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Name: Athena Marie V.

Getizo Section: Carbon

General Biology 1
Laboratory Report No. 2

Introduction: Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four
cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. These
cells are the sex cells or gametes among animals and other complex
organisms such as fungi and plants. In this virtual laboratory activity,
the class will be given the opportunity to see how meiosis occur in

1. To describe how meiosis, happen in Sordaria (fungus).
2. To explain the process of crossing over.
Materials: (Write the materials as indicated in the virtual lab)
Procedure: (From the virtual lab, write the procedure how the activity was done).

Procedure#1: The activity started with the Key Concept II Meiosis itself wherein there
are two parts illustrated which are the Meiosis I and II;
Procedure#2: Next is about the crossing over;
Procedure#3: After that is the design of the experiment II, which is about the
observation of the results of crossing over in a fungus, Sordaria, followed by the closer
look of the spore formation of Sordaria;
Procedure#4: Next is the Arrangement of Ascospores;
Procedure#5: Lastly, is the Evaluation of the crossing over in a slide of Sordaria,
followed by the comparison of the 2 types of cell division and the lab quiz.
Data: Present your data here. (From the virtual activity, record or draw the data that
you’ve seen)
Interpretation, Analysis, and Discussion:

Provide a discussion using the following guide questions:

Crossing over happen in meiosis because it allows recombination of genes

between homologous chromosomes, this alters the linkage between genes on the same
chromosome, crossing over occurs frequently during prophase I of meiosis when
homologous chromosomes associate with each other in a structure called a tetrad. It is
essential for the normal segregation of chromosomes during meiosis.

On the other hand, crossing over is the process which produces recombination of
genes by interchanging the corresponding segments between nonsister chromatids of

Lastly, meiosis only occur in gametes because it is essential for the creation of
the haploid gametes which will be used for the fertilization. It plays a vital role for the
sexual reproduction to occur for it results in the formation of gametes, the sperm cells
and egg cells. Meiosis is used for one purpose in the human body and it is to produce

Conclusion: Provide a conclusion for the objectives given.

In an ascomycete fungi which is the Sordaria, a form of meiosis happens in which

the products of meiosis order themselves within a fruiting body in accordance to the
physical separation and segregation of chromatids during the mitotic process in order to
form haploid ascospores, spores contained in asci (special sacs) and then one mitotic
division doubles the number of ascospores to eight..

Meanwhile, the process of crossing over is the producing of recombination of genes by

interchanging the corresponding segments between nonsister chromatids of
homologous. Crossing over takes place in pachytene stage of prophase I of meiosis. In
this stage, the bivalent chromosome becomes tetrad (that is with four chromatids). The
adjacent nonsister chromatids are joined together at certain points called chiasmata.
Crossing over occurs between the nonsister chromatids of paired chromosomes in the
region of chiasma wherein at each chiasma, the two nonsister chromatids break, then
their segments will exchange and rejoin resulting to crossing over. Out of the 4
chromatids in the example, the 2 chromatids that are adjacent are recombinants and the
remaining two are the original chromatids, thus the four types of gametes are obtained.

Application: Genetic variation and genetic disorder are due to the process of meiosis.
Discuss how the processes of meiosis result to variation of genes and genetic
The processes of meiosis result to variation of genes because

References: Cite your references using the APA Format.

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