Forouzan: MCQ in Data and Signals: Practice Exam Test Questions Choose The Letter of The Best Answer in Each Questions

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Forouzan: MCQ in Data and Signals

July 11, 2017

(Last Updated On: June 13, 2020)

This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Chapter 3: Data and Signals from the book
Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan. If you are looking for a
reviewer in datacom topic in Communications Engineering this will definitely help. I
can assure you that this will be a great help in reviewing the book in preparation for
your Board Exam. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the
chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.If you are not ready to take the exam, have a
short review for this topic. Data and Signals summary
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Practice Exam Test Questions

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1. If the maximum amplitude of a sine wave is 2 V, the minimum amplitude is
________ V.
A) 2

B) 1

C) -2

D) between -2 and 2

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Answer: Option C


2. _________ can impair a signal.

A) Noise

B) Attenuation

C) Distortion

D) All of the above

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


3. ________is the rate of change with respect to time.

A) Time

B) Frequency

C) Amplitude

D) Voltage

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


4. A signal is measured at two different points. The power is P1 at the first point and P2
at the second point. The dB is 0. This means ________.

A) P2 equals P1

B) P2 is zero

C) P2 is much larger than P1

D) P2 is much smaller than P1

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Answer: Option A


5. Baseband transmission of a digital signal is possible only if we have a ____ channel.

A) bandpass

B) low-pass

C) high rate

D) low rate

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Answer: Option B


6. ________ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal loses strength

due to the resistance of the transmission medium.

A) Distortion

B) Attenuation

C) Noise

D) Decibel

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Answer: Option B


7. A sine wave in the ______ domain can be represented by one single spike in the
_____ domain.

A) time; phase

B) frequency; time

C) time; frequency

D) phase; time

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


8. If the bandwidth of a signal is 5 KHz and the lowest frequency is 52 KHz, what is the
highest frequency?

A) 5 KHz

B) 47 KHz

C) 57 KHz

D) 10 KHz

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Answer: Option C


9. In a time-domain plot, the horizontal axis is a measure of ________.

A) phase

B) signal amplitude

C) frequency

D) time

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Answer: Option D


10. _______ data are continuous and take continuous values.

A) digital
B) analog

C) (a) or (b)

D) none of the above

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Answer: Option B


11. Frequency and period are ______.

A) proportional to each other

B) inverse of each other

C) the same

D) none of the above

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Answer: Option B


12. When propagation speed is multiplied by propagation time, we get the ________.

A) wavelength of the signal

B) throughput

C) distance a signal or bit has traveled

D) distortion factor

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Answer: Option C


13. A _________ sine wave is not useful in data communications; we need to send a
_______ signal.

A) single-frequency; composite

B) composite; single-frequency This is the correct answer.

C) single-frequency; double-frequency

D) none of the above

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Answer: Option A


14. The _________ product defines the number of bits that can fill the link.

A) delay-amplitude

B) frequency-amplitude

C) bandwidth-period

D) bandwidth-delay

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Answer: Option D


15. _______ signals can have only a limited number of values.

A) Digital

B) Analog

C) (a) or (b)

D) None of the above

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Answer: Option A


16. Before data can be transmitted, they must be transformed to ________.

A) periodic signals

B) electromagnetic signals

C) aperiodic signals

D) low-frequency sine waves

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Answer: Option B


17. Data can be ________.

A) digital

B) analog

C) (a) or (b)

D) none of the above

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


18. ________ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal loses strength
due to the different propagation speeds of each frequency that makes up the signal.

A) Noise

B) Distortion

C) Attenuation

D) Decibel

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Answer: Option B


19. Signals can be ________.

A) digital

B) analog

C) either (a) or (b)

D) neither (a) nor (b)

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


20. A sine wave is ________.

A) periodic and discrete

B) aperiodic and discrete

C) periodic and continuous

D) aperiodic and continuous

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Answer: Option C


21. _______ data have discrete states and take discrete values.

A) Analog

B) Digital

C) (a) or (b)

D) None of the above

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


22. For a ______ channel, we need to use the Shannon capacity to find the maximum
bit rate.

A) noiseless

B) noisy

C) low-pass

D) bandpass

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Answer: Option B


23. What is the bandwidth of a signal that ranges from 1 MHz to 4 MHz?

A) 1 KHz

B) 3 MHz

C) 4 MHz

D) none of the above

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Answer: Option B

24. _____ signals can have an infinite number of values in a range.

A) Analog

B) Digital

C) (a) or (b)

D) None of the above

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Answer: Option A


25. A(n)_________ signal is a composite analog signal with an infinite bandwidth.

A) digital

B) analog

C) either (a) or (b)

D) neither (a) nor (b)

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Answer: Option A


26. A periodic signal completes one cycle in 0.001 s. What is the frequency?

A) 1 Hz

B) 100 Hz

C) 1 KHz

D) 1 MHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


27. The _____ of a composite signal is the difference between the highest and the
lowest frequencies contained in that signal.

A) period
B) bandwidth

C) frequency

D) amplitude

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


28. ________ is a type of transmission impairment in which an outside source such as

crosstalk corrupts a signal.

A) Noise

B) Distortion

C) Attenuation

D) Decibel

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Answer: Option A


29. _______ describes the position of the waveform relative to time 0.

A) Amplitude

B) Phase

C) Frequency

D) Voltage

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Answer: Option B


30. Given two sine waves A and B, if the frequency of A is twice that of B, then the
period of B is ________ that of A.

A) one-half

B) twice

C) the same as
D) indeterminate from

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


31. As frequency increases, the period ________.

A) increases

B) decreases

C) doubles

D) remains the same

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Answer: Option B


32. If the available channel is a ______ channel, we cannot send a digital signal
directly to the channel.

A) low-pass

B) low rate

C) bandpass

D) high rate

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Answer: Option C


33. For a ______ channel, the Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical
maximum bit rate.

A) low-pass

B) bandpass

C) noisy

D) noiseless

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Answer: Option D


34. In a frequency-domain plot, the horizontal axis measures the ________.

A) phase

B) frequency

C) slope

D) peak amplitude

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Answer: Option B


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the end of the quiz. Best of luck in the coming exam.
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