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Jesus in the Sanctuary

No prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the
second advent, but the longest one, the 2300 days of Daniel
8:14, terminated in 1844, and brought us to an event called
the cleansing of the sanctuary.
The true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was
a type, is the temple of God in heaven, of which Paul speaks
in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of which the Lord Jesus, as
our great High Priest, is minister; and the priestly work of
our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of
the former dispensation; this heavenly sanctuary is the one
to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14; its
cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judgment, beginning
with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judg-
ment phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary fore-
shadowed in the earthly service of cleansing the sanctuary
on the Day of Atonement. This work of judgment in the
heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close
human probation.

"Thy way, 0 God, is in the sanctuary:

who is so great a God as our God?"
Psalm 77:13.

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth
eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy
place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart
of the contrite ones. Isaiah 57:15.

From eternal ages it was God's ary? is clearly answered in the Scrip-
purpose that every created being, tures. The term "sanctuary," as used
from the bright and holy seraph to in the Bible, refers, first, to the taber-
man, should be a temple for the in- nacle built by Moses, as a pattern of
dwelling of the Creator. Because of heavenly things; and, secondly, to the
sin, humanity ceased to be a temple "true tabernacle" in heaven, to which
for God. Darkened and defiled by the earthly sanctuary pointed.—The
evil, the heart of man no longer re- Great Controversy, 417:1.
vealed the glory of the Divine One.
But by the incarnation of the Son of 2. What is said of God's way?
God, the purpose of Heaven is ful- Psalms 68:24; 77:13.
filled. God dwells in humanity, and
through saving grace the heart of 3. From where does strength
man becomes again His temple. God come? Psalm 20 : 2.
designed that the temple at Jerusalem
should be a continual witness to the 4. What is God to His people?
high destiny open to every soul. But Isaiah 8:14; Ezekiel 11:16.
the Jews had not understood the sig-
nificance of the building they re- 5. Where was the psalmist drawn
garded with so much pride. They did close to God? Psalm 73:17.
not yield themselves as holy temples
for the divine Spirit.—The Desire of 6. How does God want His sanc-
Ages, 161:1. tuary to be? Psalm 96:6; Isaiah
60 : 13.
A Sanctuary
It is interesting to note that
1. What is a sanctuary?
"beauty of holiness" (Psalm 96:9)
Any place considered as a dwelling
place of Deity, or as occupied by the
is translated in the margin of the
personal divine Presence.—Webster. King James Version of the Bible
The question, What is the sanctu- "in the glorious sanctuary;" in the

, ;
margin of Psalm 29:2 the same
expression is translated "in His
glorious sanctuary." Psalm 96:6
seems to put the two together:
"Strength and beauty are in His
It is the beauty of holiness, a meek
and quiet spirit, which is of value with
God.—The Great Controversy, 566:3.
(Italics ours.)
The matchless splendor of the
earthly tabernacle reflected to human
vision the glories of that heavenly
temple where Christ our forerunner
ministers for us before the throne of
God. The abiding place of the King of
kings; . . . that temple, filled with the In His suffering and death Jesus learned
glory of the eternal throne, where sera- how to be a merciful, faithful High Priest.
phim, its shining guardians, veil their
faces in adoration, could find, in the and its glory.—Patriarchs and Proph-
most magnificent structure ever reared ets, 357:2.
by human hands, but a faint reflection
of its vastness and glory.—The Great Sanctuaries or Temples
Controversy, 414:2.
in the Earth
God's Throne a Sanctuary 10. What does the apostle Paul
7. Where does God dwell? Isaiah say we are? 1 Corinthians 3:16,
57:15. 17; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18.

8. What has been the place of 11. What did God ask the Israel-
our sanctuary from the beginning? ites to make for Him in the wilder-
Jeremiah 17:12; Hebrews 1:8. ness? Exodus 25:8.

9. By analogy, what does Paul 12. When was the tabernacle set
declare the heavenly sanctuary to up, and what happened when they
be? Hebrews 9:24. had finished setting it up? Exodus
Paul declares the heavenly sanc- 40:2, 33-35.
tuary to be "heaven itself." He- 13. What conversation took
brews 9:24. place between King David and
The heavenly temple, the abiding the prophet Nathan when David
place of the King of kings, where "thou- wanted to build a house for the
sand thousands minister unto Him, and Lord? 2 Samuel 7:2, 3.
ten thousand times ten thousand stand
before Him," that temple filled with 14. But who did God say would
the glory of the eternal throne, where
build a house for Him? 2 Samuel
seraphim, its shining guardians, veil
their faces in adoration—no earthly 7:4-17.
structure could represent its vastness The tabernacle built in the wil-

derness had served the children of 17. What does the apostle Peter
Israel for many years. But David call it? 1 Peter 2:4-10.
felt that it was not fitting that
God's worship should be carried on 18. Where are the names of the
in a tent when the children of Israel true members written? Revelation
no longer dwelt in tents. He wanted 3:5; 21:27.
to build a temple for God, but had
19. What does Christ, who loves
been denied the privilege of build-
the church, desire it to be? Ephe-
ing it. He had been a man of war,
sians 5:25-27.
and God wanted Solomon, who was
to be a man of peace, to build the During ages of spiritual darkness,
the church of God has been as a city set
temple. Solomon built it according
on a hill. From age to age, through
to the plans drawn up by David. successive generations, the pure doc-
This temple was a beautiful struc- trines of heaven have been unfolding
ture, and the Jews were proud of within its borders. Enfeebled and de-
it. It was destroyed at the time of fective as it may appear, the church is
the one object upon which God bestows
the Babylonian captivity. Then Ze- in a special sense His supreme regard.
rubbabel rebuilt it, and Herod spent It is the theater of His grace, in which
some forty-six years in beautify- He delights to reveal His power to
ing it. This latter building was de- transform hearts.—The Acts of the
stroyed when the Romans under Apostles, 12 : 1.
The church on earth, composed of
Titus took Jerusalem in the year
those who are faithful and loyal to
A.D. 70. It has never been rebuilt. God, is the "true tabernacle" (Hebrews
8:2), whereof the Redeemer is the Min-
The Church a Sanctuary ister. . . .
15. What name was given to the A holy tabernacle is built up of those
who receive Christ as their personal
body of Christ's followers? Mat- Saviour. . . .
thew 16:18; Acts 2:47. Christ is the Minister of the true
tabernacle, the High Priest of all who
16. Upon what is this church believe in Him as a personal Saviour.—
built? Matthew 16:16; Ephesians Ellen G. White, Signs of the Times,
2:20-22. Feb. 14, 1900.

Beautiful Things to Remember:

1. A sanctuary is where the divine Presence dwells, and
any place God is, is holy.
a. To Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden was a sanc-
tuary. After their fall, they used to meet God at the angel-
guarded gate of the garden.

b. Abel met Him at the altar, where fire from heaven

devoured his sacrifice of faith.
c. Enoch met Him in a place of retirement, where he
could talk with God.
Enoch's heart was upon eternal treasures. He had looked upon
the celestial city. He had seen the King in His glory in the midst
of Zion. His mind, his heart, his conversation, were in heaven.—
Patriarchs and Prophets, 87:2.
d. Abraham met Him in the secret place of prayer and
knew Him well.
e. Jacob met Him at Bethel and declared, "Surely the
Lord is in this place." Genesis 28:16.
f. Moses communed with Him in the mountain fastnesses,
and returned to the people, his face aglow with the reflection
of the divine Presence.
g. Prophets, priests, and kings met Him, and they con-
sidered the places where they met Him as sacred.
2. The tabernacle was built in the wilderness and later
located at Shiloh. This was followed by a tent which David
pitched for the ark for a short time. Then came the temple
of Solomon, and that of Zerubbabel. This last one was more
glorious than the former because the divine Son of God
Himself taught in its courts. Herod's temple was Zerubba-
bel's temple beautified by forty-six years of work under the
direction of Herod.
3. The church of God on earth is His temple.
4. The individual body is a temple of God if so be He
dwells therein.
5. Humility and reverence should characterize the deportment
of all who come into the presence of God. . . . God is greatly to be
reverenced; all who truly realize His presence will bow in humility
before Him, and, like Jacob beholding the vision of God, they will
cry out, "How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the
house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." [Genesis 28:17.]—
Patriarchs and Prophets, 252 : 1.

Texts to Remember:
Exodus 25:8 Isaiah 57:15 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17

Define or Identify:
church sanctuary tabernacle temple throne

Let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among

them. Exodus 25:8.

Precious were the lessons taught to In pity for their weakness, God gave
Israel during their sojourn at Sinai. them a symbol of His presence. "Let
This was a period of special train- them make Me a sanctuary," He said;
ing for the inheritance of Canaan. "that I may dwell among them." Exo-
And their surroundings here were dus 25 : 8.—Education, 34:3 to 35:1.
favorable for the accomplishing of
God's purpose. On the summit of The Pattern for the
Sinai, overshadowing the plain where Tabernacle
the people spread their tents, rested
the pillar of cloud which had been the I. Where did Moses receive the
guide of their journey. A pillar of pattern for the making of the tab-
fire by night, it assured them of ernacle? Exodus 25:9, 40; Acts.
the divine protection; and while they 7:44; Hebrews 8:5.
were locked in slumber, the bread of
heaven fell gently upon the encamp- 2. Of what was the tabernacle
ment. On every hand, vast, rugged a representation? Hebrews 8:1-5;
heights, in their solemn grandeur,
9:9, 23.
spoke f eternal endurance and maj-
esty. Man was made to feel his ig- The holy places made with hands
norance and weakness in the presence were to be "figures of the true," "pat-
of Him who hath "weighed the moun- terns of things in the heavens" (He-
tains in scales, and the hills in a brews 9:24, 23)—a miniature repre-
balance." Isaiah 40:12. Here, by sentation of the heavenly temple where
the manifestation of His glory, God Christ, our great High Priest, after
sought to impress Israel with the holi- offering His, life as a sacrifice, was to
ness of His character and require- minister in the sinner's behalf—Patri-
ments, and the exceeding guilt of archs and Prophets, 343:2. (Italics
transgression. ours.)
But the people were slow to learn
the lesson. Accustomed as they had The Tabernacle and Its
been in Egypt to material representa- Furnishings
tions of the Deity, and these of the 3. How long and how wide was
most degrading nature, it was difficult
for them to conceive of the existence the court that surrounded the tab-
or the character of the Unseen One. ernacle proper? Exodus 27:18.

Into the holy place the priest went daily to serve the people. Here were the
altar of incense, the seven-branched candlestick, and the table of shewbread.

A common cubit was approxi- north and south sides twenty cu-
mately one and a half feet, but the bits—approximately thirty-six feet
"sacred" or "royal" cubit used in —from the curtains that enclosed
the tabernacle was about twenty- the court. The most holy place was
two inches; so the court of the so located as to make the ark come
tabernacle would be about 90 x 180 exactly in the center of the west
feet. half of the court. The altar of
burnt offerings was in th-e exact
4. A careful study of the boards center of the east half of the court.
and curtains prescribed for the As Christ's ministration was to con-
tabernacle (Exodus 25 to 27) re- sist of two great divisions, each occupy-
veals that the tabernacle itself was ing a period of time and having a
ten cubits wide and thirty cu- distinctive place in the heavenly sanc-
bits long—"not more than fifty-five tuary, so the typical ministration con-
sisted of two divisions, the daily and
feet in length, and eighteen in the yearly, and to each a department
breadth and height."—Patriarchs of the tabernacle was devoted.—Patri-
and Prophets, 347:1. It was divided archs and Prophets, 357:3. •
by the "veil" into two compart-
5. What articles of furniture
ments (Exodus 26:33) , the holy
were in the court? Exodus 40:6, 7.
and the most holy places. It faced
the east, and was situated in the 6. What articles of furniture
court in such a way as to place were in the holy place? Exodus
the rear of the tabernacle and the 40:4, 5.

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A diagram of the court and the sanctuary, showing the proportion of each and
the arrangement of furniture in the court, the holy, and the most holy place.

7. What was in the most holy the tables of the law inside, the mercy
place of the sanctuary? Exodus seat just above, and the covering cheru-
bim with outstretched wings, repre-
26:33, 34.
sented the throne of God; and the
8. Was there any meaning to the Shekinah, that mysterious light hover-
different pieces of furniture in the ing over the mercy seat between the
covering cherubim, was the manifest
earthly sanctuary? presence of God Himself. He had said:
Each article of furniture of the sanc- "Let them make Me a sanctuary; that
tuary, full of significance because of I may dwell among them." Exodus
the part it played in the service of the 25 : 8.—Life and Times of the Old Testa-
sanctuary, represented some feature of ment, 183:1.
the work of redemption: the altar of
burnt offerings in the court represented 9. What did the angels inter-
Calvary, where Jesus gave His life for woven in the curtains of the taber-
sinful man; the laver, halfway between nacle represent? Daniel 7:10; He-
the altar and the door of the sanctuary
itself, symbolized the washing away of
brews 1:14.
sin and the presence of the Innocent These [the curtains], like the in-
One; the golden candlestick, on the ner covering, which formed the ceil-
left as the sanctuary was entered, with ing, were of the most gorgeous colors,
its perfection number of lamps, repre- blue, purple, and scarlet, beautifully
sented Him who is the Light of the arranged, while inwrought with threads
world; the table of shewbread was of gold and silver were cherubim to
the container of a representation of represent the angelic host who are
that Bread which is come down from connected with the work of the heav-
heaven; the altar of incense symbolized enly sanctuary, and who are minister-
the family altar, the secret place of ing spirits to the people of God on
prayer, or any other place where earth—Patriarchs and Prophets, 347:2.
prayer is "wont to be made" (Acts
16:13) ; the ark of the covenant with 10. What are some of the names
The sanctuary was pitched in
the center of the camp of Israel.






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A diagram of the camp of Is ael as it was pitched each time in relation to

the sanctuary. Roman numerals show the order of march of the camp.

given this earthly tabernacle in the h. "Figures of the true." He-

Bible? brews 9:24.
a. "The temple." 1 Corinthians 11. Contrast these with the
names given the heavenly sanc-
b. "A worldly sanctuary." He- tuary.
brews 9:1.
a. "Thy dwelling place." 2 Chron-
c. "The first tabernacle." He- icles 6:39.
brews 9:8.
d. "A figure for the time then b. "His holy temple." Psalm
present." Hebrews 9:9. 11:4.
e. "Patterns of things in the c. "Place of His habitation."
heavens." Hebrews 9:23. Psalm 33:14.
f. "A shadow of good things to d. "Habitation of Thy holiness."
come." Hebrews 10:1. Isaiah 63:15.
g. "Holy places made with e. "His holy habitation." Jere-
hands." Hebrews 9:24. miah 25:30.

f. "My Father's house." John So did Christ plead His blood before
14:2. the Father in behalf of sinners, and
present before Him also, with the pre-
g. "The sanctuary." Hebrews cious fragrance of His own righteous-
8:2. ness, the prayers of penitent believers.
h. "True tabernacle, which the Such was the work of ministration in
the first apartment of the sanctuary in
Lord pitched." Hebrews 8:2. heaven. . . .
i. "Holiest of all." Hebrews 9:8. As anciently the sins of the people
j. "Temple of God." Revelation were by faith placed upon the sin offer-
ing, and through its blood transferred,
in figure, to the earthly sanctuary; so
12. How do we know that this in the new covenant the sins of the
repentant are by faith placed upon
tabernacle was a figure, or type, of
Christ, and transferred, in fact, to the
the heavenly sanctuary? Hebrews heavenly sanctuary. And as the typi-
8:1-5. cal cleansing of the earthly was ac-
The ministration of the priest complished by the removal of the sins
throughout the year in the first apart- by which it had been polluted, so
ment of the sanctuary, "within the the actual cleansing of the heavenly
veil" (Hebrews 6:19) which formed the is to be accomplished by the removal,
door and separated the holy place from or blotting out, of the sins which
the outer court, represents the work of are there recorded.—The Great Contro-
ministration upon which Christ entered versy, 420:3; 421:3.
at His ascension. It was the work of What was done in type in the minis-
the priest in the daily ministration to tration of the earthly sanctuary, is
present before God the blood of the done in reality in the ministration of
sin offering, also the incense which the heavenly sanctuary.—The Great
ascended with the prayers of Israel. Controversy, 420:2.

Beautiful Things to Remember:

1. The banners carried by the several tribes in their line
of march seem to indicate some feature of Jesus' work in
the plan of salvation:
a. Moses, Aaron, and the priests went first, of course,
with the sacred ark of God. These were followed by Judah,
Issachar, and Zebulun, and the banner of Judah which pre-
ceded this group had a lion's head on it, representing Jesus
as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Revelation 5:5), and
some have thought that the Gospel of Matthew presents
Him as this lion.
b. Next in line came the Merarites, a group of the tribe
of Levi, with the boards of the tabernacle, and followed by

the Gershonites, another part of the tribe of Levi, with the

"hangings" of the tabernacle. Reuben, Simeon, and Gad
came next. Their banner had the face of a man, representing
Jesus as the "Son of man," as presented in the Gospel accord-
ing to Luke.
c. The Kohathites, another group of the tribe of Levi,
with the furniture of the sanctuary, excepting the sacred
ark, came next in line, followed by the tribes of Ephraim,
Manasseh, and Benjamin. Their banner had the head of an
ox on it, representing Jesus as the Burden Bearer for the
human race, as presented in the Gospel according to Mark.
d. Then came the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali. Their
banner had an eagle on it, representing Jesus as the ever-
present, all-knowing One, as presented in the Gospel accord-
ing to John.

Texts to Remember:
Exodus 25:8 Daniel 7 :10 Hebrews 8:1-5

Define or Identify:
ark pattern symbol
mercy seat Shekinah the number seven


Not only the sanctuary itself, but putting Christ to death, the Jews vir-
the ministration of the priests, was to tually destroyed their temple. When
"serve unto the example and shadow Christ was crucified, the inner veil of
of heavenly things." Hebrews 8:5. the temple was rent in twain from
Thus it was of great importance; and top to bottom, signifying that the
the Lord, through Moses, gave the great final sacrifice had been made,
most definite and explicit instruction and that the system of sacrificial of-
concerning every point of this typical ferings was forever at an end.—The
service. The ministration of the sanc- Desire of Ages, 16 5 : 3 , 4.
tuary consisted of two divisions, a
daily and a yearly service. The daily The Priests
service was performed at the altar of 1. Who was chosen as the first
burnt offering in the court of the
high priest? Exodus 28:1-3.
tabernacle, and in the holy place;
while the yearly service was in the 2. Who were associated with him
most holy.—Patriarchs and Prophets,
as priests? Exodus 28:1; Numbers
3 5 1 :4.
Christ was the foundation and life 18:1.
of the temple. Its services were typi-
3. What tribe of the twelve was
cal of the sacrifice of the Son of
God. The priesthood was established given to assist the priests in the
to represent the mediatorial character work of the tabernacle? Numbers
and work of Christ. The entire plan 18:2.
of sacrificial worship was a fore-
shadowing of the Saviour's death to 4. What was the responsibility of
redeem the world. There would be the priests? Numbers 18:1, 2, last
no efficacy in these offerings when the part.
great event toward which they had
pointed for ages was consummated. 5. How were the priests dressed?
Since the whole ritual economy was Exodus 28:2-12.
symbolical of Christ, it had no value
apart from Him. When the Jews The robe of the common priest was
sealed their rejection of Christ by de- of white linen, and woven in one piece.
livering Him to death, they rejected It extended nearly to the feet, 'and was
all that gave significance to the tem- confined about the waist by a white
ple and its services. Its sacredness linen girdle embroidered in blue, pur-
had departed. It was doomed to de- ple, and red. A linen turban, or miter,
struction. From that day sacrificial completed his outer costume. . . .
offerings and the service connected The garments of the high priest
with them were meaningless. . . . In were of costly material and beautiful
On the Day of Atonement the high priest entered the most holy place.

workmanship, befitting his exalted sta-

tion. In addition to the linen dress of m INISTRATtow ATONEMENT
the common priest, he wore a robe of
blue, also woven in one piece. Around
the skirt it was ornamented with golden
bells, and pomegranates of blue, pur-

a 1111 11Atift
ple, and scarlet. Outside of this was the
ephod, a shorter garment of gold, blue,
purple, scarlet, and white. It was con-
fined by a girdle of the same colors,
beautifully wrought. The ephod was
sleeveless, and on its gold-embroidered
shoulder pieces were set two onyx
stones, bearing the names of the twelve
tribes of Israel.
Over the ephod was the breastplate, PREFIGURED BY THE BLOOD OF ANIMALS
the most sacred of the priestly vest-
ments. This was of the same material The service of the sanctuary helps us visual-
as the ephod. It was in the form of a ize Christ's ministry in the temple above.
square, measuring a span, and was sus-
pended from the shoulders by a cord
of blue from golden rings. The border
• The morning and evening sacri-
was formed of a variety of precious fice. Exodus 29:38-42. (See also
stones, the same that form the twelve 1 Kings 18:29.)
foundations of the City of God. Within
Every morning and evening a lamb
the border were twelve stones set in
of a year old was burned upon the al-
gold, arranged in rows of four, and,
tar, with its appropriate meat offering,
like those in the shoulder pieces, en-
thus symbolizing the daily consecration
graved with the names of the tribes.
of the nation to Jehovah, and their
The Lord's direction was, "Aaron shall
constant dependence upon the atoning
bear the names of the children of Israel
blood of Christ.—Patriarchs and Proph-
in the breastplate of judgment upon
ets, 352:3.
his heart, when he goeth in unto the
holy place, for a memorial before the 8. Where do Christians get an
Lord continually." Exodus 28:29. So example for morning and evening
Christ, the great High Priest, pleading
His blood before the Father in the worship?
sinner's behalf, bears upon His heart The hours appointed for the morn-
the name of every repentant, believing ing and the evening sacrifice were re-
soul. Says the psalmist, "I am poor garded as sacred, and they came to be
and needy, yet the Lord thinketh upon observed as the set time for worship
me." Psalm 40:17.—Patriarchs and throughout the Jewish nation. . . .
Prophets, 350:2 to 351:1. In this custom, the Christians have
an example for morning and evening
The Several Offerings prayer. While God condemns a mere
6. What sacrifices, or offerings, round of ceremonies, without the spirit
of worship, He looks with great pleas-
were presented in the tabernacle ure upon those who love Him, bowing
each day? Numbers 28:1-8. morning and evening to seek pardon
for sins committed, and to present
7. What special name was given their requests for needed blessings.—
to these sacrifices? Patriarchs and Prophets, 353:3.



9. To whom did these morning it was sin that caused death.—Patri-

and evening sacrifices point? John archs and Prophets, 68:1.
1:29, 36. 12. How is the daily service in
In the temple the morning and the the tabernacle summarized?
evening sacrifice daily pointed to the The daily service consisted of the
Lamb of God.—The Desire of Ages, morning and evening burnt offering,
44:1. the offering of sweet incense on the
10. What sacrifices were pre- golden altar, and the special offer-
ings for individual sins. And there
sented on special occasions? Num- were also offerings for sabbaths, new
bers 28:9 to 29:39. moons, and special feasts.—Patriarchs
a. On the Sabbath. Numbers and Prophets, 352:2.
28:9, 10.
The People's Sins Accumulated
b. At the beginning of each in the Tabernacle
month. Numbers 28:11-15.
13. What happened to the sins
c. At the time of the Passover that were confessed, day by day,
and Feast of Unleavened Bread. by those who came to the taber-
Numbers 28:16-25. nacle? Numbers 18:1.
d. On the day of the first fruits. The most important part of the
Verses 26-31. daily ministration was the service per-
formed in behalf of individuals. The
e. On the first day of the seventh repentant sinner brought his offering
month. Numbers 29:1-6. to the door of the tabernacle, and
placing his hand upon the victim's
f. On the Day of Atonement. head, confessed his sins, thus in figure
Verses 7-11. transferring them from himself to the
innocent sacrifice. By his own hand
g. At the time of the Feast of the animal was then slain, and the
Tabernacles. Verses 12-39. blood was carried by the priest into
the holy place and sprinkled before
11. Mention some of the special the veil, behind which was the ark con-
sin offerings. Leviticus 4. taining the law that the sinner had
a. For a priest. Leviticus 4:3-12. transgressed. By this ceremony the sin
was, through the blood, transferred in
b. For the whole congregation. figure to the sanctuary. In some cases
Verses 13-21. the blood was not taken into the holy
place; but the flesh was then to be
c. For a ruler. Verses 2-26. eaten by the priest, as Moses directed
d. For anyone of the common the sons of Aaron, saying, "God hath
given it you to bear the iniquity of the
people. Verses 27-35. congregation." Leviticus 10:17. Both
The sacrificial offerings were or- ceremonies alike symbolized the trans-
dained by God to be to man a perpetual fer of the sin from the penitent to the
reminder and a penitential acknowl- sanctuary.
edgment of his sin, and a confession Such was the work that went on day
of his faith in the promised Redeemer. by day throughout the year. The sins
They were intended to impress upon of Israel being thus transferred to the
the fallen race the solemn truth that sanctuary, the holy places were defiled,


and a special work became necessary the altar, to "cleanse it, and hallow it
for the removal of the sins. God com- from the uncleanness of the children
manded that an atonement be made for of Israel." Leviticus 16:19.—Patriarchs
each of the sacred apartments, as for and Prophets, 354:2 to 355:1.

Beautiful Things to Remember:

1. The sacrificial lamb represents "the Lamb of God." John
1:29. . . . It was not enough that the paschal lamb be slain; its
blood must be sprinkled upon the doorposts; so the merits of
Christ's blood must be applied to the soul. We must believe, not
only that He died for the world, but that He died for us indi-
vidually. We must appropriate to ourselves the virtue of the
atoning sacrifice.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 277:1.
2. God expressly directed that every offering presented for the
service of the sanctuary should be "without blemish." Exodus 12:5.
. . . We are to give ourselves to the service of God, and we should
seek to make the offering as nearly perfect as possible. God will
not be pleased with anything less than the best we can offer. Those
who love Him with all the heart, will desire to give Him the best
service of the life, and they will be constantly seeking to bring
every power of their being into harmony with the laws that will
promote their ability to do His will. Patriarchs and Prophets,
3. Everything connected with the apparel and deportment of the
priests was to be such as to impress the beholder with a sense of
the holiness of God, the sacredness of His worship, and the purity
required of those who came into His presence—Patriarchs and
Prophets, 351 : 3.
4. By those beautiful official garments was represented the
character of the Great Antitype, Jesus Christ.—The Desire of
Ages, 709:1.
5. Christ was the foundation and life of the temple. Its services
were typical of the sacrifice of the Son of God. . . . The entire
plan of sacrificial worship was a foreshadowing of the Saviour's
death to redeem the world.—The Desire of Ages, 165:3.
6. As they departed from God, the Jews in a great degree lost
sight of the teaching of the ritual service. That service had been
instituted by Christ Himself. In every part it was a symbol of Him.
—The Desire of Ages, 29:3 (1940 ed., 29:2). (Italics ours.)
7. Like Aaron, who symbolized Christ, our Saviour bears the
names of all His people on His heart in the holy place.—Christ's
Object Lessons, 148:2.

Define or Identify:
atonement breastplate incense lamb white linen robe
Important truths concerning the Leviticus 23:29; Numbers 29:7.
atonement are taught by the typical Every man was to afflict his soul
service. A substitute was accepted in while the work of atonement was go-
the sinner's stead; but the sin was not ing forward. All business was laid
canceled by the blood of the victim. aside, and the whole congregation of
A means was thus provided by which Israel spent the day in solemn humilia-
it was transferred to the sanctuary. tion before God, with prayer, fasting,
By the offering of blood, the sinner and deep searching of heart.—Patri-
acknowledged the authority of the archs and Prophets, 355:4.
law, confessed his guilt in transgres-
sion, and expressed his desire for par- 3. What was the special work to
don through faith in a Redeemer to be done on that day? Leviticus
come; but he was not yet entirely re-
leased from the condemnation of the 16:31-34; 2 Corinthians 5:10; He-
law. On the Day of Atonement the brews 9:7, 25.
high priest, having taken an offering
from the congregation, went into the 4. Who only could be in the sanc-
most holy place with the blood of this tuary during the work of that day?
offering, and sprinkled it upon the Leviticus 16:17.
mercy seat, directly over the law, to
make satisfaction for its claims. Then, The High Priest's Purification
in his character of mediator, he took
the sins upon himself and bore them
for Himself
from the sanctuary. Placing his hands 5. What warning was given to
upon the head of the scapegoat, he Aaron concerning going into the
confessed over him all these sins, thus
most holy place of the tabernacle?
in figure transferring them from him-
self to the goat: The goat then bore Leviticus 16:2.
them away, and they were regarded
6. With what offerings was he
as forever separated from the people.
—The Great Controversy, 420:1. to present himself on this Day of
Atonement? Leviticus 16:3, 4, 11,
A Special Day in Israel 17.
1. Of all the days set apart in 7. What is said as to his personal
the ceremonial system, which day cleanliness and his clothing for that
was considered the most solemn? day? Leviticus 16:4.
Leviticus 16:29-31.
8. Describe how the high priest
2. What was each person in the was to offer the bullock for his
camp of Israel to do on that day? own purification, what he was to

do with incense, and where he was

to sprinkle the blood of the bullock.
Leviticus 16:11-14. 141111:27 ACCESS TO
Goo MN
ACCESS TO (ery Ci1121151f
The Cleansing of the GOD BY / „.agni
Earthly Sanctuary CHRIST owl-vim/it

9. What was the high priest to

receive from the congregation? Le-
viticus 16:5.
10. Why were lots cast upon
these two goats? Leviticus 16:8.
The sin offering pointed to Christ as
a sacrifice, and the high priest repre-
sented Christ as a mediator, the§diftpe=
goat typified Satan, the author of sin. Christians are to accept the truth of God
instead of the counterfeit of paganism.
—The Great Controversy, 422 : 2.

11. What was done with the goat priest was to make atonement for
that represented Christ? Leviticus the holy place, that is, the inner
16:9, 15. apartment; the tabernacle, that is,
12. What is "an atonement"? Ro- the first apartment; and for the
mans 5:8-11. altar. Leviticus 16:20.
The state of, or act of bringing into, As Jesus moved out of the most holy
concord; restoration of friendly rela- place, . . . [He] tarried a moment in
tions; reconciliation.—Webster. the outer apartment of the heavenly
The law did not abate one jot of its sanctuary, and the sins which had been
justice, but through the atoning sacri- confessed while He was in the most
fice of Christ, the repentant sinner holy place, were placed upon Satan,
stands justified before the law.—Ellen the originator of sins, who must suf-
G. White, Review and Herald, May 23, fer their punishment.—Early Writings,
1899. 280:2.

13. Why was the shedding of 15. What was done with the live
blood necessary? Leviticus 17:11; goat, the one that had been chosen
Hebrews 9:7, 22. to represent Satan? Leviticus 16:
The cleansing, both in the typical
and in the real service, must be accom- Now the event takes place, fore-
plished with blood: in the former, with shadowed in the last solemn service of
the blood of animals; in the latter, with the Day of Atonement. When the min-
the blood of Christ. Paul states, as the istration in the holy of holies had been
reason why this cleansing must be per- completed, and the sins of Israel had
formed with blood, that without shed- been removed from the sanctuary by
ding of blood is no remission.—The virtue of the blood of the sin offering,
Great Controversy, 417:3. then the scapegoat was presented alive
before the Lord; and in presence of the
14. It is to be noted that the high congregation the high priest confessed


over him "all the iniquities of the chil- embodiment of sin. The guilt of
dren of Israel, and all their transgres- every son of Adam pressed upon
sions in all their sins, putting them
Him. "For He hath made Him to
upon the head of the goat." Leviticus
16:21. In like manner, when the work be sin for us, who knew no sin."
of atonement in the heavenly sanc- 2 Corinthians 5:21. That is why
tuary has been completed, then in the the Father turned His face from
presence of God and heavenly angels, His dying Son.
and the host of the redeemed, the sins
And Jesus will bear the sins of
of God's people will be placed upon
Satan; he will be declared guilty of all the world until the very close of
the evil which he has caused them to time. He is "the Lamb of God,
commit. And as the scapegoat was which taketh away the sin of the
sent away into a land not inhabited, world." John 1:29. In the final
so Satan will be banished to the deso-
late earth, an uninhabited and dreary
cleansing of the universe, sin will
wilderness.—The Great Controversy, be destroyed: those who have died,
658 : 1. or who have come to the close of
Satan will not suffer the punish- probation, with unconfessed sins,
ment of the righteous in the sense will be burned in the lake of fire,
of his being the sin bearer, or of together with the originator of
making propitiation for the sins of sin, to whom at that time will be
the righteous, or of making atone- charged all the sins he has caused
ment for them. Jesus has made full the righteous to commit. Satan
and complete provision for the put- will be made to suffer the penalty
ting away of the sins of all who are of sin—eternal death.
willing to accept His sacrifice on 16. With what care were those
Calvary's cross. There is no need who had to do with the scapegoat
for any further atonement. The to cleanse themselves?
sins of all those who have come
a. The priest. Leviticus 16:23-25.
to Him in faith have been taken
from them and have been borne b. He that took the scapegoat to
in His own body. As He hung on the wilderness. Verse 26.
the cross, as had been typified by c. He that burned the remains of
the brazen serpent, lifted up by Mo- the bullock and the goat that had
ses in the wilderness, He was the represented Christ. Verses 27, 28.

Beautiful Things to Remember:

1. The colors used in the sanctuary had their meaning,
a. The white, the combination and blending of all colors,
represented the "righteousness of saints." Revelation 19:8.
The blending of all Christian graces certainly would make
the righteousness which Christ wants all of His people to
b. The blue, representing loyalty and obedience (Num-
bers 15:38-41), was used profusely in the sanctuary hang-
c. The gold represented faith and love. Testimonies for
the Church, vol. 4, 88:1.
d. The silver represented obedience. Prophets and Kings,
e. The red, or crimson, represented the blood of Jesus, the
crimson stream which flows for man's redemption. Testi-
monies for the Church, vol. 4, 120:3.
f. The purple, combination of the blue and red, was the
"royal color."
2. The precious stones represented "good works." Proph-
ets and Kings, 410 : 0.
3. The coverings of the tabernacle, too, had their mean-
a. The sealskin covering (badgers' skins, Exodus 26:14;
but see Patriarchs and Prophets, 347:1) represented Him
who "hath no form nor comeliness; . . . no beauty that we
should desire Him." Isaiah 53:2.
b. The rams' skins dyed red (Exodus 26:14), the covering
immediately under the outer covering of seals' skin, repre-
sented "the blood of Jesus Christ," which "cleanseth . . .
from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
c. The goat-hair covering of pure white (see E. E. At-
water, Sacred Tabernacle of the Hebrews, 26) represented
the casting away of sin "as far as the east is from the
west." Psalm 103:12.
d. The beautiful curtain, the undercovering of fine-twined
linen and blue and purple and scarlet, representing the glory
of Christ our King. The angels interwoven represented the
angelic host that surrounds the throne of God.

Texts to Remember:
Leviticus 16 2 Corinthians 5:10


It is only through the merits of the Lord pitched; and not man."
Jesus that our transgressions can be Hebrews 8:2.
pardoned. Those who feel no need of
the blood of Christ, who feel that b. "The holiest of all." Hebrews
without divine grace they can by 9:8.
their own works secure the approval c. "A greater and more perfect
of God, are making the same mistake tabernacle." Hebrews 9:11.
as did Cain. . . . There is no other
provision made whereby they can be d. "Heaven itself." Hebrews 9 : 24.
released from the thralldom of sin.— e. "The very image of the things."
Patriarchs and Prophets, 73:0. Hebrews 10:1.
The intercession of Christ in man's
behalf in the sanctuary above is as f. "The holiest." Hebrews 10:19.
essential to the plan of salvation as g. "The house of God." Hebrews
was His death upon the cross. By His
10 : 21.
death He began that work which af-
ter His resurrection He ascended to 2. W :at did John see in the heav-,
complete in heaven. We must by faith ens?
enter within the veil, "whither the
Forerunner is for us entered." He- a. Jesus walking' in the midst
brews 6:20. There the light from the of the seven golden candlesticks.
cross of Calvary is reflected. There Revelation 1:12-15.
we may gain a clearer insight into the
mysteries of redemption. The salva- b. The golden altar of incense.
tion of man is accomplished at an in- Revelation 8:3-5.
finite expense to heaven; the sacrifice c. "The temple of God was opened
made is equal to the broadest demands
of the broken law of God. Jesus has in heaven, and there was seen . . .
opened the way to the Father's throne, the ark of His testament." Revela-
and through His mediation the sin- tion 11:19.
cere desire of all who come to Him in
d. "The temple of the tabernacle
faith may be presented before God.—
The Great Controversy, 489:1. of the testimony." Revelation 15:
• 5-8.
The Temple, or Sanctuary,
The High Priest in the
in Heaven
Heavenly Sanctuary
1. What does Paul in the He- 3. Is there a high priest in the
brews call the heavenly sanctuary? heavenly sanctuary? Hebrews 3:1;
a. "The true tabernacle, which 8:1, 2; 9:11.
‘, NN., \,V \INII I !IIV ,,„„,
FATHER, • Ci ur_=_----.

4. What else is He called? He-

My Advocate
brews 8:2, 3.
5. What kind of ministry has He
obtained, and how can this be? He-
brews 8:6.
6. Under His priesthood, what the MOST ELOQUENT
kind of covenant does God make EVER MADE ,%,
with us? Hebrews 8:10; 10:16-21.
7. What name is given this cove-
nant to distinguish it from the
other one? Hebrews 8:13.
8. What is the secret of this
covenant? Colossians 1:27. We have an Advocate that will plead for us
in heaven if we will place our case with Him.
9. After the order of whom is
He a high priest? Hebrews 5:6-10. year; He, once in the end of time.
10. What are some of the differ- Hebrews 9:7-12, 23-28.
ences between the priesthood of
Jesus in the Holy Place of
Aaron and that of Melchizedek?
the Heavenly Sanctuary
a. In the Aaronic priesthood the 11. Where did Jesus go to offici-
priests were consecrated "without ate as priest when He left this
an oath," in the other, "with an earth?
oath." Hebrews 7:21.
a. According to the type, He
b. In the Aaronic priesthood the would officiate first in the first
priests died, in the other He "con- apartment of the heavenly sanc-
tinueth ever." Hebrews 7:23, 24. tuary. Hebrews 8:5; 9:1-5. (See
c. In the Aaronic priesthood the also the many statements in the
priests offered many sacrifices; He, Pentateuch.)
only one sacrifice. Hebrews 7:27; b. Jesus entered the holy place
10:11, 12. of the heavenly sanctuary, and
d. In the Aaronic priesthood the Stephen saw Him there at God's
priests had "infirmity;" but He is right hand. Acts 7:55, 56. (Com-
the Son of God. Hebrews 7:28. pare Hebrews 10:12.)
e. In the Aaronic priesthood the c. John saw Him in the first
priests offered the blood of ani- apartment. Revelation 1:12-16.
mals; He offered His own blood. d. Paul says that He entered "the
Hebrews 9:12, 23-26. holy place." Hebrews 9:12.
f . The earthly high priests went The ministration of the priest
into the most holy place once each throughout the year in the first apart-


ment of the sanctuary, "within the b. Paul's arguments in Hebrews

veil" [Hebrews 6:19] which formed the 9 would indicate that He would stay
door and separated the holy place from
the outer court, represents the work of
there until near "the end of the
ministration upon which Christ entered world." Hebrews 9:26.
at His ascension. It was the work of
the priest in the daily ministration to 13. How important was His work
present before God the blood of the sin in the heavenly sanctuary? He-
offering, also the incense which as- brews 10:9-14.
cended with the prayers of Israel. So
did Christ plead His blood before the The intercession of Christ in man's
Father in behalf of sinners, and pre- behalf in the sanctuary above is as es-
sent before Him also, with the precious sential to the plan of salvation as was
fragrance of His own righteousness, His death upon the cross. By His death
the prayers of penitent believers. Such He began that work which after His
was the work of ministration in the resurrection He ascended to complete
first apartment of the sanctuary in in heaven. . . . Jesus has opened the
heaven.—The Great Controversy, 420 : 3. way to the Father's throne, and through
His mediation the sincere desire of all
12. How long was He to officiate who come to Him in faith may be pre-
in that apartment? sented before God.—The Great Contro-
versy, 489:1.
a. According to the type, He
would officiate there until near the 14. Was any time ever mentioned
close of the Christian dispensation. when the cleansing of the heavenly
Hebrews 9:7. (See also Leviticus sanctuary should be begun? Daniel
16.) 8:13, 14.

Beautiful Things to Remember:

1. Jesus has officiated at "the right hand of God," ever
since He went to heaven. Acts 7:55, 56; Hebrews 10:12.
2. His work in the temple above is just as essential to
the plan of salvation as was His death on the cross. The
Great Controversy, 489 :1.
3. It is essential that we know where He is and what He
is doing in His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary; that we
be not deceived by Satan. Early Writings, "End of the 2300
Days," 54 to 56.

Texts to Remember:
Daniel 8:13, 14 Hebrews 8:10
Hebrews 8:2 Hebrews 10:16-21
Define or Identify:
true tabernacle intercession
"within the veil" our Advocate


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