Assumption Cps PP Red Re Program 2020

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Pre-Primary Religious Education Program

Term One 2020


Year Level Unit Title Salvation Topic Aspect of Human Development

Pre-Primary Special Me Prayer Wondering at being special

As people discover that each person has their own name and is special in many different ways, this may lead them to wonder what
God, who created our specialness, is like (A1, A2).When people think of how different each person is and how each person is gifted, in
their own way they realise that God who created our specialness must love them very much. Many people come to realise and
celebrate that among the different things they can discover about God, one is that God loves them (A3).When people look at the
teaching of Jesus, they realise that Jesus wants people to use their specialness to show love (B1, B2).Followers of Jesus remember and
celebrate Mary who is a special person in a prayer called the ‘Hail Mary’ (C1).Followers of Jesus show others that they are special in
many different ways (C2).When people continue to use their specialness in a loving way they are living, as God wants (C3).
Key Understandings and Learning Points
Step A – Wondering at the Creator Step B – The Promise of Christian Salvation Step C – Christian Response
A1 Wondering at being special B1 Jesus teaches us that all people are C1 Followers of Jesus celebrate Mary who is
A1.1 Recognises their own name. special special in a prayer called the Hail Mary
A1.2 Names ways in which each person is B1.1 Identifies that Jesus loved little children. C1.1 Explores prayers people pray to
special. B2 Jesus came to show people how to use remember Mary.
A2 Wondering at God who created each their specialness to show love C2 Jesus wants his followers to show others
person special B2.1 Names ways people could use their they are special
A2.1 Expresses wonder at God who created specialness to show love. C2.1 Explores ways they could show other
them. people they are special.
A3 Attribute: God loves us C3 Continuing to wonder at our specialness
A3.1 Celebrates that God loves us. C3.1 Reviews and expresses what they have
learned throughout the unit.

Year Level Unit Title Salvation Topic Aspect of Human Development

Pre-Primary Remember God’s Love Jesus Wondering at the gift of memory

As people discover that they can remember and learn from others this can lead them to wonder what God, who created the gift of
memory is like (A1, A2).Many people come to realise that among the different things that can be discovered about God, one is that
God loves us (A3).When people look at how Jesus used his memory for good, they realise that Jesus wants people to use their ability to
remember in loving ways (B1, B2).Members of God’s family remember that Jesus taught about God’s love (C1).Followers of Jesus are
asked to remember to show love for others(C2).Followers of Jesus continue to try to remember to show love as Jesus wants (C3).
Key Understandings and Learning Points
Step A – Wondering at the Creator Step B – The Promise of Christian Salvation Step C – Christian Response
A1 Wondering at the gift of memory B1 Jesus used his memory for good C1 Jesus helps his followers to remember
A1.1 Identifies things they remember. B1.1 States ways Jesus used his memory for God’s love
A1.2 Names people who have helped them good. C1.1 Explores a story Jesus used to teach
learn. B2 Jesus came to show people how to use people that God will always love and
A2 Wondering at God who created the gift their memories for good remember them.
of memory B2.1 Names ways people use their C2 Jesus wants his followers to remember to
A2.1 Expresses wonder at the God who memories, like Jesus, for good. show love
created the gift of memory. C2.1 Names ways people can show love.
A3 Attribute: God loves us C3 Continuing to wonder at how people
A3.1 Celebrates God who loves them. can use the gift of memory to show love as
Jesus wants
C3.1 Reviews and expresses what they have
learned throughout the unit.

Year Level Unit Title Salvation Topic Aspect of Human Development

Pre-Primary A Happy Day Lent/Easter Wondering at new life

People see signs of new life all around them. This leads them to wonder what God, who creates new life, is like (A1, A2).When people
think of the many wonderful signs of new life and the different ways they can care for and enjoy the precious gift of new life, they may
come to realise that God, who creates new life, must love us very much. Many people come to realise and celebrate that among the
different things people can discover about God, one is that God loves us (A3). Jesus came to teach people to change, to live in new
ways. When we hear the story of Jesus’ death and Resurrection, we remember that Jesus taught people about God’s love. Jesus wants
people to live his ‘new life’ (B1, B2).Through the Easter story, members of God’s family remember that Jesus was sent to teach people
about his new life (C1).Jesus wants his followers to show love for others because this is the new life Jesus helps people to live (C2).When
people continue to try to live the new life Jesus taught, by showing love for others, they are living as God wants (C3).
Key Understandings and Learning Points
Step A – Wondering at the Creator Step B – The Promise of Christian Salvation Step C – Christian Response
A1 Wondering at new life B1 Jesus teaches people about new life C1 The Church celebrates the Easter event
A1.1 Identifies signs of new life. B1.1 Illustrates the story of Jesus’ C1.1 Identifies that the Church celebrates
A2 Wondering at God who creates new life Resurrection. Jesus’ Resurrection.
A2.1 Expresses wonder at the God who B2 Jesus helps people live his new life C2 Jesus wants his followers to show love for
creates new life. B2.1 Names ways people can live Jesus’ others
A3 Attribute: God loves us new life. C2.1 Names ways followers of Jesus can
A3.1 Celebrates that God loves us. care for others.
C3 Continuing to wonder at how people
can live Jesus’ new life
C3.1 Reviews and expresses what they have
learned throughout the unit.

Evaluation and
Week Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5


We’re All Unique I Like To…

Name Spot Discussion on some Children share one
Kindness Sharing
I’m So Special Spotting places of the ways that we thing they like to
Children pair up
Children sing and where names are are each unique. do.
and share one
dance along to the around the room. Anecdotal notes –
thing they like
I’m So Special song Name Mobile Name Mobile Children can
about their partner.
by John Burland. Surname Circle Children write their Children write their identify names
2 Share name on a name on a around the room.
Kindness Act
Performance Children go around rectangle of paper rectangle of paper
Children draw a
Children perform a the circle and share and decorate it. and decorate it. Work sample –
picture or make a
skit or tell the class their last names They draw four traits They draw four traits Name mobiles.
box construction
one reason why and something they on squares of on squares of
masterpiece for
they’re special. like to do with paper and attach paper and attach
their partner.
family. to their name with to their name with
string. string.
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves Me Jesus Loves Me Children sing and
Children sing and Children sing and dance to the Jesus
Values Continuum
dance to the Jesus dance to the Jesus Loves Me song.
Scenarios are read Godly Play
Loves Me song. Loves Me song. Work sample –
out and students The story of
I’m Special Collage or
must decide if they Matthew 10:13-16
3 Jesus Art Jesus Art Because painting and
are showing people told using Godly
Children create a Children create a Children create a identification of
to be special or not. Play with wonder
collage or painting collage or painting drawing or the subject.
of Jesus from the of Jesus from the performance
story. story. showing how their
partner is special.
Special Treatment
Hail Mary Echo
Discussion and
Hail Mary Echo Song Anecdotal notes –
acting out ways we Recap
Guess Who Song Children sing along Recorded based
can show others Informal quiz in
Using descriptions, Children sing along to the Hail Mary on ways we can
they’re special e.g. groups on questions
the children must to the Hail Mary Echo song, show others that
using their names, from the unit.
guess who is special Echo song. discussion on the they’re special.
inclusion, sharing
4 to Jesus. rosary.
etc. Rosary Beads
Mary Is Special Work sample –
Children use nylon
Mary Craft Discussion of why Rosary Beads Rosary beads and
Rosary Beads string and beads to
Collage or drawing Mary is special and Children use nylon explanation of
Children use nylon create a decade
of Mary. how she looked string and beads to connection to
string and beads to of the rosary.
after Jesus. create a decade Mary.
create a decade
of the rosary.
of the rosary.
What’s Missing?
Have items placed
Favourite Item
God Gave Us in a line and have
Memories children close their
Memories help us to
Children wonder at Wilfred Gordon eyes. Take one
remember, Children
God who created McDonald Partridge away and have the What is God Like?
share their favourite Work sample –
memories and Share the story with children guess Children wonder at
item (song, toy, Class book
share what they did the class. which one is God who created
game etc.) with the showing children’s
before coming to missing. memories and use
class. favourite items.
5 school. Class Book adjectives and
Each child paints or What is God Like? pictures to describe
Class Book Work sample –
Class Book draws their Children wonder at Him. Children
Each child paints or What is God like
Each child paints or favourite items to God who created create a class
draws their favourite poster.
draws their create a class memories and use poster.
items to create a
favourite items to book. adjectives and
class book titled
create a class pictures to describe
‘Our Favourite
book. Him. Children
create a class
Godly Play Remember to Show Values Continuum Thank You God Memory Anecdotal notes –
The story of Love Children decide if For… Superpowers Thank you God
Matthew 14:19 is Children come up the scenarios are Children sit in a Children think, pair, performances.
told using Godly with ways that they showing love or not. circle and say share how our
Play and wonder can show love at thank you to God memories can be Work sample –
questions. home and school. Remember Craft for each other. used for good. Drawings and
Children draw or collages.
Thank You God Thank You God collage a picture Remember Craft Remember Craft
Children perform a Children perform a showing love which Children draw or Children draw or
role play in groups role play in groups is placed in a love collage a picture collage a picture
showing how they showing how they heart. showing love which showing love which
can thank God. can thank God. is placed in a love is placed in a love
heart. heart.

See the Birds See the Birds Family Love

See the Birds See the Birds
The words from the Children use their Children share the
The See the Birds Children recall the
See the Birds poem popstick puppets to members of their
poem is recited in a poem actions in
are recited and create the actions families. Anecdotal notes –
different way. order.
actions taught. to the poem. Recorded on
7 Acts of Kindness children’s recall of
Popstick Puppets Popstick Puppets
Popstick Puppets Popstick Puppets Children choose a the See the Birds
Children create Children create
Children create Children create family member and poem.
popstick puppets of popstick puppets of
popstick puppets of popstick puppets of plan an act of
the bird and the the bird and the
the bird and the the bird and the kindness for that
flower. flower.
flower. flower. family member.
Wonder Cube
New Life Is All
Children take turns
Around New Life – Fact vs
to roll the wonder
Children think of Fib New Life in Our
cube and answer Work sample –
places where they Children a shown a School
the Chicks and new
have seen or can series of images, Children go on a Wonder Questions
questions/scenarios life art.
see new life. some showing new walk around the Children are
8 on it.
life and some not. school and spot assisted to write
Anecdotal notes –
Chick Creation Children must signs of new life. their own wonder
New Life Art Fact vs fib new life
Children create separate the facts Children share what questions about
Caterpillars made slides.
chicks using from the fibs. they saw. God and new life.
from pompoms or
pompoms or
butterflies made
from push paintings.
Jesus’ World Resurrection Eggs Easter Symbols Echo Pantomime Character Feelings
Anecdotal notes –
9 Discussion about The story of the Children recall The teacher leads Children share how
Based on Easter
what the world was Resurrection is told Easter symbols. an echo they believe the
like when Jesus was using the pantomime of the characters from the symbol
born. He came to Resurrection Eggs. Snap! Easter story with the Resurrection story identification.
show us to love, Children play a children. felt.
share and care, match up or snap Work sample –
game with the Resurrection Craft Resurrection Craft Resurrection craft.
Easter symbol Children create a Children create a
cards. painting, collage or painting, collage or
box construction to box construction to
depict the depict the
resurrection. resurrection.
Anecdotal notes –
Easter Around the Easter Around the Holy Miles
Easter Around the Children can
World World An important part
World recall cultural
In India, people In the Philippines, of Easter is fasting. GOOD FRIDAY – NO
10 In Greece, children Easter traditions,
make colourful children scatter This story depicts a SCHOOL
paint eggs with recall of plot
lanterns to put up in flower petals on man who found it a
Edicol dye. points from the
their homes. pictures of Mary. challenge to fast.
Early Years Learning Framework Links
Secure, respectful and Ongoing learning and reflective
Partnerships High expectations and equity Respect for diversity
reciprocal relationships practice

Continuity of
Responsiveness to Learning through Intentional Learning Cultural Assessment for
Holistic approaches learning and
children play teaching environments competence learning

1. Children have a strong sense 2. Children are connected with 3. Children have a strong sense 4. Children are confident and 5. Children are effective
of identity and contribute to their world of wellbeing involved learners communicators

2.1 Children develop a sense of

4.1 Children develop dispositions
belonging to groups and
for learning such as curiosity,
communities and an 3.1 Children become string in 5.1 Children interact verbally
1.1 Children feel safe, secure cooperation, confidence,
understanding of the reciprocal their social and emotional and non-verbally with others for
and supported creativity, commitment,
rights and responsibilities wellbeing a range of purposes
enthusiasm, persistence,
necessary for active community
imagination and reflexivity

4.2 Children develop a range of

1.2 Children develop their
3.2 Children take increasing skills and processes such as 5.2 Children engage with a
emerging autonomy, inter- 2.2 Children respond to diversity
responsibility for their own health problem solving, enquiry, range of texts and gain meaning
dependence, resilience and with respect
and physical wellbeing experimentation, hypothesising, from these texts
sense of agency
researching and investigating

1.3 Children develop 4.3 Children transfer and adapt 5.3 Children express ideas and
2.3 Children become aware of
knowledgeable and confident what they have learned from make meaning using a range of
self-identities one context to another media

4.4 Children resource their own

1.4 Children learn to interact in 2.4 Children become socially learning through connecting 5.4 Children begin to understand
relation to others with care, responsible and show respect for with people, place, technologies how symbols and pattern
empathy and respect the environment and natural and processed systems work

5.5 Children use information and

communication technologies to
access information, investigate
ideas and represent their thinking

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