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Introduction to psychology: Developmental


• Summary of Baumrind’s parenting styles

American developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind identified the four distinct parenting styles,
summarised in the following table.

High control Low control

Authoritative Permissive
• Firm and consistent control • Frequent expression of warmth and
High responsiveness

• Monitor and impart clear affection

standards for their children’s • Low enforcement of rules and
conduct authority
• Give priority to child’s needs and • High acceptance
abilities • Taking the role of friend, rather
• Implying age appropriate maturity than parent
demands • Allow the child to make their own
• Encourage children to be decision
independent • Minimal punishment
• Attentive
• Forgiving
• Encouraging autonomy
• Offering democratic climate

Authoritarian Negligent
• Firm in control practices • Inattentive behavior
• Expecting strict, unquestioned • Neglecting the child
Low responsiveness

obedience to parental authority • Little interaction with child

• Not ready to accept individuality
of child
• Disobedience is dealt by forceful
and punitive discipline
• Relative neglect of child’s needs
• Little communication between
parent and child
• Highly directive behaviours

Source: Gafoor and Kurukkan (2014). ‘Construction and Validation of Scale of Parenting Style’.
Guru Journal of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Vol.2, Issue 4.

© Monash University FutureLearn 1

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