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Multiple services under one roof

Health, Safety and Environment

(HSE) Department
Standard Operating Procedure:
Vehicle and Driver Safety

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Standard Operating Procedure 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd.

Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 3

3.0 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 3

4.0 General Procedures and Practices......................................................................................................... 4

5.0 Authorized drivers ................................................................................................................................... 5

6.0 Vehicle Maintenance................................................................................................................................ 5

7.0 Safety Equipment..................................................................................................................................... 5

8.0 Driver Impairment .................................................................................................................................... 5

9.0 Vehicle Incident........................................................................................................................................ 5

10.0 Vehicle Insurance .................................................................................................................................... 6

11.0 Records..................................................................................................................................................... 6

12.0 Attachments ............................................................................................................................................. 6

HSE-005-PR Vehicle and Driver Safety Page 2

Standard Operating Procedure 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd.

HSE-005-PR Vehicle and Driver Safety

1.0 Purpose and Scope

This document establishes 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd. program for safe operation of
vehicles in order to reduce the risks to which 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd. employees are
exposed while operating a motor vehicle.
This procedure applies to all 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd employees and project sites.
2.0 Terms and Definitions

(a) Authorized Driver: An employee who possess and provide proof of a current driver’s license and
has completed the Company’s Driver & Vehicle Safety Awareness Training.

(b) Distracted Driving: Any activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the primary task of

(c) Incident: An incident, for the purposes of this procedure, is a vehicle collision or other event where
personal injury or property damage occurs. This may also include acts of theft, vandalism, and
criminal mischief.

(d) State Laws: All signs, postings, laws, regulations, ordinances and codes applicable for the
jurisdiction in which the motor vehicle is being operated.

(e) Mobile Device: Any mobile electronic device that is used to receive or communicate voice, email,
internet, and/or public media. The device requires user interaction (typing, dialing, reading, keying,
etc.) that distracts the motor vehicle operator. Example devices include, but are not limited to:

 Mobile/Cellular phones
 Personal Data Assistant (PDA)
 IPads or other tablet models
 Computers
 Global Positioning System receivers
(f) Operating Under the Influence (OUI): OUI is the operation of any vehicle on company business
under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications, or other substances capable of inducing an altered
mental state and/or impairing physical and mental judgments such that the influence of said
substances produces impairment in violation of governmental laws for the location of the impairment.

(g) Spotters: Extra personnel that may provide guidance when maneuvering in close and/or complex
situations in order to avoid the occurrence of an incident.

3.0 Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Project Managers/HSE Managers will be responsible for the following:

(a) Verifying that any company vehicle under their operational control is in a preventative maintenance

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Standard Operating Procedure 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd.

(b) Verifying that all company vehicles are properly insured per 1305 Engineering and Construction
Ltd. Policy
(c) Verifying that a pre-operational vehicle inspection program was established.

3.2 Supervisors will be responsible for the following:

(a) Confirming employees are informed of the provisions of this procedure.

(b) Providing a copy of this procedure to any employee who will be driving a company owned, leased or
personal vehicle for company business.
(c) Verifying that each employee has completed the HSE-005-FM Driver’s Acknowledgement Form
and submitted the completed form to HSE Manager.

3.3 HSE Department will be responsible for the following:

(a) Maintaining and updating Company’s Vehicle and Driver Safety Awareness Materials.
(b) Maintaining this procedure and updating it when regulatory or company policies dictate.
(c) Making available supplementary driving safety training beyond AECOM’s Vehicle and Driver Safety

3.4 Employees will be responsible for the following:

(a) Following this procedure and all applicable laws while operating a vehicle.
(b) Immediately reporting all vehicle incidents per our incident reporting policy.
(c) Notifying their Supervisor, HSE Manager, and Company Counsel upon receipt of a legal summons
associated with any moving violation related to the use of a company vehicle.
(d) Immediately reporting any change or limitation(s) to his or her Driver’s License to his or her Supervisor
and making the required modifications to their Driver’s Acknowledgement Form.
(e) Conducting a pre-operational inspection of the vehicle for any damage or deficiencies; reporting any
discovered deficiencies affecting the safe operation of the motor vehicle to the project office authority.

3.5 Human Resources Department will be responsible for the following:

(a) Obtaining a copy of an employee’s Motor Vehicle Record (MVR), as required.

(b) Supporting disciplinary action, as necessary

4.0 General Procedures and Practices

(a) Only Authorized Drivers shall operate a motor vehicle (rental, personal, or Company owned/leased)
while on Company business.
(b) Drivers must comply with state laws on the use of cell phones and other mobile devices while
operating a motor vehicle.
(c) Texting while driving is strictly prohibited.
(d) Seat belts shall be worn by all occupants whenever the vehicle is in motion.
(e) The number of passengers shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications for the vehicle.
(f) Loads shall be secured and shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications and legal weight limits
for the vehicle, or regulatory requirements.
(g) Motorcycles may not be operated on company business unless specific approval is provided by the
HSE Manager and applicable training and license is in place.

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Standard Operating Procedure 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd.

5.0 Authorized drivers

They shall:
(a) Perform pre-operation vehicle inspections.
(b) Arrange for preventive maintenance services for the vehicle and maintain it in sound mechanical
(c) Not operate the vehicle if unsafe or if conditions exist that would likely result in vehicle damage or
personal injury.
(d) Not use the vehicle for any unofficial use including personal business unless specific permission is
given by the Supervisor.
(e) Transport only persons on Company related business or those persons receiving transportation as
prescribed service.
(f) Not use the vehicle for transportation to or from work or park at a residence overnight unless approved
by the employee’s Supervisor.
(g) Not smoke or allow anyone else to smoke in the vehicle.
(h) Be responsible for any damage caused by abuse of the vehicle.
(i) Secure the vehicle when left unattended.

6.0 Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicles shall be fit for purpose and shall be maintained in a safe working order, with seat belts fully
functional. This applies to all vehicles owned or leased by 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd. and
to personally-owned vehicles used for company business.

7.0 Safety Equipment

(a) The following suggested items should be kept in all vehicles used for company business in remote
project locations:

 First Aid kit, appropriate to the work and crew size, or per regulations.
 Emergency equipment (e.g., flares, flashlight, blanket, etc.) based on conditions.
 Supervisors Report of Incident

(b) Drivers are responsible for being appropriately licensed, trained and medically fit to operate the
(c) 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd. employees operating vehicles on company business shall
be alert and not operate a vehicle when fatigued.

8.0 Driver Impairment

Drivers shall not operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or any other
substance or medication that impairs their ability to drive safely.

9.0 Vehicle Incident

(a) In the event of a traffic accident while on Company business, an employee MUST follow HSE-004-
PR Incident Reporting, including seeking assistance, reporting the incident to the appropriate
authority, completing and submitting the required forms.

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Standard Operating Procedure 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd.

(b) Testing for Alcohol and/or Drugs – See the Company Employee Handbook; refer any questions to
the HR Department.
(c) Investigation Process – refer to HSE-603-PR Incident Investigation and Review.
(d) In addition, the employee will:

 If requested, provide police and other driver(s) with their liability insurance information.
 Not operate a damaged vehicle if its safety is questionable, its operating condition is illegal by
applicable laws or its condition is such that further damage would likely result from its operation.
 If the employee receives a Summons, Complaint or other legal documents relating to a traffic
incident, note the date, time, place and method of delivery and immediately forward the original
documents to HR Department.
 The Employee Should Not Admit Liability, Agree To Pay For Any Damage Or Sign Any
Document Except As Required By Law. Statements made in haste or anger may be legally

(e) In the event of an accident, the supervisor must follow the procedures set out in S3NA-004-PR
Incident Reporting for reporting the accident.

10.0 Vehicle Insurance

For information about insurance carried by 1305 Engineering and Construction Ltd. for Company
owned or leased vehicles and any questions about insurance the employee may have as to business use
of employee-owned vehicles, questions should be directed to the Administrator.

11.0 Records

Driver’s Acknowledgement forms (and associated Motor Vehicle Driving Records) shall be filed in HR
employee personnel files.

12.0 Attachments

1. HSE-005-FM Driver’s Acknowledgement Form

2. HSE- 005-WI Driver Safe Work Practices

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