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‘’Shortening the business Process is good for Business and customer service’’
Business process improvement has become a serious issue of contemporary companies. Recent
changes in the economic environment such as demanding customers, globalization Processes,
economic crisis, regulatory issues, etc. are creating pressure on companies and their
performances. So business process improvement projects have become a necessity for
Companies to be and to stay competitive in the market. In short, business process improvement
initiatives are the means to develop the organization’s processes to more effectively meet the
organization’s business goals.

But is it good shortening the business process rather than making it too lengthy?
Yes, it is there is some positive argument behind this.
(For example- rather than a lengthy Business Process if we try to shorten the process it will be
cost effective as this helps to cut down unnecessary costs.

If we think in the context of Bangladesh the application of the new work method led to better
project results, by shortening time meaning more specifically reduced the number of working
hours required for software development, achieved a better ratio between the number of working
hours and errors,
Reduced the average time to resolve errors in the software development process, and reduced
The average time to resolve errors in the maintenance phase of the software development process

All this indicates that business processes improvement, by applying the new work method, leads
to a better overall output and employees’ effectiveness. Furthermore, business Processes
improvement leads to the improvement of three important dimensions of Human Resource
Management: Motivation, Communication and Knowledge sharing.

Improving these three Dimensions mean that employees are additionally more effective in their
work. So, this is Also one positive consequence of business process improvement.

Growing challenges relating to the globalization, economic pressures, and the changing
Nature of work has forced organizations to search for new ways to advance and secure their
competitive advantages.

To deal with these challenges, business process improvement has become an essential element of
long-term business success through shortening their time.

It helps companies to enhance functionality, increase quality, increase flexibility, reduce

operation (cycle) time, reduce costs, increase employee motivation and job satisfaction, and
increase customer satisfaction.
Why shortening the Business Process would be Beneficial?
A Business Process is a set of related, structured activities and steps performed by the people or
equipment in an organization in order to achieve the basic organizational goals like Profit
maximization and Customer satisfaction.

Business processes may be repeated many times at all organizational levels and may or may not
be visible to the customers if the process follows a bit lengthy process. Also, by doing this there
are some drawbacks as well. (For example- This often frequently results into time wastage,
employee dissatisfaction, de-motivation, wastage of time and efforts, etc. So, rather than a less
cost effective lengthy process it’s better that Organization follows a short process during
conducting their Business.

According to Bangladesh’s perspective,’’ In order to do so for a Customer oriented service

organization it is Preferred that This Tall Structured Organization have to have these below
Business process which is often regarded as a flowchart or workflow of logical steps, and it
serves as a primary foundation for several related ideas like Business Process Management,
Process optimization, Process mapping, Process Simulation, Process Automation, etc.

In addition to that shortening the Business process doesn’t by any means necessarily mean
sacrificing qualities. Moreover, this must contain Human resources, as a key resource of any
company, represent it’s dynamic and creative Factors and as such they represent a crucial factor
for business process improvement. Namely, In order to achieve business processes improvement
or to successfully implement business Processes improvement projects, it is necessary not only to
ensure adequate human resources, But also to achieve their optimal engagement and
commitment Human resources are the ones who need to observe and absorb the objectives and
importance of such projects, and to adopt and implement new approaches in Organization and
Shortening Business Process Example

According to the perspective of Bangladesh, Business processes occur at all organization levels
and it varies from one industry to the other. For instance, the business process used in the
Customer Service or Manufacturing industry would be quite different from the one in Finance,
Health, Aviation, Security, etc.

Since the nature of their business is not the same. Here is business processes example of
Customer oriented Service industries and firms and what this process needs to have if it’s
shortened and yet still makes it employees productive and efficient.

INDUSTRY/FIRM Business/Process (example)

Order processing, engineering change

For Customer Service Oriented Industries control, product assembly, product line
process, quality assurance, maintenance
Table: Basic Steps of shorten Business Process Implementation for Service Organization (with
example) according to Bangladesh’s Perspective

In order to further support this view, the Following is Basic Steps of Shortening Business
Process Implementation:

 Step 1: Define Goals & objectives of Firms:

At this stage, you will first define the basic purpose of the process as well as the reasons
for creating it.

 Step 2: Plan and Mapping the Process: Here you ruminate on effective strategies you
can adopt to achieve the set goals.

 Step 3: Set Actions and Assign People that will handle it:
Who are the best individuals to handle the tasks? What are the machines they will need to
execute the plan? These and more are what you will make decisions about here.

 Step 4: Test the Process: (whether it works)

The goal here is to first scrutinize the process at a low-key level and see how it faired.

 Step 5: Implement the Process (Final Stage)

If you are convinced with the results you get after testing the process, then it is time to
run it on a global level. At this stage, one must communicate properly with all those who
will be handling the tasks and they will also need to train them for better results.

 Step 6: Monitor the Results:

Try reviewing the process and check for any threats it may later bring, and find a way to
mitigate the risk.
 Step 7: Repeat the process: If they were able to achieve the set goals with the process,
continue to replicate it and always track its effectiveness and progress along the line.

Other benefits of shortening Business Process include:

 Streamlined communication
 Cost minimization
 Improved workflows
 Increased flexibility
 Better customer satisfaction
 Consistent maintenance of a work standard
 Increased product/service quality
 Increased administrative control.
Table :( List of items including in the process) (At a glance)

The capabilities of Business Process shortening is good considering the below highlighted

 Business Process shortening brings about Increasing Value Per Work – When one
shortens their business the burden on the employees will reduce and they will be able to
channel their strength and exuberance to other essential assignments and tasks.
This will, in turn, enhance their focus and productivity.

 Business Process shortening leads to Higher Employee Satisfaction – due to less time
consumption. There are some business processes that are extremely complicated and if
they leave them for the employees to handle, especially in very lengthy and too heavy
workloads it may de-motivate them and may even reduce their productivity. But the case
would be reverse when you automate it because the employees will only be required to
perform little tasks.

 Business Process shortening Minimizes Human Error – As long as human beings are
involved in a process, if the process is too lengthy process the error is inevitable, and
some errors can be colossal at times. Automating the business will help to eliminate
every form of human error, and thus giving a more accurate result.

If we think in the Context of Bangladesh Service Organization the importance of Business

Processes to shorten size businesses cannot be overemphasized as it helps business function to be
more orderly and streamlined, and thus facilitating Business Process Management as well as
improving the organization’s efficiency and productivity for the Organization as a whole.

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