Eekly Earning OG: ALS Assessment Form 2

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ALS Assessment Form 2


This record is to be filled in by the Learner each week in either Filipino or English. It
documents learning activities undertaken by the Learner each week. The learning activities
include the list of learning modules studied by the Learner, and the list of other learning
materials used.
 Learners are asked to think about their learning and to write down what they enjoyed
and did not enjoy.

 Learners are also asked to reflect on their learning and what they want to do next.

 The information in this form adds to the information collected in the Learner’s Record
of Module Use [ALS Assessment Form 3].

 The Learning Facilitator should look at and provide feedback on this form at least
every week.

 The information on this form should be used by the Learning Facilitator and the
Learner when reviewing the Individual Learning Agreement [ALS Assessment Form
1] and the Review of Learning Goals [ALS Assessment Form 3].

 The form must be included in the presentation portfolio.

How to Use this Form

On this form, the Learner documents learning activities undertaken by him or her
each week. The learning activities include the list of learning modules studied by the
Learner, and the list of other learning materials used. Learners are asked to think about their
learning and to write down what they enjoyed and did not enjoy. They are also asked to
reflect on their learning and what they want to do next. This must be written in English or

 Assist Learners in at least Week 1 and Week 2 of the program to complete the form. Use
small groups or one-to-one discussion to do this.

 Explain that the information in this form is a record of the Learner’s progress.

 Explain that the information will help Learners to think about how they learn and to
plan further learning.

 Explain that the information will help the Learning Facilitator to help learners develop
their skills of self-directed learning.

 Look at the form at each Learning Group session and discuss the Learner’s progress with
him or her. Discuss difficulties that the Learner has had and suggest ways of solving these.

 Use the information in this form when reviewing the Learner’s Record of Module Use [ALS
Assessment Form 4].

 Use this form and the Learner’s Record of Module Use [ALS Assessment Form 4] when
reviewing the Individual Learning Agreement [ALS Assessment Form 1] and the Review of
Learning Goals [ALS Assessment Form 3].

ALS Assessment Form 2
Learner’s Name: ………………………………………………………… Community Learning Center: ..…………………………………

Level: ………………………………………………………… Learning Facilitator’s Name: ……………………………………

Reflective Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Questions Date: ……………….. Date: ……………….. Date: ……………….. Date: ……………….. Date: ………………..

What modules did I

learn this week?

What other things

have I learned this
What other things
have I read this

What did I enjoy

this week?
What did I find easy
to do this week?

What did I not enjoy

this week?
What did I find
difficult this week?

What do I want to
do next?
What learning
module do I want to
study next?

Certification by Learning Facilitator: ………………………………………………………………………… (Name) Date: ………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………….. (Signature)


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