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Baseball/Softball - Sending a season-to-date file (teamid.

To send a baseball/softball season-to-date file to
the conference office or to another team, first use
the "Capture stat file" function:

1. Run the WINDOWS UTILITIES program

2. Select StatEdit files | Capture stat files
3. Select your team from the Teams List
4. Select StatEdit files | Export stat files
5. Choose a directory (such as a:) for export
6. Select your teamid from the Stat files list
7. The following files are created:
teamid.CAP -- overall statistics
teamid.CAC -- conference-only statistics
teamid.CAG -- game results

Next, start your email software, and attach the

season-to-date file(s)

1. Select the "attach file" function

2. Locate the save directory (from above)
3. Attach the teamid.CAP file
4. For the conference office, also attach the
teamid.CAC and teamid.CAG files
5. If needed, set the email attachment options in
your email software to send attachments "as
is" or "binary" -- consult your email software
vendor for questions

To import the season-to-date file(s) that you

receive, use the StatEdit files | Import stat files

1. Save the teamidid.CAP attachment(s) to a

working directory (such as a: or c:\temp)
2. Run the WINDOWS UTILITIES program
3. Select StatEdit files | Import stat files
4. Choose the working directory (above)
5. Select the teamid from the Stat files list
6. The season-to-date files are imported into your
current games directory

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