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Molding containers OR q ec MS ld fel el Male axel g-To in the Land of the Gods K 2004 ‘Theme - Molding containers just for the Coal Rd GT UDC Th) oe) RGM cL nd HR cae : Use your subconscious | -a talé of ten lice aoe ST OU a just for the cost of a preform Ea Sy herd CAE) Targeting More Stable Production ‘At Aoki, we are currently following two approaches in helping Aoki machine users realize more stable production. As a machine manufacturer, our first approach is to make improvements to our machines to achieve better performance. Aoki is always researching and developing new ways to improve our products, such as improved durability, and construction that makes maintenance easier. Our second ‘most important approach is to support our customers with their dally maintenance. For users to get the best performance out of thelr machines, and to be able to achieve trouble-free production continuously aver a long period, it is critical that the customer perform ‘their own maintenance. Acki is actively engaged in getting this message out to our customers. We leam a lot from our customers, as well - information that helps us to improve our molding machines. Our alist is that if we share this valuable information with as many users as possible, then that will result in us being able to pass on even more valuable information in the future, For this reason, Aoki is actively involved in the delivery of information to our customers. AGROTIKI S.A. (Greece) Core just for the cost of a preform Ih this edition of HOT NEWS, we discuss the importance of good maintenance of oil and grease (hydiaule oil, lubricating ll fete.) and intioduce the success story of tone of our customers ‘One quarter of all equipment failure is attributable to il or grease (especially LUbrication). Aoki wants to identty exactly winat level of maintenance is required to be able to reduce oll and grease relatee aroblems, For this article, we visited AGROTIK! S.A, manuiacturer and seller of olive cil in ‘Athens Greece, the backdrop to the ‘excitement of this year’s Olympics, Since purchase of thelr Ack) mokiing machines AGROTIKI has not The seven years. ago, experienced any trouble at all company stands out among our many Users for the fact that it has needed to purchase ly very few hydraulic oF electrical replacement parts over this petiod. When purchasing the molding machines, Mr. company, asked about proper machine's hydraulic ol his seven years of trouble-tre, (2 ees Manovis, President of the (2 of the We are sure that production is a direct resuk of his estions into practice he frst thing that surprised us on arriving at the Agroti plant was the cleanliness of 16 factory Itself, but of the Aoki machines. Ata glance, we could see the iting not just flul use, and maintenance that had been performed. Looking inside the bed of the machines, we could find no trace ot there ever having been an cil leak ~ an amazing discovery for @ machine in ful production for such a ong tine. vise, we asked Mt I our sur Manoris out ths situation, e're currently operating 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Because one machine is constantly in full production of 10 iter bottles, every now and then we perform full maintenance on that machine, With the other machine, every one to two weeks when we do a mold change: In regard to ol leaks. 1 we perform maintenance eve hydraulic ol Is the key. Hycraulle ils tke 2 porson's blood. If a poor, then his body will experience all sorts of aiments. The condition of oil in a machine has much the same effect on the machine. The fiter used to maintain the cleanliness of that blood is very imy 100, The fe of hy by the quality ofthat fer Jl: oll is determined IW the il is kept in top condition, the Injection mold clar operates smoothly, and you con't have any problems with any of the packings gaskets or other seals. if the oll degrades though, viscosity drops, cil leaks and the entre hydraulic system is affected Operating prevents. full the machine with oll leaks Injection mole clamaing pressure from being achieved, and puts an enormous load on the pump moto For us, ts a very easy decision to make. Every three months, me get a specials t check oil quality. If te oil has degrades, we immediately replace all of the hycraullc cil because we consider cil maintenance to be the most at ‘actor ip. maintaining (From er) But of course, Im only stating the obvious here. All we do is follow the instructions As far as machine maintenance goes, otk maybe one difference between A and other plants is that my engineer used (© work on large ships. Hydraulic oll and lubricating oll are very important with ships You see, accidents there can be ile hreatening. That's why my engineer is extremely fussy about the hysraullc and lubricating cil used with his machines. For | understand that the costs of ny par, maintenance neglecting oil much Greater than the costs of replacing the hydraulic ol, Once an oll leak occurs, dust elects around tha cal point lequioment is negatively afected and wire breakages and Aso ;nnection problems occu! I you con't Immediately trac down the cause of an cil leak, then no one will want to clean up the oil later. Five years later, and the whole machine will be ina terble stale. f you have a look in leak, The only thing we have here is dust The most effective method of maintaining So, how's the oi? Dity legradation is impurities in the oll, and it tion of your hydraulic The major cause of oil impuntes ate not propedy removed ‘tom the ol the ol becomes diy and degrades, The following tree problems are th factor in i de (2) Impurties 2) es (3) Thermal oxidation of he of ive cepleton Breaking down these factors, about 90 the quality of oil a appropriate time. and grease in a number of | and grease bearings, sliding surfaces and eouioment will extend the machine, and lead Degraded oil is the cause of seal and packing damage, which results in ol leaks and excensive to repair. Agrotik's Mr. Manoris, that are grease is to ensure the ensure reduc ki machines use oil ations. Oil maintenance with pist nydrautc Me of energy reductions. fh time-consuming GAOKIINFORMATION agrees. "Neglected maintenance will working capacity." Agrotk dally maintenance is the surest way to maintain demonstrates the fact that 's, low-cost highly productive machines, From 2 sales perspective, we understand also the that alvays Keeping the outside of the machines and their surcounds clean has had postive resus. We also expect tha always keeping the machines clean makes it much easier to find problems when they {As one measure to combat oll leaks, Aoki has produced the Maintenance and Inspection Reminder Card to notify customers at the appropriate time that a periodic inspection Is due hese reminder cards are being sent to four customers about two months before the end of their new machine warranty period. We want to remind our customers that the frst yearly inspection after arrival of their Aoki machine is an important one, and through this, card, we ask that they ensure the inspection is a, ae performed. percent of ol cegradation is atibutable tothe large size of impurities in attenutable to acdltve depletion an than T percent i oxidation of the ol and carbon (5 dealetion of addves is the existence of they ese impurities. And an increased surace n the ol, about 10 percent is ac oul of thermal Ih Impurtes causing dry ol inckice dit an nitrogen calc, water, impurtes One reason for the lrates degradation to jonds on operating conditions and the fevronment, but aiboine cn, cust, coot fang shidge enler the machine during ‘peraton and penetrate the hydraulic oll. such a¢ aibome oi, dust and moisture enter into the hydraulic system, raluncton TSS lolding containers SUG OR U0 CaO — Background nthe name AGROTIKT My father decides for our company, and we produce olve oll, a traditional Greek procuct. AGRO actually means men who work in the fields, and suppose he chose that name because as a company we want to support the farmer ur job Is to take the olives produced in the groves, and press olive oil to provide to consumers. My grandfather was the frst in my family to begin making olive oil, and than fity years ago. He Used to lve in an area where the traditional that was. more main product was olive oll. wenly years ago in Greece, picking alves was our only source of edible cil The history of olve oil can be traced back into Greek mythology, and olves were used 2 lot in the Greek Obmpics, as well, And they made candy from olves, see, with oles, everything harvesting, eld branches are to. You be used used in fen fires, and the oll for the olives can be used as heating fuel and lama oil, on top ofits normal use in cooking. Ove ols also used as a sunscreen lotion, and as a body lubricant during wrestling matches, In Crete, they've even discovered §,000- year old candles made from olive oil. The oll used for candles is extracted trom the center of allve pit. As you can see, CO ee Olive oil)" nurtured in the)Lan es Of the’ Gods AGROTIKI S.A. olives have been farmed commercially from along time ago. You can also mix ove oil with sal to make soap, and b medicinal effects, olive ol is used as 2 tub use ofits alter an injury. The quality of an olve depends on its acidity, which also determines its taste The really good quality ole oil has aciety ‘Among. the dierent olve oll, exta virgin olive oll is extremely close to ze. the purest ol, pressed trom the olive fruit without any further processing. The lower the better the acisiy, the oil is for laste heath and digestion The difference between Greek olive oll and that ‘tom other Spain is taste, You see, Greek alve ol tastes the best, Greek oil has the highest untries lke aly and qually and demands the highest prices Htalan olive oll is famous for its blends of many diferent types of olive. AS for actual lve oll aroduction volumes, lly is ist followed by Spain, And third is Greece, Spain has the biggest harvests of olves, but Greece comes second. though county for alve cutvation. Currently, we For cuality Greece Is the most suitable mainly sell our olve oll to supermarkets, restaurants and hotels, with our biggest market being T-lter bottles for sale in supermarkets. Olive oll sold through supermarkets is used in the home, Yearly colve oll consumption per person here Is about 20 to 25 klograms. That means between 20 and 25 be thes of oll per year Filing com oll curing Aoki visit One reason | entered this company is that but | was al my family manages it helping out here from the age of eight From such an eatly age, ! was in love with this olve oll siness, | studied chemistry at university, and at the end of my time studied cooking with special The chemistry 1 studiod came as a huge help to me when I there, 1 attention to olive ll was studying olive oil | remember when | was eight, thity years ago, that instead of the 1-Iter PET bottles we use today, we sold olve oll in 16 kilogam cans, myself, as an eight-year old, loading the 1B-hdlogram cans onto tucks was @ big job. That Chistmas. In | stl remember that for would be in winter, after those days, people would buy olive oil once a year for their Because we harvested the olves al the beginning of November, from the end of December through January, we would go ta the cal food markets, and ople would buy enough ove oil to last them a So ‘or instance year people would buy ul sic of the 16-kllogram cans. Peoale store those cans in a closed dark .c2 at their homes and fil up their glass bottles from the cans. These days, sales of ove oil are no longer seasonal, We sell ll year round. According to Greek legend at a time Olive oil nurtured in the Land of the Gods - Greece [NE before Athens had got its name, the sea a rock and out g0d Poseidon tap poured water. But the god Athena then tapped the rock and an olve tree grew, The people who lived there were so overjoyed with theie olve tee that they rnamed the place Athens. This isthe sort of tong ties we have had with the olive from These days, we ship olive ol all throughout Europe. have realized the healty characteristics of That's because a lot of countries the olive. We even ship as far as Oceania and the Caribbean. Every year for the last ten years, demand from Asia and the US has been increasing, but if each of those countries consumed lke us, say ten fever five kilograms of olive oil per year, current production, supply just keep up, The Mediterranean region supplies more than 98 percent of then with couldn the entre wor only about two millon tons annually But roduction of olve oil, with EAMOYPFIKES, EMIXEIPHEEIE the Chinese were to consume just 10 grams of olive oll per head per year, then the entire world supply of olive oil would dry up. Unlike soybeans, olve trees don sunflower or start producing fone year after planting. The first fruit appears ‘ve years after planting, but you can only really start harvesting the ‘uit from the trees about ten ot fiteen years after planting. And it's quite ditficuk to get 2 harvest {fom olve trees planted in South Attica or Northern Europe because the tree 's sensitive to climate, The climate around the Mediterranean is the most suitable - not to0 hot, and not too cold, We feel that sase production so that even more people can enjoy we need to ‘our ove oll. Over the next three years, we plan to nd the increase production a company until it is numbered among the top ten specialist olive ol producers in the world, for production volume and quali This will be a great feat for a Greek company, to be compared with the large ccorgorations of Italy and Spain == Molding containers «+ just for the cost of a preforn live trees can lve for over 1,500 years, ‘and if the conditions are tight, they can live forever. The good thing about our ‘current PET packaging is that customers to always enjoy fresh olve oll. Just explained the way people used to buy ‘enough cans of olive oil to last a year, but leach can would be open for avout two months until used. Alter a month of use, the can would be hal filed with air. I's ‘contact with that air that causes oxida 5 quality those days, after opening the can, in the ole ol, In the clive ll would be poured into a I-fter lass bottle for use. That's the reason ‘tesh olve oll n Iter PET bottles sells so well, There are drawbacks with 1-Ner cans being too expensive, and T-iter glass bottles being too heavy. We used to use a different plastic bottle made from PVC, but because of recycling problems with PVC, we dont use it at all hese days, Ih Gteece at the moment, the double handle, 10-Iter oll botle is a best sel We started seling these 10-tter bottles five years ago, when no other mpany was making 10-lter bottles and they only had cans and polyethylene containers. The thing about those polyethylene containe:s is that they were very Reavy but aldr't have very good top load strength. That's with their good top load, 10-Ite hare ofthe market. It why, ‘cans held over 99% was a brand new experiment, putting our PET bottles on the market. When we started. selling our bottles in 200 everyone was saying that PET was no good. Now after four years, everyone wants PET bottles. And more and more of @ - MOK HOT NEWS wots the major supermarkets are ordering only 1O-lter PET he quality of the actual oil in cans on the bottles these days. shelves also varies widely, so because they cant see the consumer can't feel safe, Consumers are fey dont know if tually inside the can inside the can at all also wortied because ¢ ten Hers of ol is either, but with PET containers, they san see at a glance. Our bottles appealed to the market because you could see the amount inside, and the color of the oll ‘There's @ link between @ consumer being ole to see a aroduct and that consumer actually buying the product. At the moment, were even selling sunflower and soybean lls in clear PET bottles. And weve just started adding a color to the bottles red or yellow - to help ae SOeUEdEEseuy difeentiate between the edible cls For myselt family. For factory coming on-Ine in spring next year, This will house the best ‘acilties of all Greece's ove ol plants, so you can look forward to that | wish good heath for my ne company, we have a new AGROTIKI SA 10, KONTONI Ste, 183-46 MOSCHATOPIRAEUS-GREECE TEL: (01)4831.605-6 Fax: (014826.560 “YNew factory under constuction Molding Training Course Interview with Participants Aoki conducts molding training courses at head office to help machine users realize better molding skills. In this report, we talk to a few customers who have attended these courses. We use this sort of customer feedback to develop and conduct even more useful programs in the future. tianng deecty rom Rok enginee’s at raring on an actual machine anes than jst 1. Beck ot your own factories, how much tine A. (oWvoaH) It wouldn't 1A. (225 Plastes) At 205 Pastice, we shut down 1. Are you experiencing any ci leaks on your A alvoak) Yes. I's absolutely tee. We ring end we nave to Keep Tang tne, [A225 Plastes) Yee, Not reaventy, out we 30 1. How often do you do ol changes? ears, Bul, because wo have a ot of of Wake, we're ater Looping Up the ol ©. Se, what have you learned suring tnis A (ose lly oad he manus and fther woke, Te found thal we were doing telephone cals anc cther wore cstracting us {Sovered evenhing tom scratch. | eaized that ining we get at AGki Aok's taining couse The thing we've leaned dung this taining is nigh working capacity. 80 we never nad Molding Training Course Interviow with Participants Intorvowees: Povyoak (two members). 225, Prastics (one memoe:) Course: Jy 5 trrough 8, three people ‘sted Aoki for training, tot the weekly, month. two. thee snd four (2. what are tne reasons behind your coming to 1. (oyo28) 8 nea wotkgtoup system a ‘A. (225 Plastics) Ii be one of the managers ‘management mace he decision 0 sene me for @, How do you lan to use wnat you've lesned herein your own traning erograms? ‘A. @Patjoak) Ill Be wring a report to A. (225 Pasics) | a9tee. ne useful 9 our Haining, 10 go slong with the caren would be reat ts mere anyting site you want from Aoki? purse that we ust dont get cuing our Tel 880 be nappy with 8 waning Brogcar ta CUES TSTTe welcome some 1,500 visitors. The message we wanted to communicate Is that with Aok''s range of technologies along with the key proprietary technology of Direct Heatcon®, that itis possible to mold final products for the ‘same production costs or less than when molding just a cold preform. When we refer to a "cold preform,” we are talking about the preform molded before blow molding in the two-stage molding system, We showed in a number of ways how using Aoki's molding system enables you to mold a final product for less than the production costs of molding that cold preform This year, we demonstrated an Aoki SBI. 2SOLL-50S injection stretch-blow molding machine and mole in order to intecuce our latest te nologies that realize stable, ed molcing, based on resulting from years of experience. We strated high-sneed molding in 9.5 ideas 5 for 1.Selter bottles using the latest 21-g1am preform design. We also gave t explanations computer graphics on a video display to ne inside of the mold. This was nical using represent the fist time we have been to show a Visualization of the entire process from The K show Is the worl’ largest exhib once every three years in Dusseldorf, Germany. K 2008 was held from Wednesday October 20 through Wednesday October 27, and according to an announcement by the organizers, visitors to the exhibition over these © eight days numbered about 230,000. Even at Aok's booth, we were able to n of plastics and rubber, held ‘Aoki molding system enables. iGhWy eflent. movement and minimum energy loss, We als6applied our latest technologies to quality, with a gfeatdeal of interest in the invisible parting line on the 1 S-lter botles, where the two halves of the mald jon The key behind our picture panels and displays ‘Molding Containers just for the cost of a preform. We filed clear boxes with ram material and other was also preforms, and (rom various angles including transport, storage, energy usage and damage, the costs and risks associated with molding preforms only Visitors to the Aoki booth held the boxes ‘and made comments like, "I didn’t realize the high costs associated with preform: ithout cold preforms, we can make can't we?" This, helped us communicate the enormous superotity of the Aoki system, 400 Questions from Tris time we trialed something new. We published and distributed an exhibition ssue of Aoki Hot News called “kK 2004 Special: 100 Questions from Aoki." This special issue covered twenty-four B4-sized big cost reductions, pages, and mainly presented one hundred questions that anyone in the world would be able to answer in an instant. Questions Ike: Which one is more energy efficient? (A) No hanating, or (8) Handling. nis sort ey Tt] ETE) eS p il poeta Shan ff obvious question must be asked many limes over during normal production operations. At Aoki, we're always thinking about these ‘acts in our activites. he theme "Molding containers just for the cost of a prefoim" is @ direct result of an accumulation of these basic facts, Raw material is heated and meted to mold a preform. Saving that heating energy and then blow molding is not just a matter of doing away with the need energy. That 's because mol albo wastes a huge amount of energy in 1 re-heating ling preforms lransporing, storing and unscrambling the preforms, as well 2s wasting other management resources such as personnel matetils and time. Analyzing these things fone at a time, we realized an urgent need to collect gether these simple facts in the Asking the questions, "Is this necessary?” and "fan we get rid of ik?" about eveny litle process on the machine has resulted in the Direct Heatcon® molding technology we kno reflect the true value of that technology in ur latest molding machines. ay, and we've been able to ¥ machine users answer these 100 Questions, and then in that light take another look at the ordinary processes they perform in their everyday operations then they will surely be able to reduce waste and overwork even further. Even one Improvement can generate great gains for the earth, With this hope in mind, Aoki produced this pamphlet, works that were melded on Ack molding machines. We displayed the bottles under ‘@ number of classifications including application, country of origin and shape, land also altached a card to every bolle detaling data for that bottle, This enabled Aoki staff and vsitoss to have concrete discussions here and there around the booth. We plan to display every one of ‘these samzle botles in a display room at ‘Aoki head office in Nagano, so please find K i SOME Rend TESTO Leet a the visit-wit Rete you “@ontainer development. We teceved a big response {0 our protolype ultra-thin, ightweight botles (750 mL, 11g), with five hundred samples we prepared being handed out in the frst five days amazement as the utimate answer t the orten-as This bole was met with auestion les?" The exhibition ote "Can you mole lightweight visitors the chance to understand not just ur technologies, but also our efforts to conserve resources through this apeicaton, also receives an excellent response to four HOPE milk bottles and our clear recycled PET trash containers that were considered to be diticuk to achieve on an Injection stietch-blow molding machine We're sure these products helped visitors for ther future container development. Molding containers just for the cost of a pr eform (84pm f Packing Cotapsivie (atm pated [Alot of tme is required to completely 201 down the preform. Recent, robots ie Fer those who were unable 2 atend the Aoki booth at this Preform molding factory - injection molding demonstrated our theme, "Molding containers just for the cost and storage space (Our message this ime was that with Aok's Direct Heatcon® 2 ais (Per bottes) eect rom (PED mara ean be chee at The reason is that there are huge diferences | [2% s between each of the molding processes. 4 process that takes a normal preform (the tes-tube shaped (©) from raw material to cold preform, which then becomes the materials, stock forthe blow molding machine itsel. bel cba eres Preform molding factory ® Spare parts a Cooling: 1st step | mold ° @, cae Baal irene wee OV] Ss aim wee [o transport oxil CG a Space required @ Pretor ae 750m ew 4 ® © oa boxing or 3 Forks © i The preforms are ejected once they Onn ee 2a temperature of azout 280 °C. (2 peat ates at prefoum male “The moten resin is cooled inside the preloxm moti OCR fre being used to reduce ths coaling tine by transfering the preforms to a cooling mold. In ther words, using tWo to four times as many 5 and lp molds, the preforms are moved trom the orginal injection positon betoe they are completely cooled down, and then undergo further coaling down to the proper takeout temperature takeout temperature Qi travel along abet conveyor to be packed in containers and cardboard bores for transport and storage, A large chiller is renuited because of = 32 large amount of energy requires ‘0 20 down the preforms. ores in a warehouse, Ses Molding containers just for the cost of a preform Blow molding factory - carry in, storage and packing materials space s ime Proform cary in area ottice ® Inspection @ ® vbaeeiouse : @comsaner storage comms — ove mrotang machine ® Space required Transport Container output Blow molding factory Pretorm storage on = 415m Be (3 ease aac aces somewhere else, they are luansported in trucks and large leales (0 that location. The containers ull of preforms are stored in a warehouse cally unt required fr blow molding ainers fll of preforms are ansported to the blow molding ines, anc a container verter loads the preforms into an unseramble reform oaer xm conveyor and ate sent to ‘he stttch-blow molding machine. To prevent te preform necks ‘tom heating ‘up and deforming in the reheating process, 2 robot is used to Inver the preforms and then place them onto Used preform containers and cardboard bores are slored in the warehouse for return tothe supp Reheating and blowing process (No costs related to these processes have been included in this comparison) Proform streteh-iow moiding a EL, UR Preterm vansport Coe screened for seatches, of any foreign mater or dust adhering tothe surface. (a assign emacs required, but reform container anc cardboard box inventory contel is ako aleays ecules 13 psec tein ie always required on each piece of ‘equioment inthe process AK HOT NEWS vols: QD) Tn LTS at just for the cost of a preform Molding containers just for the cost of a preform Aoki bottle molding space FB [eorpressor Der cooing toner ‘ GOAL (ese aida: Space required 300m Note: nour cost comparison between two-stage molding systems and the Aok molding system on the nest page, we have Ignored space requlteents fot ‘Rorage and Waneport of the fishes melded practic! in bth systems New cost perspective enabled by Direct Heatcon If an Aoki Direct Heatcon injection stretch-blow molding machine is used, every slep on the last couple of pages from No. 4 is unnecessary. In the past, we have used simple cost comparisons showing just the preform molding costs based on machine and mold investment costs, but actual production costs must also include packing, storage, transport and inspection costs to be valid. Cost calculations based on these factors confirm once and for all the ability of Aoki machines to mold containers just for the cost of a preform. Aoki believes that the most important part of production is prevention of wastage in the three areas of, personnel, raw materials and energy. Aoki Molding System Material inet (Germs en ‘The Roki Dect Heatcon mowing system allows producton of convarers Sree trom the raw material on a sngie machine. thereby enacling lowest ost container production, ‘ei ‘matter of sending a mold to our materia. ‘customer. Making molds at Aoki satistactory results. drawings include critical detals for container capacity, dimensions, detailed USES 79.7%" of Aoki Product Drawings Translated to Commercial Products: When Aoki makes molds. its not just a neck finish, product weight and molding for meetings directly with our technical staf, includes @ range of support including AoK meets wih customers during container improved accuracy of product drawings {echnical explanations, technical development to jointly investigate such results in reduced load times and the high Jnvestigation, product drawing design, aspocts as the current container situation, order rato of 78.7% that wo are currently ‘mold design, test molding, product past experiences, testing and inspection experiencing inspection, process control and mold methods, applications, start-up at the customer’ plant ‘economical efcincy, In order to achieve * 79,64% — mold orders trom product ‘An essential element in making the investigations, we discuss the product (Percentage calculated from product container is tho product drawing. Product drawing and star designing. drawings produced, and mold orders factuaizing the final product, such as Recently, Aokihas been welcoming more of fist half of Aok’s 2th iscal year) ‘ur customers to our head ofa in Nagano \elivering more concrete outcomes uilizing data from past experiences. Tho rosuling quality and From these drawings, fst hall, FY20 received ftom product drawings, during the Production costs must include the total of manufacturing, transport, storage, inspection and other process costs This table shows the following in relation to molding cold preforms. 1, High mold investment costs Mold cavtaion is increased because of the slow preform molding times. Takeout cooling cores and cavities, cooing air uit, gate cutters and other eavioment used to reduce mold cycle tines ate also required 2. More space required Space is required for preform and packing mateials storage, fork, preform container Inverter and prefarm unseramler. 3. High energy consumption With the Aoki system, because all rocesses from preform moleing to stretch-biow mokiing are Included in the one machine, power calculations must also inckide power consumption as far as the blow air compressor, Even so, comparing power used in making a pretoim only and power used in molding an Aoki strotch-blown bolle, the ‘Aoki system stil comes out with cheaper costs per battle, 4, High personnel expenses Molding personnel exoenses for packing, preform storage, control, inventory contol, fork handling and transport forms additional requires inspections and other quality 5. High packing materials expenses Containers and for preform storage. Because costs are also Involied in the totum of the containers, the ard boxes are required Use of collapsible containers is increasing and there ate more cases recent of moloers sourcing thet preforms from a lot of citferen plants, Control of these special preform containers has also become necessary 6. High material loss Scratches and dit accompany the addtional processes of preform takeout, transport and unscrambling. Muli-cavity mols also have a high eject rate Comparison of production costs per unit Japanese yen Preform molding 32 g preforms for 15 Lbotties Ca 7.60 ey 0.25 Mold depreciation 0.43 erry 0.06 ee) 023 eee 0.14 fer 1 Peers 5.12 ees O15 Electricity cost 0.65 en) 0.34 or 0.01 fiscal 6.27 Transport cost 0.10 Ere) 0.03 tino edo re 0.03 ester) 0.08 Fiscal 0.22 7.60 7-High rtm anspor cot pallets of preforms can be loaded onto one ‘rll If the preforms are transported about 35 klomete's, then one tp will cost about PY 35,000. Ip our comparison ths me, we have ignored all costs related to reheating and then siretch-blow mokiing the preforms on a. two- stage machine. These cosis amount to about JPY 1.83 per bottle, with inital start up costs for machine, mold and bulking running out ‘0 JPY 128 millon. (See table on next page.) (Other important benetts of using Aaki molding machines are: for the cost of a preform a _ 0.35 -0.21 0.07 0.04 0.08 =0.01 - 0.08 3 2Beee io 8 2583 o Bae 1. Excellent flexibility enabling the molding fon a single machine of natrow neck bottles, wide-mouth jars and oval containers from a number of materials ike PP, PC, PS and PEN, in addition to PET. 2, Fast machine start-up time 3. Good operability, 4, Ease of maintenance and inspection 5. Few breakdowns 6. Few spare parts 7. Easy production scheduling B. Aoki has lots of experience with preforms and products 9. Even more benefits when melding small containers (1L, S00mL, 350m...) ADKIHOT NEWS vol 5 0) BT ee CLT B Bemus edie a(t ee Detailed comparison between preform production costs and the Aoki system of bottle production Production Equipment and management costs Manufacturing costs, Blow molding factory costs Total costs. No OUR aes Product Bottles per hour Molding cycle (sec) Cavities Working capacity Annual production (bottles) (22 hours/day, 24 days/month) Equipment depreciation Equipe: Melding machine and axis Mold depreciation Equipment: Mold Building depreciation Equipment: Factory Space required (mi) Personnel cost Windcrest seal, Warehousing labor cost ‘Annual personnel cost per person. Interest on equipment investnent (35) Total equipment investment 3% of total equipment investment Subtotal Material cost Material cost Materal loss. Material loss rate Electricity cost Power consumption (415 per kWh) Personnel cost Personnel cost ‘Annual personnel cost per person Packing cost Preform boxes Subtotal Transport cost Transport distance (cost) Equipment depreciation Equipment: Warehouse Interest on equipment investment 3% of total equipment investment Warehousing labor cost Warehousing labor cost ‘Annual personnel cost per person Subtotal Preform melding 32.q preforms for 1.5 L bottles 7,200 16 32. 97% 44,250,000 0.25 487,280,000 0.43 ¥¥38,000,000 0.08 7,500,000 750 0.23 ¥7,500,000 (1.5 workers) ¥¥2,500,000 (0.5 workers) 5,000,000 0.14 ¥200,280,000 46,008,400 1.11 5.12 ¥160%9 0.15 3% 0.85 303.24 0.34 15,000,000 (3 workers) 45,000,000 0.01 3,900 per box 2000 preforms per box 40 times maximum usage 6.27 0.10 35k (¥35,000: 40 boxes per tral) 0.03 41,500,000 (415m) 0.03 ¥1,245,000 0.08 ¥¥2,500,000 (0.5 workers) ¥¥5,000,000 0.22 7.60 Aoki system 32g, 1.5 L bottles 7.957 95 21 98% 49,412,000 0.46 181,242,000 0.36 +¥36,000,000 0.02 ¥30,000,000 300 0.15 ¥7,500,000 (1.5 workers) Not required 45,000,000 0.15 247,242,000 7,417,260 114 5.12 ¥160/kg 0.10 2% 059 308.9 0.30 15,000,000 (3 workers) ¥5,000,000 0.00 Not required ant 0.00 Not required 0.00 Not required 0.00 Not required 0.00 Not required 0.00 7.25 Equipment depreciation calelated over 8 years for molding machine and aualiavies, 2 years for mold and 30 years for building, ‘machines, and our machine users. Core Balots is a series of artcios through which we willbe introducing Ack! stat, partnor companies involved in the development and manufacture of Aoki molding Core Beliefs Truly satisfying craftsmanship ! ! This econ, Core Bales features Me Teatoma Fujta, President of Kyowa Manufacturing Co. Lid, a company engaged in the manufacture and assembly of Ao machines, ‘ter graduating rom a commercial high schoo! fn Nagata, Fujta-san worked fora ime in sales and ote jobs, ard then in 1974 establshed Kyowa Manuiactuing, together with three frengs, in Nakakanbara-gun, Migata Prefecture. With a sharp, uncompromising eye Fujta-san has bull up advanced skis, and works tirelessly to. ship perfect products, According to Fults-san, the source of his belt tsmanchia was bis fatetal meeting with Kealash Acs Tsutomu Fujita President, Kyowa Manufacturing Co., Ltd. [A the time, Fujte-san was making a range of proposals to Kataehi Aoki regard to the molding machines, but none of his eas were being accented. Rather than just rejecting the ideas though, Mr. Aoki gave long trough te al, and then presented more implied versions back to Fujta-san. Fuji. san would then use those ideas to make further proposals. He expltins that these repeated back-and-fonh proposals on a single idea gradually lea him to understand Katashi Ad's cratuman’s way of thinking. Ae an examol Me. Aoki would ment about cutting cilinder; “So you have to ge three inetwetions to {. Why can't you manage to othe in two, or even one cut? You see, i you're going to say the fist two cuts weren't ‘hen why not say that from the stan?" Fujtacsan says that hearing these words gave him insight inte a buy powecul belie! ~ that the simplest approach is best When Mr. Ack! would see other machine makers incorporating customer requests nto ther machines, resulting in all manner of unnecessary gadgets, he would say, “Tm net soing to ell one of our machines to the type of customer who wants useless gadgets. Fltacsan says he could feel Katashi Adk’'s song boli in bis own produ! and his betet| in producing low-cost products that the customer is uly satsfed with Fltacsan takes about his own core Bele in craftsmanship: Providing tly salsying stomer, by making good possible." This belet clealy shows one aspect of Fultaesan, a inerting Katashi ok’ belo in ratsmanship, ‘The person who yla-san also. comments, makes a thing is supposed to be the gerson who most understands that thing, so for that petson to then measure thal thing would just be svange." Ih other words, 2 good worker aeady knows before he measures his product whether or not his machine is actualy making curate products. Fujtassan believes that when meking something, ifone gets Involed in the with more than just the minimum tention to deal, hen in the ene that wil lead to customer satisfaction, With fstshand experience of Kalashi Aok's way of thinking, ultacsan is caring on those belies and continuing to work hare lo really satsy the customer. He definitely holds strong belie in hs ra ujtasan finds his job these days so interesting that he plans never to rete. When ackec what his favorte motta i, he quotes the words of Katashi Aoki “I not me, then who? rot now, then when?* Fuita-san tell us he realzes the importance of acing straight av, once a decison has been made, USE C3) Arle) Lut Use your subconscious a tale of ten lice actu) Al Ciel What I tke to tak about next isin a similar Poople have a conscious and a subconscious, right Welt | betove that the subconscious needs fo be used more often Now there are b's of cases where no matter how much you say to yoursel "You can do i, you can do ik" even if you carry out your research from meming to right in earnest, if you study the problem in earnest, i you tackle the problem in eames for ten days, teen days, wenty, sometimes you cart make any progress af all, and you don't look to be moving towards a solution But when you get to this stage, where youve ‘thought so much about this problem but stl haven't made any progress, then “Hey, | ltt this up to you! | can't get anywhere on a conscious level, so think, there inside my react” You $20, there's another one of me inside my head; another two, tree, even five mora me's inside my head to give orders to, "You! Thinking about this problem is your jb" “Go on, thnk about “I haven't been able to solve tis problem at al, 801 want you to think about right here” But hey, my case is even more vulgar than that. My head's a real mess, so I'm actually o0ping about ton pets in my hoa ~ ten Heo Now | order each and every one of those lice to soNve the problems that I ust can' solve So | tell these lice to tackle thie problem. 1 can't do anything oso, so | just leave it up to Ice and forget about it. Then I'm off ‘tacking anather problem. Ive got about fve or Ive assigned homework to —to think about probleme, six llco in my oad that ‘And sometime, when the problems are finally s0lveg, these five or sb lice will ot me know The way they lot me know theyve solved the problems is that they start siting restlssly and | get this premonition. | gota premonition, 2 feeling rather, to shutup and isten to wha they have to say. But at fist, even attr two days oF three days, they sill wouldnt tel! me anything. However, that was initially. Now attr doing this for five years, ten years, twenty years, those lice have become quite proficient at teling me the answers. It's a matter of yoars of training, realy aly, in the frst tive orton years, | would give my orders and the answers would come back, bu | just couldnt hear what the lee were saying But afer tenor fiteen years of doing this, the gradually became very | ik fishing, 80 I woul go fishing 1 be very tired and F jump ino the car to come home [And when | was half dozing off, fd hear the lico tolling me “Listen, wo've soled that problem. ‘There are lots of problems tha | assign tothe 2 these days. Recently ve been thinking bout and inventing tings one aftor the other, And solutions trom the lee feature prominently amongst thom IF there's a problem that Ive really struggled with personally but stil cant soWve, thon ten or ‘wonty days later, a month lator or at the longest toe years later, my lice wil tell me the answer. So, everyone, | want to say tis: that you should thoroughly tink through your problem, thoroughly research it, andi you stil cant solve it, then order your subconscious to do tha thinking, “You! Think about this sometime, because Ive got eer things todo. Think hard, now! And when you've got the answer then let me know IF you do that, the answer wil datntaly come at some point in te. In some unexpected moment, maybe alter s ye small setback, ‘maybe on the tlle. “Hey thsi the answer. AL first, you won't be able to hear vary well but 1 you gradually get used to, you'l hear the ‘answers loud and clear @Report from Nova-Pack ‘Theme - Molding containers just for the cost of a preform Beverage maker initiatives Innovative initiatives in the reuse of post-consumer recycled PET bottles to help build a recycling-oriented society Case study: In-plant molding AOKI HOT NEWS ‘@Realizing stable molding operations (No. 2) Report from machine user Beverage manufacturer molds and fills containers in-plant to minimize process losses {® AOKI TECHNICAL LABORATORY, INC. 2004 Dec. Ete by Puble Relations Group, Sales & Marketing Department In comparison to “the world’s factory lor” as {twas known in the 1990s, China these days ‘making positive inroads into becoming one of the top consumer makes in the world. In this edition, we look at the fast-growing Southern Packaging Group Limite in China's ‘Guangdong Province. Established in 1981 asa. printed fm company, Southern Packaging has dverstod Into a producer of containers and other packaging at is core, as well as foods and be g¢8. The company frst stated using ‘Aoki machines as far back as 1991 when, 95, part at is corporate strategy, it chose to invest in high quality machines from overseas. In its frst foray into the plastic bottle molding industry, Souther Packaging focused most of 4s attention on product qualty. The decision to focus on qualiy asa citeal factor was mado because the company planned to enter into markets ke the pharmaceutical and ‘cosmetics container markets that demand the highest quality control Southern Packaging chose Aok! molding machines fo thle ably to moots the markets ne i, and to date have purchased thty Aoki machines, currently alin {ull production. They now have a system in place capable of mecting market needs for high quality control and high volume of a range of containers in PET, HOPE and PP for ESS A Us et Als Chinese pharmaceuticals, foodstuts and beverage makers, as well as for major International companies Advanced hygiene control The fist thing you notice on entering the Southern Packaging plant is ts scrupulous 180 9001 certfcation and fll implementation of HACCP attention to hygiene contro. realizes a highlevel production system that actively promotes hygiene contol at its plant adding real valve to its products cleanroom container molding divided into wy Gitterent classes and applications, the company has acrieved a high level of very sviet hygiene contol that includes white clothing forts machine operators ‘The Southern Packaging plant is an excellent ‘example of exploiting the strengths of the Aoki olaing machine, Rok! single-stage machines process the raw plastic material into molded products using minimal floor space, realizing great advantages through installation in a cleanroom environment. Cleanroom setups 0 by reducing the amount of space required, ital construction are quite expensive, «+ Just for the cost of a preform Sasi Southern Packaging Group Limited + Molding containers costs and operation and maintenance costs can be reduced as wel. Adaitionally, not having to transport or slore proforms moans ne acdtional contamination control costs such as cleanroom specications in tne pretoim warehouses, All this enables Southern Packaging to koop investment cost fr qualty land hygiene contol duting production to a he abilly to order with confidence is one reason that the major overseas companies including pharmaceuticals. companies that ‘demand high quality packaging continue to ‘order trom Southem Packaging. Taking ad at eee rex tone OSES TEIOETSEESSSSISSTESSSSONSSOON’ (717110112119 operations one step further, Southern Packaging is entering into mass production operations leveraging the strict nygiene contol atts plant with molded containers ane product from a contracted pharmacourical rmanutacturer 100 staff members, one step at a time “01 really valua our relationships with external ure, all sla! at Southern Packaging companies and people. Even with a single ew product development, we cant complete the project without outside help, so buling trusting relationships with many client companies and with all related businesses is important to us. When developing a new product and at other times, we would not receive the cooperation of others and achieve 4 problem-tree result without these constant relationships of trust And maintaining a graat relationship with related parties helps us This sot of corporate phitosophy is surely what has velop a product that much quicker brought about the company’s eye-catching ‘marketing and unique product development capabiltos Southein Packaging's educational policy can Hell, from Shanghai, ‘Aoki China was estabished in September 1999 in Shanghal China, and with a staff of five provides sales suppor, market research and tecnnical serve in China and Hong Kong SAR, China is roughly 26 times largor than Japan, and with 13 bition people is the most populated country in the world. The Aoki ofice is located in Shanghai, the largest cy in China and the scone of racont rapid expansion with a current population ot about 16 milion, The climate here is very comfortable, and is similar to that of Tokyo “There are all srs of dei 610 enjoy in Southern Packaging Group Limited bbe een fram foundation of the company. ‘Southorn Packaging's founding CEO Mr. Pan climbed a fight of 100 steps. It took time and was a lot of hare work. At present though, 100 staff members are tying to climb that fight of 100 stops. Everyone has finaly managed to climb only 1 stop, but we can all climb an ‘extra one step each, then our company will hhave progressed from a 100-step company to {8 200:step company, This is the sort of staff education we believe is important.” Aoki Understands that itis not an easy task for every statt member to be able to wal in unison. Careful adherence 10 and Implementation of this education policy is cattain to create a strong corporate ently, In meeting rooms and showrooms on the ist and second floors of the office section of Southor Packaging’ builsing, the company | displaying products it has manufactured itso alongside se fal thousand sample products sent fom Ack. These mesting rooms compare well with the sample showroom at Aoki Japan and with thelr owe {o appeal to customers, are in uso dally asthe focal point of business cscussions. We asked Southern Packaging lf they had any China too, with Shanghal crab being @ elcious example in winter ‘Adding tothe racent growth in the county, China will be hosting the 2008 Olympic further requosts of Ack. "We'd tke to conduct taf raining with Aok’s help. The ten days or 50 0 raining during star-up of a new machine sil leaves some things unknown in regards to ‘machine handling. AS we use the machines longer, new areas that have to be doa with begin to arse. We want to croate an in-house ‘manual that includes information on how to handle these Issues and information about parts replacement. So we look forward to ‘Aok's cooperation a well Games in Beijing and the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai, making it a country that will continue to be very exciting ax exo st Chinaplas 200 ® AOKI TECHNICAL LABORATORY, ING. 2004 De 1 Ected by Pui Relations Group, Sales & Marketing Department ‘MOM HOT NEWS SPECIAL

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