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Final Project – Social Issues

Mrs. Scudder
Due Date______
Write a Speech or Paper – You choose.
I. Write a speech on a particular social issue. —The
speech should be on any issue we covered in class.
For example, drug abuse, racism, suicide/death,
children and birth defects, gay rights, legalization of
pot, alcoholism, eating disorders, poverty, animal
abuse/rights, violence in sports, etc are all possible.
If there is a topic we did not cover, and you wish to
discuss it—please see me for approval.

II. Your speech is either geared toward providing

information we did not cover in class (all facts),
persuading the audience one way over the other,
discussing cures or other negative aspects of an
issue, methods of treatment, even ways to solve/
protest a movement, banning or legalizing, etc.

III. Your speech must me 4-5 minutes long and will be

Plan your speech.

What are the main points you want to make in your speech?



Who is your audience? Who do you want to

convince/persuade/gain their attention?

• Using the information above write your speech.
• Find research to back up your position.
• Read it to a friend and revise it.
• Practice your speech orally. Underline words you want to
• Make a chart or visual aid to go with your speech.
*****You must still provide a WORKS CITED page/index card
with your sources of information. —You need at least 5

--When writing a speech be sure to begin with a quote or catch

phrases to peak your audiences curiosity.
--Give enough information to convince your audience one way
or another. —
Research enough material to answer audience /teacher
---Write your speech on index cards (these will be collected)
-----Use your visual aides to help prove your point(s) --- i.e.,
Power Points, charts, graphs, group video, etc.

--------Some students ask to create a music video on their

speech --- if you choose to create a music video—all of the
speeches components listed above must still appear in the
video and will be presented to class. —This is everyone’s
favorite method of presentation. —So, if you decide to
create a video speech –you need to see me with your ideas
for approval.

Ready? Be confident, look your audience in the eye! Have fun!

The Paper –

If you decide that writing a speech or creating a video speech

on a social issue is not for you—your last option is writing a 4-
5-page research paper in MLA format. You must include a
WORKS CITED page with at least 5 sources.

The paper is geared towards all the same aspects as the

speech –such as persuading an audience, giving new
information, covering ideas not covered in class, focusing on
one specific aspect of the issue, etc.

Use proper citing and footnoting within your paper. –Proofread


Plan your paper-

What are the main points you want to make in your paper?



Try to answer the following question sin your paper:

Who is your audience? Who do you want to
convince/persuade/gain their attention?


What information can you provide that was not presented in

the classroom and how will this help a person understanding of
the issue?

How has this issue impacted those around you?

How is West Islip Effected by your issue?

If you where teaching a class on your social issue—what

strategies would you implement?

****Lastly, you must include at least two of the following in

your paper: graphs, pictures, timetables, charts, etc. –These
materials are NOT a part of the 4-5 pages.

Have fun—Good Luck—Be ready to present your findings.

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