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Team Profile, Balance and Role

Knowing your team profile and the balance or imbalance within the team is very useful in
terms of predicting team success against known team tasks.
The instrument used to profile the team is not important, rather how it is used. It is important
not to label team members or restrict their potential team roles. Team profiling help us to
understand diversity. In a well-balanced team all the attributes necessary for most tasks can
be found but seldom, if ever in a single person. Diversity of team roles can bring chaos.
Sameness of team roles can bring oblivion. Meredith Belbin said “Nobody is perfect, but a
team can be”
When a group of individuals works together, compared to one person working alone, they
promote a more efficient work output and can complete tasks faster due to many minds
intertwined on the same goals and objectives. Collaboration within a group can help solve
difficult problems. Brainstorming is a good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and
come up with creative ways of doing things. Team roles in high performance teams are more
than the functional roles. Two type of roles added to each team member:
1. Roles that pick up additional task that help the team performance such as quality,
materials, planning
2. Roles that ensure the ground rules come alive and encourage some positive behaviors,
by making team members responsible for communication, fun, quality, of thought
before action, challenging team assumptions and urgency.
The team can overcome the gaps with the aid of good ground rules and additional role
allocation that can address known weakness, such as creativity or overplayed strength. There
are five myths about the team which is totally wrong, and it is just the perception of the
i. A team must have a balanced profile to be successful.
ii. Choosing the right team profile instrument is important.
iii. Letting people do what they are best at is the best guide to selecting team roles
iv. Having ground rules and roles allocation will overcome most team shortfalls and
v. Team seek out diversity when recruiting new members.

Empowerment, Feelings and Fun

With the combination of empowerment, feelings and fun were helps the team members to
performance at its best. The best teamwork comes from paying attention to the emotional side
of the people, underpinned by open two war communication. Empowerment refers to the
employee's feeling of being effective, in control and influential. Empowerment improves
employee commitment, creativity, productivity, satisfaction and motivation. Effective
motivation comes from within the individual. Empowering team members leads to teams that
are more creative and helpful. The Wright Freedom Model is the first model that helps to
empower the employees. It’s a four step model which describe us that employer or leader
need to clearly define the goal and objective and also give them the rules or parameters and
give some authority and also create a two way communication then it will empower the

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