion to his THv.OCIt,tTICGOVl~I~I~I~IENT by Christ Jesus,
boat their swords into plowshares, and their spears and that therefore they are deserving of rebuke
into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword rather than of blessing on their peace plans. If
against nation, neither shall they learn war any the religious clergy would do their duty toward
more." (Mic. 4: 3) This has been a favorite text their political allies and if "Christendom’s" nations
with popes and statesmen when posing before the would examine God’s Word, they would find the
people as lovers of peace and working for inter- judgment of the Lord God already written there
national peace. In quoting this text they have applied showing his judicial decision concerning the nations
it to themselves as if the chosen ones to establish and their final end. That "judgment written" will be
everlasting peace on earth, and this with a view to executed without fail (Ps. 149 : 9) It is written : "The
making it agreeable for the peoples and nations to wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations
continue under demon rule. Such is presumptuous- that forget God." (Ps. 9: 17) The clergy failing
ness in God’s sight. It is abominable to him, because call attention to God’s announced purpose in His
only He, by Christ Jesus, his "Prince of Peace", Word, Jehovah sends forth his witnesses to all
shall bring about lasting peace and an absolutely nations to declare "the judgment written", and thus
disarmed earth. The Hague Court of International to serve notice upon them before the "battle of that
Arbitration, the disarmament provisions of the great day of God Almighty", when such written judg-
Versailles Peace Treaty, the League of Nations, the ment shall be executed to the letter. Proclamation
Paris Peace Pact of 1928 commonly called the of such judgment written constitutes a test upon the
Kellogg-Briand pact, the pope’s "Holy Year" of nations of "Christendom", and Jehovah by Christ
1933, and also all the hypocritical and much-adver- Jesus judges them according to their course of con-
tised peace prayers from Vatican City, all such duct toward such proclamation and the proclaimers.
peace expedients of men to bring about a warless The political and religious rulers condemn such
world have failed. The world, now engaged in total proclamation. Their persecution of the proclaimers
war, bars all denial of this. Nowthat great religious and the hindering and suppressing of the organized
head at tile Vatican, in his speech of December 24, proclamation show that the nations have taken their
1941, proposes and prays for a "new order" stand in opposition to God and are fighting against
without "TOTALwar" or a mad rush of the nations him and have therefore forgotten him and chosen
for armaments. Actually he prays and works for a religion, which is demonism. The nations take their
Catholicized world backed by a strong totalitarian stand against ’the law which goes forth out of Zion,
government supervised by himself and his Hierarchy and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem’. Hence
as the spiritual superpower. To this end he now the Lord judges them adversely. He does not treat
uses the totalitarian Nazi-Fascist-Catholic dictators with them for peace.
as the "sword of the church" to cut off the democratic ’ By their stand in opposition to him the nations
and non-Catholic nations and also to destroy the that go totalitarian have taken a position "afar off"
witnesses of the Lord God who announce tile Theo- from Jehovah God and his THEocracY. By his judg-
cratic Government of Zion, Jehovah’s capital organi- ment there is now r~ "great gulf" between the Lord’s
zation. And to trap the political rulers of the demo- "sheep" and the "goats", which neither can cross to
cratic nations the Hierarchy repeatedly declare pub- get to the other side, there being no chance for com-
licly that no lasting peace with justice is possible promise. All the nations together are weak as com-
except the present pope’s peace. pared with God. In refusing his Rightful King they
’ In all these dreams and hopes of a warless and have chosen to war with God. Jehovah agrees to
disarmed earth by human achievement and in all accommodate them with a fight at Armageddon, and
the misapplying of Micah 4 : 3 to themselves as peace he bids them to muster all their strength and to come
messengers and agents, they overlook this fact: The on, to the field of battle : "Beat your plowshares into
prophecy declares that the thing which must precede swords, and your pruuinghooks into spears; let the
everlasting "peace on earth" is that Jehovah by his weak say, I am strong." (Joel 3 : 10) The declaration
Judge and King must judge among many peoples of the "judgment written" by Jehovah’s witnesses
and must "rebuke" the strong nations afar off. This has been a reproof to the nations. But it has not been
proves the complete inability and failure of religion- strong enough nor in itself sufficient to makeearth’s
ists and politicians to do what God’s "Prince of ruling powers mend their ways and yield to the
Peace" alone can do. incoming Tm-zOCl~Tic GOVlgttNI~IENT. Jehovah must
Now Jehovah’s Judge is upon his throne judging rebuke them with something stronger and more
the nations. His findings according to the course forceful than his message by his witnesses and their
now being taken by the nations is that they have companions. That He will do, by his great Execu-
forgotten God and have set themselves in opposi- tioner at Armageddon, and the tongue thus adminis-
APam i, 1942 NieWATCHTOWEI% I01

tering the rebuke is like a sword. "For, behold, and heaven to arm, and by totalitaman rule he
Jehovah will come with fire, and his chariots [battle marches all forth to the assault on God’s organi-
forces] shall be like the whirlwind; to render his zation, particularly the vulnerable part thereof, the
anger with fierceness, and his REBUKE with flames remnant on earth of Jehovah’s witnesses and their
of fire. For by fire will Jehovah execute judgment, companions. These are in God’s "Holy Land", mean-
and by his sword, upon all flesh; and the slain of ing their condition on earth of complete devotion to
Jehovah shall be many." (Isa. 66: 15, 16, Am. Rev. Jehovah and his THEOCllATIC GOVEP.NMENT. This final
Vet.) As for Jehovah’s King: "Out of his mouth assault upon the remnant of spiritual Israelites and
goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite their companions will fail to cause them to break
the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of their integrity toward the Most IIigh. Therefore
iron : and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness God will preserve his faithful ones and will execute
and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his his vengeance upon the demon organization, from
vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF top to bottom, including Satan, Gog, and the forces
KINGS, ANDLORDOF LORDS."--Rev. 19: 15, 16. of religion on earth. Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39,
Total war now raging on the earth is driving all and Revelation 19: 11-21, describe the slaughter.
the nations of "Christendom" into the totalitarian Their carnal weapons which they have forged in the
rule, whether they like it or not. At the peace con- great armaments race shall prove of no avail against
ference which must eventually come the political the "strange" and supernatural forces of destruction
statesmen and military men shall sit down with with which Jehovah will rebuke the nations. They
religion and arrange a peace among themselves for shall leave their swords and spears and other war
their continued government of the earth under "the equipment behind them strewn over the earth.
god of this world". Thereat the religious Hierarchy ~° 1\that then ? Shall such be left to mar the beauty
and allied clerk- will cry out to one another and to of the cleansed earth like war memorials ? The proph-
their political and commercial allies and to the war- ecy replies thht "they", meaning the survivors of
ruined people, "Peace and safety!" (1 Thess. 5:3) earth’s worst tribulation, to wit, the "great nml-
Then Jehovah from his throne in the north and Christ titude" of the Lord’s "other sheep", shall "beat their
Jesus, his King from the east or sunrising, shall [the enemies’] swords into plowshares, and tlLeir
send them a preliminary rebuke which shall frighten spears into pruninghooks". Foreseeing that day of
and infuriate them: "But tidings out of the east and peace through divine victory, Jehovah by his prophet
out of the north shall trouble him [the arbitrary says: "Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the
combine proposing peace without Theocracy] : there- Lord GOD;this is the day whereof I have spoken.
fore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, And they that dwell in the cities of Israel [the
and utterly to make away many." (Dan. 11:44) remnant and their companions] shall go forth, and
this desperate and final endeavor of demon-controlled shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the
powers to wipe out Jehovah’s faithful witnesses and shields and the buclders, the bows and the arrows,
their devoted companions Jehovah will rise up to and the handstaves and the spears, and they shall
the prey. He will pour out his indignation and fierce burn them [the combustible parts of the weapons]
anger as a death-dealing rebuke to the God-forgetting with fire seven years: so that they shall take no
nations, and all the visible earthly part of Satan’s wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of
organization shall be devoured with the fire of his the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with
jealousy. The nations that adopted religion or fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them,
demonism and made war upon God and his witnesses and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord
shall there at Armageddon for ever disappear from GoD."--Ezek. 39 : 8-10.
existence.--Zeph. 3 : 8. ’~ This proves that the real purpose of the demons
By this "strange act" at Armageddon Jehovah in causing the whole world to become an armed camp
God of hosts will effect the complete disarmament was to line up the nations against God and to bring
of the nations. Mencould not do it, and the demons about their destruction in the "battle of that great
under Satan will not let men do it. As described at day of God Almighty". Particularly down to and
Revelation 16: 13-16, the demons go forth to cause including the summer of 1940 the nations of the
all the governing factors of the earth to arm and world, including "the king of the north" and "the
march forth to the battle of Armageddon, which king of the south", have been warned against this
battle the demonforces shall lose. The Devil at war disastrous policy of the demons. They have not
mimics Jehovah God and sends forth the demon heeded that, but have listened to the leaders of
prince, Gog, as general in command, to oppose religion. Gazing out over the earth after the Arma-
Jehovah’s Chief Field Marshal, Christ Jesus, the geddon storm the prophet says: "Come, behold the
Prince of Life. Gog causes all his forces in earth works of the LoaD, what desolations he hath made
N. Y.

in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end confused fighting and self-destruction was pictured
of tile earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the in the Midianites destroying one another before
spear in sunder: he burneth the chariot in the fire." Gideon’s little army; and also the allied forces of
Then, for the benefit of the meek "sheep" of the Moab, Ammonand Mount Seir killing one another
earth who are teachable and will hear, he says: "Be off before the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Judg.
still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted 7:20-22; 2 Chron. 20: 22-24) When the enemy seeks
among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. to escape, the Lord God will block his flight, and
The LORDOF HOSTSis with us; the God of Jacob is none shall survive.wAmos 9: 1-4; Jer. 25: 33-35.
our refuge. Selah." (Ps. 46: 8-11) The "sheep" class
of good-will give heed and make Jehovah and his PEACE AND SECURITY
organization, TIlE THEOCRACY, their ref-uge. "Then, after Armageddon, peace shall settle down
,2 The prophecy makes it certain, therefore, that over the earth, as when the rainbow spanned the
equipment used in violation of God’s "everlasting heavens after the great Flood of Noah’s day had
covenant" (Gen. 9: 6, 11) and to war against Jeho- subsided and the survivors came forth from the ark
vah’s universal domination shall be wrecked at Arma- and, unitedly and without interference from the
geddon and thereafter be collected and converted demon agents, they all ~oined in worship of Jehovah
into upbuilding things of usefulness and productive- God, their Preserver and Deliverer. Then to those
ness. In this work the "great multitude" surviving Flood survivors God issued anew the divine mandate
earth’s last tribulation will be helped and supervised to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth".
by those of the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, (Gen. 8:18-22; 9:1-16) Likewise when those pre-
joined now by the faithful men of times before Christ. served during Armageddon come forth thereafter
Such faithful men of old shall be raised to life, from their hiding place, Jehovah by the King-
experiencing a "better resurrection" than the general Father, Christ Jesus, will restate to that "great
resurrection of mankind. They shall by Christ Jesus, multitude" the divine mandate to reproduce their
the great King-Father, be made "princes in all the ldnd in righteousness and to fill the depopulated
earth".wPs. 45: 16. earth with a righteous offspring. Such ones will
’~ With these visible governors, the "princes", the never learn war, either against one another or
"great multitude" shall constitute the "nations" in against Til~. THEOCRACY. Why? Because the peace-
that new earth. (Deut. 32 : 43 ; Rom. 15 : 10, 11) disturbing enemies of God will be gone. Satan and
them, and them only, will the prophecy be true: the demons will be restrained, and the "Prince of
"Nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, Peace" will rule. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy and
neither shall they learn war any more." To the con- Jesuitized Catholic Action will be gone. Totalitarian
trary, at present "the king of the north" and "the king dictators and the anti-God "abomination that maketh
of the south" lift up sword against each other in total desolate" will be gone. The profit of the earth will
war, whole nation against whole nation, and are be for all, and selfish commerce,with its "strong-arm
teaching and learning war as never before in the past, squad", will be gone. (Eccl. 5: 9) All religion, which
and are calculating on a long war for world domina- is demonism, will be gone, and the law and com-
tion. The demons will never permit the disarmament mandments and worship of Jehovah God will be in
of the "present evil world", but are lining up the effect and will be carried out by all that live. Politi-
nations for the deciding battle of Armageddon. Hence cians will be gone, and Til~ T~EOCnACY’S visflfle
the nations will never have peace with God nor time representatives on earth, the "princes", will rule in
to learn the arts of peace, but shall go down, fighting judgment. "And the work of righteousness shall be
against Jehovah and his T~,oc~cY. Finally Jehovah peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and
will cause the pope’s "new order founded on moral assurance for ever. And my people shall dwell in
principles" to split in disorder and the religious, a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and
commercial and political elements thereof to fight in quiet resting places."~Isa. 32 : 1, 17, 18.
against one another. Concerning this the sure proph- ’~ Further describing that blessed time the proph-
ecy says: "Then shall the Lol~D go forth, and fight ecy continues: "But they shall sit every man under
against those nations, as when he fought in the day hi~ vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make
of battle. Andit shall cometo pass in that day, that them afraid: for the mouth of the LO~Dof hosts
a great tunmlt from the LOaDshall be among them; hath spoken it." (Mic. 4: 4) This will be during the
and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of thousand-year reign of the King greater than
his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the Solomon, during the kingdom of which Solomon
hand of his neighbour." (Zech. 14: 3, 13) "And the God’s covenant people, Judah and Israel, "dwelt
horses and their riders shall come down, every one safely, every man under his vine and under his fig
by the sword of his brother." (Hag. 2 : 22) The same tree." (1 Ki. 4: 25) Then the Lord’s "other sheep"
Arnm 1, 1942 NieWATCHTOrEP,. 103

whomhe preserves the Greater Solomon addresses: not be commercialized or transferred to another.
"Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- (Lev. 25:23;Num.36:7;Ezek.4G: 18; Josh. 14:5.13)
dom [blessings] prepared for you from the founda- It shall be held in trust as a grant from the great
tion of tile [new] world." (Matt. 25: 34) The "princes" King-Father, because Christ Jesus is the "heir of
from Abel to John the Baptist, and including Abra- all things" of Jehovah. "The earth is the LORD’S
ham and Isaac and Jacob, shall be there, and con- [Jehovah’s], and the fulness thereof; the [new]
cerning the "great multitude" over whomthey shall world, and they that dwell therein." (Ps. 24: 1)
be visible governors Jesus said: ’~Iany shall come the be~nning, in the Paradise or garden of Eden
[and they are now coming] from the east and west, God appointed the perfect man to "dress it and to
and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and keep it". (Gem 2:15) Likewise under THE Tltzoc-
Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 8:11; ~AcYeach shall finally be responsible to the King-
Luke 13:28,29) To sit with them on earth in or Father for his assigned portion of the earth and for
during the time of "the kingdom of heaven" does the vine and fig tree or other things growing thereon,
not mean inactivity and idleness, but to feed with to dress and keep such. Each must do his part, both
them at the Lord’s table of blessings and to rest in individually and in co-operation with the other
the Lord and to enjoy peace and blessedness from members of the family and all his neighbors and
serving God and walldng with his "princes" in the all the "princes", in glorifying the earth as instructed
way of righteousness. and helped by T~E T~Eocl~cY. "And they shall build
~6 ’qgvery man under his vine and under his fig houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vine-
tree" does not mean personal private ownerslfip, yards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not
although doubtless humankind that lives will have the build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant,
pleasure of planting many vines and trees. In the and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the
Scripture s)~nbols the vine and the fig tree both days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy
represent the ’~kingdomof heaven" class and the fruit the work of their hands."--Isa. 65 : 21, 22.
that such bear to the relief, comfort and joy and ~’ There need be no fear that this glorious outlook
sweetening of those that accept the Lord’s message, shall never be realized by creatures of faith who
the fruit of the vine picturing joys, and the fig tree serve and obey God, "for the mouth of Jehovah of
picturing the goodness and sweetness due to the hosts hath spoken it." (Am. Rev. Ver.) Neither the
Kingdom.(John 15 : 1-8; Luke 13 : 6-9; Judg. 9 : 10-13) religious Hierarchy nor the totalitarian "abomina-
The "kingdom of heaven", of which Christ Jesus is the tion of desolation" nor the demonsshall prevent this,
true vine and all his body membersare the branches, but the invincible hosts of Jehovah shall clear them
is THETHEOCRACY’. Under that great symbolic Vine out of the earth at Armageddon and enforce peace
and Fig Tree all humankind on earth shall "sit" in throughout the universe. There will be no interna-
trusting dependence and shall receive of the joys tional police force of any federation of nations
and sweet blessings of the great King-Father, their needed, but angelic hosts at the command of the
Provider. "Then shall the earth yield her increase; invisible, heavenly THZOC~ACY will safeguard the
and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall interests of all humankind" on earth that live and
bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear obey. What Jehovah the Almighty God has spoken
him."---Ps. 67 : 6, 7. he will do beyond the power of any opposer to hinder
~’ They shall fear only the ’q=iigher Powers", and it, and thus He will vindicate His word. Why, then,
shall be afraid of none other. Cruel aggression by should any doubt it or take it lightly or with in(hffer-
covetous ones shall be no more, nor wicked secret ence ? Whylisten now to presumptuous men in power
police or gestapo, nor landlords, nor religion, with who make flowery promises to do what God Om-
its frightening doctrines of "purgatory" and "eternal nipotent alone can and will do? This information is
torment", nor any Roman Catholic Hierarchy and of the greatest importance to creatures, and it is
other priests and clergy to "devour widows’ houses, God’s will and command that it now be carried
and for a pretence make long prayer"; nor any death abroad by his witnesses on earth to bring comfort
to the obedient. (Matt. 23:14; Rev. 21:4; 1 Cor. to all lovers of God and his kingdom.
15:25,26) "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all
my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of DECISION
the knowledge of the Lord [due to the victory at ¯ o The judgment of the nations being now under
Armageddon], as the waters cover the sea."--Isa. way to divide the people as "sheep" and "goats", it
11:9; Hab. 2:14. is the time for decision by each one as to his course
~6 Doubtless, as in the days of the typical Theocracy of action that determines his destiny. He must
over the nation of Israel, each family or group will choose between God and the demons, between T~,E
be assigned a definite plot of ground, which may T~r~ocm~cY and demon rnle. "For all the peoples
104 fftieWATCHTOWE

walk every one in the name of his god; and we will reproach upon Jehovah’s name. To this day the Jews
walk in the name of Jehovah our God for ever and have renounced that name, which name they have
ever." (Mic. 4: 5, Am. Rev. Vet.) Satan is the "god therefore taken in vain. Then after the death of the
of this world", and all the world therefore lies in apostles the Devil turned the majority of the pro-
that wicked one. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19) God’s fessing Christians to religion, and these too have
Word plainly states that all nations practice some renounced the name of Jehovah. He is practically
form of demonism, which is religion. "For all the unknownto them, and with all despite of their heart
gods of the nations are idols." (Ps. 96 : 5) The nations such religionists persecute those bearing the name
do not adore Jehovah God nor salute his THEOCnATICof Jehovah. Jehovah having declared that before his
Govrm.x~m~Tby Christ Jesus, but they give their demonstration of power over Satan He would have
devotion to the organization that opposes Jehovah, his servants declare his name throughout all the
and which is tile organization of the demon gods. earth, Satan counters this with his boast and threat
21 The peoples of the nations walk and conduct that none on earth shall ever dare to take that holy
themselves by the authority of their "Gods", whether name and walk therein. So to heap further reproach
demon or human such as Hitler, and they come in upon that name he and his demons stir up the reli-
the name of and carry on in the name of the organi- gionists of "Christendom", particularly the Roman
zations of this world opposed to God. Though caUing Catholics, to engage in riotous and violent anti-
themselves by the name of God and Christ, they do Semitism to persecute the Jews who once bore Jeho-
not declare God’s name throughout all the earth nor vah’s name. This is a demoniacal warning to all
make known the purpose for which His name stands. Christians not to take the holy name which the
By opposing Jehovah’s witnesses and the message Jewish nation took in vain, and is a hint to Christians
these declare concerning His kingdom by Christ of what they shall suffer at the hands of religionists
Jesus the religionists of all nations belie their own if taking the name. Nothing can thwart Jehovah’s
claims. They prove they have taken the name of purpose to have a "people for his name" now at the
God and of Christ in vain and are walking in the end of Satan’s world and before God shows his power
name of other gods, to wit, the gods of Satan’s organ- over Satan.~Acts 15: 14.
ization, the demons. "Christendom" claims to be in 2~ Of old Jehovah made lmown his name to the
a covenant with God, and God’s command to his prophet Moses at the burning bush. In 1918 the
covenant people is, "Thou shalt have no other gods Greater Moses, Christ Jesus, came to the temple.
before me." (Ex. 20: 3) "Christendom" is therefore Through him Jehovah has since made known to the
proved a covenant-breaker and worthy of destruc- faithful remnant his purpose to make a name for
tion, and the Lord does not hold her guiltless for himself and has revealed to them the meaning of his
taking his name in vain. (Ex. 20: 7) "Ye cannot name Jehovah and that the vindication of his name
serve God and mammon,"said Jesus. (.~Iatt. 6: 24) by his Vindicator Christ Jesus is of the highest
There are only two line-ups in the great issue over importance. (2 Sam. 7: 23) Meantime the demon
universal domination, and "Christendom" lines up forces using religion have caused Fascists and Nazis
with mammon,and serves that god of selfish gain to be organized and to come into power and then
and covetousness. For years Jehovah’s witnesses great anti-Semitism to burst out from these religion-
have been declaring his name throughout the earth; ists to degrade the name of Almighty God and to
but "Christendom" does not choose to walk in His counteract the witness being given to that name by
name nor according to the purpose which lfis name His servants. Undaunted, Jehovah in 1931 majesti-
signifies. So doing, she and all her supporters and cally revealed to his covenant people of spiritual
hangers-on determine their destiny. This they do Israel that his servants must be called by a "new
hi,fore Jehovah executes judgment against all the name" which the mouth of the Lord God names, to
gods of "E~’pt", that is, Satan’s world, and before wit, "Jehovah’s witnesses." (Isa. 43: 10-12; 62:2
lie fanfishes all her gods, spirit and human, and 65: 15; Rev. 2:17) At this revelation from God’s
destroys them.~Ex. 9 : 16; 12 : 12; Zeph. 2 : 11. Holy Word they rejoiced: "Thy words were found,
22 In the face of "Christendom’ s" decision for the and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the
"god of this world", the small remnant of God’s joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by
covenant people, regardless of what others think thy name, O LORD[Jehovah] God of hosts." (Jer.
about them, declare with decisiveness : "Wewill walk 15:16) The devoted remnant hailed the disclosure
in the nmne of Jehovah our God for ever and ever." of the new name, and they defied the demon hosts
The Lord’s "other sheep" make the same decision and all the religious haters and persecutors of God’s
and thereby become and remain companions of the name. Gratefully they accepted the "new name",
remnant. Long ago Satan the Devil turned the natu- determined to prove worthy thereof and true there-
ral Jews to reli~on and thereby brought great to, and forth they went with greater zeal to publish

and bear witness further to Jehovah’s name and ing to the temple God’s consecrated ones on earth
kingdom. Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s Chief Witness, were not wholly cleansed from all forms of religion.
whose name is "Faithful and True", and they desired The full light had not yet come, but there were those
to be conformed to His image. The Lord God had of them with pure hearts and sincere devotion to
long ago foretold of this : "Therefore my people shall Jehovah God. Such things of religion lamed them,
know my name: therefore they shall know in that particularly the religious doctrine that the worldly
day that I am he that doth speak; behold, it is I." powers of Satan’s organization are the "higher
(Isa. 52: 6) "And I will strengthen them in the LortD powers", "ordained of God" and therefore to he
[Jehovah]; and they shall walk up and down in obeyed when such worldly authorities abuse their
his name, saith the LonD."--Zech. 10:12. power of office to hinder and ban the work God
5, Thus the "new name" is upon God’s covenant commissions and commands his anointed servants
people, not being conferred by any president of the to do. Fear of creatures resulted and caused his
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society nor by any servants to halt or limp, and hindered their walking
other man. True, Jehovah’s witnesses bear identi- boldly, uncompromisingly and without any apology
fication cards with the signature of the president or for Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, the true "lIigher
of the Society. Such, however, is merely to identify Powers".
them in case of investigation to prove they are true ~ Such halting became particularly pronounced
representatives of the Societ?" with its literature and and noticeable during the crisis of the World War,
to set forth the terms of their commission from the in 1914-1918, when the test of strict and unswerving
Lord to preach His message. So they do not walk obedience to God was thrust upon them by the
under authorization of some man’s name signed to enemy. (Ps. 38: 16-19; Jer. 20: 10) They limped,
a permit or license to go from house to house or if one-sided, "curved," not yet straight on the sub-
place to place with the Kingdom message, nor do jects of "the higher powers", and universal domina-
they ask such from dictator, police, or other worldly tion, and integrity or blamelessness toward God.
official. Their ordination and authorization to preach Hence they failed of continuous and bold perform-
is from Jehovah, whose name is called upon them, ance in the public proclamation of God’s kingdom.
and in His name they are determined to walk for This was displeasing to Jehovah God, and he per-
ever and ever, persecution and reproaches notwith- mitted them to be driven out or "driven away" from
standing. Particularly since then the persons of the free and open publication of His message and
good-will in all nations have heard the declaration of to be taken captive and restrained by their religious
Jehovah’s name and purpose. These too, in steadily enemies, symbolized by "Babylon". Jehovah permit-
growing numbers, determine to "walk in the name ted such affliction upon his consecrated servants, but
of Jehovah our God for ever and ever". They turn he did not cast them away, forasmuch as the heart
their backs upon the gods of religion and make a of a remnant thereof was faithful and devoted and
consecration of themselves to Jehovah and his King- yearning to be released from restraint for renewed
dom under Christ, and thereby become the Lord’s service as publishers of the Kingdom. Those faith-
"other sheep" and the companions of Jehovah’s wit- ful Christians were hated of all nations for the sake
nesses. The revilings and persecutions which this of the Kingdom. The nations increased the affliction
brings upon them do not cause them to break their upon them, and this at the instance of Ihe religion-
integrity and to abandon God’s service by the side ists. Concerning this Jehovah warns : "And I am very
of his remnant. With an unbreakable love like that sore displeased with the heathen [the persecutor
of Jonathan for David they cleave to God’s remnant, nations that forget God] that are at ease: for I was
and both together wall on in Jehovah’s name in but a little displeased, and they helped forward the
perfect unit?" and in like devotion to TEETHEOCRACY. affliction."--Zech. 1 : 15.
~’ Beginning with 1919, shortly after the close of
ASSEMBLY the World War, Jehovah God, in his mercy and pity
~ To make the above possible Jehovah fulfills his toward them and for his name’s sake, began to
promise concerning the "day of Jehovah", which day regather his scattered ones. lie brought the,n forth
began in 1914 at the enthroning of his King on his from their places of restraint, freed them from
’qmly hill of Zion". "In that day, saith the LoitD, will religion’s power and the fear of men, and filled them
I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her with Elisha’s spirit of boldness. These were com-
that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; and forted from all their affliction, and on them was ful-
I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that filled God’s prophecy: "And in that day thou shalt
was cast far off a strong nation; and the Load say, 0 LoaD, I will praise thee: though thou wast
shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou
even for ever." (Mic. 4: 6, 7) Before the Lord’s corn- comfortedst me." (Isa. 12:1) How did Jehovah

"make her that halted a remnant"? By bringing them ’‘heirs of Godand joint-heirs with Jesus Christ". The
to his ,Judge at tile temple and then gathering out combined enemies under demon rule now viciously
the rebellious "evil servant" class, the "workers of use all sly arts and means to "cut them off from
iniquity [or lawlessness]" that desired to cleave to being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no
religion and the fear of and subservience to worldly more in remembrance". (Ps. 83 : 4) In this they con-
men as being "higher powers". (Matt. 24:48-51; tinue to fail; Jehovah’s remnant endure the persecu-
13 : 41) This left only a remnant of faithful, devoted tion, keep covenant with their God and hold fast
ones. Jehovah by his Judge approved them, anointed their integrity toward him and thereby continue in
them as his "faithful and wise servant", and sent line for the "’new nation", The TR~ocr~ATICGm~IUX-
them forth as his witnesses to declare his name and ~tS~T. That Government is a "strong nation", its
his Righteous Government. King being Christ Jesus, "The mighty God," with
~8 Concerning this restoration the Lord had fore- all power in heaven and earth; and the faithful
told: "The remnant shall return, even the remnant know that they "can do all things through Christ
of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people which strengtheneth [them]". (Phil. 4:13) They
Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of know and confess Jehovah as their Almighty God;
them shall return." (Isa. 10: 21, 22) This action of and now is fulfilled the prophecy concerning the time
Jehovah is directly contrary to the purpose of of the end, that "the people that do know their God
Catholic Action by force or by persuasion to bring shall be strong, and do exploits" as his witnesses.
all nations, including the United States of America, (Dan. 11:32) Continuing faithful unto the end, they
into the Catholic camp as subjects to the Roman shall not fail or be cut off from the "holy nation",
Catholic Hierarchy and its headquarters at Vatican but "’so an entrance shall be ministered unto [them]
City. Working to this end, and to remove a chief abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord
obstacle thereto, the Hierarchy by Catholic Action and Saviour Jesus Christ".--2 Pet. 1 : 10, 11.
has greatly afflicted Jehovah’s devoted ones. For 80,,And the LonD [Jehovah] shall reign over them
their comfort Jehovah says: "Behold, at that time in mount Zion." Not in Rome or Vatican City, mark
I will undo all that afflict thee; and I will save her you, but "in mount Zion", God’s capital organization.
that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and Jehovah now there reigns by his anointed King whom
I will get them praise and fame [among men of good- He enthroned as Rightful Ruler of the new world in
will] in every land where they have been put to 1914. In 1918 Jehovah brought him to His temple
shame. At that time will I bring you again, even in and there presented him as King. Public announce-
the time that I gather you: for I will make you a ment thereof by his faithful anointed witnesses
name and a praise among all people of the earth, thereafter was flatly rejected by "Christendom". She
when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, adopted instead a federation of Satan’s visible
saith the LonD."(Zeph. 3 : 19, 20) Since their deliver- organization, the League of Nations, "the abomina-
anee by Jehovah’s truth and power, the faithful tion of desolation." So doing, she stumbled over The
remnant walk erect and halt no more between two Stone, Jehovah’s anointed King; but the remnant of
opinions, but are wholly devoted to TttE THEOCI~ACY.God’s witnesses hailed the presentation of that Chief
Blind to all else, they boldly declare Jehovah’s name Corner Stone at the temple with shouts of "Grace,
before all nations and show forth his praises and grace", or, "Beautiful, beautifull" (Isa. 8: 9-15;
his fame. And with them in this are the many loyal Zech. 4: 7, Rotherham) Nowtoo the persons of good-
companions. will who have heard and heeded the preaching of
~ God’s "holy nation" is his new Government of "this gospel of the ldngdom" hail Jehovah’s glorious
Righteousness, THZ THEOCnACY,of which Christ King as the "desire of all nations".--Hag. 2:7.
Jesus is The King. (1 Pet. 2:9) The demonized ’~ All Satan’s demon forces in heaven and earth
religionists and their allies have tried to prevent cannot unseat the King of THE TttEOCnACY. Satan
the rem:ant from becoming a part of that "holy shall fail in his grab for universal domination, the
nation". They try to force the remnant to break their primary issue now to be settled. Jehovah, by his
covenant with Jehovah God and fail of making the King, shall reign in his official residence of Mount
Kingdom and thus bring destruction upon them- Zion "from henceforth, even for ever". Hence the
selves as "east far off". But Jehovah has sent his remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, as "the feet of Him",
remnant deliverance and has judged and purged are the companythat ’~bringeth good tidings of good,
them at his temple and strengthened them with his that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy
truth that they might be "strong in the Lord, and God reigneth l" (Isa. 52 : 7) They submit to Jehovah
in the power of his might". He has approved them and his kingly Representative as "the Higher
and anointed them with his spirit to be his witnesses. Powers", obeying them rather than the opposing
They are thus in direct line for the K.ingdom as men, and they thankfully accept and diligently seek
APnm1, 1942 3tieWATCHTOWER. 107

to increase the Kingdom interests on earth com- shall be deliverance, as the LOnDhath said, and in
mitted to them. They know it is not discretionary, the remnant whomthe LorD shall call."~Joel 2 : 32.
but mandatory, upon them to "fear God, honour the " It is out of His universal organization of holy
ICing", and to ’preach this gospel of the kingdom creatures that Jehovah takes the members who com-
unto all nations for a witness before such are pose the "new nation", The THEOCr.ATIC Govnn.x.~II:xT.
destroyed’. (1 Pet. 2:17) In the fear of God and It is TH~. STO~Ethat was cut out of the great "moun-
the honor of His King the remnant together with tain" without humanhands. (Dan. 2 : 34, 44, 45) God’s
their companions continue to do this one thing, and universal organization is called "Zion", and is the
will to the rlHtJ~ ~.xn. mother organization from which comes forth THn
Tt~Eocn~cY, the capital organization. The latter is
"FLOCK-TOWER" therefore the "daughter of Zion". The "daughter"
,2 During the waiting period, from Christ’s ascen- takes the name of the mother and is also called
sion to his Father’s right hand and until 1914, "Zion" "Zion". Further the apostle Paul says: "But Jeru-
was like a hill without a King and temple and all salem which is above is free, which is the mother
that goes to makeup an occupied, acting capital city. of us all." (Gal. 4: 26) Itence Jehovah’s royal family
Christ Jesus must wait until the Lord God Almighty of THE THEOCnACY is also called "the daughter of
takes to himself his great power and reigns at Mount Jerusalem". Typical Zion was a "strong hold", or
Zion by his anointed King and sends forth this King "hill" or "mound". (Am. l?ev. Vet. and Roth.) King
to rule in the midst of his enemies, the foes of THE David captured it and made it his capital and located
THEOCRACY. (Rev. 11: 17, 18; Ps. 110: 1,2) It is now the ark of Jehovah’s covenant there as a symbol of
fulfilled prophecy, the promise that Jehovah address- God’s presence. That was long after the Israelites
es to His capital organization, of which Christ Jesus had occupied Jerusalem. Therefore "the strong hold
is Itead and Chief: "And thou, 0 tower of the flock, of the daughter of Zion" has reference rather to
the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee Jehovah’s "holy nation" as the capital organization
shall it come, even the first dominion; the ldngdom elevated over all, whereas "the daughter of Jeru-
shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." (Mic. 4: 8) salem" has reference thereto more as an organization
These words are said for the comfort of the heavenly where unity and peace rule, as the name "Jerusalem"
Father’s "little flock", to whomit is His good pleasure means.
to give the Kingdom, and whomhe has now gathered " Overthenationof natural IsraelJehovah estab-
unto the temple. (Luke 12:32) The remnant of the lished a typical Theocracy. In it thevisiblekingrep-
flock yet on earth say: "For he is our God; and we resentedthe real RulerJehovah,as when "Solomon
are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his saton thethrone of Jehovah as -kinginstead of David
hand."~Ps. 95 : 7. hisfather". (1 Chron.29 : 23, A.R.V.) Davidfought
~ Jehovah has chosen Zion to put his name there, andextended thetypical Theocracy to thefulllimits
even as he did with the typical Zion on earth. "The on earthwhichJehovahhad foreordained for it,
name of Jehovah is a strong tower; the righteous therebypicturingthat the TH~OCRATIC GOVERNMENT
rmmethinto it, and is safe." (Prov. 18 : 10, Am. Rev. of the GreaterDavidfightsfrom1914 on and down
l’er.) Typical Zion, crowned with a strongly walled to the Devil’slaststandat Armageddon and estab-
city and guarded by the king’s troops, was like a lishesthe ~NIVE~SAL DO~tI~ATIO~ of the greatTHnO-
"strong tower from the enemy". (Ps. 61:3) Christ CnA%Jehovah. The kingsof typicalJerusalem yield-
Jesus as King is the strong and unconquerable One ed to religion and becamewicked,and therefore did
of Zion, "the Lion of the tribe of Juda." Therefore notpresent a faithful picture of thetrueTheocracy,
Mount Zion, THs T~EocnAcY,is the tower of refuge and JehovahGod removedthe dominionfrom that
and of preservation for the remnant of "the flock of nation,in G06 B.C.But he promisedto restoreor
God" and whose citizenship is in Zion, the heavenly make restitution of the dominion to One who should
city. (Phil. 3:2(I, Botherham) Reference to Zion as come with the rightthereto."And it shallbe no
the "tower of the flock" shows that the time of ful- more,untilhe come whoserightit is; and I will
fillment of God’s ldngdom promise is at a time of giveit him."(Ezek.21: 24-27)Nineteencenturies
war, when Vhuv~r~sALDOMINATION is the hotly-con- ago, afterthe baptismin JordanJehovahanointed
tested issue between Jehovah and his enemies. It Jesus to be the King and gave the rightto him,
shows that the fulfillment is at a time when the whichrightJesusmaintained by hisfaithfulness unto
enemies are still active and are opposing the newly death.The King must reign,and therefore Jehovah
enthroned King and assaulting all publishers of the raisedhim out of deathandexaltedhim to IIisown
King and ICingdom on earth. At that time Zion is righthandin heaven,but instructed JesusChrist
the tower of deliverance for the remnant of the to wait untilthe time for the "firstdominion"
’qittle flock": "For in mount Zion and in Jerusalem and "kingdom"to come to "the stronghold of the

daughter of Zion" and "daughter of Jerusalem". earth". The demons lead all the nations of the world
~* The coming of the dominion must mean the end to the final and deciding battle, Armageddon, there
of Satan’s uninterrupted rule. At the end of the to resist and destroy if they could the domination
seven "times of the Gentiles" the time of delivery of God’s "new heavens" or THE THEOCRACY. (Rev.
of dominion came, to wit, in A.D. 1914. Promptly 16: 13-16) The outcome of the battle is certain!
then, at God’s own chosen and appointed time, Jehovah, who gave the "first dominion" to his
Jehovah’s THEOCnATm GOVERN~tE~T by Christ Jesus anointed King, will give Christ Jesus also the victory.
was begun. The "chief dominion" and "kingdom" Rival claimants thereto, demon and human, shall be
coming to Christ Jesus, Zion’s anointed Chief and utterly destroyed, and the ~JNIVERS.~LDO~m~ATm.X by
King, he forthwith took up the rod or scepter of Christ Jesus shall be established over all creatures
his strength and at Jehovah’s command he began that live.--Rev. 19 : 11-21.
to rule amidst and to proceed against his enemies. "Thus the chief issue of all time will be settled
(Ps. 110: 2) Let all lovers of God and his kingdom right, righteously, and for ever. Seeing by faith that
rejoice: the Kingdom has begun and will rule for great victory to the vindication of Jehovah’s name
ever. Let all such publish the fact to all having an and word, let the remnant rejoice, and likewise all
ear to hear, that tile "first dominion" or "chief domin- their companions who hope to become "children of
ion" has come to Christ Jesus, the royal Head of the King". The Kingdom is here and to stay! It is
Zion, God’s capital organization. "His dominion is a time of joy and shouting, as whenChrist Jesus rode
an everlasting dominion, which ~hall not pass away, into the city of Jerusalem as King and his disciples
and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." and also the children, "the babes and sucklings,"
(Dan. 7: 13, 14) In it the "little flock" of Jehovah’s shouted praise to Jehovah and hosannas to His King.
royal family shall share with and under Christ The law of Jehovah now goes forth from Zion, and
Jesus.--Vss. 22, 27. his word from Jerusalem, to guide the prospective
" Satan, the "god of this world" and the contender children of the King unto righteousness and life. For
against God for the universal domination, sought ever blessed are all they that faithfully walk accord-
to nullify that birth of the Kingdom,but failed; and ing to his law and feed upon his life-sustaining Word.
he and his demons were cast out of heaven. (Rev. Let all such continue to walk in their integrity
12: 1-12) Now confined to the earth, they press toward God that they may be found "blameless in
further the fight over that great issue of who shall the day of our Lord Jesus Christ". Such only shall
rule the universe. They pit the two dominant powers live to rejoice for ever in the "chief dominion" of
in earth against each other in a fight for world Zion, Jehovah’s THEocn^cYby Christ Jesus.
domination, in defiance of God’s promise of a "new (To be conti.ued)


HE name of Jehovah is not comparable to that of
T any creature. He is the Almighty Godbesides whom
there is none. Contrary to this great truth, the name
demonstrates his supreme power against the enemyat the
final battle of Armageddon.
Jehovah Godhas not pushed his nameto the fore. At
of Jehovahhas been madean issue before the mindsof crea- stated intcrvals he has brought his nameprominently be-
tures for the past six thousandyears. Oneof his creatures fore his creation. This he has done by a demonstration of
called Lucifer forced the issue of universal dominationand his unlimited power, which has always proved that the
involving Jehovah’s name. In doing this Lucifer became Devil is powerless against Jehovah when the Lord God
God’s enemy and had his own name changed from that deemsit proper to exercise his great poweragainst the evil
whichmeans"bearer of light" to that whichsignifies every- one. At these stated intervals Godhas brought his name
thing that is evil. It has ever been the policy of this evil before his creation, not for a selfish reason, but for the
one to push the nameof the great JehovahGodon the side, benefit of honest creatures. Unselfishness has been his mo-
to ridicule his name,and to cause creation to defameGod’s tive. This is anotherproof that "Godis love".--1 John4 : 16.
nameand to regard him as an eternal-torment fiend un- God’s Wordis contained in the Bible. During the ages
worthy of respect and praise. This the enemyhas done in Godhas magnified his word of promise above his name.
order to exalt himself that he might receive the worship of The time has come, however, when Jehovah’s nameshall
men and keep them in subjection to himself. God could be exalted amongall his creatures upon an equality with
have prevented the enemyfrom so doing, but, at Exodus His word of promise. Then all creatures will know that
9:16, he expressed his purpose to permit the enemy to his wordis always true and that his nameis above all and
demonstrate his full and complete depravity and thereby is worthyto be praised.
test the integrity of faithful men, by which men God’s In Eden, when the Lord God was pronouncing the
nameshall be declared throughout all the earth before he sentence against Adamfor the violation of God’slaw, he
took cognizance of Satan’s part in man’s evil course and that is, Satan’s till then uninterrupted rule of the earth,
he then and there gave his word of promise that at some has ended, which means that Satan’s organization v~sible
future time "the seed of the woman", that is, the Ruler and invisible has reached its fullness: that Godhas set his
who should come forth from God’s organization, should beloved Son upon the throne, which means that Christ
bruise the Serpent’s head. Time and again God magnified Jesus has assumed his great authority and begm~ his reign
that word of promise. Centuries later he began to fore- in the midst of his enemies (Pss. 2: 6; 110: 1.2), that Sa-
shadow his purpose to carry into operation that promise. tan has now been expelled from heaven and that all the
tte called his friend, Abraham, and made to him the prom- forces are now gathering for Armageddon, which is the
ise: "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." great battle of God Almighty by Christ Jesus against Sa-
(Gcn. 12:3) IIere Abraham represented the Lord God, tan and his organization. To the faithful Christians the
and God’s word of promise shows that the blessing of all Lord gives commandment to proclaim the great message
the families of the earth must proceed from Jehovah be- of God’s truth to the nations of earth as a witness before
cattse He is the great Life-giver. Later the Lord caused the end, and then Armageddon shall quickly follow, and
Abrahamto present his son as a sacrificial offering, and it that shall be the final trouble upon earth In that great time
was at that time that God made to him this promise: "And of trouble Jehovah God will make for himself a name, even
in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." as he did when he overthrew the Egyptians and dehvcred
(Gen. 22:18) In this picture Abraham represented the his chosen people Israel from bondage.
Lord God, and his "seed" or son, Isaac, represented Jesus, Those now in God’s temple class he has called and taken
the beloved Son of Jehovah. The promise shows that the bless- out from the world as "a people for his name". (Acts 15 : 14)
ings must come from Jehovah by and through his Son Christ It becomes the privilege and duty of such to show forth his
Jesus. It also shows that ’the seed of promise’, which shall praises, and the Lord’s "other sheep" whomhe now gathers
bruise the head of that old Serpent, the Devil, is Christ Jesus, and who become the active companions of the faithful "rem-
the Beloved One of God and God’s great representative. nant" must join with them in declaring Jehovah’s name
During all these centuries Jehovah has kept his word throughout the earth. The witness to his name must be done
of promise to the fore, in this, that he has always had some- before Armageddon, because it is God’s announced purpose
one on the earth who has borne witness to his word of prom- that it shall be done. There would seem to be no rcasonable
ise. The faithful ones of the nation of Israel magnified cause for giving such testimony after Armageddon The
God’s word of promise. WhenJesus came he magnified the conclusion is therefore irresistible that now is the time for
promise of his Father. Jesus’ apostles magnified the word the temple class and their companions to prove their integ-
of promise, and the faithful Christians throughout the rity toward God and to magnify the name of Jehovah. This
"Christian era" have done the same thing. The shepherd- they do by beginning to sing forth the honor of his name,
king, David, foreshadowed the true Christians, and his and the membersof the temple class and their earthly com-
prophetic words are placed in the mouth of such, to wit: panions say to one another: "Sing forth the honor of his
"I will bow down towards thy holy temple, and thank thy name."~Ps. 66 : 2.
name, for thy lovingkindness and for thy faithfulness. For The immediate prospect, therefore, is that of great ac-
thou hast magnified above all thy name, thy word!"-- tivity yet on the part of the temple class and their compan-
Ps. 138 : 2, Rotherham’s translation. ions in proclaiming the message of Jehovah God concerning
God’s word of promise is perfect. It is his expressed his vengeance against Satan’s organization and concerning
will. In the ages he has movedmajestically forward in carry- the vindication of his name by his THEOCrCtTIC GOVERN.~IENT,
ing out his will as expressed in his Word. At stated inter- the promised Kingdomwhich shall bring blessings to all
vals, to save the honest people from complete infidelity, he obedient peoples of the earth.
has brought his name prominently before them. Now the Into the minds of some the enemy may inject vain
membersof "the body of Christ", who is the true Abraham’s thoughts, causing such to magnify their own importancc,
seed, are about completed and the time is at hand when the thereby causing them to abandon the Lord’s appointed wit-
Lord will magnify his holy name before mankind. The issue ness work of magnifying ,Jehovah’s name. The Devil w~ll
will then be finally determined against Satan in favor of work ever3" possible scheme to overcome the "remnant" and
Jehovah. He will have a witness given in the earth of his their companions. The Lord, foreknowing the schemes of
purpose and wiU to magnify his name, and this witness the wily enemy, and for the good of his crcaturcs, caused
must be given now, before Armageddon begins. The small to be recorded in his Wordthat which expresses the true
remnant of the faithful members of Christ’s body yet on Christian’s heart’s sincere desire, namely: "Rcmove far
earth are granted the privilege of bearing witness to that from mevanity and lies ; give me neither povcrty nor inches,
great fact. Therefore Jehovah says to them: "Ye are my feed me with food convenient for me; lest I be full, and
witnesses, saith the LORD[Jehovah], and my servant whom deny thee, and say, Whois the LORD[Jehovah] ? or lest I
I have chosen ; that ye may knowand believe me, and under- be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain."
stand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, (Prov. 30: 8, 9) The Christian sees that extreme earthly
neither shall there be after me .... Therefore ye are my riches would tend to cause him to forget God and his own
witnesses, saith the LoaD, that I am God."--Isa. 43 : 10, 12. relationship to the Almighty One. He sees that cxtreme
There is no doubt as to the present mission of the true poverty might cause such discouragement that he would
Christians anointed with God’s spirit who are yet on the despair. Concerning these things he wants to have the spirit
earth. All the prophetic evidences, viewed in the light of of a sound mind and to diligently and faithfully use what-
the physical facts from A.D. 1914 on, prove that the world, ever means is available to provide the necessities and then
110 fffieWATCt-ITOWE1K,
to use all his endowmentsin the service of the Lord to the live will honor his holy name. God’s prophet was given a
glory of His name. He recognizes that God has only one vision of the people relieved of bondage to religion and
way of doing His work in the earth, and the true Christian Satan’s organization, and all giving praise to God. It was
wants to keep in harmony with that way. Therefore he a vision of the song of deliverance for humankind of good-
prays : "Feed me with food convenient for me." That which will toward God and his promised Government. God’s
is fit and proper, which is strengthening and builds one anointed witnesses and those who shall be the earthly
up as a servant of Jehovah God, is convenient food. children of his King do now on earth begin that glad song
Where would the creature who desires life look for such which shall never end.
food~. For his physical needs he would carefully consider The name of Jehovah God is worthy of all praise. He is
what natural food is best suited to give him strength of the complete expression of unselfishness. His loving-ldnd-
body and mind, that he might serve. For his mind he would ness is beyond the expression of words. Whenthe seekers
diligently seek the food which the Lord has provided for for truth come to realize that the long, dark night of
his own. Seeing that the Lord has led his people thus far Satan’s uninterrupted rule has ended and their release from
m this "time of the end" and provided them with "meat bondage has come; when they learn that the way to life
in due season" through his chosen channel, the WATCH everlasting is open to the believing and obedient ones and
TO~ZRSOCrETY,the servant of God has confidence that in that God in his Ioving-ldndness has made this provision for
the same manner the Lord will continue to provide for them, then all such will exclaim: "%Vhoshall not fear thee,
his own. Ever?- dumb ox knows his master’s crib, from 0 Lord, and glorify thy name~ for thou only art holy."
whence comes his food. (Isa. 1 : 3) Surely the Lord’s people ~Rev. 15 : 4.
should now know from whence comes their food. The name of Jehovah will continue to be exalted. The
The true witnesses of the Lord are few on the earth, creation invisible to man shall send forth his praises. All
comparatively. These are despised by the pretending the visible governing "princes" in the new earth, the
Christians, even as Jesus was despised by the ecclesiastics resurrected faithful menof old, and all the great multitude
and their allies of his time. God foreknew the conditions of Armageddon survivors will praise his holy name. The
that would exist at this time on earth and he caused his mighty mountains will lift their hoary heads in songs of
prophet to speak to his servants, saying: "Praise ye the praise. The broad fields will declare the honor of God’s
LORD.Praise, 0 ye servants of the LORD,praise the name name. The trees of the wood clothed in garments of verdure
of the LORD.Blessed be the name of the LORD,from this and beauty will rejoice, and every creature that breathes
time forth and for evermore."--Ps. 113: 1, 2. and lives shall join in the great hallelujah chorus to the
honor and glory of Jehovah’s holy name.--Psalm 150.
This prophecy must have a fulfillment at some time. Its
fulfillment has begun. From this time forward and for The true child of God is anxious to sing forth the honor
evermore the name of Jehovah shall be exalted, and no of Jehovah’s name now. It is due the Lord that his name
power can possibly prevent it. Satan’s organization must be honored above all. It is due time to sing forth the honor
fail, and then, at Armageddon,all will be brought to know of his name. God’s remnant are the anointed representatives
that the name of the Most High and Almighty God is of God on earth, and these are now joined by a multitude
Jehovah and the reproachers of that name shall be de- of like-minded earthly companions, and all such are greatly
stroyed. It is the blessed privilege of Jehovah’s witnesses and honored by having the privilege of representing Jehovah.
their companions to now exalt Jehovah’s name in the earth Speaking for them the psalmist says: "Give unto the LORD
before Armageddon. the glory due unto his name." (Ps. 29 : 2) This exhortation
The intelligent servant of Godtherefore sees that at this is also a call by each servant of Jehovah God to the others
time there is a definite work to be done. This work now in His sere-ice.
consists of proclaiming the glad tidings to the nations of In line with this commandit is proper that each one in
earth that Jehovah is God, that Christ is King, and that the service of the great THEOCRAT Jehovah and His King
the kingdom of God has begun. The Lord has provided keep before his fellow servants the great importance of now
the machinery, to print the message for wide circulation, having a part in the Lord’s service. While no one has a
and continues to provide the materials with which to print. right to attempt to compel another to engage therein, it is
Having provided the ammunition, he calls upon his servants the duty and privilege of each one to point out to his
to go forward and press the battle against religion and for brother the great advantage and favor resulting from
the education of the people in His truth. For their encour- participating in God’s service. It is impossible to sing forth
agement he says to such that ’He will be for them a crown the honor of the Lord’s name now unless we avail our-
of glory, and a diadem of beauty’. (Isa. 28:5, 6) He will selves of the remaining opportunities for serving him,
be a shield and protector and comforter and the Blesser. because this is the means that God has provided for the
The song of glory now begun shall go forward until witness to his name to be given. Amidst increasing oppo-
Jehovah causes it to fill the earth. "From the rising of sition the little companyof Jehovah’s servants delight to
the sun, unto the going down of the same, the LoaD’s name encourage one another and together to engage in singing
is to be praised." (Ps. 113:8) This does not mean mere the honor to the Lord’s name.
daily worship by some of earth’s creatures. The sun rises Out of darkness the Lord has called his people for a
in the east and goes down in the west, and from east to purpose and put his name upon them. In advance of others
west is every place on the earth. Therefore the time must of mankind he has given his faithful ones a vision of his
come when everywhere the sun shines the name of the gracious purposes. These faithful ones are now made his
Lord God shall be exalted in appropriate praise. All who witnesses. Every one now holding fast and remaining
R. iii

faithful to the end shall see the complete triumph of service because he delights lo do it. In this manner we
Jehovah and the issue finally and for ever determined to prove our love for God--1 John 5:3.
His glory and honor. It is their duty and blessed privilege The question now is, Who is God? Whowill exercise
to now beseech their brethren and fellow workers in the universal domination? Who is on the Lord’s side? \Vho
Lord to join them by participating in the service of the will joyfully be a witness to the name of the Lord God~
Lord in singing forth the honor of his name. Let no one Let all who answer "I" look well to the provismn God has
engage therein merely because he thinks he is compelled made and quickly avail themselves thereof and participate
to do it. Let each and every one engage in the Lord’s in singing forth the honor of his name.

March 3, 1942 as unto the Lord, so we here will, by the Lord’s grace,
push ahead with the work and keep you supphed wlth
To All Fellow Workers for TH~. THEOCRACY, "meat in due season". We shall always look well to your
DEwBRETtlREN : interests and assist you in the fight against the forces of
Jehovah in his loving-kindness has brought his people to demonism and see that you have the means and equipment
unity of action. They see but one thing, THETttEOCR.<CY, to continue comforting all that mourn.
and their share in the vindication of Jehovah’s name and Reports coming in from every part of the globe show
the unspeakable privilege of now proclaiming his name that the conditions in the earth and the action of the enemy
and his Word. are not causing the brethren to slack their hand in the
The expressions sent to me of loyalty to the Lord’s least, but that they are continuing to obey the command-
organization and of your determination to carry on in the merits of the Lord rather than the commandmentsof men
fight have in the last few weeks brought much joy to my and that the ingathering of the Lord’s "other sheep" is
heart. From every corner of the earth, near and far, progressing by leaps and bounds. All are heeding the
isolated and in companies, the expressions are the same, of admonition of the apostle, "Therefore, my beloved brethren,
recognizing "the IIigher Powers", Jehovah and Christ be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work
Jesus, as being the head of the organization that Jehovah of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour m
has formed in the earth for His glory and tIis praise. It not in vain in the Lord."--1 Cor. 15:58.
would take much time to personally acknowledge all these With much love and best wishes,
letters, but I do want to express my appreciation to all of Your fellow servant in THE THEOCRACY,
you for your good wishes and your prayers. As you have N. 1t. KNORR,President,
given your assurances of continued faithful co-operation WATCH TOX~ Bmsz & TRACT SOCIETY

IIOSE who serve Jehovah look to him for directions
T through his Son, Christ Jesus, who is at his temple.
From all parts of the world messages have come to
the church has truly reached its maturity and, as Brother
Rutherford expressed it so beautifully in his last letter (Octo-
ber 24, 1941), which was brought to our knowledgethrough the
Informant, is fully conscmusof the fact that a time may come
the WATCHTOW~ office at Brooklyn expressing the same where the organic connectmn may no more exist in the same
determination to carry" on in the work as is set forth in
measure and may even cease entirely, when the in&wdual
the following letter from the Berne, Switzerland, Branch servant must be able to stand and when, as Paul exhorted us
office. to do, all wouldspeak the same messagein spite of extraordma~"
Berne, January 15, 19-t2 circumstances, namely, the only meansthat will help the groaning
creation: T~E THEOC~CV.
Watch Tower Society, The work here continues by God’s grace. Weare very busy
Brooklyn, N.Y. at present, having translated the book Children and preparing
DF~R BRETHREN : for its publication. It is even our great hope that during the
Wewere painfully surprised to read in all our daily papers coming "Easter" holidays we may hold our annual general
that "’the founder of the movemeatof Jehovah’s witnesses, conventian m the big "House of Arts" in Zurich The manaze-
whmhspreads over the whole earth and has more than two ment of these buildings has informed us m writing that they
m.fllion members, Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford, has died place their auditoriums at our disposal. As we informed Brother
in San Diego, Cal." Such is the wording of the news as trans- Rutherford last fall, we were privileged to give in these build-
mitted by the Exchange. ings the greatest public witness ever given m Switzerland.
Wedid not expect, of course, that you would inform us And now we know, dear brethren, that you remember us
nmuediately by wire; we were told, however, that the Exchange daily in your prayers, and we assure you that we do the same
Agency is reliable. Although we are grieved no more to be for you, well knowingthat you now have more responsibility
able to have personal contact with our dear Brother Rutherford, and that your task has become more difficult. But we are
we do nevertheless not feel as "orphans", because we were confident that the Lord will give you all the wmdom you need
prnfleged to learn that Jehovah and Jesus Christ are our and that he will guide you by his spirit to the doing of Hmwill.
leaders, and so God’speople in Switzerland are firmly convinced Closely united with you in brotherly love, we remain
that Jehovah holds m store further blessings for his people Your brethren in Theocratic servme,
and will dispense them. Howstrengthening it is to see that F. Ztmc~v.R
FROM A CIRCULAR ADDRESSED told them that if Jehovah would permit that I be kiIled
To the readers of The Watchtower in the Netherlands: I would gladly die for his name. Upon this I was taken
"Herewith we would like to inform you that it is no more back to prison (preventive arrest). This procedure lasted
possible to write to the office of the Society in Heemstede. about 3½ hours. While in prison I asked for medical treat-
The German police have closed the office and taken away ment, as I had heart palpitations; also I caught a cold.
all the property of the Society, although everything was "After four weeks’ arrest I had to appear again before
marked as American property. Moreover, they have taken the police. They made three photos of me and fingerprinted
the whole stock of Bibles and books, for destruction. Yea, me. They said that if I would tell the truth they would
they took really everything, even the dirty laundry, the allow me to go home; they were a little kinder. After
possession of those who lived in the Bible House at Heem- being cross-examined for about an hour I was told I was
stede. The Bible, God’s Word, has predicted these evil going to be released, but they threatened that if I would
persecutions, but we trust in Jehovah; for what he has continue to proclaim the name of Jehovah they would
promised he will also carry out in Armageddon, and he finish with me for good. The questions the)- asked me
will destroy all those who persecute so maliciously God’s were always the same; also my answers. They asked, for
faithful servants in their work for the glorification of instance, if I knew certain brothers and sisters, who had
his name. (Isaiah 65: 11-14; Obadiah 11-16) Please also given me the literature and the phonograph, etc. I thank
stop all payments. Weshall see to it that you get Tile Watch- Jehovah I have not said anything against the Kingdom
tower despite all these persecutions, which Jehovah God interests. I trust Jehovah will further strengthen me."
may yet permit for a short time."
A PUBLISHER IN THE NETHERLANDS WRITES: "Thus far I and my family and also my relatives in
"I was arrested at 8 p.m. and taken to the police office. the country are quite well. Conditions at present obtaining
The following day my house was searched and a gramophone have forced us to restrict ourselves very much. ttowevcr,
and a leather bag containing about ten booklets were I have been able to get my business here in town as well
confiscated. Next day I was taken to ~, to the German as all the branches in the country going again. All of them
police. Here I was questioned by various officials for about are carrying on in a satisfactory manner. Whendifficulties
three hours. During the hearing I was forced to remain began, business here in town receded very much, and I
standing with my arms upraised, which was naturally then had but 80 employees. However, afterwards things
tcrmbly tiring. However, in the afternoon I was released improved. I was able to engage new labor, and so there
with the warning that if I continued proclaiming the truth are here now again 250. About the same may be said as
they (the German police) would arrest me immediately. regards my other branches. As far as I had the means,
Two months later I was arrested again, at 10 p.m. Again I was able to provide them all with the necessary. I am
I was escorted to the police office and delivered to the now glad that everything is proceeding so welt. The great
German police next day. Here they used much abuse, and difficulty has arisen here because of France’s being divided
immediately after locked me up in a subterranean cave in several parts which are separate and inaccessible to
which was absolutely dark. After some hours, an official each other: . . . I was able to write to my relatives
came and asked me in German: %\’hat have you done?’ in the north and to send them the necessary things. How-
and in so asking punched me several times m the face with ever, news from them is very sparse. I only know that
his fist. In this place there was a coffin and other things. thus far they are well and they can quietly go about their
The Germanofficial asked if I had secn this, saying that work, although air- attacks disturb them very much.
if I did not tell the truth, I would bc put in it. When "The liquidation of the Society seems to slumber. I
he saw his words made no impressmn, he said that I would haven’t heard anything more from the liquidator. A great
be taken to Germany and shot out there Then I was put number of judicial documents are said to have been burnt.
into a car and taken to prison for preventive arrest. After I have left this matter in abeyance. I have been more
a week in this prison I was again conducted to the German occupied in getting my business going again and have
police and questioned. After a quarter of an hour one of really done what I possibly could. Only food conditions
the officials got so mad that, raging terribly hke a wild are very serious here, and if you could help me in that
beast, he approached and landed me one straight in the face, respect I would be very glad. It is strange how events
this without any reason, for I had ahvays answered kindly affect people. Some in the family allow themselves to be
and quietly. Every time I quoted some Bible verses and very muchdepressed by these conditions and becomefearful.
mentioned the name of Jehovah they began to threaten Others are joyful, full of hope, play the gramophone,
me and warn me to tell the truth. So I began to tell them sing songs and look courageously into the future. I myself
the truth. Then they forced me to do all kinds of physical am very glad to see that, considering circumstances, my
exercises; for instance, 160 times knee-bending, and stand- business is quite good. On the whole, during the past year,
ing for an hour without interruption in a certain awkward I was able to engage about 400 workers here and in the
position. Perspiration began to penetrate through all my branches. Further I was able to deliver 2,500 books, 8,000
clothes. When I broke down with overtiredness they booklets, and 2,000 Bibles and New Testaments. These
threatened me with all sorts of things, among others that figures are probably too low; for I have no data from
my wife and children would also be arrested. Then they the north. Wefervently thank our great God that he has
took me into a little cell and asked whether I was ready blessed us so richly, and that in spite of difficult conditions
to die, saying I had only a few minutes left to pray. I we are still here and able to go ahead."

r shallknow
thatI amJehovah:’
-Ezekiel 35 I5.


APRIL 15, 1942

MI( ’~tI (Pa~t 115
God", Thought 11 s
Thresh I 11U
Tune ol War 121~
Ruler out of Bethlehem 122
Shepherd~, Prlneq)al Men 12t
TESTIMONY P~IOD ....... 114
"ItoPE" 114
Pr~n~sn~ SEm~,o~-r~y Br ITS MISSION
117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journalis published for the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto knowJehovahGod and his purposes
in theBible.It publishes BibleInstruction
as expressed
specifically de-
N. H. IT~’ORR,President W. E. VA.’¢ .ttxrB~v.a~, Eeeretary signedto aid Jehovah’s
OFFICERs witnesses and all peopleof good will
It arranges systematic BiblestudyforItsreaders andtheSociety
"And all thy children shall be tauCht of Jehovah; and supplies otherliterature to aidin suchstudies. Itpublishes suit-
able material forradiobroadcasting andforothermeansofpublle
Creat shall be the peace of thy children." -1sarah 54:x3.
instruction in theScrlpture~
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to theBibleas authority foritsutterances.
TItAT JEHOVAItIs the only true God, is from everlasting to It isentirely freeandseparate fromallreligion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Makerof heavenandearthand theGiverof life or otherworldly organizations. It is whollyand without reserva-
to hiscreatures ; thattheLogoswasthebeginning ofhiscreation,tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
andhisactiveagentin thecreation of allthlngs; thattheLogos King.Itis notdogmatic, butinvites careful andcritical examina-
is nowtheLordJesusChristin glory,clothed withall powerIn tionofitscontents In thelightof theScriptures. It doesnotIn-
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutive Officerof Jehovah. dulgein controversy, anditscolumns arenotopento personalities.
THAT GOD createdthe earth for man, createdperfectman
for the earthand placedhim uponIt; that man willfully dis- YEARLYSUBsCRIPTIoNPmCz
obeyedGod’slaw and was sentenced to death;that by reasonof
Adam’swrongact all men arebornsinnersandwithouttheright ~
lances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
tolife. Draft. Canadian, British. South African and Australasian remittances
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THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmay be madeto the Brooklynomce,
deathin orderto producethe Fansomor redemptive pricefor but by lr~ternatio.~ Postal MoneyOrderonly.
obedient ones of mankind;thatGod raisedup Jesusdivineand
exalted him to heavenaboveeverycreature and aboveeveryname
and clothedhimwithall powerandauthority. Br~t~h 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
TIIATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a TheocracycalledZion, 6’anad/a~ .........................
40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto ~, Ontario,Canada
andthatChristJesusis theChiefOfficer thereofandis theright- Australo.slan
7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
fulKingof theworld; thattheanointed andfaithful of Booth A.frica~
followers Boston House, Cape Town, South ACrica
Please address the Society in every case
ChristJesusarechildren of Zion,members of Jehovah’s
tion,andarehiswitnesses whosedutyandprivilegeitis totestify
to the supremacyof Jehovah,
declare his purposestowardmankind
as expressedin the Bible,andto bearthefruitsof the kingdom (Traad,wtio,s ot th~ journalappeart~t a¢oeralZa~guages.)
THAT THE WORLDhas ended,and the Lord Jesus Christhas
beenplacedby Jehovahuponhis throneof authority,
has ousted All si, ncere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
aa~ersity are unable to pay the subscription price may hare The Watch-
Satanfrom heavenand is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the .publishers, made once each
God’skingdomon earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year IJ required by the
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earthcan
comeonlyby and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which 2qot~ee to Bubscr~bers: Acknowledgment of n newor a renewal m~b-
has nowbegun;thatthe Lord’snextgreatactis the destructionacriPtlon willbe seatonlywhenrequested, Change of address, when
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notice of on address label
expiration) will within
be sentone month.
with the
theearth,andthatunderthekingdom thepeopleofgoodwillthat Journalone monthbefore the subscription expire~.
surviveArmageddonshallcarryout the divinemandateto "fill
theearth"witha righteousrace. Entered ~s eecond-cloas matter at the post o~lce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
u.der t~e Act o] March $, IS7#.


Thespringmonthof AprilIs a favorable tamefor the"Chil- With pleasure the Society announces publication of a new
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worldwide periodof unitedactionby thoseadvertising theK_mg booklet, Hope--for the Dead--for the Survivors---in a Righteous
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No. LXIII APRm15, 1942 No 8


"’When ye pray, say, Our Father wldch art in heaven, Hallowed be tl~y name. Thy ~ingdom come. Thy
will be done, as in heaven, so i,z earth."--Luke 11:2.
EHOVAHis the Father to whom prayer must typical Theocracy had been subdued and the gov-
J be directed, tIis beloved One, his only begotten ernment had been established in peace, which peace
Son, is the one appointed to give instruction in was continued during the reig’a of Solomon, King
prayer, and the one in whose name the prayer is David prayed to the great T~EOC~AT:"Blessed be
authorized to be offered and heard. Following His thou, O Jehovah, the God of Israel our father, for
word of instruction, the petitioner will not pray ever and ever. Thine, 0 Jehovah, is the greatness,
amiss. Jehovah is the Heavenly Father of every and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and
faithful one who is in the way of life and who is the majesty: for all that is in the heavens and in
in a covenant for membership in the kingdom of the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Jehovah,
heaven. It is the Father’s name Jehovah that must and thou art exalted as head above all .... Now
be hallowed. Because of the reproaches that reli~on therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy
has heaped upon that holy name, it must be vindi- glorious name."~l Chron. 29: 10-13, Am. Rev. Vet.
cated before all creation. The Kingdomwill do that. "Jesus, who sprang out of David’s tribe of Judah,
That righteous Governmentwill clear out all religion was anointed with God’s holy spirit after baptism in
and all religious practitioners from heaven and Jordan. Immediately Christ Jesus began preaching,
earth. In place thereof it will cause God’s will to "The kingdom of heaven is at hand," because he,
be done on earth by all creatures that live even as the One anointed from heaven to be King, was
it is done above by the King at God’s right hand present. He taught his disciples the model prayer
and by the "angels and authorities and powers being to ever keep their minds and hearts’ desire upon
made subject unto him". (1 Pet. 3: 22) The King- the coming of the Kingdom. By giving all that he
dom shall settle everlastingly the issue of UNIVERSALhad in heaven and earth, even life itself, Christ
DOMINATION° Jesus bought the right to and ownership of the
Many centuries ago God established a typical Kingdom and all who shall be included in that King-
Theocratic government over the twelve tribes of dom. God raised him out of death and to the place
Israel, and anointed and installed his faithful wit- of chief favor and power in heaven, next to Jehovah:
ness, David, as the king thereof. The anointed king, "But he, when he had offered one sacrifice for sins
as representative of the invisible Supreme Ruler, for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; hence-
"sat on the throne of Jehovah." (1 Chron. 29: 23, forth expecting till his enemies be made the foot-
Am. Rev. Vet.) With the help of the great T~OC~AT, stool of hmfeet." (Heb. 10: 12, 13, A.I£V.; Ps. 110: 1)
Jehovah, King David made Zion his capital. Then Since then, and while Christ Jesus must wait in
he fought against all God’s enemies and extended expectation of entering actively upon his Kingdom
the power and dominion of that typical Theocracy to rulership, Jehovah has been taking out from among
the farthest limits ordained by Jehovah. That was all nations believing and faithful creatures, just
a prophetic pattern of how Jehovah’s real Theocratic 144,000 of them, to be associated with Christ Jesus
Government by his beloved Son will put down and in the heavenly Kingdom, The THEOCRATIC GOVERN-
destroy all enemies everywhere and will establish ~E~T, Zion.~Rev. 14: 1, 3.
the domination of the glorious THEOCm~CY univer- ’ Jehovah acknowledges that Theocratic Govern-
sally, including our earth. As a type of Jehovah’s ment as his own. He is the source of its life and
Anointed One, Christ Jesus, David was born of the power, and he by his spirit begets each one who
tribe of Judah and in the little city of Bethlehem, gains office in that Theocracy. It is therefore his
which is also called Ephratah: "Ephrath, which is offspring and is pictured under the symbol of a
Beth-lehem." (Gen. 35: 19) When all enemies of the perfect "man child". The Itead of that Government

is Christ Jesus, who is called "The Son of man". All RACY.He needs no associates with him to begin the
the members of that Theocratic Kingdom being first Government born at God’s due time, to wit, in 1914,
taken out from Jehovah’s holy universal organiza- because He bought the Government and is entrusted
tion, His universal organization is the "mother" of with all power in heaven and earth. Only by the
the "man child" Government and is therefore pic- grace of God are his faithful followers, the members
tured as a pure and devoted "woman", whose maker, of "the body of Christ", associated with him in the
Jehovah, is her husband. (Isa. 54: 5) The entering Kingdom, and that first after his coming to the
in by Christ Jesus upon the active duties of the temple, when he raises the sleeping saints from
Government is therefore pictured as the woman’s death. The remnant on earth, judged and approved,
giving birth to the "man child". The wicked demon he anoints and brings into the covenant of faithful-
organization under Satan is symbolized as a fiery- ness for the Kingdom. Thus, Am’ERthe tribulation
red dragon which is opposed to universal domina- of God’s organization came, those of the remnant
tion by THETHEOCRACY and therefore seeks to devour were brought forth by Zion and acknowledged by
it at the moment of its birth, in A.D. 1914. This Jehovah as his children, his other children besides
occasioned a great war in heaven, accompanied by the "man child" born in 1914. Therefore God’s
world war on earth, and wherein Satan and his prophet exclaims under inspiration: "Who hath
demon hosts were defeated and cast down. Maddened heard such a thing? who hath seen such things?
with the outcome of this war, Satan and the demons Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day?
brought great "travail" upon God’s "woman" by or shall a nation [THE THEOCRACY]be born at once ?
persecuting all her "children" on earth who are in for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her
line for the Kingdom and who are but a "remnant children [from and after 1918, when Christ Jesus
of her seed". (Rev. 12: 1-13, 17) In olden time when came to the temple]."--Isa. 66:8.
David was installed as anointed king on Mount Zion ’ To the persecutors and enemies of THE THEOC-
the Philistines and other anti-Theocratic enemies RACYit appeared that God’s kingdom had not begun
opposed him and he must war against them to destroy in 1914, despite the physical facts fulfilling Bible
them. Likewise after the birth of the "man child" prophecy proving that event. They took it for
in 1914 the travail of war and of enemy persecution granted that there was no King in the midst of
came upon God’s "woman" and her "children". Before Jehovah’s covenant people. Why? Because the King
the birth of the "man child" the faithful Christians is the ’image of his Father’s person’, a divine Spirit,
on earth had with earnest desire and prayer looked invisible to human eyes and discerned only by the
forward to that foretold event. Nowbecause of the eye of faith. Also there were spirit-begotten ones that
successful birth duly announced to the nations from proved unfaithful and became the "evil servant"
and after 1914 the faithful Kingdompublishers were class. By their course of conduct these say: "My
"hated of all nations", as prophesied by Christ Jesus. Lord delayeth his coming." (Matt. 24: 48-51) They
They were made to cry out to God due to persecution. have joined the religionists in the persecution of
(Matt. 24: 7-9) God by his prophet Micah foretold those standing faithful to the Kingdom and seeking
these events. to publish it. Jehovah had indeed set his King Christ
"Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no Jesus on his holy hill of Zion and had sent him forth
king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs to rule in the midst of his enemies, but the faithful
have taken thee as a womanin travail." (Mic. 4:9) remnant of those in line for the Kingdom were left
That the birth of the Government would precede on earth. Moreover, the enemy was permitted to
this tribulation upon God’s "woman" was further express hate against them in all nations, to persecute
confirmed by another prophet living in Micah’s day, them, and to take them captive and imprison them
saying: "Before she travailed, she brought forth and practically stop their publication of the newly
[the man child] ; before her pain came, she was deliv- set-up Kingdom. They were as without a protecting
ered of a man child [THE THEOCRACY under Christ King and as though cut off from being a part of the
Jesus]." (Isa. 66: 7) Many consecrated Christians "new nation", the New Government.
had been led to think that immediately the birth of ’ Further, concerning the remnant, there were
the "man child" occurred they would be transferred spots and soils of religion upon their garments of
from earth by death and an instantaneous resur- identification, and in the stress of those days of
rection "change" from human to spirit and a glori- world war between "the king of the north" and "the
fication in the heavenly Kingdom. They were dis- king of the south" there seemed to be no counselor
appointed and, under the stress of persecution to give counsel as to what course Jehovah’s perse-
besides, they cried out, "How long, O Lord?" cuted ones should take. They were not clear as to
The Lord has since revealed to them that Christ God’s will, their eyes not yet being opened to the
Jesus the King is the essential one of THETHEOC- fact that the political governments that persecute
APrtm 15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. I17

and declare illegal the publication of God’s kingdom by the religionists and their political allies to "go
are not "the higher powers" "ordained of God". forth out of the city", that is, out of their organized
Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are truly "The Higher condition of serving Jehovah as proclaimers of his
Powers" according to God’s own ordination, and Kingdom gospel. Then their condition was as if they
Christ Jesus is God’s Minister authorized to bear were without city walls to restrain and keep out the
the sword for the execution of all evildoers against persecutors and interferers with the work of God’s
THI~ THlgOCttAC¥.(Rom. 13: 1-4) Christ Jesus, whose people. Figuratively, they were made to "’dwell in
"name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor", had the field", dragged forth there as captives to the
not yet come to the temple as Teacher. Much of the enemy power and exposed to the spite and venge-
counsel hitherto received was the thoughts of a man fulness of Zion’s enemies. They were unwillingly
or of men, and such failed and perished because it separated from God’s continuous worship and serv-
did not stand them in good stead in their time of ice, and were brought to "Babylon" to there be held
need. But those with pure hearts continued to look captive and imprisoned and thus restrained from
unto the Lord for guidance and they continued faith- the organized service to God. Babylon is Satan’s
ful although they suffered "pangs" keen as those of organization, being s?nnbolized by the city of Babel
a "womanin travail’.--Jer. 30:6, 7. or Babylon built by that totalitarian, demon-worship-
PAt the appointed time God’s "woman" brought ing dictator, Nimrod, the mighty hunter.
forth the "man child" Government quietly in heaven. ~ Jehovah keeps his promises, both in the typical
It was God’s will that from then on there should be or prophetic picture and also in fulfilling the promise
war against the foes of the new Government and in completion: "There shalt thou [the remnant] be
that Satan’s rule, hitherto uninterrupted, should delivered; there the LORDshall redeem thee from the
now be interfered with and destroyed. This caused hand of thine enemies." In the type Jehovah ap-
Satan to bring great tribulation on those of God’s pointed Cyrus king of Persia to overthrow Babylon
organization on earth. Hence to his organization and let God’s people go free to return to Jerusalem
Zion Jehovah prophetically said: "Be in pain, and and rebuild the temple on Zion. In A.D. 1919 God
labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a used the Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus the King, to
womanin travail: for now shalt thou go forth out break the power of the enemies over the ’remnant
of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and of the seed’ of Zion and to free them from the
thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be restraint of the forces of religion, tie restored them
delivered; there the LORDshall redeem thee from to God’s organization and the temple service and to
the hand of thine enemies." (Mic. 4: 10) This shows, the pure worship of God in spirit and in truth,
therefore, that it was not Jehovah’s will to remove cleansed from all religion. Referring to Babylon,
the last members of "the body of Christ" from the which lay to the north, and calling to the captives of
earth at the birth of the "man child" and to then Zion there, Jehovah says: "Ho, ho, come forth, and
glorify them in heaven. Christ Jesus being alone in flee from the land of the north,... Deliver thyself,
the Government at its birth, he was in effect "the O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon."
man child". But besides the "man child" God’s organ- --Zech. 2: 6, 7.
ization must bring forth her other children to be l*The obedient ones longed to serve Jehovah
members of God’s royal family in TH~ THEOCRACY.aright and responded. From and after 1919 they
Therefore the bringing forth of the "remnant of her came forth from Babylon’s restraints, and Jehovah
seed" must come after the travail of the war in revived them in his service to be his witnesses.
heaven and after the casting of Satan and his demons (Rev. 11 : 11, 12) This he did in answer to the prayers
out of heaven. First then would such "remnant" be of his chastened ones and for the sake of his name.
acknowledged of God and approved as his repre- His name was upon them and was now due to be
sentatives on earth and sent forth to bear witness declared throughout all the earth before Jehovah’s
to the birth of the new Government and also witness exhibition of power over Satan and his organization
to the rINA.L ENDof Satan’s government of the world at the battle of Armageddon. "Thus saith the Lord
at Armageddon. GOD,I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel,
1o The remnant on earth must undergo a trial of but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have pro-
their faith and devotion in order to be approved, faned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I
accepted and anointed as "children of Zion". The will sanctify my great name, which was profaned
experiences from the birth of the Kingdom to the among the heathen." (Ezek. 36: 22, 23) "Not unto
Lord’s coming to the temple and incidental to the us, O LOI~D, not unto us, but unto thy name give
World War provided that test. (Matt. 24: 7-13) Dur- glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake. Where-
ing those years of war and persecution (1917-1919 fore should the heathen say, ~rhere is now their
particularly) Jehovah’s covenant people were forced God? But our God is in the heavens; he hath done
118 fffieWATCttTOWER. N. Y.

whatsoever he hath pleased." (Ps. 115: 1-3) The in the works of Satan’s organization. (2 Cor. 6:17
redeemed ones now fulfill the purpose of their Isa. 52:11) Such defilement of the earthly part of
deliverance, to bear witness to Jehovah’s name and Zion would in the eyes of the demons defile the
show forth its praises throughout the earth. heavenly part, because such would make it seem
’~ The Babylonish religionists and governing fac- that the heavenly invisible part was unable to protect
tors of "Christendom" were greatly vexed. They were and sustain the visible part. But the remnant know
terrified at the deliverance of God’s "remnant" and the issue is God’s supremacy and universal domina-
the going forth of these with boldness and fearless- tion, and they now refuse to violate their covenant
ness in God’s "strange work" against religion. There- with God and to cease from his worship and service.
fore, under the influence of the demons now cast Their purpose is to prove Satan a liar and God true.
down from heaven to the earth they conspire togeth- Therefore they resist the demons and absolutely
er. They unite together in an anti-Theocracy or anti- refuse to break their integrity toward God and to
Jehovah federation of nations to stop the work of be forced into playing the hypocrite like religious
the visible part of God’s organization Zion. "Now "Christendom".
also many nations are gathered against thee, that ’~ The preliminaries in the great contest for uni-
say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon versal domination are on. Jehovah promises the
Zion." (Mic. 4:11) In 1918 the World War was victory to Zion, his beloved organization under
stopped by God’s power, but the gathering of all Christ Jesus. Nothing wouId give the enemy more
nations against God’s true servants and Theocratic pleasure than for their eyes to feast upon Zion
representatives did not stop. (Zech. 14:1,2) The destroyed, at least the remnant thereof on earth.
warning is given to His people, at Revelation Zion is T~,~. Tmmcm~cY, and the remnant are in line
12:13, 17, that after Satan’s ousting from heaven for a place therein. The demonized, totalitarian
his dragon organization would go forth to make war "abomination of desolation" crowd maliciously cry:
upon the remnant of God’s woman Zion. God is "Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion";
gathering together by Christ Jesus all things in meaning, "Let our eye see our desire upon Zion"
heaven and earth into one, and the remnant on (Am. Rev. Vet.) ; "let our eye look with pleasure on
earth have been gathered to the place or condition Zion." (Leeser) Their slogan is: "Downwith Theoc-
of assembly of God’s troops, which place is signified racy! On with demon rule! Long live religion!" In
by tile name "Armageddon". The demons, making utter contempt of Jehovah God they seek to destroy
great noise like bullfrogs by their propaganda the remnant and their devoted companions, so as
agencies upon the earth, particularly religion, are to make it appear that Jehovah does not exist or
now engaged in influencing and maneuvering "the is impotent against those of Satan’s organization.
kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather As they persecute Jehovah’s witnesses they taunt
them to the battle of that great day of God Al- them, saying: "Where is the LORDthy God?" (Mic.
mighty". The demons gather such armies round 7:10) The modern Edomites are the religionists,
about and against the place of the assembly of God’s particularly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and
troops, including the remnant. So the fight is called including the "evil servant" class. Spitefully these
"the battle of Armageddon".--Rev. 16 : 13-16. rejoiced at the banishing of the work of Jehovah’s
" The enemy seeks the defilement of Zion, as repre- covenant people in 1918, and now they would repeat
sented by the remnant. The object is to unfit her for that triumph and this time make it complete. Warn-
God’s use in his THBOCBATIC GOVEB~’MBXT and to make ing such Edomites why He will repay them with
good Satan’s wicked charge that God cannot put on destruction Jehovah says: "But thou shouldest not
earth creatures who under the severe test bv Satan have looked on the day of thy brother in the day
will maintain their integrity toward God. }l?o this that he became a stranger [a banished exile] ; neither
end Satan and his demons engage in turning all shonldest thou have rejoiced over the children of
nations totalitarian. Therefore they bring forth the Judah in the day of their destruction; neither
totalitarian-religious "abomination of desolation", shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of
composed of the religious Hierarchy allied with and distress." (Obad. 12) This time they will not get
riding upon the arbitrary dictators. The purpose is away with it.
to regiment all people into the worship of Satan’s GOD’S THOUGHTS
’%east" organization and by threats and force and ,0 The thoughts of Jehovah concerning his enemies
punishments make them submit to the ’mark of the and T,~E THEOCRACr’S enemies are set down in his
beast and his image’. Thereby also they hope special- written Word, and he says: "The LORDof hosts
ly to stop the work of Jehovah’s witnesses and their hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so
loyal companions and to coerce them to ’touch the shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so
unclean thing" by compromising with and taking part shall it stand." (Isa. 14: 24) The nations of "Chris-
Arnm 15, 1942 fffieWATCHTOWER. 119

tendom" could have known Jehovah’s thoughts by a antagonism to T~E THBOClIAC~Z.Both have indigna-
consecrated study of his Word, but their paid clergy tion against the "holy covenant" thereof. (Dan.
have failed to express God’s recorded thoughts, not 11: 30, 40) Like "goats", they have been separated
believing such themselves. The?" have also stubbornly from the "sheep", who favor THETItBOCr, ACY.They
fought against the public expressing of His thoughts have been gathered to the unfavorable side of the
by Jehovah’s witnesses and have so remained willing- King who sits upon his glorious throne judging.
ly ignorant. "But they know not the thoughts of the (Matt. 25 : 32, 35-45) The "day of [God’s] prepara-
LORD,neither understand they his counsel: for he tion" is about up, the ]ri~ ENDof Satan’s rule is
shall gather them as the sheaves into the [threshing] very nigh, the maneuvering of all enemies into the
floor." (Mic. 4: 12) This denotes a turning of the position for their destruction is about done, and. at
tables upon those that seek the defilement and de- the time Jehovah gives his last and emphatic warn-
struction of Jehovah’s THEOCRACY, Zion. Unlike the ing tidings, the gathering of all the goatish enemies
Nazi-Fascist-religious method of attacking without will be complete, immediately before Arnmgeddonis
warning, Jehovah by his obedient witnesses has due to begin. They have long trampled down and
offered them good counsel: "Be wise now, therefore, crushed Jehovah’s faithful people and their King-
O ye kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth. dom message. Nowtheir turn comes to be trmnpled,
Serve the LORD[Jehovah] with fear, and rejoice torn, pounded, mashed, dragged, and beaten, merci-
with trembling. Kiss the Son [the King of THE lessly, as by the hoofs of a mighty horned beast
THEOCRACY], lest he be angry, and ye perish from driven around and around and around on God’s
the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little." threshing-floor.
(Ps. 2:10-12) However, the "many nations" TIIRESH!
"Christendom" have willfully objected to understand-
’~ Jehovah gives his might), Field Marshal Christ
ing Jehovah’s counsel.mProv. 1: 30, 25.
Jesus the signal to begin the battle, at the day and
"If they understood God’s counsel, the pope would hour which only He himself has known : "Arise, and
not be praying for his Nazi-Fascist-religious "new thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine
order founded upon moral principles". The bishops horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and
of Germany would not be praying for the dictator thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will
and the triumph of the totalitarian armies. The consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their
politicians would not be joining with their clergy substance unto the Lord of the whole earth." (Mic.
allies in presumably offering prayer to God for his 4: 13) Concerning the Devil’s organization it is
blessing upon their numerous political-religious written: "For thus saith the LoaD of hosts, the God
schemes, which plans they without consideration of of Israel, The daughter of Babylon is like a thresh-
God’s Word have fixed up and which they want God ingfloor [like the harvested sheaves upon it], it is
to endorse and back up. "There are many devices in time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time
a man’s heart; nevertheless, the counsel of the LORD, of her harvest shall come." (Jer. 51 : 33) By authority
THATshall stand." (Prov. 19:20,21) "The LORD from the Lord God the remnant and his "other
bringeth the counsel of the heathen [the nations] to sheep" make advance announcement and warning of
nought; he maketh the devices of the people of none the coming threshing upon the enemy, now before
effect. The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the it begins.
thoughts of his heart to all generations." (Ps. "° In Scripture the ox is a symbol of power and
33: 10,11) "Therefore hear ye the counsel of the strength to work with endurance; the horn is a s~Tn-
LoRDthat he hath taken against Babylon [the nations bol of power to push against the enemy and destroy
gone totalitarian like Babylon of old], and his pur- them. (Ezek. 1:10; Rev. 4:7) Christ Jesus is the
poses that he hath purposed against the land of the Head of the "daughter of Zion" or T~EocR~cY.In the
Chaldeans [the religious-totalitarian crowd]." (Jer. ancient tabernacle sacrifices he is likened to a lmllock
50: 45) Jehovah has taken counsel to give the anti- for God’s altar, but at the time to thresh Satan’s
Tm~ocm~c~enemies the worst drubbing they shall organization his strength against the enemy is
ever have had. likened to that of a mighty ox against the dry grain
is By the proclamation by His remnant and their
stalks on the floor. "God brought him forth out of
companions of and concerning THE THBOCaAC7 and Egypt [the world] ; he hath as it were the strength
the day of God’s vengeance Jehovah has gathered of an unicorn [or wild ox]." (Num. 24 : 8) "His horns
his enemies into a conspiracy and united opposition are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall
against his Tmaoc~A~cGOVERNMENT and its witness- push the people together to the ends of the earth."
es. The two world powers, "the king of the north" (Deut. 33 : 17) "Canst thou bind the unicorn with his
and "the king of the south", may fight each other band...because his strength is great?" (Job
over world domination, but they are both united in 39:10,11) Says God’s anointed King: "All the
workers of iniquity shall be scattered; but my horn accept the printed message they apply in the Lord’s
shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall service to the printing of more books and delivery
be anointed with fresh oil." (Ps. 92: 9, 10) "He also of such to other spiritually hungry ones. Christ
exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his Jesus does not fight the battle of Armageddon to
saints, even of the chihlren of Israel, a people near seize the enemies’ booty for self-enrichment, but to
unto him. Praise ye the LORD."--Ps. 148: 14. unselfishly vindicate and hallow Jehovah’s name.
" Satan’s organization, both visible and invisible Hence as Head of Zion he says: "And I will con-
parts thereof, presents an appearance of terrible secrate their gain unto the LORD,and their substance
strength. The visible part is pictured as the iron legs unto the Lord of the whole earth."--Mic. 4:13.
and feet of the terrible image seen in the king of " Satan’s organization was the firstborn rebel
Babylon’s dream, whereas the invisible demon organization. Likewise its earthly symbol, Babylon,
powers which bear immediate rule over the earth was the firstborn rebel totalitarian government set
are pictured as the brass thighs and belly thereof. up on earth, by Nimrod after the Flood. It cannot
But the greater and invincible strength of THE be redeemed, but is cursed, and hence assigned to
TRnOCRACY is pictured as The Stone of adamantine destruction. It is filled with "their substance", "their
hardness, which Stone smites Satan’s idolized organ- ill-gotten gain" (Leeser); "their unrighteous gain"
ization and grinds to pieces its "iron" and "brass" (Rotherham). Such they coveted and gained by
and other parts, including the gold head, Satan him- plundering the people in the name of and with the
self. Concerning that Stone it is written: "It shall blessing of religion. Like the plunder of the accursed
break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and city of Jericho, it may not be seized upon for per-
it shall stand for ever." (Dan. 2: 31-45)To Christ, sonal glory and selfish gratification. Those like Achan
Zion’s King in command of God’s heavenly hosts, coveting any of it are condemned and destroyed.
Jehovah says concerning the threshing of the enemy: (Josh. 6:18, 19; 7: 10-26) The battle of Armageddon
"I will make thine horn [to push and gore the enemy is not for self-gain or self-glory of creatures, but is
to death] iron [tougher and stronger than the mate- consecrated to the glory of Jehovah, "the Lord of
rial of an ox’s natural horn], and I will make thy the whole earth." The fight is for the vindication
hoofs [to bruise the head of Satan the Serpent and of His name and the settling of the issue of UNIVERSAL
all his organization] brass [harder than the horny DO:~INATION in His favor. All spoils of the battle
or tough fibrous material of an oxhoof]."--Mic. 4: 13. belong to Him by whose invincible power the victory
" The enemies have been made the footstool of is won. Satan the Devil shall no more be the invisible
Christ Jesus, and he shall pound the Devil’s organi- overlord of the earth, but "the Lord of the whole
zation good and heavy and thoroughly under foot at earth" has appointed Christ Jesus to that place.
Armageddon. "And thou shalt beat in pieces many Thus Jehovah avenges his own elect who have cried
people [many peoples (Am. Rev. Ver.)]." Such out aloud unto him for deliverance and the vindica-
beaten ones are the kings of the earth and their tion of his name. (Luke 18 : 7, 8) Jehovah’s covenant
armies and their subjects, all gone totalitarian, and people are ALLFOR THEVINDICATION OF HIS NA.~IE!
regimented into a combined opposition to the KINO Unselfishly, and by faith anticipating the execution
OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. They despise THE of his righteous judgment upon the unclean enemy
THEOCRACY and expectto squishit likea worm.They organization, they join with the heavenly hosts in
strive to strike greatfearintotheremnant andtheir singing alleluias of praise to Jehovah and by Christ
companions who stand unflinchingly and immovably Jesus.--Rev. 19 : 1.
for THE THEOCm~CY. For the comfort of these Jeho-
vah says to his spiritual Israelites: "Fear not, thou
worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, 2, From the time Jehovah’s King was enthroned
saith the LoaD, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One on Zion down to the casting of Satan the Devil into
of Israel. Behold, I will make thee [to be] a new the bottomless pit at Armageddonis a period of war,
sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt both in heaven and in earth. In 1918 Jehovah stopped
thresh the mountains [kingdoms], and beat them the World War on earth, and thereby ’shortened the
small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. Thou shalt days of tribulation’. It was for his elect’s sake, that
fan [winnow] them, and the wind shall carry them they might proclaim the message of salvation by
away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them : and thou Jehovah’s THEOCRATIC GOVERNI~IENT and that ’some
shalt rejoice in the LORD,and shalt glory in the Holy flesh might be saved’ through the battle of Arma-
One of Israel."--Isa. 41: 14-16. geddon, which brings the FI>’AL E~D on Satan’s
’~ Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions do organization. The temporary ceasing of hostilities
not carry on the testimony work for self-gain. The on earth between "the king of the north" and "the
small contributions they receive from those who king of the south" did not mean for God’s faithful
APRIL15,1942 fffieWATCHTOWER. 121

remnant a time of freedom from assault by Satan cution nor death of any in the ranks stop them from
and his demons and his dupes on earth. Satan and pressing the battle to the gates of the stronghold
his demons, exceedingly wroth at being cast out of of religion. They are like the irresistible onward-
heaven, intensified the persecution of God’s "woman" swarming locusts described in Joel 2:4-11, and
and the war upon the "remnant of her seed". (Rev. though small, comparatively, in number, they are
12 : 13, 17) Nevertheless, God’s "strange work" must wise with heavenly wisdom: "The locusts have no
be carried on. It is a war against entrenched religion [earthly] king, .vet go they forth all of them by bands
and her refuge of lies and her hiding-place of false- [gathered together]."--Prov. 30 : 27.
hood. In this war Jehovah assigns a part to his ~’ In the days of King Hezekiah of Jerusalem the
devoted remnant, and, later on, their earthly com- typical Theocracy underwent a siege. Babylon had
panions. Hence the command to the remnant of then not become the dominant world power, and the
Zion’s seed: "Now gather thyself in troops, O king of Assyria was the most prominent and power-
daughter of troops; he hath laid siege against us; ful representative of Satan’s visible organization.
they shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon In the grab for world domination King Sennacherib
the cheek." (Mic. 5:1) This means that Zion is of Assyria must do away with the typical Theocracy;
daughter of a Warrior, to wit, Jehovah of hosts hence he besieged Jerusalem. Strengthened by Jeho-
(armies), and that the Captain of Zion’s troops vah, King Hezekiah refused to compromise with the
Christ Jesus. (Rev. 19: 14, 15) Nowsince his coming devil-religionists, and that night Jehovah’s angel
to the temple and awakening the sleeping saints these went forth and slew at one stroke 185,000 of the
resurrected members of "his body" are all at his besiegers and forced Sennacherib back to his capital,
disposal in the war, and also all the angels which Nineveh, and to his death. That historic siege and
fought under him in the fight to oust Satan from its outcome shall have complete fulfillment in this
heaven. (Rev. 12:7-12) Next he organizes the rem- "time of the end".
nant on earth for the fight against demonism and ,B The totalitarian world power of Assyria fore-
equips them with "the whole armour of God".-- shadowed the nations gone totalitarian and contend-
Eph. 6 : 11. ing against Jehovah’s T~ZOCaATICGOVEllNMENT for
~6 The offensive weapon of the remnant is not world domination on earth. The king of Assyria
carnal, but is "the sword" of the spirit, which is the pictures their invisible ruler, Satan, "the god of
word of God". They fight not with flesh and blood, this world." He uses his demon hosts under his chief
but with the demons. (Eph. 6 : 12-18) The gathering prince, Gog, to marshal both the rulers of the earth
and organizing of them in troops was noticeably and their regimented peoples against the place of
from 1922 on. Then Jehovah poured out his spirit assembly of Jehovah’s troops, called "Armageddon".
upon all his renmant in the flesh, and this battalion The most exposed and vulnerable part is the remnant,
of Zion’s troops were organized into a unified com- together with their valiant companions. Hence the
pany for service in the field, to proclaim Jehovah’s demons and their human dupes make these their
name and Kingdom and the day of his vengeance target and direct their fire against them. They lay
against the enemy. Particularly was their organizing siege against them to wear them out and make them
as troops marked after the "new name" was revealed break their covenant with God and their integrity
and adopted, to wit, "Jehovah’s witnesses." After toward him and forsake their uncompromising stand
receiving that "new name" tile organized groups of for THE THEOCm~CY. Against them the totalitarian
Kingdom publishers became known as "companies", religionists setup their "abomination of desolation"
as indicated at Psalm 68:11: "The Lord gave the in defiance of God’s holy Kingdom. They employ
word; great was the cO.~rA~Y [(Hebrew) tsaba; the totalitarian Nazi-Fascist-Roman Catholic dicta-
meaning host, army] of those that published it." torship and its "strong-arm squad", also organized
Exactly seven years later, to wit, October 1, 1938, Catholic Action, and priest-led mobs, and anti-Theo-
the Theocratic rule of organization was applied to cratic legislation, and other illegal, unconstitutional
the company of Jehovah’s remnant and their com- and un-Christian means aimed at making Jehovah’s
panions. Furthermore, since December 1, 1941, the covenant people yield and deny Jehovah’s supremacy.
responsibility of each one of Jehovah’s troops on "Jehovah’s appointed Judge is Christ Jesus.
earth is increased because conditions require the (John 5:22, 27) He came to the temple in 1918 and
application of God’s order that "every man shall began judgment at the house of God, which is spirit-
bear his own burden". (Gal. 6: 5) Nowas at no time ual Israel. (1 Pet. 4: 17) Then he extended his judg-
in the past Jehovah’s visible army moves forward ment to "Christendom", which professes to be the
in the war, boldly following their heavenly Leader house of God, and finally to all nations, dividing the
and Captain, Christ Jesus. They present an unbroken people thereof as "sheep" from the "goats". (Matt.
front to the demonized enemy and let neither perse- 25 : 31, 32) Christ Jesus, "the judge of Israel," sends
L, x. Y.
forth the remnant to declare the "judgment written" organization who praise him. (Dan. 7: 10) Com-
against "Christendom" and the rest of the worldly pared numerically with them, Jehovah’s capital
nations. Jesus warns the anti-Theocratic, totalitar- organization Zion is "little"; it is composed of a
ian-religious crowd: "Inasmuch as ye have done it limited number, Christ Jesus and his "little flock"
to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done to whomJehovah gives the Kingdom. (Luke 12 : 32)
it unto me." But that crowd is out for world domi- Their number is exactly 144,000 and One, Christ
nation and they reject Jehovah’s THEOCraCY and its Jesus being the Head One and the others the
King and refuse to acknowledge Christ Jesus as their members of "his body", associates with him in The
judge. Instead, the rulers "give their kingdom unto TH~.OCRA~C GOV~R~M~.~T. Though little, yet out of
the beast", unto the "abomination of desolation" on Zion comes forth unto Jehovah his "ruler in Israel",
which the great whore of religion sits, and with their whether Satan’s organization likes it or not. Re-
scepter or rod of power they persecute Jehovah’s ferring to spiritual Israel, including the remnant,
witnesses and companions who proclaim the judicial it is written: "And so all Israel shall be saved: as
decisions of Christ Jesus. Thus doing unto Christ’s it is written, There shall come out of Sion the
brethren, to silence them, if possible, they show their Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from
insulting contempt for Christ and thereby "smite Jacob [the remnant]." (Rom. 11:26) In 1914 Jeho-
the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek". The vah enthroned him on Zion as "ruler in Israel", and
record does not state that He turns the other cheek the Government is upon his shoulder. (Isa. 9:6)
and stops the proclamation of Jehovah’s judgments; Nineteen centuries ago he rode into Jerusalem and
nor do the remnant of his body members on earth went to the temple and offered himself as King,
do so. The blow on the cheek fills them with righteous which was three and one-half years after his anoint-
indignation and stirs up in them greater bitterness ing with God’s spirit. A like time after his enthrone-
against religion and greater zeal in the active wor- ment, the "ruler in Israel" arrived in 1918 at the
ship and service of the Itigher Powers, God and greater temple for judgment and ’came forth’ and
Christ.--Ezek. 3 : 14. appeared, by causing his remnant to discern by the
fulfilled prophecies his presence there as judge and
~o By the prophecy of Micah Jehovah foretold the "His "goings forth [origin] have been from of
earthly birthplace of that "judge of Israel". That old, from everlasting"; and this proves that Christ
prophecy not only had a miniature fulfillment at Jesus is a creation, having a be~nning or origin.
the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem nineteen centuries Whenon earth he said : "Before Abrahamwas, I am."
ago, but also has a major and complete fulfillment (John 8 : 58) "I proceeded forth and came from God ;
now in the "time of the end". "But thou, Beth-lehem neither came I of myself, but he sent me." (John
Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands 8:42) This shows that long before his human birth
of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto in the manger in Bethlehem-judah, he was created,
me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth and his life was in due time transferred from his
have been from of old, from everlasting." (Mic. 5 : 2) heavenly glory to the wombof a virgin of Judah
The names here are significant and identify the that he might become "The Son of man". He calls
organization meant. Jehovah’s organization is the himself "the beginning of the creation of God", "the
Greater Bethlehem Ephratah, which name means firstborn of every creature." (Rev. 3 : 14 ; Col. 1 : 15)
"House of Bread with Fruitfulness". The typical Hence his creation preceded that of Lucifer. The
city being in the tribe of Judah, it was the same as time of his creation as "The Word of God" being
"Beth-lehem-judah" (Ruth 1: 1), which name means unrevealed, he is "from everlasting" or "from the
"The House of Bread with Praise", that is, praise days of eternity" (Hebrew). This pre-eminence over
to Jehovah. God’s capital organization Zion is The all other creatures Christ Jesus maintains as the
House of Bread whereby God supplies abundantly Head of God’s capital Zion.
the life-giving spiritual bread by Christ Jesus, "By Jehovah’s determination of the times and due
greater than Joseph in famine-stricken Egypt. Zion seasons for events, the human birth of Jesus in the
holds forth to the dying people the life-sustaining typical Bethlehem must be a long time prior to his
fruits or truth of God’s kingdom, and Christ Jesus, coming forth from the antitypical House of Bread.
Zion’s Head, is chief in giving praise to Jehovah. He For this reason the prophet says: "Therefore will
is the "Lion of the tribe of Juda", bold in praises. he give them up, until the time that she which
""Judah" meaning "praise", the "thousands of travaileth hath brought forth; then the remnant of
Judah" picture the "thousand thousands" and "ten his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel."
thousand times ten thousand" of all the holy angels, (Mic. 5: 3) Ten days after the ascension of Christ
cherubim and seraphim in Jehovah’s universal Jesus to God’s right hand in heaven came Pentecost
APnm15, 1942 ~ieWATCttTOWER,
and the outpouring of the Lord’s spirit upon the ends of the earth." (Mic. 5 : 4) In 1914 and at God’s
disciples. From and after Pentecost Jehovah carried commandto rule in the midst of his enemies he stood
forward the gathering of spiritual Israel, the 144,000 up as acting King, one of whose official titles is
to be united with Christ Jesus on Mount Zion. (Rev. "Michael". That name means "Who is like God~."
7:4-8; 14: 1,3) These must bear testimony to the Christ Jesus raises that question in defiance of the
coming Kingdom. The birth of that Theocratic contenders for world domination and goes forth to
Government being a long way off, Jehovah gave his settle it: "And at that time shall Michael stand up,
faithful witnesses up to be tested as to their integrity the great prince which standeth for the children of
by being buffeted by Satan’s agents, particularly tile thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble,
religionists, imitation Christians, the "tares" whom such as never was since there was a nation even to
Satan sowed in overwhelming numbers throughout that same time: and at that time thy people [the
"Christendom". (Matt. 13:24-30) It was not yet remnant of spiritual Israel] shall be delivered, every
God’s time to make such enemies the footstool of one that shall be found written in the book." (Dan.
his King Christ Jesus.--Ps. 110: 1. 12:1) Jehovah sends forth the rod of Christ’s
"’ At the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 the strength out of Zion to rule amidst his enemies
waiting period ran out and promptly God’s "woman", (Ps. 110: 2), and he appears at the temple as the
his universal organization, brought forth the new Chief Shepherd. He spreads a table for the remnant
and acting Ruler, the New Government. Thereafter of his "little flock" in the presence of their enemies
Zion’s travail of war against the opposing forces of and feeds them and revives them continually with
Satan began. "And she brought forth a man child, new strength in Jehovah’s "strange work". As the
who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and Vindicator of his Father’s name he is clothed with
her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. excellency, "the majesty of the name of the LoRD
And there was war in heaven." (Rev. 12:5,7) his God," and he causes his remnant and their
"Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her companions to declare Jehovah’s name and purpose
pain came, she was delivered of a man child." (Isa. throughout all the earth.
66: 7) In 1918, having now come to the temple, the " The remnant having returned to Zion and being
King who is "ruler in Israel" and "judge of Israel" strengthened for the fight by food from the hand
came forth out of the antitypical "Beth-lehem of her great Shepherd-King, all efforts of the enemy
Ephratah". Then he delivered from the restraining shall fail to dislodge them from the temple where
power of Satan’s organization "the remnant of his they serve God: "and they shall abide," faithful.
brethren" yet on earth, who are other children of Overcoming all efforts of the totalitarian modern
Zion. These he sanctified or set to doing their part Assyrians to break them loose from THETHEOCR~,CY,
in connection with Jehovah’s "strange work", and to them tile promise shall be fulfilled: "Him that
concerning this it is written: "For both he that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my
sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one God; and he shall go no more out: and I will write
[Jehovah]: for which cause he [Christ Jesus] is upon him the name of my God, and the name of the
not ashamed to call them brethren." (Heb. 2: 11) city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which
These returned from their state of restraint, were cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I
purged for God’s service, and were made a part of will write upon him my new name." (Rev. 3: 12)
God’s Theocratic organization, "the children of Bearing the "new name" with Christ Jesus, they
Israel." The sleeping saints of spiritual Israel had make know-n his greatness as King and Vindicator
been raised out of death by the Lord in the temple, by preaching unto the ends of the earth "this gospel
and thus the returning remnant yet in the flesh on of the kingdom .... for a witness unto all nations"
earth became associated with their resurrected before the FI>rAL E~D gets here. The meek or teach-
brethren of spiritual Israel in the "strange work-". able persons of good-will toward God, who have
There is nowunity of all spiritual Israelites, all of waited for a government of righteousness, hail the
the "body of Christ", whether in heaven or on earth. good news. They hail and salute Jehovah’s enthroned
--Eph. 1 : 10; John 17 : 21-23 ; I Thess. 4 : 16, 17. King and ascribe the greatness of the Kingdom
~5 Nowthe majestic King at the temple stands up unto him, and thus among these "other sheep" of
in his power and feeds his remnant on earth with the Lord is he "great unto the ends of the earth".
spiritual nourishment from the House of Bread and After Armageddon, the enemies being then cleared
Fruitfulness and leads them in singing praises to out, ’"ne shall have dominion also from sea to sea,
the great THEOCratT, Jehovah. "And he shall stand and from the river unto the ends of the earth."~
and feed in the strength of the LOl~D[Jehovah], in Ps. 72 : 8.
the majesty of the name of the LORDhis God; and "’ "And this man shall be the peace [ (Fgotherham)
they shall abide; for now shall he be great unto the So shall this one be Prosperity], when the Assyrian

shall come into our land; and when he shall tread herd, Jehovah, and they say: "Thy rod and thy
in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven staff they comfort me." (Ps. 23:4) Meantime the
shepherds, and eight principal men." (Mic. 5: 5) The remnant continue feeding his "other sheep".
demon forces now put forth desperate efforts to ~’ Whoare the "eight principal men" raised up?
break up the peace and unity and prosperity that Eight is one more than seven. In the Hebrew,
exist within the land or earthly condition of God’s "eight" has the thought of plumpness, as if to denote
remnant and their companions. Concerning the a surplus above the perfect number "seven". Quite
totalitarian crowd, symbolized by "the Assyrian" properly "eight" are raised up, because now is the
from north of the Holy Land, it was prophesied and time when the totalitarian "abomination of desola-
is now in fulfillment: "And he shall enter into the tion" is brought forth, to wit, the symbolic "beast"
countries, and shall overflow and pass over. He shall with the great whore of religion on its back as
enter also into the glorious land [the Kingdom spiritual guide. Concerning that beast it is proph-
interests and privileges on earth of God’s remnant], esied that it makes its appearance Am’ERthe seventh
¯.. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace world power (British-American world co-operation)
between the seas in [against] the glorious holy "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the
mountain [the remnant representing the glorious EIGHTH,and is of the seven [which turn totalitarian
Mount Zion] ; yet he shall come to his end, and none in opposition to THE THv.OC~CY], and goeth into
shall help him." (Dan. 11 : 40, 41, 45) This invasion perdition." (Itev. 17 : 9-11) Satan’s chief prince, Gog,
under the demon leadership of Gog, the chief prince of the demon land of Magog, is specially the prince
or understudy of Satan, as shownat Ezekiel 38 : 8, 16. controlling that totalitarian "abomination of desola-
The demon forces and totalitarian crowd even "tread tion" beast, and by the religious whore he drives it
in our palaces", the abiding-places of Jehovah’s to the assault against those who represent The
witnesses in peace and prosperity and which repre- THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT.
sent THE THEOCnACY;as, for example, when the ’° The "eight principal men" are "eight anointed
arbitrary religion-inspired forces invaded the branch ones of men" (Hebrew text), or, "eight princes
offices of the WATCHTOWERSOCIET~ and closed mankind" (Rotherham). The remnant are still in
them down and declared their gospel preaching the flesh as men and have been anointed with the
"illegal" and "subversive to the State". Do Jehovah’s spirit of the Lord to be in line for the Kingdom.
covenant people then hole up and quit witnessing? (Joel 2: 28) Hence the "eight principal men" may
mean the complete number of the remnant together
with the pre-eminent One, their anointed Head,
"Then shall we raise against him seven shep- Christ Jesus, "The Son of man," he being the Eighth
herds, and eight principal men." Those shepherds One above the seven or complete number. However,
know how to fight the totalitarian giant as the shep- the Scriptures strongly indicate that toward the
herd boy David did. Christ Jesus is "the Chief Shep- beginning of Armageddon Christ Jesus, the King-
herd", and his rod is for the protection of his sheep. Father, will resurrect from their long sleep of
The nations going totalitarian he shall feed with centuries the faithful men of old and will give them
death and destruction: "Ask of me and let me give life as his children, as perfect men, and these he
nations as thine inheritance, and as thy possession will "makeprinces in all the earth". (Ps. 45 : 16 ; Heb.
the ends of the earth : thou shalt SHEPHERD them with 11 : 35) He will doubtless bring forth and present to
a sceptre of iron, as a potter’s vessel shalt thou dash the remnant and their companions these "princes"
them in pieces." (Ps. 2:8, 9, Both.; Rev. 12: 5, Both.) among men at a time of dire crisis for his covenant
"Seven" represents spiritual completeness, and the people. Such future "princes" died standing up
"seven shepherds" must represent the complete against the demon rule in the times before Christ.
number of those in the covenant with Christ Jesus They will be delighted to again face the demonforces
for the Kingdom and who overcome religion and at Armageddon and see such wiped out. Whether
are conformed to his image: "And he that over- the "eight principal men" means or includes those
cometh, and keepeth throughout my works, I will resurrected faithful men of old remains to be seen.
give unto him authority over the nations; and he The main point of instruction in this is that the
shall shepherd them with a sceptre of iron, as vessels complete number of God’s faithful covenant people
of earthenware are dashed in pieces." (Rev. 2: 26, on earth boldly face the totalitarian monstrosity and
Roth.) Therefore the besieged and assaulted remnant present a united front against such and persistently
and their companions make the Greater David, carry on in the war against religion and the demons
Christ Jesus, their shield and protector against the and for THE THEOCRACY.
invading Assyrian. They look for victory to their ’~ Which way does the tide of battle flow? and
"Chief Shepherd", who represents the Great Shep- shall the remnant survive and have work to do on
APRm15, 1942 fflieWATCttTOWER. 125

earth after the battle of Armageddon? The Lord that we might continue with patient endurance in
gives an indication in the further part of the proph- his "strange work" unto the r’I.XAL END.
ecy, which is written to admonish and comfort us (Tobe continued)


~ ~i’~HE silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith must have for Jehovah. Love means to be unselfishly and
Jthe LORDof hosts." (Hag. 2: 8) Which shall men wholly devoted to Jehovah God without qualificatmn or
love and worship, the material thing of value, or compromise. There can be no division of one’s love, part
the great Owner of such thing? being given to Jehovah, and part to a creature. If one’s
For those who love him the Lord of hosts, whose name own self stands in his way or interferes with his love for
is Jehovah, has provided complete refuge, but for no Jehovah, then self must be put on the side. If one’s neighbor
others. These "last days" are strenuous and fraught with or any creature stands in the way of complete devotion to
great danger, because the climax is at hand. The enemy is Jehovah, that neighbor or other creature must be put aside.
bending every effort to accomplish the destruction of No one can please God who permits love for husband, wife,
those who love and serve the Lord of hosts. Rather than parents, children, or others to interfere with complete
see any human serve Jehovah, Satan the adversary would devotion to Jehovah God. No one can have a part in the
now destroy the entire humanrace. His wrath is especially vindicating of Jehovah’s name unless that person loves
directed against those who bear witness to Jehovah God of Jehovah; and only those who vindicate his name shall live.
hosts, because they are bringing the testimony of the truth The followers of Christ must love their brethren. But
to the people in obedience to God’s commandments. The how? As one loves himself, answers Jesus. That means to
great adversary shall fail in his total war. deal justly with your brother, doing good unto him even
What shall befall those who do not love the Lord God as you would have him to do good unto you. Jesus thus
of hosts? Note this historical example: Almost all of the defined that second commandment. "Therefore all things
nation of Israel turned away from Jehovah God because whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye
that people did not love God; and r ecessarily that people even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
as a nation suffered destruction, and the remnant thereof to (Matt. 7:12) Men often permit selfishness, or love for
this day are scattered to the ends of the earth. Likewise self, to stand in their way of full devotion to and service
the nations called "Christendom" are against Jehovah God to Jehovah. This should no more be permitted than to
because they do not love him; and they shall suffer permit love for any other creature to stand in the way
destruction. (Ps. 9:17) The one thing that the wise of service to Jehovah. The true disciple of Jesus Christ
persons do and will continue to do is to love God, "whose must take the same course that Jesus took as a man ; which
name alone is JEHOVAH."--Ps. 83:18. was unqualified devotion to the Almighty God. "For who-
The great commandment,which is first in time and first soever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will
in importance, is that the creature must love Jehovah God. lose his life for mysake shall find it. For what is a man
This question was once propoundtd to the Son of God: profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his
’3Iaster, which is the great commandmentin the law?" The own soul [life] ? or what shall a man give in exchange
answer of Christ Jesus proves that there is one primary for his soul [life] ?" (Matt. 16: 25,26) "He that loveth
commandment: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy world shall keep it unto life eternal." (John 12: 25) These
mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the verses show that there can be no words of qualification
second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as added to the word love when applied to Jehovah.
thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law These are perilous days, because the end of the world
and the prophets." (Matt. 22: 36-40) This commandment of Satan has come, and the great question of supremacy
Jehovah made of paramount importance, and it is empha- and domination of the universe must shortly be settled.
sized by the wicked challenge flung into the face of Jehovah Only those who love Jehovah God will escape and find a
by Satan the Devil. It was at the time when God had led complete refuge under the Almighty’s protection. Those who
the Israelites out of Egypt that he gave this commandment love God and who are devoted to his Righteous Government
to his people, that they must love him if they would live. know that all things shall work together for their good.
Then he added: ’Ye shall not go after other gods, as ye (Rom. 8:28) No others know that comforting truth. When
shall be diligent to keep the commandmentsof the Lord one knows he is diligent in obeying God’s commandments,
your God.’ (Deut. 6: 5-17) Secondary to the great com- and that he has the approval of Jehovah, the esteem or
mandment, says Jesus, is: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour lack of esteem in which others hold him is wholly immaterial.
as thyself"; no more and no less. All the law and the "That which is highly esteemed among mcn is abomination
prophets depend upon these two commandments, because in the sight of God." (Luke 16: 15) The reason is this:
a failure to keep these would make the keeping of others Satan has undertaken to turn all men against Jehovah,
of no real value. declaring that no man will be wholly faithful and true
Often the phrase is used, "We must love God supremely." to Jehovah God under the test applied by Satan. Therefore
That expression is unscriptural, for the reason that there the receiving of religious devotion or high esteem of crea-
is no qualification or limitation to the love the creature tures is to that extent a support of Satan’s side of the
controversy. (Luke 6: 26) The approval of God is what with the building of the tower of Babel on the plains of
one must have m order to be safe. Shinar Satan organized a religion the express purpose of
What, now, is the root of the world evil? With divine which was selfish gain to Satan and to the people, and in
authority the apostle wrote: "The love of money is a root order to turn man away from God. (Gen. 11: 1-9) The
of all kinds of evil." (1 Tim. 6: 10, Am. Rev. Vet.) Money religion of the world is commercial, for the reason that
is an article or mediumfor the measuring of value or for it is a primary means employed by Satan to traffic in human
carrying on merchandise. The merchant or trader is one flesh and blood. Selfishness, or love for self and self-gain,
who trafficks in material things for selfish gain. The led the people at Shinar into Satan’s trap. From that day
definition of the word money cannot be properly limited to until now every religion of the world, regardless of whether
the coin of the realm or limited to the thing which is called "Christian" or "heathen", has been organized and
used as a mediumof exchange or measure of value. "Money," carried forward for the selfish gain of creatures, and there-
within the meaning of the Holy Scriptures, is that which fore all such religions are commercial and employed as
is a measure of personal gain or which brings gain to the instruments of Satan. This is supporting proof that "the
person. It may be gold and silver or the approval and love of money",or of selfish gain, is "a root of all evils".
honor of men, or the gain of influence and power over --Am. Rev. Ver., margin.
others. One who is moved by a desire for selfish gain is The desire for selfish gain, or love for money, has caused
avaricious and covetous; which state is contrary to the the earth to be filled with violence. When God created
spirit of Godand is the expression of the spirit of the Devil. Lucifer and made him the invisible spirit overlord of the
Note these examples: Adamthe first man was selfish. perfect man, Lucifer himself was perfect, and that perfec-
He did not love God; otherwise he would have obeyed tion continued until iniquity came into his mind. That
Him. He did not love Eve, because it was his selfish desire iniquity was love for money or selfish gain; and he pros-
to have and retain that which pleased him that induced ecuted his enterprise by all mercantile and commercial
him to selfishly join her in the transgression; and for that means. God caused his prophet to make a record thereof
reason he was not deceived. The fact that he disobeyed in these words addressed to that unfaithful cherub: "Thou
God’s commandment is conclusive proof of his selfishness or wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast
lack of love for Jehovah God, his Maker.--1 Tim. 2 : 13, 14. created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude
The beautiful spirit creature Lucifer did not love Jeho- of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with
vah God. He was se:fish, avaricious and covetous. (Jer. violence, and thou hast sinned; therefore I will cast thee
51:13) His selfish deAre for personal gain induced him as profane out of the mountain of God; and I will destroy
to sin in Eden and to further defy the Almighty God. He thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of
had no fear for Jehovah God, and therefore he did not fire. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of
even begin to be wise according to divine wisdom. He thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffic; therefore
challenged Jehovah God to put a man on earth who would will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall
remain true to God under adverse conditions, and he devour thee; and I will bring thee to ashes upon the
wickedly said to Jehovah that man under stress would earth, in the sight of all them that behold thee." (Ezek.
curse God to his face. Jehovah permitted Satan to try his 28: 15, 16, 18) Instead of love being manifested by Lucifer
hand in carrying out his boastful challenge, and his primary for Jehovah, selfish gain or the love of "money" movedhim.
purpose in so doing wr s and is the vindication of the holy The "sanctuaries" of Lucifer, both invisible and visible
name of Jehovah before all creatures. All, therefore, who to human eyes, he defiled by his wicked acts induced by
would live must have an opportunity to know Jehovah and his desire for selfishgain. He has trafficked in angels and
prove their integrity toward him. men, and by so doing he has surrounded himself with and
It was the love for "money", or that which money filled his organization with violence and has defamed
represents, that started Satan on his wicked course. Satan Jehovah’s name; and all this he has done because of h,s
began to make merchandise of the human race for his ox~-n insatiable desire for personal gain. He is the author of
personal gain, and therefore that was the beginning or religion, or demonism, which religion is the doing of that
root of evil. He foresaw rising from the fountain of perfect which is contrary to the will of God. Christianity is the
man and woman a sea of human creatures, and he deter- doing of the will of God as Jesus Christ always does that
mined to use them for his own personal gain; hence he will and sets us the example.
commercialized and trafficked in the human race. When In the days of the apostles of Jesus Christ no one was
mankind had grown in numbers Satan brooded over that called pope, but all Christians who faithfully served God
symbolic "sea" of human creatures and brought forth the and his beloved Son recognized Christ Jesus as the Head
wicked beastly organization by which he has ruled the over his church, which church is "his body". (Eph. 1 : 22, 23)
humanrace. In that visible organization he has made promi- Years after the passing away of the apostles there was
nent three elements, to wit, commerce,religion and politics ; organized a religion which was falsely labeled "the Christian
and with this organization, all of which is mercantile, religion", and an imperfect man was made the head of
Satan has filled the earth with violence.--See Revelation that religious organization and was called "pope" or
13 : 1, 2 ; Ezekiel 28 : 13, 16-18. "father of fathers", contrary to the Scriptures. (Matt.
All religious organizations of the world are commercial, 23: 9) Such organization has claimed to be the greatest
for the reason that all such organizations are created and religious organization ever on earth. The Papal or Roman
carried on for the personal gain of Satan and his dupes Catholic religion was not organized nor has it been carried
and to turn the people away from Jehovah God. Beginning on for the purpose of giving honor and glory to the name

of Jehovah God, but solely for the purpose of selfish gain with that which the Lord ha~ given him. such "godlincaa"
for creatures, particularly the Hierarchy of Authority. Its is to him GREAT GAIN, because it is to such that ,lehovah
leaders boast that its "children" are counted by the hundreds promises complete refuge in the time of stress and ultimately
of millions. It counts its numbers and its property which a share in the blessings of life ever!astmg One who seeks
it has as "godliness". Tile Papal religion at all times has these provisions from a selfish viewpoint ~s not pleasm~ ~o
been and is a commercial instrument of Satan, and has God, but one who unselfishly seeks to please God will
filled the earth with great violence, and this has been done personally benefit from God’s blessing.
because of its love for money or selfish gain. Its cruel What, then, is the root of all the world evil or lawless-
and wicked persecution of others, the loathsome and wicked ness toward God? The inspired writer replies: "For the
Inquisition, and the blasphemous boasting of the leaders love of money is the root of all evil; which while some
in that organization are all manifestations of wickedness, coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced
violence and extreme selfishness. Its desire and effort to themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Tim. 6.10)
grab the world domination and to rule all nations by means That which will satisfy the desire for personal gain is
of totalitarian dictators is the cause of the present world the root of all evil.
bloodshed and the overthrow of democratic nations. The desire for personal gain is a temptation and a snare,
In later years another religious organization came upon often resulting in destruction. Whena man is called of
the scene, assumed the name of God and Christ, and the Lord God and assigned to a place in his service the
labeled itself "the Protestant Christian religion". Regardless man has received a great favor at the hands of Jehovah
of how many sincere men have been and are in that organi- God. IIe is now in a covenant to do the will of God, which
zation, it has never been used to the glory and honor of means to use his faculties in the service of the Most IIigh.
Jehovah’s name, but always for a selfish purpose or for If now he is movedby a selfish desire for greater personal
selfish gain. That selfish desire for personal gain makes ease for himself or others and if, to realize this desire,
all religions and professions of religion to be commercial he leaves the Lord’s service and engages in a worldly
things. Both the facts and the Scriptures, therefore, show business or enterprise, he walks right into the snare of
that the religion of the world is a commercial instrument the enemy, which often causes the one taking this course
in Satan’s hands to defame Jehovah and turn men away to be ’drowned in the sea’. "They timt will be rich, fall
from him. It is therefore demonism. into temptation, and a snare, and into many foohsh and
The spirit of selfishness was apparent in the days of the hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdi-
apostles; and in the present time selfishness is more rampant tion." (1 Tim. 6:9) The "sea" in which such arc drowned
than ever. Concerning this the apostle wrote: "If any man means the peoples of earth alienated from God and who
teach othenvise, and consent not to wholesome words, even bear up and give support to Satan’s organizatmn, Babylon
the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine (Rev. 17 : 1, 15, 18) ; and where anyone of his ownvohtion
which is according to godliness, he is proud, knowing noth- leaves the Lord’s service, when the Lord has assigned him
ing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof to a place, and then he returns to the commercial pursuits
eometh envy, strife, railing, evil surmisings, perverse dis- in Satan’s world organization, he is almost certain to be
putings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, ’drowned in the sea’. That which lies at the root of all
supposing that QAIXIS GOmJ:,’F-.SS: from such withdraw evil and of evil results to those who have once started in
thyself." (1 Tim. 6: 3-5) The words of the apostle here the way of serving God is the "love of money", Iimt is
have applied since written, but apply more strongly now. to say, the desire for selfish gain, regardless of what that
In those words the apostle admonishes all who will please gain may be. If the truth finds a man with the obligation
God and find complete refuge in him that they must on his hands of supporting his family by engaging in
separate themselves from all who are moved by a desire some commercial pursuit, he is justified in remaining in
for selfash gain, whether that selfish gain be the accumula- that position, provided he can do no better to make
tion of earthly wealth and power or a gain that comes by provision of the things decent and honest for those depend-
the honor, plaudits and approval of men and causes the ent upon him and offering greater advantage in his dDrcct
gainer thereof to shine amongst men. The apostle therefore sere-ice of the Lord. (1 Cor. 7:20; Rom. 12 17; 1 Tim.
distinctly points out that those who wilt receive God’s 5: 8) But if the Lord provides for him and for those
approval and find in His name a complete refuge must dependent upon him and at the same time puts him in
separate themselves from all others that pursue a selfish a position of service to the Lord, then faithfulness to
course; and thus the faithful ones mark themselves as the Lord would mean that he must remain steadfastly
witnesses of Jehovah and as the targets of the enemy. in the sen’ice of the Lord and not take a contrary course
The inspired apostle negatives positively the claim that to satisfy some selfish desire.
personal gain at any time is godliness. Then he adds: ’q3ut The hands of the servants of Jehovah God cannot remain
godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Tim. 6: 6) clean if they touch the unclean thmg, that is, Satan’s
"Godliness" mean.q to be entirely and wholly devoted to organization. (Isa. 52:11, 2 Cor. 6:17) There can
the cause of the gospel of Jehovah’s kingdom by Christ nothing in common between the Lord’s people and the
Jesus, the purpose of which is the vindication of Jehovah’s enemy organization. Those who maintain their integrity
holy name. If the servant of Jehovah God finds himself toward Him must remain true and faithful to his name.
devoting himself in obedience to God’s commandment to Their love for him can have no qualification or limitation.
that which will vindicate the name of the Most IIigh, and They must and will give Jehovah God and his kingdom
that he is doing so unselfishly, and that he is contented by Christ Jesus all their love.
’DEAD, YETSPEAKETH’ from the Catholic school. Whenthe priest came three weeks
"’In McComb,Miss., while I was playing the phonograph, ago (he called for his money), she told him what she
on the front porch, to the lady of the house, her husband thought of him, and that he need not come any more. She
was in the back yard overseeing a bunch of colored men said she had joined with Jehovah’s witnesses. ’What! those
at work. Upon hearing the phonograph (not knowing what Bible students?’ ’Yes,’ she said. He threw the moneyback
wok; going on out front) he hollered: ’Keep quiet, confound at her and said that if he had had a stick with him he would
it, listen!’ Some of the men, not hearing him, kept on have thrashed her. He said: ’And to think that this should
working. Again he hollered: ’Keep quiet, d it, keep happen after I have given my blessing on this house!’
qmet! I hear Judge Rutherford’s voice---be’s dead! I She replied: "Yes, and ever since you blessed this house
h,. ar his voice from heaven.’ Whereuponhe fainted, greatly things have got worse and worse.’ Her husband, not a
f~ightening the men. Upon regaining consciousness he was Catholic, is becominginterested, and we have had one model
told about the phonograph." study with him. She attended our regular study last week."
"A young womancame to the door, listened attentively "While magazine street-witnessing on the post-office
to the record, and at the end said, ’We know about the corner of Tucson, Arizona, I noticed a young man with
hard things, the trouble, oppression, etc. Weare just over army uniform on standing near by. I introduced The
from Germany.’ I pointed to the last chapter in the book Watchtower, and to my joy he favored its message: ’My
Children, ’Glorious Earth,’ and mentioned the new heavens dad is a Jehovah’s witness and I like to read the literature
r.nd new earth, wherein dwellcth righteousness, when the he sends me.’ After a short discussion I left him and
])evil will be bound and oppression, evil, etc., will not be continued the work. A short while later an ugly-looking
permitted. She was interested, but did not take anything. man passed and cried: ’Look’t him--standin’ there--un-
I asked : ’Did you ever hear of The Watchtower or Jehovah’s patriotic--ought to be . .., etc.’ I ignored him and kept
witnesses in Germany? or Bible Students?’ Then I said about my business, and he hustled into the post office. A
Bibelforscher, and she knew what it was. ’Oh, yes!’ she minute later he popped out a-huffin and a-puffin. Walking
said, ’we hear lots about Bibdforscher in Germany. They up to me he again began insulting me: ’lie’s un-American,
suffer more than any other people because they do not unpatriotic, chase him off the street--against the govern-
compromise, but always stand up for their belief.’ Then merits’ I asked loudly: ’Aren’t you feeling well? Are
she got a quarter for the book Children. She said it was you sick ?’ This remark angered him more, and he continued
her last quarter, but they wanted to support all who are his father’s work. The army boy was still there, seeing all
fighting against the evil power. She seemed pleased to that was going on. Walking over to him I spoke to him:
get the book and Kingdom News.’" ’Say, I wonder what ails him?’ To this our army-boy
friend answered, loud enough for others to hear: ’Oh, he’s
NEWWORKEFFECTIVE(ENGLAND) just like the rest of them: don’t know what he’s doing.’
London: "Immediately the new work commenced we The would-be patriot hushed up and, with a surprised look
started many model studies in this neighborhood, and the at the army fellow, walked off, panting, fuming, fussing."
Society’s representative instructed us to work these out
’one way or another’. This has now been finished and the HOWSHE KNEWTHE PIONEERWASCOMING
result is eight new publishers, one of whomoriginally "This territory IBrookhaven, Mississippi) is isolated; no
claimed to be an atheist. In the Brentford area we are witness has been here for several years. I parked my car
having opposition from the clergy, who instruct their in a driveway and got out with my phonograph and book-
congregations not to listen to us when we call; but, of case. Just as I was going to knock on the door, a young lady
course, we know that the Lord’s ’other sheep’ do not take opened it and said: ’Come in; I have been expecting you.’
any notice of these goats." I walked in, thinking she was mistaken as to who I was.
Rugby: "Spiritualist lady- ’It’s no use, mydears, we’ve I set up the phonograph; and when it finished she said:
seen each other before.’ Jehovah’s witness: ’Yes, we ’Yes, I will take the book. You arc one of Jehovah’s wit-
remember you. You told us you were a spiritualist.’ Lady: nesses, aren’t you?’ She contributed 50c for the book and
’I read your booklets, but I have no use for them, though expressed her thanks to me for coming to see her. ’Now
I believe you are doing a good work.’ ’We have a record I will tell you how I knew who you were and why I was
we would like you to hear. It is called "Where Are the expecting you. One week ago in a public toilet I found a
Dead?" and "What Is the Soul?" Just hear it, then if we booklet Where Are the Dead? I picked it up and saw
are wrong, there’s your chance to put us right. If we "Jehovah’s witnesses" on it. I was reminded at once of
happen to be wrong, we wish to be put right.’ Lady : ’Come passing through Jackson, Miss., over a year ago and seeing
in then. I don’t care who we arc, there’s something we can on many store windows signs "Jehovah’s witnesses not
learn.’ Result: Records played and Children study sheets wanted". I thought they were gangsters of some kind.
shown. Further: Model study arranged; much enjoyed." Being curious I read the booklet. It was wonderful. It
Sheffield: "A publisher here met a Catholic lady just stated in the booklet that one of Jehovah’s witnesses would
before we came up here pioneering, and we have had the call at my home with phonograph and literature. Every
pleasure of two model studies with her, her fourth and day I have prayed that you would come; and in one week
fifth. WitMnthat period (six weeks in all) she has left my prayer is answered.’ I immediately arranged to come
the Catholic church and taken her four children away back in the evening and play ’Children of The King’."
thatI am
35 : 15.

MAY 1, 1942

.~hc~H (Part 8) ...... 131
Demomsm Ousted .. 13 t
Reqmrements ................... 137
KI.~-G DO~ WORK......... 141



Pc~-~smm Sz~m0xr~Y BY ITS MISSION
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for tile purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
,N. H. K.’,’ORR,President W.E. V~.~ A_XtBL2.GII,Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and suppUesother literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
great shall be the peace of thy children." -Isazah 54:"3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
TItAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the be~nning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent In the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personahties.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man x~fllfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of ’UNITE~ STATES, $I.00; CANADa AND ~IISCEr..L~.~EOUS FOREIG.’,T,$1 50:
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUT~ AFRICA, 6S. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or b7 Bank
to llfe. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasmn remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentmned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by Internut~onal Postal .Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOBEXON OF~’XCES
and clothed him with all power and authority. British ...................... 34 Craven Terrace, Lonclon, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Ca,adiaa
............................. 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Olficer thereof and is the right- Ausfralasia~................... 7 Bere~fordRoad,Strathfield, N. S. W.,Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of BouthAttic, at* ................... Boston House, Cape Town,South Africa
Plea-~e address the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Traradattonso! thin jour’n.aIappearl. several languages.)
before all ~bo will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon h’~s throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of Infirmity, poverty or
adversity axe unable to pay the subscriptmn price may ha~e The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the estabhshment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, statmg the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulataons.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kmgdomunder Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next ’Treat act is the destruction scrtptmn wtll be sent only when requested Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label wtthm one month.
of Satan’s organization and the estabhshment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiratmn} will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of ~:ood will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
the earth" with a righteous race. Entered aa second-cla-ss matter at the post o~Ice at BrooK.lira, N. Y.,
under the Act el March $, 1879.


During the month of June all thane wfi.n~ volunteers who TheSociety has released a new booklet, entitled " ’Chl:dren’
delizht to do Jehovah’s will and who Lave made a covenant with
the Lord will go forward m the proelamatmn of the I~n~dom Study Questions", which will be a great aid to all pubhshers of
message. The "Wflhng Volunteers" Testlmonv Period will be the Kmgdom in the conducting of Children studies in the various
devoted to the distnbutton of the book Chddre;z and seven book- homes throughout the country. You can get your copy now on
lets on the contribution of 35c. All servants of the Lord gom~" contribution of 5c for publication of more of these. Send
forward during this campaign will have a good supply of this remittances to 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York. Th~s
literature on hand as they go from place to place, visiting the
people of good-will, those’who love xaghteousness. This hterature "Chddren" Study Questmns booklet will help individual reader~
will afford many the opportunity of getting a clearer knowledge m their personal study m their own homes. Get a copy now.
of the truth, and they should be given this opportunity during the
"Willing Volunteers" Testunonv Pcrmd. The usual field-service
reports will he made to the company servant if the pubhsher is USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK
associated wtth a company;the pioneers, direct to the office; and The blank sent you one monthbeforeexpirationof your
tho~e readers of The Watchtower who have as vet not been in
the field-service work, namely, going from door to door with the Watchtowersubscriptmn shouldbe filledoutand returned to the
Km~dommessage, may inqmre of the WATCHT0WER the address of Brooklynofficeor to the Branchofficein thecountry whereyou
tl:clr nearest company. You will enjoy being associated w~th them. reside.Servants in thecompanies,and individuals,whensending
in renewalsfor TheWatchtower, shouldalwaysuse theseblanks.
Week of June 7: "~icah" (Part 8), By filling
in theserenewal blanksyouareassured of thecontinua-
1-24 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1942. tionof yourWatchtower from thetime of expiratlon,and with-
Week of Jane 14: "Micah" (Part S), outdelay.It willalsobe a greathelpif youmgn yournameuni-
*" 25-4S reclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1942. formly,andnoteanyrecent changeofaddress, on therenewalsllp.
No. LXIII ,~IAY1, 1942 .No. 9


"’A~d this ~nan shaU be the peace, ~che~ the Assyrian shall come i~to m~r la~d; and whe~z he shaI! tre(~d
in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seren shepherds, and eight principal men."--3l~c. 5: 5.
EIIOV3_H is never on the defensive nor ever in under the great stress. In the most vital field of all,
J danger of defeat by any foe, singly or combined.
He makes peace for those who take their stand
the worship of God upon which everlasting
depends, there only do Jehovah’s people clad in the

on his side and keep his commandments, and creates armor of God resist the aggressions of the totali-
evil or calamity and destruction for those who oppose tarian-minded ones into the things which mu~t be
and fight against his righteous Government. (Isa. rendered unto God and which are His. They know
45:7) His beloved One, who on earth was called that "the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all
"The Son of man", is "The Prince of Peace". At his the nations that forget God" (Ps. 9: 17) and that
human birth in Bethlehem the prophetic song of the to spread and increase the knowledge of God is for
angels foretold tlmt when his Kingdom should be the benefit of the nations. They knowthat the delnons
established God’s peace would be extended through are back of the totalitarian regimentation that makes
this Prince to men of good-will on earth. Amid the the people ignore God’s ways: and ~herefore they
tunmlt of the world that marks its end He only is battle, not with flesh and blood, but with the power
the One by whom to gain peace of heart and mind and rule of the demons which would cause the
and to for ever enjoy the peaceful earth after the destruction of the nations by opposition to Almighty
great conflict for universal domination is fought God. The witnesses of Jehovah maintain their unity
and won to the vindication of Jehovah God. of action. Under the leadership of the Good Shep-
It is God’s will that peace shall exist within the herd, the Principal One of God’s capital orgamzation,
organization or ’qand" of his covenant people on they rise up in a united front against the aggressor
earth, the spiritual Israelites. It is tIis decree that and hurl back the invader. They resist all f~-n’ms of
unity in serving Jehovah God shall be observed and demonism, and no more does religion gain a foothold
safeg-uarded among such in the "land" of spiritual amongst them.
Israel. No one has a right to interfere with their ’ Religion has failed, as proved by. the facts today,
united service. The original "’Assyrian" was a demon- after six thousand years of reliNon’s practice. Chris-
worshiping, totalitarian world-power. It invaded tianity has not fai’led, and never will. Though n~w
the land of ancient Israel, thereby furnishing a the only true Christians are hated and persecuted
prophetic picture, that the modern-day Assyrian of all nations, Christianity is not on the defensive.
with religious-totalitarian organization would invade It is on the offensive against all religion, which is
the midst of God’s covenant people and seek to break demonism and which has proved the ruin of human-
up their organized and united worship of the only kind. The assaults by the modern "Assyrian" upon
true and living God, "whose name alone is Jehovah." the Christian witnesses of Jehovah are but the enemy
~Isaiah 36 and 37. counterattacks, all of which fail to break the integ-
The modern invasion is under way, as shown by rity of God’s covenant-keeping people. Concerning
the notorious persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses, the offensive action and carrying of the war into the
which persecution has scandalized all "Christendom". enemy territory Jehovah by his prophet foretold:
The people in so-called "democratic" lands fail to "And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the
realize that such persecution upon God’s servants by sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances
the religionists represents the invasion by the totali- thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian,
tarian "Assyrian" of the rights, privileges and liber- when he eometh into our land, and when he treadeth
ties that all freedom-loving peoples want to retain for within our borders." (Mie. 5:6) It was the first
themselves. The power of the "Assyrian" will in- totalitarian dictator Nimrod that organized religion
crease as the nations of the world all go totalitarian and built Nineveh, the chief city of Assyria. Hence

tile land of Assyria is called "the land of Nimrod" ’ The ’qand of Assyria" which is wasted by that
and pictures the nations now going totalitarian. "sword" represents Satan’s entire organization,
As the religious-totalitarian rule moves on to visible and invisible. Gog of the land of Magog is
swallow up the whole worhl Jehovah bids his faithful Satan’s chief demon prince therein, and all the
witnesses not to fear, but to be bold and courageous nations gone totalitarian are the visible part thereof.
in his service: "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD In Micah’s day Babylon had not yet seized the world
of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not dominance but was still subject to Assyria, and hence
afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a "Assyria" also stands for Babylon and what Babylon
rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after symbolizes. Nimrod founded Babel, or Babylon, and
the manner of Egypt [in Moses’ day]. For yet a thereafter Nineveh in Assyria, and hence the "land
very little while, and the indignation [of Godagainst of Nimrod" means the same as "Assyria". Further,
the totalitarians] shall cease, and mine anger, in it ealls attention to its god, who is Satan. Nimrod,
their destruction." (Isa. 10:24,25) Though the the rebel hunter after Jehovah’s "sheep", typified
en(,mies conspire and confederate together against Satan the Devil, whomNimrod worshiped and served.
tho:e who stand up for and proclaim Jehovah’s After Nimrod’s death he was deified by his fellow
TIII;OC’~,,,TIC GOVERNMENT, God’s covenant people may gangsters, and thus they worshiped Satan under the
make no agreement or confederacy with the "Assyr- form of Nimrod.--Gen. 10:9-11.
ian" foe of THETHEOCnAcY. Bv his prophet Jehovah The present-day totalitarian "Assyrian" invades
specifically warns them against a compromise with "our land" and sets up his religious-dictatorial
the "Assyrian" in the hope of getting help and protec- "abomination of desolation" in the holy place, where
tion from him at the price of brealdng integrity with it ought not to stand, attempting to crowd out Jeho-
God. (Isa. 8: 9-13) Jehovah alone is their fear and vah’s THEOCRATIC GOVEr~NMENT and take its place.
dread. Rather than compromise, they arise to the God’s faithful remnant and their earthly companions
attack against religion which is linked with and does brandish the "sword of the spirit" and expose that
business with the totalitarian rule. desolating abomination as a demonic counterfeit of
The faithful servants of Jehovah are provided God’s holy Kingdom. They carry the battle to the
uith the "sword of the spirit, which is the word of gates of the religious-totalitarian combine, "in the
God". Thev wield that sword by proclaiming the entrances thereof," or, "in the gates of its (clues)."
truths of God’sWord to those with an ear to hear. (Leeser) The word "entrances" here may also mean
Thereby they waste the pastures of religion which something "opened", that is, "drawn" swords, as at
tlm (’lergy part of "The Assyrian" have enjoyed with Psahn 55:21; and hence the Rotltcrl~am marginal
regard to such persons as now turn their ear to the rendering reads: "Shepherd... the land of Nimrod
Bible truths. They take no part in the literal wast- with drawn swords." The swords will not be sheathed
ing of the denlon rule and organization which is until the battle is won and religion is completely
synlbolized by "the land of Assyria", "the land of ldlled off. "In the entrances thereof" also means that
Nimrod." Jehovah’s executioner, who is the Head Christ Jesus will not only destroy the totalitarian
of the "seven shepherds" and "eight principal ine~f’, rule on earth but-also carry the battle into the
does such wasting. He is the "Chief Shepherd" and wicked spirit organization, "the land of Magog." and
is the "nmnchild" who is to "shepherd all tim nations there destroy all the demons and Gog their prince
with a sceptre of iron". (Rex’. 12:5, Rotl, erham) and Satan their ehief.--Ezek. 39:1-6.
Quite correctly the Botherl~am rendering of Micah " The presumptuous assault of the invader proves
3:6 reads: "Then shall they SHEPnnnDthe land of to be his undoing, just as when his prototype, King
Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod Sennacherib and his Assyrian hosts, invaded the
Holy Land and assaulted Jerusalem. "Then the angel
in tlm entrances thereof." A shepherd is ordinarily
of the LORDwent forth, and smote in the camp of
a man of peace, but he is also a fierce fighter for the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five
his devoted sheep against all nmranders, whether thousand: and when they [God’s covenant people]
beasts or men. Christ the Good Shepherd laid down arose early in the morning, behold, they [the 185,000
his life for the sheep, both his "little flock" and also Assyrians] were all dead corpses." (Isa. 37:36)
his "other sheep". (John 10: 11, 16) Nowenthroned long as Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions
as King of the world and sent forth by Jehovah are bearing testimony to The THnOCn.~TICGovr.r,x-
God to rule in the midst of his enemies, the great 5IE.’,’T as rightful ruler of the worhl, the earthly
Shepherd-King takes the sword against the modern powers who are for a totalitarian rule do not feel
"Assyria". That sword is the destructive forces of the they can realize "Peace and safety" for themselves
battle of Armageddon, ’the war of the great dav of and their beastly rule. To silence Jehovah’s servants
God the Ahnighty.’--Rev. 16: 14. they ’come within their land and tread within their
MA~"i, 1912 SeWATCttTOWER. 133

borders’ and apparently restrain them, to all surface who was also called "Israel", denotes that the
appearances. Then the great Shepherd-King Christ "remnant of Jacob" are the last on earfll of tlLe spirit-
Jesus and the great Tt~Eocmx¢Jehovah God in their ual Israelites, the joint-heirs with Christ ,Jesus of
&spleasure send emphatic tidings of final warning the promise made long ago to the grandfather of
to the totalitarian world rule. Daniel 11 : 44 describes Jacob, Abraham. There shall be a great multuude of
it thus: "But tidings out of the east and out of the Armageddon survivors besides the remnant, a- pic-
north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth tured by Noatfs family which survived the deqruc-
with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away tion of the "old world", "the world of the ungodly."
many." These shall be out of the former ’nations, ki~:dreds,
lo Out for the utter destruction of all who stand people, and tongues’.--Rev. 7 : 9-17.
faithful for THE THEOCnACY, the great "Assyrian" n Armageddon, symbolically represented as the
Satan and all iris organization make their last des- destruction of Satan’s world by fire, will be a scorch-
perate assault upon the remnant and the Good Shep- ing time. (2 Pet. 3:7-12) Thereafter the renmant
herd’s "other sheep". They shall be pushed out. The will be retained on earth by the Lord to bring t’mely
drawn swords of Jehovah’s executional forces under refreshment to the "great multitude" of the "other
the Good Shepherd shall flash and fall and hack the sheep" as symbolized by dew in the morning of that
"Assyrian" organization and waste its land, including "new world", "wherein dwelleth righteousness." With
the invisible demonrealm. "Thus shall he deliver us the remnant shall be associated in the work the
from the Assyrian, when he eometh into our land, "faithful men of old", who shall have a "q)etter
and wken he treadeth within our borders." The sure resurrection" to life as perfect men. They shall be
hope for the deliverance of humankind from totali- made "princes in all the earth", tim permanent
tarian rule under demons is Jehovah’s mighty Shep- visible representatives of the heavenly Tm:o(’n.~c’~’.
herd, the Savior of his "sheep". (Ps. 45: 16; Heb. 11: 35, 39,40) The Scriptures
~ Since the great "Assyrian" shall fail in his de- strongly suggest that they shall he awakened to life
structive program and since the "remnant" of Jeho- and service on earth in the crisis at the he,inning
valfs kingdom heirs are the principal target of the of Armageddon, and they shall take their place by
"Assyrmn", it appears reasonable, and the prophecy the side of the spiritual remnant who are hut the
indicates strongly, that Jehovah by his Good Shep- temporary representatives on earth of Tin: Tnnoc-
herd will preserve the remnant of his "little flock" ~Ac~"in power.
through the battle of Armageddonand they shall see 1’"All flesh is grass." (Isa. 40:6) Now just
the terrific destruction of the "Assyrian" forces down before Armageddon the wicked spring as the grass
to the last creature thereof. This preservation is not (Ps. 92 : 7) ; but after their destruction in that battle,
that the remnant of spirit-begotten children of God and doubtless in the presence of the remnant as well
nmy live on earth in the flesh during the whole as the "princes", Jehovah by Christ ,Jesus will issue
thousand-year reign of Christ Jesus that shall follow. to the "great multitude" the divine mandate to "fill
Their stay on earth after Armageddon is merely for the earth". (Gen. 9: 1,7) They shall marry and
a brief time, serving as a vindication of Jehovah’s reproduce righteous offspring, and then the ri_~ht-
promise and his almighty power to preserve the eous shall spring as the grass to ever beautify the
faithful in their direst extremity. Along with this earth. The remnant during the remainder of their
remnant Jehovah lovingly and mercifully preserves sojourn on earth shall be in the nfidst of the~e right-
his "other sheep", who never forsake God’s side and eous ones, "as the showers upon the grass, that
therefore never the side of the faithful remnant. tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons
Satan and his hordes may be permitted to kill some of men." Heavenly refreshment such as dew and
during the battle, like David’s loving friend Jonathan, showers does not depend upon human creatures. Dew
as a proof of their integrity toward God even to the and showers neither wait for the command of men
death. Yet Satan shall fail in his all-out wicked nor can they be detained by men, but must be
endeavor to rid the earth of every righteous servant accepted as God provides. His "doctrine slmll drop
of Jehovah God. That which they intended upon the as the rain, [his] speech shall distil as the dew, as
righteous, God will return on their own heads.-- the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the
Ps. 7: 15, 16. showers upon the grass". (Deut. 32: 2) ’Out of Zion
l~What shall be the work of the remnant after [God’s capital organization in heaven] shall go forth
that battle? The prophecy beautifully pictures it: the law, and the word of the Lo~D from Jerusalem
"And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of [New Jerusalem, which is above].’ (Mlc. 4:2) Doubt-
many people, as dew from the LORD,as the showers less the remnant, together with the "princes", will
upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth be used to further tender to the Lord’s "other sheep"
for the sons of men." (Mic. 5: 7) The name of Jacob, his then "meat in due season", including the procla-

marion of the divine mandate to that "great multi- hand also upon the countries [by means of propa-
tude". This will be very exhilarating, like dew and ganda, reli~ous ’fifth column’, sea raiders, sub-
showers from tile Lord God upon the parched grass. marines, airplanes, Catholic Action, etc.]; and the
Already he has turned to the remnant a "pure land of Egypt [meaning the anti-Nazi ’ldng of tlw
language" or "pure lip", with which even now before south’s’ realm] shall not escape." (Dan. 11 : 42) That
the fire of Armageddon they are commanded by the totalitarian-religious aggressor power tries to poke
Lord to refresh the people of good-will who become its meddlesome bloody hand within God’s visible
the Lord’s "other sheep". (Zeph. 3 : 8, 9) The remnant organization. It tries to interfere with and break up
do not wait or tarry for any of the sons of men in the organized united action of the remnant and their
order to get a license or permit or other approval companions, but even by its concentration camps "tnd
from judges or police chiefs or other public officials dungeons and torture chambers it fails to crack their
to carry, the Lord’s refreshment to those thirsting integrity and prevent their giving further witness
for righteousness and truth. by word and example to Jehovah’s supremacy. The
~ "And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the power of the Lord prevails in them; his strength
Gentiles in the nfidst of manypeople, as a lion among is made perfect in their weakness. (2 Cor. 12" 9)
the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the They know that but a short time now and the Lord’~
flocks of sheep; who, if he go through, both treadeth almighty hand of power shall prevail over the
down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver." adversaries and lmters of ThE T~EOCn.~,cYand shall
(Mic. 5:8) It is now in this day of judgment, and slap them down and cut them off and the Lord’s
down until the destruction of the wicked opposers at hand shall remain uplifted in victory. "Let thy hand
Armageddon, that the renmant must be bold as the be uplifted against thine adversaries, and al’l thino
lion, "which is strongest among beasts, and turneth enemies shall be cut off." (Rotherham; Am. Re~’. I’er.
not away for any." (Prov. 30: 30) Being approved "Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy
as God’s devoted and faithful servants, they are right hand shall find out those that hate thee."--
’covered with the robe of righteousness’ as Jehovah’s Ps. 2i : 8.
official witnesses. "The righteous are bold as a lion." DEMONISM OUSTED
(Prov. 28: 1) "In nothing terrified by your adver-
saries : which is to them an evident token of perdition, ~ The deluded people whose necks are still caught
but to you of salvation, and that of God." (Phil. 1 : 28) in the snare of religion think Jehovah’s witnesses
Their loving earthly companions have like devotion are extreme in discarding everything pertainin~ to
tO THETI=IEOCP,ACYand are likewise bold. They are religion and practicing nothing lint pure Christianity.
like the shepherd David’s companions, "whose faces Jehovah is not fanatically extreme. So note what t[e
were like the faces of lions."--i Chron. 12:8. does, and then judge as to his faithful and obe(hent
’~ Both the remnant and their companions follow witnesses who keep his commandments. "Amt it shall
"the Lion of the tribe of Juda’" and work havoc with cometo pass in that (tax, saith the LorD, that I will
reli,..-ion. To the nations nowgoing totalitarian and cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee. and I
forgetting God they declare the Lord’s warning: will destroy thy chariots." (Mic. 5: 10) \Ve are
"Nowconsider this, ye that forget Go(t, lest I tear in "that da~’, which day began with the Lord’s com-
wm in pieces, and there be none to deliver." (Ps. ing to the temple for judgment and pur~m~ the
50: 22) Compared with the royal "Lion of the tribe covenant people of God. It is also call~,l "tile (lay.
,)f Juda" the religious-totalitarian crowd are but of our Lord Jesus Christ". In that day the Lord’s
tt,~ck of sheep for prey. At ArmageddonJehovah x~ill remnant on earth must "be blameless" by carrying
let lmn loose upon the prey and he will go through on the "pure worship and undefiled before God and
them and tear to pieces all those branded with ’the the Father" and without any compromise with
mark of the beast and his image’, and all the demon reli#on. (l Cor. 1:8; Jas. 1:27, Syrtac I’ersioJz)
herders will not be able to deliver pope, dictators or That day leads up to Armageddon. In the face of
their regimented subjects.~Isa. 3i : 4 ; Rev. 14 : 9, 10 ; that battle for the vindication of God’s name what
13 : 16. does Jehovah require of his remnant and his "other
sheep"? Carnal weapons, as symbolized by horses
"Further concerning that victory by the Lord’s and chariots? No! "Christendom" now feverishly
power the prophecy adds :"Thine hand shall be lifted multiplies such, but the Lord cuts such things off
up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall from his covenant people. Ite has revealed to them
be cut off." (Mie. 5: 9) This is addressed particularly that Armageddonis not a fight between "the kin’.."
to the invisible Captain, Leader and Conmmnderof of the north" and "the ldng of the south" nor other
the remnant, Christ Jesus, in whose hand is all di’~dded humaninterests. It is the final and deciding
power in heaven and in earth. Now the aggressive battle between God’s organization under lLis King
"’king of tlle north" continues to "’stretch forth his Christ Jesus and Satan’s organization under his

demon prince Gog and including all the nations outer darkness to there g-hash their teeth with the
which become totalitarian and demonized. Hence to other religious hypocrites. (Matt. 13:41; 24: 45-51)
his servants Jehovah says: "The battle is not yours, Such cast-out ones established organizations or
but God’s. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle; "cities" of their own to do the Lord’s work for him
set ?’ourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation according to their own self-chosen ways, t~ut the
of the LoaD with you." (2 Chron. 20:15,17) Lord cut these off from the ’qand" of his faithful
Therefore the remnant do not go down to E~.’pt, remnant and threw down all the stronglmtds of
Satan’s world, for help by its fighting equipment. religion that had remained, and thereby purged his
--Isa. 31 : 1, 3. remnant. Concerning his action azainst the "cities"
1~ In the typical setting long ago the twelve tribes of the "evil servant" class Jehovah says:
of Israel fought against one another under the ~’"If thou shalt hear say in one of thy cities,
rival leaderships of Ephraim and Jerusalem. This which the LOlXD thy Godhath given thee t(, dwell there,
continued until the Lord purged that people and saying, Certain men, the children of Belial. are ~ane
brought forth a remnant. Now the Lord God has out from amongyou, and have withdrawn the inlml~it-
brought forth his spiritual remnant and commands ants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other
that there be no internal strife or fighting among gods, which ye have not known;... thou shalt surely
them, but that all shall be at unit?" in Christ and smite the inimbitants of that city with the e(t~e of
fight only against the commonfoe, the demons and the sword, destroying it utterly . . . and it shall be
religion. Thus He fulfills his promise: "And I will an heap for ever; it shall not be built again. And
cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to
from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut thine hand: that the LOI~Dmay turn from the fierce-
off." (Zech. 9: 10) Now God’s unified people pray hess of his anger, and shew thee mercy, and have
for the peace and prosperity of his visible organi- compassion upon thee, and multip].v thee." (Deut.
zation, saying: "For my brethren and companions’ 13:12-17) Such action must take place prior to
sakes, I will now say, Peace be wittfin thee. Because Armageddon and preparatory to a cleansed earth.
of the house of the Lo~D our God I will seek thy Jehovah establishing that clean cc, ndition among
good." (Ps. 122: 6-9) Any causing disturbance and those who are to survive Armageddon. then surely
division among God’s people trying to serve him that holy condition of devotion to God and his
without distraction show they are not of his house Kingdom will continue on earth after Armag,ddon.
or organization. The Lord duly cuts such off. Those privileged to pass through Armaged(h,n into
,o Jehovah is not an extremist when he further the new condition on earth must now walk witl~ Jelm-
says: "And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and yah God as did Noah before the Flood.--Gen. 6’ S. 9.
throw down all thy strong holds." (~[ic. 5:11) ~Knowing that reli~on is of the Devil and is
"Cities" picture organizations. Those that Jehovah demonism and leads away from the great Giver
cuts off from his Holy Land are not the service of life and into destruction, Jehovah purges the
organizations of his faithful and wise remnant class. remnant of all such. As he has said: "And I will
These operate according to his Theocratic rule and cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand ; and thou shalt
in the interest of his Kingdom. WhenChrist Jesus, have no more soothsayers [users of hidden arts
having now received the Kingdom, came to the (Roth.)]; thy graven images also will I cut off. and
temple in 1918 and began judgment at the house of thy standing images [pillars] out of the midst of
God he found two classes among those consecrated thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of
to God and begotten of His spirit. One class he thine hands: and I will pluck up thy graves [(.Ira.
approved, to wit, those who faithfully sought to keep Bey. Yet.) thine Asherim] out of the midst of thee;
unity with Him their Head and to look after the so will I destroy thy cities [thy enemies (margi~z:
interests of their brethren in Christ and to serve and Leeser) ]."--Mic. 5 : 12-14.
them with the Lord’s provided "meat in due season". ~’"Christendom" is polluted through and tllrough
Such he brought into the temple and anointed them with the above forms of demonism or religion. But
and made them his "faithful and wise servant". concerning his remnant of tlle temple class Jehovah
’~The other company were self-seeking, self- foretold that at the end of the 2,300 days his sanctu-
honoring, oppressive to their brethren, trouble- ary should be cleansed or justified. That time is now
nmkers, seducers seeking to draw disciples after here. (Dan. 8: 13, 14) The Lord Jesus forewarned
themselves, and obstructors to the Lord’s Kingdom- of the false prophets that would appear at the. end
proclamation work. Such were in line for the king- of Satan’s world and using witchcrafts hv wl,isper-
dom of God, but the Lord by his angels gathered ing their own unscriptural opinions and predictmns.
these undesirables out of his kingdom. He cut them The "soothsayers" are the religious hypocrites pre-
asunder from the Lord’s house and cast them into the tending to serve God but practicing Satan’s arts

under cover for self-gain and glory. The "false authority and according to his commandment and
prophet" mentioned at Revelation 19:20 is that under his protection and approval. All the "cities",
powerful organization that makes an impressive or organizations of false gods, Jehovah has
stage-play before the Devil’s ahominable totalitarian destroyed from among the remnant. Such Cltle~ "" ’" ,
"beast". That "prophet" promises a free-people’s or "watchers", encamp against them to ensnare them
world after the conflict, but such prophet is over- and thus are a close-girdling and easilv-besettin,-.
reached by the demons and proves to be false and sin: "the sin which doth so easily beset us," to wit,
joins in setting up a religious-totalitarian "new religion. (Heb. 12: 1) Nowthe remnant worship God
~,rhl order". Such "false prophet" with his attrac- in spirit and in truth.
tive "new order" promises has no influence upon the *’ All this clearing out of religion from amongthe
remnant and their companions; they are wholly for remnant and the Lord’s "other sheep" greatly enrages
THE TIIEOCnACY. the great "Assyrian" and all the demons and the
~ The graven images and standing images and religionists. Their religious hypocrisy is shown up
other works of creatures’ hands are cleared from by contrast, and their religious susceptibilities are
God’s sanctuary. Such are things which were once shocked. So they are stirred up by the demons to
re.-pected more highly than the pure and self- assault the God-fearing remnant and their compan-
sufticmnt Word of God; for example, the supposed ions and to wage a war of lies and persecution against
symbolisms of the great pyramid of Gizeh; also set them. The religionists, particularly the RomanCath-
forms for going through a manner of worship; olic Hierarchy who ride on top, steer the scarlet-
"character development" idolatry ; undue honors con- colored totalitarian "beast" against them to devour
ferred upon men and particularly "elective elders", those who renounce religion and worship Jehovah
made such by the hands of voters raised in an affirm- God and keep his commandments. (Re’,-. 17: 1-14)
ative vote; mapping out God’s work in advance for This stirs up the anger and fury of Jehovah against
him by chronologies or time tables, based on the the presumptuous enemy. Having cleansed his "’sanc-
pyramid or other measurements. Now the Devil’s tuary" class from religion and established the pure
organization has brought forth the "image of the worship among his remnant, He will not tolerate the
beast" to meet the world emergency and to make it efforts of the totalitarian-religious crowd to re-
appear that men can bind up this world into a peace- impose demonism upon his covenant-people who
ful and enduring arrangement, so making unneces- keep their integrity by faithfully resisting all such
sary and undesirable the kingdom of God. The effort attempts by the "abomination of desolation", ttenee,
is made to coerce all the people to idolize such as a climax, Jehovah says he will destroy those who
"image of the beast". (Rev. 13: 14, 15) Jehovah’s refused to be cleansed and who held on to religion:
devoted renmant and their companions refuse to hail, "And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury
salute or worship any creature image; they have no upon the heathen [the nations], such as they have
gods besides Jehovah.--Ex. 20: 3-5. not heard"; "upon the nations which hearkened
,, ~.
not.--.he. 5:15 Am. Rer. Ver. and Leeser.
~"Groves," or "3.sherim", of demonism repre-
sented the fenmle part of the religious worship and ~ Such nations tfave heard the sound with their
hence pictured Satan’s woman, his unclean demon- ears, but have not heeded that message sonnded
controlled organization which recognizes him as forth. For more than sixty years and by the greatest
lord and husband. This organization brings forth publicity campaign in Christian history Jehovah’s
the clergy, to whom Jesus said: "Ye are of your witnesses have warned the nations of God’s venge-
father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye ance coming at Armageddon. So there is no excuse
will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and for not having heard. The nations have simply pre-
ahode not in the truth." (John 8:44) Worship was ferred to forget Jehovah God and have oh;coted to
carried on under the shadow of the "groves" or hearkening with belief and obedience. Concerning
"’Asherinf’. The clergy today are the friends of this this Jehovah by his prophet foretold: "Behoht ye
world of Satan. To win converts and have the world’s among the heathen [the nations], and regard, and
approval, they mix the things of Satan’s organization wonder marveIlously: for I will work a work [at
with the things of God, whereas there is no agree- Armageddon]in your days, which ye will not believe,
ment between such things. (2 Cor. 6: 14-16) The though it be told you [beforehand]." (Ilab. 1:5;
clergy carry on their worship under the shadow, Acts 13:40,41) Armageddon will be so furious it
approval, permit, license, and protection of the will leave all the nations as though they had not
representatives of the organization belonging to the been. (Obad. 16) It will be righteous vengeance upon
"god of this world". The remnant have come out them, because such vengeance means the vindication
from such and touch not the unclean thing. They of Jehovah’s name, which name the nations have
~r.-hip and serve God at his temple and by his reproached by choosing demon-worship and demon-
i, 1942 EfieWATCttTOWER. 137
rule and persecuting those who bore Jehovah’s name thy controversy" (Roth.), with him as to whether the
and proclaimed his THEOCRACY by Christ Jesus. Kingdom requirements are excessive or unreason-
able, and why destruction should not come upon
REQUIREMENTS "Christendom" as weI1 as heathendom at Arma-
2~ The demons are gathering all nations of the geddon. Jehovah further bids her contend in a most
world to ~krmageddon, and the life of each individual pubhc way, "before the mountains, and . . . hills."
of the peoples is involved. Satan the Devil is the The controversy is of vital interest and concern to
"god of this world" and still has the "power of death". the lowest and to the highest personages of Satan’s
(Heb. 2 : 14) He would make the peoples believe that visible organization, to pope, dictators, kings, ,judges,
life in peace and happiness is dependent upon his governors, and others whose very highness makes
organization and proceeds through and is sustained their responsibility greater because of the power and
and protected by his organization. Nowthat demon influence they exercise over the peoples and the taws
organization rapidly nears its rI,’,-AL EXD. In the laid upon the people. Instead of taking a~x av fre~,dom
desperation to either rule or ruin Satan sets up of speech, press and assembly in connection with the
requirements whereby creatures may live under his worship of Jehovah God, "Christendom" should play
organization and which requirements they must meet fair and consider the everlasting welfare of her
or else be ldlled. IIis decree is that none shall survive peoples and let them hear both sides of the contro-
save those worshiping his beastly organization and versy. Then let the people determine which side is
having its mark in the forehead or the hand; and right, and freely act accordingly, thereby fixing each
he forces regimentation upon the people contrary to one his own destiny.
the rules of Jehovah.--Rev. 13: 15-17. ’= "ttear ye, O mountains, the LonrCs controversy,
~o In reality, Jehovah God is the Fountain of life, and ye strong foundations of the earth : for the Lom~
and to him salvation belongs. (Pss. 36: 9; 3: 8) hath a controversy with his people, and he will plead
declares that all who conform to and abide under with Israel." (Mic. 6: 2) Such mountains represent
Satan’s organization shall be destroyed with it at particularly the lofty national gaver~mmnts of
Armageddon by Jehovah’s Executioner. Jehovah "Christendom", ineludi’ng "the king of the north" and
through his Word reveals that the only place of "the king of the south" who now exchange blows
safety and preservation unto life throughout tim over world domination. Jehovah has made such
great deluge of Armageddonis the Ark of his organi- "mountains" to hear the message of Itis life require-
zation. All seekers after everlasting life must take ments. Jehovah’s witnesses imve by special couriers
refuge in it. His commandto his faitlfful remnant is paid personal visits on the various ruling ones and
that the)" must now aid the refugees of good-will to presented them the printed Resolutions adopted at
that only place of security and life, and must make international assemblies. Like information: ha.- been
-known to them Jehovalfs life requirements which nmiled to such worldly authorities, h has al-~, been
they must fulfill while abiding within his place of radiocast over great networks of stations. There
refuge. Thus there is now a great controversy on have been public bearings before federal commis-
concerning effective requirements for life. sions, Supreme Court and other courts high and
~ By his mouthpiece and witnesses Jehovah ad- low; and also petitions for free worship and open
dresses "Christendonf’: "Hear ye now what the debate, and signed by millions of fair-minded
Lor, D saith; Arise, contend thou before the moun- lovers of righteousness. Even the s(~-ealled ’ l~c.athen
tains, and let the hills hear thy voice." (Mic. 6: 1) nations" have been served with notice ,~f Jehovah’s
"’Christendom" resents these attentions and says, controversy.
a3 The hone of contention over which the two
’Why come to me and continually make me hear the
message? I have the Bible, and why don’t you wit- "kings" declare they will fight t(, tlw last ditch, shot
nesses go to the heathen?’ Why.~"~’ell, in the type and nmn is not the main issue. The really serious
Jehovah spoke to his professed covenant-people question is, not which one shall get on top with
Israel, and now he commands"Christendom" to hear, world domination, lint, Shall Jehovah’s T~tr.ocmxTW
because the heathen have no covenant obligations GOVERN.XIENT exercise UNIVERSAL DOMINATION ’.7 Of
toward Almighty God whereas "Christendom" claims what avail is it if one "km~’ of "’Christe:ldom"
to be in a covenant to do his will. Hence her claim temporarily gets on top, if shortly thereafter all
makes her subject to God’s requirements. "Judgment "Christendom", together with heathendom, shall be
must begin at the house of God," is God’s rule. wiped out at Armageddon for not meeting God’s
"Christendom" claims to be such house, and must requirements? Hence "Christendom’s" view that
therefore get attention before heathendom. "Chris- Jehovah’s witnesses are wasting time and are a nui-
tendom" is out to justify her yielding to religion or sance and serving no vital, essential purpose is upside
demonism. Jehovah bids her "contend", or, "maintain down. Their proclamation of Jehovah’s Word is the
most vital and pressing service from which all those promises ? Concerning the religionists and their
peoples can benefit lastingly. The creature’s relation- political allies who disregard God’s law and brazenly
ship to the Supreme Power and to the Government make prayers for his blessing on their plans and
of "The ttigher Powers" is of greater importance methods, Proverbs 28 : 9 says : "He that turneth away
than that to any earthly human organization and his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall
it involves the creature’s eternal life and happiness. be abomination." (Prey. 15: 8) Failing to keep her
~’ In Jehovah’s controversy with unfaithful Jeru- side of the covenant, "Christendom" cannot receive
salem he sent his prophets early and late. So now he the blessings promised. Why, then, should she be
sends his anointed witnesses. Not only the lofty ones offended and her religious susceptibilities shocked
must hear, but also those who claim to be the founda- at having her failure pointed out by Jehovah’s wit-
tions of Satan’s visible organization, "ye lasting nesses ? "~\rhy should she get wearied by their persist-
rocks, tile foundations of the earth." (Rolh.) The ence in warning her at God’s commandand then try
pope at Vatican City claims to be the rock founda- to stop such witnesses by mobs, Catholic Action,
tion of spiritual Israel, "the church." He and all government bans, and refined persecution carried on
other religious systems of "Christendom" claim to under the cloak of legality, and "special emergenc~"
be lasting, enduring when all other things fail, and laws and measures?
to be the bottom upon which the civilization of the ~’It is not unreasonable of Jehovah to keep on
earthly organization rests. Therefore they insist that sending his witnesses to her. He knows the impor-
provision be made for religion in the world order to tance of the matter deserves it. Further, "Christen-
be set up after ~ilis world war. The pope depends on dom" should consider that it shows forth God’s great
the Axis powers as his military arm, "the sword forbearance and mercy when he serves warning
of his church," and all such comrades declare that notice before executing his judgment upon her as
strong, hierarchic and authoritarian governments punishment for not living up to her covenant claims
are the only solid base for a permanent stable and thereby reproaching God’s name. (Jer. 7: 25;
human society, a "new order based on moral prin- 2 Chron. 36: 15, 16) "Testify against me," says Jeho-
ciples". Such reliNonists, including the Vatican’s vah ; but the religionists cannot answer on Scriptural
pontiff himself, have been notified of Jehovah’s con- grounds of arg’ument. They are confounded by His
troversv and have been warned that they "shall (tie"! little ones who quote Scripture showing God’s right-
~ This controversy with God’s professed "people eousness and blamelessness. What do the so-called
of Israel’, or "’Christendom", may not be dismissed "Christian religionists" have against Jehovah ? tie is
lightly as if having no bearing on the world outcome not responsible for the past and present course of
or on one’s individual hope of life. It IS of far-reach- the Jews. In fact, such "Christian religionists" with
in,..- importance to you to know whether "Christen- their greater opportunities and responsibilities have
dora" has kept faith with God or lms broken the done worse to Jehovah God than the natural Jews
covenant she claims with him and is worthy of death themselves. In spitefulness, therefore, the religlon-
and hence doomed. All persons of good-will and who ists testify falsely against Jehovah’s witnesses to
want life must be interested in this controversy, to discredit them an~t their message. Persons of good-
determine whether to side with "Christendom" or will are not wearied by these, but welcometheir visits.
to forsake her. You must kr, ow how to avoid the "Doomed "Christendom" should consider what
death-dealing snares into which the demons have Jehovah in his faithfulness has done by which she
lured her. Thereby you can steer clear of her short- might have been forever blessed. "For I brought
comings and eovenant-brealdng, and so escape shar- thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee
ing her terrible fate at Armageddon. To know what out of tile house of servants; and I sent before thee
is required of God unto life and how to maintain Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. O my people, remember
your integrity toward him, you must listen to His now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what
side of the controversy. Balaam the son of Beer answered him [ remembered]
’~Jehovah reasons with "Christendom" on the from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the
basis on which she claims to operate, to wit, as ’qfis righteousness of the LoaD." (Mic. 6:4,5) Jehovah
people": "O my people, what have I done unto thee ? provided the t3-pieal passover in E~’pt for the
and wherein have I wearied thee ~. testify against me." deliverance of the Jews, and in due time provided the
(Mic. 6: 3) Jehovah raises the same question by real thing, "Christ our passover, .... the Lambof God,
later prophet. (Jer. 2 : 5-8.31) "Christendom" claims which taketh away the sin of the world," and by
God’s promises in the Bible, but does not render which comes deliverance from antitypical Egypt,
obedience to his law of worship upon which the ful- Satan’s world organization. (1 Cor. 5 : 7 ; John 1 : 29)
fillment of those promises is based. (Ex. 20: 6) "Christendom" claims to have come out of "Egypt",
God, therefore, responsible for her failure to realize but belies her claim by making friendship with the
M,~ri, 1942 2-tieWATCHTOWEP,. 139

world, God’s enemy. (Jas. 4:4) Jehovah God has " Now, with Armageddon immediately before us,
again sent his Prophet, the Greater Moses, Christ it is a matter of life or destruction. Those who wouhl
Jesus, to lead the way out of the world and into the be of the Lord’s "other sheep" that slmll compose
blessings promised to the obedient who hear that the "great multitude" of Armageddon survivors and
Prophet. (Acts 3:22, 23; 7:37) With his coming live joyfully on earth forever must find the answer
the temple for judgment Jehovah has sent forth with to a very personal question, and very important.
him Christ’s remnant of brethren as fellow witnesses, "~Vherewith shall I come before the LenD, and l~ow
pictured by Moses’ brother and sister, Aaron and myself before the high God? shall I come l~efore
Miriam. (Gal. 3: 28; Joel 2: 28, 29) They declare him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year ,~hl?
Jehovah’s namein the antitypical Egypt.--Ex. 9 : 16 ; Will the LoI~D be pleased with thousands of rams,
15 : 20. or with ten thousands of rivers of oil: shall ] g~ve
~ Jehovah God never backs up an enemy curse my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my
upon those who faithfully serve Him. Balak, the body for the sin of my soul~."--Mic. 6: 6, 7.
ancient king of Moab, opposed Jehovah’s people and " How shall now one approach God with accept-
sought to have them cursed and doomed. The prophet ance and get in the way of life? The leading reli~ic~us
Balaam hired himself out to do it. He therefore organization insists it is by the Roman Catholic
pictures the "man of sin" class, including the "evil eler~2 and their canonized saints. Their latest argu-
servant" company and also the tl~)man Catholic ment is that mankind must come bv way of a "’n(~w
ltierarchy and other clerg3" of "Christendom". These order founded on moral princip]es’; as approw,d by
hire out to the worldly powers who are out for world the pope. The "Protestant" clergy hang on t(, tlw
domination and therefore oppose THE TttEOCRAC¥ papal apron-strings and for self-pro(cotton keep
and who pay the religionists to curse Jehovah’s wit- "good neighbor" policy with the Itmnan (’ath(,he
nesses for preaching that THnOCRATIC GOVEm’,’-~EXT. Hierarchy, and claim the approach t(, G,~(1 is l~v
(Numbers 22,23,24; 2 Pet. 2:15,16; Rev. 2:14) joining their conflicting reli~ous tl:at t¢~
Jehovah turned Balaam’s attempted curse into a be saved and go to heaven one must be a member
blessing. Today (lie curses and misrepresentation of thereof. All agree that one nmst make liberal finan-
his covenant people by the reli~onists He makes to cial sacrifices to support the clerk" and their expen-
work for a witness to the Kingdom and for the good sive organizations. They conduct "’drives" for m,,nev
of his faithful witnesses wholove him. (Deut. 23 : 4, 5 as if to enrich God. Billions of dollars are paid tl,em
Neh. 13 : 2 ; Josh. 24 : 9, 10) Nocurses written in God’s for masses and prayers for the dead. They disregard
Word can with effect be applied against his faithful God’s law and appointed way and please them:t.lves
servants. Iteligdous curses pronounced upon them and then salve their consciences by suc.h s(,-ealled
by pope and like clerk" are neither Biblical nor of "sacrifices". With such religionists the "evil servant"
God, but are demoniacal and are of no avail. class line up in opposition to THETHI:OCr.Ac~"and
,o To get them "from Shittim unto Gilgal" Jeho- its witnesses and claim approach to God is hv the
vah divided the waters of Jordan and led his people self-idolatry of "character development" so called.
across dry-shod. Then from Gilgal as a base he ’~ Sacrifices without obedience are bribe tact,(’.- and
directed the march around Jericho, ending in the are abominable to God. (Prey. 21: 27; Isa. 1: 11-t7)
utter destruction of that demonized religious strong- "To obey is better than sacrifice." (1 Sam. 15.22)
hold. From that destruction only Rahab and her A mere material-sacrifice arrangement would favor
believing household were saved, picturing how God the rich as against the empty-handed poor. All such
delivers from "Christendom’s" downfall the "sheep" "sacrifices" are things outside of the indivi,lna! ]Ltln-
(.lass of good-will who do good unto his faithful and self and can becomemere formality, alfle t,, 1)(. done
true witnesses, the remnant brethren of Christ. without one’s heart in it and with m¢.ntal ~e-erva-
"Christendom" could have availed herself of cove- tions, as whenhaters of dictatorship "’hell II~tlc, i I’"
nant privileges with God and experienced like things and salute Hitler’s flag under eomlmlsion. The Ieli-
¯ mtitypically, "from Shittim unto Gilgal," so to speak. gionists make an outward and formal acknowl(:d;r-
Only the "remnant" and their companions like Rahab ment of "transgression" and of "sin of my s~ml". In
have been thus led and used and preserved of the the world conflict of 1914-1918 they persecuWd con-
Lord. Why not "Christendom"? Because she will- scientious Christians, but their appearance of repent-
fully broke her implied covenant with God. By anee thereafter did not lead them to accept G r~d’s
remembering such facts Jehovah is seen to be not kingdom proclaimed by his persecuted x~itne.~:es.
at fault. Faced with such facts "Christendom" must Instead, they harden(,d their hearts against ,Jeho-
"know the righteousness of the Lord". He keeps vah’s King and turned to and hailed the League of
covenant.--Neh. 1 : 5. Nations, the World Court, the Paris Peace Pact
N. Y.

of 1928 outlawing war, and other anti-Theocratic LORD:for it is good to sing praises unto our God:
schemes. The RomanCatholic ttierarchy had its own for it is pleasant; and praise is comely." (Ps. 147 : 1)
scheme for world dominance, to wit, the rebirth of "He that received seed [of Kingdom truth] into the
the "Holy RomanEmpire" with the help of arbitrary good ground, is he that heareth the word, and under-
dictators. Again today, as in the Dark Ages, the standeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth
Hierarchy is exposed as willing to sacrifice millions forth, some an h u n d r e d f o 1 d, some sixty, some
of her "Catholic population" to gain her selfish ends thirty." (Matt. 13: 23) "Well done, thou good and
and also to thereby cause the death of millions of faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a
firstborn ones and other children of human mothers, few things, I will makethee ruler over many things."
and which children are fighting against the totali- (Matt. 25:21; Luke 19: 17) "Prove what is that
tarian dictators that serve the Hierarchy’s aims. good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Itonest Catholics who appreciate the benefits of (Rom. 12:2) The sum of the foregoing is that
democracy and separation of religion and state persons of good-will, the Lord’s "other sheep", must
should awake to this clergy hypocrisy and listen to first receive his truth and devote themselves to the
God’s requirement for life and blessings. With such Lord. They must then bear witness to his name and
religious sacrifice of humanflesh and blood in viola- Kingdom, carrying forth the Kingdomfruits to other
tion of God’s everlasting covenant will he be pleased ? hungry ones of good-will, and continuing faithful
--Gem 9: 6, 11. and in integrity in doing God’s expressed good and
""He hath shewed thee [(Leeser; Rotherham) perfect will.
He hath told thee], O man, what is good; and what ’~ You want life ! "And what doth the Lord require
doth the LORDrequire of thee, but to do justly, and of thee, but to do justly?" Do that which is right
to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" and equal. Do not withhold from the "stranger that
(Mic. 6: 8) Jehovah has told man His requirements; is within thy gates" his right, namely, to hear God’s
"whatsoever things were written aforetime were life-giving message. Freely thou hast received:
written for our learning." (Rom. 15:4) Now God rightly then, freely give. Show no partmhty or
has sent his Prophet. the Greater Micah, Christ respect of persons. Do not misjudge thy Christian
Jesus, to the temple. Itim God uses to make clear brother or "neighbor". Let him bear his own hurden
the inspired Scriptures and to point out therefrom before the Lord and answer to his own Master, the
Jehovah’s requirements. Thus since the Lord’s com- Lord, who judges him.--Rom. 14:4; Gal. 6:5.
ing to the temple in 1918 the Scmptures have been ""And to love mercy." This the Lord requires
aspecially opened up as never hitherto. To the also. "For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and
Christians there have been made clear their true the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings."
commission from the Lord and their covenant obliga- (Itos. 6:6) Be forgiving, forbearing toward the
tions and also the requirements concerning the faults and unintentional mistakes of thy brethren,
Lord’s "’other sheep" who flee to him for refuge. Then helpfully pointing out to such the right course to
Jehovah anointed his approved renmant and sent take in their difficulty. Sound the Lord’s merciful
them forth in performance of that revealed com- warning to those about to die at Armageddon if
mission to go up and down "Cllristendom" and other unaided. Make return-visits upon those slow to
nations to pass the life-giving information out to understand but willing. Warn the honest and sincere
all, whether claiming to be Christian or not. As in against religion. Aid the refugees to find the Lord’s
Micah’s day, the man actually in a covenant to do "city of refuge" for protection against God’s Execu-
God’s will, and the man professedly so, should be tioner at Armageddon and to abide there and keep
and are most directly concerned about what the Lord the rules, within the city bounds, in integrity. Do
requires. However, the Lord’s rule is the same toward good unto Jehovah’s witnesses, the "least of these
the earthly ones of good-will who become the Lord’s [Christ’s] brethren", and do not take advantage of
"other sheep", even though they are not like "Chris- the war conditions to vent religious spleen on them
tendom" in claiming to be spiritual Israelites. for keeping God’s law and exposing religion.
" The question that the young man asked Jesus is ’""And to walk humbly with thy God"; not con-
now fitting: "What good thing shall I do, that I may trary to him. That means to be not self-willed, but
have eternal life?" (Matt. 19: 16-19) Because obedient to God’s law and organization instructions.
inherited sin and imperfection none on earth can Recognize the true "Higher Powers". Do not support
now do perfectly; but note God’s Word as to "what schemes that exalt creatures and organizations that
is good" to do : "I will praise thy name, O LORD, for oppose Jehovah and his universal domination by his
it is good." (Ps. 54: 6) "It is a good thing to give THEOCraCY.Do not think thyself above God’s law
thanks unto the LOltD, and to sing praises unto thy and that man’s law is higher than God’s in some
name, O Most High." (Ps. 92: 1) "Praise ye the cases, especially in some man-made emergency. The
MAYi, 1942 141
world emergency with Armageddon at the door is walked with God down to the Flood will have any
the very time to most anxiously keep God’s law and chance to survive Armageddon and serve hiIn
obey him rather than obey desperate men. Only those beyond.
who thus walk obediently with Jehovah God as Noah (To be continued)

ATCItTOWER readers now appreciate the fact
W that The TttnocmtwIc GOVER.XhtE.~T is functioning
in the earth in so far as those who are conse-
The IVafchtower you address a post card to the Society
and keep a copy thereof as a reminder to yourself as to the
amount you have promised and post the card to the Society
crated to Jehovah are concerned Both the anointed rem- immediately. Write nothing upon the card except the
nant and the Jonadabs have the privilege, by the Lord’s following :
grace, of participating in bearing the legitimate expenses By the Lord’s grace I hope to be able to contribute to the
for carrying fomvard the Kingdom work. Their contribu- work of announcing the kingdomof Jehovah during the ensuing
tions made direct to the Watch Tower Bible & Tract year the amountof $ ................ , whichI will remitmsuchamr~’mts
Society, at 124 Columbia tteights, Brooklyn, N.Y., is and at such time as I can find it convement as the Lord
assurance to them that the money will be used to the prospers me.
best advantage in advancing the Kingdom interests.
This notice is not a solicitation of money, but a re- Address your card to
minder to all who have a desire to support Jehovah’s Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
kingdom that it is well to make advance provision to par- Treasurer’s Office
ticipate in the work and do so by laying aside a specific 124 Columbia tteights
sum each week according to the manner in which the Lord Brooklyn, New York.
prospers them financially. The work of the Watch Tower Those residing outside of the United States and who
Bible & Tract Society is to use the money contributed in desire to participate in contributing to the nece.~sary ex-
the most economical way to make known Jehovah’s name pense will please address your letters or cards to the
and Ins kingdom. If informed in advance as to the prob- Society’s office in the respective country in which you live.
able amount that will be contributed during the year by Have in mind our need for guidance by the Lard and
those who are interested, that makes it possible to outline present the matter before the throne of heavcnl.v ~raee
the work and the expense connected therewith accordingly. that the money contributed may be used to the best ad-
It is therefore suggested that upon receipt of this issue of vantage to announce the Kingdom.


URNINGaway from a consideration of the beastly kingdom is the governor or king. Jehovah ~a.vs. "Yet have
T rule of this present unsatisfactory world, it is refresh-
mg to consider the vision of the glorious new world
I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion" (Ps 2:6)
Jehovah’s organization is described in Ihs Word under
and its majestic ruler, his title and his father, and his the symbol and name of "Zmn", and it was typified by
position and his associates in office One of those associates, Mount Zion in Palestine. W]len Dawd of Bethlehem was
named John, who was favored with the inspired vismn made king of the Jews Mount Zion was made. the seat of
thereof, describes it for the benefit of us living at the government of the nation. There David built him a house
world’s end : of "cedar wood", symbolic of the everlasting eMstencc of
God’s kingdom. That was Jehovah God’s typwal Theocratic
"And I looked, and, lo, a Lambstood on the mount Sion,
and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having government.
t-1~, Father’s name written in their foreheads. AndI heard A thousand years thereafter John in a vision beheht a
a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as beautiful mountain It must have been a white mountain,
the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the voice of and glorious, because white is symbolic of purit.~, and
harpers harping with their harps: and they sung as it because the Lord is glorious. It was Mount Zmn, God’s
were a new song before the throne, and before the four pure and holy organization, the Kingdom, the Governor
beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song of which is pure, holy and undefiled. He is Chmst ,lc, sus,
but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were the Beloved One of God. The fact that John the apostle
redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not saw Mount Zion indicates that God’s kingdom by Chmst
defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they Jesus was born in A.D. 1914 and that thereafter the servants
wlueh follow the Lambwhithersoever he goeth. These were of God whom John pictured saw that Government and
redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God appreciated it as estabhshed and functioning, ~hile the
and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: enemies thereof are still in existence and fightm~ mer
for they are without fault before the throne of God."~ world domination. The day comes, and is not far ¢hstant,
Rev. 14.1-5. when Mount Zmn will be the peace and joy of all that
In the Scriptures "mountain" is a symbol of God’s live forever on the earth. (Ps. 48.2) Jehovah loves Zion
government or kingdom. The highest part of a mountain and the entrance into that organization. (Pss. 78:68;
is properly called a "hill". The highest part of God’s 87:2) Zion is the offieml dwelling-place of Jehovah God,
142 2-fieWATCHTOWE
N. Y.

and therefore Zion is pure and holy. (Pss 9 : 11 ; 132 : 13) Symbolically speaking, the church is "the Lamb’s wife",
Out of Zion God shines, because Zion honors the Lord and after his coming to the temple for judgment it was
God and magnifies his name.--Pss. 50: 2; 135" 21. time to tell her as a child of Zion, that she might rejoice
John says he saw a "Lamb" that stood on Mount Zion. over that fact: ’Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion; and
The transfiguration scene "in the holy mount" when that shout for joy; for behold, thy King cometh unto thee. IIe
Lambof God was yet on earth in the flesh seems to refer shall speak peace to the nations; and his dominion shall
to the same thing. (2 Pet. 1: 17, 18) This is "the Lamb be throughout all the earth.’ (Zech. 9: 9, 10) The church
of God, which taketh away the sin of the world". (John is the "daughter of Zion". It is Zion (God’s organization)
1:29) His blood shed at Calvar3- is for sin atonement of that gives birth to her children who constitute membersof
believing humankind, and now the Lamb comes in his God’s kingdom. Concerning such children it is written:
glory, clothed with all power and authority, to clean up "For as soon as Zion travailed [the travail came upon her
and remove tile sin-stain from those who shall live m the in 1917 and 1918], she brought forth her children."--
new world. Be it noted that in the book of The Revelation Isa. 66 : 8.
Jesus is called the "Lamb" twenty-eight times, which is Zion having now been built up, and her children having
more times than of any other name it gives to him. God been brought forth, the Lord’s servant class or God’s people
must have a reason for emphasizing that title. "Lamb" is on earth represented by the apostle John is ¢iven a vision
translated from the Greek word ar~Jon, which, more liter- of what has taken place. Therefore John adds concerning
ally. means "’dear lamb" or "lamhling". The evident purpose the Lamb: "And with him an hundred and forty and four
of the title is to remind all creation that Godis the Great thousand, having his Father’s name written in their fore-
Shepherd and that Jesus is the dearest one of God’s great heads." (Rev. 14: 1) This prophetic picture could not
flock. Jesus said: "Jehovah is my shepherd." (Ps. 23: 1, fulfilled until the faithful Christians who had slept in
A. R. V.) The one standing on Mount Zion, therefore, is death awaiting the Lord’s return had been resurrected out
definitely identified as Christ Jesus, the glorious King, the of death to life in the spirit and the judgment at the
prom~scd Secd--Gen. 22: S. 1S. temple had begun with the "house of God" and the remnant
Jesus took his potation on Mount Zion in 1914. John’s thereof yet on earth had been approved and brought rote
vision suggests of Him that, standing there, Jesus now the temple condition and illuminated by the hgl~tnm,_,s of
’sees of the travail of his soul’ in fulfilhnent of the words Jehovah. his flashes of truth. Being brought forth as C, od’s
spoken by God’s prophet (Isa. 53-11. 12), and that he children begotten and anointed of his slnrit and thus
filled with satisfaction and joy because the time has come acknowledged by him, these would have his name in their
to vindicate his Father’s name. (Jer. 11 : 19.20, Ps. 110 : 2-6) foreheads. They would have an intelligent appreciatmn of
Thirty-five centuries ago a lamb of the flock was slam in the fact that they were God’s children, and, with the name
E~vpt and its blood was used as the basis for the law in their foreheads, they are easily identified as children of
covenant which God made with tile Israehtes in Egypt and God. The John or servant class, now in the temple, can
later confirmed at Mount Sinai on their way to the Itoly see and appreciate the beautiful tableau, the first part of
Land. Likewise, the blood of Jesus, the Lambof God slain which appears to be Christ the glorious King and also his
on earth, is file basic saemfiee for the "’new covenant", of body members in God’s organization. Those who arc the
which Jesus is the Mediator and wlueh is made on earth children have begun and continue to sing Jehovah’s prai.~es
and ratified on coming to the true .Mount Zmn(tlcb. 12 24) and rejoice: "And Jehovah will reign over them m mount
IIe is the greatest as well as the most loved of all God’s Zmn from henceforth even for ever."--Mie 4.7, A E V
creation, and eoneernin~ his dominion Lt is written. "And The number that stood with the Lamb on .Mount Zmn
thou, 0 tower of the flock, the strone hold of the daughter is the same as that of those who were "seah.d" of the
of Zion, unto thee shall it come, oxen the first dominion. spirnuat twelve tribes of Israel, to wit, 144,000 (Roy. 7 : 4)
the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." God had promised to write upon his faithful ones Ins
--Mic. 4 : S. name. (See Revelation 3 : 12. ) These are shownm the tableau
His kingdom was born or began in 1914, before the as hawng received his name written in their foreheads.
travail of the "war in heaven" came upon Zmn. "Before These are they that have escaped from tile snare of the
she travailed, she brought forth, before her pare came, she enemy’s organization Babylon; as it is wmttcn : "But upon
was delivered of a man child [the new-born Government] ." mount Zion shall be dehveranee [shall be they that escape
(Isa. 66:7) "-Unto us a son [the Son of God] is given, (,narg,,ml reading)], and there shall be holiness; . .
and the government shall be upon his shoulder." (Isa. And saviours shall come up on mount Zmn to judge the
9.6, 7) This is true because he is God’s clear Lamb and mount of Esau [Satan’s religious organization]; and the
anointed King now upon h~s throne. The law, or rule of kingdom shall be the LOAD’S." (Obad. 17-21) Under the
action that shall govern the new heavens and new earth, power and influence of the demons the attempt is now
goes forth from Mount Zion. (Isa. 2:3) Not in Rome, but being made to compel all creatures on earth to worship the
m Zion, God’s organization, the dear Lambof God is laid "beast", Satan’s visible organizatmn, but upon the fore-
as the Chief Corner Stone, God’s Anointed King, and he heads of those marked with their Father Jehovah’s name
is the sanctuary for the children or membersof Zion. (Isa. there is no room for the "name" or the "number" of the
2S: 16; 8 14) Such members of Zion constitute the church "beast". Instead, there appears upon them the name of
and are "living stones" built up on him (1 Pet. 2: 6-8) honor, reverence and praise to Jehovah and to his King.
IIe is also laid as a stumbling stone for his enemies, who They are wholly devoted to the Lord.
stumble over him as the world’s Rightful Ruler. Gathered unto the Lord, that ~s, into a umty w~th him,
his people are now out of Babylon and it is a time for ing the praises of Jehovah God. Such service was empioyed
them to rejmee and sing; and this they do. (Ps 126:1; in the typical house of the Lord. In the Lvpleal ~emple of
Isa 52: 7, 8) It is the time also for God’s wrath to begin ancient times King David set aside certain musicmns, "’uho
agamst that enemy organization Babylon. Therefore it is should prophesy with harps . . . for song m the hou.~e
written. "The LORDhath brought forth our righteousness: of the Lord." (1 Chron. 25: 1, 3, 6) In that temple serxlce
come, and let us declare m Zion the work of tile LORDour the singers, selected from the tribe of Levi, were eanscd
God . . . For his device is against Babylon, to destroy to sing and to play upon the harp. (2 Chron 5 12, 13)
it; because it is the vengeance of the LORD,the vengeance Thus God foreshadowed that when he gathered his Sl,nq~-
of his temple. And I will render unto Babylon, and to ual Israelites into the temple they should sing forth ins
all the inhabitants of Chaldea [Babylonia], all their praises. The time of joy has arrived, and Christ ae,us at
evil that they have done in Zion in your sight, saith the temple, as the great Judge, says to tt:ose uimmlie
the LORD, As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel approves: "Enter thou into the joy of thy lord." (Matt
to fall, so at Babylonshall fall the slain of all the earth." 25: 21) The approved spiritual Israelites enter the temple,
(Jet. 51 : 10, 11, 24, 49) The time has nowcome ~to declare and their songs and their harps sound with praise to the
"the day of vengeance of our God", and those of the great Jehovah and to his King Chmst Jesus.
organization of the Lord must declare it.--Isa. 61:2. "And they sung as it were a new song before the throne,
There is service to be done. Some who were favored and before the four beasts, and the eiders: and no rnau
with the knowledge of God’s truth and who covenanted could learn ttmt song but the hundred and forty and four
to do his will became "weam"in well doing" and they have thousand, which were redeemed from the earth ’" (Ilev.
concluded that all they need to do is to manifest outwardly 14:3) In the Biblical record the earliest smuing is
a "sweet character", meet together and have what they call mentioned in Job aS:7. There the Lamb, the Beloved One
"fellowship", and then wait to be taken to heaven. They of God. and who bears the title of "The Morning Star",
deceive themselves and are deceived. Jehovah, however, employed song to the prmse of Jehovah. Thus is fixed
gathers his faithful people into Zion for service. He has the rule that must govern those of Zion now. The sone
visned the nations to take out of them a "people for his which the apostle John heard sounds new, and tt~crefore
name", and those taken out must be his witnesses to sing it would indicate that Jehovah’s servant e!ass would lmve
forth his praises. (See Acts 15:14; 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah a change in their witness work from that of Elijah to ~hat
43: 10, 12.) Therefore the apostle John, representing the foreshadowed by Elisha, the latter being a service attended
servant class, hears "a voice from heaven, as the voice of with no fear but with great joy. It is the love of God
many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and that prompts them to service, and the love such as Chl lbt
I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps".-- has is that which constrains them and holds them ~ogcthcr.
Rev. 14 : 2. These, possessed of such love, fear not the cueD3 o1’ his
The American Revised Version renders this part of the organization, but boldly sing forth the praises of tile great
text, "the voice which I heard was as the voice of harpers." E’,ernal One.--1 John 4: 17, 18.
The picture shows that the members of Zion can not and Tile remnant of Jehovah’s anointed wnnesses now on
do not keep still. They cannot, because "in his temple earth are enabled by God’s grace to see and appreemte the
doth every one speak of his glory". (Ps 29: 9) Being fact that Jehovah’s Elect Servant is Chmst Jesus and the
the temple, they must sing forth Jehovah’s praise. Where faithful members of his body, and that these Cod has
there are those who claim to be followers of Cilrist and selected and installed as his sweet singers in the teml~le,
who are using the "soft pedal" concerning Satan’s organi- to perform other purposes to which he assigns them.
zatmn, or who insist on keeping still and ignormg the fact (Isa. 42:1; Matt. 12: 15-18) To these are committed the
Omt Satan has an organization, such is conclusive proof interests of God’s kingdom, and the obligation is laid upon
that they are not of God’s capital organization Zion. what- them to make known God’s purposes to the rulers and ~o
ever else might be their position Let no one who has the peoples of the earth. Smce the bufldm~ uI, of Zmn.
entered into a covenant with the Lord be deceived into or from and after 1918, Jehovah has appeared m Ins ,_,levy,
rereaDing quiet and inactive. This Revelation picture and and by his lightnings has revealed tnmself and t:> organ>
man)" corroborating texts show that God’s temple class zation and his purposes to Ins people as never before lie
must be active to the very end. has made dear to his people many prophecies that have
John heard the "voice from heaven, as the voice of many been fulfilled, and now he gives them a gleam of other
waters", and this portends a downpour of God’s blessings things that are shortly to be fulfilled The time lms vcmw
"Whenhe uttereth his voice there is a multitude of waters for them to sing. and they do "sing unto the Lonl a new
in the heavens,. he maketh hghtnings for rain." song, and his praise from the end of the earth".--Isa.
(Jer 10: 13, margin) In that the voice was "as the voice 42: 9, 10.
of a great thunder", it s3nnbolically says that it is a At the human birth of Jesus nineteen hundred years
message of God being proclaimed, which message is a ago the angelic hosts sang to the praise of Jeh,)~ah God,
rebuke to those who reproach his name. (Pss. 104:7; whose Son the)" announced as the Savior of the wmld Nmv
18:6, 7, 13) But to those who love God it is a sound of the King in glory stands upon Mount Zion x~lth all power
refreshing truth announcing to them that God’s kingdom and authority to rule and bless, and all of (ted’s organi-
is come, and the time to rejoice and sing. The temple zation jom m the new song. The angelv in heaven and
being now open, the time is come for the installation of the remnant on earth sing before the throne the praises
the sacred singers and harpists who shall engage in sing- of the Most IIigh.
LONDONASSEMBLY (BY AN OBSERVER) London progress over 54 years, gave us :timely counsel
"Londoners are a :peculiar people and love their London First a few words about the newspaper reports regardin’,’
in spite of its mean dwellinCs and its grubby ugliness. So the death of Judge Rutherford. A fearless declaration to
with the news of the Assembly, many a London pioneer the world that its revilings will be recompensed by the
serving his ’zone’ in some far-away spot cast longing eyes Lord in due time, and once again the declaration of the
toward the Metropolis. London is getting famous for its Lord’s purpose to have his ’strange work’ brought to a
assemblies, and this one was to be held at the London conclusion only in his due time. A reminder of the words
Palladium at Oxford Circus, probably the most famous ’Millions NowLiving Will Never Die’, and that the Lord’s
music hall in the world. Tickets of admission were printed people have not lost their faith in that great promise. Not
and were sparingly handed out to the London units and a slogan, but a fact[ Brother Hemery also announced the
those in the immediate vicinity. The Palladium, large as election of Nathan H. Knorr as the Society’s new president.
it is, will seat only 2,500, and the Lord’s ’other sheep’ Then counsel on Psalms 23 and 27: ’The Lord’s people
are fast coming in. Persons of good-will and model-study shall not want.’ That we know, whether in spimtuat food,
people were eagerly visited and invited to attend this presidency or otherwise, the Lord will provide. Wehaxe
assembly. Coaches and buses are no longer available for not yet entered the ’vaIley of the shadow’, but the Lord
private hire as on previous occasions, due to further petrol will be with his people during the dark days ahead, and
restrictions; but, no matter, as The Palladium is right in the Good Shepherd will care for his Father’s sheep.
the center of the West End of London, served by a net- "The London Branch servant, A. D Sehroeder, then
work of underground railways, everyone attending had followed with some poignant remarks addressed to the
excellent traveling facilities regardless of from which point people of good-will now associating themselves with the
of the compass they came. Theocratic organization. Our individual responsibility
"Tile title of the Assembly was ’INTEGRITY’,as it was before the Lord was put quite clearly, and the steps outhned
held on the opening day of the great world-wide ’Integrity’ which must be undertaken by every seeker of righteousnes~
Testimony Period (February). Came the day, and with before one becomes a trusted servant of the t,ord An
four inches of overnight snow and still snowing hard with- invitation was given to persons of good-will to now take
out the possibility of a break. Well. the INTEGRITY test is a stand and prove their integrity along with Jehovah s
on No need to worry about not filling the theater. Snow witnesses. Just before closing a resolution was pasbed to
won’t stop those who are determined. And it didn’t! The send a cable of greetings to Brother Knorr, our new presl.
assembly was due to start at 2: 30. By one o’clock there dent. The cable dispatched read as follows: ’Greetings and
was a queue waiting in the snow outside, over 100 yards hearty co-operation sent you as president from 2,500 London
long. At I:30 p.m. the doors opened and the eager pub- Assembly Sunday.’ Surely our heavenly Father will mchty
lishers were ushered into a wonderfully comfortable and bless Brother Knorr in his new appointment. And so ended
heated auditorium. The Theocratic orchestLa, a remnant another memorable day of happy assembly as a bod.v of
of tile pride of the Leicester Assemblylast September, but the Lord’s people. Too soon the minutes fled by . . Now
nevertheless highly efficient, regaled us with light music every minute, thought and action must be harnessed for
while settling ourselves comfortably in the seats. Then the THETHEOCRACY. Only in this way can we keep the demons
loved voice of Judge Rutherford was heard reproducing at bay and maintain our integrity, by diligently keepm,.z,
those fatherly and so human words lie had to say to God’s commandments and serving God, and not man, and
15.000 ’children of the King’ assembled at St. Louis, Mo. thus remaining ’blameless in the day of our Lord’."
Memories--a flmkering sadness aust for a moment, followed
t)3" a confident joyousness with the realization that Brother
Rutherford was more with us todab" than ever before. "On Saturday, February 14, as one magazine pubhshcr
"The opening song ’Come, Ye That Love the Lord’, took her place on the street in Mount Shasta. two Le,,.uon-
and then the WATCH TOWER’Srepresentative, Mr. Gill, naires in full regalia took their stand on either side of
from ’Down Under’. We had all heard of his arrival in the witness. Shortly thereafter a fellow passing by on the
this country from New Zealand and were eager to hear other side of the street hollered over at the Legtonnalres.
what lie had to tell about our Father’s business in those ’Where’s your magazines, boys? Better get out your maga-
far-away parts, particularly as the work had there been zines there!’ Another passer-by further embarrassed them
banned. Howthrilled we were to hear of how our brethren by observing, ’Nice-looking girl you got there, boys!’ The
in the name of the Lord challenged the ruling powers, ’boys’ stuck it out for about an hour, and ~mmediatelyafter
’Do you allow Christians to assemble together for song, they left the good-will people began to manifest themselves.
prayer and Scripture study ? Answer Yes or No !’ Wehave One who made it plain that he had observed the whole
a feeling that this forthright dealing and ’Answer Yes or incident came up and said, ’Well, you’ve been standing on
the street here a long time, little lady. I’m going to take
No’ will be heard nearer to homein the near future. What a
one of those magazines [handing the witness a dollar],
thrill it is to hear of Jehovah’s watchful care over his people and just keep the ehange.’ [It was used to further advance
and how so surely the Lord ’has the enemy in derision’. the Kingdomwork.] . . . This afternoon a carload of about
The news that the Japanese had only been allowed to over- eight high-school students stopped by" and got a magazine to
run those lands of the Pacific after the Lord’s witness investigate for themselves One of them opened the maga-
work had been completed was received with a great ovation. zine and began reading it to the others as they drove away.
"Next Jesse Hemery, who has seen the Lord’s work in It seems the younger generation are thinking for themselves."

thatI amJehovmh’.’


MAY15, 1942

(Part 9) ............................. 147
. ................................... 148
................................ 155
E.~ D~’]U~G
.................................... 157
.................................. 160
TESTI~IONYPERIOD ............................

"~ATCHTO~rER" STUDIES .........................146


. .......... 146
..................... 146
117 Adams Street
- °
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instructmn specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good w~ll.
N. H KX0RR,Pres*de~t 1,V. E. VAN_5,Z~BURGH, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be ~:au~ht of dehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes stat-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of pnbhc
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:z
3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all rehgion, parties, sects
evmlaatmg, the Maker of heaven and earth and the G~ver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to h~s creatures ; that the Logos was the be#nning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and hm active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now tile Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalmes.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PP~c’z
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $1 00; CANADAAND ~IISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN, $1 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTtt ~FRICA, 0S Amerlcan rennt-
tances should be made by Postal or Express hloney Order or b~" L~auk
to hfe. Draft. Canadian, Brutish, South African and Australasmn
should be made direct to the respective branch offices.
Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other then those mentmned may be made to the Brooklyn o~ce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by Intermatwna~ Postal hloney Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~t~sh
...................................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, IV.g, England
Ganad~a~.............................. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Anstralasgar~.................. 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. S "W., Austraha
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- SouthAtrgea~............................... Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful Kmgof the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society in every case.
Chmst Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
(Translations el th~ Journal appear in several languages.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all whowill hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted advermty are unable to pay the subscrtptmn pr*ce may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceedmg to the estabhshment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is reqmred by the
0ostal regulatmns.
THATTHERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to 8ubser*bers: Acknowledgment
of a newor a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scnptmn will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label w~thin one month
of Satan’s organizatmn and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) wull be sent w~th the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that journal one n~outh before the subscmptlon expires
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered a~ second-class matter at the pos$ office at B,’ooldyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act el March $, 1879.


Durmg the month of June all those willing volunteers who The Sectary has released a new booklet, entitled " ’Children’
,leh,zht to do Jehovah’~ will and who have made a covenant with Study Questmns", whmhwill be a great md to all pubhshers of
the Lord will go forward in the proclamatmn of the Kmgdom the Kingdomin the conducing of Ch,ldren studies in the vamous
message. The "Willing Volunteers" Testimony Period will be homes throughout the country. You can get your copy now on
devoted to the distribution of the book Children and seven book- eontmbutmn of 5c for publication of more of these. Send
lets on the contmbutmn of 35e. All servants of the Lord going remittances to 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York. This
forward during this campaign will have a good supply of this "Children" Study Questwns booklet will help m&wdualreaders
hterature on hand as they go from place to place, visiting the m thmr personal study m thmr own homes. Get a copy now
people of good-will, those who love righteousness. This hterature
will afford many the opportunity of gettmg a clearer knowledge "WATCHTOWER" QUESTIONS
of the truth, and they should be given this opportumty during the Repeated requests are received from m&vMuals that The
"Wflhng Volunteers" Testimony Permd. The usual field-serwce Watchtower publish questions on the leadmg artmle of each
reports will be made to the companyservant if the pubhsher is issue for use of study classes. Such questmns were pubhshed
a~ocmted with a company; the pmneers, direct to the office; and over a period of years, but were discontmued w~th the begmmng
those readers of The Watchtower who have as yet not been in of 1939 because not eonduemgto the best results, particularly
the field-service work, namely, gmng from door to door with the on the part of study conductors. December 1, 1938, The Watch-
Kmgdommessage, may mqmre of the WATCHTOWER the address of tower gave mstructions on the best method of studymg the
thmr nearest company. You will enjoy being assoemted with them. magazme. The study conductor is responmble to carefully stud)’
the lesson before the meeting. However, all attendants at the
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES study should hkew~se study the lesson m advance, and they have
Week of June 21: "Micah" (Part 9), the privilege to submit questmns m writmg on the study para-
¶ 1-18 inclusive, The Watchtower May 15, 1942. graphs to the study conductor suffimently in advance for him
Week of June 28: "Micah" (Part 9), to compile these and frame the final set of questmns on the
¶ 19-35 inclusive, The Watchtower May 15, 1942. (Continued on page 159)
’C ]70WJ RP,
15, 1942 No 10


"He hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly.
and to love mercy, and to walk humbly w,th thy God.~"--Mw. 6:8.
EHOVAH is the great and perfect Teacher. His condition that results from their going over to reli-
J instruction is always good and beneficial; for he
is goodness, and to know him is of the greatest
gion, are the same in this modern world just as in
the ancient world before Christ. Why~. Because reli-
benefit. His perfect justice does not require him to gion is demonism and the demons use like methods
provide rescue for the condemned, but in his mercy, with like results always, and those demons are most
which is his loving-kindness toward such, he gives active now, as they were in the days of Noah before
timely and sufficient warning against the impending the world disaster. Jehovah foreknew exactly the
world disaster. He plainly points out the reason present-day state of "Christendom". She has gone
therefor, and to those who would escape he shows the same way as the two capital cities of the divided
what is good in his sight and what he requires to Jewish nation, Jerusalem and Samaria. Jehovah
win his approval and merciful protection and his God has preserved a faithful record in detail of the
deliverance from destruction with the doomed world. conditions that doomedboth cities, and by this means
The creature that desires life and who enters into he has foretold the conditions existing within "Chris-
a covenant or agreement to do Jehovah’s will binds tendom" at the end of the world, where we now are.
himself to fulfill God’s requirements. Jehovah God That record was preserved for our admonition and
is no respecter of persons. Every creature on earth profit. A close study thereof shows the wisdom of
that desires to get into the way of life must expect now keeping the divine requirements. The Bible
to face the same requirements and to follow the record is not mere dry ancient history, but bears
same rule of action. Willing obedience and faithful- importantly on us today.
hess are required in doing the will of the great Life- "The LORD’Svoice erieth unto the city, and the
giver. The creature must deal with justice and in man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod,
the love of mercy toward others, especially those in and who hath appointed it." So reads the record at
the way of life with him. He must walk obedient to Micah 6 : 9. In Micah’s day the "city" was Jerusalem,
God’s expressed will and not abandon God’s side and possibly also Samaria, the rival capital; but
for the world’s. Thus he maintains his relationship Jerusalem remained the last to be dealt with. As
with God. The joyful fulfilling of God’s requirements capitals these two cities represented the entire nation,
leads to endless life amid blessings unspeakable. The the twelve tribes of Israel. That they had gone reli-
refusal or failure to carry out his requirements leads gious and despised the Lord’s requirements note
to death and loss of everything. God’s description of them by his prophet. The reli-
Religion has substituted for God’s requirements gionists heard Micah prophesying, but it was not a
tile rule and moral standards of men who depart man’s voice, not Micah’s voice, that they heard. It
from and ignore God’s law. Religion has therefore was Jehovah’s voice crying, because it was his
blinded men to God’s requirements. Look at the inspired message. Now in this day of crisis upon
religious world today, particularly the "civilized" "Christendom" Jehovah’s voice again cries to that
part thereof called "Christendom". Then answer as "city" or religious organization which claims the
to what religion has done for humankind. "Christen- name of Christ. Again it is not the "voice" of crea-
dom" has taken the name of God and of his Christ tmres, not the voicing of humanopinions by Jehovah’s
and lays claim to his promised blessings. She there- witnesses, that "Christendom" hears, but these cry
by puts herself in an implied covenant and, in con- out to her what the voice of the Lord has said in
sequence, makes herself responsible to God’s require- his Word. "Christendom" is now on judgment,
ments of one that bears his name. The course of because the Lord has come to his temple and is
those unfaithful to the covenant with God, and the present as Judge, as symbolized by the "ark of his
148 2-tie\ ATCHTOWE
testament [covenant]". He makes his voice or 2:17) Their consistent course of action and their
message to be heard, as symbolically foretold at message prove they are just that, witnesses to Jeho-
Revelation 11: 19: "And the temple of God was vah’s name. As a result the eyes of many honest ones
opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple hitherto blinded by religion see Jehovah’s name and
the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, that it stands for his righteous purpose toward crea-
and voices [judgment messages], and thunderings, tures. They see that his name has been made de<m-
and an earthquake, and great hail." Never in history cable and reproached by religion, not alone by the
was there such a loud and widespread cry of His Jews’ religion but even more so by "Christian reli-
voice. This cry was made through his faitllful wit- gion", so called; which proves that religion is not
nesses and their devoted companions. These pub- Christian, for Christ Jesus upheld the honor of hi~-
lished Jehovah’s name and advertised his Kingdom Father Jehovah’s name. They see that His purpose
under Christ and declared his righteous judgments is to makea glorious name for himself by the destruc-
and requirements, and this by the greatest publicity tion of all those that bring reproach upon his nameby
ealnpaign by means of hundreds of millions of copies their reliNon, including "Christendom" and also the
of Kingdom publications, by radio, by sound-ampli- Devil himself. By this destruction at the battle of
fication machines and recorded speeches, by public Armageddon God shall completely clear or vindicate
addresses and conventions, bv petitions for free his name and settle the outstanding issue of uxrvBB-
speech and worship circulated among and signed by sag DO:,IIXATION to the everlasting glory of his holy
millions of good-will persons, by house-to-house vis- name.
itation of the people and by conducting Bible studies "Seeing these things concerning Jehovah’s name
in their homes; and by all other possible means makes it clear that what is most essential for the
approved by the Lord God. person of good-will who gets sight of this in God’s
’ As one of many instances : On Sunday, March 25, Word is to devote himself to Jehovah God through
1934, Jehovah’s witnesses arranged to broadcast Christ Jesus, the Vindicator of Jehovah’s name, and
over a chain of 151 radio stations the vital speech then to take Jehovah’s side in the great issue. There
"World Control", from the convention auditorium he must abide in integrity or blamelessness by faith-
at Los Angeles, California. Immediately thereafter fully witnessing to God’s name and purpose unto, the
the same speaker delivered the further speech on end and never compromising with religion, which is
"’Requirements", the same being carried over 55 of on the opposing side of the issue. Thus such favored
those stations and heard by simultaneous gatherings ones get the wisdom, understanding, counsel, comfort
of God’s people from coast to coast. Then the speech and support which is "essential" to meet the Lord’s
"Requirenmnts" was recorded on sound-records for requirements and hold fast their integrity toward
reproducing by transcription ma chin es and was him, and this also shall be with safety to them at
repeatedly played the world over both on regular the battle of Armageddon. The faithful remnant of
radio programs and in the meeting-places of God’s Jehovah’s covenant people were, by his grace, first
people. More recently, in August, 1941, at the Theo- to see Jehovah’s name, especially from 1925 on.
cratic Assembly in St. Louis, .Missouri. tl~e topmost Shortly thereafter this magazine, in its issue of
attemtance at whieh was over 115,000, mainly persons January 1, 1926, came forth with the principal article
of good-will, the most vital speech on the Lord’s on "Who Will Honor Jehovah?" making prominent
requirements was delivered, to wit, on the sub- God’s purpose from of old to make a name for l,im-
ject "Integrity". This speech was instantaneously self at £rmageddon. Thereafter with greater zeal
recorded as the speaker talked and is now being and effort the remnant went up and down all the
daily reproduced on phonographs run in the private nations of earth declaring his name, thereby proving
homes and public halls throughout the land. You themselves Jehovah’s witnesses. The meek or teach-
may read that speech "Integrity" in the August 15, able ones saw that name and hailed it in hope of
1941, issue of The Watchtower, which issue was deliverance. "Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks,
circulated by the hundreds of thousands of copies unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is
in manv languages. near [to be seen], thy wondrous works declare."
5,,And the man of wisdom shall see thy name." (Ps. 75 : 1) Those whohold onto religion never "see",
The better rendering of this according to the original or "regard", that nameuntil it is vindicated in their
text is: ’The Lord’s voice crieth unto the city, with destruction.
that which is essential for him who sees thy name.’
(See Rot/ter/~am translation.) In 1931 the Lord God
revealed to his covenant people the "’new name" ’ WhenJehovah’s typical nation of Israel forsook
which his own mouth had called upon them, to wit, his commandmentsand went in the way of the :_~ur-
"Jehovah’s witnesses." (Isa. 62 : 2 ; 43 : 10, 12 ; Rev. rounding nations that practiced religion or demon-
Mai"15,1942 2-SeWATCHTO
vV E P,. 149
ism, Jehovah used as a rod of punishment King because they profess to know and to cou:muniea~v
Nebuchadnezzar, the conqueror of Assyria; and with God, and at the same time they turn tlt(.i~ l~iu.k.
Jerusalem was destroyed. "O Assyrian, the rod of on his \Vord, opposehis THEOCn.XTI(’C~o\’I:P,.’<Mr..~,. l~\"
mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine Christ Jesus, denounce and perseeute th.- wm~e,:,.<
indignation. I will send him [Nebuchadnezzar] preaching the Bible, and commercialize thdr rell,_’l,,n
against an hypocritical nation [unfaithful Israel], and fleece the religious public. In this wickedne:s sho
and against the people of my wrath will I give him a justifies herself, as did Ephraim of old.--llos.
charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and 12: 7, 8.
to tread them down like the mire of tile streets." *° The clerk- have accepted their hire frmn their
(Isa. 10:5,6,11) Who now is "the rod" of today congregations and have pretended to hand out tl.e
concerning whom"the Lord’s voice crieth,... Hear full measure of God’s message, lint actually hax>
ye the rod, and who hath appointed it"? taken away the vital things from his Word and tllo
’ Those who hear and heed the Lord’s voice crying people have received "scant measure" as a result
out through the world’s din see that Jehovah’s "rod" and are starving spiritually. The pile that the-e "ricl~
of his anger and indignation against "Christendom" men" have heaped up has now about reached its
is his Elect Servant, Christ Jesus. Whenthat Servant peak, and the Lord bids them now "weep and howl
was on earth and was transfigured on the mountain- for your miseries that shall come upon you .... Ye
top in the presence of his disciples Jehovah’s voice have heaped treasure together for tim last days";
was heard from heaven, saying: "This is my beloved and the last days are here. (Jas. 5: 1-6) Bef~re tlmy
Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." retire from business, shortly, the religionists hope to
(Matt. 17 : 5) When Jehovah enthroned him as King clean up on Jehovalfs witnesses who eximse fraudu-
in 1914 and proceeded to make Christ’s enemies his lent religious dealings. W-hen"the king of the m)rth’"
footstool, Jehovah then fulfilled His promise : "Jeho- and "tile king of the south" pool their interests in a
vah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of totalitarian world-combine, the II, oman Cath,~lic
Zion: Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies." Hierarchy will not fail to get astride that "’-cadet
(Ps. 110: 1, 2, A.R.V.) Therefore Jehovah is the One coloured beast". She will ride it m a total ehalge
who has appointed The Rod, and that for the vin- against Jehovah’s servants to rob them of everything
dication of His name upon "Christendom", which has and safeg-uard her treasures of wickedness The com-
defamed that name. "He that chastiseth the heathen, ing peace conference under ]mr dominance will make
shall not he correct [’Christendom,’ which claims no allowance wlmtsoever for Jehovah’s witne:ses
covenant-relationship with God]?" (Ps. 94: 10) In- after this conflict for world domination. (Rev. 17 : 1-6)
asmuch as Jehovah has appointed "the rod", he will The totalitarian dictators and p~liticians who cry
surely use it for his purpose. Chastisement cannot for "more religion" plan on retainin.~ the >.l~emus
be escaped by the covenant-breakers even though money-changers in the temple after that conflict.
"Christendom", particularly her Roman Catholic ~’ "Christendom" has long had the Bible and shcmld
Hierarchy, thinks and claims she has a "covenant know and should have taught God’s standard of
with death" and is at "agreement with hell" and can exchange of goods, to wit: "Thou slmlt not have in
escape correction. (Isa. 28: 14-18) She will not sur- thy bag divers weights, a great mid a slnall. Thou
vive her drubbing at Armageddon. shalt not have in thine house divvrs meastm,s, a
By his prophet .Micah Jehovah had just declared great [for yourself] and a small [for your cust,uner].
what is good and what he requires of man. Consider But thou shalt have a perfect and 3ust weight, a
now what Almighty God uncovers in "Christendom" perfect and just measure shalt thou lmve; . . . l’-’,,r
and honestly judge whether she meets his require- all that do sucl~ tlnngs, and all that <ln unri_~htoou-l?.
ments or deserves "the rod". "A false balance is are an abomination unto the Loud thy God." (Dt.ut.
al~omination to the LORD:but a just weight is his 25: 13-16) In view of that law to hi~ covenant l,.,,i,le
delight." (Prov. 11:1) "Are there yet the treasures Jehovah asks concerning "Christer.donf’: ",qhall I
of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the count them Imre with the wk’ked balances, and xxdh
scant measure that is abominable?" (Mic. 6:10) the bag of deceitful weights?" (Mic. 6: 11) I)onlfle-
That this is true of "Christendom" the great accumu- dealing is abominable to Jehovah God. It ha,_ ever
lations of ill-gotten wealth testify. Not only is such been true that the religious shepherds make the com-
true of the powerful commercial traffickers, and also mereial trafi%kers the respected "principal of the
of the Nazi and Fascist dictators, but it is notably flock", that they might share their commercmlloot.
true of the religious organization and its "rich men", The people complain that the poliucal element have
especially the Hierarchy with headquarters at Vat- double-crossed them and not gwen them a s~lnare
lean City. These religionists are the chief of "the deal. But the worst double-deahng tin- l’,em~ and is
wicked". Their s are "treasures of wickedness" the duplicity and hypocrisy of the rellgiou< leaders,
including the "evil servant" class whomthe Lord tickers. The clergy have incited their dupes to vio-
casts out into the company of such religionists. In lence against the innocent and have justified the
Scripture the balances are a symbol of scarcity. violent and condemnedthe innocent victims. Particu-
Scarcity has come upon the world since the symbolic larly was this made manifest in the year 1940 and
four tlorsemen began their ride in A.D. 1914, and thereafter by the mobs either led or incited by the
requiring the measuring out and rationing of the RomanCatholic clergy, and by other forms of violent
scanty supplies to the people. (Rev. 6:5, 6) Nowall persecution against Jehovah’s witnesses because
the worhl is faced with shortage and famine, and these obey God’s commandments and proclaim the
rationing has begun in all the nations and will truth which opens the eyes of the victimized people
increase. Price control is being established, and ceil- to the money-matting schemes and oppression by
ings are attempted to be fixed and applied to prices religion. Public servants and officers of the law fat
of labor and goods. But not so with religion! Its to keep their oath of office to uphold and to apply
dishonesty and its fraudulent charges for prayers the law to protect the innocent, peaceful, and law-
and masses for those supposed to be in "Purgatory", abiding citizens from violent assault and injury.
and other like religious services, continue uncon- Hence Jehovah’s witnesses under the religious per-
trolled, and the reproaches upon Jehovah’s name and secution cry out in the words of an earlier Jehovah’s
his THEOCnA(’Y continue to be heaped up. Is that what witness, the psalmist: "False witnesses are risen up
the Lord has shown to be good? Is that the doing against me, and such as breathe out cruelty." (Ps.
justly, showing mercy, and walldng lmmbly with God 27:12) "Forget not the congregation of thy poor
which he requires of man claiming to be in a covenant for ever. Have respect unto the covenant [promising
with God for His blessings? protection and deliverance]: for the dark places of
~’ "For the rich men thereof are full of violence, the earth are full of the habitations of crueltv."
and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and (Ps. 74: 19, 20) (Also Habakkuk 1:2-4) And
their tongue is deceitful in their mouth." (Mic. 6 : 12) cerning "Christendom’s" condition Jehovah’s m-
This is a true picture of "Christendom" this very spired servant says prophetically: "The rod [of
day, and that after fifteen or more centuries of reli- power of the rulers] hath blossomed: pride hath
gion, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy having existed budded. Violence is risen up into a rod of wicked-
unl)roken and in control all through those centuries. ness .... Makea chain; for the land is full of bloody
In fear of what they see coming, the religious leaders crimes, and the city is full of violence." (Ez(.k.
and their political and commercial allies turn atten- 7: 10, 11.23;8: 17) As reported in Der Deutsche lVeg
tion away from religion’s disgraceful failure and ("The German Way") of May 29, 1938, the pope’~
brazenly they say that religion is the only remedy clerk, in Germany stirred up the Catholic dictator
and cure-all and is what the world needs: whereas Hitler. In fulfilhnent of his Concordat with the pope,
the world has never been without it in plenty. The Hitler forbade the existence of Jehovah’s witnes-es
clergy as professed representatives of God set the and dissolved their organization and confiscated tlleir
example for their allies and the reli<ious public. Such literature; and to this the RomanCatl,ohc prie:t of
clergy follow in the steps of theH" religmus fore- Berlin whopublished the report adds, "’Bravo !" Tht, n
runners in Jesus’ day, the Pharisees, to whom,Jesus he deplores that the Anleriean government has not
said: "’Ye cannot serve God and mammon." "And followed the example of that violent religious-totah-
the Pharisees, who were LOVEIISOF 5IONEY,heard all tarian dictator in a like violation of democracy am[
these things; and they scoffed at him. And he said liberty of worship. (See Face the Facts, Appemhx,
unto them, Ye are they that justify yourseh’es in the pages 60, 61.)
si’aht of men: lint God knoweth your hearts: for that " Micah foretold: "And the inhabitants thoi’eof
wl,ich is exalted amona"menis an abolnination in the have spoken lies. and their tongue is deceitful in
sight of G,~d." (.Luke 16: 13-15, Am. Rot. I’er.) The their mouth." Informed and honest commentators on
clerk)" justify the religious racket, their allies exalt the condition of religious "’Christendom" state bahlly
it, but God abominates it. Therefore now God’s sheep that never was the word and contract of man in his
nlust cut connections completely from all religious dealings with his fellow man more undependable and
,llepherds and their folds. lightly respected and easily scrapped. Concerning
~The history of the labor movement down till the two rival powers in the scramble for worhl domi-
today throws a glaring light on the ricll menas "full nation at the "time of the end" Daniel 11:27 fore-
of violence", and they have not hesitated to provoke told: "And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do
violent and bloody wars between nations to gain mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but
commercial advantage and supremacy. Religious it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the
history shows up the clerk- "’rich men" as being "’full time appointed." These two world powers sit at the
of violence", even to excelling the commercial traf- table of the ’father of lies’, trying to deceive each
15, 1942 151

other, but especially the people. (John 8:44; i Cor. 1~ The time for lies to end has come, because by
10:21) Their biggest and chief lie is their denying the lies Jehovah’s name has long been reproacheci.
that God’s appointed "times of the Gentiles" ended That stainless name must now be set forth and made
in 1914, and that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are knownin truth. The deceitful tongue has wagged long
"the Higher Powers", and that Jehovah’s THEO- enough and done its damage. It has been a fire, and
CRATICGOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus has begun and "is set on fire by Gehenna", by destruction, and to
is the rightful rule of the earth. Therefore they carry cause the destruction of the blameless. The Roman
on their desperate struggle for total domination of Catholic Hierarchy have "made lies [their] refuge,
the earth. The responsibility for this general lying and under falsehood have [they] hid [themselves]",
and deceit Almighty God fixes upon the clergy of and now God’s time is here to unmask them before
all denominations in "Christendom", saying: "For he blots them out. (Jas. 3:6,8, Am. Rev. Ver.;
both prophet and priest are profane [hypocritical] ; Isa. 28 : 15, 17) To "Christendom" he says : "There-
yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith fore also will I make thee sick in smiting thee, in
the LORD.I have seen also in the prophets of Jeru- making thee desolate because of thy sins." (Mic.
salem [type of ’Christendom’] an horrible thing: 6 : 13) _Rotherhamreads : "Moreover also I have made
they commit adultery [with the world], and walk in thee sick with smiting thee." This smiting is different
lies: they strengthen also the hands of evil doers, from the woes which Satan brings upon the people
that none doth return from his wickedness: . . . in his great wrath. Such calamities and great suffer-
But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused ing Satan and his demons cause to make the people
my people to hear my words, then they should have bitter and hopeless and to make them curse God and
turned them from their evil way, and from the evil deny the Only One who can deliver them from
of their doings."--Jer. 23 : 11, 14, 22. destruction at Armageddon.--Rev. 12 : 12, 13, 17.
1~ Such lying and deceit maynot and does not exist 17 Ancient Egypt denied to Jehovah’s chosen people
now among Jehovah’s remnant of witnesses and their the right and freedom to worship Him to the full
companions whomHe has delivered from the power extent that he commanded. The Devil religionists
of religion. To them he has, since 1918, turned a were stubborn and tried to keep the Israelites slaves
"pure language", or "pure lip", the message of King- to religion. Jehovah warned that he would smite
dom truth, "that they may all call upon [publish] them with plagues unless they let his people go and
the name of the LORD,to serve him with one consent." serve him. Fully warned by Jehovah’s prophet Moses,
(Zeph. 3:9) His command to them is: "These are and therefore fully responsible for their course of
the things that ye shall do: Speak ye every man the opposition, Pharaoh and Egypt were smitten with
truth to his neighbour ; execute the judgment of truth ten plagues, and Jehovah’s judgment was executed
and peace in your gates : and let none of you imagine upon all the demon gods of Egypt. Thereafter He
evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love destroyed the armies of the demon-worshipers in
no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, the Red sea. Those ten plagues were typical. They
saith the LORD."(Zech. 8: 16, 17; Eph. 4: 25) They pictured the declaration today of Jehovah’s judg-
must speak abroad the truth about Jehovah’s name ments against religion, his "strange work", and the
and his Righteous Government under Christ. (Zeph. destruction thereafter of the religious organization,
3:13) To counteract this the clergy and other reli- and which is his "strange act". The first nine plagues
gionists resort further to lies and deceit in the reli- are delivered against "Christendom" by his coura-
gious and secular newspapers, over the radio, in the geous witnesses under Christ Jesus, as pictured by
propaganda, in the courts of law, and in their cathe- Aaron acting as mouthpiece for his brother Moses
drals and other religious meeting-places. They gross- in the presence of Pharaoh. This declaration of
ly misrepresent those who bear Jehovah’s name not Jehovah’s judgments and of his coming day of
in vain and who show forth his praises. The religious vengeance has made "Christendom" in particular
persecutors draw nigh to God with flattering l]ps, very "sick" from the smiting. Many of the tormented
but their worship is ceremonial and formal, with religionists would like to die rather than feel further
hearts far removed from God. Immediately after the torment caused by the Lord’s judgments exposing
such deceitful formality, they go forth and speak of religion. (Rev. 9: 6) Instead of repenting in their
safeguarding liberty of speech and religious wor- sickness, they have blasphemed God and made
ship and protecting the people in their inalienable attempts on the lives and property of his servants.
rights, and at the same time they scheme and use --Rev. 16 : 9-11, 21.
their influence with politicians and legislators. By 1~ In the "battle of that great day of God Almighty"
these they get laws put through or misapplied to God will make "Christendom" sick unto death by
stop Jehovah’s witnesses speaking the truth to their administering the final smiting of which she has
neighbors having hearing ears. been amply warned ; and she shall die. Jehovah makes
her desolate ’%ecause of [her] sins". These sins are has yet is outward show and a loud string of talk,
not due to human weakness and sinful inclination self-praise and misleading optimism about her ability
inherited from Adam, but are unpardonable viola- to "come back". She is astonished that God does not
tions of her covenant-obligations toward God. Note help her and has not fulfilled the widely advertised
her "presumptuous sins". In spite of the great edu- purpose of the pope’s "Holy Year" of 1933 nor
cational campaign by Jehovah’s servants advertising answered her multiplied prayers for peace and pros-
the Kingdom which began in 1914, "Christendom" perity. Those who are meek or teachable toward
has rejected and stumbled over The Stone, God’s God see her inability, failure and hopelessness. They
anointed King, laid in Zion. In preference to God’s abandon her before her complete desolation comes,
Righteous Government she sets up and commits and they turn to Jehovah God and his kingdom, for
idolatry with "the image of the beast", a federated which they have long prayed.
world under demon rule and commonly called a ,9 Howtrue concerning "Christendom" the further
"League of Nations". Whether the original League of words of the prophet: "Thou shalt eat, but not be
1920 is meant, or the proposed "new League of satisfied; and thy casting downshall be in the midst
Nations" under totalitarian-religious dictators, both of thee; and thou shalt take hold, but shalt not
are of the same origin, "the god of this world." Her deliver; and that which thou deliverest will I give up
choosing of the continued rule of God’s enemies, to the sword"! (Mic. 6:14) This denotes food
and that after the announcement of God’s kingdom scarcity and drought, and that not merely through
and the warning of his vengeance for taking such any unconstitutional AAAmeasure paying farmers
contrary course, this constitutes the "transgression to plow under their crops and kill off their pigs, and
of desolation". (Dan. 8: 13) The desolation wrought like things. "Christendom" refuses Jehovah’s message
by such a course may be plainly seen in the train proclaimed by his witnesses, and therefore has no
of events following such transgression and leading other place to eat than at "the table of devils
up to the present conflict between "the king of the [demons]". She feeds on religion and cries for more
norttf’ and "the king of the south". of it, but the Bible remains a closed book to her.
19 Following up her choice of further demon rule The spiritual, political and economic palaver and
"Christendom" has manifested great indignation provender that she dishes up does not satisfy the
"against the holy covenan±", to wit, THETIaEOC~ACYcraving of any h~nest person who loves truth and
promised in God’s unbreakable covenant. As a result righteousness. AmongGod’s covenant people there
Jehovah’s devoted people who are in the "covenant is an abundance of spiritual food, which Jehovah
for the Kingdom" and who represent its interests provides from his unfolding Word, and they eat and
on earth are hated and persecuted by all the so-called rejoice and pass out the food to the hungry persons
"Christian nations". (Ps. 89 : 20-37 ; Luke 22 : 28-30 of good-will. On the religionists, however, has come
Isa. 55 : 3, 4) Choosingthe rule of political states with to pass God’s warning prophecy: "Therefore thus
arbitrary dictators in preference to God’s Theo- saith the Lord GOD, Behold, my servants shall eat,
cratic rule by Christ Jesus, "Christendom" has but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall
exalted the state above God. More and more she drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants
encroaches upon the "pure worship" of God in spirit shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed: behold, my
and in truth and regiments the people and threatens servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall
them with penalties if they do not worship the cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation
"beast". The purpose of the "image of the beast", of spirit."---Isa. 65: 13-15.
which image is also branded "the abomination of ~"And thy casting down [(Am. Rev. Ver.) thy
desolation", is to desolate faith in and support of humiliation] shall be in the midst of thee." This
God’s kingdom and thereby to destroy the earthly means more than simply that "Christendom" shall
interests of his kingdom. The purpose of the demons "be shrunk with hunger within thee" (Rotherham),
in this is to cause the desolating of the earth of her or, that "what thou hast eaten shall bend thee down"
entire population at Armageddonand so prevent any (Leeser), and that her empty stomach will "gape"
from surviving and going over to the "new world" within her. It means internal disagreement within
under God’s established kingdom. "Christendom" her organization, one section of the ruling factors
must herself be desolated at Armageddon. As she turning against the other, resulting in a mutual cast-
thought to do unto The TH~OC~ATmGOVE~.NT ing down of themselves. That the clergy or religious
and its witnesses, so the like must and will be done element will be first to be cast down by its present-
unto her. (Deut. 19: 19) God’s judgments declared day allies, politics and commerce,is pictured at Rev-
already show her to be a desolation. The facts show elation 17. That picture shows the religion-ridden
her to be a dry, waste desolation as far as offering beast and its ten horns turning on its rider, the great
any relief to the people is concerned. All she actually harlot that mingles the things of God with the things
MAY15, 1942 fffieWATCHTOWEI 153

of demon rule, and then destroying her. Her table "founded on moral principles" will fail to save
of rehgious delicacies finally does not satisfy them "Christendom" from the Lord’s sword at Arma-
or meet their needs and they recognize the religious geddon. "And that which thou deliverest will I give
organization as hypocritical. (Isa. 28:8) As far up to the sword," says the Lord. Already the Roman
the people of good-will themselves are concerned, Catholic Hierarchy and other religionists see signs
they have east down religion and killed its influence of the end for them and are busy trying to deliver
and power over them. Like the eunuchs that east or "set in safety" their religion and the clergy system
the demon-worshiping Queen Jezebel out of the and control of the religious population. They have
window at Captain Jehu’s command, so these people caused local and state lawmaking bodies to enact
who were once religion’s dupes and slavishly pam- anti-Nazi and anti-Hate laws and other measures
pered her now let her drop to meet the fate foretold safeguarding religion; they have established anti-
in Jehovah’s judgment against the hypocritical reli- Communist schools, and secret orders, such as
gious organization.--2 Ki. 9: 30-37; Rev. 2: 20-23. Knights of Columbus, also Holy Name societies of
2~ "And thou shalt remove, but shalt not carry away religionists employed in departments of public serv-
safe." (Eng. Rev. Ver.) Now "Christendom" has ice. They have captured key positions in the public-
brought forth the "abomination of desolation" fore- service and protective departments of government,
told by the prophet Daniel and Christ Jesus, and judgeships, movie censorship boards, public educa-
"the king of the south" and "the king of the north" tion, etc. Religionists of "the king of the south" still
have set it up "in the holy place" as a substitute to try to preserve the League of Nations, excuse its
crowd out Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ Jesus. failure, and clamor for its revival after the war. The
It is a sure evidence of the nearness of Armageddon, Axis powers, desiring to re-establish the old "Holy
and Jesus warns those wanting to escape to immedi- Roman Empire", secede from that League and found
ately flee to the "mountains", to wit, Jehovah God one of their own, a "new League of Nations", that
and Christ his King, for safety. Those who are on "new order" so fervently desired by the Hierarchy
the "housetop", the high places of the religious organ- which operates out of Vatican City. The political
ization, must come down and flee to escape its and commercial elements will carry religion safely
destruction. They must not attempt to enter in and through this present conflict and enable her there-
carry off anything of religion with them. (Matt. after to cry "Peace and safety!" They shall never
24: 15-18) Religion is a hobble to the feet, an easily- carry her alive through Armageddon, but will turn
besetting sin, and it will hinder anyone in taking his upon her and destroy her when God exposes her to
flight to safety to makeit in time before Armageddon. them at Armageddon.
"Remember Lot’s wife." (Heb. 12 : 1 ; Luke 17 : 32, 33) 2, Concerning the endeavors to escape with some-
"Christendom" at no time takes Jesus’ advice. She thing selfish the following prophetic words may have
likes high honors of men too much to come down from some reference to airplanes and bombproof under-
her high place. Whenthe worst comes and destruc- ground shelters and undersea craft. Such, however,
tion stares her religionists in the face, they will try will be of no real protection when Jehovah beans
to escape and carry off some of her selfish things Armageddon. Hence the scripture seems to have a
which she has used in reproaching God’s name. They still deeper meaning: ’~I will slay the last of them
hope to set such down in a place of safety, but they [religionists and allies] with the sword: he that fleeth
shall deliver nothing, not even their own lives. The of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of
totalitarian dictators and other rulers have their them shall not be delivered. Thoughthey dig into hell
escapes planned and have finances hidden away in [by claiming a non-aggression pact or ’agreement
supposedly safe places to continue living selfishly with hell’, the grave, and a covenant safeguarding
after making their getaways. The great religious them from death], thence shall mine hand take them
>uler at Vatican City will not be so successful in [to execute my judgments upon them] ; though they
making his escape as he did in 1848. Although he climb up to heaven [by claiming to have the keys of
started the Axis powers on their course and still heaven, and also saints in heaven to pray and inter-
backs them, he wants to save something of advantage cede for them with Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s Execu-
out of any possible failure of his scheme for world tioner], thence will I bring them down; and though
domination. He is willing to compromise with the they hide themselves [in the jungle-grown clefts]
anti-Axis forces should they gain military victory. in the top of [Mount] Carmel [throwing up a hypo-
While so doing he can try to shield his totalitarian critical camouflage and h i d i n g b e h i n d a great
puppets against total ruin and undoing. mountain of lies as a refuge], I will search [the lofty
2’ All proposed reforms and reorganization of the hiding-place of falsehood] and take them out thence ;
world by men trying to carry over some of the and though they be hid from my sight [as they think]
present world organization to a "new world order" in the bottom of the sea [the sea picturing the peoples
N. Y.

alienated from God and bearing up Satan’s ships of order" and to occupy all places as branches in a false
commercial gain; under the cover of claiming to "olive tree". She has brought forth only a people
protect the people’s interests the religionists perse- opposed to Jehovah’s name and defaming it. She
cute Jehovah’s witnesses and also frame laws mis- shall never fatten and anoint and soothe herself with
chievously against them, presumably to shield the sea what her pressure squeezes out of the people. Instead
of humankind against religious intolerance, Com- of "the oil of joy", she shall have mourning unto
munism, shocked sensibilities, etc.], thence will I death. In glorious contrast, Jehovah has anointed
commandthe serpent [symbolizing evil or disastrous Christ Jesus with the "oil of gladness" above his
calamity], and he shall bite them: and though they fellows, and his kingdom shall prosper.--Isa. 61 : 3:
go into captivity before their enemies [thus prolong- Pss. 45 : 7 ; 92 : 10.
ing their lives a little further to make a deathbed ""And [thou shalt tread] sweet wine, but shalt
repentance], thence will I commandthe sword [Jeho- not drink [the] wine." Wine it is "that maketh glad
vah’s Executioner, Christ Jesus], and it shall slay the heart of man". (Ps. 104: 15) It is a swubol
them." (Amos 9: 1-4) Religion will not provide them the joy of the Lord due to the kingdom which vindi-
a way of escape. Jehovah sees through every subter- cates Jehovah’s name. At his receiving the I,:in~dom
fuge of the religionists. They shall not outlive A_rma- and coming to the temple the Lord Jesus drinks this
geddon nor have an existence during the thousand- fruit of the vine "ne~"’ with his faithful followers
year reign of Christ Jesus, who delivers only those by sharing together in the vindication of God’s name.
who worship God in spirit and in truth. "Christendom’s" wine is that of the "vine of the
" "’Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap." (Micah earth", Satan’s counterfeit kingdom. That counter-
6: 15) The crop expected is not reaped. Vatican feit is therefore the "abomination that maketh deso-
strategy plants its priestly "’fifth column" in all the late", attempting to take and occupy the pla(~e (~f
lands, and puts membersof the "Catholic population" God’s kingdom.It is the totalitarian-religious "scarlet
into controlling positions in governments and organ- eoloured beast", and to it eventually all ruhng fm.tors
izations, especially in democratic and constitutional of the earth shall "give their power and strength".
nations. They expect by the cultivation of Catholic By this they expect to keep themselves in power as
totalitarian dictators to reap a "new order" and religious and political rulers, the rehgious on top.
thereby to change the course of history for a thousand and to drink the wine of the joy of their lord, "the
years to Co,he; but it shall not be so. Blight shall god of this world." (Rev. 17: 13) Therefore the.v
smite their plantings, because they are not of God’s oppose the proclamation of God’s kingdom by Christ
pIanting. (Matt. 15 : 13) As to their vain and boister- Jesus, and they "eat the bread of wlckedne.~s, and
ous schemes, "they have sown the wind. and they shall drink the wine of violence" against Jehovah’s serv-
reap the whirlwind" of destruction at Armageddon. ants who announce that kingdom as the rightful
God will change the course of human history for the government of mankind that lives. Concernin~ the
eternity to come. None of "Christendom’s" political religious-political would-berulers of the world, "’theCL.
and reli~ous schemes shall succeed. shall make war with the Lamb [of God~, and the,
’~"Thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords,
anoint thee with oil." Oil is provided to make man’s and King of kings: and they that are x~iti~ him ale
face to slfine. (Ps. 104: 15) Those who seek to take called, and chosen, and faithful." (Rex. 17:14) Th~
over the direction of the world, particutarl.v of "Chris- religionists gave their kingdomunto the "bea-t ’. but
tendom", and who are responsible for the present shall drink no joy of any lasting kingdom of their
world stress, hope to squeeze out therefrom that oxxm nor any joy of God’s kingdom.--Rev. 17:17.
which will result in prosperity for them and make ’~ Jehovah discloses the reason for "Christendom’s"
thei," faces to shine with optimism and sleekness. In failure: "For the statutes of Omri are kept, and all
the Scriptures the olive tree is used as a symbol of the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their
God’s spiritual organization united with him by the counsels; that I should make thee a desolauon, and
terms of the "new covenant". That covenant has as the inhabitants ’cllereof an hissing: therefore ye :hall
its purpose to bring forth a "people for His name". bear the reproach of my people." (Mic. 6: 16) Omn.
This symbolic "olive tree" is rooted in Jehovah’s king of the northern kingdom of the ten tribes of
promise to set up a government in the hands of The Israel, was the father of King Ahab. Omri followed
Seed of Abraham, which Seed is Christ Jesus. With the idolatrous calf-worship which Jeroboam had set
him are associated the people for Jehovah’s name up in Israel. Omri bought the hill Samaria and built
brought forth according to the new covenant. (Rein. the city of Samaria thereon as his capital. The calf-
11: 17-27; Jer. 31 : 31-34) "Christendom," particu- worship then became known as "the sin of Samaria",
larly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, purposes to because her king was responsible for such reliNous
establish the counterfeit kingdom by their "new practice of pretending to give honor to God through

the worship of creatures, but which image-making of the hypocrites who are rebellious and disloyal
and worslfip God’s commandmentabsolutely forbids. toward God. They brought reproach upon Jehovah’s
(Amos8 : 14 ; Ex. 20 : 3-5) "Christendom" keeps the name; now their own everlasting reproach comes.
statutes of Omri by practicing the modern style of Because of their opportunities and claims flier are
calf-worship, by pretending to worship God and more reprehensible, hence more low-down, mean,
Christ through forms of creature-worship, through contemptible, and disgraceful than the out-and-out
hero-worship, worship of the state, the idolizing of heathen or pagans. This proves that it is a very
religious organizations and clergy, worship of tile responsible thing to claim to be a Christian and
anti-Theocratic "beast", and suchlike. Omri’s son then prove false to the claim and so bring reproach
Ahab did worse than his father. He made the devil- upon God’s holy name, taking it in vain. Only in the
worshiper Jezebel his queen and set up Baal-worship way of integrity toward God is there certainty of
in Samaria. That worship represented the honoring approval, blessing, deliverance and life, under a
and giving service to the organization of which Satan successful government, T~E THEOCRACY,’.
the Devil is Baal or lord. Jehovah used Captain Jehu
to cut off all of Ahab’s house, including Jezebel. FURTHER
Today "Christendom" keeps all the works of the
~ Christ Jesus foretold the persecution of Jeho-
house of Ahab; she makes friends with Satan’s vah’s covenant people from and after A.D. 1914 as
organization and renders it service and support and one of the visible proofs of the end of Satan’s unin-
worship, thereby making herself the enemy of Jeho- terrupted rule and the beginning of God’s ldngdom
vah God. (Jas. 4:4) The Lord God therefore uses under Christ. Coinciding exactly with Jesus’ pro-
his Executioner, the Greater Jehu, who at Arma- phetic words concerning the "time of the end" are
geddon shall kill all those whodo the works of Ahab’s the words of Micah in chapter seven. The prophet
house, demon-worship, devilism. was a witness of Jehovah and therefore represented
’~Before executing the Baal-worshipers, Jehu Jehovah’s remnant of witnesses now. He expresses
gathered them together and made them identify the feelings of these just before the ingathering of
themselves by donning the vestments of Baalism. the Lord’s "other sheep", the "Jonadabs’, begins, and
Now, by walking in the counsels of Omri and Ahab, when Jehovah’s consecrated ones seemed all for-
the reli~onists and their allies and hangers-on in saken, and their work was apparently permanently
"’Christendom" oppose Jehovah’s THEOCIIACY under stopped. "Woe is me! for I am as when they have
Christ. They maliciously persecute those who wor- gathered the summer fruits, as the grapegleanings
ship Jehovah God in spirit and truth, and thus don of the vintage: there is no cluster to eat: my soul
the vestments of identification marldng them for desired the firstripe fruit." (Mic. 7 : 1) The Devil and
slaughter bv the Greater Jehu in earth’s final tribu- his agents, principally the religious leaders, brought
lation. Jonadab refused to walk in the counsels of great woe upon Jehovah’s servants during the oppor-
Omri and Ahab, but took his stand with Jehu against tunity created for them by the emergency of the
religion. He was therefore spared and witnessed the World War of 1914-1918. As a conse~iuence of the
destruction of the religionists. Nowthe Greater Jehu hatred and persecution by all nations, and also by
is at the temple and due to act! Those who do not the unfaithfulness and betrayals of those company-
discard the vestments of religion shall shortly be ing with them, Jehovah’s people became very reduced
slaughtered with "Christendom". Jehovah’s witnesses in nunlbers, very few, and scattered here and there,
must sound the warning in the interests of those ’feel- like fruits overlooked here and there and left for
ing after God, if haply they might find him’. Only the poor of the land to glean and get the benefit
those who follow the course of Jonadab and thus thereof. (Lev. 19:9,10; 23:22; Deut. 24:19-22)
become "Jonadabs" shall escape destruction.-- 2 Ki. Added to that, the Lord came to the temple for judg-
10: 15-2S: Jet. 35: 19. ment in 1918 and gathered out from his consecrated
~°"Christcndom’s" desolation at Armageddon will ones the "evil servant" class of "workers of iniquity",
involve religion, and hence such is an astonishment leaving only a small faithful remnant. (Matt. 13: 41;
to all ~xea~mg
" "’ the vestments of religion or Baalism 24: 45-51) But a remnant must be left for the benefit
and branded with the "mark of the beast". All those of the Lord’s "other sheep", those poor in spirit and
destroyed by Jehovah’s "strange act" will be hissed who needed the help of the remnant faithful to God
at in contempt and loathing by those who survive and bearing the fruits of his kingdom.--Matt. 21 : 43.
and live, Jehovah’s faithful remnant and the "Jona- " There then appeared to be no "cluster" of God’s
dabs". (Isa. 66 : 24) The organizers, rulers, operators, people left or in sight except the remnant, the Micah
supporters and hangers-on of "Christendom" hypo- class. This was foreshadowed by the prophet l’lijah
critically affect to be God’s people and Christ’s fol- when he fled before Jezebel and said to Jehovah God :
lowers; and therefore they shall bear the reproach "The children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant,
thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets hunt the persecutors were joined and aided bv the
with the sword : and I, even I only, am left ; and they "evil servant" class, who turned upon their spiritual
seek my life, to take it away." (1 Ki. 19: 14) Then brethren and smote them and handed them over into
the Lord revealed to him that there were others of the enemy hands for punishment and restraint. The
a remnant besides himself, and told him to go and net, skillfully and craftily concealed, was spread to
anoint Jehu king and also to anoint Elisha "to be catch Jehovah’s servants who refused to discontinue
prophet in thy room [or stead]". (1 Ki. 19: 15-18) his service. If these could be made to for ever for-
With the Lord’s coming to the temple in 1918 tile sake the Lord’s work and so violate their covenant.
work pictured by Elijah’s activities came to an end it would cause their destruction. Jesus corroborated
and was taken away as l)y a war-chariot of fire and Micah’s prophecy, saying of that time: "And then
in a whirlwind. Thereafter the Lord God revived the shall manybe offended, and stroll betray one another.
remnant in his service as his uitnesses, and added and shall hate one another. And because iniquity
others, and the Elisha work of testifying boldly to shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."--
Jehovah’sname and kinudom proceeded. In the midst AIatt. 24: 10, 12.
of the tribulation back there the faithful ones did not ~’ Be it observed that the nations which profess to
foresee the further work to be done as foreshadowed be "Christian" committed such acts against genuine
by Elisha. That work to be done with a double portion Christians who served God according to his com-
of the Lord’s spirit is likened to the desirable "first- mandments. Certainly there was no Christian loving-
ripe fig" (Am. Rev. Ver.). The afflicted and restrained ldndness about that. Officials high in the affairs and
Micah class desired to be released and to further authority of those nations are exposed as bearing a
serve the Lord on earth in whatever service might heavy responsibility before God for comdving or
be pleasing to him. Hence they said in effect: "My winking at such violation of their implied covenant
soul desireth the first-ripe fig." In other words, they with God as professed Christians. Says the prophet :
desired the Elisha work of God’s remnant to begin. "That they may do evil with both hands earnestl.v,
IIungry to eat that ,neat wifich is to do the Lord’s the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward :
will, they yearned for the new season of receiving and the great man, he uttereth his misclfievous
and bearing forth the fruits of Jehovah’s kingdom desire: so they wrap it up. The best of them is as
to the peoples.--John 4: 32, 34. a brier; the most upright is sharper than a thorn
~ Further describing the condition of "Christen- hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitatio~
don(’ immediately before the end of the Elijah work, cometh; nowshall be their perplexity." (~lie. 7 : 3, 4)
God’s prophet continues : "The good man is perished Jesus foretold that his faithful followers at the end
out of the earth: and there is none upright among of Satan’s world would be brought before rulers
men: they all lie in wait for blood: they hunt every (princes) and councils (courts) for a testmmny
man his brother with a net." (Mic. 7 : 2) The Rotl~er- against such. (Mark 13:9) Had it been worhtly
l~am rendering of this is: "’Perished is the man of criminals that "Christendom’s" officials were ol~liaed
lovingkmdness out of the earth." This same expres- to deal with, no principle would have been vi(,lated
sion is applied at Psalm 50:5 to those devoted to in penalizing them for their activities. But it was
doing God’s will and who have made a covenant with innocent, inoffensive, God-fearing and law-abiding
IIim by sacrifice. In the visible earthly part of Satan’s Christians that the religionists condenmcd, p’,mislwd
organization there were no men of loving-kindness, and persecuted with official approval and ba(’king.
no "godly man", but all nations hated Jehovah’s "men They thus condemned the just and jnstifie,l the
of lovingkindness" because these declared the name wicked persecutors for reward. (Prov. 17:17); Isa.
of Christ as earth’s Rightful Ruler and King. Tlmir 5: 23: Ex. 23: 6-8) In this anti-Christian persecutmn
work of testimony was foreshadowed bv both the religionists of all denominations worked togotlLcr
prophet Elijah and the prophet John tt’le Baptist. with one another and with public officials; as
Henee that work is symbolized in Ilevelation as God’s described by tile prophet: "Thus they weave it
"’two witnesses". Such two witnesses the nations of together" (Anz. Rev. Ver.);"and so do they make
"Christendom" killed. Until God revived his work of a network of wrong" (Leeser). (Nah. 1:10) T]tev
witness or Elisha work, those "two witnesses" lay are like briers and thorns on cursed ground, to tear,
dead in "’Christendom’s" street for a testimony scratch and injure Jehovah’s faithful servants. From
against her, and the demon-controlled religionists such religionists the people cannot gather the fruits
heaped great reproach and suffering upon Jehovah’s of God’s kingdom.~Luke 6: 44; Matt. 7:16; Ite}).
faithful covenant people. (Rev. 11 : 7-10) Somewere 6:7,8; Ezek. 2:6,7.
killed and shed their blood. The others were hunted ~ Such things they did at the beginning of the "time
to hinder and stop their open and free worship which of the end". It is not strange that under increased
is to serve Jehovah God and his kingdom. In this demon-influence the religionists commit worse things
MAY 15, 1942 ffheWATCHTOWE R. 157

now immediately preceding Armageddon. (Luke with increasing perplexity. (Luke 21:25) All such
23:31; 2 Tim. 3:12, 13) "Christendom" has closed are the sure signs of the FI~A_L ENDas foretold, and
her ears to the warning cries of God’s "watchman" Jehovah’s faithful witnesses and their companions
class. She has appointed her own watchmen to care lift up their heads and rejoice. They sing all the more
for the people’s interests, placing their eternal inter- loudly His praises, because the deliverance of all
ests under the clergy’s care. Now God’s visitation of God’s righteous servants draws nigh.--Luke 21: 28,
destruction upon her at Armageddon draws near, Diaglott.
and the nations are in the greatest distress, and that (To be continued)

OVERTYof the people of the world is increasing. is written in the Scriptures that "the love of moneyis the
p For centuries the greatest religious system in "Chris-
tendom" has been heaping up material riches and
root of all evil". (1 Tim. 6: 10) The evil is not in the
money, but money results in evil because of the LOVEOF
worldly treasures, and her priestly representatives parade GAINand of the power that money brings to the one that
before the public in lace and gold and precious jewels. possesses and wrongfully uses it. If one honestly obtains
From the past there come ringing the words which are money and properly uses it in a righteous cause to the
specifically directed to this Laodiceanperiod and its religion- glory of God, that money does not result in evil, but m
ists. "Thou sLyest, I am rich, and increased with goods, good.--2 Cor. 9:6-11.
and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art The few mere who possess the wealth of the material
wretched, and miserable, and poor, and bhnd, and naked." things of the earth at the present time are not truly happy.
(Rev 3.17) Not for long now shall that religious organi- In almost all cases such men are proud, haughty, severe,
zation be "arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked unkind and extremely selfish. While possessing much more
with gold and precious stones and pearls". Wait just a than they need, they are always fearful of losing what they
little while, until those symbolized by the "ten horns" and possess. The moneyof the ultrarich is often used to oppress
the "beast" turn upon the religious organization which has others, and men who thus use it appear to be proud that
committed spiritual adultery with them: "These shall hate they have such power. Concerning them the Lord God
the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall says: "Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain;
eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put violence covereth them as a garment. Their eyes stand out
in their hearts to fulfill his will." (Rev. 17:4, 16, 17) with fatness; they have more than heart could wish. They
Certainly the proverb says in truth: "Riches profit not are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression:
in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens,
death."--Prov. 11 : 4. and their tongue walketh through the earth. And they say,
Such are not the durable riches. Do you sincerely desire How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the Most
to be rich and very happy? If yes, a knowledge of how High? Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the
to ga,n riches and howto enjoy the same is of the greatest world; they increase in riches."--Ps. 73: 6-9, 11, 12.
importance to you. If you are kept in ignorance of the Nowperilous times have come, exactly as God’s Word
true way and you permit yourself to rely upon and be foretold they would come; and this is due to the fact
guided by the opinion of imperfect man and by religion, that we are in the "last days", when men have become
you can never gain the riches that will bring you peace treaty-breakers or covenant-breakers and unfaithful and
and lasting happiness. Every person who will learn the seek to exalt themselves at the expense of both the inch and
right way, and who will then continue diligently to follow the poor. (2 Tim. 3 : 1-4) Those who possess muchmaterial
that right way, is absolutely certain in time to possess riches now and who try to take advantage of the present
great riches and all attending blessings. The right way is world turmoil and emergency to make more riches, and the
not to be found in religion and human schemes. He who others whoare trying to grab the riches of others, are both
would be truly rich must earnestly seek to gain a knowl- movedby a selfish desire ; and, pursuing that course, they are
edge of the Great Giver of every good gift and every perfect certain to be sorely disappointed within a very short time.
gift, namely, JEHOVAH GOD,and his great treasure house. "Trust not in oppression, and becomenot vain in robbery ;
Almost always the false riches, consisting of money, if riches increase, set not your heart upon them." (Ps.
houses and lands, acquired by selfish meansat cost to others 62: 10) "He that trusteth in his [material] riches shall
and thereafter used selfishly are used for the oppression fall." (Prov. 11: 28) "As the partridge sitteth on eggs,
of other persons. In this present time a few men own or and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not
possess almost all the money, houses and lands, and the by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and
great mass of humankind suffer in need of the very at his end shall be a fool."---Jer. 17: 11.
necessities for their daily living. Riches thus selfishly Such a person becomes a fool for the reason that he
acquired and wrongfully used the Holy Scriptures describe makes selfish gain, otherwise called "money", his god and
as "filthy lucre", and mark the religious leaders as notorious relies on the power and protection that his money might
for this. (1 Pet. 5: 2) Selfish men love the power that bring to him. He disregards God and true wisdom and by
great amount of money gives them, and for that reason it his course of action proves that he is a fool. As the Scriptures
declare : "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions.
(Ps. 14 : 1) By pursuing such a course of acUonhe discloses or principalities, or powers; all things were created by hun,
his mohve, winch is here represented by ’qlis heart", and and for him: and he is before all things, and by h,m all
in harmony wlth thin he in effect says that he is a fool. things consmt."--Col. 1 : 16, 17.
By disregarding God’s provision made for man, and by Throughout the universe Jehovah God, the Supreme
pursuing a selfish course, man becomes entirely blind to One, holds the domination, which domination Satan the
his best interests. The multitudes of people on earth have Devil has challenged, but which domination shall be estab-
gone practically crazy by reason of their insatiable desire to lished beyond dispute in the settlement of this pmmarvissue
acqmrc material wealth. Such false inches endure but a short at Armageddon. Jehovah God has a universal ormm,zatmn
hme Man dies. and that is the end of his riches which he All things that are done by Him are done m order and
has acquired in the wrong way. The day of God’s wrath, in full harmony with his universal orgamzatmn. That
"the battle of that great day of (;od Almighty," and known organization of Jehovah consists of the Word, or LonGs, and
as Armageddon,is at hand. "Treasures of wickedness profit of cherubim and seraphim and angels, and of others, and
nothing: but mghteousness delivcreth from death. The LORD over all is the great Almighty God. Out of his universal
will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he organization Jehovah God takes certain ones tha~ are in
casteth away the substance of the wicked." (Prov. 10.2, 3) harmony with him and builds them up into his capital
"Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not~ for organization, of which capital organization Christ Jesus.
riches certainly make themselves wings: they fly away, as the anointed King, is the Head. The capital or,zanization
an eagle toward heaxen." (Prov. 23:5) That applies of Jehovah he speeifieally uses to carry out his purposes
what is termed "false riches". That organization is otherwise spoken of in the Scriptures
It is essential to your life and happiness to understand as "the kingdom". It is his THEOCR~.TIC GOVERNMENT.
the clear d~stinction between false and true riches. Only The earth God created for the human creature God
in the Bfl~le is there to be found that clear distinction and created the first man, whomtie called Adam Then God
contrast. Jehovah God is truly mch far beyond the Imagina- created a woman, and she was called Eve This man and
tion of humankind. All things belong to Jehovah God’ "The womanwere given the power from Jehovah God to reproduce
earth is the LORD’s,and the fulness thereof, the world, and their kind, that is to say, to cause eoneeptmr and b,rth
they that dwell therein." (Ps. 21.1) tIere the word "’world" of children. The first man and his wife were during then"
means that which is both in earth and in heaven, that m, perfection a part of Jehovah’s universal orgamzat~on, that
both the thin~s seen and the thin~s unseen by human eyes is, they were in the earthly or wsflfle part thereof under
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." the supervision of an invisible overlord, the anointed cherub
(Gen 1: I) "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory Lucifer. They were m Eden, a place of perfectmn and
and honour and power, for thou hast created all throes, beauty. To man God had announced his law, and man was
and for thy pleasure they are and were created" (Rev. told that the penalty for the violatmn of God’s law is death
4:11) To learn of the true mehes we must go to the The manner in which man violated God’s law would not
fountainhead of such riches. be material. The crime would consist in the wolatmn of
The Son of God, Christ Jesus, is exceed:ngl.v rich. The His law in any manner, and the penalty thereof x~as death.
name originally given him, as set forth in the Scmptures, not eternal torment. (Gen. 2: 17) God d~d l:ot reqmre
is The Word of God, that is, the Logos of God. or One man a great thing, but reqmred of him the small thing
whomJehovah God uses to announce and to put into exccu- of declining to partake of certain fruit. The man yielded to
hon lns commandments. The Word or LonGs was the begm- the desire for selfish gain and willfully vmlated God’,
nm~of Jehovalfs creation. (Re~ 3.14’~ Thereafter Jehovah law, and therefore ~t’as justly sentenced to death and uas
God employed the Logos (his Word) as his active age~:t expelled from God’s um~ersal orgamzation
in the creation of all other things Jo!m 1 1 reads "’In After a long pemodof time, during which tlmc the organ-
the beginning was the Word [Lo.-os], and the Word ism of Adamwas degenerating, the man d~ed. At and nora
[Logos] was with God, and the Word [Logos] was God" the time of his crcatmn man was inch until he b,,camc ,~
The literal and correct translatmn, by the Emphatic smner, and then he lost all things. (Gen 3: 17-24) The
DiagIott (in its interlinear reading), is’ "In a begin- wrongful act of Adamm breaking God’s law, together with
ning was the Word, and the Word was with the God. the wrongful acts of the other creatures revolved m that
and a god was the Word." That means that Jehovah God wicked transaction, to wit, unfmthful Lucifer and Exc,
is the great First Cause, without beginning and w~thout brought great reproach upon the holy name of the Creator,
end. and is therefore "the God"; and that the beginning Jehovah. Would Jehovah God take the necessary action to
of his creation was the Logos or Word. who is "a god", clear and vindicate his holy namebefore all creatures of the
that is, a mighty one. WhenJehovah God sent his Beloved umverse ? Yes; that at once became h~s purpose, and that is
One, the Word, to earth, he was given the name "’Jesus"; where his THEOCRXTm GOVERN~E.XTby Christ Jesus
and when anointed with God’s spimt he became Jesus Chmst. comes in.
Jesus said: "’M.v Father is greater than I." (John 14:2S) The name "Almighty God" specifically apphes to the
,tei~ovah God is the Father; Christ Jesus is the Son. Eternal One as the great First Cause and the Creator of
EpLesmns 3:9 declares Jehovail God the Father "created all things created H~s name "Jehovalf’ parUcularly means
all things by Jesus Christ", his Son Concerning Christ his purpose toward his creatures. At tke tram of the d~s-
Jesus, the Word, it is further written: "For by him were obedience and fall of Adam and tus expulsion from the
all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, universal organizatmn of God the great Creator there m

covered or cryptic language announced his purpose to bring obedient and faithful men for ever rich: "For ye know
into existence his capital organization, or kingdom, which the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was
in due ~me. and shortly now, shall destroy all lawless ones rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through
and estabhsh mghteousness m the earth as in heaven: and his poverty might be rich." (2 Cor. 8:9) This scripture
that all tlns will be to the vindication of Jehovah’s name. in a few words states how it is possible for a man to
--See Genesis3 : 15., 12 : 2, 3 ; 22 : 16-18. obtain true riches, which is the greatest desire of all sane
"God is love." (1 John 4: 16) That means that he creatures. Conceived in sin and shapen m iniquity, and
wholly unselfish and that all things are done by him unself- alienated from Jehovah God and under the power of sin
isifly The vindication of his name in the mind of creatures and absolutely certain of death, all humancreatures come
does not add anything to Jehovah. What creatures think of into the world in a state of abject poverty. A small percent
the Almighty Creator is of no profit to the Creator. God of the human race. at a loss to their fellow creatures,
has announced his purpose to vindicate his name, and that becomerich in the material things of the earth; but these
vindication will afford his creatures full and complete covetous ones miss the true riches, and their faise r:ches
opportunity to gain great riches at the hands of the Creator. thus obtained avail them nothing in the end. Note Psalm
(led is not "trying to save creatures", but he affords his 49: 6-12. There is stated the condition of the imperfect
creatures the opportunity to avail themseh’es of the salva- human race, entirely helpless and with no abihty to gain
tion wtuch he has provided, tie is the source and fountain that which is so greatly desired.
of all riches; and for manto have and to enjoy such riches Whencovetousness led to the crime of rebellion against
man must know God and know of his provision to gain God and to the death of humankind Jehovah there expres.~ed
the desired and true riches. Jehovah makes it posmble for his purpose to bring forth a "seed" of his "woman" (Ins
all Ins intelhgent creatures to receive riches at his hand. universal organization), and which "seed" would regenerate
Man was created for the earth and in order that he with life all those who under the test of obedience prove
might have and enjoy the fullness of the riches of the earth. their integrity toward God. (Gem 3:15) That Seed
The perfect man in Eden, therefore, was rich, and such Christ Jesus, and associated with him shall be all his faith-
riches he might have possessed forever had he continued ful followers whomhe takes into the eovenam for the
obe&ent to his Creator. By his disobedience to God’s law, heavenly kingdom. Each one of this royal house proves }us
and that before man had exercised his power to bring integrity toward Jehovah God and then enters rote the
ehikh’en into the earth, not only Adamlost everything for riches of immortality and is for ever with the Lord Christ
hm~self, but his children were born sinners, imperfect, and Jesus in The THEOCRATIC GOVEaX.~IEXT.(Ray 20 4.6)
wnhout the mght to live. "By one man sin entered into remnant of these are yet on the earth in the flesh, and
the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all when these are persecuted by the religionists and lheir
men. for that all have sinned." (Rein. 5:12) Now, it totalitarian, dictatorml allies and are banned, mobbed,l,Ut
written plainly that Jehovah God created man for the earth in bonds and despoiled of their property and ht,er’..~ and
~:nd the earth for man: "I have made the earth, and created even of their lives, they fulfill the words of the apostle
man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the "For ye had compassmnof me in my bonds, and took .)o.v-
heaxens, and all their host have I commanded. For thus fully the spoiling of your goods, knowingmyourscl~ e., t}Lat
saith the LenDthat created the heavens, God himself that ye have in heaven a BETTERANDAN ENOUII.INGSI’BST\\CE
formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he Cast not away therefore your confidence, winch halt: great
created ,t not m vain, he formed it to be inhabited; I am reeompence of reward."--Ileb. 10 34, 35.
the LORD,and there is none else "--Isa. 45:12, 18. God has declared timt he made man for the earth and
The purpose of Jehovah cannot fail, but must be accom- the earth for obedient man Under the Kingdom, or T,i:oc-
pli.~hed Coneermngthis it is written: "I have spoken it,’, the earth is certain to be the everlasting homeof
I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also those now living on earth ~xho are of good-x~fll ~oward
do ~t." (Isa. 46 11) "My word . . shall not return unto God and his Kingdom and who take their staml for
mc void, but it shall aceomphsh that winch I please, and TttEOCRATIC GOVERNMENTand prove their miegr.ty to~a~ d
it ~hall prosper in the thing whereto I sent ~t." (Isa. Into. They are in hne for God’s prom:se that, t)~ scckn:g
55 : 11 ) Jehovah would not permit an.vthmg to prevent hlm Jehovah and righteousness and meekness, the~ ma~ }a, h~d
from carrymg out lus purpose. God does not change; neither in the day of Ins anger at Armageddon (%ca Z,,i,aamah
does his taw change. (Mal. 3.6). Ite does not reverse his 2:3) Such are the "other sheep" of the l~ord and shall
own judgment or sentence or determmatmn Seeing, then, form the "great multitude" under the I’[m~(lom tha: ,hall
that all men, by reason of Adam’ssin, were born imperfect receive and carry out God’s mandate to them In b~, frmtful
and without the right to live, menwho are the offspring of and multiply and fill the cDansed earth w~th a mghteous
Adamcould never gain the true and desired riches by their race. (Gen. 1:28;9 1,7) The fa~thfulonessha!l bye cxer-
own efforts. The written Wordof God indicates the means lastingly and enao.v all the inches of the ealth, because God
or instrument by which the great Source of inches will make has so promised.--John 8 51, 11.26.

(Cont,nued from page 146) as read should so indicate by rinsing the hand. It is not neeeqsarv
les~on There should be but one questmn on each paragraph, for the conductor ~o offer h~s owncommenton each imragrapl],
even if the points of the parag’raph requfre that the questmn if the answers g~ven cover the substance thereof At thc close
be a compoundone, that ~s, of several parts. At the study of the d~scussmnthe paragraph should be read a~ the ~um-up
meeting the conductor should have one to read the questmns Then the next paragraph should be taken up’, and so on to the
on the paragraphs m their order, and another who reads well end of the study hour. The conductorshouhl control the ¢oranwnts
to read the paragraphs. Those desmngto answer the questmn so that the meeting will be an hour m length
AFTER THE FOURTH ATTEMPT practically ever)~ country of the world,’ said I. ’Can you
"I approached a homeI recalled being to at least three send the magazine elsewhere and allow me to keep the
times previously and not being able to interest the lady of premium [the book Children] of your offer? I’d hke my
the house in the Kingdommessage one bit. After explaining mother to have the magazine, as she teaches a Sunday
to her someof the contents of the book Childrc?~ and telling School class.’ ’Yes, I can do that, but I don’t like to ~ee
what joy and comfort it gave me when reading it, she you miss out on the magazine yourself, because it is the
accepted the message after a few minutes’ hesitation. On one channel the Lord uses to keep his covenant people
mymaking the first back-call and answering a few questions currently informed.’ ’I don’t know what my husband will
she said : ’I would like to tell you why I took the book .... say, but I know he won’t fuss.’ Thereupon she produced
I remembered you were here vo~:a times before and I would a $20 bill, which I could not change. So she trusted me
not take even a Kingdom News. Now that you came again to take the bill to be changed at a store a couple of blocks
I realized there must be somethine in back of your work away. Upon returning with the money, she said: ’I’ll take
or you would not call so many times, so thought I would three, one for myself, one for mymother, and one for my
investigate for myself. I haven’t read all of the hook yet, husband’s mother. I’ll take them each for one year onlx.
but what I have read contains many thin_,zs I never knew as we can always get our subscriptions renewed’ . In
could be printed in any of your literature.’ "--Pe~lT~sylrania. the meantime my mother placed Children with a Mrs. N
"Do NOT ~IISS A HOUSEt I called four times at a house and then placed another copy with a young lady in a near-
at the far end of my territory, but no one was ever home. by business establishment who turned out to be Miss N,.
On my fifth call a lady opened the door and said, ’Are the lady’s daughter. Being informed that her mother tlad
you one of Jehovah’s wi’messcs~.’ ’Yes.’ ’Then come in; I already got the book, Miss N. said: ’That’s all right, we’ll
have heard of the book Children and want it.’ Result: I have two then. I am interested in looking rote this. as I
placed Children and Comfort All That Mo~wn, took an have to make up my mind whether or not to join the
order for the Yearbook and a year’s subscription for the Catholic church before St. Patrick’s Day.’ "
magazine, and arranged for a model study in her home.
I was indeed glad I continued the hunt and found a EPISODES IN THE NEW WORK
’sheep’."~Cati f ornia. "Weare havinga wonderful timeheretelhngtheKing-
dom message. We aregoingaroundthecityfor the tl~trd
PIONEER IN TORQUAY, DEVON, ENGLAND tlmenow.Thefirsttimearoundmadethedemow,zcdclergy
"We pioneers called on a young married person while so madtheyranto thedistrict attorney andtr~edto have
on the ’new work’ and, after playing the recording, us putout of the city;buthe toldthemliehad readthe
were invited to come back the following Tuesday" night. On booksand theyhad bettergo home and makesome book~
tiffs occas:on the mother, an evacuee, was present and we as good as theseare and put them in the hamlsof the
learned that they were RomanCatholic. A large crucifix people.Thatwas a sad disappointment to the clergy’."
adorned the kitchen wall. The following Tuesday the mother --Maryla~ld.
was again present, but was missing the third week Enquir- "I hold an assignment of three small territor~e~ at
ing where she was our young friend said: ’She can’t stand present. I had just completed one of them ill the rather
the way you expose the Hierarchy, so she has taken one superficial manner in which the work had been carried on,
of your booklets to the priest and is going to have you and had placed three Children therein Upon receiving the
put out of town.’ Our friend then told us she had for new instructions from the Lord I lmmediatelx covered it
some time been dissatisfied with the Catholic church and again and, althougt~I still have a few homes to call upon.
a few weeks before we called she asked the Lord to show placed twenty-two more Children and two Spamsh books
her the truth. She is now rejowmg m the Lord and has I found many-of good-will and am carrying on a ChddtcT~
taken a firm stand for TIIE TttEOCR.~CYdesplte the fact study. Obeying the Lord’s instructmns certainly brmg~
that the priest has paid her a visit. On that oceasmn she results."--Calif ornia.
asked ]am why the priests took money" for prayers for the
dead, and he blushed and muttered that it said somewhere NO HOOK IN IT (MICHIGAN)
in the Bible that ’a mall was worthy of his hire. She then "By noting down the reception at each home, whether
handed him her new Bible (which she had never read good or otherwise, I am more able to cope witix the mtuatlon
herself until a few weeks ago) and asked him to give her the next call. In the five territories held by meI have eight
one scripture proving ’Purgatory’, to which the priest Children studies going, with the highest attendance of seven
replied: ’I can’t do that now; but if you will come down in one home. These people are overwhelmed at the fact
to the church the nuns will show you plenty of books on that we call to assist them in Bible study, and this without
that.’ Until she was sixteen our friend was in a convent, any charge or obligation. In one home where I am now
and she has many unhappy experiences to relate." conducting a study the lady’s husband remarked to her:
’Listen, they don’t do this for nothing; you’ll get hooked
DURINGTHE "WATCHTOWER" CAMPAIGN(IOWA) for plenty’.’ This lady made a test of this and offered the
"~’pon my first call the instructor’s wife, upon being publisher $1.00, which was refused; but she was told she
invited to subscribe for The Watchtower, said: ’Watch- could contribute for some literature if she desired same,
tower? Never heard of it! You see, we’re from Georgia.’ and this she did. Whenshe related this to her husband,
’Oh yes, but The Watchtower is to be found in ever)" state stating that we didn’t want their money-, he was dum-
in the Union and, in fact, in one form or another in founded."
thatI amJehovah:’
"P, zekiel 35:15.


I, 19,42

ofConfidence ..........................
S~’~-rz D~anco WORLD E-r_~mccr ........ 173
.................................... 176
STUD~......................... ]62
DZler,~’DE~r" .......... 162
pu~r~sn-~v SzM’rM0.’~r~-y
117 Adams Street o
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
HIS Journal is published for the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the Bible.It publishes Bibleinstruction spec~eally de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’switnessesand all peopleof good will
N. H. KNORR, Pre,~ W. ]~. VAN A]tfBURSH, ~e~ret,ry It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor itsreadersand the Society
"And all thy children shall be o£ Jehovah; and supplies otherliterature to aid in suchstudies. It publishes suit-
ablematerial for radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
@rear shall be the pe~c¢ of thy children." -I1aiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to theBibleas authority forits utterances.
It Is entirely freeand separate fromall rellgion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to or otherworldlyorgAn[TRtion& It is whollyand withoutreserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
to hiscreatures ; thatthe Logoswas thebeginning of his creation, King.It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and hisactiveagentin the creation of all things; thattheLogos tionof Itscontents in thelightof theScriptures. It doesnot in-
is now the Lord JesusChristin glory,clothedwith all powerIn dulgein controversy, and itscolumns arenot opento personalities.
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutlveOfficerof Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man yW*Rr.TSUBSCRIPTION PRICE
for the earthand placedhlm upon it; that man willfullydis-
obeyedGod’slaw and was sentencedto death;that by reasonof UN~ ST£T~Sp $1.00: CANADA ANn .~ISCELL£NEoua FORZIGN, Sl.~0
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THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the BrooklynoeSce,
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obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and Foa~Qt~ OF~czs
exaltedhim to heavenaboveeverycreatureand aboveeveryname
and clothedhim with all powerand authority. Brtt~ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W~, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracycalled Zion, Canadia~ ............ 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto5, Ontario. Canada
Auetralus~am ........ 7 Beruford Road. Strathfleld. N. S. W., Australia
and thatChristJesusis the ChiefOfficer thereof andis the right- Eouth AD~art Boston House,CapeTown.SouthAfrica
ful Kingof the world;thatthe anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society in every case.
ChristJesusare children of Zion,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,andarehis witnesses whosedutyandprivilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah,declarehis purposestowardmankind
as expressed in the Bible,and to bearthe fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmtty,_poverty or
beenplacedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have 2he Watch-
Satan from heavenand ~s proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
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God’skingdomon earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulationS.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoples of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which Notice to Sub#st*hers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; thatthe Lord’snextgreatact is the destruction seription
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of Satan’sorganizntmn and the establishment
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surviveArmageddonshallcarryout the divinemandateto "fill Entered am Seeend-claae matter at the post o$1ce at Brooklyn,,~l. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o/ March S, 1879.


During the month of June all those wfl!mg volunteers who The Socmty has released a new booklet, enhtled " ’Children’
dehght to do Jehovah’s wKl and who ha~e made a covenant with Study Questions", whmhwd] be a great aid to all publishers of
the Lord will go forward m the proclamatmn of the Kingdom the ILmgdomm the conducting of Chddren studies in the varmus
message. The "Wllhn~ Volunteers" Tcslmiony Permd w~ be homes throughout the country. You can get your copy now on
devoted to the dmtmbutmnof the book Cl, ldre~# and seven book- contmbutmn of 5c for publicatmn of more of these. Send
lets on the contmbutmn of 35c All ~ervants of the Lord going remittances to 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York. Thin
forward during th~s campa:gn w:II have a good supply of thL~ "Chddren" Study Questwns booklet will help md~v~dual readers
literature on hand as they go from place to place, v~s~tmg the in their personal study in thetr own homes. Get a copy now.
people of good-will, those who Io~c rxghteousncss. Th~s hterature
w~[l afford many the opportunlry of getting a clearer knowledge "JEHOVAH’S SERVANTS DEFENDED"
of the truth, and they should be g~ven thLs opportumty during the The release of this valuable booklet was a feature of the St
"Willing Volunteers" Testimony Permd. The usual field-service Loum Assembly last summer. The Assembly reeexved it w~th great
reports will be made to the company servant if the pubhsher xs appreciation and thankfulness. It has been received in like manner
associated with a company: the pioneers, dtrcct to the office; and by thousands who are interested m, ff not also parhcipatmg
those readers of The Watchtower who have as yet not been in in, the fight which Jehovah’s covenant people are putting up m
the field-sermee work, namely, going from door to door w:th the the exercme of the God-given and Const~tutlonally guaranteed
Kingdom message, may mqmre of the WaZCHTOW~R the address of freedoms, to w~t, of assembly and of pubhcatlon and of open
their nearest company. You will enjoy being nssocmted w~th them. speech in the worship of Almighty God and m proclaiming the
joyful news of his Theocratic Government. In this booklet you will
"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES find the expressed rulings of the highest courts of the UmtedStates
Week of July 5: "Micah" (Part 10), in support of Jehovah’s witnesses and m defense of their rights
¶ 1-21 inclusive, The Watchtower June 1, 1942. and liberties m His service. The 32 pages of thin ~nportant docu-
Week of July 12: "Micah" (Part 10), mentary matter are enclosed m a neat and strong cover. It ~s 5e a
¶ 22-42 melusxve, The Watchtower June 1, 1942. copy, maded postage prepaid.
No. LXIII JtrNE1, 1942 No 11


"Rejoice not against me, 0 mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall
be a light unto me."--Mic. 7: 8.
EHOVAH turns the tables upon his own enemies
J and hence upon the enemies of those whoworthily
bear his name. The great enemy rebelled against
and his servants and witnesses. On this wise the
enemy mark themselves as servants of the Devil and
fit for destruction when Jehovah shows his power
Jehovah God, and challenged His power, and put the over Satan and over Babylon at the battle of .krma-
question of universal domination in dispute. Turn- geddon.--Ex. 9 : 16.
ing perfect manin Eden into like rebellion against ’ The most recent seeming triumph of the enemy
the great Theocratic Ruler, Satan, whose name organization over Jehovah’s servants was during the
means "opposer", began building his organization of first world war, 1914-1918. At the instigation of the
rebel creatures, and man became involved in with religionists of great "Babylon" the enemy made a
the issue of domination of the universe. The great vicious and unwarranted assault upon the faithful
opposer also drew many angels into the rebellion. worshipers of Jehovah and publishers of his king-
With themhe built up his invisible part of the organi- dom under Christ. It looked like the finish of them
zation under himself as their prince and god. To and their work, as prophetically expressed in Micah’s
confuse and deceive creatures Satan called his words, chapter seven, verses one to four. For a time
organization "Babil", or "Babylon", meaning "’gate the enemy were on top. Then the Lord turned the
of god", that is, the mimicgod, whoenviously says: tables on them ; and his prophet comments: "The day
’~I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will of thy watchmen [religionists] and thy visitation
be like the Most High." (Isa. 14:14) From its very cometh; nowshall be their perplexity." (Mic. 7: 4)
beginning the organization Babylon was under Satan, This visitation is from the Lord God. It began when
its lord and master, and has been the enemyof Jeho- he sent his great Messenger, Christ Jesus, for judg-
vah’s faithful creatures. For a full and time-tested ment. (Mal. 3: 1-4) It is not a visitation of favor
proof of the great issue GodAlmighty has permitted from God, but of his contrary judgment, which "judg-
Satan and his organization visible and invisible to ment written" is first declared by his witnesses as
remain till the final showdown of opposing strengths, process-servers and thereafter executed upon the
Jehovah’s strength against and over that of the doomed.
combined enemy. ’ The rulers and the people have madethe clerk"
’ The closing chapter of Micah’s prophecy points the watchmenover their spiritual interests. Such
to tl~e proof that the showdownmatching of power watchmen, being not of God’s appointment, have
is very near. Those who stand in awe and fear of failed to see the sword of judgznent about to fall at
the vast strength and power of Babylon, Satan’s Armageddonand have not warned the people. Like
organization, and who therefore worship and serve the priests of the city of Anathoth, near Jerusalem,
it and whonowproudly ask, V~rhois like this crea- who objected to the prophet Jeremiah’s preaching
ture? and who can fight against it? are in for the of destruction coming upon the religious organiza-
strangest surprise. (Rev. 13: 4) At various times tion, so the modern-day "watchmen"oppose the proc-
the past God has permitted the enemy organization lamation by Jehovah’s witnesses of the "day of
to apparently triumph over his covenant people upon vengeance of our God". "Prophesy ye not, say they
whomhis name is called. This he has allowed for to them that prophesy." (Mie. 2: 6) To the watch-
a test of the integrity and devotion to him of his men of "Christendom" those who proclaim God’s
name-people, and also that the hypocritical enemy judgments reply in the words of Jeremiah: "’0 LORD
might have opportunity to east aside their cloak of of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the
religion and show what is in their hearts and expose reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on
themselves as hating Jehovah God and his Christ them; for unto thee have I revealed my cause. There-

fore thus saith the LORDof the men of Anathoth solve their perplexity and at length be able to cry
[religious clergy] that seek thy life, saying, Proph- "Peace and safety!" (1 Thess. 5:3) Then Jehovah
esy not in the name of the LORD, that thou die not will turn the tables on them, to stay turned.
by our hand: therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts,
Behohl, I will punish them; the young menshall die BETRAYAL OF CONFIDENCE
by the sword, their sons and their daughters shah ’ The Lord’s servants are in the world or enemy’s
die by famine; and there shall be no remnant of country, but are not of it, and hence are surrounded
them, for I will bring evil [disaster] upon the men with spying enemies, scheming damage to the things
of Anathoth, even the year of their VlSIT,tTIOm"-- of Jehovah Godand his THEOCRATIC GOVm~.’,’.~IE.XT by
Jer. 11 : 20-23. Christ Jesus. The interests of that righteous govern-
’ "Nowshall be their perplexity." Jesus confirmed ment or kingdom have been committed to God’s
that statement of Micah. He prophesied that one of "faithful and wise servant", his devoted remnant
the unmistakable proofs that we are in the "time of under Christ Jesus their Head. (Matt. 24:45-47)
the end" of Satan’s organization Babylon would be This is a position of great trust, and they must
what is seen by all since the first world war: "upon anxiously safeguard those "goods" or Kingdom
the earth distress of nations, with perplexity." interests against the destructive enemy; for they
(I,uke 21:25) True, the nations are in great per- must give account to Jehovah God and his King.
plexity over the failure of their schemes for world "For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of
order, peace and prosperity; but the thing chiefly Christ." (Rom.14 : 4, 10) The enemyare ever)~’here
meant by the prophecy is their perplexity at the about and use "fifth column" ways to get in among
turning of the tables. This Goddid by reviving his or next to those having a trust from God and to spy
devoted remnant of witnesses whom the enemy and gather information to use against Jehovah’s
or=anization had thought they had finished off in organization. This is true now, and it was true dur-
1918. Godsent them forth thereafter to declare the ing those perilous times of the assault on Jehovah’s
establishment of his Kingdom and also his judg- covenant people at the climax of the first world war.
ment message against the nations that hate and for- Concerning the safe and proper course then Jehovah
get God. Jehovah’s judgment message of doom upon by his prophet says to them: "Trust ye not in a
Babylon appears before their vision and perplexes friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the
them, like King Belshazzar of typical Babylon, when doors of thy mouthfrom her that lieth in thy bosom."
he saw the hand from the Lord that "wrote over --Mic.7 : 5.
a=ainst the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall "Jehovah God is the real Friend, who loves his
of the king’s palace . . . MENE,MENE,TEKEL, tried and tested ones all the time; and Christ Jesus
UPHARSIN.""Thou art weighed in the balances, likewise proved his friendship by laying down his
and art found wanting." (Dan. 5: 5-9, 25-28) Jehovah life for God’s friends. (Prov. 17:17 ; 18: 24; John
Goduses his faithful ones like Daniel to makeknown 15:12, 13) There are, however, those who claim to
to the perplexed nations the Lord God’s own inter- be friends of God, and hence friends of IIis people,
pretation of the modern handwriting on the wall. but are false. They commit spiritual adultery with
The religious rulers and their congregations in the world, and so make themselves the enemies of
God. Such are like the three apparent friends who
"Christendom" stumbled over The Stone in Zion, to got next to Job ~ind plagued him with their presence,
wit. Christ Jesus, whomJehovah enthroned as Right-
adding to his torments by their false accusations
ful Ruler of the world in 1914. Jehovah’s refusal on against his innocence and blamelessness, and they
that account to answer their prayers for peace and endeavored to make him curse God and break his in-
plenty and, besides that, the increasing bold procla- tegrity toward Jehovah. Such untrustworthy fmends
mation by his witnesses of his vengeance to he include the religious clergy, whostirred up the perse-
executed at Armageddonfill the religionists with cution and arrests during the World War; also the
perplexity and disnmy at this "evident token of "elective elders" of the congregations whowouldrule
perdition" for them. (Isa. 8: 14, 15; Rom.9: 32,33; as bosses; and the "evil servant" class who were in
Phil. 1:28) The perplexity of the situation is in- line for the "kingdomof heaven" but whoprove sloth-
creased for them because the remnant and their ful and unfaithful toward the Kingdominterests and
companions, obedient to God’s command,will not be smite the faithful brethren and seek honors, protec-
bulldozed by official threats into silence, but keep on tion and favors from the worldly powers. (Job
coming continually and always stronger, and the 2: 11; 16: 20; 19: 14, 19, 21) Thosewholove and care
enemy refuse to recognize God’s commission and for the Lord’s interests maynot trust such ones with
conmaandto these his witnesses. Only by using totali- any information. The record shows they have
tarian methods to suppress the preachers of God’s betrayed their brethren.
kingdom and vengeance do they feel that they shall ° Religion is a snare that traps one into disobedi-
Ju.xE 1, 1942 fflieWATCHTOWEFL 165
ence to God. Those whopractice or act as leaders in guard the interests of God’swork and of his brethren
religion are not safe guides, but blind guides leading whoare ’qabourers together with God". (1 Cor. 3: 9,
the blind. Back there they used their influence with 2 Cor. 6 : 1) A slip by one betraying vital information
the rulers to stop tile witness work, and they have to the enemynot merely affects the careless, loose-
not repented of this course, and are not guides in speeched one, but also endangers the organization.
whomto put confidence. The pope puts out feelers Let not your tongue bring you within or under the
nowin this world crisis to act as the spiritual guide power of any agent of Satan and his demons. For
of the world. The clergy of other religions call him aid, comfort and heart-to-heart fellowship do not
a "good neighbor" and follow his lead; but those rely on any human relationslfips and companion-
with eyes opened by the enlightening Word of God ships, but lean wholly upon Jehovah and Christ,
see that that ruler of Vatican City continues to guide showing devotion to them wholly independent of any
his dupes direct toward the ditch of destruction. earthly creature. Look to Jehovah through our
,o God’sWordstates the wise rule: ’~I said, I will "advocate with the Father", who is Christ Jesus,
take heed to myways, that I sin not with mytongue : and have intimacy and fellowship with his faithful
I ~ill keep mymouth with a bridle, while the wicked organization, Zion. Humanaffection be~veen crea-
is before me." (Ps. 39: 1) That the greatest caution tures, ~vhich is generally passion according to the
must be taken, the prophet emphasizes: "Keep the flesh, is no basis for one to place confidence respect-
doors of thy mouthfrom her that lieth in thy bosom." ing the Lord’s I~ingdominterests in another earthly
That refers to anyone who is in a close and tender creature not in covenant with Him and not meeting
relationship, like that of a wife. Suchlike makeloud his requirements. This was proved by many examples
professions of love for the creature from whomthey during the days of 1914-1918, as especially fore-
hope to wheedle out information; but they do not shadowed by Delilah when she betrayed Samsoninto
keep God’s commandmentsor do his witness work, the hands of the enemies of the typical Theocracy.
thereby showing love for the creature rather than Concerning that dangerous situation the prophecy
for God. "For they that are such serve not our Lord correctly says :
Jesus Christ, but their ownbelly; and by good words ~2"For the son dishonoureth the father, the
and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter-
(Rom. 16: 17, 18) Such ones are like Ezeldel’s wife, in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies
for whomEzekiel was commandedto make no signs are the men of his own house." (Mic. 7: 6) Having
of mourning whenshe was cut off from life by God’s no love or fear of Jehovah or devotion to The TEEO-
judgment executed against her. (Ezek. 24: 15-25) CriTIC Gowax,~t~.xT, they do not consider close
Further such ones are like Delilah, the Philistine earthly relationship as obligating them to protect
woman whom Samson loved and whose lap she let the confidence of relatives serving Almighty God.
him make his pillow. This intimacy she encouraged This serious warning is repeated by Christ Jesus,
in order to learn the secret of his strength and and he applies it specifically to the end of Satan’s
cripple him for the war against religion. (Judg. uninterrupted rule and the coming of the Lord to
16 : 4-21) God’s Wordwarns to leave such ones, who his temple. "Blessed are those servants, whomthe
profess to be His people, and "go from them". Why? lord, whenhe cometh, shall find watching: verily I
"For they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacher- say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make
ous men. Andthey bend their tongues like their bow them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and
for lies; but they are not valiant for the truth upon serve them .... Suppose ye that I am come to give
the earth: for they proceed from evil to evil, and peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
they knownot me, saith the LorD. Take ye heed every for from henceforth there shall be five in one house
one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: divided, three against two, and two against three.
for every brother will utterly supplant, and every The father shall be divided against the son, and the
neighbour ~dll walk with slanders. And they will son against the father; the mother against the
deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the
the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the
lies, and wear?" themselves to commitiniquity. Thine daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law." (Luke
habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit 12: 37-53) "And the brother shall deliver up the
they refuse to knowme, saith the Lom~."~Jer.9 : 2-6. brother to death, and the father the child: and the
~ In these final days even more so than in 1918, children shall rise up against their parents, and
and now when "evil men and seducers shall wax cause them to be put to death. Andye shall be hated
worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" of all menfor myname’s sake; but he that endureth
(2 Tim. 3:13), each one who really loves God and to the end shall be saved .... And a man’s foes
THsTsEocro, cY will carefully and constantly safe- shall be they of his own household. He that loveth
father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." liberty to proclaim that Government.It means to use
(Matt. 10: 21, 22, 34-37) Concerningthe false spirit- all the legal meansstill at our disposal for the gain-
ual brethren, not to speak of earthly relationships, ing of and defense of freedom of worship. But, over
at the end of Satan’s world, Jesus further prophesied: and above the legal provisions or qualifications, it
"And then shall many be offended, and shall betray means always to ask for and be guided by and to use
one another, and shall hate one another." (Matt. the ’wisdom which cometh down from above’ and
24:10) Such traitors to the greatest, most glorious whichthe Lord Godgives liberally to all his covenant
cause in the universe, and just at the time whenit people that ask for it in faith. (Acts 25:9-11;
is about to triumph over all foes, the Lord Jesus Jas. 3:17; 1:5,6) He will then direct the issue or
by his angels clears out of God’s sanctuary. How- way of escape.~l Cor. 10: 13, Emphatic Diaglott
ever, the demonsare now more active than ever and translation.
the "evil servant" class and other religionists are 1~ "Salvation belongeth unto [Jehovah]" (Ps. 3 : 8),
still hanging around with malicious designs against and the faithful remnant were madeto "knowthat He
the interests of THETHEOCRACY. Hence none of those is "the Godof my salvation". To test out the faith-
whoshall prove faithful unto the final end will relax fulness of his covenant people under the discipline
their vigilance against the subtle enemy. Creature- of persecution and deprivation of liberty, Jehovah
love will not entice them into carelessness. They will has often seemingly delayed, but never really so, the
love Jehovah Godwith all they have.--Matt. 26 : 41; deliverance of his people from the enemy’s restrain-
Deut. 6:4,5;1 John 5:3. ing power. The test is whether they will ’go downto
1~ All those in covenant relationship with Jehovah Egypt for help’ and compromise with the enemy to
today must see to it that the proper information is secure a release, or relief, or a permit to witness, or
meted out to their fellow-workers of THETa-Eoc~c~ immunity from violent attacks. The ones keeping
at the proper time. We must have faith in our their proper relationship to the Lord makeno deals
brethren who have shown their steadfastness and with the enemy, but continue to keep trust with and
their faith by their works. Lines of communication to obey God. Then their deliverance, whenit comes,
have been cut off to many parts of the earth, but will be the Lord’s salvation and wiI1 prove Jehovah’s
the meat in due season and the organization instruc- promise true. Keeping on working to the full use of
tions do get through eventuMly. Whenthese instruc- all circumstances about them, they can afford to
tions are received the information contained therein wait for his salvation, fully assured that it will come.
should go to those of THETE~.OCRACY, and not to Meantimethey continue their fervent prayers to the
persons who have not proved their devotion to the great Savior, Jehovah.
Lord by their service. The Lord has committed unto ~’’My God will hear me." This shows that the
the faithful servants the interests of his ldngdom, devoted remnant were praying to Him during the
and when these interests of the Kingdomfall into affliction. The situation for themlooked hopeless out-
your hand for their advancement, use wisdomin the wardly, and the enemy’s triumph looked complete;
dissemination of these truths and instructions. Trust but Jehovah God heard the prayer of his afflicted
your faithful brethren. Youthat receive the informa- ones. Their petition was not selfish, but that the
tion, be sure that you ’sin not with your tongue’ in reproach upon God’s name and cause might be
disseminating it to others, and, above all, q~eepyour removed. They prayed, not for peace between "the
mouthwith a bridle whenthe x~-icked are before you.’ king of the north" and "the king of the south" then
(See Philippians 2: 19-°2.) at war, but that the way might be opened for the
~’ "Therefore I will look unto the LORD [(Am. Rev. Lord’s witness work to go on and that all obstacles
Ver.) But as for me, in Jehovah will I keep watch and restrictions might be surmounted and overcome,
(margin) ] ; I will wait for the Godof mysalvation; and that they might prove their sincerity and love
myGodwii1 hear me." (Mic. 7 : 7) Thus, humanrela- toward God and his kingdom by having a part in
tionships proving untrustworthy, and human agen- that further service for the honor of his name. Such
cies of relief proving to be under demoncontrol, the prayer the Lord noted and answered. "From heaven
faithful remnant in 1918 were obliged to look unto did the LO~Dbehold the earth; to hear the groaning
Jehovah and keep watching his leadings. They must of the prisoner [in antitypical Babylon], to loose
continue to do so at present and until Armageddon those that are appointed to death; to declare the
clears out alI traitors and false friends of the world. name of the LORDin Zion, and his praise in Jeru-
Jehovah never betrays the confidence and trust of salem." (Ps. 102:19-21) "The LORDlooseth the
those whorely on him. To look unto and keep watch- prisoners." (Ps. 146: 7) Their prayer was: "Bring
ing him, however, does not mean to let our powers my soul out of prison, that I maypraise thy name:
and faculties lie idle and unused. It meansto keep on the righteous shall compassme about; for thou shalt
fighting for TH~. TH~.ocm~cY and for our right and deal bountifully with me."~Ps. 142: 7.
P,.. 167

"Jehovah sent his executioner, King Cyrus, in the day that he became a stranger; neither
against ancient Babylon to deliver His faithful shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of
remnant from its power and send them back to Judah in the day of their destruction; neither
Jerusalem to rebuild the temple on Zion. In A.D. shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of
1918 he sent the Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus, to the [their] distress." (Obad. 11,12) Revelation 11:10
temple for judgment. Thereafter he stopped the further pictures the malicious glee of the religionists
World War with the release of his chosen or elect at their stopping the work of Jehovah’s "two wit-
remnant in view. By thus cutting the time of tribula- nesses" in 1918 : "And they that dwell upon the earth
tion in the middle, which tribulation began on Satan’s shall rejoice over them, and makemerry, and shall
organization in 1914 and which must and will be send gifts one to another; because these two prophets
renewed by the Lord at Armageddon, Jehovah God tormented them that dwelt on the earth."
shortened "those days" of tribulation. "And except ~° "WhenI fall, I shall arise." The remnant of
that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh Zion did not fall away from Jehovah and his organi-
should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whomhe zation, neither was their falling due to stumbling
hath chosen, he hath shortened the days." (Mark over Christ Jesus reigning as King from 1914 on.
13 : 20 ; Matt. 24 : 22) In this present interim before On the contrary, He is "the stone of stumbling" over
Armageddonthe faithful remnant, joined now by a which "Christendom" stumbles to her destruction.
multitude of joyful companions, offer themselves as (Isa. 8 : 14, 15 ; Rom.9 : 32, 33) God’sconsecratedones
"willing volunteers" for the work which must be were overwhelmed by the enemy and fell into their
fully carried out to its completionbefore that battle. power and were forcibly restrained, the religionists
--Ps. 110: 3. making false accusation and using the disturbed
world conditions as a subterfuge to stop the "Elijah
world’ of Jehovah’s servants. There the modern
’~ God’sorganization Zion, speakingfor the afflicted Philistines sheared the Samsonclass of their locks
remnant thereof in 1918, said to Babylon, the great and weakened their strength to serve God boldly
rival organization, which was holding the fallen and freely. But Samson’s locks grew again and he
remnant in captivity: ’~Rejoice not against me, O rose again in Jehovah’s service to his greatest exploit
mine enemy: whenI fall, I shall arise; when I sit against religion. Likewise by devoting themselves to
in darlmess, the LoRDshall be a light unto me." keeping of the covenant-obligations upon their heads,
(Mic. 7:8) ’~Enem~~’ here is in the female gender as symbolized by Samson’s regrown hair, and by
in the Hebrew, showing that it applies to Satan’s being blinded to all else than God’s "strange work"
"woman", his organization Babylon, which brings against religion, the faithful remnant arose, in the
forth the ’seed of the Serpent’. (Gen. 3: 15) At verse strength of Christ their Head. Jehovah delivered
10 Micah further identifies the enemy as Babylon, them from restraint, particularly the restraint due
saying: "Then svrE that is mine enemyshall see it, to fear of men and fear of worldly ruling organiza-
and shame shall cover ~.a." tions, and he commanded them to arise to his service,
"On earth is the visible part of ’q3abylon", fore- the "Elisha work", with courage and boldness.--
most in which are the nations calling themselves Judg. 16 : 22-30.
"Christian". "Christendom" is nothing else, however,
than a modernizing of ancient demon-worshiping " Concerning this the prophetic Word of God
Bab.~’lon, and operating under the cloak of religion says: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the
L01~D; and he delighteth in his way. Thoughhe fall,
deceivingly called "Christian religion". In 1918 it
was the religionists that particularly rejoiced, the he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD
upholdeth him with his hand." (Ps. 37: 23, 24) "The
"man of sin" company. Such were foreshadowed by
Edom (Idumea) and Mount Seir, who rejoiced Lor~nupholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those
the fall of God’s typical covenant people into the that be bowed down." (Ps. 145: 14) True repentance
power of typical Babylon: "As thou didst rejoice at is not shown by keeping lying idly on the ground
and mourning over sins for which the Lord’s for-
the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it giveness has been asked and assured. It is shown
was desolate, so will I do unto thee: thou shalt be
desolate, O mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all by getting up, taking the course marked out by the
of it; and they shall know that I am the LOED Lord, and busying oneself in the one thing of doing
[Jehovah]." (Ezek. 35: 15) "In the day that thou His work. "Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and
stoodest on the other side, in the day that the sit down, 0 Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands
strangers carried away captive his forces, and of thy neck, 0 captive daughter of Zion." (Isa. 52: 2)
foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory
Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. But thou of the LOl~Dis risen uponthee. For, behold, the dark-
shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother ness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the

people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his his Judge at the temple he ordered them delivered,
glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isa. 60: 1, 2) ’Tot and the enemy were obliged to yield. "He brought
a just man falleth seven times [a complete number them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and
of times down till the end of the enemy’s power], brake their bands in sunder." (Ps. 107 : 14) He en-
and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into lightened their teachable minds as to their comnfis-
mischief. Rejoice not [O enemy Babylon] when thine sion on earth to be a "people for his name". Then
enemy[the hated remnant] falleth, and let not thine he sent them forth to reflect upon others that light
heart be glad when he stumbleth; lest the LOaDsee which he shone upon them by Christ Jesus, who is
it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath at the temple and reflecting the glory of Jehovah
[his discipline, chastening] from him [as Jehovah God."m2Cor. 3: 17, 18.
did toward the remnant in 1918]." (Prov. 24: 16-18) "Now the delivered remnant know the truth of
The seventh and last fall of Jehovah’s "just" ones Psalm 112:4: "Unto the upright there ariseth light
will be when the witness work of his remnant and in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compas-
their companions shall shortly be closed down in sion, and righteous." Psalm 18: 28: "For thou wilt
every land on earth and the enemyjubilantly begin light mycandle; the LORDmyGod will enlighten my
to cry "Peace and safety!" Then, suddenly, the darkness." Nowthe remnant, together with their
wickedenemyshall themselves fall into the "mischief" companions at their side, say: "The LORDis my
that the Lord prepares for them, his "strange act" light and mysalvation ; whomshall I fear ? the LORD
at Armageddon. Then the faithful remnant and the is the strength of my life; of whomshall I be
Lord’s "other sheep" shall arise, never to be downed afraid?" (Ps. 27: 1) The Lord brings them unto his
again; and the great enemy organization, Babylon, organization Zion and assures them that, continually
shall fall, never to rise again. (Rev. 18 : 21) Thetables abiding there unto the end, never shall they come
will be turned upon her by the Lord.--Ezek. 11 : 2-7; into darkness again: "Thy sun shall no more go
Esther 7 : 10. down; neither shall thy moonwithdraw itself: for
’~ Further describing the Lord’s deliverance of his the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days
remnant from and after 1918 Jehovah’s witness of thy mourningshall be ended." (Isa. 60 : 2, 20) "The
Micah says: ’qVhen I sit in darkness, the LORD shall city [the new Jerusalem, in which the remnant have
be a light unto me." The darkness is that into which their citizenship] had no need of the sun, neither
the enemy organization casts Jehovah’s servants, of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God
the gloomycondition of captivity and restraint, such did lighten it, and the Lamb[of God] is the light
as Samson experienced in the Philistine dungeon. thereof."--Rev. 21 : 23.
During their dark experience and condition in enemy ~3 In A.D. 33 the Lord Jesus cameto the prophetic
hands at the time of the Lord’s coming to the temple temple at Jerusalem, cleansed it, and shortly there-
the consecrated ones are described as "such as sit after was betrayed unto his enemies, the religionists.
in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound His disciples all forsook him and fled. After his
in affliction and iron". (Ps. 107: 10) For the time resurrection from the dead Jesus regathered them.
also there was darkness in their minds as to the This correctly fulfilled the prophecies. It also fore-
understanding of why God’s enemies should be per- told that at the time of the Lord’s coming to the
mitted apparently to triumph over them while spiritual temple in 1918 he would find a displeasing
honestly and diligently seeking to do his will. (Hab. state of affairs amongthe consecrated. Concerning
1: 13-17) Hence those in covenant relationship with this the prophecy said: "Thou wast angry with me."
the Lord prayed: "Have respect unto the covenant: (Isa. 12:1) "Woeis reel for I am undone; because
for the dark places of the earth are full of the habita- I am a manof unclean lips [due to failure to boldly
tions of cruelty."--Ps. 74: 20. preach the Kingdom], and I dwell in the midst of
53 "Godis light, and in him is no darlmess at all." a people of unclean lips." (Isa. 6 : 5) WhereatJeho-
(1 John 1: 5) His covenant people had yielded vah says: "I was but a little displeased [with you],
fear of men and were guilty of iniquity of lip in and they [the persecutors] helped forward the afflic-
failing to ’offer the calves of their lips’ in the sacri- tion." (Zech. 1: 12,15) Realizing their failure
fice of praise to Godand to his -kingdom.(Heb.13 : 15 keep their vital covenant obligations, and duly
Hos. 14:2) In God’s displeasure and for their repenting thereof, the remnant said: "I will bear
chastisement he had permitted them to fall under the the indignation of the LORD,because I have sinned
enemy organization Babylon. Nownoting their re- against him, until he plead my cause and execute
pentance of heart and their prayerful resolves to judgment for me : he will bring meforth to the light,
serve him if given further privileges, and noting also and I shall behold his righteousness."--Mic. 7 : 9.
their unbreakable cleaving unto Jehovah, he turned "The Lord’s "indignation" here mentioned is not
his brightening favor upon this remnant of Zion. By his indignation at Armageddon,which is against all
JU~E1, 1942 2-SeWATCHTOWEtL 169

the nations that helped forward the affliction upon again shall they yield to the fear of menand hole
his covenant people and still do. (Isa. 34:1-5; Zeph. up and stop preaching His word. They are deter-
3:8) It is his chastening upon his people for their mined to exercise only the "fear of the LoRD[which]
iniquity of lip in not carrying on the bold publication is clean". (Ps. 19:9) They purpose to and do obey
of the Kingdomunder the affliction by the persecu- Him rather than men and will courageously face
tor nations. To bear such indignation means to and endure the punishment at enemy hands for
endure such righteous chastisement without taking being Jehovah’s faithful and true witnesses unto the
offense or rebelling against the Lord, kno~ing that end. They are resolved to hold fast their integrity
"if ye endure chastening, Goddealeth with you as with to Him.
sons ; for what son is he whomthe father chasteneth PLEAD
not?" Such chastening was for their profit, that ¯ s While under the Lord’s indig’nation the remnant
they might be "partakers of his holiness", complete
devotion to righteousness without any compro- carried out their determination to hold fast and wait
mise with the enemy. (Heb. 12: 7, 10) Jehovah deals upon him "until he plead my cause". This pleading
with his covenant people as an organization. His was against the enemy organization, the nations
chastening comes upon the organization, and the which oppressed and helped forward the affliction of
innocent must likewise endure the wholesome chas- Jehovah’s consecrated. Such pleading Jehovah did
tening. Rememberhow Daniel and his three com- by causing them to stop their war and by rebuking
panions were carried off captive to Babylon with the the religionists through the release of his people
other Israelites that had comeshort of their covenant. from bondage and restraint. Jehovah with action
Daniel did not excuse himself from the sin of his answered the prayer: "Judge me, 0 God, and plead
people, nor did he receive an earlier deliverance my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me
from Babylonish captivity, but waited upon God’s from the deceitful and unjust man." (Ps. 43:I)
deliverance of all the remnant of His organization. "Consider mine affliction, and deliver me; for I do
(Dan. 9:4-19) The purpose is to purge out the un- not forget thy law. Plead my cause, and deliver me:
desirable ones who are without integrity toward quicken me according to thy word. Many are my
God. Jehovah now has a chastened and purged persecutors and mine enemies; yet do I not decline
organization maintaining integrity toward him. from thy testimonies."--Ps. 119 : 153,154, 157.
~ In 1918 the consecrated ones as an organized "Let God’s covenant people always bear in mind
companyhad sinned, and the finger of blame is not that as long as they are faithful to him and his name
which they bear, and as long as they carry out his
to be pointed at individuals. Such sin was due to
the soils of religion uponthe garmentsof their identi- commissionto them, their cause is God’s owncause.
fication as God’s covenant people. It was due also They may pray: "Arise, 0 God, plead thine own
cause: remember how the foolish man reproacheth
to fleeing from Satan’s threatening "woman", pic- thee daily. Forget not the voice of thine enemies: the
tured by that womanJezebel who threatened Elijah tumult of those that rise up against thee increaseth
after his destructive work against religion, and
caused him temporarily to drop the Lord’s public daily." (Ps. 74: 22, 23) "The children of Israel and
work and to flee into the wilderness. Such sin was the children of Judah were oppressed together, and
due to looking upon the worldly powers of Satan’s all that took them captives held them fast; they
organization as being "ordained of God" to be the refused to let them go. Their Redeemer is strong;
the LonDof hosts is his name; he shall thoroughly
’qfigher powers" with authority to dictate concern-
ing the Lord’s work. Hence the consecrated, out of plead their cause, that he maygive rest to the land
fear, neglected the public worship of the Lord, which [his organization], and disquiet the inhabitants of
worship is the declaring of his nameand the preach- Babylon." (Jer. 50 : 33, 34) "The violence done to
ing of his "gospel of the kingdom" and proclaiming and to myflesh be upon Babylon, shall the inhabitant
of his vengeance. This failure madethem "of unclean of Zion say; and, Myblood upon the inhabitants of
Chaldea, shall Jerusalem say. Therefore thus saith
lips". After their repentance the Lord God by his
Messenger at the temple purged away such iniquity the LORD:Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take
vengeance for thee; and I will dry up her sea [the
of lip and reinstated themin His service. (Isa. 6: 6, 7) world population upon which the great whore Baby-
Thenceforth they offered themselves joyfully as lon sits], and makeher springs [of religion’s poison
willing volunteers and in the beauty of holiness or waters] dry. And Babylon shall becomeheaps." (Jer.
absolute devotion to the Lord. With profit such will- 51 : 35-37) Let public officials pause and consider the
ing volunteers now ponder over what constituted above truths before yielding to the RomanCatholic
that iniquity of lip which makes unclean, and they Hierarchy and other religionists and before afflict-
consider what led to such a state of uncleanness in lng God’s faithful servants and thereby violating
God’s sight. The faithful are determined that never God’s command to the rulers: "Touch not mine
N. Y.
anointed, and do my prophets no harm." (Ps. of his Word, and they look forward jubilantly to
105 : 13-15) Jehovah will plead against such violators actually witnessing God’s act in that final battle,
at Armageddonwith violent destruction upon them. which Jehovah will win over all enemies. There his
’° "Until he plead mycause and execute judgment judgments will be executed in righteousness against
for me." This judgment Jehovah began executing in them. The remnant also behold his righteousness in
1919. The judgment had begun at the ’~house of God" all his faithful dealings with them in complete ful-
at the Lord’s coming to the temple in the spring of fillment of his word of promise. Being covered with
1918. Those professing to be of God’s house but whom his robe of righteousness, they say: "He leadeth me
the judging process showedto be of the "evil servant" in the paths of righteausness for his name’s sake."
class were cut asunder from God’s organization. (Ps. 23 : 3) "The LORD hath brought forth our right-
"Christendom," particularly the religious leaders eousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the
thereof, had denounced Jehovah’s covenant people work of the LORDour God." (Jer. 51: 10) To them
as false prophets, as wresting the Scriptures, as Jehovah has given "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy
cursed of Godand headed for a ’‘bell of torment". for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit
Now at the temple judgment Jehovah by Christ of heaviness; that they might be called trees of
adjudged his purged remnant as approved of Him righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he
although not approved of men. He constituted them might be glorified." (Isa. 61 : 3) The enemycontinue
his "faithful and wise servant" and committed to to reproach and persecute them as unrighteous, but
them the Kingdominterests and made them his wit- the Lord says to the remnant: "Every tongue that
nesses. As his approved official witnesses Jehovah shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt con-
"covered [them] with the robe of righteousness". demn. This is the heritage of the servants of the
(Isa. 6I:10; Mal. 3: 1-4) Then in 1919 he released LORD; and their righteousness is of me, saith the
them from the bonds of the Devil’s crowd and sent LORD."(Isa. 54: 17) The latter end of the remnant
them out into his service with the "testimony of and their companionswho continue faithful in their
Jesus Christ" and to declare the "judgment written" integrity shall be like that of Job, whoselatter end
against the oppressors. This greatly amazedthe self- was more blessed than his beginning: "also the Lorm
righteous religionists. It was an open token of God’s gave Job twice as much as he had before." (Job
disapproval and rejection of them, much to their 42: 10, 12) All this vindicates Jehovah’s word and
chagrin. Thenceforth they could do nothing but weep name.
and wail and gnash upon Jehovah’s faithful remnant ’: "Then she that is mine enemyshall see it, and
with their teeth. This reversing of the enem3"saction shame shall cover her which said unto me, Where
is the doing of Jehovah, "which executeth judgment is the LORDthy God? mine eyes shall behold her:
for the oppressed." (Ps. 146: 7) He has vindicated now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the
his word, that "Zion shall be redeemed with judg- streets." (Mic. 7 : 10) During the sorrow of 1914-1918
ment, and her converts [or returning ones; the rem- the religionists justified themselvesbefore the people
nant] with righteousness". (Isa. 1 : 27) ’%Ie will bring and promised that there would be a great spiritual
me forth to the light," adds Micah. It is the light revival after and as a result of the world war. The
of God’s favor, that light of liberty due to the fear war stopped, and they were put to the proof. The
of God and to freedom from fear of man; also the Protestants began their Interchurch World Move-
light of the lightning flashes of his truth from his ment and other revival schemes, and the Catholic
written Word and shining forth from his temple. sect’s head began and spread Catholic Action
(Roy. 11 : 19) Jehovah openly displays his witnesses throughout the world. The promised spiritual revival
to the light of open and public inspection as a "people of "Christendom" never came, proving that the Lord
for his name". Whatthe Lord tells them in the temple God was not with them. What Dm come was the
in secret, whichis dark to the enemy,that they boldly greatest activity and increase of Jehovah’s witnesses,
speak in the light; and what they hear from the Lord whom the enemy thought they had knocked out
in their ears, which are turned to his Word, that permanently. There came the widest and most in-
they preach openly, publicly, as upon the housetops. tensive declaration of Jehovah’s name and kingdom
(Matt. 10:27,28) This they do because they fear by his witnesses that the world has ever known.This
only God, the All-powerful One. is as Jehovah God foretold at Exodus 9: 16. Next,
’~ "And I shall behold his righteousness." Jeho- and shortly, will follow the showing of His almighty
vah’s great act of righteousness is the vindication of power over Satan the Devil a,d all his organization,
his name by tfis Righteous Government, TH~. THeOC- Babylon. Since 1918 the "strange work" of Jehovah
RACY.This act Jehovah will do at Armageddon. God by his witnesses shows his approval upon his
The remnant delivered and brought forth into the remnant and his acceptance and use of them. It
light nowbehold these truths through the revelation likewise covers the enemyorganization with shame.
Ju~mi, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER 171

During the war time when she was on top she " That the primary issue before all creation is
taunted Jehovah’s servants and said: ’WVhereis the wo~u~DOM~-~ATm~ is proved by the enemy organiza-
Lora~ [Jehovah] thy God?" Nowlet her say it! The tion’s taunt. In the t3"pe Babylon madewar upon the
tables have been turned! typical Theocracy, overthrew the unfaithful religious
" Concerning the righteous acts of Jehovah’s wit- organization, also took captive the remnant faithful
nesses in his "strange work" he says: "And the to the Theocracy and then reproached their God,
Gentiles [the persecutor nations] shall see thy right- saying, ’~rhere is the Lord thy God?" In other words,
eousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be Who is supreme now, your God, Jehovah, or our
called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lom~ god, Satan the Devil? The same taunt was hurled
shall name." (Isa. 62 : 2) That God-given "new name" at the faithful remnant while in the power of the
is, to wit, "Jehovah’s witnesses." (Isa. 44:8; modern-day Babylonians, in 1918. This is whyJeho-
43 : 10, 12) The Kingdom’spublication by these to the vah must act for his name’s sake. He gave effective
ends of the earth is a proof of Jehovah’s power and of answer in delivering and releasing his remnant and
his deliverance of them from Babylon: "The LORD thereafter giving through them the most far-reach-
hath madebare his holy arm in the eyes of all the na- ing testimony to his name, and that, too, in the teeth
tions; and all the ends of the earth shall see the sal- of the greatest persecution and opposition. Such has
vation of our God." (Isa. 52 : 10) Armageddon will been to the end that the enemymight be warned that
a still greater demonstration of power and deliver- at Armageddonit will be Jehovah that smites them in
ance. Concerning the work of His remnant and their proof of his supremacy as the Almighty God. This
companions in dispensing God’s Wordto the poor in has enraged the demons and their earthly dupes.
spirit or teachable ones, the Lord says : "A good man ’" By means of Catholic Action, and particularly
sheweth favour, and lendeth [the Kingdommessage] : by totalitarian-religious dictators, the enemyseek to
he will guide his affairs with discretion. He hath dis- take away the democratic freedoms of all nations and
persed [God’s truth], he hath given to the poor; his to crush Jehovah’s witnesses in all lands. In the
righteousness endureth for ever: his horn shall be countries which have been swallowed up by the anti-
exalted with honour. The wicked shall see it, and be Theocratic "abomination of desolation" and where
grieved; be shall gnash with tfis teeth, and melt they have gotten the persons of Jehovah’s faiflfful
away; the desire of the wicked shall perish." (Ps. witnesses in their power they brutally torment them.
112: 5, 9, 10) "Shewme a token for good; that they and say, ’%Vhereis Jehovah your God?" Even in the
Milch hate me may see it, and be ashamed; because land called "the land of the free and the homeof the
thou, LORD,hast holpen me, and comforted me."-- brave" un-American mobs engineered by Catholic
Ps. 86: 17. priests and their dupes have assaulted the witnesses
" Being put to embarrassment and confusion by engaged in Christian activities and have ridiculed
Jehovah’s blessing upon his "strange work" through them with the sneering question: %Vhereis your
his witnesses, the Babylonish religionists put up the Jehovah? Let him help you now!" A judge in an
howl of hurt "religious susceptibilities". At the eastern court raged at the Christians haled before
straightforward declaration of Jehovah’s judgments him for obedience to Jehovah God, and said: ’~i am
against religion they raise the hue and cry of ’~I_n- Jehovah here!" The power of the totalitarian-reli-
tolerance t" and the need of religious unity. They try gious gangsters and sympathizers spreads and the
to shield themselves by forcing the passage of uncon- persecutions upon the faithful witnesses increase,
stitutional "anti-ridicule" laws. Great is their shame and the scripture describes their experience: "As
now because of God’s declared message which shows with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach
forth the two opposing organizations and which me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy
exposes the Devil’s organization and its religious and God?"--Ps. 42: 10.
political and commercial elements. At Armageddon, " In the minds of the remnant and the Lord’s
however, shame shall smother them. Concerning them "other sheep" there is no question as to how the
God’s "Wordprescribes this prayer for his covenant issue will be settled. They have God’s word for it,
people to say: ’~Fill their faces with shame; that and they knowthey shall see the desire of their eyes
they may seek thy name, O LoaD. Let them be con- in the vindication of Jehovah’s nameby the destruc-
founded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put tion of all whoreproach it. (Ps. 92:11) "Mine eyes
to shame [at not being God’s favorites, not being shall behold her: now shall she be trodden downas
right, not being supreme, and not being on the win- the mire of the streets," says Micah. By the revela-
ning side], and perish : that menmayknowthat thou, tion of the prophecies they nowsee Babylon, of which
whose name alone is JEHOVAH,art the Most High "Christendom" is the chief visible part, as Satan’s
over all the earth."--Ps. 83:16-18; also Pss. organization- "Christendom" has tried to mask her
109: 26-28; 71 : 13; 6: 10. identity and ensnare the peoples, but God’s Word
172 : --fieWATCHTOWE BRoom..YN,
N. Y.

has exposed her and now all persons of good-will the enemy’s baseless decree has been far removed
toward God behold her to be what she actually is. from them and they obey Jehovah God and Christ
The nations of "Christendom" have gathered round Jesus as the only "Higher Powers" rather than man,
about God’s organization Zion as represented by the and they let no such invalid decree of men stop
remnant of her on the earth, and they say: "Let her their worship of God.
be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion." (Mic. ,, At Zephaniah2 : 2, 3 Jehovahwarns of his decree
4: 11) But as "Christendom" has designed to do unto of destruction against all not gathering themselves
God’s organization, so it has happened to her and to him for refuge: "Before the decree bring forth,
she stands shownup. (Deut. 19: 19) Satan’s organi- before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce
zation which she outstandingly represents on earth anger of the Lorm come upon you, before the day of
was pictured in Israel’s history by the wickedJezebel the LoRD’sanger come upon you. Seek ye the LORD,
who persecuted Jehovah’s witnesses, his prophets. all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his
Then Jehovah raised up Captain Jehu as his execu- judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may
tioner. At Jehu’s commandthe haggish old devil- be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD’S anger."
worshiper Jezebel was dropped from her lofty Zion is Jehovah’s approved organization upon which
window and trampled under the hoofs of Jehu’s his name is called. The remnant thereof is yet on
horses and devoured by the carrion-eating dogs. As eartb, and the multitude of their companions, the
the prophet Elijah had foretold: "In the portion of Lord’s "other sheep", flee from religion and take
[the city of] Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jeze- refuge under God’s capital organization, Trt~ TrtEOC-
bel : and the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon RACY.Both remnant and "other sheep" shall be hid
the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that from the expression of Jehovah’s fierce and consum-
they shall not say, This is Jezebel." (2 Ki. 9: 30-37) ing anger at Armageddon.His decree of destruction
Likewise shall "Christendom", and all of the enemy will not be directed at them. Its execution will be
organization of Babylon, be debased to the lowest upon the peoples and nations who are "far removed"
and trodden under the hosts of Jehovah’s organiza- from his THEOCRACY in that they are opposed to it.
tion, and no memorialshall be left of the vile, shame- ’° As one term of the Christian’s commissionat the
ful thing. end of the world Jehovah by Christ Jesus issued the
DECREE decree : "This gospel of the kingdomshall be preached
3, The Jewish remnant that returned from Babylon in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and
to Jerusalem in 536 B.C. rebuilt the temple on Zion then shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) The remnant
and later also the walls of the city, but under condi- and their zealous companionswillingly volunteer for
tions of difficulty that required the defense of them- this service. Since 1918they have preached this King-
selves against the enemywhile at work. (Isa. 44: 28; dom gospel ever.~’here on earth, including lands
Neh. 2:17 to 6: 15; Ezra 9: 9) This pictured a like outside "Christendom". Thus Jehovah’s decree has
remnant of God’s present-day covenant people from applied and been carried out in lands "far removed".
and after 1918 returning to the service of his organi- It must not be and it has not been confined to within
zation, engaging in his temple work, building up the the assembly halls of Jehovah’s covenant people, but
interests of his Theocratic organization, and defend- has been carried forth abroad, far and wide.
ing and safeguarding such against the enemyto this " Other renderings of the text are: "On that day
day. Nehemiah’s words ring in their ears: "’Be not far away shall be thy boundar3e’ (Rotherttam) ; "In
ye afraid of them: remember the Lord winch is that day shall the bound be afar off." (Variorum,
great and terrible, and fight for your brethren." margin) That is to say, Jehovah’s visible part of his
(Neh. 4: 14) Concerning this time, therefore, Jeho- organization on earth, together with the "strangers
vah by his prophet says: "In the day that thy walls within her gates" who are companions of the rem-
are to be built, in that day shall the decree be far nant, shall increase in numbersand spread out in her
removed." (Mic. 7: 11) The "decree" here specified realm of activity. Their boundary or bound shall not
may mean several things. The religionists have be limited, but shall be pushed out to the ends of the
decreed that the kings rule by divine right, and that earth in order that all those seeking life under God’s
the political powers, including the dictators of totali- Kingdom may be brought into the place of refuge
tarian Germany, Italy and Spain, are the "higher and preservation before Jehovah’s decree against his
powers". (Rom. 13:1) This unscriptural decree the foes is executed. Therefore his organization Zion,
religionists have applied against Jehovah’s servants which had seemed to be barren of children before
to frighten them into stopping their worship of God the birth of the Kingdom,in 1914, is nowcalled upon
at the commandof demonized rulers. Since 1918 to sing and cry aloud for joy. Why~Because of the
Jehovah has given his people the spiritual under- increase of the children of her organization and of
standing of this vital subject. Thereby the power of their earthly companions: "For more are the children
Ju~s i, 1942 173

of the desolate [hitherto desolate Zion] than the controlled lands the faithful witnesses continue to
children of the married wife, saith the LORD. Enlarge carry on against great obstacles and dangers. In the
the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the lands yet open for the work there is the final ingather-
curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy ing to be done of those who must turn to the Lord
cords [guy ropes], and strengthen thy stakes [tent to be sheltered from the great whirlwind of Arma-
pins in the ground]: for thou shalt break forth on geddon. For the comfort and strengthening of those
the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall willingly volunteering for the final work in these
inherit the Gentiles [the Lord’s ’other sheep’ from perilous times Jehovah says: "Fear not; for I am
all nations], and make the desolate cities to be in- with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and
habited." (Isa. 54: 1-3) "Measure Jerusalem [the gather thee from the west: I will say to the north,
restored remnant thereof on earth], to see what is Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my
the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of
¯ . . Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without the earth; even every one that is called by my name;
walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein." for I have created him [to bear my name] for my
glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him ....
--Zech. 2 : 2, 4; 1 : 17.
Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD... This people
"In all lands the demon enemy organization des-
have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my
perately fights to prevent this increase of Jehovah’s praise."~Isa. 43 : 5-10, 21.
organization. Nevertheless, even in the totalitarian- (To be conch~ded)


I N TtIIS year 1942 alI nations are in the grip of fear.
In ever?." nation there is internal distress and disturb-
ance. Many think that armsd conflict involving all
God, came into the world (John 18: 37) He bore ~estimony
to God’s universal and unchangeable rules above mentmned
which all men should learn for thmr own good IIe made
nations of the earth is just at the threshold; and hence known the cause of disasters that befall men and natmn~,
all nations are attempting to fortify themselves against such and plainly set forth the only means of escape to safety
an emergency. Is there any way to escape to a place of and complete salvation. He told of the flood of Noah’s day
safety ? Only those who believe, understand and confidently and said that the wicked conditmns ~l~at immediately
rely upon God and his Word know what is soon to come preceded that deluge of waters would again ernst through-
to pass. Sincere persons are anxious to know how and out the earth, and which conditions would be proof that
whence salvation may come. the greatest of all disasters was qmckly to follow--Matt
The word "salvation" means deliverance from impend- 24 : 37-39.
ing disaster, and the finding of refuge in a place of complete Christ Jesus is the greatest of all prophets and was
safety. Because the greatest tribulation ever to befall the prefigured by Moses. (See Acts 3:20.23.) ths prophemcs
world is just at the door an unexampled emergency con- must all come true, because he is the spokesman of Almm,hty
fronts all the peoples of the earth. There are certain God who tells of the purpose of Jehovah, whose purposes
universal rules which are unchangeable and which disclose never fail to be carrmd out. (Isa 46 11,55 11 } \Vhen
the cause of the impending d~saster and also point to the observe conditions that have come to pass ahout ~hich
only means of escape and safety. To become acquainted Jesus prophemed, and see that the phvmeal facts ~xcll
with those rules will result beneficially to those who give known to us exactl.~ fit the prophecy, then we arc sure
heed thereto. Both profane and sacred history furnish an that ~t is the time for the fulfillment of the prophecy and
abundance of proof that about 4,000 years ago the world that these events have come to pass for flint vcr3" purpose
fell under the overwhelming disaster of the flood and a Jesus prophesied concerning the cond~tmns now existing
few persons were saved. Since then from tune to time in the world, and which conditions immcdmtely precede
other emergencies have arisen; but the greatest one of all and lead up to the greatest of all disasters that the world
is yet to come, and concerning that emergency the evidence can ever have. He foretold the first world war. wlneh began
is indisputable. Those who will now examine and weigh in 1914 and was suddenly stopped m 1918 tie stated that
such evidence with unbiased mind will see that action such war would be accompamed or quickly followed b3
must be taken immediately by those who may hope to escape famine, pestilence, and great disturbances m the earth, and
to the place of safety.--See Matthew 24: 14-19. that such would be the beginning of sorrows immediately
All persons of good-will and who desire to see righteous- preceding the great disaster soon to befall the world (Matt.
ness prevail readily recognize that the great Creator is 24: 7) He prophesied that foItowmg the "war m heaven"
the Almighty God, "whose name alone is JEHOVAH" described at Revelatmn 12:7-12 and accompamed by the
(Ps. 83: 18), and that the Bible is a sacred record of the World War on earth many woes would come upon the
truth, whieh the Almighty God has caused to be kept for nations of the earth; and the facts show a fulfillment of
the aid of those who love that which is right. For the that prophecy. He foretold that following the World War
express purpose of telling the truth and being a witness his true followers, who are witnesses for Jehovah, must go
for Jehovah, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Almighty amongst the people and tell them the cause of these
disturbances and inform them emphatically that the Mng- or invisible overlord of the world, including perfect man.
dom of heaven is at hand. For more than twenty years (Ezek. 28: 14, 15) At that time all creation in heaven and
now that prophecy has been in course of fulfillment. earth gave honor to Jehovah God, and that properly so,
Christ Jesus further prophesied that the anti-Theocracy because every creature owes the privilege of life to the
"abomination of desolation" would appear in the earth, Almighty God. The exception to this rule was Lucifer,
and the Scriptures make it clear that such abomination who began to covet what he was not entitled to, namely,
is the combination or combined effort of the religmus, the honor and praise that was rightfully bestowed upon
political and commercial elements of "Christendom" to the Almighty God.
arbitrarily rule the peoples of the earth and take away Lucifer rebelled against Godand attempted to set him-
all their liberties and makethem serfs. That prophecy is self up as God’s equal, and in this rebellion he led away
now being fulfilled; and in this connection and for the from the path of righteousness both angels and men, ,nnd
benefit of all persons of good-will Jesus added that, ’when Adamfound himself involved in that rebellion. The name
you see the abomination of desolation standing where it Lucifer Jehovah Godthen changed to that of Satan, which
ought not to stand, then flee to the mountains,’ that is, means "adversary"; and to Dragon, which means "devour-
to God’s organization, the only place of safety. (Mark er" ; and to Serpent, which means"deceiver", and to Dewl,
13 : 14, Matt. 24: 15, 16) Andwhyflee then? Jesus answers: which means "slanderer". Since then that great rebel has
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since been knownby the four names, Dragon, Satan, Old Serpent,
the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever and the Devil. (Rev. 20: 2) The Devil then defied GOdand
shall be." (Matt. 24: 21) Concerningthat great tribulation challenged him to put on the earth men who would prove
Jeremiah 25:33 prophesies: "And the slain of the LOaD faithful and loyal to God, and at the same time Satan
shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto declared he could cause alt men to curse Godto His face
the other end of the earth; they shall not be lamented, (Job 2:4-6) That wicked challenge of the Devil raised
neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the question as to who is supreme and who shall cxcrcme
the ground." Such prophecies nowin course of fulfillment U.’,’~T~SALDO.~II~ATm.~.If Satan could cause all mento
show that there is impending an emergency such as never curse God, that would prove Satan at least the equal of
before confronted the world. Jehovah God, if not his superior. God would have all
It was long ago foretold: "Darlmess shall cover the creation to hear and see the proof, that there could ncxer
earth, and gross darkness the people" (Isa. 60:2) There be a real doubt as to who is the supreme one. God had
never was a time in the history of the world when there entered the judgment of death against Satan, but, instead
was such great ignorance generally concerning God’s pur- of destroying him immediately, God deferred the execution
pose as set forth in the Bible, and particularly amongst of that judgment and accepted the challenge of Satan m
religlonists. The people of good-will toward God are just order to give Satan full opportunity to make proof of his
within recent years coming into the light of a new day boastful challenge. Therefore Godsaid to the wicked one’
and these, being enlightened, see before them the great "But for this cause have I allowed thee to remain, in
emergency. Tt~ey see the madwaters of the river of human- order to show thee my power." (Ex. 9" 16, Leeser l Thus
ity ahenated from Godrushing, like the Jordan river, down- it is seen that God announced his purpose to give Satan
ward to bc swallowedup mthe "Deadsea", that is, the tur- the rebel a full and free opportunity to prove his challenge
bulent and uncontrollable conditions just ahead. They have and that in due time the day of final reckoning must come.
a vmion of the greatest catastropi~e ever known,while all and that when that day arrives God would first cause Ins
the other people, who are not of good-will, are totally name to be declared in all the earth and then he would
ignorant of what is just ahead. Tim flood of waters or exhibit his supremepoweragainst his adversary, the Devil
deluge in the days of Noah was a prophetlc pmture fore- Adamand Eve, because of the sin of rebcllaon, were
telling thin very time and concerning which Jesus proph- also sentenced to death, but God permitted them to llxe
esied: "And as it was in the days of No’c, so shall it for a season that they might bring forth children The.~
be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they could never fulfill the divine mandateto fill the earth w~th
drank, they married wives, they were given in marrmgc, a righteous race of people, because they were stoners, bu:
until the day that No’e entered into the ark, and the flood they could exercise the function of producing their own
came, and destroyed them all."--Luke 17:26, 27. species, even though they were imperfect. All of their
Whatwill be the result to those not of good-will? and children were hence born in sin and shapen in lax~lessness,
what is the possible means of escape? With the emergency and for that reason all such must mdue time die. (Ps. 51 5,
aforementioned the whole world is now faced. What is Rom. 5: 12) Emphasizing the issue of supremacy Godga~e
done must be done quickly, and only those persons of his word of promise that in his due time he would send
good-will toward Jehovah God~nll give heed to the warn- to the world a Savior who would purchase the humanrace
ing and act quickly and find the place of safety. or offspring of Adamand that he would provide a means
Humankind could have escaped falling into such a whereby those so purchased might be saved and receive
world emergency and period of destruction. God created life everlasting. That would meanthat all of the offspring
the earth for man, and then created perfect man and of Adamwho escape and who are saved must comply with
womanand put them on the earth to inhabit it. (Isa. Jehovah’s rules and must maintain their integrity toward
45: 12, 18) To the perfect human pair God issued his God, and all so doing would be a vindmation of Jehovah’s
mandate to "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth". ~.qme; and that of itself would prove Satan a har.
(Gen. 1 : 28, Rotherham)GodmadeLucifer a spirit creature Goddid not deprive Satan of overlordship of the world,
JU:NE1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWEP,. 175

but permitted him to continue in that position in order that God’s purpose. (Rev. 12 : 12) All the world is nowexperi-
he might have a free hand to carry out his wickedchallenge, encing woessuch as never before have afflicted the nations,
if possible. Thereafter when Jesus was on the earth Satan and these woes have come with increasing force since the
was the invisible prince or overlord of the world, and end of the first world war, in 1918.
Jesus spoke of Satan as "the prince of this world". (John Asfurther evidenceof his invisible presence in the spirit
12: 31; 14: 30) Satan well knew that if God should set as King of the new world and also as evidence of the end
up a kingdom on earth, with Christ Jesus as the King of Satan’s uninterrupted rule, Jesus said: "There shall be
and invisible overlord, that would meanSatan’s rulership ¯ . . upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
must end and his execution must take place. Satan there- the sea [meaning the peoples alienated from God] and the
fore determined to exercise everything within his power waves [the radical, disturbing elements thereof made mad
to defeat God’s purpose. The kingdom of heaven, with by the present conditions] roaring [causing muchtrouble] ;
Christ Jesus as King, is the deadly foe of Satan and of men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after
his advocates. While Jesus was on the earth the Devil and those things which are coming on the earth."--Luke
his religious agents continuously attempted to kill Jesus, 21: 25, 26.
and finally succeeded in having him wrongfully convicted Exactly those conditions nowprevail upon the earth, as
of treason and causing his death on the tree. Godsuffered every observing person well knows. During all the time of
Jesus to thus be put to death, knowing that he would the existing conditions aforementioned, evidencing Chmst’s
raise Jesus out of death as a spirit creature and place him presence and the end of Satan’s uninterrupted rule, Jesus
at the head of his kingdom and that this would be accom- declares and commandsto his faithful remnant of anointed
plished in his owngood time and to his own glory. followers : "Andthis gospel of the kingdomshall be preached
Jesus had told his disciples that he must go away and in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
receive the kingdom and that then he would return and shall the end [the FINAL~D] come."--Matt. 24 : 14.
take unto himself his faithful disciples who should be It follows that those who love God and Christ must
associated with him in his kingdom. (John 14.1-3; Luke obey this commandment.In obedience thereto a httle com-
22:28-30) Within three days after his laying down his pany of Christian people made up of men and womenwho
life God raised Jesus out of death, and he was clothed are’knownas "Jehovah’s witnesses" have been and are still
with full power and authority in heaven and earth; and continuing to go about the country preaching the good
m forty days thereafter he ascended into heaven, and he news of the kingdomof God. This preaching of the gospel
was then the King of the world, the duly anointed and must continue until the great threatening emergencycomes
commissioned Ruler, whoseright it is to rule. (Matt 28 : 18 to a climax. Whenthis preaching of the good news of the
Phil. 2 : 9-11 ; Acts 2 : 32-36) Thereafter the faithful apostles Kingdomis completed, and it shortly will be, accordmgto
of Jesus Christ continued to look for his second coming all indications, whatshall follow? Thevi~’x~. ~.’;D of Satan’s
and his kingdom, about which he had informed them and ruling organization, and that amidst the greatest trouble
which he stated to them would take place at the end of of all time: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as
Satan’s world. was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no,
All the true followers of Christ Jesus for centuries nor ever shall be."--Matt. 24:21.
have likewise looked for and hoped for the coming of That great tribulation is the battle of Armageddon,
that kingdom under the Lord Jesus Christ. So keenly which conflict is also called "the battle of that great day
interested in his comingand his kingdomwere the apostles of God Almighty". (Rev. 16: 14-16) It is the battle
that they propoundedto Jesus this question, shortly before Almighty God because in it he will finally and for ever
his death: "Whatshall be the sig’n [evidence] of thy com- settle the question at issue as to who~s supremeand whether
ing. and of the end of the world [that is, the end of Godcan carry out his announcedpurpose by his TIIr.OCRATIC
Satan’s uninterrupted rule] ?" (Matt. 24: 3) In response GOVERN~IF--\’T under Christ Jesus or not. That great battle
to that question Jesus said that the first evidencediscernible will result in the complete destruction of every trace of
by men would be the world war, in which nation would Satan’s supporters and orgamzatmn, both inv]sible and
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. That visible. The demonrule of the world shall for ever end
came to pass in A.D. 1914. Jesus said that the war would Armageddonhaving ended with victor}." for JEHOVAH
be quickly followed by famine and pestilence and earth- and his TH~OCratCY, the righteous rule shall prevail every-
quakes; and everyone knowsthat these things did quickly where in the universe, including our earth. Gradually the
follow the World War. Then Jesus said to his disciples: earth will be brought to a condition of Edenic paradise,
"Whenyou see the abomination that maketh desolate stand- because such is the promise of Almighty God, who made
ing where it ought not to stand [that is, claiming the the earth to be inhabited by righteous men. Gradually the
right and authority to rule the world], then flee to the earth will be filled with righteous people by means of the
kingdom.’ (Matt. 24: 15, 16; Mark 13: 14) That has also survivors of Armageddonwho now see the emergencyahead
cometo pass at the present time, in this, that a few men, and whoflee from the religious-totalitarian organization of
called dictators, and the great religious system of the the world and take refuge under God’s kingdom or THEOC-
world together claim the right to rule and regiment the RACY and trust in Himfor salvation. Such "great multitude"
people and take awaytheir liberties and to rule the world of Armageddonsurvivors shall be favored with the privi-
in the place and stead of Christ the King. Furthermore lege of carrying out the divine mandate to "multiply and
Jesus said that great woes would come upon the peoples fill the earth" with their offspring, born in righteousness
of the earth because of the activities of the Devil to thwart and unto life under a perfect, righteous government.
PIONEERING L~ CUPAR, FIFE CO., SCOTLAND here.’ Myreply was: ’There are none here, sir; what you
"After sitting inside a barber’s shop for a few minutes see are some of the "other sheep" class, and they belong
I spied the price list--10d, for a haircut. I thought this to the Lord, and not to you or me.’ I realized that these
a bit stiff, and was prepared to leave, but decided to sit ’sheep’ must not be disturbed by any ’dog’, and a ’dumb’
still. A few minutes elapsed, and a polite ’Good evening’ one at that; so up I got and went to the door and out-
from a young girl who serves in the shop. On seeing my side. Currie refused to talk and went to his car with his
magazine bag on the seat she asked if I was finished for companion, and I went back and quieted the ’sheep’ and
the day and what did I actually do. I briefly explained, proceeded to our study. The next day I took along a
producing Salvation and T]peocracy. ’Oh, I have that red fellow witness and went to the rectory and spent three-
book,’ she said, ’but I will take the small one.’ I then quarters of an hour in his study. I made it plain that he
proceeded to introduce the model-study work and arranged was entirely out oi order, had violated our constitutional
for a model study. Our conversation was heard by those rights in attempting to intimidate those attending a peace-
in the shop (four), including the barber. The mention able assembly, that he lacked even commoncourtesy in
’Jehovah’s witnesses’ resulted in some meaning glances failing to remove his hat, and that if anything even
going round. Seeing this I walked over to the barber, who remotely resembling his act occurred again I would take
was shaving a gent. I explained how we had been much it up with the attorney general’s office. His hands shook;
misrepresented by the press, and told him of the Theocratic he made feeble reply that he would tell his people what
rule. He seemed impressed, and started asking questions. he wished. I heartily agreed that such was his privilege,
After a few explanations he admitted: ’This Theocracy is but warned him that overt acts committed were qmte
all right !’ I madethe bold suggestion that I had the lecture another matter. I outlined the usual technique of the Roman
recording ’Government and Peace’ (Parts 1-4) with Hierarchy during its 1500 years of existence and suggested
and if he cared I would play them for him right there. that he flee from the devilish system before he died with
He agreed; so on went ’Government and Peace’ in the it. I suggested that, since nearly all his parishioners had
barber’s shop. He even left his clients in order that he Children, he do so too. He has it now, as well as The
could follow it in the booklet. By this time he seemed Watchtower,Consolation, booklet, etc. The following week
quite excited. Others in the shop were drawn into the con- he was seen to spend much time interviewing the people,
versation, and, needless to say, none had a better govern- also the owner of our little hall (a Catholic). Wealso
ment than THETHEOCRACY. I was getting my hair cut spent the weekamongthese honest but perplexed Catholics.
by this time. The barber told the girl not to use the electric "The reaction was good to see. Remarkslike this were
clippers, as he could not hear all. Myhair cut and the frequent: "Whata nerve he had !’ The result was that our
model study arranged, I was about to leave, when they attendance nearly doubled the following Sunday: 33 in
asked if I had had tea, and they offered a cup, which I attendance. Wealso went to see Currie’s companion and
gladly accepted. I was ushered into a little cubicle where followed the same procedure there. Wefound the man’s
the girl was also having tea; so I kept on witnessing to wife devoted to the Lord . . . This episode was the
her. Just as we had finished our tea in rushed the barber: principal topic of conversation for some time among
’Play these records to this man !’ and to the newcomerhe these good Portuguese people. Thereafter one of our back-
said : ’These are Jehovah’s witnesses, whohave been greatly calls got up her courage, and came to a meeting a week
m~srepresented. Just you listen to this Theocracy! It’s all ago. During the following week the priest came to her
right !’ On went ’Governmentand Peace’ again. Of course, house to give ’holy communion’to the elderly mother, who
there were many questions and queer ideas, but I think was blind. The priest was informed they would dispense
I made things clear. The girl and the barber were arguing with his services from that date forward. Amazed,he asked :
as to who should hsten and who should attend to the "What are you reading?’ Children was brought out. He
customers All this ended in an attendance of eight, got one look, put on his hat, and out he went !"
Salvation placed, a model study arranged, and three hours’
witnessing in a barber’s shop. I think this is the finest GIVING REAL "BEAUTY FOR ASHES" (SEATTLE}
opportunity I have had of making known Jehovah’s King "This witness is a beauty operator and owns her own
and kingdom." little shop. She has a radio there, and in the little room
back of the shop she has a radio broadcaster. Whenever
GROWING INTEREST IN THEOCRACY (MASS.) she is giving a permanent waveshe transmits the recorded
"Here in our assignment it continues and was given lectures, mostly ’Comfort All That Mourn’. She keeps a
quite an impetus when ’Father’ Curr~e himself showed up file of" all her customers concerning their hair-do, so she
three weeks ago at our little roomwhere we hold a public just writes on each card what lecture she played for that
Children study. Nineteen Catholics (many had attended customer and the literature she placed. She has a file of
mass that morning) were sitting with their books, and over six hundred names since last April. I might add
as chairman was just starting the meeting, when the door that it has not hurt her business in the least. She has
openedand there stood ’Father’ Currie, arrogant and bold.
more customers than she can handle, and those that do
He would not remove his hat and looked the gathering
over earefully. At his side stood one of the ’principal of not like the talks just do not come back. If a witness
the flock’, a prominent Portuguese businessman, a sort of happens to be witnessing from house to house anywhere
bellwether. I asked: ’Whatis your business, sir ?’ Answer: in the district of her shop, the ladies that answer the
’I am looking to see if any of my Catholic people are doors say: ’Oh, I heard those tali~q at the beauty shop !’"
thatI amJehovah."
- E~ekiel35:I5.


15, 1942

(Pert11)........................................ 179
Rule........................................ 182
andMercy ................................... 187
HID DURING THE INDIGNATION ................ 189

.................................... 192


.............................. 178
’"t~ATCHTOWER" .......................... 178
............ 178
Adams Street
N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expres.ed
In the Bible. It publishes BlbIe instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
N. H. KNoaR, President \V. E. VANAMBU’RG]~,
Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all thy children shall be ±aught of Jehovah; and able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of pubhc
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -IJalah 54:z3. instrUction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheresstrictly to the Bibleas authority for itsutternnccs.
It is entirely freeand separate fromall religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to
or otherworldlyorganizations. It is whollyand withoutreserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, -
King.It is notdos’rustic, butinvitesearefuI andcritical examm.~,
and his active agent in the creation of all things ; that the Logos tionof its contents In thelightof theScriptures. It doesnotin-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulgein controversy, anditscolumns are notopento personalltles.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man ~EARLySUBSCRIPTIONprdcz
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of ~NI’rEDSTATES,
$I 50 :
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and ~ lthout the right GREATBRITAIN.AUSTRALASIA. AND SOUTHAFRICA,OS. Amerleanrcunt-
tancesshouldbe madeby Postalor ExpressMoneyOrderor by Bank
to life. Draft.Canadian,
be madedlreetto therespective
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries
otherthanthosementionedmayhe madeto the13rooklyn
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for bu~by international
£’ost~ MoneyOrderonly.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br/tbh 34 Craven
......................... Terrace.
London,~;V~ England
Canadian 40 IrwinAvenue,
............................ Toronto
5, Ontamo,Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, ~ustrarasiaa
7 Beresford
N. S. W.,Austraha
and that Clmst Jesus is the Chmf Off.cer thereof and is the right- Soutk
Afrlcar* Boston
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please
addresstheSocietyin every
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes to~ ard mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of Sower free upon written apphcation to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for r,o requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulatlons.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the penples of earth cnn
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which .Vottce to gubsc-mbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
~crlptton will be sent only when requested. ChuI~ge of address, v, lleu
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction requested, may be expected to appear on address label witbln one month
of Satan’s organizatmn and the estab~.ishment of righteousness in A renewal blank leerr.vlng notice of expiration) will be sent with the
Journal one month before the subscription expires.
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of ~ood x~ ill that
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered as second-crass matter at the post o~ce at BrookIFn, N. Y,,
the earth" with a r~ghteous race. under tha Act o)’ March $, 1879.


Duringthe month of June all those wflhngvolunteerswho The Society has released a new booklet, entitled " ’Children’
dehghtto do Jehovah’swdl and who ha~e made a covenantwlth Study Questions", which will be a great aid to all publishers ot
the Lord wfl~ go forward m the proclamationof the Kangdom the l~mgdom in the conducting of Children studies m the varmu,
message The "’Wflhn_~Volun:cers"Testlmonv Pcmod will be homes throughout the country. You can get your copy now on
devotedto the dlstmbut~.on of the bookChildrensandsevenbook- eontrabutlon of 5c for publicatmn of more of these Send
lets on the contribution of 35c. All servantsof the Lord going remittances to 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York This
forwardduringth~s campaignwill haxe a good supplyof this "Children" Studt/ Questions booklet will help individual rcad~’rs
literatureon hand as they go from placeto place,ms~tmgthe m their personal study m their own homes Get a copy now
peopleof good-will, thosewho Ioxcrighteousness. Th~sliterature
wall affordmany the opportumty of ~ctimga clearerknowledge "JEtIOVAIt’S SERVANTSDEFENDED"
of the truth,and theyshouldbe g~xenthis oppo~umty duringthe The release of th~s valuable booklet was a feature of the St
"WilhngVolunteers"TestimonyPermd The usual field-servlce Louts Assembly last summer. The Assembly received tt w~th great
reportswall be made to the coml)nnyserxantff the pubhsher~s appreciation and thankfulness. It has been received m hke manner
assocmted w~tha company; the plonecrs, d~rectto the office,and by thousands who arc interested m, if not also part~mpatmg
those readers of The Watchtowerwho have as yet not been m in, the fight which Jehovah’s covenant people are putting up m
the field-servicework,namely,goingfrom doorto doorw~ththe the exereLse of the God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed
Kingdom message,may mqmre of the WATCHTOWERthe addressof freedoms, to w~t, of assembly and of pubhcatlon and of open
theirnearestcompany.You wall enjoybeingassocmted withthem. speech in the worship of Almighty God and In proclaiming th~,
joyful news of his Theocratic Government. In this booklet you w~ll
¯ ’WATCHTOWER" STUDIES find the expressed rulings of the h~ghest courts of the UmtedStatc~
Week of July 19" ".M~eah" (Part 11), m support of Jehovah’s w~tnesses and in defense of their right~
¶ 1-18 reclusive,The WatchtowerJune 15, 1942. and liberties m His service. The 32 pages of th~s ~mportant docu-
Week of July 26: "Micah" (Part 11), mentary matter are enclosed m a neat and strong co~er. It is 5c a
19-36 melus~ve, The Watchtower June 15, 1942. copy, marled postage prepaid.
No. LXIII Jcxz 15, 1942 No 12


"’.111cl it shall come to pass in that day, float the Lord sl, all set his ha~zd again the seco~ld time to recover
tl, e rem~o~t of t~,~ people, ~ hich sl~all be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt. a~zd from Pathros, and from
C~¢sh. a~ld ]~om Elam, a~zd .from Shlnar, a~id from Hamath, a~ld from the isla~tds of the sea."~Isa. 11:11.
EHOVAHis interested in a remnant of people of Jehovah’s purpose then expressed to set up The
J and promises to do great thin~s for them, while
the~world looks on. Can you afford to be uninter-
TtlEOCII.kTIC GOVEIIX~rlX.~T in tlm hands of Tl~e Seed,
tits Christ, whomJehovah would bring forth ft’om his
ested just because a remnant is small and seemingly "woman" or universal organization. (Gen. 3:15)
of no importance? Those who are wise and who Satan failed in his murderous efforts to destroy that
measure the real value of things do well to consider Seed and also those followers in Christ’s footsteps
with lively interest this remnant Not that those of who have already proved their faithfulness unto
the remnant are important in themselves, but it is death and who are now associated with him in the
because they are Jehovah’s "remnant of his people" heavenly glory of TI~E T~r~oci~,cy. The great THV.O-
and he deals with them differently from his manner cr,~T Jehovah has designated 144,000 as the full
of action toward all the nations and peoples of the number to be united with the King Christ Jesus in
xx orld. By the consideration of these things now in TIlE Tm:ocI~,CY in the heavens. The full number
thc, (lays of great combat between "the king of the thereof have not yet been transferred from earth to
north" and "the king of the south" over world domi- the invisible heavens. A remnant are yet on earth to
nation, and by not letting the turn of such combat visibly represent and make known Tin: TnEocr.,xc,,’
take your attention off the all-important things, great and its immediate acts which now affect the hfe and
truths are learned which mean peace, comfort, joy, destiny of all individuals, organizations and natmns
life and security, if followed. The term "remnant" of the world.
points to something greater of which the remnant ’ For that reason Satan the Devil hates the rem-
are but a part remaining visible on the earth. What nant even as he hates their Leader and King Christ
is significant is that the remnant are part of or are Jesus. The "remnant" are the Israelites after the
in line for Almighty God’s organization Zion. Zion spirit. They are nmde up of those who have con-
occupies the place as capital over all God’s universal secrated their lives to Jehovah God through faith in
organization, and which capital is his Righteous the Savior Christ Jesus, and whomGod has justified
G(~vernment called "Tilt. TI-IeOCRACY".It is in the to life and begotten of his spirit to be his sons. Out
great "(lay of Jehovah", beginning in A.D. 1914, that of all those in "Christendom" professing covenant
tit.- THI~OCR.~,TIC GOVERXI~[v.NT under its King Christ relationship with God these continue to keep their
Jesus comes to the fore and takes power. From then covenant with him and to be faithful to His kingdom.
on all other governments must wane in power and Satan tried to destroy and prevent the organizing of
finally disappear. At the same time, however, Jeho- the remnant for the service on earth of TIlE THE0C-
vah does great things for the remnant on earth who I~ACX’. At the be#nning of that Government in thxs
represent that T~EOCR~.C~.Hence it is of exceeding "day of Jehovah" Satan stirred up the world war
value and importance to watch the movements of the (19J.4-1918) waged by "the king of the north" on the
remnant under Jehovah’s direction. Why.* Because reactiona~" side and "the king of the south" on the
such are visible proofs to the eye that the heavenly progressive, democratic side. Using such conflict as
THEOCRACa" has come into power and rules. All must an excuse, Satan by his religious agents on earth
submit themselves and render allegiance to it, if they stopped the Kingdom proclamation by God’s con-
would live for ever. secrated ones and caused them to be scattered, dis-
" From the fateful day in Eden aa-hen perfect man organized, and restrained in all lands of "Christen-
willfully rebelled by disobedience against the Theo- dom". This included the nations composing "the king
cratic rule of his Maker, Satan the Devil has l~own of {he north" (pictured by ancient Assyria north of

Palestine) and those nations composing"the king of the remnant of faithful Jews to his Holy Land and
the south" (pictured by Egypt, wlfieh land is now rebuilt the temple and also the city of Jerusalem and
allied with Britain and America). surrounded her with strong walls of protection. Then
¯ The great enemy of TUE T:HEOCnACY has been that remnant, as a pattern of the remnant of spirit-
foiled in his efforts to prevent tile unifying and ual Israelites today, sang: "Jehovah hath done great
organizing of Jehovah’s remnant for Theocratic things for us, whereofweare glad." (Ps. 126: 3, .lnl
service. Again the A_lmlghty Godhas made good his Rev. Ver.) Today in the sight of this modern world
word and proved the truth thereof by brining to Jehovah has repeated this performance of supremacy
pass Micah’s prophecy in our time, to wit: "’In that over the enemy Satan and his world organization.
day [the day of Jehovah. beginning 1914] also he Since 1918 Jehovah has brought forth the remnant
[the remnant] shall comeeven to thee from Assyria, to be a "people for his name".--Acts 15: 14.
and from the fortified cities, and from the fortress " "Andfrom the fortified cities" the remnant comes
even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from also. From "the cities of Mazor", reads the Je~lsh
mountainto mountain." (Mic. 7 : 12) It is the remnant Leeser translation. Since the name "Egypt", or
that comes from all these scattered places from and MizRaim (Hebrew), is derived from "Mazor", the
after A.D. 1918, when the armibtice was declared Rotherham and American Revised Version render-
between "the king of the north" and "the ldng of the ings read: "And from the cities of Egypt." Th~s
south". Their coming means that Zion, God’s capital agrees with the feet that in 1918 the lands of "the
organization, has been built up, for it is unto Zion king of the south", whichincludes the United States,
that the remnant comes for service. "For Jehovah took the final action in scattering Jehovah’s con-
hath built up Zion ; lie hath appearedin his glory. IIe secrated servants who were proclaiming the conung
hath regarded the prayer of the destitute [remnant], of Itis kingdomunder Christ. The expression "forti-
and hath not despised their prayer. This shall be fied cities" marks that as a time of the world t)em~
written for the generation to come; and a people armed for war, followed by merely an arnustice or
which shall be created shall praise Jehovah." (Ps. temporary laying downof arms, as is proved by the
102: 16-18, Am. Rev. Vet.) "And the ransomed [rem- physical facts of 1942. Jehovah again demonstrated
nant] of the LoaDshall return, and cometo Zion with his power over the "god of this world" and s~opI)e,t
songs, and everlasting joy upon their beads: they the world conflict in 1918. tte removedall bar, iers to
stroll obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sigh- the regathering of his devoted ones and the orgamz-
ing shall flee away." (lsa. 35 : 10) The nations making ing of his remnant. He sent them forth as Iris wit-
up the "’king of the north" combine had part in the nesses before the tribulation breaks again at Arma-
scattering of those maMngup the renmant; but the geddon and the FINALENDof the nations comes. This
Lord God has delivered them from the power of that ’shortening of the (lays of tribulation for the sake of
"king", the religdous part of which combine has its His elect’ is meant in the following prophecy (Isa.
headquarters at Vatican City, Italy. 11 : 15, 16) : "Andthe LORD shall utterly de~-troy the
It is no new thing that is seen beina-_ carried on tongue of the E~’ptian sea [as a barrmr] ; and with
today by "’the king of the north", to wit, the transfer his mighty wind shall he shake his band over the
of whole populations of state., or provinces away to river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and
distant and separated parts m order to have the make men go ov_er dry-shod. And there shall be an
exclusive use and control of the termtory of such highway for the remnant of his people, which -ball
states or provinces. Assyria and its successor in be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel m the
power, Babylon, did that very thing six centuries day that he came up out of the land of Egyl)t."
before Christ. They desolated the land of Israel and *"And from the fortress even to the river." "AIM
transplanted the Israelite iMmbitantsafar off to the from Mazor" (Leeser) ; "yea. from Egypt" (Bother-
heathen lands of the conquerors to be the slaves of ham) ;"and from Egypt even to the River" (Am. Rcu.
the "master race". That ancient world power of Ver.). The river here meant is the river Euphrates,
Assyria, and thereafter Babylon, was the instrument upon which both Assyria and Babylon were situated.
of the Devil. His purpose in removing the Israelites It was mentioned in God’s promise to Abraham, to
far off from their own borders and dispersing them wit : "In the same day, the LoaDmadea covenant with
was to wipe out the typical Theocracy over the Jews Abram,saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land,
and to prevent their ever reorganizing again. There- from the river of Egypt [M1zaaim] unto the great
by the Devil established himself as "the god of this river, the river Euphrates." (Gen. 15: 18) That great
world". He boasted that he had proved his power in river was used as a symbol of the "peoples, and
the great issue between himself and Jehovah God, of multitudes, and nations, and tongues" upon wlneh
umvEns,u,DO.’,tI.n-ATIO~n.TheDevil received a setback the great "whore", Babylon, Satan’s organization,
when Jehovah overturned Babylon and brought back sits in control and is borne up by such peoples

ahenated from Jehovah God. (Rev. 17 : 1, 15) Beside shall help him." (Young’s translation) Jehovah also
that great symbolical river have been held God’s gathers his "sheep" from the mountains uhieh are
consecrated spirit-begotten ones whomhe frees from the backboneof Satan’s visible earthly organization.
the oppressive power of the "great whore" sitting on To those mountains the people are taught by the
those waters. Titan He calls them to be his message- clergy to look for protection and safety and a stalfie
bearers to the nations. This was pictured in the world. By Jehovah’s Theocratic message widely pro-
s?nnbols of Revelation when it was commandedto claimed by his remnant he opens the eyes of his
"the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the "other sheep" to see the truth: "Truly in vain is
four angels [messengers] which are bound in the salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the
great river Euphrates. And the four angels were multitude of mountains; truly in the LonD[Jehovah]
loosed". (Rev. 9: 14, 15) At the same time the corre- our Godis the salvation of Israel." (Jer. 3 : 23) These
sponding prophecy began to be fulfilled: "And the "other sheep" have been scattered hy the false shep-
sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river herds over all these "mountains" or ruling powers of
Euphrates ; and the water thereof was dried up, that the world. (Ezek. 34:6) After those who are yet
the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." scattered the Lord Godsends his witnesses as hunters
--Rev. 16 : 12. to do a thorough searching work, to locate the strayed
The drying up of Euphrates’ water is accom- and misled ones that desire to come into the f-ld
plished by tm’ning the people having good-will toward under the protection of his TIIEOCn,Cy,MountZion,
God away from flowing to the support of Babylon and its King, Christ Jesus, the GoodShepherd. "And
and her religious organization. That the "four angels" after will I send for manyhunters, and they slmll
s)unbolizing the renmant had been loosed from Baby- hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill,
lofts power and were now messengers of his King- and out of the holes of the rocks. For mine eye~- arc
dom is marked by the fact: In 1927, in Toronto, upon all their ways."--Jer. 16: 16, 17.
Canada, an international assembly of thousands of ,Oin connection with the gathering of the sheep
Christians, Jehovah’s witnesses, from manycountries the Lord says: "Notwithstanding, the land slmll be
was held. On the closing day thereof the speech desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the
"Freedom for the Peoples" was delivered to tile fruit of their doings." (Mic. 7 : 13) W]loseland ? It’
visible audience and also to millions in an invisi- refers to the earthly condition of Jehovalfs servants
ble audience by a network of 53 radio statmns, during the afItietion of 1914-1918, then the marginal
the greatest radio chain till then. Thereafter that reading of the text is the correct one: "After that
message of freedom was printed and published by it hath been desolate"; that is, after that the renmant
the millions of copies, and was instrumental in shall come to Zion from Assyria, Egypt, etc. Their
freeing ninny and turning them aside from Babylon desolate condition due to the enemyaction is ,’ere1 rt, d
and her rehgion and unto the truth, which truth to at verse 9 of the chapter, wherethe renmant says :
"shall nmkeyou free". Those freed were not only of "1 will bear the indignation of the LoaD, because I
the renmant class, but also of persons of good-will have sinned against him, until he plead my cause
who devote themselves to God and his Kingdomand and execute judgment for me." (See the pr’eced,ng
becomethe Lord’s "other sheep". Whencecomethey ? article, Part 10, of this series.) The indignation of
"From sea to sea, and from mountain to the Lord against the remnant passed by 1922, and.
mountain," says Micah. This means the seven seas, though now sorely persecuted by the enemy, never
together with their multitude of isles. (Ps. 97: 1; again shall the renmant be desolated by tllem.
Isa. 42:12; 11:11; 51:5) Jehovah’s work by his " Other translations makethe word "land" to appl)
renmant of anointed witnesses has had as wide a to "the earth" outside of the condition occupied by
sweep as that. Nowfor some time the people of the remnant and their companionswinch is "the holy
good-will have been leaving tile "sea" of peoples land". Since this is so, it concerns and should interest
which are alienated from God and subject to Satan’s aLL peoples. "Yet shall the land be desolate" (Am.
unclean organization; and the numbers coming to Rev. Ver.); "While the land (of the nations) shall
Zion are increasing. This has comeunder the notice be madedesolate because of its inhabitants, for the
of both "the king of the north" and "the king of the fruit of their doings." (Leeser) This includes par-
south". Daniel 11:45 foretells the desperate action ticularly "Christendom", and shows the sharp differ-
shortly that all nations going totalitarian will take ence between her condition and that of the remnant.
to hold persons of good-will away from THETHSOC- The remnant bear the fruits God puts into their
~AcY, symbolized by Mount Zion: "And he [the hands, the fruits of the Kingdom, the life-giving
totalitarian combine] shall plant the tabernacles of truths thereof, and which the remnant have borne to
his palace between the seas [and] the glorious holy the dying peoples by word of mouth, by printed page,
mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none by recorded speech and sound equipment, by radio,
and by all means of publication and distribution. The they comfort me." (Ps. 23 : 4) Concerning Jehovah’s
remnant’s con(htion has been and is a fruitful one, "Rod", the One who malestically represents God’s
whereby Jehovah God and his TUEOCnATm Go~n:n.-,’- authority, it is prophesied : "He shall stand, and shall
.x~EXT have been glorified. (John 15: 8) "Christen- feed his flock in the strength of Jehovah, in the
dom’s" fruit is anti-Theocracy and has developed majesty of the name of Jehovah his God: and they
into the political-religious counterfeit for God’s shall abide; for now shall he be great unto the ends
I{_ingdom, to wit, "the abomination of desoIation." of the earth."--Mic. 5 : 4, Am. Rev. Ver.
"Their doings" are all for the world domination by ~’ Hence it is positively assured the remnant: "For
"both these ldngs" aforenamed, and are in opposition the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of
to THE THEOCIt,tCY, and they hatefuIly persecute the righteous ; lest the righteous put forth their hand~
those witnessing to that Righteous Government. unto iniquity." (Ps. 125: 3) The "king of the north’s"
"Christendom," eontrarv to her claim to be God’s religious crowd would like to get in by the use of
ldngdom, has not brougi~t forth fruit unto God, but "fifth column" dupes, but the angels watch the
is like the deceitful fig tree wlnch Christ Jesus cursed entrances to God’s spiritual temple and Holy C~ty.
and which thereafter withered in death. "Be not (Ezek. 40: 9, 10; Rev. 21: 12, 27) The wicked may try
deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man the rod of regimentation, but Jehovatfs covenant
soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal. 6: 7) "Chris- people who have given him their word will not modify
tendom" claiming to be God’s, it is inescapable that the routine of their lives and change from G,~d’s
her reward should be according to her works judged work and way and conform to the totalitarian way.
according to whether her works are for or against They continue to do the one thing stated in the Lord"s
His THEOCRATIC GovnnxsInNT by Christ Jesus. (Rev. commission to them, to preach this Kingdom gospel
22: 12) To her Jehovah says: "I will punish you The wicked may persecute, hut tlmt does not affect
according to the fruit of your doings." (Jer. 21 : 14) the internal order of the organization, nor break up
"Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with the unity of spirit and purpose and achon, nor stop
him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe the subnfission and obedience to "the lIigher Powers",
unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the God and Christ Jesus. Only the Lord’s "’rod" stays
reward of his hands shall be given him." (Isa. placed. The "elective elders" have been cleared out
3:10, 11) "Christendonf" is desolate, without fruit from ’%eing lords over God’s heritage". (1 Pl, t. 5: 3)
unto God now. The Kingdom interests have been The faithful remnant and companions put fl~rth thei~
taken away from her, and at Armageddon she shall hand to no iniquity, but only to God’s prescribed ~,~rk.
be completely desolated, destroyed. "The firstfruits belong unto God. His "little
TBEOCRATIC RULE flock" are a "kind of firstfruits of his creatures".
"These were redeemed from among men, being the
~ The prophecy then voices the prayer of the rem-
nant that God’s rule be put into operation among his firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb." (Jas. 1: 18;
organized people on earth. His rule is not "popular Rev. 14:4) This flock is therefore God’s ’qlerita~e".
rule", hut is Theocratic rule. "Feed thy people It is a serious thing, therefore, for Satan’s orgamza-
[(Roll~erham) Shepherd thou thy people] with thy tion Babylon to try to destroy Jehovah’s hemta~e
and prevent Him from having it for his use and
rod, the flock of thine heritage, which dwell solitarily
in the wood, in the midst of Carmel: let them feed purpose. It is his THEOCnACY under Chm.-t .lo:us
in Bashan and Gilead. as in the days of old." (Mic. Concerning Babylon of the land of the Cha]deam-
Jehovah says: "Chaldea shall be a spoil: all flint
7: 14) This request for fee(hug and shepherding
addressed not to the rehgmus clergy, who speak of spoil her shall be sahsfied, smth the LORD.Beeau.,e
their congregations as "’my flock", nor to "elective ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye debtro~ers
elders" over companies of" the consecrated, but to of mine heritage." (Jer. 50:10-13) Let the persecu-
the Great Shepherd, Jehovah. (Ps. 23:1) "I,2now tor nations be advised that Jehovah "will also gather
all nations, and will bring them down into the valley
that the LORDhe is God: it is he that hath made
us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for
my people and for my heritage Israel, whom the~
sheep of his pasture." (Ps. 100: 3) Jehovah’s "rod"
have seattered among the nations, and parted my
is 1Hs Mighty One, Christ Jesus, "the Chief Shep-
herd." He has now come to the temple and judges land". (Joel 3 : 1, 2) "They break in pieces thy people,
O LOBD,and afflict thine heritage."--Ps. 94:5.
first "the house of God" and thereafter all the nations,
the people of which he divides as "sheep" and "goats". *’ The prophet describes the singular condition of
(1 Pet. 5:4;4: 17; Matt. 25: 31, 32) His "rod of iron" Jehovah’s covenant people during the afflictmn of
is reserved for the anti-Theocratic nations, to dash 1918: "the flock of thine heritage, which dw(,ll .~,li-
them to shivers; but as for the remnant of Jehovah’s tarily m the wood, m the midst of Carmel." "Carmel’
"little flock" it is written: "Thy rod and thy staff means a planted "field (garden, orchard, vineyard
Jure 15, 1942 95eV 1ATCHTOWER. 183

or park)" and is elsewhere translated "fruitful " The Lord responds to the prayer of the remnant :
(plentiful) field", ttence Rotherhamrenders the text: "According to the days of thy coming [forth] out of
"Dwell thou alone a jungle in the midst of a fruitful the land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous
field." (See Isaiah 37:24, margim) Round about the things." (Mic. 7 : 15) This statement of Jehovah him-
then unr%m~lated, disorganized condition of God’s self shows that the ten plagues upon Egypt, the
consecrated ones the Devil’s organization seemed to Jews’ passover there, their deliverance from that
bloom and be fruitful with success and prosperity. house of bondage, the crossing of the Red sea and
But such is merely the forerunner of its destruction : the engulfing of the pursuing Egyptian chariots and
"’Whenthe wicked spring as the grass, and when all armies were typical, that is, prophetic patterns of far
grander things to cometo pass in this "day of Jeho-
the u orkers of iniquity do flourish, it is that they shall
vah", when He makes a name for himself and
be destroyed for ever." (Ps. 92 : 7) Now,opposite vindicates it. The prophet Moses lmck there fore-
that former condition under God’s indignation, the shadow ed Jehovah’s great Prophet, Christ Jesus, to
prophetic prayer says : "Let them feed ill Bashan and whomthe covenant people of God must now hearken
Gilead, as in the clays of old." or else be destroyed. That Greater Moses has come
’~ Bashan and Gilead lay east of the Jordan and to the temple, and the judgment is on. The choice is
were occupied by the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and set before creatures, Obey, and live; fail or refuse
the half-tube of Manasseh, because being excellent to ol~ey, and die !--Deut. 18:15-18; Acts 3:22,23;
sections of tl~e ttoly Landfor flocks and cattle. (Deut. 7 : 37; Deut.30 : 15, 19.
3: 12, 13; Num.32: 1, 16,33) The prophet speaks of ~"By the hand of that Greater Moses Jehovah
Jehovah’s remnant as a "flock", "the flock of thine commandsand leads his people forth into liberty
heritage," and here therefore he fittingly mentions from antitypical Egypt, Satan’s world. The prelimi-
only the sheep-raising regions. But those two regions, nary nine plagues upon Egypt correspond with the
Bashan and Gilead, being part of the Holy Land, judgment message from the Lord God expo-ing
stand representatively for the whole of it. For God’s Satan’s world and its official elements, and that
flock to be freed from Babylon and placed at liberty "’strange work" by Jehovah through the Greater
m God’s organization "as in the days of old" means Moses and the renmant of lns brethren on earth has
as in the days when Christ Jesus and the apostles been going on since A.D. 1922. Then also the plagues
were still alive and active on earth. Then they freely foretold in Revelation 16 began to be poured out
and boldly preached throughout the land, "The king- particularly on "Christendom". The tenth plague,
dora of heaven is at hand !" Then the GoodShepherd the destruction of the firstborn of antitypical Egypt,
personally led and fed the "httle flock". However,the is a visible part of Jehovah’s "strange act". It will
prophecy may also mean as during the forty-year strike them at the battle of Armageddon.Tim Lord
period prior to 1918 knownas the "Elijah period" God used his remnant under Christ and their
because foreshadowedby the prophet Elijah’s activi- companionsto perform a part in the "strange v ork"
ties against the priests and prophets of reli~on. Dur- of pouring out the preliminary plagues, and there-
ing that "Elijah period" Jehovah’s Messenger was after in His due time he has opened their eye., to
preparing the way for the Lord’s coming to the understand the significance and howthey had a part
temple for judgm~ent. (Mal. 3:14) Letting the in the fulfilling of proi~heey. Tltereby he has shown
restored remnant feed thus means a great spread of unto them "marvellous things". By his revealed
the Kingdomwitness work "in all the world for a prophecies they see by faith his marvellous "strange
witness unto all nations". (Matt. 24: 14) For years act’" at Armageddonto the eternal glory and vmdiea-
the Lord’s visible instrument for directing the wit- tlon of his name. Then they shaU sing as did the
ness, to wit, the WaTc~ Towen BIBLe & Te’.CT Israelites standing delivered" on the other side of the
SocmTY,had forty branches in key reties throughout Red sea. They shall see the salvation of Jehovah.--
the world. That was before Catholic dictator Hitler’s Ex. 15 : 1-21; 14 : 13.
blitzkrieg got under way destroying democratic ~" "The nations shall see and be confounded[ (Am.
rights and liberties and fighting Tu~Ti~noca,cx’. But Rev. Ver.) The nations shall see and be ashamed]
ttitler and his Axis partners of the totalitarian- at all their might: they shall lay the,r hand upon
religious "abomination of desolation" have not been their mouth,their ears shall be deaf." (Mie. 7 : 16) The
able to prevent portions from the Great Shepherd’s might and valor of Jehovah’s remnant in his "strange
table from going to his faithful sheep even in the work", which is destructive to religion, has been seen
.kxis-dominated lands, and they continue to give the by all the nations, particularly "Christendom", and
witness to the Kingdomaccording to the way that they have been put to shameby such zeal for Jehovah.
the Lord has arranged. Consequently there also the The reli~onists do not have the zeal that is pccuhar
Lord’s "other sheep" continue to be gathered. to the Lord’s house and they are forced to adm;t that

fact. (Ps. 69 : 9) Concerning Jehovah’s anointed rem- deaf to commandsfrom their ownsuperior officers
nant and their companions carrying on the Kingdom and employers. At the terrific demonstranon of
proclamation under stiff opposition and demoniacal Jehovah’s power used in war action the reti~mus.
persecution tile prophecy said aforetime: "But the commercial and political elements and their sup-
people that do know their God shall be strong, and porters will be both deaf and dumbwith amaz(,nwnt.
do exploits." (Dan. 11 : 32) Their strength and might uncanny fear. shame and bitter disappointment at
are in Jehovah and his King, and they are valorous their final defeat. CompareHabakkuk3: 9-16.
and courageous because of the bacidng of those ~’ "Theyshall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall
"Higher Powers". During the enforced restraint upon moveout of their holes like wormsof the earth: they
Jehovah’s covenant people in 1918 the reli~ionists of shall be afraid of the Load our God, and sh.fll fear
all the nations opep.ed their mouths wide in self- because of thee." (Mic. 7 : 17) Theyare the "~eed"
credit for the seeming triumph, and in hragging, and the Serpent that strike behind the back and at the
in praise to the "god of this world". Jehovah’s heel. There is no food in dust, but it reple~ent.-
delivery of his people and thereafter using them to the low, dry, worthless things, without life. Lwlcmg
declare his nameand kingdomthroughout all nations the dust means their debasement to the level of the
where they had been persecuted and suppressed com- devilish enemy of God sentenced hy Jehovah God to
pletely surprised the cocky religionists. It silenced destruction under the heel of The Seed of (~,,1
their boasts and self-congratulations. They were "woman".(Gen. 3: 14, 15) "Dust shall be the serI~(,nt
terrified. (Rev. 11 : 10-12) "If thou hast done foolishly meat." (Isa. 65: 25) "They that dwell in the wfl~tel-
in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thouzht evil, lay hess shall bow before him [The Seed, ,lel~ovah’s
thine hand upon thy mouth." (Prey. 30:32) "The Vindicator-King]; and his enemies shall hck the
riahteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity dust." (Ps. 72: 9) Concerning their grovehnz tmmfll-
shall stop her mouth." (Ps. 107:42) Let this not ation Jehovah taunts those who belittle him an,t
understood to mean. however, that the enemy have reproach his name: "Hide thee in the du~t, for fear
ceased to reproach ,lehovah Godand to misrepl’esent, of the Loan [Jehovah], and for the glory c~f lu,
slander, falsely accuse, and taunt his faithful wit- majesty. The lofty looks of manshall I)e [mint,led.
nesses aml their companions in service. In wild and the haughtiness of menshatl be bowed,lox~ n : an,l
desperation the enemymdulge in that more viciously the LORDalone shall be exalted in that clay.’
than ever. The Lord shall stop their waggingtongues Isa. 2: 10, 11.
in due time. At Alunagedd,m "their tongue shall ~ In disdain of the Lord’s provision for saf(.’~ at
con.-ume away in their mmith".--Zeeh. 14: 12. Arnmgeddonthe religionists and fellow rule~ of
,o "Their ears shall l,,e silent." (Bot]~e~]~am)Their "Christendom" with nmch self-conce~ted rehancc ,m
ears itched to hear self-prai.-e and good reports of their wisdomand abihtv to defend tlmnlseh’es :av
progress in keeping Jehovah’s people under and out "~Ve have madea covenant with death, an,t with hell
of action; but have now been deafened by the turn are we at agreement; whenthe overflo~ lnz ’-cr)ul’~e
of events due to the Lord. Muchas their ears have shall pass through, it shall not comeunto u=. for we
been tickled by hearing self-praise and flattery over have madelies our refuge, and undei fals,.l.o~,d ]lave
pa~t successes against the publishers of Jehoval~’s wehid ourselves." (Isa. 28 : 14.15) .leh,)vah l¢ he that
kingdomby Christ .Jesus. nowtheir ears are closed "sitteth upon the circle of the ealth, and the mlml)-
to such because the wm~esswork moves on in sp~te itants thereof are as grasshoppers" (Isa. 40 ~o,
of mobs, mischief framed by law, violent Catholic and of the scornful enemyhe say.-’ "Lfl<e orav. lln~
Action. and other forms of persecution and opposi- things of tile earth they shall cometremtfllr~ t,ut ,,:’
tion. Their honors with the world count for nothing their close places [their fastnesses]." (Am Bc~.
as long as Jehovah’s w~tnesses are loose and active; Ver.; Rotherham) Before their destructmn they :hall
as the newly-honored Amalekite ttaman said of be openly disgraced before the eyes of rl,_,hto,u:,
Jehovah’s faithful witness Mordecai: "Yet all this God-fearing creatures in heaven and earth and shall
availeth me nothing, so lon~ as I see Mordecai the drag their bellies on the ground like vermin N¢, more
,Jew sitting’at the king’a gate." (Esther 5: 13) The such bold, stiff fronts and hurhng defiance at .Jt.ho-
ears of the modern Hamanclass and their allies have yah and his law in order to make an awe-insplrm;~
already been dehfened by the success of Jehovah’s impression upon creatures who are ensnared by the
"strange work", but His "strange act" against them fear and reverence of men. Instead, now, they will
is just ahead, at Armageddon. Then the booming of exhibit cowardly, craven fear because of being proved
God’s supernatural artillery, the pealing of his war- liars, hypocrites, breakers of God’s law, nowcalled
trmnpets, the victory shouts of the hosts of heaven to account before the SupremeCourt of the umverse.
as they sweep forward conquering all opposers, will Their refuge of lies and their hiding-place of false-
deafen the enemies’ ears. In confusion they shall be hood, their claimed agreement with hell (pit or
Jvx~ 15, 1942 185
grave), and all their hidden strongholds in Satan’s be one of the "princes" in the "new earth" shall
visible earthly organization they will find to be no shortly be brought to pass by God’s power. At a
effective place in which to hole up from execution. critical time Sanmel stood firm for T~E THEocmtc~
They shall have to squirm and wriggle out there- and exhorted the covenant people of Godto a course
from and to grovel and wipe up the dust with their of faithfulness and holding fast their integrity
gawdy, jewel-bedecked religious vestments and offi- toward Jehovah. Said he: "Only fear the Lore). and
cial robes, and their bellies like King Eglon’s scrap- serve him in truth with all your heart: for coxslm:a
ing the ground. With the terror of exposed crooks how great things he hath done for you." (1 Sam.
they will look upon the manifestation of Jehovah’s
power and glory in battle fire against them. (Isa. 12:24) At this late date and so near the FIN,XLnxl~
Jehovah’s anointed remnantandtheirconlpanions
28: 17-21) Their hoar heads shall not go down to
should carefully consider, and all other interested
Gehenna in peace. Conscious of their present power persons of good-will should consider, what great
and dignity the)" have treated Jehovah’s servants things the Lord God has done for those who have
with as little consideration as to worms,but nowto taken their stand on the side of his kingdom and
his witnesses whose integrity is not broken by such held fast thereto with integrity and fulfilled their
reproach Jehovah says : "Fear not, thou wormJacob, covenant obligations to him. Consider especially what
and ye menof IsraeI; I will help thee, saith the LenD,
and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel." (Isa. great things he has (tone siuce 1925, when the~
41:14) These face :krmageddon with joyful expec- discerned Jehovah’s purpose to nmke a name for
himself and they determined thenceforth to honor
tation. Jehovah’s name and to declare it through all the
~ When the prophecy says of the foes of TH~: earth. Since then. howJehovah has unfohled to tl,elr
T~gocn.~cY, "They shall coine with fear [in dread] wondering gaze the prophecies "’written aforetmm"
unto Jehovah our God" (Am. Rcv. Ver.; Leeser), showing just how he will make this everlaqin~ name
it does not mean their repentance. It is impossible for himself and vindicate it!~Isa. 63: 12:1 Chron.
to convert these wblling opposers and their hangers- 17 : 20.21.
on that they nlight be spared and preserved from
execution at the great Battle. Their "fear" then is ~ All such great things thus far Jehovah has done
not the beginning of wisdomand of life-giving knowl- to his faithful remnantand his "other sheep~ for l~i~
edge for them. It is their dread due to being at last name’s sake, to the honor of which name they are
brought to know that Jehovah is God Ahnighty and devoted. The issue is VxIvnns, aL I)OMINATION, tO be
that it is Ite whomthey fought and at whose hand established in vindication of God’s name. That is
they must nowdie and perish like beasts. Their fear proved by Micah, whorepresents Jehovah’s witnesses
is what Jehovah by his demonstration, his "strange and who says: "-Who is a God like unto thee, that
act", compels them to manifest, tie hreaks their pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgressmn
stubborn ])ride and disdain, their stiff, unbending of the renmant of his heritage? he retaineth not his
l~acks, and then lets his faithful servants put their anger for ever, because he delightetl~ in mercy."
feet upon the necks of these as they bite the bitter (Mie. 7: 18) This expresses the heart attitude
(lust in death. They will be forced to see the vindica- Jehovah’s remnant of spimtual Israel today u ith the
tion of Jehovah’s name and the proof of his history of his dealings with them since ti~e setting
supremacy and universal domination, and be com- up of iris THaOCnAC~" in 1914to tie considered and its
p(,lled to admit such before their destruction. "As meaningto 1)e studied. Satan, the "’god of tins world",
live. saith the Lord, every knee shall bowto me, and is enraged at the established Tt~Eocr~Acy.lie is out
every tongue shall confess to God." (Rein 14: 11) to effect the destruction of even his owndemoncrmvd
"I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of and all his devotees on earth whenhe himself goes
my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, downat Arnmgeddon."Rule or ruin," is his merciless
That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue purpose, tte shows no mercy to an)’, but brings great
shall swear." (Isa. 45: 23) Those doing so unwillingly woes upon the peoples of earth to make them all
shall perish. Longing for such vindication of Jeho- curse God and turn awav from his place of refuge
vah’s name and word, the lovers of THETHEOCRACY and thereby lose all di£’ine protection during the
pray: "Make thy name known to thine adversaries, "battle of that great day of God Almight)". To the
that the nations may tremble at thy presence!"-- direct contrary, Jehovah in his mercy to the remnant
Isa. 64:2. of his elect ones shortened the tribulation in 1918. Ite
did this that these might be recovered from their
CONSIDER iniquity of lip and the uncleanness of the fear of men
~’ Samuelwas one of the faithful prophets of old and might serve him anew as his witnesses and there-
whotestified concerning the establishment of Jeho- by receive salvation from God. Proving God’s mercy
vah’s THF.OCRATICGowa~a~T.His return to life to Christ Jesus said: "For then shall be great tribula-

tion [beginning upon Satan’s organization with the will forgive their iniquity, and I will remembertheir
’war in heaven" and his being cast out], such as was sin no more." (Jer. 31: 31-34) "And so all Israel
not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, [including the remnant] shall be saved: as it is
nor ever shall be. And except those days should be written, There shall comeout of Sion the Deliverer,
shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for and shall turn away ungodliness [religion] from
the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened."-- Jacob [surnamed Israel]: for this is my covenant
Matt. 24 : 21.22. unto them, whenI shall take away their sins." (Rom.
~ The Devil having been cast out and downto the 11:26, 27) The rule Jehovah announces in this day
earth, Christ Jesus did not press the "war in heaven" of judgmentat the temple is : "But if the wickedwill
turn from all his sins that he hath committed ....
further to the immediate destruction then of Satan all his transgressions that he hath committed, they
and all his organization, demonand human, but has shall not be mentionedunto him : in his righteousness
permitted him to remain. At Armageddon.and at the that he hath done he shall live."--Ezek. 18 : 21-28.
signal from the great Commander-in-Chief Jehovah, :~ ~hat if Jehovah had retained his anger and dis-
he will renewthe battle and bring the rI~-~L E.XDof the pleasure against his consecrated ones whoyiehled to
trilmlation upon all the enemycrowd visible and in- the enemyorganization in 1918 to the neglect of the
visible. Duringthis shortening of the days in the mid- work God assigned them? Had he retained his anger
tile of the tribulation period Jehovah sends forth his till Armageddonthose consecrated ones in the flesh
renmant, whose iniquity he has pardoned. These. hav- would not have been saved, but destroyed. Conct.~n-
ing received such great mercy, show mercy to others ing the remnant who turned to him confessing their
in danger of destruction. They publish to all having failure and offering themselves as willing vohmteers
hearing ears Jehovah’s kingdom message of salva- for ins work yet to be done on earth, "he hath not
tion, warning the ones in danger to flee from religion held fast perpetually his anger." (Rotke~ ham) .ks to
and to seek refuge under His THnOC~.XTIC Govnn~’-the bold and public service to Jehovah’s namethat
.~W.-X’Tby Christ Jesus. "Forasmuchas there is none followed, the Lord said concerning the restored rem-
like unto thee, 0 LORD:thou art great, and thy name nant : "Andin that day thou shalt say, O Lor~D, I will
is great in might. Whowould not fear thee, 0 King of praise thee: though thou wast angry with me. throe
nations [that is, the "holy nation’ and the nations anger is turned away, and thou comforted~-t me."
composedof the ’great multitude’] ?"--Jer. 10: 6, T. (Isa. 12:1) This the Supreme Judge has done
5, All the physical facts since 1918 considered, it "because he delighteth in mercy", that is, toward
is manifest that "Christendom" has committed and those repentant and with purified hearts. "For One
continues to commit unpardonable sin against Jeho- who delighteth in lovingkindness is he!" (Rotker-
vah and his THEOCn.~CY. On the other hand, He has ham) The remnant, and now also their beloved
pardoned the iniquity of his repentant servants and companions, can of actual experience say : "The LORD
passed over the transgression of the "remnant of his is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous
heritage", reinstating them in his service, anointing in mercy. He will not always chide; neither ~ill he
them, equipping them with his message of salvation keep his anger [at his servants under discipline] for
and of vengeance, calling them by the "new name", ever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor
"Jehovah’s witnesses," and then sending them forth rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the
as such to the perfornmnce of his "strange work" heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy
a~ainst religion. Concerning their restoration from toward them that fear him." (Ps. 103:8-I1) "With
Babylon to the Holy Land of his organization and the merciful [toward the spiritually hungry pe,ple
service Jehovah said aforetime: "And I will bring of good-will] thou wilt shew thyself merciful."--
Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on Pss. 18 : 25 ; 103: 17, 18.
Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied 2~ The creature is not important, but all such mercy
upon mount Ephraim and Gilead. In those days, and Jehovah displays for his own name’s sake. His name
in that time, saith the LOAD, the iniquity of Israel has long been reproached by the Devil, who charges
shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the that Jehovah cannot put a man on earth who will
sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I hold fast his blamelessness and faultlessness toward
~dll pardon them whomI reserve [the godly remnant God under assault and test by the Devil. By such
of spiritual Israelites]." (Jer. 50 : 18-20) This pardon the adversary seeks to cause the fall of Jehovah’s
is according to the terms of Jehovah’s new covenant, servants and thus give cause and occasion for all
which he inaugurated toward his "people for his God’s enemies to reproach Godand doubt his supreme
name" in 1918: "Behold, the days come, saith the power. (Ezek. 36 : 21-24) It is a mercyto his faithful
LoaD, that I will makea new covenant with the house servants for Jehovah to destroy the wicked. "Thou,
of Israel, and with the house of Judah; . . . for I therefore, 0 LoaDGodof hosts, the God of Israel,
Jv.~- 15, 19t2 Efie\ ATCHTOWEFk 1ST

awaketo visit all the heathen [the nations forgetting the fulfillment of his covenant obligations toward
God] : be not merciful to any wicked transgressors." God. Such "sins" the consecrated were guilty of in
"And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy 1918 and for a short time thereafter, due to fear of
all them that afflict mysoul: for I am thy servant." men and being overreached by the enemy or_~aniza-
(P ss. 59:5 ; 143 : 12 ) Jehovahis mercifnt to those who tion which was mistakenly considered as "tim IIighel
are deternfined not to turn again to foolishness of Powers". The prophet Isaiah. as a prototype, con-
this world but to be faithful to the end. Such prayed fessed to suchlike sins, and then the Lord m his
in 1918: "Wilt thou not revive us again, that thy loving-kindness purged him. The "depths of the sea"
people may rejoice in thee? Shew us thy mercy, O serves to show the submerging of "all their <ms"
LORD,and grant us thy salvation. I will" hear what without any trace left, out of sight and beyond
Godthe LORD will speak: for he will speak peace [of recovery of the deepest-going deep-sea divers. The
forgiveness] unto his people, and to his saints: but enemy accuser cannot brin~ them up before God to
let them not turn again to folly."--Ps. 85:6-8. condemnthe faithful renmant to tits face. ThoCesins
~o The prophetic words have been brought to pass are beyond recovery just as muchas Babylon wilt be
upon tlle faithful consecrated ones from and after when Jehovah’s mighty angel lifts her up from her
1918: "Ite will turn again, he wilt have compassion entrenched position and hurls her "like a great mill-
uponus ; he will subdueour iniquities : and thou wilt stone .... into the sea. saying. Thus with wolence
east all their sins into the depths of tile sea." (Mic. shall that great city Babylon he thrown down. and
7:19) To "turn again" means repetition or renewal; shall be found no more at all". (Rev. 18:21) The
hence the text is also rendered: "He will again have renmant can assuredly say: ".ks far as the east is
compassion upon us" (Rotkerlmnz);"he wilt again from the west, so far hath he removed our tran¢-
have mercy on us" (Leeser). "He will tread our gressions from us." (Ps. 103: 12) According to the
terms of the new covenant Jehovah says: "And I
iniquities under foot." (Am. Re~. Vet.) In his com-
pas.-ion Jehovah again did as in the time of old will remembertheir sin no more." (Jer. 31 : 34 : Ileb
toward the remnant of natural Israel, and this time 8:12) Therefore the membersof the Lord’a faithful
he delivered the spiritual remnant from Babylon. renmant put from amongthem all religious thine.-
Their iniquities he trod under foot as though enenfies. of belief and practice, and that ho.vondrecovery, .lu.-t
Such he did by the purging power of the truth. "By as the Lord Godires done ~ith their sins.
mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear
of the Load [and not of creatures] men depart from
evil." (Prov. 16:6) Upon those approved at the "’ The truth of the greatest importancein the P, ihle,
temple jud~m’nent Jehovah poured out a "double and which Godsets foremost therein, is that concern-
portion" of Elijah’s spirit, which was as a purifying mg his kingdom, THYTHnocn.tcY.This is .-o I)ecause
’live coal", ’taken by the angel with the tongs from it is that capital organization of Jehovah ~hich
off the altar.’ (Isa. 6: 6, 7 ; 2 Ki. 2 : 9, 10) This tread- vindicates his name and destroys all opponent.- to
ing down meant also the subduing of those in the Ins universal dominatmn as the Supreme lluler
congregation who promote iniquity or lawlessness Jehovah God is the great THr.ocm~T,the Father and
toward God’s work. Thereby Jehovah caused a Creator of The THEOCmtTIC GovYnN.MENT. Of l]lm
separating-out of the "workers of imquity", tile "evil the patriarch Abrahamxx as a "friend". tIence .\In’a-
servant" class: "And I will purge out from among hamwas used as a type of Jehovah God. (;od’: fir<t-
you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: born and only begotten Son he gave to be the I,:in~
I will bring them forth out of the country where they of that promised TIIEOCRtTIC (~(,VFRNMLNT That
sojourn, and they shall not enter [with the renmant] beloved Son entered into the covenant of sacrifice
into the land of Israel; and ve shall knowthat I am and was faithful therein toward ins Godand Fatl~er,
the LORD [Jehovah]." (Ezek-. 20 : 38 ; Matt. 13 : 41) even unto the death. Therefore Christ Jeans wa-
\\’hen such of the "evil servant" class tried to get foreshadowed by Abrahanfs son Isaac, ~hom Abra-
in the way of the Lord’s work, the faithful remnant ham offered in figure in sacrifiee to Jehovah (;od
trod right over them and went ahead, and the four Isaac was thereby used to picture The Seed or Theo-
wheels of Jehovah’s great "chariot" or organization cratic King whomJehovah mentmnedin his covenant
rolled on irresistibly over all of Satan’s human with Abraham: "And in thy seed shall all tlm natmns
scot ch-blocks.--Ezeldel 1. of the earth be blessed: because thou hast obeyed
"’ The "sins" that are drownedin the depths of the my voice." (Gen. 22.18) Isaac had tx~in sons. Jeho-
sea are not those which are due to inheriting weak- vah chose the younger, Jacob by name, wha was faith-
ness and frailty from the sinner Adam, but were ful to God, and to him Jehovah renewed the promise
those of failing to do the things that the Christian is concerning the eonfing Tn~-oca.tTiC GOVLnY.~IEXT and
commissioned to do, and hence the coming short in The Seed who rules thereto. Therefore Jacob Incmres
not merely Christ Jesus The Seed, but also the Rein. 2: 7) Yet on earth for God’s purpose tt:ore
brethren of Christ Jesus associated with him in the remain the faithful remnant whoare in line to be of
Theocratic Rule, and concerning these brethren he that Greater Jacob’s body members, The Complete
says: "Behold I and the children which God hath Christ of which Jesus is the Head. They serve on.
given me." (Hob. 2: 13; Isa. 8: 18) By these three awaiting also their change in Jehovah’s due time.
faithful men, Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, therefore, is "Thou wilt show faithfulness unto Jacob" (Leeser);
pictured that TI~EOCr~Ac¥ whose universal domination "Thouwilt grant the faithfulness to Jacob." (I?o t h e r-
shall be for ever. ham) THAT,therefore, and let it be knownto all. the
~ Jehovah was not obliged to do it. It was out of persons of good-will and the persecutors alike, is
his loving-kindness, hence his mercy, that he made the reason for Jehovah’s merciful and faithful deal-
provision for this wonderful Governmentthat shall ings with his devoted remnant in this day of our Lord
extend God’s mercy to sinful creatures on earth who Jesus Christ. "0 ye seed of Abrahamhis servant, ye
desire to comeinto harmonywith him that they might children of Jacob his chosen. Heis the LortDour God:
live and use their lives eternally to the glory of the his judgments are in all the earth. He hath reu:em-
great "Father of mercies and the Godof all comfort". bored his covenant for ever, the word which he com-
Therefore Jehovah said to Abrahamconcerning The mandedto a thousand generations: . . . He suffel ed
Seed of the promise: "So [by faith and obedience] no man to do them wrong; yea. he reproved kings
shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves in for their sakes; saying, Touch not mine anointed.
thy seed." (Gen. 22:18, Rotherham) "Thy seed, and do my prophets no harm." (Ps. 105 : 6-15) Jeho-
which is Clmst." (Gal. 3: 16) Those whose destiny vah’s reproof has for some time now been adnun,s-
is involved m the promise as heirs thereof, and all tered to the "kings", both "of the north" and "of the
others of good-will whode~-ire the fulfillment of God’s south", and also the ruling factors of all the world.
promise, maybe fully assm’ed of tim truth and faith- The continued persecution upon Jehovah’s amdnted
fulne-:s of his promise. Jehovah swore thereto with ones and their inseparable companions shows that
an oath by the greatest and highest personage in the the religious-political factors and their supporters
universe, ttis own self.--Heb. 6:13-20. have hardened their necks. They "shall suddenly be
~’With unwavering confidence, therefore, Jeho- destroyed, and that without remed)".--Prov. 29:1.
vah’s inspired prophet said: "Thou wilt perform the ~" Not for very muchlonger shall the people mourn
truth to Jacob [the L’hrlst. Head and body], and the because such stiff-necked wicked ones bear rule. The
mercy to 3_brahanb which thou hast sworn unto our glorious day of the triumph of Jehovah’s Tt~F.ocnxc’Y
fathers froln the days of old." (Mic. 7:20) Abraham, by his Seed, Christ Jesus, is at hand, and then, "’x~ hen
Jacob and the other fmthful men of old are not yet the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice."
brought back from the dead in a "better resurrec- (Prov. 29 : 2) The rejoicing has already begun among
tion"; they are not yet made"princes in all the earth" those enlightened by God’s prophecy and who with
under that THEOCP, ATIC GoVERNSIE.XT, but the truth the eye of faith see Jehovah’s Righteous Kingd<,n:
and mercy God expressed to Jacob and Abraham he begun. Their rejoicing shall never end. It shall reach
has fulfilled. The oath with which he swore to the its height of jubilation at the smashinggrand china,:
fathers of Christ Jesus from the days of old Jehovah of the "battle of that great day of GodAhni,_q~tv’.
Godhas kept inviolate. Ills mercy, truth and fmth- Armageddon. Therefore let the renmant and th(:~r
fulness are upheld and ~-hall ~-hortly at Armageddon devoted companions not flinch under inc~(,a-in<
be completely vindicated. opposition, reproach and persecution Let them con-
~’ The T~tnoen.~T~cGOV~:nX.~I~EXT is here, it having tinue to move on in unbreakable umly, 5~hting
begun with Jehovah’s enthronement of the King shoulder to shoulder against the enemies of ,l¢.lmvah
thereof in A.D. 1914. Since his coming to the temple and his King. Let their heart’s affection be fixed
and being presented as King to all the universe, immovablyupon THLTRF.OCaACY, and let the love of
including the earth, there are now assocmted with Christ hold them faithful to their covenant with
him the faithful followers that finished their earthly Jehovah God unto the end, all for the wnd}cation
course faithfully and whoat his eonnng were raised, of his glormus and holy name. Blessed be that name
being changed from human to spirit, and given for evermore !
’glory, honor and immortality’. (1 Cor. 15: 51-54; (Conclusmn)

Jehovah reigneth;he*s clothedwtthmajesty;Jehovah is clothed

withstrength;he hathg~rded hzmselftherewah:the worldalso ~s
establ~hed,that tt cannotbe moved.Thythrone~s estabhshed
of old: thouart fromeverlasttng.Thytesttmomes are verysure:
hohnessbecometh thy house,0 Jehovah,for evermore.
~Psalm93: 1, 2, 5, A.R.V.

F OR our day it was providently written "Come, my

people, enter thou rote thy cl~ambers, and shut thy
doors about thee, hide thyself as it were for a little
moment with honeyed and sanctimonious words upon their
hps they pose as reformers, and the next w~th b~tter x~ords
they strike out against those who are humbly trying to
moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, represent God and his Righteous Government Well are the.~
the LoRDcomcth out of his place to pumsh the inhabitants illustrated by the sea-monster that rises to the surface and
of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose quickly disappears. Great numbers of people have been held
her blood, and shall no more cover her slain."--Isa. 26 : 20, 21. in the prison-house of Babylon (Satan’s organization)
Manifestly this prophecy does not refer to the resurrec- reason of tl, e iniquity, the scduch~ e and elumve methods of
tion of the dead, but to the fact that the Lord God will the clergy. Ghding among the people, they dash up a spra~
lay bare the bloody record of Satan’s visible orgamzation, to bhnd the people to the fact that there is a Devil or
partmularly the totahtarian-rehgmus powers of aggression, that he has an organization or that the Devil is their enemy
and will call universal attenhon to the fact, as well as take They organize and operate their seductive and fraudulent
no~e thereof tnmself, and will bring the guilty ones to system of rehgion and misname it "’Christiamty" and gLv~
account. No more can the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and suck or nourishment to those xxhom they have entrapped
olher clergy of the totalitarian lands hide their hypocrisy As it is ~ ritten : ’:Even the sea monsters draw out the In’east,
by declarin~ the bloody acts of the aggressors a "crusade" they give suck to their young ones: the daughter of my
a~amst ungodhness and for Chrls~mmty. people is becomecruel, like the ostriches in the wi~.derness "’
The prophecy is proof that the clergy who have taken (Lain. 4: 3) They teach those whomthey draw into tl:elr
tl’e name of the Lord God and misrepresented him are a systems cruelty and urge them to use cruelty a_~ainst
part of tile li)cvfl’b organization Jehovah comes out of his followers of Christ by resorting to all manner of x iolenee
place to express his md~enation aeainst the evildoers, and, Referring again to Isaiah’s prophecy which says that "m
at Isaiah 27: 1, immedmtely following the above-quoted that day the LO~D, with his sore, and great, and strong
prophecy, it is said "In thai day the LORD,with his sore, sword" shall pumsh the Devil’s orgamzatmn. Chmst Jesu~
and great, and strong sword, shall pumsi~ levmthan the ~s the great Priest of the Most It~gh God of "the order of
p:ere:n~ serpent [the gliding, fleeing or elusive monster Melchizcdek". Ite is Jehovah’s arm and IIis sword, fi~ura-
(marginal reading A.R I’, and Roth.)], even levmthan that tixely speaking. One of his titles ~s "The Word of (,cd’
crooked serpent, and he shall slay the dragon that is in (Roy. 19:13) He is the Suord of Jehovah and ~s the Arm
tile sea." that Jehovah bares to make war w:th the enemy (,Je~ 47 6)
The levmthan is a monster in the sea, and clearly Whenthe due time arrives for God to go forth to th~ battle
pictured the "red dragon", the I)evil’s orgamzatmn (Com- he whets his Sword and sends his great Pmest forth to lead
pare Rex elatmn 12 9, 20:2.) The entire organization of the fight at Armageddon.Concerning that t~me ~t ~ x~ rnten
Satan has been elusive, even to the point where the people "If I whet my ghttering sword [the l~ghtmng of m~ s~ord
have been made to behove that there is no I)cvfl. and many (margin)], and my hand take hohl on jud,_,rnent, I ~1:
who claim to be of Chmst have been unable to detect or render vengeance to mine adversaries, and will reecmpeuse
see the I)cvil’s orgamzation. What part of lus orgamzatmn, them that hate me I will make mine arrows drunk w~th
therefore, is the most elusive ~ Undoubtedlythe ecclesiastical blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, w~tl: the blo~d
or l ellgmu.~ clement, made up of the clergy and "’princlpal of tile slain and the captives, from the head of the lcad,.r~
of the flock". of the enemy."--Deut 32 41, 42. Am Rot Vrr
WhenJesus was or, the earth he referred to the clergy., The hghtnin~ of God proceed from and through h~s
calhng them a "’generatmn of ~lpers" or serpents. This Word, "the sword of the Sprat." (Eph 6.17) Tl,creforc
shows that these are the seed of tile Serpent, Satan. and the time Jehovah whets Ins "ghttermg Sword" h~s h~ht.
are a part of his wicked orgamzation They are tile chief nmgs flash, illuminating the minds of h~s anointed, makm.,,
instruments used in persecuting the faithful xxltnesses of known God’s purposes concerning them. and expo~m;~ ~h,’
,hho~ah ~ho are follouers of Christ Jesus "They have positron and the actmn of the enemy Tile truth c.nd h,:l,t
aharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ pmson is that God sheds upon Ins Word today is strong supp,~rtmg
under their hps." (Ps. 140.3) From the time that they e~dcnce that we arc in "that day" x~hen the fore~,~ ar~,
are hatched out of the theological schools they are active gathering for Armageddon These truths encourage an,l
members of the w~eked orgamzatmn "The w~cked are strengthen tile mind and heart of Ihs l~C, ople
estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they God’s lightnings flash from the clouds of h~s presence
be born. speaking lies. Tlleir poison is like the pmson of and now d~sclose to those m h:s temple the monstrous and
a serpent; the.v are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her h~deous orgamzation of Satan tl-e Devil. They see that ~he
ear." (Ps. 5S: 3, 4) That element of Satan’s organizatmn, ghdmg and elusive and cruel organizatmn, p~ctured b~ the
deaf to cries of righteousness and truth, unceasingly fire leviathan and by the hissing adder, shoot out their b~tter
thmr venomous darts at the faithful witnesses of God and words against the little companyof faithful ones and there-
h~s TnEOCaATm GOV~RX~t~-.~T.At the same time they gIide by incite the mob, pictured by the waves of the sea, to lash
among the people, exalting their own virtues, falsely claim- against and seek to overwhelm the remnant of Jehovah’s
mg to represent God. witnesses. The faithful see the serpent part of the I)e;fl’s
These have glided about amongst the unsuspecting peoples organization again secretly attempt to reduce the executmn
of earth, ahenated from God and which are represented by of the law to arrest and impmson those who dare g~ve
"the sea". One moment they appear to represent God, and testimony to the good news of God’s kingdom They mark
the next they openly advocate the work of the enemy. One the arrogance, hatred and cruelty of the combined elements
of the enemy’s organization movine against them because nings" of the Lord since his setting up of the temple condi-
they insist on obeying the commandments of Jehovah God. tmn do not even see that there is such flung as a place of
As the hideous and unsightly monster Gohath terrorized security or safety. They have not seen or appreciated the
the Israelites upon the field of battle, even so the monstrosity fact and power of the Devil’s organization. Some even say
and fiendishness of the enemy’s organization now strikes that too much has been said about the Devil’s orgamzatmn
terror into the mind and heart of every one who has but and too much said against religion. It is manifest that if
little faith. Not so, however, with those who are clad with the one does not see the Devil’s organization he does not see
divine armor and who are strong in the Lord and in the and appreciate God’s organization Such see no real mean-
power of his might. These know that they are imperfect ing in the names by which the great Creator reveals him-
and would quickly fall at the hands of the enemy, but self and they do not appreciate what is meant by the "secret
their trust is absolute m the Lord. For their encouragement place of the Most High". (Ps. 91 : 1.2) To the remnant and
and for their full assurance in this hour of peril in the their companions "the name of the LORDis a strong tower"
time of God’s wrath Jehovah speaks to them through his the righteous runneth into it, and is safe".--Prov. 18 I0
prophet and says: "Come, my people, enter thou into thy Jehovah God says to his people: ’IIide thyself for a
chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it little momentuntil the indignation be overpast.’ .Mamfc~tly
were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." this ’qittle moment" is at most the "short time" that the
Now the enlightened and reformed are on the alert, Devil knows that he has left to prepare for and to fight
wateh!n~ for the sign for the beginning of Armageddonand the battle of Armageddon, as stated at Rexelation 12 12,
putting their confidence wholly in the Lord. That "sign" but the "moment" may particularly apply to the short and
is certain to be made manifest soon, and the sign clearly suddenly ended time from and after the appearance of the
will be: "\Vhen they sha~l say, Peace and safety; then "sign" of "Peace and safety!" until Armageddon be,.,ms
sudden destructmn cometh upon them" (1 Thess. 5:3) and is fought and the Lord does a short work thereof in
When ~his sign for tile beginning of Armageddon clearly righteousness. During that brief "moment" the total~tarmn
appears, may it not be that then the above promise of crowd symbolized as "’the king of the north" will be terrified
Jeho\ah to His people will be fulfil:ed m completeness? at the tidings and will go forth with fur)" to dcctroy and
However, the promise has a measure of application now. to make away with all Jehovah’s peoifie (Dan 11:44~
It was in A.D 1918 that tile Lord brought his people :Particularly since being cast out of heaven xvl~h his demons
into the temple condition. It has been since then that they the DeviFs orcamzatlon has gone forth and made x~ar
have engaged in the great witness work and the enemy against the Lord’s remnant and threatens them with ~m-
organizat,on has constantly :ncreased m its expressed hatred mediate destruction. For the encouragement of the remnant
against them. It is written: "When the wicked rose [since and their companions at that time it is wmtten. "There.
191S], men hide themselves "’ (Prov. 25: 28) Speaking fore thus saith the Lord GODof hosts, 0 my peoI~le that
ins followers Jesus quoted the identical words of Isamh dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the As%vrmn[totahtarmn
26.20, to wit : "’Enter into throe inner chamber, and having crowd under Satan]: he shall smite thee with a rod, and
sl:ut thy alooF’ then pray unto thy Father ~ho is in secret. shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of
Egypt For yet a very little while, and the mdlgnatmn
--Matt. 6" 6, Am. Rev. Ver.
shall cease, and mine anger, in their destructlon"--
Oa one occasion the prophet Ehsha "went in therefore,
Isa 10:24.25
and shut the door upon them twain, and pra)cd unto the
The Lord God declares that his righteous indignation
Lore>". 12 Ki. 4.33) The faithful of the church or bmde
of (’hrlst are represented as saym,,’. "’Tl,e king hath brought shall be expressed against Satan’s orgamzation Through
his prophet (Zcph. 3 - 8) he states : "Therefore wait ye upon
me into his [inner~ ehamber~" (S of Sol 1 4) Those who
arc brought into that place of safety say unto ~hc Almighty me, saith the LORD,until the day that I rise up to the
God: "’Thou art my tndmg place and my shield. I hope prey, for my detcrmmatmn is to gather the natmns, tl,at
in thy word." (Ps. 119: 114) The command to Jehovah’s I may assemble tile kingdoms, to pour upon them mine
people to hide themselves in the inner chambers could not indignatmn, even all my fierce anger : for all the earth sha’.l
apply prior to the Lord’s coming to tile temple m 1918 be devoured with the fire of my jealousy"
The surrounding part of the prol,heey shows that it is After the Lord God gathers his people into the place of
"in that day" of God’s indignation that the place of safety safety he speaks to the visible earthly part of the Dcvtl’s
is provided; and, since we are entering that great and organization, saying. "Itear, all ye people, hearken, 0 earth,
terrible day, the place of safety must now be available and all that thereto is: and let the Lord Go9 be xwtness
The inner chambers or place of safety is provided for against you, the Lord from his holy temple For, behold,
and made known to those who are pictured at Isaiah 61 : 10 the LORDeometh forth out of his place, and will come down,
as receiving "the robe of righteousness" since the coming of and tread upon the high places of the earth." (Mic 1 : 2, 3)
the Lord to his temple. Those who, upon taking account of Thus God expresses his determinatmn to reveal himself to
them, were at that time found faithful were granted the the peoples of earth at Armageddon, and to do so he comes
"garments of salvation". Since then many others who have out of his place (Zion) and manifests his power in the
become the Lord’s "other sheep" loin themselves as "com- sight of all.
panions ’~ to the anointed remnant and take refuge under That the day of his wrath will be one of great trouble
God’s kingdom or THEOCRACY for safety and protection. for all that dwell upon the earth, and which will make his
Not all who claim to be in the "present truth" are in this name known to all, is made certain by his sure Word:
condition of security. Those who have not seen the "light- "Behold, the name of Jehovah cometh from far, burning

with his anger, and in flfiek rising smoke:his hps are full the members thereof shouted victory and terrified ~he
of mdi~znatlo1:, and his tongue is as a devouring fire, and Midmnites thereby, even so m the day of God’s wrath tu,
Ins breath is as an overflowing stream, that reaeheth even hghtnings flash exposing the position of the enem? and
unto the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destrue- revealing themr confusion, while the remnantwith jo.v shout
tion. and a bridle that eauseth to err shall be in the jaws ’The sword of Jehovah and of his Anointed.’ (Judg. 7.20)
of the peoples." (Isa. 30.27,28, Am. Rev. I’er.) In that God has whetted his lightning Sword and orders him to
day of God’s expressed wrath no part of Satan’s organiza- the great conflict, while the faithful remnant and thelr
tion will be able to stand; as it is written: "At his wrath steadfast and constant compamonssing forth the praises
the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able of Jehovah and his King.
to abide his ind~gnation."--Jer. 10 10. United mthe holy cause of righteousness and faithfully
The legions of the enemyshall melt before the onward representing the Kingdominterests, dwelling together in
and victomous march of Jehovah’s Arm: "Thou didst march the secret place of the Most Ihgh, and dflmently doing what
through the land m mdlgnatmn, thou d~dst thresh the is within their power, by God’s grace the remnant to~ether
[nations] m anger" (IIab 3: 12) His fury. ms a consuming with themr eompamonsare invulnerable to the at~ackq of
fire and the stron~l.olds of the enemy shall fall at his the enemy. Christ Jesus, the Faithful and True, eh)thed
approach "Who can stand before his indlgnatmn~ and wroth absolute authority and girded for war, ms leadm2 his
whocan alnde in the fierceness of hms anger? his fur?- is forces on to the conflict ttms faithful followers mthis day
poured out lfi~e fire. and the rocks are thrown down by of judgment are blending their vomes in harmomouqca-
I.lm "--Nab. 1 6. dences as they joyfully follow mthe footsteps of the ,zreat
The enemy oreanizatmn will make a ferocious attack Master; and as they go they are shouting, ’The sword of
a’_,amst (;vd’, orgamzatton, and many, as shown by Jere- Jehovah and of his Anointed !’
tomb’s pmol-,hecy, shall fall, but the remnant and their God’s mighty organizatmn, with Jehovah himself rldm~
companionsshall be saved because the?" are in the secret upon the highest heavens, shall march on m the conflict
pl,:ce of the Most High’ "’tie that dwelleth m the secret to full and complete wctory. As mt is written "An,1 the
place of the Most Ihgh shall abide under the shadow of LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow s!mll go fi,~th
the Almighty." (Ps 91 1) With confidence and in full as the hghtnmg: and the Lord GoDshall blow the trumpe:.
assurance ~hey sing out: "For in the time of trouble he and shall go with whirlwinds of the south."--Zeoh 9 14.
shall hmdememhis pavilion: mthe secret of his tabernacle In the vmsionIsaiah pictures the people of (;od }n’,m,_,ht
shall he hide me, he shall set meup upona rock."--Ps 27.5. into the secret place of the Most High Then he ~hous
While nowin their hiding-place will Jehovah’s people Jehovah coming forth, out from his orgamza~lon Z~on. to
be idle? Not by any means No one can remain idle and make himself knownto the natmns of the earth lie ~h<,us
remain m the remnantclass in the temple or with the Lord’s Chmst the King and Execum’e Officer of ,lehovah. II~s
¯ other sheep" in Ills "city of refuge". Hidingin the secret unsheathed and ghttermg Sword, leading the armies of
place of the Most High does not meanthat those there will mghteousness against the enemy, he records the command
be out of view of the enemy or fearful that the enemy of Jehovah that His sere’ants shall sing forth his praises
n,~gllt see their movements.On the contrary, they will be by being his witnesses and telhng the people that ,lehox ah
cry active and their cup of joy will be overflowing. Con- is God. IIe shows that the righteous kingdom of Jehovah
cerning this it is written. "Thoupreparest a table before is here and that the Kingdomshall relieve the peoples of
me m the presence of mine enemies- thou anointest my thmr burdens and bring everlasting blessings
head with oil; my cup runneth over."--Ps 23: 5. Then the prophet reaches a chmax m h~s eloquence to
Daily the loyal servants of Jehovah see the evidences the praise of Jehovah God Downthrough the eorrMors of
that thetr faithfulness mtestifying to Ilms namems sore and long pemodsof suffering, and on to the opemngneu uo~i,t
grievous upon the members of Sa:an’s orgamzatmn. The of hght and peace, he points Ite tells the ren’nant uhat
faithful remnant go forth fearlessly staging the honor of all the loyal and faithful ones must do and that those uho
Je?mvah’s nameWhatis the effect ? Paul the apostle says, 3oyfulb obey God’s commandments,and trust m into. s’mtl
,nd we see it is true: ’Your fearlessness is unto the enemy be kept m complete peace lhs words thrall and encouxagt.
a sure token of impending destructmn’--Phil. 1.28, the remnant because to them he says: ’qn tl-at da~ sh.dl
"Weymouth. this song be sung in the land of Judah Weha~ea stro~:~
Note again the words of the prophet ’Jehovah with city [orgamzatmn], salvatmn ufll God appoint for ualN
ms sore, and great, and strong sword, shall pumshlevia- and buhvarks [complete fortress and defense] " Ita~mg
than" Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s great and strong Sword, fully assured the members of the Lord’s orgamzaUunyet
amid the anointed remnant of the membersof Chmst’s body on earth, he cries out to them "Open ye the gates, that
are Jehovah’s ’sore sword’ and are sore and grievous to the the righteous natron which keepeth the truth mayenter m
enemy. Nothing galls the clerk" and their allies more than Thou wilt keep him m perfect peace, whose mind ~s stayed
the faithfulness of God’s remnant and their companions on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye mthe Lore)
mgiving the testimony. As the Lord Jesus was represented for ever: for in the LORDJEHOVAtt ms exerlastmg
by Gideon whomJehovah rinsed up to rout the Midianite strength." (Isa. 26: 1-4) On the remnant and the,r com-
lmsts, so Gideon’s little companyof three hundred soldiers panions mareh, with God’s banner of love over them and
mepresented the remnant of the Lord at this time. As the knowingthat victory is soon and certain, because hence-
l~ght flashed from the lamps of the little army of Gideon forth and for evermore the great name of Jehovah shall
as they surrounded the Midianite camp by night, and then be exalted.
READY TO SPRING INTO ACTION (NEW HAMPSHIRE) not wearing her magazine bag.) The boy replied: ’Well.
"A week ago, while I was doing magazine street-work this telegram came into the office, and we d~d not know
a man passed. I could delect that his eyes and ears were who Miss P. F. was or where "The Caravans’ were-never
strained to take in everything he could catch without his heard of them; but the postmistress told me to go out and
bcmg noticed. IIe must have been attracted to what he look for people wearing Watchtowerbags, but I couldn’t
heard, because he passed me three more times in the same see anyone. I then saw your bicycle.’ ’But,’ interrupted
attitude, and as he reached the next publisher up the street Mildred, ’how did you know it was my bicycle?’ ’Well.
he stopped and took a copy of The Watchtower. This you are the only people that carry gramophones,aren’t you ?’
Saturday he came up to me and asked: ’What’s in that Mildred was thrilled to be knownalready mthe httle tox~ n.
book with the blue cover [Children] ? is it along the same so the three of us promptly gathered outside Woolworth’s
lines as The WatchtowerS. I got one last week, and it’s and did pavement witnessing. Noweveryone knows Jeho-
just exactly right. It’s the first thing I’ve ever found that vah’s witnesses in Melton Mowbray!"
sounded exactly right, l’ve always contended that no one
had found the right religion yet, and now I know the NOT ACKNOWLEDGING FATHER OR MOTHER (DEUT. 33:9)
reason: there’s no such a thing" I explained the subscrip- "Recently I was on the street corner with the late~t
tion offer, tie said he wouldsubscribe, but could not just Consolation magazine with the heading ’Japan Inspired by
then, but would hke to have the book; and that he would the Devil’. Curmus, the people often asked me ’Are you
comeback and contribute the balance for the subscription. Chinese or Filipino?’ I replied: ’No, I am a Jap r So I
He gave me lns name and address and left. Next mormng, know this is the truth and a good warning for you’ I
rememberingthat The ll’atchtower admonishes us that tile placed fourteen Watchtower and Consolatwn the last t~o
hunters must be ’ready to spring into action’, I decided to 3~ weeks.
spring onto him right away So I packed the recorded
lecture ’Children of The King’ into my phonograph and
got busy. tie was a most surprised-looking person whenhe "Today, while I was calling from door to door a lady
saw me, took to the idea of hstenmg to the lecture right said: ’You were here before and I told ~ou I was not
away, and so did his sheep-lflce wife. Beheve me when I interested in your message’I rephed : ’Does that still hold
tell you that I have never found an)- who got greater good~’ Lady: ’Definitely, yes" I then turned to leave for
enjoyment out of hearin,.., "Children of The King’. His the next house, when two little boys ages 7 and S met me
mother, also sheep-hke. ]o,,ned in and the three literally on the lawn and wanted to know what I had and what
ate it up. Tile wife explained to me that everything was I was doing. So I played them the reeordin~ ’Children’.
going around like a merry-go.round She sees something showed them all the pictures in the book Cl, ddtcn and
must be done, and quickly, ff they would have an.vth:ng explained its contents. I then showedthemthe little book-
to anel’or to. From all appearances I will have a Children lets and told them ff they would be sure and read them
study there after next week. as then they want to hear they could each have one. They made their chowe~, and
’Comfort All That Mourn" The four re’des I had to walk one of the boys, jumping up, ran into the house ,,from
back home seemed less than a block. To add to my loy, which I had just come) bubbling over w~th enthusmsm,
the little lady whomI mentmnedm my last letter came showing his mother what I had given him and telhnz her
to the Watcl, tower study and stayed tilt 10 p.m. asking of Chddrcn. The lady called back to me ’Say, would
questions about service, ere She tells meher two children you mind letting me see that book~ I have been watching
have not given her a moment’srest m their anxiety to know the performance through the window, and I have never
al,out the t,hngdom since m.v last call Sl-e has them and been able to get myhttle son to hsten to me~l~fie I tell
three other adults hned up for the Children study, mak- him about the Bible. But he seems to he muchinterested
ing six m all, and we have nut even started it yet, it in th~s book you have. Will you sell me oneV I explained
begins this Wednesday." to her how she m~ghtobtain the book and stud)" ~t ~;th
her Bible."
"I !eft Neweastlc-on-Tyne last Tuesday, not knowing NEWJERSEY: "I was on the street corner of L on
the address of my sister Peggy in Melten MowbrayI had a bitter-cold Saturday mght with magazines A Pre~byterian
promised to see her on my way to Luton So all I could minister came along, glanced my way, and went on past
do was to send her a telegram, saying when I would armve, to the corner, where he stopped for a couple of minutes
and addressing it to ’Miss P F., The Caravans, Jehovah’s Then he came back slowly and said ’What did you sayq’
witnesses, Melton Mowbray’,and trusting it wouldfind her. I told him, "Watchtower"and ’Consolatwn’ Stud he: ’Itow
As tile squad had been there only two days I was most much?’I replied that if he wished to contribute fi~e cents
doubtful whether it wouldfind her. However,at 7 : 30 p. m. each it was his privilege. He took both. He stood looking
Peggy met me at the station. She was thrilled as to how me in the face a full minute and then said: ’Aren’t you
the telegram had reached her. Mycompanion MiIdred was terribly cold?’ I replied: ’Oh, it’s never too cold to serve
shopping in town at 11:30 a. m. and left her bike outside the Lord and bring the truth to the people.’ Ite looked
the shop. Whenshe cameout, a telegraph boy was standing surprised and rephed in a thin voice : ’I guess you’re right ’
holding her bike. ’Are you Jehovah’s witnesses ?’ he asked. He went up the street carrying the magazines so all could
Mildred, surprised, said. ’Howdid you know?’ (She was see them; and many did."
JULY l, 1942

! ........................................
The TheocracyHere!...........................
Favor and Responslbihty.....................
Evm~rTVrI~cG PO~THEIss~ ......................
FmLVEXPERIENCES ....................................
"COs~FORT" TESTIMONY PERIOD ................
" ’CHmDI~N’ S~DYQUESTIO.~S"............ 194
tt 194
~¢WATcHTO3~ER STUDIES..........................
I 17 Adams Street -
N.Y.,U. S. A. T
HIS Journalis publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know Jehovahfled and hls purposesas expressed
in the Bible.It publishes Bibleinstruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signedto aid Jehovah’switnesses and all peopleof good will
N. H. ~;OP~, Presuteng W.E. VAN ~B~RGH, Secretary It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor its readers and the Society
supplies otherliterature to aid in suchstudies. It publishes stat-
"And all thy ch£1dren shall be taueht of Jehovah; and
ablematerial for radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
great shah be the peace of thy children." -1,aiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bibleas authority for Itsutterances.
It is entirely fleeandseparate fromall religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHIs the only true God, is from everlasting to
the Makerof heavenand earthand the Giverof lifo or otherworldlyorganizations. It is whollyand withoutreserva-
of his creation, tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
to hiscreatures ; thatthe Logeswasthe beginning
of all things;thatthe Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his activeagentin the creation tion of its contents in the lightof theScriptures. It doesnotin-
Is now the LordJesusChristin glory,clothedwithall powerin dulgeIn controversy, and its colurnn.q are not open to personalities.
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutiveOfficerof Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man yrA~t,r S~SC~n~TIO~ Pmos
for the earthand placedhim upon it; that man willfullydis-
obeyedGod’slaw and was sentenced to death; that by reasonof UI¢ITZDSTATES,$I.00:CASAD4 inn .MISCZLLAICZOUS F0nZION,$I ~0:
Adam’swrongact all men are born sinnersand withoutthe right G~LgAT BRIT£1N, AUSTRALASIA. AND SOUT][~ AttiCA,
~tncesshouldbe madeby Postalor ExpressMoneyOrderor b~" Bank
6S.American retmt-
to Ufe. Draft.Canadian, Bri~sh,SouthAfrican and Australasian rem*ttances
should be madedirect to therespective branch offers.Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries otherthanthosementioned maybe madeto theBrooklyn oLder-
death in order to producethe ransomor redemptiveprice for butby gnternatmnal PostalMoneyOrderonly.
obedientones of mankind;that God raisedup Jesusdivineand
Foazzo~ Orn crm
exaltedhim to heavenaboveeverycreatureand aboveeveryname
and clothedhlm with all powerand authority. Brltt~ 34 Craven Terrace, London, ~V.°..England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracycalled Zion, Canad/a~ ............... 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Cannda
and is the right- AusfraZaslam ........... 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
and thatChristJesusIs the ChiefOfficer thereof BOnt~ Ap~va~ Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful Kingof theworld; thatthe anointed andfaithful followersof Please address the Society in every case.
ChristJesusare children of Zion,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,and arehis witnesseswhosedutyandprivilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah,declarehis purposestowardmankind
as expressedin the Bible,and to bearthe fruitsof the "kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Rlble whoby reason of Infirmity, poverty or
beenplacedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority,has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Watc~
Satan from heaven and Is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publishers, madeonce each
year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdomon earth. needy, but the written application once each year la required by tl~e
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessingsof the poodles of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which Notice to 8ubsc~bere’ Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun;that the Lord’snextgreatact is the destruction scrtptlon will be sent only whenrequested. Chancreof address, when
requested, maybe expected to appearon address label within one rnnn~b
of Satan’sorganizationand the establishment in A renewal blank (carrying notlce of exIMration} will be sent with the
of righteousness
the earth,and thatunderthe kingdomthe peopleof goodwillthat Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survlveArmageddonshall carryout the dlwne mandateto "fill Enteredas second.cta4smatter at the po~t o~lce u| Brooklyn,N. Y.,
the earth"witha righteous race. under the Act o] March8, 1879,

"COMFORT" TESTIMONY PERIOD the Kingdom in the conducting of Children stud:cs m the var,ous
To Jehovah’s w~tnesses the month of August is known aa homes throughout the country. You can get your copy now on
~he "Comfort" Tesumony Permd During these 31 days a specml contmbutmn of 5c for pubhcatmn of more of these Send
effort will be made on the part of Jehovah’s w~tnesses to comfort remittances to 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York Th~s
as many people as they possibly can wath the truths as set forth "Ch:ldren" Study Quest,one booklet w~ll help md,vldual readers
m the Word of Jehovah God. To md those who love righteousness in theLr personal study m their own homes. Get a copy now
the book C]~ddren along wath the booklet Hope will be offered
to the people on a contnbuUon of 25c These two pubhcatmns "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
set forth a message which shows there is something worth while
hying for. Those persons who trust m Jehovah’s kingdom and Week of August 2: "Song-Call to Action,"
"know that this is the only hope for the world will proclmm the ¶ 1-21 mclus*ve, The Watchtower July 1, 1942.
message contained in these pubhcatlons and make them available Week of August 9: "Song-Call to Actmn,"
to as many persons as they can possibly meet during August. ¶ 22-45 inclusive, The Watchtower July 1, 1942.
"Comfort" Testimony Period wall be a blessing to all those who
share in the preaching of the gospel. Make your report of aetixaty USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK
to your local company servant, or ff you are not associated wRh
a company, make your report dxrect to the Watch Tower Bible & The blank sent you one month before expirationof your
Tract Soomty. In a world of d~stress and perplexity all readers Watchtowersubscriptmnshouldbe filledout and returnedto the
of The Watchtower will agree that comfort to those that mourn Brooklynofficeor to the Brancho~ce in the countrywhereyou
is important at this time. Aid those who love righteousness reside.Servantsm the compames,and individuals, when sendmg
wUh the message and informatmn you already possess. in renewalsfor The Watchtower,shouldalwaysuse theseblanks
By fillingm theserenewalblanksyou are assuredof the contmua-
"’CHILDREN’ STUDY QUESTIONS" hen of your Watchtowerfrom the time of exp,ration,and wath-
The Society has released a new booklet, entitled "’Children’ out delay,It w~llalsobe a greathelpff you signyournameum-
Study Questmns", which will be a great a~d to all publishers of formly,and noteany recentchangeof address,on therenewalshp.
No. LXIII JUL~1, 1942 No. 13

"Jehovah, even Jehovalb is my stre~zgth a~ut song.’" mlsa. 12:2, Am. Rev. Vet.
EHOVAH is the most glorious theme of all songs. battle and war, and which songs must be sung by his
J He is deserving to be praised in joyful, grateful
song by all his intelligent creation that lives. All
singers now, before the final battle for universal
domination. The basic theme of all these songs is the
same, namely, the vindication of Jehovah’s name by
creatures in his likeness he endowedwith the power
and ability to sing his praises as the heart expression his Warrior nation, The Theocratic Government
of their adoration and devotion to him as the perfect under Christ Jesus, and the vindication of his indis-
sum of all righteousness and goodness. Whenhe laid putable right to the domination of the universe.
the foundation of the earth his two princely spirit a The present-time "jazz-song" world does not
creatures designated as "the morning stars" poured enjoy and join in such songs, but tries to drown out
out their exultation in song of praise to the great the messagethereof with its deafening blare of prop-
Creator, and all the spirit sons of Godapproved and aganda. It tries to silence the singers and to prevent
shouted out of sheer joy. At the human birth of any "men of good-will" from catching up and learning
Jehovah’s Son, whose birth was a step toward the the songs of vindication and of life in a new world
future creation of new heavens and a new earth, the sustained by Jehovah’s Theocracy. All the religion-
host of angelic sons of Godappeared to the shepherds ists complain at the singing and bring downthe wrath
and let them hear their harmonious voices praising and power of the governments of this world upon the
Jehovah and saying in unison : "Glory in the highest singers by calling the songs "seditious" and "sub-
unto God! and on earth peace, among men of good- versive" and "disturbing to religious peace and the
will." (Job 38 : 4-7 ; Luke 2 : 13, 14, Rotherham)After unity of religion and politics".
his warlike victory over ancient Egypt at the Red ’ Under the circumstances, with the whole world
sea, Jehovah’s prophet Moses led His delivered ranged up against The Theocracy and despising the
people in the song: "I will sing unto Jehovah, for name of Jehovah, it requires great courage to sing
he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his the songs as the Composer thereof commands. What
rider hath he thrown into the sea. Jehovah is my cares the enemy that the mourning people who are
stren~h and song, and he is become my salvation: being regimented into a totalitarian new order are
this is my God, and I will praise him; my father’s comforted and filled with hope by hearing the songs !
God, and I will exalt him. Jehovah is a manof war : The enemy only gets madder and feels tormented to
Jehovah is his name." (Ex. 15 : 1-3, Am. Rev. IZer.) desperation and gathers his political, judicial, com-
That song celebrated the war in vindication of Jeho- mercial, military and religious forces together
vah’s name and word and all-power. against the little band of singers and steadily closes
’ Since A.D. 1914 is the day of battle and war, in upon them to finally strangle them to keep quiet.
beginning with the first "war in heaven" and cnlmi- Shall the enemyfully stifle the songs of victory in
nating shortly in the universal war that involves praise of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government? Regard-
heaven and earth and commonlycalled "the battle of less of the determined effort madeto that end, the
Armageddon".Everlasting peace to the universe can thing of immediate concern now is that the divine
never come until that battle has been fought, and Composercommandshis trained ones to sing on and
Jehovah of hosts again triumphs gloriously as he to march ahead, faces to the foe, and singing as they
did at the Red sea. The words of the song of praise march.
to Jehovah that shall then be sung by those whowit- ’ The songs were prepared for this day of battle
ness his victory and live have probably not been and war, and they must be sung by God’s devoted
written as yet. But those having faith in his sure servants ; else he would makethe very stones to sing
victory may sing now. In fact, Jehovah, the great out, that the prophecy of his Wordmight be vindi-
Composerof song and praise, long ago inspired songs cated. Not with carnal weapons, nor depending upon
to be written and to be reserved for this very day of charging horses, nor trusting in the sturdy, seasoned
legs drilled by totalitarian masters, do Jehovah’s yah God must have enjoyed fighting against God’s
servants tramp forward in offensive action against enemies to the accompanimentof sacred song extol-
the enemies of The Theocracy, but solely clad in ling the name of Jehovah, which name those enemies
heavenly "armour of God" and singing the songs He had reproached. "And when they began to sing and
has put in their mouths. (Eph. 6 : 11-18) Tile correct- to praise, Jehovah set liers-in-wait against the chil-
ness of this manner of march was foreshadowed in dren of Ammon,Moab, and mount Seir, that were
the time of crisis during the days of Jehovah’s typical comeagainst Judah ; and they were smitten. For the
Theocracy, the capital of which was the holy city of children of Ammonand Moab stood up against the
Jerusalem. At that capital city the great Theocrat’s inhabitants of mountSeir, utterly to slay and destroy
anointed king, Jehoshaphat, sat upon the throne of them: and when they had made an end of the inhab-
Jehovah, which throne King David had once occupied. itants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another.
(1 Chron. 29: 23) The political, commercialand reli- And when Judah came to the watch-tower of the
gious elements of the anti-Theocratic world, namely, wilderness, they looked upon the multitude; and,
the nations of Ammon,Moab, and Mount Seir, had behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and
conspired and federated against Jehovah and his there were none that escaped." (2 Chron. 20: 22-24,
anointed king, and they stormed to the attack upon A.R.V.) That strange deliverance of Jehovah’s
the city. Jehoshaphat’s name means "Jehovah-vindi- covenant people happened as a type or prophetic
cated". Warnedof the coming attack, King Jehosha- pattern. The account thereof was preserved in the
phat assembled all the nation of Judeans to Jeru- Bible record for the guidance and comfort of Jeho-
salem. He gathered them to Jehovah’s temple on vah’s covenant people living here in the end of the
Mount Zion and there prayed for divine help and world. So it is authoritatively stated at I Corinthians
deliverance, that the Theocracy might be preserved 10:11 (marginal reading).
and Jehovah’s name might be vindicated.
"Then came Jehovah’s instructions by the lips of PROPHETIC SONGS
one of his trained temple singers, a Levite of the ’ Amongthe divinely inspired songs that must be
musical family of Asaph. The commandwas, not to sung while the rival world powers grapple together
hole up and take a stationary defense position, but to in the total war for world domination is Psalm 147
march to the offense, undismayedand fearless of the found in the Bible’s Bookof Psalms. In the ancient
combined enemy of superior numbers and military days before the invention of printing, and whenthe
equipment. The battle was to be Jehovah’s, and like- handwritten copies of the sacred writings were few
wise the victory. In order that the faith and integrity and possessed mainly by Jehovah’s servants at the
of his covenant people might be tested and demon- temple, these psalms were actually sung at His holy
strated, Jehovah did not order horse-mounted war- temple on MountZion by the Levites assigned to that
riors or horse-drawn chariots or hardened shock- duty there. Jehovah’s people of Israel, whose cove-
troops strong of leg to take the lead in the aggressive nant with him obligated them to regularly attend the
action. Under heavenly guidance Jehovah’s anointed feasts of the Lord at his temple, heard the psalms
king put the chief emphasis upon declaring God’s sung and joined in responses of "Amen"thereto.
name throughout the earth before Jehovah showed They thereby became familiar with the psalms of
his power over the enemy and vindicated his name. Jehovah as well as other portions of God’s written
"And when he had taken counsel with the people Wordwhich were read to them at the temple. Those
[ (Hebrew) And when he had given counsel unto the psalms were not mere loose expressions of feeling
people], he appointed them that should sing unto such as distinguish this so-called "jazz age", nor were
Jehovah, and give praise in holy array, as they went they a mere throwing together of a lot of thoughts at
out before the army, and say, Give thanks unto Jeho- random just to make a rh~nne. The Psalms were
vah; for his lovingldndness endureth for ever."-- based upon historical facts whichwere typical. There-
2 Chron. 20 : 21, A. R. V.; Roth. fore those inspired songs were prophetic of things
’ That was contrary to proved and tested military to come in connection with Jehovah’s Theocratic
strate~" of the world, but it is Jehovah’s wayfor his Government under Christ and with its marvelous
Theocratic people, whoare not of this world but are work of vindicating his name and clearing out all
in a covenant with him. It is the wayof heavenly wis- objectors to Jehovah’s universal domination. Jeho-
dom. Jerusalem’s gates swungopen early in the morn- vah’s anointed King of that Theocracy himself speaks
ing, and with the temple Levite singers courageously of the prophetic value and purpose of the Psalms.
to the fore Jehovah’s covenant people marched forth, Whenthe experiences of religious persecution, and
men, women and children, to witness Jehovah’s death on the tree and resurrection from the dead had
"strange act". All the marchers took up the song. been fulfilled in him, Christ Jesus met with his faith-
Afar off the battle began. The invisible hosts of Jeho- ful disciples and said unto them: "These are the words

which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, they become the servants or ministers of God. By
that all things must be fulfilled, which were written reason, further, of their anointing from him to preach
in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the His gospel or good news of the Kingdomthey become
psalms, concerning me." (Luke 24: 44) That the dis- Jehovah God’s ordained ministers of the gospel.
ciples thereafter understood all the Psalms to be From the binding obligation and responsibility to
prophetic is proved in the record at Acts 1: 20; act as his ordained ministers there can never be any
4 : 25-28; 13 : 32, 33 ; Hebrews1: 8-13 ; 10: 5-13. When withdrawal, nor may they ever feel that after a
studied as a prophecy concerning The Theocracy and period of work and because of advancing years they
its establishment in power, and when compared with have done their share in God’s service and they may
the well-known events since A.D. 1914, Psalm 147 retire to ease and inactivity and enjoy a pension.
fills us with awe, wonderand delight. Paul the apostle speaks of himself as "Paul the aged".
Whenso spealdng he was not retired on a pension to
HALLELUJAH! let others do the work, but was a prisoner in chains at
’ Christ Jesus is the One anointed of Jehovah’s Romefor having kept on preaching and witnessing
spirit of power to serve as his King of The Theoc- from house to house in obedience to his divine com-
racy. Jehovah also seats with Christ Jesus in the mission.--Philem. 9, 10.
throne of that Theocratic kingdomthe obedient ones u To quit preaching and being a witness, because
from among men who enter into a covenant as did of persecution or for any other selfish reason, this
their Leader and Head Christ Jesus to do God’s ~ill side of Armageddon’sfight meansto be unfaithful to
and who thereafter follow in his footsteps and do one’s ordination or commissionand is a breaking of
God’s will, and not the world’s will, faithfully unto one’s covenant to do God’s will. By so doing one does
the death. Such ones, being begotten of God’s spirit not fulfill that term of the commission, "Praise ye
as his sons and then anointed as his witnesses and Jehovah," but brings reproach upon his name and
assigned to a place in the %odyof Christ", are taken denies him. Death is the penalty.
into the covenant with Christ Jesus for the Kingdom ~ The "praises unto our God" are written in tits
or Theocracy. These must die in faith and faithful Word. They are beneficial, and point the hearers or
that they mayreceive the crown of life immortal in readers to the only Source of life and blessing and of
the spirit with Christ the King. These must overcome a righteous and perfect government. Those praises
the world as he did that he may grant them to sit strengthen the faith, and lead one to a trust in Him
with him in his heavenly throne as he also overcame whoalone can give protection and deliverance. Those
and sat dox~nwith his Father Jehovah in His throne. praises reveal the One whois the SupremePower and
If they suffer for being witnesses to The Theocratic whois to be obeyed and worshiped. Those praises to
Government,they shall reign with him therein. It is Him bar the giving of praise to creatures or demons
to these membersof the %odyof Christ" that Psalm or menand the fearing and heiling and worslfiping of
147 is addressed, particularly to the remnant of those such creatures, which course leads to destruction.
memberswhoare yet on earth to publish God’s name Hence it is of the highest good to sing praises to
and Theocracy. Jehovah God in fulfillment of one’s obligations as
~° "Praise ye Jehovah; for it is good to sing praises his ordained minister. Nothing could be more vital
unto our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is to the people in this time of "distress of nations with
comely." (Ps. 147 : 1, A. R. V.) Note the expression perplexity", when the world is faced with utter
with which this Psalm opens. In the original Hebrew destruction. The faithful servants of Jehovah will
it is "Hallelu Jab", the name "Jab" being the be on the alert against being entrapped into any
shortened form for "Jehovah". Therefore this is one other view of the matter. They will refuse to break
of the eighteen "Hallelujah" Psalms, so called, which their covenant vows and to yield to the world’s
open with this rousing exhortation. It is no mere pressure to make them cease from praising ttim.
"jazz song" expression or wild "religious revival" ’~ It is Jehovah God, by his King of The Theocracy,
camp-meeting outburst, but is an inspired call to who commandshis ordained ministers, "Praise ye
action in praising Jehovah to one another and to all Jehovah." The anointed remnant, who are espoused
the nations, particularly the teachable ones thereof. to Christ Jesus to be of his heavenly bride, obey.
The anointed remnant here addressed are by their They praise Jehovah publicly by spreading his
anointing with God’s spirit of power commissioned message abroad and thus letting others hear who
to be his witnesses, witnesses to his honor and praise have a hearing ear. The teachable ones who love
and not to his reproach. By their consecration of righteousness and that which is for their highest
themselves to do God’s will, even whenthat will con- good do hear. They show good-will toward Jehovah
fiicts with dictatorial men, and also because they are God and his Theocratic Government. In proof of
taken by Jehovah into the covenant to serve him~ tl~eir good-will and devotion they too consecrate

themselves to Jehovah God by faith in Christ Jesus. "Babylon", had its headquarters in heaven tiI1 1914.
Thus they also become God’s ministers or servants, The New Jerusalem, then built up, immediately
with hope of everlasting life on earth under the King- began war upon the enemies in heaven, and Satan
dom. What must they do now? That which is "good", and his demons fought back against the new Govern-
namely, praise Jehovah, just as the remnant of ment, The Theocracy, but prevailed not and were
Christ’s bride do. The same terms of the commission thrust down to the vicinity of the earth, whipped.
or ordination apply to them as to the remnant. Hence What a fall for Babylon ! and what a cause for praise
it is written : "And the Spirit [Christ Jesus] and the to Jehovah ! As it is written : "And after these things
bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, say-
And let him that is athirst come : and whosoever will, lug, ALLELUIA ; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and
let him take the water of life freely." (Ilev. 22: 17) power, unto the Lord our God : for true and righteous
All of such who discern and appreciate their com- are his judgments: for he hath judged the great
mission from Jehovah God through Christ and who whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornica-
seriously apply themselves to being Jehovah’s wit- tion, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at
ness as their God-ordained life-work find it is a her hand. And again they said, ALLELUIA."--Rev.
delightful work of ministry. All the reproaches and 19: I-3; 12: 1-13.
persecutions and hardships at the hands of the reli- ,e TheTheocracy is Jehovah’s capitalorganization
gionists cannot take away from the real pleasantness over the entireuniverse.All crea:uresthat would
of praising Jehovah and his desirable Government enjoyeverlasting lifeandpeacemu~ttaketheirstand
to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. on thesideof thatTheocratic capital andbe gathered
They experience personally how comely it is to praise untoit.To prevent thistheDe~dlstirred up theanger
the Most High God and his King of The Theocracy of the nationsagainstthe new Governmentin the
ratherthanto makea namefor oneselfor to praise veryyearof its birth,A.D.1914,and the WorldWar
creatures and organizations of thisworld. brokeout.It wastheDevil’sschemeto militarize the
worldand use that conditionto scatterJehovah’s
THE THEOCRACY HERE’ organized servants, the spiritual Israelites, and to
""Jehovah doth build up Jerusalem ; he gathereth preventall announcement of the building up of Jeho-
together the outcasts of Israel." (Ps. 147 : 2, A. R. V.) vah’scapitalorganization and therebypreventthe
This indicates that this Psalm was written after the gatheringof any creatureson earthunto or under
seventy years of desolation of the typical city of thatdivinegovernment. Jehovah’s servants of spimt-
Jerusalem and after the faithful remnant were ual Israelwerehatedof all nationsat war and were
released from captivity to Babylon. They returned cast out from theirorganizedconditionof serving
to the site of the holy city and rebuilt the temple and Him and the interestsof his kingdom.Thelrhearts
also the city and its walls and hung the city gates werebrokenat the disorganizing of the workby the
thereon. That Jerusalem was the "city of the great religious and political agentsof GreatBabylonand
King", said Jesus. (Matt. 5: 35) This marks the time at allthereproaches thatwereheapedon Go(’l’s name.
of the grand fulfillment of this "Hallelujah" Psalm Theysufferedgreathurtand woundsby violentmis-
as after A.D. 1914. That year the seven "times of the treatment, by betrayals of falsebrethren and lw the
Gentiles", which began with Babylon’s overthrow of cruelmisrepresentations published aboutthembv the
Jerusalem in 606 B.C., ran out, and there the "time modern-dayBabylonians, particularly thoseof so-
of the end" for the Gentile powers in control of the called"Christendom"; whichthingswereintendedto
earth began. At the be~nning of those seven Gentile damagethem beyondall futurerecoveryin the eyes
times the t}-pical Theocracy at Jerusalem was over- ofall.
thrown and taken away. At the end of those Gentile " Then for His name’s sake, and for the sake of
times, in 1914, the real Theocracy began, when the his elect ones of his "holy nation", Jehovah suddenly
great King of Eternity, Jehovah God, bade his sent his King and Messenger to the temple, in 1918,
anointed Son at his right hand to start the exercise of and stopped the World War shortly thereafter that
his power as King of The Theocracy. That Theocracy same year. (Matt. 24 : 7-13, 21, 22)" With Jehovah’~
is Jehovah’s capital organization, where he makes his mighty Messenger, Christ Jesus, at the temple as
official residence. It is therefore the "city of the great King of the new world, who now in heaven or in
King", typified by Jerusalem of old. earth could possibly binder Jehovah’s message of
’~ The Theocratic Government under Christ Jesus the ICingdom, or Theocracy, from going to all nations
is the "new heavens" and is "the holy city, new Jeru- of the habitable earth in fulfillment of the prophecy
salem, coming down from God out of heaven, pre- at Matthew 24:147 No one.
pared as a bride adorned for her husband". (Rev. "Because of throwing the great Babylon down
21: 1, 2, 9, 10) Satan’s organization, which is called from its heavenly seat the King Christ Jesus was like

Cyrus the king of Persia, whoreleased tile remnant the stone a new namewritten", and he further says :
of Israel from Babylon and sent them back to Jeru- "I will write upon him the name of my God [Jeho-
salem to engage in the temple work. (Isa. 45 : 1, 13) vah], and the nameof the city of myGod[to identify
Immediately after the halt of the World War Jeho- them as citizens of that capital organization], which
vah began gathering the faithful remnant of the is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven
"outcasts of [spiritual] Israel" to His Theocratic from my God: and I will write upon him my new
King at the temple. "He healeth the broken in heart, name."--Isa. 62: 2; Rev. 2 : 17 ; 3: 12; Isa. 43: 10, 12;
and bindeth up their wounds."(Ps. 147 : 3) This Jeho- 44:8.
vah did in freeing them from Babylon’s restraint, n In 1931, after a "work-day" of twelve years of
particularly from the religious fear of creatures and faithful activity in the vineyard of God’sservice, the
of what they might do to a servant of the Lord for remnant were rewarded with the revelation of their
faithfully witnessing for Him. Jehovah revealed to new name, namely, "Jehovah’s witnesses." There-
them tlmt he had a further work for them and that after they joined in the great ’~Hallelujah" chorus
his King is at the temple and the time for everlast- with Christ Jesus, "The Faithful and True Witness/’
ing rejoicing has comebecause it is the day for the as never in the years previous. Increasing numbersof
vindication of Jehovah’s name before all creation. persons of good-will heard the joyful sound and took
Then Jehovah by his IGng poured out his spirit upon their stand for Jehovah and his Chief Witness and
the faithful remnant yet in the flesh. He sent them they joined in and swelled the ’~Hallelujah" song,
out as his official witnesses to all the nations. He blending their voices in perfect unity with the rem-
brought them into his Theocratic organization, and nant of spiritual Israel. These become the Lord’s
willingly they submitted themselves to Jehovah and "other sheep". They know from God’s Wordthat the
his King as "The Higher Powers". chief work and calling of the remnant is to give a
’° "He counteth the numberof the stars; he calleth witness to Jehovah in vindication of His name, and
them all by their names." (Ps. 147 : 4, A. R. V.) This that this "one thing" the remnant must do. There are
shows the time as being the night of Satan’s world, not two things, including a different commissionfor
the period when"the darkness shall cover the earth, the "other sheep". Hence nothing these dear "sheep"
and gross darkness the people". (Isa. 60 : 1, 2) In the could do could take pre-eminence over what is the
dark period is when Jehovah’s stellar bodies rise ordained chief work of the remnant, and therefore
and shine and declare God’s glory to God-fearing the "other sheep" must be the active companions of
persons on earth. Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s Chief the remnant in doing the "one thing" of bearing wit-
Star, "the bright and morning star," the foretold ness to the truth concerning Jehovah and his King-
"Star out of Jacob". (Rev. 22: 16; Num.24: 17) The dom. Thus these "other sheep" become witnesses for
remnant of his body members must likewise shine, Him, on the same wise that the faithful men before
reflecting his light of the Kingdom,and they do so in Christ’s death, from John the Baptist all the way
obedience to God’s command,and turn many to God’s back to Abel, were the never-quitting witnesses for
righteous Government. "And they that be wise shall Jehovah.
shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they
that turn manyto righteousness, as the stars for ever SUPREbIE POWER
and ever." (Dan. 12: 3) Godcounts thenumberof these ""Great is our Lvrd, and of great power: his
stars who shine with Christ Jesus in the firmament understanding is infinite"; or, "of his understanding
of the new heavens, and he numbersthem as 144,000. there is no number."(Ps. 147 : 5 ; margin) The number
No more faithful ones than this shall be exalted to of things which He understands perfectly is as infi-
heavenlyglory.--Rev. 7 : 4-8 ; 14 : 1, 3 ; Luke12 : 32. nite as his universal creation, because he created all
~° The names which the persecutors under demon good things for his intelligent purposes. He is there-
influence call these of the ’star’ class to condemnand fore the Lord and Master, the Supreme One. In con-
misrepresent them do not matter; only the name tradiction of the Devil, whoordains himself to seek
which the Creator Jehovah calls them matters. He universal domination and whoalso ordains the polit-
promised that the time would come when he would ical-religious organization on earth to seek "world
call these symbolic "stars" by a new namewhich his domination", the Lord God Jehovah has ordained
own mouth would name. That name was hidden away himself and his Theocratic King, Christ Jesus, to
in his holy Word.Christ Jesus first officially receives be "The Higher Powers". (Rom. 13:1-4) Jehovah’s
that new name, but he also promised to share it with ordination of power alone shall stand the supreme
all the membersof his ’~body", including the "feet of test. He says: ’~I am Jehovah, that is myname; and
him", or the remnant yet on earth after his comingto myglory will I not give to another, neither mypraise
the temple. To the overcoming remnant he gives a unto graven images." (Isa. 42 : 8, A. R. V.) His King
pledge of the new name, like a "white stone, and in warns all the covenant people of God to be subject
to the Supreme One of the Higher Powers, saying: who is the Meekest of God’s meek ones, already has
"For Jehovah your God, he is Godof gods, and Lord cast Satan out of heaven and down to the ground
of lords, the great God, the mighty, and the terrible, and has him and his demon and human agents under
who regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward." his soles as his footstool. At ArmageddonHe will
(Deut. 10 : 17, A. R. V.) His covenant people, there- twist his heei upon them all as upon a viper. Jeho-
fore, place first importance upon Jehovah’s com- vah’s servants will walk over the places where these
mands and obey him rather than worldly men. They wicked ones once were.
hail Him as "great".
’~ In obeying Jehovah’s commandmentto be his KEEP SINGING
constant witnesses they are "strong in the Lord, and ’~"Sing unto Jehovah with thanksgiving; sing
in the powerof his might". (Acts 5 : 29 ; Eph. 6 : 10) praises upon the harp unto our God." (Ps. 147: 7,
Though oftentimes they do not understand the mean- A. R. V.) Religious leaders and their allies in public
ing of all the difficulties they meet up with in his affairs work against the good of the people when
service, yet they trust him without question. They they frame mischief by law to prevent the keeping
are persuaded that his infinite understanding grasps of this commandmentof the Most High God. "It is
ever)’ detail of his "strange work" in which they are a GOOD thing to give thanks unto Jehovah, and to
having a part. He understands every part of his sing praises unto thy name, 0 Most High; to show
organization of his witnesses on earth, understands forth thy lovingkindness in the morning [as by house-
all their perplexities, understands all their trials and to-house calls with the message], and thy faithful-
sufferings at enemy hands, and knows how to handle ness every night [as by back-calls on the interested
them wisely and competently for his name’s sake and meek persons], with an instrument of ten strings,
its vindication. There is nothing that the enemy and with the psaltery [sound equipment to accom-
attempt or do that He does not understand, even pany the message given by the lips] ; with a solemn
before their wicked plans are completed. As his sound upon the harp. For thou, Jehovah, hast made
courageous servants push ahead against nasty inter- me glad through thy work [in which I am privileged
ferences concertedly springing up in all quarters, and to have an active personal part]: I wilt triumph
as they carefully and an.,dously look to what can be [over the combined enemy opposition] in the works
done to keep on going, Jehovah God has never failed of thy hands."--Ps. 92 : 1-4, A. R. V.
to guide them and to outmaneuver their enemies with ’6Here "the harp" symbolizes God’s Word as
His perfect understanding and attention to the written in the Bible. The singing or declaration of
bewildering mix-up of details. His work must go the message by the voices .of Jehovah’s servants must
through. be in tune and harmony with this foundation-toned
2, Jehovah sets the meek in contrast with the Word, The Holy Scriptures. In parts of the earth
wicked. "Jehovah upholdeth the meek: he bringeth where the enemies of The Theocracy have officially
the wickeddownto the ground." (Ps. 147 : 6, A. R. V.) and judicially declared Jehovah’s good work out-
The wicked proceed upon the theory that God helps lawed and taken away the literature explaining the
those whohelp themselves, and they set out to grab Scriptures, and in other parts where the upset world
at world domination and at religious monopoly and conditions have madeit impossible to get supplies of
other things unauthorized by Jehovah and in willful literature, there Jehovah’s covenant-keeping serv-
opposition to his Theocracy in the face of warning ants continue as true Christians to preach as the
by his meek ones. They therefore ignore the stop apostle Paul did (Acts 20:20), and using just the
signals. They violently trample over the meek to Bible itself, either carried with them or already in
attain their goal, in complete disregard of the right- the homes of the people they visit. They must keep
eous laws of the land and the rights and liberties singing praise to Jehovah God.
of tile meek or teachable ones who look to God and :~ ’W~-hocovereth the heavens with clouds, whopre-
Christ Jesus as their Teachers and who do what they pareth rain for the earth, whomaketh grass to grow
are taught from God’s Word. By self-assumptions upon the mountains." (Ps. 147: 8, A.R.V.) Those
and by the help of religion the wicked exalt them- clouds denote Jehovah’s presence by his represent-
selves to positions of power and authority in defiance ative Messenger, Christ Jesus, just as His pillar of
of Jehovah and his anointed King, even to declaring cloud by which he guided the children of Israel forty
it illegal to bear the "new name" from God and to years through the wilderness symbolized Jehovah’s
preach Jehovah’s Theocracy. But under this crushing invisible presence with and his protection over his
world-pressure Jehovah’s everlasting arms hold up covenant people by His mighty messenger or angel
his meek and obedient servants, and these trample whomhe sent before the marching Israelites. His
under foot the opposition of the wicked and carry on mightiest Angel or Messenger has come to the temple
as His ordained ministers of the gospel. Christ Jesus, for judgment. He is present with blessings and pro-

tection for the faithful remnant whopass the judg- are ye better than the fowls?" (Luke 12: 24) Ask the
ment and for the loving "other sheep" who do good hard-working pioneers; they will tell you. Neither
to the remnant and whomthe ICing at the temple does Jehovah fail to provide the spiritual food from
places on his right side of favor and mercy. his table to his servants whomaintain their integrity
"The heavenly King of The Theocracy constitutes right in the lair of the terrible totalitarian "beast".
the "new heavens" in power since A.D. 1914, and the By ways as strange as by the ravens which fed
blessings of Jehovah God come down therefrom like Elijah, Jehovah gets his spiritual food through to
refreshing rain upon his faithful servants in the those who are determined to keep their integrity
earth, the remnant and their companions. These have toward him and his Government even if threatened
had their eyes opened by God’s Wordto see the anti- to starve physically for it as punishment
Theocratic, totalitarian "abomination of desolation" ,o The totalitarian powersput their trust in speedy
standing up in place of and as a substitute for God’s vehicles of destruction and glorify the toughened
kingdom. Therefore they have fled from all parts limbs of their tramping hordes that goose-step to the
inside and outside of "Christendom" and taken attack on democratic principles and liberties, and on
refuge at the "mountains", the Great Rock Jehovah the free and open service of Jehovah God. While this
and the Foundation Rock Christ Jesus, The Higher crushing of God-given rights and God-ordained
Powers. (Matt. 24: 15-18) There all those whoseek service goes on, the cardinals and other membersof
meekness and righteousness grow and flourish like the Hierarchy bestow their blessings and pray to God
the grass, increasing to a multitude without number, to show his pleasure and grant military victory to
and they shall not be cut down by Jehovah’s Execu- these totalitarian aggressors. Will their being clerk’-
tioner of the wicked in the "battle of that great day menwith skirts and crucifixes and split hats induce
of God Almighty". Almighty God to change his position on the matter
"All living creation is dependent upon Jehovah’s and answer their prayers and high-low masses:
providence. "He giveth to the beast his food, and to The Provider for the weak, innocent young ravens
the young ravens which cry." (Ps. 147 : 9) WhenJob answers: "He delighteth not in the strength of the
was suffering greatly from an incurable affliction and horse: he taketh no pleasure in the legs of a man.
being condemnedand persecuted by pious religion- Jehovah taketh pleasure in them that fear him,
ists before all the public, Jehovahstrengthened Job’s in those that hope in his lovingkindness."--Ps.
faith in God’s concern for him and unfailing provi- 147 : 10, 11, A. R. V.
sion for him by pointing to the divine care for the ’~ Said Jesus whena manon earth : "Fear not them
brute beasts away out in the wilderness. Then He whichkill the body, but are not able to kill the soul :
asked Job: ’%~noprovideth for the raven his prey, but rather fear him whichis able to destroy both soul
when his young ones cry unto God, and wander for and body in hell." (Matt. 10: 28) In such fear of God
lack of food?" (Job 38 : 41, A. B. V.) Manywho are Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemanewhile the
free and unencumbered, like those wild beasts and traitor Judas led "a great multitude, with swords and
birds, and whocould devote their entire time to the staves, from the chief priests and elders of the
direct service of The Theocracy in the field, fail or people", to arrest him and drag him to his death.
refuse to take advantage of that blessed opportunity. (Matt 26: 36-48) Jesus feared to displease Jehovah,
Their excuse is the fear that they will not be taken his heavenly Father, and he taught and himself illus-
care of by the Lord while so engaged as pioneers in trated obedience to Godrather than to men. Itence
daily and continuously praising him in obedience to to him there came the Father’s voice from heaven:
ttis wise command.As answer to such an excuse the "This is mybeloved Son, in whomI am well pleased ;
psalmist, and also the manwithout where to lay his hear ye him." (Matt. 17 : 5) His faithful remnant and
head, Christ Jesus, pointed to the beasts and birds. his "other sheep" will therefore wisely do what he
If Godsees to it that the helpless little ravens in tells themto do ; ’’because Christ also suffered for us,
the nest, which birds God’s own law classifies as leaving us an example, that ye should follow his
unclean, are fed, will he not also faithfully provide steps." (1 Pet. 2:21) Following his example is the
lodging, food and raiment for one in a covenant with way to have the divine pleasure taken in one, and
Him and who with lips clean of fear of man obedi- hence to receive the loving-kindness of God. The Lord
ently carries out God’s commandments and glorifies God may permit his faithful and true witnesses to
him? The raven was the first creature to go forth suffer long and keenly as in the case of Job. If, how-
from the ark and to stay out and trust to Jehovah ever, they refuse to be frightened off from his serv-
God to provide for it in the earth cleansed by the ice by the "strength of the horse" and the ’qegs of
Flood. (Gem8: 6,7) "Consider the ravens: for they a man", be they even the two iron ’qegs" of that
neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse terrible image described by Daniel (chapter two),
nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more God will in his well-ordered time show them his

mercy as he did to Job for keeping his integrity. "Ye the Lord’s coming to the temple in 1918, and also
have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the "remnant of her seed" who are yet alive and
the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, remain on the earth; and both parts do rejoice
and of tender mercy." (Jas. 5: 11) Jehovah never together. And the invisible part with Christ Jesus
disappoints the hope of those who sound forth His on MountZion join with him in assisting the visible
praises and leave the fighting and dehverance to him part or remnant in glorifying Jehovah and praising
at Armageddon. the only true and living God, in whose name they
walk from henceforth, even for evermore.
ORGANIZED PRAISE ’~ No battering ram of the enemyorganization can
~2 "Glorify, O Jerusalem, the Load : praise thy God, crash in those barred gates of Zion and Jerusalem.
0 Zion." (Ps. 147:12, Leeser’s translation) Here, That Theocracy is the strongest organization in the
both "Jerusalem" and "Zion" picture the capital universe. Hence there only is the place of salvation
organization of Jehovah, The Theocracy under Christ for the remnant of Zion’s children. The Nethinim or
the ICing. Concerning him Jehovah says to all the "other sheep" must flee to it and take refuge under
rulers of this world whohave set themselves against it before the battle of Armageddon begins for. the exe-
Jehovah and his Anointed: ’‘yet have I set my king cution of all those whohave not lined up on the side
upon my holy hill of Zion." (Ps. 2: 1-6) W-hoshall of Zion. Those that persecute the remnant and their
stand with Jehovah’s King on that "hill" or Govern- companions because they take their stand for Zmn
ment which is devoted to righteousness ? The Revela- and Jerusalem only cause themselves unnecessary
tion (14: 1,3) answers: ".4rod I looked, and, lo, a troubles and hang a weighty stone about their necks :
Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling
hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s unto all the people round about, wi~en they shall be
name written in their foreheads. And they sung as in the siege both against Judah, and against Jeru-
it were a new song before the throne [of Jehovah salem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a
God], and before the four beasts, and the elders: and burdensome stone for all people: all that burden
no man could learn that song but the hundred and themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all
forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the people of the earth be gathered together against
the earth." it." (Zech. 12 : 2, 3) Let such rememberwhat happened
’~ The remnant on earth are gathered into unity in one night to King Sennacherib’s 185,000 Assyrians
with the Lamb of God at Mount Zion. The "other that besieged Jerusalem.--Isa. 37 : 33-38.
sheep", whoalso follow that Lamb,take refuge under "Amid all their persecutions for bearing and
that capital organization in submission to The praising the name of Jehovah God, Zion’s "remnant
Higher Powers. They are like the non-Israelite of her seed" and their earthly companionsare blessed
Nethinim who returned with the remnant from Baby- above all other creatures on earth. (Matt. 5: 10-12)
lon to Jerusalem and took up service of assistance to There is no peace and unity in the world, in an)"
God’s ministers at the temple on Mount Zion. (Ezra worldly nauon; for Satan’s house is divided against
2:43,58,70; 7:7; 8:17,20; Neh. 7:73; 10:28,29) itself in the contest for world domination. But among
The commandto "glorify"’ and "praise" Jehovah God those who are separate from the world and in cove-
is addressed to "Jerusalem" and "Zion", that is, to nant relationship with Jehovah and serving lnm
the entire organization as one. This, therefore, is a according to his Theocratic rule there is peace. Ttmy
call to action to the faithful remnant together with pray for this peace to continue amongthem. (Ps.
their zealous earthly companions, the Lord’s "other 122 : 6-9) In peace they do the Lord’s work together.
sheep", to serve the Lord God in an organized man- Their fighting is only against the demons. (Eph.
ner, that is, as one united organization dedicated to 6:12) They mark all whocause divisions and disturb-
the praise and glorifying of the Great Theocrat. ances, and avoid them as not being of God’s Theo-
"Whyshould these unite to "glorify Jehovah" and cratic organization. (Rom.16: 17, 18) Gathered about
"praise thy God", and be courageous and fearless the Lord’s table in the presence of their enemies,
about doing so ? The good and undeniable reason is: they feed upon the fullness of the "fat of wheat",
"For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; he that is, the choicest life-sustaining truths of God’s
hath blessed thy children within thee. He maketh Word concerning his Theocratic Government under
peace in thy borders; he fiUeth thee with the finest Christ.
of the wheat [or, the fat of wheat (margin)]." (Ps.
147: 13, 14, A.R.F.) This is cause for the whole *’HIS STRANGE WORK"
Theocratic organization in heaven and earth to ""He sendeth forth his commandmentupon earth :
rejoice, both the children of Zion whowere sleeping his word runneth very swiftly." (Ps. 147:15) Out
in death and whowere raised to life in the spirit at from Zion goes forth God’s law to his remnant and
JULY1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWEP,. 2o3
their companionson earth, and likewise to them goes 147 : 16, 17, A. B. V., says : "Hegiveth snowlike wool;
forth his word of doctrine from Jerusalem. (Mic. he scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes. He casteth
4: 2) tIis specific command to them is to declare his forth his ice like morsels: whocan stand before his
name throughout all the earth and to publish the cold ?"
Kingdom gospel to all nations. He provides them
with the understanding of his Wordto that end. This "HIS STRANGE ACT"
work of publication and of education of the people of "’ Jehovah’s remnant of anointed witnesses and
good-will must be done before the final end of Satan’s their companions are now undergoing experiences
war-riddled organization. The time is limited, very like those of Job. Out of the midst of the storm Jeho-
short now, because that disastrous end is so close. vah spoke to Job of all His mighty works and asked
Therefore the work must be pressed daily with all Job: "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the
one’s heart, mind, soul and strength, because it must snow? or hast flmu seen the treasures of the hail,
be done quickly. To the accomplishmentof this Jeho- which I have reserved against the time of trouble,
vah has provided his Theocratic arrangement for his against the day of battle and war?" (Job 38: 22, 23)
organized people. During the past twenty years he The Job class shall enter into an understanding of
has equipped them with his revealed Wordin print those secrets whenJehovah performs his act of vindi-
in the form of books, booklets, magazines, tracts and cating his name at Arnmgeddon. There these phe-
leaflets, also with sound equipment on wheels and nomenashall operate to God’s praise: "Praise Jeho-
1)ortalfle, such as phonograph, and with vehicles of vah from the earth, ye sea-monsters, and all deeps;
transportation, and with radio transmitters and land fire and hail, snowand vapor : stormy wind, fulfilling
wires for telephonic carriage of speeches, and with his word."--Ps. 148 : 7, 8, A. R. V.
loudspeakers and public-address systems. By these ’° Then Jehovah will %ewroth as in the valley of
means, and with a small band of lively, fearless King- Gibeon, that he may. . . bring to pass his act, his
dora publishers permeated with the zeal for Jehovah, strange act". (Isa. 28 : 21) At Gibeon Jehovah fought
God’s word has indeed run very swiftly and encircled for his covenant people Israel and pitched downfrom
the world since 1918. It continues to run. Hundreds the skies huge hailstones upon the five anti-Theo-
of millions of pieces of literature have been distrib- cratic kings and their combined armies: "they were
uted horn house to house, in over eighty languages; more which died with hailstones than they whomthe
1941 was the greatest year, of the most tremendous children of Israel slew with the sword." And the
distri]mtion in a single year to date. Millions are very sun and moonappeared to stand still that day.
reading. "LET THE.~I nZAD." Hundreds of millions Thereby also, besides vindicating his name, Jehovah
have heard and other millions .vet hear by means of delivered the people of good-will whowere bottled up
radio and by portable and mobile sound equipment. in Gibeonand threatened with death by the besieging-
:~To religious "Christendom" it is a "strange enemies of God. (Josh. 10:9-14) The antitypical
work", and she objects thereto. The demons now try downpourof frozen destruction is .vet due at Arma-
to regiment the work off the earth and to regiment geddon. Immediately after the Lord God sends his
all the people against it and all the publishers out emphatic warning out of the north and troubles the
of it. God’s Wordwill continue to run swiftly until totalitarian-world combine (Dan. 11:44), then the
the purpose for which he has sent it forth is accom- reliNonists of "Christendom"will say, as long fore-
plished. (Isa. 55: 10, 11) Whatis that purpose? This: told: "The harvest is past, the summeris ended, and
to publish God’s name and Theocracy world-wide; to we are not saved." (Jer. 8:20) Then ’’his cold" will
serve all, rulers and common people alike, with clear begin to set in, and they will seek refuge. There the
u arning; and to point the meekpersons of good-will biggest lie behind which the religious-political
to the way of escape to the mountains of safety, Zion opposers of Jehovah’s Theocracy will hide for their
and Jerusalem. There is no time to delay flight. The protection is the "abomination of desolation", which
abomination that maketh desolate" has appeared. world organization they declare is the kingdom of
Says the King of The Theocracy to the refugees: Godthat they want and the real thing is not needed.
"’Ba~ pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, Taking refuge in this organized lie will not avail at
neither on the sabbath day: for then shall be great the time of the big fight. WarnsJehovah : "Judgment
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the
the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matt. plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge
24:20.21) The winter is the time of Jehovah’s of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding
"’strange act" of the great fight of Armageddon,and place."--Isa. 28 : 17.
it follows immediately after the swift running of ’~ In the winter months during the period of God’s
Jehovah’s Word, "his strange work." Concerning his "strange work" his witnesses have pressed on with
"’strange act" of the Armageddon "winter" Psalm the Kingdommessage, thus losing no time. (Prov.
31 : 21~ Also his King and the armies of heaven know all be fulfilled." (Luke21:29-32) Thenall that live
howto fight in the cold of Armageddon’sbattle as earth shall be cheered with the warmth of God’s
pictured in the exploit of King David’s fellow mercy through his reigning King. Peace shall flow
warrior: "And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son like a mighty river everlasting, and righteousness
of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many shall be multiplied on the earth like the wavesof the
acts, he slew two lionlike menof Moab: he went down sea, and His blessings shall drop like gentle rain.
also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time ~Isa. 48: 18; Ps. 72 : 6, 7.
of snow." (2 Sam. 23 : 20) Describing God’s "strange
work" and the winter action of destruction immedi- FAVOR AND RESPONSIBILITY
ately following, Psalm 68: 11, 12, 14 reads: "The "To whom is Jehovah God now showing these
Lord gave the word ; great was the companyof those things of his Word, and to whomis he giving his
that published it. Kings of armies did flee apace : and ordinances and regulations to publish that word
she that tarried at homedivided the spoil. \\qmn the swiftly abroad? "He showeth his word unto Jacob,
Almightyscattered kin~s in it, it was white as snow his statutes and his ordinances unto Israel. He hath
in [Mount] Sahnon." The cohl of God’s judg-ment not dealt so with any nation; and as for his ordi-
without mercy comes out of the north. It will be nances, they have not knownthem. Praise ye Jeho-
executed at that tribulation of Armageddonagainst vah." (Ps. 147:19,20, A.R.V.; and Roth.) The
the wicked who have shown no mercy to Jehovah’s nations of "Christendom" are like Esau and have sold
Kingdom publishers on earth. Of such opposers of their claimed birthright for a mess of pottage for
his Theocracy and reproach~:rs of His name, "who their bellies. Contrariwise, like Jacob, the remnantof
can stand before his cold:" Not one. (Job 37:6-10) spiritual Israel have received the approval of Jeho-
Those foreseeing this evil to comeshortly, should vah and obtained the spiritual portion. For his faith-
be wise, like the ant, and makeprovision nowto come fulness and integrity Jehovah gave Jacob the new
out of the cold into the warmth of God’s refuge.~ name of "Israel", meaning "wrestling with God",
Prey.6 : 6 ; 30: 25. that is, holding fast to Jehovah God and his Theoc-
’* Only tlmse in and under God’s Theocratic organi- racy in the time of peril until one’s integrity is proved
zation ciurin< that battle shall weather the destruc- and the blessing obtained.--Gen. 32:20-28.
tive cold of that terrible winter of Armageddon,and "This showing of the glories of his Wordand of
see the fair Kingdomweather that follows thereafter what he requires of his covenant people, that is, his
at Jetmvah’s command. "He sendeth out his word, statutes, judgments, ordinances and regulations,
and melteth them: he causeth t’is wind [invisible places a tremendous responsibility upon those of
power] to blow, and the waters flow." (Ps. 147: 18) Jehovah’s "holy nation" and their companions, who
It will be as when the waters of the world deluge share their blessings and the accompanyingrespon-
had finished their destruction of the ungodly who sibilities. This outstanding favor Jehovah bestows
filled the earth with debauchery and violence: "God upon them for his name’s sake, which name must be
remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all declared throughout the earth before he shows lfis
the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God power over Satan and his organization in the show-
madea wind to pass over the earth; and the waters down fight. There must be no slowdown; his word
asswaged." (Gen. S:l) Then Noah and ills compan- must yet run ~wiftly, for that is the statute and
ions came forth into the cleansed earth. ordinance which his devoted people must obey. The
"~ So too after the winter of Armageddonthe rem- nations of "Christendom" know not His word and
nant and their companionswill comeforth from their Theocratic regulations, and will continue to oppose
protected place under God’s hiding and enter into the and persecute in proud, stubborn resistance till
glorious season of the Kingdomin its undisputed Armageddon’swinter freezes them into everlasting
power over earth. (Jot] 37: 2°_-24) Pointing to the inaction. Well foreknowingthis stiff opposition to His
events of our time since 1914 Jesus said : "Behold the word and its swift bearers, and well aware of his
fig tree, and all the trees ; whenthey nowshoot forth, exclusive mercies and favors to the remnant and their
ye see and know of your own selves that summeris companions out of all nations, the Lord God com-
nownigh at hand. So likewise ye, whenye see these mandsas his closing word: "HA~.L~LUJ~,H!" that is,
things cometo pass, knowye that the kingdomof God "Praise ye Jehovah )." It is his urgent call to his
is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This genera- favored ones to action. The faithful spring to the
tion [including the remnant] shall not pass awaytill response.
For Jehovah giveth wisdom; out of hts mouth eometh knowledge
and understa,tdtng : he layeth up sound wisdom for the 1tprtght; he
ts a shteld to them that walk tn tntegrtty; that he may guard ths
paths of justice, and preserve the way of his satnts.
~Proverbs 2 : 6-8, A. R. V.
HEissue is U.~VZ~S~L DOmINATIng, or, more broadly
T stated, Whois supreme, and whoshall rule the uni-
verse, Jehovah God or Satan? That issue will be
with his Theocratic organization, he must deport himself
in keeping with that holy organization.
The armies of "the king of the north" and of "the king
decided in vindication of the nameof Jehovah. Since this is of the south", and the religious organizations with them,
to be accomplished by The Theocracy, or God’s kingdom are seeing to it that those fighting for world dominationare
under Christ Jesus, the Kingdomis the great doctrine of the amply supplied with tobacco. The Encyclopedia Britannica
Bible. There is the cost of self-deniMto pay for any creature (Vol. 26) says: "As the continent of America was opened
on earth to have a share in the vindication of Jehovah’s up and explored, it became evident that the consumption
name.(Matt. 16 : 24) Those whohave a desire to participate of tobacco, especially by smoking, was a universal and
in the vindication of His name, whether as membersof The immemorialusage, in manycases hound uP WITHTttE MOST
Theocracy or as faithful subjects thereof, should study SIGNIFICANT AND SOLEMN TRmAL CERE~IONIES." That means
carefully the Theocratic Scriptures, that they may walk the use of that herb was associated with dcmonism,to bring
worthily before the Lord God. Whatthe world calls "charac- its dupes under the power of the demons. Is the use of
ter development" could never alone bring to any creature tobacco, then, clean or filthy within the meaning of the
Jehovah’s approval which means life to that creature. Those Scriptures? The use of tobacco is extremely filthy, regard-
who serve Himand receive his approval therefor must do less of the form in which it is used. It befouls the body
much more than merely lead a course of chastity and and dulls the mental faculties. It makesthe user offensive
cleanliness. Their being chaste and clean is for a higher to those with whomhe comes in contact, and works great
purpose than for mere respectability; it is for the purpose injury to the user and is a dishonor to God and Christ.
of being proper instruments in God’s service in behalf of The use of tobacco has greatly demoralized the humanrace.
the great issue. Those consecrated to God’s will must do It creates an appetite for other impure and filthy things.
more than merely exercise chastity and. cleanliness. They Under no condition is the use of tobacco approved by God’s
must see to it that their every faculty, in the best of condi- Word, although not mentioned by name.
tion possible, is devoted to God and his kingdom. It, therefore, does not seem consistent for anyone of
No compromise can be approved; no neutrality, nor God’s organization or those who have been privileged by
middle course. ’~What concord hath Christ with Belial? His grace to enter the "cities of refuge", to use tobacco. No
or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And one using tobacco is permitted to remain at Bethel home.
what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye The Lord has been pleased to use Timothy to depict
are the temple of the living God; as Godhath said, I will conditions in His visible organization at the present t~me.
dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, In 1 Timothy 4:12 we read, "Be thou an example of the
and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in
amongthem, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch faith, in purity" ; and in Romans13 : 9, 10 the apostle Paul
not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be clearly defines what constitutes the fulfilling of the law,
a Father unto you, and ye shall be mysons and daughters, emphasizingthe fact that love workethno ill to his neighbor.
saith the Lord Almighty."--2 Cot. 6:15-18. Thesescriptures bring forcibly to the attentmn of the Lord’s
This means that the membersof the "body of Christ" people that those who are proper representatives of the
and also his "other sheep" must be entirely separate from Lord and the Lord’s organization must be examples to the
Satan’s organization and those who support that wicked believers and of the believers; that they must follow a
organization, and must devote themselves unselfishly to course of action that will work no ill to their neighbor.
Godand his kingdom.Have any of the servants of Jehovah, For these reasons those appointed to represent the
then, a reason for saying they do not need to observe the Society as special or general pioneer publishers or as
rules of commondecency? Could anyone for a moment servants in the various companyorganizations are required
conclude that by following a course of decency and chastity to refrain from the use of tobacco in any form. If anyone
and cleanliness, such is the course of self-denial and meets using tobacco is recommendedand appointed to serve m
all the requirements of those whogain everlasting life and a special capacity and this fact is unknownto the Society,
serve for the vindication of God’s name? Certainly not! such person should inform the Society that he feels it
Referring to God’s promises of receiving those who necessary to use tobacco and therefore withdraws from the
touch not the unclean thing as his children separate from assigned position. Those who persist in the use of the
the world, the apostle adds: ’~taving therefore these harmful weed cannot be considered as proper examples
promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all in word, in charity, in spirit, in faith, or m purity, and
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the by their course of action the examplethey are setting forth
works ill to their neighbor. They are rebelling against a
fear of God." (2 Cot. 7:1) Anyfilthiness, whether it reasonable requirement of the Lord’s organization. As a
of the flesh or of the spirit, is abominable in His sight. consequence, according to the apostle’s reasoning in the
Cleanliness of the flesh and spirit is the very opposite of thirteenth chapter of Romans, these people do not have
filthiness, and means that the creature must be clean in love and the spirit of the Lord is not fulfilled in them,
body and in mind and use the natural faculties with which because they are walking after the flesh and not after the
he is endowedto the glory of God. Havingtaken his position spirit.~Rom. 8 : 1.
on the side of Jehovah in the great issue, and having been To be sure, the Society has no power or authority or
granted by Jehovah the great privilege of being associated desire to say that a person whowishes to use tobacco may
206 .~,~. Y.

not do so. Nor can it say, "You may not witness for the earth", with cigarettes in their lips and trying to carry out
Kingdom." But it can say who are its appointed repre- the divine mandateto fill the earth with a healthy-blooded,
sentatives. Each one must decide whether he or she wishes righteous race i
to be in or out of line for privileges of service. The Society
is committedfirst, last and all the time to the Lord’s side MORALITY
of every issue, and in this question must insist that those Whatis said concerning tobacco likewise applies to all
whoare appointed as direct representatives of the Society things that tend to demoralize the creature. Anycourse of
in any capacity must refrain from the use of tobacco in action that is filthy or unclean should be avoided by those
all its forms. Those whorepresent the Lord and his king- who represent Jehovah. Somehave foolishly tried to read
dommust be clear of mind and avoid all things that would into the WATCHTOWlm publications that which they do not
interfere with their Kingdomservice. contain, in order to find a justification for a wrongful
"Perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Cot. 7 : 1) course taken by them. Somehave unwisely concluded that
Howmay one accomplish that thing? Holiness means an if they were engagedin the house-to-house witness workthey
unqualified devotion to Jehovah. In the language of the could pursue with freedom from punishment any course
Scriptures that means to be blind to everything except their appetites might call for. One should rememberthat
God’s service. "Whois blind, but myservant? or deaf, as merely engaging in the witness work is not all that
mymessenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is per- is required. The apostle Paul said he had "taught you
fect, and blind as the LORD’S servant?" (Isa. 42: 19) The publicly, and from house to house" (Acts 20: 20), but
servant must at all times strive to do what is pleasing to further said: "But I keep under my body, and bring it
the heavenly Father, and never qualify that course of into subjection; lest that by any means, wHz.’~ I HA~U~
action because of the fear of man or in order to receive PREAC~DTO OTHZRS,I myself should be a castaway"
the approval of man. "The fear of man bringeth a snare." (1 Cor. 9:27) Those engagedin the field service, therefore,
(Prov. 29: 25) The approval of God is all-important. "In should be pure and clean in their relations with any
the fear of God" means deporting oneself in the manner creatures; they should be kind, dignified, and employ
that will please Jehovah; and to determine what that proper language. It is wholly inconsistent for a represent-
manner is he must learn it from the Scriptures. He fears ative of the Lord to carry a chip on his shoulder and walk
lest he should fail to receive God’s approval. "The fear of up to a person and say: "Youare of the Devil’s organLza-
the LORD is to hate evil : pride, and arrogancy, and the evil tion." That is not the prerogative of Jehovah’s witnesses
way, and the froward mouth, do I hate."--Prov. 8:13. Our business is to comfort all that mourn and to present
"Evil" is that whichworks injury. Noperson is justified the truth from God’s Wordin contrast with the wickedness
of the Devil’s organization, and then let each decide for
in working injury, to himself, and certainly it is wrongto
work injury to another. The use of such a poisonous weed himself to which he belongs.
as tobacco works injury both to the user and to those who Concerning marriage, there seem to be some who have
are in contact with the user. This is particularly true with entirely misconstrued what the Scriptures say about it and
regard to smoking tobacco. If a man chooses to injure what has been published in the WATCHTOW~ER pubhcatmns.
hlmself by the use of tobacco, no one has the right to say Persons who enter into a contractual relationship must
he shall not use it. but certainly no person has the right first be qualified to make such a contract. If a manhas a
to blow tobacco smokeinto the nostrils of another person. wife or the womanhas a husband, then, of course, such
The habit of tobacco smoking is one of the most selfish are not qualified to make a further contract with another.
that is exercised by humancreatures; and, being selfish, it The Scriptures provide that the marital relationship may
is the very opposite of love. The smoker fails to give any be severed under certain conditions. (Deut. 24 : 1-4 ; Matt
consideration to the rights and privileges of others about, 5:31,32) Whenthe relationship is duly severed, the
to whomtobacco may be offensive. There is every reason innocent party is qualified to enter into a new contract.
against the use of tobacco; there is not one reason that Marriage presupposes that the parties thereto are Scrip-
supports its use. Surely, then, no Christian whois serving turally and legally qualified to marry.
Godcould have an honest and sincere desire at any time to A marriage in the sight of God, therefore, may be
use the filthy weed. By doing so he is working injury, properly defined as a contract or agreement entered into
hence doing evil, and is following "the evil way". These between man and womanto become husband and wife, and
things God declares he hates. The fact that Jehovah hates by the full performance by both parties of the terms of
that which works evil, coupled with the fact that tobacco that contract. A legal marrmge m properly defined as a
contract entered into between man and womanto become
does workevil, is conclusiveproof that tobacco is the Devil’s husband and wife and then to have a ceremony performed
weed employed for the purpose of demoralizing bureau in the presence of witnesses by one legally authorized to
creatures, particularly in the "time of the end". The use solemnize marriages. Such ceremonies comply with the law
of tobacco having originated with demonism,it should be of the land, and it is proper to observe and obey the law
expected that the "prince of the demons" would introduce where the law of the land does not directly conflict with
its use into "Christendom" by religionists and popularize God’s law. Since the law of God does not prohibit the
it there amongreligious practitioners. The contaminating performanceof ceremonies, and the law of the land provides
influence thereof has spread to all parts of the earth. that they shall be performed by a third person, the cere-
Imagine the "great multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors, monyby somesuch officiating person is lawful and proper.
under the righteous rule of the visible "princes in all the It is therefore seen that a ceremonyperformed by a justice

of the peace, a magistrate, a judge of a court of records, Prohibitionists quote Proverbs 23:31: "Look not thou
or other judicial officer authorized to do so, is just as upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth Ins colour
effective and binding as that performed by any priest or in the cup, when it moveth itself aright." Rotherham’s
clergyman. The fee charged by the clergyman is often translation of this text reads: "Do not look on wine when
exorbitant and works a hardship on the poor. The marriage it becometh red, when it giveth in the cup its sparkle,
relationship is too sacred a thing to depend upon a few glideth do~wasmoothly." Somehave insisted that this text
words spoken by an imperfect man, whether he be a priest means that no one should ever look at wine; but that is
or a judicial officer. It is also too sacred to be annulled an unreasonable construction of the scripture. Wine made
by the whim, decree or opinion of some officer of the law. from certain grapes is red at all times and does not change
Concerning the marital relationship the Lord Jesus its color. Whena man, however, has drunk wine to excess
said: "Have ye not read. that he which made them at the he begins to see "red". Whatthis text really meansis: Do
beginning, made them male and female, and said, For this not look on wine to use it when you see red, that is, when
cause shall a manleave father and mother, and shall cleave everything looks red to you. Whenit looks red to you, and
to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh ? Wherefore slides downeasily, then it is time to let it alone; you
they are no more twain, but one flesh. Whattherefore God have had enough or too much. Do not tarry longer at it.
hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say --Isa. 5 : 11 ; Prov. 23 : 30.
un’.o him, Whydid Moses then commandto give a writing Whenone is engaged in the Lord’s service, strong
of divorcement, and to put her away[Deut. 24 : 1, 2] ? He drink in any form should be avoided. To those who served
saith unto them, Moses, because of the hardness of your in the priest’s office God gave such commandment m these
kcarts, suffered you to put away your wives: but from the words: "Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor
beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever thy sons with thee, whenye go into the tabernacle of the
shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever
shall mar~" another, committeth adultery: and whoso throughout your generations; and that ye mayput d~ffer-
marricth her which is put away doth commit adultery." ence between holy and unholy, and between unclean and
(Matt. 19: 4-9) See 1 Corinthians 7: 1-15. clean." (Lev. 10: 9, 10) Here the clear inference is that
it was not improper to drink wine moderately when not
INTOXICANTS serving in the tabernacle. At feasts the Israelites were com-
The use of wine is authorized by the Scriptures, but the mandedto bring certain offerings unto the Lord, and "the
use of it must be in moderation. To use wine in moderation drink offering thereof shall be of wine [not unfermented
is manifestly proper; otherwise the Lord would not have grape juice]". (Lev. 23 : 13) Whenone is engaged in God’s
caused to be recorded in his Word, with his approval, service he should avoid wine and other intoxicating drinks.
instances of its use by his faithful servants There is a That is not the proper time for such things.
wide distinction between the moderate use of wine and the To decide the proper course, bear this in mind: The
use of tobacco in any form. The latter is not approvedunder time has come to settle the primary issue and wndlcate
any condition, whereas wine is frequently spoken of with Jehovah’s name. He has graciously accepted the consecrating
approval in the Word of God--Ps. 104:15. ones into his service and made them his witnesses and
Moderation in all things is the proper and Scriptural representatives of The Theocracy. The course of actmn
course. (Prov. 25:28) An immoderate eater is a glutton. pursued by such, then, must be in keeping with his Word,
A drunkard and a glutton are placed in the same class, and and such, therefore, must avoid and shun improper, unclean
both are disapproved by the Lord. (Prov. 23:21; Deut. and unchaste things.
21 : 20) The Scmptural admonition is to take "a little wine The witnesses of Jehovah should deport themselves in
for thy stomach’s sake", but one whois suited for sen’ice keeping with his righteous Theocracy under Chmst, which
in God’s organization is "not given to muchwine". (1 Tim. shall settle the issue to the vindication of JehovahLet no
5 : 23 ; 3 : 8) If one finds he cannot take a moderateamount one be so unwise as to think he can pursue any kind of
of winefor his well-being, then he should avoid it altogether. loose course merely because he knows that humanscannot
If it works injury to himself or to any other person, then be expected to bring themselves to perfection in the flesh.
it should not be used. The fact that he is imperfect does not meanhe should not
In harmony with what is here said it is written: "Be war at all times against the imperfections so as the better
not amongwinebibbers; amongriotous eaters of flesh: for to serve the Lord. (1 John 2:6; Eph. 5:14-18) This
the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty; and the "evil day". Satan and his agents are using and will
drowsiness shall clothe a manwith rags." (Prov. 23 : 20, 21) continue to use every possible means to cause Jehovah’s
Manifestly Jesus used wine and ate food, and that furnished witnesses to deflect, turn away from the proper course,
an excuse for the Pharisees to charge Jesus with being a break their integrity toward God, and thus be not found
winebibber and glutton and a friend of publicans and
sinners. Concerning this matter Jesus himself said: "The "blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ". (1 Cor.
Son of man came eating and drinking [not mere water, 1:8) It is therefore needful for each one to be watchful
of course], and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a and to hold oneself strictly within the rules laid downby
winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom the Scriptures. Jehovah’s covenant people are in a real
[also as to eating and drinking] is justified of her children." fight, and nowthey must maintain their integrity toward
(Matt. 11:19) Of course, the Pharisees charged him with Him by faithfully representing him, perfecting hohness
excesses, but falsely, because Jesus always does right. (perfect devotmnto righteousness) in the fear of God.
"WhiIe calling back on Children book obtainers with "Thank you [Gloucester company, England] for your
the special Watchtowercampaignoffer, I called at the home great kindness in supplying the Rangooncompanywith the
of a 79-year-old Catholic gentleman. The following con- much-neededfood. I am sure the companywill appreciate
versation ensued. Jehovah’s witness: ’I have an important this effort on your part and will praise Jehovah Godfor
announcementon this phonograph record; I should like to makifig it possible for us out here to get His message. At
play it for you.’ Mr. T : ’I haven’t got a bit of use present I am 500 miles away from Rangoon, but will be
for a phonograph and I don’t want to hear it. But that going back for leave next week. The copies of Enemies,
blue book [Children] you left here was the most enlighten- Religion, and Theocracy you sent out are the only ones in
ing thing I have ever seen: I have gone to [Catholic] Burma,and you can just imagine the eagerness of everyone
church for forty years three times every Sunday and it to get hold of one of them. The Australian pioneers went to
took that book to show me what I was going to.’ Witness: Chungking, China, and now the Burma government will
’This phonographrecording speaks of the same things that not allow t~em to return until after the war. Wemiss them
the book tells about.’ Mr. T : ’Well, come on in and very much,and yet in their absence we get along, with the
play it for me, then.’ After hearing the record ’Instruction’ studies, back-calls and witnessing with Bibles. Anything
he immediately took the book Religion and a year’s sub- comingfrom America gets burnt. Wemust carry on singing
scriptlon for Tl~e Watchtower.Then he told me this: ’Since our victory song and never give in to the demons. Jehovah
you were here last I have read this book Children nine is our strength, shield and buckler, and in Himwe trust."
times clear through and get more good from it each time.’
This shows the importance of calling on all Children OBEYING GOD IN MISSISSIPPI
obtainers with the Watchtoweroffer. Let them read!" "Sunday morning the county sheriff, a deputy and a
paid ’patriot’ cameto our trailer to take us to jail because
LN THEBASTION OF DEMOCRACY, ENGLAND someonereported we were ’overthrowing the government’.
"I was cycling through Fareham, wearing my Watch- They would have jailed us except that the man on whose
tower magazine bag, when someonein the street called out place we’re staying told them they had better investigate
to me to comeback for a moment.I went back and recognized first because he had seen nothing wrongwith our literature
an air-raid warden with whomI had previously had several and lectures. After they had looked over the "Law-abiding’
talks. It seems he had read the newspaper reports about pamphlet and the boo~ets Godand the State and Exposiug
Louisa Hercock’s imprisonment and was really mad about Fifth Column,the sheriff wassatisfied, but the paid ’patrmt’
the false statements made about Jehovah’s witnesses. He wanted to take our lectures and phonographshometo play.
asked me for the true facts of the case. I was able to give Wetold him they were in use every day but if he would
him a witness and he was thrilled about it all. He said: sit downwe’d run some lectures for him. That didn’t smt
’It’s a pity there are not a few more people like you about. him. Whenhe found the sheriff was not going to arrest us
Let me give you something towards your work.’ I took out he told us to stop putting out the literature, for, although
mysample Watchtower,explaining its mission, etc. I told he knew we were sincere and innocent of wrongdoing, the
him he would receive a copy every fortnight in return for people whowrote and published it had an entirely different
the moneyhe had given me. He said he would be glad to motive and had put just enough enticing things in it to
have any more literature I could obtain for him, so that cover up their real purpose. Whereuponhe was informed
he could pass it on to his friends. This newspaperpublicity that in that case he was getting the cart before the horse
is finding the ’sheep’ as well as the ’goats’."~Portsmouth. in comingto us. Andbesides, there were people all over the
"We visited an old couple once a week. The womanwas world distributing this literature, and surely not all of
blind and we used to read The Watchtower aloud and as them could be fools. The sheriff asked us to leave so he
far as possible hold a modelstudy. Later they were removed wouldn’t have to arrest us. He said the town (Wiggins)
to an institution. Wefollowed them so that we could con- was all stirred up and we’d have trouble if we staycd. We
tinue with the reading. This resulted in a Children book stated our firm intentions of staying, by the Lord’s grace.
study being held in the ward. The attendance increased The man on whose place we’re living watched, and, after
until they bannedit. The institution has nowbeen converted thinking it over, becameso indignant that he went to the
into an infirmary, and a number of people from Hull have sheriff’s homeand gave him a good witness and reminded
been evacuated there. Wehave called on some of these and him of Matthew 18:6 concerning the millstone. Next day
obtained a Watchtower subscription and started several we went to the courthouse to showthe sheriff somesimilar
model studies. One old lady of 91 is looking forward to cases that had been won and tried to play him a lecture
being young in the Kingdom. Her knowledge of the Bible He was very reasonable, but in a few minutes the prosecut-
is wonderful. She had read Children, Deliverance, Salvation, ing attorney came in. He bellowed around and left after
Religion and Creation, and we keep her supplied with The shouting we had no brains. Later the sheriff warned us
Watchtower. Recently a small group of us were doing again to leave the county so he wouldn’t have to arrest
pavement witnessing, when an army officer came up and us, saying that the prosecuting attorney was bent on
asked whether we had any of ’Rutherford’s tracts’. He said running us out and hinted at the new law passed by the
he had been on the lookout for the Watchtower bags for state. Weagain informed him of our intention to stay ....
some time, but had not seen any about. He was seeking A manof good-will told the sheriff and prosecuting attorney
the truth. He obtained a Watchtower and model study that if they put us in jail he was there with bond to get
booklet."--British pioneer. us out. They haven’t put us in. Not yet !"

","I,,, i/ ; -


Vow.. LXIII S~-~O~¢T~.r NO.14 ,~
~ ,~,
.K~LY IS, 1942

or P~.~s~c~wo~"
............................ 211 ~
Co.duct Under l~erseeu~ion
Climax of Persecution ................. 214 ~-
TheocraticCounsel............................ 217 *~

"L-r" " I Deliverance and Retribution ............ 220

"1 / Foa RZG--T~OUS~SS

D~ss~v~s 221
........ ,~
210 "
"W~-~~ow~’’ ST~S............... 210 ,,,
"Co~sO~TmN" 210 "i

~, "I;.5.
117 Adazns Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS JournalL~ publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the BibleIt publishes Bibleinstruction specifically de-
O~FZCER8 signedto aid Jehovah’switnessesand all peopleof good will
lq. H. KNORR,pres/de-~ W.E.VAI,~AMBL~Grr, Secrc4ary It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor its readersand the Soclery
"And all thy children shM1 be £~urht of Jehovah; and supplies other 1Rerature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and fo{other means of public
rreat shall be the peace of thy" children." -Isaiah 54:r3. instruction in the Scripture&
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to theBibleas authority forIts utterances.
It Is entirely freeand separate fromall religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlastingto or otherworldlyorgaalzatlons. It is whollyand WlthOUtreserra-
everlasting, the Makerof heavenand earthand the Giverof Life
to hiscreatures ; thatthe Logeswasthe beginning of his creation, tlon for the kingdom of ~Yehovah God under Christ his beloved
and hls activeagentin the creation of all things; thattheLoges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
is now the LordJesusChristin glory,clothedwithall powerin tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutiveOfficerof Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its colnmng are not open to personalities.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man ~aRr_T SUBSCRII~rroN p]Lrcg
for the earthand placedhim upon it; that man willfullyrile-
obeyedGod’slaw and was sentencedto death; that by reasonof UNrJ~DSTATES,$I.00~ (~tHAD~,ANDMISCI~LLAMTX}US
American $I ~0;
Adam’swrongact all men are bornsinnersand withoutthe right Gv.gtT BRITAIN,AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTIK remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Expre~ Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African mad Australasian remittances
should be madedirect to the respective branch offices. Rem*ttanres from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus sneered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklynoffice,
deathin order to producethe ransomor redemptiveprice for hut by Int4rna.tmnal Postal. Money Order only.
obedientones of mankind; that God raisedup Jesusdivineand
Fom*~n~ Or~c~
exaltedhim to heavenaboveeverycreatureand aboveeveryname
and clothedhlm with all powerand authority. BrCg~ 34 Craven Te~ace, London, W.~, England
40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracycalled Zion, Cenadla,t ....................
andis the right- Au#tral~s&z~.................
7" Beresfvrd Road,Strathfleld,N. S. W.Australia
andthatChristJesusis the ChiefOfficerthereof Boston House, CaPe Town, South Africa
Soutl~ AH~eu~
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Pleass addresa the Society in every case.
ChristJesusare cki~renof Zion,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,andn.rehiswitnesses whosedutyandprivilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah,declarehis purposestowardmankind
(Train# ot thtt appear ~ several languages.)
as expressed in the Bible,and to bear the fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the ~)rd Jesus Christ has All sincere etudent~ of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placedby Jehovahuponhis throneof authorlt-y,
has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watery-
Satan from heavenand is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requestL~g it. Wa are glad ~o lhus aid ~he
God’skingdomon earth. needy, but the written appticatioR once each year l~ reqmred by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoples of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which Notice to ~ubsc~bvrs: Acknowledgment of a new or n renewal ~ub-
ecrlptII)n will be sent only when requested. C~amge of addres~ when
has now begun ; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruction requested, may be expected to appear on addre~ label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent wire the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journal one month before the sub4~cr/ptlon expices.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine maadate to "fill Entered aa second-elate matter at the pest o~a at Broo/~Ign, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o] March 8, 1879.


To Jehovah’s witnesses the month of August xs k~own as Do you find enhghtenmentand joy in reading The Wafch-
the "Comfort" Teshmony Period. During these 31 days a special towerfThen you are certainto find enjoymentand profit
effort w~l be made on the part of Jehovah’s w~tnesses to comfort readingits compamonmagazine, Co,solat,on, put out by the same
as many people as they possibly san wUh the truths as set forth pubhshers.Whh many thousandsConsolatwnservesa v*tal and
m the Word of Jehovah God. To aid those who love righteousness importantneed in buildingthem up in faith,hope and courage
the book Children along wRh the booklet Hops will be offered in thesedays of spreading mfidehty, hopelessness and fear,and
to the people on a contributmn of 25c. These two pubhcatmns thusbrings,is readers sohdcomfort. It doesnot,of course,take
set forth a message which shows there is something worth while the place of T~e Watchtower, which m devoted exclusively to
living for. Those persons who trust in Jehovah’s kingdom and B~ble study and instruction. Coneolatwn actually complements
know that this LS the only hope for the world will proclaun the this magazine by pubhshang true-to-fact, uncensored news con-
message contained m these publications and make them available cermng world conditions and happenings which the commclcm]
to as many persons as they can possibly meet during August. publioatlons fear and refuse to print but which the trusting pubhc
"Comfort" Testimony Permd wdl be a blessing to all those who should learn so as to be warned of the operations and purposes
share in the preaching of the gospel. Make your report of aetxv~ty of deadly enemies, and so be able to free oneself from their
to your local company servant, or if you are not assecmted w~th a power and influence and thus avoid disaster. Consolation further
company, report direct to the Watch Tower B:blo & Tract Socmty. publishes in each issue several pages of unusual reports on
the strango work and experiences of those throughout the
’W~rATCHTOWER" STUDIES world who are announcing to men of good-will the ideal govern-
Week of August 16: "Defeat of Persecution," ment which the great "God of all comfort" is now setting
¶ 1-14 inclusive, The Watchtower July 15, 1942. up for the relief and blessing of all faithful and obedient
Week of August 23: "Defeat of Persecution," humankind. Co,solatwn is a 32-page magazine, published every
15-27 inclusive, The Watchtower July 15, 1942. other Wednesday. A year’s subscription, of 26 tssues, is 3ust
Week of August 30: "Defeat of Persecution," $1.00 in the United States, or $1.25 abroad. Forward your
28-40 inclusive, The Watchtower July 15, 1942. eubseriptiun to Wsvc~vow3~ 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
No. LXIII JuT.~15, 1942 No. 14

"Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preacldng the word."mActs 8:4.
EHOVAH has with great long-suffering endured health, peace and prosperity, without end. The great
J the activity of persecutors for several thousands
of years. The persecution on earth has ever been
question which must be determined under the stress
of persecution is, therefore : Whichgovernmentshall
directed at one and the same class: those who doom rule, Jehovah’s or the persecutor’s ? Tied in with that
through all that stretch of years have upheld the question is the secondary question : CanJehovah hold
honor of His name, worshiped him and pointed to or retain in his universal organization any creature
the coming of his promised government of righteous- in unbreakable integrity if exposed to persecution by
ness. It has always been the unrighteous who have the enemy organization ? Those whoendure the per-
persecuted the righteous, and in all cases the perse- secution unto the end and keep integrity have a part
cutors have been religionists. Religion was organized in the vindication of God’s name. Everlasting bless-
for that very purpose. It provides a seemingly ings go along with that privilege, because Jehovah
worthy reason for the persecutors to carry on their honors those who honor his name. (1 Sam. 2:30)
wicked pursuit of Jehovah’s righteous ones to cause These great questions that must be settled were
them pain, loss, reproach and death, in order to turn brought to the fore in the prophetic drama of Job,
them out of the -~,ay of righteousness and godliness. whose name means ’~hated, harassed, persecuted".
To "persecute" means to "pursue persistently in a Under demonpersecution he maintained his integrity
mannerto injure, grieve and afflict; and to beset one toward Jehovah God. Those who do not maintain
with cruelty or malignity for holding to the pure and their integrity lend support to the persecutor’s argu-
faithful worship of Jehovah God". Religion screens ment and shall share a like fate with him, that is,
the hateful heart back of the persecution by the claim everlasting destruction.
that religion is the proper modeof worship of God ¯ It is no dishonor or disgrace, therefore, to under-
and hence alone has the right and warrant from God go persecution for the sake of Jehovah’s name. Al-
to exist without opposition, criticism or investiga- though painful, it is no reason for sorrow, because
tion. Multitudes have been deceived by that claim it is for the sake of the grandest cause in the uni-
and been madepersecutors, verily thinking that they verse, namely, Jehovah’s Theocratic Government,
have been doing Goda service thereby.--John 16 : 1, 2. whichshall set his namein its rightful place of glory
Back of the religionists in doggedly harassing and praise before all the universe. No one whoadvo-
those who love and obey Jehovah God and who cates for that mighty Governmentcan escape perse-
advocate for his governmentis the great persecutor, cution from those that work for the opposinon gov-
who schemes for an "opposition government". He is ernment. Christ Jesus was anointed with Jehovah’s
the mighty prince of the organization of demonsand spirit of power to be His chief witness and the ICing
is the author of religion, which is demonism. His of the promised Government. He doomed the wicked
legions of wicked spirits he has used without letup purpose behind all the persecution to failure whenhe
ever since he began his program of persecution in said to his followers: "In the world ye shall have
the days of Abel. There has been one set purpose tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome
behind the persecution, namely, to bring the nameof
the world." (John 16:33) Concerning the favored
Jehovah into contempt and reproach; to make it
unpleasant and painful to serve and obey him; to position of those whoendure such tribulation he said :
prevent the setting up of the Governmentof Right- "Blessed are they ~’hich are persecuted for righteous-
eousness; and to turn all creatures away from it ness’ sake" for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
and its Creator. Blessed are ye, whenmenshall revile you, and perse-
’ That Governmentmeans glory and vindication to cute you, and shall say all manner of evil against
the name of its Author and Builder. It means the you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding
blessing of all those subject to it with life in perfect glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so
persecuted they the prophets which were before you’." meddling in the politics and public affairs of this
--Matt. 5 : 10-12. world’s governments, that is not persecution for
Whenone thus suffers as the target of reviling, righteousness’ sake, but for busybodying. (1 Pet.
and evil false charges, and other forms of persecu- 4: 15) Only that which comes because of advocating
tion, it is a proof that such one is on the side of and pointing the people to Jehovah’s Government
righteousness for which Jehovah’s glorious Govern- that vindicates His name is the persecution "for
ment stands¯ The reward to such faithful one is righteousness’ sake" and for the suffering of which
"great... in heaven", because the Rewarderof faith the reward is great in heaven. Righteousness is the
and faithfulness is in heaven. The reward which He purpose of that Government. Christ Jesus so indi-
bestows is sure and unfading and infinitely greater cated whenhe said" "But be seeking first the kingdom
than any selfish rewards that all the enemyorganiza- and its righteousness, and all these things shall be
tion on earth could bestow upon anyone yielding to added unto you." (Matt. 6 : 33, l~therham’s transla-
its persecution. All the faithful prophets which were tion) "For the kingdom of God is not eating and
before Christ Jesus underwent persecution, and the drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the
apostle of the Lord writes that it was because holy spirit." (Rom. 14: 17, Am. Rev. Ver.) Those who
they were witnesses, witnesses for Jehovah. (Heb. hate "iniquity" or lawlessness toward God and who
11: 1-40; 12: 1) Christ Jesus was and is Jehovah’s come out for the righteousness of Jehovah’s Theo-
greatest prophet, greater even than Moses, and he cratic Government are anointed to be fellows with
is the One whomJehovah has "given... for a witness his God-like Son in that kingdom: "But unto the Son
to the people, a leader and commander to the people". he saith, Thy throne, O God. is for ever and ever:
(Isa. 55:4) He died because standing faithfully for a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy king-
the Government of truth and righteousness and in dom: thou hast loved righteousness, and hated
opposition to the rebellious opposition government. iniquity; therefore God even thy God [Jehovah],
This proved him worthy of the reward of "the first hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy
resurrection" from the dead, and of the rightful title, fellows."~tIeb. 1 : 8, 9.
"’The Faithful and True Witness." (Col. 1 : 18 ; Rev. ’ Said the righteous King: "If the world hate you,
1 : 5 ; 3 : 14 ; 19 : 11) Heshowedhimself no mereman’s ye lmowthat it hated me before it hated you. If ye
witness, but God’s chief "Government witness". As were of the world, the world wouldlove his own: but
such he clearly marked out what is the primary thing because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen
to which to bear witness when he acknowledged on you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
trial his appointment to be the King of that Govern- Rememberthe word that I said unto you, The servant
ment and added: "Myldngdom is not of this world: is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted
¯.. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept
into the world, that I should bear witness unto the mysa~nng, they will keep yours also. But all these
truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my things will they do unto you for my name’s sake,
voice." (John 18 : 36, 37) Thosewhohear his voice and because they "know not him [Jehovah God] that sent
repeat what HE says must therefore take up his wit- me. He that hateth me hateth my Father [Jehovah]
ness and testify to the same Theocratic Government also¯" (John 15 : 18-21, 23) Whatwas the "world" that
as he confessed, and which Governmenthe refused to hated and persecuted Christ Jesus? Not the publi-
renounce under persecution to the death. Thereby cans, harlots, sinners and menof the street whocame
these obedient and faithful witnesses becomeof the to Jesus; neither the "commonpeople" with weak-
same class of "blessed" ones whomGod mentions nesses inherited from sinner Adam,for "the common
with honor in his Word, including those persecuted people heard himgladly". (Matt. 11 : 19 ; 21 : 31, 32
prophets of old and, chief of all, Christ Jesus, the Mark12: 37) It was Satan the Devil and the demons
King of The Theocracy. of whomhe is prince, and also the official element of
Religionists of different creeds have fallen to the Satan’s visible organization, particularly the priests
subtle "good neighbor" policy gotten up by the Hier- and other religious clergy. Those religious leaders
archy of Vatican City, for self-protection. Before led the blinded people to cry, "Crucify him, crucify
that they persecuted one another. Such persecution him," and, ’%Ye have no king but C~esar." (John
endured for religion is, however, not "for righteous- 19:6, 15) This proves beyond all contradiction that
ness’ sake", because religion, which indulges in per- religion is not of Godnor of Christ, and hence not
secution, is not righteous. All religions, though fight- righteous. It is demonismand is opposed to Godand
ing and differing amongthemselves, unite together his Kingdomor Theocracy under Christ. Religion is
in friendship with this world and in opposition to therefore a part of this world and is the Devil’s
Jehovah’s Righteous Government under his Anointed chief instrument in persecution. History to date
King. Whenreligious organizations are curbed for establishes that.
JULY15, 1942 ffheWATCHTOWER. 213
CONDUCT UNDER PERSECUTION Jehovah’s spirit and who were thereby ordained of
B On occasions the dark purposes of the reli~ous Him to preach and be Jehovah’s ministers of the
persecutors caused Jesus to proceed quietly and gospel. (Acts7 : 1, 54-58; 9 : 1-3 ; Gal. 1 : 13, 23 ; Acts
alone, for a time, until God’s appointed time for him 22:3) The religious priesthood and clergy felt that
to comeforth boldly. (Matt. 12: 14-16; John 7:1-10; their territory was being invaded and their flocks
11 : 54 ; 12: 36) He did not recldessly tempt the Lord were being broken up. They complained that their
God, but acted with wisdomequaling the serpent’s vested interests were being damagedby these Chris-
and with the harmlessness of a dove. (Matt. 10 : 16) tians who publicly witnessed for Jehovah without
The final assault upon Jesus by religionists scattered ordination by the clergy.
his disciples from him. It drove them for a short ~° Unable otherwise to prevent the Christians from
period "underground". They met behind closed doors ; witnessing publicly and from house to house, the
or they gathered in an isolated mountain in Galilee. religious leaders raised a persecution against those
(John 20: 19, 26; Matt. 28: 10, 16-18) The feast day Jehovah’s witnesses. Why? The record shows the
of Pentecost came. Then Jehovah God, by the spec- key grievance nursed by the religionists: "And as
tacular pouring out of his spirit upon the faithful they spake unto the people, the priests, and the
apostles and the others assembled in an upper room captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon
in Jerusalem, forced or brought forth his devoted them, being grieved that THSYTAUGHT THEPEOPLL,
servants into the pubIic eye. Then a tremendous and preached through Jesus the resurrection from
witness was Wen, in many languages, beginning the dead." (Acts 4: 1, 2) Jehovah’s witnesses were
that very day. The work of witnessing from house to therefore haled before the high court composed of
house, as Jesus had instructed his disciples to do, the high priest, rulers, elders and scribes. "Whatfind-
was brought to the attention of the three thousand ing did that court make as to training to fit the
souls that were baptized and added to the company disciples to bear witness as God’s ordained ministers
of servants of Jehovah God. (Matt. 10: 12-14; Luke to the people? The record answers: "Now~ hen they
10 : 5-7 ; 19 : 5-9) "Andthey, continuing daily with one saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived
accord in the temple, and breaking [spiritual] bread that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they
from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that
and singleness of heart, praising God, and having they had been with Jesus"; with Jesus, a man whom
favour with ALL THE PIgOPL~[whose homes they the theological school had condemnedas illiterate.
visited]. And the Lord added to the church daily." (Acts 4 : 13 ; John 7 : 15) After giving a fearless and
--Acts 2 : 41-47. faithful witness to that court, Jehovah’s witnesses
The clerg3" of the "Jews’ religion" claimed for were released, also being threatened "that they speak
themselves the right to teach the people. They did henceforth to no manin TInS ,NAMff’.To that threat of
not believe the meaning of Jesus’ judgment words to persecution Jehovah’s witnesses replied: "Whether
them: "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of it be right in the sight of Godto hearken unto you
God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but
brinNng forth the fruits [the revealed mature speak the things which we have seen and heard."--
truths] thereof." (Matt. 21: 43,23,45) Hence those Acts4 : 19, 20.
eler~Tnen had no ordination from God to preach. ’~ Whenthose disciples returned to the companyof
Neither did the Lord Godby his spirit put into their Jehovah’s witnesses and madereport of the trial, the
hands the fruits or revealed truths of the Kingdom wimle companysaw in these experiences the fulfill-
to bear them forth to the commonpeople. From and inent of prophecy, and they prayed : "And now, Lord,
after Pentecost and its outpouring of God’s spirit behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy serv-
the faithful witnesses of Jehovah had something that ants that with all boldness they mayspeak thy word,
the religious clergy did not have ; they had the spirit- by stretching forth thine hand to heal ; and that signs
ual ordination from Jehovah God himself. Hence the and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy
fruits of the Kingdomwere put in their hands to child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place
bear them forth and hold them out to the people who was shaken where they were assembled together ; and
were willing and anxious to take them and feed upon they were all filled with the holy [spirit], and they
them. To receive this ordination the witnesses were spake the word of Godwith boldness." (Acts 4 : 17-31)
not first required to attend the theological school or Persecution had now begun upon them without the
seminary at Jerusalem and sit at the feet of the great visible presence of their Leader, Christ Jesus, in
professor of religion, Gamaliel, "Doctor of Laws." their midst. Instead of scattering them in confusion
(Acts 5:34; 22: 3) To the contrary, membersof the and fear, this unified them and stirred them to
faculty of that theological school and also students greater boldness, even as it required boldness to con-
attending it persecuted those whowere anointed with tinue preaching. (2 Thess. 1 : 3, 4) Also they "put

more steam" in the witness work. The official perse- each faithful individual the Lord used to accomplish
cution that continued upon them thereafter did not an effective witness, as in the case of Philip, who
embarass them into inactivity nor frighten them into aforetime had been one of seven chosen men assigned
a failure to carry out their ordination to preach. to special duties at Jerusalem.
They considered it no disgrace to keep on witnessing I, Philip, being driven away from the apostles,
under official disapproval: "And they departed from went to a class of people despised and avoided by the
the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were religionists; he went to the Samaritans. At their
counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And chief city he gave a mighty witness, "preaching the
daily in the temple, and in every house, they things concerning the -kingdom of God, and the name
ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." (Acts of Jesus Christ." (Acts 8 : 5-12) Thoughwithout the
5 : 41, 42) Persecution there met a sig~nal defeat, when electrified and rapid-transit meansof communication
Jehovah’s witnesses declared: ’%Ve ought to obey of modern days, the scattered witnesses of the Lord
Godrather than men." On they went with the reg-ular Godmanaged, by secret, underground means, to keep
public and house-to-house witnessing. in touch with the visible headquarters at Jerusalem.
1, Whenthe persecution took on the very ugly form Thus it was that Philip got word through, and two
of great violence, Stephen, the so-called "first Chris- of the apostles from headquarters, Peter and John,
tian martyr", was stoned to death; the religious went up to Samaria to further organize the company
gestapo invaded the Christian homes and dragged of believers of that city and to equip them to give a
off the servants of Jehovah to prison. The high clergy more effective witness. Through the apostles the
of religion approved this and granted letters of Lord imparted the spirit to the Samaritan believers.
authority to the persecutors. (Acts 9: 1,2) This Philip did not return to headquarters with the
caused a forcible scattering of God’s faithful wit- apostles, but kept on going in the field, witnessing on
nesses. But did it crush the witness work and narrow the highway to Queen Candace’s Ethiopian eunuch
it downto a few secret meeting-places of the witness- and baptizing him. Then under the spirit’s leading
es? The record shows how the persecution defeated he proceeded to the Philistine city of Ashdod
its own ends and how all others of Jehovah’s wit- (Azotus) ; "and passing through, he preached in all
nesses in the future should carry on whensubjected the cities, till he cameto Cmsarea."(Acts 8: 14-40)
to like violent action and scattering. "And Saul [of In that city Philip brought up his family "in the
the theological school] was consenting unto his death. nurture and admonition of the Lord". His children
And at that time there was a great persecution became, like himself, witnesses for Jehovah and his
against the church which was at Jerusalem ; and they King: "the same man had four daughters, virgins,
were all scattered abroad throughout the reNons of which did prophesy." (Acts 21:8, 9) The first wave
Judma and Samaria, except the apostles .... There- of persecution dispersed the Christian witnesses of
fore they that were scattered abroad went every Jehovah, but the early church survived and increased.
where preaching the word. Then Philip went down The intended destructive effects thereof did not
to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto materialize, but a wider witness and the growth of
them."--Acts8 : 1-5 ; 11 : 19-2!. the church resulted. Jehovah Godhelped his faithful
~ Note that the visible headquarters (the apostles) witnesses overcome then; he can likewise help and
kept together, by the Lord’s grace and protection, bless them under like conditions now.
but that the scattering of others of Jehovah’s wit-
nesses caused only a spreading of the witness to
parts not reached before. The scattered ones took ~5 Jesus foretold that the persecution would reach
joyfully the spoiling of their goods. (Heb. 10: 34) a climax at the end of the world, where we have been
They realized that wherever God’s providence per- since A.D. 1914. It was the so-called "Christian"
mitted them to be scattered they must there be true nations that began the World War that year. Jesus
to His commissionto them as His witnesses, "preach- detailed the events that positively show timt the
ing the word." These faithful ones were not like those "time of the end" for Satan’s world began in 1914.
described in Jesus’ parable of the sower, some of Jesus showedthat one of the strong evidences of the
whoseseed fell upon stony places : "He that received end would be the persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses :
the seed into stony places, the sameis he that heareth ’T’or nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
the word, and anon with joy receiveth it: yet hath against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and
he not root in himself, but dureth for a while; for pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All
when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they
the word [preached], by and by he is offended." deliver you [witnesses of Jehovah] up to be afflicted,
(Matt. 13 : 20, 21) Being thus scattered, each individ- and shall kill you : and ye shall be hated of all nations
ual was obliged to ’%ear his own burden". However, for my name’s sake .... But he [the remnant] that
J~’~ 15,1942 9fieWATCHTOWER. 215

shall endure unto the end [at Armageddon],the same And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
shall be saved. Andthis gospel of the kingdomshall [Jesus Christ], and by the [preached] word of their
be preached [in spite of the persecution] in all the testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall death." (R~v. 12:10, 11) They maintain their integ-
the end [the final end at Armageddon] come."-- rity in God’s service though it may cost them their
Matt. 24 : 7-14. fives; they stop not till death.
~* Only a small remnant of his anointed followers ~’ The persecution is due to the great issue of world
or body members would be upon the earth at that domination. It is part of the Devil’s program of
time, to give the final warning and Kingdomwitness action for snatching out of God’s hands, if possible,
to the world. That these ~’ould be subjected to the the domination of the universe, thus becoming"like
fire of persecution from the demon orgalfization the Most High", supreme. This would meaneliminat-
Christ Jesus showedsjnnbolically in The Revelation, ing Jehovah God, and either the coming over of His
chapter twelve. He pointed out that the "’gospel of organization to Satan or its destruction. Herein the
the kingdom", that is, the proclamation of Jehovah’s Devil will fail ingloriously. Rememberthat the
Theocratic Government under Christ, would be the question related to that primary issue of universal
real reason for the persecution. The beginning of domination is, Can Jehovah Godretain in service in
operation of that Government is symbolized as the His organization any creatures who are exposed to
birth of a "man child" by God’s "woman"(his uni- the bitter persecution of the dragon organization?
versal organization Zion). Since that new Govern- This related question applies not only to the anointed
ment is God’s capital organization, it must exercise remnant of God’s "little flock", but equally as much
universal domination in God’s nameover all. At its to their earthly companions in service, the Lord’s
birth the opposition government conducted by Satan "other sheep", whomHe is now gathering into his
the Devil in heaven must get out and be pushed down fold. (John 10:10, 16) Both the remnant and these
to the place whereat last it and all its backers shall "other sheep" have the honored opportunity of decid-
be destroyed, namely, the earth. "And the great ing this question to God’s glory and Satan’s rebuff.
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the The faithful will do so.
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: ~ The prophecy is reaching a climax of fulfilhnent.
he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were Since the Devil "~’ith his demonswas cast downfrom
cast out with him." (Rev. 12 : 7-9) That "’man child" heaven the persecution has burst forth and increased
Governmentmust do more than this clearing out of from year to year. Not a nation on earth where it has
the demons; it must dash all nations on earth to not raged, and the worst persecutor has been "Chris-
pieces as with a "rod of iron", iron s~nnbolizing the tendom", her namenotavithstanding. In all the nations
warfare of Armageddon.--Rev. 12 : 5; 2: 25-27. the target thereof has always been the same class,
"What action did the humiliated demonorganiza- Jehovah’s witnesses, comprising both the remnant
tion then take? "%Vhenthe dragon saw that he was and their companions. This shows that the persecu-
cast unto the earth, he persecuted the womanwhich tion is all directed from a central powerhouse, or
brought forth the man child. And the dragon was headquarters, to wit, the demons.It also shows that,
wroth with the woman, and went to make war with no matter in "~’hat nation they are found, Jehovah’s
the remnant [on earth] of her seed, which keep the witnesses are not of this world of which the nations
commandments of God, and have the testimony of are a part ; wherefore all nations hate them. Religion
Jesus Christ." (Rev. 12: 13,17) Do the remnant is the same demonismtoday as it was in Jesus’ day.
Christ’s body membersgive in to the persecution by Rehgionis still a part of this world and is the spirit-
the dragon organization? Do they disobey the com- ual adviser of the visible part of Satan’s organiza-
mandmentsstated by Godin the terms of their com- tion. Therefore it is the prime promoter and is back
mission and discontinue giving the testimony, which of the persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses now. The
testimony Christ Jesus shares with them? Do they very people who attend the reli~ous organizations
withdraw from the testimony work because of the do not have to be told this; they know.
false accusations hurled against them of being "sedi- ,o Immediately after the Nazi dictator signed his
tious", "subversive,.... illegally operating, .... a poten- concordat with "Christendom’s" chmf religious or-
tial danger to the state," and suchlike? To the con- ganization, Vatican City, in July, 1933, the persecu-
trary, God’s faithful remnant will overcomeand keep tion of Jehovah’s witnesses in Nazi-Fascist lands
on with the testimony. "And I heard a loud voice say- blazed. Why? Because, following the example of
ing in heaven, Nowis comesalvation, and strength, Jesus and his apostles, they were witnessing to
and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his God’s Righteous Government publicly and from
Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, house to house and so instructing many honest
which accused them before our God day and night. people. The religious "fifth column" agents of the
Vatican had been planted in positions of official scription in that country. (See The Times"leading article,
favor and popularity and judicial and police power, 2nd February, 1942.) While, in 1939, Ontario voted 78-0
and by these agents the persecution has been carried in favourof supportto Britain if the crisis led to war,nine
into lands long the bulwarks of democracy and of French RomanCatholic Societies of Quebecsent a joint
free worship of God. But neither by such demonized telegram to Premier Kingsaying: "The entire population
harassment nor by flattering promises have the of Quebec(i. e., the FrenchR. C. population)absolutely
opposedto Canada’sparticipation in foreign War."
faithful who understand the issue and who love The
Theocracy been coerced into unfaithfulness to their Hence, now, to salvage something of the conquests
commission as Jehovah’s witnesses. The prophecy for the totalitarian aggressors the religious head of
has well stated it : "And they that understand among Vatican City radiocasts a plea for peace betaveen
the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall by totalitarian rulers and democratic nations, on May13,
the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, 1942. The United Nations refused to alter their plans
many days. Nowwhen they shall fall, they shall be to suit him.
holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to "God’s Wordsets it downas truth that the perse-
them with flatteries. And some of them of under- cution of His witnesses will not cease until the
standing shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to religious organization and its demon-backers are
makethem white, even to the time of the [final] end: destroyed. Hence, though the Vatican’s plans for
because it is yet for a time appointed."--Dan. world conquest in 1940 got the shock of an unexpected
11 : 33-35. setback that very year, the infliction of pain, cruelty,
’~ One of the darkest pages in American history loss of liberty and rights and property, and other
was written in 1940, when the RomanCatholic Hier- un-Christian injustices upon Jehovah’s inoffensive
archy in America, on instructions from Vatican City, servants continues. The state of Mississippi stands as
set out to grab the Americangovernmentin that year a flagrant example of a political organization being
and to amend, change or blot out the United States maneuveredby religious agents of Vatican City into
Constitution. Craftily they timed it so that, when a course of fighting against God, a course which
the Nazis were sweeping over Continental Europe honest-hearted lovers of democracyin that state do
with lightning war against republics and democratic not approve. Those who have the welfare of the
countries, the Hierarchy launched their most vicious people of America at heart are concerned for good
persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses who were expos- cause. They realize that if the fight to maintain
ing the joint Nazi-Hierarchy plot for world domina- FeE~.DOM to publish the truth, rREZDO~ to speak what
tion. In forty-four states out of forty-eight of the is comforting and beneficial to fellow Americans,
Union brutal mobviolence by the offspring and dupes rREEDO~ to assemble for open discussion and study
of that religious organization raged. Local and of what is to the highest interest and everlasting
national police power appeared helpless, indifferent, welfare, and fREeDOM to worship God according to
or fearful of organized religious power back of the the commandments and instructions in his Itoly
terrible atrocities committed against Jehovah’s wit- Word,is lost, then all is lost. "The wickedshall be
nesses. These, however, held faithful to The Theo- turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
cratic Governmentand to their commissionto repre- ~Ps. 9 : 17.
sent it. Alas for the Vatican! the blitzkrieg of her ’~ In other lands boasting of democracy the same
Nazi concordat-partner failed to take Britain’s island religious organization of persecution has used the
fortress by storm, and the Hierarchy’s plans to syn- state of world turmoil as the big chance to vent its
chronize their capture of the American citadel of spleen and to removea serious obstacle to its wicked
democracy with Nazi-Fascism’s conquest of aI1 scheme for world domination by dictators. It has
Europe and of Protestantism’s stronghold of Britain caused such lands to declare it a crime to bear the
proved premature and miscarried. In support of the nameof Jesus’ Father, Jehovah, yes, to declare it
above a quotation is madefrom The Church Gazette, "illegal" to do what God Jehovah commands,namely,
published in Rushden, Northamptonshire, England, to follow Jesus’ example and be a witness for His
and dated March, 1942 : Father and to preach The Theocratic Government
Southern Ireland is predominantlyRomanCatholic and for which Jesus taught his disciples to pray to His
is the only part of the British Empirewhichdid not respond Father : ’Thy kingdomcome; thy will be done in earth
whenthe ]tlother Countrywasassailed.
NorthernIreland waskeen to haveconscription, but the as it is done in heaven.’ The ostensible reason for
opposition from the RomanCatholics in NorthernIreland so-called "Christian" nations to take this anti-Christ
preventedthis being done. action are the same false charges as the religious
In Canada,it is notorious that it is RomanCatholic leaders brought before the political ruler of Rome
Quebecwhichhas been, and is, fighting and opposingcon- against Jesus to have him nailed to a post and have
JULY15, 1942 fieWATCHTOWER. 217

his witnessing for Jehovah and His Theocracy who sits upon the throne of glory, attended by all
stopped by murder. his holy angels, then they willfully put themselves in
the group whomthe Lord classifies as "goats". By
THEOCRATIC COUNSEL intelligent refusal or failure to take a positive stand
" No one can Scripturally decree that for faithful in favor of and in support of the King on His throne,
Christians under these spreading conditions of perse- they show they are against Him. The King said : "He
cution to do what Christ Jesus says to do under such that is not with me is against me; and he that gath-
conditions is criminal, illegal, and anti-government ereth not with me scattereth." (Matt 12 : 30) He
toward God Almighty, the Father of our Lord and nowgathering to his right side of favor his "sheep",
King Christ Jesus. Such a course is obedience to The the ones who take positive action to the help and
Higher Powers and leads to life. In some localities support of the "remnant" because these represent
violent opposition has gone to such lengths, and all the King and preach his Kingdom. The remnant are
with official approval and without due police protec- "gathering with" the Lord; but the officials who
tion, that it has there becomeimpossible to Jeho- refuse to aid the remnant and their companions in
vah’s servants to carry on their commissionedwork. the gathering of the Lord’s "other sheep", and who
Whatshall such do ? Jesus foretold such opposition interfere with or do not protect these Christians in
and gave this instruction : "Andye shall be hated of their right to do this gathering work, such officials
all men for my name’s sake; but he that endureth are "scattering". They are against Christ, that is,
to the end shall be saved. But when they persecute anti-Christ, because against His gathering.
.you in this city, flee ye into another : for verily I say *’ Christ Jesus stated the rule clearly whenSaul,
unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of who later became Paul the apostle, was persecuting
Israel, till the Son of manbe come."--Matt.10 : 22, 23. the Christians. The Lord stopped him on the wa~- to
’~ Be it observed that the servants of the Lord are a newfield of persecution and said : "Saul, Saul, why
already in the city whenthe persecution arises. They persecutest thou me?" Saul asked: ’%Vhoart thou,
did not hesitate to go to the city becauseof the threat Lord?" and the reply was: "I am Jesus, whomthou
of persecution. If assigned that territory for wit- persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the
nessing to the Kingdom and if sent thither by pricks." (Acts 9: 4, 5) According to the same rule,
the Lord’s organization, they go there and face the to those whodo good to the persecuted ones suffer-
carrying out of the threat. The apostle Paul was ing hunger, thirst, nakedness, and imprisonment for
repeatedly warned that to go to Jerusalem meant the testimony they give Jesus says : "Inasmuch as ye
for him to be mobbed and bound hand and foot and have done it unto one of the least of these my
delivered over to the Godless; but, recognizing it to brethren, ye have done it unto me."--Matt 25:40.
be the Lord’s will to go, he went, not just to run into "’ Jehovah Godhas nowcalled the attention of his
trouble, but to prove his integrity and to be a witness commissioned servants to the fact that now is the
for Jehovah and his King. (Acts 20:16,22-24; time to hunt for his "other sheep" wherever they
21 : 4, 10-14) This faithfulness of Paul opened up to have been scattered, and to comfort them as com-
him the greatest privileges of witnessing before manded: "Comfort all that mourn." (Isa. 61: 2)
rulers, including the imperial ruler of the world therefore the "goats" conspire and rise up en masse
power, Rome.Faithfulness opens up the way to many in a city and locality and makeit impossible to keep
privileges of this -kind, in fulfillment of Jesus’ own on giving the witness there in an open and general
words. (Mark 13:9) It is for a testimony against way, then to spend further time upon them would
such official rulers. be to no avail. Seek the Lord’s "other sheep", the
"Where, now, faithful witnesses have gone to their mourningones needing comfort, outside of such goat-
territory and begun the work in a city or locality, pen. It is the individual burden of every servant of
and where, besides the persecution, the opposition the Lord to consider where and when it is the occa-
becomes so organized and all-embracing that it is sion and time to apply the Lord’s instruction, "Flee
impossible to further witness there pubhcly and from ye into another [city or locality]." In that connection
house to house, then it is time to consider Jesus’ the Lord mentioned ’going over the cities’, thereby
instruction. From 1922 on, particularly from 1931 meaning that there is other territory to be reached
downto 1941, the official ruling elements, political, and covered. Therefore the servant should proceed
commercial, judicial, military, and religious, of wherethe door is still open and there is a possibility
"Christendom" and of heathendom have been warned of "other sheep" to be hunted and found.
by all the means of reaching them with the witness, "’ This is not a running away in fear; for right
so that they are nowwithout excuse for opposing the after giving instruction to take the above course
Kingdom.If these elements now do not choose to do Jesus added: "Fear them not therefore:.., fear not
good to the brethren on earth of "the Son of man" th6m whichkill the body, but are not able to kill the
218 97ieWATCHTOWER. B~ooKL~, N. Y.

soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy "Jeremiah was sent to deliver the warning mes-
both soul and body in hell." (Matt. 10:26-28) It sage in the temple at Jerusalem. While so engaged
not running away from a mere threat of violence, he was seized by the mobat the instigation of the
but is a turning away from an unworthy city or some religious clergy. Then Jeremiah warned the court
section of a city as one would from an unworthy that heard his case that they would bring innocent
house and leaving it to its destiny: "And whosoever blood upon themselves if they killed him for the
shall not receive you, nor hear your words, whenye message he proclaimed at God’s command.Therefore
depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust the Lord protected him against the bloodthirsty reli-
of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more gious harassers. He never forsook the Lord’s assign-
tolerable for the land of Sodomand Gomorrahin the ment of territory to him. He continued carrying on
day of judgmentthan for that city." (Matt. 10 : 14,15) in the land of Judah, and the Lord spared him to see
Tile blood spilled at Armageddon rests upon the the vindication of Jehovah’s name, the fulfillment of
heads of the opposers. God’s prophecies by the mouth of Jeremiah, and the
so The going away is not simply to escape persecu- overthrow of his religious persecutors. Jeremiah
tion, because now there is no place where one can always warned against going down to Egypt, even
avoid persecution ; but it is a following of the Lord’s after Jerusalem was destroyed and the few people
leading and going where more work can be done. that were left in the desolated land becamepanicky.
If it were a case of trying to avoid persecution, then --Jer. 42 : 1-22; 43: 1-13.
the witness would quit the work altogether and not I, Whenone quits the service as a witness in order
take up the same work in another city or place with to escape the wicked actions of the opposers of The
the sure and certain possibility of meeting like perse- Theocracy, he is fleeing like Urijah downto Egypt,
cution there. As it is written: "Tiffs knowalso, that that is, Satan’s world; for there are only two organ-
in the last days perilous times shall come.... what izations. If any are ashamed to confess the Lord’s
persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord Theocratic organization, and thuswise deny it, then
delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in they cannot have the protection of the Great Theo-
Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. crat and his Theocratic Wing, but are seeking pro-
3: 1, 11, 12) If there are any "sheep" knownto be in tection from the world, which world can withhold
the city wherethe "goats" forcibly prevent the public injury if anyonelines up with it and obeys it instead
and house-to-house activity, then back-caUs can be of God. This has been demonstrated in lands where
made directly upon such "sheep" to strengthen and the totalitarian dictators have taken control and out-
encourageand feed them.--Acts 9 : 22-30 ; 13 : 50-52 ; lawed the witness work. Those whoin fear have quit
14 : 19, 20. witnessing and renounced The Theocrac)’s protec-
sl This strate~c moveis far different from that of tion have been punished by the totalitarian author-
the prophet Urijah, who was a contemporary of the ities or have earned their contempt. Others trust in
prophet Jeremiah, hut who took the course opposite Jehovah’s protection and continue witnessing with
to that of Jeremiah. Urijah was sent to prophesy discretion, alertness, patience, and courage, and the
against the land of Judah and its capital, Jerusalem. Lord protects and uses them in reaching the "other
Whenhe had delivered the warning sufficiently to sheep". In Canada, the city, provincial and mounted
attract public notice King Jehoiakim and his officers police give the ~rganization of the "evil servant"
"sought to put him to death; but whenUrijah heard class a "completely clean sheet" to operate, and
it, he was afraid, and fled, and went into EgTpt." In assure them of protection. On the other hand, the
his terror he fled out of his assigned territory alto- Dominion Governmentoutlaws Jehovah’s witnesses ;
gether and quit the witness work by taldng refuge in nevertheless the Christians faithful to their com-
the land where Jehovah God had ordered his cove- mission continue on preaching the Theocratic mes-
nant people never to return, namely, Egypt, symbol sage as the apostle Paul did, and Almighty Godpro-
of Satan’s world. Therefore Jehovah did not protect tects them and the "hunt" for the "other sheep" con-
Urijah as he did his prophet Jeremiah, but permitted tinues and they are still being gathered there. Those
Urijah to be caught by his enemies in the enemy who, like Jeremiah, are apprehended while actively
organization, dragged back to the territory he had performing their Christian commission and con-
abandoned, and executed. (Jer. 26: 20-23) True, the signed to prison, dungeon, or concentration camp, are
prophet Elijah fled from before the wicked Queen
Jezebel, but he fled to the mountain of God, Horeb, not forsaken by the Lord, not if keeping their integ-
for meditation and communionwith him. Whenthe rity toward him although they suffer the agonies of
Lord set before him further work to do in the land Job for their devotion and faithfulness. The Scrip-
of his religious persecutors, Elijah went back and tures give good promise that there are those of that
did it faithfully until being taken away. number whomHe will preserve alive and will deliver
JULY15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 219

when he destroys "Christendom" at Armageddon. *’ It is time for all worldly governments to face
They shall survive, but all their persecutors and this fact, whether it pleases them or not: As in the
prison-keepers will be destroyed, down to the last case of the great scattering of the Christians in the
man. This was foreshadowed in Jeremiah’s own days of the apostles, so now. The scattered ones will
case.--Jeremiah, chapters 39 and 40. go "every where preaching the word", every one of
"In so-called "democratic" lands the intolerant, them -knowing the instructions to him from the Lord
malicious religious forces have prevailed upon the and every one of them understanding full well the
political element to officially decree Jehovah’s organ- Lord’s command: "Let every man prove his own
ization not licensed or authorized to operate, and the work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself
acting as one of Jehovah’s witnesses to be an "illegal" alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear
act punishable with fine and imprisonment. This anti- his o~na burden." (Gal. 6 : 4, 5) The persecution and
Godmoveby dupes of religion in such lands does not scattering puts each one on his individual own, to
in any wise cancel or nullify the covenant of Chris- makemanifest his individual choice and determina-
tians there to do Jehovah God’s will as Christ Jesus tion to do God’s will independently of what any or
gives the example. It does not blot out or makenull all other humans may or may not do. And as it was
and void the commission which God lays upon his in the apostolic days, the Lord God by his angels
consecrated servants to declare His namethroughout frustrates the enemies and contrives to get communi-
all the earth and to preach the good tidings of his cations through and to keep his faithful active serv-
Righteous Governmentand to comfort all that mourn. mxts in touch with "the Lord’s table" and his servant
This commissionis binding upon them until the end, thereat. These faithful ones knowthe issues involved.
and therefore they will follow the apostolic course They knowit meanstheir destruction to be unfaithful
to "obey God rather than men". They will continue, to their commission, thereby supporting the Devil’s
and they do continue, to preach as Christians, even side of the issue. The remnant and the "other sheep"
if obliged to do this individually and with merely the will uphold God’sside of the issue. No political gov-
Bible. Because the legal corporation which acted ernment on earth, not to speak of Satan’s entire
locally as their servant has been dissolved by official organization or world, will succeed by the faithful
decree, that does not release God’s covenant people remnant and "other sheep" in proving that Jehovah
from acting individually as ministers of the gospel, cannot put to the test creatures whounder persecu-
following the methodof preaching that Jesus and his tion by Satan’s organization will faithfully abide in
apostles used. The bearing of the Lord’s namenot in God’s organization, so maintaining their integrity.
vain is by acting according to the commission from Let worldly governments face that fact, and know
him rather than by merely labeling oneself and intro- that they must bear the full responsibility for what
ducing oneself by the "’new name" which Jehovah’s they do to try to injure God’s organization and drive
mouth has named. IleliNonists label themselves by his consecrated witnesses out of it. On Sunday,
the name "Christian", but are not such in action. October 7, 1934, the Hitler Governmentat Berlin,
"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have Germany, was warned by hundreds of cabled and
works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I special delivery messages from assembled companies
wiUshew thee myfaith by my works."--Jas. 2 : 18. of Jehovah’s witnesses all over the world, in this
~ The Lord Jesus Christ, the King of The Theoc- identic message, whichwe quote :’q=Iitler Government,
racy, is Jehovah’s liaison (unifying) officer between Berlin, Germany: Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s
all his followers. If all these act in harmonywith his witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dis-
instructions as set out in his Father’s Word, and honors God’s name. l~efrain from further persecut-
which instructions he has taught them from the ing Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise Godwill destroy
temple, then, even if scattered bodily by enemy you and your national party."--i Cor. 3 : 17, marginal
action, yet they will all be doing the samething. They reading.
a~ Worldly governments, in dealing with Jehovah’s
will be acting, not as a legal organization dissolved
by political law, but as God’s organization, which faithful witnesses, are being forced to learn that they
organization no humanor demonpower can dissolve are coping with those in whomAlmighty God has put
the spirit of unbreakable love for The Theocracy as
or stop functioning. The bond of unity of this organ- expressed at l~mans 8: 31, 35-39: "If Godbe for us,
ization leaps all space and distance and man-made who can be against us? Whoshall separate us from
barriers ; it constrains or holds together the scattered the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or
ones in a unity of purpose and action. Identical devo- persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or
tion to The Theocracyis the tie, the spirit of Godin sword? "As it is written, For thy sake we are killed
his servants is the movingpower, and the message is all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the
God’s.--Eph.2: 13, 14; Col. 3: 14, 15; 2 Cor. 5: 13-15. slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than
N. Y.
conquerors, through him that loved us. For I am DELIVERANCE ANDRETRIBUTION
persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, ** The "wolves" frame mischief by law in order to
nor principalities, nor [political] powers, nor things prey upon Jehovah’s "sheep" and provide a legal
present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, excuse and saving of face for their unjust and violent
nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us course¯ (Matt. 10:16) They try to trap Jehovah’s
from the love of God [the Great Theocrat], which "sheep" into a course of compromise, fornication
is in Christ Jesus our Lord [the King of The Theoc- with the world, where He will reject and destroy
racy]." Such ones ’more than conquer’ because, them. The persecutors, though, shall fall into the trap
besides gaining a personal triumph over the aims of and themselves be destroyed by Jehovah’s Execu-
the enemy, the)" serve for tile vindication of Jeho- tioner. They simply prepare destruction for them-
vah’s nameand foil the Devil’s plot to use them in selves. (Pss. 35: 3-8; 7: 1-13; 119: 84-86, 157, 161)
support of his challenge. Their plea of defendingreligion will not justify their
~ The wicked purpose back of persecution will be hatred and opposition to Jehovah and troubling his
defeated, proving Satan a liar. The persecutions yet witnesses: "Seeing it is a righteous thing with God
to come may crowd Jehovah’s witnesses sorely; they to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
may cause them perplexity as to what way to take; ¯ . . when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
they maycause them to be pursued by political, mili- heaven with his mighWangels, in flaming fire taking
tary, judicial, newspaper, and commercial allies of vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey
religion; they may cause them to be cast down in not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Ci~rist: whoshall
the public eye and deprived of legal and constitu- be punished with everlasting destruction from the
tional equality with citizens of the world. Yet such presence of the Lord."~2 Thess. 1: 6-9; Gal. 5: 10;
persecutions ~xdll never wipe out Jehovah’s witnesses, Ps. 69 : 26, 28.
nor distress them into desperation and cause them to ’°In the fiery furnace of persecution Jehovah’s
take the compromising course where God will aban- witnesses, like Jeremiah, pray to Him: "O Lor~D, thou
don and deny them as unfaithful. Not in their own knowest: remember me, and visit me, and revenge
strength and power can they bear up under the perse- me of mypersecutors ; take me not away in thy long-
cution, and hold fast the treasure of the ministry as suffering: lmowthat for thy sake I have suffered
ambassadors of The Theocracy and witnesses of the rebuke." Jehovah God gives his trusting ones the
MostHigh. They are in frail flesh, in earthly vessels, assurance that the persecution shall fail and that
and hence it nmst be Jehovah’s great power in and they shall share in His vindication, saying: "I will
through them that must excel and surpass the power make thee unto this people [persecutors] a fenced
of those assailing their integrity. The membersof the brazen wall; and they shall fight against thee, but
"body of Christ" live for no other purpose than to they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with
follow the same course as Jesus in bearing witness thee to save thee, and to deliver thee, saith the LOAD.
to Jehovah’s name and kingdom. As expressed by AndI will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked,
the apostle : "Howbeitwe have this treasure [minis- and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the
try] in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness terrible." (Jer. 15 : 15, 20, 21) Andthat God’sretribu-
of the power maybe of God, and not from ourselves ; tive action in for ever settling the account with the
on every side pressed hard, but not hemmed in ; with- persecutors will be primarily to settle the issue of
out a way, but not without a by-way; pursued [per- his universal domination, the inspired prayer at
secuted], but not abandoned; thrown down, but not Psalm 83:15-18 petitions God: "So persecute them
destroyed; at all times the [enemy’s] putting to with thy tempest, and make them afraid wltt~ thy
death of Jesus in our body bearing about, in order storm. Fill their faces with shame; that thev [the
that the life also of Jesus in our body may be made righteous] may seek thy name, O LOAD.Let them be
manifest; for evermore we, the living, unto death confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be
are being delivered for Jesus’ sake, in order that put to shame, and perish: that men may lmow that
the life also of Jesus may be mademanifest in our thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most
mortal flesh."--2 Cor. 4:1, 7-12, Rotherham;12 : 9,10. High over all the earth."

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which

is ~o try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
but rejoice , i~asmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s su~ermgs;
that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with
exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ,
happy are ye; for the spir, t of glory and of God resteth upon
you: on their part he is ev,’l spoken ofj but on your part he
is glorified.--I Peter 4: 12-14.
N ]~Ionday, as is regular, but this day exceptionally this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
O a week later than the usual time for adjournment,
June 8, 1942, the nine men were seated in solemn
world for a witness unto all natmns: and then shall the end
come." (Matt. 24:7, 14) For this preaching, so he declared
session upon the bench of the SupremeCourt of the United to his followers whokeep this commandment,"ye shall be
States. The courtroom was packed that afternoon. First, hated of all nations for myname’s sake." (Vs. 9) Surely
an opinion concerning Wages and Hours was disposed of; the clergy are not hated for such cause.
and then the entire courtroom assumeda solemn air. Expect- Because Jehovah’s witnesses dissent from the course of
ant, all waited to hear the opinion of moment,one touching action taken by the religious clergy and boldly stand up for
upon the most precious right of free men in a democracy Jehovah’s Righteous Government by preaching it from
as guaranteed by the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, house to house throughout every c~ty and village of the
the right to worship Almighty Godaccording to one’s con- United States and all other nations, the clergy stir up great
science as enlightened by the V¢ord of Jehovah God. hatred of them amonglawmakers, judges and politicians
Solemnity befitted the occasion. Whenobliged to render and law-enforcement officers. The orders in council and
a decision affecting the liberty of His consecrated witnesses decrees banning and prohibiting Jehovah’s witnesses entire-
to worship the Most High God, it is the Supreme Court ly in the lands of religious dictators and in other lands
that is on trial, before the bar of the SupremeJudge of where the Hierarchy of the most totalitarmn religlous
the universe, rather than the witnesses concerning whom system on earth hold power and influence are too well
the majority of the Supreme Court essays to express a known.In this "land of the free" there is still somehesita-
final opinion. In framing the opinion about to be pro- tion to practically" destroy the Constitution by an outright
nounced, did the Court realize that awful fact? Did it decree banning Jehovah’s witnesses. The dupes and agents
care ?--Psalm 2 : 1-12. of the religious Hierarchy resort to more subtle and sly
The question of which the Court tries to relieve itself meansto halt the Christ-like and apostolic wayof preaching
is, in substance, Can the secular state classify the printed the Kingdomgospel. How? Underthe guise of taxatmn laws
message of God’s Kingdomas peddlers’ wares and tax its locally enacted but wrongly applied to Jehovah’s covenant
d~stribution by those who are commandedby God’s supreme people who keep his commandmentsto go and preach to
law to bear w~tness to his kingdom under Christ? The the people. Such laws indeed properly apply to the sale
justice from the state of Kentucky begins delivering the and peddling of ordinary articles of merchandise, but have
opinion on the three related cases of Jehovah’s witnesses been wronglyconstrued by the enemies of the truth to cover
under appeal. Whichway the fateful decision for this land the preaching activities of Jehovah’s witnesses, under the
of the Constitution shall fall becomesclear suddenly when false claim that such activities constitute "peddhng" and
the justice reads: "One man, with views contrary to the "selling" because contmbutions of moneyare madeby" some
rest of his compatriots, is entitled to the privilege of of the many who accept the printed Kingdom message
expressing his ideas by speech or broadside to anyonewilling During recent years illegal convictions under such local
to listen or to read .... But that hearing maybe limited ordinances have occurred in every state in the Union, and
by action of the proper legislative body to times, places from which convictions hundreds of Jehovah’s witnesses
and methods for the enlightenment of the communitywhich, have appealed. Manyintermediate courts have rightly held
in view of existing social and economicconditions, are not that such ordinances are not applicable to the gospel preach-
at odds with the preservation of peace and good order. This ing done by Jehovah’s witnesses by word of mouth and
means that the proponents of ideas cannot determine printed page. In the case of Cincinnati versus 51osmr,
entirely for themselves the time and place and manner 22 N. E. 2d 418, the Ohio Court of Appeals, speaking of one
for the diffusion of knowledgeor for their evangelism, any such ordinance applied against this Jehovah’switness, said :
more than the civil authorities may hamper or suppress "On the other hand, it Js apparent that it can have no more
the public dissemination of facts and principles by the application to the defendant for the act charged m the
people." affidavit than it could if it were attempted to apply it for
Let it here be knownthat Jehovah’s witnesses are not an act performed outside the State, county or city."
the "proponents of ideas", but are proclaimers, preachers, The Georgia Court of Appeals in Thomasvs. Atlanta,
of the revealed Word of God, which Wordis the truth. 1 S. E. 2d 598, also says: ’%Vedo not think it is the duty
(John 17:17) Let it be knownalso that Jehovah’s wit- of an ordained minister of the gospel to register his busi-
nesses have not determined, nor can any manor legislative ness with the city. Neither is it peddling for such minister
or judicial body determine, "for themselves the time and to go into homesand play a victrola or to preach therein
place and manner for the diffusion of knowledge or for or to sell or distribute literature dealing with his faith if
their evangelism." It is the Great Lawgiver, Jehovah God, the owner of such homedoes not object."
who has determined that and stated it expressly in his l~fany other state courts of highest rank have also held
Word. It is the Son of God, whois always in harmonywith that such laws taxing and licensing peddlers cannot be
the supreme law of his Father, that set the method and properly applied to Jehovah’s witnesses, and have repeat-
mannerof diffusing the knowledgeof God by himself going edly set aside the convictions of these? Whensuch laws
and also instructing his disciples to go preaching from
house to house. He also designated the time as after the 1See Semanskyvs. Stark, 199 So. 129 (La. Sup. Ct.);
World War, when, after mentioning it, he added: "And State vs. Meredith,15 S. E. 2d 678 (S. C. Sup. Ct.).
222 fftieWATCttTOWER. BROOKLYn,N. Y.

have been wrongfully applied, the highest state courts have in stopping Jehovah’s witnesses, as some may think;
in most instances held them unconstitutional.’ because these are His ordained preachers, have His backing,
A different course of action was taken by the highest and obey HIS supreme commands. (Matt. 24:14) Instead
courts in the states of Alabama, Arizona, and Arkansas, of destroying them, the Court has destroyed the Constitu-
where the validity of such laws were ruled upon as apply- tion and liberties of Americans. Lovers of liberty are pro-
ing to Jehovah’s witnesses’ circulating the printed message. testing, loudly.
In due time these cases were brought before the United
States Supreme Court for review. They were properly and DISSENTERS GIVE RIGHTEOUS OPINION
fully argued and briefs thereof were submitted by counsel Four right-thinMng justices, members of the Court,
for Jehovah’s witnesses. The Scriptural and legal reasons filed dissenting opinions also protesting against the majority
and arguments were presented showing that the state courts decision. Taking the lead among these dissenters was Chief
in these cases had taken a seat in the throne of iniquity Justice Stone, gratefully remembered as the lone dissenter
and God could not approve their mischief against His in the Flag case of 1940. He was joined in his opinion by
cause: "Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with Justices Black, Douglas and Murphy. Justice Murphy also
thee, wmcn FRA~.IETH ~IISCIIIEF BY A LAW?"~Ps. 94:20. filed a separate opinion stating his objection to the position
taken by the majority. Justices Black and Douglas joined
FREE SPEECH TO BE CONTROLLED in this opinion also. So cogent, logical, forceful and
On the said Monday, June 8, five justices, the majority righteous are the dissenting opinions that The Watchtower
of the U. S. Supreme Court, knowingly or unkno~*mgty, considers it appropriate to quote from them. Amongother
joined in the religious conspiracy to "get" Jehovah’s wit- things, Mr. Chief Justice Stone said:
nesses. They affirmed the state-court judgments of conviction The case presents in its baldest form the questmn whether
and held the license tax laws were applicable and not uncon- the freedoms which the Constitution purports to safeguard can
stitutional. There the highest tribunal of America ended its be completely subjected to uncontrolled admimstratlve actmn . . .
career as the last bulwark of xLmerican liberties and broke That purpose cannot rightly be defeated by so transparent a
subterfuge as the pronouncement that, while a license may not
down the Constitution. The train of events that are sure
be reqmred if its award is contingent upon the whnu of an
to follow will show that those justices let in the unseen admlmstrative officer, it maybe if its reteutmn and the enjoyment
demons and their visible dupes, the Fascists, the anti- of the privilege which it purports to give is wholly contingent
liberty, anti-Jehovah, anti-Theocracy, religious elements to upon his whim .... As appears by stlpulatmn or undmputed
rampage and overrun the states in the effort, the vain testimony, the defendants are Jehovah’s witnesses, engaged in
effort, we say, to stop Jehovah’s Kingdom message. spreading thmr rehgmus doctrines in conformity to the teachings
The gist of the Supreme Court decision is that if, due of St. Matthew, Matt. 10:11-14 and 24: 14, by going from city
to enemies of the truth, a minister of the gospel is tagged to city, from village to village, and house to house, to proclaim
them. After asking and receiving permission from the house-
as a peddler by the state, he can be treated and convicted holder, they play to him phonograph records and tender to him
as such and denied his constitutional rights, despite the books or pamphlets advocating theLr religious views. For the
fact that he is not a peddler. The Court also holds that latter they ask payment of a nominal amount, two to five cents
freedom of x~.’rship by distribution of Bible literature means for the pamphlets and twenty-five cents for books, as a contrxbu-
that the person exercising the right must give it away FRE~. tion to the religmus cause which they seek to advance. But they
Or CHARGE ; and that, if contributions of money are received distribute the pamphlets, and sometimes the books, gratis when
in return for the literature distmbuted, such constitutes the householder is unwilling or unable to pay for them. The
and is SELLXNG,which makes the one exercising his con- literature is published for such distnbutmn by non-profit chari-
stitutional rights subject to conviction and treatment as a table corporations organized by Jehovah’s witnesses. The funds
collected are used for the support of the religious movementand
criminal for his failure to procure a license tax from the
no one derives a profit from the puhlicatma and dlstnbutmn of
officials of the state and city as a condition precedent to the literature .... Few would deny that a hcense tax laid
enga~ng in such activity. The Supreme Court in this spemfically on the pmvflege of dmsemmatingideas would mfnnge
holding ]s clearly wrong. It has committed a mistake which the right of free speech .... The First Amendmentprohibits
has led the nation into totalitarian practice and forgetting all laws abridging freedom of press and rehgmn, not merely
of Jehovah God; with what end in sight? "The wicked somelaws or all except tax laws. It is true that the constltutmnal
shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget guaranties of freedom of press and religion, like the commerce
God."~Ps. 9 : 17. clause, make no &stinction between fixed-sum taxes and other
kinds. But that fact affords no excuse to courts, whoseduty it
The Court has made void the words of the Constitution, is to enforce those guaranties, to close their eyes to the charac-
but, by God’s grace, they cannot make void the Word of teristics of a tax which render it destructive of freedomof press
God, regardless of how hard they try. Nor will they succeed and religion .... It seems fairly obvious that if the present
taxes, laid in small commumties upon peripatetm rchgmus
2 See South Holland vs. Stein, 26 N. E. 2d 868; Reid vs. propagandists, are to be sustained, a way has been found for
Broolrville, 39 Fed. Supp. 30; Douglas vs. Jeannette, 39 Fed. the effective suppression of speech and press and rehgmndespite
Supp. 32; State vs. Woodruff, 2 So. 2d 577; Commonwealthvs. constitutional guaranties. The very taxes nowbefore us are better
Reid, 20 A. 2d 841; State vs. Greaves, 22 A. 2d 497; Borchert adapted to that end than were the stamp taxes which so success-
vs. Ranger et al., 42 Fed. Supp. 577; Blue Island vs. Kozul, fully curtailed the disseminatmn of ideas by eighteenth century
41 N. E. 2d 515 ; McConkey vs. City of Fredericksburg, 19 S. E. newspapers and pamphleteers, and which were a moving cause
2d 682; Donley vs. Colorado Springs, 40 Fed. Supp. 15; and of the AmericanRevolution.... In its potency as a prior restraint
manyother cases, too numerous to mention. on publication the flat license tax falls short only of outright
J~LX 15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 223

censorship orsuppression. Themorehumble andneedythecause, were taxed. The mind rebels at the thought that a minister of
themoreeffectlve isthesuppression. any of the old established churches could be made to pay fees
Mr. JusticeMurphysaid,in part: to the community before entering the pulpit. These taxes on
When a statutem challenged as impinging on freedomof petitioners’ effort to preach the "news of the Kingdom"should
speech,freedomof the press,or freedomof worship, those be struck downbecause they burden petitioners’ right to worship
hLstoric privdeges whichareso essential toourpohtxcal welfare the Deity m the,r own fashion and to spread the gospel as
andspmtual progress, it is the dutyof thisCourtto subject they understand it .... One need only read the decisions of
suchlegislation to examination, in thelightof theevxdenee this and other courts in the past few years to see the unpopu-
adduced, to determine whether it is so drawnas notto impair larity of Jehovah’s witnesses and the dxfficulties put m thmr
thesubstance ofthose cherished freedems inreaching itsobjectlve.path because of their religious beliefs. An arresting parallel
¯ . . Andtheprotection of theConstltutlon mustbe extended exists between the troubles of Jehovah’s wRnesses and the
to all,not onlyto thosewhoseviewsaccordwlthprevailing struggles of varmus dissentient groups m the American colomes
thought butalsotodissident minorities whoenerget, caUyspread for rehgmus liberty which culminated mthe Vlrginm Statute for
theirbeliefs ....ItIs notdisputed thatpetitmners, Jehovah’sRehgmus Freedom, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the
wltnesses, wereordained ministers preaching thegospel, as they First Amendment.In most of the colonies there was an estab-
understood xt.throughthe streets and fromhouseto house, lished church, and the way of the dissenter was hard. All sects,
orallyand by playingrehgmusrecordswith the consentof including Quaker, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Separatist,
thehouseholder, andby dLstnbutmg booksandpamphlets setting Rogerine, and Catholic, suffered. Manyof the non-conforming
forththetenetsof theurfaith.It doesnotappearthattheir ministers were itinerants, and measures were adopted to curb
motlves werecommercial, but onlythattheywereevangehzing their unwanted activities. The books of certain denommatmns
theirfaithas theysawtt ....Thetestlmony of tenclergymen were banned.
ofOpelika thattheydistrlbuted freerehgmus literature m their Liberty
ofconscience istoofullofmeaning fortheindividuals
churches, the cost of whichwas defrayedby voluntary con- in thisnatronto permittaxation to prolnbit or substantmlly
trlbution, and that they had neverbeen forcedto pay any impmrthe spreadof rehgiousideas,even thoughthey are
license fee,wasalsoexcluded ....ThereLs no suggestion in controversial and runcounter to theestahhshed notionsof a
any of thesethreecasesthatpetltmners wereperpetrating a commumty. If this Courtis to err in evaluating clmmsthat
fraud,that theyweredemeaning themselves in an obnoxious freedom of speech, freedom of thepress,andfreedom of rehgmn
manner, thatthmractivities created anypublicdisturbance or havebeeninvaded, farbetter thatit errm beingoverprotectxve
inconvenience, thatprivate rights werecontravened, or thatthe of theseprecious rights.
hterature distributed was offensive to moralsor created any
"clearand present danger" to orgamzed society . . . Withso JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES FOLLOW HIGIIER RULING
few potential purchasers it wouldtakea giftedevangehst, It is manifestthat some membersof the SupremeCourt
indeed,in viewof the antagonism generally encountered by have no respectfor The HigherPowers,JehovahGod and
Jehovah’s wltnesses, to sellenough tracts atprices ranging from Christhis King,and hencedespiseand opposethe Theo-
fiveto twenty-five centsto grossenoughto paythetax.... craticmessage. Thishascausedthemto stultify theirhigh
But whatever the amount, the taxesare m realitytaxesupon
office, losetheirjudicial balance, andseartheirconsciences
thedisseminatmn of reli~ous ideas,a dissemination cannedon
by thedistributmn of rehgious literature forrehgious reasons in theirstubborn efforts to findsomewayto haltJehovah’s
aloneandnotforpersonal profit ....Liberty of cLrculation is witnesses. The finaloutcomewill show they have erred,
thevery. lifeblood of a freepress . . . andtaxeson theeircu- andthatin the faceof duewarning. Theirefforts arevain.
laUonof ideashavea longhlstory of m,suseagainst freedom UntilJehovah’s "strange work"is finished, no manor group
of thought ....We neednot shutour eyesto thepossxbi/atyof men can stopHis witnesses from obeyingHis commission
thatusemayagainbemadeof suchtaxes, elther bydlscr, mmatmn and commandto them to proclaimHis Kingdommessage,
Ln enforcement or otherwise, to suppress theunpalatable views becauseJehovahMost High is their Lawgiverand Grade
of mihtant mmonties suchas Jehovah’s witnesses ....Freedom
and Protector. ChristJesusis thmrLeader,Counselor and
of speech, freedom of press,and freedom of religmn allhave
a doubleaspect--freedom of thoughtand freedomof action. Battle-fighter. Jehovah-has promised to guide the meek or
Freedomto thinkis absoluteof xts own nature;the most teachablein judgmentand to preserveand dehver the
tyranmcal government is powerless to control the inwardwork- faithful.He has forewarnedthem that "theyshallfight
ragsof themind.Butevenanaggresslve mindisof nomissionaryagainst thee",but has alsoprommedthefaithful that"they
valueunlessthereLs freedom of actmn,freedom to commumcateshallnotprevail against thee".It willyetfurther be demon-
itsmessageto othersby speechand writing ....It matters stratedthat Jehovah’s witnessestrustnot in any human
notthatpetttmners askedcontributions fortheLr literature. Free- documentof guaranteesor bill of rights,nor in any
dom of speechand freedomof the presscannotand must not polit,calgovernment, nor in any worldlyinstitution or
meanfreedom onlyforthosewhocandistribute theirbroadsidesofficial. Theirtrustis entirely in TheHigherPowers,God
wlthout charge. Theremay be otherswithmessages morevital and Christ.As Hitlerand the RomanCatholicHierarchy
but purseslessfull,who mustseeksomereimbursement for
theiroutlay or elseforego passing on theirideas ....Importanthavefailedto stopJehovah’s wltnesses on thecontinent of
as free speech and a free press are to a free government and Europe,likewise the anti-Theocracy forcesin Americashall
a free citizenry, thereis a righteven more dearto many fail,and thereafter miserably be destroyed.
individuals--the righttoworship theirMakeraccording to their Jehovah’switnessesboth appreciateand have fought
needsandthedictates oftheirsoulsandtocarrytheirmessage for the righteous principles of the Constitution, but now
orthe,r gospel toevery living creature. These ordinances mfringe the SupremeCourtby its attemptto judgetheirKingdom
thatright,whichis alsoprotected by the Fourteenth Amend-
ment....Wildeperhapsnotso orthodox as the oralsermon, publication off the fieldhas gravelyhurt the American
the use of rehgmusbooksis an old, recordand effective publicby makingnulland inoperative the one vitalguaran-
modeof worshlp andmeansof proselytizing. Forthispetitionerstee to democracyand liberty,namely,the Constitution.
N. Y.

Jehovah’s witnesses have not lost His favor and His work of persecutors as due to immediatelyprecede the final end
by reason of the Court’s decision, but the people of the of all nations, and, instead of being discouraged, Jehovah’s
nation have lost much. There is nothing now to keep the servants lift up their heads with inward rejoicing at this
Constltution from being thrown to the ash-can; what has additional evidence that "your deliverance draweth nigh ’"
befallen an unpopular minority is certain soon to overtake The faithful remnant will be privileged to fill up the
all the people. The Bill of Rights is nowa scrap of paper. sufferings left behind for membersof the body of Christ.
They will, together with their companions, bear the same
THREE blEMBERS SEE A WRONG WAS DONE reproaches and afflictions as borne by Himand will with
In 1940, at the oral argument before the SupremeCourt him have a privileged part in proving the Devil a liar
and in behalf of the Gobitis (Flag) case, Judge Rutherford’s as to integrity of God’s servants.
final words were: "God save this honorable court from Other towns, cities, villages and hamlets, guided by
committingan error that will lead this people of the United wiser counsels, will not enforce such laws even if on their
States into a totalitarian class and destroy all the liberties statute books, but will stand for the Constitution and
guaranteed by the Constitution." Contrary to this warning, righteousness and avoid fighting against God. The majomty
the SupremeCourt in deciding that case slipped and fell opinion, likely to give a comforting sop to the Roman
deep into the pit of error and of eventual destruction Catholic Hierarchy and other religionists whose nuns and
because ruling against Jehovah’s law as obeyed by his wit- agents go from house to house with religious odds and ends,
nesses. Each further step the Court has taken in that recognizes this matter of voluntariness of action, in these
direction has carried it so far from the fundamentals of words: "It may well be that the wisdom of American
liberty that it is nowdifficult to recover. Three membersof communities will persuade them to permit the poor and
the Court have recognized their serious mistake in the light weak to draw support from the petty sales of religious
of the ferocious persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses that has books without contributing anything for the privilege of
disgraced America ever since. Mr. Justice Black, speaking using the streets and conveniences of the municipality."
for Mr. Justice Murphy and Mr. Justice Douglas and The majority opinion does not amount to a general law
himself, said : applicable throughout the entire United States. Although
The opimonof the Court sanctions a device which in our manycities have such ordinances, they have not yet applied
opinion suppresses or tends to suppress the free exercise of a them and maynot do so in the future. They are not obliged
rehglon pracUcedby a minority group. Tins is but another to do so under the majority decision. Under the minority
step mthe direction whichManersvllleSchoolDistrict vs Gobltls, opinion such application is held to be unconstitutional.
310 U. S. 586, took against the same rehglous minority and is It is therefore left up to each city, town or village to
the logacal extension of the principles uponwhichthat decision determine which course it will take. It maybe that even
rested. Since we joined mthe opinion mthe Gobitis ease, we
think this is an appropriate occasmnto state that we uowbeheve the local state courts will hold such ordinances not appli-
that it wasalso wronglydecided. Certainly our democraticform cable to preaching the gospel, as did several state courts
of governmentfunctioning under the htstonc Bill of Rights has in cases cited in Notes 1 and 2 above.
a high responsibility to aeeommodate
itself to the religmus,news The continued faithful obedience of Jehovah’s witnesses
of mmontmshowever unpopular and unorthodox those ‘news to their commission from Himeverywhere throughout the
maybe. The First Amendment does not put the right freely to land will put all communitiesto the test. Until the arrests
exercise rehgion in a subordinate pomtmn.Wefear, however, in each city or locality have reached such proportions and
that the opinions mthis and mthe Gobltis ease do exactly that. the continued repetition thereof has been threatened against
The only way that the people of the nation can escape Jehovah’s servants, they follow the words and example of
God’s wrath and receive his protectmn from destruction at their LeaderChrist Jesus and his apostles to push the battle
the battle of Armageddonis to turn toward The Theocracy to the gate, to plunge Ehud’s dagger in till the fat covers
and recogmze Jehovah’s supremacy in the field of taw and the hilt, always trusting in the Lord. HISWordadmonishes
obey Himrather than men. Should the rest of the Supreme them not to discontinue work for mere threats, but to put
Court follow the above judges in retracting the Goblets case the responsibility squarely upon each city, including offi-
it wouldbe a step with benefit to themselvesand the people. cials and people, on this issue, to wit : Will such city hue up
with that unrighteous, unlawful, and unconstitutional ma-
CHOOSEWIIOMYOUWILLSERVE jority decision by arresting the faithful witnesses for keep-
Officials of manycities and munieipahtms have, like ing on preaching from house to house by God-given right?
buzzards, been impatiently waiting for the majority decision Whenpersecution begins in the form of arrests in a
of the Supreme Court on the license tax ordinance in city under the type of local ordinance requiring a license
relation to Jehovah’s witnesses. It is to be expected that for "selling" literature and "peddhng"within the city, first
some cities and mtmicipalitles will promptly press home then Jehovah’s obedient witnesses will wisely act by prayer-
the majority opinion with lusty glee. Let such not blind fully considering the things set out as fitting and timely in
themselves to this fact: that, if the artmiuistrative and the foregoing article, "Defeat of Persecution." Such perse-
judicial officers of somecities thus follow the majority cuted ones will act according thereto, on all occasions using
opinion, they will don the garments of identification with the spirit of a sound mind in the proper bearing each one
that majority and show themselves fit for ~nnihilation by of his own burden, by God’s grace and guidance. Fear not
Jehovah’s great Executioner at Armageddon,which final to be a dissenter for righteousness as was Jehovah’s Sou
battle is very near. God’s propheeien foretold such conduct Christ Jesus on earth.
\ %,


l\~ ,’
,~ - 1


(Part1)............................................ 227
Miraculous Pr~)vision........................... 229
................................................ 231
Spirit-Begetting ................................... 233
"TheWhole World" ............................. 235

i . "
WhoHas Part in the Sm-0ffermgi .... 235
SI~Gn;O t~ T~ WoRLD’sCmslS ..........
RmIZTACTION A~DGOV~R~MZ~T ............
"I T~OC’m~TXC ASSZUSLY ........................... 239
FimmExPm~iz~cEs .................................... 240
"Co)~Fo~r" TESTIMONY PERIOD ................ 226
"WATOR~OWZR" STWm~S .......................... 226
Nzw Evrno~ o~ "T-~ EMP~TIC
D,*U~Tr" ......................................... 226
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. S.A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabUng the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible Instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s wttnesse~ and all people of good will.
1~. H. ~,’ORR, Prevalent W.E. VA~ A~B~GH. Becre~ary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and
able material for radio broadessting and for other means of public
creak shall be the peace of thy children." -!salah 54:.r3. instruction tn the Scripture&
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly orgnnt~tlous. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatie~ but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGOD created the earth for man, created perfect man yT~r,r SuBscRrt~no~ P~cz
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of U~YlT’~DST~TZS,$1.00: Ct~A ~D MISCELLANEOUS FO~EIC.~.$1 ~0:
GREAT BEITAIM.2kUSTU*v-ASIA, aND~OUT~ ~FitICA, 0S. Americanremit-
Adam’s wrong act all men are born stoners and without the right tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. DrafL Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respecUve branch emcee. Remittances from
TItAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by InteraattonaJ Postal hIoney Order only.
obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus divine and
Fo~.xcm O~’xc~
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br4tfs~ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.~ Eo~lan~
C’anad~an 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Auatralas~a~ ....... 7 Beresford Road,Strathfield, N. S. W, AustraUa
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Off:car thereof and is the right- Bouth Ayr4var* Boston House, Cape Town. South. A/nca
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of addres3the Society in ever~ case.
Chmst Jesus are children of Zion, members of 3eho~"ah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it i~ to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Trunalationao.~ tki~ journal appear i~ aeveral languages.)
as expressed In the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the k~ngdom
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subserlpt~on price ma~ha~e The Welch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application ~o th8 publi~her~, made once each
~ear, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad ~o ~hus atd ~lle
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each )ear ts reqtured by the
postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Nut,re to Subscribers" Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
aerlptlon will be sent only when requested Change of address, when
has now begun: that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction requested, maybe expected to appear on nddreqs label with|n one rn~,u~ll
of Satan’s organizatmn and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (eerrving notice of expiration) will be sent w~th the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that ~ournal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered as eecond-cla~smatter at ~h¢po~t o.O~ce
at Brooklyn,N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race under the Act o~ March$. I879.


To Jehovah’s witnesses the month of August is known as There has always been a steady demand for the Greek an,!
the "Comfort" Testimony Paired Dining these 31 days a special Enghsh "_New Testament" known as "The Emphatic Dmglott"
effort wall be made on the t)art of Jehoxah’s witnesses to comfort The old ed~on became exhausted some months ago, and a new
as many people as they possibly can with the truths as set forth has been m preparation meanwlnle. The desirable features of the
in the Word of Jehovah God To aid those who love mghtcousaess D,aglott are many.
the book Chddren along w~th the booklet Hope w~n be offered The actual Greek in which the ’.’New Testament" xva~
to the people on a contribution of 25c. These two publicatmns originally written is g~ven acoorchng to the well-kn~wn and
set forth a message which shows there m something worth while highly-respected Griesbach recension. Then m footnotes variation,
hvmg for. Those persons who trust m Jehovah’s kingdom and according to the Alexandrine and Vatican (No. 1209) manuscript,
know that this is the only hope for the world will proclama the are given, two of the very oldest m,n,mcnpts m existence.
message contained in these publications and make them a~atlable
to as many persons as they can possibly meet din’ms August. The Diaglott also eontam.s a useful and valuable alphabetical
"Comfort" Testimony Period will be a blessing to all those who appendix in the back, which is pract~eaUy a compact Bible &ctxon-
shat~e in the preaching of the gospel Make your report of activity ary containing helpful features not found in other dictionaries
to your local company servant, or ff you are not associated w~th a of the Bible.
company, report dixeet to the Watch Tower B~ble & Tract Society. The binding is beautiful blue leatherette, and flemble. The
’°WATCHTOWER~ STUDIES paper is of good quality, and the type is clear. The size ts
Week of September 6: "Atonement for the New World" (Part 1), 4~" by 7¼" by 1", whieh is convement for handling.
¶ 1-21 inclusive, The Watchtower August 1, 1942. The new edition of the Diaglott will be of? the press by the
Week of September 13 : "Atonement for the New World" (Part 1), time you read flus announcement, and w3Jl then be ready for
¶ 22-42 reclusive, The Watchtower August i, 1942. distribution. The cost is $2 per copy.
No. LXIII A-~ausT
1, 1942 No. 15



"’We l~ave a~z advocate wi~h the Father, Jesus Christ the rlgldeous: aud he is the propitiatio~z for our
sins: and ~wt for ours ouly, but also for the sins of the whole world."--1 John 2:1,2.
’EItOVAII’S purpose to build a new world is
J and his almighty power for righteousness and truth.
about to be fulfilled. This is cause for all lovers Only hunmn creatures who now set their love and
of righteousness, truth and liberty to rejoice. All confidence and hopes on the new world of God’s
such, honestly examining the Creator’s promises and creation and who immovably take their stand for
descriptions and acts concerning that new world, it and publicly confess thereto will be spared to enter
are led to love it. That is like Jehovah God. He too into its joys, privileges and blessings. Nowis the
loves it and has proved his love for it. "For God destiny-malting time, the time to decide whether to
so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten work for the preservation of this wicked world, with
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not certain disappointment in the end, or to serve the
perish, but have everlasting life." In those words, interests and prove oneself worthy of the new worht
at John 3: 16, the Son explained why he was on the with its endless joys that will outweighall the suffer-
earth as a perfect man, preaching the coming estab- ings for righteousness endured at present. God in
lislmlent of a new world under a new government, his loving-kindness has made all needed provision
"the kingdom of heaven." This spells the doom of whereby men who have been born of the sinner-race
the present world nowin the throes of "distress of may escape the condemnation of death due to sin
nations, with perplexity". The year 1914, remem- and may qualify for everlasting life, some in the
bered by men as the year of the outbreak of the "new heavens" of that new world, and a far larger
World War, marked the turning point for the affairs number on a purified earth under those new heavens.
of the universe. By the political, military and reli- Such provision of God is through his only begotten
gious maneuvers of the nations since then they now Son, who qualified to be the King of the new worhl
stand at the "place called in the Hebrew tongue and King of all wholive in that world without end.
Armageddon", and all Bible prophecy and world This is the wonderful meaningof the truth contained
events combineto prove that the great battle at that in the words : "Wehave an advocate with the Father,
"place" is very soon to be joined. No mere interna- Jesus Christ the righteous : and he is the propitmtion
tmlml or capitalist-labor or Catholic-Protestant war for oar sins: and not for ours only, but also for the
will that be, but a war betweenworlds, with the king- sins of the whole world."--I John 2 : 1, 2.
dom of heaven of the new world fighting to victory ’ Those words of comfort were addressed under
on the right side against the demonsand wicked men inspiration directly to those whowill be associated
of "this present evil world" on the side of defeat and with God’s anointed King in the "new heavens". They
destruction. The "new heavens" and "new earth" of also hold out glorious hope for all menwholove truth
God’s unforgettable promise shall thereafter hold and whoturn from sin and desire to do right on the
sway and shall endure forever to the unfading glory earth under new heavenly government, The Theo-
of Jehovah and to the blessing of all lovers of the cratic Government. Such men of good-will toward
new world. God and his kingdomstrive to do right to the best
2 It is of God’s great mercy that he has not com- of their ability ~owand according to God’s standard
pletely wiped out the humanrace ere now for all of truth and righteousness. To such "men of good-
its unrighteousness which stains every page of its will" Godextends peace on earth through his King.
history. Sober-thinking menought to tremble at the None of those who now turn to the new world and
thought that he will wipe out all the worldly nations at whoadvertise it to others can at present do perfectly.
the impending Armageddonfight and thereby at last, Hence they need the help of the "advocate with the
after a wait of six thousand years, vindicate his name Father, Jesus Christ the righteous". "Advocate"
N. Y.
means helper. All men descended from Adamhave measure of wisdom, justice, love and power. He made
been "shapen in iniquity, and in sin did [their] Adamin His image, that is, as God’s visible repre-
mother conceive [them]", and this through no choice sentative on earth. (Gen. 1 : 26, 28) Jehovah is
of their own. (Ps. 51: 5) Sin entered into the world "God of truth and without iniquity, just and right
before the birth of the first child of Adamand Eve. is he". There was no iniquity or injustice or unright-
That was in Eden, when Adamchose to follow his eousness in his creation Adam, because Jehovah
wife in transgression of God’s law, which trans- Godis not the source or author of such.
gression brought the penalty of death.--Gen. 2:17. ’ As such perfect creature, Adamhad the right to
¯ Eve acted just as selfishly and willfully as her life in his perfection. His Creator stated that Adam
husband. In fact, she ran ahead of her earthly could possess that right forever by continued obedi-
head Adamand showed insubordination, and hence ence to Theocratic law, that is, the law of his God.
Eve, although deceived by the subtle serpent, was As long as Adamthus continued in perfect obedience
inexcusable and "was in the transgression". (1 Tim. to his Maker and Sustainer Adamwas a part of the
2: 11, 13, 14) God made promise in their hearing universal organization of God and was the visible
concerning "childbearing", that is, concerning God’s or earthly part thereof. Adam’s wife, Eve, being
"woman"who should bear the Seed that should crush likewise the creation of God, was also perfect, as
the Serpent’s head. Only this holds out any hope for was Adam. Both were acquainted with God’s law and
those of Adamand Eve’s offspring who turn from both were intelligently under test to prove their
the Serpent and its deceptions and turn to the Seed worthiness either of everlasting life or of being cut
who delivers from the power of the Serpent. (Gen. off from life without any hope or promise of recov-
3: 15; 1 Tim. 2:15) Thus it came about that ’~by ery. Their choice as manifested by their course of
one man sin entered into the world, and death by action thenceforth must determine their everlasting
sin; and so death passed upon all men [by human destiny. They chose death. In their case Godcould
birth and inheritance], for that all have sinned".-- not reverse his law or recall it. For God to do so
Rom.5 : 12. would make his judgment and his law and his word
Being conceived in sin and shaped in iniquity, unreliable, and creatures throughout the universe
Adam’soffspring are imperfect as well as sinners would have grounds for believing that the life of
and hence under the condemnation of death and have a mere creature is more to God than his own word,
no right to humanlife. They have no claim upon God and that creatures could willfully sin against God
and Godowes nothing to them; rather by God’s long- and yet have the hope of universal salvation bv G~d’.,
suffering and mercy they enjoy what conscious reversal of his ownpenalty for the sin of willfu~
e.x_istence they have on earth. At death they return sinners. It was the Serpent, Satan, who promised
to the dust, to a state of non-existence. No hope of universal salvation, by persuading Eve that despite
future riving again would be possible for any of her willful sin against Godshe would be saved, and
them excepting for God’s providing of a sin-offering, she could enjoy sin against God and also enjoy
a "propitiation" for sins, for those willing to accept salvation.
the benefits of it on God’s terms. The principal term ’ Jehovah God vindicated his own law and turned
upon which they receive the good effects of that sin- Adamand Eve to destruction before a "day" or
offering or propitiation is that they must forever period of one thousand years passed. (Gem2: I7)
be for a vindication of God’s namein contradiction He instantly withdrew from them the right to life,
of the infamous reproaches that the Serpent has and left them to die amid the thorns and thistles
brought upon God’s blameless name. "Propitiation" outside Eden. He permitted them to reproduce their
means that thing which makes propitious, favorable, kind and rear children, and this God did for his
that is to say, the thing which removes the reason name’s sake. To these children he let the information
for Godto condemnthe creature and which therefore be handed down that God would in due time produce
brings the creature into the mercy, favor and loving- a Seed by his "woman", and which Seed would
kindness of God. "The wages of sin is death"; and destroy the Serpent, who by deception had brought
sin is charged against all men by inheritance from sin and death on them. It is the father who gives
their first father, Adam.The propitiation removes or transmits life, through the mother, whosupplies
the charge of sin as the cause of condemnation to the organism to the creature born. Adam, having
death from all whoavail themselves of the propitia- forfeited the right to life for himself, could not
tion, and is the sin-offering. transmit that right to his imperfect, sin-cursed off-
"The first man on earth, Adam, was perfect, spring. It was therefore the right to life as a perfect
because he was the creation of God, and, as for God, humancreature that he parted with both for himself
"Ills work is perfect." (Deut. 32 : 4) GodmadeAdam and for his offspring by Eve. Adamand Eve, having
in His likeness, that is, possessed of a suitable been directly on trial and failing therein, could never
1, 1942 2-tieWATCHTOWER. 229
recapture that right. However, their offspring had disabled and under God’s wrath and condemnation
not been personally on trial to determine their by birth. It was God’s love of the new world and
destiny, and could take advantage of whatever of those whomeet his requirements for living in it
merciful provision God might choose to make in that movedGodto furnish the meansof propitiation.
harmony with his justice and out of love for a new "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he
world and in vindication of his word and name. loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation
° If any of Adam’soffspring did not by faith choose for our sins."~l John 4:10.
to take advantage of God’s arrangement for life in
the new world, such ones would be the losers. God Mm*CULOUS PaOVlSm.~
wilt have tile new world of his love, regardless of ’~ Howcould God’s only begotten Son become the
whorefuses to seek life in it, and he will vindicate sin-offering to propitiate for sins? Certainly not by
his name by the Theocratic Government of that new remaining in his original condition. God his Father
world. Certainly no creature born in sin, and hence is spirit, the Supreme One, invisible to man and
under condemnation of death, could gain life in the almighty in power. When Almighty God Jehovah
new world if he did not choose the Builder thereof brought his first-born son into existence, that only
and also its King. To that effect it is written: "And begotten Son was like his Creator-Father, a spirit
this is the record, that Godhath given to us eternal or heavenly person, higher than man and more
life, and this life is in Iris Son. He that hath the powerful. "Whois the image of the invisible God,
Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God the firstborn of every creature." (Col. 1: 15)
hath not life." (1 John 5: 11,12) "Tile Father . . such the only begotten Son was perfect in mind and
hath given all things into his hand. He that believeth organism and possessed the right to everlasting life
on the Son hath everlasting life : and he that believeth in heaven in association and communion with his
not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God Father and his God, Jehovah.
abideth on him."~John 3 : 35, 36. ~ The Lord Godmadethis first-born, only begotten
~° Sin and the condemnation due to it rested as a Son his %Vord",or mouthpiece and executive, toward
disabilit3" upon Adam’sdescendants. In order that all creatures that should thereafter be created. Jeho-
such of thean as turn to Godin faith and obedience vah used this Wordthenceforth in the creation of
might have the way opened to gain and enjoy life all things animate and inanimate, including angels
in the new world, that disability must be lifted and and men. This Wordof God (John 1: 1-3) was there-
removed. God alone could do that, by furnishing a fore higher than angels, and, since man was made
sin-offering to makeatonement for the sins of those "a little lower than the angels", he was far higher
wanting to come into harmony with him. The "sin- than man. Adamhad been made a perfect man, and
offering" is the victim, whose offering is made whenhe sinned he lost for himself the right to life
necessary by sin, and which sin-offering is of such in absolute hmaan perfection. God made this earth
value and power as to be able to cancel or wipe out not in vain ; ’qle formedit to be inhabited" by perfect
tlle effect of the sin. men. (Isa. 45 : 12, 18) Adamforfeited that right for
’~ The word "atonement" is used in God’s law by all his descendants. For any of his offspring to come
Moses and in the writings of Christ’s apostles. It into enjoyment of that right a sin-offering must be
has the basic thought of "cover" and "exchange"; provided with the exact value-content of a perfect
that is, the thing exchanged or apphed instead of humanlife together with the right thereto. The life
another thing must exactly cover, correspond with of the Wordof Godin heaven was not of equal value
or duplicate that other thing. The English word with that, but far more excellent. Hence it was not
"’atonement" is derived from the expression "at one", suitable for a sin-offering. Note nowthe wisdomand
and has the Bible meaning. The thing which makes power and justice and love of Jehovah God, in meet-
.~atisfaetion for another thing that is lost or forfeited ing his own exact law, namely, ’%ife shall go for
must be "at one" with or cover, coincide with and be life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand,
exactly equivalent to that other thing. This, therefore, foot for foot."~Deut. 19: 21.
shows what must be required in the "sin-offering’: ~’Instantly that sin had entered into that first
It must correspond perfectly, without overlapping or world by Satan’s rebellion and Adam’stransgression,
without shortcoming, with the thing for which it Jehovah God purposed to build a new ~’orld of which
atones or makes just satisfaction. Only by atone- man on the earth should be a part, and which new
ment through such a sin-offering could favor be world would be governed by a new heavenly gov-
restored to one who is under a natural disability ernment, The Theocracy, under his only begotten
before God. Therefore the one whois offered as the Son. His Son would be the Seed of God’s ’~woman"
victim or sin-offering is the "propitiation" or the entrusted with the honor of vindicating God’s name
thing which makesGod favorable to the one hitherto by destroying sin from the universe, and all prac-
230 2-t eWATCHTOWER.
tieers thereof, including Satan, "that old Serpent, I have power to take it again. This commandment
which is the DeviL" That Son or Word of God was have I received of my Father."~John 10 : 17, IS.
the highest one in God’s mliversal organization, and ~’ The great adversary challenges Jehovah’s uni-
the Lord Godhad used him in the creation of all the versal domination. ~e raised the question of doubt
rest of God’s universal organization. (Col. 1: 15-18) that Almighty God is able to produce any creatureb
Thus God’s only begotten Son occupied a special of perfect integrity who, if exposed to assault b~
relationship with his Father toward that universal the Devil and his organization, would continue to
organization, namely, that of joint-creator thereof aclmowledgeGod’s universal dominati~mand to abide
with God. in his universal org’anization. God’s only begotten
’° It is written : "Knownunto Godare all his works Son, by proving his devotion and obedience perfect
from the beginning of the world." (Acts 15:18) under suffering, would supply a COmlJlete and last-
"Declaring the end from the begimdng, and from ing answer to that question and prove the Devil a
ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, false accuser. &t the earth, where S~ttan was the
Mycounsel shall stand, and I will do all mypleasure." invisible overlord of fallen man, that question had
(Isa. 46 : 10) Jehovah Godpurposed that the govern- been raised by the Devil in connection with man.
ment of the promised new world should be cut out Therefore it must be that God’s Son undergo the
of his universal organization as its "mother" and thorough test of his obedience, devotion and integrity
should be made the capital organization over and on the earth. He must become a man and undergo
above his entire universal organization. Also his the loss of life itself in order to provide the perfect
only begotten Son should be the anointed King in answer to the question in vindication of his Father’s
such capital organization. The great Organizer of name and word. Laying down his life in obedience
this new government also purposed that there should to Godwould, however, not meanthe loss of his right
be associated with his Son in the capital organization to life; rather it would prove his worthiness to
a body of 144,000 faithful membersover whomiris resumehis life with his Father in heavenly glory and
Son would be the Head. All these together, the to be ’clothed upon with immortality’ as a reward and
144,000 and One, should compose Jehovah’s royal to sit downwith his Father in His throne, there to
family of heaven. reign as King of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government.
’~ Tlds great privilege, however, was not to be Secondly, by laying downhis life and putting aside
gained without cost to the Son, namely, the cost of the humanity he had assumed he would provide the
absolute and complete obedience to his Father under sin-offering. Thereby he would open the way for
the most severe test. The Son had from the very devoted men and womento be redeemed from among
beginning of his life been obedient to Jehovah his hmnankindaild to be given a change to heavenly life.
Father, but nowhe must be perfected in his obedience to be associated with their Redeemerand IIead in thP
in order to qualify for the glorious position immedi- kingdom of heaven, The Theocracy.
ately next to the Most ttigh God. This obedience "At God’s chosen time he revealed this purpose.
must be perfected by holding faithful and true under which was before that a hidden mystery, to be hi:
the greatest suffering at the hands of the organiza- beloved Son. Joyful at the opportunity to be tht,
tion of the great Serpent, whois at enmity, with the vindicator of his Father’s name, the Son gladl)
Seed of God’s "woman". In agreement with this it accepted his Father’s will for him and a~reed to do
is written as to God’s method: "For it became him, it. The same love his Father had for the new wmhi
for whomare all things, and by whomare all things, was manifested by the Son. God was wflhng to ~ive
in bringing many sons unto [heavenly] glory, to his beloved Son to be the governmental Itead of that
makethe captain of their salvation perfect through new world. The Son was willing to ~ve his all for
sufferings." (tteb. 2: 10) The Son must be willing the privilege of clearing the Father’s name of all
to exchange all he had and undergo even the depriva- reproaches from the adversary. This giving of his
tion of life itself, in order that he mightfully demon- all Jesus pictured in two parables, saying: "Again.
strate his obedience to Jehovah Godand his love for the kingdomof tleaven is like unto treasure hid in
Him and his Theocratic Government of the new a field ; the which whena manhath found, he hideth.
world. In brief, the Son must be "faithful unto and for joy thereof goeth and selletb all that he hath.
death", and must trust his Father to use his almighty and buyeth that field. Again, the "kingdomof heaven
power to raise his Son out of death as a reward is like unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls;
of his Son’s perfect obedience and faithfulness. who, when he had found one pearl of great price,
Hencethe Son said ¯ "Therefore cloth my Father love went and sold all that he had, and bought it." (Matt.
me, because I lay down my life, that I might take :1_3:44-46) The "field" which the Son bought at the
it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it cost of his all was Jehovah’s universal organization,
down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and in the creation of which he had been a colaborer
AuGusT1, 1912 NieWATCHTOWER. 231
with God his Father. (John 17:10; Heb. 1:2) The the promised Theocratic Government.--Gen. 12:3;
"treasure" hidden therein, and the "one pearl of great 22 : 18 ; 2 Sam.7 : 12-16; Ps. 89 : 20-37.
price", was and is the "kingdomof heaven", the gov- ~ Jehovah further promised that the future Ruler
ernment of the new world. It included the privilege would be born at Bethlehem in the tribe of Judah.
of being the Head thereof and to have associated (Mic. 5:2) In keeping with all his promises God’s
with him in his throne 144,000 redeemed from among Son was miraculously conceived and born by the
men. Thus in the selling of all he had the Son laid virgin at Bethlehem; "concerning his Son Jesus
aside his life and glory in heaven and became a Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of
perfect man, poor in comparison. David according to the flesh; and declared to be the
1~ The laying aside of heavenly life and glory was Son of God with power." (Rom. 1:3, 4) His human
not a part of the sin-offering. "The law of the Lo~m birth ~’as not an incarnation making him part man
is perfect," and it pro~’ided that like should go for and part spirit person. No; but in this transfer of
like. The sin-offering must therefore have a value his fife to the virgin’s wombJehovah’s God-like Son
exactly equal to that which was lost or forfeited by divested himself of everything spirit and heavenly
the perfect man Adam. (Ps. 19: 7; Lev. 24: 20,21; and becamea man. His serving as the "sin-offering"
Ex. 21 : 23-25) The sin-offering in man’s behalf must absolutely required this. (Phil. 2:5-8) "And the
be a ransom of exactly corresponding price or value. Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
The spirit life and glory of which the Son divested beheld lfis glory, the glory as of the only begotten
himself to become the ’~man Christ Jesus" was far of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (Jotm 1: 14)
higher and of far greater value and worth than any- As a man his name was called "Jesus".
thing the perfect manin Eden possessed and enjoyed.
Hence the Son’s emptying himself of this heavenly PERFECT
power and position was not part of the sin-offering, ~Being born of an imperfect woman descended
but was part of his proving perfect obedience to his from Adam, was Jesus perfect in the flesh? or was
Father. It was in order that he might become a it possible for him to have the right to perfect human
perfect manand maintain his integrity toward Iris life and at the same time not have a perfect human
Father under the crucial test and thereby provide body? Job had reference to a child’s rattler whenhe
Jehovah’s complete answer to Satan’s lie. This would asked the question: "Whocan bring a clean thing
be for the vindication of Jehovah’s name and would out of an unclean? not one." (Job 14: 4) But Jesus
prove the Son to be worthy to be Head of Jehovah’s did not have an unclean father, as his life was not
capital organization and as such the Vindicator of from Adam, but direct from God, the Holy One.
God’s name. Thus viewed, the chief purpose of God’s ¯ 3 It should not be necessar3’ to discuss this ques-
beloved Son in becoming a perfect man was, not to tion. As early as 1897 the WATCHTOWER puhlicatmns
provide redemption for humanldnd, but to bear wit- (VolumeFive of Studies in the Scriptures) referred
hess to Jehovah’s name and new government and to to it in these words: "Of the two false but popular
x-indicate His name.---John18 : 37, 36. theories one claims that our Lord Jesus was the
’° What,then, is the "sin-offering"? It is the perfect Ahnighty God, Jehovah, who merely garbed himself
Victim that provides propitiation for the sins of all in humanflesh, without really having actual sensi-
those of Adam’s descendants who are eventually bilit3, of humanity’s trials, temptations and environ-
redeemed or delivered from sin and death. When ments. The other theory cla.i_ms that he was a sinful
God’s fullness of time was come his heavenly Son man, partaker of the blemishes of our race, just as
divested himself of all above and Jehovah God his others, but more successful than others in combatting
Father transferred his life to the wombof a virgin and resisting the motions of sin .... Since this was
of the tribe of Judah. Hence this virgin was a the divine program--that our Lord should not only
descendant of Abraham, who was called "the friend be the Redeemer of the world, but also a pattern
of God". She was also a descendant of David, the for the "brethren’ who would be his joint-heirs,-
anointed king of Israel Jehovah had declared to therefore, in carrying out this divine programit was
AbrahamHis unconditional covenant to set up The fitting that he should in all his trials and experiences
be ’made like unto his brethren’. "He was tempted in
Theocratic Government and that the seed of Abra- all points like as we are, yet without sin.’ (Heb.
hamshould rule therein, and that in Abraham’sseed 4: 15) It will be noticed that this statement is not
all men whowill may bless themselves by faith and that our Lord was tempted in all points like as the
obedience. Thereafter, with Abraham’s descendant world is tempted, but like as we, his followers, are
David, Jehovah made the eovenant for the Kingdom tempted, lie was not tempted along the fines of
and declared in this covenant that of the seed of depraved appetites for sinful things, received by
David God would set the l~uler upon the throne of heredity, from an earthly parentage ; but being holy,
I~. Y.

harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners, he true as a witness for Jehovah and his Theocracy
was tempted along the same lines as his followers under the reproaches and oppositions by the enemy?
. . ."--The At-one-meLt Between God and Man, ’~ By his faithful course which led to his death
pages 107, 109, 110. on the tree Jesus answered that principal question
"The Scriptures do not state that God’s Wordwas at issue to the honor and vindication of his Father.
madeimperfect flesh ; nor do the Scriptures say God’s The matter of being frail, infirm and imperfect as
Son was madein sinful flesh, filled with inherited sinful humans are was not involved or required for
weaknesses. Romans8:4 (Weymouth’s translation) the settlement of the issue at all. Jesus healed of
states: ’For what was impossible to the Law-- their sickness and diseases those that came to him
thwarted as it was by humanfrailty--God effected. in faith, and this at the cost of virtue which went
Sending His own Son in the form of sinful humanity out from him. Thus he partook of the infirmities of
to deal with sin, God pronounced sentence upon sin men and womenof faith and showed his feeling for
in human nature; in order that in our case the and loving-kindness toward them. (Mark 5 : 30 : Luke
requirement of the Lawmight be fully met.’ Jesus’ 6:L9; 8:46) This was in fulfillment of the prophecy,
body was real flesh, but not sinful or imperfect; it at Isaiah 53:4. It would have been impossible if he
was merely in the "Ln~.~ESSof sinful flesh". Jesus had himself been filled with frailties and infirmities
was in the likeness of other men whose power of and imperfections in his ownflesh. (Matt. 8: 16, 17)
existence was transmitted from the sinner Adam; The inspired writer cites a proof of perfection in the
but Jesus was not exactly such as other men are, flesh by this example: "If any manoffend not in word.
because only his mother was human and God was the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle
his Father. Because of Jesus’ likeness to other men, the whole body." (Jas. 3:2) To prove Jesus’ per-
the religionists accused him of being born of fornica- fection the divine testimony is: "Christ also suffered
tion, not recognizing God as Jesus’ Father. Jesus for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow
"made himself of no reputation, and took upon him his steps: whodid no sin, neither was guile found in
the form of a servant, and was made in the L~SS his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not
of men [children of Adam]: and being found in again; whenhe suffered, he threatened not, but com.
fashion as a man, he humbled tfimseff, and became mitted himself to him that judgeth righteously: wh~
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross". his own self bare our sins in his o~mbody on the
--Phil. 2 : 7, 8. tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto
,5 The argument is raised that Jesus had the right righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."
to human life, but was born imperfect, with the (1 Pet. 2: 21-24) To his religious accusers Jesus
humanfrailties of sinful men, just so he might in said: "Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if
himself personally ex-perience what it felt like to I say the truth, whydo ye not believe me ! He that
have such frailties to fight against and overcome, in is of God heareth God’s words: ve therefore hear
order that he might be able to sympathize fully with themnot, becauseye are not of Go¢[."--John8 : 46, 47.
humanldnd as their High Priest. Such argument "It is inconsistent to say Jesus could be imperfect
magnifies the creature man. It overloo~ the primary in the flesh but could havethe right to everlasting life
purpose for which Jesus was sent to earth to become because of the perfect integrity of his heart toward
man. The real issue was not how it felt to be a man God. The ancient record truly does say that "Noah
imperfect and sinful in tendency and how hard it was a just man,and perfect in his generations"; and
was for such an imperfect, sin-laden creature to fight that God commanded Abraham, ’%Valk before me,
and overcome the weakness of the flesh. It was not and be thou perfect"; and that God said that Job
sympathy for sinful man and the need therefore to was a "perfect and an upright man". (GEL. 6:9;
taste their frailties that brought God’s Son to earth. 17:1; Job 1:1,8; 2:3) But the perfection in the
The question that was linked to the issue of God’s sense there meant did not of itself entitle them to
universal domination and which must be settled was : the right to perfect humanlife. Their receiving the
Adamas a perfect manhad failed to resist the Devil right to life depends upon the sin-offering of Jesus
and his temptation. Could Jehovah, then, put his Son applied in their behalf. This proves that Jesus had
as a perfect manon earth, subject him to the temp- more than mere perfection of heart integrity as those
tations and sufferings at the hands of Satan and his faithful menhad it. Jesus had perfection of flesh,
demons, and still have Jesus maintain his integrity of human organism, and because of this he was
absolutely flawless and not be forced out of God’s able to provide the sin-offering. Concerning the
organization? Would Jesus show perfectness of animal offered as a typical offering upon God’s altar
obedience under such e.xperience of temptation and Jehovah’s law required: "It shall be perfect to be
suffering, even unto death, and thereby vindicate his accepted; there shall be no blemish therein." (Lev.
Father’s word and name ? Wouldhe be faithful and 22 : 21) This does not refer to perfect heart integrity,

for a dumbbrute has none; it refers to its physical SPIRIT-BEGETTING

condition. All this has forceful meaningwhentaken ’°Jesus as a boy was a perfect child, with a
in connection with Jesus’ words: ’~I am the living perfect child’s mind. Hence he sought information
bread which came down from heaven: if any man at God’s temple in Jerusalem. To his earthly care-
eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the takers he there said: "Howis it that ye sought me?
bread that I will give is myflesh, which I will give wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s busi-
for the life of the world."--John 6:51. ness?" (Luke 2:42-49) When he grew to perfect
’~ Jesus’ fitness to be the sin-offering required his manhood,arriving at the age of thirty years, he was
perfection in the flesh together with the right to released from all subjection to his human home-
humanlife in such a perfect humanbody. As it is keepers and he applied himself directly and exclu-
written: "For he hath made him to be sin for us, sively to his heavenly Father’s business. He conse-
who kmewno sin; that we might be made the right- crated himself to Jehovah God to do his will. In
eousness of God in him." (2 Cor. 5:21) It is the public symbol of this consecration to be dead to his
sin-offering that makes atonement. That means it own will as a man and to be alive to God’s will
supplies the perfect satisfaction and coverage for as God’s servant, Jesus submitted to baptism, being
that which was lost or forfeited and which it is the totally immersed beneath Jordan’s waters by John
desire to buy back or recover. This is according to the Baptist. Immediately thereafter the revelation
God’s perfect law that like shall go for like in of his heavenly Father’s will came to him; figur-
absolute justice. Adamwas created with a perfect atively, "the heavens were opened unto him." God
humanorganism, and he had the right to humanlife e-xpressed his acceptance of the consecration by the
in such an organism. By willful transgression of pouring out of IlLs spirit upon Jesus, the descent of
God’s published law Adamlost both these valuable the spirit being accompaniedby that heavenly symbol
things for himself and his offspring. Therefore Adam of peace, the dove. (Matt. 3: 13-17) There for the
(lied. God’sjustice wasperfectly satisfied in his death first time Jesus was announced to human ears as
and shall forever be satisfied therein, and the sen- the Son of God: "And, lo, a voice from heaven, say-
tence upon Adamshall never be reversed, for the ing, This is my beloved son, in whomI am well
great Judge, Jehovah God, changes not. pleased." That meant that Jesus’ condition was
~ Adam’s offspring by Eve were not born of an altered again from what it was at the time of his
innocent woman,for she was "in the transgression" human birth. How?
and hence under the same sentence with him. Their *~ Jehovah’s will was that Jesus should lay doxwn
children were born imperfect, and dying, and per- his life to vindicate kis Father’s nameby provnng
force under God’s wrath and condemnation. In due faithful under suffering even unto the death. There-
time all must perish for ever, unless God made by he would come to the perfection of his obedience
provision for those having faith and obedience to toward God and would overcome Satan’s world and
live in the new world. For the humanperfection and so would prove worthy to sit downwith his heavenly
the right to humanlife to be recovered for them a Father in his celestial throne. (Rev. 3: 21) He must
sin-offering must be presented to Godin their behalf. suffer in order to reign thereafter. Hence Jehovah
None of Adam’s offspring possessed the values to in his prophecy gave the promise that when Jesus
fit them to provide the sin-offering. In loving-kind- should thus die faitbful to Himhe would not leave
ness and for his name’s sake Goddid so. To provide Jesus’ soul in hell (Sheol, the death condition), but
the exact equivalent of what Adamhad forfeited by would raise him out of death on the third day unto
sin, it was necessary that Jesus divest himself of his life evermore.(Ps. 16 : 10 ; Acts 2 : 23-32) This’meant
heavenly position and powers and become a perfect that Jesus would return to life in the spirit with his
lnan, possessed of the right to humanlife. This Jesus Father in heaven.
did. Moreover he must lay down these humanthings " Moreover, and in a secondary order, it was
of value and for ever part with them by presenting Jehovah’s will that Jesus should at the same time
them to the great Life-giver Jehovah. Then the Lord offer his perfect humanlife as a sacrifice, to serve
God could justly bestow such valuable things upon the purpose of a sin-offering, that faithful menmight
all or as many of Adam’soffspring as would please have the way opened to gain life in the new world.
Godand prove worthy thereof by faith and obedience (John 14 : 6) Thereby Jesus would becomeJehovah’s
toward Him and his High Priest Christ Jesus. So High Priest to offer sacrifice for the sins of the
it is written: "But we see Jesus, who was made a people. Also by holding fast his integrity under
little lower than the angels, for the suffering of crucial suffering unto the death on the tree he would
death, crowned with glory and honour: that he by prove worthy to becomeGod’s ~high priest after the
the grace of Godshould taste death for every man." order of Melchizedek’, that is, a high priest upon a
--Heb. 2 : 9. royal throne, a king-priest like Melchizedekof old.
(Heb. 3:1; 5:1-6; 7:1-17; Ps. 110:4) Therefore Jesus who had like him consecrated themselves to
when Jehovah God accepted Jesus’ consecration at God were assembled together in Jerusalem. There
Jordan the heavenly Father took Jesus into the Jehovah God by Christ Jesus poured out his spirit
covenant by sacrifice. (Ps. 50:5) That covenant was upon them, begetting them of the spirit and also
made beyond repeal or recall. Hence when Jehovah anointing them as his commissioned witnesses and
accepted Jesus for sacrifice, Jesus was as good as putting them in line for a place in the govermnent
dead as a perfect man. Immediately thereupon the of the new world with their Head Christ Jesus.
great Life-giver begot Jesus by his ahnighty invisible (Acts 2) From then on Jehovah God by these
power to life in the spirit, and Jesus became the anointed witnesses has continued the proclamation
spiritual Son of God, having the right to life in the of his kingdom under Christ. Thereby he has been
spirit. For this new reason Jehovah acknowledged selecting out from the worldly nations others to
Jesus as his Son who was and is well-pleasing to complete the number of 144,000 to be united with
his heavenly Father. Jesus was still in the perfect Jehovah’s King in The Theocratic Government.
body of flesh, but he was nonetheless a "new crea- (Acts 15 : 14-18 ; Rom.11 : 11, 25) All these must hear
ture", because by his Father’s begetting of him by the Kingdom gospel, must exercise faith in Jehovah
the spirit Jesus now had right to life in the spirit as God and in Christ Jesus as his King and must
with the sure and certain hope to "ascend up where accept of the benefits of his sin-offerin~ for huma~-
he was before". (2 Cor. 5 : 17 ; John 6 : 62) When kind. They must prove their faith by makil,g a com-
should in due time ascend up there, then he would plete consecration of themselves throu;~h Christ to
present at the throne of God the value of his human do God’s will. Then they mu.~t follow car~,fuliy in
sacrifice as a ransom for every man that believes in his footsteps and be faithful and true witnesses to
Jehovah God and in his provision for life through God and his kingdom as Jesus was. If G~d is pleased
Christ Jesus. to take them into the covenant by sacrifice, he .]us’i-
"Having begotten Jesus by the spirit, Jehovah ties them for that purpose on the basis of the merits
God also took him into the covenant for the Kingdom of Jesus’ sin-offering. He then accepts them to be
or Theocracy and anointed him with the spirit of sacrificed and begets them with the splrlt of InS
power to be the King thereof. There God’s Son power to be his spiritual children. (llom. 5:1: 8:1;
became Christ Jesus, that is, the Anointed Jesus, Jas. 1: 18) These follow Jesus’ example and pnbli~.l.~
Christ meaning "Anointed", and Jesus meamng symbolize their consecration to G,d by being bap-
"Savior". That Jesus was then anointed or commis- tized in water.--Acts 2 : 37-41.
sioned to be the Theocratic King is evidenced dur- "If these consecrated ones in the covenant hv sac-
ing Jesus’ temptation thereafter in the wilderness, rifice prove faithful under test, Jehovah God baptizes
when the Devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of thin thezn into the "body of Christ" and anoints them as
world and offered them to Jesus for his worship of members thereof with his spirit and bri~,~s them
the Dexdl. Jesus turned down the offer flatly and tmld into the covenant of faithfulness for ~he Kin.:d,m~
to the worship of Jehovah. (.Matt. 4: 1-10) In ful- of God. (Rom. 6: 3-5) They must be baptiJed m the
fillment of his commission to announce the Theo- likeness of Jesus’ death in order to share m his
cratic Government of the new world to men, Jesus, resurrection unto life m the spirit. They must suffel
as soon as tie came forth from the wilderness, began with him ff they would reign with bin, m the Kl~,;:-
to teach and preach, "Repent: for the kingdom of dom. They must be perfected in obedml,ce u,~d~,r
heaven is at hand."--Matt. 4:17. suffering and prove their integrity toward (~,~,1
s, Jesus then by this preaching began to gather under the crucial test, in order to be associated with
about him the first ones of the 144,000 who were to Christ Jesus in the vindication of his Father’s name.
be joined with him in his kingdom. Whenhe ascended (Matt. 20: 22, 23; 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12) Whenthe Lord
up on high after finishing his earthly course, he did comes in his kingdom and comes to his temple for
not immediately begin the active operation of thai judgment of those worthy and those unworthy to
heavenly kingdom over men. It was not then God’s enter into the new world, the faithful body members
time for Satan’s world to be ousted and destroyed. are united with the Lord Jesus Christ in the King-
Hence Jehovah God bade his Son, Jesus Christ our dom. Those body members that slept in death are
Lord, to await the due time to act against the enemy awakened at his coming and made like him in the
world. "But this man, after he had offered one sac- "first resurrection". The remnant of body membe,-s
rifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand yet alive on earth are engaged in giving a faithful
of God; from her, eeforth expecting [awaiting] till his witness concerning the Kingdom unto all nations
enemies be made his footstool."--Heb. 10:12, 13. for a testimony. They must finish their earthly course
"Ten days after his ascension to heaven came the faithful unto death in completion of their covenant
day of Pentecost, and the faithful disciples of Christ by sacrifice. Then they are given an instantaneous
1, 1942 25eWATCHTOWER. 235

resurrection-change, to he madelike him and to see shall live as perfect humancreatures on the earth
him as he nowis in divine glory. (1 Cor. 15: 50-54; in the new world receive the benefits thereof under
1 John 3 : 1, 2) Christ Jesus and all these whopartici- the established Kingdomor Theocratic Government.
pate with him in the "first resurrection" constitute Since A. D. 1914 that Governmenthas been in opera-
together the "new heavens" which Jehovah God tion for the bringing of Jehovah’s glorious purpose
promisedto create for the newworld.--I~ev. 20: 4, 6; to a grand climax in vindication of his name and
21: l; 2 Pet. 3: 13. word. Since 144,000 are to be finally associated with
him in that Governmentof Righteousness, and since
"THE WHOLE WORLD" these have been justified and taken into the covenant
" Christ Jesus is the propitiation for sins not only of sacrifice with Christ and must carry it out faithful
of those associated ,aith him in the "new heavens", unto death, do these have part with Christ Jesus in
but also of the "whole world". This would include the the sin-offering?
"other sheep". These the Lord is nowgathering, and ’° During the World War, which marked the "begin-
to them he extends the hope of surviving the battle ning of sorrows" for the old world now facing its
of Armageddonand thereafter living upon the earth, final end, the newspapers published the statements
forever enjoying righteousness and peace and pros- of certain religious preachers that the menwhofell
perity under the "new heavens". Since this is the in death in the line of duty to their earthly country
period of the "covenant by sacrifice", the "other had a part in the sacrifice of Christ and therefore
sheep", whoshall remain forever on the earth, will had an in.unediate passport rote heaven. :ks ’part of
not be justified until after Armageddon,to carry out the sacrifice of Christ’ the preachers meant that the
the divine mandate to multiply and fill the cleansed fallen ones bestowed benefits like Christ’s on the
earth with their righteous offspring. That "whole rest of hums-nk_ind that survived them. For hundreds
world", wherein righteousness shall reign, will of years, particularly since the sixth century, Roman
include also those faithful men who occupied the Catholic popes and priests have been celebrating the
relation of earthly fathers to Christ Jesus and who so-called "mass", whereby they claim to call down
died faithful prior to Christ’s ascension to heaven Christ Jesus from heaven and to sacrifice him anew
mud selection of the "kingdom of heaven" class. under the forms of bread and wine upon their reli-
Because his propitiation for sins includes those gious altars. So doing, each priest is m~derstoodto
faithful ones of old, they shall receive life from him have an indispensable part in passing on or releasing
as their father in a "better resurrection". Hence further benefits of Christ’s sacrifice to those con-
they shall becomethe children of "The Everlasting tributing moneyfor the mass and those assisting
Father", and he will make them "princes in all the at the mass.
earth". As such they shall rule as the visible repre- ’~ In answer to the question here raised the follow-
sentatives of the "new heavens" and shall constitute hag quotation is made from the book Salratton, pub-
the "new earth" or visible ruling organization over lished in 1939: "It has been repeatedly said that the
menthat live on the literal earth.--Ps. 45: 16; Isa. church, that is, the glorified membersof the body
32 : 1 ; Heb.11 : 3540. of Christ, by reason of their sacrifice, have a part
~ Furthermore, that "whole world" for which in the sin offering; and in support of that theory
Christ Jesus is the propitiation for sins would the followingscripture is offered : ’Then shall he kill
include those whohave "done evil" because of birth the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people,
in sin and whohave died, but who have not perished and bring his blood within the vail, and do w~th that
because of practicing willful rebellion and wicked- blood as he did with the blood of the bullock, and
ness against God. Such ones sleep in the graves, and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and before the
shall be rememberedwhenthe One who is the propi- mercy seat.’ (Leviticus 16: 15) Neither the foregoing
tiation for sins calls forth all such in the general nor any other scripture sustains the conclusion that
earthly resurrection under the I~ngdom. They shall the body members of Christ have any part in the
have a "resurrection of judgment"if they avail them- sin offering. It is the lifeblood of lhe man Jesus
selves of the propitiation and then devote themselves alone that is the valuable thing, the purchase price,
to Jehovah God and obey his Theocratic Rule.~ and which price is presented and paid over as a
John5 : 28, 29. sin offering."--Page 197, ¶ 1, 2.
’-’Because this is the day of the vindication of
WHO HASPARTIN THESLY-OFFERING? Jehovah’s name, and the subject of the sin-offering
’~ It is thus seen that the spiritual class of the is inseparably related therewith, The Watchtower
Lord’s followers who reign with him in the "new in its next two issues will take up a verse-by-verse
heavens"are first to receive the benefits of the propi- examination of Leviticus, chapter sixteen, above
tiation, from Pentecost forward. The others who quoted from, concerning the typical day of atone-
ment for Israel. In the meantime prepare for the was a shadow of good things to come for those who
study thereof by reading and becoming familiar seek the new world.MHeb. 10: 1.
with the features of that typical atonement day. It (To be continued)


T WASa time of crisis when the Lord Jesus Christ
I ate his last passover with his faithful apostles and set
the memorial of his death aa ’the Lambof God which
Anciently in the temple at Jerusalem only the Levites were
trained and allowed to sing in the temple service. (1 Chron.
6: 31, 32 ; Neh. 12: 46,47) From the Levites the priests
taketh away the sin of the world". Nevertheless, when he were taken, and these are the singers. Not everyone who
had finished speaking to them about God’s kingdom, sym- can make a noise would be chosen to sing before the King
bolized by MountZion, it is written, "when they had sung Only highly trained voices would be given that privilege.
an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives."-- No one could ever learn the song except God’s anointed
Matt. 26: 30. whoshall be God’s royal family. The Hebrewward "learn"
Those faithful apostles were only the first of the company means "accustom oneself to". And so it is that practice,
of 144,000 who follow Christ’s steps faithfully unto death and much of it, is required; and constancy in the work
and who shall therefore reign with him in his heavenly of witnessing to Jehovah’s name and kh~gdomis a thing
kingdom, the l~Iount Zion. At the end of Satan’s rule, essential. Only those who do the required practice are
the time of the world’s great crisis, this companyis visual- pictured in this group of singers. That explains whythere
ized as singing without fear of men or governments the is a remnant that really earnestly and faitlduUy does the
praises of Jehovah God and his Righteous Governmentfor work of making the word and name of Jehovah known.
such of humankind as obey God. "And I looked, and, lo, Andthey must learn the text of that song, and the .harmony;
a Lambstood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and this they do by makinguse of the "meat in due season",
fort3" and four thousand, having his Father’s namewritten which by the grace of God is provided for the remnant.
in their foreheads. And they sung as it were a new song That "meat in due season" is the ilhunination and publica-
before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the tion of his Wordof truth from time to time. That textbook
elders: and no man could learn that song hut the hundred of song is "sealed" to the earthly learned and the religmnists
and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from and to the "old men", who are dreamers and prefer to
the earth."mRev. 14: 1, 3. snore rather than to sing with enthusmsm. (Joel 2:25)
The singers have The Throne, and not who they are, The persons of good-will who become the earthly compan.
in mind. They are not the important ones. It is Jehovah ions of the remnant become familiar with the theme of
and his King, whose praise they sing. In the grand chorus that "new song" sung officially by the remnant, and they
the 144,000 are singing "before the four beasts", that sound it forth to others who are pleased to hear (Roy
is, in the presence and hearing of Jehovah’s universal 22:17) The faithful are rejoicing, and they pray for
organization, four-square, perfect, symbolized by four success and prosperity from the Lord as they sing. (Ps
living creatures. Thus they are made a "theater . . . to 118: 24,25) They say: "Give me understanding, that
may learn thy commandments."~Ps. 119: 73.
angels, and to men". (1 Cor. 4:9, margin) Even the
"prisoners" of the enemy organization Babylon are hear- To his children of the royal family the Lord God gives
ing the song and are being loosed by the Lord God. instruction, and the same rule applies to their earthly
The 144,000, including the remnant on earth, sing to companions,the Lord’s "other sheep", to wit : "A x~lse man
each other and sing to all who love Jehovah God; they will hear, and will increase learning; and a manof under-
lift up a standard for the people and point them to God’s standing shall attain unto wise counsels" (Prov. 1:5)
kingdom. (Isa. 62:10-12) They bring good tidings "Give instruction to a wise man,and he will be yet x~ Iser’
great joy; they publish peace and say unto those of Zion, teach a just man, and he will increase mlearmng." (Prov
"Thy God reigneth"; they see eye to eye the wonders of 9:9) It is therefore the wise that understand and gixe
God’s purposes, and together they lift up the voice and praise to the Lord God and that dehght m his service.
sing. (Isa. 52: 7-9) All those whoby reason of growth and "the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the x~ncked
maturity are "elders" in Christ and whohave been raised shall understand; but the wise shall understand" (Dan
out of death in the first resurrection likewise hear the 12: 10) Further, it is written: "The sweetness of the lips
song. All whoare of the 144,000 must sing now, and they increaseth learning. The heart of the wise teacheth Ior,
do sing. The singing in the hearing of all of God’s organi- maketh wise] his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips"
zation implies that the remnant on earth must now be (Prov. 16: 21,23) The wise are they that hear the com-
singing as their theme God’s supremacy in the throne, in mandments of the Lord and hasten to obey them They
order that his word and his name might be made known use their lips in obedience to God’s commandmem~ and
and in due time fully vindicated. learn to sing that "newsong", the song of the new world,
"No man could learn that song but the hundred and the "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
forty and four thousand." This means that no one aside righteousness".~2 Pet. 3:13.
from God’s anointed can appreciate and join the invisible Concerning the 144,000 it is written that they were
members of God’s organization in the song of joy. One "redeemed from the earth". (Roy. 14:3) The last members
must appreciate a thing in order to really rejoice therein. of these are yet on the earth singing the song. This faithful
iuousz i, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER, 237

remnant are "redeemed" through the love of God and by In ancient time dissolute womenwere attached to the
the blood of "The Lamb",Christ Jesus. They are literally heathen temples. The unfaithful prophet Balaam suggested
separated from the earth, being "in the world, but not to King Balak, who wanted to demoralize the Israelites,
of it", and in due time they, having finished their earthly that he employ such immoral womento entice God’s cove-
course and service, shall be taken from the earth to be nant people and to ’call the people to the sacrifices of
forever with the Lord in the heavens of the new world. their demongod’. Balak had somesuccess: "and the people
"They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall did eat, and bowed down to their gods." (See Numbers
reign with him a thousand years."--Rev. 20: 6. 25: 1-6.) The counsel of Balaam thus caused the children
The faithful remnant are further identified and of Israel to commit trespass against Jehovah God in the
described in the vision (Rev. 14:4, 5): "These are they "matter of Peor" (a devilish worship with lewd rites).
which were not defiled with women;for they are virgins. Thus Balaam instructed Balak to cast a stumblingstone
These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he before the Israelites, to eat the things sacrificed to idols
goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the and to commit fornication. Revelation 2:14 mentions this
firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their incident, and declares that those whocompromisewith the
mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault Devil’s organization, thereby committingspiritual adultery,
before the throne of God." Howare they not "defiled with are an abomination to Jehovah God.
women"?The "women"here referred to must be dissolute The faithful hundred and forty-four thousand singers
women, which symbohcally represent the "god of this are described as "wise virgins" that are separated and
world" and are in h~s service. In the Bible the term devoted in singleness of life and purpose to God. The
applies to the religious systems that practice deceit and apostle Paul was anxious to safeguard them, "that I may
draw men away from Jehovah God. Here, however, the present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." (2 Cor. 11:2)
term "women"means much more than that. It represents Their eye is single to one thing; and that is, faithful
the devilish influence, sly, deceitful and seductive, that service to the Lord amid the world’s crisis. They "follow
tries to induce those whoare begotten of God’s spirit to the Lambwhithersoever he goeth" and delight to walk in
violate his law either positively or negatively. That means his footsteps. (1 Pet. 2 : 21; Rev. 14 : 4) The account states
either to refuse to keep and perform God’s commandments that these "were redeemed from among men, being the
or to neglect to do so. Sometimesa legal earthly wife of firstfruits unto [the Lord]". Their presentation to the Lord
a consecrated man may cause him such defilement, or was foreshadowed by the "two wave loaves" presented by
the husband mayexercise the same influence to cause the Israel’s high priest on the day of Pentecost, fifty days
wife to refrain from serving the Lord. As stated at Luke after the offering of the first-ripe sheaf of grain. As to
14 20 concerning those invited to come to the Lord: "And those "two waveloaves", "they are the firstfruits unto the
another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot LOAD."(Lev. 23:17) Hence Pentecost was called "the
come." feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours". (Ex. 23 : 16)
Also literal mothers, sisters and daughters, and others, On Pentecost of A. D. 33, fifty days after Christ’s resur-
are used by the great adversary to draw consecrated ones rection, there was a fulfillment of that prophetic pmture
away from God’s service. "If any man come to me, and in a miniature way. But in 1918, at the coming of the
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, Lord to the great spiritual temple for judgment of the
and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he church and of the nations, that feast of the firstfruits
cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) One who is in was fulfilled in a complete way by the resurrection of the
covenant to do God’s will must love Jehovah God with all faithful ones asleep in death and by the gathering of the
his heart. That does not mean he is to do injury to any- remnant of the 144,000 to the condition of unity with the
one, but, with him, to please Godis that of first importance. Lord at Mount Zion. The 144,000 is a very small number
The Scriptures explain that the wrongful influence is due comparedwith the billi6ns that shall live forever on earth
to the fact that, to quote 1 Corinthians 7:29, 33, "he that under God’s kingdom, and are therefore spoken of as the
~s married careth for the things that are of the world, how "firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb".
he mayplease his wife," and hence manifests love for his These are without guile or lies, and "are without fault
wife rather than for the Lord and his kingdom. Therefore before the throne". (Rev. 14:5) They "walk in the light",
the advice is given: "The time is short: it remaineth, that and hence enter into the heavenly city. They are not false
both they that have wives be as though they had none." Christs, that is, false anointed ones, but are true to their
Earthly relatives often induce one to divide his affections anointing or eommi~qionto be Jehovah’s witnesses. They
with ’things of this world’, which pertains to Satan’s do not turn the truth into a lie by worshiping the creature
organization, by giving less consideration to God’s service instead of the Creator. (See 1 John1 : 7 ; Revelation22 : 14
and his kingdom. Such relatives argue that one should 21:27; Matthew 24:24; Romans 1:23,25.) They do not
not make himself foolish and obnoxious to the world, but honor men ; but they worship and serve and obey God, and
should show the proper honor to the world and to the men do not Lie whenthey say that they "knowhim". The remnant
and institutions of the world. Thus they are led to worship shall not do iniquity or speak lies. (1 John 2:4; Zeph.
or give honor to the Devil’s organization and are defiled. 3: 13) They do not add anything to God’s Word, lest they
The faithful remnant must be absolutely and completely be found liars thereby. (Prov. 30:6) "A faithful witness
separated from Satan’s organization. They stand out boldly will not lie," and the remnant must continue as faithful
as God’s witnesses. witnesses.~Prov. 14 : 5.
Jehovah predestinated not the individual creatures, course here and shall have their instantaneous chanCe m
but that those he selects for his service and kingdom shall the "’first resurrection" and be presented "faultless before
be faultless as to their love and devotion to Him. (Eph. the presence of his glory". (Jude 24) As the number
1 : 4) They devote themselves to God and endeavor to carry this faithful remnant on earth decreases, the number of
out his will so "that the ministry be not blamed", and in their beloved companions who shall abide on earth forever
this endeavor they shine as "the light of the world". (2 Cor. in peace and happiness increases to a great multitude.
6:3; Phil 2-15,16) God keeps them by his power and These now join with *~he remnant in the joyful song of
in due time the remnant yet on earth shall finish their praise to Jehovah God and hm "kingdom by Christ.


F ROMthe beginning the great First Cause knew his
purposes. In perfect wisdom he declared his purposes,
and there can be no successful hindering to the carry-
God, but be found loyal, true and faithful. Then with
confidence he can ask that God will graciously receive him.
That relationship truly existing, lie will render unto his
ing out of his purposes. One of his great purposes is to God the calves of his lips. It is with the hps that we give
establish a government of righteousness on the earth. After praise. Strength is in the calves of the legs. Therefore the
affording creatures ample opportunity to feel the iron hand calves of the lips represent the strength of the hps (Heb
of the cruel oppressor and to mark the oft-repeated iLypo- 13: 15) That means that if, worldly governments to the
critical human plans for reform and relief, then he will contrary, the servant of Jehovah has divine apt)r()val
reveal to all his government which shall dash to pieces all has entered into the "joy of the Lord" and is therefore
wickedness. In his government there shall be no vacillating giving the strength of his song of praise unto his God
or uncertain policies. There shall be no oppremol~, fraud- It is written: ’%Vhere there is no vision, the people
ulent politicians, or hypocritical teachers or judges. His perish" (Prov. 29: 1S) No one wllo is "taugM of God"
government must be righteous, equitable, and true, and wdl now has any good reason for being in darkness. The dis-
claim and have the absolute confidence of all honest crea- obedient religmmsts, however, will not have a vision of the
tures. His own zeal will accomplish his righteous purposes. truth. Those who decline to see the truth as God taxes
--Isa. 9: 7. it to hLs people must of necessity fall. Jehovah ~s eausm,_,
He is the Most High God. (Ps. 91: 1) To those who his "lightnm~s" to flash from the temple to his faithful
give their unqualified allegiance to him tie is complete and witnesses The faithful arc privileged to have a vlsmn of
absolute security. He is a sanctuary for tho~e whomhe has his proposes. It is no mirage that the~ now see They
taken into a covenant wlth him to do his will. "’Thy way, see the truth as God reveals it, and understand it and
O God, is in the sanctuary: who Is so great a God ~ our rejoice m the increasing hght on the Bible and give to
God.~" (Ps. 77 : 13) In his due time all governments, pox~ers God its Author all the glory thereof.
and principalities will be made to know that the3 ate On an occasion the Israebtes of old ~ere in the wihlei-
beneath him and subject to his dlsposltmn tte will exercise ness without water They were in distress Then ~od caused
his unlimited power, not for selfishness, but for the good Moses to smite the flinty rook with his rod, and wa~er
of those who obey him forever. gushed forth ,dmndantly, thus God mamfested Ins pre,erwe
One who serves Alm~:zhtv God and keeps covenant x~nth with his people Therefore Psalm 114:7, 8 says "Tremble,
him well knows that in this day God’s servant is in eoustaut thou earth at the presence of the l,ord, at the pre~(’nee
danger of the religmmsts and totahtarmns and that w~thout at the God of Jacob ; which turned the rock into a standmg
the protectmn furnished from God he could not stand tte water, the flint into a fountain of waters " In the xx fldcrness
fully realizes that the agents of the "god of this world", of the worm where there ts great thirst for truth God
Satan, are seeking the destruenon of servants of Jehovah is now mamfestm¢ his presence He has caused h~s truth
and his government. With confidence such servants look to gush forth through his organization for the benefit of
up to the Most High God and say- "But thou, 0 Loan, those who are devoted to him. Seeing the manifestatmn of
art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine his presence and his tovmg proxismn, Jehovah’s faithful
head." (Ps. 3: 3) They realize that Jehovah God is thmr witnesses sing forth his praises.
Protector. They have complete confidence that God wilt Some who claim to have given themselves to the Lord
vindicate his own name in his o~m due ume and will deliver God reproach their fellow Christians for speaking m strong
those who love him. Being unselfishly devoted to the great terms alramst the hypocritical clergy of "Christendom"
Theocrat, they cannot keep back the song of praise to The Scmptures make it clear that those reltgmnists are the
him and his Theocracy. children of the Devil, who is God’s enemy. The clergy are
The prophecy foretold that when Jehovah’s servants the enemies of God. therefore, because they bring reproach
were restrained by the governments of this Babylonish upon his name. God’s enemies must be made the enemies
world they would pray to Him: "Take away all iniquity, of his servants. The true child of GOdregards his Father’s
and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of enemy aa his own enemy. Being wholly on the Lord’s side,
our lips." (l:Ios. 14:2) The servant of God now realizes the true servants of God hate miqmty and the workers of
that he must watch his way and walk circumspectly that mlqmty and those that speak against Jehovah God. "Do
he may do that which is lawful and right in the sight of not I hate them, O LORD[Jehovah], that hate thee? and
his God. He prays that he may not be found lawless to am not i grieved with those that rise up against thee?"
A~’G~Jsz 1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 239
(Ps. 139: 21) No one can consistently sing the praises therefore, to make peace with the religionists, who are the
Jehovah God and his ~overnment and at the same time sons of Satan, means to consort with the enemy and to
even passively show favor or honor to the enemy. Any practice witchcraft and rebellion. That means u~faithful-
reproach upon the name of Jehovah God is a dart of poison ness to Jehovah the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
shot a_~ainst his servants and witnesses. Christ.
Coneerninz rebellion and favoring the enemy it is At the hands of Moses Jehovah gave his covenant people
written : "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborn- his commandments. Then Moses said: "And it shall be our
ness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments
the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being before the LoRD our God, as he hath commanded us." (Deut.
king." (1 Sam 15.23) Witchcraft is here mentioned that 6 : 25) Righteousness means nmre than merely keeping God’s
G~d’s servants may profit. Witchcraft means going over law. True righteousness is having the approval of God,
to the enemy for counsel; while rebellion means taking a which approval results to those who do tits will out of a
course of action against God’s will. Stubbornness in accept- pure heart. The servant of God is not righteous merely
ing Jehovah’s will is as reprehensible as idolatry because because tie has heen brought into God’s organization through
it is selfishly holding out against God’s will. God is gracious Christ Jesus He must prove his devotion to God and obey
to tho~e who try to serve him. He is now making the way his commandments out of a pure heart and by so doing
plain to those who desire to glorify his name. Such are receive God’s approval. If he is found diligent in thus
not expecting or desiring the approval of any of God’s doing he will be found singing unto the Most ttigh God.
enemle~ They have taken their stand on the side of Jehovah That constitutes right action, though it be contrary to the
and Ills Theocracy and they sltig ths praises. Any attempt, standards and laws of worldly governments.

W AR is no time to forget God That is the very purpose
of the demon-driven totahtarmn Nazi-Fascist hordes m
their violent drive through all nations for the seLzurc of
plans for further activity, so that more persona of good-wall may
be comforted. There is undoubtedly much work yet to be done m
behalf of those hungering and thirsting after mghteousnes,~ and
wmld dommatmn, namely, to turn the people m bitterness against who do not find it m religion. As the times become more &stressing
God Such result would be more disastrous to the people than the and the opportumty of witnessing to the Kingdom becomes shorter,
phymcal damage and loss wreaked upon them by the wicked all those who have entered into a covenant with God Alnughty
aggressors. In these faith-t~’mg times comes the solemn warning should seek ways and means to further advance the interests of
from the mslnred Word of Almighty God: "The wicked shall be the Kingdom and thereby set forth the only hope of humankind
turned into hell. and all the natmns that forget God."--Psalm 9 17. To tins end the Theocratic Assembly has been arranged for 1942,
Now, more than at any tune m past history, persons who seek on the dates September 1S, 19 and 20.
life, peace and happiness should turn to God Almaghty and make So as to make it convenient to all Watchtower readers, this
special effo;ts to gain a ~nowledge of hus purpose, his works and general gathering will assemble smmltaneously m 53 different
ins will. In this darkest permd of the worht the Most Illgh God cities throughout the Umted States, besides s~multaneous assembhes
nnd h~s promised Government of R~ghteousness shine forth as a m fore~g~a countmes, if possible. Arrangements are being made to
hght. There ts 3oy m hght, and "hght xs sown for the righteous". t~e all these Amcmcanc~ttes together by direct w~re communtcatmn
Weare m the most s~gmficant time of all human existence. Events By having the asscmbhes scattered throughout all of the country,
ef world-changing Importance and power are at hand. It Is a ~t will be possible for more of all interested persons to attend m
time for individual deeismn, on which hangs one’s destroy for a life these days when ~t is d~fficult to travel long distances.
of everlasting joy and blessing or for everlasting death. There ~s The abnormal condttmas mako ~t all the mo~c adv,sable that
umversal need. therefore, for hght and understanding to give each every, person who loves righteousness and a righteous government
one guidance. The day long foreseen and described by m~plred should plan now, so that h~s arrangements may be completed for
prophets m glowing terms Is at hand. It is therefore also a tune attending one of the 53 assemblies that will be announced later
to assemble together to umtedly study together the will of God Nothing could be more important than the assembly and associatmn
that we may do it and have hm blessing and protcctmn m the of Christian people together m these days of stress and perplemty,
destructl~e time yet ahead. "Not forsaking the assembhng of our- when men’s hearts are fading them for fear of the things that are
selves together, as the manner of some Is, but exhorting one coming upon the world. The vmient conflict for world dormnatlon
another: and so much the more as ye see the day approaching " ts now gripping the natmns and absorbing the attention, but those
--Hebrews 10 : 25. who are acquainted w~th Jehovah’s purpose and prophecies know
In spite of d~srnpted world conditions an unusual opportunity the outcome thereof. Such ones have the only hope for the people
for assembly for those interested m the new world of righteousness who desire r~ghteousness.
now presents itself. Jehovah God has always kept his people All persons who are seeking the promised new world, "whereto
informed aa to what he would have them do. He is very merciful dwelleth nghteoitsness," w,dl not alone plan to attend, but will also
toward all persons of good-will who are feeling after hun, if haply pray to Alm,ghty God, with whomall things are possible, that h~s
they might find hun. Assembly with those who are hm people is a blessing will be upon this Assembly. Ask in prayer that he
certain way to find him. Readers of The Watchtower know that will guide all arrangements, to the end that his name may be
the Lord has used the oceasmn-~ of the conventions or a~embhes honored and maffaffied. The Assembly is the provision of the great
of his people to re.form them concerning has immediate purposes. Theocrat. Honor h~ invitatmn w~th your presence, if possible.
In these perilous times it seems pleasing to Jehovah that his Plan now to spend three full days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
witnesses and persons of good-will assemble thin yeax and make ~eptember 18, 19 and 20, at a eonventmn c~ty.
IN NEUTRAL EIRE providence. True people have become attached to them,
"Undoubtedly this country (Eire; 93 percent Roman and the prospects of a healthy eompanyarc favorable."
Catholic), where religion has such a stronghold, is one of
the Devil’s chief strongholds, but the ’old boy’ is not having UNCOVERED IN SCOTLAND
things all his ownway, and some of the ’other sheep’ in "The office sent us some outl~fing WatcMower subscrip-
this city (Dublin) are escaping out of his clutches. tion slips. Wecalled on one of them. This lady never saw
should like to tell of a whole family consisting of father, a Jehovah’s witness before, but had received a Watchtower
mother and four children, whose ages range from seven from a neighboring farm. She enjoyed it so muchthat she
to thirteen years, their grandmother and also a friend, sent in a subscription. She spoke of it as if she was one
taking their stand for The Theocracy. One day on the of Jehovah’s witnesses. She is now going each week to
house-to-house witness work I was invited inside by a another farm farther into the country and having a Watch-
lady, who took a book and was exceedingly kind. She told tower study with the lady there. Wethen called on the lady
me her husband was very interested in the Bible but was who had passed on The Watchtower and found she had
dissatisfied with his owninterpretation of the Scriptures. all the books and had sent to America for The Watchtower
I arranged to call back the follou~ng Friday evening. I and Consolation. She had not seen any of Jehovah’s wit-
found he was more than interested. As the precious truths nesses for more than five years, but had been witnessing
contained in the Bible were opened up his joy knew no herself, out in the wilds of Scotland. She and her daughter
bounds. He told me that an understanding of God’s purpose had gone to the cottages and farms round about with the
and a vision of the full establishment of the Kingdomhad booklets they had."
transformed his whole outlook on life and, instead of being
in despair regarding the future, he ~was now happy and
overjoyed at the prospect before him. He volunteered to "I had been standing on the street corner about an
distribute The Watchtower on the magazine routes and hour, when I decided to rest on a railing a half block
later participated in the Sunday morning field service. back. It was the Saturday following mytrml in whzch I
Sometimeshis wife, her mother and a friend who came to was fined $25 and costs for ringing doorbeUs. A large
visit them would join in the studies, but it was thought numberof to~msfolkattended the trial. As I rested I heard
desirable that a pioneer sister should conduct a study for someone shout, ’Hi, you! come on and get on the job.
the benefit of these ladies. This was arranged, and now I want one of those magazines.’ As [ gave it to him he
all three have taken their stand for The Theocracy. With said: ’I don’t beheve in your d religion, but there must
the exception of the grandmother, the whole family and be something to it if this town had to go to all that
the friend attended the Belfast Theocratic assembly [1941] trouble to try to stop it. I was at your trial the other day,
and there the three adults were immersed. This conventmn and you sure got a dirty deal.’ He talked more, so I got
greatly encouraged them, and since then the four children his name and address and arranged to make a back-call.
have regularly participated in the witness work." As he walked down the street he began telhng everyone
about it, showingthem the magazine. I always find it best
THE PIONEER GIRLS LN’ BOLSOVER, DERBYSHIRE not to talk too muchon the street corner, but arrange to
"Their presence soon madethe district sit up and take call at their homesand let the phonographdo the talking."
notice. The demonssoon got busy, working through evil-
mindedpersons. They were turned out of their lodgings and EDUCATIONAL WORK IN NORTH CAROLINA
the little meeting-room they had obtained was also taken "WhenI found her several years ago in the country
from them. They immediatelytook a roomat a public house, she knew the least about everything of any person I ever
but after a few weeks the public house wes boycotted by met. Honestly, she did not even knowshe lived in North
its patrons; so this roomhad to be vacated The girls got Carolina, had never been to school but three months in
a furnished cottage at 10/- per week, and were there for her 1ire, and could" neither read nor write. She had a burn-
three months. Mischief was then started and they were ing desire to knowthe Lord and get understanding of the
given notice to leave. Whenthe Society’s representative truth. She would sit as near myphonograph as she could
visited them he was able to conduct model studies with and try to take in every word, but it was so hard for
two ’special’ policemen, and both of these have openedtheir her to get the meaning. Then she did hard farm labor in
homes for regular meetings and have become regular and the field to obtain the literature. Still she could not read
keen associates. They and their wives are expected to take it. I decided to spend quite a lot of time with her and
a firm stand for the truth and they have befriended the teach her, and so I did. I made ABC’sfor her to copy
three pioneers. The adversary soon got busy again, and until she learned to write. She learned to read when I
one of the girls. Sister Scott, was removedfrom her place gave her a phonographand records, which she could play
of service and sent to prison because she refused to give over and over and follow the words in the booklets. I also
up her God-given work and accept state service. She was began taking her to the Watchtower study and Salvation
given a two months’sentenee. Considerablepublicity result- book study. Whenshe began to get a little understanding
ed, and the people began to take sides more than ever. she did not wait to be invited out in the service, but ASKF~
Manypeople have identified themselves as friends. A local to be given a little territory near her homein the country.
farmer and his wife with whommodel studies were con- She would walk for miles and miles. Whenthe special
ducted said that the girls must go and live with them, and publisher work began, she at once set her goal at 175 hours
there they are now with plenty of friends and plenty to and 50 back-calls. Then, when she got her questionna|re
eat. Blessings have been showeredupon them in the Lord’s from the Society, was she happy I"
e ,. ,

thatI amJehovah’.’

AUGUST15, 1942

(Part 2) ........................................... 243
HopefulShad.ows ................................. 243
Atonement Day...................................... 244
TheTabernacle ...................................... 245
Bullock of the Sin-Offering ................. 246
Righteous...................................... 247
"Goats for a SmOffering" ................ 247
Lord’s Goat and Scapegoat.................. 249
"Propitiatmn for Our Sins" . ............... 251
Sprmldmgof Blood ......................... 252
SEPTEMBER18, 19 AND 20 ................ 254
FIELDEXPEIUE~C~ .................................. 256
"CoMI~OR’F ’~ TESTII{ONY PERIOD ................ 242
~ STUDIES .........................
"THEEMPH~rlC ....................
Dntuun-r" 242
117 .~d~ms
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal L~ published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible lnstxuctaon specifically de-
N. H. ]~’OP.R, President OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and aLl people of good wxLL
W.E. VANAMBL-’RGH,Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And a/1 thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and suppLies other literature to aid In such studies, It publishes sat-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of pnbhc
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." - harsh 54:.r3. instruction in the Scriptures
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the BIMeas authority for Its utterances.
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organtzauons, It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his belo~ed
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It Is not dogmatic, but ln~ites careful and critical examma-
lion of Its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not m-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power m
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to porsonnhtws,
THAT GODcreated the earth for man. created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis- ~EARLYSUESCIELPTION
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death: that by reason of ~NITED ~TATE~, .~ 013: CANADA AND .~[ISCELL%’n’EO~S ~OREIGN. $I ,"3~
Adam’s wrong act all men are born smners and w,thout the right GREAT r~Rr’rAIN, AUblRAtASIA, AND SOLTH .~J’ItlC’~. Us. American remc-
lances should be made by Postal or Express Mopey,-)rdor or by I~.lhk
to hfe. Draft. Canadian. I3rltlsh. South African and Australasmn remlttam.s
should be madethrect to the re,poe,lye branch offtoe~. I:cr~lttances frr ~a
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered ~Ltntrles other than tho~e lnentlont~t maybe madeto tl.e l~rooL.lyn o~.e,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by,onal re.tat ",l~ney Order only.
obedient ones of mankind: that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOREIGNOrrlc~_s
and clothed him with all power and authority. ~4 CravenTerrace,
British.............................. London,VC~ ~ngland
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian
40 I*~in
Avenue, TorontoZ t’)ntarlo.Can’l~:a
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian
7 Deresford
Road, Strathflelci N. S XV.instraha
South Air,can ..................... House, Cape Town,bouthAfrlca
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addxe~athe Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zmn, members of Jehovah’s orgamza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Tran.2ations of $hi~journal appear tn *eyeful la*tfuage*.)
as expressed In the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who w,ll hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Blblewhoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted advers*ty are unable ~o pay the sutmenpnon price mat have The Welch-
Satan from heaven and Is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written apphcation to the pubhshers, made once each
)ear. statmg the reason for ~o requestln~ it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the wmtten application, once each )ear 1.1 required by the
postal regulations.
TttAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ. which Notice to 8u~,ee~bers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal ~ub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scrlptton will be sent only when requested. Chance of address, v. hen
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label ~xith|n one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness In A renewal blank {earrytn~ not ce nf expiration/ wilt be ~ent with the
the earth, and that under the kmgdomthe people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the eutmertption exp*res
survive Armageddon shall carry out the diwne mandate to "fill Entered as #eeond-clasamatter at the poet o~ee at Brooklvn,N. Y.,
the earth" w~th a righteous race. u.der the Act ot March 8. 1879.


To Jehovah’s w~tnesses the month of August ~s known as There has always been a steady demand for the Greek and
the "Comfort" Testimony Pemod During these 31 days a special English "New Testament" known as "The Emphatic Dlaglott"
effort will be made on the part of Jehovah’s witnesses to comfort The old edition became exhausted some months ago, and a new
as many people as they possibly can with the truths as set forth has been in preparation meanwhile. The desirable features of the
in the Word of Jehovah God. To md those who love mghteousness
the book Cl*tldre, along with the booklet Hope will be offered D~aglott are many.
to the people on a eontmbutlon of 25c These two pubheahons The actual Greek in which the "New Testament" was
set forth a message which shows there is something worth while origmally written ts given accordmg to the well-known and
living fort. Those persons who trust m Jehovah’s kingdom and highly-respected Gnesbach recension. Then in footnotes vamations
know that this is the only hope for the world will proclaim tbe accordmg to the Alexandrme and Vatican {No. 1209) manuscripts
message contained in these pubheatmns and make them available are given, two of the very oldest manuscripts in ex*stence
to as many persons as they can possibly meet during August.
"Comfort" Testtmony Period will be a blessing to all those who The Diaglott also contains a useful and valuable alphabetical
share m the preaching of tbe gospel Make your report of aettvtty appendix in the back, which is prachcally a compact Bible chetton-
to your local company servant, or if you are not associated with a ary containmg helpful features not found in other dictlonanes
company, report dixect to the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Somety. of the Bible.
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES The binding is beautiful blue leatherette, and flexible. The
Week of September 20 : "Atonement for the Xew World" (Part 2), paper m of good quality, and the type is clear. The smets
¶ 1-26 inclusive, The Watchtower August 15, 19.t2. 4½" by 7¼" by 1", which m convenient for handing.
Week of September 27 : "Atonement for the New World" (Part 2), The new echtmn of the Dtaglott zs now ready for dmtnbuuon.
¢~ 27-52 inclusive, The Watchtower August 15, 1942. Tha cost is $2 per copy.
15, 1942 No 16



"We have a~ adrocate wittt the Farther, Jesus C]~rist ttte rig]ffeous: a~:d l~e is t]~e propitiatio72 for our
sins: and ~zot /or ours only, but also for t],e s~s of tl~e u’hole uorld."--I John 2:1,2.
EItOVAH makes provision that those who are
J not satisfied with their condition in this present
evil world may live in tile new world which He
power over the might" one back of aI1 human prac-
tice of sin, Satan the Devil: and it will mean a
chaining and the abyss of restraint for that xxicked
creates. This he makes possible by the great atone- one.--Rev. 20 : 1-3.
ment. Jehovah is the Author of the atonement. The The mere destruction of the willfully xxicked
atonement, when understood, at once exalts and would still leave the disability of inborn Imperfec-
establishes respect for His ~ustice. Atonement tion and sin upon men desiring righteousness. Their
demonstrates his so great love for the new world. mlperfection and sin make them naturally the
That world will be a "world without end". This enemies of God, because he cannot approve such
means it will be a world without sin, and hence a things. Therefore, for his name’s sake, which staT~ds
world without that which is the "wages of sin", for justice and righteousness, and for the help and
namely, death. In the new world death will be wiped avail of lovers of righteousness that such might hve
out from this earth, and man and woman will live forever, Jehovah God arranged for atonement by
here in righteousness and peace, without fear of a sin-offering. Helpless man born of the rebel Adam
harm from man, beast, or devil, without fear of could not make atonement, even by dying on a
poverty, and without fear of even death. thousand battlefields, and hence it lay with Jehovah
The Supreme Court of all creation has ruled to make atonement by his perfect and only begotten
wtmt sin is: "Sin is the transgression of the law"; Son, who became the "man Christ Jesus". It has heen
meaning, the law of Jehovah, the Supreme Judge. said that God does not love the sm but loves the
"’All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not sinner. That is not Scripturally true. God’s love is
unto death." (1 John 3: 4; 5: 17) All the human race for the new world of righteousness, and only tho.~e
is in sin; it was born so, because its first parents who desire and avail themselves of God’s provision
loved neither God nor their unborn offspring but to live in that righteous world God brings under his
selfishly violated the perfect law of their Creator. love. Such love of the world of mghteousness God
From their On,hal sin has stemmed all the unright- commends as a reqmrement for sinners who seek
eousness that fills the earth today, and the plea.cure liberty and life. "But God commendeth his love
in and inchnation unto sin have gained strength with toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
each new generation born. Only God Ahnighty can died for us. Much more then, being now 3ustified by
check it. Only he can provide the way and means for his blood, we shall be saved from wrath throuzh
deliverance from it and the curse of death. The him. For if, when we were enemies, we were recon-
impending battle of Armageddon brings destruction ciled to God by the death of his Son, much m¢~re,
to those who refuse or are indifferent to God’s way being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And
and means of deliverance and who prefer to enjoy not only so, but we also joy in God, through our
or yield to sin in this world. It will be a sudden and Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received
decided check in the progress of sin. That battle will the atonement."~Rom. 5:8-I1.
signify a deliverance from willful practicers of un-
righteousness for those who accept God’s way and HOPEFUL SHADOWB

means and who desire to live in the new world, the ’ Centumes before the great Giver of every good
world of righteousness. That battle will vindicate and perfect gift provided the atonement he made
the name of Jehovah God and is therefore a prime prophetic shadows which faithfully outlined the sub-
necessitT; it will be a showing of His invincible stance of good things to come for men who believe

and ohev Jehovah God. These "shadows" must b~ whotakes awaythe sin of those whowill live in the
ae(.ordmg to God’s law, which is just and perfect, new world. (John 1: 29,36) The typical passover
and not according to relignon or humanimaginations. lamb slain in Egypt took the place of God’s mediator
Itenee he gave the law according to wlueh these for Israel, namely, Moses, and Moseshimself fore-
"’shadows" were made for the comfort and hope of shadowed or typified Christ Jesus. The slaying of
lovers of life in righteousness. Such law he gave to that passover lamb was the beginning of God’s law
Israel, which people he brought into a covenant with covenant with Israel, because by the lifeblood of that
him.-elf by his prophet Moses as the mediator sacrifice the covenant was madevalid, binding and
betaveen God and man. This proves that only those operative. (Heb. 9: 16,17) This pictured that
who enter into a covenant with God to do his will hmnancreature can enter into a covenant with (-h~d
and ~ho thereafter do it will enjoy the good things to do IIis will except through the atonement which
fore,h:vtowed. The shadow is uot the real thing or Godpro~-ides in iris Son, "the Lambof God." After
inm~e which casts the shadow. The ~hadow passes, the first passover sacrifice and feast came Israel’s
but the body casting it remains and provides the deliverance by the destruction of E~pt’s firstborn.
real and lasting good effects. Quickly thereafter came the destruction of Pharaoh’s
’The inspired apostle to whom Jehovah God armies and chariots by Jehovah’s strange act at the
revealed the hidden meaning of the "shadows" Red sea. Both destructions upon Egypt pictured
write, : "’For the law, having a shadowof good things destruction of both visible and invisible parts of
to conle, and not the very mm~eof the things, can Satan’s world, both wicked men and demons.--
never with those sacrifices which they offered year Exodus, chapters twelve to fifteen.
by year continually make the comers thereunto
pert:eet." (IIeh. 10: 1) "’Let no mantherefore judge ATONEMF_~NT DAY
you in meat, or in drink, or ,n z espeet of an holyday, ’In the third month, after the Israelites under
or of the new morro, or of the sabbath days: whieh Mosessafely crossed the Red sea out of Egypt. they
are a shadow of things to come: but the body is of reached the base of Mount Sinai in Arabm. There
Christ." (CtA. 2: 16, 17) Since the real atonement Jehovah God confirmed the covenant he had made
by Gc,d’s Son Christ Jesus, the same inbpircd writer with them in Egypt and gave to them the large’r
shows to those who were once under the typical law statement of his typical law, including the ten com-
the real purpose back of it, saying: "Wewere kept mandments. The dedication of that law covenant is
umler the law, shut up unto the faith which bhouhl briefly described at Hebrews 9: 16-22: "For ~here
afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our a covenante.,dsts, the death of that whichhas ratified
schoolmasterto bring us unto Christ, that we mi,,..qlt it is necessary to be produced; because a covenant
be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, is firm over dead victims, since it is never valid when
we are no longer m:der a sehoohnaster. (Gal. that which ratifies it is alive. Hence not even the
3:23-25) The shadowpa~-~es, because it is fulfilled first [law covenant] has been instituted without
by the reality. blood. For every con~mandmentin the law having
The nation of Israel. of whomthe prophet Moses been spoken by Moses to all the people, taking the
~as a member, wa.~ brought under the law ~hiclt blood of bullocks and of goats, with water, and
commandedthese proplmtie "’slmdows" or types to scarlet wool, and .hyssop, he sprinkled both the book
be performed regularly by livi~:g actors. (Ps. [of the law] itself, and all the people, saying, ’Tlns
147 : 19, 20) Prior thereto the Israehtes were cruelly is the blood of the covenant which God enjoined on
oppressed while residing in the land of Egypt. L~ke- you.’ Andhe in like mannersprinkled ~ ith the blood
wise those who come into retationslnp with God by the tabernacle also, and all the utensils of the public
devotin< themselves to him through Christ to do service. And, according to the law, ahnost all things
God’s will have been oppressed by this present evil are purified by blood, and without an effusmn of blood
worhl, symbolized by Egypt. God rinsed up unto no forgiveness takes place." (Emphatic Diaglott
Ins oppressed people a dehverer, .Moses, who translation) This illustrated the need of atonement
foreshadowed God’s great Warrior at the battle of by a propitiation for sins or a sin-offering.
3a’mageddon, Christ Jesus. ’ Those animal sacrifices were only shadowsof the
’ Leading up to their deliverance from the worldly real sin-offering Godwould provide in his due time.
organization of Egypt Jehovah God by Moses com- The animal victims being lower than man and of
mandedthe Israelites to sacrifice the passover lamb less value than a man’slife, the offering of the blood
and to feast thereon. This foreshadowed that prior of these animal sacrifices could not take away human
to the great deliverance at Armageddon by the sin. They were merely pictorial of the true. Hence
destruction of Satan’s world God would provide the those sacrifices needed to be repeated after fresh
atonement by the real sacrifice, "the Lambof God," commission of sins; and God so arranged for this.

"For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and THE TABERNACLE
of goats should take awaysins." (tteb. 10 : 1-4) The ~ The typical day of atonement was observed each
blood of bulls and goats was offered at the dedication year at the sanctuary which Jehovah Godhad Mo.-e~-
of the law covenant at Mount Sinai, and God com- make. It was exactly according to tile pattern x~ hich
mandedthe offering to be repeated each year on a God supplied, because the sanctuary was a shadow
national day of atonement in the seventh month of of larger realities, to be madenmnifest later on. The
the year, and on the tenth day of the month. (Lev.
16:29-31) On that day, during which day they
abstained from all personal works, the people of the J ~,,’&26.,
nation showed their repentance for sins committed
during the past year, and confessed them. They
sought forgiveness for such, and acknowledgedtheir
need of a sin-offering outside of themselves. Thus NOt~TIt
they kept their minds turned toward the future sin-
offering that God would provide.
,o Encampedat the base of the "mountain of God"
from which he delivered the law by Moses, the Israel-
ites together with the mixed multitude that accom-
panied them out of Egypt pictured all those for
whomatonement is made and who avail themselves
thereof and whoshall live in the new world. Jehovah
God took Israel out of the world to be his people,
and hence they were to be no longer any part of this
present world. God said to them: "You only have SOUTH
I knownof all the families of the earth." (Amos3: 2) ,, ~:--,KOHATHITES/,.:ae.’~~ - ..
They were under a Theocratic rule, because Jehovah
the great Theocrat was their lawgiver. Moses their
mediator was the official servant of Jehovah in their
behalf. Unto Moses they had been baptized in the
Red sea and in the cloud which overshadowed and sanctuary was a tent or tabernacle, the door of
guided themin their journeys. (1 Cor. 10 : 1, 2) Moses which faced toward the east. It was divided into taro
therefore acted as a type of Christ Jesus, God’s rooms or compartments by a beautiful veil. The
King of the Theocratic Governmentof the new world. doorway of the sanctuary was also covered bv a
" Jehovah God chose Moses’ tribe, the tribe of hanging called "the door". By thi~ door one entered
Levi, to be his official servants at Ins sanctuary. IIe into the first and lar,der compartment,called "’the
made Moses’ brother, Aaron, who had been Moses’ holy" and which was illuminated by a golden candle-
mouthpiece before Pharaoh of E~’pt, to be ttis high stick with seven lamps. The underprie-ts ~ere
priest and the sons of Aaron to be underpriests. allowed by God’s law to enter and perform service
Therefore Aaron the high priest also represented in this compartment, "the holy." It wouht be (te’dh
the Itead of Jehovah’s Theocracy, Christ Jesus, but for them to pass beyond the "’vail" and enter into
m the capacity of God’s High Priest. The rest of the smaller compartment, winch was called "the most
the house of which Aaron was a memberor tribes- holy" or "holiest of all".
man, namely, the tribe of Levi, pictured the 144,000 ’"In the Hohest was the sacred ark of the cove-
members of the "body of Christ", who are to be nant. This was a gold-covered chest containing the
assomated with Christ Jesus in The Theocracy. tables of the ten commandmentsand other saere, t
"They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and articles, and which was covered by a gold lid sur-
.-hall reign with him a thousand years." (Rev. 20 : 6) mounted by a gold cherub at each end. Both cherubs
They constitute the Theocratic royal family of with upstretched wings looked down toward the
Jehovah, of which family or house of sons Christ golden lid or "mercy seat". In an illuminated cloud
Jesus is the Head. (Heb. 3: 1-6) From this stand- between these cherubim Jehovah God manifested his
point, therefore, and viewed in relationship to the presence above the mercy seat. Into this Most H(fly
tribe of Levi, the remainder of the twelve tribes of and into the presence of GodMost Holy only the high
Israel pictured all the people on earth whose sins priest could come, on the day of atonement, and
are atoned for and who live on earth after Arma- he must first bring in the golden censer with him and
geddon under The Theocratic Government. burn the holy incense thereon before offering the
N. Y.

atonement. "And the LonD said unto Moses, Speak ~’ Those who are interested in enjoying life by
unto Aaron thy brother, and that he come not at God’s grace in the new world of righteousness wlil
all times into the holy place within the vail before nowfollow with interest what Jehovah God ordained
the mercy seat, which is upon the ark, that tie die to be done on the typical day of atonement and
not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy which accurately foreshadows the providing and
seat."--Lev. 16:2; Heb. 9: 1-8. presenting and application of the sin-offering. The
1, The sanctuary stood in the western half of the instructions which God gave through his Theocratic
sacred court. The court was screened off and sepa- representative Moseswere enacted by living actors,
rated from the territory outside by a hanging of and a failure to perform them accurately would lmve
linen curtains roumt about. The place of entry into meant death to the one who did not appreciate the
the court was at the east, and this opening was Theocratic rule and do as instructed. The realities
covered over by a banging called "the gate". On the to be foreshadowed were too important to be treated
day of atonement the people of Israel who were not with careless indifference and to be pictured incom-
Levites were forbidden to enter that court, hut the pletely and inexactly. It is an awful thought, also.
hangings of the "’,..’ate" were raised and they were that if there lind been carelessness and imperfect
permitted to see from a distance what went on in performanceof the antitypical realities by Jehovah .-
the court. The court itself was a rectangular area, great High Priest, the vindication of Jehovah’~
150 feet long by 75 feet broad. In the eastern half nameand word would have failed and all would have
of the court there stood the brazen altar, midway been lost for all humankind.
betx~een the "gate" of the court and the "door" of
the tabernacle; and between the altar and the "door" BULLOCKOF THE SIN-OFFERING
was stationed a laver, where the pmests washed in ~s Speaking with reference to the most holy, that
connectmnwith the tal~ernacle services. is, "the holy place within the vail," representing: tl~e
~ Tl~e court was where the animal sacrifices were heaven of God’s presence, Jehovah gave this order
slain, and the animals were therefore brought for the day of atonement: "Thus shall Aaron come
through the "’gate" and into the court and sacrificed into the holy place: with a young bullock for a sin
at the north side of the altar. In front of the altar, offering, and a ram for a burnt offering." (Lev.
or on the east side thereof, was wilere the ashes of 16: 3) This determines the time whenthe antltypwal
the sacrifice were deposited. Accordingly the court or real day of atonement by the true high priest
pictured the place of sacrifice, this earth. As respects began. It began in A.D. 29, when Christ Jesus came
the sacmficial victim itself, the court pictured the of independent age as a perfect man and presented
condition of justification before God. the condition himself in consecration for the complete service of
where the one sacrificed is just or right with Godand Jehovah God and was baptized in Jordan river. God
hence acceptable to be offered as a sacrifice to God. took Jesus into the covenant with Itimself and Jesn:
The most holy of the sanctuary, however, represented there became Jehovah’s High Priest for the offer:ng
heaven itself: "for Christ is not entered into the holy of the atonement sacrifice.
places madewith hands [of men], which [places] are " For centuries downtill then, ever since the first
the fiDlres of the true; but into heaven itself, now atonement day in the wilderness of Sinai, ammal
to appear in the presence of Godfor us."--Heb. 9 : 24. sacrifices had been offered, but without power and
~OThesite of the court was selected, at the foot value to actually removethe disability of humansin.
of Mount Sinai, and on the first day of the first Had sin really been taken away for ever, there would
year after Israel’s coating out of Egypt the taber- have been but one sacrificial victim. Hence in the
nacle was erected. Outside, round about the four typical picture numerous sacrificml victims were
sides of the court, the Levites pitched their tents, needed, because none of them actually canceled sin;
with Moses and the priestly family of his brother they merely foreshadowedthe real Sacrifice to come.
Aaron the high priest located on the east side, in Therefore Jesus consecrated himself to take up the
front of the gate of the court. At a respectful distance things pertaining to the newworld ; as it is written :
beyond the location of the Levites the other tribes "For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and
of Israel and the mixed multitude with them pitched of goats should take away sins. Wherefore, when
tent, and constituted the "camp". Beyondthese tribes he eometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and
was what was called "without the camp". It pictured offering thou wouldest not, but a body [a perfect
the condition of the world, the condition of those human body] hast thou prepared me. In burnt
who do not take advantage of the sin-atonement, offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no
but who continue under the wrath of God and who pleasure: then said I [Jesus], Lo, I come (in the
lie in the wicked one, the Devil, and whotherefore volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy
perish.--1 John5 : 19 ; John 3 : 35, 36. will, 0 God. By the which will we are sanctified,
15,194:2 eWATCHTOWER. 247
through the offering of the [perfect human] body of them. For such an high priest became us, who is
Jesus Christ once for all. Andevery. [Aaronic] priest holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,
standeth daily ministering, and offering oftentimes and madehigher than the heavens."--Heb. 7 : 25, 26.
the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
but this man [Jesus], after he had offered one "60*TS FOR.SLNOFFEam6"
sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right "The complete picture of atonement could not be
hand of God."--Heb. 10: 4-7, 10-13. made with just the bullock and the accompanying
’° Aaron foreshadowedChrist Jesus in the capacity ram, and hence the additional order was given to
of sacrificing High Priest of Jehovah God, whereas high priest Aaron: "And he shall take of the con-
the "young bullock" for a sin-offering pictured "the gregation of the children of Israel two kids of the
body of Jesus Christ" as a perfect man. As such he goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt
was the exact equal of Adamin his perfection in offering." (Lev. 16 : 5) In this chapter the expression
Eden and possessed the right to life as a man on "sin offering" translates the one original Hebrew
earth. Only thus could Jesus Christ have the where- word (khattawth), wldch primarily means just "sin".
x~ithal to present a sacrifice of sufficient value or It is translated first as "sin" in the Bible, at Genesis
merit to recapture for Adam’soffspring that which 4:7. In the majority of cases in the Bible it is
Adam’s transgression had lost for them. By this translated "sin". But when, as in Leviticus 16, the
sacrifice of himself Christ Jesus could cancel or Hebrewword is applied to a victim for sacrifice, it
undo the effects of Adam’s sin toward humankdnd has the meaningof "sin-offering", that is, a victim
and, as it were, wash away their sins in his blood. offered for sin. Whom,then, do these "two kid~ of
In the type, Aaron’s "ram for a burnt offering" also the goats for a sin offering" picture? Do they signify
pictured the manJesus, but from a different stand- that the sin-offering by Jesus alone was incomplete
point in the picture, as ~411 be shownlater. Compare and that he needed the assistance of other servants
the ram that was substituted for Isaac, when God of Godin either supplying or applying the benefits
prox4ded it for Abrahamto sacrifice instead of his of the sin-offering to those who come under the
son. (Gen. 22: 13, 14) It is not stated from where atonement? God is his own Interpreter; and note
Aaron procured the bullock for the sin-offering. This what his Word says.
agrees with the fact that the life-right of the man "The animal victims in the typical atonement,
Jesus was from God his Father, whereas his fleshly either singly or all put together, were not equal m
nature was from the human race. value to a perfect man, which perfect manwas given
dominion over the lower animal creation. Hence the
PdGHTEOD3 bullock and two goats could not be spoken of as a
:~ Aaron as a man was imperfect and sinful by "ransom" or exactly corresponding price for the
nature, and hence unlike the One whomhe fore- nation of Israel, but were merely pictorial sin-offer-
shadowed. Properly Jehovah gave this order: ’%Ie ings. However,in the real atonement for huInan sin
shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the victim offered is and must be the ransom, the
the linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded redemptive price, the means of deliverance which
with a linen girdle, and ~dth the linen mitre shMl corresponds perfectly with the thing that is to be
he be attired: these are holy garments; therefore released or recaptured. Hence in the real atonement
shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put themon." service the sin-offering is synon3mmus with ransom.
(Lev. 16:4) Tlfis the imperfect man Aaron must Only in Christ Jesus did Jehovah God provide the
carefully do in order to picture the absolute right- ransom. Christ Jesus ’gave himself a ransom for
eousness of the greater High Priest, Christ Jesus. man3"(Matt. 20: 28) ; "the blood of Jesus Christ hl~
Concerning the saints whoare his underpriests it is Son cleansetb us from all sin" (1 John 1:7);
symbolically written that they should be "arrayed in has "washed us from our sins in his own blood"
fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the (Roy. 1:5); "there is one God, and one mediator
righteousness of saints". (Rev. 19:8) He loves between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who
righteousness and hates iniquity. He is crownedwith gave himself a ransomfor all, to be testified in due
righteousness and is subject to the Godof righteous- time." (1 Tim. 2: 5,6) Therefore Christ Jesus
ness, Jehovah. He girds himself to serve the cause alone in the sin-offering. Whenhe presents the merit
of righteousness, which is the vindication of Jeho- or value thereof in the presence of Jehovah God in
vah’s name. There was no nakedness of unrighteous- heaven, he needs no assistance of others.
hess about him, nor uncleanness or imperfection or "In proof that Christ Jesus is exclusive in the
frailtN in the flesh: ’qVherefore he is able also to sin-offering, and that the "goats for a sin offering"
save them to the uttermost that come unto God by do not deny but rather substantiate this, note the
him, seeing he ever liveth to makeintercession for testimony of God’s inspired witnesses. Hebrews

9 : 11, 12 testifies : "Christ being comean high priest body", the spiritual Israelites. That new covenant
of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect was made valid or operative by the blood of the
tabernacle, not made~dth hands, that is to say, not Mediator thereof, Christ Jesus, on the day he died,
of this building; neither by the blood of goats and the passover day of A.D. 33. The blood of Chrisfis
calves, but by his ownblood, he entered in once into footstep followers, the church, did nothing toward
the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption." malting valid that new covenant toward them. That
This directly refers to Leviticus 16 and to the bullock being so, then the fact that Mosessprinkled the book
and goats for the sin-offering. In their ease Aaron of the law covenant and then the people with the
the high priest entered into the most holy at least blood of both bullocks and goats is no proof that
twice to approach the mercy seat with blood of two the church of Christ’s body members form a part
animals separately. of the sin-offering. The same is true with respect
"~ That did not picture that Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s to the sprin-lding of blood upon the tabernacle and
lh~l Priest, makes two sin-atoning entries into the its vessels and utensils, which occurred when the
heavenly presence of Jehovah God, such two entries tabernacle was set up and put in service about nine
being separated from each other by the time space months after the dedication of the law covenant at
of about 1,900 years, and with a sin-offering each Mount Sinafl
time. IIebrews 9:I2 quoted above states that Christ ~’ Hebrews9 : 22 reads : "Andalmost all things are
Jesus already had entered, and that he entered by the law purged with blood; and without shedding
"once", with no repetition being required, neither of blood is no remission." Such being so, then those
any duplication. Christ’s entry is definitely a past animals whose blood was used for cleansing and
event. His presentation of the value of his human removing sin could not picture others besides Jesus
lifeblood does not wait to 1)e completedby any dupli- hhusetf, not even the members of "his body". The
cation at the death of the last faithful memberof blood of Christ, being applied first to these body
the "bodv of Christ". Hence Itebrews 9:12 speaks members from Pentecost on, does not and can not
of Chrast the IIigh Priest as "H.t~q.xa ohtained eternal do double duty, first cleansing them and then after-
redemption". He could obtain nothing more by try- wards, through them, cleansing those whowill live
ing to go in again. Fuithermore, x~dth what would on earth in the new world. What share in Christ’s
he go in or be obliged to go in so as to complete blood lfis body memberscome in for cleanses only
the "eternal redemptmn": them. Their personal share cannot be used over and
’~ Therefo,’e the two "goats for a sin offering’ applied to someone else. Each and every one who
may not be interpreted to symbolize an other and fives in the new world, whether in or outside the
different victim for sacrifice aside from the "man "body of Christ", is, if he meets the reqmrements,
Chri~-t Jesus". The Lord’s goat which was selected entitled to come under the cleansing and renfissmn
from the two goats does not symbolize or foreshadow of sin by Christ’s blood. He cannot release it and
the l~odv of the 144.000 members of the church of pass it on down to someone else and thus make it
which C’hrist Jesus is Itead. Christ Jesus must alone do double duty.--John 3:35, 36.
he the antltypical Lord’s goat. as will be sho~min ~*tlebrews 7:27 states that Christ Jesus did not
the further treatment below. In the ancmnt day of need to do like the typical high priests, repeatedly
atonement two "goats for a sin offering" were offer up sacrifice once a year on the atonement day
required in order to present a twofold picture wlneh without fail, offering up first sacrifice for their own
could not be drawn or enacted with just one goat. sins by a bullock and then sacrifice for the people
IIowev,~r, in the reality the twofold picture is com- by the Lord’s goat; "for this he did once, whenhe
pletely fulfilled in the one sin-offering or sin-atoning offered up himself." What he did once, 1900 years
victim, Jesus. The second goat, which was made the ago, in offering up himself needs no supplementary
"’scapegoat", provided important features of the sacrifice of his church. Thus Hebrews7:27 is plain
typwal pmture and was therefore auxahary or com- in its teaching that Jesus’ one operation accomplished
plementary to the Lord’s goat. what two kinds of sacrifices were required to com-
~’ Hebrews9: 16-22, quoted above (¶8), refers plete in the type of old.
the dedication or inauguration of God’s law covenant ~0 Hebrews13:10-12 is addressed to the spiritual
with the nation of Israel at the Mount of God. It Israelites, Christ’s "body", and reads: ’%;e have an
mentions two sets of sacrifices as completing the altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve
ratification of the covenant. But neither does this the tabernacle. [No part of the sin-offering at the
prove that the true sin-offering is more than one tabernacle was eaten, but everything was disposed
Victim. The law covenant there dedicated fore- of otherwise.] For the bodies of those beasts, whose
shadowed the new covenant which Jehovah God blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest
makes with Christ Jesus and the members of "his for sin, are burned without the camp. Wherefore
R. 249

Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with class under Christ Jesus their High Priest and IIead,
his o~mbIood, suffered without the gate." Be it noted and (2) those who gain everlasting life on earth
that Jesus sanctifies with "his ov,-n blood", and not under the "new heavens".
by his suffering of reproaches and persecution. The ’~ The "ram for a burnt offering" that accompanied
next verse (Heb. 13:13) then admonishes the the two goats pictured the same as the ram that went
membersof Christ’s body: "Let us go forth there- with the bullock. The burnt offering with a[l its parts
fore unto him without the camp, bearing his complete was offered up by fire on the altar. It was
reproach." These themselves must first be sanctified used to showthat the sin-offering previously offered
with Christ’s blood, and thereafter they go forth, was pleasing to Godand that he accepted it and made
not to sanctify others with their blood, but to bear it available.
Christ’s reproach. Their going "without the camp" ’~ The manserving as the anointed high priest was
to do this does not makethem the antitypical Lord’s necessarily the chief memberof the tribe of Levi. He
goat. The bearing of his reproach does not atone for was representative of it and responsible for the
sin, but the shedding of the blood of the Perfect One, entire tribe. Therefore the instructions read: "And
"the man Christ Jesus," does so. (IIeh. 9: 22) Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering,
the t wpe, the world in sin and wickedness was pic- which is for himself, and make an atonement for
tured as "uithout the camp"; and in the next verse hilnself, and for his house." (Lev. 16:6) Aaron,
(Heb. 13: 14) God’s Wordshows that Christ’s body being naturally a sinful man, himself needed personal
members bear reproach outside the camp because sin-atonement by the shedding of blood. Christ
they are not of this world, but of the world of the true High Priest was perfect in organism and
righteousness which is to come according to God’s sinless; and hence, to properly picture Jesus’ condi-
promise: "For here have we no continuing city, but tion and qualification to offer sin-atonement, Aaron
we seek one to come." They seek God’s capital organ- must personally be cleansed and atoned for by the
ization, The Theocracy, and hence they take their bullock’s blood.
stand with the reproached Christ Jesus m this ~’ In E~’pt God had passed over all of Israel’s
present world, "\~ithout the camp." Hence the next firstborn and spared them from execution. By an
verse (tIeb. 13: 15) adds: "By him therefore let us exchange for them Jehovah God redeemed or bought
offer the sacrifice of praise to Godcontinually, that out from all the tribes of Israel the tribe of Levi,
is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name." that is, Aaron’s house. Therefore sin-atonement was
They do not offer up a sacrifice for a sin-offering, madefirst for the Levites, in advanceof and separate
because Christ Jesus did that himself once. from that for the rest of the nation of Israek The
3~Aarontook the taro "goats for a sin offering" Levites picture the "church of the firstborn, which
from the congregation of the ctfildren of Israel. Tiffs are written in heaven", and who have therefore a
pictures that all redeemedhumanldndwhoshall live "heavenly calling", to live and reign with Christ
forever on the perfect earth look to Christ Jesus Jesus in his heavenlythrone. (Heb. 12:23 ; 3 : 1 ) These
as Jehovah’s great Executive Officer or High Priest are the antitypical Lex-ites, who were "redeemed
to provide and perform the act of sin-atonement for from amongmen", "redeemed from the earth." (Ilev.
them, and they are uq_llh~g to do what is required 14:3,4) Since the creation of the "new heavens" is
of them to receive the benefit of sin-atonement. first, these membersof Christ’s bodyare the first to
Furthermore, whereas Jesus’ lifemght was from receive the benefits of Jesus’ sin-offering, from
Jehovah his Father, his body of flesh was provided Pentecost of A.D. 33 onward. It is that they m~ght
through humankind that was in a covenant with be justified by faith and taken into the "covenant
God; Jesus was "made of a woman, made under the by sacrifice", and then be begotten of God’s spnit
law". (Gal. 4: 4) Both goats served "for a sin offer- and anointed to a place in the ’%odyof Christ" with
ing" the same as did the bullock. Therefore they hope of life eventually in heaven. The "feet of trim",
pictured the One whomJehovah God used to provide that is, the remnant or last membersof his "body",
atonement, atonement not only for the 144,000 who are yet on earth and, in order to share in "his
are first redeemed from among men and who are to resurrection" and live in the spirit, they must fulfill
be made"priests of Godand of Christ", but also for their covenant by sacrifice in death with him.
lmmanswhowill inhabit the earth in the new world.
The fact also that just the one individual, the high LORD’S GOAV ANDSCXPEGOXV
priest, applied the blood of both the bullock and the ,a Before the typical bullock was slain the Lord’s
Lord’s goat binds together these two victims. It goat and the scapegoat were selected. "Andhe shall
shows they foreshadowed in fact just one sacrifice take the two goats, and present thembefore the Lord
in the fulfillment, but that this sacrifice brings benefit a,t the door of the tabernacle of the congregation."
to two distinct classes, (1) the antitypical Levite (Lev. 16 : 7) Thosetwo goats hadbeen broughtwithin
_N. ¥.
the court, inside the gate of the court, and whichwas ’strangers sojourning amongthem’, pictured those
the prescribed place for sacrifice to Jehovah. (Lev. reconciled to God by Christ and who are blessed
17:3-6) The presentation here pictured Jesus’ pre- with life on earth.
senting himself before the Lord God at the time ~’ As to that other purpose, whichis connected with
that he yielded himself to be baptized by John the the vindication of Jehovah’s name, note the picture:
Baptist in Jordan’s stream. The presenting of him- ’q3ut the goat, on whichthe lot fell to be the scape-
self was not to devils or demons, such as the Devil goat [(or, literally, according to the Hebrew) fell
desired of Jesus in the mount of temptation. (Lev. for Azazel], shall be presented alive before the LouD,
17:5-7; Matt. 4:8-10) It was to Jehovah God, and to make an atonement with him, and to let him go
in the antit.vpical court or acceptable humancondi- for a scapegoat into the wilderness." (Lev. 16: 10)
tion for sacrifice. As the linen hanNngsround about It is repeated, that Aaron could not kill the Lord’s
the court of the tabernacle separated it from the goat and also present him alive before the Lord for
camp outside, so the great Sacrificial Victim was "Azazel". This physical impossibility in the "shadow"
"separate from sinners", all the offspring of Adam picture madenecessary the use of two like goats of
being sinners at that time, in contrast with Jesus’ equal opportunity. How,then, was it accomplished in
absolute perfection in the flesh and his absolute the fulfillment? In this manner: Jesus consecrated
righteousness. himself to do God’s will, as s?n’nbolized by his burml
~6 "And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; in baptism beneath Jordan’s wave. Jesus was then
one lot for the LORD,and the other lot for the scape- dead sacrificially as man’sRedeemer,but his perfect
goat." (Lev. 16: 8) Either goat, therefore, might flesh was not then immediately and actually put to
"for the LORD".This showed that both goats were death. Further, upon coming up out of the water,
equal, but that two were needed to illustrate a t~vo- Jesus, upon whomGod’s spirit now descended, was
foht purpose in one sacrifice. It showedthat they both henceforth spiritual, a "newcreature", using yet for
foreshadowedbut one sacrifice that would be able to a time the organism of flesh. This was in order that
accomplish that combined purpose. Aaron could not he might use the humanbody for the other and more
kill the Lord’s goat and at the same time preserve trialsome purpose of Jehovah God.--2 Cor. 5: 17.
the same goat alive to play another part of the ~’ Rotherham’s translation reads: "The goat over
wonderful picture. Hence two goats were taken, of which came up the lot for Azazel shall he cause to
equal value and opportunity, and Aaron’s making no stand alive before Jehovah to put a PROPITIATORY-
direct personal choice, but casting lots over them, cowatxa OvERm.~t [to make atonement FOR him
showed the unit?." and equal rating of both goats. (Am. Bey. Ver.)], to send him away." This was not
It also showedthat he recogmzedthe Theocratic rule accomplished in the tTpe by the saemfiee of the
of Godand there was no self-will or self-choice on bullock. God’s Worddistinctly says that the lmlloek
the high priest’s part. He was fully submissive to was offered for the high priest’s house, hut not for
the will, choice, and direction of tl~e Lord Godas the goats or for the people of the campor congrega-
to what and how many things should be done in tion. Therefore the atonement for this "alive" goat
connection with the sin-atonement in behalf of Ira- must issue or derive from the blood of the Lord’s
mankind. Herein Christ Jesus, the Itigh Priest of goat which had just been killed for a sin-offering
the Most High God, is marked as serxTng a double "The life of the flesh is in the blood." (Lev. 17: ll)
purpose at the same time when on earth. The blood value, which is the life value of the slain
~’ The one purpose of vital importance and benefit Lord’s goat, is thus transferred to the live goat ~ h~ch
to men seeldng life is next descmbed: "And Aaron is "for Azazel". Hence, though not slain, tins live
shall hring the goat upon which the LoaD’Slot fell, goat bears upon it a sin-atoning merit, a value of
and offer him for a sin offering." (Lev. 16.9) In the life. The fact that this live goat is presented before
high priest’s bullock Christ Jesus was pictured as Jehovah shows lie recognizes this transfer of merit
offering himself in behalf of the spiritual house of or sin-atoning power. Thus the live goat, by virtue
Levi, the class redeemed from amongmenand begot- of the death of an ammalof its ownkind, both (1)
ten as God’s spiritual children and anointed to be carries life-merit for sin-atonement, and also (2)
a "royal priesthood" under their Head Christ Jesus. can be used to makea further picture to foreshadow
(1 Pet. 2:9) In the Lord’s goat the same Jesus the course of Jesus.
pictured as offering the value of his humanlife and ’° To begin with, both goats were equal, both un-
his right to life as a perfect manin behalf of those blemished and both acceptable for sacrifice without
pictured by the other tribes of Israel together with an atonement to be made over either of them The
all the strangers that took their stand for the typical lot cast merely decided which goat was actually to
Theocracy and submitted to its God-given laws. be ldlled as the Lord’s goat. Hence, together, the t~vo
These tribes of the "camp", together with the goats beautifully pictured the "man Christ Jesus",
E R. 251

unblemished, possessing life-merit that could be 3: 1) In terms of money a bullock is more valuable
freed in behalf of others, while at the same time he than a goat, but here the bullock made atonement
was able, while in the days of his flesh, to serve a for a S.~aLLER group than did the Lord’s goat. The
purpose respecting "Azazel". That purpose was to bullock was offered for but one tribe of Israel, that
answer Satan’s challenge. of Levi, which tribe was chosen out and had a closer
" The "goat for A_zaze]" was not unclean. Had it standing to Jehovah. It also directly served as full-
not stood an equal chance with the other goat to be time ministers of God, the Levites havin~ no inhem-
"for the LORD"as a sacrifice? Nor did Aaron’s con- tance in the land with the rest of Israel. If this Levite
fessing down upon its head the iniquity and trans- tribe was to render service to God in behalf of the
gressions of Israel render this live goat unclean; rest of Israel, the right order was to make atonement
and Aaron’s washing and changing his clothes there- first for the Levites, including the priests, and s,~
after did not mean the goat was unclean. nmke them qualified and fit for tabernacle service
" But this "Azazel": Was he an evil demon, in the " Likewise as to the antitypical Levites. They are
other side of the controversy between Jehovah God the spiritual sons begotten of God’s spwit and are
and Itis great adversary? The Hebrew scholar in line for his royal house over which Christ Jesus
Ge.-emus states that "the name Azazel is also used is the Head Son. These are a "kind of firstfJm’.s
by the Arabs for an evil demon". The Greek Septua- of his creatures" (Jas. 1 : 18). and hence are first
gint (LXX) Version, translated centuries before have applied to them Jesus’ atoning sacmfice and are
Christ, translates "Azazel" as "apopompalos", mean- thereby "bought with a price", first, from among all
¯ ,. . .
mg ax e, ter ,, . This "averter" is one who turns aside other men.(Rev. 5 : 9, 10 : 14 : 1-4 : 1 (’or. 6 : 20 ; 7 23
mischief or punishment if he is appeased or com- Acts 20: 28) Let it be observed that Aaron dat n,~
promised with, but he punishes the one who refuses do this atoning work with the lmllock in order that
to please and satisfy his demands. thereafter the Lord’s goat might/~c n:ade ac(’el~tab~c
’~ The live goat being sent out "into the wilder- and sacrificed. This proves that the Lord’: goat d(~es
ness", it is evident that Azazel is out there, and not picture anyone for whom propitmtmn must tirst
hence outside of the Theocratic camp of Jehovah’s be made, but the Lord’s goat and its mate. the -cape-
people for whomthe atonement is made. Out there, goat, also picture .Jesus. The atoning pox~er of lhe
"tbe whole world lieth in the evil one" (1 John 5: 19, bullock had no effect upon the Lord’s goat as if to
Ant. Bey. Ver.), and it is not unreasonable to believe provide the way for its sacrifice. Both lmllock and
"Azazel" is the "prince of the demons" and that the goat pictured one and the same saemfiec, tlmt of
demons are out there with him in the "wilderness" God’s only begotten Son. Hence the earher sacrifice
apart from the camp of those traveling toward the of the bullock for the entire house of Levi sl.(m ed
new world. It was from the wilderness that Satan (1) that Jesus’ sacrifice is first used as the basis for
raised up a "great wind" that demohshed the house making a new covenant with God to take the place
and slew all of Job’s children feasting therein. (Job of the old law covenant of Israel, attd also (2) that
1 : 19) The wilderness was a place of crucial tempta- the spiritual Israelites who are brought into fins new
tion for the Israelites while trekking to Canaan. covenant must first be redeemed by Christ’s blood
(Ezek. 20: 10-36; Ps. 95:8) The Lord’s "voice" cries and purged from their sins and so be "justified by
out in that wilderness to give warning of wrath to his blood". (Rom.5:9;Matt. 26:28;tIeb 9.14, 15:
come upon the nations. (Isa. 40.3) Jesus himself 8:6) The purpose of the new covenant is to "take
was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the out a people for God’s name’.
Devil. (Matt. 4: 1-11; Luke 4: 1-13) And Satan the ’" The killing of the antitypical bulloel~ was effected
ruler of his organization "Babylon" has made the at the time of Jesus’ baptism in symbol of his con-
world condition into a wilderness. (Isa. 14:4-17) secration to God’s service, when Jehovah God to,)k
But how is the goat for Azazel "let go into the wilder- Jesus into the covenant by sacrifice. Jesus x~as
hess"? The next Watchtower issue will show. thenceforth counted dead as a man and ahve as a
spirit-begotten Son in whomGod is well pleased.
"PROPITIATION FOR OUR SINS" Observe, now, the prophetic pattern of what should
""AndAaron shall bring the bullock of the sin follow: "And he [Aaron] shall take a censer full of
offering which [bullock] is for himself, and shall burning coals of fire from off the altar [in the court]
make an atonement for himself, and for his house, before the LoaD, and his hands full of sweet incense
and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which beaten small, and bring it within the vail." (Lev.
is for himself." (Lev. 16: 11) The unblemished bul- 16: 12) As to the twofold use of a censer of fiery
lock foreshadowed the sacrifice of the "Apostle and coals with incense see Revelation 8:3-6. The fiery
High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus". (Heb. coals which Aaron took in the golden censer into the

Most Holy symbolized the live, active zeal of Chrisf The blood s~nbolized the right to earthly life. Says
Jesus, which burned for iris Father’s house and was God: "The life of the flesh is in the blood: and I
also destructive of religion that reproached God’s have given it to you upon the altar, to make an
name. (Hob. 9:4; John 2:13-17) The carrying atonement for your souls: for it is tim blood that
the sweet incense with the fiery coals within the veil makethan atonementfor the soul." (Leo. 17 : 11, 14)
into the Holiest of all pictured Jesus" course on The right to life as a perfect man Jesus had not
earth in behalf of God’s house and against religion forfeited through sin. With the merit of his human
in order that Jehovah in heaven might be well sacrifice the risen High Priest Christ Jesus appeared
pleased as by fragrance. in the presence of God in heaven’s Holiest of all.
" "Andhe shall put the incense upon the fire before ,o The tabernacle door being to the east, Aaron
the Lono, that the cloud of tile incense maycover approached the ark of the covenant and its mercy
the mercy seat that is upon the testimony, that he seat from eastward. Young’stranslation of Levit~cu~
die not." (Leo. 16:13) This action preceded tile 16:14 says that Aaron "sprinkled with his finger at
sprinkling of bh)od for the sin-atonement. Hence it the front of the mercy-seat eastward; even at the
pictured Christ Jesus pIeasing his God and Father front of the mercy-seat he doth sprinkle seven times
by zealously maintaining his integrity for the vindi- of the blood with his finger". He made no sign of
cation of Jehovah’s name. This shows that the vin- a criminal’s cross with the blood. At the mercy seat
dication of God’s name is more important than and tie presented the blood, because Jehovah stated: "’I
takes precedence over the sacrifice for the redemp- will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat." Tile
tion of human creatures. high priest stood to the east or before the mercy
,8 Jehovah’s enemies and reproachers stink in his seat and sprinkled the blood. It is quite unlikely
nostrils. Jesus’ course of action coupled with his fiery that tie sprinkled it right onto the mercyseat, right
zeal for righteousness produced a sweet odor unto onto God’s symbolic throne between the two golden
Jehovah. Doing this in the face of reli#ous opposi- cherubim. At the foot of the throne, the ground
tion and perseeutmn required prayers to God to before the mercy seat, seems to be tim appropriate.
accompanyJesus’ offering of spiritual incense. ’%Vho unofficious place to apply the blood of the earthly
in the days of his flesil, when he had offered up vietim.
prayers and supplications, with strong crying and ~’ Sprinkling seven times showed a complete pres-
tears, unto him that was able to save him from entation of the merit of the vietim’s life. Henceit
death, and was heard in that he feared [(literally) proves that in the antitypical fulfillment there would
was heard for his godly fear]; though he were a be no need of presenting anew the life-merit of
Son, yet learned tie obedience by the things which Christ Jesus in heaven after 1900 years, after the
he suffered." (Hob. 5:7,8: Am. Rev. Ver.) (Note death of the "feet" membersof the "body of Christ".
Luke1 : 9, 10; Psahn141 : 3 ; Revelation8 : 3, 4.) Such Nineteen centuries ago Christ ,Jesus completed the
obedience under suffering vindicated God’s name and full transaction in heaven at his ascensmn and
was as a "sweet incense" to IIim. This Jesus must appearance "in the presence of God for us". There
render "that lie die not" as Ihgh Priest. The danger he made the purchase of that which was lost for
was not that of mere dying with a resurreetmn to Adam’soffspring, and so he gave up the possession
follow; the extreme danger was that of failing and of what he presented and lie took over that which
being destroyed. Which would it be for Jesus, a he redeemed.
death in faithfulness with hope of resurrection or "This further proves that the Lord’s goat did
a death in failure and meaning anmhflation? Had not and could not picture a sacrificial victim besides
not Jesus proved faithful and vindicated his Father’s the "man Christ Jesus". That goat, therefore, did
name his destruction would have meant failure to not picture the members of the "body of Christ",
ransom humankind. and they are no part of the sin-offering and provide
no part of the atonement for the new worht. It is
SPRINKLING OF BLOOD impossible for themto do so ; neither arc they needed.
""And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, Their service is wholly for the vindication of Jeho-
and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat vah’s name, and not as sin-bearers and sin-removers.
eastward ; and before the mercyseat shall he sprinkle This will appear more clearly from ttle study of the
of the blood with his finger seven times." (Leo. remainder of the atonement-day service in tile next
16 : 14) Christ Jesus fulfilled this picture by shedding succeeding issue of The Watchtower. "The gift of
his blood and thereafter being resurrected from the Godis eternal fife, through Jesus Christ our Lord."
dead as a divine spirit and ascending to heaven --Rom. 6 : 23.
itself, into Jehovah’s presence amidst the cherubim. (To be continued)
ttE time is at hand when the God of Righteousness
T will break the oppressor, destroy the oppression, and
set the people of good-will free. By the exercise of
themselves in the valley for another fight David w~
anxious to attack the enemy, but God determined othcrx~ ~se
Jehovah told David to "fetch a compass behind them" and
its superhuman power God’s Government of Righteousness, to come up from the rear. IIe told David to wait for the
his Theocracy, will come down out of heaven, adorned with attack until he hcard a "sound of a going m the tops of
beauty and glory, and take full control of earth’s affairs. the mulberry trees" and that then he should best:r tnmsclf
The release and blessing of the lovers of righteousness Why? "’For then shall the LORDgo out before thee, to
must be preceded by the expressing of God’s wrath against smite the host of the Philistines." (2 Sam. 5:20-25) David
unrighteousness. Now the day of Jehovah’s indignation is did as he was commanded. It was the victory of Jchox ah
at hand. It is to be a fierce and terrible day. Before David pictured Christ, and he pursued the encmv from
lasting peace settles down for ever on the earth and Gibeon to Gazer to destroy them.
righteousness has full sway there is God’s "strange work" The "strange act", foreshadowed by Jehovah’s act at
followed immediately by his "strange act" that must be Gibeon in both Joshua’s and David’s days, therefore has
done. Concerning such it is written: "For the LORDshall reference to the exhibition of divine power against Jehovah’s
rose up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the enemies at Armageddon. This act will seem "strange" to
valley of Glbeon, that he may do his work, his strange all the peoples on earth who oppose Jehovah’s Theocratic
work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. Now, Government, particularly to the religious leaders of
therefore, be ye not mockers."--Isa. 28: 21, 22. "Christendom". Hence the prophet Isaiah adds: "No~,
The "strange work" Jehovah God now carries on by therefore, be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made
his faithful witnesses throughout the earth, which God- strong; for I have heard from the Lord GODof hosts a
ordained "work" of witnessing is "strange" to rchgionists consumption, even determined upon the whole earth Give
and to judges of "Christendom". The "’strange act" to ye car, and hear my voice, hearken, and hear my speech."
follow at once upon the end of the "strange work" must --Isa. 28.22, 23.
be something that God did not reveal to his prophets. Jehovah’s witnesses will put forth their u*,mos’~ efforts
Manifestly it is the "act of (~od", and therefore from to give the witness to all nations, and many may scoff
heaven, and not a work that man, that Is, his witnesses, and call them foohsh. Many of the scoffers are those who
will do That "strange act" of Jehovah is foreshadowed by elmm to be children of God. The lrue and faithful ~ m~e~es
what came to pass at the valley of Gibcon. as His "strange of Jel,ovah uil[ hear and heed and stand firm on Ilis
work" was foreshadowed by that which took place prior side Never would it be possible for Jehovah’s ~tncss(.s
thereto at Mount Perazim. Isaiah’s prophecy refers thereto. on earth to bind the Devil and overthrow his wicked
The important city of Gibeon had made peace with organizatmn. Almighty God, Jehovah, must and ~xlll do
Jehovah’s Theocratic nation, the Israeh*,es, under Joshua. that. But his ~itnesses must and will sing to the elory of
Because of that peace arrangement the kmus of five other the Lord, and when, shortly, they see his "strange act"
cities united their forces to make battle against the city in progress they will burst forth in song afresh.
of Gibeon. Joshua went to the rescue of Gibeon and fought With :he power of the enemy broken by that "’strange
the enemy with success. "Joshua" means the same as act", the shackles will fall away from the arms of all the
"Jesus". (Hob. 4:8, margin; Acts 7:45) As Joshua survivors of the battle of Armageddon, including not only
pursued them "the Loai) east down great stones from God’s anointed remnant but also a "great multmlde’" of
heaven upon them" and slew the enemy. It was at that persons of good-will, his "’other sheep". Conoermng all
battle that Joshua prayed to God that the sun and tile these it ~ill then be true" "’And it shaU be said m that
moo:~ might stand still. God heard and strangely complied day, Lo, this is our God, we have ~mted for turn. and
with that request. It is written: "And there was no day he will save us. this is-the LoaD, we have waited for hml,
like that before it, or after it, that the Loire hearkened we will be glad and rejmee in his salvation."--Isa 25 9
unto the vmce of a man: for the Load fought for Israel." Christ Jesus has always been the dehght of his heavenly
--Josh. 10 : 14. Father. He has always rejoiced m the love of the great
Jehovah God gave the victory to Joshua. It may God. But since Lucifer rebelled and became Satan and
therefore be concluded that the battle of Armageddon, cast great reproach and ignominy on the great and good
God’s "strange act", is foreshadowed by Joshua’s expemenee name of his Father there has been a longing m the mind
at Gibeon. Joshua wanted the sun and moon to stand still and heart of his beloved Son to accomplish some specific
that he might see how to pursue the enemy and fight them. work. That he might see his Father’s name magmfied
Joshua represents Jehovah’s King of The Theocracy, Christ Jesus left the courts of heaven, became a man and thed
Jesus. At the battle of Gibeon the Israehtes slew some of an ignominious death. God raised him out of death and
the enemy by the sword, but God slew by far the greater exalted him above all others m heaven and clothed him
number with the hailstones or chunks of ice which he threw with great honor, glory and power. Yet there was something
down from heaven. (Josh. 10:11) The occasmn was that Jesus longed to see accomphshed, and that was the
phenomenal one. It was a manifestation of divine power. destruction of the enemy and his wicked organization, and
Mount Perazim is associated with King David of Jehovah’s name placed in the proper potation before all
Jehovah’s typical Theocracy. There David with God’s help creatures that live. At his ascension to heaven Jesus’ Father
defeated the demon-worshiping Philistines and burned up said to him: ’Sit thou at my right hand and await my
their rehgious image~. The Philistines returned and spread due time, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.’ God’s
due time for action against the enemy came in A.D. 1914", one of us and let us be at peace Sing your son~ for
the year of the World War, then Jehovah said to his us.’ The Israelites replied: ’No, we will not sing our son~
beloved Son : ’(-Io forth out of Zion with the rod of authority for you.’ Said they to Jehovah’s Theocratic organization
and rule in the midst of thine enemles.’--Ps. 110:1, 2. "If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, let my right hand forget
There "war in heaven" began and the enemy Satan was her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my ~ongue
expelled from heaven, and all his demons with him, and cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem
restrained to the vicinity of this earth. Then Jesus came above my chief joy."--Ps. 137:5, 6.
to the great spiritual temple of God for judgment, to Even so now the Babylonish world systoms attempt to
raise to life in the spirit those dead Christians who had hinder the work of Jehovah God by varmus means, and
been adjudued "faithful unto death" and to make them one method is to invite God’s people to be at peewee w~th
"living stones" in the temple where God dwells by his them in a "good-neighbor policy" and to smg their song~
sprat of power. Then the examination of Jehovah’s for them. Certain consecrated ones that have not passed
covenant people yet on earth began, as foretold- "The time the temple judgment and that make up the "evil servant"
m come that judgment must begin at the house of God." class speak to Jehovah’s faithful wltnesses. ’~Vhy not be
(1 Pet. 4: 17) Those consecrated ones whom the Judge more eonmderate with the clergs’ of Babylon~ Go easy
the temple found faithfully caring for the interests of the with them. You might help them Why not be at peace
~eat and righteous Government, The Theocracy, which with them and sing your songs for them ~’ Jehovah’s fanh-
interests or "talents" had been committed into their hands, ful covenant people respond: ’No, I will sing praise to
even to them the Lord said- "Enter thou into the joy of my God. If I do not continue faithful to my God. and
thy lord" (Matt 25"21/ TEe joy of the l,ord Jesus is sing his prames only, then let my tongue cleave to the
the vindieatmn of his Father’s name. Such has been the roof of my mouth and be silent.’
longing desire of Christ He has begun that work of Jehovah’s faithful servants, the remnant and their
vindmatlon as his Father’s Chief Executive Officer. He companions, the "other sheep", know no such thm~ as
~n!l finish it gloriously and to the glory of his Father at compromme with the enemy. With a face of adamant they
Armageddon lte joyfully stags the prmses of his Father are set on Jehovah’s side. In him they trust and arc at
and calls upon every member of the temple class to do rest and peace. (Isa. 26:3) Songs of contentment and
so.--Ps 29 9. joy and prame flow from their lips On all occa.~mns they
Those who have entered mto the joy of the Lord are bear testimony and continue in personal wm~e~mgt,, his
wholly and completely on tus side tie m thmr King, and holy name and in comforting all that mourn 1-)esime
Jehoxah is their God, and unto them they stag, and to persecution by the enemy, they know they are ~afe from
none other They refuse to sing any son~ that woul,l be all evil to their everlasting welfare.--Ps 121 7, 8
pleasing to the enemy or an?" part of the Babylonish world bet this trine of greatest persecution upon Jehovah’s
organization The example set by the l~aelltes of old (lod covenant people be a time of effort to give the stron~z(~
caused to be recorded that ~t mmht serve as a grade to witness yet dehvered to His glory and to Itis name Let
hm wmlesses now The Is~:ehtes were in Babyion as no one of his watnesses slack the hand (-’on,tautog in
captives The Babvlomans called upon them to stag a harmony with Jehovah, these will he at peace with one
song of Zion for their entertainment In substance they another, they roll continue to see eve to eye and Iofft ther
stud to the Israelites: ’Forget ~our past and come and be they willlift up their voices m song of jo~ ful prmse

.18, 19 AND20

J ’EItOVAtt, in his lovin~-kindness and m the direction

of his Theocratic or~amzation, admomshc~ Ins people
that they should not forsake the assemhlmg of them-
in every wa3 possible aid these newl3 interested persons ~,,
attend one of the eonventmn cities hsted
The assembly this year will be for a pemodof three da~
selves together, but that they should at ttns tune be exhort- Fmday, Saturday and Sunday, September 18, 19 and 20,
mg one another because they see the day at)proachmg Tins the key city being Cleveland, OhmAll should set aside these
~s the admonition set forth in ttebrews 10 25. three days for meeting together wlth those of hke precmus
Having m mind the rmh blessings the Lord has poured faith, devoting as much tune to the field ser~uee m the
upon Ins people in times past when they have come together various conventmn cities as they posmbly can. There will
in such assemblies, we may look forward with confidence to be much advertmmg to do relative to the pubhc meeting,
this assembly of Jehovah’s servants, feeling sure that he which will be addressed by the premdent of the Socmty.
has something in store for us all that we may be comforted The subject of his speech is "PEACE-- Can It Last?" The
in this day of great trial and distress and, above all, be pre- whole world today is talking peace and alread3 those in
authority are drawing up peace plans to be put into effect
pared to go ahead in greater acuvity, all to the honor of at the close of the war. What has the Bible to say on this
Jehovah’s name. There are thousands of persons of good- subject ? The people of good-will with whomyou have a~so-
will who are not as yet associated with the company organi- elated yourselves m the past year will be anxious to know,
zations of Jehovah’s witnesses but who, if informed of this too. Bring them to one of the conventions. "Only fear the
convention, will be glad to attend and see how the Lord’s LoaD, and serve him in truth with all your heart’ for con-
orgamzation works. All publishers of the Kingdom should sider how great things he hath done for you."-I Sam. 12 : 24.
AUGUST15, 1942 255

ROOMING per day in rooming houses. Charges in hotels will vary

Everyone attending the assembly should arrange for Brethren should state definitely what they desire to pay
rooms for at least Friday and Saturday nights. If you wish if they request hotel accommodations. F’lrst-class hotels
to have a room for Sunday night too, this will be available. usually have rates as follows:
Those who wish to stay in the convention city for a longer Single rooms with bath, $2.50 and $3.00 per day;
period should make request accordingly. There is set out Double rooms (two m a room; with bath, double bed,
below the rooming committee address for each of the con- $3.50 and %t 00 per day.
ventlon cities where arrangements have been completed for Those wishing hotel accommodations at lower rates u ill
the assembly There are a few cities listed without a commit- please make their request in writing to the conx cntlon teem-
tee address because the final eontraet has not been drawn ing committee, and they will do the best they can to accom-
up for that assembly point, but the next issue of The Watch- modate you at the rates you request.
tower will give the rooming committee address m these If you obtain your rooms in advance your a~slgn-
particular cities Each person should look over this hst of ment will be mafieci to you It will then not be necessary
convention ellles earcfulh" and decide which convention to report to the rooming assignment booth at the conven-
he is going to attend, and then write to the Watchtower tion on your armval, but you can go dlreet to your accom-
roomnl~z committee, setting out tl,e deta:led reformation, modations. The hotel or people operating the rooming house
so that they can reserve rooms for you where you are to stay will be notified by the eonvenll,n
I~ x~rltlng for accommodations it will greatly help the committee that you are coming, and ~xllt be told how ion~
roulnlng conlm:ttee if you will state the following: you will stay and the dale that you expect to arrive Your
Name, street, city, state or province, natlonahty ; white co-operation in obtalnln~ rooms through the lOOln!n’_., com-
or colored, date you expect to arrive in the eonventmnelty ; mittee will ~reatly aid the committee and ~ill be conducive
to tess confusion. All persons making arrangements to at-
date you will leave; kind of accommodations you des~re--- tend the convention should have tilelr requests m to the
res:dence or hotel; number of rooms reqmred; number of
perso[ls m party; number of married couples; number of convention committee not later than September 1, ~ith the
exception of the few cities where no addresses are here
sln~lc men, num}ier of single women,slngle or double beds. given The next II’atchtolcer will announce these addresses,
State definltely the amount you want to pay per person and as soon as you receive your magazine you ~fll p’.ease
per day. Good accommodations can usually be had at 75e per write immedmtely to those points.
person per day in rooming houses, two or more m a room. The next issue of The Watchtower thereafter (Septem-
One in a room, $1 00 and up. In almost all sections of the ber 15) will announce the convention audnormms and the
city there will be some accommodations for 50e a person addresses.


In eaeh instance the address ~ f.1 be Watchtower Coll~entlon Committee. Committee addres~e~ are as follous:
"515 Frankl.n Blvd. 4320 S Fnst bt. Louisville 217 \V V,’~tsl~lngton St, Oklahoma (City


~aton }~.OU~’~t I, se~ next issue) I<i:tmath Falls ~see next ~ue)
23 N %%" l~th St. I’ortland
C/o FraternM Hall MAINE
AUgusta Isee next issue) RHODE ISLAND
2213½ 3rd A’,e..N, I3irmmgnam 847 n .%laln St. Providence
1407 St ~tel,hens [toad. },lobtle
ARIZONA ]~altln~or~ ~s~.~. next issue) P O BOX 585, Lharleston
1110 N 16th St. Phoenix
ARKANSAS 19182 Co~entr}. l*etrolt T~f~%%ood tsee ! t’Xt I.~SUP)
1004 W Seventh St Little Rock Sioux F,~IIs (see next issue)
Box 2 Ne~ Duluth TENNESSEE
1434 V*ellestey Ave. -~t Paul 1122 Stewart St , b. nox’, ills
Room 318 Hewer }:ldg Fresno ~39 Court Ave. Memphis
2412 Edgev,’ater Terrace. Los Angeles
San Francisco (see next ISSUe) MISSOURI TEXAS
Room 297 htud*o B]dg . 4811~-2 Bryan St Dallas
COLORADO 9th & Locust St. I<ansas Clty 2601 I: Yandell [).l~d ~’:l l’a~o
2572 Chase St. Den~’er 2005 Brent’~ood, Houston
13~ De~tne St, San Antonio
FLORIDA 2112 4th Ave *o, Great Falls
3aekson~llle tsee next issue) UTAH
lll0~z Pranklm St. Tampa :~38 V, ~ 1st St S. Salt Lake City
hlneoln ts, ee next Issue)
Atlanta (see next issue) 809 E Fr~",!dln St. Richmond
Box 683, Albuquerque
IDAHO 2~,13 N 55th St., Seattle
Boise (see next issue) 412 S Sherman, Spokane
9A Dudley Hgts. Albany
ILLINOIS 1"85 Rh’erslde Dr. Johnson City WEST VIRGINIA
4905 W ILrle St Chicago 545 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo ~,4 51orr~son llldg
501 ~J;. Miller, Spr*ngfleld 117 Adams St, Brooklyn ~15 Quarrier St . Cha.rleston


182I. 45th St, Des Moinea 40,I~/~ V¢ Tcade St, Charlotte ~.IKdL~on (see next issue)


349~ I~werv*ew, Wichita Fargo (lee next issue) Teres,% Bianco 207, lJavana

"We approached the gate of the Reception Center, "This experience shows the importance of having
a city of 10,000 inhabitants which sprang from desert memorized the ’Pledge to Jehovah’ found on page 28 of
wastes m sixty days. The gate was barred by a challenging the booklet God and the State. The magazine pubhsher
army rifle in the hands of a guard. This member of the asks: ’Good evening, sir, have you had your latest copy
military police gave us the regulations of the place, strict of The Watchtowerf" Man seated in the auto: ,~o, I don’t
indeed, and passed us on to the commanding officer. We believe I care for it.’ Publisher: ’Have you ever read
found these officers fine, kindly men, one of whom had The Watchtower?’ ~o.’ ’You see The Watchtower explains
observed the depredations done by our enemies at Salinas, the present-day events in the light of Bible prophecy ’ Man-
Calif. He could not understand why Christian people ’That may be true, but I don’t want it; you don’t salute
should be maligned by those who profess to be good the flag.’ Publisher: .~o, but "I RESPECTThE FLAGOF THE
Americans. The officer of the day met us and gave us UNITED ~TATES AND ACKNOWLEDGE IT AS A S~’2~IBOL OF
the r~ulations regarding religious work there, in the hands FREEDO~I AND JUSTICE TO ALL".’ "YOU do?’ ’Certainly Not
of four men, including a priest and a ’Church of Christ’ only that. but "I HAVEPLEgGED ~Y ~’,’qUXLn~mnALLEGIANCE
man. The book Children and booklet Hope were accepted by A~ND DEYOTION TO JEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, AND TO HIS
this officer. In finding persons of good-will and Kingdom KLNGDOM, FOR WHICH JESUS COMMANDS ALL CIIR1STLgNS TO
publishers inside the Reception Center the Lord’s favor pg, Y".’ ’V,~ell, I didn’t knowthat !’ ’And furthermore, as
was so evident that it could not be mistaken. In our one of Jehovah’s witnesses, "I PLr.VaE aLtJ:GL~XCF~A.’,’D
witnessing we found a publisher who had met a good-will OBEDIE~NCE TO ALL THE LAWS OF TI:[E UNITED STATES WItlCI!
person in the Center, and that gave us a lead. Two pub- AJKE CONSLSTENT WTrH GOD’S LAW AS SET FORTtt IN THE
lishers, carpenters who had worked on the construction, said Bra~.~." Nowwhat honest, ~ncere, and law-abiding perscn
English books were the thing, as all the population under can find objection to that pledge?’ Man: ’I’m sure I can’t
forty years of age read English. We find this is true, but I’m going to take that magazine and find out what is m
that most of the younger generation also read their native it for myself.’"
tongue. Then came names and addresses of two evacuGes
from the South, and we were set to carry the Kingdom CATHOLIC INTEREST m HULL (ENGLAND}
message to the Center the very next ’Visitors’ Day’. Having "When we explained we had come to discuss some Bible
written the two addresses previously, we approached the questions, Mr. P~asked us in. Would we mind tu~
gate the second time. Presenting the names and addresses inviting his brother in, who lived not far away? We sa~d
we were passed to the Japanese Center police, one of whom we would be pleased for anyone else to attend We had
accompanied us to the police headquarters where our car brought the ’Exposed’ lecture recordings with us Imagine
was inspected and all packages for the Center were our surprise to learn they were all Cathohcs. We had four
inspected and OK’d. This data and the names of persons in attendance at our first study, and real interest The~
we expected to visit were taken to the chief of police, an stated they had never read a Bible be/ore but wouhl
American. The captain in charge required as to our accept what was in it as proof, and this they d~d One
intentions and how we intended to distribute the books and stated he had bowed to the priest when he spoke to hm~,
the price we expected to take for them. tie was informed but now, after hearing these things explained, he thou.~hl
the packages were for free distribution aDd that one carton the priest should be made to bow to him for decclxm~
was to be donated to the library. This pleased him, but he him for so long! The following week we went. There was
said they had no way of translating the foreign language an attendance of seven, all Catholics. Wetook the study,
books at the Center; samples would be sent to the Bureau and then asked if they had any further questmns on what
of Investigation at Washington, D.C., for inspection and we had discussed. One said he could see why the nex~spapcrs
would later be released to those for whom intended. We were lbdng about us. for it was to prevent the people from
told turn the FBI had already investigated aDd approved getting the truth. We told them of our cxperlcI:ces on
of our work. The captain and the Japanese police treated the work (we find this a good way to qulck]y place the
us kindly and invited us to call at the Center again. Next issue before all good-will interest). We had be~n in
a scout car was sent to find our fmends and bring them ’select’ part of Hull. One spoke up and said he x~ouht hke
to in front of the headquarters where we could converse to have been with us, as ’he would have told them something’.
with them. Tension, and nervous ~’.rain! the processes His brother then spoke up and said that this was the
seemed slow, but rigid care and street observance of rules truth and you cannot force it on anyone and if thc~ do
must be maintained, as very necessary. While waiting, we not want it it is best to pass on. It was wonderful to
observed that everything is orderly. These Japanese people us to hear this discussion on service between these t~o
are of quiet and polite demeanor, with some good-natured brothers in front of the others in the room. These tx~o
chafing, but for the most part seeming happy and contented. have been passing out booklets and telling others about
. . . Finally our friends arrived, pleased to be in touch the studies and inviting them to the home. Also they ha~e
again with the Kingdom message. Joy born of service and been arranging other calls for us. Yesterday we went to
unity of purpose seemed to lie in all hearts as we bid our the third study, and the house was packed, eleven being
friends farewell till we should meet again. Results of our in attendance, and again ALL CATn0[JCS. Four arc comm~
call are, 1 Watchtower subscription, 172 bound books, 493 to our meetings, and all are coming to the Chddren study
booklets, and a hundred Kingdom News, placed in the arranged to start next Wednesday even:ng .... Will the
Center." local priest be feeling the heat ?"
1, 1942

hcosEx~m,-v mR THE NEWWo~v
(Part3)............................................. 259
"For the Sins of the WholeWorld".. 260
Complete Atonement ......................... 261
"TheScapegoat" .................................. 262
............................................ 263
"ForAzazel" ....................................... 264
........................................ 265
............................................ 266
Reqmrements for the NewWorld........ 267
TRIUuPR BI’ WHOSE WORKST ................ 268
NoCox,~-B~c,r voRRF,Lmxo~ .................. 270
FImmExPmuSSCr_a .................................. 272
"THE:Wlsr-" TESTIMONY PERIOD ............ 258
NOTICEO}’llq’l’~UM,., MF,~’TING ................. 258
1942T--,~OCSaTm ASSV.UBLY .................... 258
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ........................ 271
Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as ex23ressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible Instruction specifically de-
orrlczns signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good w~lL
N. II. KNORR,Prestdent W.E. "~’ANAMBL-RG.’fr, Sccrefarg It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all Chy chddren shall be taught of dehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studie~ It publishes stat-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah ..f4:zJ. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God. is from everlasting to It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the 3laker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginmng of his creation,
and his active agent in the creation of alI things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not m-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
heaven and earth, and the Chief Exeeuuve Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGOD created the earth for man. created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis- y,z,Rr.y St*Bsc~r~ox
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of "(~NITED STATES, $100: CANADA AND ~[ISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN. $] ~0:
Adam’s wrong net all men are born sinners and without the mght G~AT ~RITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOt~TH AFRICA, ~$ Al~erlcon rem,t-
tances should be madeby Postal or E~qDress i~loney Order or by Bank
tolife. Draft. Canadian, British. South A.frman and Austraiasmn remittances
should be made direct ~o the respecUve branch offices. Remlttarces from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklyn ofl~ce,
death in order to producethe ransomor redemptiveprice for but by inter’national Postal .~loney Order only.
obedlentones of mankind;that God raisedup Jesus divineand
exaltedhim to heavenaboveeverycreatureand aboveeveryname FORF~QNOFFICES
and clothedhim ~ith all powerand authority. British................................ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracycalled Zion, Canadian ............................ 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and thatChristJesusis the ChiefOfficer thereofandis the right- Australasian ................... 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. S W, Austraha
l$outh African ................... Boston House, Cape Town,South .Lfr:ca
ful Kingof the world; thattheanointed andfaithful followers of Please address the Somety in every case.
ChristJesusare childrenof Zion,membersof Jehovah’s orgnn,za-
tlon,and arehiswitnesses whosedutyandprivilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah.declarehis purposes towardmankind
(TranMatian$o] th~ tournal appear in Jeveral languages.)
as expressed in the Bible,and to bearthe fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placedby Jehovahuponh~s throneof authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price ma3 have The Watch-
Satan from heavenand is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the pubhshers, made once each
year, statmg the reason for ~o requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdomon earth. needy, but the written application once each ~ear t~ required by the
postal regulations
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skm~domunder Christ,which Notice to Subscribers- Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun:that the Lord’snextgreatact ~s the destruction ecriptlon wlll be sent only when requested. Change of addresq, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
of Satan’s or~amzat,on and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank {carrying notice of expiration} will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kmgdomthe people of good will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armaceddon shall carry out the diwne mandate to "fill Entered a~ second-cla~, matter at the poat o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. ~nder the Act el March ~, 1879


The month of October ~s "known by Jehovah’s witnesses as Pursuant to the provtmon of law and the charter of the Watch
"The Wise" Testimony Period. Durm~ tl~at month the servants of Tower Bible & Tract Society, notme is hereby g~ven that the an-
Jehovah will put forth an extraordinary effort to magnify the nual busmess meetmgof the said Society will be held at Pittsburgh.
name of the Lord and to advertise his kmgdt,m m the ear’.h It is North Side (formerly Allegheny), Pennsylvania, at ten o’clock
good to serve the Lord and to aid others, and those persons who a m, Thursday, October 1, 1942, at whxch the usual annual busi-
are wise w~ll put forth every, effort to a:d those who lo~e right- ness will be transacted.
eousness to seek the truth In Proverbs. chapter 8, verse 31 onward,
this thought is brought to our attent:on. "Hear mstrucuon, and 1942 THEOCRATIC ASSEMBLY
be wxse, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man*,hat heareth me, . . . The Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses for ttn~
for whoso tindeth me findeth hfe, and shall obtain favour of the year will be held on the three days September 18 to 20 reclusive
LO~D." Durmg "The Wise" Testimony Period Jehoxah’s w~tnesses ~’h~le s~multaneous conventions ~ be held in various parts of
will offer to the people the book Children and the booldet Hope, the earth, It is expected to have at least 53 3omt conventmns :n
on a contmbutmn of 25c, so that the people of good-will may re- the Un,.ied States, m as many cams, and all gathemngs being twd
ceive mstructmn and be unse. All persons who love righteousness m by land w~res with the key assembly at Cleveland, Ohio The
and want to help others find the way to life and learn ot Jehovah’s program of events and speeches ~ therefore be identical for all
kmgdomwill share m the witness work durmg this pe, lod If you gathermgs, and hence all ~ share equally at the Lord’s bounte-
are not already associated ~nth a company of Jehovah’s witnesses ous table. Every reader of The Watchtower m cordially my:ted to
and would 1Lke to be, w-ate to WXTCHTOW~R, 117 Adams St., attend at one of these cams, from Friday the first day clear
Brooklyn, N.Y., and we will get you in touch w~th the nearest through to Sunday mght, but at least the pubhe address, Sunda>
company, so you may share with these servants of the Lord m the afternoon, "Peace--Can It Last?" Our next issue of the Watch-
proclamatmn of the Kingdom. In these perplexmg tunes the wise tower will give the list of cities and the locatmas of the places
man w~l.I seek the Lord and share his knowledge with others, so of gathering. This announcement is made that you may have ample
"that we may be able to comfort them whlch are in any trouble, by time to make all due preparation to attend and gam the sure and
the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God". (Continued on page 271)
eW£3FCX OW18
1, 1942 NO17



"’Wet~at, e an advocateu’~tt7 the Fall~er, Jesus Cl~rist tl~e rzglzteous: and t~e is tt2e propitiafio~ for our sb~s:
a~d ~zot for ours o~ly, but also for the s~s of tt~e ulzolc uorld."--I John 2:1,2.
EHOV,LIIanointed his beloved Son to be the High tained the two tables of stone whereonwere inscribed
J Priest who makes atonement that obedient men the ten commandments,and which represented God’s
may live in the new world and never die. The covenant with the twelve trihes of Israel.
foundation of that new world has been laid. and the The high priest entered the Most Itoly and first
full estabhshment of that world of righteousness is burned incense on a gohten censer. Thereafte~ he
sure and it shall be a "world without end". What took the bl¢)od of the bullock, which had 1)een killed
t)ohticians, world-trade traffickers, scientists, mih- outside in the court, and sprinkled seven times wxth
tamsts, and rehgionists may try to set up on earth the blood immediately in front of the mercy seat.
after this war for world dominatmn will not rest Thereby the lngh priest madeatonement for all Ins
upon the only Foundation that Jehovah has laid. house, that is, for the tmbe of Levx, of wh)el~ he was
ttenee their setup will be no part of the new world a member.The bullock for the sin-offering pletured
for which Jehovah’s High Priest has made atone- the great Victim in whomalone is the power of sin-
ment. For such fundamental reasons man’s postwar atonement and whose blood cleanses from inhemted
arrangement will not survive the battle of Armaged- sin. It pictured "the man Christ Jesus". A~- God’s
don. The ’q)attle of that great day of GodAlmighty" thgh Priest he gave himself a "ransom for man.v",
will break out suddenly upon the postwar broiders even as many as should obey God and beheve on Ins
whenthey think they can cry out, "Peace and safety ’." Son as the Redeemer.(Matt. 20 : 28) He is the anoxnt-
( 1 Thess. 5 : 3) Thosepresuming to erect a man-made ed Head of Jehovah’s Theocracy of the new world.
thing to dominate all the earth in the place of The "With him in that heavenly Theocratic Government
Theocracy which .Mmighty God Jehovah has pur- are to be associated 144,000 whoconstitute the "hody
posed to nowrule shall meet "sudden destruction". of Christ", of whichChrist Jesus is the ttead. There-
Upon the sure Foundation whieh Jehovah the great fore the sprinkling of the blood of the hulloek at the
Theocrat has laid shall arise in glory the newworld, mercy seat pictured the atonement for the sins of
consisting of "new heavens and a new earth, wherein such membersof the "body of Christ", Ins church.
dwetleth righteousness". (2 Pet. 3: 13) Only those --Lev. 16 : 3-14.
x\ ho range themselves on the side of Jehovah’s The- ’It is ,Jehovah’s gracious will and purpose, not
oeracv and who seek the atonement through its High only that the church of 144,0CX) memberssEMi hve
Priest wilI survive to see the new world and rejmce and reign with Christ Jesus in the "new heavena",
evermore. but that faithful menshall forever inhabit the earth
: The atonement which removes the sin of those in humanperfection after the "battle of that great
xxho will be blessed with everlasting life was fore- day of God Almlghtx;’ has cleansed the earth of all
shadowed in the day of atonement which Jehovah’s the wicked and disobedient. Since 1918 Jehovah God
law through the prophet Moses ordained to be ob- has been gathering together others besides the 144,-
served once each year in Israel. The atonement on 000 membersof his "httle flock", there being now
that day was made by God’s anointed high priest only a remnant of membersof that "little flock" yet
and was by him presented at the mercy seat in the on earth and serving as his anointed witnesses and
Most Holy of the sacred tabernacle. There Jehovah ambassadors of the new world. The remnant have
God’s presence was represented by the miraculous received of the atonement and will shortly finish
cloud which appeared above and between the two their earthly course and have part in the "first resur-
golden cherubim on the mercy seat. The mercy seat rection". Thus they will be transferred to heavenly
was the lid of the gold-covered ark. This chest con- scenes of activity with Jehovah’s glorzous ttigh
Priest Christ Jesus, whoalso reigns as King of The This goat was the victim which provided sin-atone-
Theocracy. ment "’for the people", that is, for the campof the
Those others whomthe Lord God is at present Israelites and the strangers sojourning amongthem,
gathering are his "other sheep". If they continue obe- all of whomwere encampedat a distance round about
dient and faithful to him they maybe safely hid dur- the court of the tabernacle. Itence this goat pwtnrt.d
ing the battle of AI’nlageddon and shall form the the same great Sin-Offering as the bullock pictured,
"great multitude" of survivors who will inhabit the namely, "the manChrist Jesus." The goats were sup-
cleansed earth, bring forth righteous offspring and plied by the nation of Israel, which reminds one that
fill the earth with a righteous race. To receive life Christ Jesus was born an Israelite according to the
under such blessed conditions these "’other sheep" flesh and that fanhful men and womenwere eager to
be in the line of the forefathers who would produce
the promised Messiah, the Christ. To lnake atone-
ment, he partook of the same nature as those whom
he ransoms, and he said: "Myflesh . . . I will give
for the iife of the world."--Jolln 6 : 51.
’However, why was the goat offered as a sin-
NORTH offering besides the bullock ? Not to picture that tlmre
wouldbe two sin-offerings in the realities, hut it was
because the bullock did not cover the nation of Israel
in general ; it atoned only for the select tribe of Levi,
picturing the i44,000 of the "body of Christ". The
other tribes, the people of Israel in general, to;zether
with the alien sojourners amongthem, pictured tho~-e
outside the "little flock", to which flock Godgl~es
the kingdom of heaven. (Luke 12: 32) They pictured
those outside the "body of Christ" but whohave faith
in and apply for the redemption by the High Priest
Christ Jesus and whoinherit life on earth under the
Kingdom,The Theocracy. Christ’s saciufiee does not
stop with redeeming only those who becomememl)ers
of "his body". The merit of his sacrifice avails for
and extends to the Lord’s "other sheep" now being
gathered into the one fold of the Lord, and also to
their offspring who shall be brought forth after
must accept and receive of the atonement made for Armageddon under the Kingdom in fulfillment of
the new world and must prove their worthiness tim divine mandate. These "other sheep" do not sacrl-
thereof by lovingly consecrating the,nselves to Jeho- rice the right to earthly life but have hope to live on
vah God by Christ Jesus to forever do the divine earth as humans forever. They consecrate them-
will. Such "other sheep" ufll for the above reasons seh’es to Jehovah now and are hapt~zed, but they
be specially interested in the next features of ancient arc not "justlfied"-as are the membersof the "little
Israel’s atonement day. flock". Jusufication .xow is for the purpose that the
"little flock" maybe taken into the covenantby .,acrl-
"FORTHESINS OF THEWHOLE WORLD" rice and mayfor ever sacrifice their right to hurmn
" Before sprinlding the bullock’s blood for the sin- life which they received by justification through
offering Aaron the high priest had presented two un- Christ Jesus. Hence in the type the sin-atonement
blemished goats before Jehovah God at the door of is pictured as being madefirst for them by "the bul-
the tabernacle. While they stood there m the court lock.--Rom.5 : 1, 9, 11.
before the door the high priest cast lots and selected ’ Cilrist’s sacmfice also atones for the faithful men
one goat for the Lord and the other goat"for Azazel", of old whoshall soon cometo life by a "better resur-
this latter goat being commonlycalled "the scape- rection" and be made The Theoeracs’s visible rep-
goat". The account of the atonemert proceedings resentatives on earth, being made "princes in all
now reads: "Then shall he kill the goat of the sin the earth" as children of the great King-Father,
offering, that is for the people, and bring his blood Christ Jesus. (Ps. 45: 16) Besides those faithful men
within the vail, and do with that blood as lie did with of old there are others in the graves whohave "clone
the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the evil" by reason of inherited sin. That these m~ght
mercyseat, and before the mercyseat." (Lev. 16 : 15) share in the benefits of the sin-atoneInent Christ
1, 19t2 2-5eWATCHTOWEI 261

Jesus shall utter his voice and call them forth in CO’~IPLETEATONE.~IENT
due time "unto the resurrection of judgment". (John ~’ Not all the blood of the bullock and Lord’s goat
5: 28, 29, Am. Rev. Ver.) By faithful obedience to was sprinkled before God’s mercy seat by the lngh
The Theocratic Government and maintaining their priest. The high priest used the remainder of the
integrity under the test of judgment, these shall "ob- blood to apply elsewhere. "And he shall make an
tain that world, and the resurrection from the dead". atonement for the holy place, because of the unclean-
They shall live forever in that world without end, ness of the children of Israel, and because of their
the world of righteousness. (Luke 20:a5, a6) Hence transgressions in all their sins: and so shall lie do
the apostle John, whowas one of the "little flock", for the tabernacle of the congregation, that remain-
wrote to others of the Kingdomclass: ’%Vehave an eth amongthem in the midst of their uncleanness.’"
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the right- (Lev. 16: 16) That tabernacle symbolized the "great-
eous: and he is the propitiation for our sins: and er and more perfect tabernacle, not madewith bands,
not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole that is to say, not of this building"; its features were
world." (1 John 2:1, 2) Hence, in tile atonement-day "patterns of things in the heavens", as stated at lie-
type, what the typical bullock left to be accomplished brews 9 : 11, 12, 21-24. The purifying of them with the
tile Lord’s goat must be used to accomplish, namely, cleansing blood was done to show that Jehovah’s
make atonement for the camp of Israel and the so- entire arrangement for atonement for the new world
journing strangers, all of whompictured those whose is pure, holy and righteous, free from sin, by virtue
life blessings will be on earth in the new world. of the work of Jehovah’s High Priest. The sacrifice
’ Note that the blood of the Lord’s goat was carried of the membersof Christ’s "body" could accomplish
into the Most Holy of God’s presence by the one high no such effect as here pictured ; only the blood of the
priest, and that the high priest used this blood in great Sin-Offering, Christ Jesus, could do it. After
exactly the same manneras that of the bullock. This Christ Jesus got through personally with his otticml
is further proof that the goat’s blood represents the duties, the true "holy place" and "tabernacle" could
sacrificed life of the one Victim, Christ Jesus, the not be mademore clean, sacred, or holy by anything
same as does the blood of the bullock sacrificed for that those of his church could do or add.
the high priest’s house. ’~ His exclusiveness in the sin-offering is further
’° But what is signified by the sprinkling of the shown: "’Andthere shall be no manin the tal~ernacle
goat’s blood ,t~’TER that of the/mlloek? This, namely, of the congregation when he goeth in to make an
that the application of power and value of the Sin- atonement in the holy place, until he come~u:. and
Offering, "the manChrist Jesus," to those whoserve have made an atonement for himself, and for hi.~
Jehovah God forever on earth under the Kingdomis household[by the bullock], and for all the eon’.:re~a-
secondar.v in order. It follows after Jehovah has re- tion of Israel [by the Lord’s goat]." (Lev. 16" 17)
deemed His royal family of sons "from among men" The whole work rests upon Christ Jesus, and he ~1~,t
to be "heirs of" God, and joint-heirs with Christ" in a complete job, unassisted bv an?" other creature
the heavenly kingdom. The faithful witnesses and ("nmn"). At this point Aaron the tngh priest pic-
prophets who lived and died before the entrance of tures Christ Jesus alone, and not the comt),,.,lte
the Itigh Priest Christ Jesus with the value of his Christ, that is, Jesus the ttead and the ehuzch tal.,
humansacrifice into God’s presence in the Most Holy body. He is "the tIigh Priest of our profes:l~,n".
(tteb. 3: 1) Tins dcqnonstrates once more timt the
of heaven extended from Abel to John the Baptist.
These could not then get any redemptive benefit from Lord’s goat could not represent the church or I,ody
a sacrifice that had not yet in their time been offered of The Christ, but that the goat equally with the bul-
lock foreshadowed Jesus’ all-sufficient sacilfice.
to Jehovah. They were first in time, but in comparing which makes full propmation. "Whonee(h:tl~ not
them with the members of the "body of Christ" as daily leach atonement day], as those high priests.
to the benefits of the real sin-atonement, ’the first to offer up sacrifice, first for l,is ownsins [b? the
shall be last, and the last shall be first.’ They could
bullock], and then for the people’s [by the Lord’s
not be "made perfect" before the membersof Christ’s goat] : for this he did once, ~xhen he offered up lum-
body have been made up and brought into unity with self."~Heb. 7 : 26, 27.
their High Priest at the temple. (Matt. 11:11 ; Heb. ~’ The typical picture continues : "Andtie shall go
11: 39, 40) Hence it was also that the Lord’s "other out unto the altar [in the court] that is before the
sheep" of the present time first began to be gathered LoxtD, and makean atonement for it; and shall take
after the great High Priest came to the temple in of the blood of the bullock, ,t~D Or T~EBt.OODor THE
1918 and assembled the remnant of his body members aOA%and put it upon the horns of the altar round
into unity there under the Theocratic rule.~Mal. about. And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it
3 : 1-4 ; 1 Thess.4 : 13-17; 2 Thess.2 : 1. with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and hallow

it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel." and till after his reign began, in A.D. 1914, before
(Lev. 16: 18.19) It is here seen that the blood he madean end or could makean end of the reconc:l-
both Imllock and goat is treated as one blood, being ing work in the "holy place", heaven itself, in the
poured together, proving both victims symbolize the presence of God. As a fact, the true "holy place" ~s
one gr~-at Sin-Offering of Jesus. Bear in mind, also, God’s place of official residence, and hence it was
that the "’altar" on which the Savior was offered ex- clean and fit for Christ’s high priestly work right
isted before ever the church did, for He is the Foun- from the start thereof. This original clean condltmn.
dation of the church. The "altar" of the great Sacri- never defiled, was foreshadowed by the tabernacle
fice was clean before Pentecost, whenfirst the church condition after high priest Aaron got through recon-
was begotten of God and his spn’it was poured out ciling the holy place with blood. Also Hebrews
on all the consecrated ones thereof in the flesh. Ilence7:24-28 testifies that Christ Jesus, the everlasting
that "’altar" was clean and holy from the beginning, High Priest, whois "consecrated for evermore", was
as muchso as the typical altar whose horns of power holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners
were cleansed with the blood of the bullock and goat. from the beginning of his sacrificial activity. God’s
As to the purity of God’s "altar" note the following: "altar" for Jesus’ sacrifice was never built or defiled
~’"And almost all things are by the law purged by sinful humanhands and was clean and acceptable
with blood: and without shedding of blood is no re- for use. Its cleanness was not dependent upon any
mission. It was therefore necessary that the [taber- moral cleansing or sanctification that any or all of
nacle] patterns of things in the heavens should be Christ’s followers could impart. Hence what is next
purified with these [sacrifices of animals]; but the described as taking place does not picture something
heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices due to be fulfilled after the operations of The Theu-
than these. For Christ is not entered into the holy cratic Governmentbegan in A.D. 1914.
places made with hands, which are the [symbolic] " Leviticus 16 : 20 reads : "And whenhe hath made
figures of the true [realities] ; but into heavenitself,an end of reconciling the holy place, and the taber-
now to appear in the presence of God for us .... nacle of the congregation, and the altar, he shall
now o.xc~, in the end of the world [that as. in the bring the live goat." That was tim goat upon winch
climax of the ~pical period, the end of the taber- the lot fell "for the scapegoat", or, "for Azazel."
nacle-arrangement period] hath he appeared, to put (Verse 8, marginal reading) Its companion, the
awaysin by the sacrifice of himself." (Heb. 9: 22-26) "goat for a sin offering", imd been slain and its aton-
Howimpossible, then, for politicians, and the pope ing blood presented at the mercy seat in the Most
and Iris Hierarchy, and eommercmltraffickers and Holy. Hence this "live goat" had atoning merit rest-
scientists to build a clean newworld as they propose ! ing upon it and hence power to bear away sins. This
~ In the type long ago the tabernacle and related fact is shownat verse 10: "But the goat over which
things needed cleansing evidently because of God’s came up the lot for Azazel shall tie cause to stand
rule at Exodus 20:25 : ".knd if thou wilt makeme an alive before Jehovah, to put a propitiatory-covering
altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewnstone: o~za him, to send him away unto Azazel, toward~ the
for if thou lift up thy tool uponit, thou hast polluted desert." (Rotherham’s translation) This goat with
it." Menwho served in connection with that taber- atoning merit upon it therefore pictures Jesus.
nacle were naturally imperfect and sinful;besides ’~ In the fulfillment on the real atonementday such
which it was situated amidst an unclean people. The ’qive goat" was brought by the 30-year-old Jesu.-
pictorial tabernacle had to be cleansed, therefore, in Christ immediateb~ after he consecrated to do Jeilo-
order for sin-atonement by animals to be made ac- vah’s will and symbolized his consecration by being
ceptably to God Most Holy. More so must the anti- immersed in Jordan’s waters by John the Batmst.
typical realities be pure, clean, and undefiled, that In submitting to water baptism Jesus performed tns
the true and perfect sacrifice might be offered to Him first act of obedience in carrying out the consecra-
by Christ Jesus in approved manner. Hence the tion he had just made. John had been haptlzmg sto-
purifying of the tabernacle and related things with ners unto repentance, and to any onlooking Je~
blood of the sin-offering victims was done to pro- Jesus’ baptism might have suggested the thought:
duce a typical condition that illustrated the abso- "Here is another sinner needing forgiveness and
lutely pure and sinless condition of Jehovah’s real cleansing, and he comes from Nazareth, too." Thus
arrangement to atone for man’s sin and for the vin- Jesus wasnot only like the "live goat", but also like
dication of God’s name. the Lord’s goat sacrificed. At that baptism .Jehovah
took Jesus into the covenant of sacrifice and accepted
"THE SCAPEGOAT" his humanity as slain, like the Lord’s goat slain at
" Certainly Jehovah’s royal High Priest, Christ the north side of the altar. Then the Lord Godmam-
Jesus, did not have to wait till the end of 1900 years fested his acceptance and approval by sending down

his holy spirit or invisible power upon Jesus, the goat" which had failed to be the Lord’s goat hv the
spirit’s descent being accompanied by a manifesta- draw of a lot God’s law applied: "It shall be perfect
tmn of a dove which John the Baphst’s eyes were to he accepted; there shall be no blemish thereto."
opened to see, to thereby identify Jesus as Christ. (Lev. 22 : 21) Jesus in the flesh was perfect and with-
--John 1 : 31-34. out blemish, like that ’qive goat", yet he humbled
,9 Jesus, having been approved as acceptable for himself to appear as a sinner, that he might be sacri-
sacrifice on God’s holy "altar", had nowbeen slain riced to relieve believing menof sin and wash away
as the antitypical Lord’s goat by being taken into their sin in his ownblood, tie "made himself of no
the covenant of sacrifice. Christ Jesus must there- reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant,
after be dealt with as the antitypical "scapegoat" or and was made in the likeness of men: and being
"goat for Azazel", the "live goat". Jesus was still found in fashion as a man, he hmnbled himself, and
alive in the fleshly organism or humanbody, but he became obedient unto death, even the death of the
was nowa "new creature", having just been begotten cross." (Phil. 2:7, 8) "God, sending his own Son
by Jehovah’s invisible power to spiritual life and the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condenmed
brought forth or acknowledged by his heavenly Fa- sin in the flesh." "Whowas delivered for our of-
ther, whose voice was heard from heaven, saying: fences, and was raised again for our justification."
"This is mybeloved Son, in whomI am well pleased." (Rom. 8: 3; 4: 25) "Be ye reconciled to God. For
Being still sinless in the flesh, he yet held the right hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
to perfect humanlife. Until he laid downhis flesh that we might be made the righteousness of God in
in death he must henceforth prove his obedience per- him."~2 Cor. 5: 20, 2].
fect toward God; he must maintain lfis integrity *~ In this way the true ’qive goat", Christ Jesus,
toward Jehovah in defiance of and in disproof of was madeto appear as a sinner and thus be sub.l~,ct
Satan’s false charges to God about those in God’s to reproach. In the wilderness of temptatmn Satan
organization. Thus, although Jesus as the antitypical raised the question as to whether Jesus was tile Son
Lord’s goat was humanly dead, he was at the same of God, and thereafter he caused Jesus to be re-
time alive as the antitypical ’qive goat" over which proached as a sinner, winebibber, blasphemer, be-
an atonement had been made. Jesus’ human body deviled Samaritan, and seditionist. Christ Jesus sub-
in which he did his Father’s will perfectly had been jected himself to be rims charged and treated, tie
quickened or empowered by God’s ammating power never practiced religion in order to appear self-
or spirit to serve Himfaithfull.v unto death. righteous and to thereby escape such false charge.-
~° "And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the of sin. According to the popular religious standards
head of the live ~oat, and confess over him all the of Satan’s clergy crowd: "He hath no form nor
iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no
transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon beauty that we should desire him. He is despised
the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the and rejected of men; a manof sorrows, and acquaint-
hand of a fit maninto the wilderness." (Lev. 16: 21) ed with grief; and we hid as it were our faces trom
Aaron pictured Christ Jesus as High Priest. Like hin~; he was despised, and we [blinded bx rehgion]
Aaron, Jesus, with both hands or with all his powers, esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our g~ k.fs,
took hold on God’s work assigned to him and worked and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him
together with God as His servant and instrument. stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." ttowexer,
AhmghtyGod used the hands (powers) of his Elect the actual truth ~as: "But he was woundedfor ~,ur
Servant to carry out the dwmepurpose respecting transgressmns, he was bruised for our iniquities : the
the true ’qive goat" which was "for Azazel". chastisement of our peace was upon him; and ~x ltt’,
" The confession of sins upon the hve goat’s head his stripes we are healed. All we, like sheep, have
did ndt mean to say that Jesus substituted for Adam gone astray; we have [due to religious shepherd~]
and took Adam’s place. God’s sentence upon Adam turned every one to his ownway; and the LORD hath
and Eve cannot be reversed. The sins here put upon laid on himthe iniquity of us all."~Isa. 53 : 2-6.
the goat’s head were not sins of wickedness and re-
bellion, such as that of Adamin Eden, because such "FIT MA.N"

sins cannot be atoned for nor be borne away by some- "The "live goat" for Azazel was to be sent into
one other than the wicked, rebellious sinner himself. the wilderness. Doubtless an underpriest in the court
The sins, iniquities and transgressions of Israel here would conduct this goat from its position before the
confessed were of the same kind as those of the tribe door of the tabernacle, at least to the gate of the
of Levi, Aaron’s house, for which the bullocFs blood court, where he could turn the goat over to some-
atoned. They were sins and transgressions due to one free to take it beyond the camp of Israel. The
heredity from fallen Adam. Concerning the "live hand of man had been needed to guide it into the
court and to the tabernacle door, and now an intelli- is, the sin of those who shall inherit life in the new
gent creature was again needed because the dumb world, the world of righteousness.--John 1:29.3(;:
ammal did not know where it was meant to go and it 3:36.
needed a man under Theocratic instructions to guide ~FOR AZAZEL"
it to its destination. In the fulfillment of the picture ’~ By the "live goat" the iniquities of God’s cove-
Christ Jesus as the "live goat" needed no hand of nant people were borne to a "land not inhabited", or
an)" man or cIass of men to lead, guide or drag }tim. (marginal reading), "a land of separation"; or (lit-
IIe was filled with the hol.v spirit of Jehovah, and he erally), "a land cut off," that is, cut off from human
studied (;od’s will and of his own intelligent choice habitation or human communities. This is not saying
he acted in harmony with that will. that there was no invisible spirit demon or host ~t’
:’ "F~t man" means, literally, "tilnely man" or "man demons out there. Doubtless out in the land be.vond
of due season". After Jesus’ baptism it was God’s human habitation was where the "live goat" in real-
due time for Christ Jesus to carry out the "live goat" it)" became the "goat for Azazel". There is where the
Incture. It being Jehovah’s time. Christ Jesus will- real trial and hardship came upon the "live goat".
ingly and ~ubnnssively betook himself whithersoever The name "Azazel" (Greek: apopompaios; Sender
God’s spirit led him according to the supreme will. away) is understood to mean "Averter", or one wh,,
After the descent of the spirit upon the baptized turns aside abuse and punishment if you please Iron.
Jesus, "’then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the Hence the name designates Satan, who is opposed
wilderness, to be tempted of the devil." (Matt. 4: 1) to sin-atonement. Because the goat bore away the
Mark 1:12, 13 reads:"And immediately the spirit sins of Israel Satan and his demons could not look
dnveth tmn into the wihlerness. And he was there in favorably upon or deal kindly with it. Satan wanted
the wilderness forty days. telnpted of Satan; and men to abide in sin, unreconciled, and to perish l,k~.
was with the wild beasts." Luke 4 : 1, 2 corroborates himself. He was against any agent for the removal
this : "Jesus, being full of the holy [spirit], retm’ned of sin. This bears out that Jesus’ real conflict was
from Jordan, and was led by the spirit into the wil- with Satan and his demon hosts. By Jesus as the
derness, being fort?" days tempted of the devil." After "live goat" the question had to be settled on tin.-
those days he was still am(ted in all things by Jeho- point: Could Jehovah’s High Priest be exposed ~,
vah’s spirit or invlsfl)le power.--Matt. 12: 18, 28; Satan’s test and yet maintain his innocence, blame-
Luke 4: 14, 1S. lessness, and sinless state and thereby prove Itls
"~’ The sins of the w,,rhl lying in the wicked one worthiness to l)e God’s servant to lift the reproaches
Satan were not the sins that were Imt upon the head from Jehovah’s name and to relieve believing human-
of the "live goat", but the sins were of those who kind of their sins due to inheritance from Adam:
had come into relationship wlth Jehovah God, name- ,T Christ Jesus was uncomprom’ising toward this
ly, the camp of Israel, together with the strangers world. He followed no appeasement pohcy with it or
so.jourmng amona them. The camp had provided this its god, Satan or Azazel. The Devil got no satisfac-
"goat", even as Jesus was born of the covenant peo- tion or co-operation from Jesus. Itence, in.,tead of
ple of God, and his nature was man’s, human, lint turning away persecution and reproach and pumsh-
Ins life and life-right ~ere from God }fib Father. ment, Satan made that holy One his chief target and
The Israelites and stran<ers must have felt great resorted to pumshing Jesus for his faithfulness and
relief as they saw the "’hve _~oat’" led out of the camp unbreakable integrity toward Jehovah God. By
and into the unknoun. They must have thought: punishment undeserved at the hands of reliamm-ts
"There go our transgressmns and s~ns. Now we are the Devil tried to force .Jesus to sin and fail of ~.~,n-
relieved of such disability m the sight of Jehovah tinmng worthy to be Sin-Bearer for behevers. The
God and can serve him henceforth." Only because the Devil was out to prove Ins boast of being able to (.~r-
other goat, the Lord’s goat, had been slain as a sin- rupt and turn aside every one of Jehovah’s servants
offering for Israel, only therefore could the sins of under the test and so force them to quit Jehovah be-
God’s covenant people be transferred from them and cause Jehovah did not shield them from persecuuon
laid upon the head of the "live goat", that this goat and reproach but permitted the test.
*’ "Azazel," the Devil, directly tempted Jesus dur-
might bear the transgressions away beyond recovery.
ing the forty days in the wilderness. He also used
This illustrates Christ Jesus serving as the Sin- wsible creatures, men, religious men, and particu-
Bearer, according as it is written: "And he bare the larly their leaders, the clergy. These punished Jesus
sin of many, and made intercession for the transgres- in every way for his faithfulness and unswerving
sors." (Isa. 53: 12) 3_lso John the Baptist testified devotion to Jehovah, The Theocracy, and the truth,
of Jesus after His baptism: "Behold the Lamb of and for Jesus’ hatred of religion and of all iniqmty.
God, which taketh away the sin of the world !" that Those religiomsts claimed to be able to remove the

sins and transgressions of the people by relizion, is from the west, so far hath he removed our trans-
hke RomanCatholic priests in the confession box. gressions from us." (Ps. 103:10-12) "He will turn
Imhgnantly the clergy scouted an?" true sin-bearer, again, he will have compassionupon us: he wilt sub-
such as Jesus. So doing, they served "Azazel". They due our iniquities: and thou wilt cast all their sins
were actually fighting against the people’s highest into the depths of the sea." (Mic. 7: 19) "For by one
good, the relieving of the people of their sins accord- offering he hath perfected for ever them that are
ing to God’s way, the only way. In so doing they sanctified. Whereofthe holy [spint] also is a witness
actually tried to keep all the people in sin and bring to us: for after that he had said before, This is the
ahout the people’s destruction by Jehovah’s Execu- covenant that I will makewith them after those days,
tioner. By such conduct the humanopposers and per- saith the Lord: I will put nay laws into their hearts,
secutors of Jesus as the real "live goat" debased and in their minds will I write them: then he stud,
themselves to the level of wild beasts of the wilder- And their sins and iniquities will I rememher no
ness that have no understanding and that perish. Of more. Nowwhere remission of these [sins and iniq-
suchhke it is written: "Man being in [worldly] uities, by the sacrifice of the real bullock and Lord’s
honourabideth not : he is like the beasts that perish." goat] is, there is no more offering for sin."--tteb.
"’Manthat is in honour [with Azazel and his world], 10 : 14-18, marginalreading : Jer. 31 : 34.
and understanrlefl~ not, is hke the beasts that perish."
(Ps. 49: 12,20) Tlle true "live goat" does not bear CORROBORATION
away the wicked sins of such ones. For the three and ~ God’s use of the "’live goat" with the L~rd’s g~at
one-’half years of his witness work Jesus as "goat" may correspond in meaning with the manner of
was. in effect, in the wilderness, surrounded by cleansing the Israelite who was healed of leprosy
Azazel and his demonhosts and wihl humanbeasts. or cleansing an entire house that was healed of that
Serpents and vipers crawl in the wilderness, and plague. Note how the procedure makes use of tw~
,Jesus called tiw religious clerk" a breed, nest, or corresponding creatures to effect one result: ".knd
generation of such crawling things.~Matt. 23:33; the priest shall go forth ovT or :r~z CAsIP: and the
Ezek.2 : 6. priest shall look, and, behold, if the plague of lepros.~
¯ "" Withthis live goat went awaythe sins and iniq- be healed in the leper, then shall the priest c(mmmnd
uities, transgressions and sins of God’s covenant ~o take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive
people, never to revert back or to be borne back to and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyss~p"
ths people and charged against them again. Likely and the priest shall commandthat one of the hirds
the "goat for Azazel" (lied a violent death, because be ldlled in an earthen vessel [to catch the blo:~d]
Satan got no satisfaction out of ~t but hated ~hat over running water [hence not from a stagnant, stale.
it symbolized. Likewise ,Jesus faithfully endured the dead pool, but living water, to be mixed with the
hardships and the assaults of demonsand menin the bird’s blood]." That bird corresponds with the slain
antitypical wilderness, tte refused to turn back from Lord’s goat.--Lev. 14:1-5.
the service God assigned to him as Sin-Bearer, or ’~ "As for the hving bird, he shall take it, and the
even look hack. (Luke 9 : 62 ; Heb. 10: 3S, 39) Because cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and
he &d not break covenant, turn hack and so leave shall dip them and the living bird in the hi,rod of the
humankindwithout hope in sin under Satan’s organi- bird that was killed over the running water." .ks in
zatmn, Christ ,Jesus died, apparently forsaken of the case of the "live g*oat" for Azazel, this (hl~pin~
(h)d. and hoisted on a tree at the violent hands symbohzedthat the value of the hfe of the killed
beastly dupes of "Azazel" and his demons. lnrd was transferred to the hying bird, the hying
~°Therefore Jehovah lets the sins of those wire tnrd being already clean to begin with. Thereby
shall inherit the new world be dismissed without re- power was conveyed to the hving lnrd to offset .-m
quiring of them the penalty of everlasting death for and its penalty in others and so carry it off. I’smg
their sins, because they repent and convert or turn the bird’s blood in the earthen vessel, the priest
to Jehovah and his Theocracy under Christ. Such "shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from
sins becomeas if swallowedup in a solitary wilder- the leprosy seven times [perfectly, coinpletely], and
ness. All this is because of what has been done in shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living
fulfillment of the double picture of the sacrificed bird [stained with the blood in which it was d~pped]
Lord’s goat and the sin-bearing "goat for Azazel". loose into the open field." That would be outside the
Rejoice in the following testimony of the Scriptures camp, where all this took place. The bird was let tty
on this! "He hath not dealt with us after our sins, away into the unknown,and God’s priest pronounced
nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the healed Israelite clean unto God, due to the blood
the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his sprinkled upon him and due to his faith in and ohe-
mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east &ience to this law and rule of Jehovah. "And he that
N. :.

is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave real atoning Sacrifice shall be admitted into and live
off all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he ha the new world as clean before Jehovah God.
maybe clean: and after that he shall come into the
camp, and shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven ACCEPTANCE
days."--Lev. 14 : 3-8. ~’ "AndAaron shall comeinto the tabernacle of the
~ Leviticus 14 : 49-55 describes a like procedure for congregation, and shall put off the linen garments
cleansing an Israelite’s house that was infected with which he put on when he went into the holy place,
the plague, and says : "Andhe shall cleanse the house and shall leave them there: and he shall wash his
with the blood of the bird, and with the running flesh with water in the holy place, and put on his (ar-
water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar ments, and comeforth, and offer his burnt offering,
wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet; but and the burnt offering of the people, and make an
he shall let go the living bird out of the city [where atonement for himself, and for the people." (Lev.
the house was located] into the open fields, and make 16: 23, 24) Likewise Christ Jesus the High Priest
an atonement for the house: and it shall be clean." having been resurrected from the dead an immortal,
~’ The leper had not been charged with personal divine spirit creature in the "express image of the
sin as the cause of his leprosy. Hence no sins were Father’s person", he comesno more in the flesh : the
confessed over the hve bird. but it was dipped in sin- sacrifice for humansins is for ever accomplished.
atoning blood. This action made{t appear as if the "Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more:
living bird was sinful and needed remission of sins death hath no more dominion over him. For in that
1)y shedding of blood. (1 John 1:7; Rex’. 1:5) This he died, he died unto sin [as a sin-offerm¢] once:
showsthat the uncleanness of the leper or the leprous but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God."(Iteb. 1 : 3
house was imputed to the living bird. Also the leper Rom.6: 9, 10) Like the high priest after being bathed
becomes clean unto God because blood of the killed in water, Christ Jesus came through his sin-atomng
bird mingled with water symbolizing divine truth is work on earth as High Priest clean, pure. holy, and
sprinkled a perfect number of times upon the healed with integrity maintained toward God. Nowin resur-
leper. The flying of the living bird away to unknown rection glory he is for ever like Israel’s high
and trackless regions pictures the bearing away of with sacrificial garments put aside and clothed w~th
the sinful uncleanness of the repentant one into ob- the garments of gloI3" and beanty. (Ex. 28.2.40)
livion, beyond human knowledge, never to be en- "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many:
countered again or brought to mind. and unto them that look for him shall he appear [in
~ Likewise Jesus, bearing the power and value of Kingdomglory] the second time, ~-ithout sm [sin-
his human blood, ascended (flew) up to heaven offering], unto salvation."--Heb. 9: 28; 1:9; 2 Pet.
cancel the sin of believers. Jehovah will never again 1 : 16-18.
charge death-dealing sm against such faithful ones. ’~ The offerings of the rams which Aaron burned
Without his knowledge not even a sparrow falls to upon the altar in the court were "an offering made
the ground (Matt. 10: 29), and he, of course, knows by fire, of a sweet savour [(literally) of a savour
the location of the living, blood-stained bird. How- rest] unto the Lotto". (Lev. 1:9,13, I7; 8:21) They
ever, he looks upon it as an offset to the humansin- signified Jehovah’s acceptance of the sm-offerme.
fulness, and hence will not rememberthe uncleanness Had Aaron not sacrificed the sin-offering and pre-
against the healed one any more. Jehovah lets the sented the blood thereof in an acceptable manner, he
uncleanness of the believers be carried away by the would not have lived to perform these burnt (>fit-r-
One that bears the power of the blood, which blood ings. Hence such offerings manifested God’s accept-
cleanses from the deadly uncleanness. That One is ance of the atonementfor sin, because the high pne.-t
Christ Jesus. His shed blood has cleansing power or is still fully devoted to Jehovahand renders obedient
value and he himself takes upon him the obligatmn service to him joyfully. God’s glory rested upon such
of those whoshall live in the new world. high priest, and nowrests upon Jesus in heaven.
~" Jesus" atoning sacrifice was again pictured eight ’*"And the fat of the sin offering shall be burn
days later by the lamb for the sin-offering which upon the altar." (Lev. 16: 25) This was "’for a sweet
was offered for the healed leper "that is to be savour unto the LORD", and because "all tile fat ~s the
cleansed from his uncleanness". In the case of a poor LOAD’S".(Lev. 4: 31;3: 16) The warmzeal, devotion
person, a bird (a turtledove or a pigeon) might and strength of Jehovah’s sin-atoning One likewise
used instead of the lamb. (Lev. 14: 10, 19,21-23) belongs fully to Jehovah and is given to Himby his
After this provision the healed Israelite was declared High Priest.--Deut. 6: 5.
clean before Godand fit and worthy to be admitted ’°"And he that let go the goat for the scapegoat
back among the people of God. Only those of men [for Azazel] shall wash his clothes, and bathe his
who have faith aml submit to like cleansing by the flesh in water, and afterward come into the camp."
tie\WATCI-tTOWER. 267
(Lev. 16:26) Such bathing was nothing more than this he was an exampleto all his followers, and there-
the high priest himself had to do, which high priest fore the apostle writes: "For the bodies of those
pictured Christ Jesus. Since this man guiding the beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary
scapegoat pmtured God’s holy spirit acting upon by the high priest for sin, are burned witlmut the
Christ Jesus, the man’s bathing would picture that camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctif~
Jehovah’s spirit is holy and clean and it movedJesus the people with his ownblood, suffered without the
in holiness. gate [of Jerusalem and its temple : in Satan s worhtl.
’~ Regarding sin-offerings God’s law was: "And Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp,
the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh, with his head, bearing his reproaeh."--Heb. 13:11-13.
and with his legs, and Ins inwards, and Ins dung,
even the whole bullock shall he carry forth without REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NEW WORLD
the camp unto a clean place, where the ashes are ’~ The Theocratic law sets forth the requirements
poured out, and burn him on the wood wlth fire: for those benefiting by the atonement and gaming
where the ashes are poured out shall tie be burnt." life in the newworld. "Andthis shall be a statute for
"And no sin offering, whereof any of the blood is ever unto you, that in the seventh month, on the
brought into the tabernacle of the congregation, to tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls,
reconcile withal in the holy place, shall be eaten: it and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own
shall be burnt in the fire." (Lev. 4:11, 12: 6: 30) country, or a stranger that sojourneth amongyou."
Tlms the carcasses of the sin-offerings were disposed (Lev. 16: 29) Laying aside their legular work and
of on the yearly atonement day: "And the bullock activities in the campon that day of atonement be-
for the sin offering, and the goat for the sin offering, spoke that no creature aside from the King of the
whose blood was brought in to make atonement in new world, Jehovah’s High Priest, either contributes
the holy place, shall one carry forth without the anything to or participates in the sin-offering that
camp: and they shall burn in the fire their skins, atones for the sin (,f those wholive in the Theocratic
and their flesh, and their dung." (Lev. 16:27) The world. The real atonement day is past. It o(’cupled
burning was in a clean place. When Christ Jesus the t~me from Jesus’ consecration and baptism and
suffered on earth, being tried as by fire, he was until he died, rose again, ascended and al)pea,’ed be-
ahvays in a clean place or condition. However, the fore the great mercy seat of Jehovah God in the
burning outside the campof Israel pictured his suf- Holiest of all places in the universe and completed
fering reproach as if he was not part of God’s or- the atonement. Since then, particularly from Pente-
ganization, but outside of it. The including of the cost forward, faithful men and womenon earth, be-
animals’ dung and hides in with the burning madeit ginning with the faithful apostles and their fellow
a burning not of a "sweet savour". This unsavory disciples of Christ, have been receiving of the benefit
burning of renmins of the bullock and Lord’s goat of that atonement and being reconciled to God. It is
fills in the picture which was left incomplete when therefore impossible for other creatures to add any-
the scapegoat was released in the wilderness and thing to what the great High Pmest has done or to
disappeared from our observation of its experiences serve as channels, conveyors or instruments to pass
there. The burning of the sin-offerings’ remains pic- on the benefits of his sin-atonement to others.
tured Christ’s suffering for his integrity and faith- " The self-affliction of Israel on the atonementday
fulness. So this burning completes the whole picture emphasizes this requirement, namely: That. whereas
of suffering reproaches faithfully unto death. The we creatures have no part in the sin-atonement, we
burning of the carcasses of the sin-offering victims must nevertheless show the full repentance and the
and the release of the ’~live goat" in the wilderness godly sorrow over sin and must be converted from
were both "without the camp". this unclean old world and turn unto Jehovah and
"",Madhe that burneth them shall wash his clothes, his Theocratic Government of the world of 11ght-
and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he shall eousness. Wemust abstain from slavish work done
come into the camp." (Lev. 16: 28) His bathing was for seltish gain or to establish our ownrighteousness
not different from that of the high priest after deal- and worthiness for everlasting life, a thing impos-
ing with the sin-offerings and the scapegoat; and, sible for sin-born man. The remnant of the members
besides, he was doing this crematory service for and of Christ’s "body" and their companions, the Lord’s
instead of the high priest himself. Christ Jesus, un- "other sheep", will not waste time trying to do such
der the leading of God’s spirit, which is clean and a thing, thereby deceiving themselves into such an
holy, voluntarily went into the reproaches and into anti-Christ effort. They will do as the great High
being "made as the filth of the world, and . . . the Priest Christ Jesus left them the example to do.
offscouring of all things". (1 Cor. 4: 13) He was not Instead of trying to get the world’s approval and
dragged unwilling to this burning. (II~m. 15: 3) appear respectable to it, they ~ill abandon Satan’s
268 2-fieWATCHTOWER.
organization and go forth unto Christ Jesus "with.- peated each year on the typical atonement day be-
out the camp" and bear Christ’s reproach in the wil- cause they were merely of animals whose blood could
derness of this world by being witnesses for Jehovah not take away sin. Christ’s sin-offering, however, is
and his kingdom. the ransom and is the all-sufficient propitiation that
,s All praise to Jehovah’s High Priest for sin- needs no repeating. The good effects of his sin-atone-
atonement: "For on that day shall the priest make ment continue for ever, and all creatures that accept
an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may and prove worthy of the benefits thereof shall live
be clean from all your sins before the LORD. It shall in the new world.
be a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your "Jehovah’s’~high priest after the order of Mel-
souls by a statute for ever .... And this shall be chizedek" has come to reign, and not for any re-
an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atone- presenting of his sin-offering. (Ps. 110: i-4: Heb.
ment for the children of Israel, for all their sins, 7 : 1-21 ; 5 : 5, 6) He has done the required work, and
once a year. And he did as the LORD commanded all other creatures having hope of cleansing and re-
Moses." (Lev. 16: 30-34) Christ Jesus, the LORD’S demption and deliverance must observe the "sabbath
Chief Priest, has done so, alone, by God’s grace. No of rest" in Him and in what he has worked for them.
man accompanied him to heaven with the merit of (Matt. 12: 5, 6; Heb. 4: 1-11) The great atonement
his human sin-offering, neither the thief who died day, long ago foreshadowed with Israel’s Theocracy,
alongside Jesus on the tree, nor any others before or glorifies and makes prominent, not earthly creatures.
after him. Till then none such had been begotten but the great Author of atonement for the new world,
of the spirit of God and the way into the heavenly Jehovah God, and his glorious High Priest thereof,
Most Holy had not been opened up to any from Christ Jesus. "Thanks be unto God for his unspeak-
among hurnankind. (Iteb. 9: 7, 8; John 3: 13; 7: 39; able gift."--2 Cor. 9: 15.
2 Tim. 1 : 10) The typical sacrifices needed to be re-


A MIDthe sounding of praises of those who distmgn~ish

themselves in mortal combat there is a danger for
man to become brutish. How? By forgetting and
cannot appreciate the wonderful Bible truths it pubhsl~es
As one translator (Rotherham) of Psalm 92.6 renders th~b
text: "A man that is brutish cannot get to know, and a
failing to stag the praises of the Creator. "It is a good dullard cannot understand this." The leaders among those
thing to g~ve thanks unto Jehovah, and to sing prmses unto who oppose the Lord’s work now carried on have become
thy name, 0 Most tligh, to show forth thy lovmgkindncss brutish, and’other~ foolishly follow these bhnd leaders, and
in the morning, and thy faithfulness every mght. W~th an none of them understand the truth Worse, those who hax c
instrument of ten strings, and w~th the psaltery, wltl-, a once had a measure of the truth and then oppose ’,he uork
solemn sound upon the harp. For thou. Jehovah, hast made the Lord is doing by the Society become entirely bhnd to
me glad through thy work I ~fll trmmph m the works of the truth that God is g,ving his people at the present t~mc
thy hands. How great are thy works. O Jehovah’ Thy Continuing in that course such arc the enemtes of (;od, be-
thoughts are very deep A brutish man knowcth not ; neither cause no one can knowingly oppose the work of the Lord
dotha fool understand tlus"--Ps. 92: 1-6, Am Rer Ver. without being opposed to the Lord himself. In the day of
Surely these words of the t~ropheey cannot be under- Jesus on earth there was a umon of those uho opposed h,m
and who together {ook counsel for tus death There are man~
stood as referring to so-called "hcat’~en natmns" or the
people who never knew God. In the first instance they ware thmg~ coming to pass at the present t~me to md~cate that
addressed to native Israelites. and at the present they ap- the opposers of the Lord’s work are trying to umte and
will unite in the,r efforts to destroy (-;od’s message and Ins
ply to the professed Chnstmns and to those who have not
work on the earth. They will not succeed
been faithful to their covenant to do God’s will. A "fool"
Through the centuries past w~cked men ha~e gone on
is one void of common sense (and is sometimes called
"fathead"), who foolishly goes eontraw to God’s law. He practically unhindered. There is a fixed permd of t,me with-
refuses reproof and thinks it smart to hide his hatred with in which God permits such w,thout interference That t~me
has come to an end and the workers of miqmty will be
lying hps, to justify his course against the hated ones:
cleared out. To that effect Psalm 92’ 7 reads. "When the
"He that hldeth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth
wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of
a slander, is a fool." (Prov. 10: 18) He is a perverse crea- imqmty do flourish, it is that they shall be dcstro5 ed for
ture, morally bad. ever." This seems clearly to foretell a combmatmnof u ~ckcd
In all nations Jehovah’s witnesses have fulfilled upon men, and their orgamzation, which Satan will use a=amst
them Jesus’ prophecy concerning being "hated of all men God’s people and aga,nst tits work. In the past the servants
for my name’s sake". (Matt. 10: 22) In certain countries of the Lord have been ill-used and have suffered much at
the Watch Tower Society has been declared illegal. Those the hands of some wicked men, but according to Psalm 92
who oppose the Socmty and its work do not understand and there comes a time when many workers of m~qmty are
i, °.19-t 269
a~recd upon one thing and that thing is the opposition to dmcouraged: "Is any sick among you? let him (all for the
the work of Jehovah’s people on earth elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anomtu=~
In spite of the global war now devastating the earth him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of
Jehovah God through Christ his King sends out hm mes- faith shall save the s~ek, arid the Lord shall rinse lure up;
sage of the Kingdom as never before in lands fighung the and if he have committed sins. they shall be forg~ en lnm "
totahtarian monstrosity. The rehgmus clergy as a umt are (Jas. 5: 14, 15) The Lord thus uses faithful men m the
opposing this work and using all their power in an attempt church to md and comfort others
to stop it. Timse who have once had some ~ruth, and who now In like manner the prophet wrote, m Psalm 23.5 : "Thou
Ol,l,OSC, find aid and alhes in tl’e clergy and the prmmpal preparcst a table before me in the presence of mine enemws;
of their flock As Juda~ made an alliance with the clergy, thou anointest my head w~th oil; my cup runncth over’"
:t is to be expected that his counterpart will do hkew~scnow. Th~s anointing does not refer to the anointing to office, but
But these things do not at all d~sturb those who love does show indirectly that one prewousty anointed to office
and ser~ e God Newcourage and strength is g~vcn his faith- mr servme is now bcmg refreshed that he may more efficient-
ful remnant by the knowledge that they are the Lord’s ly perform the duties of service m the office to which he
anointed ones or comm:ssioncd w~tnesscs, and that he has has been appointed.
=athered them together unto lumself, and that they are in At the present time the anointed remnant and thmr de-
the "secret place of the Most tIlgh" and under the specml voted companions, and none oti~er, are united m fa!th hope
care of ,Jehovah. and that to their side he ~s gathering an and joyful serwce These have conunuous refreshment from
nnn’lmbered mulutude of persons of good-will who present the Lord and may be sure that the Lord ~fll continue to
them.~l~es as companions m God’s service The tact that keep his people refreshed and m full x ~gor for Ins w:tness
the experiences of the anointed remnant fit the prophecy work. It is not numbers that g~xes strengtl,, therefore lhe
is proof that ~t has reference to them. When the ph.vsical enemy may increase m number~ far more ralndlv tl:an ~he
I,eIs appear clearly before them, then ~t can be truly stud. number of "other sheep’" now bem~ gathered to the s~de
’Tlns is what was spoken by the prophet of God’ They see of the diminishing remnant, but tlzese latter x~ll u~ow
the lawless increasing and the workers of mlqmty blossom- stronger in the Lord The strength is in the Lord, and IIe
m~, and at the same time they see the Lord s specmt pro- will aeeomphsh Iris purI,ose and continue to luo~dc al:
leelmn for the faithful Add to this the further testimony needed strength and refreshment to ins servants
of the apostle Paul at 1 Cormthmns 10: 11, that whatso- God has Ins own channel or means of earr~ m~_ for’,~ ard
e~er ~as written aforet~me was wmtten for the comfort his purposes, and will make known his truth to tu, pe.ple
of the true followers of Christ, and tl-ese prophemes afford as ~t ~s due to be understood. The continued revcalmen: of
further assurance to the people of Jehovah God that he his will comes to h~s consecrated ones through h~s el’o~en
~fiI furmsh all the needed protection for them channel, and it may properly be hkened unlo a eontmu~,us
Therefore, iustead of thetr being &seouraged or even fl~w of cool and refreshing waters. The more apt tilt, st rat mn
d,sturbed by the arising of the enemy hke the grass m the is that of refreshing oil poured upon the head It ~,~ Jeho~ ah
sprmgtnne, God’s prophet speaks for them words of confi- through Christ Jesus who thus comforts his anowted and
dence and al’. the faithful with one accord stag m defiance who g;ves the refreshm~ l~batmn Suelt bles,,mg., he c~e~
of the springing wicked ones: "They shall be destroyed for to those who love him and who joyfully scr~c h~s righteous
ever. But thou, 0 Jehovah, art on tngh for e~errnore For, cause For a hke reason tie sam to lu~ b~qoved Son "Thou
lo, thine enemies, O Jehovah, for, lo, throe enemies shall lovest righteousness, and hatest ~ickedncss, therefore (lod,
pemsh, all the workers of imquity shall be ~eattered But tl’y God, hath anomtcd tl’ee w~th the off of gladnes~ aboxe
my horn hast thou exahed like the horn of the ~l’,d-ox: thy fellows" (Ps 45: 7) The "servant" eh~s~ has ah’ead~
I am anomted with fresh off "--Ps. 92.7-10, AmRcr l’cr received a hke anomtmgpr refreshmeut because ~t ~, a l~,~rt
Much is written m the Scriptures eoneermng anomt:ng, of the "servant m whomJehovah delmhts" and far ~l:om he
and ~t appears that there are two specific things to ~iuch ~i~o~s h~s sI,ecml care
the ~ord anmntzng applms First, ~hen God selects a serv- Note that Psalm 92.10 (AII I" ) sa}s’ "I am anointed
art and assigns trim to an once and to perform a specific w~th fresh oil", mean:ng that God has g~ven Ins ~erx.mts
work, God anoints such servant, as in the eases of Israel’s some ncw refleshing blessing and wluch ~s a token of the
high priest, and David, Elisha, captain Jehu, and others love and care Jehovah has and exercises toward tn~ fa~thfu!
Such is an authoritative designatmn to office The anointing people. The anointed "’se~ rant" etass is God’s speeml ehowc,
u~th off is symbohc thereof. The anomung earnes ~]th it and none can have this favor w~thout rcee~ mg the anoint-
the authority to aet m God’s name As a eoumerpart of the mg to an official place in his orgamzatmn It ~s therefore
anointing of the high priest Aaron to priestly servme m the anointed class that in nine of need eontmuousb re-
the tabernacle ~s the anointing of Jesus w~th the sprat of ceives the anomtmg with fresh otl that makes glad the
Jehovah and to be the executive officer of the Most High. heart; that is to say, this class is speemlly cared for and
There is also an anointing mennoned in the Scriptures refreshed by the Lord h~mself; and the Lord’s "other
that means refreshment, and it is th~s latter anointing that sheep", as the faithful eompamons of the remnant, share
is meant in Psalm 92: 10. Such anointing gives refreshment the grand refreshment. Engaged m the joyful serwcc of
and a greater abihty to serve the Lord. It means the lifting God and his kingdom all these know that oppositmn can-
up and encouraging of the servant by the Lord to go for- not hinder such work, but that God’s work wil~ continue to
~ ard wtth renewed zeal. Bearing upon this point the apostle go forward until it is finally completed and until he has
James wrote concerning those who are spmtually sick and accomplished h~s purposes through Christ. So the remnant

now say, ’As a wild ox confidently lifts his head and enters freshed and lifted up by the reassuring words of Psalm
the fray, feeling strength m the power of Iris horns, sb 91: 9-11: "Because thou hast made the LORD[Jehovah],
now with full taith and confidence the faithful continue which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation,
to press the battle to the gate and know that victory shall there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come
be tile result because their strength ~s m the Lord and noth- nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over
ing can defeat h~s power.’ The Devil’s orgamzation cannot thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
stop such an army, because the Lord Jesus Christ is lead- Knowing that the time is at hand when the name and
ing and Jehovah’s banner of love and unlimited power is word of the great Jehovah will be vindicated, the remnant
over the "servant" and the servants are marching to victor}.’. together with their beloved companions stand forth and
In extenmon of that outlook of triumph Psalm 92.11 joyfully sing in unison: "Jehovah hath become king, in
reads: "’.~Iine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies; majesty hath he clothed himself. Jehovah hath clothed him-
and mine ears shall hear my demre of the wicked that rise self, with stren~h hath he girded himself, surely he hath
up aeainst me." This cannot mean a malicious desire of any adjusted the world, it shall not be shaken. Established is
of Jehovah’s people to have a personal spleen satisfied thy throne from of old, from age-past time art thou. The
a~ainst the enemy. The demre is to see God’s enemies de- streams have lifted up, O Jehovah, the streams have lifted
stroyed, and the prayer is that God’s name may be com- up their voice, the streams lift up their crashing: be3 ond
pletely vindicated the voices of many waters, more majestic than the breakers
Upon eve~" side the fmthful see the foes of the truth of the sea, majestic on high is Jehovah. Thy testimomes
working in opposluon to the Lord, but their activity in no are confirmed with might, to thy house befitting is hohness,
wise disturbs the faithful, because these fully appreciate 0 Jehovah! to length of days." (Psalm 93, Rotherham)
tim fact that if they have set their love upon Jehovah, God Jehovah God has become King, because he has taken up and
will shield and protect them from all harm. He ~ves to them is exercising his power and authority by and through his
the full assurance in his Word that he will preserve all glormus Son, Christ Jesus. The day of iniquity must now
them that love him. Undisturbed they therefore gaze upon come to an end, because God has declared as much. Satan’s
their watchful foes and continue to hold fast their own organization must now be cleared out from the universe,
inIezmty toward God and move fomvard in the work which that righteousness may fill its place, to the unfading vmd~-
the Lord God has assigned to them. delivering the testimony carton of Jehovah’s name. In the righteous works of His
of Jesus Christ ~lth joy ar.d gladness The remnant is re- hands shall all his faithful and obedient servants trlumlJh


~(f-~NIIRISTENDOM’S" loss for ever of her greatest which is over the house, and say, What hast thou hereT
opportunity is stmkingly illustrated m the ex- and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out
perience of Shebna. once the treasurer and scribe a sepulchre here, as he that heweth him out a sepulchre
of King Hezekiah. Ehahm, a contemporary of Shebna, on high, and that graveth an habitation for himself m
was then placed in a position of responsibility over the a rock? Behold, the LORDwill carD" thee away with a
household of the king of God’s typmal Theocracy. The mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee. He will surely
meaning of the names seems to throw light upon the violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country:
matter under consideratmn Ever?" name g~ven by the there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy gloD."
Lord God m his Word appears to have a deep meaning shall be the shame of thy lord’s house. And I will drove
"Shehna’" is defined by some as meaning growth and thee from thy station, and from thy state shall he pull
tender youth. Another de~.nes ~t as meaning one "who thee down."
rests himself". Both of these meanings seem to apply, to Shebna, like the religious leaders of today, thought he
indicate one who rests m himself and not in Jehovah God, was in a secure place. He felt his importance and that
therefore one who is proud and self-centered and selfish. the king largely depended upon him But he was disgraced
and who is active hke a growm~ youth m behalf of self. by being demoted. In contrast with that. the prophet says.
"EIiaklm" means "whom God will raise up or ordain, "And it shall come to pass m that day, that I will call
estabhsh, strengthen and help". my servant Ehakim, the son of thlkiah, and I will clothe
Shebna for a time held the most responsible position him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle,
in King Hezekiah’s house, being prefect of the palace. It and I will commit thy government into his hand. and he
was the custom of the nobles of the kinedom of Judah shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to
to hew out for themselves sepulchers Shebna evidently the house of Judah. And the key of the house of David
was a formgner, but, marking the course taken by the will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none
nobles and exalted ones and feehng his own importance shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open And
and being proud and ambitious to shine, he did the same I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall
thing for himself aa the natives. Jehovah God sent his be for a glorious throne to his father’s house And they
prophet Isaiah, who denounced Shebna, telling him that shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s house, the
he would be demoted and disgraced and that God would offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from
raise up Eliakim in his stead to fill the important office. the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons In that
Isaiah 22:15-19 reads: "Thus saith the Lord GoD of day, saith the LORDof hosts, shall the nail that is fastened
hosts, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, even unto Shebna, in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall,

and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the he puts downthe unfaithful and bestows his favor upou
Load hath spoken ~t"--Isa. 22:20-25. the fa:thful servants.
The putting downof Shebna and raising up of Eliakim It would seem that the key of the house of Dawd
occurred shortly before Sennachemb king of Assyria represents the opportunmesand responsibilities w~th reeard
assaulted Jerusalem. Shebna seems clearly to represent to the house of the Greater David. to wit, Christ Jesus.
rchglomsts, professed Chmstians, who are no~ really the King of Jehovah’s Theocracy. tIavmg become the heir
unselfishly devoted to the Lord but seek their ownselfish of God’s everlasting covenant with David. Christ Jesus. of
interests. They seek to enrich themselves and believe their course, comesinto possession of the "key" to lay ~t apon the
position is secure and they are certain of the Kingdom. shoulder of the one who should meet Jehovatfs approval
They think it their chief purpose and business now to get The Scmptures show that wi~en the Lord came to ins
into the Kingdom%ccause God needs them’ and that they temple for judgmentthe al,proved class received the "rob~,
shall go down to the grave in peace. This particularly of mghtcousness" (Isa. 6t. 10), and to the "faithful and
represents those of the denominational religious systems w~se servant" class were committed the opportunmes of
and consecrated ones outrode thereof who have manifested being w~tnesses for Jehovah and to tus "’other sheep".
the sameselfish spirit Becauseof their prude and selfishness The Lord Jesus used the key of David to open up
and se]f-exaltatmn they are cut down They are tossed to the servant class, pictured by Ehakim, the door to
away, the prophet says, "’hke a ball" into a w~de place Kingdomprivileges of God’s everlasting covenant x~lth
and are carmed away by the winds of Armageddon. David. He "openeth, and no man shutteth’, and what lie
Eliaklm was the son of IIilkmh, the latter’s name shuts no man can open. Immedmtelyfollowing 191S, ~ hen
mean:ng "’portmn of Jehovah". Ehakim therefore fitly the Lord came to his temple, "organized rehmon’" of
illustrates the faithful remnantyet on earth of the members "Christendom" repudiated Jehovah God and Ins King and
of Chmst’s body and who consutute God’s "faithful and was east away. Likewise with the "evil servant" class. Their
wise servant" under Chrtst their Head and who are "nail" was thought to be secure, but was cut down b.~
Jehovah’s witnesses. Isaiah 22:21-24 stated that Eliakim the Lord and all Kingdom tmvdeges were drop:,ed and
should be c~othed with a robe, which showsdivine approval ; taken awayfrom them. There was fulfilled morecornph.tct.~
he should be strengthened with a girdle, showing him to the rule stated by Jesus that the "kingdomshould be taken
be an approved servant of Jehovah, and the government from them and given to those bringing forth its frmts’
should be committed into his hands, showing that the This transfer of office and opportumties took place b~.fore
Kingdominterests on earth are placed in the hands of the great assault of totalitaman powersupon Gods o~,_,am-
this "’servant" class. The key of David’s house is laid upon zatlon as p~etured by Sennacherib marching a~amst
Ins shoulder. Jerusalem. Thus it precedes the battle of Armaecd&m
Itezeklah being a successor to King David, it may be Of the faithful "renmant" class under their llcad
presumed that he demoted Shebna and elevated Ehakim to Chmst Jesus Jehovah says, as of Ehalnm: "1 will fa~ten
the position of trust and honor. King Hezekiah pictures him as a nail ma sure plaee." Tins does not mean mc~ely
the enthroned Christ Jesus who as King and Priest of the the individuals, but every one whoabides faithfulb mthe
.Most High God abases the class represented by Shebna remnantunto the end. collectively All the vessels of truth
and exalts the ones represented by Ehakim. This applies are committedinto the hands of the faithful servant clas~
from and after the Lord’s coming to the temple for judg- The great privilege is laid upon tins class Thercfotc the
ment in 1918, and concerning whomit is written: "These tremendous responsibility and pmvflege that is g~xen to
things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath those of the temple class and whoare of the scrxant class
the key of David, lie that openeth, and no man shutteth; at this t~me In the language of the prophet, those, as
and shutteth, and no man openeth."--Itev. 3:7. long as they remain fmthful to Jehoval" God, must bc
The change of stewardship made by King Hezekiah witnesses following m the steps of Ihm ~hom (,od has
u a~ m preparation for the approaching crisis which was given "for a witness to thepeople, a leader and commander
~e take place at the time of the attack of Sennacherib to the people". (Isa 55:4) These on earth, theI~fme.
against Jerusalem. Sennacherib pictures the Devil with must under Christ take the lead m directing the people,
his organization in an assault upon Jel~ovah’s covenant of good-will, the Lords "other sheep", into the x~a~ that
people after the Lord’s coming to the temple and when God has prepared for the salvation of humankind
(Continued from page 25~) NEBRASKA
certain blessing-s the Lord has m store for all those who come m 2442 S 15th St, Lincoln
faith and with a desire to serve Hem according to truth and OREGON
mghteousness. 201 East Mare St, Klamath Falls
Following are Rooming Commxttee addresses m adchtmn to SOUTH DAKOTA
those m our last issue: Box 153, Deadwood
CALIFORNIA Box902, Mitchell, (instead of SmuxFalts)
2230UnionSt., SanFrancisco WlSCONSLN
GEORGIA 2661E. WashingtonAve., l~I~d~son
%T. Y. ¥anSant, St., 203 Spring St. N.W.,Atlanta
1718 GilmoreSt., Waycross "WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES
IDAHO Week of October 4: "Atonement for the New World" (Part 3),
418 NorthWardwell,DeganAddition,Emmett,(instead of Boise) ¶ 1-22 reclusive, TheWatchtowerSeptember1, 1942
MARYLAND Weekof October 11: "Atonementfor the NewWorld"{Part 3),
1308 EutawPlace, Balttmore ¶ 23-46 melu~ve,The WatchtowerSeptember1, 19t2.
SWISS MEETIN THEOCRATIC ASSEMBLY nine tables, and upon a signal eighteen brothers marched
Flash by cable to the president of Watch Tower, Brook- by twos rote the great hall, one carrying a placard and
lyn, N.Y., April 5: "Over three thousand Swiss friends as- second provided with a supply of Children matchm~ the
sembled Theocratic Convention, Zurich. Psalm twenty-three, placard in color. This procession aroused powerful applause.
verse five. Book Ch2ldren released; wonderful in our eyes. and now the children, to the number of 406, were permitted
Resolution voted. Heartiest greetings. United with you in to come upon the stage and receive as a present the book
Kingdom work. [Signed] Jehovah’s witnesses in Switzer- in their favorite color. Before this I was privileged to ad-
land." dress the children as well as the parents in accordance with
Further information was given later by letter as follows : what is said in the book itself and in the Watchtower arti-
"That this general convention could be held in the most cle ’Noah’s Day’. This scene was really marvelous, and many
beautiful and most distinguished bmlding of tile city of tears of joy flowed.
Zumch was wonderful in our eyes ; and it must also be said "The following is the result of the witnessing done dur-
that this assembly of God’s people in Switzerland was not ing the Zurich convention: Over 1,200 publishers, durm~
only the biggest, but also the most blessed held up to this two and a half hours, distributed 21,961 booklets; an
time. True, there have formerly been large general con- achievement hardly ever before reached.
ventmns m Swltzerland~ but none counted an attendance
exceeding 3,000 as this year, and this multitude was made "RESOLUTION
up exclusively of Swiss brethren and companions. Surely "Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions assembled
the clearest evidence that the ’great multltude’ is manifest- in the Convention Building, Zurich, from 3d to 5th April,
ing itself also in this count~’. 1942, to the number of about 3,000 persons, hereby issue
"Tile preparations already for this convention were the following Declaration: . . . ’Jehovah’s witnesses recog-
visibly blessed of the Lord; for everything proceeded with- nize the divine commission bestowed upon them .. In
out the slightest friction, both as regards the authorities that Jehovah’s witnesses (formerly B~ble Students)
and the management of the convention building and as to Switzerland have now since the dawn of the new century
the hotel owners. A few days before the assembly the pre- carried out this double commission in faithful obedience
paratory work was completed and we were as children await- to God and Christ Jesus, they have been mahciou~ly slan-
mg in suppressed excitement the moment for the great dered by their opposers and blamed as enemies of the people
event to arrive. And see, nearly 2,000 brethren arrived al- and their general welfare. Jesus said in advance, m Mat-
ready on the first, and by Sunday the number had steadily thew 10:18: "And ye shall be brought before governors
increased to far above 3.000’ Surprise followed upon sur- and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the
prose: a 32-pa~e report on your general convention in St. Gentiles." Jehovah’s witnesses and their friends arc full x
Louis and that m Eng!and, then the chief discourse on aware that Catholic Actmn have made it their unchange-
Dame!. chapter eleven [lhe ~Yafchtolt’er article on ’Demon able goal to close down the work of the witnesses of God.
Rule Ending’, Part Seven] , the release of the book Ch,tdren for they have declared : "The fight goes on till we have accom-
on ~unday morning, whiel- aroused unspeakable joy, and plished our purpose: the ban and dissolution of the Euro-
finally a serles of films showing the works of our Lord, fol- pean headquarters of Jehovah’s witnesses (Bible Stud(nts)
lowed by a Resolution worded in unequivocal language. in Berne." (Swiss Press Correspondence, August 1, 1940)
"If a dark spot m th~s Theocratic general assembly could Let Catholic Action be informed that m lending their hand
be found, it is that this manifestatmn was controlled by the to such an act, they do the same as did the scribes and
police, ttowever, we rather had to expect this. considering Pharisees 1900 years ago against Jesus of Nazareth, the
the measures which Sx~ltzerland has taken, as well as on Son of God: " . . . it is expedient for us, that one man
account of the general pohtleal situatmn. And, after all, it should die for the people, and that the whole natron perish
was to be welcomed, that thus on the occasmn of such an not." (John 11 : 49, 50) Applied to our time. "Better cleal’
outstanding event the omcmls of the authorities once got out Jehovah’s witnesses, who continually trouble our rest
a thorou_,zh opportunity of making our acquaintance. The by their so-called ’proclamation’, than that eventually a
functionames who had this speeml duty were able to learn whole people take up this message and our influence exer-
once for all that we are neither Communists nor Nazis, nor cised through religmn be lost." Whatever our opponents
Fascists, nor members of the notorious "’fifth column", as may intend to do, and in whatever measure they may suc-
our opponents in this country have claimed, but rather that ceed in injuring God’s faithful people, nothing will be al-
we are positive, active Christians Nevertheless we thought lowed to happen but what the righteous God may permit to
it right to file a protest against this surveillance with the prove the integrity and faithfulness of his people towards
police authorities in Zurich; for Chrlstmn assemblies are Him. (Romans 8:31) Therefore Jehovah’s witnesses know
not subject to authorization. not the fear of man, but they do fear through breach of
"CHILDREN’SDAY.The fact that the book Children was faithfulness to incur the disapproval of the only true God
being printed and was to be released at the general con- and thus to forfeit eternal life .... Should censorship not
vention was not known outside of headquarters. From cloth permit the pubhcation of this Resolution we would take the
purchased in the past for binding other books of Judge liberty of sending a copy direct to all the authorities of
Rutherford, we had a stock of nine colors sufficient for Switzerland.’ This Resolution was reported unammously
30,000 bound volumes, and this we used for the book Chil- approved. Censorship did not permit pubhcatmn of the
dren. Our artist was commlssmned to prepare placards in paragraph of the Resolution after the quotation from SwTss
these nine colors demonstrating Chddren. On the stage were Press Correspondence."
thatI amJehovah:’
- ~ek~el35:15.


ASSEmbLy v~vo THE KI~GDOU............... 275
TypicalAssembly .................................. 277
..................................................... 278
Placeof Assem_bly .................................. 279
"Fzrstborn" . ............................................ 281
Judgment................................................ 281
brew CovenantInaugurated .................. 282
"RefuseNot"....................................... 283
Resolved, Since These Thmg~Be So .... 284
FIELDEXPERIENCES .................................. 287
SEPTEIgBER 18, 1~ AND 20 ................ 28~
’+THEWISE"TES~uozcyPE~OZ)............ 274
Nc~nc~o~ A~r~w~. M~-’m~G............... 274
o~ Roo~I~roCo~trr’r~s ................. 274
"W~Tc--TOW’v~" STUDZES .......................... 274
Pv~tsm~ st~o~T Br ITS MISSION
117 ,A.d=ras
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS ~ournal is publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know JehovahGod and hls purposesas expressed
in the BibleIt pvhllshes Bibleinstruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
N. Iru ]T-~ORR,President W.E. VANA.~URoH, L%cretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be t~u~ht of Jehovah; and supplles other literatureto aid in suchstudies. It publishes salt-
ablematerial for radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -lsalah 54:Z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC..RIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictlyto the Bibleas authority forits utterances.
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely freeand separate fromall religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or otherworldlyorgnn~7~tion& It is whollyand withoutreserva-
tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod under Christhis beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, King.It is not dogmatic, but invitescarefuland critical examma-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its c01nrnn~ are not open to personalities.
THATGOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of U~I~ STAT~, $1.00; C~A ~J~ M~SC~LL~ZOUSFo1~rfoN, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRE.&~ BnITJLI~’, AUS~L.asI~k, AND SOUTH AFRICA, 61k Am~’/caxi remJt-
t~anres should be made. by Postal or .Expre~ or b~" Bank
to life. ~raft. Ca~adian. ~rx~n. ~outa a.znm.n ud Austra~s~ re[mttances
ahottld be madedirect to the respective branr.ho~cee. Rein/trances frc~a
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered eotmJ:rt~ than thoee mentioned maybe made to the Br~klyn oence~
death In order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by lmt~t~ono~ Post~.l Mont~ Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name F~a~ Orr~cRs
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~i,sh. 34 C~av~nTerrae~London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Oa~ed~an.. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto ~, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- A~tralatia~ L T Beresford Road, Strathfield. N. S. W., AustraUa
8e~th AD’team Beeton House. Cape Town, South A.frtca
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Plea~ addre~ the Society In every cue.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege It is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sdneere et~den~0¢ the Bible whoby r~tson of inflrmity,~overty or
adversity axe unable to pay the eub~rlpbon price mayhave The WateA-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the estabhshment of tower free uponwritten application to the publishers, madeonce each
God’s kingdom on earth. ye~tr, stating th~ reason for eo rt, questingit Weare glad to thus aid the
needy, bu~ the written application once each year t~ required by the
postal reralatlom~.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notlee to Bubsc~be~: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruction acription will be sent only when requested. Changeof address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness In A renews| blank (CatTy/rig Doulre of expiration) Ill be s ent with t he
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the subscript/on expire~
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entereda~ ~econd-e.3.a~lma~ter~.t th4 poet o~tce nt BroekItnt, ~. Y..
the earth" with a righteous race. *mderthe A~t o.~ ,J/’~rch $, lST~.
The month of October ~s kmown bv Jehovah’s witnesses as Pursuant to the provision of law and the charterof the Watch
"The W~se" Teshmonv Permd During that month the servants of TowerB~ble& Tract-Society, noticeis herebyseventhatthe an-
Jehovah wdl put forth an extxaordmary effort to magnify the nualbusiness meeting of thesaidSociety willbe heldat PRtsburgb.
name of the Lord and to advemse h~s kingdom m the earth It xs NorthS~de (formerlyAllegheny),Pennsylvania. at ten o’clock
good to serve the Lord and to a~d others, and those persons who a.m.,Thursday, OctoberI, 1942,at whichthe usualannualbust.
are w~se w~ll put forth every effort to a~d those who loxe right- ness will be transacted.
eousness to seek the truth. In Proverbs, chapter 8, verse 31 onward,
th~s thought ~s brought to our attent,on, "Hear mstructmn, and ADDITIONAL ADDRESSES OF ROOMING COMMITTEES
be w~sc, and refusc ~t not. Blessed ~s the manthat heareth me, . . . In each instance the address will be Watchtower Conventmn
for whoso findetb me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Comm:ttee. Committee addresses are as follows:
LORD." During "The W~se" Testimony Permd Jehovah’s w~tnesses FLORIDA
will offer to the people the book Chzldren and the booklet Hope, Jacksonville (See Waycross, On.)
on a contnbutmn of 25c, so that the people of good-wall may re- LOUISIANA
ceive instruction and be w~se. All persons who love mgbteousness 621 Foster St., Baton Rouge
and want to help others find the way to lite and learn of Jehovah’s MAINE
kingdom wdl share m the witness ~ork durmg this permd. If you 48 Arsenal St., Augusta
are not already associated with a company of Jehovah’s w~tncssos NORTH DAKOTA
and would hke to be, write to WaVCHVOWZa, 117 Adams St., % Martin Lahren, 1311 - 1st St. S. W., Mandan (instead of Fargo
Brooklyn, N.Y., and we will get you m touch with the nearest
company, so you may share with these servants of the Lord in the ~WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
proclamatmn of the Kingdom. In these perplexing times the w~se Week of October 18: "Assembly unto the Kingdom,"
man w~ll seek the Lord and share hLs knowledge w~th others, so ¶ 1-22 reclusive, The Watchtower September 15, 1942.
"that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by Week of October 25’ "Assembly unto the Kingdom,"
the comfort wherewith we ourselves axe comforted of God". 23-47 reclusive, The Watchtotver September 15, 1942.
No. LXILI SF.m’m~F.R
15, 1942 NO.18


"’But you have approached to Zion, a mountain and city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; and
to myriads of angds, a full assembly; and to a congregation of firstborn, having been enrolled in the
heavens."--Heb. 1.2:22, 23, Emphatic Diaglott translation.
EHOVAH calls for the assembly unto the great policy-makers with their dreams of their kind of
J Governmentthat shall rule the world in righteous-
ness. Lovers of righteousness are responding to
world before their vision cannot for certain know
whether they can attain them and make them a
the call and assembling unto that Government of permanent reality. They and all must admit that
Righteousness. All creatures, whether political the future lies with God. "There are many devices
systems, religious organizations, or individuals, in a man’s heart; but the counsel of Jehovah, TIaAT
who try to interfere with and to prevent that shall stand." (Prov. 19:21, Am. Rev. Ver.) It is
assembly do so at their peril. Jehovah’s Righteous different nowwith the nations than before A. D. 1914.
Governmentis likened to a great mountain of glo- That year the times of the Gentiles or nations ran
rious majesty and of holiness unto Him. "Great out. There the time for their self-determination
is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised, in the city without interference from God ended. His decisions
of our God, in his holy mountain. Beautiful in as to what should take place on earth from and
elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is mountZion, after that year were long ago made. His decisions
on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. as to the future shall stand, and they shall be
God hath made himself known in her palaces for executed. Therefore those who look not to man but
a refuge. For, Io, the kings assembled themselves, to God and who pray for His will to be done know
they passed by together." (Ps. 48:1-4, Am. Rev. for an absolute certainty that his purpose as laid
Ver.) Jehovah foretold the presumptuous efforts of out in his Word, the Bible, shall be accomplished
kings, political and religious and using totalitarian without failure in the least detail. They are lifted
methods and regimentation, to block the assembly up above the world current and are going whither
of the righteous to the great mountain of his he leads them. They z~-ow where they are going,
Government. Warning of the fate such totalitarian and that is, to the Kingdomof God, the Government
combine will surely meet, the divine prophecy says: of the Theocratic new world. They have heard the
"And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace invitation of the Almighty Theocratic Ruler, and
between the seas [and] the glorious holy mountain; they respond and assemble unto His Government.
yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help He bids them to invite others to come along.--
him." (Daniel 11:45, Young’s) The assembly at the Isa. 2 : 2, 3.
mountainshall be held. Jehovah’s call and invitation ’ Those who prefer the schemes and the promises
shall not go forth in vain. of mere men put themselves in the way of the
In this critical year all the nations of the earth assembly and seek to break it up. They are fighting
are caught in the overflowing current of a conflict against God, and to Him they shall finally have to
for world domination. One nation after another has answer. The time for settlement of accounts is very
been sucked or swept in contrary to its wish. Whither near, and there is no escape for a single opposer of
the increasing current will carry them they cannot Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government. The
surely tell. Those who frame the policy for the advice to the religious opposers still stands good:
nation, and who combine with others to frame the "For if this counsel or this work be of men, it will
policy for the future of the whole world, can only cometo nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot over-
hope for the success of their plans, and that such throw it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against
will be the best for the people that survive. No God." (Acts 5:38, 39) But that is not all. It is not
one questions their sincerity, and the true Christian merely a question of refraining from interfering and
will not interfere with their plans. But the worldly directly fighting against God. That will not save one
or cause one to be spared. It is a question of joining the governmental and religious authorities of Egypt
in the assembly and positively taking the side of the would co-operate with the Israelites in getting to the
sure Government of the new world. There is no place of worship and service it would be of benefit
neutrality. to the people of Egypt and would spare them much
¯ Those who are indifferent to The Theocratic vexation, sorrow and loss. But did those authorities
Government and making no decision are passive do so ?
resisters to it, and they give comfort and aid thereby ’ Jehovah’s people, the Israelites, were in Egypt,
to the enemies of the Government. The King of The but they were not a part of that world organization.
Theocracy is the One whostated the strict, unbending The Egyptians were very religious and worshiped
rule: "He that is not with me is against me; and demons. Therefore they hated Jehovah’s people, and
he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." in this they set the pattern of action for religionists
(Matt. 12: 30) The time for indecision is past. The to this very day. They set themselves up as the
King spews out the lukewarm ones. (Rev. 3: 16) "master race" and reduced the condition of Jehovah’s
Those who do not join the assembly unto the King- people to slaves, heaping all manner of unjust
dom of God simply do not believe his Word. They burdens upon them and framing mischief against
do not consider his invitation worth the acknowledg- them by laws of state. They denied their right to
ing, and they thereby do not honor him or fear him serve Jehovah God rather than Egypt, and they
or love his righteousness. If they are not found in denied them the liberty to do so. God had set the
the assembly, they must share the fate of all others time as exactly four hundred years from the time of
outside who are actively fighting Jehovah’s Theoc- Ishmael’s afflicting of their forefather Isaac that the
racy of everlasting life and peace. The flood of Noah’s Israelites should be permitted to suffer affliction:
day caught all those outside the ark.--Matt. 24: 37-39. "And also that nation, whomthey shall serve, will
5 A man may say, "But I do not like the name of I judge : and afterward shall they comeout with great
Jehovah." That maybe because the person loves this substance." (Gem 15: 13, 14) That four-hundredth
world of unrighteousness and selfish pleasure and year was now ending, and the time was at hand for
hates the righteousness for which the name of Jehovah’s people to freely worship him. The time
Jehovah stands. Or it may be that, because the was at hand for them to assemble to Jehovah’s holy
religions of "Christendom" have misrepresented and mountain for his service.
reproached the name of Jehovah, the person does ’ Jehovah sent word to the ruling authorities of
not know the truth about Jehovah to love him. It Egypt concerning his requirements upon his chosen
is of Jehovah that the scripture speaks whenit says : people, notifying Pharaoh by Mosesand his brother
"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is Aaron. "And they said, The God of the Hebrews
love. In this was manifested the love of Godtoward hath met with us : let us go, we pray thee, three days’
us, because that Godsent his only begotten Son into journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice unto
the world, that we might live through him." (1 John Jehovah our God, lest he fall upon us with pestilence,
4 : 8, 9) MightyPharaoh of ancient Egypt did not like or with the sword." (Ex. 5: 3, Am. Rev. Ver.) But
the name of Jehovah, from the very first that the Pharaoh put the interests of the political-religious
name and the purpose for which it stood were state up above Jehovah God, and barred the "three
announced to Pharaoh by Jehovah’s witnesses, Moses days’ journey into the wilderness" for sacrifice
and Aaron. The time had come for the name of God to God. He insisted that Jehovah’s people must
Almighty to be declared throughout all the land, compromise and worship in Egypt subject to state
because it was the time for the assembly unto the regulation and contrary to God’s requirements.
great mountain outside of Eg)’pt and which mountain (Ex. 8 : 25-28) The threat of the Egyptians’ stoning
symbolized the Kingdom of God. If Pharaoh put and mobbing Jehovah’s people did not concern the
himself in the way of that assembly, then Jehovah state ruler. The chief of government repeatedly
God would show his power over Pharaoh and over promised action, but always yielded to the pressure
Satan, who was backing Pharaoh in opposition to of the priests and practitioners of religion and kept
Jehovah and any movement of the people to His up the interference with the assembly unto Jehovah’s
side. That show of power became necessary, and service. He sought to deprive them of the means to
it foreshadowed accurately the course of events in worship and serve the Lord God, and at length
these last days of the world symbolized by Egypt. threatened God’s witness Moses with death.--Ex.
"Through his witness Moses Jehovah God revealed 10: 24-29.
his purpose to Moses’ people, the children of Israel. ’ Final warning was given to the state, but was
He extended to them his gracious invitation to not heeded. The fight of that totalitarian world power
assemble to his mountain symbolizing his Theocratic of Egypt against Jehovah proved disastrous to it.
Government and there to worship and serve him. If Jehovah showed his supremacy over that political
SE~ 15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 277
power and its god Satan. Its firstborn, the future and schemes of men of the world mimic Pharaoh’s
hope of that world power, Jehovah slew; and its challenge, saying: "Whois Jehovah, that I should
six hundred chariots and other armed might he hearken unto his voice to let Israel go?" All such
swallowed up in the depths of the Red sea while they shall shortly find themselves hopelessly entrapped
were in hot pursuit of Jehovah’s servants marching in a course that means their destruction with all
to liberty. Jehovah there made a name for himself, nations of the world. Those who act meekly and
and the assembly of his redeemed ones unto the wisely and who join in and help others into the
mountain of God went through.--2 Sam. 7 : 23, 24. gathering to The Theocratic Government shall
1o RomanCatholics, Protestants, and Jews today survive and go free.
may belittle, reproach, ignore and treat with con- "In the third month after the Israelites were
tempt the name of Jehovah, but that does not deny delivered from bondage in Egypt they reached the
the existence to this day and forever of Jehovah. base of Mount Sinai and encamped before tile
Couple with his eternal existence the fact that he mountain of God, the appointed place of assembly.
changes not. (Mal. 3 : 6) His course of conduct toward (Ex. 3:1,11,12; 19:1,2) Jehovah had made the
the religionists and politicians of Egypt shows forth law covenant with the Israelites in Egypt over the
his unchanging rule of action toward those who take blood of the passover lamb which was sprinkled upon
themselves so seriously as to oppose that upon which the entrances of their homes, and this covenant he
the nameof Jehovah is called. Of still more serious now dedicated, inaugurated or confirmed toward the
concern is this fact: Jehovah’s owninspired witness, Israelites, using the prophet Mosesas his mediator
the apostle Paul, writes that what befell Egypt in toward Israel. Through MosesJehovah said to them :
its opposition to the assembly of Jehovah’s chosen "Nowtherefore, if ye will obey myvoice indeed, and
people was typical and would find fulfillment upon keep mycovenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure
a world-wide scale in the "time of the end" of the unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
world, where we have been since 1914. Mark his and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and
words: "Now all these things happened unto them an holy nation." (Ex. 19 : 5, 6) Then Mosesnotified
for TYPES:and they are written for our admonition Israel of the comingmanifestation of God’s presence
upon whomthe encis of the world are come." (1 Cor. on the third day thereafter: "Be ready against the
10: 11, marginal reading) Both the political and third day : for the third day Jehovah will comedown
religious rulers of ancient Egypt and also the in the sight of all the people upon mountSinai. And
commonpeople who backed them up in the fight thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about,
against Jehovah were caught in the national disaster saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up
that struck them at the hand of Jehovah, whomthey into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever
scorned. Therefore let rulers and peoples today be toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death: no
sure of this one thing: that as they put up like hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned,
resistance to the great assembly unto the Kingdom or shot through; whether it be beast or man, he
of God, they must expect to come upon them, with shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long,
strange suddenness shortly, and without a loophole the)- shall come up to the mount."--Ex. 19: 11-13,
of escape, a catastrophe like Egypt’s, but of such Am. Rev. Ver.
proportions as to make Egypt’s beating very light *~ Those words of dire warning apply to the anti-
in comparison. Jehovah God shall not be mocked typical or real things in these momentoustimes; and
without consequences.--Gal. 6:7. yet religionists, politicians and judges of "Christen-
dom" make bold to touch in hostility that which is
TYPICAL ASSEMBLY s)nnbolized by the holy "mountain of God". They
1, Its being thirty hundred years in the past does even attempt to pollute that ’~holy place" with the
not lessen for us the great present-day meaning of new human order for which they are fighting that
circumstances and events that went with the typical it shall forever dominate the earth. Under exam-
assembly to the mountain of God. A comparison of ination, religion will be found to be responsible for
such with the events on earth since 1914 only serves this.
to prove that the time is here for the assembly and "With the terrific events and conditions since 1914
that it has been in progress particularly since 1918 looming large before us and demanding an explana-
and is steadily approaching a climax, and will reach tion, the record of the typical happenings at the
it right soon. Certainly nothing could be of greater "mountain of God" is read with tense interest. "And
importance to the person desiring eternal life and Moses went down from the mount unto the people,
righteousness than to consider these things in the and sanctified the people; and they washed their
light of Jehovah’s Word, the Bible. Those who garments. And he said unto the people, Be ready
engross themselves in the lofty-looking programs against the third day: come not near a woman.And
it came to pass on the third day, whenit was morn- supreme and binding in their lives at all times and
ing, that there were thunders and lightnings, and everywhere are punished for holding fast their
a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of a integrity to the Most High God. And the religious
trumpet exceeding loud; and all the people that leaders of "Christendom" applaud this. "Christen-
were in the camp trembled. And Mosesbrought forth dom" pretends to be in the solemn covenant with
the people out of the camp to meet God; and they ALmighty God to obey his commandments, but she
stood at the nether part of the mount. And mount has broken every one of them flagrantly, and has
Sinai, the whole of it, smoked, because Jehovah therefore taken God’s name in vain. The calamitous
descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof outcome which came upon her prototype, unfaithful
ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole Israel, who broke her covenant with God, makes
mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the certain the sore evil to come upon "Christendom",
trumpet waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and which is under greater responsibility.
God answered him by a voice. And Jehovah came
down upon mount Sinai, to the top of the mount: ANGIgLS
and Jehovah called Moses to the top of the mount; ~’ Moses as mediator between Jehovah God and
and Moses went up." "And all the people perceived Israel was a type of a Greater One to come. (Deut.
the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of 18: 15-18) Godso testified to Mosesby his angel at
the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when MountSinai whenthe people asked that Mosesspeak
the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar off. to them instead of God. "This is that Moses, which
And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the
we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren,
we die. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: like unto me; him shall ye hear. This is he, that
for Godis cometo prove you, and that his fear may was in the church in the wilderness with the angel
be before you, that ye sin not. Andthe people stood which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our
afar off, and Mosesdrew near unto the thick dark- fathers; whoreceived the lively oracles to give unto
ness where God was."--Ex. 19:14-20; 20:18-21, us." (Acts 7 : 37, 38) The Greater One foreshadowed
Am. Rev.Ver. by Moses is the promised Seed of Abraham, Christ
’~ On that spectacular occasion the "mountain of Jesus, Jehovah’s King of The Theocracy. %\~ere-
God" became the official seat of the great Lawgiver fore then serveth the law? It was added because of
Jehovah. Through his mediator Moses I~fe gave the transgressions, till the seed should cometo whomthe
Theocratic law of the "ten conunandments" and the promise was made; and it [the law covenant] was
related statutes and ordinances. That law placed ordained by angels, in the hand of a mediator."
Jehovah God first. It commandedthose who enter a (Gal. 3:18, 19) The religious leaders killed that
covenant with God to put and keep Jehovah first promised Seed whenhere in the flesh, and therefore
and above all : "Thoushalt have no other gods before the faithful witness Stephen said to them: "Ye do
me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, always resist the holy [spirit] : as your fathers did,
nor any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, so do ye. ~rho have received the law by the disposi-
or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the tion of angels, and have not kept it."mActs 7 : 51, 53.
water under the earth: thou shalt not bow do~m is Israel’s moderncounterpart, "Christendom," has
thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I Jehovah received God’s law as given through his Greater
thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of Mediator, Christ Jesus, but her religious and political
the fathers upon the children, upon the third and powers fight over world domination and reject the
upon the fourth generation of them that hate me, great salvation offered by the Greater Moses. To
and showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them her therefore apply the words of stern warning:
that love me and keep my commandments.Thou shalt "For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and
not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for every transgression and disobedience received a just
Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his recompence of reward; how shall we escape, if we
namein vain." (Ex. 20: 1-7, Am. Rev. Ver.) The un- neglect so great salvation; which at the first began
changing principles of these commandments concern- to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto
ing the worship of Jehovah are restated in the writ- us by them that heard him; God also bearing them
ings of Christ’s apostles as applying to Christians. witness, both with signs and wonders, and with
~’ Today under the spreading influence of totali- divers miracles, and gifts of the holy [spirit], accord-
tarianism, which is demonism, the supremacy of ing to his ownwill? For unto the angels hath he not
Almighty God’s law is being challenged by the put in subjection the world to come, whereof we
highest courts of "Christendom", and faithful speak." (Heb. 2 : 2-5) Jehovah God has ordained the
Christians who abide by Jehovah God’s law as inhabitants of the world of righteousness to be

subject to his King of The Theocracy, made higher inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for place of
than angels. (Heb. 1 : 4-14) To him all must assemble repentance found he none [in his divinely directed
for salvation; "unto him shall the gathering of the father Isaac], even though with tears he diligently
people be."---Gen. 49:10. sought it." (Rotherham’s translation) There
therefore no hope of salvation by means of "Chris-
PLA~E OF ASSEMBLY tendom"; God’s judgment is upon her unto destruc-
1, It is no mere imagination that the events at tion. Salvation is alone by his Kingdom,symbolized
MountSinai at the dedication of the old law covenant by Mount Zion. "And saviours shall come up on
were prophetic of more awe-inspiring things to come mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the
in this period of history. Those events it is of kingdom shall be Jehovah’s." (Obad. 21, Am. Bey.
surpassing importance for life-seekers to study Ver.) The choice must now be made by all, whether
intently today for counsel and guidance. This is not to drift along with "Christendom" toward her
the interpretation of The Watchtower, but of proposed new order or to assemble unto Jehovah’s
Jehovah Godhimself by a faithful apostle of Jesus glorious MountZion, his Theocracy by Christ Jesus.
Christ, at Hebrews, chapter t~,elve. More serious Why so? The inspired answer from the great
are the times now than at Mount Sinai three Theocrat Jehovah follows.
millenniums ago. The responsibility upon individuals, u ’~For you have not approached to a mountain,
organizations and nations is greater far. The course touched and scorched with fire, and to a thick cloud,
of those who took a fatal and disastrous course in and to darkness, and to tempest, and to a sound of
ancient times is warned against in God’s Word of a trumpet, and to a voice of commands,the hearers
admonition and should be avoided by the ~ise. of which entreated that not another word should be
’° "Christendom" claims to be Christ’s kingdom, added to them; (for they could not endure the
and that she will spread the kingdomof Godthrough- injunction, ’If even a beast should touch the mountain
out the world. She, and particularly the Roman it shall be stoned’; and so terrible was the scene
Catholic Hierarchy, claims to have a monopoly of that Mosessaid, "I exceedingly fear and tremble.’)"
rights on this undertaking. "Christendom," however, (Heb 12:18-21, Emphatic DiagIott) It was the
under the religious lead of the RomanCatholic Israelites according to the flesh that approached to
Hierarchy with headquarters at Vatican City, has such a mountain, namely, Mount Sinai, when God
gone after the satisfaction of her belly, selfishness. dedicated the law covenant with that nation and
She has tried to gain the world and its kingdom, declared the Theocratic requirements for divine
which Christ Jesus in the mountain of temptation approval and preservation and blessing. That situa-
refused at Satan’s hands. That is why"Christendom" tion was serious enough, calling for great anxiety
today is a house divided against itself in a total war; and carefulness, with "fear and trembling", to keep
and over what? Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ? the commandments of Jehovah God and carry out
No, but over world domination; concerning which the covenant with him. But here, in the letter to the
world God’s apostle writes: "The friendship of the Hebrews, the apostle is addressing those who are
world is enmity with God; whosoever therefore will foreshadowed by those Israelites according to the
be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." flesh. The apostle is addressing those who are
(Jas. 4:4) Hence God has doomed "Christendom" Hebrews or Israelites according to the spirit, new
to destruction at Armageddon, and all the pope’s creatures, "the Israel of God" in the new covenant
prayers for peace and all his blessings upon the with him. (Rom.2 : 28, 29 ; Gal. 6: 15, 16 ; Phil. 3 : 3
world, and all postwar attempts at religious revival, Col. 2: 11) "Christendom" pretends to be such, but
will not persuade God to repent and turn from his her telltale fruits and works disprove her preten-
unchangeable decision and purpose.--1 Sam. 15: 29. sions and show her to be a religious counterfeit.
""Christendom’s" selfish worldly course proves "’ The apostle’s words at Hebrews, chapter twelve,
she has no rights in the kingdomof God. She commits are specifically directed to the remnant of the
spiritual fornication with this world and is profane. spiritual Israelites on earth in these the ’qast days",
She opposes and persecutes those who join the because it was in A. D. 1914 that God’s holy "moun-
assembly unto the Kingdom. Therefore she has gone tain" of his kingdomwas established. It is the Mount
in the way of Esau, who despised The Theocracy and Zion, upon which he set his anointed King of the
sold away his claim on the birthright for a mess of new world, Christ Jesus. (Ps. 2 : 6) Of this mountain
pottage. "Christendom" has not heeded the warning it is written: "And it shall cometo pass in the last
at Hebrews12: 16, 17 : ’%est there be any fornicator, days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall
or profane person like Esau, who for the sake of be established in the top of the mountains, and shall
one meal yielded up his own firstborn rights; for be exalted above the hills: and all nations shall flow
ye know that afterwards, when he even wished to uhto it. And many people shall go and say, Come

ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have
to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach desired it."--Ps. 132: 13, 14.
us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for "Those who seek God, Christianity, life and peace
out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of assemble unto the Theocratic MountZion rather than
the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isa. 2 : 2, 3) In fulfillment to that political-religious city on the Tiber river, the
of this prophecy not only the remnant of the "little heart of totalitarian Fascism. Let the Vatican
flock" of spiritual Israel assemble unto the mountain observe that the name of Jehovah’s heavenly Theo-
of his Righteous Government, but also the "other cratic Governmentunder Christ is not "the heavenly
sheep" of the Lord whomChrist Jesus, "the Good Rome", even though Rome’s armies did destroy the
Shepherd," now gathers from out of all nations.- earthly Jerusalem in A. D. 70, which was manyyears
Luke12 : 32 ; John 10 : 10, 16. before the apostle John wrote the description of
"This agrees with the fact that when the natural the heavenly city of God in The Revelation or
Israelites assembledat Sinai on the typical occasion, Apocalypse. Romehas no part in anything heavenly.
there came along with them a "mixed multitude" The name which the God of the new world gives
forsaking worldly Egypt with Jehovah’s covenant his heavenly Theocracy is "the heavenly Jerusalem".
nation and assembling with them at the "mountain Romehas ever meant war and oppression; the name
of God". (Ex. 12 : 38 ; Num.11 : 4) These are the ones "Jerusalem" means "possession of peace". In the
meant by "the stranger that is within thy gates" typical Jerusalem of ancient time the temple was
mentioned in the ten commandments there given. built upon Mount Zion in Jerusalem and there
(Ex. 20: 10) Such "strangers" or "other sheep" are Jehovah’s presence was represented in the Most Holy
not spiritual Israelites, but are persons of good-will of the temple. Therefore Mount Zion and the
with hopes of everlasting blessings on earth under heavenly Jerusalem both symbolize Jehovah’s divine
God’s kingdom and who become the faithful compan- city or organization, The Theocratic Government;
ions of the remnantof spiritual Israel since A.D. 1918. but Zion pictures it as being the capital organization
~5 VV71yis the world in the most critical time of of God’s universe, while Jerusalem pictures it as
all history! and why therefore are the remnant and the heavenly organization of perfect order, peace,
their companions, the "other sheep", in a position unity and prosperity, and always successful to the
so very serious that they must exercise the greatest vindication of Jehovah’s name.
caution to take the right course in obedience to the "In A.D. 1914 the "times of the Gentiles", that
Theocratic rule? The apostle addresses them with is, the times of the nations of the world of which
the answer: "But you have approached to Zion, a Satan the Devil is god, ended, and Satan’s period
mountain and city of the living God, the heavenly of rule uninterrupted by Jehovah God expired. The
Jerusalem ; and to myriads of angels, a full assembly; great interruption or end came by Jehovah’s estab-
and to a congregation of firstborn, having been lishment of the Righteous Government, the heavenly
enrolled in the heavens; and to a Judge who is God Theocracy, and His empowering it to act at once
of all; and to spirits of the righteous madeperfect: according to the will of God and against the plans
and to a Mediator of a new covenant, Jesus; and to of all enemies. The birth of that Theocratic Govern-
a blood of sprinkling speaking something better than ment of the living God affected all the universe,
Abel."--Heb. 12: 22-24, Diaglott. because The Theocracy is the capital organization
’" This means that we have reached the r.ST~mSm~Othereof. Its coming into control and proceeding to
kingdom of God. The events on earth fulfilling the act was therefore an occasion of universal interest
apostle’s words that immediately follow the above and one of great joy and importance to all the holy
quotation prove it beyond all denial. In A. D. 1914 angels of God’s universe. Jehovah’s firstborn and
The Theocratic Government of the new world was only begotten Son Christ Jesus is the Chief of that
Government of the new world. His installation as
born, and since then Jehovah has held the nations King thereof in 1914 affected the angels of God as
of earth in derision and says to them: "Yet have described at Hebrews 1: 6: "And when he again
I set my"king uponmyholy hill of Zion." (Ps. 2 : 1-6) bringeth in the firstborn into the world he saith,
Therefore mount Zion represents the official Theo- And let all the angels of God worship him."--
cratic residence of Jehovah, the only true and living Am. Rev. Ver.
God. Let Vatican City, who calls Rome"The Eternal "Therefore in 1914 all the holy angels assembled,
City" and who persecutes Jehovah’s witnesses and that is, took their stand on the side of that capital
palms herself off on the nations as God’s chosen organization and its anointed Head, and pledged
favorite, take the rebuff of Jehovah God in this their everlasting and und~dngallegiance and service
declaration, namely: "For the Lord hath chosen unto him. There was thus a "full assembly" of them,
Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is and it was a time of the greatest joy thus far in
15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWEtL 281

universal history because the long-promised Theo- was not necessary, as his "all power" in heaven and
cratic Governmentthat will vindicate Jehovah’s holy in earth extends whithersoever he directs it.
name before all creation had now begun to function s, The majority of the temple class were, at his
with its King upon the throne. The apostle Paul in coming, sleeping in death in the graves; only a rem-
the original text of Hebrews12 : 22, 23 used the word nant of those in line for the temple were yet alive on
"panegyris" in that connection, and which word earth. The sleeping temple membersHe raised from
means "mass assembly" or "gathering of all", and death and exalted them to heaven, in contrast with
from which word the English word "panegyric" is Satan and his demons, who had been cast down from
derived. It meansa high and most important occasion. it. He gathered them to him on Mount Zion. Then he
Therefore one emphatic translation renders the text : judged the remnant on earth, purged them, and
’~Unto myriads of messengers in high festival." brought them into a unity with him and into his
(Rotherlzam) Concerning those faithful messengers service at the temple even while they yet continue
the KAngforetold, saying: ’%Vhenthe Son of man on earth as publishers of the good news of the
shall comein his glory, and all the holy angels with Kingdomunto all nations. All these, the resurrected
him [for him and on his side], then shall he sit temple membersand the approved remnant on earth,
upon the throne of his glory."--Matt. 25:31. constitute the true church, "the assembly of firstborn
3o The allegiance of the angels to the newlyinstalled
ones enrolled in the heavens." (Rotherham) They
I(Ang, Jehovah’s God-like Son whoseofficial title in are begotten of God’s spirit unto a heavenly life,
heaven is "Michael", was immediately put to the test. to be associated with Jehovah’s firstborn Son Christ
After the birth of The Theocratic Government from Jesus in the heavenly kingdom.To them it is written :
the womb of God’s universal organization, "Of his ownwill begat he us with the word of truth
"woman", the "war in heaven" was begun against that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his
the demonorganization that had long been tolerated creatures." (Jas. 1: 18) All religious organizations
in heaven. The holy angels proved they were with on earth reject these ~dtnesses of Jehovah, because
and for Jehovah’s installed King, and they fought such witnesses of ALmightyGod have abandoned all
under this "Michael" against that frightful dragon religion for Christianity. Thoughreligion casts out
organization. It was ousted from heaven and thrust their names as evil, their names are enrolled in
down to the vicinity of the earth. Therefore the heaven as membersof the true church, which church
abased Devil is mad and brings all manner of woes numbers only 144,000 members.--Rev. 7:4-8.
s, The resurrected temple membersand the remnant
upon the nations of earth. It is a time of woe for
the earth and sea, but a time of rejoicing for those being all gathered unto the Lamb of God at the
in the heavens. The victory of the NewGovernment temple, the glorious picture at Revelation 14:1-4
at its birth is a sure guarantee of its victory over is nowfulfilled : "And I looked, and lo, a Lambstood
Satan’s entire organization at Armageddonin vindi- on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred
cation of Jehovah’s name.~Rev. 12: 12. forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name
written in their foreheads .... These are they which
"FIRSTBORN" follow the Lambwhithersoever he goeth. These were
31 In the ancient days Jehovah’s temple stood on redeemedfrom amongmen, being the firstfruits unto
Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Three and one-half years God and to the Lamb." It is unto this assembling
after Jesus was anointed with God’s spirit at Jordan of the "church of the firstborn" that we have come
he rode amid the acclamation of a great multitude since 1918. Let us therefore not be shaken from our
into Jerusalem and came to the temple and cleansed firm position for The Theocratic Government.--
it. Correspondingly, after the birth of the New 2 Thess. 2 : 1, 2.
Governmentand the cleansing of the heavens by the JUDGMENT
ousting of Satan and his demons, Jehovah’s great "After his coming to the temple Christ Jesus
Messenger and King turned his attention to the begins judgment: "The time is come that judgment
spiritual temple of God. Christ Jesus as King and must begin at the house of God." (1 Pet. 4:17)
High Priest of Godis the chief corner stone of that Jehovah has committed all judgment into the hands
of his devoted Son, who has power also to execute
temple. All his faithful body members, the ’qittle God’s judgment. Therefore by his Son as his repre-
flock", are made’qiving stones" of that temple, and sentative at the temple Jehovah is "God the Judge
in it Jehovah dwells by his spirit of divine power. of all", and before his seat all, both menand nations,
In 1918, in fulfillment of the prophecy at Malachi must appear. (Rom. 14: 10; 2 Cor. 5: 10) After the
3:1-4, Jehovah’s Messenger or Deputy Officer came remnant are judged at the temple, Jehovah’s King
to the temple; that is, he directed his attention and Judge proceeds to the judgment of all the nations
thereto and took action respecting it. A bodily coming 5n earth. That judgment is now on. The persecution
of Jehovah’s wit,,esses, and the dividing of the Likewise must the "righteous ones" of the remnant
people of the nations into classes, the sheeplike ones whohave the Lord’s spirit be thus perfected before
in favor of Jehovah’s Theocracy and the goatlike they finish their earthly course and experience their
ones in opposition to it, these things are certain resurrection change to glory, honor and irnmortalSty
visible proofs that the judgment of the nations is with Christ Jesus in the heavenly Theocracy. They
on. The "sheep" are gathered to the right aide of must cometo that perfecting, and the apostle’s words
"Mount Zion" on which reigns the King. Being give assurance that they shall
assembled on that side of favor and approval, the
faithful "sheep" are the companions of the remnant Co v I&.."q’ANTXNAUGUI:UkTED
and shall enjoy the King’s blessings and protection "Whenthe Israelites of old and their multitude
and preservation unto life everlasting on earth. The of companions came to Mount Sinai the law covenant
"goats" at the left and in opposition to ’’Mount was inaugurated and dedicated toward them through
Zion" meet utter destruction in the fire of Arma- Moses as mediator. Thereby the Israelites became
geddon.--Matt. 25 : 31-46. a people upon whomJehovah’s name was called.
"The spirits of all creatures are being judged, Christ Jesus is "the mediator of a new covenant".
which creatures are being shown to be either of a His lifeblood he shed at his first coming to make
faithful spirit toward God and his Kingdomgospel that covenant valid or operative toward those of his
or of an unfaithful and opposing spirit toward body members, the "little flock". (Matt. 26: 28)
God and his gospel purpose. Therefore among his coming to the temple in 1918 he inaugurated or
other notable things unto which we have come or dedicated that new covenant toward the approved
approached the apostle mentions "the spirits of remnant whomhe assembled to himself at the temple.
righteous ones madeperfect". (Heb. 12:23, Rother- How? The purpose of the new covenant was and
ham) These righteous ones made perfect are the is to ’take out from all the nations of the earth a
spirit-begotten remnantof the "little flock", whoare people for Jehovah’s name’, with a view to the
approved at the temple judgment and anointed to vindication of His name. (Acts 15:14) That name
be Jehovah’s witnesses and hence covered over with must be declared throughout the earth by his wit-
his "robe of righteousness" and "garments of salva- nesses before he shows his power over Satan’s
tion". (Isa. 61: 1, 10) These must be perfected entire organization in the battle of Armageddon.
their integrity and in their spirit of obedience and That battle is, by all signs and prophecies, very
devotion toward God, just as it was necessary for near at hand. It will burst upon the nations suddenly,
Jesus to ’learn obedience and be made perfect in like an unexpected thief in the dead of night. Hence
this by the things he suffered’.--Heb. 2: 10; 5: 8. Jehovah’s nameand the purpose for which it stands
"Hence the remnant are now severely disciplined must be declared by his remnant ~ow, from and
by the suffering of reproach and persecution, and after the Lord’s coming to the temple and before
to them the apostle’s words apply: "The fathers of the outbreak of "the battle of that great day of God
our flesh we used to have as administrators of disci- Almighty".
pline, and we used to pay deference: shall we not " When the Lord came to the temple Jehovah’s
much rather submit ourselves to the Father of our consecrated people on earth had yielded to fear of
spirits and live?" (Heb. 12:9, Rotherham) They men and were lax and delinquent toward their
must therefore strictly conform to Jehovah’s "gospel obligations to praise Him and proclaim his estab-
scheme" or "gospel purpose and procedure". As an lished Kingdom. Jehovah was therefore angry
example to us Christ Jesus conformed to it and kept toward them for their failure. To continue in this
his integrity and tie was justified m spirit or declared disapproved condition would have meant their
of God to be perfectly right in his spirit toward destruction at the hands of Jehovah’s Executioner
God his Father. Concerning this it is written: "And at Armageddon. For his name’s sake, however, and
without controversy great is the mystery of godliness in his infinite loving-kindness, Jehovah had mercy
[(Strong’s Concordance) the mystery of the gospel upon the consecrated ones of faithful heart and
scheme] ; He whowas manifested in the flesh, justi- spirit who were anxious to resume his service. The
fied in the spirit, seen of angels [after his resurrection blood which validated the new covenant was still
and ascension to heaven], preached among the available and of power to cleanse them. In the far
nations [after the pouring out of the spirit at past the blood of Abel was spilled upon the ground
Pentecost], believed on in the world [by those for- by a religionist and it cried to God for vengeance
saking this world], received up in glory [at the birth upon the slayer. The blood of the newcovenant calls
of The Theocratic Government in 1914]." (1 Tim. for mercy upon the ones who repent and turn from
3 : 16, Am. Rev. Vet.) The "captain of our salvation" comingshort of their obligations toward God. There-
was perfected in obedience to God by suffering. fore Jesus’ blood is the "blood of sprinkling, that

speaketh better things than that of Abel". That of the living God, Jehovah, which is responsible.
blood was foreshadowed by the blood of sacrificial ’%Vhosevoice then shook the earth : but nowhe hath
victims that Moses sprinkled upon the people when promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the
dedicating the old law covenant at Mount Sinai. earth only, but also heaven. Andthis word, Yet once
Therefore, at Mount Zion, Jehovah by his Mediator more, signifieth the removing of those things that
Christ Jesus sprinkled the sin-purging blood of the are shaken, as of things that are made, that those
new covenant upon the faithful remnant and cleansed things which cannot be shaken may remain." (Heb.
them, and thus again brought them into proper 12:26, 27) The fearful shaking at Mount Sinai was
relationship with that covenant. actual, but was also prophetic of a larger shaking,
s, In keeping with the purpose of that covenant to the shaking of Satan’s world with its ’qmavens and
bring forth a people for his name Jehovah poured the earth, which are now."~2 Pet. 3:7.
out his spirit upon the remnant in the flesh and made ’s With the setting of Jehovah’s King on Mount
them his official witnesses. He called them by the Zion of The Theocracy in 1914 the shaking began.
"new name", that is, "Jehovah’s witnesses," and sent The "war in heaven" shook the invisible part of the
them forth as such to publish his name throughout enemy organization, Satan and his demons, down
all the earth before Armageddon. This the remnant from the heavenly position to the vicinity of this
under the new covenant are doing, and will continue earth. That shake-down is only preparatory to the
to do unto the rI~ALEXD. complete removal of those Satanic heavens in the
climax of the shaking at the battle of Armageddon.
"REFUSE NOW "For thus saith the LORD of hosts: Yet once, it is a
40 Seeing that we have cometo the things described little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the
above, what then? We cannot now go in the course earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will
of the world. Amidthe violent conflict between "the shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall
king of the north" and "the king of the south" all come: and I will fill this house [the temple of The
the religionists of "Christendom" are excusing them- Theocracy] with glory, saith the LORDof hosts."~
selves from strict obedience to God. They are finding Hag.2 : 6, 7.
deceptive excuses to justify themselves for breaking " The "earth", or visible part of Satan’s world
their implied covenant with God. With high-sounding organization, is also shaken. The shaking out of
phrases and slogans and catchwords they try to heaven which the "god of this world" has undergone
deceive also the remnant and their companions. has filled him with raging madness and he brings
(Matt. 24:24) To whomshall we listen? "Beware woe upon humankind to blind and embitter them
lest ye excuse yourselves from him that speaketh: against God and to turn them away from assembling
for if they [the Jews] escaped not who excused to the Kingdom of God. (Rev. 12:7-12) But the
themselves from him who on earth was warning, voice of Jehovah from Mount Zion is also heard by
how much less shall we who from him that warneth the "earth" and the "nations" thereof, and by its
from the heavens do turn ourselves away?"-- "sea" of restless humanity alienated from God, and
Heb. 12 : 25, Botherham. by its "dry land", the totalitarian ruling organization
¯ 1 At verse 19, describing events at MountSinai, which tries to remain stable and hold back the
the apostle mentions "a trumpet’s peal, and a sound peoples.--Luke 21 : 25, 26.
of things spoken: from which they who heard ’~ Bv such visible parts of Satan’s world organiza-
excused themselves". (Roth.) To us, whohave entered tion Jehovah’s "voice" is heard in his message of
into a covenant to do Jehovah’s will, it would mean the Kingdomand of the day of his vengeance winch
destruction were we to follow "Christendom’s" Jehovah’s remnant and their companions proclmm.
course and excuse ourselves from fulfilling the This so terrifies the elements of the "earth" that they
Theocratic law and rules which Jehovah by his shake with wrath and rise up in hitter persecution in
Greater Moses speaks from Mount Zion, The Theo- all nations against Jehovah’s Kingdompubhshers.
cratic Government.Shall we obey Godor totalitarian- They are further shaken by the fearlessness in the
Fascist statesmen? There will be no escaping com- face of all adversaries as displayed by Jehovah’s
plete destruction for those who reject God and obey witnesses, who obey God’s word of command and
men. (Acts 5:29) We have come to that "full keep coming with his message of the new world, like
assembly" of myriads of holy angels. These will act an irresistible swarm of locusts that darkens the
with Christ the King as executioners of the disobe- heavens for the multitude thereof. (Phil. 1 : 28 ; Joel
dient at Armageddon. 2: 6-11) Soon the rulers of the "earth" will yield
’~ The shaking at MountSinai due to the presence to demonpressure and take drastic action against
of Jehovah’s mighty angel there was local; but Jehovah’s witnesses and try to quiet their own
of Satan’s world is shaking now. It is the voice ~hakiness and will cry "Peace and safety!" Then
N. Y.
"tidings out of the east and out of the north" shall privileged to devote ourselves to Jehovah and to
cause them to quake worse than ever. (Dan. 11:44) assemble unto His Kingdom. That Righteous Govern-
They shall be shaken into their final all-out action ment of the new world shall not disappoint or fail
against Jehovah God and his Kingdom, only to run us; it is H~m~,and "it shall stand for ever". (Dan.
into Armageddon’s shaking. In that universal war, 2:44) May we therefore never forsake it or keep
beyond power of human imagination to picture in
silent about it. Keeping confidence in it and standing
its horror and magnitude, Satan’s "heavens" and immovably by it at Armageddon, we shall not be
"’earth" and "sea" shall be shaken so terribly and shaken and removed while the terrific shaking of the
mightily that they will vanish into invisible vibra- Devil’s wicked "heavens" and "earth" tears them to
tions and dissolve into disorganization.--Ps. 46 : 6-9 ;
pieces.--Ps. 46: 1-3.
Ezek. 38. "To our enemies who hate THE Tr~ocr~cy let
our awe-inspiring God be a "consuming fire" at
RESOLVED, SINCE THESE THINGS BE SO Armageddon. But as for us, let us with fear and
""Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which can- trembling seek to find further grace in his sight,
not be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may continuing during hot persecution to do personal
serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear : witnessing for Him. Let us with great gratitude
for our God is a consuming fire." (Heb. 12:28, 29) continue to serve him in the manner acceptable to
"May we hold fast the favor, through which we may him, though not acceptable to this world. "Let us
serve God acceptably" (Emphatic Diaglott) ; ’let us hold fast the profession of our faith without waver-
have gratitude, whereby we may be rendering divine ing; (for he is faithful that promised;) and let
service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and consider one another to provoke unto love and to
awe; for even our God is a consuming fire." (Rother- good works: .~OT FORSAKING THE ASSE.~IBLI.N’G OF OUR-
ham; Am. Roy. Ver., margin) Great favor has been SELVES TOGETHER~ as the manner of some is; but
bestowed upon us to have revealed to us Jehovah’s exhorting one another: and so much the more, as
Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus and to be ye see the day approaching."--Heb. 10:23-25.


N THE day of his triumphal ride into the city of
I Jerusalem to present himself as King of the new world,
Christ Jesus, God’s anointed One, quoted from the
At the time of the garden of Eden God did not put
all things under the perfect man Adamand did not give
him dominion over all things. He has, however, put all
Eighth Psalm. The Psalm must therefore be something things under Christ Jesus. Therefore the words of the
more than a mere poetic statement of the glory of God prophet David, namely, "the man," must mean Christ
and his work of creation seen by men. The Eighth Psalm Jesus. The apostle Paul, at Hebrews 2: 5-9, quotes the
is ascribed to David, the shepherd boy who became king, psalmist’s words and applies them to Christ Jesus, saying:
and who foreshadowed Christ Jesus. No psalms or songs "For not unto angels did he [Jehovah God] subject the
were composed by David until after his anointing as inhabited earth to come, whereof we speak But one hath
God’s choice for the kingdom. somewheretestified, saying, What is man, that thou art
God’s anointed speaks and says: ’%VhenI consider mindful of him ? or the son of man,that thou vlsltest him ?
thy heavens, the work of thy fingers; the moonand the Thou madest him a little lower than the angels, thou
stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him
are mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou over the works of thy hands .... For m that he subjected
visitest him?" (Psalm 8, verses 3,4) This clearly refers all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject
to the physical heavens a portion of which are visible to to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to
the eye of man. Men who know not God think themselves him. But we behold him who hath been made a little
and other men are great, and they give honor and glory lower than the angels, even Jesus, because of the suffering
to men and to the work of man’s hands. Only the servant of death, crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace
of Almighty God Jehovah can appreciate the insigmficance of Godhe should taste of death for every man" (Am. Roy.
of man as compared with the Most High God, the Creator. Vet., margin) Here the apostle says, in substance, that
Both the Scriptures and the facts show that it is the God madeJesus a little lower than the angels and crowned
anointed of God speaking these words: "What is man, him with glory and honor as the greatest of all men, that
that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that he might prove his integrity in vindication of God’s name
thou visitest him~ For thou hast made him a little lower and be also the Redeemer of humankind; and God gave
than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and him dominion over all the things of the heaven and the
honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works earth. God did not crown Adamwith glory and honor,
of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: and Godwill not make manruler of the earth. The psalmist
all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the David spoke the words of this prophecy, and he spoke
fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever not for himself, nor of and concerning Adam. Being a
passeth through the paths of the seas."~Vss. 4-8. prophet he spoke of Christ Jesus.~Ps. 16 : 10 ; Acts 2 : 27-30.
S~.~rE~BEa15, 1942 NieWATCHTOWEI 285
"The Son of the man"is one of the titles that properly purpose is to bring many sons to glory under the Head
belongs to Jesus. He applied this title to himself after and Captain of their salvation, Christ Jesus. These he
he was anointed to be the King. (Matt. 13:41; 24:27-30; visits and takes out of the world for His name’s sake,
25: 31; John 6:62; 3-13) The first time the term "son making them a "people for his name". (See Hebrews
of man" is applied to any specific creature is when it 1 : 9 ; 2 : 9-11 ; Acts 15" 14-16.) Concerningtheir relationship
appears in Psalm 8. The expression is found in the book to the "man Christ Jesus" it is written: "The first man
of Job, but only in a general descriptive sense. "The man [Adam] is of the earth, earthy; the second man [Christ
Christ Jesus" became the owner of everything that Adam Jesus] is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such
might have possessed had Adamremained in harmony with are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly
God; but those things would have been confined to the [Christ Jesus], such are they also that are heavenly. And
earth. Christ Jesus became owner of all things, both in as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also
heaven and in earth Concerning him it is written that bear the image of the heavenly. Nowthis I say, brethren,
God has anointed him heir over all things and put all that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
things under him. (See Hebrews 1:2 and Phiiippians neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." (1 Cor.
2 : 10, 11.) Not only did Jesus becomethe owner of every- 15: 47-50) It is the man Christ Jesus under whomGod
thing that Adammight have possessed, but by the covenant has put all things, and all things, Godhimself excepted,
that Jehovah God made with him he became the owner must be subjected to Christ Jesus; as it is written: "For
of all creation in heaven and in earth and under the earth, he hath put all things under hxs feet. But whenhe saith,
which includes the lower animals and man. It is true All things are put under him, it is manifest that he is
that the great multitude of survivors of the battle of excepted which did put all things under him." (1 Cor.
Armageddonwill have a position superior to the lower 15:27) The proof is therefore conclusive that the words
animals and that these animals will be subject to the great of Psalm Eight, "What is man.., and the son of man... ?"
multitude that lives forever on earth; yet such "men of do not refer to Adamand his posterity, but do apply to
good-will" will themselves be subject to the heavenly Christ, into whose body Godbrings the faithful d~seiples
King, Christ Jesus, who is the real owner of all things. by adoption, making them joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
Regenerated man on earth will not be a ruler of other The glory and honor mentmned by the psalmist does
men. He will be glad to have everlasting life on earth not refer to perfect manhoodof regenerated man under
and the blessings incident thereto, but there is nothing the Kingdom,but does refer to the glory and honor which
to indicate he will rule his fellow man. The resurrected Jehovah confers upon Christ Jesus. It is Christ Jesus and
faithful men of old, from Abel to John the Baptist, who the members of his body whomGod makes ttis elect
will becomechildren of "the Everlasting Father", will be servant, putting His spirit upon that elect servant and
made "princes in all the earth", but they shall be simply delighting His soul in him. Further speaking of that sere’ant,
the visible representatives of Jehovah’s King of The Theo~ God says, at Isaiah 42:1-8: "I am Jehovah, that is my
cratic Government, Christ Jesus.--Ps. 45:16, Isa. 9:6. name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither
God made a covenant with the man Christ Jesus for mypraise to graven images." (Am. Rev. ~’er.) ~Ianifestly
the Kingdom,which covenant carries with it the rulership the meaning is that Jehovah stands alone and besides Him
over all things. By the grace of God Jesus invited his there is none; that he has appointed ChrL~t Jesus his great
disciples to have a part with him in that covenant. God’s servant and graciously makes others the members of the
expressed purpose is to makeall the faithful disciples or body of Christ; and that to The Christ He gives glory,
followers the membersof the glorified bodyof Christ whose honor and immortality, which glory and honor he will
title is "The Man" because of having redeemed all that not give to any other. The glory here mentioned by Psalm
which the perfect man Adamforfeited through sin of Eight clearly means the glory of God’s "man" who stands
rebellion. (Phil. 3:20,21; 1 Cor. 15:47) It is those for the honor of Jehovah’s name.
consecrated followers taken into the Kingdomcovenant Referring again to the words of the psalmist at verses
with Christ Jesus whom Paul means when he says: three and four, aa first herein quoted : The language seems
"God . . . will render to every man according to his properly to apply to Christ Jesus speaking at the time
deeds: to them who, by patient continuance in well doing, he entered into the covenant with Jehovah for the Kingdom
seek for glory and honour and immortahty, eternal life." and for all things in heaven and in earth. Whenthe Lord
(Rom.2 : 5-7 ; Eph. 4 : 13) Those in the covenant with God came to the temple in 1918, after which comingthe correct
for the Kingdomand whoare his anointed saints have the understanding of the prophecies began to be revealed to
specific promise that if they suffer with Christ Jesus and the temple class on earth, there began to be revealed to
continue faithful to the end they shall be heirs of God them a better understanding of this Psalm. From that
and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, whois the heir of all time on it appears that the language of verses three and
things.wRom.8 : 16, 17; 2 Tim. 2 : I1, 12. four are the expression of the faithful remnant on earth
GOdvisits his faithful creatures for their good. This is speaking for themselves. It must always be kept in mind
to be understood, when the psalmist says. ’°~ghat is that the Eighth Psalm is a part of the Scriptures, and
man . . . ? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" that it, like all other scriptures, was written for the purpose,
The Scriptures show that God did visit his beloved Son not of telling about perfect man in Eden or under the
and favored him with honor and glory above all creation Kingdom, but for the comforting and encouraging of the
and made him the Vindicator of Jehovah’s name and the true church now on earth in these last days. The quoting
Redeemer of man. Then the apostle shows that God’s arid applying of the Psalm in the writings of the apostle

Paul supports the conclusion that Jesus had the words Never in the history of man was there a time of such
thereof before him when he spake as at Matthew 28:18. peril and crime as now. These are "the last days" mentioned
In verse two the psalmist says: "Out of the mouth by the apostle and in which lawlessness holds sway and
of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because faithfulness among men is almost ~mlrnown. (See 2 Timothy
of thine enemies; that thou mightest still the enemy and 3:1-5.) Because Satan has come down to the earth he
the avenger." When Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem is pushing the human race over the brink into the abyss
in triumph and then went into the temple and cleansed of crime and idolatry. (Rev. 12: 12) He has obtained
it, the religious Pharisees, the clergy of that day, sullenly control of the religious org~niTat-ions which are generally
looked on. The children were crying out, "Itosanna to known as the ’Christian church organization’, and the
the son of David !" and this irritated the clergy, and they religious men who dominate the same are Satan’s repre-
wanted the children stopped. In response to these hypocrites sentatives "having a form of godliness but denying the
Jesus quoted Psalm 8:2 and said: ’q~Iave ye never read, power thereof", their hearts being entirely removed from
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected Jehovah God. In these religious systems there are many
praise ?" That occasion marked a miniature fulfillment of persons who see no relief therein and who cry to the Lord
this prophetic psalm. We may look for another and wider God for help. Satan’s mighty organization rides arrogantly
fulfillment, because we have found that many of these and tramples upon all the rights of men. The nations are
prophecies have a double fulfillment. We find it now. in perplexity, and the people in distress. In thin hour
"Babes and suckhngs" are those who ave otherwise of great crisis God causes his little companyof "babes and
called "little children". (1 John 2: 12,13,18; John 21:5) sucklings" to stand forth and sing the new song of the
These endearing terms the Lord applies to such as are Kingdomestablished and thereby to announce to the nations
joyfully obedient to his will. They are the children of and peoples that Jehovah is God Almighty, that Chmst
God, begotten of his spirit and anointed with his spirit Jesus is reigning Wing, that the Kingdom is at hand,
to be his witnesses, and they gladly humble themselves and that relief to the people can come only through God’s
under his mighty hand. They delight to do his will, and kingdom under Christ.
if they thus continue, he will in his due time exalt them This little company of obedient "babes", together with
to a place of glory in the Kingdom with Christ Jesus. their earthly companions, recognize the great honor which
(1 Pet. 5:5,6) Jesus on an occasion declared that "of Jehovah has bestowed upon them; and that their honor
such is the kingdom of heaven". (Matt. 19 : 14) It is plain is far greater than what any earthly institutmn could
from the Scriptures that the humble ones, those who joy- confer upon creatures, but that they themselves, when
fully submit themselves to God’s way and will in carrying compared with the Almighty, are insignificant. The remnant
on his "strange work", and who faithfully thus continue say to Jehovah: "Thou hast announced thy purpose to
to the end, are the ones who will be in the heavenly king- put all things under the Son of man; and, recogmznng
dom of God. It is such ones that are now singing forth that we are privileged by thy grace to be a part of thy
his praises in the earth. It is such that are now, this day, ’elect servant’ and therefore have prospects of a part zn
the speakers foreshadowed in the Eighth Psalm. These the glorious work both present and future, we are over-
also witness today the gathering of the Lord’s "other whelmed by this honor and favor. But when we look at
sheep", who shall inherit the blessings of the Kingdom on the heavens, and consider the work of thy fingers, how
thus earth and who are taking their little children forth insignificant are we compared to our great Creator ’" The
with them into the field sen’ice, spreading the message of knowledge of the Lord, and his spirit upon them, enables
the Kingdomto others. Out of the mouths of such children, them to take a proper view of themselves and to humble
too, Jehovah God is perfecting praise. themselves under the might), hand of God. (1 Pet. 5:6)
Both the opening and the concluding words of Psalm With great gladness of heart they go on m obedzence
Eight are the same, and refer to the excellency of Jehovah to his commandments to give the witness to his name.
in the earth: "0 Jehovah. our Lord, how excellent is thy The religmnists have combined with the great totahtar-
name in all the earth!" (Am. Rev. Vet.) These words could Jan monstrosity foreshadowed by the grant Gohath against
not mean that Jehovah’s name is exalted throughout all whom the shepherd boy David seemed like a babe Such
the earth among all peoples. Such has never been true totalitarian-religious crowd hear the glad song sung by
up to the present time. However, by his marvelous work the remnant and their companions and it angers them As
through his witnesses, the remnant and their companions, "the enemy and the avenger" they seek vengeance against
Jehovah has now made his name known and is having it those who stand for Jehovah’s Theocratic Government by
declared throughout all the earth before the battle of Christ Jesus, and this they do by opposing and trying
Armageddon, and that name is excellent among all persons to suppress the witness work being done by Jehovah’s
of good-will coming to a knowledge thereof. (Ex. 9:16)
witnesses under His direction. Nowfor their comfort and
The evident purpose of the psalmist is to associate Jehovah’s
encouragement Jehovah announces that he will stilI these
name with the earth. The Scriptures show that the heavens
were defiled by Satan, the enemy, and that since the avengers and put them to silence, that his own excellency
establishment of the Kingdom in 1914 Satan and his may appear in all the earth. To his remnant and their
demons have been ousted from heaven and cast down to companions in this time of peril he says: ’I have put
the earth. Henceforth the earth is the scene of the battle, my words in your mouth and my hand over you, that
whichbattlewill determine who shallhave dominionover I may use you as my witnesseswhileI establish the new
the earth. world.’--Isa. 51: 16; Ps.96: 10,
AMONG ARMY AND NAVY PEOPLE (VIRGINIA.) giving the testimony she took the booklets and seemed very
A special publisher reports: "Interesting remark by much interested. During my short visit here I have found
an English sailor from Capetown, Africa, who, on spying how great and important it is to get this message to the
Judge Rutherford’s books, exclaimed to his buddy, ’Look! people."--Columbus, Ohio.
the very same books we have in Capetown, Africa! They
are good, too. I have read them.’ He then proceeded to "IN PRISONS MORE FREQUENT" (2 COR. 11: 23)
tell some good things they contained. He was here while LEEDS, ENOLAND."I am glad to be able to report
ship was undergoing several months’ repair from shipwreck myself free once more, and ready for action. I came out
of which he was a survivor. A sergeant, taking the book of Strangeways (Manchester prison) on ,~Ionday, and
Children, upon hearing of the Kingdom blessings ahead, have had a very happy time meeting all the Lord’s people
remarked with tears and great earnestness: %Veneed the again, and hearing all the news I have missed during the
Lord’s Kingdom on this earth, and I hope it will come past nine weeks. I am very grateful to the Lord for all
soon! I wish it were here now--as I think of the boys his care and protection over me during this expermnce,
at Pearl Harbor. I was right in the battle, and can and we girls can certainly testify to the many blessings
appreciate more than others here the need of that King- we have enjoyed even in prison. We have had a lot to
dom.’ Hazing survived the battle of Pearl Harbor he be thanldul for, especially during the past few weeks
apprecmted the Scriptures that in the Lord’s Kingdom the At first the prison officials did not realize what type of
present evils will not even be remembered, but forgotten; people we were and we got rather ’cool’ treatment, but as
as he said, ’You can’t get any of the boys to talk about they have come to know us they have begun to appreciate
it.’ Said an Army officer’s wife: ’If I had known you our sincerity. We girls (seven Jehovah’s witnesses) have
were one of Jehovah’s witnesses I would not have left tried by the Lord’s grace to live our lives as true Christians
you in.’ Upon my leaving she said: ’I now have a better by being courteous and iaw-abiding and good workers and,
opinion of Jehovah’s witnesses than I had before you of course, alwa)~s keeping our Kingdom smile to the fore
called, and must tell my husband, as he has to deal with Gradually the officers have come to respect us for it. We
many of them in the Army. I now know they are sincere." have had many little kindnesses shown, and qulte a few
of the officers have commented on our good behavior and
FROM GIRLS RECEIVING "CHILDREN" AT ST. LOUIS ASSEMBLY work, and what ’good girls’ we were. We are glad of
"Before the book Children was presented to the 15,000 this, not for ourselves, but because we wish to be worthy
children at St. Louis in August, 1941, all the children representatives of the great name we bear. The x~eekly
made a covenant that they would read the book and Watchtower study in prison was a great blessing to us,
then tell it to others and try to have studies with their and we eagerly looked forward to each Sunday morning.
neighbors. After reading and studying the June Informant ¯ . . This will be my tenth year in the pioneer service"
and mating a covenant with Almighty God to do his D. W., Pioneer, ENGLAND."The people of good-will
will I saw it was then my duty that my covenant was are manifesting themselves in various ways, and tins morn-
fulfilled. So I am now working with some of my special ing the lady I am living with manifested herself as a
pioneer friends. I am going right along with them, and ’sheep’, as described by Jesus in l~Iatthew 25:34-40 My
it is surely adding to my hours and sets of booklets father has just received a sentence of ten months’ Lmprison-
placed. I am sure that any other witnesses of Jehovah merit for taking his stand as a Christian, and I had occasmn
who have made a covenant with Almighty God and who to tell this lady last night. When I offered her my rent
are fulfilling that covenant will surely be blessed In this morning she refused to take it, telling me to send
pioneering you surely have a lot of experiences. ~Vhen it to my mother as she might need it. She herself has five
a person says he is not interested, don’t just leave them, children to care for and her husband is serwng m the
but go on and tell them about the Kingdom message. Maybe Middle East in the ~rmed forces."
if you tell them of just one of the booklets it will open FROM TRAILER TO PIONEERING (BIRMINGHAM, ALA.)
their eyes and they will take them and read them. Don’t "One day I knocked on a trailer door. A young lady
miss a house."--Washington C. H., Ohio. opened it. She read my card and said, ’Yes, I have that
"As you suggested in the June Informant, I am going book and was reading it when you knocked.’ She m~lted
out m the service during my summer vacation. I am me in, and I saw the book Children opened upon the
spending my first week with my pioneer aunt in Xenia, studio couch where she had been reading. I made arrangc-
Ohio The reason for this letter is to encourage other ment for a study the same day, the following week On
children of the King to fulfill the obhgation they made my first back-call she asked me what she must do. Not
last summer when they received their book Children. The realizing that she was ready for service, I told her to study
pioneers had called upon this house three times. On the and the Scriptures would tell her. She almost put her
fourth time a friend my age and I were assigned that eyes out studying, read two bound books, two booklets,
house. As we approached it looked as though nobody was and several magazines in a week and a half, and read
home. Upon knocking, a little old lady came to the door the Bible a great deal besides. I held three studies with
and said she did not have time to listen to the phonograph. her, and then she was with me in the service, so that I
My friend spoke up and said, ’We w~lked from away had no chance to study with her. She attended all the
down at the end of the road to bring you this message.’ meetings at the Kingdom Hall and went in the service
Here I took the opportunity to tell her about the seven almost every day. Six weeks from the time I found her,
booklets, and the Kingdom under Christ Jesus. After lshe had ,~ car sad trailer and was in the pioneer service."

A LL readers of the Watchtower magazine and their

friends are cordially
to attend the Sunday meeting, September 20, at 4 p.m.
invited to attend the New Eastern time, and hear the lecture, "Peace---Can It Last I"
M orld Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses All the world is talking war and peace. Already those
on September 18, 19 and 20, 1942. Due to the present in authority are drawing up peace plans to be put into
lack of traveling facilities, and knowing the need of effect at the close of the war. What will be the resultl
Christian study and assembly for worship, the Watch Tower The Lord has foretold the outcome of this war and the
Bible & Tract Society, this year, has arranged for its peace, in his.Word, the Bible. Therefore the questxon is
national convention to be country-wide. The locations of asked, "Peace--Can It Last?’
auditoriums of this nation-wide convention are set out Not only are Jehovah’s witnesses assembling at all the
below. The key city is Cleveland, Ohio, but there are
convention cities listed below, but like assemblies are being
upward of 50 more convention cities that will be connected
held in England, South America, and many other parts
with the Public Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio, by direct-
of the world. Jehovah has always poured out upon his
wire communication. people rich blessings at these assemblies, and we may
The principal lectures that will be delivered at Cleveland,
Ohio, will be brought simultaneously to each convention confidently look forward te this assembly as one of great
hall in the United States, including the widely advertised importance.
lecture, "Peace--Can It Last?" This lecture will be Select your nearest convention city, or if it is your
delivered by the president of the Society, N. H. Knorr. desire to attend the key city convention at Cleveland,
If for some reason you find it impossible to attend all Ohio, and you can make s~ch arrangements, make prepara-
the sessions of the convention, you should make it a point tions now to be there. It.will be to your blessing.
All conventions will open at 8:30 Friday morning, September 18. Do not fail to be at one of the convention halls when the
address of welcomeand keynote lecture are given, Friday evening, at 8 o’clock Eastern time. (7 p.m.C.T.; 6 p.m.M.T.; 5 p.m.P.T.)
Public Auditorium City Park Skating Rink l~hode Island Auditorium
Lakeside Ave. & E 6th St. 1¢50 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge 1111 N, Main St., Providence
Cleveland. Ohio I~lghts of Pythias Hall (Colored)
597 S. 13th St., Baton Rouge SOUTH CAROLINA
ALABAMA Hlbernlan Hall, 1Q9 Meeting St.
Cascade Plunge 6815 2d Ave S. MAINE
Witham’s Lobster Pound, Rockport Charleston
Birmingham Dmrt Hall (Colored)
Murphy High School MARYLAND ~racke Ja Bo~ard Sis, Charleston
102: S Carlln St. Mobile Lyric Theatre
YMCAColored Community Center Opposite Mr. Royal Slat|on |OUTH DAKOTA
504 SL Anthony St, Mobile Baltimore Deadwood City Auditorium
ARIZONA MICHIGAN 1Ol Sherman St, Deadwood
Moose Temple Malonic Temple
Zaribah Temple 120 ]~ Ftfth Ave., Mitchell
16th Ave & Washington St, Phoenix Case & Elizabeth. Detroit
Shrine Auditorium Palace Roller Rink
Travelers Field. Adjoining Fair Park ]~zary Road & N Broadway
Little Pock 201 E First St.. Duluth Fountain City
Minneapolis Auditorium Silver Slipper Club
CALl FORNIA Grant & Third Ave. S., Minneapolis on Macon Road, 7/10 mt E. of U. S 70,
Moose Hall 1851 Puiton St,, Fresno 4 mL N E. of Memphis
Shrine nallroom, 5244 Royal St. MISSOURI
Los Angeles Victory Theatre TEXAS
9th & Holmes St, Kansae City Vlckery Park
Scottish Rite Temple
Van Ness Ave & Sutter SL MONTANA Highway 75. Greenville Ave, Dallas
San FT&ncteco Masonic Temple Auditorium Kingdom Hall
S21 Central Ave, Great Falls 4021 N, Pledras St,, El Paso
COLORADO End of Main Dance Pavilion,
El Jebe| Temple, 4625 W, 50th Ave. NEBRASKA on Old Main Street Road. near Bellalre
Denver The Welfaxe Society ~]ouse Boulevard. Houston
1430 .~ 10th St., Lincoln Municipal Auditorium
FLORIDA San Antonio
Municipal Auditorium. Plant Park NEW MEXICO
Tampa Silva Hail, Bernailllo UTAH
The I.O.O F Temple
NEW YORK 41 Post Ofllce Pl. Salt Lake City
GEORGIA Odd Fellows Temple
Atlanta Women’s Club Auditorium 46-48 Beaver St.. Albany VIRGINIA
115¢] Peachtree St, Atlanta Kalurah Temple The Mosque
Waycross City Auditorium 255 W~shington St, Binghamton Main & Laurel Sis. Richmond
Pendieton & Oak Sts. ~,Vaycross Assembly Hall. Memorial Auditorium
Main St. & Lower Terrace, Buffalo WASHINGTON
IDAHO Manhattan Center Ms.on Ic Temple
Liberty Theatre, Emmett S4th St at Eighth Ave.. New York /~rv~d & Pine Ste, Se~tLle
Turner Hall
Ashland Boulevard Auditorium OrlWith Baseball Park
|14 Magnolia Ave, Charlotte WEST VIRGINIA
Ashland Blvd & Van Buren St. Municipal Auditorium
Chicago NORTH DAKOTA Vlrfinla and Truslow Sis, Charleston
Theocratic Convention Tent City Auditorium, Bismarck
2400 East Cook St., Springfield WISCONSIN
iOWA OKLAHOMA Odd Fellows Hall
Theocratic Convention Tent SOS W. Mifflin St., Madison
Shrtno Auditorium, 10th & Pleasant | mi. north of ~pitoi on Hy. 77
Des Motnes 114 st. east on Ors~d Blvd. CUBA
Oklahoma City Lion "Artistic& OatleEL"
KANSAS Zulueta llS| Altos. Esquing Gloria
Troeadero Dance Pavilion OREGON Havana
a400 W. Dougl~, WlchiUt Biohn Building, 9th & K]LmAth Av~
K/amath HAWAII
KENTUCKY Nor~-Hall, 111 N.I. llth Ave. Kingdom Hall
Swim Paxk, ]Preston & Lynn, L~ulsville Portland IZ21 Pensacola St., Honolulu
"PEACE--CAN IT LJkST?" Sunday, Septembe~ 20
4 p.m. Eastern time; 3 p.m, Centra~ time; 2 p.m. Mountain tl=ne: 1 p.m. PlM~lfle tJmL

thatI am&hov&’.’
-~ekiel 35 15.
VOL. r,XtII SZXZ~tOST~mlr No.19

I, 1942

OXLY L~e--T ..................................... 291
TheDeliverer ....................................... 293
Uasilemeed Testimony ............................ 293
Arise, Shine ............................................ 295
Denseas a Cloud,Swift aa Doves........ 297
TheRightRule................................... 299
........................................................ 300
WHYIs T~ET~vr~ OPPOSEDf ............... 302
D~CL~.ATION (Letter).............................. 303
Fr~.-EXPEm~NC~ .................................. 304
"WATcHTOW’~" STUDIES[Re Questmns] 290
"W~Tca’TOW’~" STEDtr.a [Assignments] 303

T HIS Journal ~ published for the l)urpose of enablingthe

people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the BibleIt publishes BibleInstruction specifically de-
signedto aid Jehovah’switnessesand all peopleof good wilL
It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor its readersandthe Society
"And all t-~y children shall be ~u~ht of Jehovah; a~d supplies otherliterature to aid in suchstudies. It publishes suit-
ablematerial for radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
~rea£ shaU be the peace of thy children." -l~a:ah 54:z2. Instru~tinn in the Scripture&
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bibleas authority for itsutterances.
THAT JEHOVAHIs t.he only true God, Is from everlastingto It is entirely freeand separate fromallreligion, parties, sects
everlasting,the Makerof heavenand earthand the Glverof life or otherworldlyorganization& It is whollyand withoutreserva-
to hls creatures; thatthe Logoswas the be~nnlngof his creation, t.lonfor the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
and his activeagentin the creation of all thlngs;thatthe Logos King. It is not dogmatic, but invites care~I and critical examlna-
is now the LordJesusChrLstin glory,clothedwithall powerin tJon of Its contents in the llght of the Serlpture~ It does not In-
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutiveOfllcerof Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and ttscolumns are notopento personalities.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earthand placedhim upon it ; that man willfullydis- Yr..~r Sussc~zn~oN Pmcz
obeyedGod’slaw and was sentencedto death;that by reasonof Uxl~v STA~’ZS,$I.00; C4.~AD4al~V MZSCZLL4~r.OCS FORZlaW, $I.S0;
Adam’swrongact all men are born sinnersand withoutthe right G~tT BD, IT41b’, A.UeTR4LAaIA, A~¢DSOUTIE AJrRtc4, ~. Americanremit-
tancel should be made by Postal or Expre~ Monet Order or by Bank
to llfe Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remlttaoees
THAT JESUS was made human, and the mnn Jesus suffered should be made direct to the re~ectlve branch omc~Remittances from
countrtee other than tho~ mentioned maybe madeto the Brooklyn office,
deathin order to producethe ransomor redemptiveprice for but by Intern4ttonaJ Postal MoneyOrderonly.
obedientones of mankind;that God raisedup 3esus divineand
exaltedhim to heavenaboveeverycreatureand aboveeveryname Fom~o~ O~
and clothedhim with all powerand authority. Br/~’h 34 Calvert Terrace, London,W.2, l~ngland
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and thatChristJesusIs theChiefOfl~cer thereofand is theright- Australasian 7 BerwfordRoad, Strathfleld. N. S. W., A~tral~a
of Ho~thJ.~rlca~a Plea~ address the Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful Kingof the world; thatthe anointed and faithful followers Society in every caze.
ChristJesusare children of Zion,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,andarehis witnesses whosedutyand privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah,declarehis purposestowardmankind
as expressed in the Bible,and to bearthe fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
beenplacedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority,has ousted All sincere atuden~of the Bible whoby re.on of infirmity, poverty or
adversity axe unable to pay the sobecription price mayhave The Watch-
Satnn from heaven and is proceedingto the estabhshmentof tower free upon written application to tha publiabarz, madeonce eacb
God’skingdomon earth. year, stating the reason for so reques~Uagit. Waaxe glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written appUcaUoaoac~ eae.~ year l~ required by the
postal regulation.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoples of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which Notice to Bubecv’ibere" Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal snb-
has now begun;thatthe Lord’snext greatact is the destruction eertptlon will be tent only whenrequeeted, Changeof address, when
requested, maybe erpeeted to appearon address label w/thin one month.
of Satan’sorganizationand the establishment
of righteousness
in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) wUlbe sent with the
the earth,and thatunderthe kingdomthe peopleof goodwillthat Journal one monthbefore the mahscrtptionexplr~.
surviveArmageddonshallcarryout the divinemandateto "fill Enteredam ~e¢ond-el~#matter ~¢ the poet o~ce a~ Brooklvn, ~. Y.
the earth"wltha rlghteousrace. under t~ Act o/ March$. 1~7~.

"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES aSSlgnmentfor the week and so markingeach columnas to how

It is thedesireof the Society to a~d the students
of TIwWatch- far along in the hour that cob~rnnshouldbe studied.By so
towerm theirstudyof this magazine.To thta end the Soc~ely scheduhngh~s tunefor dascuss~on on variousparagraphs, equal
w~l supplyquestlunson the leadLugartlcle~n The Watchtower. emphasis will be put on every part of The Watchtowerm the
Thesequestions w311 appearat the bottomof eachcolumnfor the studymeetings.
paragraphsthat appear~n the column These questwnsshould It ]s suggestedthat,in your personalreadingand studyof
be used m the companystudies of the Watchtowermagazine. The Watchtowerbefore you attend these study meetings,you
Properprocedurein the conducting of the study firstreadthe paragraph carefully, look up the scriptures cited
would be as follows: The study conductorof the Watchtower but not quoted,and then read,at the foot of the column,the
studywall selecta personto read the questions,and another questionpertainingto that paragraph,and answerit in your
capablereaderto readthe paragraphs. F~rstthe questionwillbe own words.If you cannotanswerthe questlonon the paragraph
propoundedon the paragraphdLscussed.Those attendingthe it wouldbe wellto read the paragraphagain,so as to be sure
meetinghavingcommentto makeon the questionwillrinsetheir to get the properthoughtfrom It. Then proceedwlth the next
hand, and the chairman will call on them to make comment; paragraph;and do likewiseuntilyou have finishedThe Watch-
not to read portionsof the paragraph, but to expressm their towerarUcle.By so doingyou wRl becomethoroughly acquainted
own words the thought they have on the questxon. Several w3ththematel-m] set forthfor the aid and comfortof all persons
commentsshouldbe made on eachquestion.If certainser3ptures who love righteousness.
m the paragraph are not quoted m the paragraph, and tune Having m mind that all things were written aforetime for
permits, the chairman should ask those m the meeting to read our learning, it behooves everyone to gave diligent study to those
these scriptures.After this is done the summing up of the things that the Lord sets on HIS table for our sustenance and
questionson the paragraphshouldbe accomplishedby reading upbuilding. It is hoped that thxs arrangement will aid all persons
the paragraph itself. to give diligent study to those things brought forth in The
All Watchtoweretudies should be one hour in length. The Watchtower and that ~t will help them, too, to make these truths
studyconductorcan controlthis easilyby seheduhnghis time, their own so that they will be able to express them to others
allottinga certainnumber of minutes to each columnof the as opportunity affords.
I, 1942 No. 19


"But Jehovah will be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory."
--Isa. 60: 19, Am. Rev. Ver.
EHOVAH has the right solution to the great
J wayof life on earth for ever, and let the politicians
problem over which all the nations are divided and religion remain.
and, many of them, fighting desperately. For ¯ This earth is but a minute part of an immense,
long centuries the nations have chosen their own measureless universe. Whenthe politicians speak
way of life and government,and politically, racially of world domination they think the issue is some-
and religiously it has been a divided world. Since thing just affecting this earth on which they live,
1918, marking the close of the first world war, a and for "a-hose surface they fight. The real issue is
great change has come, affecting the destiny of all far more extensive, as vast as the universe and its
nations, and none of them can escape the certain inhabitation. The primary issue is U~IVERSa_L DO.~A-
result. Prior to that there had long existed a balance TXO~.Therefore menand political organizations and
of power between the leading nations and the great their armies will not decide the issue, but the Al-
continental powers, with more or less friction and mighty Ruler of the universe shall. "Behold, the
frequent violent clashes, as was to be expected in nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted
a selfish world. Since 1918 the problem of world as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh
domination has been forced to the front to become up the isles as a very little thing. AndLebanon[the
the chief issue before every nation and people. cedar forests on its mountainsides] is not sufficient
’ Backof the forcing of this issue to the forefront to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt
stands religion, innocent-looking and pious-appear- offering. All nations before him are as nothing;
ing, but having political ambitions for a totalitarian and they are counted to him less than nothing, and
world with all nations bound together by the tie of vanity. To whomthen will ye liken God? . . . that
religion, and Rometo be the world center and seat bringeth the princes to nothing: he maketh the
of a federated-world government. Along with such judges of the earth as vanity."~lsa. 40:15-18, 23.
federated world under totalitarian dominance there On the issue of universal domination all the
would go the federating of all religion under the nations are against Jehovah God. Although each
domination of the strongest religious organization group at war claims God is for its side, and though
in the world and whose headquarters is at Vatican each side prays to the same God, they do not desire
City. Eventually would come the swallowing up or that God’s will be done on earth as throughout all
forcing out of all religions not acknowledging the the universe. They are all for continued man-rule
Vatican as the super-national power and head of on earth under religion, as opposed to the direct
the world. rule by Jehovah God through his great Executive
s Nations committed to the democratic way of Officer, Christ Jesus, the King. This brings the issue
rule nowfight their great political opponenL They down to simply this: Man’s proposed new order of
declare their aim to dominate the earth with a the federated world or the Kingdom of Jehovah
world democracy, but they also bow superstitiously God by Christ Jesus, The Theocracy: which shall
before religion, particularly Rome’s. They allow for it be over earth? The mighty and chief opponent
religion the chief place in the proposed "NewWorld of the Lord God in this universal issue is Satan
order". By this concession to religion they salve the Devil. Those whoare not on the side of Jehovah
their conscience and think that Almighty God will God and his Theocratic Government under his Son
compromise with them and approve their own chosen must be on the side of the great enemy, Satan the
I S~nce 1918 what great problem of the nattonz has been forced to the 4, Does the real issue a~ect only thig earth, and, therefore, who shall
front, and who has the rightsolution? decide the ism2e?
2 Who ts back of forcing thls kssue, and because of what ambit}ons? 5. (a) On the renl issue are the nations In favor of God, or of what?
3 Do nations committed to democracy make allowance for religion in [b) Whois God’s chief opponent on the Issue. and ts any neutral posl-
theAr proposed "New Order". and, if So, why? ?.ion $nutranteed~
N. Y.
])evil, the prince of demons. There is no neutral from the rising of the sun; whenthe adversary shall
position. "He that is not with me is against me; comein like a flood, the spirit of Jehovah will lift
and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad," up a standard against him." (Am. Rev. Vet., mar-
said the King of God’s Righteous Government. ginal reading) It is those of good-will toward Jeho-
(Matt. 12:30) In 1815 the nations of earth guaran- vah and his Righteous Government who learn to
teed the eternal neutrality of Switzerland; but no fear him before Armageddon, wherever the sun
such position is guaranteed to any nation or indi- shines. The Kingdomis Jehovah’s capital organiza-
vidual in this universal issue. Each must choose. tion under Christ Jesus, and it shall dominate all
s According to the above rule all the nations are the universe, including our earth. The capital organ-
under and on the side of the "god of this world", ization is pictured as a chaste womanwho is joined
and are a part of his world. (2 Cor. 4: 4; John 14: 30) in unbreakable wedlock to her King, Christ Jesus.
They are all on the one side, regardless of political Those who are born in this heavenly organization
disagreements. The vast majority of people think and united with its King as his bride are 144,000 in
that the decision must be made by each individual number. They are redeemed from this earth and
as between totalitarian rule and democracy. The from amongmen and follow his footsteps faithfully
"god of this world" and all his demonhosts would unto death. (Rev. 14: 1-4) He is their Redeemerand
keep the people in ignorance as to the real issue: King and Bridegroom. These are the firstfruits unto
that it is between this world of which he is god and God, being taken from among the redeemed ones
Jehovah’s new world under The Theocracy of his who shall live forever on earth under God’s capital
Son Jesus Christ. The main question also takes organization. The capital ruling body is God’s off-
in this related one, namely, YVhoare the Higher spring born from his universal organization, which
Powers, the religious-pohtical rulers of this world organization is symbolized as his womannamed
or Jehovah God and Christ Jesus? The battle of "7_fion". The name "Zion" therefore applies to the
Armageddon, which is near, will answer these great mother organization in her privilege of bring-
throbbing questions, right. ing forth the capital city under Christ.
’ The time for individual decision is therefore ° The year 1914 was a year of universal impor-
limited. Each one must take the consequences of tance; for then the capital organization was estab-
his choice, either destruction with Satan’s world or lished in heaven by the enthronement of Jehovah’s
everlasting life on the victorious side of the Theo- king thereof, Christ Jesus. Satan and his demons
cratic Government of the new world of righteous- were opposed to the exalting of the capital to power.
ness. Satan and his demons would keep "Christen- They fought to destroy it, but were whipped and
dom" and all humankind in dark ignorance of the cast out of heaven and down to the earth. This de-
real issue. Being unable to see Jehovah God’s side basement has greatly maddened the great adversary
of the issue, they would not see the way of escape and his demons, and therefore they have come in
from Satan’s doomed world, but would continue to like a flood upon the earth’s inhabitants to sweep
be entangled in its political-religious disputes and them away from God’s established kingdom and
conflicts. Since 1918 the dividing of the people has into destruction. They make the remnant yet on
been on, for life or death. The people who love earth of the 144,000 their chief target, because these
righteousness and seek life in peace and happiness keep God’s commandmentsand give forth the testi-
must learn the issue of highest importance, that monyof Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12 : 17) The adversary,
they may choose life and good and live. It is Al- whois against Jehovah’s universal domination, seeks
mighty God’s will that they shall know, and nothing to deceive the whole world concerning the true issue
can keep them from learning. The "gospel of the upon which everlasting life depends. Therefore he
Kingdom" is the means of informing them. There- has released a great and mighty flood of propaganda
fore Jehovah sends forth his witnesses to announce by the most up-to-date means of newscasting. By
the estabhshed Kingdom. such he blinds the people to the issue, fixes their
’ The result of the proclamation of the Kingdom, desires upon the religious, political and commercial
or Theocracy, which result will be reached before things of this world as worth seeking for and pre-
the settlement of the issue at Armageddon,is posi- serving, and turns their hearts and minds away from
tively foretold at Isaiah 59: 19: "So shall they fear and against Jehovah’s kingdom in operation under
the name of Jehovah from the west, and his glory Christ Jesus.
le Like a mighty tidal wave this demoniacal prop-
6 Between what do most people think that individual persons must
decide, and what qusstlon concerning authority is related to the main
one at issue?
aganda rolls over the world, and those yielding to
7. (a} Ia there much time for individual decision, and why are Satan the deception are drowned therein. To enable God’s
and his demons wanting to keep all in the dark on the issue? (b) Way
must the real issue bQ learned, and what is the means of informing
lovers of righteousness? 9. Since their OUsting from heave~, with what have the adversary and his
8. (a) According to Isaiah 09: 19, what result will be reached before demons come in like a flood, and for what purpose?
Armazeddon by the proclamation of the Kingdom? (b) What is the 10. What has the Lord raised up in reaistance to the flood of demoutam.
Kingdom, aid who is the mother of it and its me~abers? and who has the ptivll~s of holding it aloft1
OCTOB~I, 1942 293

devoted remnant and all persons of good-will and Jesus. The remnant are begotten of God’s spirit and
loving righteousness to keep their feet and resist are therefore spiritual Israelites. Hence they are
the flood of demonism,the spirit or invisible power pictured by Jacob, who was surnamed Israel. After
of Jehovah God has raised up a standard against mentioning the comingin of the fullness of the Gen-
the adversary. This standard raised up is the "testi- tiles at the end of the world, the apostle Paul quotes
mony of Jesus Christ" concerning the Kingdom, or the prophet Isaiah, saying: "Andso all Israel shall
Theocratic Government. The privilege of offering be saved: as it is written, There shall comeout of
this testimony to the world he shares with his rem- Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness
nant on earth, and he commandsthat "this gospel from Jacob." This proves that the standard lifted
of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world up by God’s spirit against the adversary must be
for a witness unto all nations". (Matt. 24:14) The raised on high by the remnant of "Jacob" in behalf
obedient and faithful remnant lift up this standard of the people of good-will who seek life and truth
of the Kingdom that the people may discern the but who do not find such in the standards paraded
primary issue confronting all nations and may on high by the religious, political and commercial
choose the side of life eternal. They are determined propagandists of the world. The standards of world-
never to let that standard drop or permit any of ly propagandists for the "New World order" show
the adversary’s agents to snatch it from their grasp. a total omission of Jehovah’s Righteous Government
The spirit of the Lord is upon his remnant and the administered directly by Christ. Hence such stand-
men of good-will who rally to the standard to keep ards forget God and mislead the nations into the
it aloft without apology or compromisewith the foe. ditch of destruction. This is unmistakably the fatal
course warned against at Psalm 9 : 17 : "The wicked
THE DELIVERER shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that
11 Doomto 1918 and for a brief time thereafter forget God."
those who makeup the remnant in line for the King- "Religion makes the nations of "Christendom"
dom were affected somewhat by religious influence. forget God Jehovah in all their schemes and coun-
Religion is ungodliness. Whocan deny that all rell. sels. Therefore all their purposes and plans run
gion is opposed to Jehovah God and his rule of this counter to Jehovah’s purpose by his Theocracy, and
earth by his Theocracy under Christ? As long as they religiously fight against Jehovah and his King-
the remnant acted according to the view of "Chris- dom. The religious clergy have persuaded the na-
tendom" that the political powers of this present tions to believe they are "Christian nations" and
evil world are the ’¢higher powers" ordained of God that the ruling factors are the ’~higher powers" or-
there was a measure of ungodliness. It led to sub- dained of God because crowned in cathedrals and
mission to ungodly men who were against God’s ’~blessed" by the religious Hierarchy. Hence the na-
kingdom and his commandments concerning the tions of "Christendom" command that Jehovah’s
preaching of the gospel. Jehovah God had chosen remnant lower the standard of the new world of
iris redeemed ones for salvation. Therefore such righteousness and its Theocratic Rulership. But the
ungodliness must be exposed to his devoted remnant, Lord’s remnant have been turned from transgres-
that they might turn and be cleansed therefrom. sion and all ungodliness of religion, and they recog-
Only thereby could such maintain their integrity nize now that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are
toward God and finally be made a part of God’s the ’q=Iigher Powers" to whomChristian souls must
capital organization. Therefore God fulfilled his be absolutely subject or else be destroyed. They
word pronounced long ago by his prophet Malachi unhesitatingly choose to "obey God rather than
men" and to follow the example left by their Leader,
(3: 1-4) and sent the King and Redeemer to the Christ Jesus. The standard of Jehovah’s Supreme
temple to do the judging and purging work. "And
the Redeemer [or, Deliverer] shall come to Zion, Governmentremains aloft because the spirit of the
and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, Omnipotent God is behind it.
saith the LORD."--Isa. 59:20. TESTIMONY
12 The apostle Paul quotes this prophecy, at Ro- UNSILENCED

mans 11:25, 26. He applies it to the time the rem- "The standard of Jehovah’s name and kingdom
nant of Christ’s followers and body members are will never be lowered until the flood-like onrush of
brought in from among all nations or Gentiles in the adversaries has been halted for ever at the
order to make up the fullness of the 144,000 who battle of Armageddon and all human standards
will be the bride or Kingdom body under Christ have been destroyed, as false, deceptive, and anti-
Kingdom. This is not the mere idle boast of men.
11 What was the ungodliness with which the remnant were affected,
and how were they turned from it? 13, Why do the nations of "Christendom" commandthe remnant to lower
12 {a) To what time in the development of Christ’s body does the the standard, and do the remnant obey?
apostle Paul apply Isallth 59:207 (b) By whom do~ this application 14, Will that standard ever be lowered, and what eovena.ut-promise of
show the Lord’s standard must be raised on higia, and in behalf of whom? Jehovah gives the reliable answer?
It is the solemn promise or covenant of the Supreme spirit and that word shall not depart from the rem-
Power. It is stated through his faithful witness, nant of Christ’s body nor from the companionsof the
the prophet Isaiah, unto us at the end of the world, remnant, the "other sheep", "from henceforth and for
namely: "And as for me, this is my covenant with ever." That means that Jehovah God will have a
them, saith Jehovah: my spirit that is upon thee, remnant keeping their covenant with him to the
and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall death and standing immovable for The Theocracy
not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth and keeping themselves in integrity, "unspotted
of thy seed, nor out of the mouthof thy seed’s seed, from the world" and its new order; and that there-
saith Jehovah, from henceforth and FOREVEn."(Isa. fore Jehovah will never have cause to remove his
59: 21, Am. Rev. Vet.) This is the Most High God’s spirit of power and his word of witness from them.
declaration. It is his unbreakable covenant for that It means that their companions, the "other sheep",
faithful remnant whomthe King at the temple turns will continue to march forward side by side with the
away from all transgression and ungodliness unto remnant and in indivisible unity, joyfully and grate-
the righteous service of God. Jehovah keeps his cove- fully bearing their share of the burden of work,
nants, and he neither recalls them nor alters them. holding up their end of the battle line against demon-
This covenant to his faithful standard-bearers is ism and showing the same degree of faith, faithful-
therefore sure to be carried out. ness and devotion to Jehovah and his Kingdom as
15 Isaiah, here addressed in the covenant, is the do the faithful remnant. The spirit upon the Greater
one who under inspiration declared: "Behold, I and Isaiah, Christ Jesus the King, is the spirit to vic-
the children whomJehovah hath given me are for tory over the forces of demonismand to the vindica-
signs and for wonders in Israel from Jehovah of tion of Jehovah’s name. The word which fills and
hosts, who dwelleth in mount Zion." (Isa. 8: 18, pours forth from His mouth is not the propaganda
Am. Roy. Ver.) The apostle Paul applies those pro- of religion. It is the revealed messageof Godsetting
phetic words to Christ Jesus and his body of foot- forth the great issue of universal domination and
step followers, the 144,000. (Heb. 2: 13) Hence the foretelling the settlement of that issue permanently
Greater Isaiah is Christ Jesus the King, and ’qais to the glory of the Most High.
seed" is the ’qittle flock" of 144,000, to whomJeho- ~’ To be filled with that spirit and that word is
vah Godis pleased to give the Kingdomwith Christ our only safeguard against being invaded and over-
Jesus. (Luke 12: 31, 32) Besides these whowere re- poweredby the spirit and propaganda of this world,
deemed by Christ’s blood for the heavenly ldngdom which is demonismin its most deceptive and allur-
there are "other sheep". Themhe likewise redeems, ing form. That spirit being upon the remnant as
and to them he gives life eternal on earth, thus upon their Head Cllrist Jesus, it is their commis-
becoming their "everlasting Father". (Isa. 9:6) sion to preach, a commission direct from God and
Concerning these prospective earthly children Christ through Christ Jesus, and not through any religious
Jesus said: "And other sheep I have, which are not theological seminary. Therefore they say as did
of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall their Head: "The spirit of the Lord GODis upon me;
hear myvoice; and they shall becomeone flock, one because the LOaDhath anointed me to preach." (Isa.
shepherd." (John 10: 16, Am. Roy. Ver.) Inviting 61:1; Luke 4:16-18) That spirit being also upon
them into the Kingdom’sblessings on earth he shall the devoted "other sheep", they have the moving
shortly say: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, in- power and the authorization and commandto preach
herit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun- the same message as do the anointed remnant, and
dation of the world." (Matt. 25: 34) These "other they pass along the message and say, "Come!’--
sheep" being redeemed in a secondary order unto Rev. 22 : 17.
life under the heavenly Theocracy, they are the ones ~’ The anointed remnant from and after 1918 have
mentionedto the Greater Isaiah as "thy seed’s seed". had the temple experience of Isaiah. This prophet
He now gathers them to himself. saw Jehovah’s messenger or representative seated
"What, then, is the divine covenant to the Greater upon the high throne in the temple surrounded by
Isaiah and his "seed" and his "seed’s seed"? This: the seraphim ascribing holiness to Jehovah and an-
that the invincible spirit of Jehovah God is now nouncingHis purpose to fill the earth with his glory.
upon and will ever be upon the Greater Isaiah, whois The lips of those of the remnant were once unclean
Christ Jesus the reigning King of The Theocracy, through fear of menand failure to preach the pure
and the word of Jehovah God concerning that Theo- message of God’s nameand kingdom, and, like Isaiah
cratic GovernmentHe has put in the mouth of Christ at the glorious temple vision, they have cried: ’T¢oe
Jesus, "the Faithful and True Witness"; and that is reel for I am undone; because I am a man of
15 Who is addressed in Jabovah’s eovenant-prom|~, and who are meant 17.
¯does What Is our only safe~Jard against Invasion by demonism, and what
by his "seed" and his "seed’s toeed"? it mean for God’s spirit to be upon creatures today
16 What, then, is the substance or modern meaning of Jehovah’s covenant 18 What experience like Isaiah’s at the temple have the remnant had,
concerning his sptrit and hie word? and what have they recelv~d from the Lord for responding to his call?
P,. 295

unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people "° Worldly authorities under the influence of reli-
of unclean lips, for mine eyes have seen the ICing: gion may even rule that Jehovah’s witnesses do not
the LoeDof hosts." Their eyes were enlightened to "know how to use the Bible and it is injurious in
see the kingdom of Jehovah God, The Theocratic their hands. So they may take away from you God’s
Government, and they had been silent about it be- own Book, but then you will have the word of God
cause of the people of unclean lips round about them in your mouths, and they will have to muzzle your
who put them in fear and under restraints. But very mouths to silence the spoken word. That will
today the message of the I~ing of Eternity must not come until the protecting hand of the great
go to the people. Now Jehovah God by his great Builder of the new heavens and new earth permits
Messenger has burned the uncleanness from their it; for He says: "I have put mywords in thy month,
lips by the fiery coal of the spirit of Godfrom off and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine
the altar of zealous service to God. At the Lord hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the
God’s call for willing volunteers, they have without foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou
any compulsion responded, ’~Iere am I; send me." art mypeople.’--Isa. 51 : 16.
Not from any earthly religious institution, but from ARISE, SHINE
the all-highest One, the King of heaven and earth, "It would be foolish were God to put his spirit
come the words of their commission: "Go and tell upon his devoted people and his word in their
this people, Hear ye indeed"; even tell the people mouths and then approve when worldly governments
who refuse to understand and to see and to make assume to be the ’~higher powers" because or-
tender their hearts and be healed. dained by the religious clergy and order God’s peo-
1~ Howlong shall such willing volunteers keep
ple to stop speaking His word and fulfilling their
going and telling? Till dictators, till totalitarian commission to preach by his spirit. God cannot
rule, till the new order of the "abomination of deso- deny himself, and is not the author of confused
lation", come into power and start regimenting all orders. His order stands written beyond recall, and
nations? No, but till they go out of power, being was reserved for this day of world darkness, and
junked in "the lake of fire and brimstone". The spe- it is this: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and
cific commandfrom the great Commissionerof Jeho- the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee. For, behold,
vah’s witnesses is: "Until the cities be wasted with- darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness
out inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the peoples; but Jehovah will arise upon thee, and
the land be utterly desolate, and the LoRDhave re- his glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isa. 60: 1, 2,
moved men far away, and there be a great forsak- Am. Rev. Ver.) Do puny men crowned or ordained
ing in the midst of the land." (Isa. 6: 1-12) That by the religious Hierarchy or receiving their power
means till the door-to-door work is useless because from the consent of the governed people think that
there are no people in the houses to answer your they can prevent the carrying out of this covenant
doorbell ringing, because God has wiped out all who of Almighty God Jehovah? Has his word of com-
have refused to heed his message by his witnesses; mand ever returned to him void in failure to ac-
and the cities that mischievously framed laws and complish that which he pleased? As well let such
mobbed you out of town have suffered the fate of self-important worldly rulers try to keep God’s crea-
Sodomand Gomorrah. (Matt. 10: 13-15) Here, then, tion the sun from risihg in the morning of the new
is the "Go ahead" signal from the Highest Authority day as for them to try to successfully block the
to keep going on in his "strange work" of witness no carrying out of the divine commandto get up and
matter what happens before Armageddon comes and shine with the light of Jehovah’s glory. (Isa. 55:
desolates the earth of the "goat" class. Fear not 10, 11) If the rulers loved the light of truth and
what may stare you in the face. The spirit of the righteousness they would not be prejudiced and re-
Lord upon you He will not remove; that invincible bel against it just because it comes from Jehovah
power will stay with you and bring you off more God and not from religion.
than conquerors by Christ Jesus. His word in your ’= But to whomis the command"Arise, shine!"
mouths will not fail you, as long as you keep your directed? and who is in position to respond because
hps clean from paralyzing fear of creatures and Jehovah’s glory is risen upon such one ? Is it the re-
clean from religion. Menmay take away from you h~ous organization of "Christendom"? Impossible!
the WATC~ Tow~.a publications explaining God’s "Organized religion" of "Christendom" has for fif-
Word, but then you will have the Bible itself to use teen centuries tried to convert the world to its reli-
from house to house. That is more than the faithful 20 Will removal of the Bible Itself silence the message, and may it yet
be silenced ?
disciples had in the days of Jesus and the apostles. 21. (a) Does God approve of governmental Interference with b~s orderB
to. his people, and what order has he re~erved for the time of ~orld
darkness~ (b) Can governmen~ block the carrying out of this order?
19. Howlong shall such eervtee voluntee~ keep going, and what will 22. (a} To vchom ts the command "Arlee, ahine’" addresle4, and who
equip and empower them to do too! is qualified to reepond? (b) Howhas Jehovah’l glory risen upon her~
N. Y.
gion, and the world was never in as black a darkness dark, for he commandshis organization to arise
as right now, and "organized religion" has no mes- and shine. It is the demonsthat would keep all man-
sage from God’s Wordfor the people. With her tra- kind in pitch-black darkness, and they use religious
ditions of men she gropes around in the blackness leaders and political rulers that lend themselves to
with the worldly elements, not knowing whither the demons as instruments to keep the peoples in
bound. And in their darkness, which they love, they the dark concerning the Rightful Rule of the earth.
fight against Jehovah’s witnesses. Jehovah’s com- It is nowthe responsibility of individuals amongall
mand at Isaiah 60: 1, 2 is directed to someone in peoples to choose whether to obey men and stay in
the feminine gender, and hence to Jehovah’s "wom- the darkness or to obey Jehovah God and come
an", that is, his organization "Zion", and to whom into the light. To remain in the darkness means to
he now says: "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not abide under the wrath of God, and to abide there
bear; break forth into singing, . . . For thy Maker means death and destruction at Armageddon.
is thy husband; Jeilovah of hosts is his name." lisa. 2, Jehovah’s witnesses, upon whomhe has put his
54: 1, 5, Am. Ray. Ver.) The glory of her "husband" spirit and in whose mouths he has put his word,
has risen upon Zion because the long period of trav- must obey God and rise up and shine. The enemies
ailing in pain waiting to be delivered ended in of the light and truth of The Theocracy tried to
A.D. 1914. There God’s "woman"gave birth to the keep them down by dealing them what seemed like
glorious capital organization long promised, Jeho- a knock-out blow at the climax of the World Warin
vah’s Righteous Government of the new world and 1918. But the Redeemercame to Zion and its temple
of which his Son Christ Jesus is the installed King and raised them up out of the dust and darkness.
and Head. (Rev. 12: 1-5) The Theocratic Govern- Nowkeeping God’s command, they will never again
ment is born unto life eternal. The Theocracy, the obey opponents of his kingdomand lie prone in the
Kingdomof God by Christ Jesus, is the light of the dust. Zion has arisen to shine for all time, because,
new world. Jehovah’s glorious light shines with ap- by the King’s coming to the temple, Jehovah has
proval upon that Governmentas the Rightful Rule, arisen with favor upon his organization, particular-
and light from Jehovah God upon his holy Word, ly the faithful remnant thereof on earth. His glory
the Bible, comes only through that glorious Govern- is seen upon the remnant in that he has honored
ment. All those who turn their faces away from them in making them his witnesses and the ambas-
that Theocratic Government and who look to the sadors for his established and acting Government.
religious-totalitarian "New World order" of men They are privileged to receive its light and transmit
are in death-dealing darkness. it on to others who sit in darkness longing for the
2~ Whopossibly could be opposed to such a blessed light. They must "shew forth the praises of him who
Government of light and life? Satan, who is "the hath called [them] out of darkness into his marvel-
god of this world", and all the demons of which he lous light". (1 Pet. 2: 9) To fail or refuse to do
is the "prince" are wickedly opposed to it. All hu- would be falling downon the terms of their commis-
man creatures, rulers and ruled, who oppose that sion. The non-performance of their God-given com-
Theocratic Government and who advocate for some mission would meanannihilation, being cut off from
man-madepolitical substitute put themselves on the God’s organization and from life. Regardless of the
side of and under the power of the demons, whether course of individuals, Jehovah God will have an
they like to be told that fact or not. It is their own organization that will never fail to shine reflecting
decision, and there are only the two great opposing His glory light. Blessed are all those whokeep in-
governments in the universe between which to de- tegrity and abide immovable in that organization.
cide. Because the world rulers have listened to the "0 Jehovah... they shall speak of the glory of thy
propaganda of religion and, with religion’s approval kingdom, and talk of thy power; to make known to
and "blessing" and backing, have held on to their the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glory
rulerships and scornfully rejected the administra- of the majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is
tion of the earth by God through his Son, therefore an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion en-
the darkness nowcovers the earth, that is, the visible dureth throughout all generations."~Ps. 145 : 10-13,
organization operated by worldly officials. Through Am. Ray. Vet.
their co-operation with religion in refusing to submit zs The powers of darkness cannot prevent that
to the direct rule of the Theocratic King Christ Jesus Kingdom light of Jehovah from piercing through
the peoples are kept in gross darkness, as thick as the gross darkness and reaching the religion-blinded
that which covered the earth at its creation. (Job 24. (a} By what aetion is Jehovah’s glory seen to be upon hi8 r~nant,
and what would failure or refusal to act mean to them~ (b) In this
38: 9) It is not Jehovah Godthat would keep it thus dark world what kind of organi~ttion will Jehovah have?
25. (a) Can any powers prevent the light from piercing the darknees.
23. (a) Who oppm~ the Theocratic Government of light and llfe, and in and can persons therein at once adjust their eyes to the light? Ib) What
what mental condition do~ their opposition put them? {b) What cholc~ wig eureiy result from the continued shining, and how does l~tlah
therefore, are individuals now responsible to make! 60 : 3-7 bear this outT
1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 297
persons of good-will and healing their eyes of under- come to the light are the members of the remnant
standing that they may see the way of escape from and who are in line for the Kingdom, and who, if
the ditch that lies ahead in the darkness. Those who faithful unto death, will be resurrected and "live
have long groped in darkness of religion have dif- and reign’ with Christ a thousand years. (Rev.
ficulty for some time in adjusting their eyes of 20: 4, 6) It is so declared at Revelation 21: 24: "And
understanding to the light. However, the light is the nations of them which are saved shall walk in
Jehovah God’s light, and there is healing in its the light of it; and the kings of the earth do bring
beams. There can be only one result to the continual, their glory and honour into it." Christ Jesus en-
steady, persistent shining of that light. True, it will throned is the "prince of the kings of the earth".
cause the demons and all their bedarkened dupes (Rev. 1: 5) Besides those of the remnant, nowgath-
to range up in hostility and to order a universal ered and who are the sons and daughters of Zion,
blackout. But no earthly creatures can black-out the being spiritual Israelites, do you see being gathered
sun or the moon, neither the heavenly light of the to the brightness of Zion’s rising the "Gentiles", that
Kingdomof glory. The sure result of the shining is, persons of good-will ’out of all nations, kindreds,
is foretold in the Word of God and must have ful- people and tongues’? Do you see an abundant num-
fillment, namely: "And the Gentiles shall come to ber converted from the "sea" of the peoples alienated
thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. from God and supporting the Devil’s organization ?
Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they Do you see the GoodShepherd bringing in his "other
gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sheep" into the fold? and are they coming with
sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall their offerings of heart devotion and zealous service
be nursed at thy side. Then thou shalt see, and flow which find acceptance upon Jehovah’s altar? Has
together [becomebright (Young’s) ], and thine heart Jehovah glorified the temple of his glory so that
shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance these choose to serve him day and night in the courts
of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of his temple, serving as witnesses of Jehovah in
of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. The multitude companywith the remnant of the temple class ? The
of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian honest answer of all persons informed on the facts
and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they and observing the proclamation of the Kingdom
shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew message and the results thereof must be a decided
forth the praises of the LORD.All the flocks of Kedar Yes! And were there nothing more than what has
shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of already been attained, it is marvelous in our eyes,
Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come it is Jehovah’s doing, and it would seem sufficient
up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify to constitute a fulfillment of prophecyin vindicatlon
the house of myglory."--Isa. 60:3-7. of Jehovah’s word and name.
"That prophecy denotes a great contest between
the power of darkness and the power of light. That
prophecy was spoken with God’s full foreknowledge "Theremay, however, be still larger results to
that the "abomination of desolation" would be set the fulfillment of the prophecy, and well may we
up by world rulers and be madeto stand in the holy so expect. By God’sgrace the work is not yet finished
place and try to eclipse the light of the true kingdom and his witnesses refuse to quit as long as the Lord
of God. When God spoke he knew that the totali- provides work, blessed work. This is suggested in
tarian "king of the north", with "the king of the the prophet’s next exclamation: "Whoare these that
south" consenting, would plant the tabernacles of fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?"
his "new order" in between the "mountain" of God’s (Isa. 60: 8) This is a cloud of witnesses, witnessing
kingdom and the "seas", to prevent the abundance to the power and glory and presence of the Lord as
of the "sea" from being turned to that kingdom. a literal cloud in the sky does. This cloud, though,
(Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14; Dan. 11:45) Lift is different from that cloud of witnesses the apostle
your eyes round about, then, and see. Has the pro- Paul mentions as composed of the faithful men of
phetic assurance of the infallible Jehovah God been old whoshall shortly be given a better resurrection
fulfilled? out of death and be made"princes in all the earth"
"Have the kings cometo the brightness of Zion’s under The Theocracy.--Heb. 12:1.
rising? Not "the king of the north" and "the king of n In the land of the prophet Isaiah the doves fly
the south", neither "the kings of the earth" and in such thick flocks that they are like a cloud that
the "rulers" thereof who take counsel against Jeho- fairly darkens the earth beneat]x This figure, there-
vah and his Anointed. (Ps. 2: 1-3) The kings who fore, denotes yet a great ingathering of active wit-
26 In view of God’s foreknowledge eoarerning the opposition, what 28. What does Isaiah’s prophecy concerning those flying ms a cloud sug-
does that prophecy denote in this time? gest as to further work ana r~sults, and of what is the cloud composed?
27 (a) nave the "kings" come to the br4gbtneas of Zlon’e risinl? (b)Are 29. What is denoted by the numbers being dense as a cloud, and alao
the Gentiles also comlnl, and the sea’s abundance be/ng eonvm’ted to Zlon~ the flyln, as doves to windows of the dovecotm?
nesses for the Kingdom,whoshall in the short time open gates into the glorious "city" to serve Godday
remaining before Armageddon fly with the speed and night in his temple.AEzek. 46:1-12.
of doves to the entrance that Jehovah has provided ,s All organizations of men,whether national, reli-
to the refuge of safety. Doveswere offered as sacri- gious, or commercial, that do not turn to Jehovah’s
rices by the poorest of the land, and the figure "doves" capital organization will be blotted out at Arma-
may mean that such flight of further Kingdompub- geddon. Let those religious leaders and public of-
lishers shall come from the people who have been ficials whoguide in the counsels of the nations and
greatly impoverished by the total war for world who advocate for a political, man-run "NewWorld
domination, especially those whoare "poor in spirit". order" consider the next words of the prophet ad-
~o There are multitudes of isles, and if these are dressed to Zion: "For the nation and kingdom that
to yield up those who have waited for God’s Rule will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations
to come, then there must be a multitude of such. The shall be utterly wasted." (Isa. 60: 12) As for God’s
ancient ships of Tarshish made long journeys to organization, there shall be no desolate and waste
far points, and the use of them as s?n’abols would condition therein. Says Jehovah to Zion: "The glory
show that persons who have by circumstances been of Lebanon shall comeunto thee, the fir tree, the
separated far from the Lord by previous opposition pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place
through blindness and misunderstanding of the Lord of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of mv
shall be brought into relationship with Jehovah’s feet glorious." (Isa. 60: 13) The "glory of [mount]
organization. All such shall come and have part in Lebanon"was its forests of trees here named, cloth-
the educational and constructive work of the Lord’s ing its sides, exhaling a healthy, refreshing fra-
organization; for the time of God’s favor is come grance, "the smell of Lebanon"(Cant. 4: 11), while,
for all those seeking his organization. This is sug- high above, the peaks of Lebanon, the highest in
gested in the following words of the prophet: "Sure- Palestine, glistened with patches of snow both in
Iv the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tar- summer and in winter.
shish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver u Such evergreen trees beautifully picture God’s
and their gold with them, unto the name of the anointed witnesses who are commissioned by the
LoRDthy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because anointing of his spirit of power to preach the good
he hath glorified thee. And the sons of strangers news of the Kingdom,"that they might be called trees
shall build up thy walls, and their ldngs shall minister of righteousness, the planting of the LoaD, that he
unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my might be glorified." (Isa. 61 : 1-3) The place of Jeho-
favour have I had mei:cy on thee."--Isa. 60:9, 10. vah’s sanctuary or temple is in his organization
"Likening Zion unto the city where Jehovah Zion, and there his feet stand as he wields universal
has placed his name and where his King of The domination through his anointed King, Christ Jesus.
Theocracy reigns, Jehovah addresses her and says: (1 Chron. 28 : 2) The King is the Vindicator of Jeho-
"Therefore thy gates shall be open continually ; they vah’s name, and through him Jehovah makes the
shall not be shut clay nor night: that menmay bring place of his feet glorious. The other "trees of right-
unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their eousness" share with Christ Jesus in the vindica-
kings maybe brought." (Isa. 60: 11) The gates open tion of Jehovah’s name and in proving the Devil a
continually day and night signifies freedom from base liar. The remnant thereof on earth stand like
fear of all enemies and that the angel guards are evergreens as witnesses to Jehovah’s nameand king-
on the job. It means that Jehovah’s "strange work" dom. No ax of the enemy will ever be able to cut
of ingathering will go on day and night by his pub- them down.
hshers and that the refugees escaping unto the Lord ,, Jehovah’s anointed remnant and their compan-
from all nations or Gentiles will steadily be brought ions have endured great persecution because they
in before Jehovah’s Chief Executioner destroys those uncompromisingly stand for the worship of Jehovah
outside, and that the enemyaction will not close those and give their devotion totally to The Theocratic
gates to any fleeing there during this "day of salva- Government and persistently and boldly proclaim
tion". (Isa. 49: 8; 2 Cor. 6:2) It is expected that the Kingdomto all nations as God commands.Today
Jehovah God, shortly before Armageddon breaks, they are hated of all nations, without exception,
will grant the faithful menof old from Abel to John proving that they are not friends of this world and
the Baptist to be raised from the dead. Then without are no part of it. They are of the new world of
hesitation those future "princes in all the earth" God’s creation and wherein dwells righteousness.
will follow Zion’s light and enter in through the 32. What opposite destinies are in store respectively for Zion and for
those goverumenta not serving Zion~
30 What Is shown by the symbolic expressions of the isles waiting for 33, What is symbolized by the tree4 with which ffehovah b~utlflea the
the Lord, and of the ships of Tarehish bringing sons from far? place of his mtnctuary, and how do~ he glorify the place of his feet*
31 la) What is signified by the prophecy that Zlon’s gates should be 34 Why are $ehovah’s remnant and companions hated and al~lcted every-
open continually, both day and night ~ (b) Whenmay the faithful men wh~re, and what is prophesied eonc~ning some of tho~ at present taking
of old be expected to reappear, and will they enter in through these gateo? part in mistreating Jehovah’s people7
i, 1942

They are afflicted, despised, avoided, and forsaken, prosperity and righteousness may prevail in the
and called by names which the religionists invent organization. The Theocratic rule is the only rule
to misrepresent them and increase the persecution that befits Jehovah’s organization and that secures
upon them. Manyhonest persons, like Saul of Tar- these desired things. This rule from the Higher
sus, have been misled by religion to take part in such Powers in heaven was set up over the remnant of
mistreatment of Zion’s children. But Jehovah God Zion and their companions, particularly from 1938
is gracious during this short period before Arma- onward. The disturbers, the "elective elders" and
geddon. If any of those misled ones faces the light, the "evil servant" class whoviolently smite their
gets his eyes opened, and turns in repentance and brethren and cause waste and destruction to the
conversion to Jehovah and his King and subjects Kingdominterests, and other "workers of iniquity",
himself to these "Higher Powers", Jehovah permits the Lord cleared out by his angels. This taking the
him to find refuge under the capital organization situation in hand for the betterment of the organ-
Zion. Many of suchlike have already come. The ization and to His praise Jehovah symbolically fore-
prophecy indicates there are yet others to come. told in the next words: "For brass I will bring gold,
"And the sons [children of organizations] of them and for iron I will bring silver, and for woodbrass,
that afflicted thee shall comebending unto thee; and and for stones iron: I will also make thy officers
all they that despised thee shall bow themselves peace, and thine exactors righteousness. Violence
down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor de-
thee The city of Jehovah, The Zion of the Holy One struction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy
of Israel. \\rhereas thou hast been forsaken and walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise."--Isa. 60:
hated, so that no man passed through thee, I will 17, 18.
makethee an eternal excellency, a joy of manygen- s, Statesmen, economists and clergymen predict
erations. Thou shalt also suck the milk of the na- the reconstruction of this present evil world as due
tions, and shalt suck the breast of kings; and thou to follow this war for world domination. Trusting
shalt knowthat I, Jehovah, am thy Saviour, and thy in their own brains and arm of flesh, such world-
Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."--Isa. 60:14- builders look forward to building an international
16, Am. Rev. Vet. organization with military walls of defense which
"The remnant of Zion and their earthly com- men maycall their salvation. Whenand if you enter
panions now know that fact clearly. They repeat the gates of this "New World order" you will, as
Psalm 3 : 8 : "Salvation belongeth unto Jehovah : thy a condition, have to praise the organization and its
blessing be upon thy people." (Am. Rev. Vet.) It super-government and its religious, political, com-
would therefore be a violation of their clear knowl- mercial builders and the "god of this world", or else
edge and also of their enlightened consciences for you cannot live and get along in it. The people now
them to do reverence to earthly creatures and things hearing the Kingdom message must determine
and to ascribe salvation and protection to such. whether to go along with and look to such world-
On that issue there can be no halting between two builders for relief and deliverance, or to turn to the
opinions, no compromise. "Salvation to our God... glorious Theocratic Government which Jehovah has
and unto the Lamb."--Rev. 7:10. builded and seek refuge under it. ’As the mountains
are round about Jerusalem, so Almighty God Jeho-
THE RIGHT RULE vah is round about his organization,’ and therefore
" At the actual establishment of The Theocratic its walls are salvation unto life eternal in prosperity,
Government (in 1914) and the coming of its King peace and perfect health. Those whoenter its gates
to Jehovah’s temple or sanctuary (in 1918) for the do not forget Godand praise creature men. but they
judgment of the house of God, there must come an praise Jehovah the great Theocrat and Christ Jesus
all-round improvement in the earthly, visible part his glorious King of righteousness.
of God’s organization, the remnant of Zion. There "In June, 1942, the NewYork Times reported a
must be a taking away of all that which the King at banquet of religious leaders at a famous hotel and
the temple judges to be religious wood, hay, and at which the nation’s vice-president made a speech,
stubble, which do not stand the fire of divine judg- it being the very same day that the Supreme Court
ment. That which is durable and approved and pre- of America handed down the 5-to-4 decision that
cious to the Lord Godmust be brought in. All con- distribution of Bible literature concerning God’s
fusion and controversies’ within must be done away kingdom may be subjected to license-tax. Concern-
with, and right order must be set up, that peace, ing this the Times said: "The Vice President, re-
35 What fact do the remnant and companions now know concerning
salvation, and what course of action would be a violation of much knowl- 37. What dectmion must the people now make as between the proposed
~nternatzonal organization after the war and God’s organizaUo~ Zion
edge and enlightened con~ienee~
36 After the Lord’s cominE to the temple in 1918 what all.round tm- on the matterl of aalvatlon, protection and praime?
provement in the visible part of God’s organization must follow, and 38. In the vtce-prMldent’a recent speech to religtonistm, what was his
how did I~alah’a prophecy describe th~ interpretation concerning the "sun of righteouenees"~
N. Y.

calling that the Old Testament predicted that one ly Theocracy, Jehovah God the great Theocrat and
day a ’sun of righteousness’ would rise ’with heal- Christ Jesus his King, shall together flood all the
ing in its wings’, declared: ’America, without pride universe with the glorious light of life and salva-
of race but with complete tolerance and great power, tion and shall never set.--Ps. 84: 11; Mal. 4:2;
can be that "sun of righteousness" with healing in 2 Pet. 1:19.
its wings. America can establish the time of truly ’° Walking henceforth in the light of Jehovah as
great peace based on justice to all the peoples .... reflected by his capital organization under Christ
We shall see the day when the sun of our America Jesus, the faithful remnant and their loyal com-
is the sun of righteousness, and when that sun will panions will never put forth their hands to the un-
rise with healing in its wings.’" There is no report righteousness of this world and its "new order"
that the religious clergymen there assembled ob- and will never be moved away from The Theocracy.
jected to such human, nationalistic interpretation For their comfort the promise is madeto Zion : "Thy
of the sacred prophecy concerning the "sun of right- people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit
eousness". the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the
"The reader is now privileged to compare that work of myhands, that I maybe glorified. The little
with Jehovah God’s own interpretation thereof as one shall become a thousand, and the small one a
given in his next words addressed to his organiza- strong nation: I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time."
tion Zion: "The sun shall be no more thy light by (Isa. 60 : 21, 22, A.R.V.) Nowappears to be the time ;
day; neither for brightness shall the moon give and if the Lord God Almighty hastens the things
light unto thee: but Jehovah will be unto thee an promised in this time, then the time is short. The
everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Thy sun Lord can and will give strength to the remnant of
shall no more go down, neither shall thy moonwith- his "holy nation" to carry on under all conditions
draw itself; for Jehovah will be thine everlasting to the finish of the "strange work". If the ingather-
hght, and the days of thy mourning shall be ing of the "other sheep" seems small compared to
ended." (Isa. 60: 19, 20, A.R.V.) The corresponding earth’s vast population, Jehovah, who gives the in-
prophecy at Revelation 21:23 reads: "And the city crease, can make one to "become a thousand". Let
had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to us have patience, then. He will hasten what He has
shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, purposed, at the right time in the near future. Let
and the Lamb[Christ Jesus] is the light thereof." us be faithful to his commandto "arise and stfine".
Soon, therefore, the "rising sun" of Japan and the Let us keep on reflecting the only light in the dark-
religious-political rule of all nations forgetting Je- ness of this world, that "he might be glorified".
hovah God will set at Armageddon; but the heaven- 40. (a} What assurance does the prophecy give concerning Jehovah’s
remnant and companions aa ~to righteousness and hi~ organization and
strength to finish the work Ib) Is there any reason for impatience, and
39. According to Jehovah’s prophecy by Isaiah, together with that of what should be our determination In view of God’s command through
RevelaUon chapter 21, what will be the hght of all the umverae? Isaiah ?

HEprophet Elisha was anointed as prophet in the
T room of Elijah, his companion. Ehsha, when ap-
proachedby Naaman the leper to be cured, instructed
dividuals of the nation of Israel, whichnation was un-
faithful to its national baptism.
Fifteen centuries before John the nation of Israel was
him to wash in the Jordan river seven times. Naamanthe baptized unto God’s prophet Moses, wholed them forth
Syrian obeyed, dipping himself seven times beneath the from bondage in Egypt out into the freedom of God’s
Jordan’s waters, and was healed. That was a water bap- chosen people. That baptism took place whenthe miracu-
tism.-2 Kings 5. lous cloud of God’sguiding presence covered them from
By the prophet Malachi Godprophesied that he would the pursuing Egyptians; and under cover of this cloud
send the prophet Elijah before the comingof the great they followed Mosesthrough the divided Red sea, with
and terrible day of Jehovah. (Mal. 4:5, 6) To the father walls of water on each side of them. Thereafter, whenthe
of Johnthe Baptist God’sangel foretold the child’s birth Egyptians were on the way through, the waters of the
and applied to him that prophecy. Thirty years later Redsea closed in upon them. That too wasa baptism, but
Christ Jesus applied to John the same prophecy, saying unto destruction, becausethe Egyptianswere not baptized
of John:"Andif ye will receive it, this is Elias [Elijah], unto Jehovah’sprophet but were violently opposedto him
whichwas for to come."(Matt. 11: 14) John as the fore- and sought the destruction of Jehovah’s baptized ones.
runner of Jesus came baptizing the repentant Jews in Concerningthis the apostle Paul says: "Brethren, I would
the waters of the Jordan, and warnedof wrath to come, not that ye should be ignorant, howthat all our fathers
a baptismof fire of destruction. Thusthe prophecycon- were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
cerning the comingof Elijah was fulfilled in miniature. and were all baptized unto Mosesin the cloud and in the
(Matt. 3:1-12; 17:11-13) John’s baptism was for in- sea." (1 Cor. 10: 1, 2) That was the baptismof a whole

nation at one time. It was unto the prophet whomJehovah was right, namely, Jonadab, and together they rode in the
had raised up to foreshadow the Greater Prophet yet to chariot to the slaying of the religionists or devil-worshipers.
come,namely,Christ Jesus. (Deut. 18 : 15-18 ; Acts 3 : 20-23 Such slaughter work foreshadowed the destruction of the
7: 36, 37) It took place before the destruction of the religionists and of Satan’s organization, his "woman",at
Egyptian persecutors, and which destruction foreshadowed the end of the Elisha work, or Jehovah’s "strange work".
the climax of the battle of Armageddonat the end of the Such "strange work" is still going on, and the part which
world. There was, however, a still earlier baptism than the men Elijah, Elisha, and John the Baptist had to play
this one at the Red sea. in foreshadowing that "strange work" and the preparatory
The first baptism in humanhistory was upon alI those work preceding it lays further emphasis on the importance
who should escape the destruction of the old world and of being baptized unto Jehovah’s Deliverer, Christ Jesus,
enter alive into the cleansed earth. This was in the days now, before Armageddon.Not only spiritual Israelites,
of Noah, who built the ark at God’s command,to survive but also the modern Jonadabs, have need of such baptism
the great flood. Noah was also a "preacher of righteous- unto salvation through God’s kingdom by Christ Jesus.
ness" and he warned of the terrible baptism of destruction The Perfect Pattern for baptism is Christ Jesus. He
that was to come. Before the breaking forth of the flood was not baptized for the purpose of his own salvation,
seven persons, namely, Noah’s household of his wife and because he was ’Choly, harmless, undefiled, separate from
married children, came to him in the ark, "and the LORD sinners". (Heb. 7: 26) Why,then, was he dipped beneath
[Jehovah] shut him in." (Gen. 7:13-16) Thus, being Jordan’s waters by John the Baptist ? Andwas he baptized
covered in the ark and thereby hidden from sight of all with "John’s baptism"? (Luke7 : 29 ; Acts 1 : 22; 19 : 3.4)
the world outside, those seven were baptized unto Noah. His sinlessness answers No to that question, because John’s
Concerning this the apostle Peter says: "The longsuffering act was a "baptism of repentance" and Jesus had no sins
of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a whereof to repent.
preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved Furthermore, John was not sent to baptize Gentilcs,
by water. The like figure whereunto, even sxP~S~, doth but those of his town nation, the Jews, who had been
also now save us, (not the putting away of the filth of brought into covenant relationship with God through Moses
the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) their mediator. The natural Jews had fallen away from
by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." (1 Pet. 3:20, 21) their covenant through disobedience and religion, and now
That baptism unto Noah in the ark was unto salvation the Greater Moses, Christ Jesus, was at hand. Therefore
from destruction with the world. The overflowing of all the Jews needed to be brought to a condition of repentance
those outside the ark with a watery deluge was the baptism and to return to covenant-keeping, in order to be prepared
of a whole world in destruction. This becomes of vital to receive and be baptized unto the Greater Moses. Just
meaning to us today in the light of Jesus’ words concern- as the animals sacrificed on Israel’s atonement day were
ing the end of the world: "’And as it was in the days of pictorial and their blood did not actually take awayhuman
No’e, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." sin, so the immersion in water did not actually wash away
(Luke 17:26,27) Since 1914 the world has been in its the sins. It was merelysymbolical of repentance and a turn-
"time of the end" and the great deluge of fire of the ing away from sin and religion and coming into covenant-
world’s destruction at Armageddonis impending. There- relationship with God.
fore the greater need appears for the persons who want Jesus, being without sin and being the Greater Mosesand
to escape that baptism of fire to enter into the ark of God’s Mediator of the new covenant, was therefore immersed
organization and be baptized unto the Greater Noah, Christ for a different reason than the repentant Jews were. The
Jesus. He is Jehovah’s Savior for those whowill be spared fact that John objected to baptizing Jesus and said that,
through Armageddonand inherit life in the new world. instead, he ought to be baptized by Jesus, proves ttus.
In 1918 Jehovah’s Messenger came to the temple to What, then, did Jesus’ water baptism syrnbohze? and is
begin judgment at the house of God. For forty years it confined only to the Jews after the flesh? The prophecy
before that date he was preparing the way before Jehovah of the Psalms and also God’s own interpretation thereof
God with the end in view of making ready a people for by his inspired apostle Paul gives us the correct answer.
Jehovah’s name who should be his witnesses, to declare Quoting from Psalm forty, verses six to eight, the apostle
His name and kingdom throughout all the earth. That writes of Jesus at the time of his baptism, at which tlme
preparatory work was called the "Elijah work" of the he was laid as the foundation of the new world: ’%Vhere-
church. Because John the Baptist in his day did a work fore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice
in miniature fulfillment of the prophetic work of Elijah, and offering [with animal victnns] thou wouldest not, but
that forty-year preparation was also called the "John the a body hast thou prepared me. In burnt offerings and
Baptist work". Just as the prophet Elisha was raised up sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure: then said
in the roomor stead of Elijah, so, after the Lord’s coming I [Jesus], Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is
to the temple, the "Elisha work" was begun. It was carried written of me) to do thy will, 0 God. Above, when he
on in the stead of the Elijah work which had been taken said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offer-
awayor killed by the enemies in 1918 in the throes of the ing for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure there-
World War. Elisha did a work in connection with God’s in; which are offered by the law; then said he, Lo, I come
anointed one, Captain Jehu, who became king of Israel. to do thy will, O God." (Hob. 10: 5-9) Hence, when John
Jehu was anointed and used of Jehovah to destroy wicked objected to dipping Jesus, that Perfect One answered,
queen Jezebel and all the Baal-worshipers in Israel. Jehu "Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becomethus to fulfill
also took into association with himself a man whose heart all righteousness." That Jesus did no wrong in offering
302 NieWATCHTOWER, Baoos.Lrs, N. Y.

himself for water immersion is proved; for, when he came and through his Kingdom.Only this Scriptural course will
up out of the water, God’s voice came from heaven, say- lead to acceptance with God and to having one’s act of
ing: "This is mybeloved Son, in whomI am well pleased." consecration acknowledged by him_
--Matt. 3 : 13-17. One of his acts of doing God’s will should be, aa early
It is clear, therefore, that the water immersionof the aa possible after consecration, to do as our great Example
Son of God was an open symbol before witnesses of his Jesus did, namely, be immersedin water, to give outward
consecration to Godand his agreement thereby to do Jeho- symbolic testimony of having devoted himself to Godand
vah’s will even to the death. The covenant and laws of HIS endless service. Such water baptism is not a symbol
Israel were prophetic and foreshadowedGod’s will for the of one’s being baptized into the spiritual body of Christ,
future, and Christ Jesus entered into a compact with his with hope of Iife in heaven. Whether that shall follow
Father to do God’s will as expressed in God’s covenant later, after one has provedhimself in God’s service, is for
with his people. Jesus’ being plunged beneath the water God’s will to determine. The one baptized makesno bargain
s)Tabolized his death and burial unto his humanwill. Being with the Lord and does not attempt to dictate what God’s
raised out of the waters pictured his being raised by God’s will shall be concerning himself.--Rom. 6:3-5.
spirit (or power) to do the work and will of Godset before Jesus sent forth his disciples with the instructmn: "Go
him henceforth. Thus the water act was preceded by Jesus’ ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
real baptism inwardly in his heart. This real baptism led nameof the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy [splrit] ;
to great suffering on his part, and to this his apostle re- teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
fers, saying : "Even hereunto were ye called : because Christ commanded you." (l~Iatt. 28: 19, 20) Therefore this water
also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should baptism toward you is performed in the name, that is, by
follow his steps: who did no sin."--I Pet. 2:21,22. the authority, of Jehovah God the Father and through
Jesus’ example for us, therefore, includes water immer- Christ Jesus the Son, and with the spirit or holy power
sion. Whoever,therefore, wouldwalk in his footsteps, follow- of God, which spirit of poweris the commissionof author-
ing his example, must first undergothe real inward baptism, ity to do this. Hcnce, when you present yourself to the
by denying himself and comingto do God’s will. Said Jesus : one baptizing in water, your baptism will be performed
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh with this understanding and in the spirit of the Lord.
unto the Father, but by me." This is because he is the Before proceeding with your baptism it is proper, first,
propitiation for our sins. (John 14:6; 1 John 2:1,2) that you answer affirmatively these questions to show you
Also it is written concerning pleasing God: ’%Vithoutfaith are taking this step with the Scriptural understanding
it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God thereof and are fit for baptism as a devoted servant of
must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them the Lord, fully responsible to Him:
that diligently seek him." (Heb. 11 : 6) Hence, before any- (1) Do you believe in Jehovah GOdthe Father, that
one can recmve water baptism he must become acquainted "salvation belongeth unto Jehovah", and that Christ Jesus
with Jehovah God and believe that He is. He must accept is his Son in whose blood your sins are washed away and
God’s Wordand believe that Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s by whomsalvation comes to you from God ?
Son and is the Lambof sacrifice for our sins and must (2) Have you therefore confessed your sins to God
seek approach to Godthrough Christ Jesus. Then with such and asked for cleansing by Christ Jesus, and therefore
faith in Jehovah God and Chmst Jesus his King, and re- turned away from sin and the world, and consecrated
penting of all past sins and converting or turning from yourself without reservation to God to do his will?
sin and the world, he gives himself completely to Jehovah Your answer, being Yes, is testimony that you are worthy
Godto forever after do God’s will as revealed in his Word and in line for water baptism in obedience to God’s will.


EHOVAH,the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus influence of Satan, that wicked one. (John 12:31,1 John
J Christ, is righteous and all things with him are right-
eous. "The LOR~is righteous in all his ways, and holy
m all his works." (Ps. 145: 17) "For the righteous LoRD
5: 19) Therefore all creatures that hate Jehovah, the Al-
mighty God, are the servants of the Devil. All who hate
the Lord Jesus Christ are likewise servants of the Devil.
loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the up- All whohate the faithful servants of God and Christ are
right." (Ps. 11 : 7) LikewiseJehovah’s beloved Son is right- also of the Devil. These scriptures should convince all
eous, holy and pure; and because he loves righteousness at sincere persons who desire righteousness that those who
all times Jehovahhas exalted him to the highest place next hate Jehovah’s witnesses and persecute them are instru-
to the Almighty himself. "Thou lovest righteousness, and ments of "that wicked one", who hates God and Christ,
hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed and that all such opposers of Jehovah and his kingdomare
thee with the oil of gladness abovethy fellows."--Ps. 45 : 7. doomedfor destruction. But why does the world hate the
Who could hate Jehovah God, and who could plant
hatred in the mind of another against the Almighty God, Lord Jesus Christ, aa stated in the Bible? His answer is:
who is love? Only the wicked one, Satan the Devil His ’The world hateth mebecause I testify of it, that the works
name Satan means adversary or opposer of God. Satan is thereof are evil.’ (John 7:7) The world hates all who
the prince of the world, from the time of Eden onward to faithfully follow in the footsteps of Jesus by giving testi-
Armageddon,and the entire world is under the power and monyto Jehovah’s name.
1, 1942 NieWATCttTOWER. 303

What is meant in these texts just cited by the term "the "a mighty one" ’%efore the LORD".(Gem10:8-10) Nimrod
world"? The people and nations of earth that are under was the leader of the first organization of religion follow-
the influence of demons, of which Satan the Devil is the ing the flood. The Devil and his servants have continuously
prince or chief of demons,constitute the world that hes in reproached the name of Jehovah GOd; and His beloved
the wicked one. (1 John 5:19, Diaglott) The world is Son, Christ Jesus, has always magnified the nameof Jeho-
madeup chiefly of three ruling elements, to wit: religion, vah. For that reason the Devil has continuously reproached
politics, and commerce; and all persons who thus rule the name of Jesus Christ. For this reason it is written of
practice some kind of religion, which is demonism,because Christ Jesus: "The reproaches of them that reproached
their practice is contrary to God’s Word. The world, there- thee are fallen upon me."uPs. 69:7, 9.
fore, consLsts of the organization of the peoples of earth Every creature who has been faithful to Almighty God
into forms of government which are dominated by the has suffered reproach, slander, opposition, persecution and
power and influence of the invisible overlord, Satan. The cruelty. The faithful menof old, from Abel onward, suf-
new world will consist of all people who survive Arma- fered all manner of reproach and cruel punishment for
geddon, and who love righteousness and hate wickedness, the reason that they were for and declared the name of
and such will live on the earth under the supervision and Almighty God and his coming kingdom. No one who loved
control of the invisible, righteous overlord, Christ the King. GOdcould be guilty of inflicting punishment upon those
Thus it is seen that all people and all nations must now faithful men who proclaimed the name of Almighty God.
be separated or divided into two classes, that those who The Devil was the one who brought reproach upon them
love righteousness and whoserve righteousness shall live, and caused their suffering, and this the Devil did because
and that those whochoose wickedness shall be destroyed. those faithful men proclaimed the name of the Most High.
"The LOaDpreserveth all them that love him; but all the From the very day that Jesus began to proclaim the
wicked will he destroy."--Ps. 145:20. name and kingdom of Jehovah the Devil opposed him and
The name Devil means traducer or slanderer. The name sought to bring about his destruction. (Matt. 4:1-11) The
Jehovah God means the Almighty’s purpose toward his Devil and his associate demons continued to reproach,
creatures. The Devil began to defame the nameof Almighty slander and persecute Jesus, and to falsely charge h~m
Godwhenhe told the first lie to Eve. Fromthat time till with crime, and finally brought about his crucifixion. The
now the Devil has constantly slandered the name of Jeho- faithful servants of Jesus Christ spend their days declar-
vah, and the Devil has caused multitudes of creatures to ing the name of Jehovah and Christ Jesus the King, and
becomeslanderers and haters of the nameof Almighty God. the Devil and his agents constantly reproach them and per-
For this purpose the Devil put Nimrod forward as one secute them. And why? Because they uphold the name of
equal to or above God, and hence Nimrod was honored as the Lord and joyfully proclaim his name and his kingdom.

Dr-~R BRovmm KNom~: awayfrom us the joy of praising Jehovah’sname.Doubtlessmany
Deelaratlon unanmaously adopted on Saturday, July 4, 1942, dark days are ahead. The people of good-wiUlook to Jehovah’s
reads as follows" witnesses for comfort. Wecannot forsake them. Weseek to be
"Bythe Lord’s grace, we, 2,250 of Jehovah’s witnesses m diligent and obey the Lord’s invitatmn ’Feed mysheep’ Wede-
clare our determination to use every possible opportumtyl~ow
Greater London,stand together as a bodywhollyumtedand fight~
mgfor The Theocracy.Jehovahgives us muchstrength, joy and to do tins work.Wewill stand blameless.
a large portmnof Ins spirit to enable us to stand firm mthese "As a city compacttogether we face with full confidencem
the Lord the threatening Assyrmnentr T into the land of Jehovah
tmaes of great dmtress. Wecan testify howJehovahanswersthe
prayers of the righteous: ’For the eyes of the Lordare over the Victory hes with The Theocracy, the HolyCity. Comewhat may,
weare ready and willing to’bear whateverreproachesand perse-
ms"hteous,and Ins ears are openunto their prayers: but the face eutmnthe Lord maypermit to the vLudlcatmnof his name.
of the Lordis against themthat do evfl.’--I Pet. 3:12. "As another season of spmtual refreshLugfrom the hand of
"Wethank the Lord for the continuedstimulating truths so the Lord, wekeenly look forward to the conventionmSeptember.
abundantly provided through The Watchtower. WewiI1 prove "Weexpress to you and our Amermanbrethren our warm
our faith mThe Theocracyby our works. Werefuse to break our love and greetings. Umtedlywith our brethren world-widewe
covenant vows. The ~abominationof desolatmn’ can never take shout ’Halleln2ah’."
"*THE WISE" TESTIMONY PERIOD kingdom will share in the witness workduring tins period If you
The month of October is known by Jehovah’s witnesses as are not already assocmtedwith a company of Jehovah’switnesses
"The Wine"TestimonyPeriod. Duringthat monththe servants of and would ILke to be, write to WATCHTOWER, 117 AdamsSt,
Jehovah ~ put forth an extraordinary effort to magmfythe Brooklyn, N.Y., and we will get you mtouch with the nearest
nameof the Lordand to advertmehis kingdomin the earth. It is company,so youmayshare with these servants of the Lord mthe
goodto serve the Lordand to aid others, and those persons who proclamationof the K,ngdom.In these perplexingtimes the wLse
are wise will put forth everyeffort to aid those wholove right- manwill seek the Lord and share hLs knowledgewith others, so
eousnessto seekthe truth. In Proverbs,chapter8, verse31 onward, "that we maybe able to comfortthemwinchare many trouble, by
thxs thought is brought to our attentmn, "Hear instruction, and the comfort wherewithwe ourselves are comforted of God".
be wLse,and refuse it not. Blessedmthe manthat heaxethme,. . .
for whosofindeth mefmdethlife, and shall obtain favour of the "WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES
Lo~D"During "The Wise" TestimonyPermdJehovah’s witnesse~
will offer to the people the bookChfidrenand the booklet Hope, Week of November 1: "The Only Light,"
on a contributionof 25c, so that the people of good-willmayre- 1-21 reclusive, The Watchtower October 1, 1942.
ceive mstructmnand be wise. All persons wholove nghteousneaa Weekof November8: "The Only Light,"
andwantto help others find the wayto life and learn of Jehovah’s ~I 22-40inctustve, TheWatchtower October1, 1942.
"The judge wouldnot let us three special publishers out "In Holywood we have commenceda group study. One
on bond, pending our trial, unless we would promise not person of good-will with whomwe have a model study did
to go in the witness work until our trial. This we would not knowof our work before we first met her two months
not do; so we stayed in jail from June 13 until June 23. ago, and she has now opened her homefor the study. The
Weappeared before the court June 22. After the prosecu- Society’s rep.resentative was with us to start the study
tion presented their witnesses and evidence we filed the and there was a total attendance of seven, including four
first motion to dismiss. The copies of the court decisions persons of good-will whomwe recently found. One of these
sent us by the Society were presented in support of the cameout in the service with us this week. She enjoyed the
motion to dismiss, and the two Louisiana Supreme Court experience so muchthat she said, "Wherewill you be work-
decisions were read aloud. Weremindedthe court that these ing at the week-end? Could I join you1’ and so was with
two decisions were controlling in spite of the more recent us Saturday and Sunday, reporting seven hours of field
U.S. Supreme Court decision. The judge said he wanted service this week. Manypersons whowere first prejudiced
hme to look into these and would give his decision the against us are nowappreciating the truth and defending it
next day. Apparently much pressure had been put upon before others. Wefind manyof the ’goat’ class, but the
the judge by the rest of the officials, but the following day few ’sheep’ that we meet make up for all the opposition
in court he madehis position very clear and let it be known we encounter, and we carry on rejoicing in our privilege
that he could not let public opinion or prejudice or even of full-time service for The Theocracy."
his own personal feelings influence his decision. He is
a devout RomanCatholic, but stated that even though his ~ooTr ~SWEETWATER, TEXAS)
belief was not like ours it was still his duty to uphold the "In spite of the disadvantage of not having an auto-
law; that he had to abide by the Louisiana SupremeCourt mobile to cover the rurals, we have overcome that dif-
decision, since the U.S. Supreme Court decision is not ficulty. Within a period of one week we covered a radius
final and, upon a rehearing, maybe reversed. He also read of eight miles from one point. During that time approx-
in court the article on ’Religion’, from the June 22 issue imately ninety miles was covered, entirely by walking. We
of T . This judge was really put ’on the spot’ by the wereaccosted bythesheriff thefirstdayout.He warned
rest of the official element, but so far he seems determined us thatif he recelved another complaint he wouldmake
to uphold American principles. This experience has made immediate arrest.As a result of ourefforts 150booklets
us realize more clearly than ever before that ’the arm and4 boundbookswereplaced. Evidently he didnotget
of the LOaDis not shortened’ and that the WATCHTOWER anothercomplaint. ThisshoWshow territories can be
iS His visible organization. Wehope that this will help covered in spiteof shortages andwartime restrictions."
the people of good-will here to boldly take their stand for --Twopioneers.
Jehovah and his Theocracy. We three were found ’not ~rHE LAW" MAKES A VISIT (OKLAHOMA)
guild ~ and released June 23." (Natchitoches, La.) "At one of my back-calls several gathered at a hometo
hear the lectures played. The last one played was "Religion’;
IF THE CONDUCTORGOES TO JAIL (HENLEY, ENG.) we had present colored, white, and Indian, twenty-one
"A lady with whomI have been conducting a regular in all. Amongthem was one who was an American Legion-
Bible model study promised to arrange for a meeting on naire. After the lecture was through I asked if anyonehad
Sunday evening, inviting some friends of hers. WhenI any questions. No one had any, nor made any remarks.
arrived there were eight persons present, and we quickly I invited them back for the following Wednesdaynight,
got downto a study of ’The Soul’. All had Bibles and book- telhng them to be sure to bring their Bibles, as we were
lets. After our study together all were greatly impressed to have a Bible study. The next Wednesdaywe were there
and interested. They seemedto fully appreciate the truth as usual. It being a cold night, not manycwmeout. Just
as shoxrn in the Scriptures. Onesaid it was a pity the ’Rev.’ before starting, a weE-dressed man came in and was in-
was not present, which was followed by much laughter, troduced. The lady of the house whispers across the room,
and statements to the effect that he would not dare come ’The law!’ I rather suspected it was, when he came in. We
anyway; he had recently told them to burn the books of passed out the Model Study booklet No. 1, together with
Jehovah’s witnesses. After I left they had a discussion the booklet Uncovered.It being our first study, the first
on the matter, and one lady said: ’Now, what do you think few questions were very good. We commented to our
of this] I have been burning the books which I should visitor that we were sorry he did not have his Bible. After
have read. This is just what I have been wanting.’ They the meeting ’the law’ remarked that he came out to see
what was going on. I made no reply. Then he said: ’I am
are all rcalizin~ what a great fraud religion is. At the 100 percent with you, as anyonethat is trying to help the
time, these people said they would not miss next Sunday people to do better I am with them.’ Then when one of
for anything, although it meant they would have to miss the men finished paying for his Bible ’the law" said he
their usual meeting at the local chapel. Whennext Sunday could make a contribution too. For the same he was given
came, all were present. The question was asked: ’What a sample copy of The Watchtower and the booklets The-
shall we do if Mr. R [myself] is removedto prison1’ ocracy and Comfort All That Mourn.I invited him to come
The answer immediately came from one of the others: ’We the next Wednesdaynight and bring any of his friends
have the Model Study booklets and the Bible; we can con- that he eared to. He has not been back. Wehave from six
tinue ourselves.’" to eight attending, and more coming."

OCTOBER 15, 1942

Judges..................................................... 307
Backshdersinto Rehglon........................ 308
Eighteea Years’ Oppressma................ 310
Cry for Freedomof Worship .............. 311
Testof Sincenty.................................... 312
Gathering Against Theocracy................ 314
Popular Rule or Theocracy, Which? .... 315
CLrCELAND .......................................... 317
"PF~cm---CA>t ITL~BTT" ........................... 306
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ......................... 306
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A_ T
HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible Instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
N. H. KNORR, Prestd~ WV. E, VA~"AMBUZGH, ~qecrefar~ It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society.
"And all thy children shall be %au~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shah be the peace of %hy chxldren." -Isaiah f4:zS. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC.RIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God, Is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It Is wholly and without reserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the be~nning of his creation,
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not m-
Is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personahties.
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man yr_A~r~T SgBsc~Irn0.’~ priCE
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STAT~S, $1.00; CANADa AND I~IISCELLAMEoua FOaEIG,’~. $1 ,50.
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN, AusTRALAsIA, AND ~OUTII AFRICA, 6S. American renut-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective brauch olBces, Remittances ~rom
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn o~ce,
death In order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by International Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind: that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FoR,~o~ OF~CES
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~t~sh 34 CravenTerrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian ............40 IrwinAvenue, Toronto 5, Ontario,Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Auatralastar,.............. 2" BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld, N. S. W., Austratla
8out~ A]r~ca~ .... Boston House, Cape Town, South Air,ca
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of P)easeaddre~ the Society in every case
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of Infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay ~’he subscription pmce may ha~e The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting It. We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal reguiationa.
THATTHI~ RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested Chen~eof address, when
requested, maybe exl~ected to appe~tron address label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration} wall be sent with the
the earth, and that under the k,ngdom the people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entereda~ scco.d-cl~s matter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under th~ Act oi March3, 1579


The month of October is known by Jehovah’s wxtnesses as This new bookletcontainsthe fulltextof the pubhcaddress
"The Wise" Testimony Period Daring this month the servants of on thissubjectas heardroundthe worldsimultaneously m e~ghty
Jehovah are putting iorth an extraoldmary effort to magnify the
Lord’s name and to advertise his kingdom in the earth. It is citiesat the New World TheocraticAssemblyIt presentsthe
good to serve the Lord and to a~d others, and those persons who Scriptural,factual and hence authomtatlveanswers to the
are wise will put forth every effort to aid those who love right- questlons,Can religionguarantee a lastingpeace?What ~s the
eousncss to seek the truth Iu Proverbs. chapter S. verse 31 onward, strangecreatureor beastthat was and ts not and shallagain
this thought is brought to our attention, "Hear instruction, and
be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the manthat hcareth me, . . . be present to the wondermentof the world? (Revelatmn17)
for whoso findeth me findcth hfe. and shall obtain favour of the and, Who will establish over earth an endurmg peace w~th
LORD." During "The Wise" Testimony Period Jehovah’s witnesses righteousness? Peace--Ca.It Lastf is paper-bound,but with
are offering the new book The New World and the booklet a strikingfront-cover
tUustrat,on,and maybe had on contribution
Peace~Ca, It Lastf on a contribution of 25e, so that the people
of good-will may receive instruction and be wise. All persons of 5~ a copy.
who love righteousness and want to help others find the way
to life may share m the witness work during th~s period. If you "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
are not already associated w,th a company of Jehovah’s witnesses Week of November 15: "F,ghter for the Yew World" (Part 1),
and would like to be, write to WATC~TOWZR, 117 Adams St.,
Brooklyn, N.Y., and we will get you in touch wzth the nearest 1-15 inclusive, Th. Watchtower October 15, 1942.
eompany, so you may share with these servants of the Lord in the Week of November 22: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 1),
proclamation of the l~ingdom. In these perplexmg times the wise 16-32 inclusive, Th~ Watchtower October 15,1942.
man will seek the Lord and share his knowledge wath others, so
"that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by Week of November 29: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 1),
the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God". ¶ 33-46 inclusive, The Watchtower October 15,1942.
15, 1942 No 20



"Jesus answered, My l~il~gdorn is not of this world: if my ~,ngdom were of this world, then uo,dd my
servants fight."--John 18: 36.
EHOVAH is the mightiest fighter for the new powers which go to makeup "this present evil world"
J world. His victory for it he long ago foreshadowed have stood. (Gal. 1:4) That deluge of waters
by- his destruction of the forces of the old world pictured Jehovah’s "strange act" in his fight for the
as represented by ancient Eg3"pt under Pharaoh. In new world. The fact that the conditions and happen-
the victory song those whowere delivered from that ings in our day are like but worse than those of
’old world’ power sang: "I will sing unto Jehovah, Noah’s day is therefore of awful significance, if we
for he hath triumphed gloriously-: the horse and his believe the warning given us by Jesus Christ. (Matt.
rider hath he thrown into the sea. Jehovah is a man 24: 37-39) Westand indeed at the portals of Jeho-
of war: Jehovah is his name."--Ex. 15: 1,3, Am. vah’s new world, but we must first witness and
Rev. Vet. experience his "strange act" surpassing even the
The prophet Moses led the Israelites in singing Flood. Then it will be, not a question of "’sink or
that song at the Red sea. He also was a fighter for swim", but, Whois in the great Ark of safety and
a world of which E~’pt was and is no part. He chose survival ?
the people of Jehovah rather than the royal honors ¯ How,then, mayanyone enter that arkS. Is it bv
of E~-pt, and his fight for the defense and deliver- turning to religion, or by "more religion", as the
ance of his Israelite brethren from E~pt caused politicians and clergy propose for their planned
him to be outlawed from that clark reli~ous land of "new order" after this total war? No! Looking at
oppression. The first thing, in the land of his exile, the constant course of religion throughout all cen-
he stood up and fought for the weak against the turies, every honest person must admit that religion
strong. Thereafter he became a shepherd among is of this world and takes part in this workt’s
such weak ones, in a wild country, an occupation organization. Therefore religion shall perish for
then attended with great danger. (Ex. 2: 11-22; 3: 1) ever with this old world, by Jehovah’s "strange act",
In due time Jehovah sent him back to Egypt, where which is the primary reason whyhis act is "strange"
Moses took up anew the fight for the weak and to religionists. Survey now what religion did to
oppressed. The fight finished in Jehovah’s glorious God’s chosen people of old, Israel, and the conclusion
triumph over the then foremost power of the old reached must be that the only way to survive is
world. Later, Moses under Jehovah’s inspiration this: to immediately forsake religion and its con-
declared himself to be a prophetic figure, fore- fusion and take up the pure and undefiled worship
shadowing a might?- Fighter to come, like Moses, of the great GodAlmighty of the new world, Jehovah.
only" greater. The combinedtestimony of the inspired "Salvation belongeth unto Jehovah."~Ps. 3: 8, Am.
Scriptures is that such Fighter for Jehovah’s new Rev. V er.
world is God’s only begotten Son. By this mighty
Judge and Warrior is the new world established, and JUDGES
he becomes Jehovah’s King of the ~’orld of right- 6 Fromthe Red sea Mosesled the twelve tribes of
eousness that shall never have end.~Deut. 18 : 15-18 ; Israel to the eastern bank of the Jordan river,
Acts3 : 22, 23 ; 7 : 35-37; Heb.1 : 1, 2. opposite the Promised Land. En route Jehovah
For more than forty-three centuries since the God by Moses as mediator between Him and Israel
great flood of Noah’s day the invisible and visible established by law the worship of the only true
1. Who Is the mightiest fighter for the new world, and bow was and living God among that people. He warned them
this called to attention in the song sung when he foreshadowed his against the snare of religion as practiced by the
victory for that new world?
2 (al How did Moses prove he also was a fighter, down in Lag~t,
and during his exile, and then on his return to Egypt? (bl As such, 4. Is it by religion that anyone may enter that axk? and, after
of whom did Mose~ declare himself to be a prophetic figure, and surveying religion’s effect on Israel, what conclusion must be reached
what is the relaUon of such One to the new worid~ as to the only way tO ¯survive
n What 5. En route to the Promised Land, what safeguard and warning did
that was pictured today
conditions by theaxeflood
like of Noah’s
those day, day,
in his what and
is what
will God give to Israel, and whose lands did he give to Israel east of
then become the question determining one’s survival? Jordan river, and why}
N. Y.
inhabitants of the Promised Land, which religious over his people, and thereafter uphold God’s law
inhabitants must be destroyed as enemies of Jehovah and Theocratic organization amongthem and render
and his Theocracy, in order to root out religion judicial decisions in harmonytherewith. This was for
from that land of promise. (See Deuteronomy no selfish personal gain on his part. Onesuch judge,
7: 16, 25: Exodus 23: 31-33.) The religious nations the prophetic meaning of whose Life the Lord God
east of Jordan under Og and Sihon attacked Moses now makes clear, was Jephthah. The events of today
and Israel, and therefore Jehovah God destroyed fulfill the acts and scenes of the great prophetic
those nations and gave their land to the Israelites, drama in which Jephthah was the principal actor
namely, the regions of Bashan and Gilead east of and show it to be God’s due time to study the role
Jordan. Being cattle-raisers, half of the tribe of God had Jephthah play. The understanding thereof
Manasseh was given the land of Bashan and part v-ill gladden the heart of every lover of righteous-
of Gilead, and the tribes of Reuben and Gad were ness. It will stir up his zeal for the new world,
given the remaining southern section of Gilead. enabling him to carry on in God’s service till the
s After Moses’ death Joshua led the Israelites final victory is won and the new world estabhshed
across the Jordan into the Promised Land, and the that it can never be moved. The next several issues
remaining tribes were settled there in their assigned of The Watchtower will, by God’s grace, carry for-
territories, after dispossessing the deinon-worshipers ward the study of Jephthah. Those desiring to be
in the land occupied. Not all such were driven out, and remain on the right side of the issue that has
and these with their religion proved a continual divided the living universe will follow these timely
besetment and snare to the Israelites, who were expositions carefully. The setting for the drama of
under covenant obligations to worship and serve Jephthah is laid in the tenth chapter of the book of
Jehovah. What next followed is important for those Judges, and with that chapter our study nowbegins.
seeking life eternal to consider inasmuch as it
provides a reliable prophetic picture of what has BACKSLIDERS LNTO RELIGION

happened in the postwar period from and after ’ Israel was a typical Theocracy, because it was a
A. D. 1918, where we are living. It shows the destiny nation administered and directed by God, and not
of the nations of "Christendotn" and heathendom, by the people as in a democracy originating in the
and discloses the destiny of those persons who as heathen land of ancient Greece several centuries
individuals take their stand on the side of Jehovah before Christ. Instead of Jehovah deriving his
and his Righteous Government by Christ Jesus. powers from the consent of the governed and being
It is the day of judgment for the nations. The servant to the people, the people worshiped and
course of the nations, both those called ’ Chn~tmn served Jehovah as the great Theocrat, and he
and those called "heathen", shows they are headed appointed his ownjudge as his visible representative
for destruction at the lmnd of Jehovah’s Fighter to the people. Judge Tola, whohad served for twenty-
for the world of mghteousness, Christ Jesus. (Matt. three years, had just died. "And after him arose
25:31,32) Of this One it is written: "In righteous- Jair, a Gileadite, and judged Israel twenty and two
ness he doth judge and make war." (Rev. 19: 11) years. And he had thirty sons that rode on thirty
The fight of Armageddoncomes after his judging ass colts, and they had thirty cities, whichare called
of the nations is ended. The fight is in execution of Havoth-jair [meaning, The villages of Jair] unto
the judicial decision rendered. To Christ Jesus this day, which are in the land of Gilead. AndJalr
Jehovah has committed all judgment and the power died, and was buried in Camon."--Judg. 10: 3-5.
to execute judgment. (John 5: 22, 27) He was fore- ~o Judge Jair was likely the descendant of the
shadowed by the faithful judges whom Jehovah original Gileadite named Jair, a fighter, and men-
raised up in Israel. tioned at Numbers32: 39-41: "And the children of
’ The term "judge" as used in the record of Judges Machir the son of Manassehwent to Gilead, and took
does not mean a mere judicial officer drawing a it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in it.
salary from the government and being appointed And Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son of
by a politician or by popular vote. The term means Manasseh; and he dwelt therein. And Jair the son
one whomJehovah God raised up in time of crisis of Manassehwent and took the small towns thereof,
and whomHe appointed to lead the fight on religion, and called them Havoth-jair." The death of Judge
overthrow the power of the religious oppressors Jair left the nation of Israel without a visible judge.
6 After settling In the Promised Land. what proved a continual It put the Israelites under a great test as to faith-
besetment and snare to Jehovah’s covenant people Israel, and why fulness toward their covenant with Jehovah God and
is it important for seekers of life to consider what followed thereafter?
7. Whither the worldly nations headed, by whom will the Judgment
upon them a~ executed, and by whom was this Judge foreshadowed 9. (a)What differences between Theocrltcy and democracy prove which
in Israe| ~ one was the form of Israel’s government? (b) With what part of
the land of Israel was Judge Jalr identified?
8. (a)What does the term "Judge" as used in the re~ord of Judges
mean? (b) What shows It to be God’s due time to study the prophetic I0. (a)From whom was Judge Jair descended, and in what test|n~
drama of Jephthah, and of what benefit and effect will it be to lovers condition did his death leave the nation of Israel? (b) That period
of righteousness to understand the drama? correspond= with what time in the experience of the spiritual Israelites?
15, 1942 NicWATCHTOWER. 309
as to obedience to his commandments and as to their "It needs no proof here that "Christendom",
resistance to the religion of the enemies within and which loudly claims to be spiritual Israel, has since
round about. The time that Israel was without a her very beginning in the fourth century been given
judge corresponds with the period whenthe spiritual over to religion, or demonism,with politics as a close
Israelites, Jehovah’s covenant people of the present, ally and supporter. Much has been published in
were without their great Judge, because he had not previous issues of The Watchtowerto show also that
come to the temple to begin judgment. His coming the Dagon-worshiping Philistines pictured the reli-
as Jehovah’s Messenger to the temple had been fore- gious element of "Christendom", in particular the
told and must take place. His presence at the great RomanCatholic Hierarchy and its Catholic Action
spiritual temple, though unseen by humaneyes, was organizations. The Ammonites, as worshipers of the
to be revealed by the events that followed his com- ’2ring-god", pictured the political element attached
ing.--Mal. 3:1-3;i Pet.4:17;Rom.14:i0;Matt. to and glorif~dng and serving the state, regard-
25: 31-46. less of what its political form. The Moabites, a
I, Thephysical facts,bothimmediately preced- brother nation of the Ammonites,and worshipers of
ing 1918and especially thosethathavefollowed "Chemosh",pictured the ally of religion and politics,
since, provethatChrist Jesuscameto thetemple in namely, the commercial element.
thespring of 1918andthatsincethenthejudgment "Our concern, however, is chiefly with the true
dayof thenations of theworldhasbeenunderway. spiritual Israelites. These are in the midst of "Chris-
Theclimax, theexecution of thejudgment or judicialtendom", but are no part of it. As long as forty
decision rendered, is nearandallnations nowface years before 1918, so the historic facts show, ti~e
annihilation at Armageddon. The religious clergy spiritual Israelites began to break away from
of "Christendom" havefailedto notethisand to "Christendom" and its religion, politics and com-
callit to tileattention of thenations’ rulers, but merce. They began to emerge to the light of the
Jehovah’s faithfulwitnesses have doneso, as a truth of God’s Word, the Bible, but do~n to 1918
warning to thenations. they had not fully recovered from contact and
,2 ~Vhatwerethedevelopments taldng placeamong association with such things in "Christendom". They
thespiritual Israelites justpreceding theJudge’s still had many soils of religion on their garments,
comingto thetemple?Theconditions whichdevel- and the influence thereof prevented their full and
opedinnatural Israel
of oldgivea truepicture there-proper worship of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus
of.Itiswritten: "Andthechildren of Israel again did his King. While they had forsaken all politics of the
thatwhichwas evilin the sightof Jehovah, and world, yet in their desire to avoid all priestcraft and
servedtheBaalim, andtheAshtaroth, andthegods hierarchy they still carried on the democratic way
of Syria,and the godsof Sidon,and thegodsof of electing elders and other officers of their Christian
Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon,and congregations. Not yet had their eyes been opened
the gods of the Philistines; and they forsook Jeho- to the Theocratic way as set forth in the Bible. It
vah, and served him not." (Judg. 10: 6, Am. Bey. was even thought that whenChrist Jesus should end
Ver.) The natural Israelites turned to religion. It his reign of one thousand )’ears and deliver up all
was demonism,because the gods of those non-Israel- things to God the great Theocrat and be suhject to
ite nations were demonsworshiped under the s}m~bol Him, the form of government on earth would become
of idols, the Baalim statues representing Satan the democratic. (1 Cor. 15:24-28) Note some of the
Devih The female Ashtaroth statues represented the statements published before Jehovah’s King and
so-called "queen of heaven", Satan’s "woman", that Judge came to the temple:
is, his organization of which he is husband and lordly "Thenceforth manshall again be king of the earth,
head. The Philistines worshiped the Devil under the subject to the Great King, Jehovah, in whose ’ever-
form of Baal-zebub, "the prince of the demons," and lasting kingdom’ Christ and the church will there-
also the fish-god Dagon, whosepriests wore the tall after be associated. Wemayreasonably suppose that
hats split like an open fish-mouth and which hats even perfect men will require some form of govern-
were adopted by the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and ment, and that it will be a representative govern-
are worn by their popes and bishops to this day. ment, since every memberof that humanfamily will
The Ammonites worshiped the Devil under the name be perfect, and therefore equally a king with each
"Molech", meaning ’2dog", or "Milcom", meaning other member. Such a government would be nothing
"their kin~’, denoting a political religion, the worship more nor less than a republic, in which each individ-
of the state. 13 ttow was thin picture fulfilled in "Christendom", and who in
"Chrlstendom" are picturedb~ the PhJllstlne~,the Ammonitesand the
II ~a) What year Is provedto be the year of the comingof the Judge? Moabites whose gods Israel worshiped?
bi V~imt, therefore, is no~ under way toward the worldly naUons 14 la) When did the splrttua/ I~rae/ites begin to break away from
and who ¯is it that have failed as to this information the three element~ of "Chrlsteodom". and had they fully recovered
therefrom by 1918~ (b) What was their way of setting up officers
12 Before the coming of the next Judge, ~e what did Israel turn, in the congregations, and why and ~hat was their thought a~ to
and whom did the~, worship as named in record? earths form of government at the end of Christ’s thousand-~ear reign?
l~. Y.

ual is a sovereign, and one of their number is chosen people on earth called attention to this fact at the
as their servant or President."--The Watch Tower time. "Christendom’s" clergy, both Catholic and Prot-
and Herald of Christ’s Presence, May 1, 1898, estant, refused to believe and notify their political
page 143. allies of it, and, of course, the bloody World War
"No one x~ill dispute that a republic is tile highest broke out, exactly as Jesus foretold.
t)qoe of government. In a republic each citizen is ,s Like the Ammonitesof Israel’s day, the political
sovereign; and these sovereigns, by their votes, element came to the fore and set up war rule with
appoint some of their number to be their represent- its martial laws and prohibitions. The modern-day
atives and servants .... Had no fall occurred, un- Philistines, the clergy under the lead of the Roman
doubtedly this highest form of human government Catholic Hierarchy, brought pressure upon their
would have prevailed .... After Messiah’s "kingdom Ammoniteallies, and these politicians used the war-
shall have thoroughly subjugated sin, thoroughly time measures and hysteria to put Jehovah’s cove-
uplifted humanity, absolutely destroyed all the wil- nant people under bonds and restraints. They banned
fully wicked, and shall have completely brought the and seized their literature, and stopped the public
remainder of the race up to absolute perfection, witness being given concerning the end of the Gentile
then, at the close of Messiah’s reig-n, the earth to all Times and the establishment of God’s Kingdom
eternity will be a republic, each member of the race under Christ. Under the religious idea that the
a sovereign."--The Watchtower February 15, 1915, present-day Ammonites, or political rulers, were the
page 57. "higher powers", Jehovah’s people conscientiously
"Not then seeing that the Righteous Government subjected their souls to political-religious conspir-
over redeemed humankind on earth will forever be ators and refrained from the bold and continuous
Jellovah’s Theocracy bv Christ Jesus, the spiritual proclamation of the established Kingdom. Thus
Israelites still accepted religion’s teaching, namely, doing, they obeyed men rather than God’s supreme
that "the higher powers" to whomall souls should commandsto be his witnesses having no fear of men.
be subject are the political rulers of this world, the Those actually in bonds behind prison bars in Ger-
modern-day Ammonites. Now, in the light of the many, Canada, and the United States, and elsewhere
revealed ~rord of God, the faithful remnant of his throughout "Christendom", could do nothing. Their
covenant people see that Jehovah God and Christ brethren, although outside, were likewise in a condi-
Jesus are the only "Higher Powers", and that they tion of restraint due to religious mischief framed
nmst obey These rather than men of the world.~ by law. Let it not be overlooked that so-called
Rom.13 : 1-4 ; Acts 5 : 29 ; 4 : 19. "democratic" lands yielded to the totalitarian Roman
Catholic Hierarchy and joined in the conspiracy
EIGHTEEN YEARS’ OPPRESSION against the worship of Jehovah by his servants.
" Doesa Christian’s conforming to the way of this ’*"And that year they vexed and oppressed the
worldresultto hiscr ~ood,Notethe typicalanswerin children of Israel eighteen years, all the children of
the Record:"And the angerof Jehovahwas -kindled Israel that were on the other side [the eastern side
againstIsrael,and he sold them into the hand of of] Jordan, in the land of the Amorites, which is
the Philistines, and intothehandof the children of in Gilead." (Judg. 10: 8) The "other side" was the
Ammon." (Judg. 10: 7, Am. Re~’. Ver.) This shows same side of the Jordan river as the Ammonites
that Jehovah God does not force or coerce creatures occupied. It was territory which they claimed be-
to serve him, and that those who make a covenant longed to them originally and was theirs by right,
to do his will and then turn to religion Jehovah and they justified their aggressions against Jeho-
abandons to their course of action and its con- vah’s covenant people on that false claim. In the
sequences, due to not heeding His warning. Religion spring of A.D. 1918 the world-wlde oppression of
proved to be a snare to the Israelites and led to their the spiritual Israelites by the religious-political
enslavement by the religious-political combine. coconspirators reached its high point. That was when
~’ In A.D. 1914 the "times of the Gentiles", of Jehovah’s servants were denied their constitutional
2,520 years’ duration, came to an end. That marked rights in America and great religions persecution
the time for Jehovah’s Theocratic Government by and mob violence were committed against them under
Christ Jesus to begin operating for the vindication the guise of patriotism. The Watch Tower Society’s
of Jehovah’s name and the establishment of the officers were railroaded off to penitentiary on un-
Righteous Rule over the earth. Jehovah’s covenant proved charges, the Society was cut off also from its
foreign branches, and its publications were pro-
15. At that time what religious teaching concerning powers of control
were the spiritual Israelites still accepting, but what do they now
see in that regard? 18. How did the modern-day Ammonites and Philistines usa the circum-
16 What facts concerning God’s dealing with creatures are shown by stancee of the World War against Jehovah’s covenant oPeOGPo~ and
his anger against the Israelites due to religion and hla seUlng them into what condition did these come as tO their service t ?
into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites? 19. How did the Ammonites Justify their aggressions against the land
17. The end of the Gentile Times, in 1914. marked the time for what of the Israelite, and how did the modern-day Ammonites commit
action in hem.yen, and how waa it mark-ed on earth, and why? like aggreaalona agakmtt epiritual Ilraelltes In 19187
OczossR15,1942 NicWATCHTOWER. 311

scribed and much Bible literature was seized and territory. Hence the Ammonites’ move pictured a
destroyed. like move of the religious-political schemers for
,o Jehovah’s people, whoare in a covenant to serve world domination against Jehovah’s Theocratic Gov-
him according to his will and commandments, are ernment. That heavenly government under Christ
his witnesses. The name "Gilead" means ’~heap of began operations toward this earth in 1914. Not
testimony" or ’qleap of witness". It refers to the strange that then the World War was let loose and
testimony or memorial of witness that was set up the servants of Jehovah and his Government were
in that land to mark the nonaggression pact or agree- hated in all nations, in fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy
ment madebetween Jacob (later called "Israel") and setting forth the proofs of the end of the Devil’s
the father of Jacob’s two wives. The pact guaranteed uninterrupted rule. That same Jesus declared that
lasting peaceful relations between Jacob (Israel) what was done to his followers was done to him,
and his father-in-law. It called upon Jehovah to and hence that the hating of his faithful followers
watch between the two as to mutual performance by who were announcing his Kingdom was also hatred
each part)" of the terms of their agreementfor peace. expressed against Christ Jesus, who had begun his
,1 Today Christians who are Jehovah’s covenant active rule in 1914. The sore distress that thus came
people should have witness of their peaceful relations upon spiritual Israel was long ago foretold by the
with him and his organization. They enjoy "peace prophet Jeremiah and was called "Jacob’s trouble".
with God" through the Lord Jesus Christ as long (Jer. 30:5-9) Mark now how Jehovah wrought
as the)" keep their covenant with Jehovah God and deliverance for his people.
do not fight against his Theocratic organization.
(Rom.5 : 1 ; 8 : 16, 17) However,their enemies would
have it otherwise. In their opposition to Jehovah’s ~ "And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD,
Theocratic rule the political element of this world, saying, We have sinned against thee, both because
together ~xith the religious leaders, try to destroy we have forsaken our God, and also served Basils."
this peaceful relationship of Jehovah’s people with (Judg. 10:10) This was evidently toward the end
him. They try to take away the witness which Chris- of their eighteen )-ears’ oppression by the Ammonites
tians enjoy of such relationship with the Father. This and their coconspirators, the Philistines. Weare
they do by efforts to coerce them to violate their now more than eighteen years removed from that
conscience and their covenant with Jehovah. They critical )’ear of 1918, and can therefore scrutinize
also interfere in their field of activity and service the eighteen )-ears that followed downtill 1936, years
unto God and by force and by mischievous laws and marked by continuous persecution and oppression
judicial decisions prevent them from carrying out upon th<)se publishing Jehovah’s name and kingdom.
God’s commandmentsfreely and publicly. Thereby This persecution has been particularly marked since
the)" endeavor to cause his covenant people to fail the new name, "Jehovah’s witnesses," was discerned
of obeying God’s laws and to thus prove disobedient and adopted as their proper name in 1931. This
to him. The modern-day Ammonitesand Philistines fulfilled the ancient prophecy: "Thoushalt be called
did so during and after the World War period of by a new name, which the mouth of Jehovah shall
1914-1918, and their tactics today are a malicious name." (Isa. 62: 2, Am. ReD. Ver.) Whatname? ’~Ye
repetition of those of the past which then worked are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am God."
with such success. (Isa. 43:12, A. R. V.).After twelve years of stren-
’~ The ’~king-god" devotees extended their aggres- uous witnessing from 1919 forward amid the heat of
sions to other tribes of Israel. "Moreover, the persecution the revelation of the "new name" was
children of Ammon passed over Jordan to fight also madeto them in 1931 as a reward. (Matt. 20: 1-16)
against Judah, and against Benjamin, and against During those twelve years many sincere seekers for
the house of Ephraim; so that Israel was sore dis- God got their eyes open to the frauds and oppres-
tressed." (Judg. 10: 9) According to God’s decree sions of religion and its allies. They repented and
Deuteronomy 2:19-21 and 32: 8, 9, the Ammonites turned to Jehovah, and the Lord God brought them
had no right on the west side of Jozdan river. The into his "vineyard" to serve with his older members
crossing over and assaulting the tribes of Judah, of the faithful remnant, and these all shared in
Benjamin and Ephraim was simply an act of aggres- the "new name".
sion against the typical Theocracy which Jehovah "The years of affliction, from 1918 onward, did
had set up over the Israelites in their God-given not turn the remnant of Jehovah’s covenant people
away from him, but caused them to repent and seek
20 What does the name "Gilead" mean, and to what does it refer am
between 3acob ~and his father-ln-law
21 What witness to their relationship with Jehovah God .sh°uld 23 Wheu did the lsraelit~ repent and cry to the Lord, and in the
ChmsUans have today, and how do the political and relildous eJements fulfillment
~ of the drama, what facts down to 1931 show repentance
try to take away and destroy that wlm~s and relationship? and turning to God on the part of the spiritual Israelites
22 What did the Ammonites’ crossing Jordan and attacking other 24 What effect did the eighteen years of affliction, from 1918 onward,
tmbes of Israel picture, and how dld this fulfill the prophecy of Jesus have on Jehovah’s people, and what were they itirred to do respecting
coneermng his followers at the end of the world? serv/ee, organi~ttlon and worship!
his face. It stirred them to put away all things of people upon whom his name was called after he
this world, every thing tainted with religion, which had given them fair warning after previous exhibi-
is demonism. This was accompanied by constantly tions of deliverance. Said He : "Yet ye have forsaken
increasing their efforts in the service as witnesses me, and served other gods; wherefore I will deliver
to Jehovah’s name and his Government for the new you no more." (Judg. 10: 13) This meant that God
world. To this end there was a steady reorganization would delay to deliver them, in order that they might
amongthem to bring the organization more and more be chastened and thus purified. The delay would
in line with the Lord’s will and to make it more prove whether their cries were solely to escape the
efficient in doing his "strange world’. In 1932, or physical oppression and hardships laid upon them
eighteen years after 1914, the religious "elective by the demon-worshipers, or whether they really
elders" whowere an obstacle to the Lord’s work were wanted to serve Jehovah fully, abundantly, and
removedas being contrary to Scripture. Still later, without restrictions by the oppressors. (Heb.
in 1936, or eighteen years after 1918, the Lord God 12: 5-11) He would deliver them no more unless
enlightened the eyes of his witnesses to see that all their repentance was deep-seated, from their heart,
religion is a snare, and that Christianity is distinct because of the reproach they had brought upon his
therefrom. They saw that the true worship of God nameand because of displeasing him. Also they must
(or "Christianity") is the doing of God’s command- harbor no desire to commitfolly and return again to
ments as Christ Jesus does them, and that God’s religion. (Ps. 85: 8, 9) Jehovah was warning that
law was given as a protection against religion’s they could not endlessly trifle with him, because his
snare. Thereafter the faithful remnant of Christians time of dealing with them as a typical nation was
shocked the self-righteous feelings of "Christendom" limited, and his time might come when he wouht
by outrightly declaring that "reli~on is a snare and never again deliver them as a "nation". (John 11 : 48
a racket". This brought fiercer persecution upon such Acts 24 : 17 ; 26 : 4) Such time did finally comewhen
Christians. the nation of Israel rejected the King Christ Jesus
TEST OF SINCERITY and his apostles. Thereafter only a "remnant" were
,s Whenthe Israelites cried to Jehovah he did not saved out of that nation.--Rom. 11: 5, 7.
immediately deliver them, but tested their sincerity ’~ Likewise, after the Lord’s comingto the temple,
by delay. "And the Loud said unto the children of which was in 1918, God will not save "Christendom"
Israel, Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, and as an organization, due to her rebeIIious conduct
from the Amorites, from the children of Ammon, toward Him and his Theocracy under Christ. Jeho-
and from the Philistines? The Zidonians also, and vah, according to his promise, saves only a "remnant"
the Amalekites, and the Maonites did oppress you; of true spiritual Israelites whobecomehis official
and ye cried to me, and I delivered you out of their witnesses and servant upon earth. Besides these
hand." (Judg. 10:11,12) The Watchtower, as an he saves the persons of good-will who heed the wit-
instrument in Jehovah’s hand, has since 1919 hess given and join themselves to the remnant as
reminded his covenant people of like things. It has companionsin service. (Isa. 1:9 ; I0 : 20-2°_ ; Rom.
referred them to the inspired statements at 1 Co- 9:27-29) Hence Jehovah’s judicial announcement
rinthians 10 : 11 and Romans15: 4, and has empha- now by his Judge at the temple to the organizations
sized that those deliverances of ancient Israel were of professed Christians is: "He that is unjust, let
all typical or prophetic of grander acts to come; and him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him
that they were recorded in the Scriptures for the be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let lnm be
admonition, guidance and comfort of persons seeking righteous still: and lie that is holy, let him be holy
to serve the only true and living God today at the still."--Rev. 22 : 11.
end of the world. Such recorded deliverances call ’~ God’s primary purpose is not to save mere human
their attention to Jehovah who has saved and who creatures who have no rightful claim upon him,
can still save in fulfilhnent of his promise to do so. but is to vindicate his name. Therefore he says to
Hence the oppressed covenant people of God should those who reject him and turn to other gods for
turn to the one and only Savior and Deliverer and protection and salvation: "Go and cry unto the gods
wait upon him for liberation, in the meantimefaith- which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the
fully serving as his witnesses to others concerning time of your tribulation." (Judg. 10: 14) Regardless
these vital truths.--Isa. 43: 9-13. of what choice creatures make, Jehovah will vindi-
s6 It would be out of pure mercy and only for the cate his own name and prove He is the only God
vindication of his name if Jehovah Godrescued the and Deliverer, and that Christ Jesus is his appointed
27, What organization llke unfaithful Israel will Jehovah not save,
25. How did ~’ehovah test out the sincerity of the Israelites who but whom will he save at this time, and what is his Judicial
cried unto him, and how has The Watch~o~oer called attention to announcement concerning fixed destinies?
things llke those God brought to Israel’s remembrance? 28 As concerning vindication and salvation, what is shown in that
26. What was God’s purpose in delaying to deliver the people called God bade the Israelites to go and cry to the gods of their choice,
by his name, and in What =cuss would he deliver such Israelites no more? and what do~ he bid "Christendom" to do. and why~

King, Judge and Savior for those who seek the new embitter them against God, who permitted it for
world. In the present distress of nations and with their chastening, but would serve Jehovah God
a black future ahead "Christendom"turns to religion, because it was right and was in keeping with their
which is demonism, and not to Jehovah God and his covenant with him, and because idolatry of creatures,
Theocracy for deliverance. She uses the nameof God animate or inanimate, was an insult to sane human
on her lips, but idolizes and deifies heroes, menof intelligence. Their prayer for deliverance was that
affairs, and systems of humangovernment. To such they might be an honor to his name and be a
she looks for deliverance from the impending dis- ’~holy nation" unto him and thereby be proper wit-
aster. By such exaltation and adoration of creatures nesses before all the nations of the world. Such, too,
of this world men commit the worship of the "god of was the prayer of Jehovah’s faithful remnant at the
this world", whois the enemyof Jehovah the Creator time that the World War was stopped, in Novem-
of the righteous new world. The Lord God did not ber, 1918, leaving themstill alive on earth, but under
act on the pope’s "Holy Year" of 1933 for peace and restraints and oppression by the modern-day Am-
prosperity, and when "Christendom" with all reli- monites.
gious formality cries further to God in her great 3, Jehovah’s "]~Iessenger" was then at the temple,
extremity- he will not answer. "And he shall say, and the prophecy had foretold that he would judge
Where are their gods, their rock in whomthey and purge and cleanse those sincerely dedicated to
trusted; which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, his service and would set them in the way of the pure
and drank the wine of ttmir drink offerings? let and acceptable worship of the Lord God. (Mal. 3: 1-4)
them rise up and help you, and be your protection." This cleansing work, by means of the spirit of the
Lord and the purifying power of the truths revealed,
(Deut. 32 : 37, 38 : Jer. 2 : 28-30; Prov. 1 : 24, 31) The
"god of this world" will be unable to save "Christen- Jehovah’s Messenger and Judge did. The faithful
dora’. remnant responded and carefully and anxiously put
~" The Divine Record marks out the way of obtain- away all traces of religion, laying it aside as "the
ing mercy and deliverance. "And the children of sin which doth so easily beset us". They underwent
Israel said unto Jehovah, We have sinned: do thou training for His service and were anointed and sent
unto us whatsoever seemeth good unto thee; only forth as Jehovah’s witnesses. For this they have been
deliver us, we pray thee, this day. And they put severely criticized, condemned, opposed, and perse-
away the foreign gods from amongthem, and served cuted, and the Ammonitesand Philistines of today
Jehovah; and his soul was grieved for the misery in their alarm have raised the counter-cry of "Give
of Israel." (Judg. 10: 15, 16, Am. l~er. Vet.) It was us more religion. The world needs more religion to
particularly in 1936, toward the close of the eighteen save it from disaster." In response, in an astonishing
years after 1918, that the spiritual Israelites, Jeho- decision on June 8, 1942, the majority of the Supreme
vah’s witnesses, and their companionscameto realize Court ruled that a license-tax may be imposed upon
that they had aforetime been spotted and deceived faithful Christians who in obedience to Jehovah
by religion, and that due to it they had sinned against God’s commanddistribute his message of hope and
Jehovah God and failed to keep his commandments comfort from house to house. This decision favors
to be llis faithful and true witnesses. Theyhad given the worldly desire for the establishment of religmn
way to fear and reverence of creatures, which is in America in the postwar "new order".
reli~on. From and after the Lord’s coming to the ~The political-religious conspirators need not
temple they repented and mended their ways. think that Jehovah is unaware of the ill-treatment
Specially from 1922 on, when the presence of the which he permits upon his witnesses. WhenIsrael
Lord at the temple was revealed to them as in the of old, under Ammonitish-Philistine oppression, for-
temple picture recorded at Isaiah 6 : 1-11, the), made sook religion and turned to his worship and cried to
confession of having sinned. They confessed to hav- him, then, it is written, "his soul was grieved for
ing come short during the faith-testing World War the misery of Israel." He took action to avenge his
period due to their failure to keep on obeying God name and punish the oppressors and deliver his
as his public witnesses testifying to his Kingdom people. Doubtless Jesus had this in mind when he
now set up. gave the parable of the judge ~vho finally yielded to
’° It was before the eighteen years’ oppression was the persistent pleadings of the widow. Jesus applied
up that the Israelites of old repented, confessed, and the parable to this time just before the day of God’s
put aside the demon gods and their emblems. This vengeance, saying: "And shall not God avenge his
proved that they did not permit the oppression to own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though
31. Who dld the cleansing work toward Jehovah’s f~ithful remnant,
29 What confession did Israel then make to God, and what like how did these respond, and what countermovement have the Ammonites
confession did the spiritual leraeUtes make after 1918, and particularly and Phllietine~ of today carried on?
toward the close of the eighteen y~mrs there~tfter? 32 Being grieved for the misery of re1>entant Israel, for what purpose
30. What course did Israel then take toward religion or demonl~m. did Jehovah then take action, and laow did Jes~ confirm the like
and what was the motive behind their prayer for dellveranco? action as being due since his coming to the temple?
he bear long with them ? I tell you that he will avenge on their political position in Satan’s world. It also
them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man exposed to ridicule the religion which their hearts
cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke cherished. Theirs was a political religion, glorifying
18:7, 8) Certainly, since his coming to the temple, the demon-godwhose name means "their king". Their
he has not found this faith or belief in "Christen- patriotism for the state sprang forth from their
dom"; for she keeps up and increases her persecution religion and caused them to put the state up above
and oppression of Jehovah’s elect servants on earth. Jehovah, Israel’s God, and to fight against his cove-
nant people. The Ammonitemilitary forces encamp-
GATHERING AGAINST THEOCRACY ing in Gilead, which name means "heap of witness",
~ Totalitarian rule is the avowed handmaid of got out of their bounds and onto holy ground,
religion and enemyof the Lord’s Theocratic Govern- where they ought not to stand. (Matt. 24:15, 16;
ment. That fact is attested by the six thousand faith- Mark13:14) In modern fulfillment, it appears that
ful Jehovah’s witnesses whose organization was the political march into "Gilead" and encamping
broken up on Hitler’s seizure of the dictatorship and there began particularly in 1933, when the pope’s
who linger in German concentration camps to this "sword of the church" for restoring in Europe the
day. Concerning the totalitarian-religious combine "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" was
of which Hitler and the Vatican are symbols the put into power as totalitarian ruler of Germany.
prophecy of Daniel, chapter eleven, speaks. It Without delay he made his concordat with Plus XI
describes their aggressions in the "time of the end", and took action against Jehovah’s witnesses in that
where we now are, and says: "Ite shall enter also land.
into the glorious land, and manycountries shall be ~ The Lord’s covenant nation, now cleansed of
overthrown; but these shall escape out of his hand, religion, rose up to meet the aggressor. "And the
even Edom,and Moab, and the chief of the children children of Israel assembled themselves together,
of Ammon." (Dan. 11:41) Why Ammon? The and encamped in Mizpeh." (Judg. 10:17) ".~iizpeh"
prophetic drama of the judges shows it is because (or "Mizpah") means "watchtower". Here it refers
the Ammonitescommit the same type of acts against to "Mizpeh of Gilead". (Judg. 11: 29) Just how the
the earthly condition or "land" of the representatives city or town of that name came to be so called is
of the glorious Theocratic Government.Judges 10 : 17 explained at Genesis 31:48, 49 regarding the cove-
reads: "Then the children of Ammonwere gathered nant made between Jacob (surnamed Israel) and
together [were cried together (margin)], and en- Laban his father-in-law. "And Laban said, This heap
campedin Gilead." The Ammonitishpolitical element is a witness between me and thee this day. Therefore
of "Christendom" were cried together by the de- was the nameof it called Galeed [Heap of witness] ;
ceiving slogans and all the religious-Nazi-Fascist and Mizpah [Watchtower]; for he said, The LoI~D
propaganda, over a stretch of years, even in such WATC~between me and thee, when we are absent
democratic lands as America and Britain. The one from another." Hence the watching means care-
modern-day Ammoniteforces are gathered together fulness as to fulfilling one’s covenant with Jehovah
in various religious and patriotic organizations, such and lest one violate the covenant and earn Jehovah’s
as Catholic Action, whosereal purposes are political. disapproval.
Such organizations the ttierarchy of Vatican City "Since the watch-place at the stone-heap bearing
schemes to use to fight the IIierarchv’s battles and witness to the covenant was situated in Gilead, the
to protect it from exposure by the light of the truth. watching must apply to carrying out one’s covenant
"The Ammonitespitched tent in Gilead, part of with Jehovah to be his witness and to be at peace,
the territory of the typical Theocracy. The reason harmonyand unity with his Theocratic organization.
for their invasion was evidently that the Israelites This is shownby the further words of Jacob’s father-
put away the gods of the .4xnmonites and allies and in-law concerning his two daughters, Jacob’s wives,
came out wholly and unequivocally for Jehovah God who pictured God’s "woman" or organization: "If
as the Most High and the only true God, the Supreme thou shalt afflict mydaughters, or if thou shalt take
Power whose laws and commandments must be other wives [picturing organizations other than that
obeyed, regardless of the conflicting laws of the of Jehovah] beside my daughters, no man is with
oppressor totalitarian dictators. The demon gods us"; that is, to makea checkup and call the offender
stirred up the Ammonitesto resent this as a slur to account. BuT, "see, Godis witness betwixt me and
thee. And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap,
33 (a) What relation do the facts show totalitarian rule has with
religion and with The Theocracy. and why Ibs it that Ammonescapes and behold this pillar, which I have cast betwixt me
out of the hand of "the king of the north"~ { ) Howare the Ammonites
of "Christendom" cried together and gathered together, and for what and thee; this heap be witness, and this pillar be
purpose ?
54 (a) What was the reason for the Ammonite invasion of Gilead. and 35. Where did the Iaraelltes then encamp, what doe~ the name of
how did patriotism come to be Involved? (b) In fulfillment of the drama, the place mean. and how did it come to be 8o c~led~
when did the political march Into "Gilead" begin and with what 36. What is Indicated by the fact that the watch place was In Gilead,
pokttlcsA maneuvers ? and al~ by Laban’| further words at and concerning the watch-pines?
15,1942 fffieWATCHTOWER. 315

witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, danger, and a time for united, hard-hitting action,
and that thou shalt not pass over .this heap and this and the democratic, individual rule of procedure
pillar unto me, FORHAR~I.The God of [thy grand- had not worked nor stood the test as being Scrip-
father] Abraham, and the God of [my grandfather] tural. Due to Vatican City and its subtle scheme of
Nahor, the Godof their father, judge betwixt us. And RomanCatholic control of the world, totalitarian
Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac."-- rule or a world federation with a seat of centralized
Gen. 31 : 50-53. religious-political control and with religion on top
" Fromthe above historical circumstances the rally had appeared as a menace to all nations and as the
of the Israelites to Mizpah in Gilead pictured how arch foe on earth of God’s Righteous Government
Jehovah’s faithful renmant rallied together to ful- for the new world. The big question raised in Chris-
fill their covenant obligation to be his witnesses on tian minds was, V~ho can and will fight the mon-
earth to all nations, particularly from and after strosity and stop once and for ever its aggressions
learning their "new name" in 1931 and adopting it. on earth? Of themselves the little band of Jehovah’s
In 1937 the battle-cry stated in Obadiah’s prophecy, witnesses could not do so.
verse one, was raised, to go into action against ~ Turning back to the prophetic drama staged in
demonism,which is religion. Shortly after the mass Gilead: Whywere the repentant Israelites who had
assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses at Columbus, Ohio, turned to Jehovah perplexed? Why did not those
that year, with an attendance enlarged by a netavork Gileadites go forward, trusting in the Lord God?
of over 130 radio stations tied in with the convention, In asking and seeking for a man to lead the fight,
Jehovah God revealed to his witnesses that the were they relying on the arm of flesh instead of on
Theocratic rule is tile correct one for his organized Jehovah God ? Were they committing the same ntis-
servants. In the Watchtowereditions of June, 1938, take as the Israelites did manyyears later in asldng
the Theocratic organization was Scripturally dis- for a xfisible king to be ruler over them? No, not
cussed and explained, and, beginning with October 1 that. The Gileadites were eager to fight, for they had
thereafter, the Theocratic rule was established and raised an army and put it in the field and it wa~
set in operation in Jehovah’s visible organization on bivouacking at ’%Vatehtower" (Mizpah) of Gilead.
earth. This was long ago foreshadowed by Israel’s \\nnat they waited for and wanted was an organizer
action at the Ammonitishinvasion peril. and director of field operations, in order that they
might attack the Ammonites in organized nmnner
POPULAR RULE OR THEOCRACY, WHICH? with telling blows and so accomplish the victory to
"" "And the people and princes of Gilead said one Jehovah’s honor and glory. They wanted field-service
to another, What manis he that will begin to fight reorganization. The field maneuvers must be done
against the children of Ammon ? he shall be head over orderly, with proper organization instructions from
all the inhabitants of Gilead." (Judg. 10: 18) The the right source subject to God’s guidance. Instead
people doubtless included many "strangers" or non- of each pushing himself forward like office-seekers
Israelites who had taken up their sojourn with in a political fight in a democratic country and
Jehovah’s Theocratic nation and had submitted them- settling the issue by the people’s votes at the polls,
selves to His laws. This harmonizes with the actual those princes and the people of Gilead looked for
facts of today. There is a multitude of persons of the chosen one of the great Theocratic Ruler, the
good-will who have heeded the warning message Godof Israel.
sounded by Jehovah’s witnesses, and these have ,o To that one indicated of God they wouht yield
associated themselves with such in the war of truth their personal or sovereign rights and privileges m
against religion. Side by side they resist the totali- subjection to him. Said they: "’He shall be head over
tarian invasion of the worship of Jehovah. The all the inhabitants of Gilead." In the crisis they did
inquiry by the people and princes of Gilead fore- not want a number of heads with divided opinions
shadowed that Jehovah’s witnesses would search the and conflicting campaign plans of action; no, but
inspired Scriptures, and also study his latter-day unified, central command!They wanted to conform
dealings with them and his work of witnessing for to Jehovah’s former ways of dealing with his people
them to do. With what purpose in mind? This, to give them the victory, as, for example, whenHe
namely, to determine authoritatively the manner of raised up his visible Theocratic representative to
organization approved and ordained by Jehovah act the part of judge, such as Ehud, Barak, Gideon,
God to do that work. It was a time of extreme and others. This time they did not want to dash
37. What, then, did the rally of the Israelites to Ml~pah picture, when 39 What was the real desire behind the waiting and looking for a
was the battle-cry raised, and what rule of organization was shortly man to begin the fight, and did they proceed In ¯ democratic fashion
thereafter e~tabhshed ? toward setthngthe issue?
38 {a) At the camp in Mlzpah, whom did the "people" doubtless 40 (a) Why at that time did they decide that such man should be
include as confirmed by the facts of today? (b) What was foreshadowed head over them. and ~hat kind of command would such arrangement
by the inquiring of the people and pnnces of Gilead concernina a man mean~ (b) What is the only way to meet the aggression ot the total
to beg~n the righting against Ammon,and why was this needful? state under demon control?
ahead and overlook the Lord God’s provisions, but ing to manyof the foolish things brought from Baby-
again they desired to have a Theocratic represent- lon [organized religion]; who refuse to encourage
ative to be at the head and to issue God’sinstructions. their brethren to have part in the service and who
The Theocratic organization is the only way to meet refuse to participate in the service themselves. They
the total state with its despotic, dictatorial head object to the truth that appears in The Watchtower
under demoncontrol. Back there, the organization and discourage the brethren in the study thereof.
of Israel without a visible king was in fact a Theo- They scoff at the suggestion of going from door to
cratic organization. If everybody was faithful to door to carry the message of the kingdom to the
God’s covenant and kept his Theocratic laws given to people. By their course of action they cause dis-
Israel, then all would be well with the nation. Such couragement and division amongst the brethren. The
willing submission to Jehovah Godand his command- time has comefor the faithful to mark such and to
ments and arrangement for worship would be the avoid them, and to say to them that no longer will
national expression that allowed the most freedom to we entrust such men with the office of eldership.
the individuals for right-doing. It is so stated in the They should be invited to take a back seat until they
very last verse of the book of Judges: ’~ln those learn to co-operate in the Lord’s service. I would
days there was no king in Israel: every man did like to ascertain the sentiment of this convention in
that whichwas right in his owneyes."--Judg. 21 : 25. regard to this statement. Those who believe that
¯ 1 However,in a war against a regimented, authori- this statement is correct and that the elders should
tarian heathen nation engaged in a "total war" which encourage the brethren in the service and encourage
madeevery individual in the state a part of the war them in studying The Watchtower and themselves
machine, the Israelites could not afford to have any take the lead in the house-to-house service work, and
looseness of organization according to which "every that if the elders refuse to do this they should be
man did that which was right in his own eyes". They invited to take a back seat, signify their approval
needed then a Theocratic "head", the same as in the by standing up."--The Watchtower October 1, 1927,
case of earlier deliverances of Israel by Almighty page 293, paragraph 6.
God. To such head these Gileadites promised to ,a Under the great Theocrat’s leadings, in 1932 an
yield obedience. They would hold fast to him as the investigation was made into the question of such
Lord’s choice and be subject to organization instruc- "elective elders", that is, so-called "elders" elected to
tions through him and carry them out. position by the democratic vote of the congregations
¯ 2 Notably after the assault upon Jehovah’s cove- of Christians. The findings were published in the
nant people by the totalitarian modern Ammonites Watchtower issues of August 15 and September 1,
under Hitler together with his "fifth column" agents 1932, in the article "Jehovah’s Organization", to this
planted in all outside lands, including the United effect, that "elective elders" are unscriptural. On
States and other democratic countries, the like prob- pages 265 and 266 of such issue of The Watchto~ er
lem confronted spiritual Israel. Prior to this the a resolution was proposed for companies of Jeho-
organization of Jehovah’s witnesses had shown some vah’s witnesses to adopt, setting up a service com-
looseness, with the authority considerably divided, mittee with a "service director" in place of having
resulting in confusion, friction, and self-obstruction. a board of elective elders and deacons. This resolu-
An overhauling was needed. A beginning of this had tion was adopted and put into effect by the organized
been madewith the dropping of the Society’s travel- companies all the world round.
ing-speaker representatives, mere lecturers, and the "Even with the above reorganization for battle
replacing of such by "regional service" represent- against demonismthe proper principle of headship
atives, whowere sent out on "service appointments". and leadership was not discerned according to which
(See the last page of Tlle Watchtower of Febru- Jehovah’s witnesses could determine the one who
ary 1, 1928, in contrast with that of previous issues.) "shall be head over all the inhabitants of Gilead".
The decision to do this was madeat a special meeting The locating of the proper ’~head" required still
at the international convention of Jehovah’s wit- more searching, prayer and study. In Jehovah’s due
nesses at Toronto, July 18-26, 1927, the sixth of a time the true, rightful and divinely ordained "head"
series of seven annual assemblies. (See Revelation was found. This was whenJehovah revealed that his
9:13-21 and 16: 12-16.) In the course of a speech to organization in heaven and in earth is Theocratic.
that vast gathering the Society’s president said: It is ruled, not from the bottom up, but from the top
"There are those today in the church occupying down, and Christ Jesus, under Jehovah God, is the
the responsible position of elder whoinsist on hold- Theocratic Headof Zion, God’s capital organization.
41. Although Israel was then under a Theocratic arrangement, what 43. What findings were made in 1932 concerning "’elective elders", and
specially did they need in that time of war and ~hat must they render? ¯disposed
42. What like problem confronted spiritual Israel after the totalitarian how were such elected "eiders" of
assault began, and how had an overhauling of the organization been 44. With what revelation concerningGod’s organization was the proper
begun in 1927-19287 principle of headship and leadership discerned?
,s These truths were published in the June issues One, and who is at the temple, has ’laid hands’ upon
of The Watchtower of 1938, under the heading ’The Society’ as his ’faithful and wise servant’ and
"Organization". Because of its instant importance visible representative. (2 Tim. 1 : 6)... ’The Society,’
the following quotations are made therefrom: acting as the servant and representative of the Lord,
"Jesus Christ is ’the Head of the church’, which commits the testimony work to the Lord’s faithful
is his body. (Col. 1: 18) Jehovah is the ~head witnesses now on the earth. (2 Tim. 2:2) They too
Christ’ (1 Cor. 11:3), and therefore Zion, God’s must study to properly perform and set forth the
capital organization, is a Theocratic government, a will of God for his people. (2 Tim. 2: 15)"--The
pure Theocracy, and not ’a peoples’ mandate’ or a Watchtower June 1, 1938, paragraphs 2 and 38.
government ’of the people, by the people’. The organ- ’" Forthwith the entire organization of Jehovah’s
ization of Jehovah is a kingdom .... For this reason covenant people throughout the earth was brought
there are no individuals in the organization under into line with the Theocratic rule and on the first
Christ Jesus who hold a superior degree or rank of October that year the Theocratic organization was
of superiority. ’All are one in Christ Jesus’ and set going, with amazing results to follow despite the
under Christ Jesus, the Head. Jehovah God and world-wide totalitarian menace. Thus, in Jehovah’s
Christ Jesus are the Teachers, and Christ Jesus at appointed time and under his unfailing guidance,
the temple is in I3I~IEDIATECO.~II~[AN’D of the organi- his devoted witnesses and their earthly companions
zation invisible and visible. Separate and individual found the One, Jehovah’s chosen One, who shouht
rights do not exist, but ever)" memberof the organi- be their "Head" in the war against the demons and
zation must of necessity be in complete subjection religion. (Eph. 6 : 12) Howall this was marvelously
to the Head." staged in miniature in the experiences of the Gilead-
"Jesus Christ, Jehovah’s great Apostle or Sent ites The Watchtower will simw in its next issue.
(To be continued)
45 When and where were such revealed truths published, and what
trutl~s were set forth concermng the orgamzatlon, its head and its 46 When was the Theocratic ~ organization thereafter ~et goinf,, and
members, and also the Lord’s vlslble representauve? what did this show that Jehovah’s covenant people had found


HEnew world of righteousness is at the doors. The
T judgmentof the nations of the old world is hastening
to its disastrous climax, and the peoples are steadily
the street from the Cleveland City Hall, and, a little be-
yond, the mammoth Cleveland Stadium. By thin ~ ery prox-
imity of locations the outlines of the doomedworld and
being pressed to an individual decision and being dlwded those of the incoming "world without end" stood forth m
for and against the new world. Such momentousfacts were bold relief, in absolute contrast with one another. X ~ghtly the
made sharply to appear by the convening of the NewWorld Stadmmcrackled and boomedwith the show of the mihtary
Theocratic Assemblyand by its attending circumstances and forces of "the king of the south" with manythousands at-
the train of events that followed, all in the midst of the old tracted thither to watch the maneuvers; whereas at the
world girded for total war over world domination. Public Auditorium the thousands of devoted followcrs of
Never has the old world witnessed such an event as an Jehovah’s "Prince of Peace" joined in songs of praise to
earth-wide convention, embracing North America, Central the glorious Builder of the righteous NewWorld and heark-
America, South America, West Indies, Britain, Sweden, ened to messages concerning ttm Theocratic Government
West Africa, South Africa, and Hawaii, and including more under Christ and its’service, and malted in pra3 er for the
than 80 cities all featuring Identically the same programof increase of that Kingdom.
speeches and activities and on the same days. Such was this It was not the city mayor’sstanding by his contract for
NewWorld Theocratic Assembly, held September18, 19, 20, the use of the Cleveland PubIic Auditorium by Jehovah’s
by Jehovah’s witnesses, and with Cleveland, Ohio. as the w~tnesses at cost of thousands of dollars that showedwhere
key city. The successful conclusion of this stupendous gath- his heart was. It was his statement published in all the news-
ering of heralds and ambassadors of Jehovah’s new world papers the day before the assembly, and in which statement
who are hated, opposed and persecuted by aH nations of he declared he could not attend the Theocratic Asscmbly’s
"Christendom" was a victory for the new world. The fact public meeting, and would not attend even if he had no
that only one out of the originally scheduled number of other engagement,and then cordially invited all the people
cities in the United States failed of gatherings showsthat of Cleveland to stay away from the worship of Almighty
the "god of this world" and his demons and humandupes God, Jehovah, at the Public Auditorium. Whosevoice did
failed, and the rift between the NewWorld "sheep" and the "sheep" in Cleveland choose to hear and follow, that of
the Old World "goats" has becomewider. the anti-Jehovah mayor or that of the Great Shepherd of
At the key city, Cleveland, the representatives of prac- the sheep, whose Psalm 23 the mayor doubtless repeats at
tically every companyof Jehovah’s witnesses throughout religious meetings ? The mayor’s religious statement caused
the United States, and from across its borders, particularly considerable resentment amongthe citizenry, and the in-
from Canada, thronged into the stately and beautiful Pub- dependent-mindedpeople of this city of 900,000 gave him a
lic Auditorium, near the lake-front of Lake Erie and across "decided answer Sunday by packing out the Public Audlto-
rium and its subsidiary halls at the public address on use, or not eventhat,but only God’swordin theirmouths.They
"Peace--Can It Last?" must"arise,shine!"
At the time of making arrangements months in advance, Withthe vastaudience deeplystirredby thatexhortation from
God’stimelyWord,the Soclety’s president then steppedforward,
the Cleveland Convention and Visitors Committee had ex-
his part as announcedon the programbeingthatof "Presenting
pressed doubt that, since the death of the WATCSTOWER ’TheSwordof the Spirit’". Calmlyhe showedGod’swrittenWord
SOCmTY’Spresident last January, the Assembly of Jehovah’s to be that"sword",and the needof properly wlelding it. A Bible
witnesses could fill the Auditorium; to the Committee Jeho- editmnwlthhelpsfullyabreastof the latestrevealments of Bible
vah’s witnesses were an organization founded by and follow-
truthwas most desirable, at thistimeof expanding Bibleeduca-
ing a man and hence doomed to come to nought; and the
tionalwork.At thispointthe speakerheldforthon hlgha hand-
Committee listed sixteen conventions including that of Jeho- some maroon-coveredBible and announcedthe release of the
vah’s witnesses as due to be held in Cleveland, and it esti- WATCHTOWZR edition of The Bible. What a cry of dehght and
mated a total of 7,000 for all sixteen conventions. The spirit thunder of applause went up! Full-time pubhshers (pioneers}
squealed with dehght at the announcement of a copy for them
of Jehovah in his people put that worldly Committee to
absolutely free. With tense interest God’s wielders of the "sword
shame; at the address of welcome by the chairman opening
of the splat" followed the speaker’s description of the Bible ed,-
the Theocratic Assembly Friday evening, September 18,
tion and Its unusual features and how it was prepared and pro-
at eight o’clock, there were more than double the above-given duced, repeatedly applauding. All too soon the hour ended, and the
total figure, upward of 14,000 of Jehovah’s sere-ants. Gas-
telephonic circuit with other cities was broken But what a sur-
rationing, war-time inconveniences, and international
pnse l What joy! What satisfaction! Were nothing else bestdes
boundaries were unable to cause them to ’forsake the as-
this precious grit to be released at this Assemblyit was sufficmnt,
sembling of themselves together’. (Heb. 10:25) They
far more than anticipated. The brethren from lands where W*TCtZ-
obeyed God, and feared not man. vowER publications are proscribed and only the Bible may be
earned in witnessing from house to house were overwhelmed at
SURPRISES MARK PROGRAM OF EVENTS Jehovah’s provision of just what they reqmred. After the close
of the day’s sessions thousands eagerly procured and eqmpped
The mornmgand afternoonof the openingday wltnessedthe themselves with this ed,tion of the "Sword of the sptrtt" The
continuingarrivalof many thousandsm the city, keepingthe October 1 issue of The Watchtower, containing the ke.vnote speech
Rooms Accommodationdepartmentin the basementof the Audi- "The Only Light", was also released for general dlstrtbuUon.
torturewelloccupied, and also the TerritoryAssignment depart- Saturday, September 19, broke, a fair day, and the attendance
mentHencethesehoursweregivenoverto fieldactlvRies, brief swelled in numbers and bounded in enthusiasm. The acttvlt,es m
assembhes beingheldat 8 : 30 am. and 3 giveinstructionsthe field, advertising the Kingdom, increased and Cleveland and
from the platlormand to send the K.mgdom publishersforth adjacent places were given an exhiblUon of God’s ordained wit-
umtedlyto witnessfrom house to house,do mformauonwalking nesses such as they had never experienced therctofore. At 3 p.m,
wlthplacards or distributing handbillsadvertisingthe pubhcad- an hour before the president’s next announced address, the ma:n
dress,or offerthe Watchtower and Consolationmagazines on the auditorium wasfilled. In anticipation all the dropcurtains between
streetcorners.Such wltnesstng was doneboth m Cleveland and m thisand the musichall~nmediately adjoining to the rearhad now
many near-bytowns and terntolmsThe pohce acted wlth under- beenlifted,creatingan enormous bowl;one couldlookacrossthe
standing, and therewas but one arrestthroughout the entiretime doublestagefrom one end of the auditomumto the otherend of
of the Assembly, and that m an outlyingtown. the musichall,waththespeakers’ standin the midston the stage.
The PubhcAuditorium’s roam hallIs a tremendous, deephorse- The musichallaccommodated partof the overflow, and the seating
shoe,withground-floor, balcony, and gallery,
and facinga broad capacity arrangedfor alsom the cafeteria and m the servicede-
stage,and seating12,000persons.At 7:30 p.m. the songs of partmentbelowwas availedof. At the hour of 4 p.m neverwas
pralse,led by an orchestra of trainedmustcmns, began,and every an audience of upwardof 17,500moreattentive to hsten,thistime
seat was filledand all eyes turnedto the proscemum, whichwas to hear whatthe presldenthad to say on "Fighters for the New
adornedwlth palmsand vasesof beautl.tul flowers,flankingon World".
bothsidesthe speakers’stand.Behindwas a beautiful backdrop The speakerstressed thatm thiscntlcalworldsituation there
curtain,upon whichwas fasteneda broadbanner~uth ghttermg was a greatfightre.progress for the maintenance of the worship
lettersm red borderedwith shlmmermggold formingthe text: of Jehovah,which worship was being encroachedupon by the
"Blameless tn the day of our Lord"--1Cor.1 : 8. At eighto’clock totahtarmnpowers,the modern Ammonites.The mighty Fighter
sharpthe greatelectric circu,twas closed,tyingm by telephone to push them backand maintainJehovah’sworshipclearthrough
linesthe Americancltmsm the greatnetworkof gatherings wlth Armageddon into the New World was the Greater Jephthah,
the Cleveland platform. The stagingceased,and the vlce-prestdentChrmtJesus.The Lmperatlveneed m thLs crucmltune as m the
of the WATCH TOWZR gave the address of welcome, emphaslzmg days of Jephthahof old was for a centraland untriedcommand,
thatthinwas nevera one-manSocietyand neverw111be, but that and thisJehovahGod had established particularly since1918un-
Jehovah’s witnesses are following ChnstJesusas God’sappomted der the GreaterJephthah.Prominently assocmtedwlththis fight
Leaderfor them. The Assemblyapprovedthis declaratmnwlth for freedomof worshipof JehovahGod was and is hls vlstble
heartyapplause. instrument,the WAvcH Towzz Soclrr£. But what about Jeph-
The next fortymmuteswas occupiedby anotherrepresentativethah’svow?wheredoeshis one and onlychild,hm daughter, figure
of the Society’s headquartersat Brooklyn,who delivered the key- in the fulfillmentof the great prophetmdrama?How was she
notespeech,"TheOnly Light."Thls was basedon Isaiah’sproph- offeredup for a burntofferingin carryingout Jephthah’s vow?
ecy,chapters fifty-rune and sLxty,showingthatthe lightof Jeho- Thrilledbeyondmeasure,and m many cases movedto tears,was
vah’s Theocratm Governmentby Christ Jesus would never be thishushedaudienceat the amazmgexplanation, whichthe speak-
blackedout by the totahtanan forces,but that God Almightywas er duly madewithmodern-day facts,showingthatthe ’Jephthah’s
now glvmgthe "Go ahead"signalto hxs witnesses on earthdespite daughter’ classare the faithful remnant’s companions, the Lord’s
totalwar and persecution, and that theymust contmuepreaching "othersheep",and who are gathered, not for commercial explolta-
the l~ingdommessageto the finalend, even if all WATCHTOWER tionby Jehovah’s witnesses, but to be turnedover whollyto God
pubhcattonsbe taken away and only the Bible be left them to Alrni~hty’s continuotm servleeat his holy templein eelebrauon
OCTOBER 15, 1942 NieWATCttTOWER. 319

of the victories of his Kingdomtruth and worship over the oppos- eagerly taken up and finally all supplies thereof exhausted. At
mg powers of demomsm and totahtarlanism Pointing out that close of the day the regular echtion was released for d,~tnbuUon
the ’Jephthah’s daughter’ class was already accomphshmg a good afield to the public.
work at God’s temple, and that the fight foreshadowed by Jeph- Other events followed after nightfall. As preliminaries the aged
thah’s victorious campaign was not yet over, the speaker then pro- secretary-treasurer of the WATCH TOWIgRSOCIETYgave a five-
posed the following for adoption by the Theocrattc Assembly: minute expression, comparing this assembly, h~s stxtleth conven-
tmn to date, with earher ones, and vmcmghis apprcclatmn par-
RESOLUTION tlcularly of this one; also another servant, long in the Soc,ety’s
"JEHOVAH’S wrrNESSES, gathered throughout the earth in Theo- work, expressed hm appreciation and stressed how this assembly
cratm Assembly, do hereby declare: was a wslble proof that this was no human leader’s organLzatmn
"THAT Jehovah God is the great Theocrat and the Builder of but that the Lord God was m charge thereof by Christ Jesus
the .New World, and Chmst Jesus his Son is God’s appomted Then followed the dlseourse on "Prancer Opportumtles Now",
Judge and King of the New World and is the Head of God’s capi- sounding out the call for 10,000 pmneers by next April, the dJs-
tal organization; and God’s organization Is Theocratic; course on "Serving The Theocracy", reviewing the new OrganLza-
"THAT we are uneqmvocally devoted to Jehovah’s Theocratic tmn Instructmns and further heartening all Kingdom publishers
Government by Christ Jesus, and therefore recogmze our commts- by the announcement and description of a decidedly new feature,
stun and obhgatlon from the Lord God to proclaim the gospel of the Society’s sendmg forth from October 1 onward of "servants to
Ills kingdom and to thereby comfort all that mourn. This we must the brethren"; and finally the stirring address by the Society’s
do without fall and regardless of all worldly opposltmn; vtce-presldent and legal attorney on "Victory", setting forth Jeho-
"TIt~T, by the fulfillments of prophecy and by the course of vah’s promise, and his hltherto fulfillments of such promise, to
action taken under the Lord’s guidance and blessing, the WATCH give vmtory to his "fighters for the new world". This discourse tcr.
TOWER SOCIETYIs the vlstbte part of the Lord’s organLzatlon; and mmated m a further surprise, when m answer to the crees of
the only proper and rightful orgamzatmn and rule of the Society "Yes ~" by the audmnce expressing their wiUm~ess to use a handy
is the Theocratic orgamzatlon and rule; instrument from the Lord for their service work, the Society’s at-
"THATthe purpose of the Society and the acuvltles of Jeho- torney announced the release of K, ngdom News No. 11. wtth the
vah’s w~tnesses In co-operatmn w~th it are not commercial and are front-page eaptmn, "The People Have a R~ght to Good Ne~s
absolutely separate from the pohtles of this world. Their work Is Now."
an unselfish one of educatmn m the Bible and earned on m obe- Sunday morumg, September 20, was marked by a h tgh wind
dwnce to the commandment of the Most High God and to enhghten and squall of ram that did damage along the lake front, but d~d
men of good-will concerning the only hope of humankind, God’s not daunt Jehovah’s people from assembhng for his wm~lnp and
kmgdon:. All the increase that God gives to this work m gathering service. The day was opened w~th a d~scourse on "Bapt,sm" at
tIis "other sheep" into the fold we acknowledge to be the Lord’s 8 a.m., and 459 presented themselves for water Immersion m sym-
and shall ymld up such to the Lord to be used wholly m His service ; bol of thmr complete consecration to the Lord, it was a pleasure
"THATwe are opposed to all totahtanan rule and Its hm~ta- to behold so many young persons thus ’remembering their Creator
tlon of the worship of Jehovah God through Jesus Christ We owe m the days of thmr youth’. These, ~mmedlately after baptism,
allegiance to no foreig’n power, rehgmus or polmcal, but our Head joined their other compamonsm the field activities
and Leader is the One of God’s choice and designation, Christ At 3 p.m. the reassembled servants of the Lord were refreshed
Jesus the Kang, whose example we will follow m the worship and by the dmcourse dehvered by a representative from Canada, where
servme of God. Come what the Lord may permit, we will continue Jehovah’s w~tnesses are declared an "illegal" orgamzatton, ins
to worship Jehovah God and to resmt all demon,zed eneroachments subject being "Defeat of Persecutmn". During the half-hour mtcr-
upon His worship and service, and to fight on m indissoluble umty m~ssmn that followed the Assembly, already packing out the mare
until tie gives the victory through his Theocratic Government by aud~tonnm and mumchall (with no mter~’enmg curtains to block
Christ Jesus. the full-range vision), was due to reach Its h~ghest attendance
"Dated, Saturday, September 19, 1942 " If the e~ty mayor was then m h~s office the windows of winch iook
The president backed away from the microphone, and instantly across the street to the facade of the Public Audltormm. his eyes
a representanve of the Society sprang forward and moved the would behold the manifest rebuff from Jehovah for the uncalled-
adoptmn of the Resolution by "this New World Theocratic As- for, unnecessary pubhshed declaratmn calling on all Cle~elandcrs
sembly gathered m fifty-two cities throughout the length and to boycott the worship of" Jehovah God, the Father of our Lord
breadth of these United States of America" The Assembly chair- Jesus Christ Itow so? Because the tremendous advertising cam-
man promptly came forward with a ’Second the motion’, whereat pmgn preceding and during the three-day Assembly was m~ght~ly
the president said. "All in favor of the motion duly made and blessed of Jehovah w~th success, and truth-seeking "sheep" of
seconded to adopt this Resolution, give their word beiore the Cleveland and roundabout were not going m the we) of ~he
Lor~ God, saying ’Aye!’ " In solemn reahzatmn that they were "goats" but pouring into the great two-block-long structure, fill-
giving their word before Jehovah God as Jephthah did m Muzpah mg up even the extra seating arrangements m the eafeterm, ser~ ~ce
long ago, the assembled host of fighters for the new world, old and department, and ballroom, and standing crowded m the foyer and
oung, gave voice to their earnest conmetion and their unhesitating lobby, and outside the braiding near loudspeakers The ofiScml
affirmation with a mighty "Aye!" and then broke forth m up- count was 26,000 m attendance; nor did ever a more o~derly mul-
roarmus applause. titude of that size assemble.
On the stage the president smilingly waited for the applause Nmther was that great host disappointed at what they received
to dm down, and then drew forth a peach-colored artmle from an Hugely repaid they were for their coming. The pubhc address de-
envelope with these words: "To all Kingdom publishers and fight- hvered, as pubhcly advertised, by the Watch Tower president,
ors for the new world it is now my privilege to release the latest Brother Knorr, on the subject "Peace---Can It Last?" was master-
prowsmn of Jehovah God through his Greater Jephthah, this book ly. Worthy to be mentmned~s the tense interest and sustained at-
entitled ’The New World’," and held the book on high. Taken tention of those many thousands, caught and held qmet and silent
utterly by surprise at this unexpected second major release to the m the grip of the simple logic and truthfulness of the speech, and
Assembly, the aroused thousands burst forth m a joyous cheer, repeatedly breaking forth into expression of approval by heavy
while many wept tears because of the abundance of the Lord’s applause. To the questmn, Can rehgmn, whose chief rehglous head
goodness. This "Pubhshers’ Edition" of The New World was at" the Yat~can sat closeted for fifty minutes w~th the nation’s
presldent’s personal envoy tothepopejustthedaybefore, guaran-this day is Judges 5:9, ’My heart is toward the governors of
teea lasting peacel theScriptural answer givenwasa stingingIsrael, that offered themselves willingly amongthe people.’ We
No!Asthespeech progressed theaudlence sawwithmental vision gratefully acknowledgeyou, Brother Knorr, as the Lord’s anointed
a word-plcture drawnaccording to Revelatlon chapter seventeen,servant, chosen to fill the office of president of the WATCH TOWER
andsawtheidentlty of thescarlet beastthatnow"isnot"but SOCIETY. The Lord’s spirit has indeed been poured out upon you.
sawit readyto ascendoutof thebottomless pitto becomethe Mayhe guide and direct you ever in administering the earthly in-
"beastthatwas,andis not,andshallagainbe present", this terests of The Theocracy.
timewlththeBabylonish religiousharlot dangling herlegsover "Truly the fulfillment of Jephthah’s leadership is amongst us
itsback. Butonlyfor"onehour" in thefuture this, andthenthe today. The central control has been placed in the Theocrahc So-
harlotis unseated and destroyed, and "theKingof kingsand ciety, where it rightly belongs. Wegreatly desire to express our
Lordoflords"destroys this"NewOrder" ’peacebeast’ wlthits appreciation of the blessings and bountiful provisions given to
sevenheadsand tenhornsat the bigfightat Armageddon. To us at this convention. Amongstthe evidences of Jehovah’s pro-
therelated question, Who,then, willestablish thelastmg peace, VLSmns is the fact that we are privileged to be at the key c~ty of
andwhen?theanswer, givenwithout fearorapology, was,Jeho- 52 conventions held in America. It has undoubtedly been the
vahGod’sTheocratic Government by ChristJesus,andafterthe Lord’s will for his people to assembleat this season to be spirit-
utterdestruchon of theDevil’s demomc, rehgious, totalitarian ually refreshed, by the very fact that the enemyhas been thwarted
orgamzaUon m itsentirety at Armageddon. The glories andthe in his attempts to interfere with these assemblies for divme wor-
etermty oftheKangdom peacethentocometo earthandthewor- ship. Wegratefully acknowledge receipt of the NewWorld edi-
shlpcrs ofJehovah inhabitingitwasbriefly described inScriptural tion of The Bible, ’the sword of the spirit’; the beautiful book
terms,andtheau&ence wasreferred forfullerinformation to The NewWorld; Kingdom News No. 11; the new Theocratic In-
the newly released book, TI~e NewWorld. Everyone in the audi- structions; and the booklet Peace--CanIt Last f Recountingthese
ence was offered a free copy of the speech in the final Assembly evidences we also recognize the timely spiritual counsel and new
release, the booklet Peace--Can It Lastf and manyacted upon truths provided for our edification. Wehereby declare our great
the graclous offer of ten copras free to anyone whomsoeverwho joy to take immediate action on the ’Go ahead’ mstructmn, and
desired to pass ~t out freely to others whohad not heard. again affirm our determination to be ’blameless mthis day of our
That evemngthe antichmax came, and it was most comforting Lord’.
and heart-warming to the manythousands that remained for this "Wewish to express our appreciation for the muchtime and
evening sessmn, so manyas still to crowd out the Pubhc Au&to- thoughtful care and great study devoted to the tremendousprep-
rmm. It began by a member of the Norwegian merchant marine, aratmns made for thLs world-wide assembly, and we all thank the
temporarily on shore leave and able to attend the Assembly, who great Jehovah, the Giver of every good and perfect gift; the Lord
told of thrilling encounters with Jehovah’s witnesses m South Jesus Christ, the mighty Vindicator; yourself as president of the
Africa and Egypt, the Lord’s new hterature getting through to Society; and your faRhful co-workers at Brooklyn Bethel, who
them tirelessly and lovingly shared with you in preparing these blessed
Nowthe programedfeatures began, with a report by a repre- gifts.
sentauve from Australasia. A report then followed by a represent- "The Lord Jehovah has said that he would open the windowsof
atlve from Britain. These two reports helped thc Americanbrethren heaven and pour out a blessing that there would not be room
to appreciate what freedomof action and large privileges of serv- enough to receive it. This indeed is our blessed porhon this day.
ice, with the best and fullcst of equipment, they still enjoy over Wehave received to overflowing, and cannot contain more.
here in contrast with those m Australasia and Britain. A report on "We now wmhyou and all the Bethel family Jehovah’s richest
the Assemblyachvities was next made blessing in the comingdays. Wego back to our respective assign-
The concluding discourse was then given by the Assemblyserv- ments mthe Lord’s ’vineyard’, where we uull keep covenant obli-
ant, on "Final Gathering", which would have made the cars of the gation and also continue singing the Victory Song. Weare fully
Cleveland Conventmnand Visitors Committeeand the city mayor determined to fight for the NewWorld, which we are now enter-
tingle at hearing. Finally, a "message from the president" was ing, and with the Lord’s word nngmgm our ears: ’As for me,
due to be given, but, before Brother Knorr could be introduced by this LS mycovenant vnth them, saith the LoItD; Mysprat that is
the ehmrman,a representahve from Canadastrode across the plat- upon thee, and my words whmhI have put in thy mouth, shall
form and asked pcrmissmn to read the following written expres- not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed,
stun of apprecmtmn. This had been spontaneously drawn up by nor out of the mouthof thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from hence-
a group of grateful brethren who felt that an express response forth and for ever.’--Isaiah 59: 21."
from the Assemblyas a whole should he madebefore the Lord there At the request that all stand who approved of this as their
before disbanding. The permlssmngranted, he read as follows: own heart-lea expression the entire Assemblyrose as one man
"September 20, 1942. Quietly the president then dehvered hus final message to the
"To the President of the Society. servants of Jehovah God now poised for departure to their re-
"Dear Brother Knorr: spective fields of activity. Briefly he showedthe growth of the
"Our hearts are full, and we feel constrained to express to you Lord’s vimble organization from shat it was in 1922_ and to what
our great joy in attending this NewWorld Theocratic Assembly. it is today, by Jehovah’s grace. He warnedthem of greater trials
Everybody here is saying: ’This Is the greatest conventmnyet; ahead, sparing neither brothers nor sisters, but remindedthem of
we are overwhelmedwith blessings; we are satisfied.’ Jehovah’s prommesand sounded Hts keynote of vtctory to the
"Wehave all cometo this conventmn,our first assembly since more-than-conquerors. He announced the coming msits of the
the passing of our beloved Brother Rutherford, to receive further "servants to the brethren" and spoke of the Lord’s other prowsions
knowledge and instructmn from Jehovah. Each one of us can for their comfort and use m HLsservice.
testify before the Lord that the leadersbap of Christ Jesus, the With such concluding words the Lord sent his people back to
King of the NewWorld, m more ewdent today than ever before, the fields of witness as "fighters for the newworld". With full
and that recent changes m the administration have not affected the hearts the Assemblyblended their voices in a song denoting their
forward movementof the Lord’s work. On the other hand, we are stand for Jehovah and His King, the president closed with grate-
receiving today a greater vtsion and knowledgeof The Theocracy ful prayer, and thus the NewWorldTheocratic Assemblyreached
and a fuller apprecmtion of our responsibilitms before the Living its triumphant end, in vmdicatmn of Jehovah’s name and Word
Godin being ttis witnesses in these days of great peril. Howtrue and power.
° -

thatI amJehov~’.’


SoleWayto StopAggressors ............
11 7 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T
HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de~
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
N. H. KNOB,President W.E. VAN AMBWaO~, Eecretary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all flay children shall be tauf~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other meansof public
~reat shall be fhe peace of L~y children." -IJaiah 54:z3. instruction inthe Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH Itadheres strictly totheBible asauthority forItsutterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the onlytrueGod,Is fromeverlasting to ItIsentirely freeandseparate fromallrellglon, parties, sects
everlasting, theMakerof heaven andearthandtheGiverof llfe orotherworldly organizations. Itiswholly andwithout reserva-
tohiscreatures ; thattheLogos wasthebeginning ofhiscreation,tionfor thekingdom of Jehovah GodunderChristhis beloved
andhisactive agent inthecreation of allthings ; thattheLogos King. Itisnotdogmatic, butInvites careful andcritical examina-
isnowtheLordJesusChrist inglory, clothed wlthallpowerin tionofItscontents inthelight oftheScriptures. ItdoesnotIn-
heavenandearth,andtheChiefExecutive Officer of Jehovah. dulge incontroversy, andItscolumns arenotopentopersonalities.
THAT GOD createdthe earthfor man, createdperfectman
forthe earthandplacedhim uponit;thatman willfully dls- yrJtRr.T SUBSCRIPTION P~IC~
obeyedGod’slawandwassentenced to death; thatby reason of UNIt"Ira) STA~S, $I.00; CAN4DA ArabMZSCZ~t2~IOUS FORE:G,~. $1.50
Adam’s wrongactallmenarebornsinners andwithout theright GREAT BRITAIN, AuSTaALASII, AND SOUTH ~J~itlC£,
tuners should be madeby Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
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to life. Draft. Canadian.British, South African and Australasian remittances
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered shouldbe madedirect to the respective branchnieces. Remittancesfrom
countries other than tho~ mentionedmaybe madeto the ]grooklyno~ee,
death In order to produce the ransom or redemp:’ve price for but by lntern~t~ona~Postal MoneyOrderonly.
obedient ones of mankind; that Godraised up Jez.~s divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name F0g~cmOrgzcT.s
and clothed him with all power and authority. B~,~Is~, 34 CravenTerrace, Londou,W.~:England
THATJEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION ts a Theocracy called Zion, Cnnad/~#t~ .. 40 L-’winAvenue,Toronto5, Ontario,Canada
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Auetra~la~ -- 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, H. S. W., Australia
ful Kingof the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Bo~t~Aj~#IC~t BostonHouse,CaPeTown,SouthAfrica
P1east address the Society in every cue.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all whowill hear.
THATTHEWORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere atudent~ of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, pover¢~ or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subilerlpflon price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the eatabllshment of lower free upon written application to tha ~_ubllshers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting IL We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdomon earth. needy, but the written applieatton ones each year ta required by the
postal regular/ont.
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdomunder Christ, which ~otlea to I~ub#~be~: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has nowbegun; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruction seription
will be sent
may be expected
only when requested.
to apPear on address
Change of address,
label wlthln
one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness In A renewal blank (earrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
Journal one month be~ore the subscription expires.
the earth, nnd that under the kingdomthe people of good will that
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered a# ~eoomf~h~a matter ~ t~e post o~Baa at Brookllm, ~q. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race.

"VICTORY SONG" TESTIMONYPERIOD inchesin size.TheBibletextisthatof thepopular KingJames

Decemberis the month that brings to a dose the calendar Version, unchanged, . and printed m miniontype,wathhandy
rear of the old world. It ts w~th ~oy that the servants of marginal references, andw~thmaps.Amongotherfeatures, ~t
~Iehovah stag the V~etory Song after a long hattie; but they contains an extensive listof Biblenamesandexpressmns and
look forward to further battles and vzctones. The fmthful do theirmeanings; alsoa 59-page coneordance of keyBxblewords
say w~tb gladness of heart that they have remained "blameless and phrases,as wellas a farthersectmncontaining fully
in the day of our Lord" and wall continue to do so, by the Lord’s
grace. During the "Victory Song" Test~nony Period the song God’sWordteaches on suchsubjects as ordination of Christmas
of the new world will be sung. To do this the pubhshers of to preaeh,theScriptural mannerof preaching, whatm hell,
The Theocracy will offer to tbe people the pubhcatmn The New promises eencerning theKingdom, thestandard of theChnstmn,
World and the booklet Peace--Can It Lastf on a con~bution and likeimportant issuesof the day.Suchfeatures make~t
of 25e. If you wash to jam m the "Victory Song~’ Testtmony excellent notonlyforprivate study,butalsoforBibleeduca-
Period during the month of December, make arrangements now tmnalworkin the fieldamongseekers fortruth.ThisWATCH-
with your local companyservant. If you are not assocmted with ~x)w~zedition Bible isoffered ona contributionof$1.00 a copy,
a company, write &reet to the Society for further information. andmailedto you postage prepaid.RemRtanee shouldaccompany
allorders, whether inchviduallyor fromcompanies ofJehovah’s
WATCHTOWER EDITION OF THE RIBL~ witnesses sending combined ordersthroughtheirservants.
For the first time in its sixty years of existence the Wa~c~ "WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES
TowzaSoctm’Y has printedon its own pressesan editionof
theBible. Thiswasreleased by thepresident at theNewWorld Week of December 6: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 2),
Theoeratic~ Assembly, lastSeptember, to thegreatsurprise and ¶ 1-23 inclusive, The Watchtower November 1, 1942.
joyofthevastgathering, andtheentire stockof 35,000 copies Weekof December 13: "Fighter for the NewWorld" (Part 2),
wasat oncetakenup by theeonventiouers. ThisB~bleedition ¶ 24-47 inclusive, The Watchtower November1, 1942.
ishandsomely boundin maroon leatherette, andis 7¼by 5 by i| (Continued on page 335)
No.LXIII NO~nER1, 1942 No. 21



"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if vzy ki,gdom were of this u’orld, then uould my
servants fight."--John 18:36.
EHOVAH opens the way into the new world, a with the principles laid down in the Encyclical
J world free of all demon rule and totalitarian
aggression, enslavement and cruelty. By a fight,
Return Novarum,to which Pope Pins called attention
in his June I speech". (New York Jour~al-Amerzcan)
the greatest in universal history, Jehovah sets free Nowreligion uses the totalitarian monstrosity to
those who now suffer for righteousness’ sake and fight against Jehovah in the endeavor to stamp out
who shall enjoy life abundantly and without end in His worship and the proclamation of His new world
the new world. That fight is near at hand. By his from the earth.
beloved Son, who judges the nations and makes It is a time of great crisis for all worshipers of
war in righteousness, Jehovah of hosts will surprise Jehovah God in spirit and in truth. The questmn
all enemies by the suddenness of his attack. Then is before all "Christendom", namely, Which is the
all the nations that scoff at the Bible record of past true worship? Whomdo you worship and serve?
battle performances of Jehovah and that mock his The vast majority are being scared off and driven
witnesses shall see Jehovah in action for the aveng- away from any consideration and choice of tile
ing of his name, his cause and his people against worship of Jehovah. They are being herded into
all whodespise his nameand rule. Their destruction religion’s pens by the aggressions and assaults of
will leave the new world forever free of them. the totalitarian powers against the worship of Jeho-
s Wherereligion will stand in that fight is made vah of hosts. None can stand up alone and survive
certain by her past and present position. Religion against that religious-totalitarian "abomination of
has always fought against Jehovah and his worship. desolation". Only Jehovah’s organization can and
Christ Jesus is the Chief Worshiper of Jehovah. will fight that new-order "abomination" to a stand-
For that reason religious priests, scribes, Pharisees still and set the earth free of it. Jehovah’s organiza-
and law~/ers had him killed, while they chose as ldng tion is Theocratic and it will maintain the wor~lnp
the Roman Caesar who was a demon-worshiper, of Jehovah God under the most terrific pressure
hence a devil-worshiper. At this day Romeis the and all-out assault of demonsand of rulers religious,
first city of moderntimes to go over to totalitarian judicial and political. Jehovah’s organization, Ins
rule and is the seat of totalitarian Fascist rule. It Theocracy, will preserve unbroken His worship into
is totalitarian Fascist Romethat was first to sign the new world. Only those who practice Jehovah’s
a concordat, in 1929, with the Vatican, setting free worship in spirit and in truth shall survive the great
the chief religious head of "Christendom". By its Fight and live in that "world without end". These
papal nuncio (who is nowpope) and by its Catholic true and dependable facts were marvelously por-
statesmen and commercial magnates the Vatican trayed in an actual-life drama of ancient days, the
maneuveredthe Nazi totalitarian dictator into power prophetic drama of the valiant fighter Jephtlmh. It
in Berlin and immediately signed a concordat with is recorded in the eleventh chapter of the Bible book
him guaranteeing that (to quote Fritz Thyssen) "the of Judges.
rights of the Catholic Church would not be infringed JEPHTHAH

upon". On June 9, 1941, a United Press dispatch ’ With particular reference to us today the inspired
from Romeannounced that "an editorial in the Turin apostle wrote, saying: "Wherefore seeing we also
newspaper Stampa said today Germany and Italy are compassed about with so great a cloud of wit-
are organizing a new European order in conformity 3 (a) What question concerning worship Is before all "Christendom".
and where are the vast majority being driven on the questlon~ Ibl %%hat
1. By whom and by what action will the wsy into the new world, organization alone can stand up against the new-order "abolnlua[ton",
shortly, be opened, and of whom will that world be made free thereby? and whose worship will be preserved unbroken into the aew world?
2 What POsition has religion taken towzrd Jehovah and his worship 4 (a) What "cloud of witnesses" encompasses us about, and for ~*bom
In the past, and where will religion stand in the fight for the new were they witnesses ~ (b) What divine provimon therefore awaits Jeph-
world as shown by her ¢oume since the rias of N~I and Fascist thah, and why is this of special interest to those now alive on earth
t otaLttarL¢~ rule? and witnessing for Jehovah?

nesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of
which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land
patience the race that is set before us, looking unto of giants .... And I gave Gilead [the territory]
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (Heb. unto Machir." (Deut. 3: 11-15) "And the children
12 : 1, 2) What "cloud of witnesses" encompasses us Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and
about? and witnesses for whom?Those witnesses for took it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in
Jehovah that the apostle mentions in the previous it. And Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son of
chapter, running all the way back to Abel the first Manasseh; and he dwelt therein."--Num. 32: 39, 40.
martyr for Jehovah. Amongthose ancient Jehovah’s ’ It required fearless fighters to hold that border
witnesses who overcame this world by their faith territory of Bashan and Gilead; and therefore con-
in Him the apostle names and lists Jephthah. (Heb. cerning the allotment of the conquered territory
11:32) Jehovah has reserved a princely place on among the twelve tribes of Israel it is written:
earth for Jephthah in the new world. Shortly Jeph- "There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh,
thah will have part in the ’~better resurrection" from for he was the firstborn of Joseph ; to wit, for Machir
the dead and shall ’rule in righteousness’ with his the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead;
fellow princes, as visible humanrepresentatives of because he was a man of war, therefore he had
the heavenly Theocracy under Christ Jesus. (Heb. Gilead and Bashan." (Josh. 17 : 1) Wouldthe Gilead-
11 : 35, 39, 40 ; Isa. 32 : 1 ; Ps. 45 : 16) TheScriptures ires hold that Theocratic ground against the demon-
give good grounds to believe that there shall shortly worshipers? We shall see.
be a meeting on earth of those faithful witnesses of * Jephthah the Gileadite was descended from a
old when resurrected and those who are now like fighter, namely, from Machir, a "man of war". In
them in faithfully witnessing for Jehovah God in view of the above history it is reasonable that the
these days of the religious-totalitarian monstrosity. father would call his son "Jephthah", meaning "He
Will you see those resurrected witnesses who shall [that is, God] sets free". This would call attention
be made"princes in all the earth"? If such is your to how Jehovah had set Israel free from giant "king
desire you will now read with interest the facts on Og and the other practicers of demonism that
the prophetic drama of Jephthah and its unmis- occupied the land allotted to the tribe of Manasseh.
takable fulfillment at this end of the world. This Jehovah God did by helping Machir and Ills
s "NowJephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man son Gilead in battle and giving them the victory
of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and over the giant monstrosity and other demonized
Gilead begat Jephthah." (Judg. 11:1) In Scripture Amorites that were holding downthe land of Gilead
the names of God’s actors in his prophetic dramas without any authorization by Jehovah God.
are full of meaning and are keys to the understand- ’ Jephthah inherited some of his "valour" from his
ing of the dramas. Jephthah’s namemeans "Opener", ancestor Machir. But Jephthah was a "mighty man
or, "setting free." The territory of Gilead was part of valour" mainly because of his faith in Jehovah,
of the Holy Land and lay east of the Jordan river, for whomJephthah was a fighting witness. This is
in what is now called "Trans-Jordan". Jephthah’s proved by the apostle’s record of ancient men of
father, Gilead, was a namesakeof an earlier Gilead, faith, at Hebrews 11:32, reading: "And what shall
a memberof the tribe of Manasseh, and concerning I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of
him it is written: "Of the sons of Manasseh: of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of
Machir, the family of the Machirites: and Machir JEPHTHAh; of also, and Samuel, and of the
begat Gilead: of Gilead come the family of the prophets." Jephthah was like an earlier fighter,
Gileadites."--Num. 26 : 29. Gedeon, who was also a "mighty man of valour"
’ Those ancestors of Jephthah had to fight against and to whomJehovah’s angel said: "The LoR~ is
giants and demon-worshipers in order to occupy the with thee, thou mighty manof valour." (Judg. 6 : 12)
land of Bashan and Gilead which the Lord God An organization possessed of such faith and fight-
assigned to them by his prophet Moses. Concerning ing qualities as Jephthah had is the need for this
this Moses said: "For only Og king of Bashan "time of war", particularly from A. D. 1933 on, when
remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his the Catholic Nazi dictator became the "sword of his
bedstead was a bedstead of iron ; is it not in Rabbath church" in Germany, which country was till then a
of the children of Ammon?nine cubits [thirteen Protestant stronghold. Whom,then, in this twentieth
and a half feet] was the length thereof, and four century does Jephthah picture?
cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. 7. Why was the border territory of Bashan and G~lead assigned to
¯ . . All Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I part of the tribe of Manasseh?
8 In view of the meaning of the name, to what history of hla
ancestors would the name "Jephthah" reasonably call attention?
5. What does Jephthah’s name mean, and what was hla immediate 9. (a)Due to what do the ScrIDtures show Jephthah ~as a "’mighty
ancestry among the tribes? man of valour", and in this what other etrlier fighter did he resemble?
6, What record In the conquelt ot the land shows that Jephthah’s (b) Therefore for this time of war, of what kind of organization
ancestors were flghters~ is there need ?
1, 1942 tieWATCI-ITOWER. 325

~° In the sacred prophecies and prophetic dramas treated as the child of a bastard, else Jephthah
no individuals or personalities were ever foretold or could not later have sacrificed her acceptably to the
typified, with the single exception of Christ Jesus. Lord. All this proves that his mother was lifted
Jephthah’s house was in Mizpah, which name means up out of the class of harlot by marriage to Gilead.
%Vatchtower". (Judg. 11: 34) In the drama Jeph- ~ The name Gilead means "heap of witness".
thah of Mizpah acted the part picturing Jehovah’s Hence Gilead, as father to Jephthah, pictures Jeho-
organization which is Theocratic and which Jehovah vah as the Father whose purpose is to have a
uses as his servant. Of that organization Christ Jesus "people for his name". Such people must pile up
is the Head and Theocratic King, and there is a a great witness to Jehovah’s name and Righteous
remnant thereof on earth today, who are Jehovah’s Government, The Theocracy, The Kingdom, which
witnesses, spiritual Israelites. These constitute and shall vindicate his name. Jehovah has a "woman",
act as "The Society". The agent and servant of to wit, his universal organization named"Zion". To
said Theocratic Society is by all established facts this organization which brings forth his servants,
proved to be the WATCrr TOWE~ SOCmTY. Christ Jesus Jehovah says, at Isaiah ~4: 4, 5: "Thou shalt forget
the Head is a ’mighty One of valor’. His remnant the shame of thy youth; and the reproach of thy
of footstep followers wholine up with the Theocratic widowhood shalt thou remember no more. For thy
rule and organization becomeconformed to the image Makeris thy husband ; Jehovah of hosts is his name."
of that great Fighter for the newworld.--1Rom.8 : 29. (Am. Rev. Vet.) Jephthah’s mother, therefore, pic-
tures Jehovah’s "woman" from the viewpoint that
she brings forth his capital Theocratic organization
11 Wasit to Jephthah’s discredit that he "was the and fts members,’ whoare a "people for his name",
son of an harlot"? This womanwas a harlot before hence His witnesses. These under Christ Jesus are
marrying Gilead and becoming mother to Jephthah. organized according to Theocratic rule for giving
However, Rahab of Jericho was also a harlot. She testimony to Jehovah’s name as his witnesses, and
was the only one, with her relationship, that was they stand in line for a place in the heavenly" Theo-
saved from that city’s destruction, and she was cratic Government, God’s kingdom by Christ Jesus.
given an honorable marriage in Israel and thereby "Jehovah’s "woman"is no harlot, but the visible
became an ancestress of Jesus Christ.--Matt. 1:5; part of his organization is made up of those who
Luke3 : 32. were once unclean because of union with religion.
~2 Jephthah’s mother was apparently an Israelite (1 Cot. 6:9-11) Since Jephthah’s mother was
woman, not a demon-worshiping heatheness. By harlot till Gilead elevated her by lawful marriage,
marriage she came into an honorable estate, and her former position and its reflection on her after-
Gilead had relations with her, not for passionate life in the eyes of self-righteous ones picture how
pleasure, but as a secondary wife. This is shown such ones view God’s organization. They look down
by the fact that Gilead took his child by her as his particularly upon the Theocratic rule of that organi-
proper and legal son and named him Jephthah, and zation and despise the obligation such rule lays on
the boy was brought up in Gilead’s house along with one in God’s organization to serve as Jehovah’s wit-
Gilead’s other sons, Jephthah’s half-brothers. Hence ness that thereby such one mayshare in the vindica-
he was no bastard. Jehovah’s dealings with Jeph- tion of God’s name. The self-righteous do not look
thah prove that: "If ye endure chastening, God upon the vindication of His name as being of all-
dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he importance and more vital than personal salvation.
whomthe father chasteneth not? But if ye be with- During all the centuries since "Christendom’s" estab-
out chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are lishment her conduct has shownthat she looks upon
ye bastards, and not sons." (Heb. 12: 7,8) God’s such features in God’s "woman"or organization as
rule, further, was: "A bastard shall not enter into being outside of commondecency and respectability
the congregation of the LORD:even to his tenth and as lacking in "character development" and
generation shall he not enter into the congregation sanctimoniousness, and hence as not being worthy
of the LORD.An Ammoniteor Moabite shall not enter for the religionists of "Christendom" to adopt and
into the congregation of the LORD;even to their associate with at all.
tenth generation shah they not enter into the con- ~’ As in the picture, those who stand for Theo-
gregation of the LORDfor ever." (Deut. 23: 2,3)
Jephthah was not excluded as a bastard; neither cratic rule and who bear witness to Jehovah and his
was his daughter, his first and only generation, 13. Whomdo Jephthah’s father and mother picture?
14. That Jephthah’s mother was aforctlme a harlot has what reference
10. Where was Jephthah’s home, and whom did he picture in acting to the former condition of those of God’s people, and how does it
out his part? show the viewpoint taken b~f the self-righteous ones toward God’s
11 Was it to Jephthah’s discredit that his mother had been a harlot, orgamzation and It~ purpose?
and ’~hat Scriptural example Is there In support of the answer~ 1,5. Like what are Jehovah’s faithful witnesses treated by "Christendom".
12 To ~hat station was Jephthah’s mother lifted, and how do Jehovah’s and therefore v, hat words of Jesus concerning entry into the Kingdom
deahngs with Jephthah and his offspring show he was not a bastard? v~ell apply to her?
326 fffieWATCHTOWER. BX~OOKL:~’~,
N. Y.

vindication by his kingdomare treated by "Christen- ~*During Israel’s indulgence in demon-worship

dom" as on a level with harlots. Therefore to her and being oppressed eighteen years the sons of
the words of Jesus concerning John the Baptist well Gilead paid slavish submission to the political Am-
apply: "Verily I say unto you, That the publicans monites as though these were the ’~igher powers"
and the harlots go into the "kingdom of God before in the Holy Land. Such submission to powers of this
you. For John came unto you in the way of righteous- world made Jehovah’s Theocratic rule in Israel of
ness, and ye believed him not; but the publicans and no effect. The same thing resulted to the Christians
the harlots believed him: and ye, whenye had seen due to a large falling away to religion after the
it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe apostles of Jesus Christ died and downto the Lord’s
him."--Matt. 21 : 31, 32. return and coming to the temple for judgment in
" Besides Jephthah’s mother, Gilead had another 1918. (2 Thess. 2:3-12) In the forty years im-
womanwho rated as his legal wife. Her having the mediately preceding 1918 God’s truly consecrated
full standing of wife put the other woman,Jephthah’s people were growing up amid reli~ous surround-
mother, in the position of secondary womanto Gilead ings which confused them and spotted up their
and hence not of equal right and authority with such garments of identity as Christians. They tried to
"wife". This recognized "wife" would be also of more get clear of religion, but the time of full under-
dignity. She would command more respect and standing was not due till the Lord’s coming to the
attention, and the association of those in good stand- temple, and hence those consecrated ones did not
ing in the community.It is not strange, therefore, discern in the Scriptures the Theocratic rule and
what followed: "And Gilead’s wife bare ]lira sons: order. They kept looldng up to public officials of
and his wife’s sons grew up, and they thrust out this world as being the "higher powers" to whom
Jephthah, and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit Romans 13:1 commands Christians to be subject.
in our father’s house; for thou art the son of a ~* At the death of Gilead his sons thrust out Jeph-
strange woman[(Am. Rev. I;er.) the son of another thah. While Gilead was among them he did not
woman]."--Judg. 11 : 2. countenance or allow such an anti-theocratic deed.
Likely Jephthah’s mother also had died. Then those
THEOCRATIC RULE IGNORED sons acted selfishly against Jehovah’s servant and
man of faith. This was to their own injury and
~’ Whether the above action took place during the continued oppression by the religious Philistines
eighteen-year period of oppression by the nation of and political Ammonites.Likewise, during the larger
Ammonupon Israel is not stated. By the end of period of religiousness and submission to worldly
those eighteen years Jephthah had a daughter of powers by unenlightened Christians such ones con-
marriageable age, about eighteen years or older. fused God’s manner of rule with the counterfeit
Whether any or all of those sons of Gilead’s "wife" theocracy of the religious hierarchy and priest-
were born during that same period is also not stated. craft and hence rejected Theocratic rule. Thinking
But that they religiously felt superior to Jephthah to safeguard their interests, they drove it out and
is manifested by their conduct when their father demanded a democratic manner of operation of
Gilead was no longer alive to hold them in check. Christian assemblies. Concerning this the article
They were snobbish. They were affected by the "Organization", in the June 1, 1938, issue of The
religious influence which overwhelmedIsrael when Watchtower, states, on page 166, paragraphs 14, 15:
that people turned to the worship of the gods of "The faithful apostles of the Lord Jesus Chr|st
the Ammonites and other neighbor nations. It is could not have started an organization which for its
remembered that the patriarch Abraham had a son method of operation is a government by DEMOCaaTXC
by a concubine, named Ishmael, and that thereafter methods or [opposite thereto] a rule by ’orders’ of
a son by his regular wife was born, namely, Isaac; priests or hierarchy. The rule of Jehovah God, both
and when Isaac was weaned as heir of Abraham that with his typical people Israel and that of his
the older boy Ishmael mockedhim. (Gen. 16 : 1, 15, 16 people taken out for his name, is purely a theocratic
21 : 8-11) There is no record that Jephthah acted like rule. God’s kingdomor organization is a pure theoc-
Ishmael toward those other sons of Gilead, his half- racy, not subject to the whims or rules of any
brethren. Plainly Jephthah profited because Gilead creature. Smarting under the tyrannical rule by the
brought him up "in the nurture and admonition of clergy and Hierarchy, sincere men turned to the
the Lord". (Eph. 6:4) Jephthah’s later conduct democratic government of religious organizations
faith proved this. with a hope of a better condition, and that method
16 What standing did the other woman of Aephthah’s father have in 18. What was the attitude of those sons toward the Ammonites during
the hot~se and community, and therefore what action did her sons the eighteen-year oppreSSion, and why were Chrtstlana taldt~g a like
take toward Jephthah? position prior to 19187
17 tlow did those sons feel toward Jephthah, and by what were they 19. When did those sons thrust out Jephthah. and when and why did
influenced, and was Jephthah’s conduct toward them like that of unenlightened Christians take a course of action in fulfillment of that
Ishmael toward 18aae? prophetic picture ~
1, 1942 327

has for years been followed in religious organiza- fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, which work must be
tions. But is such in harmony with the Scriptures? done by personal house-to-house visitation of the
The fact that such a method was adopted in the people. They spoke in favor of a closer lining up
congregations of thosb who claimed to serve the with the organization, The Society, in behalf of
Lord is ho proof that it is right. During the Elijah extending the witness work, putting more full-time
period [1878-1918] of the church sincere followers publishers into the field in door-to-door witnessing,
of Christ Jesus left the Babylonish organization and and paTing less attention to self-cultivation, dreams
they came out with spots on their garments, which of heavenly glory, formalities and religious manner-
they had received by reason of associating with that isms. Such ones the self-seekers dismissed from their
devilish organization. Within the period knownas personal association or attention, and it was there-
’the Elijah time of the church’ elders and deacons fore hard going for such service advocates. They
in the congregations were selected by a vote of the were considered as "the son of another woman", of
members expressed by the stretching forth of the a flock different from themselves, and as having no
hand. Whether this was proper or not, at least the share rightfully in the heavenly inheritance which
Lord permitted it or did not interfere." [This was the democratic "character developers" were expect-
pictured by Gilead’s not interfering, due to death, ing and trying to prepare for above. This continued
with Jephthah’s ejection.] for some time after the Lord came to the temple
,o No doubt Gilead’s sons felt justified in barring for judgment in 1918.
Jephthah as the "son of another woman" from 22"Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and
inheriting in their father’s house and took as their dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered
guiding precedent a well-known ancient case. That vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him."
was when Abraham’s true wife, Sarah, ordered him (Judg. 11:3) This shows that the Israelites as
to drive out his EgTptian concubine Hagar and his nation did not object to this treatment of Jephthah;
son by her, Ishmael. Because of Ishmael’s mocking which exposes the bad effect of religion upon a
and persecution toward her son Isaac, Sarah said nation. (Prov. 14: 34; Ps. 33: 12) The nameof Jeph-
to Abraham: "Cast out this bondwoman and her thah’s land of exile, Tob, means "good". It names
son: for the son of this bondwomanshall not be a strip of country not far away, but outside of
heir with my son, even with Isaac." So Abraham Gilead’s territory and beyond where the political
"rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and Ammoniteshad carried their military aggressions.
a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting Maps picture Tob as north of Gilead and toxvard
it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away". Syria or Aram. In the drama’s modern fulfilhnent,
--Gen. 21 : 10-14. Tob pictures God’s arrangement for his organized
21 Prior to A.D. 1918 God’s consecrated servants people, and hence it was the only "good" arrange-
on earth, like Gilead’s sons, did not recognize the ment and condition. To this arrangement all those
Theocratic rule of organization and obedience. They fled whomthe Lord began to enlighten as to his
were too concerned about their personal salvation organization and his purpose to vindicate his name
to heaven. They did not discern or acknowledge and to accomplish a mighty witness to his name
God’s decree that a world witness to his name must before that vindication. These ones left behind the
be given in vindication of his name and in behalf objectors and submitfed to the ostracism and waited
of persons of good-will on earth. (Ex. 9:16; Ezek. on and served Jehovah God through Christ Jesus,
9:4) In self-concern they specialized exclusively on in "Tob".
what they called the "spiritual class" whowere in 2~ The "vain men" who gathered to Jephthah in
line for the heavenly kingdom. They felt that any Tob were not roustabouts or roughnecks, but "un-
educational instruction on the Kingdomto earthly employedmen", or, literally, "empty men." (Rother-
persons of good-will would be the appointed, obliga- ham’s translation) Likely they were men in debt or
tory service of a spiritual "great company"during men who had lost everything because of Ammomte
the 1000-year reign of Christ. They inclined to think oppression and Israel’s backsliding to religion, and
themselves of better stuff, of higher standing due were without settled home, employment and means
to begettal by God’s spirit, and as meeting a higher of livelihood, except in servitude to Ammon, against
requirement of faithfulness to the Lord than such which they revolted. There came a similar situation
"great company".So in their exclusiveness they tried later on when David was outlawed by King Saul:
to "develop character". But there were those who "David therefore departed thence, and escaped to
called attention to the world-wide witness work, in
the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all
20. What ancient ease of ejection did those sons take ~ their precedent
to justify them in thrusting out Jephthah from any inheritance of
thelr father? 22 To what land did Jephthah flee from his brethren, and what did
21 In ~hat respects and toward whom were Jehovah’s consecrated that land and Jephthah’s flight thither picture?
people before 1918 and for some time thereafter llke Gilead’s sons in 23 V~’ho were the "vain men" that gathered to Jephthah in Tob, and
thelr attltude toward Jephthah the fighter for God’s name and Theocracy? what similar situation aune later on In respect to David?

his father’s house heard it, they went downthither 2, In harmonywith that picture, the international
to him. Andevery one that was in distress, and every convention of Jehovah’s witnesses at Toronto in 1927
one that was in debt, and every one that was dis- was followed by an overhauling of the Society’s
contented, gathered themselves unto him; and he service organization to get more Kingdompublishers
becamea captain over them : and there were with him afield and get a greater and more effective work
about four hundred men."--I Sam. 22:1, 2. done. The Society pointed out that Sunday was the
"Although cast out, Jephthah could not keep out day set aside by "Christendom" for worship and
of the news, or unobserved. This was because he therefore Sunday was an appropriate day for all
could not keep inactive. He must lead a fighting of Jehovah’s people, and especially those whowere
existence, against Jehovah’s foes, but not against employed at secular work during the week, to get
Israel, even though they had mistakenly cast him out and fulfill their commissionas ministers of the
out. His acts and deeds of faith in Jehovah became gospel by going from house to house witnessing to
noised abroad, especially amonghis Israelite breth- the Lord God and his Righteous Government. Also,
ren who had misunderstood him and discriminated in order to overcome the opposition of the old-time
against him for selfish benefit. Hence they were "elective elders" who acted as spiritual bosses of
compelled to observe and learn, as stated in verse congregations, service committees were set up in all
one, that "now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty companiesto push the witness work and to co-operate
man of valour". By his selfish, prejudiced half- with the Society’s representatives. At self-sacrifice
brothers Jephthah had been emptied of everything the Society’s Kingdomliterature was provided at
and thrown out of his father’s house. Therefore other a lower cost and distributed on lower contributions
"empty men" resorted to him, "unemployed men" and there was a call for more Kingdompublishers.
like him. These saw his deeds of faith and saw he The Lord, also, stirred up more of such to enlist
was right and they themselves wanted to do some- and go into the field as a united companyorganized
thing for God’s glory and have a share in the fight- under the Society’s direction and g’uidance. Jehovah
ing activities of Jephthah. They did not like the gall- God by Christ Jesus showed his approval of this by
ing oppressions of the political Ammoniteaggressors adding his blessing.
nor the religious practices of their fellow Israelites.
2’A resemblance to this may be seen in our time,
¯ s,,And it came to pass in process of time, that
in that more and more spiritual Israelites began to
come over to the side of an organized activity for the children of Ammonmade war against Israel."
giving a witness to Jehovah God and his kingdom (Judg. 11:4) This move, though they did not know
and a warning of his vengeance against Satan’s it, meant the beginning of the end for the political
organization. They rejected the religious view that Ammonites and their religious allies who had
the Ammonitishpolitical rulers were the ’~higher oppressed Jehovah’s covenant people for eighteen
powers .... ordained of God". In 1929 they resorted years. This forcing of war upon an already down-
to the side of Tt~e Watchtower in the Scriptural trodden people was the climax of the enemies’ action
position that God and Christ are "The Higher in opposition to Jehovah’s typical Theocracy. It
Powers", whomChristians must obey rather than foreshadowedthat in the "time of the end" beginning
men.--See the article "The Higher Powers", in The A. D. 1914, and shortly before the final end of Satan’s
Watch tower, June, 1929. entire organization at the battle of Armageddon,
,s Jephthah’s "empty men" chose to be such rather the foes of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government of
than be employed by and obey the political Ammon- righteousness will go the limit of their hatred, perse-
ites as higher powers. Nor did they swing in the cution and hostility to his witnesses. It agrees with
other direction to a democratic rule of individual the Scripture observation that "when the wicked
independence and self-determination. They looked to spring as the grass, and when all the workers of
God’s indications as to whomHe picked for judge iniquity do flourish, it is that they shall be destroyed
and deliverer. On such one’s side and under his for ever: for, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for lo,
headship they put themselves, in recognition of the thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniq-
Theocratic principle of organization. In their hide- uity shall be scattered". (Ps. 92:7, 9) At this point
outs they did not lie idle, but sallied forth into the in the picture was when what is stated at Judges
active field service against the foes of Jehovah’s 10: 17 took place : "Then the children of Ammon were
covenant people. gathered together, and encamped in Gilead: and the
children of Israel assembled themselves together, and
24 What fact were the Israelites under Ammovitlsh oppression obliged
to observe cancerntng Jephthah due to his activities while in Tob, and 27. Fulflllln~ the above picture, what took place after the 1927 con.
why therefore did "vain men" resort to him there? ¯ventton of Jehovah’s wltneese~ at Toronto affectin~ activity, orgamzatlon
for service, and wider distribution of the printed message
25 What movement In our time concerning Christian activity and the
o,(lamed po~ers ~as there that resembled the above? 28. The making of war by the children of Ammonagainst Israel meant
26 Did the "empty men" that gathered to Jephthah swln(~ from A~nmon- what in the development of matters, and what did It foreshadow in
Ire rule to democratic rule, and were they idle toward God’s cause? the fulfillment of the drama?
1, 1942 NieWATCHTOWER. 329
encamped in Mizpeh [’Watchtower’]." The demons champion in what Daniel and Jesus called "the abom-
provoked the Ammonites to this war because the ination of desolation". (Dan. 11:31; 12: 11; Matt.
Israelites had nowput aside religion and turned to 24 : 15) Note the developmentof events and that their
worship Jehovah. trend has been continuously against Theocracy.
"Like things came to pass in process of modern "Since 1922 Italy has had a Fascist totalitarian
time, 1929 being a markeddate. That year the politi- dictator, presumably as a protection against the
cal powers of "Christendom" were deflated in the aggression of the totalitarian dictators in Com-
minds of the Christians witnessing for Jehovah, and munist Russia. In 1929 the Fascist dictator and the
Almighty God and Christ Jesus his ruling King totalitarian religious ruler at Vatican City entered
were discerned and glorified as being "The Higher into their deal or concordat. Thereby temporal power
Powers", to whomall souls that live must be subject. was restored to the papa and the papal state was
Also, the book Life was published in 1929, being the re-established. Germany was then a republic and
first book to point to the vindication of Jehovah’s the work of Jehovah’s witnesses on the European
name by his kingdom. A few months later that year Continent was being carried on, not in Fascist Italy
the book Prophecy was published showing that the or CommunistRussia, but chiefly in Germanywith
three worldly elements, religion, politics and com- its then Protestant majority. This GermanRepublic
merce, constitute Satan’s visible organization, and granted democratic freedom of worship to Jehovah’s
that justly it is most important for God’s nameto active witnesses. Here, therefore, was the sore spot
be vindicated against such. This was enough to rouse for the Vatican, and therefore the strategic place for
the modern-day Ammonitesand their religious con- the religious-totalitarian combineto raise up their
federates to action as never before. It was even so. political monstrosity in another form and to wage
so The great Theocrat Jehovah was the One who war against Jehovah’s witnesses, earthly represent-
had Jephthah in hand. By dealing with him Jehovah atives of His Theocracy. This was done, in 1933,
was grooming His Theocratic representative for the through Catholic Action and its chief Germanmem-
comingfight for deliverance. God’s responsibility in bers, namely, the Catholic foreign minister and the
the matter is plainly stated in the words of his leader of the Nazis. The history records that the
prophet Samuel, at 1 Samuel 12: 10, 11: "And they Catholic chancellor of Germany had resigned in
cried unto Jehovah, . . . AndJEnOVAE SE.~r Jerub- order that the Catholic foreign minister might be-
baal, and Bedan, A.WDJm’aTHAa, and Samuel, and comechancellor. This Nazi backer in his turn stepped
delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on aside, in fulfillment of a prior agreementwith papal
every side; and ye dwelt in safety." (Am. Bey. VET.) nuncio Pacelli, in order that the leader of the Nazis
On the other band, whomdid the demons push for- might be named chancellor of Germany and become
ward as their appointed visible leader? The author- its dictator. Once in power, the Nazi leader or
itarian king of the .~,mmonite aggressors was their fuehrer proceeded against Jehovah’s witnesses,
nlan. He was a worshiper of the political-state god, namely, in April, the month whenthe pope declared
Molech or Milcom, the name meaning "their king" the so-called "Holy Year" of 1933 for peace and
and referring to Satan, "the prince of the demons." prosperity for world Catholicism. July 20 that year
Satan was the invisible king of that political state the Nazi dictator entered his concordat with" the
of Ammon.~Matt.4: 8, 9. Vatican, and to this day, despite the Nazi’s record,
Pacelli as pope refuses all appeals by certain shocked
~ The modern-day Ammonites, ’~king" worshipers, Catholics of America that he cancel the concordat
are the elements that aim at world domination under with Nazism. Why?
one political standard or other, and hence are not
in favor of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government and QUEST FOR THEOCRATIC RULE
Christ’s rulership thereby. As foretold at Daniel, "Glancing back at the drama: "And it was so,
chapter eleven, "the king of the north" and "tile king that when the children of Arnmonmade war against
of the south" are engaging on all continents and all Israel, the eiders of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah
seven seas in a war for world domination, in defiance out of the land of Tob." (Judg. 11 : 5) They were not
of Jehovah’s rightful Theocratic domination. "Both "elective elders", by any means, but Israelites who
these kings" must have their champion to rival had attained to eldership by reason of growth to
Jehovah’s Greater Jephthah. Eventually, in the post- maturity and by study and practice. They had
war "new order", they will agree to have a common repented from all religiousness and turned to Jeho-
29. In procem~ of modern ~me, what tookplace among Jehovah’s people
vah and his commandments.(Judg. 10: 10-16) A like
to mark 1029 as an important year, and what effect did such have
upon the modern-day Ammonites and confederates? 32. What develol)men t of events from 1922 to 1933 on the European
Continent showeG a continual trend against Theocracy and for religions-
30 Aceordlng to the prophet Samuel. who had Jephthah In hand, and dictatorial rule?
for what purl~ooe? and whom did the demons put forth as their 33 (oaf) Were they "elective elders" that then went to fetch Jephthah
appointed visible repreaentative man~ out Tob~ (b) What action took place from and after 1932 with
31. ~’ho are the modern-day Ammonltea, and whom willa they grae to regard to such "elective elders", and with what effect on participation
have as theft common champion a~tnzt the Greater Jephthah k; God’s service?
, N. ¥.
cleansing of Jehovah’s covenant people took place covenant people must have centralized authority to
in 1932 by the discontinuing of the "elective elder" do the deciding for them as to war strate~" and
system among Jehovah’s witnesses. Thereafter the plans of action against religion and totalitarian
cleansed ones devoted themselves to His active wit- eneroachments. Jehovah’s witnesses carefully ex-
ness work, every one on an equal level and all under amined the Bible record. They saw that when the
the same obligation to take part in the house-to-house typical Theocracy was in power over Israel and was
visitation as witnesses under the direct supervision submitted to by Israel, Jehovahraised up his faithful
of the Lord’s earthly instrument, the WATCH TOWERjudge, fought their battles for them, and gave them
SOCIETY. victory over all enemies in vindication of His own
"The to fetch Jephthah out of Toh name. From the days of Abraham onward, all God-
followed the inquiry recorded at Judges 10 : 18 : "The given victories were victories of Theocracy over the
people and princes of Gilead said one to another, organization of Satan’s world. Now, in 1938, yes.
Whatman is he that will begin to fight against the in 1942 and hereafter, under the same banner of
children of A_mmon? he shall be head over all the "THEOCRACY" can victory be gained for God’s
inhabitants of Gilead." In the recent years 1932-1938 witnesses.
there was a continuous study of organization condi- ""And Jephthah said unto the elders of Gilead,
tions, together with an examination of the Bible and Did not ye hate me, and expel me out of myfather’s
of God’s dealings with his witnesses, to determine house? and why are ye come unto me now when
"what manis he that will begin to fight against the ye are in distress?" (Judg. 11:7) This response
children of Ammon?"Otherwise said, What is the was like Jehovah’s response to Israel, at Judges
form of organization for the Society as God’s instru- 10:13, 14; and also similar to Isaac’s response, at
ment under Christ, that we may Scripturally follow Genesis 26: 16, 26-30. Jephthah was not taunting
it in carr.~ing on the fight against the aggressions them in their distress. He wanted to makesure they
of the reti~ous-totalitarian monstrosity that has realized their mistake and would not repeat their
risen up to wage a war of extermination against us past course of action just as soon as he had served
and the witness work.~ their present desires of victory over the Ammonites.
" Jehovah did not fail his people in their honest Such course would be gross thanldessness to God,
search. In 193S he pointed them to the modern Jeph- whoprovided the instrument for the fight to vindi-
thah, namely, the Theocratic organization under cate His name. Not merely amid distress is Jehovah
Christ Jesus. Such Theocratic organization and rule to be sought, nor only during a fearful emergency
had been rejected and driven out due to religious is his Theocratic rule to be put into effect and com-
influence of reformers and due to the effort to avoid plied with. It is THEorganization which, once set
all bondage to the false and counterfeit theocratic up and submitted to, is to be held fast and conformed
system of priestcraft, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy. to ever after, beyond Armageddon.It will succeed.
Itow was the God-picked "man" revealed or pointed Never need the democratic experiment be repeated
out? The article "Organization" in the magazine by the driving out of Theocratic rule, and never
The Watchtmter, of June 1 and 15, 1938, is the willitbe.
answer. Instantly Jehovah’s witnesses who had come ,S,,And theeldersof Gilead saiduntoJephthah,
to maturity of understanding and practice and into Thereforewe turn againto theenow, that thou
unity with Christ hailed the Theocratic organization mayest go withus,andfightagainst thechildren of
as Jehovah’s prescribed arrangement for them. They Ammon." (Judg: 11 : S) Contrast withthisappeal
desired and prayed that Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s Theocratic orderthepope’s appealby concordat to
King of the Theocratic organization, put in effect theNazi-Fascist totalitarians to setup thecounter-
the Theocratic rule over them in their fight against feittheocracy by restoring the old "HolyRoman
religion and to maintain holy ground against the Empireof theGermanNation"; alsotheappealsof
aggressions of the totalitarian forces. On Octo- religionists inliberal, democratic lands to "theking
ber 1, 1938, the Theocratic organization went into of thesouth" forthepreservation of religion inthe
effect in the Society. "neworder"of theUnitedNations. Jehovah’s wit-
,s,,And they said unto Jephthah, Come, and be nesses, however, haveappealed to thegreatTheocrat
our captain, that we mayfight with the children of andhisappointed Headof theTheocratic organiza-
Ammon."(Judg. 11:6) To gain final victory God’s tion.TheGileadite eldersof oldin appealing to
34. What inquiry preceded the sending to fetch ~’ephthah from Tob.
Jephthah said: ’The reason is, because we recognize
and what did ~uch searchingconcermngorganlzatlonand proeedttre our mistakeand now confess it, and becausewe
foreshadowdurlngthe nlneteen-thirttes?
35 (a) Who proved to be the modern Jephthah and how was he pointed
out? {b) H’ow did the mature ones of Sehovah’s people rece|ve such, 37 Why did Jephthah call to the notice of the elders of Gilead their
and ~shat did they then deslre and request? past and their present cOntrary course toward him. and ~hat proper
36 In this time of ~ar, what must Jehovah’s covenant people have course toward Theocratic rule does Jephthah’s response emphgslse?
to gain victory, and what did the examinauon of the Bible show in 38 What did the elders give as the reason for their appeal tc Jephthah,
support thereof regarding ~lctoriel in old time? and how do the appeal~of rellgioni~ts of thesedayscontraat therewith?
1, 1942 331

recognize you are the one whomJehovah has blessed he was familiar with the things "written aforetime"
to prove that he raised you up to be the judge, about Jehovah’s triumphs over the demonized forces
deliverer and visible representative in his Theo- of wickedness. Jephthah was determined to proceed
cratic government over us. It is due to your faith, against Ammon,and this he would do, not m the
together with your works of valor, toward Jehovah name of demon gods whose worship had brought
our God and Ruler.’ eighteen years of oppression upon Israel, but in
s~ From the summer of 1938 Jehovah’s witnesses the nameof Jehovah and according to his Theocratic
wanted his Theocratic organization and its visible way. Religion had to be put away if God Almighty
representative on earth, The Theocratic Society could be counted on to deliver over their enemies
under Christ, "that thou mayest go with us." This to be wiped out.
would makesure they were and are on the right side "Jephthah made his headship conditional upon
and are joined to the correct organization and are Jehovah’s victory. This proved he was not arbitrarily
doing the work assig’ned to them by Jehovah through deciding he should be the head or Jehovah’s visible
his chosen organization. It was as when Captain Theocratic representative over the Gileadites. By
Barak requested Deborah, God’s prophetess, to go giving him success Jehovah must give positive,
with him to the battle. (Judg. 4:8,9) Jehovah’s visible proof that Jephthah was the choice of the
witnesses saw that if they had the Theocratic King great Theocrat. Jephthah’s determination was that
to lead them in the fight, the Theocratic Society on God’s rule should not be forsaken after the crisis
earth being his visible representative, then the had passed. The divine rule and organization must
victory against demonism would be won for the be enforced and carried forward as long as he had
vindication of God’s nameand for their deliverance anything to do with the affairs of Israel as its
from the totalitarian "abomination of desolation". judge. He wanted no more of such lawlessly throwing
Of themselves what could any small minority of him out on the flimsy excuse that he was the son
people on earth today do against the demonized of Gilead only by a woman who had once been a
totalitarian monstrosity of the "new order" as pic- harlot.
tured by the aggressive Ammonites of old seeking ’~With God’s covenant people today it must be
domination by violence? The Theocratic Government and its visible organi-
~o The request for Jephthah to be "our head" was zation first, last, and all the time, both before Arma-
fitting because the "inhabitants of Gilead" were geddon and forever after. As with Jephthah’s selec-
Jepthah’s closest brethren, he being the descendant tion, so it has been with the WATCl~ TowE~SocIETY.
of Gilead and hence being a Gileadite like them- The Society did not select itself to be the visible
selves. Correspondingly, in 1938 Jehovah’s witnesses part of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization on earth,
did most unequivocally declare the Theocratic rule but the Lord God, by Christ Jesus, did so. How?
and organization to be the only true way, ordained " Since 1918 there has been a controversy in
and approved by God ALmighty. They renounced all "Christendom" as to the genuineness of the WaTcH
personal headship and all democratic personal TOWEa SOCmTY,that is, as to its relationship to God
rights within God’s organization as concerns the and as to its being his servant and channel of commu-
carrying on of his work of witness. They declared nication. By facts, which speak louder than wordy
themselves for the Theocratic organization and its claims, the Lord God has demonstrated the Society
royal Head, Christ Jesus. Solely under the Theo- to be his servant and channel. By it he has sent the
cratic arrangement do they wish to wage the war testimony concerning Jehovah, his name and his
against the encroachments of political-religious Theocracy under Christ Jesus. By the Society he
forces who oppose The Theocracy and its gospel has carried on the witness work concerning The
message. Theocracy and the vindication of Jehovah’s name
vow OF ALLEaIAXCE through that Government. Also by the Society he
’~ "AndJephthah said unto the elders of Gilead, If nowconducts the organized fight against the aggres-
ye bring me home again to fight with the children sions of the reliNous-totalitarian monstrosity.
of Ammon,and Jehovah deliver them before me, Through the same Society also he has brought back
shall I be your head?" (Judg. 11: 9, Am. Rev. Vet.) and reinstated among men the Theocratic rule and
These words settle it that Jephthah was a witness of organization over consecrated persons in a covenant
Jehovah and a man of faith in Jehovah, to whom with the Most High God. This is not boasting, but
Jephthah looked for the victory. His words showed 42 Upon what did Jephthah condition the decision for him to be
the head of the Glleadltes, and ~hat ~a~ hlq determination resl)ectlng
39 From 1938 on what did Jehovah’s witnesses want as to organization, the rule over them after the crtsm sllould ~ ha~e pasaed
and why did they wish it to go with them to the fight? 43 What place must the Theocratic crganizatmn occupy ~xith Jehovah’s
40 Why was the request for Jephthah as "head" fitting for the witnesses now and at any time, and ~ho selected the SomeD to
G~leadites, and, in fulfillment, how did Jehovah’s witne~es decla~re be the visible pazt thereof~
themselves and proceed concerning headship? 44 In the controversy over the genuineness of the ~’ATCFi TOWEnSOCI~.TV
41 How did Jephthah’s reply concerning accepting headship ahow he what lndmputable facts speak forth pro~lng Jehovah God had laid hold
was an informed witness of Jehovah? on it aa his channel and servant?
an honest, humble statement of indisputable and radiocasting the speeches. A total of 150,000 per-
well-known facts, all proving that Jehovah has laid sonally attended this unparalleled convention. There
his hands upon the Society and made it his visible the Theocratic "Organization Instructions" were dis-
representative of The Theocracy. Such proof dis- special representatives of the Society. (See
counts any idea that this has come about merely The Watchtower, issues of August 15 and Septem-
by the expressed wish and request of creatures like ber 1, 1938.) Thereafter the field was laid out for
the "elders of Gilead". The wise will consider these work world-wide. Everywhere the companies of
facts and ponder well their meaning. Jehovah’s witnesses acknowledged the Theocratic
,5 "And the elders of Gilead said unto Jephthah, organization with joy and thanksgiving. Eagerly
Jehovah shall be witness [(margin) be hearer] and gladly they yielded themselves thereto and began
between us; surely according to thy word so will wor’king under it in obedience to organization in-
we do." (Judg. i1 : 10, Am. Rev. Ver.) Young’strans- structions. No popular democratic election that, but
lation reads: "Jehovah is hearkening between us, if the acceptance by God’s covenant people of the
according to thy word we do not so." It was a con- organization they knew He had chosen and set over
tract made before Jehovah and in his name, and as them. At the New World Theocratic Assembly of
hearer he would watch as to its fulfillment. If the September 18-20, 1942, including simultaneous con-
Gileadites sincerely meant their part of the covenant ventions in more than 80 cities throughout the earth,
and showed faith by fighting courageously alongside further organization instructions were issued to
Jephthah and under his command, then Jehovah meet the situation created by the spreading power
would do his part and give victory over the aggressor of the Anunonitish totalitarian monstrosity.--See
Ammon.Also now, by joining themselves to the the report in The Watchtower October 15, 1942,
Theocratic organization at God’s invitation and then pages 317-320, under "Key Theocratic Assembly at
by submitting themselves to it and offering expres- Cleveland".
sions of loyalty and devotion to it, Jehovah’s wit- ’~ Jephthah uttered all his words before Jehovah
nesses are binding themselves. Like the elders of in Mizpah. Thereby he further showed he was Jeho-
Gilead they knowGod is listening and attending to vah’s witness and had faith that Jehovah would
their expressions and promises and will hold them regard his servant’s faithfulness and give the needed
accountable if they rebel against and abandon or help, blessing and victory. Jephthah showed he
throw off the Theocratic rule and organization at recognized his obligation and responsibility as being
any time henceforth. to Jehovah and that he in his position over the
,5 "Then Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead,
Gileadites was merely God’s sen-ant. Jephthah
and the people made him head and captain over believed that "salvation belongeth unto Jehovah".
them: and Jephthah uttered all his words before (Ps. 3:8, Am. Rev. Vet.) As the Gileadites brought
the LORD in Mizpeh [’Watchtower’]." (Judg. 11 : 11) Jephthah back from Tob to Mizpah (’Watchtower’),
In modern fulfillment of this: After publication of his home, so in A. D. 1938the Theocratic organization
the Watchtowerarticle "Organization" in June, 1938, was brought back to where it belonged. The WATCH
the Society sent out due "Organization Instructions" TOWER SOClZTY recognized its responsibility before
to all organized companies of Jehovah’s witnesses Jehovah as his visible servant, and so confessed in
for their consideration and adoption. That same the Watchtower’s columns. All faithful witnesses
year, September 9-11, a world-wide convention was taking their stand for the Theocratic organization
held with London, England, as key city, linked by voiced themselves as to their faith, obligations and
land wires and radio beam with 46 simultaneous responsibilities, and did all things as unto Jehovah
conventions in 46 other cities in Britain, America, by Christ Jesus. Everything ready to go, now
Australia, Canada, and elsewhere, 117 stations also follows the CH~t.t.v.~GZto the enemyl
45 With whom as witness, and ~hy him. did the elders of Gilead
make their contract with Jephthah, and now how have Jehovah’s (To be contmued)
witnesses bound themselves like.tee?
46. From 1938 on how did Jehovah’s witnesses fulfill that part of 47. What was shown by Jephthah’s uttering all his words "before
the drama where the elder~ of Gilead made him head and captain Jehovah" in Mlzpah. after they brought him back from Tob,’~ and ho~
o~er them? was there a llke utterance before Jehovah from and after 1938

0 thou that teUest good ttdings to Zion, get thee up on a high

mountam; 0 thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, hft uI~
thy votce wtth strength; lift tt up, be not afraid; say unto the
clttes of Judah, Behold, your God! Behold, the Lord Jehovah
will come as a mighty one, and his arm will rule for him:
Behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.
They that watt for Jehovah shall renew thetr strength; they
shall mount up wtth wings as eagles; they shall run, and not
be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. The word of our God
shall stand forever.~Isaiah 40 : 9, 10, 31, 8, d.R.g.
HE earth excites the wonder and admiration of man, scriptures of the Bible were ignorant of the relationship
T even though man now is imperfect and his under- between the earth and the other planets and the stars
standing greatly limited. Whetherthe earth is viewed of creation. There is no evidence, however, to support
with respect to the formation of its various layers or its such a claim. It is quite evident that it was not God’s
vegetable and animal life; whether its endless varieties of purpose to state in his Word, which constitutes our Bible,
things are seen by the use of the microscope; or whether all the facts relative to the earth and its relationship to
by employing the telescope the relationship of the earth other bodies in space. The spirit or invisible power of
to the other planets and the stars is considered, the God operated upon the minds of the faithful men of old
reverential man stands in awe and wonderment at the whowrote the Bible, and it is reasonable that they under-
wisdom displayed in its creation. Whenman learns that stood some things about the creation that are not recorded
the earth was created by the Most High God and was in the Scriptures. What they did write under divine
madeto be the lasting habitation of manin perfection, his direction was and is true, and of that we can be absolutely
mind and his heart yearn to know more about it and certain. These holy men of old wrote as they were moved
more concerning its great Creator. The telescope was not upon by the holy spirit.--2 Pet. 1: 21; 2 Sam. 23: 2.
discovered until early in the seventeenth century, and it The Bible is the only credible guide either as to the
is no matter for surprise that prior to that time worldly real relationship between manand the earth and the great
manthought that the earth was the center of all things. Creator of both or as to the purpose of the creation of
The knowledgeof the great Creator, as he reveals himself both. Taking the Bible as his guide, teachable man sees
in his creation of man and his provision for man, was that the earth occupies a place of great importance in
preserved by very few men. This knowledge was merely God’s purpose and that in His due time every creature
a tiny stream of truth which trickled down through the living in heaven and in earth will be brought into one
centuries, and few were they that drank thereat. Early grand harmonious whole or unity. Note Ephesians 1 : 9.10.
in man’s history he put God out of his thoughts. Con- The creation of earth did not happen by chance, nor
sequently the vision of man was limited to things he saw did it comeinto existence by the operation of blind force.
with his natural eye. Whenthe sun, the moon and the Its formation was by the will of God, and it was created
stars came into view, some mengave consideration to the directly under his supervision. (Isa. 42:5) "For every
creation, but not to the Creator. Because it was apparent house is builded by someman; but he that built all things
to them that all life enjoyed by earthly creatures proceeded is God." (Hob. 3:4) Future epochs may witness other
from the sun, that body became the object of worship by planets of great size giving glory to the Creator beyond
men. Those who did retain a knowledge of the Creator anything that is now revealed to us, but man cannot now
and had faith in him knew God was beyond the starry conceive of any of them as ever being more highly honored
heavens and they worshiped him as the Creator of both than this earth. Whenman comes to appreciate this fact
heaven and earth. Such menwere so few, however, compared he appreciates more fully how he has been favored by
with the greater number, that they are hardly observable. the great Creator.
--Rom. 1 : 19-25. Whatlifts the earth into a position of importance beyond
The developmentof the telescope, together with increased anything possible with the other planets is the fact that
knowledge of things, brought men to see that the earth at the earth has been staged the great drama of the
is not what man once thought it to be. He learned that vindication of the name of Jehovah God by his Son Jesus
instead of being fixed and the center of all things the Christ and by His kingdom.
earth is a sphere and one amongother planets associated The only begotten Son, the firstborn of every creature and
with the sun, and that the sun is the center of this the active agent of Jehovah God in the creation of all
planetary system knownas the solar system. The ecclesias- other things, did at the. will of Jehovah leave the courts
tical system of Rome,and particularly its leaders, for a of heaven and come to earth. While on earth he proved
thousand years and more thought that the earth is fixed himself the faithful and true witness concerning Jehovah
and everything else revolves about it. They also claimed God and his kingdom. He was subjected to the severest
to be the sole interpreters of the Bible and they claimed testings at the hands of rcligious agents of the Devil and
the Bible as authority for this erroneous thought. This yet maintained his integrity unmarred toward God. Because
clergy teaching had probably more to do than anything of being Jehovah’s faithful witness for the KingdomChrist
else to fix the false thought in the minds of the people. Jesus suffered an ignominious death and then was raised
As knowledge increased men learned that the earth is out of death and exalted to the highest place in heaven,
a planet among the other planets which move about the next to Jehovah. All this was done toward the vindicatmn
sun. The facts learned by men disprove the theories held of Jehovah’s name and that, in his due time, which is at
and taught by Rome’s clergy. This caused them to lose hand, he might establish his will amonghis creatures that
confidence in religious teachers. It also producedsuspicion Iive on earth and in heaven, and all to the everlasting good
and doubt about the Bible as an authority of truth. The of obedient men on earth and to the glory of Jehovah.
result was that many were led entirely away from the Because God used the earth and faithful men thereon
Bible. Had they understood the truth as taught in the for his eternal purpose, and because his beloved Son Jesus
Bible, and not been influenced by the misrepresentation of when a man on earth proved his fidelity to God before
these religious teachers, they would not have turned away men and angels, the conclusion must be that the earth is
from the Bible and away from God. the most favored, and will remain the most favored, in
It is claimed by scientists that the writers of the Hebrew the planetary creation of God and will always be dear to
334 fffieWATCtlTOWER. Y , .x.Y.
the heart of the Creator. His own Wordcontradicts ;he in literal fire and says: "The earth abideth for ever."
religious teachings concerning the destruction of the earth --EeeL 1:4.


CRIPTLrRALLY the answer is, No! According to the
S meaning of "Armageddon" the battle bearing that
name has not begun. The part of the name rnageddon
join in a conspiracy to destroy Jehovah’s covenant people
that they may not be part of God’s "holy nation" and
serve to the praise of Jehovah’s name. (Ps. 83:2-5;
(for Megiddo)means the place for the assembly of troops. 1 Pet. 2:9, 10) Satan sends forth his forces, demonand
The prefix Ar (Hat in the Hebrew) means mountain or religious-totalitarian, under Gogand against the assembled
hill. The highest part of a mountainthe Scriptures designate troops of Jehovah at "Armageddon". Up to this point
as a hill. A mountain symbohcally represents Jehovah’s Jehovah God by his Field Marshal Christ Jesus has taken
organization. Hence the word "Armageddon" means the no militant hand in the tribulation on the earth. The
high mountain or organization where the troops of Jehovah great battle that is about to be fought is called ’the battle
are assembled or gathered together. These troops assembled of God Almighty’, because then is when He will take a
at Armageddonare Jehovah’s troops, including the remnant hand. In the nineteenth chapter of Revelation, verses 11-16,
of faithful Christians on earth but who are not of this is given a vision of Christ Jesus ready for the battle of
world. In Revelation 14:1 the Lord shows his troops to the great day of GodAlmighty and supported by his hosts
be made up of the 144,000 faithful Christians together of holy angels. He is symbolizedas riding a white horse, thus
with their Headand King Christ Jesus. They arc assembled saying that his cause is a righteous one and "in righteous-
on MountZion, that is to say, they are gathered together ness he doth judge and make war". He is "The Faithful
in Jehovah’s capital organization.--See Psalms 2:6 and and True", the Executive Officer of Jehovah, and "the
132: 13, 14. King of kings, and Lord of lords". Only the members of
The enemy of God and IIis government, Satan, knows Jehovah’s organization will follow the great Leader in
that soon the final battle must be fought and the issue that war, and the part to be performed by the remnant
determined, and he proceeds to gather together his forces and their companions on earth is to sing the praises of
to bring them against Jehovah’s organization Concerning Jehovah and his kingdom. (Note 2 Chronicles 20-2{)-23.)
the mustering together of Satan’s forces it is written: "For The great battle of the day of God Almighty has not yet
they are spirits of demons, working mgns; which go forth begun, but is near at hand, as all the evidence shows.
unto the kin~ [rulers] of the whole world, to gather them Satan’s organization has not only oppressed the poor
together unto the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. people of earth, but made murderous assaults upon Jeho-
And they gathered them together into the place which is vah’s witnesses in an attempt to destroy them. Every one
called in HebrewHar-Magedon."~Rev.16 : 14, 16, A. R. V. of the anointed remnant and their faithful companions
A battle is often called by the name of the place where wouldhave been destroyed ere nowexcept for the protection
it is fought Hence the battle is said to be that of Arma- furnished by Jehovah God through Christ Jesus The
geddon. But it must be noted that Revelation 16:14 says, Scriptures showthat Satan’s chief objective is to destroy
"the battle of that great day of God Almighty"; which the remnant of the Kingdomclass because these maintain
clearly means that at that time is when Jehovah God, the their integrity toward Jehovah and prove Satan to be a
Almighty, takes a hand m the great tmbulatmn that comes liar in claiming no one can remain a true Chmstian like
upon the whole world, and that he does so in the exeeutmn Chmst Jesus. In due time Jehovah God will fight for his
of his judgment against Satan’s old world. name, his kingdom, and his o~mpeople, and that will be
Christ Jesus is the head and commanderover Jehovah’s a righteous warfare As foretold, at Zechariah 14 : 3 : "Then
capital organization and leads the fight against the enemy. shall the LORD go forth, and fight agamst those natmns,
Accordingto Ezekiel, chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine, as when he fought in the day of battle."
over against Christ Jesus is Gog, the chief field marshal To charge Jehovah GOdwith the responsibility for the
of Satan the Devil, and which spirit prince leads the enemy ills that now afflict the world is a gross defamatmnof
forces at the great battle of Armageddon The vision given his holy name by the religious clerg~anen Jehovah ~s right
in Revelation 14:1-3 discloses Jehovah’s capital organiza- and righteous at all times, and all his works are done m
tion under the leadership of Christ the Lambof God. All righteousness. The great battle of the day of GodAlmighty,
the membersof that glorious organization are seen rejoicing whmhwill suddenly begin when the worldly rulers fix up
They are singing together and now stag to the praise of conditions and cry "Peace and safetyV" will be the worst
Jehovah, because the time has come to settle the great tribulation that will ever have afflicted the world, and it
issue of supremacy, and they knowthat it will be settled will be the result of the execution of God’s righteous
in favor of Jehovah and to the honor and complete vindi- judgment against the nations that have forgotten Jehovah
cation of his name. The remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses GOdand afflicted his faithful witnesses. (See 1 Thessa-
yet on earth are of that company assembled unto and lonians 5:3 and Psalm 9:17.) The prophet’s description,
rejoicing at ~Iount Zion, God’s organization. at Jeremiah 25.33-36, shows not many persons wTUbc
Over against the army of the Lord are to be seen the left alive on the earth. Only Jehovah’s faithful servants,
wicked forces of Satan under the leadership of Gog. The as foreshadowed by Noah and his family in the ark, will
wicked invisible demonsand their visible dupes on earth survive Armageddon.
DETERMLNED TO SERVE JEHOVAH It is just grand to follow the mind of John and Eunice as
DEAR BROTHER KNORR: they bye and move through the purposes of Jehovah to emerge
Four hundredJehovah’swltnessesand theircompanionsas- trmmphantly resolved to share m the bounties of HLs grace.
sembledat Edinburgh on the occasionof BrotherSchroeder’s visit The book itself is a literary masterpiece, and the Kingdom
decldedunammouslyto send you this tokenof our love. illustrations "dear to the heart of every child". One sees Jesus
We are determinedto contmueunitedlym our serwceto The stripped of all rehgious "trappings", calmly and resolutely at the
Theocracyand in wlthstandmg the attacksof the Assyrian.(~Dc. temple, watehmg the aged beginning to take the count.
5: 5) By the Lord’sgrace,we will go forwardunder the great How awe-respiring to stand with Barak and Deborah on that
Shepherd,ChristJesus,untilthe land of the enemy be wasted immovable rock, thrilled beyond words, to see "Kashon" m flood
and the Holy City gains the wetory of WORLD DOMINATION.We sweep the enemy away!
recog~mze that the time is here for everyone to "bear his own Our hearts praise Jehovah for the faithful labor of Brother
burden", and therefore we are ready and willing to continue in Rutherford and for the integrity of the WaTChTOWER m placing
the service of JzHov~ no matter what the future may hold. this book in our hands.
We are looking forward with great expectation to the eonnng We are resolved to do our part in making Jehovah’s name a
conventions m September, and we pray that the Lord wrll richly praise in the earth.
bless you to the end that the dwellers and refugees m the Holy Your fellow servants of The Theocracy,
City may continue to receive the rich food of truth. THE BRETHREN OF THE DARTFORD COMPANY, England.
It Is our hope that we may soon have the joy of a visit from
you in this land. It will be a great joy to have you share with us
here, and we trust that it may be the Lord’s will to allow th~s.
We are rejoicing in the rich spiritual DEAR BROTHER KNORE:
food of the Micah
prophecy, and long for the day of final vindication, when totali- At an assemblyof the localcompaniesat Chelmsford, Essex,
tarianism wilt be for ever destroyed and the Holy City rule to last Sunday, the 5th July, the brethrenexpressedthe wlsh
the honor of Jehovah’s name. thata lettershouldbe sentto you that we apprecmtethe stand
With warm love to you and all our brethren at Bethel, by yourself and thebrethren in Americafor the truthat thLstune.
Your fellow servants of the Great Theocrat, We are grateful to Jehovah and rejmee in the continued
JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES AND COMPANIONS, gracious provision of the "meat in due season" that he is provid-
South East Scotland.
ing through The Watchtower for his people at this time We
"RESOLVED TO DO OUR PART" value the light being thrown upon the Holy City and all that
DF.~tBRE’rHRE~ : it tmplies.
It is withgreatjoyof heartthatwe thankJehovah forChz~dre,. We are determined that if the enemy treads in our palace,
S~xteenyearshavepassedawaysincethe "nineof blessedness"at 34 Craven Terrace, the companies will continue to carry, on
beganwith the book Deliverance. That was a delightful and re- where they are to the glory of Jehovah’s name. We are determined
freshing draughtfromthe "wellsof salvatmn", givinggreatpower to face the enemy with the Kingdom smile to the end.
to young Benjamin,bindinghun in its sweet influenceto the We appreciate the stand made by our brethren m America
"GreaterJoseph". against the persecutmn and will, by God’s grace, do the same
Dehverance and Children have a strong affi.mty. The one is in Britain.
interwoven with the "Birth of the Man Child", the great Dehverer, We keenly look forward to the coming convention and pledge
and the other with the "Children of the gang" and the great De- ourselves to help and do all we are asked to do to further the
hverance. What visions this marvelous book inspLres! How sweet Lord’s work herein.
All the brethren who have been in prison send their love
and lofty are the thoughts of "John" and "Eumce" ! How choice
their words! How sensible their speech! As they reason on the and wish you to know that they are standing umtedly shoulder
ripening purposes of Jehovah one is caught up with them into to shoulder with you against the persecution.
Paradise, to walk its highways in unspeakable joy. Assuring you of our continued love and our determination
What heart wtll not be delighted with the superb presentation to maintain our integrity to the end, and with love and good
of the Mandate? With smooth and flowing chetlon, m language wishes to you and those associated with you, we remain
of transeendant beauty, the pure and exqtusite message unfolds Your brethren and fellow servants of The Theocracy,
to mark this book as the most subltme of Kingdom publications. HODDESDON [England] "COMPANY OF JEHOVAH’SWIT.~ESSES.

(Continued from page 322) it being of washable cloth, and which will wear better and
last longer. Hence this editmn ts preferable for use of those
attending study classes on the book It will be marled postpaid
In these lurid days when the handwriting on the wall is seen to your address on order accompanted by your eontnbutmn
dooming the wicked old world to early destruction m appalling of 50c a copy.
violence, this book entitled "The New World" ts pubhshed as
a special provision of the great Creator of the new world for "THE NEW WORLD" QUESTION BOOKLET
the comfort and hope of those who long for a righteous world This 64-page booklet is provided as a complement to the
and who are now obliged to suffer sorely for righteousness’ sake. book The New World. It is bound m a substantial paper binding,
The New World has a jacket of peach-colored cloth, with a with neat cover design, and contains stmple but searching questmns
planetary front-cover embossing matching the title. On opening on all the paragraphs of the book. It is therefore a wtal aid
the book the end-sheets will surprise you wRh their pictorial m the study and understanding of The New World. It contains
story, but your full measure of delight and thrills will come with instructions on the most progressive method of group study, and
reading through the 384 pages of the story of worlds, the amazing thus with this booklet of questions any sincere person can conduct
fulfillment of the ancient drama of Job, the final end of wicked large or small groups of persons m a most profitable study of
rule, and the trmmph of righteousness at last in the new earth the Bible with The New World as the textbook. It is 5c a copy,
and heavens. Axtistm p~ctures in color enhven the swiftly moving mailed postpaid. You will want this booklet not only for your
theme; and an index of subjects, and another of all Scripture personal use, but also extra copies for your companmns m study
texts cxted, make it valuable for study and reference. The Ne~ Companies and study groups should combine orders and send
World, the "Pubhshers’ Editmn", is put up m better binding, such through thetr respectlve servants.
"The sheep in B and district arc beginning to SOC~T’Z,and, t tell you, since then all our doubts and
manifest themselves; also the goats. In the small village questions were answered from that book. That manread it
of O there are now sixteen Watchtower subscribers, from cover to cover and still has the book and is telling
and a district group study with the book Children has everybody what is in that book, and he says, "NowI am a
been arranged at the home of an Irish Protestant. The Christian." ’ By this time another bus had pulled up, and,
highest attendance at this study so far has been eighteen gathering his packages ~ogether, he said he was so happy
adults and children. On recommendation from a Watch- to take all this good reading back to the ship with him."
tower subscriber a lady was found and she has just offered
her home for a group study. This person is well known PREACHING WHILEIN BONDS(CONNECTICUT)
and has manyfriends in this district to invite along, and BRIDGEPORT: "One day last week a few of the friends
we look forward to good times at the comingstudies, which went to the jail to see . He was in good sprats
commencenext Friday evening. A brother who has been in spite of being eont~ned. Welearned that he was active
a publisher for only three months has opened his home even behind prison bars, finding interest and spreading
for a group study with Children, and after only two the message of God’s kingdom. He said that except for a
studies his wife has commenced the house-to-house service. few inconveniences he did not mind the prison routine,
Twostrangers appeared at the second study. This brother but he added, ’Don’t forget to tell this to the friends at
is a guard on the railway and always carries booklets on the service meeting; tell them to get out in the service
his travels, never missing the opportunity to give awitness. as much as they can, because when you are behind these
While pavementwitnessing in B , a Methodist minister bars you regret every minute that was not spent in the
in passing was attracted by the publisher’s placard Lord’s work while free to do so. I ought to know.’ We
’Escape from Death at Armageddon’. Said the minister: departed, happy to still be free in the open air, with an
’That’s what I want--Armageddon.’Publisher: ’So do we !’ opportunity to serve God."
Minister: ’I mean the booklet Armageddon.’ He also D : "The Children study is being held during the
asked: ’Whyis it that Jehovah’s witnesses are so perse- hour of 5 : 30 to 6 : 30 on Wednesday ; we openedthe study
cuted ?’ Arrangements were made for a back-call on him, tonight for the first time. There were four witnesses and
and also for the supplying of the booklet." two friends. The study is in the [Penitentiary] Educational
Department. We have a room by ourselves; so you see
AT A BUS STOP(STATENISLAND,N.T.) the educational department, fits in nicely, because the
"I had just arrived at my post in the magazine work greatest educational campaign on earth is being held by
Saturday night and was fixing myliterature and getting Jehovah’s witnesses, informing the people of the marvelous
set for service. A man, in a great hurry to catch a bus, provisions that Jehovah has in store for His people ....
suddenly reeled and turned about-face when he heard a There is a great interest shownhere; by Jehovah’s grace,
voice say, ’Take the latest copy of The Watchtower with there will be a larger gathering the next time we congregate.
you, sir?’ ’Did you say Watchtower?" he said, as he came It was a wonderful provision made by his grace for his
towards me. Setting downhis manypackages he took the witnesses to be able to have a meeting here. Pratse ye
three Watchtower magazines I had in my hand, scanned Jehovah, for all his works are done according to his will.
through them and said, ’So this is The Watchtower! I I received the seven books that you sent to me. Thank
thought it would be a book, you know, one of those with you very much. Will you please do me one more favor
a hard cover. I’ll take these anyway.’ Because his eyes and send seven more Children books, if possible. I will
were fixed on the bus which stands at this point a few see to it that you are well taken care of I will not slack
minutes, I tried to hold him in conversation while I the hand, but will drive the sword deeper into ’Eglon’s
struggled a bit to get out of my magazine bag the book belly’ .... The Theocratic Assemblywill be here shortly
Children and the booklet Hope. Noticing an accent in his 1-hope that each one of you are able to attend. Personally
speech and making use of every precious moment, I asked I will not, because regulations will not permit me to."
what other language he spoke. ’I am Swedish,’ he said,
’and am on a boat most of the time.’ By this time I had A DOUBLE CALL,WITHDIVIDED RESULTS (ARIZONA)
the book out and said, ’Perhaps this is what you really "I rang the doorbell, introduced myself to the lady,
wanted.’ He looked through this too, in a hurry, while and proceeded to play the phonograph. ’Is this that
I tried to tell in a few words what it contained. ’Oh "Jehovahstuff"~’ she asked. ’Start moving, and movefast,
I’ll take this book all right. It’s just what I wanted. before I get my husband to--!’ In the middle of this
Gosh, it’s gone, d it [he meantthe bus] !’ Apologizing, sentence a doorbell rang from the back of the house. I
he said, ’I wanted to get that bus so badly. Oh well!’ saw a man pass the lady (no doubt her husband), give
While waiting for the next bus he turned to me and said, me a look, and proceed to answer the back door. After
’Lady, I’m going to tell you something. One day, on the the minute that I was still there trying to explain about
beat, me and a couple of men were discussing the Bible, the purpose of the work, the man passed back. In his
when all of a sudden (and right in the middle of our hand was the book Children. Mysurprise could not even
conversation, mind you) we saw a small object floating comparewith the facial expression of the lady. She looked
near our boat. As it came nearer we could see that it was as if she had a bitter pill in her mouth and could not
a book. One of the men scooped it out of the water and swallow it. Whenshe did swallow, I saw it was time to
laid claim to it right away. Weopened the book and saw leave. This was the last house to witness to in this block."
thatI amJehovah:’

15, 1942

The Challenge ................... 340
Protest ....................... 342
Authentic Facts ......................... 346
Is "CHRISTX~AS"CHRIST~A~’?........... 349
WHO ARE Gos AND ~[AGOG TODAY? .... 351
FXELD EXPERIE.~’CES ................. 352
......................... 338
~ STUDIES ...................
IT L~s’r?" ....................... 351
I i 7 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn,N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enablin~ the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expre~-ed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically ,le-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and nil people of good ~lIl.
i’~’. H. ]~NORP.,President W.E. 2,’AN .~MBURGII,
Secr~’tffrtJ It arranges systematic Bible study for its rea.ders and the SaLsify
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It pub!ishes .-mr-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~rcat shall be the peace of thy chgdren." -llnlah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEttOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all rehglon, parucs, sects
e~erlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and x~Hhout reserva-
to hks creatures ; that the Loges was the begnnmngof his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Chrtst hi~ belo~,~l
and his active agent in tlle creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical exam na-
is nov,- the Lord Jesus Christ m glory, clothed with all power m tion of tts contents In the light of tile Scriptures. It does not m-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personal mrs.
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect mnn
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man ~ll!fully dis- ~’EARLTSUIlSCRIPTION
obeyed God’s law nnd was sentenced to death; that by reason of ~NITEDST~TESp$I+00:CANADA&ND .~[ISCELLANEOUS FOIIEIGN$I ~r0;
Adam’s wrong act ale men are born sinners and w~thout the rtght GREAT~’]~IT&IN.AESTRAL£SIA.
AND~OUT’~.Jkl~RICA.G~ Amerlcan
tancesshouldbe madeby Postalor Express .MoneyOrderor by D,luk
to life. Draft.Canadian, Drltlsh,SouthAfricanandAnstrala~lanrenuttnnces
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered sbouldbe madedirectto therespective
countriesotherthanthosementionedmaybe madeto theBroolA)n
death in order to produce the ransom or redempttve price for butby IntcrTtat*onal
obedmnt ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted 1.iza to heaven above every creature and above every name FO~ZmN Omens
and clothed him with all power and authority. British
34 CravenTerrace, London, U,’.°~ En~and
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadia~
40 IrwinAvenue, Toronto5, Ontario, Cnn:~da
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian
7 BeresfordRoad, Strathfield,N. S. W, AustrMm
South Afr~ca~ .............. Boston House,CapeTo~n, South ~kfrlc~
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and f:.ithful followers of Please
addressthe Society in every
Christ Jesus are children of Zion. members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tmn, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare h~s purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tran*lationso.~ thi~ journal appeari~ $¢verollanguage~.)
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted Allsincerestudents
of theBible
whoby reason
of infirmity,poverty
areunableto paythesubscription pricemayha~eTheWatch~
Satan from heaven and ~s proceeding to tim establishment of towerfreeuponwrittenapphention
to thepublishers,madeoncer,a,h
God’s kingdom on earth. )ear,
for~o requestlng
it.We aregladto tbu~oldthe
needy,butthe writtenapplication
onceeachyearIs reqmredby the
THATTIIE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through JchovalFs kmgdo:n under Christ, ~xLith .~,’ofwe to Subscribers" Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal ~ub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s ne~t great act is the destruction scriptlon wilt be sent only when requested. Chan~e of nddre~s. ~hon
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label wltbm one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of r:ghteou~ness in A renewal blank ¢rarrxlnl~" notice of explratmn) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kmgdomthe people of good will that journal onemonthbefore thesubscriptionexplre~.
survive Armaeeddon shall carry out the dlwne mandate to "fill Enteredas $eeond-classmatter at the past office a’t Brookllm,N. Y ,
the earth" with a righteous race.
under the ACt of March $, IS79

"VICTORY SONG" TESTIMONY PERIOD planetary front-cover embossing matchmg the title. On open]):,_.
Deeemher is the month that brings to a close the calendar the book the end-sheets wall surprise you wnh their pwtorml
year of the old worhl It ks w~th joy that t.~e se~an:s of story, but your full" measure of dehght and thrills well come u~lh
Jehovah s’ng the \hetory Song after a long battle; but they readmg through the 384 pages of the story of worhls, the amazm_"
look farmyard to further battle~ and ~letones The truthful do fulfillment of the ancient drama of Job, the final end of ~lckt.,~
say wHh gladness of heart that they haxe renamed "blameless rule, and the trmmph of righteousness at last m the ne~ earth
m the day of our I.ord" and will contmue to do so, by the Lord’s and heavens. Artmhc p~ctures m color cnhven the swfftlx moon=
grace. During the "Victor- Song" Testimony Parred the song theme; and an index of subjects, and another of all Scr,ptm,.
-f the new world will be sung To do this the pubhsners of texts cited, make it valuable for study and reference T]¢e Net~
The Theocracy wH[ offer to the people the pubheatlon The Neu World. the "Puhhshers’ Edition", put up in hotter bmdmg, at!!
]Vorld and the booklet Peace--Can It Last? on a contribution be mailed postpaid to your address on order accompamcd bx
at 25c, If you wmh to 2am m the "Vlctor~" Song" Te~mnony your eontnbuhon of 50c a copy.
Peered dm~g the month of December, make arrangements now
with 5-our local company serxant If you are not a~ocmted with "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
a tompany, ~T~te direct to the Society for further tufa:matron. Week of December 20: "Fighter for the New Worhl" (Pa]t 3),
¶ 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower November 15, 1942
"THE NEW WORLD’" Week of December 27: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 3),
In these lurid days when the handwrltmg on the wall is seen 23-45 inclusive, The Watchtower November 15, 1942.
doommg the wicked old world to early destruction m appaUmg
vmlence, thLs book entitled "The New World" is pubhshed as "THE NEW WORLD" QUESTION BOOKLET
a special provmmn of the great Creator of the new world for Thks 64-page booklet ks provided ~ a complement to the
the comfort and hope of those who long for a righteous world book The New World It is bound m a substantmi paper bm,,
and who are now obliged to suffer sorely for mghteousness’ sake. with neat cover design, and contains simple but scarchmg qtme~t ~()n.-,
The Ne,t World has a jacket of peach-colored cloth, w~th a (Continued on page 351)
15, 1942 No 22



"’Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if vly kiT~pdom were of this ?todd, then would m~t
servants fiyl~t."---Joh~ 18: 36.
EttOVAtI has declared his unchangeable purpose
J to give over the oceupancv of the earth wholly
to those who worship him v.s the Most High anal
s The war for world domination is raging, and
the religionists of every strille and creed are en~a=ed
therein. The schemers for world domination dc~ not
Ahmgl:ty God. Both the prophecies and the shatter- pause to consider the word.~ of the Leader in (’hrl.--
ing world events of the day in fulfillment speak tianity: "~For what is a man profited, if he shall
eloquently to testify that the execution of his purpose gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or
is ~hortly to take place. The final outcome will be what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
a Paradise to the four corners of the earth, and For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his
inhabited ha- perfect human creatures in Jehovah’s Father with his angels: and then he shall reward
own image and likeness. "For thus saith Jehovah every man according to his works." (.Matt. 16 : 26.27)
that created the heavens, the God that formed the The Son of nmn has come into his Kingdom, l~ezm-
earth and made it, that established it and created ning A. D. 1914, and in the big fight at Armageddon
it not in vain, that forlned it to be inhabited: ] he will reward the planners and battlers for xxorld
am Jellovah: and there is none else. By myself domination with destruction of their souls as enennes
have I s~orn, the word is gone forth from my of Jehovah’s new world. They have fallen victims to
mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that the very enticement that the god of this pre:ent
unto me every" knee shall bow, ever)- tongue shall wicked world held out to the Son of man as the
swear. Only in Jehovah, it is said of me, is right- price for his worship of the Devil. In meetin~ the
eousness and strength; even to him shall men come; searching test the Son of man put the worsl~]p of
and all they that were incensed against him shall Jehovah God foremost as all-important, tie brusl.ed
be put to shame."--Isa. 45 : 18.23.24, A,n. Rev. l,’er., the outward glorie~, of thi~- world and its eommereml
margin. domination aside as contemptible. Note tins Perfect
That is no mere Jewish view. Centuries after One’s stand, which stand is right, let relizioni,ts
.lehovah’s above pronouncemen+~ the Christian say. what they will against Jehovah. "And the devil,
apostle Paul bore witness for the same Jehovah taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto
and said: "For it is written, As ] live, saith the him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of
Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue time. And the devil stud unto him, All tins power
.qmll confess to God. So then every one of us shall will I give thee, and the glory of them: for tlmt
give account of himself to God." illom. 14: 11, 12) is delivered unto me: and to Whomsoever I will I
it therefore becomes crystal clear that the most give it. If thou therefore wilt x~orstnp me, all stroll
pressing personal issue for each one who desires be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto lmn,
life on earth in the new world is the worship of Get thee hehind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou
Jehovah. The acquainting of the people with the shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt
truth about Jehovah that they might -know, love and thou serve." (Luke 4: 5-Si Jesus here quote[1 frclnl
worship him is the most vital need of the hour. Deuteronomy 6: 13: "Thou shalt fear Jehovah thx
It is a service of highest value, being alone of last- God; and him shalt thou serve, and shalt swear bi"
ing benefit to hunmnity now headed for destruction. his name."--Am. Rev. Ver.
1 To the worshipers of whom wilt the occupanty of lhe earth be ¯3 (a) In the fight to gain the vlhole world, whose words do lh~
sof that given o~er. and what will be the final oulcome of the executmn
purpose rell~ous schemers for v, orld dominatlOrl leave out of consideration
2 In} Ilo~ does the apostle Paul testify to the same divine purpose~ and how v, tll he reward them~ (b) In the mount of temptaTma 11o~
~b} What therefore l~ the most presslDg issue for each il~dlvlClual and did Jesus meet Satan’s offer of earth’s domination, and for ~hat
the most ~,aluable l, er*.lce to all humamt:, now? ~orshlp did Jesus take a stand?
N. Y.
’The purpose of Almighty God that only those " Such war of the Israelites was a righteous war.
fearing, ser~Tng and worshiping Jehovah shall because it was commanded of Jehovah of hosts and
occupy the earth forever was pictured in miniature was for his Theocracy in Israel. Israel’s invasion
when he gave the land of Palestine to his chosen of Palestine was under the leadership of the Creator
people Israel. To their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Owner of the earth. The invasion was therefore
and Jacob, Jehovah had promised to ~ve the land no act of selfish, greedy totalitarian aggression.
to the Israelites. In fulfilhuent of this covenant he The destruction of the heathen inhabitants was no
brought them forth out of the demon-worshiping land violation of the sixth conmmndment nor of God’s
of Egypt. On their journey to the Promised Land everlasting covenant with humanldnd concerning
Jehovah halted then~ at Mount Sinai in Arabia and the sanctity of the blood of life. The Israelites were
inaugurated over them a typical Theocracy or gov- conmmnded to act as God’s exeeutional forces. The
ernment administered by God..-ks Lawgiver in such execution of those heathen squatters in the Promised
Theocracy Jehovah gave theln the Ten Comnmnd- Land was righteous, because they were demon-
meats, the first two of which commanded his cove- worshipers and hence anti-Jehovah and anti-Theoc-
nant people to worship only Jehovah as God and racy, and their living presence in tile land w~-mld
not to make any idols or representation of any be dangerous and ensnaring to His people. Their
creature and worship such. (Ex. 20: 2-5) This law belligerent opposition to the entry of God’s covenant
wa~ to protect his covenant people from religion, people proved this. In giving the Promised lmnd
which is the worship of the demons and which is to the "nation whose God is Jehovah", the Lord (,od
harn’ful and death-deahng. (Gal. 3: 19) The effects was providing a homeland for the operauon of
of religion as at present visible in "Chri~-tendom" Theocracy in full force therein for the honor of
and in all other nations prove the wisdom and prime Jehovah’s name and for the protection of his p~,ople
importance of these comnmndments of Jehovah’s law. against the snare of religion. (Deut. 7: 16.25} Such
For forty years, at the hand of Moses, Jehovah was the typical picture foreshadowing how Ahmghty
led the Israelites through tile waste and howling God will cut off from this earth all nationa that
wihterness and finally brought them to the plains of forget Jehovah God. Then he will settle permanently
Moab on the east side of tlw Jordan river and in the cleansed earth all who turn from religion and
oppo~-ite to Canaan, the Promised Land. On the way worship Him and obey his Theocratic Govermnent
Jehovah God did not permit his chosen people to by" Christ Jesus.
invade or overrun the lands of Edom and Moab THE CHALLENGE

and Ammon. Passage through those territories ’ In the days of Jephthah the Gileadite the ration
peaceably would have made the journey to the of Israel had to decide this question of Jehovah’s
Promised Land shorter and more convenient, but worship. Unwisely and in disobedience to their cove-
the demonized rulers of Edom, Moab and Ammon nant with Ahnighty God they had yielded to the
would not agree to it, and hacked up their refusal snare of religion and forsaken his worship. Th(qellv
with a show of military might. The Israelite~ had they forfeited the protection of Jehovah God. and
no fight with them, and marched around, minding the Phiiistines and the Ammonites oppressed them
their own business. Then the .\morite nations east for eighteen years. Toward the close thereof the
of the Jordan, under King Og of Bashan and King Israelites repented and returned to Jehovah’s wor-
Sihon of tteshbon, attacked tl~e Israelites and Jeho- ship. To drive them back again into religmn or
vah destroyed the aggressors before hi.~ people and demonism the kanmonites in great military force
gave them the lands of those heathen nations. invaded Israel’s territory and encamped in tim land
Miraculously Jehovah divided the flood waters of of Gilead.
Jordan and marched his people through, and the s In harmony with the law of God granting the
conquest of Canaan began. The demon-worshiping right of self-defense, which right is recognized b.v
heatimn in the land reAsted the execution of Jeho- all nations except the Nazi-Fascist totalita~mn
vah’s good purposes toward Ins people, and were powers, the Israelites mustered out an army for
destroyed, except the Giheonites, who made a cove- self-defense. To make certain of Jehovah’s help and
nant with the Israelites. Their lives were therefore deliverance, they turned to his Theocratic govern-
spared that they might become the servants of ment and offered their services to Jephthah the
Jehovah God at his temple.--Joshua 9 and 10. Gileadite. Jehovah God, the Theocratic Ruler of
4 With the Israelites, how did Jehovah picture hl~ purpo*e to have 6 (al Why were Israel’~ In~a,~lon and war agmnst the Canaamte~
rllLhteoLl~ ,ind ~Ot a ~"~o[,ttlonot (~o(l *, lxtb (’ommam]lllentar id (ote-
tho~e worshiping l-Iil~ to occupy the earth, and ho~ did the nrst nant concerning blo,M tb) l~) gitlnll Israel the l’romtq~,l I.and t~hat
t~o ot Ins Ten Commandments to them agree w~th that purpose? v, as Jehovah providing, aod wliat does this action typlcall3 picture’,
5 {a} During IsraeCs fort:,-’~ear Journe~ through the wllderne.~-s to 7 In the da~,~ of Jephthah, ~ltv did the nation of Israel ha~e to
Canaan ho~ did Jehovah ~how consideration to ?,[oab and Ammon, decide th:s question of Jehotah ~ ~orshto’~
alld ho’,’~ were the ~.morlte oppo~er~ east Of Jordan dealt with ~ 8 How did tile extle~l Jeld~thah now become captain find bead of
tb) ltoa did Jehoxah then bring his people acros,~ into Canaan, and tile ,.;dead=tea and ulint ~,teps did he then take to~ard Jehovah
how were the demon-~orsbipmg heathen therein dealt ~tth? aI~d ,lgalti~t the .tlxll~OnlteS?
No~c.~IBm’ 15,1942 341

Israel, had lnarked him as His appointed judge Jesus, and of which organization the Watch Tow~,r
and leader for israel. Jephthah agreed to accept Society is the visible representative and serva:~t
the captaincy and tmadship provided that Jehovah The Ammonites under their "king-god" .Xloie<.h. ,n"
God would manifest his approval by delivering over Chemosh (meaning "Subduer"), pictured the wmld
the enemy aggressors to defeat. The elders of Gilead powers that go totalitarian in their effort for ~\ orld
then brought Jephthah out of exile and to Mizpah donfination and that are hence again.~t the wc>r.-1Llp
of Gilead. In Mizpah (meaning "Watchtower") of Jehovah and hL- Theocratic Government over the
3ephthah confirmed all }fis words of this matter earth. Such totalitarmn Ammonites are theret’~r~,
],efore Jehovah God. At \\atchtm’er (Mizpah) against the Watch Tower Society becau:e it 1.-
~.stahlished his home, and there his one and only Theocratic in organization and it acts as the admin-
daughter resided. (Judg. 11: 34) ttaving submitted istrative servant of JehovaK~ witnesses who pubii~h
all matters to Jehovah the great Theocrat for His name and his kingdom under Christ.
guidance and disposal, Jephthah then challenged ’~ It nmst here be remarked, unmistakallly, tlmt it
and called a halt to the demon-worshipers that is not pure democracy that has occasioned flit.
encroached upon the interests and the worship of protest of the Greater Jephthah. True demoerm.x
Jehovah’s Theocracy in Israel. stands for and observes the principle of freedom to
°"And Jeptlthah sent messengers unto the king worship Jehovah God according to hi~ will and com-
of the children of Ammon, saying, What hast thou nmndments, and freedom to pullh.ql his nmne amt
to do with me, ttmt thou art come unto me to fight his Righteous Government as Cilrist Jesus and hi~-
against my land?" (Judg. 11: 12, Am. Bet’. l’er.) apostles did. For this reason Jehovah’s xxitne-.-t,-
Jephthah’s procedure here followed the Theocratic nmni-
have for the past decade and more stood out i
rule. namely, to serve notice upon the Lord’s enemy nently before the nations and proved them:elve: t~,
before finding it necessary to take action violently. be in the forefront of the fight for sueh rlgtder,u-
Before Jelmvah brought the great Deluge, which principles of demoeracy and against the n~l,d(,rn
de~-troyed the "’world that then was", tie gave due Ammonites who would stop the exercise of ~ucii
warning h v his prophet Noah. Before destroying principles in America. The protest raised I,x t}lt
Egypt’s prized firstborn ones and her mighty char- Greater Jephthah has been occasioned h\ rt.hgw~:
mrs and armies in the Red sea, Jehovah served which has fostered totalitarianism in order to gan~
notice by the prophet Moses upon hard-hearted world domination and hold the monopoly of wor:idp,
Pharaoh. The serving of notice and warning result- to the intolerant exclusmn of free worslnl~ accord-
ed in a great witness for the name of Jehovah ing to conseienee and uncensored by religmn. Ih, h-
throughout the earth; and concerning this Jehovah glen of "Christendom" declares its aim tr, c(,nverl
said to Pharaoh: "’For this cause have I allowed the world. Ominously there is one brand of rehgion.
thee to remain, in order to show thee my power; with headquarters at Vatican City, wlneh chum.- the
and in order that they may proclaim my name right and the God-given authority to foi.~t it: o~n
~hroughout all the earth."--Ex. 9:16, :Leeser’s form of worship upon the whole world and to makt.
translation. all nations subject to the religious head at tile
~" For eighteen ?’ears the Almnonites had had Vatican. "We must make America Catholic," .-aM
their way over Israel. Now they set out upon a Archbishop Ireland at the tlierarchv’s ann~ver-arv
,.ourse of wolent destruction as a ehmax to their held ~n Baltimore. Noveml>or 10, 1SS9. (T],~’ C,,~,-
oppressions upon Israel. They were spoiling for their ~e~ted Catholic) "It ~., (ted’s plan that the tt,,1\
own destruction at the hands of the God of Israel, Father of Romeshould be the temporal and ,~Im’~u~l
whose Theoeraev they both despised and were out head of his kingdom on earth." (The Yat~o~ml (’c~tl~
to cut off from t[~e face of the earth. The time. there- ohc Register) ttenee the Vatiean’s concordat.- ~ lth
fore, was appropriate for Jehovahs name and works the Fascist and Nazi governments, and its exelmn~ze
to be declared to them as eounsel and warmng, that of ministers with Fascist Japan M’u’eh 27, 1!~42.
the responsibility for the destruction coming upon followed by unavailing protests by the I_’ntt(,d
thenl might rest upon their own heads. States Department of State.
’~ In considering the modern applicat|on of Jeph- ’~ Jehovah’s witnesses under the Greater Jephthah
timh’s protest, let this be remembered: Jeptlthah have no fight with human creatures. Ephesmn- 6.12
as visible head of the typical Theocracy pictured expresses it: "For we wrestle not against flesh and
Jehovah’s Theocratic organization under Christ l ° - (al is it ~rue democracy lhat ha~ occasioned the Gr~’a~er Jet,hthah-
protest" and in r~ent 3earb bo~ [lat~ Jelmx,~h- ~itil~.e- Illatllll-I~,]
~ In ~ hat respect did Jephthah’s procedure toward the Ammonites tilPnl~el~e~ ~xlth re~pect to deln~cra(~ ~ rll2hleou~ I~lll(l[,]P~’ ~1,, 1,~
f,,lln~ the Tbeoeratlc rule on prexlous occaslon~, and in ~laat does xxbat then |la~ Greater J~l~h~lluh ¯ prote~t b~ell OC( ,t~toned allll ,,~¢\~ 11
01 [111~ "~ are lt~ declared alms and lt~ alhun(e. In ftlrtlt~atlt,, of ~ll( [I IIl~ f lilt
lib Ioilll~ln~L rule re.tilt a ILr~s;
1~, ~,Vh~ ~a- 11 then approl~rlate for Jephthall tn declare Jehovah’s 13 ta) 130 Jehovah’s ~ltne~se~ ha~e an~ bghI "All[, bLlrllal~ ero.llllt.-
glilllt and ~xork~ a~ coullsel ~ntl ~.arnlBg [0 tile ~akmmonltes; or" ~x hat l~ back of ttle trouble as prn~ e~t bx .%crtpturt ahd [,it I -
11 lt] tile matter of Jephtilah’s retest whom dill be picture aIld (b} Wllat 1~ the chief ~l~lble obstatle to ~orld peace, and llox~ xxlll
x~ Bout did the AnlnloIllte~ under .~lolech picture today ~ the ~a~ be cleared 1o umntertmpted pea(el

blood, but a~ainst principalities, against powers, such as Jehovah’s witnesses have suffered t~f tltrir
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, rights and pmvileges as Christmns. 12.,pocmli-
against wicked spirits in Imavenly places.’" (Marginal notorious were the developments at (’lm:l~a. 111.
reading) This goes to tile heart of the trouble, that Rochester, N.Y., New Orleans, La.. and ()tray-a.
demonism is back of it all. and the Roman Catholic ~
Canada. AII such was evidence of the intcrnati~,na
lherarehy lends itself as the visible mstrmnent of pressure by the religions ttimarehv ut,on th,’
the demons in aiming at Catholic world dominalion supposed "people’s servants" and upon so-calk.,t
by means of totalitarian rulers as in Gernmny, Italy, "patriotic" societies to force tim doing, of what th,.
France, Portugal, Spain, and Slovakia. \Vhile the Hierarchy wants done. 17t was protff positive of
Vatican has stood, there has been no world peaee; religion’s world organization for bovcottin~ and
and there never will be as long as the Vatican slugging its way to world dominatmn. A.- a rt,-ull
remains with its so-called "infallible" pronounce- only 47 of the proposed 50 jmnt conventions om, l,l b,.
ments of its papal ruler and the unehangin.~ ambition held: 118 radio stations broadcast the sI~ee,’hes f~ om
and continual grasping for religious world domina- London.
tion. Only" Jehovah’s "’strange act’" against religion ’~ This attack of modern-day Ammoni*esup.n tht,
at the battle of Armageddon will dear the way for right and privilege winch all freedom-loving, ihql>-
uninterrupted peace in the new world. "Babylon" eratic Americans, Britishers, and others eher>h a-
must go, by Jehovat’,’s grace and power.--See Rev- most dear. namely, freedom of worship and fret,dol,~
elation 17 aml 18. of assembly for such worship, was vwious It coiled
PROTEST for instant protest to the "’king of the children of
~’Let the reader now scan the fulfilhnent of the Ammon", the Nazi-Fascist totalitarian man,trositv
prophetic drama of Jephthah m the deeds of the and its religious backer at Vatican City. hmne-
Ammonitish totalitarians that have provoked right- diately when the president of the Watelt Tower
eous protest. As heretofore stated in The Watch- Society got baek from the key convention at London.
toner, the Theocratic rule of operation was pub- arrangements were made for a protest m~et:ng m
lished June, 193S, and then through the Watch Tower New York city, Sunday, October 2. In eon lnnct~,n
Society it was put in practice among Jehovah’s with this assembly, at .Mecca Temple. six acre- con-
witnesses beginning October 1, 193S. A world-wide ventions were held in other cities, ineludinw ()ttawa
convention embraein~ 50 cities was arranged to be and also New Orleans (this time by m,,an, ,~f
held three weeks before that date, to wit, Septem- Federal inatmction against Catholic ol]i-,als aml
ber 9-11. The Protestant stronghold of London, dupes there). The Protest speech wa, an the .qlblecl.
England, was the convention eenter. In the arrang- "Fascism or Freedom--Which Shall \Ve Itav¢. "" It
ing for the convention balls in the other cities of was also broadcast over a network of (;2 radm
the chain there was great opposition by the Roman stations, two of which cut the message short due
Catholic Hierarchy and its political allies of the to religionist howls while the speeell wa~ goin~ out.
Nazi-Fascist t?~)e, such as mayors, judges, civic ~’ That public protest put the ([uestion up to lilt’
bodies, law-enforcement bodies, pseudo-patriotic "Amlnomtes’ to answer whv they were invadme.
bodies, and Catholic Action groups. During the denying and trmnpling down God-given and con-
actual holding of the convention si)eeially violent stitutionally guaranteed human mghts and free, Iron-
overt aets were eonunitted against Jehovah’s wit- The ~peaker said: "Jehovah’s withe--o- are trul’
nesses peaceably assembled. Christmns, that is, followers of (’hrl.-t. anll (led-
" The assaults upon these faithful Christians, the commandto all such true Christians is that th,,,
interference with their rights and privileges as must tell the truth, that the people of g<md-wfll ~t~:~x
Go, l-fearing eitizens, the disregard displayed by learn the way to righteousness and hfc Id-l~n
public offimals and religious leaders for law and IS: 37) No human agency can rightfu[l~ interfere
order and eonstitutional government, and the foul therewith. Those who object to the full pul,l~,atmn
part tlmt the Hierarchy of the Vatican played in of truth of God’s Word and the facts in .-_ul,por:
these insults to denmcracy, liberty and Chr]stiamt.v, thereof therebv deelare them.-elves again.-t ,lehovai~
all this has been published in The Messenger of 193S, God and Christ Jesus h,s King. ttone.,t men will
the magazine reporting this world-wide convention. lay aside prejudiee and calmly consider the fact.-."
Up to that time it was the worst invasion, on an (See published speech in booklet Fasczsm or l.’r,’~-
international seale and all timed for the same period, dora, page 5, paragraph 1.) Then the speeeh went
II Just before the Theocratic rifle ~as put in practice among on to detail how the "’Anunonites’" have been fighting
Jeho~.lh% ~xltnes~e~ in 193~ ~.hat con~t, ntion ~a,~ held and ~hat
~q’l tile
~ ondllCt of ".he nlodcrn .’kHlnlorxlteS tot~.ard the arranging and
"~ 16 V, hat did quch ~clous Ammonttish attack call for. and ho~. ,a n~
of ~lll eolp.entlon
it li2~tantly deh~ered ~
15 laJ ~Xhat did the foregolng enemy action cortstltute ~l~h respect
,~a’~ the re’~ult on the con’,cation 17 ~, hat question did that pubhe l)rote~t put lip to ?hi. in,Mei
to Jehovah’s oeorde, and ~hat a",’~"~ t .h h*)~ ,qh toed alltl (_hrht hl~
tb) l)l ~il,ktx~as ~ach lllVl~lOllpoMt|~,e e~ideace and proof as regards AII$ nlOlll t ~*~. and ~ llat ll~llt
~ Kll~g did it call to attention of the public
the lherarch)
a~ainst Jehovah’s witnesses in Continental Europe, to EXPLAI*" AND ADVERTISE to others. So they demand
especially in Nazified Germany. and now also in tile that Jehovah’s witnesses back down from tIWll
Umted States as disclosed by the overt acts com- Christian position, and that they do so witbout
mitted throughout this "land of the free" by the trouble or fighting back, else they will suffer (hre
political element who are incited by the totalitarian- consequences.
minded religious dement. This speech was then ~° To these threats the "Ammonites" add force by
printed in booldet form and distributed by millions acts of discrimination through public officials, hv
of copies in many tongues. arrests, conniving at mob action and lawless imlwe
IS’.And the king of the children of Ammon action, by laws mischievously framed contrary to
answered unto the messengers of Jephthah, Because the Constitution, just to "’get" God’s servants. In
Israel took away my land, when they came up out totalitarian lands, Germany, Italy, Japan, etc., tl,ey
of I’;gypt, from [river] Amen even unto [river] are rounded up and put into concentration eaml~S
,lahbolq and unto Jordan; now, therefore, restore and dungeons. In other lands under the Vatlcan’s
those lands again peaceably." (Judg. 11:13) It influence they are dragged into court, their eldldren
the Greater Moses, Christ Jesus. who has brought are unschooled and put in state reformatories, and
ut, tlm spiritual Israelites out of the world symbol- they are declared judicially and officially to be an
lz(,d by "’Egypt". As Judge he came to the temple "illegal organization". This backs up the "Ammomt~,"
nl 1[118, enlightened his remnant of followers with demand for Jehovah’s witnesses to compromise tl~eir
the truth, and delivered them from the bondage to stand for The Theocracy.
’.-;atan’s organization. He showed them that the king- ~, "And Jephthah sent messengers again unto th(,
,tom of God i< all-important m that it shall vindicate king of the children of Ammon." (Judg. 11: 14,,
Jelmvah’s name by destroying all parts, visilde and Jephthah (lid not crawfish nor yield any Theocratic.
inmsible, of Satan’s organization. Hence a world- ground. This is true today. Jehovah’s visible or’4am-
wMe wm~ess must now be given to the establishment zation under Christ Jesus keeps on sending out hi:
of the I(ingdom in 1914, and the prmmry purpose messengers with the same uncompromising me--:’.Fr.
of the Kingdom, and its bounteous blessings for all of Jehovah’s supremacy and kingdom. More inter-
taking their stand on its side. In 1929 the King and ested persons are brought in, trained, and sent n:~o
Jcdge at the temple shed light on the Bible to reveal the active service as puldishers to hell) give a ~x ldt.r the worldly political powers are not what the spread of the message. The London Convent~(,,:
Scriptures call "the higher powers" (Romans 13: 1), speech "Face the Facts" and the Protest speecl~
}~u~ that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are such. "Fascism or Freedom" were recorded as origmall\
To them must Christians subject themselves in cases given, on phonograph records, and these sp¢.ecl~e’.-
~:’here the po!itical taw conflicts with the lugher law were reproduced on many thousands of phonogralflls
~f God, the Supreme One. To the heavenly, invisible carried from ]muse to house and on sound-ear.- .rod
’ Iiigher Powers" nmst all sah’ation and protection also through publie-addresb systems to ninny othc~
be a~-eril,ed. Itomage and worship are to be rendered thousands. Thisis no aet~vit{- interfering Witht}’e
to Them. and not to the modern Ammomtes and the fdefense of democratic natmn~, but is a |nak|ng o
thi:,g.- that these idolize and honor with religmus them more axvake and alive to the real enemy and
,. t2 l’elllonies. danger to their (tenloeratle principles. Je~us’sal(1.
’" The rehgious-totalitarian Ammonites object to "No man can come to me, except THE FAT~r.U xX h~ch
the above. The.v claim It takes away what they from hatll sent me vmxwI-IIM." Jesus’ follo~ers are not
anment tmw have enjoyed and been entitled to. It inducing anyone to quit lns worldly allegmnee. It
1: a failure, sat they, to render to Caesar what is is Jehovah God that does tile drawing of creature,
Caesar’s, a faiiure to recognize the supremac~ of to his organization. Jehovah’s witnesses merely glw.
tlte state and that the total state is the all-in-all’and tile testimony of the trutll, and God does the,
tlm individual citizen is nothing except for the state’s and what ~E does ~s right and ib irresistible. Wlmt
.-_erviee and interests, which n,eans that God has no reason, then, have the "Ammonites" to object and
prior or lngher claims upon his covenant people at ~,
complain and pick a fight
all. The "’Ammonites" argue that Jehovah’s witnesses ’-~In the message of The Theocracy the ones
drive them out of a field they have claimed from addressed in particular are the policy-making rulers
Nimrod’s time and which field, therefore, Jehovah’s of the nations that go totalitarian and that open up
people have not the mght to invade and occupy or 20 Ilo’z do the moder~ Ammomtes add force to such threats, and
~hat demand does It back up’*
I" What ali~er (hd the Idne of Ammon make to Jephthah, and wha! 21 {al llo~ ha~ the [a(ture been fulfilled that "Jephthah sent me~ngor~
are the fact~ con( erolng the splr|tual l~raellte-’~ as to col~ing up again’ to the klog of Azllmor~, IS) l~ thls an Interference~-l[b del~n’~e
out cf ’ Lg~ pt" and a~ to poMt|on~’~ that the.~ have taken since 1914 acIl~ ltte~ of delllocrae|e~ or IS It all llldUclD~ by iilela Io Fd/o~e other,,
to~ard "Aol~d rule and tile earthl.’,politicalpo~ers tO qult thelr ~orldl~ a|leglanee~
It, flow do the modern Anlmonltes object that such positlon of 2~: To ~hom Is the l’ro~est message of ’]"lie Theocrat3 aiIIl, e~,~ed
Jehovah’s ’,~itne~es cro~d¢ them out, and what therefore do they and ~ho ]~ re-op0ns|ble for sending the me~sage, and ~re Jehu,ah b
tlemand of Jehovah’s "0,1tne~ses? ’’’~
Wltn~ses thereiore a ’ sect" or a ’ calt
relations with the Vatican. "And [Jephthah] said statement is interesting, as given in The Watchto2~ ey
unto him, Thus salth Jephthah, Israel took not a~;’av of July 15, 1938, parag’raph 23:
the land of Moab, nor tile land of the children of "Jehovah’s witnesses on the earth now fulfill thi.~
Aimnon." (Judg. 11: I5) :ks chosen "head", Jephthah part of the prophecy, in this, that they have never at
discharged the responsibility to speak in reply to any time been commissioned by the Lord to destroy
faL-e charges. At present the one responsible for literally those who compose the visible elements of
the message of God’s covenant people is Christ Satan’s organization. They have been plainly toht
Jesus, the Head of the Theocratic organization and that vengeance belongs to Jehovah and he will repay ;
who represents God Ahnighty. Christ Jesus is consequently their work is different from using
Jehovah’s Chief Witness, "The Faithful and True carnal weapons, For that reason Jehovah’s witnesses
Witness," and he leads his faithful followers on have not advocated or engaged in revolutmns, or
earth, Jehovah’s witnesses. Theirs was and is not any like attempts to overthrow worldly institutions.
a man’s mes,age~ _ . They are not a religious sect or They have never encouraged anyone else to do so.
cult: for they do not follow the traditions of some Their sole duty and eonmfission is to inform ttw
man or men nor any religious rigmarole. They people of God’s purpose to destroy Satan and hi,
practice Christianity bv doing as Jesus (lid in supporters, thereby giving warning to tho.-e wh,,
obedience to God’s law and commandments. Hence are of good-will toward God that they nmv flee to
in ~he name and hv the authority of God’s Word the place of safety in God’s organization. Jehovah’s
~he visible part of his Theocratic organization sends witnesses have never attempted to use politic~
forth for public information its rebuttal of enemy [Ammon’s province] or any like means or the legis-
fal.-_ e charges. lative bodies or the courts to deprive any person
-’~ That Jehovah’s covenant people took no land of the freedom of thought or the operatim{ of their
awav without authomty from Him, note Moses’ organization or to prevent the expresslon of lhetr
words on the plains of Mesh, shortly before the views and convictions, because they clearly see that
Israelites crossed the Jordan into Canaan. "And Jehovah has permitted the winked institutions of
the Lend said unto rue, Distress not the -Moabites the world to remain until his due time to show hi-
[children of Lot], neither contend with them in power against all his enemies. It is therl~fore the
battle; for I will not give thee of their land for a eommissmn and obligation of his witnesses to nox~
possession, because I have given Ar unto the children tell the people of and concerning Jehovah’s purp--e-.
of Lot for a possession. And when thou comest nigh Jehovalfs witnesses follow strictly tile rule that
over against the children of Ammon, distress them there should exist and be freely practiced the fre,-
not, nor meddle with them: for t will not give thee dora of speech, and freedom of belief and expressmn.’
of the !and of the children of Ammon[also descend-
ants of Lot] any possession: because I have given it ’~The above statement to the "ldng of Amnmtf
unto the chihtren of Lot for a po.-~-essmn. Only unto was made the next thing after the Lord God all:-
closed that his approved organization is Th,oe~atic
the land of the children of Ammonthou earnest not,
(See The Watchtower, June, 19,33.) In agreem(,nt
not" unto any place of the liver Jablmk, nor unto
with the foregoing statement Jehovah’., \vttne.-.-es
the oities in the |nounta|ns, nor unto whatsoever tile
have strictly followed the rule laid downby the tt(.ad
LenD our God ~Ont~*Dus."--Deut. 2: 9, 19, 37.
of the Theocratic organization, namely, ’R’emh,r unto
" Cvnturies later, in tile face of like invasion by
Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and un~o God that
Ammonand its allies, ,leI|o.qtaphat king of deru- which is God’s.’ ]n thus doing Jehovah’~ witne:se,
~-aiem confirmed .Moses" words. He did so in prayer have neither taken awav the "land" nor denied an~-
tl, (1o(t, who knows the truth, saying: "’And now, thing that properly belongs to the state.
behold, tile children of Ammon,and Moab, and mount
" Further, ,Jepilthah ,~md: "’But when Israel cam,
Seir, whom thou wouldest not let Israel invade,
when they came out of the land of Egypt, hut they up from Egypt, and walked through the wil(ternes,
turned from them, and destroyed them not: behol(i, unto the Red sea, and came to Ka(lesh; then ls~ae[
sent messengers unto tile king of Edom, saying, Let
I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us out
me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but tt~e kin’.:
of THY possession, which thou hast gn’en us to
of Edom would not hearken thereto. And in hke
inherit."--2 Chron. 20: 10, 11.
manner they sent unto the king of Moah; but he
~ The modern application of King Jehoshaphat’s
would not consent: and Israel abode in Kade~il."--
23 What do The word~ nf .Mo~e~ to I’,rael
re~zardlng ~he Anll~onlies’ chalge that l~rael
in the plam,~ of Moab ~how
took a~ay file land of Judges ll: 16, 17.
.Moa[~ and of Ammon
~ ~entlllll~-s later. In a nine ~f like liP. aMen Ill)Oil I~rael. how
~ere those ~Or¢l,l of ~Io~es confir’mod 26 What rule ".~as laid do,an hy "he Fiead of the Themratie
"~ and
"2.5 ~.’~ ~late(I in The Watchtoue, of July 15 19"Is. ho~ have Jeho~ah’~ organlZatlOU in folio’o, i n ~ that rule ha:e Jvho, flh ¯ ~ it lle~e~
~ttne--s(~ fulhlIed tho~e ~ord,~ of Jeho~lhaphat deelarln~ Jehovah had tllkell av, a~ t)r ilenIOI x~ hilt I~eloIlg~ 10 tilt" ",late
not perlllltted Ills ,o~enant penple to l~vdde ~he lands o[ Ararnon, -27 In an~mer to tile king ot ~.lnmon ~hat (onduet of Edom and "qoatl
"doab aud .Mount Selr* ~
to~ard brael dtd Jephthah (’all to his notice

’* In the Bible s?unbolisms "Edom"pictures "organ- ,O,.Big Business" and the rest of the c,)mmercial
ized religion", under tile dominance of the Roman element imve played "’Big Brother" to rehgion and
Catholic Hierarchy; and "Moab" pictures the prof- have supported it financmlly, granting it free time
iteering commercial element of the world. All the on radio networks, free advertising in newspapers.
facts testify that Jehovah’s witnesses have never together with large and always favorable reports of
done any bodily or property harm to reli~onists, religious activities and speeches, such as the pope’s
but have diseussed merely religious doctrines pub- encyelicals and "Christ-mass" and "peace" speccbe~
licly taught. A world deception was pulled off in printed in full, free. This same commercial element
1933 when, in April, Plus XI declared a ’qloly year" imitates ancient Moab and does not "consent" to
throughout "Christendom". This was a reproach to any favors to Jehovah’s witnesses, but charged them
God’s name, and Jehovah’s uitnesses took issue with regular eonunercial rates for broadcasts on the
the RomanCatholic Hierarchy by a radio broadcast Bible. It refused them radio facilities because the
over 55 stations in tile speech "Effect of Holy Year Hierarchy threatened stations with boycott and
on Peace and Prosperity". The speech was also "more drastic action" if the witnesses were given
recorded as given and thereafter reproduced on the air. In the commercial newspapers "Moab" pub-
sound machines throughout "’Christendom". W’hetl~er lishes lying reports written by religionists against
Jehovah’s witnesses were right in declaring the so- Jehovah’s witnesses. "Moab" has broken contract
called "Itoly Year" an unscriptural farce, let all for advertisements, paid for in advance, of Bil)le
honest persons judge hv the totalitarian aggressions lectures. Nowcommercial laws, never intended to
and tile measure of peaee and prosperity that have be used against ministers of the gospel, are appliod
followed since 1933. against tile gospel-preaching hy Jehovah’s wmles-_-c~
~’ttot resentment filled the Hierarchy at this as against peddlers. By its 5-to-4 decision of June ~,
approach to their territory’, and they engineered 1942, the Supreme C’ourt of America ruled lhat
l~oyeotts -rod programs of violence against those who license-tax ordinances of towns and citie, may h,
dared call in question the "infallibility" of the applied against Jehovah’s ministers of ~he gospel
Vatican. Offers were made to the Hierarchy for as though commonambulating vendors. Also the
del~ates over the radio upon the subjects of Catholic commercial element join m the hue and cry f,~r
church doctrines as regularly taught by them pub- "morereligion !" Theyask that religious teachi’ng l~e
licly. Such proposals tlle Hierarchy consistently introduced into the public schools as bem;. the most
turned downand ignored, despite a Petition for such important thing in a publie-school course, and many
a eoast-to-coast radio debate signed by 2,630,001 public schools let the children take time off frm~
petitioners in America. The Hierarchy treated all regular school hours to get religious training outside.
such fair and honoral)le proposals as contempttble ~’ The Edomites and Moabites made it hard,
and beneath their ’qmly" notice. They refused to wearisome going for the Israelites to reach the
grant an)" favors or considerations in behalf of Promised Land. Said Jephthah: "Ttmn they went
enhghtening the Fublic on the truth. They roused up along through the wilderness, and compassed the
vmlent Catholic Aetion, in like manner as Edomdid land of Edom, and the land of Moab, and came by
of old : "And Edomsaid unto [Israel], Thou shalt not the east side of the land of Moab, and pitched on
p’~ss hv me, lest I comeout against thee with the the ott~er side of Ari~on [river], hut came not uithm
.-word. Andthe children of Israel said unto him, We the border of Moab: for Arnon was the [northein]
will go by the high way: and if I and mycattle drink border of Moab." (Jud~. 11: 1S) The people, uh(~
of thy water, then I will pay for it [as illustrated ,have been visited in their i~omes kno~, and tht
by the offer to pay for half of the radio-debate testimony offered freely in the courts prove, tlmt
broadcasting expense]: I will only, without doing Jehovah’s witnesses lmve not m~posed on the com-
any thing else, go through on my feet. Andhe said, mercial "’Moabites" nor violated the commercmllaw~
Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out and regulations by their witnes., work. In tt’e manu-
against him with much people, and with a strong facture and distribution of WATC~t TowImh~erature
hand. Thus Edomrefused to give :Israel passage they have avoided everything savoring of commer-
through his border: wherefore Israel turned away cial motive, practice and profit. They have dis-
from him." (Num. 20: 1S-21) So Jehovah’s witnesses tributed the printed and recorded message unself-
turned away from the Hierarchy and visited the ishly out of love for God and in obedience to Hml.
"Catholic population" in their private homes. Nevertheless, as in the Theocracy trials in Kentucky
~ (b) 30 How have the modern .Moltblte~, ,,hown favors to the rehglouq
2", tal Whom do ’Edom" and "Moab" picture On what did
Johotah s ~,tne:,se~ take Issue wlth the rehglOU’~ Iher,’Irchy In 1933, element but ’consented’ to none for Jehovah’,~ ~ttnesses~
and how ma5 ~e Judge ~hether the.,. ~ere right in no doing* 31 ta~ Due to the action~ of Edom and Moab. ho~ v,a,~ the odin=
fQr the lsraehtes on the wa,, ta Canaan’, lb’, Do the fact. ~-hox~ II~at
2’J lIou (hd the lherareh.~ act at Oat,, approach of Jehmah’s ~ttnesse~ Jeho~ ah s ’~ ltnlYs~e~ ha~.e llni~o~ed on ",bo Colnnlerclal ’ Mo,tblte~" ¯ /litd
t,~ their terrttor3, JIlM IL~ fore~hado~ed b.~ Hdom s action of old, and ,zhat hose the prosecutor~ in (ourt trla[s charged and tried to pro~e
~[llther did Jeho,,ah’s ~ttnesses turn awa:~ from them? on this question ?
346 BROOI,:LYN, N. Y.

and Indiana and elsewhere, the state prosecution agreed with that of the prophet Moses. at Deuwr-
tried to make it appear Jehovah’s witnesses were a enemy 2:32-37 and Numbers °1:21-31. By tins
commercial organization opel ating under a religious familiarity with the Bible history of 1sl ael Jephthz,.i~
appearance for profit. showed he was not some rough desperado and ~ lht-
life ignoramus, but that he studied and was ~x,,ll
AUTHENTIC FACTS acquainted with the written Word of God. tie l:ad
,5 ttow, then, did Israel get the disputed territory? faith in its records of Jehovah’s judgments .,.uece,-*-
Jephthah answered: "And Israel sent messengers fully executed against all enemies. P.r the vl,.t~r\
unto Salon king of the Amorites, the ldng of Hesh- over Sihon Jephthah’s words gave the credit ~o
lion; and Israel said unto him, Let us pass, we pray Jehovah God. Jehovah’s part in the l~attle was the
thee, through thy land into myplaee." (Judg. 11 : 19) hnportant thing; it was His victory aml It|- oral-
This faet proves that the Ammonites were not quest. Nothing stopped him in estahlishin,..- hi-
occupying and had never occupied the land which worship in the land then, and nothina will stop i|,.-
tlmy said Israel took away from them, namely, the establishing it through the whole earth now, r.,,
land northward "from Arnon even unto Jal~bok, and matter who opposes. Christ Jesus. who refused to
[westward] unto Jordan". (Verse 13) It was the worship the "prince of the demons", is now rigt:tful
Amorites under Sihon that occupied and held such King of the earth. With um in office it must I,v.
land in possession when Israel reached the southern Out with rdigion, which is demon|sin’ Ite. as C,~,t:
border of it: "’for Amen is the border of Moab. agent, will establish Jehovah’s worsllip over all th:,
between Moah and tile Amorites." (Num. 21: 13) earth.
The Alnmonites. however, occupied land to the east ’~ Jephthah continued: "’And they po<ses~ed all
of Sihon’s country, and hence their territory did not the coasts of the Amorites, from Amen even tlllI(,
run as far west as Jordan. Furthermore, Numbers Jabbok, and from the wilderness even unt() ,lordar..
21:26 says: "He.-hbon was the city of Sihon the (Judg. 11: 22) Had this territory been AIIIIllI~II-.
king of the Amorites, who had fought against the then God would not have permitted I-lael lo ~:’u:’
former king of Moab. and taken all his land out of it; for Jehovah God had told the Israelites 1-( t t(,
his hand, even unto Arnon." Tills i~ additional proof distress or meddle w~th Amman. (Deut. 2: 19)
that the Anunonues never once possessed this land. thus dearly defining the lim|ts of tile eon,tuv,~(,,l
~’ Sihon’s name means "sv,’eeping": as when a territory Jephtlmh showed he wab not di.-im.--d t~
warrior sweeps all hefme him. tte was an Amori,.e, compromise or to 3field to the enemy one inch ,,f
and hence a deseendant of tl’e accursed Canaan. anything God had given to tits covenant pe~plv.
(Gem 9: 25: 10: 15, 16) The Amorites were Canaan- Stud Jephthah to Amman:"’So now the Lyre) (;,,,i
ites and al.-o den:on-wor~-hipers. "’Anmrite’" is under- of Israel hath dispossessed the Amor~te>from 1)~,fOl’,
stood to mean "mountaineer". Their likeness to his people Israel. and shouldest thr)u pos-e.-s it’
"organized religion" is clear: for religion etanns to (Judg. ll: 23) This sets the r~ght example for (;od’-
dwell in the mount of (;od’s kingdom, but it goes servants today.
out after _Moabitish eommereial gain and eotnmer- " In 19IS.Jehovah sent to the temld(¯ for in(|ram :,;
cializes religion and sweei,s all before it. Hence the his "Messenger of the covenant’. Ch,’l-t .lt.,-u-.
mc)dern Alnorite.-. resist ,Jehovah’s witnesses, who (Mal. 3:1-3) Every advancement .~mee then 111
have renounced all commercialism. They feel hurt knowledge and understanding, and all pl,,Zr~--
at expo~-ure of their religious racket, and hence sho~ toward a pure and proper service of tl~v Iml’d ~;,,!.
Jehovah’s witne,_ses no favors. has meant just that muchof a pu.-hn|:z 1)a(,l; ~,f tl,,.
u Jephthah continued: "But Sihon trusted not power and forces of religmn and a galnHl~ [~1’ \~ctc)l
Israel to pass through his coast: but Saran gathered over religion. From all a(lvanced p,-xt>n: tim-
all lns people together, and p~tched in Jahaz, and attained the Lord’s servants may Ih)t dlaw lm(.l:
fought against Israel. And the Lore) God of Israel To do so would he to yieht gr.und to reli~ioms,<
delivered Sihon and nil his people into the hand of and their alhes. Jehovah, by Chr|-t ,Je:us at ~!lt,
Israel. and they smote them: so Israel possessed temple, is the One responsilde for (.leanine up l~l-
all the land of the Amontes, the inhabitants of that witnesses on the earth, lte drove out reh,~mn an,1
country." (Judg. 11:20,21) JephthalL’s statement religionists from among them and gave them th,,
32 What fact did Jephthah ~hen cite tn ~ho~ ~hother the .Kmmonttes mastery over that snare and racket, tie l|rou~h’
had pop,eased the dlSptlted territory,
act a.All~ otCUp3 ’
and ~x hat terrttor) did the ..~mlxlOLllte$ them into the pmvileges of proclaiming the KihgdO~,
33 ~Vhonl do I~.ln~: Sthon and the Amor:tes picture and lloxs is the
pl,,ture fuPflled ut tile Anlorltes’ taking tile dzbputed land out of 35 lind the disputed terrttor~ been .~P/llnoi3 ¯ nould 1¢r’~¢’| ha~e tat(
the baud ~ff the .’~Ioabltes po.,,se~sloa of it, and b3 ~hut ~tatenn2tlt doe~ Jel,hlh t|l i~t,,.! ~llo~x
did Kinc Sihon then take toward I~raeL, and ~hether lie ~,t, ss X~llll~g tO Cualprollll~e ,~r ~lel~ tr)~llrtl ~.{Lt~l(Jn ’
034 (a~ ~Xllat course
(hi I~.~ his statements ot~ I~rael’s history what
’iXIt]l what alltcome 36 ta) Since 191S how am] through ’.. lIOlll | a~e tile Lor 1 ¯ .truants
did Je|,hthah ~,lio~ eonternlm: hml-elf ’ and ~h,qt does Jehovah’s made gRillS agaanst relik’lon and it- practitioner- .thd Iihl~ "hi X now
~ictor~ o~er Sihon lllake certain as to the ~lor~hlp to be established withdraw fronl such adxaneed DOMt|OlI~ " Ibl Tel ~.hom Ibeltture do
In the earth ~ the ~ religious clerg} appeal and for what actlon
Nova.~IBnI:15, 1942 2.. e\,VATCHTOVVEI
~o~.r)(,1 to tile pooplc~ a~ his ordained ministers, which Ilis prophecies, he has given flwm repeawd triumphs
privileges the religious clergy had claimed as their over re[igion and its clergy. All gains for trutl~ and
prerogative and exclusive right. Hence the clergy for the Kingdom interests which God’s witnesses
and th<ur allies sooff when God’s witnesses declare have gained by His grace, they refuse to vwld up
themselves ordained ministers of the gospel and even under threats, ultimatums and the cruel pre:-
present identification cards to trml-eourt judges and sure of religion’s political allie~, the Naz~-Fasc~-~t
others to that effect. Jehovah’s servants have shown powers particularly. God-given conquests they xvW.
It,,, falsity of the elahn of the religious clergy to uphold and abide by. and not yield to any counter-
l,eing God’s ordained ministers and representatives. move by the enemy to thrust tlmm hack into darkness
Now the clergy try to regain and hold on to that and bondage. Being given the light, tile?" u~!l no"
po~ition in tlie minds of the people, from which put it under the bushel which totalitarian rule would
po~-ltion Jehovah’s witnesses have driven them out use as a black-out: they will rut the light on the
hv exposure. So the religionists of the day appeal candlestick to g~ve light and comfort to tho,e mourn-
tr, the Ammonitish political element and urge them ing in darkness. (Matt. 5: 15, 16) Like Ehud. they
ta try to drive back the Lord’s witnesses from the do not draw out the sword from the fat belly of tl~e
’.:retold they have gained against demonism and its antitypical King Eglon, "organized religlon."--
ii~ actmoners. Judg. 3 : 21, 22.
:: From whomdo religious totalitarians derive all ~" For this re,-tson Jehovah’s witnesses have l~attled
tl~eir po-vers? Ilevetanon 13:2 answers. From their way clear through all courts up to the Supreme
Satan’s organization, the dragon. To that effect Jeph- Court in their defense of and demand for (.on~-utu-
thah ,,aid: "Wilt not thou possess that which tmnal rights, privileges and liberties as ciuzens and
Chemosh [meaning "Subduer’] thy god giveth thee to Christians. Where the highest human court refubes
p,)-sess ~- So whomsoever the Lo~m our God shall to protect their eonscientmus rights, then they take
drive out from before us, them will we possess." the punislunent rather than yield and compr(m:i-c.
(.Iudg. 11 : 24) The Bible and the worship of Jehovah They resort to all other constitutional and (’hr~st-
are not the field for control by the demon-serving like means to preserve the rizhts and li]~ertv of
I;olitieal element. Neither are the poliUeians the Christia~fity. In the Nazi-Fasmst lands and oilier
interpreters of the Bdfle to decide the difference lands going totalitarian they carry on as far as
lletween religion and Christianity. On tile other side, possible in spite of jeopardy to their very live~.
Jehovah’s witnesses do not mix In the politics of ,o The modern-time A~mnonites should contemplate
this world. They do not even exercise the citizen’s Jephthah’s further words: "And now art thou any
right of suffrage or vote. Whatsoever Jehovah God thing better than Balak the son of Zipper, kin,.: of
has pernfitted the "god of this world" ("Chemosh") Moab~ did he ever strive against Israel. or did he
to help lds religious totalitarian element to take ever fight against them while Israel dwelt in tleshl~on
po,se~-sion of, with such Jehovah’s witne.,ses do not and her towns, and in Aroer and her towns, and m
interfere, knowing Almighty God u iI1 take care of all tile cities that be aton~ hv the coasts of Amen,
it at Armageddon. They Know Jehovah has permitted three tnmdred years?" (Judg. 11 : 25, 26) Acct>r(hng
,<utah, "’the prince of tins world," to remain till that to the Nazi-Fascist xyay of reasoning, tlm _Moalntes
I,attle. Daniel’s prophecy, chapter eleven, has fore- should have found a cas~s belh azainst Israel, f~ mn
t,,ld how the totalitarian-rehgious element would what is written at Numbers 21 : 25, 26: "’And t.-rael
.,_ram. ground at this end of the world, ttence God’s took all the~e cities: and Israel dwelt in all the e~tleS
-ervants join in no subversive movements against of the Amorites, in tleshllon, and m all ~he villages
any of the political governments. thereof. For tteshbon was Ihe city of Sflmn the lung
~-~ Inasmuch as Jehovah will not let religion survive of the Amorites, who had fought against the t-’on>II:lt
to enter into ttis new world, it is vain and u~eless KING OF ~IOAB, AND TAIr.EN .%LL HIS LANI) OUT OY 1tI~
for the totalitarian and other political elements to mtXD, even unto Arnon." From the rune of I.-rael ~-
,.ome to religion’s rescue and try to shield it from action against Sihon the Israelite, had had more
exposu,’e and to protect and pre.-erve it a~ a useful tilan three hundred ?’ears of .mdgeslups over them,
hanchnaid for backing up political systems. Jehovah and during all that time the Moabite~, had not tl’le, l
ha, foretold this present "strange work" against to wrest from the Israelites the territory they had
religion, and he has led and blessed his witnesses by God’s help taken front K_ing Sihon. It’ence Jeph-
in pressing the battle to its gates. In fulfilhnent of tl’lah put the challenging question to rite Ammonite
37 la’P What ha~ the ~n,l "Chelno,-h" gl~en the mndern AnlInnnite¢; to
II,’’SP ~ alll} lie JehcF~.i|l . ultne~e~ interfere there’,~llh ’~ cb~ "~ hat has 39 Ho~ far ha~e they battled In the fi~’h~ far their due r~:ht,~,
.Itqlo~.:lh (.od gl’*ell hi- v~ltne~se’~ to i,o~(~-, and ~hat haxe tile moderl~ prt’. ile~e~? and hbertle~, and. v. lien denied th( rlght~, v. hat do lho2.
\:illllonlle~ the ~nthnrlt~ In do lhele~lth? t|lell ~.10
° ~tyle s~ho nught llase made (onll,l.unt
3- i.i i ~\ Ii~ i~ it ~ :l~n and u~ele,~ for modern Anlmonlte~ to come 41J Aceordlng to the .Nazl-rll~c~s
i , rt*lll:lon~ re~eue" Ib) /~.haI course do Jehovah - ltltne~ses take llIl~] gone In war o*.er I%r,le] ~ at. upant’~ ill dial.tired tort,tort three
I,,,, II II all gain., agalnsI llffllglO~l add for hght and truth and the hundred
"~ ~ear.,tes and ~lth ",,,hat question theretore dld JeIghthah thalleuge
l’~l llgdOlll lllI e re~t s ’.’ tileAlllmOlll
348 EIie\ ATCHTOWEP,. B oo, , x
claimants’ "W|iv therefore (lid ye not recover them the Judge be judge this day between the children
[those cities] within that time.*" (Judg. 11: 26) The of Israel and the children of Ammon.’"This she\\
real reason for the Ammonite aggressions now was again he was a Jehovah’s witness and a man of
nothing other than their demoniaeal hatred of Jeho- outstanding faith and trust in Jehovah. And no~
vah’s Theocracy to which repentant Israel had after the decision of the Nazi courts in Germany
turned. and the Fascist courts in Italy against Jehovah .-.
" In passing, it is noted that in 191S it was three witnesses there, and after tile United States Suprelm
hundred years from rite beginning of the Thirty Court decision of 1940 on the flag salute ease and
Years" War for religious toleranee, and in 1940 it their decision of June 8, 1942, on license-tax measure-:
wa~ three hundred years from autumn of 1640, when against Jehovah’s witnesses in America, what then’
Ferdinand III, new emperor of the Holy Roman It becomes plain that the Greater Jephthah of to, lay
Empire of the German Nation. assembled a diet at must let Jehovah be the Judge. Let HL~t set the .ludges
Rati-hon, in Catholie Bavaria, Germany, to delib- of modern Ammonin their place. What Allnt_~ilty
erate over the be,-,t method of conducting the Thirty G,d the Supreme Judge thinks, decides and rules ~s
Years’ War, and he continued his deliberations into of highest concern, not what the worldly courts and
1641.--Tl~e E~tcFclopedia Ame, ica~a, Vol. 26, page judges hand down concerning those who fmthfullv
567. safeguard God’s Kingdom interests and represent
’~ Jet)htha}~ therefore threw back the responqbility His Theocratic Government. Those under the
upon the head.-_ of the Ammoniteswith this last word: Greater Jephthah today know that Jehovati has
"\Vherefore I have not ~-mned against thee, but thou eonmfitted to him all judgment and the execution
doe.-_t me wrong to war against me: the LenD the thereof, and that he is on the throne of Ins glorx
Judge be judge this day t)etaveen the children of and all the political element and allies of all nat~on~
Israel and the children of Ammon." (Judg. 11:27) are gathered t)efore him. He is judging such one-
In the present world erisis Jehovah’s witnesses have as to their treatment of His brethren and compan-
not stoned against the worldly poetical ele:nent, hut ions, Jehovah’s witnesses. These have fearle-sl~
have stuck to Jesus’ command, "Render unto Cae.-ar warned the political element and allies eoneernin’_"
the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things the judgments that Jehovah God will execute nearest
that are God’s.’ The wrong which the political forces them in the battle of Armageddon.
do agam~-t them is at the insi~-tenee of the clergy, " But to no avail! "Howbeit the king of the
partieularly the Ron’,an Catholic Hierarehy of children of Ammonhearkened not unto the words of
Authority, who hate Jehovah’s name and Theocracy. Jephthah which he sent trim." (Judg. 11 : 28) Today
As the pre.~ident of the Watch Tower Society the Ammonitish politicians and statesmen desu’e to
stated in the publie address on the sut)jeet "’Govern- rule the earth for themselves and have since 193~
ment and Peace", at .Madisml Square Garden. New refused the Theocratic message. They contempt,-
York city, oil June 25. 1939. and which speech the ouslv brush aside Jehovah’s witnesse.s and heedh..-~-l\
Catholics and Nazis .imntty tried to hreak up bv a pusli on violently with their schemes for worhl
twelve-minute riot, but failed: "The fight," said domination.
the speaker, "is not Catl,olic against Protestant; ~ Jephthal~ (lid not expect to turn 1)aek th- Am-
the i~sue is not Fase|sm or Communism against momte hosts t)v his message challenging and refut-
democracies; but the is.hue is, man rule under Satan ing all their ba?;eless claims. Jephthah expected ~o
a,..-aln~-t THEOCRACY B’, CtlRI’~T ,JE.’-t.’S. It is rehgion r~GnT! First, however, he must show the enemy thmr
anti state against Clinst and his kingdom. There is wrong and guilt before God and serve not~¢.e aml
no nnddle ground, because Jesu~ emphatically says: warmng of the serious consequences, and thus put
’Ite that is not with me ix against me.’ (Luke 11.23) the sole accountability for the disastrous m~teome
¯ . . Why such violent and persistent opposition~ upon the aggressors themselves. Since 197,S ,J(,h~,-
Is it because Jehovah’.s ~Ltnesses are endangering vah’s witnesses have not expected to turn I,a,.k tl~c
the welfare of the people? No, not at all. The sole Nazi-Faseist-Itierarehy totalitarian force- I)v th,.
reason for sueh opposition is that religmus leaders mere Theocratic message and thereby avmd a fi~ht.
and allies are against the Theocratic Government On June 24, 1939, at New York tit.v, just a veer
by Christ Jesus." after the revelatmn of the Theocratic. organization.
’~ Jephthah declared to a ],eatl~en ldng, "Jehovah they publlely, t)y the speech "Victory", threw the
41. In fonTl~pIion **~,lth the "Aat fllF rellg~OtlS ~oleranee. ’ahat lntere.,,t:ng
thrt~-hLIl*dlt~l 3t’,tr i~etlOd Inn3 be not{~I,
42 .\et,)tdlmZ to Jephthah~ ~ord, ~tho ha~e Mnneq ,’tt:asn~t tile other ~ x~.ltne~t*~ el "~the inl,lern \ntllhlnlL’e- .lull bee.ltl-e o[ ilatred
Ot |lll~ SIll beerl eOlllllllltlbd con~’ernllqg IhO I~lle lIl~lbl%ed
4,2 ca) In lu- ,li,Pe~A for jllllglllel,,. [I0"¢. dill Jel,hthah -ho,.~ he ~a’~
Jel)o’. "Ill - ",*, ltrle~b ¯ ( b i In ’~ lOV. oI tel on, ?reBtnlt’llt (if lilel/l I)3 the
lt,ttlOll- ~.~ ilotn lllUbt the Greater Jellllth ill ADd tilo~e under i’.lill le[
be ~l~e judge, and ~hat is it that ulll decide the lud~megt exeeutea~
NOVE.VBEn15, 1942 -’-fieWATCHTOWER. 349

challenge of Joel 3:9-12 into the face of the modern- lished in 1940. It is now up to tile people as
day Ammonites. That challenge is being further individuals to make, each one, his choice.
circulated in the book Religzon (pages 315-335), pub- (To be cm, tmued)

HIS is a timely question. There is good historic
T keeping of the commandments of Jehovah God, and
Communists witl admit. But is it Christian~ Its oclebrat.on
precedent for raising it, in this: The Jews left the by certain religious orgamzations does not make ~t Chmstmn,
any more than bingo ,..-ames. lotteries, or card pames m
to offset this they became very rehglous and indulged m religious pamsh houses or parish schools are for that reason
a lot of giving or offering of sacrifices; but was thin Chmstmn.
acceptable to the Lord God? Itls own answer, as dehvered Look high and low in the Christmn wrnings of Jesus’
under insplratmn by Ins prophet Isaiah, proves interesting apostles and thmr compamons, and you wilt not find once
in the hght of hohday giving and feasting: the word "Christmas", neither the word "mass" Not only
"’To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices is the date of Jesus’ im’th not given anywhere for the
un~o me? saith the LORD:I am full of the burnt offerings purpose of having it celebrated, but the ont.~ b:rlhdav
o: rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I dehght not in celebration mentioned ~s that of the adulterous I,~me tIe~od
the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. When whose step-daughter Salome danced to make the celebration
ye (ome to appear before me, wito It~.TIt REQUIRED TItIS "merry", yes. merry by having the head of the forelunner
AT YOURH~.ND to tread my courts ° Bring no more yam of Chmst. namely, the head of John the Balmst ctml,t,ed
oblatmns: incense is an abomination unto me; the new off (See .Matthew 14:6-12..Mark 6 21-297 E~en ()m~cn
moons and sabbaths, the calhng of assembhes. I cannot of Alexandria (A. D. 1S5-254~. who is celebrated a~ c, ne of
a~av wlth. It is iniquity, even the solemn meeting Your the "early church fathers", was sharp enougl~ to see the
new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: point, so that he stated that "m the Semi)lures ~mner,~
they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them alone, not saints, celebrate theu’ birthday’. Jesus (’}nlst
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine nox~here instructed his d~sciples to celebrate ins nunmn
eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers. I will b~rthday on either the legitimate day or any fict~tlous da~e,
not hear your hands are full of btood."--Isa 1:11-15 and for reh,zionists to engage in such a eeIebratmn on a
Today the world w~tnesses the spectacle of rehmon b:’mg- rehglous fixed date, winch date ~s furthermore sacred to
in~ together the clerk" and d~etators whose hands are "full a heathen false god. ~s a ease of adding to the Word of
of blood", and fully proving that the Naz>Fasmst d~etators God. Concerning th~s ~t is wmtten, at Proverbs 30.5.6
are not trying to stamp out rehgmn as certain rehgmus "Every word of God it pure. he ~s a stneld unto them
clergymen are publicly and loudly declaring as a screen that put their trus*, m him ADDTHOUNOT UNTOt!I’.,
to hide the,r co-operation w~th the emminal dictators In WOnDS.lest he reprove thee. and thou be found a har"
support of this, note two press dispatches In a w~reless --See also Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22 1S. 19
to the New York Times, dated London, October 12, under The early Amemeans. sueh as the Pfigmms, the Purer;ms.
the heading, "Nazis in Poland Estabhsh Two Separate the Quakers, etc. would have nothing to do with "’Chmst-
Cathohe (h’oups.’" it was stated" "’Two Cathohc assoclahons, mas" eelebratmns Scotland to :]n,, da3 does not observe
one for Poles, the other for Germans, haxe been formed "’
"Cnmstmas"as a natmnal hohday, but views ~t as "i~ol-,~..,h
xxlth Po!ish B~shop Dymek and the German Franciscan, The early Christmns dtd not celebrate it, because under-
B~cltmger, as beads of the respective sometms Ne~s of standing it to be the pa,..,an "feast of the sun" T:mt least
the Vatlcan’s appointment of Bremuger as the leader of wa~ celebrated the ttnrd da3 after the winter solstice,
(’,erman Cathohes m occupied Poland gmevously surprised namely, on December 25. and it was used to back u], the
Polish mreles in London .... complaining of the violatmn Devil’s he m behalf of the great ant>Jehovah hurtsm~.n
by the Vatican of the concordat with Poland . . the N~mrod (Genesis 10: 8-10) The Devil’s he was, ’There
Pohsh ambassador to the Vatican had protested wgorously no death,’ and the so-called "Chmstmas tree" practice
a,zamst the appointment of a German to a church post symbohzes the lie that the dmtator N~mrod ~s not dead.
m Poland." An earher dispatch by the Internatmnal News but ~s ~mmortal in the sprat world. (Oen 3"4,5) .ks
Service, dated Rome, January 3, 1941, reads ".Marking shown by every eneyclopedm, centumes before the b~rtn
t,erhaps the first time that the Vatman has obtained any of Jesus the heathen worshipers celebrated the rebmh of
important coneesmons from Russm, Josef Stahn espemaIly Sol, the sun, in that connectmn making use of holb, tile
relaxed Soviet anti-reli~ous laws in order to permit Cath- mistletoe, the yule log, and the evergreen, which last is
ohcs m Russian-occupied territories [including part of the "Christmas tree" of modern rimes used by the rchgmn-
Poland at the time] to attend CHmST~AS services, it was ists of "Christendom" about which to have a "aoll.~ good
learned today.... Chancellor Hitler acted as intermedlar3- time", not barring drunkenness, gluttony and hcentlousness
bct~een Pope Plus and the Soviet dictator . . . The Says a world h~stor3", On the Road to Cwd,zat~on, page
pontiff sent h~s personal thanks to Hitler through Monmgnor 164, used as a textbook m Amemcan high schools "’The
()l’benlgo feast of Saturn, the Saturnaha, uas a winter festival x~lnch
That so-called "Christmas" is religious, even the Jews, lasted for a week beg:nnmg on the twenty-fifth da~ of
the Moslems, the Chinese, and the Nazls and Fascists and December, and was celebrated ~lth dancing, the exehang-
NieWATCHTOWER. B oo ,, x. ¥.
ing of gifts, and the burning of candles. The Saturnalia that her husband-son Nimrod was the "seed" ~ho woul,l
was later laken over by the Chrlsuans as their Christmas, destroy the "’serpent". Thls "mother and son" or ".Madonna
and ~vcn a new significance." l)esplte the Saturnahan and bambino" doctrine runs through all the falae rdm’xms
hilarity practiced at "Clmstmast~de" with the full conniv- of earth, and is, no doubt, a part of Satan’s reh~mus
ance of the Roman Catholic Iherarchy, yet TILe Catholic scheme to get people to lose sight of the real "seed of tht.
Env~]elopccha trees to sidetrack the people from the truth by woman", namely, Christ Jesus, the "seed" of Jdlmai~’-
saying, "The ommn of Chmstmas should not be sought orgamzation Zmn.
in the Saturnaha t l-23 December)." Itowever, concermng The emphasis now is placed by reli~ionists upon Madm:n.~
the picking of the date from the heathen worship it admits and, secondly, upon the "baby" Jesus, rather than on ,h.~us
thin. "The well-known solar feast, howe~er, of Xatahs Chmst, the glorified spirit who is the "express ~ma~e of
Invicti [’Birthday of the Unconquered’~, celebrated on God’s person" and whose kingdom has begun w~th Mmm
25 December, has a strong claim on the responsibility for the throne as the highly exalted King and Serv.zn~ of
our I)ecember date." The celebratmn became popular after Jehovah God. In most Catholic churches there ~s a "b. by
the Nicene Council convoked by Emperor Constantine m Jesus’ at Christmas time Catholic Franms of .\ss~s~ began
A. D 325. and the E,~cgclopedm therefore spe,~ks of another the "’baby" praetme, and elmms to haxe used an crop’,?
"early church father’" who defended the celebration of the crib in winch there appeared a real ]ire baby Jesus at the
new custom on December25 ¯ ’"Rome. therefore, hs.s observed opportune moment. Compare tins emotional religmus trad>
25 December long enouuh to allow of Chwsostom speaking tion with the plain statement of the apostle Paul a’,
at least m 38S as above " 2 Comnthians 5: 16: "Yea, though we have k-noum,~t
The fact that Jesus was not born in the dead of winter after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we h~m no more ""
makes no d;fferenee to the celebrators Have not the Roman Francis of Asslm evidently did not read the B~ble or ~ake
Catholw priests, from the pope down. said mass on that inspired scripture seriously; othem~lse he ~oul,t ,ha~ ,,
December25 for centuries since 388, and is it not therefore known that he was a vmtlm of the demons at the ’bat,~
"Christmas’" ? Jesus" trmk.
Jesus being thirty-three and a half ?’ears old at the time Then, too, those "wise men": the Bfi)le does not sa3
of Ins death at Calvary at the beginning of spr~ng, the there were three of them Those "’w~se men" who traxei~,d t=~
evidence ,s that he \xas born m a season a half-year earher. Bethlehem sometime after Jesus" b~rth were really mae~emns,
namely, at tlle beginning of autumn, or about October 1, or "’magi", and hence were astrologers, demonologists, con-
at x~h:ch time the shepherds could reasonably be watching cerning which rehgious sect see Deuteronomy 4 19 and
their flocks by mght out :n tile open fields, and at which Isaiah 47:13, 14. Jehovah God chose God-fearing Je~>h
time of the ?’ear also John the BaImst eoufd seasonably be shepherds to be w~tnesses to the birth of his Son at Be, h-
baptizing repemant Jews in Jordan mxer and eouM ba.ntlze lehem, and not those astrologers Such demon-x~mshq,ers.
Jesus now come to th’rt3 5ears of age (Luke 2 7-16. though sincere, were driven by ~he superst~tmus fear nf
3: 21-23) Hence, accordm,z to the mspned .qemptures. the the "star" or luminous body wlaeh the Devil demon:zed
evldenc~ is that tile annunciation to th~ Jewess. Mary, took them to see m the sky. Thereby the Devil mls~.ed them and
place nine months earher m the 3ear, or sometime in caused them to drop m on murderous King flexed and
December. Nevertheless Christ Jesus and his heavenl? fmakten him about the birth nf a new-born km~ of th~.
Father m no part of the Bible command any true Chrlstum Jews and thereby arouse his murderous passions \Vhmea~
to celebrate either of thyme evelltS, and in harmony there- the shepherds had not informed tiered of tl~e Mrth. the~e
wit1, the date.’, thereof ~ere ~thheld The celebration of "wise men" were obliged to first apply dn’ect to itero,t and
"’Christmas" ts a eonce.’,sion to the iieathe,~, pagan holiday get the location of the b~rthp[ace as at an,1
and is a eompronn~e with demomsmx~t’,teh is rellgmn thereafter tile "’star" led them to Bethlehem, ~th l,[u:_-
The e~er,_,reen tree, be<ou.~ pwlurm,..- to the heathen sun- Herod’s soldiers close on thmr heels to mrssacre the t,at,v~
wor~,inpers that ,Sol did not really ,he, was used by other of Bethlehem. including Jesus. ~f possfl~le t See .Matthe\~
Molatets to show that Nmm,d, eal!ed the "’father of the 2.1-18; Who. then, sent those "w~se men’ to seei. ~he
god..,", did not reall~ din. when he w:l~ slam by tub enemws child ,Jesus~ Was~t Jehoxah (~ud, or was ~t lhe "Svrpunt’"
for lab crimes lhs mother Semlranus (x~ho had also who God had foretold would bruise tile heel of the b~t’d
beeome N~mrod’s v, qfe} announeed that her son and husband of the woman? And who created that "sta,’" to ;cad ttlem
had been made a god, a demon. The story ~s not easily to Iterod~ and why, then, should those "x;l~e men’, ~hrpe
traced in }nstory, but sufliment ex~dence remains m the of them, and the "star" be glorified so mud, by rel~,_’mmsts
at ’Christmastide"? ’~
What Chr~tmmty ~s there m ~t
mythology of various eountmes to enable stud,.ms to piece
together tim story, as is done m the book The Too Bab!ll,~as, "Beware lest an?" man spoil ?ou through phflosvld~V and
by Hlslop. Tins accounts for it that while the pope and vain deceit, after ’tile trachtton of men, after the 1-’a~lgne:lts
other rehgmnlsts are celebrating ’Chmstmas" the Nazis of the world, and not after Chmst" This ~s the warmng
of littler Germany can on the very same date celebrate g~ven at Colosmans 2.8 by an apostle of Jesus (’hr~st
with propriety the pagan rites of demon-worshipers of Religmn’s annual celebration of the unsemptural hohda?
anment Germany, who celebrated such evergreen-tree rites of "’Ctmstmas" la~s the chief emphasis on the selfish
and earousmg and other forms of self-indulgence eentumes matter of human sa~vatmn Tile true and pure Chmstmnity
before Jesus’ birth. now rejoices m and pubhshes worht-~Me the birth in
Semlramis advanced the thought that she was really A.D. 1914 of Jehoxah God’s kingdom by Chmst Jesus,
the "woman" mentioned m Eden, at Genesis 3: 15, and whmhw~ll vindicate Jehovah’s name at Armageddon, soon
INCE the Nazi hordes have penetrated so deepl\ into
S Russmn territory,
and since Adventists and other
organizations, meludm~ Anglo-Israehtes,
powers and principalities,
and facts now prove thl~.--Eph

Based upon the certain truths that are rexealed by the

l:ave ton’-" taken the v~ew that Gog and .Magog are to be Scriptures the following eonclusmn a.~ to the meanm~of
identified w~th Russm, some Adventists and oti~ers are now Gog and Magog is here set fortt-, m brief (;og is one of
wondering why Soviet Russia has been losing up till now, the I)tnnces m Satan’s orgamzatmn, invisible, of course, to
and will it continue so? human eyes, with a possibihty of the power to matermhze
Poretolhng thin~s concert.tag "the latter years", Jehovah in human form should God permit such tIence the "land
God tohl his prophet Ezekiel to turn his face toward Gog, of 3Iagog’" pictures lhe invisible sprat realm of Satan,
the land of Ma~og, and to prophesy against him This whose inhabkants include f;o~ and all the ~lci.ed a~:~,:l~
must mean that Jehovah’s w~tnesses, of whomEzekiel was ~ithin Gog’s d~vlsion of Satan’s organization. Aeeordm~ to
one m his time, must today declare the prophecy against Ezekiel’s prophecy, Gog forms and organizes a eonspmwv
that wMeh Gog represents Ezekiel 3S:1-3 reads: "And against God’s anointed remnant of witnesses an,] the 1)el s,ms
tht umd of Jehovah came unto me, saying, Son of alan, uf go~d-will who take then’ stand alongside the remnant as
se~ lhv face tmx:lrd C, og, of the land of Ma~og, the prince representatives of Jehovah’s Theocratic Governmen: b.~
c,i Rush [not Russm], .Meshech [no~ Moscow], and Tubal Christ Jesus These have not been gathered to Pa!estme
l~:ol Tobolsk], and prophes.v against, him, and say, Thus wherein was situated Megiddo of old, hut they have been
b,mh the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O gathered unto the Theocratic or~amza~ion of J ehox ah (’,od
~,,>g."--Am Roy I’er. and there worship him m sinai and in truth h:lo the
demon-controlled conspiracy are drachm man5 c~eatures o~:
Up to rids po’,nt m his prophecies Ezekiel had prophesied earth as well as wicked angels, and the overt -wts com-
m symbol against the visible rellgmus, commercial and mitted with mutual undcrstanchng by them recently show
i>,>lincal elements of Satan the Devil’s organizatmn, and that this conspiracy includes Big Business t’l¢met:I~, tt~e
:tgam~t Satan himself. Itowever, aside from Satan himself chief political rulers of the earth, and the prac’~ttiom,rs
thole was no specific prophecy against the invisible part of of and leaders in religion reside of "Christendom" a~ x~ ell
Satan’s orgamzatmn of demons, the wicked angels, and the as w~thout.
officers m Ins invisible realm. These inv~s:bIe powers have The mass of evidence published in the nex~spaper-, and
had much to do with debauching the human race and have elsewhere all combines to show that all the afore-n.entmnod
i~ad much to do with the ruhng of the natmns on earth, and conspire and come against Jehovah’s orgamzatmn. :nclud-
it 1~ certain that these demonswill be destroyed with Satan ing the remnant and their eompamons on earth, and that
such conspiracy is carried out by the eon~m~ttlng of secrc,tly
because they are enemies of Jehovah God. It m reasonable,
planned acts This has been done. as foretold m I’zck~el,
therefore, to expect to find in the book of Ezekiel some chapters 38 and 39, since the close of the World War m
prophecy setting forth Jehovah’s judgment and tlie execution 1918 and the restoring of the fmthful remnan ° of Jeho-
thereof against these wicked angels or invmible powers. The va}l’s witnesses to the freedom of fearlcs~ aet~v~t.~ w ~or.
apostle Paul called attention to the fact that m these latter shlpmg and serving Hun and Ih.~ Theocratic tlo~einn:cht
da~ s God’s people would be warred against by these invisible by Christ Jesus.

(Contim~ed from page 338) and phrases, all together 1.S00 of them, ~th more th,~n 20.eft)0
Scripture references, and a furtiter secuon t(mtamm,..- fu’lx
on aU the paragraphs of the book It ~s therefore a vital aid quoted texts grouped under cadmus headings ~h¢nxm7 ~h£t
m the study and understanding of The New World It contains God’~ Word teaches on such sub3ects as ordmatmnel Chr~t~,m,
mstructmns on the most progressive method of group study, and to preach, the Scriptural mamwrof preaching, ~hat ~s hell
~im. w~th tins booklet of questmnsany sincere person can conduct prom~scuconecrnmgthe Kingdom.the st’mdard of the (_’hnqmr,.
.~ge or small groups of persons m a most profitable study of and hke ~ssucs of the day Such teatnres n:ak~, ~t
:h,, I3~bh. w~th The NewWorld as the textbook. It ts 5e a copy, excellent not only for private stud5, but also ior, cdu~a-
totaled postpmd You will want this booklet not only for y~ur tmna.l x~ork m the field among seekers for truth Th~ Wa’rc~-
personal use. but also extra eop~es for your eompamonsm stud~ TOWER ed~tmnB~hle~s offered on a (’on’.r~butmn of 51 (i0 a c(,,~,
Compamesand study groups should combine orders and send and marled to you postage prepmdRemmanccshouht a<’c.:np.{rl\
such through their respective servants all orders, whether mdp,~duallv or from compamesof J,h<,xa:~’.-
w~tnesses sending combined orders through thmr servants
For the first hmem its sLxty years of emstenee the ’~ATCIt "PEACE---CANIT LAST.""
Towzi: Soei~-’rv has printed on its own presses an edmonof This newbooklet contains the full text of the pubhc add,c.-.
~hc B~hle. Th~s was released by the president at the NewWorld on th~s subject as heard round the worhl ~mmltaneoa~l 3 me,~ht5
Theocra*mAssembly, last September, to the great surprise and e~hes at the NewWorld Thcocrahc Assembly. It preheat, the
icy el the vast gathering, and the enDrestock of 35,000 copies Scriptural, factual and hence authontatwe" anax~t,rs to the
w~. at once taken up by the eonventmners Th~s B~ble editmn questions, Can rehgmnguarantee a lasting peace? What ~s tilt,
~ handsomelyboundm maroonleatherette, and m 7{ by 5 by 1| strange creature or beast that was and ~s not and shall a,:am
mche~m s~ze The B~ble text ~s that of the popular King James be present to the wonderment of the world? (tlevelatmn 17,
Ve~smn, unchanged, and printed m mmmntype, with handy and, Who will establish over earth an endmm7peace x~th
martins[ references, and ~nth maps. Amongother features, ~t nghteousnessl’ Peace--Cnn It Last~ ~ par)er-bound, })tit with
~o,~ta:ns an extensive hst of B~ble namesand expressions and a staking front-cover fllustratmn, and maybe had on eontnbutwr~
lhe:r meanings, also a 59-page concordance of key B~ble words of 5c a copy.
"Just as I was fin:~hn~g the street work a lady in a "About three months ago a young lady stud both sLc
I)a~,u.~ car called \Vhon I dsseovered she was ealhng and her husband had read one of our books trot couhl
I went to the car, and she said. ’I want one of those not understand it. We promised to call back one cvemne
maaazmes’ tier tmshand asked what it was all about, when her husband would be at home. We reemved a real
and was ~eld the ma~azme would explain it. The lady welcome. Mr. L had qmte a lot of questmns regardmc
said that Oklahoma Csty, whence they came, was full of our work and organizatmn, but seemed perfectly satisfied
people offering the maeazmes, hut they did not pay with the answers we were able to give Anyway, we a¢re,,d
attentmn, as they thought it w~ just in Oklahoma City. to call the following week, after having assured turn he
They took a trap to Califorma, and wherever they went had no obligation to ’join’ anything. Next week. after a
there were Jehovah’s xmtnesses with the magazines. So they most interesting model study and answering more quest ~ons
wanted to find out what it was all about. After they got we left a copy of The Watchtower, On our next vsslt
tmme they stud. they were gmng to mqmre more about not only did they subscribe for a year, but Mr L--
it-. At one house I called three times and could not place stated he had read how the Society sent The Watchtower
th,_ book Chddren Saturday, on the street a man ran free to those too poor to subscribe for themselves IIe cave
his oar up close to me and I treed to get out of the way. us a further six shillings to be used m this manner. Mean-
Ite called me over and asked if I had The Watchtower. while, Mrs. L was also demonstrating intense interest.
I thd. and was told to come to his house at three o’clock. and promised to attend the Watchtower study the next
Ile~ult One subscnptmn and a bound book. He said he Sunday. Since then they have attended regularly. No~
’aanted to mvests~a~e furtaer, as ever?" place he went he they are both regular publishers. Although they have two
saw a Chddrcn book or a W,rtchtower and he had picked kid(hes, .’~Irs. L put in thirty hours of Km_~dom
up a tew and liked wimt he had read. A lady I met was service last month, and comes with me m every phase of
qmte interested and came to one study but could not Kingdom service. The first time out she asked what she
come to any more because of her children and oppositmn. would have to do to be worthy of a magazine bag’ Three
She really was stud,ring, and one day thou_,zht she would months ago they knew nothing of the B1b~.e, not even the
read ,~ httle m the new Watchtower, as her husband had story of David and Jonathan T How the Lord re~ard~ an
aust cone to work amt the children were still asleep. ’I honest seeker for the truth!"
co’ahtn’t find a place to stop.’ she stud. ’So I read it all .~IOLD, NORTH WALES: "In this little country town st was
the way through, and no~x I am going back over some local market day. The one main street was lined x~lth stalls
of the points’ Iter brother was Mlled on the battleship and barrows, and the narrow pavements were th~on,_’ed
Arizona at Pearl lIarhor, and she showed me a picture with shoppers and country folk. Our bags. never se(n thert
of a fine-looking group of men m h~s company most of before, attracted much attention and there were many
whomare l:o,.v dead as a result of the treaeilerous attack curious gazes. After always working w~th a company, x~e
there. She is now a Kingdom pubhsher.’" were feeling rather strange on our own. A lady elbowed
her way through the crowd towards us and exmtedl~
AT A COUNTYSEAT IN ARKANSAS exclaimed: ’Is it The Watchtower?" On bemg assured ~t
"While working in remflar door-to-door work m Chnton, was, she quickly told us how she had read the Somet.v’s
tht county seat. three men came to me and ordered me to publications, but had never been vimted at her home b3
leave town I stud. "Who are you"’ One answered, ’We any brethren for about six years and had had no opportu-
are from the .kmemcan Lemon. and we don’t want you nity to study with them. We at once arranged a me, h,’
here.’ I said. ’If I were you I x~ouldn’t tell anybody I study with her for the same afternoon, and now we haxe
belonged to the Amemcan Legmn.’ They stud, ’Humph a Chddren study w~th her regularly She invstes her finch,is
Why°’ I told them my wife and I came here from the and neighbors t.o share with her in reeeiwng the spmtual
next county north. Last y’car ~tnle she was sick with food prowded by God."
malaria some members of the AmemcanLegion found that
the only place we got our waler from w-as a near-by spring. RELIGION’SPASTURES SPOILEDIN CALIFORN|A
They put human excrement m the water, thereby making "’The man at first seemed prejudiced, but as he sho~ed
it necessary for me to carD" water a quarter of a mile good-will I engaged him m conversation. Ite invited me
wtnle she was sick: "Nobody else would do a trick hke mssde. He had been reared a Cathohc, but for some tsme
that ". No further conversation was necessary. Wecontinued he has not been associated with them. Evidently the truths
our work, placing nine bool, s. magazines, and manybooklets. we discussed appealed to him and he volunteered some in-
One Legmnnalre that took Cl. iIdren dropped lns teresting informatmn. ’Do you know,’ he asked, to x~hat
ship wtth them and told us two more were doing hke~ise. ~’
extent the Catholic people are leaving that inst~tutmn
The leading preacher (Baptsst) invited us to his study. Then he related a conversation he had recently w~th a
During our conversanon he said: ’I wish the members of
bishop, who, though lamenting the fact, stated that more
my congregation were as sineere about coming to church
as you arc in 5"our work I know you are just about than three thousand Catholics (about fifteen hundred of
throuzh with the town here. because I have been either them Mexicans) had left his diocese during the past three
just ahead or mght behind you in every home of members years. More power to the truth, the spreading of x~h~eh ~s
of my con,zreeation ’ I asked if he had told Isis congregation doubtless the cause, directly or indirectly, for the dehver-
not to read the Lord’s books. He stud not." ance of those people from that terrible pmson-house "
thatI amJehov~’.’
- ~eklel


(Part 4) 355
Jephthah’sVow ..................................... 357
"Whatsoever Cometh Forth" ............. 358
Fight for Freedom of Worship ........ 360
Victory.......................................... 361
Facing the Vow........................ 362
THE HOPE 0¥ THE NATIONS............. 365
FELLOWSHXP ..................................... 387
FrELDEXPF-~ENCES ............................... 368
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ....................... 354
"Tins NEwWORLD" ................................ 354
117 Adams Street
N.Y., U.S.A.
T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
OF~CERS designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wall.
N. H. K~ORRPresident W.E. VAN A~I~OH. Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
"A_~d all thy cbaldren shall be +~u~ht of Jehovah; and
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
treat shall be the peace of thy chddren." - harsh 54:z3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Loops was the beginning of hm tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
King. It is not dogmatic, but inwtes careful and critical examina-
creation, and ’sis active agent m the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power
dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chmf Executive 01Tieer of Jehovah;
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man yE~LaLY
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason U.~ITSDSTAT~S.$I.00; all other countries. $1.50, Amerlcan currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are horn stoners and without the GREATRRITAIN,AuSTRALASI~ ANDSOUTHAFRICA,68. American r~mlt-
right to hfe; lances should be made by Postal or Expr~s Money Order or by Rank
Draft. British, South African and Australasian remittances should
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
countries other than thosementioned may be made tO the Brookl)n
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive oflace, but by laternatwnal Postal MoneyOrder only.
price for obedmnt ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature FoaatoM OlrT:ca8
and above every name and clothed h~m w~th all power and British ..... 34 Craven Terrace. London. W. 2, Enzland
authority; A~stral~sgaa .... 7 Beresford Road. Strathfleld, NS, W., Au~trslla
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, 8oath A1rlcan ......... Boston House, CapeTown, South Africa
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Indsan .. 40 Colaba Road, Bombay5, India
Please address the Society in every case.
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and Translations of thls Journal appear In several languages
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the B~ble, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by reason of
infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subserlptlnn 9rice
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord mayhave The Watchtowerfree upon written application to the publl~hers,
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year. stating the reason for so requesting it Weare
glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to is required by the postal regulations.
the estabhshment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and bles.~mgs of the peoples of earth can Notice to Subscribers" Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scription will be sent only v.hen requested. Change of addreq~, wbeu
requested, maybe expected to appear on addres~ label within one month
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying not,ce of expiration) will be sent with the
destructmn of Satan’s orgamzatmn and the complete establish- Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness m the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survive Armageddon shall carry Entered aa lecond-class matter at the pont o$1ce at Broo~llm, N.Y.,
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o] Morch 3, 1879.


December is the month that brings to a close the calendar In these lurid days when the handwriting on the wall is seen
year of the old world. It is w~th joy that the servants of dooming the w~cked old world to early destructmn In appalling
Jehovah stag the Victory Song after a long battle, but they violence, thin book entitled "The New World" is pubhshed as
look forward to further battles and vaetoraes. The faithful do a specml provision of the great Creator of the new world for
say with gladness of heart that they have remained "blameless the comfort and hope of those who long for a raghteous ~orld
m the day of our Lord" and ~lll continue to do so, by the Lord’s
grace. During the "Victory Song" Testimony Period the song and who are now obhged to suffer sorely for r~ghteousness’ sake
of the new world will be sung To do thLs the publishers of The New World has a jacket of peach-colored cloth, with a
The Theocracy wall offer to the people the publication The New planetary front-cover embossing matching the t~tle. On opening
World and the booklet Peace---Can It Lastf on a contributmn the book the end-sheets will surprase you with their p~etonal
of Z5c. If you wmh to join m the "Victory Song" Testimony story, but your full measure of delight and thralls wall come w~th
Period during the month of December, make arrangements now reading through the 384 pages of the story of worlds, the amazing
w~th your local company servant. If you are not assocmted with fulfillment of the ancient drama of Job, the final end of waeked
a company, wr~te direct to the Society for further reformation. rule, and the triumph of nghteousuess at last in the new earth
and heavens. Arhstie pictures in color enliven the swiftly moving
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES theme; and an index of subjects, and another of all Scripture
Week of January 3: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 4), texts e~ted, make it valuable for study and reference. The New
¶ 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower December 1, 1942. World, the "Publishers’ Edition", put up in better binding, wall
Week of January 10: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 4), be mailed postpaid to your address on order accompanied by
¶ 23-47 inclusive, The Watchtower December 1, 1942. your contributmn of 50c a copy.
1, 1942 No. 23



"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this uorld: if my kb~gdom were of this world, then would my
servants fight."--John 18:36.
EHOVAH’S spirit is the power behind the new of the armies of Israel at Mizpah and sent the
J world. It is his invisible power, ever holy because challenge and warning notice to the king of the
its Source is such and it is all-powerful for good Ammonites who had invaded Israel’s God-given
and righteousness. It is a power for light, and that land. The Israelites had repented and converted
is what it brought to this globe. In the day of from demon worship and turned to the worship of
earth’s creation when a vast cloud canopy covered Jehovah Godand subjected themselves to Theocratic
the entire globe like swaddling bands of thick dark- rule. According to this rule they put themselves
ness, then, says the Inspired Record, "the spirit under the valorous man of faith, Jephthah, that he
of God moved[brooded] upon the face of the waters. might lead them in the fight for Theocracy and
AndGodsaid, Let there be light: and there was light. worship of Jehovah God. Jephthah agreed to con-
And God saw the light, that it was goodS--Job tinue in headship over the Israelites upon the condi-
38: 4, 9 ; Gen.1 : 2-4. tion that Almighty God would give him the victory
After six thousand years of human existence over the forces of demonism. "Then the spirit of
upon this earth, a destructive darkness due to the Jehovah came upon Jephthah, and he passed over
unholy powers of demonismhangs like a pall over Gilead and Manasseh, and passed over Mizpeh of
its two billion inhabitants. The guns of war boom- Gilead, and from Mizpeh of Gilead he passed over
ing for world domination makehorrible the darkness. unto the children of Ammon."(Judg. 11: 29, Am.
Educators, statesmen, clergymen, politicians and Rev. Ver.) The coming of the spirit upon the man
social leaders say that only the morale of the people proves that the battle at hand was the Lord God’s,
can carry them through until the combined and and that Jephthah was approved of Him and was
rising might of nations under assault gathers his choice and his representative amongHis cove-
strength to overpower and destroy the demonized nant people. This further confirms that Jephthah was
totalitarian enemy. However, in the final battle, a man of faith and an approved "witness for Jeho-
Armageddon, follo~ing which the righteous new vah", and was not simply the choice of the elders
world comes, it will not be morale that will carry of Gilead who had marked his deeds of valor and
any people through, but the spirit of Jehovah God. called upon him for his military assistance. Other
To those who "worship the Father in spirit and in cases of the coming of Jehovah’s spirit upon his
truth" he says: "Not by might, nor by power, but consecrated creatures for victory are those of Judge
by my spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts." (Zech. 4: 6, Othniel, Judge Gideon, Samson, and shepherd boy
Am. Rev. Vet.) His spirit is the invincible power David.--Judges 3, 6, 14, 15 ; 1 Samuel16.
unto victory and survival. His spirit Jehovah puts ¯ The tribe of Manassehoccupied the territory of
upon those who devote themselves to His purposes Bashan and part of Gilead, and the Ammonites
and who offer themselves for his service and seek crossed over the border and encamped in Gilead.
to vindicate His name.
s It was the spirit of Jehovah Godthat Jephthah They refused to heed Jephthah’s protest and warn-
ing and get out. In a modern parallel action: Par-
the Gileadite needed as he took over the command ticularly since the signing of the concordat between
lo thin
What globe
is theat power behind
the time the new world, and what did it hrlal
of creation?
the Vatican and the totalitarian dictator of Nazi
2 WIU It be what Is called "’morale" or some other power that will
carry any people through Armageddon, and upon whom is it put?
Germanyin July, 1933, there has been a persistent
3 (a) What wm’e the developments leading up to Jephthah’s taking 4. Sintw 1933 what modern parallel has thm’e been to the aJ~monlte
over the command of the armies of Israel, and what then came upon
Jephthah aa he moved to the fight? (b)What did its coming prove i~vaston of Gilead, and what two booklets appeared in 1941 as part
both aa to the fight and as to Jephthah? of the protest thereto?
N. Y.
invasion of the rightful earthly domainof Jehovah’s Jehovah’s name and Theocracy. In preparing to
covenant people who worship him and serve as his face the Ammoniteson the field of battle who for
witnesses. By the propaganda and Catholic Action eighteen dreary years had oppressed Israel, Jeph-
of the Vatican’s Hierarchy the totalitarian spirit of thah displayed great faith and was putting his life
encroachment spread unchecked to the lands where in his hands. It was during this preparatory period
democracy has long obtained, and deep inroads were that there occurred what Jephthah later stated in
made upon the freedom of worship and of service answer to the false charge of the tribe of Ephraim
to Jehovah. Due protest was raised. In Febru- across the Jordan river. "And Jephthah said unto
ary, 1941, the booklet God and the State was pub- them, I and my people were at great strife with
lished showing that Jehovah God is supreme and the children of Ammon;and when I called you, ye
no humanlaw is valid except when in harmony with delivered me not out of their hands. And when I
His law and that Christians obey all laws of tile saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my
state save those which conflict with God’s supreme hands, and passed over against the children of
laws. At the same time the booklet Theocracy was Ammon."---Judg.12 : 1-3.
issued showing from the Scriptures that God’s king- , Battle was not launched against the aggressor
dom by Christ Jesus is a Theocracy, and that Jeho- Ammonitesas soon as Jephthah took charge of the
vah’s visible organization amonghis servants and armies of Jehovah’s typical Theocracy. First more
worshipers on earth must be Theocratic, hence warriors for Theocracy and defenders of the worship
governed by His supreme law and subject to the of Jehovah God were called for and enlisted. Like-
headship of Christ Jesus. wise with the installing of Theocratic rule over
Hot off the press, both Theocracy and God and Jehovah’s witnesses in October, 1938, there was a
the State were mailed free to 12,800 newspapers call for more publishers of God’s kingdom and for
and non-Catholic publications over all the United all active publishers to give more time in the field.
States, and thereafter copies were submitted to The desired increase of active field-witnesses for
public school boards, to city and county officials, Jehovah and his Theocracy came, by His grace.
and to the political lawmakers in the legislative There was also an increase in the time devoted to
houses of all state capitals and of Washington,D. C. the field activity, especially since the publishing of
Further, the booklet Theocracy was presented to all the rousing article "Kingdom Activities" in The
Protestant and Jewish clergy to enable them to Watchtower, December 1, 1938. Said this article:
see howgrossly Jehovah’s witnesses have been mis- "The army of the Lord on earth is small, but. with
represented by religious-totalitarian agents and its equipment, can perform miracles, by the Lord’s
dupes. Finally Theocracy and God a~ui the State grace, in spite of the Devil’s opposition. The faithful
were released for general distribution and were will see to it that this work is done to promote
circulated in several lan~lages to the millions of the kingdominterests." The record of field activities
copies. All this publication of such a challenging since then shows those words are true. Nowdespite
message to an anti-Theocracy world required the the violent conditions of global war, the witness work
spirit of the Lord upon his people. The irresistible goes on, with increase of publishers in America,
spirit of Almighty God will continue to move the Canada, Australia, and Britain, and under extreme
remnant of his witnesses and their earthly com- difficulties. Also at great hazard to life and freedom
panions until his "strange work" on earth is com- some faithful witnesses carry on the witness to
pleted and the time arrives for his "strange act", Jehovah’s name and kingdom in the lands lying
the battle of Armageddon. crushed under Nazi-Fascist-Vatican forces.
’ Jephthah’s purpose in passing through Gilead s Someprofessing to be consecrated to God have
and other territories of the tube of Manasseh was acted like the tribe of Ephraim and xgnored the
doubtless in order to recruit more men for the invitation to service and have not crossed ’the waters
army already encamped at Mizpah, and also to mop of the Jordan river’ in between, the stream of peoples
up any enemy sympathizers and groups and agents alienated from Jehovah and who are rushing down
behind the battle front. It appears that the great the broad road to destruction in the "Dead sea" at
Godof hosts was holding back the beginning of the Armageddon. To the shame of these spiritual
decisive battle, thereby to provide the opportunity "Ephraimites", the most of those offering themselves
to call to other Israelites to turn out for the field willingly for Jehovah’s field witness-work are from
service and have a share in the vindication of 7. {a) Before launching off on battle against Ammonwhat was done
after Jephthah took the command of armies, and ~hat hke operation
5. (a)How were theee two booklets used In delivering the protest? was carried on after lastailing Theocratic rule orer Jehovah’s v, itnes~es
(hi As in Jephthah’s case. what was required for such action? in 1938~ (hi In this respect what does the record of field activities
6 {a) What was Jephthah’s purpose in passing over Gilead and to date show?
Manasseh, and why was Jehovah holding hack the beginning of the 8. How have some consecrated ones conducted themseh’es like the
battle? Ib)To what extent of personal risk wMJephthah obliged to tribe of Ephratm at the call to arms? and ~ho are the ones chlefl:,
go at this time, and why| offering themselves willingly?

amongthe persons of good-will, the Lord’s "other JEPIITHAH’S VOW

sheep", who have his promise of life in the new ~ The Lord God Almighty did not require any"
world on an earth cleansed of all wicked-doers. special vowfrom his servant Jephthah as a condition
° From Mizpeh of Gilead Jephthah passed over at for granting him and the Israelites under him the
last to meet the hosts of Ammon.(Judg. 11: 29) triumph over Ammon.The repentance of the Israel-
"Mizpeh of Gilead" means, literally, "Watchtower ites and the faith of Jephthah and his fellow warriors
of the Heap of Witness." Such name agrees well were the basis for bestowing the victory. "According
with the circumstances and the purpose of the Lord’s to your faith be it unto you." (~Iatt. 9: 29) A vow
visible Theocratic organization in carrying on in on Jephthah’s part would be entirely voluntary,
his "strange work", namely, to heap up a tremendous but must be in harmony with God’s will and pleas-
witness to His name and purpose before he shows ing to him. "And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the
his power over Satan’s organization in the ’%attle LORD,and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver
of that great day of God Almighty". (Ex. 9: 16) the children of Ammoninto mine hands, then it
Those engaged in the "strange work" anxiously shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors
watch to keep their covenant with Jehovah to be of my house to meet me, when I return in peace
his faithful and true witnesses like Christ Jesus. from the children of Ammon,shall surely be the
The enemy whom Jephthah challenged and moved LoaD’s~ and I will offer it up for a burnt offering."
out to engage were not far distant : "then the children --Judg. 11 : 30, 31.
of Ammonwere gathered together, and encamped ’~ The vow being absolutely of his own accord,
in Gilead." (Judg. 10:17) Jephthah’s movements it manifested Jephthah’s earnestness for a winning
against them denoted offensive action against demon- fight in order that God’s name and honor might be
ized oppressors and invaders, who were on territory vindicated. Religious commentators, in the running
of the typical Theocracy and where they had no heads of their Bible editions, speak of Jephthah’s
right to stand. utterance as "his rash vow". However, Jephthah
,0 It is thus seen that those children of Ammon, was an actor in a prophetic drama staged by Jeho-
under the standards of their "king-god", l~lolech, vah’s power and which was enacted for our benefit
pictured the political element of the nations gone today. He doubtless received the mental suggestmn
totalitarian and which line up with the proposed by means of an angel of the great Director of this
"new world order". "Organized religion" will drama. There was no compulsion upon Jehovah’s
dominate such "new order" briefly, as pictured by servant, but he willingly acted on the thought. There-
the harlot Babylon riding the scarlet-colored beast, by God permitted him to show the all-sacrificing
at Revelation 17 : 1-5, 14. All the elements that formu- devotion of a faithful Jehovah’s witness who was
late, set up and composethe new order are against fighting for the Theocratic cause. As to the uncom-
Jehovah’s Theocracy. Hence the religionized "New pelled spirit behind acceptable vows, note the Lord’s
World order" after this war is certain to be anti- law: "~Vhen thou shalt vow a vow unto the Load
Theocratic. It is therefore abominable to God and thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the
Christ. It is the final form of the "abomination of LoaD thy God will surely require it of thee; and
desolation" foretold by the prophet Daniel and it would be sin in thee. But if thou shalt forbear
Christ Jesus and it marks the final end of Satan’s to vow, it shall be no sin in thee. That which is
world. (Dan. 11:31; 12:11; Mark 13:14) The gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform:
question now pushed to the fore is, Can religion if even a freewill offering, according as thou hast
restored to power maintain "peace and safet) ~’ and vowed unto the LoRD thy God, which thou hast
save the world from disaster? The RomanCatholic promised with thy mouth."~Deut. 23:21-23.
Hierarchy and other religious leaders claim Yes, " Concerning the obligation to pay one’s vow to
and religious politicians fall for this snare, and will God when once made, even though of one’s free
entrust religion with the task, by peace-conference will, the Scriptures say: ’~ow, and pay unto the
arrangements and guarantees. Religion will then Low your God: let all that be round about him
assume to undertake such task. She ~ill try to ride bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.
the "new order" creature or ’~beast" and make it He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible
use its ten horns against The Theocracy and against to the kings of the earth." (Ps. 76: 11, 12) "~Vhen
those who have taken their stand for it. thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it;
for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which
9 (a) From what city did Jephthah finally pass to meet the Ammonites,
and how is the name of the city in agreement with the circumstances 11. Was a vow from Jephthah a requirement for victory, and what
and the purpose of God’s organization now carrying on his "strange did he vow?
work"? (b) Where had the Ammonites encamped, and what therefore 12. (a)V*’hat did Jephthah’s vow manifest respecting himself, and why
does Jephthah’s movement against them denote? was ~
it not a rash act (b) What was God’s law concerning vows and
e performance
10. (a) Whomtherefore did the children of Ammonthere picture,
of what is their worship of the "king-god".
Molech, an indication in ~3 thereof?
¯ (a)What was God’s law concerning the obligation to pay vows
this connection? (b) What question concerning the world’s fate therefore when once made? (b)How did Samuel’s mother, Hannah, display the
now comes to the fore? and will religzon undertake the task, and how7 same earnestness and in like manner as Jephthah?

thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not" Good Shepherd. Our eyes have been opened to see
vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay. that Satan’s visible organization is symbolized by
Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; the seven-headed beast that rose out of the sea of
neither say thou before the angel that it was an humanity which is alienated from Jehovah God and
error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, such beast is bent on world domination and hence
and destroy the work of thine hands?" (Eccl. 5: 4-6) opposed to Jehovah’s worship on earth. Wesee also
Hannah, the mother of a later judge of Israel, that the issue is between political rule by menunder
displayed the same unselfish earnestness in her Satan and God’s Theocratic Government by Christ
vow as did Jephthah. "And she vowed a vow, and Jesus, which GovernmentJehovah’s witnesses repre-
said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on sent as its ambassadors. Since the last World War
the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, the modern Ammonites, under the guidance of the
and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto demons and their religious clergy, have set up an
thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him "image" of the ’sea-beast’, a federation of nations
unto the LORDall the days of his life, and there which they have tried to palm off as a substitute
shall no razor come upon his head [he shall be a for The Theocracy. To God it is the "abomination
Nazarite]."--I Sam. 1:11. of desolation" he foretold. It desolates men’s faith
~’ Jephthah was eager for winning because Jeho- in God’s true kingdom. It makes faithless men feel
vah’s name and Theocracy were tied in with the they can dispense with the kingdom of God and
result of the fighting. His vowshowed he believed can independently set up just as good a rule over
that Jehovah "is, and that he is the rewarder of themselves and even better and more suited to
them that diligently seek him", and that He is all- governing mankind.--Rev. 13 : 1-18.
powerful and able to deliver up the enemies for ~s The effort has been made and will yet be made
destruction by his executioners. A like unselfish to regiment aU humankind into the worship of this
vowin behalf of the vindication of God’s nameupon idolatrous ’%east" and his "image". The earnest
his enemies was earlier vowed by the Israelites vows of Jehovah’s faithful servants in his Theocratic
under Moses when approaching the Promised Land, organization is that they might gain the victory
Canaan. Numbers 21:1-3 records it: "And when over the "mark of the beast" and his "image", and
l~ng Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, be faithful unto and carry on the pure and undefiled
heard tell that Israel cameby the way of the spies; worship of Jehovah God. (Jas. 1:27, Symac) Thus
then lie fought against Israel, and took someof them they would have part in the vindication of His
prisoners. And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, name together with Christ Jesus. The religious-
and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people totalitarian Ammonitesmight dissolve the chartered
into myhand, then I will utterly destroy their cities legal organizations recognized by the state, but they
[as devoted and cursed; and hence not go after their cannot dissolve the real Society of Jehovah’s wit-
booty]. And the LORDhearkened to the voice of nesses which depends upon union with their Theo-
Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they cratic Head, Christ Jesus, and which is above and
utterly destroyed them and their cities : and he called beyond the decrees of humanpolitical states. The
the name of the place Hormah [meaning ’utter divinely commandedactivities of that Theocrat,c
destruction’]." From Jephthah’s familiarity with Society must go on till finished, and it is for this
Israel’s history as shown in his challenge to the they make their unselfish vow unto Jehovah God.
A~nmonites he must have known of Israel’s vow Jephthah’s vow, which sets the pattern for their
and how God granted its appeal. vow today, absolutely proves that Jehovah’s wit-
’~ Like earnestness of desire fills the hearts of nesses are unselfish, not seeking commercialprofit,
Jehovah’s witnesses today. It is desire for the and are not ambulating peddlers, as the Supreme
triumph of the "strange work" of the Theocratic Court majority ruling of June 8, 1942, classified them.
organization over all the inroads, assaults and perse-
cutions by the Ammonitish totalitarian-religious "WHATSOEVER COMETH FORTH"

crowd. The present concern is not over the fight ~’ By the terms of his vow, "whatsoever cometh
at Armageddon,but over finishing the work of testi- forth of the doors of my house to meet me," Jeph-
mony and the hunting out the Lord’s "other sheep" thah could not have meant some four-footed animal
who must be gathered into the one fold under the as possible to comeforth first. Such kind of clean
14 (a) Why especially was Jephthah ea~er to win the fight, and 16 (a) What effort will be made with respect to the "beast" and his
what belief did he show by his vow? (b~ Of what earlier vow of "image", and for what, therefore, is the vow of Jehovah’s servants
like unselhshness made by Israel must Jephthah have known, and how made? (b) What does such vow prove as to the motives and work
dld God respond to that vow? of Jehovah’s witnesses?
15. Is) Over what
~ matter today
of concern does llke earnestlaess of desire 17. (a) To what creatures did Jephthah have reference by his expression.
fill Jehovah’s w~tne~ses lb) What have our eyes been opened
to see concerning the issue as relates to the earth, and why Is "whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my houqe to meet me"’
the arrangement set up by modern Ammon|tes the "abornl~l,~on O~ tb) How did Jephthah thereby show the wholeheartedness of his desire
dssolatmn" ? in Jehovah’s behalf?
animal acceptable for sacrifice, as a sheep, ox, or ’° Jephthah’s vowthat the creature first meeting
goat, was not kept in the Israelite homesand granted him "shall surely be the Lol~D’s" meant this: Such
free run there. Unquestionably Jephthah had many humancreature shall henceforth not be retained in
such animals in possession in the pens, folds and myhomefor the service and interests of Jephthah’s
fields, so that the offering of any such would just house or for the preservation and perpetuation of
be one of the ordinary kind of sacrifice. It would his name in Israel, but shall be dedicated to the
be no peculiar hardship to Jephthah nor show extra- exclusive service of the Lord God. ~atever be the
ordinary devotion to Jehovah God. In his vow service such one is qualified for or is called upon
Jephthah was referring to the human inmates of to perform mattered not. Jephthah knew of the case
his home at Mizpah, including his men servants of the heathen inhabitants of Gibeon. By God’s
and maid servants, and not excluding his only decree condemningall Canaanites to destruction the
daughter, or his wife, if she was alive. Such human Gibeonites of Canaan had been devoted to be
creatures would hear in advance of Jephthah’s destroyed by Jehovah’s executional forces, the hosts
victory, when gained, and would arrange to meet of Israel. The Gibeonites escaped by willingly com-
him and would turn out to do so at the announce- ing over onto the side of Joshua in unconditional
ment of his approach. They would come forth surrender without a show of fight. The only escape-
through the doors of his house. Jephthah knew that arrangement for sparing these doomed Gibeonites
his daughter was at home and that she might be was to dedicate them to the exclusive service of
the one, but he made his vow so sweeping as to Jehovah at his tabernacle or temple. This dedication
cover and include her. Thereby he expressed the was not their own choice. It was by Jehovah’s
fullness of his devotion, the wholeheartedness of his Theocratic servant Joshua, who said to the Gibeon-
desire to see Jehovah’s cause triumphant, all for ites: "Nowtherefore ye are cursed; and there shall
the vindication of God’s name and the maintenance none of you be freed from being bondmen,and hewers
of his typical Theocracy and the continuance of it of wood and drawers of water for the house of my
to worship and serve Jehovah. Jephthah was aware God." "And Joshua made them that day hewers of
of the possibility that his only child might be the wood and drawers of water for the congregatmn,
one. Hence it is wholly wrong to say his vow was and for the altar of the Lo~, even unto this day,
"rash". in the place whichhe should choose." (Josh. 9 : 23, 27)
,8 Jephthah’s attitude was, Cost what it may, pay The Gibeonites in being saved from execution by
what I must, I shall be glad and willing for it to be Jehovah’s special provision could not become the
so for the sake of the nameof myGod and his Theo- servants of men, but must serve the Lord God as
cratic rule over his covenant people. Jephthah was being his property. Therefore they picture the Lord’s
not making a mental reservation or secretly hoping "other sheep", Jonadabs.
it might not be his only child and daughter. Nor was ’~ By vowingto "offer it up for a burnt offering",
his vow any burst of impetuousness, ill-considered did Jephthah mean to kill the human victim and
and excessive, to be later regretted, lie would have burn it on an altar, as God commandedAbraham to
in mind Abraham’s sacrifice of his only son Isaac. do to his son Isaac? No; a vow was not at God’s
:9 The fond hope, "when I return in peace from command.Jephthah meant that this human creature
the children of Ammon,"meant a peace established thus devoted should wholly and with fiery zeal
bv Almighty God, and not by rehgionists or poli- serve God, rather than that Jephthah should offer
ti’cians. No negotiated peace of compromise with up a literal offering of some clean beast acceptable
the enemy, but the complete pushing back of the for sacrifice by fire upon the literal altar. Jephthah
demon-worshipers, the Ammonites, breaking the knewthat God’s law did not allow for literal human
power of their eighteen-year oppression and keeping sacrifice, but that Jehovah God condemned such
the Theocratic Holy Land free of the rod of these sacrifices as demonistic, religious. Whatpleases God
wicked aggressors. Jephthah was not authorized to is stated by him at Psalm 50:13, 14: ’~Vill I eat
meddle in Ammon’sinternal affairs and cross over the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer
into the land God assigned the Ammonitesand wipe unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the
Most High." Psalm 69:30, 31 expresses the vow of
them out of existence. (Deut. 2: 19-21) He would not
return home in peace to attend to the internal the Christian: "I will praise the nameof God with
a song, and will magnify him ~dth thanksgiving.
affairs of the house of which he was head until, This also shall please the LoRDbetter than an ox
by God’s grace, the rod of the wicked oppressor
20 (a) What did Jephthah meari by his vnw that the one first meeting
had been lifted. him should *’surely be the Lord’s ’’~ Ibl What heathen Canaanites were
likewise dedicated to Jehovah’s service at the tabernacle, and whom
18 What was Jephthah’8 attitude concerning the cost of vlctory to did these picture?
him personally, and what room was left for regrets on his part later? ¯ 1, Did Jephthah’s vowing to "offer it up for a burnt offering" mea~
19 With peace only on what ¢onditlo~ did Jephthah hope to return a human sacrifice on the altar, and how do God’e law and good
home from the AnnuallY? pleasure determine this~
or bullock that hath horns and hoofs." Also Psalm such organization under its Theocratic King, that
51 : 16, 17 : "For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would very class shall be used for no selfish advantage nor
I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The to perpetuate any earthly creature’s name. Such class
sacrifices of Godare a broken spirit: a broken and shall be rendered up fully and unreservedly to the
a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." Most High God for his service at his holy temple
" Concerning the human sacrifices as marks of of worship. This proves that Jehovah’s witnesses
demonworship Jehovah said to his covenant people : are not trying ~ get "joiners" or to build up any
"There shall not be found among you any one that human organization called by some human person’s
maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the name or of any subversive nature.--Ps. 56:12.
fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of
times, or an enchanter, or a witch." (Deut. 18:10)
"And thou shalt not give any of thy seed to make "~ "So Jephthah passed over unto the children of
them pass through the fire to Molech; neither shalt Ammon to fight against them ; and Jehovah delivered
thou profane the name of thy God: I am Jehovah." them into his hand." (Judg. 11: 32, Am. Ray. Ver.)
(Lev. 18: 21, Am. Rev. Vet.) The demongod Molech, Likewise since the inauguration of Theocratic rule
symbolizing Satan, was tile "abomination of the in 1938 the Society of Jehovah’s witnesses under
children of Ammon".Against AmmonJephthah was their Head Christ Jesus have passed over to the
fighting; and he would not vow to imitate their fight. They fight in a new line-up against the reli-
reli~ous practice in order to make sure of needed gious-totalitarian aggressors, who menace and
help from God, who condemned such practice.-- invade the right and liberty of free worship of the
1 Ki. 11:7. Supreme Ruler of the universe.
~’ The figure of a ’~burnt offering" was rightly used ,e The fight of the modern Jephthah corresponds
by Jephthah. Why? Because no part of the burnt with that of King David at Mount Perazim, because
offering was eaten by the priest or the offerer, but the battle of Perazim foreshadowed God’s "strange
was wholly offered up to the Lord upon his altar, work" preliminary to the fight at Armageddon.
only the skin of the flayed animal being given to lisa. 28: 21) At Perazim the enemy were routed and
the sacrificing priest. (Lev. 1: 3-17; 7: 8) True, left behind their demon-god images to be burned
Abraham was commandedto offer his only son as by David and his men. (2 Sam. 5: 17-21) Jephthah’s
a "burnt offering", but after Abraham’s faith and fight also corresponds with Samson’s last action
spirit of obedience had been fully proved to the against the Philistines in the temple of Dagon,
point of actual execution, Jehovah provided a ram because it also pictures the "strange work-" against
as substitute for Isaac. (Gen. 22: 1-13) However, religion and the "do or die" spirit of those who
no one could vow to do a thing contrary to the fight for the Theocratic new world. Nowto the
Theocratic law of God and then hope to have such "Jephthah" Society Jehovah has given a forevision
vow recognized and its performance approved by of the final form of the "abomination of desolation".
God. Hence Jephthah’s use of the figure of a burnt Like the Ammonites,it will presume to stand in the
offering was to indicate the wholeness and complete- place where it ought not, in defiance of God. Hence
ness with which he would dedicate the one that the powers going to make up that "abomination"
Jehovah would desig-nate to be thus devoted. Victory impudently move to crack down with their rod of
for Jehovah’s sake was worth it. power upon the lot of Jehovah’s righteous ones and
"Jephthah thus vowing pictured Christ Jesus the forcibly regiment them to put forth their hand to
heavenly Head of the ~isible part of Jehovah’s iniquity, lawlessness against God and their Gospel
Theocratic organization on earth, of which organiza- commission from Him. This Jehovah’s consecrated
tion there is yet a small remnant left on earth as servants refuse to do. They have the AllnighD’s
the anointed witnesses of Jehovah. This remnant assurance that though the modern 3m~monites and
was brought under Theocratic rule in October, 1938, their "abomination" beastly legislate and persecute,
as explained in previous issues of The Watchtower. yet their wicked rod shall never rest and stay put
In the real drama of which Jephthah’s was only a upon the lot which Godhas assigned to his faithful
prophetic pattern, the vow is the expression of the righteous servants. (Ps. 125:3) They know and can
Theocratic organization under Christ Jesus to this prove their ordination and commission from the
effect: l\~atever class of persons gaining life by Most High, and such they will never let go. Jephthah
Christ’s sacrifice first comesout to greet as victor said as much to the Ammonites before throwing
22. What did God’s law specifically state concerning haman sacrifice 25 What did .Tephthah’~ passing over to the Ammonltel ta figh!
by fire. and whom would a vow to render such sacrifice be imitating? agatast them Illustrate?
23. la)Why was ~use of the figure of a "burnt offering" right in against ¯ the Ammonites correspond
Jephthah’s vow {b) To be recognized of God. with what must a 26 (al How doe~ Jephthah’~ fight
vow be in agreement? with battle actions by I>avid and Sameon Ibl Like the Ammonites.
24. (a) In thus vowing, whomdid Jephthah picture ¯ {hi In the fulfillment what do the powers making up the "abomination of desolation" move
of the prophetic drama, what is the subBtance of the vow, and what to do toward the lot of Jeho*ah’s co~ecrated servant, and do these
does It prove regarding the orgamzation involved? Bubmit thereto?
fffieWATCHTOWER, 361

them out: %Vilt not thou possess that which Chemosh witnesses have been enabled to triumph over the
thy god giveth thee to possess? So whomsoever Ammonitish assaults and encroachments against
Jehovah our God hath dispossessed from before us, their integrity.
them will we possess."--Judg. 11 : 24, Am. Bey. Vet. VICTORY
’~ Jehovah delivered the Ammonites into Jeph- ’~ By help of Jehovah, to whomhe had appealed
thah’s hands. He has also now delivered up the
with an extraordinary vow, Jephthah steadily pushed
religious-totalitarian aggressors, to be withstood, back the demon-worshipers: "And he smote them
outmaneuvered, outfought, and turned back by his from Aroer, even till thou come to Minnith, even
Theocratic Society under Christ Jesus. This will be twenty cities, and unto the plain of the vineyards,
true until the "strange work" is done, and the divid- with a very great slaughter. Thus the children of
ing of the people as "sheep" and "goats" is completed Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel."
and all these "other sheep" of the Lord are gathered (Judg. 11:33) This meant a rout of the enemy.
into the fold at the right side of the King. (Matt. Aroer, its namemeaning"ruins, heap", was the town
25 : 31-46) Jehovah’s witnesses fight not with carnal on the river Arnon, hence at the southern boundary
weapons, for they know that they fight not with of the territory claimed by Ammon (verse 13) ; and
"flesh and blood", but with the demonswhoare back Minnith, its name meaning "allotment", was about
of the reli~ous-totalitarian crowd. (Eph. 6:12) thirty miles north of Aroer and was famous for its
Their fight is to uphold the worship of Jehovah fine wheat, which was exported to the markets of
by serving as his witnesses and honoring his name. Tyre. (Ezek. 27:17) This source of food-supply
Jephthah was not on the defensive, and neither was therefore cut off from the Ammonites. "The
are they. The persecution upon them by the modern plain of the vineyards," or, "Abel-cheramim" (Am.
"Anunonites" shall be defeated in its purpose. Jeho- Rev. Vet.), was the city or region famous for its
vah’s "strange work" strategy shall gain all its vineyards. It was near the headwaters of the river
objectives. Therefore His servants take heart and Jabbok, hence at the northern border of the territory
obey his command: "In that day it shall be said Ammon claimed. It was about six Romanmiles from
to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not Rabbath-Ammon, the chief Ammonite city, about
thine hands be slack."--Zeph. 3:16. thirty-eight miles northeast of Aroer. (Ezek.
"The Ammonites are delivered up, and to his 21:20, 28-32) The source of joy of the Ammonites
faithful witnesses pictured by the prophet Jeremiah was crimped and the exhilarating wine cut off from
God Almighty says : "They [the modern Ammonites] their lips. In the above stretch of territory the
shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail invaders had seized and occupied twenty cities, or
against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD." double ten. Jephthah made a clean sweep of those
(Jer. 1: 19) That verse was the yeartext of the cities, marching on from victory to victory.
Society during the first year of Theocratic organi- ’° Just how the series of battles was fought and
zation, namely, 1939, and the first article of the year how the Lord God put the Ammonites at the mercy
in The WatcMower was based on that text and of Jephthah and his Theocratic fighters is not
entitled "Deliverance Guaranteed". All throughout described in detail. All that matters is this" The
that year The lVatchtou, er repeatedly stressed that battle was Jehovah’s and he fought and maneuv~led
text. On November 1, 1939, The Watchtower pub- the course of battle and gave a resounding v~ctory
lished the challenging article based on Jesus’ words to his men of faith, courage and unselfishness.
at John 17:16 as the theme text: "They are not of Victory, not the details of battle, is the outstanding
the world, even as I am not of the world." This thing !
was indeed a challenge, because for the first time ~’ In the first year of Theocratic organizatmn of
since the great apostasy of "Christendom" this the Society violence broke out between "the kmgof
article set forth the stark Scriptural and therefore the north" and "the king of the south", as foretold
correct position of genuine Christians toward the by Daniel’s prophecy, chapter eleven. With lightning-
elements of this world and their violent controversies. like rapidity the totalitarian-religious elements
-Whenthe writer thereof (now deceased) submitted struck and extended their agg-ressions. Under noth-
the article to the board of directors and others for ing less than demoninspiration they used the dis-
hearing, discussion and vote as to its publication, turbed world conditions as their big chance to trans-
he said to them: "This may cost you your lives." gress on "the glorious land". They encroached upon
But, nowguided with this correct understanding of the full, proper and rightful exercise of Jehovah’s
the Lord’s position for them in this world, Jehovah’s 29, ~What was the extent of Jephthah’s rout of the Ammonites
~ In the record of Jephthah’s battle campaign ~hat is it that
27 How has Jehovah delivered up the modern Ammonites, and how should be noted in the absence of details
and for what do His witnesses fight in that connection? 31 In the first year of the Society’s Theocratic organization ubat
2~ How did the articles in the Watehtotoer issues of 1939 indicate did the totatitarian-rehgiou$ element use the wartime condttton.~ to
that the Ammonites were delivered Up, and how were Jehovah’s witnesses do: and how did these under the Greater Jephthah pro~e ~hether
aided thereby they were pacihsts or fighters7
N. Y.
worship by his covenant people. But, clad in the over the "beast" and his "image" and over the
"whole armour of God", his servants under the "mark" of such anti-Theocracy powers. (Rev. 15 : 2
Greater Jephthah smote the aggressors with the 14: 9-12; 20:4) The Lord’s "strange work" will
"sword of the spirit", with Bible arguments in which without successful interruption be carried through
they were trained to meet and repel the totalitarian to the finish. His namewill be declared throughout
encroachments on the worship of God. Jehovah’s all the earth, the Kingdomgospel will be preached
witnesses are not pacifists, but fighters for the new downto the final end, and the Lord’s "other sheep"
world, in God’s way. will be hunted out and gathered every one to the
’sOn June 3, 1940, came the decision of the side of salvation at the King’s right hand. At the
Supreme Court on the flag salute case. That was finish thereof, the Ammonitish "abomination of
the signal for outrageous mob violence throughout desolation", at its last border and on its way out
this land of democracy. The results thereof to date for ever, will act against the servants and ambassa-
show that that 8-to-1 decision has failed to serve dors of The Theocracy. It will, in self-deception, to
the modern Ammonites as a stepping-stone to belster its morale, cry, "Peace and safety!" But it
victory. The God-fearing children and their elder will be too late. Jehovah’s "strange work" by his
fellow witnesses march on straight forward against Greater Jephthah will have victoriously succeeded
demonism, and toward the new world. A month over all persecution and opposition. It will be all
later came the action on America’s Independence done. Vain the enemyefforts after that! The actual
Day, July 4, 1940, whenthe Quebec-Catholic justice destruction of the "Ammonites" at the battle of
minister of Canada outlawed the work of Jehovah’s Armageddonthat follows their cry was foreshadowed
servants throughout that Dominion. It likewise has by what befell the Ammonites and allies before
failed the totalitarian religionists’ purpose, and the Jerusalem in the days of King Jehoshaphat.--
proclamation of The Theocracy by God’s ordained 2 Chronicles 20.
ministers goes on, whereas that Canadian justice
minister has since died. In counter action, on FACING THE VOW
December 1, 1941,tileTheocratic organization made ,s The anticlhnax of the prophetic drama now
arrangements for more intensivework amongthe begins, and it also finds its fulfillment since 1938
people. Without loosening onewhitthebinding ties and before the battle of Armageddon, as will be
of Theocratic unity,it madetheworkingarrange-proved by Scripture and fact. "And Jephthah came
ment more capableof copingwith the devilish to Mizpehunto his house, and, behold, his daughter
aggressions of theAmmonites. It hasputallJeho- came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances ;
vah’switnesses on noticeof theTheocratic rule and she was his only child: beside her he had neither
(Gal.6:5),"Everymanshallbearhisownburden,"son nor daughter." (Judg. 11: 34) Jephthah’s action
wherever theenemyactionphysically scatters him. afield was against foreign foes, the Ammonites.His
Comesnow the SupremeCourtdecision of June8, coming home to Mizpah, which name means ’"Watch-
1942,upholding license-tax ordinances as applied tower", pictures the Greater Jephthah as he turns
against serving thespiritually starved people from attention to the home affairs of the Theocratic
doorto door. That5-to-4 decision threatens to affect organization over Jehovah’s covenant people today.
thefood-supply distribution fromtheLord’s table; Under his guidance, and after the serving of notice
but here let Jephthah’s victoryat Minnithhe on the political officials in the early part of 1941as
recalled as ourassurance fromon high.Jephthah’sabove described, the Watch Tower Society turned
"very great slaughter"of the Ammoniteswill the attention of all Theocratic fighters to their obli-
eventually be duplicated in God’sfurther "strangegation henceforth, "Comfort all that mourn." (Isa.
work", forallthenations willbecome a battle-ground 61 : 2) The official Ammonitesand allies had had their
on thisissueas theygo totalitarian andagreeon warning. Let the "other sheep" now have attention.
thefinalformof theirdesolating abomination. ,5 Jephthah did not by-pass his house to avoid
’~ The children of Ammonwere subdued before fulfilling his vow. His God-given triumph over
Jehovah’s Theocratic nation of Israel. Equally so, Ammonwas Jehovah’s confirmation that Jephthah
Jehovah’s faithful remnant and their earthly com- be "head and captain" henceforth over all Gilead.
panions will hold fast to The Theocracy, which is (Judg. 11: 11) He being father and owner of his
now here. They will, do~mto the last, gain victory home, "his house" would be his household and all
32. (a)Wha~ Judicial rulings in the United States and Canada in the servants thereof. Today the Head of the Theo-
1940 were made the basis of al~resslons a~alnst Jehovah’s witnesses, cratic organization of which the Society forms the
and with what success in stopping thelr advance ~ {b) What counter
action under the Greater Jephthah began December 1. 1941, and
will the Supreme Court decision of June 8, 1942, halt hie "very 34 What was pictured by Jephthah’s coming home to his houee Io
great slaughter" of modern Ammonites? Mizpah ?
33 (a) How, then, will the outcome be realized, as exprened, namely, 35 {al Whomdid Jephthah’s house include, and what did his relation.
"Thus the children of Ammonwere subdued before the children of ship thereto picture? (b) What ia pictured by the age of Jephthah’s
Israel"? Ib} How was the actual destruction of the modern 2~mmonit{m daughter at hi- return, and by the non-appearance of the servantl of
at Armageddon foreshadowed at ancient Jerusalem? his house?
DEC~Br,R 1, 1942 2-5eWATCHTOWER. 363
visible part is Christ Jesus. He is also "The Ever- victory of the Lord God and his typical Theocracy.
lasting Father" to his "other sheep", the consecrated Flow like the earlier womanJael who slew Captain
faithful ones to whomhe gives everlasting life on Sisera in her tent and then went forth to greet
earth. (Isa. 9: 6; John 10: 16) Jephthah’s daughter victorious Barak coming from the slaughter of God’s
pictured such "other sheep". On Jephthah’s arrival foes, and to show her harmony and co-operation
homehis daughter was of marriageable age, possibly therewith. (Judg. 4: 22) Like Jephthah’s daughter
eighteen or more years old. Likewise the "other of old, the persons of good-will, the Lord’s "other
sheep" class is some years old now, it having come sheep", are the only earthly class out of all this
into existence since the Lord’s comingto the temple present generation of mankind to show favor to the
in 1918 for judgment. (Matt. 25:31, 32) In contrast Jephthah class, whomJesus called "the least of
with these there are many religionists who profess these my brethren". It is only such "other sheep"
to be serving Christ Jesus, but, like the servants that the ldngly Judge puts at his right hand as
of Jephthah’s house, they do not comeout first like approved ones, to be blessed of his Father Jehovah.
Jephthah’s daughter to greet Jehovah’s victorious They are put in line for life everlasting on earth
Warrior, through whomlife eternal comes to the under the Theocratic government of which he is
"sheep". King.--Matt. 25 : 31-46.
s~Wben Jephthah took over the command of ~ Whataffected Jephthah’s daughter affected his
Israel’s armies encampedat the time in Mizpah, his whole offspring, for "beside her he had neither son
daughter in the house near by in Mizpah approved. nor daughter". Aside from the "other sheep" and
Note the modernfulfillment. Instanter with the publi- their "princes" there are no offspring of ti~e Theo-
cation of the Watchtower article "Organization", in cratic organization of which Christ Jesus is Head,
June, 1938, followed by the application of the Theo- and this sole offspring at this end of the world is
cratic principles of organization and operation to the only earthly class that shall survive the tribula-
the Society, the "other sheep" class as companions tion at Armageddonalongside the remnant. Christ
of the anointed remnant at once accepted that truth Jesus, by his proclamation of "this gospel of the
and arrangement enthusiastically. They lined up Kingdom"and his judgment of the nations thereby,
unhesitatingly with the Theocratic organization of has brought forth this class of "men of good-will"
the Society under the Greater Jephthah. The eight- toward Jehovah and his Righteous Government.
een years of Ammonitish oppression from 1918 on s~,,And it came to pass, when he saw her, that
had ended, and the big fight with religious totalitar- he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, my daughter!
ians was impending. Since 1938 there has been a thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one
great ingathering of these "other sheep". Nowmust of them that trouble me; for I have opened my
comea great manifestation of these as to their stand. mouth unto the LOItD, and I cannot go hack." (Judg.
The questions must be answered : Whosees the great 11:35) Jephthah’s daughter by coming forth first
universal issue*. ~rho sees the uncompromising to greet him automatically imposed a great responsi-
stand of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization against bility and service upon herself, of which she was
totalitarianism? Whosees God is with his faithful possibly not aware. If, however, anyone had heard
renmant, approving their stand against demonrule Jephthah’s vow spoken and had noised it abroad
as right and Scriptural? Whosees that The Theoc- and it preceded Jephthah’s arrival and came to his
racy and its worship of Jehovah is on the offensive child’s ears, then she deliberately decided, vowor
and will continue clear through to victory over the no vow, to let none be ahead of her in praising
forces of demonism? Jephthah’s daughter fore- Jehovah’s defeat of the foe nor be ahead of her
shadows the answer. in gratefully offering her lifelong service to Him
~’ Being first to comeout and also meeting Jeph- as her thank-offering. Likewise the joyful welcom-
thah with timbrels and with dances proves that his ing of the Theocratic organization for its triumphs
daughter had heard in advance how Almighty God in Jehovah’s name puts a great responsibihty and
had favored him with a crushing defeat of the service obligation upon the Lord’s "other sheep" or
enemy. She rejoiced that the Ammonites were "daughter" class.
driven out of Theocratic territory. She prepared ,o WhenJephthah saw her and rent his clothes,
herself to meet her father joyfully as was due him he did not mean to signify that he regretted his
in honor of his and her God. She did not keep her vow. This manifestation of feeling was enacted in
joy to herself, but went out openly and publicly to order to show the deep love and attachment he bore
express it and thereby to call muchattention to the toward his only child and daughter, just as David
36 la) What was Jephthah’s daughter’s attitude at his taking over 38. What does Jephthah’s having "beside her neither son nor daughter"
commandof the armies of Israel. and what was the modern fulfillment? show regarding the modern fulflllment~
(b) On what questions must the "’other sheep" now manifest their ~tand? 39 ~ln the drama and its fulfillment, what does such comln~ forth
37. ~a) What does Jephthah’s daughter’s coming forth with rejoicing to first ~mpose on those so doing, and is It deliberately decided to do thls~
meet him prove, and how was she in this like the woman Jael ? 40 If not regret, what was Jephthah’s expression of feeling at the
lb) How, therefore, are the Lord’s "other sheep" llke Jeph~h~b’a daughter? asght of hie daughter meant to show?
364 EtieWATCHTOWER. Boo Y, x. Y.
had great love for his friend Jonathan, "passing the spective children of the King-Father Christ Jesus.
love of women."(2 Sam. 1: 26) It testified also that This tender affection was touchingly expressed at
to have a glorious part in the vindication of God’s the Theocratic Assembly, and especially on the last
name was at no light cost to Jephthah. It was at day. There were 75,000 expected at that might.v
the expense of what on earth was tenderest to him gathering, but on Sunday, the final day thereof,
and touched him most. It called very much upon "Children’s Day," the convention was climaxed by
his faith and faithfulness toward the great Theocrat. an overflowing attendance of more than 115,000 at
"Jephthah’s rending his clothes and the words the speech "Children of the King". A heart-endear-
escaping his lips were permitted of the great Dram- ing sight it was to see 15,000 boys and girls of
atist Jehovah also in order to put a test upon between the ages of 5 and 18 years, immediately in
Jephthah’s daughter and to call forth from her an front and in full view of the speaker, the president
expression as to her position and her feeling with of the Watch Tower Society who has since finished
regard to carrying out her father’s vow. Hence this his course.
dramatic scene is not staged to picture that Christ "At the conclusion of the speech the president
Jesus and the remnant members of the Theocratic directly addressed his words to the young children.
organization give way to grief and sorrow over pay- He questioned them on their consecration and allegi-
meat of their vow and over the requirements and ance to Jehovah the great Theocrat and His King
obligations that comeupon the Lord’s "other sheep". Christ Jesus, to which they responded in their
Rather the scene makes prominent the deep love that thousands as with one voice and pledging that they
those of the remnant have and express for those would use the instrument that the Lord provided
devoted "other sheep" of the Lord, wire are their for them to use in His service. Then the president
friends that ’stick closer than a brother’. announced and held forth the instrument, the new
"That the remnant of the Theocratic organization book Children, and bestowed.upon each of these
under Christ the Head saw this "daughter" class children before him a copy as a gift from the
comingout first on the side of Tile Theocracy, before Theocratic Society. Manyonlookers wept at the sight,
Armageddon, is manifest. They do not say, as do especially those of the older membersof the Society,
many professed ones blinded by religion or demon- being as touched to the heart as was Jephthah at
ism, "Where is the great multitude? Where is there the sight of his daughter whose future he could
any evidence of such?’ No; but in the summer then envision because of his vowto Jehovah. There-
of 1939 the book Sah’ation was published as "A after the book Children was released to all other
Textbook for the Jonadabs", as so stated on the prospective children of the King there assembled
title page, the Jonadabs being the same as the and those others throughout the earth.
"other sheep". (2 Ki. 10: 15-°_3) The comingof this ’~ Dueto the conflict between the totalitarian and
"daughter" class is an open and indisputable token the democratic world powers, a like Theocratic
of the victory of the Theocratic Society under Christ Assemblywas not held in Britain until the following
Jesus over the unrighteous, unconstitutional en- month, at Leicester, England. On the "Children’s
croachments of the religious-totalitarians. The years Da~"’ there, with a like assembly of young children,
1940 and 1941 were crucial years, Jehovah’s wit- a surprise total attendance of 12,000 braved the air-
nesses being then violently beset by modern Am- raid menace and listened to the exact reproduction
monites as never before. But the "Jephthah" class of the original’speech on "Children of the King".
pressed on in God’s service over the vicious opposi- (See report of ’Theocratic assemblies of Jehovah’s
tion of the "Ammonites". The "daughter" class took witnesses’ of 1941.)
note of it and manifested themselves, and of this "The impression of these vast assemblies was
there was a marked manifestation in August, 1941. overwhelming and stirred the depths of the souI
’" That the Greater Jephthah saw the "daughter" of the "Jephthah" Theocratic organization. Why?
class taking their stand for the triumphant Theoc- Because it was a visible manifestation of Jehovah’s
racy, and realized the urgency of the situation, is granting to his advocates of The Theocracy victory
proved by the preparation earl)- in 1941 of the book over the modern Ammonites; also because it was
Ct~{Idren and the arranging for "Children’s Day" at evident that the vast attendances at the assemblies
the St. Louis Theocratic Assembly, due to be held were made up predominantly of the "Jephthal~’s
August 6-10. Here, then, was an expression of deep daughter" class, the Lord’s "other sheep", or Jona-
love and care of the "Jephthah" Society for the pro- dabs, the prospective sons and daughters of the
41. ]n what wa was Jephthah’s demonstration permitted to affect 44. On that occasion, how was the younger element of that "daughter"
his daughter, an~ what was this scene staged to picture in this tlme? class
~ led to express themsel~es toward Jeho,~ah and his King, and
42. (al What is there to show ~that the remnant saw the "Jephthah’s how were many affected emotionally thereby
daughter" cla~s coming forth (b) Of what is the coming of this 45 What like demonstration by those of the "daughter" class was
"daughter" class an open token? made the next month in Britain~
43. What preparation and arrangement in 1941 are proot that the 46. What did these assemblies make manifest as to the fight against
Greater Jephthah saw the "daughter" class taking their stand, and modern Ammonites, an<l what was evident u to the attendances at
on ~hat ocoasion did thbl reach a marked climax? these amaea~blies ?

King of "kings and Lord of lords, and who shall greatly movesthe remnant and kindles loving affec-
inherit life for evermore on a glorious earth under tion in their heart.
the heavenly Theocracy. The spiritual remnant of "What the full portent is of Jephthah’s words
that Government are continually diminishing from and of his daughter’s responses, and howhe fulfilled
the earth as they prove faithful unto death, but the his vow of a burnt offering with respect to her,
will be published in the next issue of this magazine.
number of those joyfully putting in appearance to
(To be continued)
celebrate The Theocracy and its King who shall
47. Vehat further regarding Jephthah and his daughter may we expect
be their "Everlasting Father" is increasing. It to be developed and cleaxed up in The 1I atchtower?


OR the guidance of the bewildered people today it giving everlasting life to those who willingly obey him,
F iswritten in inspired language, first stated at Isaiah
4.L9 : 4 and restated hundreds of years later at Matthew
maintaining their integrity toward God, the result is to
vindicate his name and it is to the benefit of the creature
12 20, 21: "Till he may put forth judgment to victory, that obeys. When the wicked are destroyed, and those
and in his name shall nations hope." (Young’s translation) who love God and are obedient are given hfe eternal,
The term "nations" means the people of good-will through- such proves that Jehovah alone is the Supreme One and
out the earth, Jew and gentile alike. worthy of all worship and joyful service. That will settle
Many millions profess to be followers of Christ Jesus, for ever the question of supremacy, and then all creatmn
and yet most of these are without hope because they are will see that only the obedient ones are given life ever-
ignorant of the purposes of his Father, Jehovah God. lasting by the Most ttigh. Thus is magnified the name
After centuries of operation of a religious s.vstem called of Jehovah’s anointed King, Christ Jesus, through whose
"organized Christlanity" the peoples of "Christendom" name He brin~ vindication and the hope of hfe to the
are hopeless. Divers and numerous schemes formulated obedient.
by men and man-made organizations have been placed Jehovah made Christ Jesus his servant or anointed one
before the people, and such schemes have promised the to vindicate Ins name. He appointed his Beloved, Jesus.
people rehef and blessings. The people have feared their as leader of all who will ever get life. Therefore it is
men as leaders and have trusted in them, and, for that written, at Isaiah 55: 3, 4: "Incline your ear, and come
reason, have been led into the snare of the enemy. They unto me: hear [obey], and your soul shall hve, and I
have failed to trust in God and in his Word, the Bible. will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure
"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth mercies of David [Beloved]. Behold, I have given him for
his trust in the LORDshall be safe." (Prov. 29: 25) Selfish a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the
men have made and promulgated these various schemes, people." Those who faithfully and successfully follow the
and the invisible ruler, Satan the Devil, has overreached Leader must have faith and confidence in the Leader and
the men of the world and hence led the whole world into must obey his commandments They must do as the Leader
hzs snare. The nauons of the earth are therefore under does; and since Christ Jesus maintained his integrzty
the domination of that wicked one, the Devil.--1 John 5 : 19. toward Jehovah God, others who hve must do like~lse
Only those who have trusted in the Lord and who He leads first those whom he assocmtes with i,im m his
faithfully serve him according to his tIoly Word have kingdom in heaven, and aftemvards all humans that get
escaped the snares of the wicked one. (Ps. 119:110; life eternal on earth."
2 Tim. 2.26) Satan by and through his various worldly Jehovah sent his beloved Son to earth to bear testlmony
agencies has blinded the people to the truth of Jehovah’s to the truth, and ever?-one who maintains his mtegmty
purpose. In times past the people had hope in the schemes toward God must hear and obey the truth as declared
of men, but now those schemes have all failed and the by Christ Jesus. (John 18:37) Jehovah by and through
people are sad and distressed. (Prov. 13: 12) No person Christ Jesus takes out from among men a people for his
can have a substantial hope who is without knowledge of name. Now, as the great vindicator of Jehovah’s name,
God and his kingdom. The only hope for the peoples of Christ Jesus commands these taken-out ones to ’preach
the nations is the name of Jehovah and of Ins Christ, this gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to the natmns’.
because it is God’s kingdom under Christ that will vindi- (Matt. 24: 14) This means that they must obey this com-
cate Jehovah’s name and bring rehef to men of good-will. mandment in order to maintain their integrity toward
The greatest of all questions for determination is the Jehovah.
vindication of Jehovah’s name. All other matters are The question of supremacy must now be for ever settled,
subsidiary thereto. The salvation of humankind or any because it is Jehovah’s due time to settle it He has
portion thereof will be a vindication of Jehovah’s name assembled his capital organization Zion and made his
and prove his supremacy, but the salvation of human taken-out covenant people a part thereof, and to them
creatures is not the important thing. Jehovah could wipe he says: "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside
out the entire race and make a new one, and in so me there is no God .... Fear ye not, neither be afrmd:
doing he would in no wise violate justice. On the other have not I told thee from that time, and have declared
hand, by placing the truth before human creatures and it? ye are even my witnesses." (Isa. 44:6-8) Jehovah’s
anointed remnant of witnesses must therefore fully trust choose to be obedient to the righteous laws of his kingdom.
him and fearlessly declare his name. The time approaches (John 17:3) Jehovah has made provision for the people
nowwhen he will give final opportunity to the people to to learn, and he lays the privilege and obligation upon
determine in whomthey will trust and whomthey will his witnesses to now declare to them that their hope is
serve. Because he has made Christ Jesus his vindicator in His kingdom by Christ Jesus.
Jehovah now speaks to his great Servant and Witness, The crisis is here when the paramount question must
Christ Jesus, and says: "Thus saith GodJehovah, he that be settled. Satan is exercising all his powerin his effort
created the heavens, and stretched them forth; he that to win, but he is certain to lose. Satan would destroy
spread abroad the earth and that which eometh out of all the people rather than see any of them serve God.
it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and Satan continues to oppress the people and to increase their
spirit to them that walk therein: I, Jehovah, have called burdens, and this drives them to desperation, as foretold
thee in righteousness, and will hold thy hand, and will at Revelation 12:12. The rulers in their efforts to pull
keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, the world out of the mire continue to lay greater burdens
for a hght of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to upon the people. There is absolutely nothing in this world
bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, and them that upon which the people can hope; hence honest persons
sit in darkness out of the prison-house." (Isa. 42: 5-7, are in despair.
Am. Roy. Ver.) This prophecy does not say that Christ Standing out bold]y in contrast with the miserable
Jesus is commissioned to take the people to heaven, but condition of the old world is Jehovah God’s gracious
it does say that he is commissionedto open their blind provision for obedient mankind. He has made Christ Jesus
eyes and inform them of the truth, that they mayhave an his vindicator and has placed the name of Christ above
opportunity to choose whomthey will serve. Those who every name save that of His alone, and he calls upon
believe upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the great the people to hear his great King and to learn the
Redeemer and Vindicator of Jehovah’s name, have reason importance of his name. The remnant of the elect company
for a hope. They must then be obedient to Jehovah, the yet on ~arth are made the witnesses of Jehovah and are
Supreme One. Every one who maintains his integ’rity commandedto point the people of good-will to Jehovah’s
toward God will, therefore, to that extent prove Satan kingdom and his great King. The name of Christ Jesus
to be a liar, and hence have a part in the vindication of stands for the kingdom of Jehovah, which will vindicate
Jehovah’s name. Jehovah and bring salvation through the blood of Christ
WhenJesus had endured much suffering and thereby Jesus, and hence ’in his name shall nations hope’. There
continued to be obedient to his Father he was made the is no other name which God has given under heaven m
vindicator of his Father’s name. For that reason Jehovah which the peoples of the nations can hope or whereby
made Christ Jesus his "right hand and his holy arm" to they can possibly be saved, as Peter stated at Acts 4:12.
aceomphshHis purpose of proving IIis own great suprem- Jehovah’s witnesses must therefore point the people to
acy. It is Jehovah, therefore, whogains the victory over this one and only complete hope.
his enemies; but he gets this victory by and through his Is it to be expected that Jehovah’s witnesses can give
beloved Son as his instrument. He makes his Son this testimony to the name of Jehovah God and his kingdom
instrument or vindicator because the Son was obedient without being subjected to persecution and suffering?
under suffering. In harmony with this Jehovah caused Certainly not! The Devil piled persecutions upon Jesus
to be written, at Psalm 98: 1,2:"0 sing unto the LORD in an effort to prove his side of the question at issue and
a new song; for he hath done m~rvellous things: his right to prevent the giving of testimony by Jesus concernin,z
hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the VlCTORV. Godand His kingdom. Amidgreat suffering Jesus continued
The LORD hath madekno~vnhis salvation : his righteousness to the end to bear testimony to the truth and to maintain
hath he openly shewedin the sight of the heathen." This" his blamelessness and to thus prove God to be true Those
VlCTOR~" SONG his anointed remnant of witnesses, and their whoare associated with him, and particularly the ano,nted
earthly companions, are now joyfully singing in the hear- remnant and their companions on earth, must likewise
ing of the "heathen", or the nations. It is Jehovah who suffer at the hands of Satan, because they are bearing
saves the obedient ones and gives them everlasting life., the testimony of Christ Jesus the great King. At the same
and this he does for his own great name’s sake. Their time they must maintain their blamelessness by learning
salvation is a vindication of his name,and this vindication obedience by and through the things they must suffer
operates beneficially to everyone whoproves his integrity. (2 Tim. 3: 13) But there is a real joy in tribulation when
All sane persons desire to have life and dwell in peace we know that the tribulation is heaped upon us because
and enjoy the things GOdhas provided. No humancreature we are doing right in obedience to God’s commandments
can realize such desired blessings until he learns whence As Jehovah’s witnesses go forth and with boldness
they come and what he must do to obtain them. Jehovah declare the name of Jehovah God and hts King and king-
God sent his beloved Son to earth that man might believe dom, it is to be expected that persecutmns and sufferings
in him as God’s Vindicator and man’s Ransomerand might will be their lot. Those whowillingly persecute Jehovah’s
live and not perish. This means that without knowledge, witnesses and oppose God’s kingdom are now marking
and hence without belief, mankind must perish. The life themselves for the slaughter that shall come upon all
of the perfect man Jesus provided the redemptive price opposers at the battle of the great day of God Almighty,
for believers, but in order for man to reap the benefits at Armageddon. They are putting on their garments of
thereof he must know Jehovah God and Christ Jesus mad identification; and the people must be told that their

only hope is in the nameof Jehovah God’s great Vindicator people, and thus He will vindicate his witnesses whohave
and they must identify themselves as being on his side. faithfully maintained their integrity toward h,m in pro-
In due time Jehovah will go forth to fight for his own claiming his nameand the nameof his King.--Zcch. 14 : 3

RITING to the congregation at Corinth, the long, sanctimonious face and a long clerical coat, or that
W apostle Paul said: "God is faithful, by whom
ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son
he stood on the platform and indulged in silent prayer
to be. seen of men for admiration. On the contrary, he
Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Cor. 1: 9) What is meant rebuked those ve~ things that were so marked m the
the word "fellowship"? clerk- of his day. (See ,Matthew6: 5.) There is no evidence
,Many have understood fellowship to mean that when that Jesus taught his disciples to develop a beautiful and
they attend a conventmn or a meeting of God’s people sweet character so that all whomight come in touch with
they must spend a part of the time in shaking hands them would be able to see how "sweet" they were. On the
and indulging in gossip. Often an hour is set aside for contrary, the record showshe spoke the truth with boldness
what ,s kno~mas "fellowship" and in that hour almost and plainness, and that his disciples did likewise, and tidal
everything is discussed except ways and means to further the religious clerk- and courts took note of tt, e boldness of
the cause of Kingdomtruth. Surely that is not what is his disciples and thereby perceived that they had walked
meant in the apostle’s words above. with Jesus as Teacher.--Acts 4:13.
The apostle Paul was a faithful witness for the Lord
"Fellowship," properly understood, means partnership. God. He delighted to have partnership in the sufferings
It meansan association of one with another or a participat- of Christ Jesus. Did such sufferings result to him because
ing one with another in a certain work. Jehovah God long of assumed piety and by reason of wearing a long and
ago summonedhis beloved Son Christ Jesus to discharge solemn face and long garb and speaking with a sanctimo-
the duties of royal High Priest to Jehovah; that is to nious voice? No; he suffered not for that, because he did
say, to fill the office of Executiveunto Godin the outwork- not indulge in such. He suffered by reason of being a
ing of H,s purpose. God then condescended to call others bold, fearless and faithful witness to the truth, tte was
from amongmen to participate with the Lord Jesus Christ clothed with a special commission as an ambassador for
mthat work; that is to say, to have fellowsh,p or partner- Christ to the Gentiles. That, however, did not swell his
ship with him therein. God plainly defines the dut,es of head He remembered at all times that he was a servant
such while on earth. Likewise he has revealed someof the of God and of Jesus Christ. He did not think ~t beneath
duties that will devolve upon these "called" ones mheaven. his dignity to go from house to house to preach the gospel
For example : Speaking to the elder brethren of the congregation of
The apostle Peter declared that the membersof the "body Ephesus who were overseers, Paul said: "I kept back noth-
of Christ" are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you,
as He left us the example; that is to say, they must take and have taught you publicly, and from house to house,
the same course of actmn that Jesus took on earth.--See testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks." (Acts
1 Peter 2:21. 20:20,21) Not only did he go from house to house to
Concerning himself the apostle Paul wrote as a follower testify to the truth, but he made no distinctions of men
of Christ Jesus: "I count all things but loss, for the He did not insist on having his territory amongthe rich
excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: or the influential. It was rather out of place according to
for whomI have suffered the loss of all things, and do the customsof menfor Jews to call uponGreeks or Gentiles,
count them but dung, that I may win Chrtst. That l yet the apostle called on both Jew and Greek, telhng them
may knowhim, and the power of his resurrection, and the of God and his kingdom.
FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SLrFFERINGS, being made conformable What Paul, the special apostle of Jesus Christ, did,
unto his death; if by any means I m,ght attain unto the surely we can do as fellow disciples. If he found it pleasing
resurrection of the dead." (Phil. 3: 8, 10, 11) Furthermore, to the Lord and profitable to the cause in gaving a witness
the apostle John wrote : "That which we have seen and heard to go from house to house, then surely his example is
declare we unto you, that ye also mayhave fellowship with such as other Christians mayfollow. (1 Cor. 11 : 1) Further-
us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with more, Jesus, the Son of the great Eternal God, journeyed
his Son Jesus Christ. But if we walk in the light, as he from house to house and place to place, speaking to the
is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and poor and teaching the outcast ones concerning the truth.
the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all What Jesus Christ the great Redeemer and Head of the
sin."--I John1 : 3, 7. church did, surely every memberof the body should delight
To walk means to pursue a certain course of action; to do. This was His work. This was the work that the
it means to deport oneself in a certain way. To walk apostle Paul had partnership in, and such is the work
as Jesus walked means, then, that the footstep follower that other footstep followers must take part in that they
on earth must deport himself as Jesus did and must mayhave partnership (fellowship) with Christ Jesus before
follow Jesus as his companion by doing the same things th~ Kingdomwitness is finished and the battle of Armaged-
that Jesus did. There is no evidence that Jesus wore a don is fought to the unfading glory of Jehovah God.
’FIGHTING AGAINST GOD,’FOOLISHLY (TEXAS) in. After questioning various ones I was shown into a
"After receiving the magazine article ’Changed Con- very nice reception room. One of the two partners in the
victions Regarding Flag-Saluting’ I went to the chief of firm camein. I was well received, and one of the firm’s
police (Laredo) to deliver him several copies. He was (lady) secretaries was deputed to deal with the matter.
not in the office, but the man in charge said he was at A cheque was made out to the Society for the renewal
the mayor’s office. Uponmy entering the mayor’s office of the subscription, and then I was able to conduct a very
he had other business; so I said that I would wait, as nice modelstudy on the .~pot with this lady, whoexpressed
I wanted to talk to him and the chief of police together. herself as very interested. She said the chapel she attended
WhenI did get to speak, I said that the licensing and had ’no soul’ in it. I explained where she could find a
taxing of Jehovah’s witnesses is still under discussion, very live soul, and that when The Theocracy was fully
and handed them the article and The Watchtower cont Lin- established there would be no longer need for notices
ing ’Dissenters for Righteousness’. The mayorsaid, ’I don’t such as that displayed on the wall outside. This lady said
give a d about the rulings of the Supreme Court; she thought the RomanCatholic Hierarchy to be thoroughly
they are not running the city of Laredo. Wehave this corrupt. She readily gave me her name and address for
little kingdom down here and we are going to run it to a model study at home. In another instance the principal
suit ourselves.’ The police chief spoke up and said, ’I of the firm received me very kindly and a similar cheque
don’t have no use for your religion, as the Bible contradicts was made out. This gentleman expressed abhorrence at the
itself in five thousand places. As to you and your workers, RomanCatholic Hierarchy, and concern at its activities.
we are going to start clamping down and arrest you every I explained that the Society was doing more than any
time we get a complaint on trespassing. I don’t care who other organization in this country for freedom of speech
mobsyou ; we are not comingto your defense, as you people and liberty of action, and is worthy of their good-will.
are traitors to the Amemcan flag.’ I replied that our work Twopioneer girls, who worked in the district for about
is of the highest spiritual benefit to the Americanpeople a year, originally got in to these firms and into the ’sanctum~
in building the people up in faith, courage and morality. of the mighty’, surely like ’locusts’ (Joel 2:9), and our
The mayor went on to say: ’If you seek to cause trouble own work has been mostly following them up."
on the streets or cause a gathering and obstruct pedestrians
on sidewalks, we are going to fine you; or if you go to AMONG THE"SHEEP ~ IN MINNESOTA
a house and make somebody hear your records and they "A publisher placed the book Ch~2drenwith a lady and
put in a complaintwe are going to jail you for trespassing.’ returned a month later. The womanhad just returned
’Suppose I go to a house and the person permits me to from a trip to St. Louis, Mo., having taken her boy to a
play the phonograph and they put in a complaint and I specialist there. The publisher told her of our big Assembly
am arrested?’ The third man speaks up: ’Well, when you held there last summerand endeavored to arrange a back-
go to a house and tell the people you have a propaganda call to play one of the lectures. Lady: ’Did you say you
record, that way they will knowwhat you have.’ I mentioned had a big convention in St. Louis last summer?’ ’Yes’
that, while in magazine work a while back, a man comes ’Howlong did it last?’ ’Five days.’ Lady: ’Why, the
up to me and seeks a controversy and, after I turn to womanI roomed with told me about a kind of religious
walk, tears off my shirt. On another occasion a man of convention held there last summer. I stayed with a Mrs.
the same type asks information concerning the magazine, N out near the Arena. She told me she had arranged
and whenI tell him he says. ’You are one of those Jehovah to take in some of the conventioners. Then everyone told
b !’ and I go to call the police to arrest him and her not to, that they were just terrible people, that all
he hikes out. ’What kind of offense would you call that?’ they’d do is just sit around talking their religion to her,
I asked the mayor. The mayor says, ’Well, he feels like etc. But she took them in an~vay, and, why, they were
all the rest of us; he wants to get rid of you.’ The mayor the finest people she would ever want to see. She said
nowsteps out of the office and I tell the chmf: ’Last year she’d just like a chance to take those people m again’
I was arrested while in magazine work, brought to the The lady was impressed by what she heard and immediately
station, asked a number of questions Someof the boys contributed for the Assembly Report and set a date to
go and ask the mayor what to do with me. The mayor hear the lecture .... At one home the mother was able
says if I would leave town I could go. I told him I could to take Children with a quarter the 12-year-old boy had
not do that, but wouldtake the consequences. So they locked earned. They invited the publisher back to play a lecture
me up, and let me go the next day.’" within a few days, and a week after that a Children study
was started. On arriving for the study the pubhsher saw
CALLING ONFIRMS(BIRMINGHAM, ENG.} lying on the table their Bible, Children (covered with
"In following up the subscription reference slips recently brown paper), and a sheet of paper all written out. On
sent to us via the servant of companies, we found one slip picking up the paper she found the answer to the first
bearing the name of a firm, but with no individual shown set of CMldren study course questions. The boy and the
on it. In making the call I passed through the yard and 10-year-old girl had written them out. Last night at the
happened to catch sight of a notice on the wall near a second study the publisher was presented with the answers
door. The notice read: ’Carters and lorry-drivers will to the second set of questions. The parents as well as the
please note that swearing under this windowis strictly children are interested in the Bible study, and nowthey
forbidden.’ I decided that this might prove useful in have just learned that the man’s sister has been studying
conversation with the principal of the firm if I could get the Bible, too, and has become a witness for Jehovah."
thatI amJehovahY

DECF.MBER15, 19~2

F~C, HTERFOR~’HE N~.w WOaLD (Part 5) 371
Vow Obhgations ................. 372
Submlssmn to "Higher Powers" . .. 375
Mourning D~sposed Of ................ 377
Integrity Towardthe Vow................ 379
Pleasant Compamonshlp.................. 380
S s, LVATION" TO LIFE.................... 381
THEWATCHTOWER,1942.................... 382
THE WaTCHTOWZR,1942 ......... 3~4
"WATCHTOWER"~TUDIES ......................... 370
1943.......................................... 370
117 Adams Street
N,Y., U.S.A.
T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
OFFICERS designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-,~nll.
N. H K.%’ORR. Preddent W E VANAxtm"aoH, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be ¢.he peace oi = thy children." - Isaiah 54:13. of public instruction m the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all rehgton, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of hxs King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and :us active agent in the creation of all other ttungs, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ m glory, clothed with all power
dulge m controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chmf Executave Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man YI~&aLy SDBBCRtPTIONP’r~Ica
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNITED STATES, $100; all other countries, $1.50, American currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GRZAT BRITAIN, ~LESTRALASlA. AND SOUTH AFRICA. 68, American rem,t
right to life; tance~ should be made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
Draft. British. South African and Australasian remittances shouhI
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and be made direct to the respective branch offices Remittances from
countries other than those mentioned may he made to the Brooid}n
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptlve office, but by laternatton~ Postal MoneyOrderonly.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature Fore,.to NOFFICES
and above every name and clothed him with all power and 34 Craven Terrace. London. W2. England
authority ; AtJstralo~s~an ............ 7 Becesford Road, Straflafleld. N. S W.Anstraha
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, t~outhA1rtcan ............................ Boston House. CapeTown. South Aft,ca
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the lndtaa.......................................... 40 Colaba Road. Bombay5. India
rightful ILmg of the world; that the anointed and faithful Pleue addre~ the Society in every ease.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s orgamzatton, and are his witnesses whose duty and Translations of thl~ Journal appear in several languages.
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by re~on of
Infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the ~ub~cmpt~onprice
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord mayhave TheWatchtower fre~ uponwritten application to the pubhMlers
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year. stating toe reason for so requestm~tit. Weare
~lad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to ts required by the postal regulations.
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to Subscribers" Acknowledgment of a newor a renewal ~ub-
come onty by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scrlption will be sent only whenrequested. Chan~eof address, whet*
requested, maybe expected to appearon address label within one month
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the & renewal blank (carrying notice of explratlon~ will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- Journ~.l one monthbefore the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness m the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of Amertes
the people of good-will that survive Armageddon shall carry Entered a4 second.clads matter at the post o~ee ot BrooJ.lyn, N. Y,
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the 4ca o.¢ March8, 1579

"VICTORY SONG" TESTIMONY PERIOD As to the courage, strength, joy and w.slon to be derived there-
December is the month that brm~s to a close the eMendar from, and also as to the need and usefulness of such throughout
year of the old world It is with 3oy that the servants of JeLo~ah the year by Christians, there is hardly any need of comment Due
stag the Victory. Song after a lon~ battle, but they look forward to tl~e hmited edition a’contrtbutton of 50c xs asked per copy of the
to further battles and victories The talthtul do say with gladness 19t3 Yearbook of Jehovah’s u’ttnesses. Companies should comb:no
of heart that they have remained "blameless in the day of our mdl~lduM orders and forward same to us with remittance, to
Lord" and will continue to do so, by the Lord’s grace Dunng the expedite the handling thereof and to make for postage savm~
"Victor3.- Song" Testimony Period the song of the new world will
be sung, To do this the pubhshers of The Theocracy ~nll offer to "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
the people the pubhcatlon The New IVorld and the booldet Peace~ Week of January 17: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 5),
Can It Lastf on a contribution of 25c If van wish to jam in the .~ 1-15 reclusive, The Watchtower December 15, 1942.
"Victory Song" Testimony Period during the month t,f December, Week of January 24: "Fighter for the New World" aPart 5),
make arrangements now w~th your local company servant. If you ¶ 16-29 reclusive, The Watchtower December 15, 1942
are not associated with a company, write direct to the Society Week of January 31: "Fighter for the New World" (Part 5),
for further reformation. ¶ 3044 reclusive, The Watchtower December 15, 1942.


The year 1942 has been a most eventful and thrdlmg year in The yeartext for 1943 xs "More than conguerors tbrougu him
the experiences and activities of Jehovah’s witnesses. You may now that loved us". (Romans 8: 37) AI[ Chrmtlans bent on keeping
get a world v~ew of such exploits and their lasting benefit to men integrity toward Godwfl] be strengthened by havang that text dally
of good-will by reading the annual report as prepared by the presi- before them during 1943. The Watchtower calendar, now release~,
dent of the Watchtower Society. This m pubhshed m the 1943 will enable you to do that. The theme picture in art~stm color-
Yearbook of Jehovah’s wztnesses, now off the press. Also contained work under the yeartex~ brings Into sharp relief the mtuat.on
therein are the yeartext for 1943 and explanatory commentthereon, facing-humankind and m which faithful Chrmtmns must overcome
together with a stirring text and commentfor each day of the year. (Continued on page 382)
15, 194°,2 No.’24



"’Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of lids world: if ~ny kingdom ~(ere of th~s uorld, tl~en ~(oldd
servants figl~t."--Uol~ 18: 36.
EHOVAH’S Fighter for the new world of right- the divine instruction is given them: "Fear not ye,
J eousness is his beloved Son, whohas been equipped
for the fight with all powerin heavenand in earth.
neither be dismayed by reason of this great nmlti-
tude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Ye shall
Tins makes the righteous new world a sure thing. not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand
Since A. D. 1914 we have been in the permdthe Scrip- ye still, and see the salvation of Jehovah with you."
tures eall "the day of Jehovah". Therefore we know (2 Chron. 20: I5, 17, A~n. Ret. Ver.) The figh{ for
that the fight is near, becauseit is the ’%attle of that the new world will be won without nmn’s help.--
great day of God Ahnight.~" and the demon forces Ex. 14: 13, 14.
are exercising an irresistible power upon the nations Jehovah requires willing obedience, self-sacrific-
to gather them to the condition that provokes the ing devotion, and faithfulness with joyfulness on
fight. (Ilev. 16: 14-16) Whenon earth Jehovah’s Son the part of all whowill have his protection d’arm~
did not resist being killed by his religious enemies Armageddonand enter into life on earth under flit,
and would not permit his followers to fight with New World conditions. Be~ides the remnant of
carnal weapons in his defense, because his Govern- Christ’s body of followers, there is an unnunll>ered
ment was and is no part of this world, which is multitude of persons of good-will now n’,amfestm~
Satan’s organization. Nowthat the "day of Jehovah" themselves that will survive with the remnant
has begun, his Son has been enthronecl as King and through earth’s greatest tribulation. The.-e ~xere
the time is at hand for the establishment of the world foreshadowed by Noah’s family that pas>ed \vlth
of righteousness to which his ldngdom belongs. lmn alive through the destruction of the "’worhl that
Therefore in the coming battle of Armageddon then was", "the world of the ungodly." (2 Pet. 2: 5:
Jehovah’s royal Son will this time fight against the 3: 5, 6: Gen. S: 15-22) These also prove their good-
old world and with violenee such as all creation has will toward Jehovah God and his kingdom by accept-
never yet witnessed. (Matt. 24: 21, 22) The old world ing the Kingdommessage at the hands of Ills ~xll-
and all organizations and men who are a part of it nesses. Then they forsake this "present evil woIld"
shall be destroyed for ever. and consecrate their hves to him and the ~-erviee of
: The new world of righteousness shall be estab- tus Ihghteous Govermnent for evermore.
ti.-hed so firmly that it can never be moved. Those ’ This blessed multitude will never go to heaven.
followers of the new world’s King whofinished their but will inhabit the earth in peaee and haplliness,
earthly eourse faithful unto death and who have being regenerated unto humanperfection. L’ontlnu-
1,een resurrected to life in the spirit to "reign with ing faithful and obedient to the heavenly Kingdom.
him" shall share in the Armageddonfight with the they shall never die. (,John 8:51 ; i1: 26) God’sman-
Warrior-King. (Rev. 19:!1-16) His remnant (late to the family of Noahafter the Flood, that they
faithful followers yet on earth and their earthly should multiply and fill the cleansed earth, for(:-
companionswill witness the fight for the new world, shadowed that this favored multitude will after
but will not take part in it with violence to the Armageddonreeeive a like divine mandate. In joy.
enemies. They are hated of all nations for his name’s ful obedience thereto they will intermarry, and bring
sake, but as they faithfully proclaim God’s kingdom forth children in righteousness, and thereby fill the
l (a) Who Is Jehovah’s fighter for the z)ew world, and due~ to the face of the earth with righteous inhabitants to Gods
presence of ~hat da5 do we know that tl~e fight therefor is near
L l*l V~ hs did he not put up any fighting resistance against being What does Jehovah require of those he pre~erve~ during Arnlage4ldon.
kilted when on’~earth and what will be his course with respect to and what does the Flood picture of Noah’s day sho~ ~ tv an~
the battle of Armageddon sure-lying Armageddon besides the re_rnnant~
.’ What part in the Armageddon fight ~111 be had by Christ s faithful
foot~tep followers ~ho have finished their earthly course and b3 the 4 What does that prophet,e I-Iood picture further show as to the
remnant )et on earth? dest~n~ of that blessed mulUtude after Armageddon~
372 BFtOOKLYN, ~. Y.

honor. Paradise shall glorify the earth.--Gen. 9: 1, 7 ; demonized aggressors, but if Jehovah would dehver
Matt. 24: 37. over the Ammonites to defeat before him. then he
5Tim formation of this multitude of companions would offer as a burnt offering to Jehovah wtiat~,-
of Clliust’s remnant and their joyous acclamations to ever first came forth from the house to meet him tm
Jehovah God on his heavenly throne and to his arrival home. Jephthah was a mighty man of tllc.
Beloved One, the Lambslain in behalf of the new land of Gilead east of the Jordan river, and his ll(,ni,.
world, is pictured and expressed at Revelation was in the city of Mizpah, or "Watchtower", as tll~,
7:9-12 in s)unbolie speech. After the vision of the name means. The victor)- over the AmeliOrate-,,
triumpliant members of the body of Christ, the assured him the place of visible "head" over all those
beholder of the visions says: "’After this I beheld, of the Lord’s typical Theocracyin Israel. That xx as
and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could the agreement between himself and the inhabitants
number, of all nations, and tdndreds, and people, of Gilead at the time he accepted the comman(tof the
and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the war against the Ammonites.(Judg. 10: 18; 11: .S-Ill
Lamb. clothed with wliite robes, and pahns in their Since the inspired statement at 1 Corinthians 10.11
hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salva- leaves no doubt that these events were types or
tion to our God which sitteth upon the tilrone, and prophetic patterns, Jephthah was a prophetm figure.
unto the Lamb. Andall the angels stood round about He pictured Jehovah’s chosen visible organization of
the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, spiritual Israelites today, and which organization or
and fell before the throne on their faces, and wor- Society is Theocratic and under the headship of
shipped God. saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and Christ Jesus, the Greater Jephthah. The part wl,ich
wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, the Watch Tower Society has played and plays in
and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. this connection is historically and Scripturally
Amen." The scene there reminds one of when Christ established. Let us note this further in the remain-
Jesus rode into Jerusalem, "the city of the great ing part of the prophetic dranm.
King," and presented himself as Jehovah’s anointed ’"And Jephthah came to Mizpeh [’~A’atehtower"]
King. Then multitudes of the people, including unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out
young children, but not the religious clergymen and to meet him with timbrels and with dances; and she
the commercial men at the temple, hailed him with was his only child : beside her he had neither son nor
pahns and with outbursts of prmse and salvation daughter. And it came to pass, when he saw her,
and glory to Jehovah God. /John 12: 12-16: Matt. that he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, mydaughter !
21: S-14) The joy and expre~-sions of devotion on thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of
the part of those whowill form the "great multitude" them that trouble me; for I have opened my mouth
surviving Arnmgeddon were also foreshadowed by unto the LoaD, and I cannot go back." (Judg.
the joyful welcome that Jophthah’s daughter gave 11: 34, 35) Her being his only child and daughter
tiim on his homecomingfrom a successful campaign was the troublesome point in the matter. For him to
against the enemy Ammonites. devote her to Jehovah in fulfilhnent of the vow
would mean that his family and his name wouht be
VOW OBLIGATIONS without anyone to carry t’hem on in God’s typical
As Jephthah returned home from defeating and Theocracy and hence both famil.v and name would
driving out the invaders of the Theocratic nation of perish.
Israel, his heart must have been in harmony with s The like is true at present. Tlle renmant of the
the expression of the psalmist, \~lio pictures Chmst Theocratic organization under Christ Jesus the
Jesus: "What shall I render unto Jehovah for all Head declare this Scriptural fact: That Jehovah’s
his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salva- Theocrauc Government under Christ the King is
tion, and call upon the name of Jehovah. I will pay limited to 3ust 144,000 membersunder him, and that
my vows unto Jehovah, yea, in the pre~ence of all tile remnant are the last membersthereof on earth
his people." (Ps. 116: 12-14, Am.Rev. Ver.) Before and their number is decreasing as the members
entering into the campaign for the free worship of thereof finish each one in due time his course in the
Jehovah in the Theocratic land without interference flesh "faithful unto death". (Rev. 7:4-8; 14: 1,3)
and encroachments by the Ammonites Jephthah Having fought a good fight and fimshed their course
uttered a vow to the Lord God. He confessed that and kept the faith unto the end, such ones are at
he could not of himself gain the victory over the death given an instantaneous resurrection and
5 la) Ilow are the formation and acclamations of that multitude
changed to life in the spirit and see their glorious
such hailing
~ho~n l;a the book of lle~elatmn’~ (bl Of what does
of the King remind one m the experiences of Jesus heavenly Head as he is and are made like him.
on e~,rth add how wS.S It fore~hado~ed In Jephthah’s ezpemeuce~
6 IS) What mtmt ha~e been Jephthah’s state of heart on returmng 7. "*’Chat was Jephthah’s elelamation at meet4ng his daughter, and
home vlctor|ous from battle, ~’tDd ’,~hat ’~ow ’v, as now due tO be ’,’,bat v, as the troublesome point in the ’~
fulfilled ~ (b} What po~Itlou dld the God-gl~en ~letor F assure te 8 }low iS the like situation true toda~ ~ltll re,speet to con!mmng
Jephthah in Israel, and whom todaydid he Plcture7 the ex,stenceof the spiritualcompan)of ehrlstlanson earth
15, 1942

(2 Tim. 4: 7,8; 1 Cor. 15: 50-54; 1 John 3: 2) Itence tion at God’s victory through him and took tile lead
the remaining ones of the remnant are no more in the celebrating, ttow, therefore, shall we read
carrying on their witness work and Bible educational Jephthah’s words? To this effect: That there are
campaign in behalf of a spiritual company with a times whenthere is need to readjust conditions whioh
heavenly destiny. Those who are now being led to bear upon one’s love for Jehovah and his Theocracy
the Lord as a result of his "strange work" through and also upon one’s love for an earthly creature, and
the remnant are his "other sheep", who shall form this readjusting does put a strain upon anyone
the "great multitude" and abide on earth perma- devoted to Jehovah’s Theocratic service. Study of
nently under The Theocratic Government and per- the following facts discloses this.
form the divine mandate. ’~ For ninny years the subject of tile "great multi-
These "other slleep" are therefore not being tude" described in Revelatmn 7 has been a perplex-
brought into the fold to increase or to continue ing one, and it still troubles some professed Chris-
further on earth the number to be incorporated in tians. It must be admitted that the Lord’s "other
The Theocratic Government, because the Lord does sheep" are not in themselves troublemakers. Their
not call such "’other sheep" to the high calling of the consecration to the Lord, and their joyful and
heavenly Kingdom. When, in the Lord’s due time, enthusiastic devotion to tIim as displayed in their
the last ones of the remnant complete the Lord’s field activities for The Theocracy, are hugely appre-
work for them among those companions or "other ciated by the spiritual remnant and all favoring The
sheep’, then the remnant will cease to exist and the Theocracy. However, up till the year 1935 the
"body of Ctlrist’" will be fully madeup in the invisi- question of the "great multitude" and timir identity
ble heavens. Those then left on tile earth as the and destiny had all Christians guessing. Were they
visible representatives of the divine Theocracy under to be finally a spiritual companyin heaven or renlam
Christ will be tliose menwhomthe King-Father will human on the earth under the Kingdom~ When
"makeprinces in all the earth", namely, the faithful would be the time of their appearing and being
men of old, including Jephthah himself, shortly to gathered? Whatshould be their privileges of ~er\ucc
be raised from the dead in a "better resurrection". in companywith the renmant? That is, were they to
tlence, to use the words of John the Baptist in a be witnesses for Jehovah, engaging in the liouse-to-
relative comparison of nmnllers of the "other sheep" house educational campaign, and could they serve
and the remnant, ’the former nmst increase, but the over others as servants of organized companies?
latter must decrease." (John 3: 30) The thought Werethey also reqmred to offer the same degree of
eventually parting bodily does not of itself give faithfulness to Jehovah God and his Ihghteous
pleasure, for the companionship between the rem- Govermnent as must the renmant, and could they
nant and the "other sheep" is very pleasant and partake of the memorial emblems at the Lord’s-
refreshing, hke tlmt between David and Jonathan. supper ?
--2 Sam. 1:17-27. "These proper questions were a source of
,o Young’stranslation of Jephthah’s words reads :
"trouble", dehate and discussion, especially so from
"’Alas, my daughter, thou hast caused me greatly to the quarter of the "evil servant" class. This unfmth-
bend, aml thou hast been amongthose troubling me; ful stnritual class justify their rebelliou.~ eour:e
and I--I haw, opened my mouth unto Jehovah, and against the Lord’s Theocratic organizatmn and its
I am not able to turn back.’" Jephthah’s daughter was appointed work. They maintain that the "great
in lier.-_elf innocent in the matter. She had merely multitude" are a spiritual company,spir|t-l~egotten
come forth first from her home in genuine celebra- and not yet manifest, and that ttmy are only partmllx
tion of Jehovah’s vindication by victory over the fmthful to God and hence get merely a secondarx
Ammonites, which victory meant the preservation position in heaven as Levite servants of tile wlio~ly
of the Theocratic organization and the worship of fmthful "httle flock".
Jehovah among his covenant people. What righteous "Jephthah’s words "among them troubhng me"
person who loves God would hold back from rejoic- refer to this "evil servant" crowd who stand off
ing thereat? \\3m could be blamed for it? A failure independent from the Theocratic organizauon of
to thus rejoice would betray something wrong con- the Society under Christ and who, the same as the
cerning the love and devotion for the Most High and religious clergy, cause trouble for God’sfaithful rem-
his Theocracy. Certainly, then, Jephthah was not nant. Aside from these troublers, however, the fact
blaming his beloved child nor finding fault because
she spontaneously and publicly expressed her jubila- II Are the Lord’s "other sheep" viewed as troublemakers,and prior
to 1935 what questionsconcerningthe "great.# multitude" and their
identity,destinyand servicehad all Christiansguessing
9 A~ nine goes on. bow do the numbers of the remnant and of the 12 Who especiallymake these questionsa matter of trouble and
Lord~ ’ other sheep" compare, and how does the thought of finmhing ~
debate, and why or because of what v~ews
thetr eompaIllonshlp oil earth affect them?
lt* Wh~ ’~as Jephthah’s daughter not to be blamed for coming forth 13 Who, then, are meant by the words "them troubling me", and
nrst, and hou, therefore, shall we read him words speaking of her v-hat revelations of truth of the Lord in 1923. 1931, and 1932,
a~ among those troubling him? preparedfor clearingup the questionsat tseue?

that there was to be a "great multitude" was fore- now. It is the duty of the anointed to vote as to
told in Scripture, hut Oust what to do with and ahbut who shall be company servant; but ’hewers of wood
tlmm needed clearing up. In 1923 the Lord at tile and drawers of water’ may serve. (Josh. 9: 21-27:
temple revealed that the "’sheep" who do good to his Deut. 16: 12-15; 29: 11) "~;hen there are none ~of
brethren and who are separated from the "goats" the remnant] in the company capahle of filling the
and gathered to the King’s right hand are an earthly places of company servants or see’ice committees
class that is being divided from the "goats" at and there are Jonadabs who have the ability and
present. (Matt. 25: 31-46) Their present fellowship zeal, let the Jonadabs be placed on the service con>
with the remnant in the witness work, however, was m~ttee and give them opportunity to serve. The
not understood. Years passed. In 1931 at the great work should not drag because some of the company
international convention at Columbus, Ohio. the have lack of zeal. The gospel must now be proclaimed.
Lord revealed to his faithful remnant their "’new ~Matt. 24: 14."
name", to wit, "Jehovah’s udtnesses." There he also ,s When the Greater Jephthah, Christ Jesus. the
disclosed this, to wit, that those whom the ’man Head of the Theocratic organization, introduced its
clothed m linen and with inkhorn by his side’ marks rule and operation among Jehovah’s witnesses in
in the forehead to be spared from execution at Arma- October, 1938, he emphasized anew God’s will as
geddon by Jehovah’s Executioner are an earthly to the place, opportunities and obligations for the
class and identical with the "other sheep". (Ezek. "other sheep", whom Jephthah’s daughter pre-
9:4) In 1932 still more! Then the Lord opened the figured. Through his visible organization and its
remnant’s understanding to see that Jonadab, who official publication The Watcl~tower he caused to be
got into King Jehu’s chariot and went with him to published as of December 15, 1935, this: "Tile same
the slaughter of the religious demon-worshipers, also rule of the Lord God requires likewise that all those
p~ctured the "other sheep" or persons of good-will. who will compose the ’great multitude’ (Rev. 7: 9-17)
Hence the~-e "other sheep" are called "Jonadabs". must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that he is
(2 Ki. 10: 15-23) But the full light was yet to come. the Savior of obedient men, that by his own precious
~’ It was at Washington. D. C.. in 1935. at the con- blood he furnished the price for the purchase of
vention tile chief feature of which was the public men and atl their rights as men, including the mght
address entitled "’Govermnent". Then God graciously to perfect life, and then they must prove that heticf
identified the "great multitude" as an earthly class, by consecrating themselves to do what God’s Word
which shall be composed of the "other sheep", and requires and must set themselves to the task of faith-
that they are in large nmnbers already manifest in fully performing the will of God as agreed upon.
company with the remnant. The same degree of The Jonadabs must now have this information and
loyalty, obedience, devotion and faithfulness to Jeho- follow it. They must learn that consecration and
vah and his Righteous Government is required of sanctification are required of each one who shall
this earthly class as of :lie rcnmant of the ’qittle hecome a part of the great multitude and live on
flock". Shortly thereafter, in August of 1935, the earth and carry into effect the divine mandate to
IVatchtou er magazine pubhshed the explanation of multiply and fill the earth with a righteous peoplo.
the Scriptural facts at Revelation 7: 9-17.--See the ¯ . . (Mark 10: 44, 45) While this text was addressed
book ttlches, published in 1936, and its chapter VIII, specifically to those whose hopes are heavenly, the
under the title "Great .Multitude". same rule applies to those who get life on earth and
~’ Next Jehovah unfolded another typical picture shows that the-ransom inures to the benefit, not of
everyone, but to those who comply with the rules."--
of the "other sheep" who shall form the "great
Paragraphs 16 and 17.
multitude". Long ago they had been foreshadowed
by the Gibeonites, who peaceably came over onto the *’The Watchtower Society under Christ cannot
s{de of Israel’s typical Theocracy. Joshua spared go back on such words, because they are the truth
of the Word of .Jehovah. Later that same year (193S)
them from execution and made them wood choppers
and drawers of water for the worslnp of Jehovah of the revelation of the Theocratic organization, and
at his sacred tabernacle. As to putting the antltyplcal on the occasion of the world-wide convention of 47
cities with Royal Albert Hall, London, England, as
Gibeonites to work alongside the remnant The
Watchtower said, as of May 1, 1937, under the the key assembly place, the Greater Jephthah
revealed that the divine mandate will be issued and
heading "Company Servant", the following: "Proc-
go into force toward the "other sheep" of the "great
lamation of the kingdom message is all-important
16 When was Theocratic rule put in operation among Jehovah’s
14 When thereafter was the "great multitude" identified and their witnesses, and what did The Watchtower ther~altsr publish concermng
requirements explatnt-~d, add what did the ~ revelation hhow as to seth the
Lord’s requirements
unto life and service
upon the "great multitude" respecung the
15 What people In Joshua’s deahngs with the CanaanitesalSO pictured 17 Why cannot the Watchtower Society go back on such words, and
the "’other sheep", and what did The Wotchtowe~f publish in 1937 what further was said at the 1938 Theocratic convention from London
~ ~he qervlee positions of such "other sheep" in connection as to the "great multitude" and their privileges concerning marmage
~lth the remnant and the Lord’s service?
DECE:~tBEn 15, 1942 375

nmltitude" AYTEI~the battle of Armageddon.Hence maneuveredthis or permitted it to 1,e so? Whatdoes

marmagenow was no part of fulfilling tile divine her response show?
mandate and was inadvisable according to the Scrip- ~o IIer expression "my father" showedsite did not
tures. This was in effect saying that the Lord’s think her father had been rash and arbitrary. Ite
"other sheep" who shall form the "great multitude" was the one that had the right to dispose of his
after Armageddon must now remain a "virgin" unmarried child according to the rule of Jehovah s
companyin order that they might be wholly devoted, typical people, not, of course, to any wronguse. Ihs
without earthly distraction, to the Lord’s business Theocraticlaw, at Leviticus 19 : 29, to fathers, reads :
now in hand, which is to declare Jehovah’s name "Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be
throughout all the earth before Ate fights and shows a whore: lest the land fall to whoredom, and the
his power over Satan’s old world at Armageddon. land become full of wickedness." As to the Lord’s
(Ex. 9: 16) Tile preaching of "this gospel of the recognized rule concerning the control of the father
kingdom", as commanded, was the work for this over the daughter, note the action of Laban in sub-
"other sheep" class as well as for the remnant, and stituting his older daughter Leah for tlachel to be
not the huilding up of any earthly house or organiza-the wife of Jacob for his seven years of service.
tion at present. (Matt. 24: 14) The Lord will take (Gen. 29: 16-30) Note also King Saul’s offer of his
care of that after Armageddon. eldest daughter in marriage to whosoever would
,s Here, then, in essence, was the expression of the
fight and kill the Philistine giant Goliath. (1 Sam.
vow of the Greater Jephthah concerning the "other 17: 25; 18: 17) Note also faithful Caleb’s offer of his
sl,eep", and coming just whenthe Theocratic organ- daughter Achsah to whoever first smote the Canaan-
ization was installed on earth and the fight against ite city of Kirjath-sepher and conquered God’s
totalitarian-religious encroaehments began as an enemies there. (Josh. 15: 16, 17; Judg. 1: 12, 13)
aftermath of the 193S Munich conference between Further showing the father’s guiding control over
~he Nazi fuehrer and the British prime minister and his daughter, Numbers30:16 refers to a girl’s vows
his appeasement policy. If now Jehovah God would madewithout her father’s approval and says : "These
grant victory to his covenant people or remnant as are the statutes which the LORDconmmndedMo-es
against the totalitarian encroachments on worshipbetween a man and his wife; between the father
and service of Jehovah, then x~ hatsoever would first and his daughter, being yet in her youttl m her
appear as the fruit of such victory in the way of father’s house." This same authority resides in the
an ingathering, even such would be wholly dedicated Greater Jephthah, Christ Jesus, who becomes "’the
to the Lord’s "strange work", which is the work of Everlasting Father" to the subaeets of his Kingdom.
his temple class. There would be no selfish exploita- (Isa. 9:6) The "other sheep" must recmve life
tion of such "other sheep" by the remnant, such as through him as their King-Father, and be regener-
the RomanCatholic Hierarchy makeof the "Catholic ated. (Matt. 19: 28) He is God’s appointed ttead
population". The Theocracy, and these "other sheep" nmst put
themselves under the Theocratic orgamzatmn, even
SUBMISSION TO "HIGIIER POWERS" as Jephthah’s daughter did.
’° Howthe"othersheep" since1939responded to :’ The Authorized Vcrsmn Bible inserts the word
thiswasmarvelously enacted in truelifeby Jeph- "if" into her speech., but the AmemcanIlevised
tlmh’s daughter. "And she said unto lure, Myfather, Version and the Young’s translatmn read: "My
7f thou hast opened thy mouth unto the LORD,do to father, thou hast opened ti~v mouth unto ,lehovah:
me according to that which hath proceeded out of do unto me according to that x~tnch hath proceeded
thy mouth ; forasmuch as the LoRDhath taken venge- out of thy mouth, forasmuch as Jehovah hath taken
ance for thee of thine enemies, even of the children vengeance for thee on thine enemies, even on the
of Anunon." (Judg. 11 : 36) Her father madehis vow children of Ammon." Hereby she recognized the
w~thout consulting her, and properly so. Nowout of Theocratic arrangement as in force and also the
his parental love for her he expressed grief at the binding power of vows under that arrangement, as
separation it would mean. All this put a great test stated at Numbers30: 2: "If a man vow a vow unto
upon the girl. Wouldshe rebel? or would she recog- the LoaD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with
raze the Theocratic rule, inasmuchas her father was a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do
the ’~head" of his household and God’s victory had according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth."
confirmed him as "head and captain" over the typical Jephthah’s daughter would not rob God by causing
Theocracy of Israel? Wouldsite submit to the will anything to be held back that was pronused him.
of the Supreme Power and trust in Him who had 20 (a) What did her use of the words "my father" show, and what
was God’s rule concerning a father’s control over shis dau~zhter
1~ What. therefore, in effect, was the vow of the Greater Jephthah (b} Wh) doe,~ ~ hke authority reside in Christ Jesus respecung his
thenfacing the fight against totalitarian encroachments~ "other sheep"
19 In repl3 to Jephthah’s tender expression, what quesUons were put 21,What stand does the reply of Jephthah’s daughter ~ sho,a she took
a~ a te~t upon his daughter to answer? towardthe arrangementin force in Israel and toward ~ows unto (,od
She stood for faithfulness to vows. no matter how harmony with all such prophetic pictures showing
it affected her, all because she looked up to Jehovah their part. They rejoice at God’s gracmus provlslon
as the Supreme Power and recognized his Theocracy for them and are willing that whatever was pictured
and its rules. in miniature should be enacted completely toward
22,,When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not themselves.
to pay it; for lie hath no pleasure in fools: pay that ~’ Jephthah’s daughter saw her father ’put his life m
which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou should- his hands’ for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. and
est not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not was her life any more precious? The "other sheep’
pay. Suffer not thy monthto cause thy flesh to sin; of today have witnessed such endangering of the hfe
neither say thou before the angel that it was an and property of those of the WATCH Towr.r~ organ-
error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, ization under Christ Jesus the Head. just to keep
and destroy the work of thine hands ?" Those words God’s comnmndmentsand have part in vindicatin~
of Ecclesiastes 5 : 4-6 were written long after Jeph- His name. The "other sheep" have seen Jehovah
thah’s daughter, but she believed in the faithful line giving victory over the religious-totalitarian "’Am-
of action they expressed. Her father’s vow which monites", and have observed the work by his w~t-
unexpectedly took hold on her could not harm her nesses who keep on going under his protection and
and her relationship to the Theocracy, because the preservation, outsmarting and outnmneuvermg the
vow was made to Jehovah. Her spirit of submission enemies of liberty and free worship. Like Jephtlmil’s
with devotion and trust in Godwas as well expressed only child these "other sheep" cannot refrain frmn
in the following quotation: "Tile entire organization aet{ng as companionsand falling right in step with
of Jehovah is honorable and blessed, and happy is the program of activities against the treacherous
the creature that has any place therein. Somehave "Ammonites". "Let them shout for joy, and be glad.
selfishly craved to be in heaven and help run the that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say
universe. Others have said: "Whatever my position continually, Jehovah be magnified, whohath pleasure
given me by the Lord, I shall be glad.’ The latter in the prosperity of his servant." (Ps. 35: 27, .1,,t
is the proper attitude. The picture here [at Ilevela- Rev. Vet.) "The humble [meek] shall see thi¢. and
tion 7: 9-12, quoted above] shows the host of angels be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God."
and the saints all in full accord, and likewise the --Ps. 69: 32, margin.
great multitude [the class pictured by Jephthah’s :~ The "other sheep" imitate the Greater JcpIi~hah
daughter] in full accord with them. and all together "as dear children". (Eph. 5: 1,2) They echo him
singing praises to the name of Jehovah."--From the solenmdeclaration that it is wortli anythin~ and
The Watchtower August 15, 1935, r 4. everything to have God’s name victoriously upheld
:~ The Greater Jephthah, Christ Jesus-. while yet on in his "’strange work" against the aggressive totali-
earth gave his word as to the dispo.-al of the "’other tarian Ammonites.The prophetic dramas of old fore-
sheep" that Jehovah would give him. (Joim 10: 16; cast the part the Lord’s "’other sheep" wouht l~la.v
Matt. 25:32-40,46) Also after his ascension to toward vindicating God’s name. HenceChm.,t 5e.~u.~,
heaven, this mighty Warrior for the new world gave who always does his Father’s will, vows to see to
to the apostle John the Revelation concerning things it that the prophetic pictures shall })e falflffullv ful-
to come, including the disposing of the "great multi- filled m all details concerning his "other sheep ’. He
rude". But all such was not understood until the time cannot take into consideration wheth(,r in(by,dual
for the modern reproduction of the Jephthah drama. persons of good-.~dll mayor may not hkt. wimt the
Particularly since the reveahnent of the Jonadat) prophetic dramas show is their part to pin? m
picture in [932, and still more so since 1(,)35, when God’s service. However, those of lil,e mind ~L~!l
the "great multitude" mystery was solved, Cl!rist Jephthah’s daughter see that the vindlcatmi: of the
Jesus has caused the understanding of tile prophetm name of the Mobt High by his Theocratic orgamta-
dramas and pictures to 1)e madeclear and set forth tion under Christ Jesus is the ttling of sui)rem,.
in the WATCH TOWER publicatmns. Those gathered importance. The disposal that is maduof thclnselves
in as "other sheep" read and study those things and the requirements placed upon them are only
which have "proceeded out of the mouth" of the secondary and are even then a priwlege to perform.
Greater Jephthah through his visible organization. The cost is worth it to see divine vengeance dealt
Such "sheep" in the spirit of their consecration to to the totalitarian-religious crowd and their idol,
God say, "Thy will be done," and are thoroughly in "the abomination of desolation," or religmus "new
22 What warmng concerning vo~ as stated in Eeelesmstes 5 did
order".~Ps. 92: 11.
Jeph’,hah’s daughter hehe~e and why did ~he not need to fear sub-
nuttlsg to the terms of her father’s ~ow as affecting her and her positlon.~ 24 What risk did Jephthah’s dattghter witne,~s him take and what
course do the "other sheep" ~ee [ho~,e tinder the Greater JephIhah
23 lal Wtlen (hd the Greater Jephthah. gl~e his word as to the disposal take. and how do thej, them’~el~es then act’*
of the "other Mleep" of the "great multitude’, but ~hen was all does the Greater Jephthah ~o~ to do a~ to The f, lt~llln~
such first understood ~ Ib) On coming to an understanding thereof, o? the
|)rol)hetlc pieture’L aml h()~ do the "other ~heep" IIIill lie hlln
~hat spirit and attitude do those "other sheep" show~ to the disposal of themselves for the sake of the ~lndlrat*on of ~,od ~ name
15, 1912 377
MOURNING DISPOSED OF wept sore; and said, O LORDGod of Israel, why is
~°Jephthah’s vow had specified no definite time this cometo pass in Israel, that there shouhl be to
concerning exactly when he must offer up his sym- day one tribe lacking in Israel? .... Andthey said,
bohcal "burnt offering". (Judg. 11:30,31) There must be an inheritance for them timt be
instantaneous offering thereof hnmediately after the escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed
victim’s appearance at Jephthah’s homecominghad out of Israel."--Judg. 21 : 2, 3, 17.
not been promised. Reasonably there must be a ~"In Jephthatfs daughter the RomanCarl,clio
preparatory period for the hmnanvictim, as in the "buck nuns" and female nuns find no example or
case of the boy Samuel. His mother Hannah vowed precedent for their parading around in public in
to devote her first man child to God if he granted gloomy black to arouse s.vmpathy and superstiuous
her motherhood, but she did not turn her boy awe in beholders. She had the spirit of Jesus, uho
Samuel over to the tabernacle and its priests and said: "’Moreover, -whenye fast, be not, as the h?~po
Levites as soon as the babe was born. Properly she erites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their
waited "until she weaned him. And when she had faces, that they mayappear unto mento fast. Verily
weaned him, she took him up with her" and turned I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou,
him over to the high priest, to keep her vow. (1 Sam. whenthou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy
1: 11, 19-28) Likewise in the case of Jephthah’s face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but
marriageable daughter. "And she said unto her unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Fatlier,
father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."
two months, that I may go up and down upon the (Matt. 6: 16-18) Jephthah’s daughter did not propose
mountains, and bewail myvirginity, I and myfellows to hang around the home and bewail and mourn
[my companions (Am. Bey. l’er.)]." (Judg. 11: 37) there to be seen of men and to depress the lives
That is, Do not yet for two months turn me over of others thereabout. That would cause them to fix
to the tabernacle at Shiloh, and God’s future service their minds and attention more on her and her case
for me there.--Judg. 18: 31. titan on the vindication of God’s nameby his venge-
" The girl asked nothing contrary to her obliga- ance expressed through her father upon the devil-
tions to the Theocratic rule, nor to provide a loop- worshipers. She would not divert the attention of
hole to escape paying to Jehovah that which is due God’s covenant people away from the Creator down
and owing to him. Site designated two months’ grace, to the creature, herself. It was a time for Israel to
evidently one month as for her father, because his rejoice, and never would she give it a sour note by
name and the extension of his family would be cut her presence and appearance of mourning.--Con-
off in the sacrifice of her: and the other month as trast Zechariah 7:3 and S: 19.
for herself, because she would be denied mother- ~’ The request to "go up and downupon the moun-
hood and would die childless with no one to carry tains" bewailing her virginity calls to attenhon that
forward a family from her. The request of such stay her homeland, the territory of Gilead, was very
of time was reasonable, whentaking into considera- mountainous. Hence it was as a whole called "mount
tion her great-grandfather’s case, Jacob’s: "The Gilead". (Gen. 31: 21.23, 25) The "lllgh places" were
I’:gyptians mournedfor him threescore and ten [70] accustomedplaces to weep, in solitude, as noted, fol
,tans." (Gen. 50: 3) In the case of Moses’ brother example, in Isaiah 15: 2: "tte is gone up to Ba.llth,
Aaron, "they mourned for Aaron thirty days, even and to Dibon, the higli places, to weep." In the iso-
¯ ill the house of Israel." (Num.20: 29) In the case lated mountains Jehovah God, who sees in secret,
of Moses, "the children of Israel wept for Mosesin could discern her seIf-effaeing (,curse, and he would
the plains of Moabthirty days: so the days of weep- reward her openly; which tie did. She woukt bewail
ing and mourning for Moses were ended." (Deut. her case before, and not after, entering into the
34: S) In view of the dying out of her father’s house Lord’s exclusive service at his tal~ernacle at Shiloh.
and lineage by reason of fulfilling his vowupon her, tter mourning being then for ever accomphshed by
Jephthah’s daughter asked for just two moons, or the two months of roaming on the mountains of
about 59 days, to do what was fitting. Comparethis Gilead, she would ever thereafter serve the Lord with
with howthe Israelites wept at the seeming danger gladness at his holy house. Is it not so today7 The
that one of the twelve tribes, Benjamin, might Lord’s "other sheep" do not intrude any note of
possibly be cut off by childlessness and die out : "And personal sorrowfulness upon the company of Jeho-
the people came to the house of God, and abode there vails witnesses to nmr their rejoicing at His acts
till even before God, and lifted up their voices, and 25 (a) How did the request of Jephthah’s daughter contrast ~itb
the public sbow~ manner of rehglous nuns but imrmomze ~.ith Jesus’
26 Was an immediate offering up of Jephthah’s daughter on the words concerningself-denial~{hi ~S,h~ dkd ~he desire to mourn in
spot requlred or specified,and in wow thereofwhat requestdid she isolationawa) from home ~
make of hhm? 29 Why ~ere the mountainsa s~Itable place for mourning before her
27 Why did Jephthah’s daughter aBk thai the months of mourning entr.~ into service at the tabernacle, and how Is thls picture of
be two and wb~ war this reasonable, in view of the mourning over
Jacob and Aaron and Moses and the tribe of Benjamin~ mourning fulhlled in the case of the "other ),heep" toda~ ,
N. Y.
of vindication by his Theocracy during the "strange ties. These companionsvolunteered to share reproach
work". Only in secret, for a time. do they mournto with her and to bewail with her. All these wrzins
the Lord over any sacrifices that are made whereby together picture the Lord’s "other sheep" who shall
the reproach of the enemy comes upon them. Thus form the "great lnultitude". This means to say that
they get it over with. so that thereafter they ever the "other sheep" do not remain alone in this state
serve Jehovah joyfully in union with his temple of complete devotion to the Lord, but they declare
company. They rejoice that they are "counted worthy God’s requirements for life in the new world to
to suffer shame for his name".--Aets 5: 41. others. They help others thereby to become "com-
~° The faith and devotion of Jephthah and his panions" of themselves and of Jehovah’s remnant
daughter to the Theocratic rule over Israel can be and thus to share in suffering those reproaches that
appreciated. She being his only child, her virginity comeon all who uphold the banner of The Theocracy.
being made perpetual cut off i~er father’s name as They picture the same ones as the virgin associates
well as her own opportunity for marriage. This of the bride of Christ, concerning which Psahn
proves that her share in the vindication of God’s 45: 14, 15 speaks: "The virgins her companionstha~
name which followed the vow of her father was at follow her shall be brought unto thee. With gladness
real personal cost, a denial that touched her sore, and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter
even as it did her parent. It was a reproach to be into the King’s palace.;’
unnmrried and childless in Israel. It was like being ’~ The spirit of Jehovah God was upon Jephthah.
a fruit tree that was barren of fruitage and hence He was resolved to turn neither to the right hand
cut downas unnecessary expense, especially as fruit nor to the left, but to be true to his vow. Ite knew
trees were taxed in the orient bv the government. that to break his vowwould be a reproach upon God’s
(Luke 13: 6-9; Jet. 17: 7, S) Jephthah was by faith- name and a damaging example to God’s covenant
fulness to his vow rendered as childless, and his people and would be to his own destruction as a
daughter must now remain virgin, and so childless. covenant-breaker. (Rom.1 : 31, 32) "Andhe said. Go.
Tins in God’s Wpical Theocracy was really some- And he sent her away for two months: and she went
thing to lament and bewail. with her companions [(Am. Rev. l’er.) and she
" This dramatic situation shows that the Lord’s departed, she and her companions], and bewailed
"other sheep" must count the cost and be thoroughly her virginity upon the mountains." (Judg. 11"3S)
tested to prove their love and agreeableness to fore- So doing, Jephthah deprived himself of her pre.-ence
go all for Jehovah and the vindication of his name and companionship in the home. Home, he realized
by his glorious Government. They must choose to sanely, was not the place for mourning when Jel,o-
become the companions of the faithful remnant of vah’s victory was the big event making all personal
Christ’s body, who bear the reproaches such as matters fade away and taldng away all creature
came upon the Head Christ Jesus and also upon his sorrow. Personal costs for the sake of God’s vindi-
Father, Jehovah. the great Creator of Tl~e Theoc- cation must not be noised about to the neighborhood
racy. Their sorrow, if an?" at all, for bearing such nor paraded before others who should rejoice in
reproaches, they take out to the mountains under Jehovah.--1 Thess. 5: 16.
the vision of Iiim whoseeyes "run to and fro through ~ There should be no confusion of thought at this
the earth". Whenbefore and in the companyof Jeho- point. Jephthah’s daughter bewailing her wrginity
vah’s witnesses they share the rejoicing in the and thereafter remaining childless is a di~-tmctlv
triumphs of his truth and "strange work" over the different picture from that of Noah and his family
constant encroaehments by the demonized "Ammon- when coming forth from the ark and hearing the
ites" in all nations. They get the sorrowing over divine mandate to fill the earth restated to them.
with once and for all, and then rejoice henceforth The drama of Jephthah is a prophecy of events
in Jehovah and his conquests by The Theocracy. preceding the ’%attle of that great day of God
"For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, Almighty". Hence it must not be mistaken to picture
shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living that the "great multitude" after Armageddonwill
fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all not have the divine mandate issued to them to be
tears from their eyes."--Rev. 7: 17. this time really carried out to a finality under the
~ The fellows , or colnpamon~, that went ~-ith righteous overlord, The Theocracy. The require-
Jephthah’s daughter to the lonely mountains would ment of virginity pictures that before Armageddon’s
be virgins like herself, with no family responsibili- fight the Lord’s "other sheep" must serve Jehovah
30 On the polatsof nameend off~ptnng,how can the falth and devotion at his temple in singleness of devotion to him.
of Jephthah and his daughter to Theocratlcrule be appreclated~
31 In ~hatrespectsdoesthlsSlt~lat|oosilowthe Lord’s’othersheep" 33 Why did Jephthah gT~nt his daughter’s request, and at what
mu.~!count the cost and be testel,and how far do they contlnueany costto hlmself~
32 Who ,~ere pictured by the "fellows"of Jephthah’sdauchter,and 34 Why does the childlessness of Sephthah’s daughter not contradict
~xhat does her arranclngfor these to joln her in the mourmng mean the fulfillment of the d~ine mandate by the "great multltude".and
to bay for this tlme? what does the reqmrernent of her virginity picture?
15, 1942
R. 379
INTEGRITY TOWARD THE VOW 9: 19,20, 27) That devoted womenalso assembled
"~ "And it cameto pass, at the end of two months, at the tabernacle, at the door thereof, note Exodus
that she returned unto her father, who did with her 3S: S. At the battle of Shiloh those whoviolated any
according to his vow which he had vowed: and she of those womenwere destroyed.~l Sam. 2:22, 34;
knew no man. And it was a custom [(margin) an 4 : 10-21.
ordinance] in Israel." (Judg. 11 : 39) The girl showed " At the tabernacle Jephthah’s daughter, as the
up at the time appointed, as true to her word as her companion of the Gibeonites, would be assigned
father was to his. What prompted her to keep duties of service suitable for her to do and of aid
promise and come back and hand herself up for her to the priests and Levites. The position of servant
parent to perform his vow was her appreciation and of the Most Itigh God is made honorable by Chmst
devotion toward the Theocratic rule. It was a joyful Jesus, Jehovah’s Elect Servant. Titles, as "director",
task because it was coupled with God’s vinchcation "manager," and the like, have been dropped and
and preservation of free worship in Israel by her find no place in Jehovah’s Theocratic organization,
father’s whipping the demonized invaders just two and all having special assignments of work are desig-
months previous. The weeping and bewailing were nated "servants"; which they are. (See I~forma~d,
all now things definitely of the past and no more July. 1936.) Howappropriate, therefore, that Jeph-
to be bothered with. From now on only the joyful thah’s daughter as a servant at the temple should
service of God Jehovah for her! Equally so, the foreshadow the same class as the Gibeonites, namely,
"other sheep" put sorrowing aside and yield them- the "other sheep" who stlall make up the "’great
selves up to the Greater Jephthah, Christ Jesus, multitude". "These are they which came out of great
"the Everlasting Father" and Head of The Theo- tribulation, and have waslled their robes, and made
cratic Government. He is also the Head over all them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are
those who put themselves under that Theocratic the)" before the throne of God, and SEnVI: him day
Government for refuge and protection, to do unto and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the
them and to do for them all that his word of promise throne shall dwell among them." (Rev. 7:14,15)
foretold as recorded in the Bible. Centuries after the Lord Jesus gave John tins
s~ In fulfilhnent of the vow Jephthah’s daughter vision he made it understandable to the John class,
must "surely be the LORD’S" and he must "offer [her] and thus the Greater Jephthah has given his x~(~,’d
up for a burnt offering". (Judg. 11 : 30, 31) Hence of pronfise or vow. Nowsince 193S espeeiall.v he
could not give her in marriage to another Israelite does to his "other sheep" everything "according to
with a view to future descendants for himself. He his vow which lie had vowed". Thus lie pleases the
must turn her over to Jehovah Godat his tabernacle great Theocrat who has made all this possfl~le bv
in Shiloh, across the Jordan river, where God’s giving victory over totalitarian opposition m order
priests and Levites under their high priest ministered that His "strange work" Inay yet go on. The Jona-
to the Great Theocrat. The girl was a thing devoted dabs, or "other sheep", now outnumber the renmant
exclusively to Jehovah, and no one could touch her and are more and more taking their place in the
for selfish purposes. As the daughter of the victo- service organization and in the field work. By God’s
rmus "head and captain" in Gilead she might have grace, they are doing a good job!
been married off to the highest and best in the land. ~ Of Jephthah’s daughter it is testified: "And she
F, ut now as a devoted creature she was reduced to had not known man" (Eno. Rev. I’er.); "and bile
the standing of the Gibeonites at the tabernacle, lmew not a man." (Young’s) This virgin state slle
whomJoshua spared from death and dedicated for nmintained at the tabernacle, as her father’s vow
ever to the service at Jehovah’s temple or tabernacle. debarred her serving a husband and famil.v. She
Concerning the Gibeonites the princes of Israel who served God without abstraction of family cares.
had given their word before God said" ’%Ve have Concerning such condition 1 Corinthians 7:o_-3o ,-).5
sworn unto them by the LORDGod of Israel: now, reads: "But I would have you without carefulness.
therefore, we may not touch them. This we will do He that is unmarried careth for the tlnngs that
to them; we will even let them live; lest wrath be belong to the Lord. howhe mayplease the Lord ....
upon us, because of the oath which we sware unto There is difference also between a wife and a xdrgm.
them." "And Joshua made them that day hewers of The unmarried womancareth for the things of the
wood and drawers of water for the congregation, Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in
and for the altar of the LoR~, even unto this
37 (a) What position at the tat)ernacle did Jephthah’s daughter occupy.
day, in the place which he should choose." (Josh. and bow is it shown ~hether th,~ iq do, honorable In Jelm~ah’s
Theocratic organization or temple’, <b) tto,~ I~ the Greater Jephthah
35 What prompted Jephthah’s daughter to return at the end of the no~ fulfilling the ~ord of hI~ ~ow coucermng the "other sheep"
two months, and how do the "other sheep" now do likewise, with who will form the ’ great multitude ’?
li,e ,~ame attitude toward the future ser~lce~ 38 (a) ’.’*’hat did Jephthah’s daughter’g virginity allow for at the
6 lat In what ’’~ way must Jephthah’s daughter henceforth "surely tabernacle and how i~ such condition in harmony with the apostles
the Lord’s (b} To the standing of what othe~ devoted persons d~scu~lon of vtrbnnlty at I Cor nthmn~ 7", 4b* What timely suggestmn
a: the tabernacle was she now reduced? is there in this for these days before Armageddon?
spirit: lint she that is married careth for the things that of his great Counterpart correspond to a ’"burnt
of the world, how she may please her husband. And offering" note Psahn 69: 30-32: "I will praise tl~c
this I speak for your own profit; not that I may name of God with a song, and will magnify lfim with
cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, thanksgiving. This also shall please the Load better
and that ye may attend upon the Lord without dis- than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoof.-.
traction." Although those words were not directly The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your
written to tile "’other sheep", but to the "little flock" heart shall live that seek God." Jephthah’s faithful
including the remnant, here is a timely suggestion act marked him as a man of faith. Therefore he was
for tile "’Jephthah’s daughter" class, namely, to wait given honorable mention as one of the ancient Jeho-
till after Arnmgeddon and till Jehovah sends forth vah’s witnesses, at Hebrews 11: 32, and shall shortly
in unmistakable definiteness the divine mandate. have a "better resurrection" to be nmde one of the
Such as give heed can more fully attend upon tile "princes in all the earth".--Heb. 11: 35; Ps. 45: 16.
temple service in company with the remnant of "The "’daughters of Israel" who visited the
Christ’s t)ody. (See the book Sahatwn, page 325, devoted girl at the tabernacle )’earl’," were virgins
and Chihlren, pages 312,366. ) The virginity of Jeph- who appreciated her course and associated them-
thah’s daughter at the tabernacle unerringly illus- selves with her to strengthen and encourage her. Not
trates the undivided devotion of the "other sheep" to lament and mourn did they go. Other translations
class in serving God at his temple "day and night". of the record read: "The daughters of Israel went
Theirs is the course of the apostle: "This one thing yearly to celebrate" (Am. Rev. Ver.) ; "From ume
I do."--Phil. 3:13. to time the daughters of Israel go to talk to tim
daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite." (Younfl’s) Tile
PLEASANT COMPA-NIONSIt IP Hebrew expression here (tahnal~) occurs in only one
’~ The record in the Authorized Version Bible other place, at Judges 5 : 11 : "’In ttle places of draw-
reads: "’And it was a custom in Israel, that the ing water, there shall they rehearse [tahnah] the
daughters of Israel went )early [from year to year] righteous acts of the LOAD."These yearly meetings
to lament tile daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite were not to glorify Jephthah’s daughter, but were
four days m a year." (Judg. 11:39,40) In the service meetings, going over the reason for her
Hebrew text there is a ~oph t;as~ik or "end of the being there in tabernacle service, namely, tile vindi-
verse" sign after "eustoll~ in Israel", which suggests cation of God’s name by his Theocratic orgamzation
that here should come a period, rather than a comma over which Jephthah was then ttle vi~-lbte God-
and the inserting of a tl~at in italics to tie i~ in appointed "head". Thus they strengthened her to
wlth verse 40. Youna’.- translation reads: "And it faithfulness, what though she could not possfl)ly be
was a statute in Israel." That is, it was an "ordi- a mother in the royal ancestry of the promised
nance’" or a "statute’ in God ~ typical Theocracy to Messiah or mother of the .Messiah himself.
faitllfulty perform a vow to God, as Jephthah did ’~ Jephthah’s daughter had done her lamenting in
in faith, regardle.-_s of what it reqmred. Itence Jeph- the past, for two months before her entry into
thah’s "burnt offerin,<’" was proper. tabernacle service. Lamentation was behind her, and
’¢ In dm Theoerath. organization today the vow to she was "forgetting those filings wtnct~ are behind";
Jehovah God must be eat’ned out. Chns~ Jesus. tlle hence she would join in no weep-lest with others over
Head of that organization, must perform and fulfill herself. She would not now lament as though Jeho-
the things promised to God, which filings are set vah God had permitted a specially severe, unu.~ual
forth for him in tile propiletic dramas and also in and discriminating fate to come upon her. Before
the direct prophecies foretelling tile "other sheep". her now the performance of God’s serxuce faithfully
That is Jehovah’s will or "statute". His Greater and to the vindication of tits name was the chief
Jephthah will not fail to carry it out in spimtual thing, and this must t)e done by maintaining her
Israel. What took place, therefore, on "Children’s integrity under the vow for Theocratic victor)’. It
Day" at tile St. Louis Tt~eoeratic Assembly, is exactly the same with her modern counterpart
August 10, 1941, after the public speech "Clnldren today, the Lord’s "other sheep".
of the King", namely, the presentation of the book "~ \Vhether four days in succession, or one day at
Children to the 15,000 children between 5 and 18 a time at intervals during the )’ear, were spent with
years of age who publicly declared their devotion to her at Shiloh is not indicated. For Gileadites this
the Lord, was in absolute harmony with the action meant a back-and-forth trip across the Jordan river
of the Greater Jephthah. That Jephthah’s action and 41 How often and ~hy did the "daughters of Israel" go to Jephthahs
daughter at the tabernacle~
39. In Jephthah’s time, what was It that "was a custom In Israel 42. Why tS the textual rendering’yearly to lament the daughterof
Jephthah" evidently, a poor tran’~latlon of Judges 11 40, judged
40 ta) How must that "statute" be now carried out by the Greater by what she wouRl do at the *tabernacle
Jephthah m spimtuai Israel~ {b) IIow does such action correspond 43 What would the "four days in a year" mean for the "daughters
~lth offering up a burnt offerxng, and what classification Is Jephthah of Israel" and Jephthah’s daughter and how and to ~hat end would
g~en in ~ertpture due to h~s faithful act? he also have regular companionship w~th her?
15, 19-t2 ffheWATCHTOWER. 381

each time to and from Shiloh, and that with no Though the separate destinies of each class are
modern means of traveling to conventions. It was distinctly understood now, this has not split up the
a complete period, four-square, well-balanced, and companionship of the spiritual, heaven-bound rem-
hence sufficient, and not interfering with her nant yet on earth and their devoted companions, the
assigned duties at the tabernacle. It was without "other sheep", who will abide on earth and fulfill the
question a time of joyful get-together for her. And divine nmndate. They alike serve at the temple. They
doubtless whenever Jephthah visited the tabernacle associate together, regularly, in Bible studies, in ~-erv-
in the regular feasts, three times in a year as com- ice meetings, and in general conventions, ttns to
manded by the Lord, and also on other special exhort one another regarding ,aerviee for The Theoc-
occasions when he consulted with the high priest on racy, and to hold fast their faithfulness, unflagging
Theocratic matters or offered animal sacrifices, lie zeal, and unbreakable integrity for the vindication
would have the opportunity to see and associate with of Jehovah’s name. They rejoice together. They fight
her. They would rejoice together in her special shoulder to shoulder under Jehovah’s mighty
privilege of absolute devotion to the Holy One of "Fighter for the new world", Christ Jesus. The fizht
Israel and his direct service. Jephthah would also against demonism is not all over. Yet courage! the
strengthen her to continue therein with faithfulness "abomination of desolation" that ascends out of the
and integrity and blamelessness. pit, and all the unfaithful disgruntled ones, shall not
" Tl~e likeness thereof is beautifully kept today. prevail. In assurance of this, see the final article,
44 IIo~ |~ tile h kene’s~ of ~uch association arid comparllon~hlp in the next issue of The Watc]~tower.
b~.autlfulI~ kept toda.~ on earth and %~11.~ may courage be had
toncernllag the fight let ahead against tlelnonislll’~ (To be continued)

N A collegiate section of NewYork city on a recent sarily meanthat none of the others wall receive life everiast-
I Sunday a prominent elergvman deplored the failure
of his’generatmn to build a new world at the end of
rag, but the point here made is that all who do receive
salvation unto life must have the approval of Alm.ehty
the last war and then declared it was now the turn of God. It is therefore necessary for man to learn what (;od
the young brother and the young son to make the new requires of him, and then he must obey God’s fixed rules
world. "The world," he added, ’us longing to be built by Religious orgamzatlons, and partmularb the leaders
the new generation so that it can hang to ~ts glory on thereto, reduce persons to beheve that they must join some
the solid pegs of integrity, freedom and good-will. It is rehglous system or orgamzatlon, ~tneh men ~mproperly
possible now to build that .kind of a new world, and call "a church", and the leaders or c~crgymenelmmtim:
may God hasten the coming of that day." Despite using joining such rehglous organization nowor m their prop.seal
the name "God", the clergyman glorified self-salvation, "new world" is the meansto salvatmn Such claim or rcFre-
and denied God’s way of sal~atmn to hfe unending. sentation by the clergymen is entn’el3 wrong, because such
Salvation from impendingdmaster is one thing ; salvation organizations do not have (;od’s approval Onthe contrary,
to life is another thing. The great enemyof manis death. such rehglous orgamzatmnsteach eh~efl~ the doctrines of
3Ian’s chief blessing is to receive life everlasting m a men,wlueh doctrines bhndthe people to the truth of ~,,id’s
state of peace, happiness and prospemtv To obtain salva- purpose to vindicate, his name b5 tu~ km~,tcm under
tion from death meansto gain everlasting life. Salvation Christ, and such demon-m~plred teachings of men make
from God’s wrath to be expressed at the battle of Arma- the commandments of Godof no effect and ta, nee are ex.
geddon will not necessarily mean that all such rescued eeedmglyharmful to men (.Matt 15.1-9) "There 1_, a x~a~
ones will be saved from death and live forever. Jehovah whmhseemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are
God has made certain and unchangeable rules which, if the ways of death." (Prey 14 12) To follow tenet.rag,
obeyedby man,will result in man’s salvation to everlasting tradmons of men, therefore, leads to destruction
life Those who escape the disaster of Armageddonwill The wise manks he that ddlgently ascertains God’~uay
then be entering upon the way to everlasting life. To as set forth in the Bible and then faithfully and ealne~tly
learn of God’s requirements, and to have faith and be follows that way. "The wase m heart ~nlt recm~ e command-
obedmnt, will then be absolutely necessary on the part of ments: but a prating fool shall fall." "Ite that x~alketh
all whowill be saved to everlasting hfe on earth. with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools
Noah and h~s sons escaped the disaster of the flood of shall be destroyed." "Trust mthe Loadw~th all throe heart,
waters, but Noah is the only one, of the eight surxivors, and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy
specifically mentioned as receiving God’s final approval. ways acknowledge him, and he shall d~rect thy paths"
(See Hebrews 11: 7, 13, 39.) Moses and a multxtude (Prey. 10:8; 13:20; 3: 5,6) God’s way is the rl~t-teous
Israelites were saved from the waters of the Red sea, way: "In the way of righteousness is life, and in the
which destroyed the E~’ptians (Heb. 11:29), but only pathway thereof there is no death." (Prey. 12 28) (*nl.v
few of those Israelites are later mentmnedby the Lord such wise ones will gain everlasting life m the new ~orld
Godas having received his approval. That does not neces- Of righteousness which He creates.
L OVE,according to the Scriptural and therefore proper
meaning, is this. The perfect expression of unselfish-
ness Not only does it mean to have an unselfish
the people in covenant-bonds with him must not have
another god is for the benefit of such people, and 1~ there-
fore an unselfish act on Jehovah God’s part. Those follow mg
feeling toward another, but it means to express that in the Devil reap suffering.
some form If a creature does or performs aa act toward Many persons say this: "I love God " How do we know
another and expects to receive something in return therefor. that anyone has love for God? Surely not b.v mere words.
the moving cause on his part is selfishness, and not love. nor by merely t~-ing to do right within what the worldly
A free gift is a benefit bestowed by one upon another with- law judges to be right. We must go much farther than
out expectatmn of compensation, and a gift thus freely that. Just before departing from earth Jesus instructed
made and unselfishly made is prompted by love Jehovah his disciples, saying to them: "If ye love me, keep my
God as the true and,only Giver of good things, and that commandments. He that hath my commandments, and
by Christ Jesus.--Jas 1 : 17 ; 1 Cor. 8: 6. keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that lovcth
Jehovah’s law, first stated by him to the nation of Israel, me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and
and afterwards restated by Jesus, commands: "Thou shalt will manifest myself to him." This rule laid dox~m shows
love the LORDthy God with all throe heart." (Deut. 6:5; that man proves his love for God by first ascertaining (;o(tN
Matt. 22.37) That means the creature must, in order to will and then diligently doing that will.---John 14 : 15, 21.
be pleasing to God, be wholly and unselfishly devoted to The world is Satan’s organization, the visible part of
Him If a man claims to be the follower of Christ Jesus which organization is made up of the religious, political and
and takes that course merely that he may get something commercial elements. When one professes to be a follower
that he desires, he is not moved by love If he wholly and of Christ Jesus and then openly says, "I love the things
entirely devotes himself to Jehovah God because God is of the world and consider it my duty as a Chr,,stmn cmzen
right and mghteous and supreme and deserves the adoration to participate in the thin~ of the world." is he the fmend
of all creatures, then such man is moved by love. or the enemy of God? James 4:4 answers that "he that
Why should God command that the natron of Israel in is a friend of the world ls the enemy of God’ And 1 Jo!m
a covenant with trim to do Ins will should love Jehovah 2 : 15 admomshesthe Christian : "Love not *,he xxorld nenher
God? The recorded history of the human race furnishes the things that are in the world." Those who are pleasme
the most complete answer to that questmn, in harmony to God must be entirely devoted to Into, and not dexo:cd
with the Scriptures Had Adam loved God he would not partially to him and partially to Satan’s or~zamzatmn
have permxtted himself to be drawn into Satan’s net and Love God with aLL thy heart.
thereby to come under sentence to death and also bring The proof m overwhelming that the final end of gatan’s
condemnation upon his offspring It was selfishness that organization is near and that his wieked world is doomed
caused him to sin m the perfect Eden. because he wanted to early destruction. Jehovah now makes it known that it
to keep something that he caEed dear to himself rather is his will concerning those who claim to love him that
than obey God. When God selected Israel as a people for they shall go among the people and tell them the truth of
himself he told them m substance that thmr only eondltmn and concerning Jehovah God and his kinedom by Chrls~
of safety would be in devotm_,z themselves entirely to him Jesus which will bring in the mghteous new world. All
and to none other. Had they done so m obedience to thmr who really love God will now do that very thine. Those
covenant they would not have fallen. Likewise. had al! who love and wholly trust m God do not fear what man
professed Chmstmns devoted themselves wholly and unself- or devil may do to them. For that reason they boldly
ishly to God and been his active witnesses and kept them- go from house to house, telling the people about God’s
selves clear and free from selfish affihatmn with Satan’s Righteous Government and so preaching the "gosp(l"
organization of the world the3" would not have been m (1 John 4: 17, 1S) In no other way can they now prove
their present unhappy condltmn in "’Chmstendom". All thmr love for God than by keepang ins command to be
these things prove that the commandment of Jehovah that His witnesses.
(Continued from paqe 370) calendar lS yours at 25c a copy, or five copies marled to one
The calendar pad names the new )car’s Testimony periods, and address on a contribution of $1 00 CompLinesshould please
also the special objectives of the intervening monthsTLls serxlce combine orders and send through the company servant


GENESIS P|~e 10 $-10 43 (~ 183 23 31 33
31 43 4 30g If 3-14
311 14 13 259 ’ 10 29 267 ’ 21 13 34e ’ : 22 27
1 2~
I 26 29
355 , I0 9-II
22~ l0 15 l0
132 31 50 52
348 22 2(I 2~
2~2,o =o~
195 28 23
204 15 1 3
84 ’6 5
315 14 13 14
2t7 16 3034 2flJ~ 21 .~ 3,
=,.,12, .8
~,6 .l,,e ’-"
~47 ~ 2 3 l*t
l 2b 36 90 12 3 231 "~ 19 115 15 i 3 307 38 S 379 16 6 249 17 3 6 250[21 26 346 6 I 5 1~,
2 15 103 15 13 14 276 4’, 10 279 15 I 2’* ’,83 16 7 249 i 17 5 7 250 I Chips 22 23 6 5 2..¢~
2-17 22~ 15 18 180 50 3 377 15 20 ~’~q’ LEVHICUS 16 8 250 262 1~ 11 25OI 24 13q’ r,13 33q
a 11. 15 134 16 1. 15. 16 ’1~ I. 2 277 1 3 11 .60 16 9 2~,0’ 17 11 It 252 2| g 119 7v I~ 25 303 3]a
3 15 60 167 , 323 EXODUS I 19 5. 6 277 I 9 13. 17 266 16 I0 250. 262~18921 I0 3{]0 2~ 17 199 I0 I 20~
179, ...28 , 17 1 222 2 11-22
r, 307 19 6 ~8 3 16 266 16 11 251 19 155 ~ 29 32, 12 " " 21
s~ ~6
6 3 9
6 9
217 21 8-I1
135 21 10-14
232 22 1-13
32 3 I
32: 3
360 I 5 3
1, 11. 12
307’19 Ii-13
277 19 14-20
276 ~ 20 1-5 22
277 ’ 4 11. 12
278’ 4 31
45 I 6 30
267 ~6 ~
266 ,613
261 16 16
2~1 ~9 ~
. .a 21 3,~1~I~’° ~"
3,, 30~, 3~,1~ 12’:~
932. 20~132 1. 1~ 33 ,, 11.6
7 13 16 301 ’ 22 13. 14 2~7 $ 25 28 276 20 i-7 278 I 7 8 3fl0 16 15 235. 260 ’ ~3 13 207 ~ 84183 :
6 266 16 18 261~23 22 15’~ 32 39 40
8" 1
8 6 7
8 15-22
I 22 18
371 20 29-34
I07 188
68 I
9 16 4. I04
139 163
: 2[2.2 5
20 3
170.327.’,20 3-5 136,
340 : 21
104 I0 9. I0
155 I¢ 1-5
207 16 17
265 16 18 19 ,6112,~,1
262 23
39.,1 ii 1015 13 lgt36,3,,;’
103 35
1, 613 3241
8 1~3’22 102 2~ 16. 26-30 1 341, 357 20 6 138, 14 3 8 266 16 20 262I 36 ~1-15 103 18
9 1. 7 90 133 330] 375 20 7 19 I01]14 IO. 19. t6 21 263 411UMSEAS 278 301
9 l-lfl 102 27 1-10 68 , 10 24 29 276 20 10 280 , 21 23 266 16 23, 24 266 I1 2801 DEUTERONOMY) 3u7
9 6
84 27 41-46
140 29 16-30
6~112 12
3751 12 35 36
104 20 18-21
278’14 49-55 266 16 25
262 ¢~ap 16 235 248 16 26
266 ~ ii 16. 17
267 I 20 18-21
~¢ 1 15-1g 8411917
345 ~ 2 9 19. 37 344 19
9 6 ll- 20 25 19 152 172
9 17 372 ~ 31 21. 23. 25 12 38 280 i 21 23-20 231 16 2 240 16 27 27’’2 19 348 19 21 229
9 20 346, 3’/? ’ Cht.~t 12-15 2t4 I 23 6 8 106 , 16 3 2#,6 16 28 26712o
267 21~? 3 358l 2 19-21311 359, 2i 5 bl
15,-8 60 ... ] #" 11. IS S48 3’ 20 19 Qq 12 l 1"~ I
15,3 15,13915o2171 3;.0258-11 12o3,7.13 1. I4t THESSALONIAKS
13-17 281 ] 911 12 3 20, 21 301 1211317 116
18:02, 205 13 l’l
33+ 212110,
T2 297
3,4357 10 1T 10
18 294.3
1,20 371 2,
230126 20
4 312 4 1.7.12
,20 14-18 88 I
10,29245 183 It 3R. 1oi
123J 912
21-21 231 3 22
$48 4 15
99. 115 125 121 ~’12
212 2,~
|7 5 149 2’~1 13 20 107 11 48 312 ROMAHS 1 9 14. 15 0 3 2~iL 4’ 17 3 9 121 12 5 ~ 12~
17 11-13 300 11 54 213 i 3 4 231 161 259 916. 1T 244 182 281 12 7 9 215
+ 42
1 27 LUKE l"
~ 12-18 372 I 123 52~ 10 28133 3 1S 378 9 18-22 214.248 309 I 127-12 121
19 4-9 20," 19 10 252 1. .~8 213 I 131, 32 373 9 22 248. 219 I 1T 18 3R 2~q
13-15 219
19 :a19
19 17
it0 2 13 14
92 2 q2-49 195,]~
233 .4 2+ 27 92,233 3 22+?
+ 28 29
t$9 _5 17
279 ~ 20 21 234.250 263
34 213 23. 24
282 5" 3
93 5 4
1R2 12 1011
182 12 12 ~ 25 2~I
1923 375 I 332 325 I 302 I 229 68521 6-9 41 220 21 246 12 12 13 17 151
233 ~
20 110 311141.2 204!14 30 29214.25 26301 185 1 B8 26I 9 28 26R 2 PETER 12 13 17 11
20 22 23 231 4 1-13 251I 1~ ¯ " x,~a, ~ 1 334,311 6 2 I,2 231 I0 1 23E.2~I 12l 21~
298 1011 I0~
202~ ;47. :’19 4 33 15 8 182 I __51. 9. 11 280 8 1]-]0 136 312 8. 326 I0 1-4 240 16-18 268 12 17 4 60 232
219 I,,, 57~_ ¢ 4 14.13 2e4 12, 13 |8~ [ 5 8-11 213 10 4-7, 19 300 l’] 113 35q
21 31. 32 212 ~ 4 16-18 294 151513-2123212~ 9 20588 1 TIMOTHY I0-I$ 247 347
251 86161518 5 371 13 2
21 38 ,+
42 16~.
211 5 12
2111 302
~3.3 231244910
228 8 17
, 1 2oo.
2o+ 118 I. 17 51 I05-9
24T I0 5.13
~3o15 I89 I"~3 12
13 4
21 13 21 58. 60 ]6 44 156 33 231k
R, 23 2. 252
2. 5, $
211, 13. 14 228 10. 12, 13
++113,%!+ ]3 14 ,5 I~6
21 (3 23 15
155 J T 29
18 18
232 11li 12 3B1t o 1 $05 224 + 89 2" 15
10 II-IR 265 1010
1o 13 18
15 1T I~7
213 [ 9 62 265 221 | 8 3~o2321,29.10 2=0
3t,~ ’ALAT’A"307
26’1 12 9 282 10 23-25 284 13 235 259 1t, 1-3 R8
2"~ 1t
23 23
23 37 38
04 10’t110 5-T
86 1123
11 2
213 ~ 17
,393. 21]I
3,11+’1~.. 2, . 1 23
205 10 2T
207 1O 30
214 I-3 1 JOHH
14 1 3
202 ~’2
2! 3 9112 21 201 m i, 303+ 21, 829 3251 2 TliOTHT 10 38. 39 285 1 7 I~Si
24T 266 14 1-4 251 2~2
21 7-9 ST. 1-1R 12 31 32 294 i 37 342’ = 31 ~1539 21¢}11"13 23 213 1 6 317 1| 1-40 212 227 243,
21 7 lq 117 12 33 107 122 18 ?730 231 92729 312 3 16 188 1 10 268 110 302 2.1,258 14 3 4 24~
2¢ 7 1321 199 280 2Qa 19 6 15 212 9 32.33 104 3 18 19 278’ 2 2 317 II 32 321. 380 261. 302 11 4 192
22 198 12 37+53 165 2J 19. 28 2]3 187 I 3 19 340 2 11 IS 234 11 35 124 380 2 6 207 ]4 9 10 134
215 13 6 9 103 3;.8 i 21 1 It 3 I, 2 235
24 714 42 I1 5. 7 312 . 323-25 244 2" 15 4, 317 ] 11 35, 39. 40 3 2 373 11 9-12 263
2471t 39221 13 29 29 103 11 11. 25 231 3 20 139 2 19 35 133. 324 3 4 15 2 3~2
SO, 243 15 4
219 55. 221 18 13-15 150 ACTS 11 17-27 154 I 44 249 3 I. I1. 12 218 11"33-40 215 3" 12 9O
2110 186 1’20 197 1125 2S 293 4 28 02, I07 3:4 39 11:3940 261 19 16 9 IL 21 151
21:012 156 1615 ;. 26 27 39 30 ~ 122 301 11 26 1~2{5 10 220 3. T S Chap 12 279 4 8.9 276 1612 181
2+ 11 ~I 56 58 1T 32. 33 153 : Cha~ 2 234 11 26 21 1MEg 4. $ 219 3" 12. 13 157 12 1 130 133 4.10 229 1612-18 316
92172 133 18 7 8 T3 120 2 2%32 233 12 2 14018 ,5 121.110 3 13 IH5, 212. 297 45"17, 1O ~8 1613-16 I01
I~S 232 2~3 314 I 2 37 41 23~ 12 4 § 51 382 4 34 60l 324 3 166 108 ~ I1
32" 371375 19 5-9
241~ 21 8 lq 17
213 2 41 47
140 I 3 .’0 23
213 12 19
301 0131s:81::+,
l 13I,, 279
20 0 f 182,277 7,1
373112 12 1:12]
3 J 12 ? 8
312 5 It I~
325 3" 5" It
19 104.
243 1814
248 16 11-10
24 15 72 ~9 20 35 31 2613 22 23 139 1R9 Chlp 17 152
297. 329 21 21 56 183 307 13 1-4 117 19q,, PHILEMON 12 ~ lO 382 251 Chtp~ IT IB 3,2
21 15. 16 1060 21 25 137 131 4 1 2 213 9, 1O 197 ] 12 10 17 2T9 IT I-5 72
3~4 121 2520 283 4 13 213 13 1-1n 53 J 1 9. lO 80 12 18-21 279 REVELATION IT I 5 14 337
o (n 9n’,. [ 1 10 123
21 15-13 153 121 2q
201 [31 20-~2
157 4 ,7-31
201 I 19
213 13 ~...
310 14 .... ~13 13 14 219 1 1.2
51.307i 12 22 23
19 2R3 1. 3
212. 247,
286 297 17 1-14
17 10
i llq
24 19 22 2~ ’10 38 152 4 .~ 20 213 14 I I0 164 I 1:2 231 I 2R1 2 14 139 1,1
21 20 21
21 21. 22
203 23 28-30
186 23 31
371 2t 14
’{8 4 .:’5-28
157 5 29
197 14 10
5R. 200 11 lI
283 310 14 11’ 12
213 14 ~
201 30q 1315

4 1 2
185[ I4 25
339 4 28
[ 1:3
260g 12 "3
279 J 12
280 | 1223 21
212 I 12

249, 282
283 1
17 104. 148 ]I,17 ~ 15

L It1719311
I 1714
fO. 2931 JOHH 5 "q 39 71. 275 15 ~ os~ 5+I 2 3~8 3 13 19T 1223 37 283 2 20 124 17 18 17 ?l
24 372 229 ~ 11 378 1G .... st ~’an’ 514-18 207[ 9 266 12 28 29 284 3 12 123. 1991717 15+
24 393~ L,6 4 231 5 ,1, 12 211 "~’(~ e’1 4 3Sl 2-5 278 13 10-12 243 3 14 122 212 18 21 168 1~7
30 7 I 2q 138 7 1 54-58 213 15 10. 1190. 10. 810 "-
200 2 6-9 12 13 11-13 28T 3 18 278 IR °I. 24 39
24 45-47 161I 1 29 36 244 264 7 35 37 307 16 17 18 165 6 11 2 9 233 13 13 249 J 3 21 333 , 18 21 72
21 45 51 36,135111 31. 31 2{]3 7 38 37 301 202 6 11-18 121 2 10 230. 282 13 14 249 ~ 4 7 119 I 19 1 120
13-1/ 252 7 37 139 183 IgR 2 11 123 13 15 103
I 249 9. 10 ~
15512 ~, 251 19 1 3 ]9
6 12 59 202 5. 8
24 18-51
21 51
106 ~3 13
116 316
40 3.30
2~ 7 ’1733
327 7 51 53
373 8 1-5
278 1 8
0173 134 0 12317
207 8 17 18
341 ~l 2 13
180, 294
234, 219, ¯ 5,0
JAMES i 16. It
168 ~ Chap t
150 19 9
99 I 19 11
373 19 11-1R
212 30~
223 8 4 211 39 165 99 251. 261 I 18 182. 234. I 7 4 8 R8 123 19 1121
25 1-13 36 3 35, 36 lOl
25 14-~o 30~ ~ 2. 2,+ s 512 214 311.10 l? 88 3 1 I 245 251. 281 199,281 3;’2 10~
253~ 14o3! o 28, t+,140 211 3 17 219 PHILIPPIAH$ 3’8 88 I 27 134, 358 7 9,12 372. 376 19 13 92
4" 1-11 268 2 13 73 T" 9-17
25 31
2531 ~2
121 522. 27
399 9 151,o,
121.3nS19 4 5
213 5 7
( 13
217 8911
287~ 1 28
138 ,
325 25 9
203 4 15
231 5 I-8
231 2 18
234 3 2
219 I
232 ; 7:10
55, 133, 19 11 15
374 19 1516
299 19 20
253:46 9 38 52329 2~5 , b 2230 218 20 251 2 7 8 55. 6 2R8 36 8 151 7" 14. 15 378 20 1-3 21’1
2~2309 261 11119-21 214 7 1-15 207 I 2 19 22 232. 2B3 186 5 7. 8 252 3 17 186 7 13 91 20 4 36~
197 723 ~-
361 36~ + 544 80, 13 33 33 25 I 33 279 58 8 282 4 t 23 23. 49 ? 17 378 204 8 RO 2~
374 ’ 645 91 I I’~ 40 41 136 7 ’1233 379 I 3 13 380 8 11 127, 8 150 139, 155, 27g i 8 3, 4 252 1 297
25 32, 33 45 I19 ’ 6 51 233 2FO I 13 50 52 217 9 27 206 I 3 19 71 4 5 10 24. 149 R 38 251 2O S 215
2533-4fi 376 I 6 E2 231 1419 20 218 l0 I. 2 215 3~O 3 20 107 8 13 20 188 11 2O2 S I0 L1 20 21 1 235
25 3t 1032~l : 7110 213 J 15 It 104 l~0 10 37196 4 7 1-17 234 ’9 + 151 21 12. R 10
25 40 217 I 7 15 213 I 282 IITT 1-21 289 1 PETE! 9 13-21 31S ~Oq
2623 251.2~21739 263I 1’~ 1418 231 10 13 7" 21 28 262 125 929 1413 181 212 83
26 36 48 201 R 42 122~ 15 lg 230 1O 21 151 t COLOSSIAN3 25 20 247 ,2 4-10 R8 11 ?-10 156 21 ( 103
2F tl I~6 8 43-14 55 I ~ 3 4 301 11 3 3171 1 9-11 78 T 26 301 2 9 106 250 11 I0 107 21 12 27 182
2q I0 16 18 213 ’ + 44 136, 151 I 20 16 22-24 217 12 18 4~I 15 122 22q 26 27 281 296 11 10-12 181 188 ’1~n
200 306 15 21-29 309 1 15-13 230 7 27 248 2 15 59 ll II, 12 lit 21
302 8 16 47
28 19 20 232’20 20 297
9 51 371 , 20 28 251 15 23 28 103 1 18 212 317 6 251 2 IT 10T ll I? 18 107 {21 221! ~ 312
MARK 8 53 122 31 4 10 14 217 15 50-54 235 2 11 279 8’ 12 187 ~ 2 21 08 71 1) 19 9, 14~ , 22 12 182
1 12 13 2641 I0 I010 tl .’. R 9 211 373 ; 2 18 11 214 9; 1-8 248i 201 174 22 ~6 199
213 15 51 5254 69,3 13 19 9 4 252 2.ln 22 302 12 1-5 09 2q~22 17 ii q0
5 30
10 it 45
374 ’ 1011.16
215 2~0 22 3
132 ’21 17 312 15 51 51 188 3 14, 13 219 9 7, 203~ 21
24 332 12 l 12 108 198 241


Acknowledcment .................... 111 Hid Durmg the Indlgnatlon ............... )~9 Right Action and Government ......... 23’,
A,~emhlv unto the ]~ingdom ’L’.7~ Hope . ..................... tiff Root of the World Evil .................. 125
Atonement for the Hey,- X~,nrld "}Part 11 22. J[ope of the ".:ation,~ The .............. 36.5 Safety During V,’orld Emergency ....... 173
Atonement for the New ~orhi IPart 2/ 243 "Ima~:e ol ti3e Benst" . .............. 93 Sal~atlon to Life 3’~I
Atoneme2: [or the ,~ew World APart 3) 259 "Integr~t~" Te’~timony Period 2 Scripture Index for The Watchtower, 1942 3q2
~ ............... ’~in~ing In the XXorld’s Cri’~;~
300 Is ’Christmas" (’hr~1iao 349 23G
Baptism ................................... S=n~ng till God+s *’Strange Act" "~..~. .....
Jehotah’s ,Sertants Defead,d ................ 1412 253
Calendn r. I942 ................................. 2 Son¢-(’all tO Action
Key Theocratic Assembly at Cleveland ... 31"/ ................ ]95
Calendar 1943 ......................................... 370 Slead faR, ne,~s .... Work .................................... 14 l .+ 111
Celebrating the Memorial 79 Subject Index for The Watch’tower, ]942 3~4
"Children of The KIn~" Testimony Period 66 Memorial ...................................... 7"/ The Emphattc Diaolott, New Edition of 2211
"Chtldren" Study 0ur~ttons .................130 MH’ah (Part 1) ........... 3 The Xew World
"Comforr’ Testimony Permd .......... 194 Micah {Par, 2) ... I9 "The New World" Qu~tlon "Booklet ":’.."" 33.5
Micah (Part 3) ............. 51 33¶
Defeat of Persecution...... 211 "The Wise" Testlmouy Perlod ............... 25’4
Dissenters for Righteousness ...............221 Micah (Part 4) ............... 67 Theocratic Assembly .........................
Micah (Part 83 23.9
Dual Power Foreseen .................... 11 51 ............... Triumph by Whose Works~ .............. 26S
Micah {Part 61 ................... 99
Earth’s Place in God’s Purpose ....... 333 115 United Servants
Micah {Part T) ............
Enduring I{iches ............................ 157 Micah {Part 81 ................ 131 "Victory Song" Testimony Period ............
205 322
E~er)th~ng for the Issue ......... Micah IPart 91 .................. 147 Watchtower Edition of the Bible ...... 322
Faithful Wtmess. A 45 Mleab {Part 101 .................... 163 Watchtower Studies [Re Questions] .......
Fellowship ............................................... 367 290
Micah (Part 11) ................... 179 Who Are Go+ and MaRc+Today? .............
Fighter for the New World (Part 11 ..... 3(]7 351
Name to Be Honored. The ................ 108 Who Must Control the Earth~ .............. ~284
Fighter for the New World (Part 21 ....... 323 141 Why Is the Truth OpPosed~ ..........
339 "New World" Ruler and Asaociate~ ........ 302
Fighter for the New World (Part 31 ...... New World Theocratic Aasembiy ....... 288 Why the Commandment to Love~ .............. 3’~2
Fighter for Abe New World {Part 4) .__ 355 NO Come-back for Religion .............. 27{) "Willing Volunteers" Testimony Period .. 130
Fighter fo~ the New World (Part 5) ..... 37]
Final Gathermg........................................ 35 Only Light, The .................... 291 Yearbook 0.~ Jehovah’s *ctlnesses. 1942 .. 34
Has the Battle of &rmageddon Begun? --334 Peac~Can 1~ Lo~f ...... 306 Yearbnok n/ Jehovah’s ~ttnes#es, 1D43 .... 370

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