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Introduction to psychology: Developmental psychology

• Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

A summary of Erikson’s stages is presented in the following table, adapted from McLeod, S. A. (2018). ‘Erik Erikson’. Retrieved from, 6th August 2018

Stage Psychosocial crisis Age (years) Notes

1 Trust vs Mistrust 0 – 1.5 Is the care from the infant’s primary caregiver stable and consistent? If so, the infant develops the virtue of
hope. If not, the infant may develop a mistrust of relationships that continues into later life.
2 Autonomy vs Shame 1.5 – 3 If parents provide a supportive environment in which the child can develop simple skills, the child can start
to develop autonomy. An environment critical of failure may lead to a lack of self-esteem.
3 Initiative vs Guilt 3–5 Creative play allows children to initiate interaction with others children and, if supported, leads to
confidence in their ability to make decisions. If not supported, children may feel guilt for being a nuisance to
4 Industry vs Inferiority 5 – 13 Children now take the initiative to develop other skills (academic, sporting, music, etc) that gain approval
from significant adults (parents, teachers, etc) and bolster their self-esteem. Conversely, a lack of support
may trigger feelings of inferiority.
5 Identity vs Role Confusion 13 – 21 Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. The teenager may either develop a clear
sense of their place in the world, or a sense of role confusion.
6 Intimacy vs Isolation 21 – 39 At this stage, the young adult typically seeks intimacy and a caring relationship with a life partner. Fearing
intimacy and commitment may lead to loneliness and depression.
7 Generativity vs Stagnation 40 – 65 Adults at this stage seek achievements that will outlast them, whether through raising their own children,
career success or other contributions to society. A lack of such achievements at this stage may lead to
feelings of stagnation and disconnection from society.
8 Ego Integrity vs Despair 65+ How do we look back on our life’s achievements? Do we see ourselves as having had a successful life, or as
having failed to accomplish our life goals?

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