Criticism On Sirtaj Aziz Book

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This book about the economic and political conditions of the Pakistan since 1970s. In this
book Sirtaj Aziz point of view is “Every country or state who have a democratic system those
countries were grow and they have an economic stability, without democracy countries
cannot grow. But in some case autocracy is better than the democracy, when the civil
government can’t fulfill their duties and increase in the corruption, unemployment then
autocracy government is better. Pakistan face the same situation, the government system
were corrupt, they cannot control the people & can’t fulfill their duties so the Marshal law
were imposed, at that military rule is needed for the country. Because the economic condition
were not so good and as well as the democracy system were not enough strong due the highly
involvement of the rich people. These feudal and the rich people were hold the government
hiddenly. Therefore that military rule is good for Pakistan and they help us to grow our
economic and stable the political conditions. But now the situation were changed, now we
needed to completely impose a democratic system and this will help us to increase our

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