Akti Approved Knife Definitions

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org American Knife & Tool Institute

(Adopted August 2005, Revised January 2011)

Numerous laws exist in the United States times. The triangular, or occasionally rec- men’s knives were not designed to be
of America which provide that it is a crime tangular, cross section was necessary to weapons, despite the fact that they could be
to possess certain types of knives. These give the blade or stylus strength or rigidity. readily used as such and still be useful for
laws often provide that the crime has been A stiletto did not have a cutting edge.2 everyday common and lawful purposes.
committed upon the mere possession of a Rather, a stiletto was intended purely as a Over the years, there has been a tendency
knife of the prohibited type, and no proof of thrusting or stabbing instrument. The edge to apply the label “stiletto” to knives with a
criminal intent or incipient crime is of a stiletto blade was not suitable for slash- relatively flat or shallow wedge-shaped
required. Other prohibitions as to knives are ing or cutting, although the tip might be cross section, and which would have a
typically based on blade length and/or capable of inflicting a shallow wound if sharpened cutting edge capable of being
mechanical movement of the blade (for used in a raking manner. used for slicing. The label “stiletto” has also
example, a switchblade). The objective of the stiletto was to pro- been applied to a type or style of woman’s
It is the position of AKTI that knives are vide a weapon that could exploit the open- shoe. A large segment of the population is
inanimate objects, and remain so regardless ings or interstices of armor plate, or perhaps more likely to associate stiletto with a type
of various characteristics, such as length of pierce body armor composed of layers of of woman’s footwear than as a type of
blade, shape or style, the presence or leather and/or chain mail. A stiletto was a weapon. Moreover, a very small percentage
absence of a hand guard, the label or name pointer that could be used to stab. The of the population can be expected to have
that has been applied to the knife, etc. There stiletto was often used as a companion to any appreciation for the type of weapon
are no “good knives;” there are no “bad the sword, with the stiletto being held in the which came to be known in 16th century
knives.” non-dominant (typically the left) hand. The Italy as the stiletto.
This concept, (that it is the criminal, and stiletto was fitted with a cross guard so that In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court held that
not the tool, that causes the crime), is long it could be used to parry the opponent’s the Second Amendment to the United States
established and well recognized in the his- sword. One could stab a watermelon with a Constitution guarantees an individual right
tory of our law and culture. For instance, in stiletto and easily push the blade complete- rather than a collective or militia-only right.3
the Torah it is stated: ly through the mid-section of the fruit. In other words, individuals or ordinary citi-
“The sword is not the cause of murder, However, one could not slice a watermelon zens have the right to keep and bear arms.
and there is no sin upon him who made it.” with a stiletto. Heller also established that for purposes of
Rambam, Commentary on Beresheis 4:23.
The labels of very commonly prohibited Vague laws fail to provide persons targeted by the
styles or types of knives, such as “dirk,” law or statute with guidance so that they may know
“dagger” or “stiletto,” had meaning several
hundred years ago. But the historic distinc- exactly what conduct is prohibited and so that they
tions have become largely meaningless due may adjust, or act, accordingly.
to, among other factors, advances in metals
technology; developments in weapons Advances in metallurgy have made pos- the Second Amendment arms was not con-
technology; and other cultural changes. sible relatively flat-bladed, but equally fined to “firearms” but rather within the
For instance, a style of knife, which came strong, “kitchen knives” that can accom- common 18th century understanding of that
to be known as the “stiletto,” was devel- plish the same offensive purpose of the word, “anything that a man wears for his
oped approximately 500 years ago. The stiletto. A knife that we would now use to defense, or takes into his hands or useth in
name “stiletto” derives from the Latin word slice sections of a watermelon, and which wrath to cast at or strike another.”
“stylus1.” These knives featured a relatively would be found in the typical kitchen, In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court held
long blade in comparison to the triangular would also be suitable for thrusting through that the provisions of the Second
or rectangular cross section of the blade the melon. Similarly, a modern fisherman’s Amendment to the United States
which tapered to a point. Although these filet knife would also be effective for Constitution are incorporated into the
knives were made of iron or steel, the latter inflicting a stabbing wound, perhaps Fourteenth Amendment to the United States
being a derivative of iron, metals technolo- through 16th century body armor. These Constitution and apply to state and local
gy was in a rather primitive state in those typical, everyday kitchen knives and sports- governments as well.4 In other words, the
ability of state and/or local governments to what constitutes stiletto or dagger.
infringe or restrict the possession and carry- AKTI suggests that law-abiding citizens ARKANSAS TOOTHPICK – A fanci-
ing of arms, which includes knives, is also should be able to carry knives and cutting ful name for a large, straight-bladed knife.
limited by the Second Amendment to the tools without arbitrary and ineffective See “Bowie Knife” below.
United States Constitution. restrictions as to blade shape, style, length
The United States Constitution provides, or other such characteristics. Although it
and has been interpreted to require, that may be prudent to prohibit weapons of any BALLISTIC KNIFE – A device
laws must not be so vague that persons of type from being introduced into certain set- by which a blade becomes separat-
common intelligence must necessarily tings such as court facilities. ed from the handle and is pro-
guess at their meaning and might differ as AKTI further suggests that to the extent pelled or becomes a missile, utiliz-
to their application.5 Vague laws fail to pro- there are existing laws which prohibit the ing energy stored by some mecha-
vide persons targeted by the law or statute possession or carrying of certain types of nism within the device. A ballistic
with guidance so that they may know exact- knives, these laws must be construed nar- knife does not include a cross bow,
ly what conduct is prohibited and so that rowly and with deference to the United spear gun, or archery bow.
they may adjust, or act, accordingly. States Constitutional requirement of due Further, the term ballistic knife
Moreover, vague laws, by failing to provide process, as well as the right reserved to the does not include an implement
explicit standards for those who apply citizens by the United States Constitution described or labeled as a “throw-
them, “impermissibly delegate basic policy and the Constitutions of various states to ing knife” unless the blade of such
matters to policemen, judges, and juries for keep and bear arms. AKTI encourages throwing knife becomes separated
resolution on an ad hoc and subjective those involved in law enforcement and the from the handle during the intend-
basis, with the attendant dangers of arbi- administration of criminal justice to be ed and normal use of the device.
trary and discriminatory application.”6 guided by these definitions. People in these Comments: Among those states which
A vague law is especially problematic roles typically take an oath to uphold the currently prohibit “ballistic knives” are
where “the uncertainty induced by the United States, as well as the applicable Colorado, Florida, Georgia and Virginia.
statute threatens to inhibit the exercise of State Constitution. Examples of a practical ballistic knife are
constitutionally protected rights.”7 The unknown. It is not inconceivable, however,
Second Amendment to the United States It must be noted that although these that prohibitions as to ballistic knives might
Constitution creates a constitutional right to definitions are approved by AKTI, AKTI inappropriately be applied to a knife
keep and bear arms, which includes arms in cannot require any particular officer or designed to be thrown.
the classic traditional sense, meaning court to observe them. Accordingly, The distinguishing feature of a ballistic
weapons, along with a subset of arms AKTI cannot be responsible for any knife is that the blade can be launched or
referred to as “firearms.” adverse consequences deriving from the propelled as a projectile or missile separate
A common pattern in knife legislation misapplication or failure to apply these from the handle. The AKTI suggested rule
has been to prohibit the carrying of certain recommended definitions. of thumb is that if the blade is not separated
specified types of knives or weapons, such and propelled from the handle mechanical-
as a “stiletto” or “dagger,” without a defini- Various laws concerning knives ly, it is not a ballistic knife.
tion of the prohibited type. In a world or involve a blade length. However, there is A version of a ballistic knife was pro-
culture where the word “stiletto” has so an extremely wide variety of blade duced in limited quantities for the Soviet-
substantially deviated from its original shapes and handle shapes. In the absence era military. These devices utilized a blank
meaning, there is too much potential that a of an objective and standardized method firearm-type cartridge to propel the blade.
criminal conviction for possessing a “stilet- for determining blade length, there is the Other variations of propelled-blade
to” could be the result of an arbitrary and/or possibility of inconsistent enforcement. knives have been produced in limited quan-
discriminatory application or process of AKTI has developed a Protocol for tities utilizing spring action to separate and
law. An otherwise law-abiding citizen Measuring Knife Blade Length. propel the blade. The notion of a ballistic
should not be adjudged a criminal simply knife is more chimerical and fanciful than
because what may once have been a com- realistic or practical. AKTI suggests that it
monly recognized label is now widely mis- would be a misnomer to classify any such
understood. Similarly, an otherwise law- device as a knife.
abiding citizen should not be exposed to
arbitrary or discriminatory action by law
enforcement who may be applying an
expansive and very flexible definition of


BOWIE KNIFE – It is the posi- Knife” has been applied to a wide variety of
tion of AKTI that the term “Bowie styles. No agreement exists among histori-
Knife” is too vague and cannot be ans as to exactly what constitutes a Bowie
satisfactorily defined with suffi- Knife. Given this uncertainty and a lack of
cient precision. Accordingly, any agreement among people who have exhaus-
law which provides an offense has tively studied and researched the topic,
been committed by one who pos- AKTI suggests that “Bowie Knife,” and for
sesses or carries a “Bowie Knife” that matter “Arkansas Toothpick,” are There is obviously a problem where a
is constitutionally defective. terms simply too generalized and vague, fundamental right reserved to the people
and about which there would be too much under the Constitution is infringed by such
Comments: “Bowie” knives are prohib- potential for inconsistent application as to an arbitrary and indefinite state law. We
ited in such diverse states as Texas, Rhode be enforceable under the United States have the right to keep and bear arms. If the
Island, Illinois and Idaho There is, howev- Constitution. state must, for some compelling reason,
er, no definitive criteria as to what exactly If historians who have studied and restrict this right, then it must do so in the
constitutes a Bowie knife. researched the topic are incapable of agree- least restrictive manner and with specificity.
In September of 1827, a small group of ing on a definition of a Bowie Knife, then The answer to the question of whether an
individuals gathered on a sand bar along the ordinary persons are not given sufficient item is or is not a dagger should not be
river at Natchez, Mississippi for the pur- guidance so that they may know exactly determined on the basis of the identity of the
pose of fighting a duel. The members of this what is or is not prohibited. person possessing the object nor, for that
group included James Bowie, who was matter, the whim of a law enforcement offi-
actually a “second” rather than one of the cer. It should not turn on whether the person
two principals to the duel. At some point, DAGGER – A knife-like object is wearing a biker vest or a vested suit.
the orderly conventions of the duel were having a fixed blade uniquely Moreover, a citizen should not need to seek
abandoned, and a melee developed, during suitable for inflicting a stabbing- expert advice from a military historian.
which Bowie sustained three separate gun- type wound; lacking an effective It is suggested that the AKTI Definition
shot wounds, several edged-weapon cutting edge; and not having some provides sufficient clarity and allows all
wounds, and other trauma. Using a knife of common lawful purpose. concerned to make an informed decision as
some type, Bowie inflicted fatal wounds on to whether possession of a given knife is
two opponents. Comments: There is a long list of legal.
There is no known definitive description American jurisdictions where daggers are Many knives which have a point, or even
or drawing of the knife that Bowie used in prohibited. Among those states are Hawaii, what would be recognized as a sharp point,
the 1827 Natchez sand bar fight. The Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New nevertheless have a common, lawful pur-
whereabouts or disposition of the knife is Mexico and Iowa. However, there is no pose because the knives also have an effec-
similarly unknown. definitive basis as to why governments tive cutting edge. Similarly, there is a large
Bowie’s success in that encounter caused should prohibit daggers. Moreover, there is universe of tools which would be suitable
him to achieve considerable celebrity, and no guidance as to whether any given object for inflicting a stabbing wound and lack an
the term “Bowie Knife” quickly entered the is or is not a dagger. The California statuto- effective cutting edge. Some typical exam-
lexicon. Everyone wanted a knife like that ry definition is illustrative. ples would include ice picks, awls, scribes,
of Bowie, although few knew exactly what As used in this section, a 'dirk' or carpenter’s chisels or gouges, engraver’s
it looked like. 'dagger' means a knife or other instru- tools, screwdrivers, etc. Accordingly, the
In the late 1820s and early 1830s, schools ment with or without a hand guard that clauses within the definition are joined with
of knife fighting were established in and is capable of ready use as a stabbing a conjunctive (and) rather than a disjunctive
around New Orleans, Louisiana to teach the weapon that may inflict great bodily (or). A knife or knife-like object having the
technique of fighting with the “Arkansas injury or death. A non-locking folding elements of this definition would be prima-
Toothpick” and/or “Bowie Knife.”8 knife, a folding knife that is not pro- rily useful as a weapon for either offensive
Concurrently, states in the lower hibited by Section 653K, or a pock- or defensive purposes.
Mississippi drainage acted to outlaw such etknife is capable of ready use as a AKTI notes that Section 5.07 of the
knives. Typical of these was the Tennessee stabbing weapon that may inflict great Model Penal Code, captioned “Prohibited
Law at Chapter 137 of the Acts of 1837-38, bodily injury or death only if the blade Offensive Weapons,” provides:
which provided as follows: of the knife is exposed and locked into . . . “Offensive Weapon” means any
“Any person who carries under his position. bomb, machine gun, sawed-off shot-
cloths, or concealed about his person, a West's Annotated California Penal gun, firearm specially made or special-
Bowie Knife, Arkansas Toothpick, or other Code, Section 12020(c)(24). ly adapted for concealment or silent
weapon of like form, shape, or size, is discharge, a blackjack, sandbag, metal
guilty of a misdemeanor, . . .” Section 6630 The California law provides that any per- knuckles, dagger, or other implement
of Shannon’s Code (Tennessee). son who “carries concealed upon his or her for the infliction of serious bodily
While these laws have been kept “on the person any dirk or dagger” is subject to pun- injury that serves no common lawful
books” by legislative inertia in the interven- ishment by imprisonment for a period not purpose (Model Penal Code Section
ing 170 or so years, the label “Bowie exceeding one year. Section 12020(a)(4). 5.07 - emphasis supplied).


Scottish swords and dirks. After another 1950s, when souvenir German military
Scottish uprising in 1745-1746, the govern- paratrooper’s knives, brought back to this
ment outlawed kilts, clan tartans and other country, were routinely carried. These
indicia of Scottish culture. It may be that knives are rare and have long since become
there is a historical “anti-dirk” bias in highly sought after by collectors.
Anglo-American law. In normal use, the gravity knife was held
In the first half of the 19th century, a type in a vertical alignment with the front of the
Obviously, a bomb is an offensive of short sword, labeled the “navel dirk,” handle in the down position. Depressing a
weapon. However, the Model Penal Code began to appear.11 The naval dirk seems to small lever or switch on the handle of the
essentially outlaws all bombs. The authors have been more ceremonial than practical knife released the blade, and the gravita-
of the Model Penal Code do not define dag- and was issued to or carried by mid-ship- tional force of the earth pulled it down and
ger, and offer no explanation as to why this men or young officers in training. This into a position where it mechanically
type of knife would be suitable only for short sword was abandoned as the 19th cen- latched or locked into the open position. As
offensive uses and why it would have no tury came to a close. In any event, the naval an alternative to gravity, the user could gen-
other common, lawful purpose. AKTI sug- dirk bears almost no resemblance to the erate centrifugal force by a flourishing
gests that a knife with an effective cutting Scottish dirk which developed 200 years movement of the arm, along with a coordi-
edge, or even two cutting edges, can be a earlier. It is mentioned here to show that nated release of the lever, and the blade
useful tool for innumerable lawful and labels are often adopted or applied to dif- would move into the open and locked posi-
especially defensive purposes. Similarly, ferent types of knives. tion by means of inertia. This more flam-
there are numerous cutting or carving tasks boyant method was preferred by teens of
which require a sharp point. A definition of the late 1950s (see below discussion as to
dagger which would criminalize knives GRAVITY KNIFE – Switchblades) and explains why many of
with one or more effective cutting edges, 1. A specific type of knife as the laws dating from the mid-to-late 1950s,
simply because it would also be capable of issued to World War II German which proscribed switchblade knives, also
inflicting a stabbing wound, is overly broad paratrooper (Fallschirmjager) apply to so-called “inertia knives.” The
and ignores the reality that almost any cut- units. intent was to include the Fallschirmjager
ting tool can be used as a weapon. 2. A folding knife in which the knife.
The AKTI suggested rule of thumb is that blade is held in the closed position Fallschirmjager knives are, of course,
if it folds, has an effective cutting edge, or a by a latch mechanism released by limited in number and typically command
common lawful purpose, it is not a dagger. a button on the handle ofthe knife prices in the range of $500.00 to $750.00.
and lacking some feature, such as Detailed photographs and additional infor-
a detent, spring over-center or mation as to Fallschirmjager knives is
DIRK – A knife-like object hav- other such mechanism which cre- available on the internet, and there is a cer-
ing a fixed blade uniquely suitable ates a bias toward closure. tain commerce in these knives through on-
for inflicting a stabbing-type line auction services.
wound; lacking an effective cut- Comments: Gravity knives are prohibit- It should be noted that this paratrooper’s
ting edge; and not having some ed in such diverse states as Alaska, knife was not designed as a weapon, but
common lawful purpose. Connecticut, Colorado, Maine, North rather as a tool to be used by an unfortunate
Dakota and New York. AKTI is not aware paratrooper who became entangled in a tree
Comments: Various states, including of any cutlery manufacturer producing and during a descent. The blade could be
California (see above), Connecticut, manufacturing a so-called gravity knife. exposed with only one hand and could be
Maine, Ohio, Georgia, New Mexico, The 1958 Federal Switchblade Act used to cut the shroud lines, the harness, or
Minnesota and Idaho prohibit dirks. defines “switchblade” knife as any knife perhaps small branches.
Dirk is often used interchangeably with having a blade which opens automatically- The 1950’s Gravity Knife: An alterna-
dagger, stiletto or other weapons of the 1. By hand pressure applied to a button tive version of the gravity knife evolved,
same general category, such as baselard, or other device in the handle of the knife, or most likely due to state switchblade laws.
quillon, main gauche, etc. It is the position 2. By operation of inertia, gravity, or Most of the switchblades popular with
of AKTI that the definition of stiletto, dag- both. 12 teenagers and young adults in the 1950's
ger and dirk should effectively be the same. The term “gravity knife” occurs in a were imported from Italy. When prohibi-
A modicum of research will reveal that number of places within the legislative tions against spring-activated switchblade
what is now understood to be the “classic” record concerning the 1958 Federal knives were put into effect, the Italian man-
or historically correct example of a “dirk” Switchblade Act. In those instances, there ufacturers simply removed the spring,
developed in mid-17th century Scotland.9 are specific references to the World War II which was compressed by the act of closing
This type of knife generally had one cutting German knife.13 the blade and which supplied the energy to
edge with perhaps an opposing “swedge” Two alternative definitions are offered open it when the button on the handle was
near the tip. The English government for the simple reason that there are essen- depressed. Outwardly, these knives resem-
passed “Disarming Acts” in 1716 and 1725 tially two different gravity knives. bled the switchblades. They did not have
in response to Scottish uprisings. These There was perhaps a time in the post- the spring action. Rather, the user would
Acts focused on, among other things, World War II period extending into the mid- simply hold the knife in the horizontal posi-


tion and depress the button or latch on the vides resistance which must be
handle, which would release the blade. The overcome in opening the blade, or
force of gravity would cause the blade to that provides a bias or spring load
pivot. A simple wrist movement continued toward the closed position.
the movement of the blade to the fully open (Also described as switch knife, flick
position, whereas in the case of the switch- knife or spring knife.)
blade, it would lock. Alternatively, centrifu-
gal force could be substituted for gravity. of the 20th century who wanted a conven-
Comments: States where switchblades
While the gravity knife prohibitions were ient way to open a pocketknife for some
are not prohibited are in the minority.
enacted to address an alternative to the everyday task. Beginning in the mid-to-late
Among them are Alabama, Arizona, and
switchblade, the gravity knife statutes are 1950s, the switchblade took the place of the
Oregon. Approximately one quarter of the
routinely applied to knives which cannot be black handlebar mustache as a mark of the
states resisted the impulsive rush of the
opened by gravity and were never intended theatrical villain. In retrospect, the switch-
1950 decade to outlaw switchblades.
to be the subject of those 1950 era laws. blade laws of the 1950s were an expedien-
Several states, South Dakota and New
In 2009, the Federal Switchblade Act was cy of questionable constitutionality hurried-
Hampshire, have repealed switchblade pro-
revised so the gravity or inertia provisions ly passed to address a problem greatly mag-
hibitions. Interestingly, an examination of
would not be misapplied. The effect of the nified, if not created, by the movie industry.
Uniform Crime Report data does not sug-
2009 change is that the prohibitions of the Switchblades are also sometimes referred
gest a relationship between crime levels
Federal Switchblade Act do not apply to: to as “Automatics.” It is the position of
including knife / cutting instrument crime
A knife that contains a spring, detent or AKTI that a “Switchblade” or “Automatic”
and switchblade prohibitions.
other mechanism designed to create a is a knife in which the blade is open or
Blackboard Jungle, a movie set in an
bias toward closure ofthe blade and exposed solely by means of stored mechan-
urban high school, was released in March
that requires exertion applied to the ical energy released by a switch or the trig-
of 1955. The movie generated an extraordi-
blade by hand, wrist or arm to over- gering mechanism, typically a button locat-
nary level of excitement among American
come the bias toward closure to assist ed on the handle of the knife. Accordingly,
in opening the knife.14 a knife in which there is some spring or
Glenn Ford was cast in the role of an eth-
Several states, notably Texas and mechanical assist would be excluded from
ical, well-intentioned teacher named
Kansas, have enacted similar changes. this definition, provided that there is some
Richard Dadier, where he was opposed by
The AKTI suggested rule of thumb is that bias or a spring load to the closed position
the switchblade-wielding gang leader, Artie
if it does not have a button or latch on the and which must be overcome by thumb,
West, played by Vic Morrow. West deri-
handle which releases the blade, if it cannot finger or other manual movement applied
sively referred to Dadier as “Dadio,” a
be opened by gravity alone, or if it does to the blade.
name which quickly entered the teen lexi-
have a spring, detent or other mechanism con as a term of disrespect for teachers or
providing bias toward closure, it is not a adult authority figures.15
gravity knife. STILETTO – A knife-like object
In October of 1955, Rebel Without a
having a fixed blade uniquely
Cause, featuring James Dean in the role of
suitable for inflicting a stabbing-
a disaffected teenager, was released. This
INERTIA KNIFE – See discussion type wound; lacking an effective
movie included a knife confrontation scene,
and Comments relative to Gravity Knife.
cutting edge; and not having some
which came to be a common feature in
common lawful purpose.
youth movies of that era. Teenagers adopt-
ed not only the language, but the clothing Comments: Stilettos are prohibited in,
SWITCHBLADE – A knife with and props of the movie figures, which among other states, Connecticut, Iowa,
a blade that is exposed in an auto- included switchblades. Missouri, North Dakota and New Mexico.
matic way and moved from the The response was similar to that of the See Comments relative to Dagger above.
closed position to the open posi- English government in reaction to the
tion exclusively by the release of a Scottish uprisings of the early 1700s—
compressed spring. A switchblade Disarming Acts (see above Comments as to
knife does not include a knife that Dirk). Many states moved quickly to out-
opens with one hand, utilizing law switchblades with the Federal govern- ADDITIONAL
thumb pressure applied to the ment enacting legislation in 1958, banning
blade or to a thumb stud or the production of switchblades for inter-
declivity on the blade, nor does state commerce or sending switchblades
switchblade include a knife with a BIAS TOWARD CLOSURE -
through the mail.
blade that can be opened by The tendency to remain in the
Switchblade knives had been manufac-
means of inertia or other such closed or folded position, imposed
tured and widely sold since the early 20th
force produced by hand, wrist, by a spring or mechanical load,
century. Until these knives were stigma-
arm or other bodily movement, unless acted upon by manual
tized by movies such as Blackboard Jungle,
provided that the knife has a force.
they were commonly used by farmers and
detent or other system that pro- blue-collar workers throughout the first half (continued page 6)



Comments on "Bias Toward Closure"

(See Drawings on pages 7and 8.)

EFFECTIVE CUTTING In the typical folding knife, the blade The slip joint design has been in use for
EDGE - An edge capable of per- swings or pivots in an arc of approximately well over a century and has the advantage of
forming ordinary, routine cutting 180° from the closed position (within the providing both bias toward closure and bias
tasks associated with activities handle) to the open position. Without some toward the fully open position. In short, it is
such as food preparation or food means of providing a bias or lock to the a time-tested, simple design that is reason-
service, or other common uses, closed position, the knife could swivel ably effective in keeping the blade in either
including but not limited to farm- open, or at least partially open, unexpected- the fully open or fully closed position.
ing, animal husbandry, garden- ly or unintendedly. (Figure 3) shows a type of knife fre-
ing, building trades, hunting, fis- There are a few folding knives in produc- quently referred to as the lock back. This
ging or any trade or crafts. tion which do not incorporate some sort of design utilizes the same type of bar spring
mechanical bias toward closure feature. to provide the bias toward opening, as well
See Appendix and Drawings that follow. An example of this type of knife is the as the bias toward closure. In that respect, it
Opinel knife, produced in France for over is similar to the slip joint design. It does
110 years. The blade is kept in the closed or have a design feature intended to enhance
folded position by a friction fit with the user safety by providing a positive lock
wooden handle piece. A rotating collar can mechanism to the fully open position. The
be turned to provide a mechanical lock lock back design utilizes a notch or mortise
when the blade is in the open position. at the base of the blade into which a tenon
1The Book of the Sword, Richard F. Burton, An old-fashioned "Straight Razor" is or projection of the back spring locks when
Shatto and Windus, London 1884.
another example of a folding knife-like the blade is pivoted to the fully open posi-
2Daggers & Fighting Knives of the Western device with no bias or other such mecha- tion. Closing of the knife requires the user
nism to hold it in either the closed, or for to depress the spring and release the lock.
World, Harold L. Peterson, Walker & Company,
New York, 1968, page 50. that matter, the open position. (See Figure 1) Another method of providing a bias to
3District of Columbia v Heller, 128 S Ct 2783 A common design for providing a spring- the closed position utilizes a leaf-type
(U S 2008).
loaded bias to both the closed and fully spring, which provides lateral pressure,
4McDonald, et al v City of Chicago, et a l., open position utilizes a bar spring, which rather than a back spring. This design is gen-
applies pressure, or a spring load, against erally referred to as the liner lock and is
130 S Ct 3020, (U S 2010).
5Smith v. Gogan, 415 US 5666 (1974). the base of the blade near the pivot point. attributed to knife designer Michael Walker,
This design is referred to as the "Slip Joint who developed this design in the 1970's.
6Garyned v. City of Rockford, 408 US 104
Knife." (See Figure 2) The direction of the The liner lock features a small depression
(1972). spring load is from the outer edge of the or detent on the blade near the pivot hole
7Colautti v. Franklin, 439 US 379 (1979).
blade toward the center of the pivot hole. When the blade is in the fully closed posi-
8The Complete Book of Knife Fighting, When the blade is in the fully open posi- tion, this detent is engaged by a ball partial-
William L. Cassidy, Paladin Press, 1975. tion, the force or load of the spring tends to ly embedded or set in the liner, which is
9Daggers & Fighting Knives of the Western keep the blade in that fully opened position. sandwiched between the blade and one side
World, Harold L. Peterson, Walker & Company, Folding or closing the knife requires a cer- of the handle when the knife is in the fold-
New York, 1968, page 60. tain amount of exertion to overcome that ed or closed position. The leaf spring is
10A swedge is typically beveled, as if to form bias and pivot the blade into the handle. anchored or fixed at the rear end of the han-
a cutting edge, but is not finished or ground to When the blade is in the fully closed dle. The lateral spring load of the liner
form an actual effective cutting edge. position (Figure 2C), the pressure of the pushes the ball into the detent and tends to
11Daggers & Fighting Knives of the Western back spring similarly tends to hold the keep the blade in the closed position.
World, Harold L. Peterson, Walter & Company, blade closed within the handle of the knife. Opening the blade requires sufficient
New York, 1968, page 67. Opening the blade requires a force to force to overcome the spring load, and by
1215 U.S.C Section 1241(b).
overcome the camming action created by camming action, force the ball against the
13House of Representatives, Subcommittee the eccentric tang or base end of the blade. load and out of the detent. As the blade
and Commerce and Finance Meeting of April For the first 45° (approximately) of pivot, swings or pivots in the arc toward the fully
17, 1958. there is a bias toward the closed position open position, the spring load continues to
1415 U.S.C Section 1244(5). After this 45-degree rotation, there is fric- exert pressure, and accordingly friction,
15 “…who walks into the classroom cool and tion resistance until the blade is pivoted in which must be overcome to move the blade.
slow, who calls the English teacher Daddy-O…” an arc of approximately 135°. At approxi- Once the blade is moved to the fully
Lines from a popular song: “Charlie Brown,” by mately that point the bias is often capable of open position, the spring-loaded liner
the Coasters, circa 1958-1959. moving the blade to the fully open position. moves laterally into a position which keeps


the blade from closing.
The liner with the ball detent design provides bias toward closure
and a means of locking the blade in the fully opened position.
A common variation of this ball detent mechanism simply uti-
lizes the frame or handle of the knife as the leaf spring. Such
knives are typically known as "frame lock knives." The ball detent
mechanism is more easily observed in the frame lock design, as
opposed to liner lock knives. Figure 4 shows a typical frame lock
There are other methods of achieving bias toward closure. The
2009 Amendment to the Federal Switchblade Act, 15 U S C §
1244(5) and the laws of several states, including California,
Kansas and Texas, which incorporate the concept of bias toward
closure, do not require or prescibe a particular mechanism. Rather,
all that is required is that the design provide bias toward closure
Moreover, none of these laws specify a minimum measure of bias.

A common design for providing a spring-loaded bias to both the

closed and fully open position utilizes a spring which applies pres-
sure against the base of the blade near the pivot point. This is
referred to as the “slip joint knife.” (See Figure 2) The direction
of the spring load is from the outer edge of the blade toward the
center of the pivot hole. (See Figure 2)
Straight Razor — No Bias
In the typical folding knife the blade swings or pivots in an arc When the blade is in the fully open position, the force or load of
of approximately 180º from the closed position to the open posi- the back spring tends to keep the blade in the fully open position.
tion. Without some means of providing a bias or lock to the closed (See Figure 2A)
position, the knife could simply swivel open unexpectedly—for
instance, while in the user’s pocket exposing the blade and creat- When the blade is in the fully closed position (Figure 2C), the
ing a potential for injury. pressure of the back spring similarly tends to hold the blade closed
within the handle of the knife.
An old-fashioned “straight razor” is an example of a folding
knife-like device with no bias or other such mechanism to hold it Opening the blade requires a force to create a camming action.
in either the closed, or for that matter, the open position. (See For the first 45º of pivot, there is a bias toward the closed position.
Figure 1) After the blade has been pivoted toward the open position in an arc
of approximately 135º, there is a bias toward the fully open posi-
tion. Such bias toward the open position, which begins at approx-
imately 135º, is often capable of moving the blade to the fully open

Drawings provided by Buck Knives

and are the property of AKTI.


(frame lock design)

Folding Knife with Lock or Lock Back Folding Knife with Ball Detent
Figure 3 is a simple variation which utilizes a notch or mortise Typically, there is a small depression or detent on the blade near
at the back of the blade into which a tenon or projection of the the pivot hole. When the blade is in the fully closed position, this
spring locks when the blade is pivoted to the fully open position. detent is engaged by a ball partially embedded or set in the spring.
(See Figure 4)
Another method of providing a bias to the closed position and/or
resistance which must be overcome to manually open the blade of Opening the blade requires sufficient force to overcome the
a folding knife utilizes a spring load applied against the side of the spring load, and, by camming action, force the ball against the load
blade. and out of the detent. As the blade swings or pivots in the arc
toward the fully open position, the spring load continues to exert
pressure, and accordingly, friction, which must be overcome to
move the blade.

In Appreciation
A special thanks to Daniel C. Lawson, Esquire, of
Meyer, Darragh, Bucker, Bebenek & Eck, P.L.L.C,
Pittsburgh, PA, for his authorship and revisions of the


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