Bridge Steel PG Rail Girder

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Effective Span of Girder L= 30 m

Permanent Load as open Floor FLL = 7.5 kN/m

Rail Gauge [G] = 1.676 m G= 1.676 m

Moving load per track for Bending Moment Wm = 2727 kN

Moving load per track for Shear force Ws = 2927 kN

Top of Rail Level TRL = 108

Foundation Level FL = 100.5

Embankment side slope ES = 1 : 1.5

Width of Abutment wa = 4 m

Permissible bending stress σ_b = 141 N/

Average Shear Stress for mild steel havng yeield stress τ_v = 85 N/

Interval of Cross Bearings as Eff. length of Compression Flange Lf = 6 m

Permissible shear stress through fillet weld σ_tt = 102 N/

Constant ‘K’ for angle between plates K= 0.7

Permissible Bearing Stress PBS = 189 N/

Wind Load Pw = 1.5 kN/sq.m

Coefficient for Wind load on Leeward Girder Cw = 0.25

Lateral load by racking forces pl = 6 kN/m

Length of Cross Frame for Lateral Bracking Llb = 2 m

Tensile Strength of Steel σ_t = 250 N/

Depth of Web Plate Dw = 1500 mm

Thickness of Web Plate tw = 12 mm

STEP 1 : Permanent Load
Permanent Load of open Floor track = 7.5 kN/m

Self weight = = (0.2 * L + 1)

= (0.2 * 30 + 1)
= 7.00 kN/m

Total Permanent Load = 7.5+7

= 14.50 kN/m

STEP 2 : Moving Load
Equivalent total moving load per track for Bending moment = Wm = 2727 kN

Total Moving Load per girder for B.M. = 2727.00 / 2 = 2727/2

= 1363.5 kN

Equivalent total moving load per track for shear force = Ws = 2927 kN

Total moving load per girder for S.F. = Wl

= 2927.00/2
= 1463.50 kN

STEP 3 : Impact Factor

The Impact factor for steel Rail Bridge () is

given by Coefficient of Dynamic Augment (CDA) = I = 0.372

STEP 4 : Bending Moments

B.M. by Permanent Load = Wf*L*L/8

= 14.50*30.00*30.00/8
= 1631.25 kN-m

B.M. by Moving Load = Wl*L/8

= 1463.50*30.00/8
= 5488.13 kN-m

B.M. by Impact on Moving Load = I * 5488.125

= 0.372*5488.125
= 2041.58 kN-m

Total design Bending Moment = M

= 1631.25 + 2041.58 + 5488.13
= 9160.96 kN-m

STEP 5 : Shear Force

S.F. by Permanent Load = Wf*L/2

= 14.50*30.00/2
= 217.50 kN-m

S.F. by Moving Load = Wl/2

= 1463.50/2
= 731.75 kN-m

S.F. by Impact on Moving Load = I * 731.75

= 0.372 * 731.75
= 272.211 kN-m

Total design Shear Force = V

= 217.50 + 731.75 + 272.21
= 1221.46 kN-m


Tentative Depth of Girder = D1

= L * 1000/10
= 30.00 * 1000/10
= 3000.00 mm

Economical Depth of Girder = D2

= 5*((M/σ_b)^(1/3))
= 5*(((9160.96*10E5)/141.00)^(1/3))
= 2010.07 mm
Web depth of Girder based on Shear Force Consideration assuming
12 mm thick plate is calculated as :

D3 = V/(τ_v*12)
= 1221.46*1000/(85.00*12)
= 1197.50 mm

Let us adopt a web Plate = Dw * tw = 1600 * 12 Marked as (A) & (E) in the Drawing


Tentative Flange area = Af


Flange width = B1
= L*1000/40
= 30000.00/40
= 750.00 mm

To = B2
= L*1000/45
= 30000.00/45
= 666.67 mm

Let us try Bf = 700

Required thickness of Flange Plate = tf

= Af/Bf
= 37407.00/700.00
= 53.40 mm

Let us adopt the Flange Plates = Bf*tf

= 700 * 53 Marked as (B) & (F) in the Drawing


r = distance from Centre of Flange Plate to x-x axis Located at mid section
= (Dw/2) + (tf/2)
= (1600.00/2) + (53.00/2)
= 827 mm

Moment of inertia about x-x axis

= Ixx
= (tw * Dw**3 / 12.0) + (2 * Af * r * r)
= (12.00 * 1600.00^3 / 12.0) + (2 * 37407.00 * 826.50 * 826.50)
= 5520 * 10E6

Moment of inertia about y-y axis, which vertical passing through the web
= Iyy
= ((2 * tf * Bf**3) / 12.0) + ((Dw * tw**3) / 12.0)
= ((2 * 53.00 * 700.00^3) / 12.0) + ((1600.00 * 12.00^3) / 12.0)
= 303 * 10E6

A = 2 * tf * Bf + Dw * tw
= 2 * 53.00 * 700.00 + 1600.00 * 12.00
= 93400.00

ry = √(Iyy/A)
= √(303.00*10E6/93400.00)
= 180 mm

The critical compressive stress for I-sections having equal Moment

of Inertia about y-y axis is given by:

Le = Lf*1000
= 6.00*1000
= 6000.00 mm

D0 = Dw + 2*tf
= 1600.00 + 2*53.00
= 1706.00 mm

Cs = ((2677300/(Le/ry)^2) * {1+0.05*(Le*tf/ry*D0)^2}^0.5
= ((2677300/(6000/180)^2) * (1+0.05*(6000*53/180*1706)^2)^0.5
= 2473 N/
The permissible working stress σ_bc for different values of
critical stress Cs is given in Table 2 at the end of the report.

From the Table 2 :

Corresponding to Cs = 2473.00 N/
and σ_y = 236.00 N/ the permissible bending Stress
σ_bc = 158.00 N/ the permissible bending Stress

where y = distance from top fibre to mid section = (Dw/2)+tf

= (1600.00/2)+53.00
= 853.00 mm

Actual maximum bending stress = σ_bc

= M*y/Ixx
= (9160.96 * 10E5 *853.00)/(5520.00*10E6)
= 141.56 N/ < 158.00 N/

Hence actual flexural stresses are within SAFE permissible limits

Permissible Average Shear Stress depends on:

Dw / tw = 1600.00 / 12.00
= 133.00

With stiffner spacing = c

= 0.9 * Dw
= 0.9 * 1600.00
= 1440.00 mm

Adopt stiffner spacing = 1500.00 mm Marked as (I) in the Drawing

From Table 3 , given at the end of the report : IS: 226 (IRC:24)
stress for steel for σ_y = 236 N/ is obtained as 87 N/

Average shear stress = V*1000/(Dw*tw)

= 1221.46*1000/(1600.00*12.00)

= 63.62 N/ < 87 N/

Hence average Shear stress is within permissible limits.


Maximum shear force at the joint of web and flange is given by τ = V * Af * y/Ixx

V = 1221.5 kN
Af = Bf * tf
= 700.00 * 53.00
= 37100.00

Ixx = 5520.00 * 10E6

y = Dw/2 + (tf / 2);

= 800.00 + 27
= 826.50 mm

τ = 1221.50 * 10E2 * 37100.00 * 827/(5520.00*10E6)

= 679 N/mm.

Providing continuous fillet weld on either side,

strength of weld of size ‘S’ = 2 * K * S * σ_tt
= 2 * 0.7 * 5 * 102
= 142.8 * S N/mm.
So, S = 679.00 / 142.80
= 4.75 mm
Adopt, 6 mm fillet weld on either side continuously.


Dw/tw = 1600 / 12
= 133 > τv = 85 N/

Vertical stiffeners are required

Spacing = 0.33 * Dw to 1.5 * Dw

= 0.33 * 1600 to 1.5 * 1600
= 528.00 mm to 2400 mm

Adopt spacing = C
= ((528 + 2400)/2)
= 1464 mm
≈ 1500 mm

Maximum unsupported panel length of web = 1500 mm

Requirement = 270 * tw
= 270 * 12
= 3240 mm > 1500 mm

Intermediate stiffeners are desired for minimum Moment of inertia

= I = (1.5 * Dw*Dw*Dw * tw * tw * tw)/ (C*C)

= (1.5 * 1600^3 * 12^3)/ (1500*1500)
= 472 * 10E3

For 10mm thick stiffeners plate, outstand should not exceed

h = 12 * t
= 12 * 10
= 120 mm

Adopt stiffeners plate of size = 10 * 120 Marked as (J) & (K) in the Drawing

I = 10 * 120^3 / 3
= 576 * 10E3 > 472 * 10E3


Shear on welds joining stiffeners to web

= (125 * tw * tw) / h
= (125 * 12 * 12) / 120
= 150 N/mm.

For size of weld = S

= 150 / (K * σ_tt)
= 150 / (0.70 * 102.00)
= 2.1 mm

Effective minimum length of weld = 10 * tw

= 10 * 12
= 120 mm.

Adopt Lc = 160 mm long , 5 mm minimum size intermittent fillet welds on either side.


Maximum shear force = V = 1221.50 kN

The end bearing stiffener is designed as column if he = 300 mm

he / tw = 300 /12 = 25 mm > 12

Bearing area required = V * 10E2 / σ_b

= 1221.50 * 10E2 / 189
= 6463

Using two plates of size 300 * 25 provided

= 2 * 300 * 25
= 15000 > 6463

So, tb = 25, Db = 300 Marked as (L) & (M) in the Drawing

The length of web plates which acts along with the stiffener plates
to bear the end reaction = Wb
= 20*tw
= 20 * 12
= 240 mm Marked as (N) in the Drawing

Moment of Inertia of end bearing two stiffeners plates

I = ((tb * ((Db * 2 + tw)^3))/12.0) + ((2*Wb*tw**3)/12)

= ((25 * ((300 * 2 + 12)^3))/12.0) + ((2*240*12^3)/12)

= 478 * 10E5

Area = A
= (Db * 2 + tw) * tb + 2 * Wb * tw
= (300 * 2 + 12) * 25 + 2 * 240 * 12
= 21060

Slenderness Ratio = λ = L/r

Where, L = 1120 mm

r = √(I / A)
= √(478*10E5 / 21060)
= 151 mm

λ = 1120 / 151
= 7.40

Referring to Table 4, given at the end of this report : Refer to (IRC: 24)
Permissible stress in axial compression = σ_ac
= 138 N/
Area required = V * 10E2 / σ_ac
= 1221.50 * 10E2 / 138
= 8851


Length available for welding using alternate intermittent welds

= 2*(Dw - 40)
= 2*(1600 - 40)
= 3120 mm

Required strength of weld = V*10E2 / 3120

= 1222*10E2 / 3120
= 391.51 N/mm

Size of Weld = 391.5 / (K* σtt)

= 391.51 / (0.70 * 102)
= 5.48 mm.

Adopt 6 mm fillet welds of length Lc = 160 mm intermittently on either side.


To resist the structure against wind, racking and centrifugal forces,

lateral bracing is provided End cross frames and intermediate cross frames
are provided for spans more than 20 m.

Wind Load = Pw
= 1.5 kN/,

Coeff = Cw
= 0.25

Depth of Girder = (Dw + 2 * tw) / 1000

= (1600 + 2 * 12) / 1000
= 1.62 m

Span = L = 30 m

Wind Load on windward Girder = Pw * 1.7 * 30

= 1.5 * 1.62 * 30.00
= 73.08 kN
Wind Load on Lee Ward Girder = Cw * 73.08
= 0.25 * 73.08
= 18.27 kN

Total Wind Load = 73.08 + 18.27

= 91.35 kN.

Lateral Load by racking forces = pl

= 6 kN/m

Total racking force = 6 * L

= 6 * 30.00
= 180.00 kN

Total Lateral Load = 180.00 + 91.35

= 271.35 kN

Lateral Load at each end = 271.35 / 2

= 135.68 kN

Considering length of each cross frames = Llb

= 2.00 m

Maximum tension in the diagonal = (271 / 2) * √((Llb*Llb + G*G) / G)

= (271 / 2) * √((2*2 + 1.676*1.676) / 1.676)
= 273.47 kN

Area required = 273.47 * 103 / (0.6 * σt)

= 273.47 * 10E2 / (0.6 * 250.00)
= 1823.11

Adopt Angle Section 100 * 100 with 10mm thickness

Maximum compressive force in horizontal member of each

frame = 271/2
= 136 kN

Length of Members = G
= 1.676 m

Effective Length = 0.65 * 1.676

= 1.089 m

For angle section 100 * 75 with 10 mm thickness

Area = A = 1650, r = 21.6 mm,

λ = (1.0894 * 1000) / 21.6
= 50.4

From Table 4 Refer to (IRC: 24), Permissible stress = σac = 124 N/
Safe Load on Member = (Dw + (tw/2) * 2) * σ_ac /1000 = 200 kN > (271 /2)


Lateral load to be resisted by one frame = 271/2 = 136 kN

Tension in the diagonal = 136 * secθ

= 136 * (1/cosθ)
= 136 * [1 / (2.0 / √ (2*2 + 1.676*1.676))]
= 177 kN

Area required = (177*1000) / (0.6 * σ_t)

= (177 * 1000) / (0.6 * 250)
= 1180
Provide angle section 90*60 with 10 mm thickness Area provided = 1401
Adopt interval of cross frames at 6 m.


Indian Standard Angles :: ISA

Size t a Ixx Iyy Rxx Ryy Zxx Zyy

(A x B) (mm) ( (cm**4) (cm**4) (cm) (cm) (cm**2) (cm**3)
9060 6.0 8.65 70.6 25.2 2.86 1.71 11.5 5.5
9060 8.0 11.37 91.5 32.4 2.84 1.69 15.1 7.2
9060 10.0 14.01 110.9 39.1 2.81 1.67 18.6 8.8
9060 12.0 16.57 129.1 45.2 2.79 1.65 22.0 10.3

10065 6.0 9.55 96.7 32.4 3.18 1.84 14.2 6.4

10065 8.0 12.57 125.9 41.9 3.16 1.83 18.7 8.5
10065 10.0 15.51 153.2 50.7 3.14 1.81 23.1 10.4

10075 6.0 10.14 100.9 48.7 3.15 2.19 14.4 8.5

10075 8.0 13.36 131.6 63.3 3.14 2.18 19.1 11.2
10075 10.0 16.50 160.4 79.9 3.12 2.16 23.6 13.8
10075 12.0 19.56 187.5 89.5 3.10 2.14 27.9 16.3

E.U.D.L., C.D.A. and longitudinal Loads for
Modified B.G. Loading

Span Total E.U.D.L. Total E.U.D.L C.D.A. Tractive Braking

(m) for B.M (kN) for S.F.(kN) (I.F.) Effort (kN) Force (kN)
1 490 490 1 81 62
2 490 519 1 164 123
3 490 662 1 164 123
4 596 778 0.95 245 184
5 741 888 0.877 245 184
6 838 985 0.817 245 185
7 911 1068 0.765 327 221
8 981 1154 0.721 409 276
9 1040 1265 0.683 409 276
10 1101 1377 0.65 490 331
12 1377 1589 0.594 490 331
15 1631 1801 0.531 490 368
20 1964 2168 0.458 735 496
25 2356 2586 0.408 735 565
30 2727 2997 0.372 981 662
40 3498 3815 0.324 981 816
50 4253 4630 0.293 981 978
60 5051 5442 0.271 981 1140
70 5831 6254 0.255 981 1301
80 6603 7065 0.243 981 1463
90 7391 7876 0.233 981 1625
100 8201 8686 0.225 981 1787
110 9011 9496 0.219 981 1949
120 9820 10306 0.213 981 2110
130 10630 11115 0.209 981 2272


Allowable Working Stress σbc for different Values of Critical Stress Cs (IRC:24)

Cs σbc for steσbc for steel confirming to

IS: 226 (Mi IS:961 (High tensile steel
fy = 136 with fy = 299, 331 & 362 N/mm2)
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
30 15 15
40 20 20
50 25 25
60 30 30
70 35 35
80 38 38
90 42 42
100 46 46
120 53 54
140 60 62
160 67 70
180 72 77
200 76 84
220 80 90
240 84 96
260 88 102
280 92 108
300 96 114
350 105 127
400 112 137
450 119 146
500 124 153
550 129 159
600 133 165
650 136 171
700 139 174
800 144 188
900 149 194
1500 158 212
2150 158 224


IS: 226 (IRC:24)

Allowable Average Shear Stress in Stiffened Webs of Steel Confirming to IS: 226

d Shear Stress (N/mm2) for different distances between stiffeners

t 0.4d 0.6d 0.8d 1.0d 1.2d 1.4d 1.5d
110 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
130 87 87 87 87 87 84 82
150 87 87 87 85 80 77 75
170 87 87 83 80 76 72 70
190 87 87 79 75
200 87 85 77
220 87 80 73
240 87 77


Refer to (IRC: 24)

Allowable Working Stress σac in N/mm2 on Effective

Cross Section for Axial Compression (IRC: 24)

σy = Yield Stress of Steel (N/mm2)

λ= (L/__________________________________
236 299 331 362
0 140.0 171.2 191.5 210.0
20 136.0 167.0 186.0 204.0
40 130.0 157.0 174.0 190.0
60 118.0 139.0 151.6 162.0
80 101.0 113.5 120.3 125.5
100 80.5 87.0 90.2 92.7
120 63.0 66.2 68.0 69.0
140 49.4 51.2 52.0 52.6
160 39.0 40.1 40.7 41.1

--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------

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