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Antipolo City

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health


Doroteo, Albert John A.

Perez, Mia Leonor B.

Sinocruz, Loreign Maguel D.R.

October 2019
Antipolo City


Mobile phones are now an essential part of modern telecommunications. The number of

cellphone users has increased rapidly. As of 2015, there were 7.4 billion subscriptions

worldwide, though the actual number of users is more lower than the number of mobile phones

itself. Given the large number of mobile phone users, it is important to investigate, understand,

and monitor any potential public health impact.

Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range (450-3,800 MHz and 24-80

GHz in 5G mobile). It can communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed

antennas called base stations. Radiofrequency waves are electromagnetic fields, and unlike

ionizing radiation such as X-rays or gamma rays, it can neither break chemical bonds nor cause

ionization in the human body. Other digital wireless systems, such as data communication

networks, produce similar radiation.

The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is a subject of interest and study

worldwide. According to World Health Organization (WHO), a large number of studies have

been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential

health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile

phone use. In a 2018 statement, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that the current

safety limits are set to include a 50-fold safety margin from observed effects of radiofrequency

energy exposure.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City


Smartphones became the most widely used technology nowadays. People often use it to make

their life easier and more accessible. Smartphones are the source of eminence of electromagnetic

waves (Miakotko, n.d.). According to, electromagnetic radiation is a form of

energy that is all around us that comes in many forms (e.g. radio waves, microwaves, gamma

waves, and etc.).

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of phone radiation on human

health. Some of the findings were associated with brain activity where in, it destroys the memory

performance of new generation adolescents.

The scientists of National Institute of Environmental Sciences, conducted an experiment wherein

they exposed the male and female rats in the same radiation and 2% of the male rats developed

brain tumor and 1% of female rats also developed brain tumor.

Nowadays, most of the millennials and generation z’s are more active in using smartphones.

Hence, they may be prone to radiation.

Despite all the negative effects of smartphones, people will still rely on it and make it a part of

their lifestyle. However, precautionary measures and moderate usage should also be a part of

their lifestyle.

The researchers must understand and broaden the study about the effects of phone radiation in

the health of a person. By this, the researchers may spread awareness regarding this matter.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City


Mobile technologies are developing rapidly and the society is becoming more and more involved

with technology especially with youth. What even more alarming is that many of us are unaware

of the impact of excessive mobile phone usage in human health. A lot of us rely on our mobile

phones and use it most of the day because we can easily access everything through phones.

 Negatively influence the development of figural memory for those who put their phones

near the brain.

 Receiving too much radiation that triggers and worsens the person’s psychological

disorder that may lead to abnormal thinking and behavior.

 The possibility that some individuals may experience brain malfunctions in response to

mobile radiation together with the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.

 Many teenagers may experience difficulty in coping up some lessons and lectures in

school affecting their academic performances, confidence and self-esteem.


The aim of this study is to assess some of the self-perceived effects of phone radiation on the

well-being of senior high school students.

 To determine if it contributes to the psychological health of a student.

 To determine the effects of phone radiation in the physical health of the student.

 To identify how the students often use their cellular phones.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City


Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone stated that as it responds to such deeply ingrained and

universal social needs, it is no surprise to see the mobile phone expanding worldwide at breath-

taking speed. In fact, there are reasons to assume that it would have been equally welcome in all

human societies and cultures in the past: that is, under all imaginable specific cultural or socio-

economic conditions (Geser, 2004). During the first hundred years of its history, the phone was a

rather exclusive means of communication, which was not readily accessible to lower classes,

women, farmers and younger age groups (Roos, 1993). Due to the rapid increase in cellphone

technology, the total number of phones worldwide has for the first time surpassed the number of

TV-Sets in 2001 (Katz & Aakhus, 2002). This diffusion has occurred worldwide, rather

independently of different cultural habits, values, and norms. Thus, cell phones have become

popular even in rather “technophobic” contexts like Italy, where computers and other modern

technologies have a difficult stand (Fortunati, n.d.), and especially in Scandinavian countries

where people traditionally are introverted and silence in talk is highly valued (Puro, 2002).

Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone has it simple concept “amount of cell phone usage”

that results in a multidimensional construct unfolding on at least three independent axes: 1)

Usage intensity: which refers to how often the product is used (usage time) regardless of the

different applications for which the product is used (Ram & Jung, 1990). 2) Usage breadth:

referring to the number of partners to whom calls are directed and from whom calls are received.

3) Usage variety: measuring the different applications for which a product is used or the

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City

different situations in which a product is used, regardless of how frequently it is used (Ram &

Jung, 1990).

Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone explained the other democratizing aspect of the mobile

phone that it counteracts the disappearance of household member who “hide” behind the

personal data of the person who signed the fixed telephone subscription. Now other members of

the family have access to their own number and the possibility of managing their own

communicative networks (Fortunati, 2000).

In the meantime, a number of studies have investigated the effects of radiofrequency fields on

brain electrical activity, cognitive function, sleep, heart rate and blood pressure in volunteers. To

date, research does not suggest any consistent evidence of adverse health effects from exposure

to radiofrequency fields at levels below those that cause tissue heating. Further, research has not

been able to provide support for a causal relationship between exposure to electromagnetic fields

and self-reported symptoms, or “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” (WHO, 2004).


The study was composed of input, process, and output approach. As showed on Figure 1.0, the

researchers decided to use the Radiation Hazard Scale as an indicator of the hazards of radiation.

The above mentioned inputs are to be used to create the diagram the researchers want to


Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City

Figure 1.0 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City

Usage Intensity

Radiation Hazard Scale
The following entities that will benefit from this study are the:

Society. the society
will feels
be alarmed of the effects of phone radiation, its impacts on behavior

and after
socialusing the of
aspects phone.
one’s well-being.

Government. The study will inform the government about the effects of phone radiation and the

possibility of creating programs on how to reduce the exposure of it.

School. The study may be helpful in encouraging the organizations of the school to minimize the

Solution to the problem:

usage of mobile phones to students when it comes to information.
Effects of excessive use of cell
Teachers. This study will help the teachers to inform and spread the words tophone
students about the

possible effects of excessive mobile phone usage and how it will affect academicwhat scale the
respondent falls under
Parents. This study may be helpful in brightening their awareness and understanding on how

mobile phone affects their children.

Students. The students will be aware of the adverse side effects of excessive mobile phone usage

and will limit themselves in using mobile phones.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Antipolo City


The study is focused on the effects of phone radiation in the health of a person, psychologically

and physically. The researchers chose the senior high school students as the respondents of this

study, since they are actively engaged to technologies nowadays.

The researchers limited this research in the area of Our Lady of Fatima University, Antipolo

Campus since covering the whole province of Antipolo or nearby barangays requires a lot of

time and financial aid. The study can also be used in further studies related to phone radiation

together with its effects.


Electromagnetic Radiation- a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays,

and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring

the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary dugs, biological products, medical

devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

Human Health- is primarily a measure of each person’s ability to do and become what he wants

to become.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
Mental Health- Antipolo City
includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to

others, and make

choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence

through adulthood. vhvhvhv vhvhvhvhv jvjvjvjvjv duduududud hdhdhdhdhd

Mobile Phone- a phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area,

without a physical connection to a network.

Phone Radiation- the type of radiation emitted from mobile phones is electromagnetic radiation.

It is present in mobiles because it uses radio frequency (RF) waves to make and receive calls.

Radiofrequency (RF) Energy- is another name for radio waves. It is one form of electromagnetic

energy which consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (radiating)

through space. The area where these waves are found is called an electromagnetic field.

Rapidity- the quality of moving or reacting with great speed.

Risk Level- it is how much risk you are willing to accept to get a certain level of reward; riskier

stocks are both the ones that can lose the most or gain the most over time.

World Health Organization (WHO)- is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is

concerned with international public health. It was established on April 7, 1948, and is

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
headquartered in Antipolo CityIts predecessor,
Geneva, Switzerland. the Health

Organization, was an agency of the League of Nations. Jdjdjdjd dhdhdhdhdhd hdhdhdhdhd

hdhdhdhd hdhdhdhdhd


Foreign Studies uwuwuwuwu wttwtwtwttw wtwtwtwtwtwtw ywywywywyw ywywywywyw

Cell phones have proved so useful elsewhere that there are 1.5 billion around the world, with half

a billion new ones sold every year (Stone, 2004). Students in China, Philippines, and Germany

are using mobile phones to learn English, to study Math, health, and spelling, and to access live

and archived university lectures (BBC Press Office, 2005; Villafania, 2004; Chapman, 2003).

According to Pensky, cellphones are not just communications devices to interact between people,

they are also useful computers that fit in your pocket and is always with you. That’s why more

than half a billion people use cell phone all over the world.

According to the study conducted by Divan, use of cell phone during critical periods of

brain activity during pregnancy and early childhood may be a risk factor for behavioral problems

in children as they grow. Multiple studies showed that children absorb more microwave radiation

(MWR) than adults (Morgan, 2014).

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
A study conducted by Antipolo City in 1996 showed that it penetrates

deeper into the brains of children ages 5 to 10 compared to adults’ brains. The World Health

Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer reviewed the study done by 30

experts from 14 countries and declared that RF-EMF [MWR] is a Class 2B (possible)

carcinogen. According to Hegmann, exposure of children to carcinogen has greater risk than

that of adults. The younger the child, the higher the risk, because every age has its own energy

absorption rate

(Dimbylow, 1993; Dimbylow& Mann, 1994; Martens, 1996). Cell phone manuals have

warnings that the phone should be kept at various distances from the body to lessen the exposure

to radiation. According to Cleveland the distance rule for tablets and laptop computers is 20

cm from the user.

A study from Yale University School of Medicine exposed pregnant mice in MWRby putting a

cell phone on top of the cage and the observable effects were similar to Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. A study in Poland reported myelin degeneration

(the covering of the neurons) in guinea pigs and rabbits from 3GHz exposure.According to Frey,

many of the users have complained headaches after using cell phone. Headaches were present on

the side in which where the transmitting antenna is.

The study conducted by Press showed that many countries have also banned the use of cell

phone while driving, aside from it is one of the culprits of road accidents, use of cell phone

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
inside the car showed that Antipolo
levels arise which exceeds the

maximum acceptable level of MWR.

According to Yu, Director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, he believes that exposure to

radiations can induce pathological changes in the human body that may cause brain tumors. It is

due to the disintegration of information transmitters that can cause derangement of numerous

functional systems. Microwaves can also affect the hormonal balance of the body and changes in

the endocrine, immune, and reproductive system.

Numerous studies have shown and were compiled in the research of Dr. Neil Cherry. After the

exposure to electromagnetic radiation, the neurological activities were altered and caused

memory loss, headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. It also altered the blood pressure and the heart

rhythm that increase the possibility to acquire heart diseases and heart attack mortality. In terms

of reproductive activity, it reduces sperm counts in radar exposed military personnel, increases

miscarriage and congenital abnormalities, and it doubles the incidence of twins in the families of

radar exposed personnel. Genetically speaking, it damages chromosomes, alters DNA by

breaking the DNA strands that may lead to altering of gene transcription activity. It increases the

many types of cancer including leukemia, brain tumor, testicular cancer and many more.

These studies that were conducted will be a great help for the research. The researchers will fully

understand the phenomena, have a prior knowledge of the topic, and the actions that can be

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
perform to stop Antipolowill
the problem. Studies Cityhelp the researchers to analyze the

results that will be given by the respondents.

Local Studies

According to ("Philippines is world's top social media user: study", 2018) for the third year in a

row, the Philippines emerged as the country that spent the most time on social media, according

to a report by creative agency We Are Social and social media management platform Hootsuite.

An average Filipino social media user spends almost 4 hours on different platforms

daily followed by Brazilians and Indonesians, respectively, the report said. The report said there

are now 4.021 billion internet users worldwide as of January 2018 or more than half of the global

population (53 percent). More than half of internet users (42 percent) or around 3.2 billion are

active on social media with 9 in 10 of those users accessing their chosen platforms via mobile

devices. Nearly a million people began using social media for the first time every day last year,

equivalent to more than 11 new users per second. Since January 2017, the number of internet

users has grown by 248 million or 7 percent, the highest of which was in Africa at 20 percent.

Mobile phones, particularly smartphones, have become the go-to device for accessing the

internet with a 52-percent share of the population followed by laptops and desktops at 43

percent. Facebook continues to dominate the internet as the top social media platform with over

2.17 billion users, followed by YouTube with 1.5 billion users, and messaging services

WhatsApp and FB messenger with 1.3 billion users each.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
According to Antipolo
(“Radiation dangers Cityelectric gadgets”, 2013) for years,

people have become increasingly worried about the dangers of high-frequency radiation from

cell phones, wireless telephones, routers, the rear side of microwave ovens, and cell sites within

400 meters of homes and places of study and work, as well as from low-frequency sources of

radiation such as AC high-voltage wires, power transformers, and house wires and extension

wires passing close to the headboards of beds. There were studies on low-frequency radiation

dating back to the 1990s. The studies, published in the Scientific American magazine, showed

strange effects of low-frequency radiation on bacteria and plants growing beneath 150,000-volt

cable towers.

There were also reports in a local magazine about a batch of seminarians one by one dying of

leukemia over the years from prolonged exposure as students to high-voltage cables strung close

to their seminary, and of a radio station owner developing leukemia after retiring extremely

wealthy. And since the 1990s, there has been anecdotal evidence of brain tumors in people

keeping cell phones on their ears 12/7, and a flurry of cases of ADHD in young children (who

are particularly vulnerable to this hazard). All of this evidence was played down as inconclusive

in studies conducted in several countries by communication enterprises.

A study from (“Cell phones: Cancerous or not”, 2019) stated that two U.S. government agencies

are giving conflicting interpretations of a safety study on cell phone radiation: One says it causes

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
cancer in rats. Antipolo
The other says there’s City
no reason for people to worry. The

National Toxicology Program dialed up its concerns about a link to heart and brain cancer from a

study of male rats that was made public last winter. The Food and Drug Administration, which

oversees cell phone safety, disagreed with the upgraded warning. In a $30 million study,

scientists put rats and mice into special chambers and bombarded them with radiofrequency

waves, like those emitted by older 2G and 3G phones, for nine hours a day for up to two years,

most of their natural lives. The levels the rodents experienced were far higher than people are

typically exposed to.

A study from Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (2014) stated that the

number of mobile phone subscribers in the Philippines has reportedly soared from over 22.5

million in 2003 to over 57.3 million in 2007 and continues to rise daily at a very fast clip. So

while the debate for cell phones is ongoing, experts present tips on what one can do:

Minimize usage. As long as your mobile phone is turned on, it emits radiation that enables it to

communicate with base stations. The radiation emitted, however is strong and more frequent

when you’re talking or messaging. Keep it out of your pocket. The farther you are from a base

station, the more radiation your phone must emit to get a signal, which causes your phone to heat

up when you have low reception. Make calls only when you have strong reception, hang up

before your phone heats up, and store your phone away from your body when it’s not in use.

Always use a headset. The electromagnetic waves emitted by handsets may affect your inner ear

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
mechanics over time. Send aAntipolo City It’s actually a safer way to
text instead.

communicate. This exposes you to less radiation than when you have the mobile to your ear.

Switch to Bluetooth. Use a Bluetooth headset; it emits only a minuscule amount of

electromagnetic energy.

There is no conclusive evidence that electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cellular

phones poses risks to humans (Montoya, 2014). Montoya of Philippine Council for Health

Research and Development (PCHRD) executive director, said this finding is based on scientific

studies that have been published. It is said that everyone is exposed to EMR, whether voluntary

or involuntary. The average person’s exposure to cell phones and their electromagnetic field falls

under voluntary exposure. In involuntary exposure, people do not know that they have been

exposed to EMR. Involuntary exposure affects people living near high-voltage areas like

transmitters of cell sites. Based on current literature, this kind of exposure is still within the

threshold. 50 years must pass to determine whether an adverse event directly related to the use of

cell phones would crop up in any individual. But whether such will translate to negative health

effects in the long run, the medical community is still not sure. The direct biological effect of

using cell phones close to the ear is that it gives warmth and generates heat. This is because the

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
rapid movement Antipolotransforms
of molecules actually City to heat energy and that is the

biological effect. But biological effect is not synonymous to the disease effect.


This chapter presents the description of the research process. It provides information concerning

the method that the researchers will use in undertaking this research. The chapter also describes

the stages which includes the selection of participants and the process of data analysis. The

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
research explores the effects ofAntipolo City
phone radiation in some of the senior high

school students.


In this study the researchers aim to understand the effect of mobile phone radiation in the health

of the senior high school students of Our Lady of Fatima Antipolo Campus. The research design

is the researcher’s overall plan for obtaining answers to the research questions guiding the study.

Burns and Grove (2001:223) state that designing a study helps researchers to plan and implement

the study in a way that will help them obtain the intended results, thus increasing the chances of

obtaining information that could be associated with the real situation.

Quantitative gathers data by using survey to study the health status of the respondents after over

exposure in phone radiation. A survey obtains information from a sample of people by means of

self-report, that is, the people respond to a series of questions posed by the investigator (Polit &

Hungler 1993:148). In this study the information was collected through self-administered

questionnaires distributed personally to the subjects by the researcher. Burns and Grove

(1993:777) define quantitative research as a formal, objective, systematic process to describe and

test relationships and examine cause and effect interactions among variables.

A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal or account of the

characteristics, for example behaviour, opinions, beliefs, and knowledge of a particular

individual, situation or group. This design was chosen to meet the objectives of the study and

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
also to determine the knowledgeAntipolo City
and views of respondents with regard to effects

of phone radiation.


To ensure utmost confidentiality for the respondents and the data provided by them to

reflect ethics that will be practiced in this study, the following measures will be done (1)

respondents could decide independently, without any coercion, whether or not to participate in

the study; they had the right not to answer any questions that caused discomfort; to disclose or

not to disclose personal information and to ask for clarification about any aspect that caused

some uncertainty. The right to full disclosure was respected because the researcher described the

nature of the study as well as the respondents’ rights to participate or to refuse to participate in

the study (2) Protecting Privacy of each respondents by securing their anonymity and

confidentiality of their information (3) Respect for respondents dignity and personal integrity

during the entire research. Researchers must protect personal integrity, preserve individual

freedom, self-determination and respect their privacy.

Next to this, participants were fully informed regarding the objectives of the study, while they

were reassured that their answers were treated as confidential and used only for academic

purposes and only for the purposes of the particular research. Participants were not

harmed nor abused, both physically and psychologically, during the conduction of the research.

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
This principle Antipolo
includes the right City
to self-determination and to full disclosure

(Polit & Hungler 1999:134). No physical harm intended from completing questionnaires, but

some psychological discomfort might have resulted from the given questions.


This study was conducted in Our Lady of Fatima University Antipolo Campus, and the chosen

respondents are senior high school students for they are more prone in the effects of Phone

Radiation than any other level.


For the purposes of this research, survey questionnaire were used to gather information from our

respondents. A Questionnaire is a structured form, either written or printed wherein the

respondents are asked to give answers to the series of questions. Polit and Hungler (1997:466)

define a questionnaire as “a method of gathering information from respondents about attitudes,

knowledge, beliefs and feelings”. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about

how the phone radiation affects senior high students.


The data collected was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The

data collected will first coded in alphabetical and numerical order and then keyed in into the

statistical program. The selection of techniques to analyze the results of this study was based on

Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health
the research Antipolo analysis
objectives. Descriptive City were used to test the

hypothesis. A descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of the respondents and

demographic comparison and to illustrate the means, and standard deviation of each research


Rapidity of Students Affected by Phone Radiation

and the Risk Level on Human Health

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