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VS lle y~ ak? WwW Q og “ty (wy a iti, 2 Maj, anh NW ew > DEADLINE 20R ISSUB WUHBER 3: 25 Hovember for preprinted zines 20 Hovenber for zines needing to be mimeod, 19 Novenbgr for nines needitig to be xeroxed, 1 Novenber:for giries needing to be typed, ee, Contents of Issud‘iwiter "2 pcg fi o) cts of 25°kus 77°, House Rules of Storncaté' Dungeon ty iiicolai Shapero ‘The Snark Speaks. ta wy ree Cole es Yhat's Loose! ? HL ‘by Kay Jones 2 ‘The Jagdmeister #1 ‘by Glenn Blacow a Fhantasmagoria i by Barry Bynon 3 According to Flan of a One-Eyed Bystigy Garlic Iuce i Ye Hews from Nexus #1 by Ken Pick 3 The Flaming Hourglass #2 ’ by Wayne Shaw y ~ Chaos Reigns Supreme 2 7 by Kevin Slimak me 2 Clear Ether. by SEK IIT aes As the River “lows #1 by Dan Pierson she Operation! Chaos #8 by Nicolai Shapero 2 The Second Gilded Hole by Yark Swanson jeter? H 37 EDIDORIAL COMMENT: The Lords of Chaos is intended as a Dif oriented zine, T this end, I, ifiall Shapero, intend to EDIT this zine--with,ejfist of iron, if need be, Pure comment zines, or zines designed solely’to present THE ONE TRUE HAY’ unless VERY-hunorously presented will -ndt be ‘published in The Lords of Chaos, ey ‘wether, I do not wish aay feuids'to develop in this zine. To.thig- 1! ond, I will edit out, any zine thet tasses beyond vhat I regard ag: the, bounds of commen. courtesy...tude, ili-mannered conkehts vill either. be 1 edited out'‘or, if there. is,nothing.else in the sine’ in question, the «=. -. entire mine’ willbe rejected. = i te ‘This policy will go in to effect “issue s#3 end, vill remain in effect until further notice, ‘This quarterly ‘quast-apa te brought to you: courtesy OF H.C. ‘Shapero and the other mad:members of the TLOC crew, = This fanzine ‘is‘neait to be xun for the contrituters primarily, and the fee schcduals have been’ aéjusted ~ accordingly, It is edited by Nicolai Campbell Shapero (aka ifiall Shapero) in the frevent hope that it will not lose TOO much money., Contzibuters have several options. ‘They may print up their aines themselves (copy count is‘400). They may type ‘lip their contribution on « SLVEY hole stencil (suitable for use on a Rex Rotary lit) and send oe settee for printing costs to: We-Cv Shapero 200. Davey Glen, Road Apt. 420 Belmont, Ca. 94002,. Camera ready copy may also be sent—along with §2.25/side for printing costs, Or, 1f none of.the above seen desireable; send a letter to N."@hapero (along with $1.25/elde above’ and beyohd printing charge) and ne-witi! type up your zine for you (limit of four gages). Sgro UNPAID FOR HATERIAL WILL POT-32 RUX.O/F OR TXCLUDED IN THIS 210 COSTS: * (1) Contributers: ~ (a) 3 or mote jiges--free ~~~ (b) 4-2 pages--postage + 35¢ (2) llon-contributers: SED @ if ‘buyLng"Lty Shoby $j whatever tne-inan’ abkks. if Jior fore pages in previous igsue-‘postage + 35¢ 2 Af 1-2-pages in previond issue-~postage + 90¢ “i Ca) 42 ad-contribirtionin“prévious issué-431,50.+ postage. Unless otherwise requested, the editor will send all copies of TLoc first class. Should insaffictent funds be“provided for first Glass mail, the editor will attempt to%deliver by the fastést ‘alternate’ miil"cldss, ‘If no funds axe provided ‘for aaflingy*édpy ‘WLI be hand delivered (with a probable delay of tpinitds of one yéar)} ~~ a This issue is dedicated to three people: Kay Jones, and Lee and Bacry Gola. the Golds for their continuing fricndship--tind ‘for getting me started in this madness (fanzine publication), and Kay for helpifig me survive the “Real World”. ‘Those interested in a monthly D&D apa/fanzine should contact LEE GOLD/ALARUMS AID EXCURSIONS 2471 Oak St. Santa Homica, Ca. 90405 A@B is a LARGE LA based zine (300+ copy count) with contributers from all over the western world, and is of great velue to any D&D player. The House Aules ° Stornoate Ds geen (ith apologies to Steve Pei rin) Sequence of Flay Sach nelee round is approximately i2 seconda long. During the nelee, a character my Terforn oue (or in sous cases tro) of the five actions listed below. (There is only one creature able to.perform more than ‘tid Functions ina melee round--a Dragan--but more on tha later.) The five functions Listed below arc porforned,in order, until the. melee is over. he his charecter is preparing hinself he ig dsing so.» that 4s, putting g to fini his favorite blaster, ete. e-simert ucarons (or cone weapons not requiving precise aii ing this phase. All wands, staves, rods, ete, axe activated durinc this chaso, All button press activation devices also go off at this tine. ‘ire rates for weapons, ave es follouss nodern seiti-automstic weapons+-3 shots per melee round short. bow-~2 shots ‘ound long bow, Light crosstox te tov--{ shot per melee round heavy crosstow--# shot every other melee round, Damage done by light end heavy crocctows is different in Storntate. Light crossbows have quarrels that do 1D10 darace, heavy crossbow quarrels do 1020 danare (this darare is. toth 2 ainst man-sized and larger than san-sized targets). 3, MOVEMENT--During this phase, a tlayor may nove his character up to one half his rovenent allotment (1f he wishes to engage in melee) or up to full movenent (1f ne docs not wish’ to engage in melee this nelee round). Thus, armored foot (movement 6") may move up to 3” and still ficht, or 6" and not fight. 4, HELEB--Conbat of the hand-to-hand sort oceurs during this thase. Blows land dn strict order of dexterity vhere weapons are of equal length (thus two fighters, one with sword, the other with flail, will strike in this order--hicher doxterity, then lower dexterity), The first melee round that tuo characters are onceced, if their weapons aro of grossly uncqual lengths the character with the longer weapon strikes first ‘(regardless of dexterities), 5. SPELL CASTIN--During this phas2, spells "co off", Also, rings and other devices requiring will power would also be activated during this phase. 4s with molec, spell casting ic done in order of dexterities of casting nares, > H.Bsr Spell-casting requires 1 full nelee round of undisturbed concentration. A nage who intends to cast macic nay move no nore than vive feet i-.: during the melee round, and may not be under any form of direct physical or magical attack during the melee round, ‘Thus, if a Tighter closes with a mage and swings at him (recandless of whether or not the ‘blow actually lands), that mage may not cast majic that turn, If a missile weapon is fired’at the castin:: mace but does dot hit, his concentration is not troken (but of course, if he is hit ty the missile, his spell again does not go off). Ifa casting mage takes any damage or any noticeable effect is felt fron tho magic of another nage casting before hin, his magic HOUSE RULES OF STORICATE DU-GEOH 5. SPELL CASTIUG (cont.) again Seils to co off, HOTE: If a mage so wishes, he may spend i full melee round conjuring, then "bola" the spell on his fingertins (so to speat). If he does this, he.may fize the spell.during the missile fire hase of the next, or any subsequent melco round FROVIDUD THAT £3 1 NOP ATTACHED, AND >ROVIDED SE HOSES 10 1O8L THA. IVE -EDT! TE ATTY The ability to perfor many complicated activities (such as closing a door, jumping tack, and simltaneously drawing a tvo handed weezon, or closing & door very quickly, or opening a door, junping throuch, and firin; a pistol) will be affected by a combination of dexterity and experience, when such complex maneuvers are attempted, a dexterity roll is called for. The probability of successfully accomplishing such actions is 4 percentage points per point of dexterity plus 3 percentage points per level, up to a total combined value of 90), ‘hus a dexterity 15 fihter of the third level vould have a 69;; chance of success. All categories get the benefit of dexterity towards defence; however, no matter hoy augmented no nore than four yoints can be added to armor value for dexterity, cola 4, 4st strite in any situation, whether melee combat, spell casting, or whatever, goes to the person vith the hicher dexterity, 2, A hasted or sped up condition does count--Haste has the effect of dowsing dexterity in this comection (thouch not for the purrose of armor class deternination). 3. Haste doubles the nunber of attacks alloved per melee round (though not the number of spell castinys allow When a character takes nore than 50,5 damage there is a possibility ‘that he will be knocked down. ‘the percentage rrobability that ho will rerain standing is equal to the percentage of hit points he has remaining. nee If an additional 10,5 or nore is done in a later melee round to bring total damage gast'60,70,80 or 90, damage, the roll to renain standing must be nade again or the character is knocked down, QOCKED D0. a character gets no blow that tura (if he has the lesser dexterity) and must mike his percentage in order to even attempt an attack the next turn, If he does cet to mike an attack, it will be at the end of the nelee round (and he must make his percentage tased on the damage taken up to that time) regardless of his ‘dexterity, further, while on the round, he loses all dexterity adds to armor class, £ left completely alone, he need only make his roll in order to xesune upcight position, but if under attack he will stay on the ground, defending hinsclf as best he can, continuing to get in his last shot. 5. Gonbat cannot be oroken off unless one of the opponents is down on the ground, or the contat is not one on one, In a non-one-on-one situation a dexterity roll is needed in order to break off combat, conbat is 2 Off before the opponent has made his tlow, he calns a frec shob at the retreatiny backside of the retreating Tariy at 4), JoUSY HULLS O. STORK Bd “epell points" for, Spell points are derived fron th Lig ZoRKS A nase, cleric, or other magic user nay cast as 7 SHALL POILTS = ((Peime requisite)+(Constitution) )x(léve! Spells conerally cost (levot)* ep sll oints to cast, but there are certain oxceptions, ‘They are ay Follons: @ (2) Q) © (5) (8) Spell ‘points for spells affecting larce quantities of people (such ac sleop, haste, sloy, fear, ete.) shall cost lovel souercd F "0 spell points per person aftér the first affected ty the spell. ‘those making saving throus against the spell do not count in the spell point eost of the spell unless they take sone f age (in which case they are counted torards the total), iiages may use a lesser number of dice then their rarimem possible for Gestructive spells such as firetell tolt, down to the munber of dice corresponding to the level e spell. Ixanples A magician nay throw anything from ¢ three ot ie firstall, psll point cost is level of spell squared plus tyo goints cz cach Cle of damage above level of spell, ‘Thus a seven dio firctall costs 9% apoll Foints. Zhantagns of nonotors cost 2 spell points per di. ongter per nonster For cach turn that a monster (or (roup of ronsts animated, and costs an additional |; voints cor the casting of the sp: illusion of tcn trolls would cost 4+2x7x10=1h nelee round, and 140 points per meloo round the: Os As spell castin; normally takes place at the ond of the nelee round, t vill generally be the caso that illusions of monsters must be maintained for a nimimun of to nelee rounds in ozder to causo danage to the opposition. the opposition saves vs magic, the opposition can take no damage fyom the lllusozy nonsters, thous they will still sce the monsters as faintly visible imaces. §pell point cost for 2 phantosr: o: spell is tiles the cost of that spel] plus four points, ALL individuals caucht in the affceted rocion (with the exception of the mace casting the phantasn) must make their savinz throw vs magic, or they will bo treated ae beinc In the region affected by a regular destructive spell of the given type (siving ‘two saving throws, in effect), Thus, if a friendly party member is in the region affected by an 8 Cle thantasmel Sirebell and he fails his savin ‘throu vs the phantasn, he mist save again, If he fails his second saving throw, he takes: full damaze--otherwise he takes bali danage, liven the certain Imoxledre on his part that it is a phantasn cannot free the party member from the necessity of makinc a saving throw. Individuels uho save-vs the phantasn, of course, can take no darace vhatsoever--not‘oven partial danage. idntasus of othor high level spells cost that spell's cost lus tour, (ve saving throus are again allowed.) Spell points for curcs cost level squared oz ono point per roint cured, whichever 4s larger. A ‘cleric may east no more than one cure Licht or one cure sorious per ten minute period, than sincle shot use, saving throws are allot 2 Peduced saving throw must te made vs hicher level spo Because the spell point systen allous repeated use of spells rather ed acainst all spells. However, BS. dave at -2-vs 7th Riel semmeee- Ms Seek. Pesce cease cea aes es ce Ce ee HOUSL RULES 0. 2 T05 Gharn, hold, and control epells dominate the contvolled indi viauel completely. A charmed person may be ordered to commit suicide, [121 his forner friends, anything. Hovaver, the caster mus: tz able to aps language of the charnee, ox the charmse vill simply sit there (or stend as the case nay te) wailing for the ccnn v2 con: e is most unlikely thet's conmand wilt A tody ray not te « baste spells ray ete, 4 saving throx ausinst roralysis results in th slowed. If ho Zaid to breath (he for that 30 ninute If a charac 0 cassie of s they attempt to rrevent hin reach: atteok at 4 hit protabitity, 4 dena mtil Eilled, mage in question), Ho ¥ will not te Imocksa dom u iretalls have Tull zero point (savinr, thr te 20" distance fron ground zen ‘tha cround yone iron 5* effect on anyonc within a 5* va nacie x yan t dame). a (no éarage 4. AZ oa absorbed by 7 those joints saving ‘oints fron a line er eo: the first or first in exeess of the points , throws going on to the =: of ((Frino requisite) +(Conebitution)) aster perfouns oO ACTS Spell points are rezericy: per 24 hour per‘ DRAGONS Dragons are perks Dragons may brenth at 1 may do so either durin, owerdnl cresturen ently for nore then © fire Phase or nevenent p besinnine, ond athe ni@dle), ‘they nay also atte, bite, 1 tail attack) and cast spolle in the sane moles hus a Red Dragon would as soon as he wan within ma and tail, and then cast masic. As the older dragons in stovnCato are wenerally atle to cast up to Sth and 7th level mcic, this neans that no razty in ite right mind will we vith creatures able to cast mazte aVi of the melee round.) Ems In order tc qualify 45 or above, je, Strength + Intelligence of 31 or al Dexterity of 12 or shove, aad chariena 0° ané cast magic, and do not top out (thos day) and we Intell: Jal? elven cherceters cree a combined Strength + Intellicence sesre of 29 or atoy and Charisma of 9 o: atove. is for elvas, } elven typos may acts and tages on the sane exovition, i MaSEEEEERE The Snark Speaks: Egoboojum by George Cole, carrolling away at P.O. Box 10149 Stanford, California 94305 Phone under strife, and self on vacation What is the role of the DM anyway? A DM is God; he created the dungeon, the world and its inhabitants, flora and fauna, even his entire universe if he so desires, At any rate, he is in charge of the local rules of the road. So what is God supposed to do? Some feel that he is solely to provide a local, guided set tour through the universe. (People who keep to a set "kill ratio" or "number of rooms looted” belong here.) Others feel that his world is a fire-sale; all transactions are final and no complaints honored. My personal opinion is that the DM is there to provide a fair balance of play. That means the DM is there to reinforce the rules to the extent that all find enjoyable, not to bring up nastier monsters than usual when high-level characters pick on kobolds; or to wish away the Death Demon confronting the foolish first-Levelers No one forces you to go into any DM's dungeon. But it is only reasonable to have the local changes in the rules made clear before the event; and if possible, alterations fitted in. It is one thing to insist that all organization take place before the party starts, and then not to allow the changing of spells; it is another entirely to suddenly let fumble the mage know that, by the way, his fireballs start out 10' wide and he has just blown out his two friends in front... Remember, the characters have lived in that world for Sone time! They have the gestalt, and are ready and willing to adapt. Keep in mind the distinction between character and player...the First knows God's rules in their particulars; the second does not necessarily. It is the DM's busines to either inform him or squeeze time and space to allow a better fir. That's what being God is all about, anyway Trimming to fit either way is allowable. I grent all that come knowledge that, for example, trolls must be burned and something else (no one has asked a character specifically what that something else is, although many players have asked the DM)before they stop regenerating and I do not allow Clerical continuous light to destroy Vampires. But, likewise, I trim off all of their nice 20th century awareness of what rifles, hand grenades, portable nukes, etc., can really do! It is up to the players to react or not to clues, and for them to fit their actual abilities to their rolled characteristics. If someone with an inteéligence gf 3 continually saves the party with his bright ideas, tmay look pained, but I will not magically zap him. (Although The Snark Speaks Page 2 at one tine I did up a player's dexterity after 16 out of 23 hits with @ thrown dagger in a plate figure from 13 to id.) Mistakes happen, as is inevitable ia any game where imitating life occurs. Multitudes of senses and data enter our every waking act...try keeping track of all the decisions you make riding a bicycle in a crowd...but D&D tends to be iinear in nature and form; even the best DMs can only talk about one thing at a time. If i missed on an obvious clue (remember the familiar cry, "but I would have heard (seen smedled) thati")}then if possible I will alter to suit...if called pon then and there. Don't expect me to correct the mistake nade at the beginning of the melee that was close fought two hours later! If you see a 10'x10'x10" room, and it i emty, I would not have the Umber Hulk burst through the wall with complete surprise--I will mention the rumbling noise first. mittedly, one of the tru joys of DMing is wathhing the turkeys fly--and then shooting them down, But one must be Sporting, after all. They must be given a chance. If all you want to do is kill the players, then just drop an H-bomb on their heads! [Strategic nuclear weapons means you never have to say you're sorry--NCS] Turkeys will not pick up on the obvious clues, and will earn their just deserts. Tf they are talking to an innkeeper, and he glances over and nods to two bullies, they should not be at all surprised when the bullies jump them outside. If a sudden silence fills the rain forest, they should not look shocked when the Greater Denon appears. Of course, nothing hurts if the Ref throws in extra clues from time to time; the party can be stampeded by blufé the locals shot it out with a holographic projection?--NCS] A fellow fanatic, having memerized (and made it known that he had memorized) "Ménty Python and the Holy Grail" managed to panic an entire party with one white rabbit. I've blufied parties with a hobbit in tennis shoes, and a kobold with a Geep voice and a cardboard giant hand. Even when told it was catdboard...someone had grabbed the hand...they still hesitated and a voice bluff worked. Not that ali is peachy fine and crystal clear. I will give you the information that I judge would be available to your character, in what I consider to be the important order. If you open a door I will tell you (1) if anything animate is in the room (2) if so, what, where, and how many (roughly) things there are, and (3)’their reactions. Then I will go on to describe (4) other items of note in the room, and (5) other doors and ‘exit All that would be picked up in that order by @ dungeon adventurer (unless they asked me specifically goout some feature--e.g. are there any doors--in which case thy Shance of surprise is gone, and the animate inhabitants of the room get first reaction), @lmost sinulganeously, while The Snark Speaks Page 3 I must answer linearly. The player may interrupt me at any time with an order; if I only begin, "They're Spectres..." and the party holéers "shut the door!" then there is a much greater chance thet they will get away than if someone insists on counting them, the doors in the room, etc And when I miss the obvious, I will alter the world. If you object that, in a 10' corridor, you would have noticed the 3! dallista bolt sticking in the wall, with a skeleton impaled thereon, and therefore that Sam (who opened the door) should have expected some sort of trap, I might just remove the ballista bolt residing between his ribs and give him a dexterity roll when he opens the door, If I'm feeling nice, that is. If I try to operate as a God such that active patently divine interference occurs only when all desire it, then I feel that this is all to the best. Hints will come first-- i.e. Paladins who insist on slitting throats will be warned (as players) that God frowns on that for players who are Paladins. Continued insistence hues weapons black, etc.,... only in the end will I arbitrarily [ARBITRARILY??--NCS] have a spider claw out there eye, or rip off their nose and therefore ruin the Paladin's cl isma. Clerics wielding the finger of death needlessly will get bad breath, b.o. etc, before they are read out of the Church. One excellent time to interéere, however, is when people are getting tired. Teleports and/or time-stops are easy to arrange; and better that than a grueling 36 hour adventure that leaves all exhausted and with a firm desir to leave the hebby. Just because you're smearing them like jam all over the flor is no reason to quit, but a fire in the apartment might be areasonable excuse! REMEMBER~-IT'S JUST A GAME! And all atheists should play D&D once, just to cure them. Likewise, all students and believers in probablility should also, just to shake then up. I had a solo player discover an enchanted wish ring the first time he played. To get in, he had to find (which required looking in just the right spot) a secret trapdoor sing a 2 verse song, find a second trapdoor through the first, sing a haiku at the second door, go through it, and at a third secret trapdoor sing a limerick. So he walks in, hums, sings, haikus, etc, and picks up the treasure. He then has the gall to ask'’me, “Is it always thes easy?" The temptation to v it him with bugbears was great. WHAT'S LOOSE? yawelly this zine, actually... being the second contribution to TLOC by Kay Jones, 209 Davey Glen Rds #420, Belmont, CA 94002. ’ ' \nd here is something to go with Nicolai's random monster generator, (a8z #24): The Random Room Generator (or'- what! did with my lest few lunch breaKs ive) + RY METHOD: (decimal dice) 25 Obvious Door 50 Secret Noor 55 Hidden hole in floor of room above 56 ~ G0 Obvious hole in floor of room above 61 - 65 Hidden hole in ceiling of room above 66 - 70 Obvious hole in ceiling of room below 71 ~ 72 llusery Wall 75 ~ 76: Tittsory’ Ceiling én’ room below 77 ~ 78 “T11usory’ Floor’ in rpom above 79 Teleport Panel, ")'" 80 - 89 Secret’ trigger opens.wall 90 ~'99 ‘Obvidis tKigeér opens wall 00, None (need'D-DooF, Passwall, whatever. Good place to put Blink Dogs) Roll B6 for number of entries ROOM APPEARAHCH: Floor ~ D6 Ceiling ~ D6 Shape of ediling’~ DS ~ Bare stone 1 = Yond 2-5 Arched ae Dirt 2 = Stone 4-8 3 ~ Wood 8 7 metal. 7 4 Paving stones. |4 ~ brick 8 aymetaienl 5 = carpet 5 x, tile “ 6 - Speciat 6, ~ ‘special we ! pumbe> (D6) material (06) . 3 ee pera grartiter? (D5) 22 2 - wood 2 ee 3-5 3 = packed dir ee foe a Be eled 6 room automatically es ‘ oe erases, marks 6 ~ roiind’ room 6 ~ special oe : : Speciale Floor ~ () 12) Le Living carpet (moss, . Ceiling: (D210)) HH :1=,Nong, apparently. + a2 ia’ 7 2, > Hidden :by smoke. or mist 3'- Patterned Pile Bor A Mirror) is s 4 - Sunken Pool 4°- Painted scene : 5 - Hidden by omoke.or mist 5 = Acoustical tile/and 1iht fixt~ 8 - Slipery Tee : ures 4 7 ~ "Foam padding : 6

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