Before Adam Part 2

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Before Adam Part 2


2Timothy 3 :1

When will you put matter in space,you need to have time space and
matter,Earth can’t survive without space bodies,Jonah says he saw
mountains under the sea before they discovered that there were
mountains under the sea.

Genesis 3:1

Made = barrah and hassa

The devil isn’t a prophet,he can only align his demons to do what he

How did the devil know that the command was about trees.

Ther’re three Gardens,the one that was,the one that is,and the one

In the devils first Garden,all the fruits where prohibited “did God say
you should not eat from every tree??”

“His rob feels the temple…”; that means God wears clothes,the devil is
alive himself so he knows that you shall not surely die.

“You were in the Garden till sin was found in you”

2peter 2:4

Jude 1:9 THE ONLY ARCH ANGEL mentioned in the bible

If the angels clapped when he created the heavens,then they existed
before the heavens,but then when were they cust down to hell,but the
only darkeness there is tataru,which means darkness,and the only dark
place there is the earth

Theyre a lot of humanoids and you can not deny physical evidence

Psalm 1:48 2-5

“…he commanded and he created”

Job 38:4,7,9

“…Theres a world that actually perished”


Was = haya = became(Something happened right there before it


Tataru = deep dark place

2pet 2:6

Isiaha 14:12 only time Lucifer appears

Devil is nolonger Lucifer

“…I will be like the most high” the biggest reason he rebelled was
because God said would creat a man who is like God

Micheal=Looks like God

Micheal is in Gods image, but not in his likeness

Genesis 4:20-24
“…Bring forth creatures which hath life”present tense,life from

WHEN THE isrealites where hungry,God brought cuels from the waters

Everytime God speacks he multiplied

Gen 2:3-4

Nehmaiah 9

He says it was

Romans 5:12

Jeremiah 31:40

Ezekeil 36:35


The devil was cast out but you do not find it in the bible were he
actually is thrown out,it says he deceived nations


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