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Asian School of Management

(Affiliated to Tribhuvan University)

Samakhusi, Kathmandu
Pre-Board Examination-2070
Full Marks: 80
Course: B.SC.CSIT Second Semester
Time: 3 hrs.
Subject: Discrete Structure

Attempt all questions.

Group A [10 × 2=20]

1. Given propositions p and q, define conjunction and disjunction of them.
2. Show that is a contradiction.
3. State which rule of inference is basis of the following argument: “It is below freezing and raining
now, therefore, it is below freezing now”
4. Given is the Production of a grammar with S as start symbol, what is the language accepted by this

5. Distinguish between deterministic and nondeterministic finite state automaton.

6. State Pigeonhole principle. Show that if there are 30 students in a class, then at least two have last
names that begin with the same letter.
7. Define linear homogeneous recurrence relation.
8. Which of the undirected graphs in the following have an Euler path? Justify the answer.

9. What do you mean by directed graph? Explain in-degree and out - degree of vertices in directed
graph with example.
10. Verify the Handshaking theorem in the figure.
Group B [5 × 4=20]
11. Explain the 4 rules of inference for quantified statements.
12. Construct a DFA over {a, b} to accept a language such that each string ends with aa and ends with
Define deterministic finite state automata. When are two finite state automata equivalent? Give an
13. Find an explicit formula for the Fibonacci numbers.
14. Prove that a tree with n-vertices has n-1 edges.
15. Find a spanning Tree of the following weighted graph using kruskal algorithm.

Group C [5 × 8=40]

16. Explain Tautologies, contradictions and contingencies with suitable examples.

17. Find the solution to the recursion relation an = 6an-1-11an-2 + 6an-3 with initial conditions
a0=2, a1 =5 and a2 = 15.
18. Define regular expressions, regular languages and Phase structure grammar. Let G=(V,T,P,S) be the
grammar with
V = {S, 0, 1}
T = {0, 1)
S=S and
P {S ->11S, S->0}, what is L (G), the language of this grammar?

19. Define Euler and Hamiltonian circuits and paths with examples illustrating the existence and
nonexistence of them.
20. Find a maximum flow for the network in the figure below.

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