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VOL 12 ISSUE 03 SRINAGAR APRIL 25, 2020 PAGES 24 E-MAGAZINE www.kashmirlife.


With the movement of people hugely restricted, life has gone into quarantine. Though

Kashmir is used to such restrictions, still the aspect of social distancing is making it
different. Life is going on in the lockdown and in the red zones. This week, Tasavur
Mushtaq, Khalid Bashir Gura and Farzana Nissar report from three different areas in
the city and its periphery about different facets of life, restricted by the pandemic


In the dead of the Sunday night on April 12 when Sonia Devi, 32,
experienced labour pain, her desperate husband, Raj Kumar, a migrant
labourer, made distress calls to Police Control Room (PCR). Quickly,
a message passed to the police station concerned and a van rushed
Sonia to SMGS hospital, Jammu. As destined, Sonia gave birth to a
female baby in the van en route hospital. Originally hailing from
Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh), Sonia was later given first aid and was
sent to her current home in Sec 3 of Jammu’s Channi Himmat local-
ity. In Srinagar, CRPF’s Madadgaar helped a 5-day old infant when
he was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Son of a daily wager,
Tahir Ahmad Dar, doctors suggested an immediate surgery at AIMS
in Delhi. He could not go to AIIMS by CRPF helped the family reach
SKIMS Soura where the infant was operated upon.

Amid the lockdown, an eight-year-old boy Ubeed Malik walked alone in Bandipora. His destination
was the district magistrate’s office. Moved by the spirit of serving society in difficult times, the young
boy got his piggy bank savings to the DC office and donated the amount. A small amount it may be,
but the gesture was generous. Al of a sudden, the UT administration got a hero. Overnight he was
everywhere, on web and in print and TV too.

With representatives of 700 districts, Srinagar
made it to the list of 16 in all India list by getting
the slot No 6. The rank is based on sharing best
practices in counter Coid-19 battle. Led by dep-
uty commissioner, Dr Shahid Iqbal, the district
has distinguished early response as early as in
February, aggressive contact tracing, and use
of technology. The team working round the
clock is supported by 15,000 policemen and
1000 surveillance teams to scan the city, besides
enforcing the lockdown. Apart from taking
people with travel history to quarantine and
setting up a 24 x 7 control room, the Srinagar
administration ensured that they bring the food
at door steps in the 25 administrative zones.

Elevating the two senior officers of the J&K Restricted to move out due to lockdown, the despera-
cadre, the centre empanelled them to hold tion was out in Jammu’s Amphalla. A liquor shop was
Secretary-level posts in the central government. looted. Surprisingly all this happened not far away
The clearance to the names of Sudhanshu Pan- from the police post Rehari. Police maintained it was
day, 1997-batch IAS officer and Arun Kumar a routine criminal act, but the situation on the ground
Mehta, 1988-batch IAS officer has come from suggests the demand is surging. The plan as per reports
the Appointment Committee of Cabinet (ACC). was executed efficiently. A hole behind the shop known
Both the officers are among a total of 34 IAS as Sudershan Wine Shop was created and rest are the
officers of 1987-88 batches. Mehta is currently details. The police registered the formal case and
holding the charge of Financial Commissioner investigation is on. But the pressure is on as the liquor
in the UT after he returned from Central deputa- shops are closed since March 24. There is the demand
tion in 2018. But Pandey, who once served the to exempt them from the lockdown as has been done
state as finance secretary continues to be on by governments in Assam and Meghalaya.  Few states
central deputation. He is currently holding charge have even discussed the model to deliver liquor home.
of Joint Secretary, Commerce. Who knows the next step?

Out for an adventure, when nine boys did not return home,
the families grew anxious. The police and wildlife warden
was contacted and rescue teams were pressed into the ser-
vice. Nearly after eight hours of search in pitch dark, the boys
were rescued. As the details emerged, amid lockdown, the
boys had gone to Zabarwan hills, possibly for trekking. As
told by Wildlife Warden Central Division Srinagar, Altaf Hus-
sain, the message to the department was conveyed by the
additional deputy commissioner Srinagar. The team was
constituted and it took them a night to locate the boys final-
ly. For the next five hours, the team spent in getting them
back. Later they were handed to police, and required tests
were done. In times of Corona, leaving home is a risk but then
we have people who don’t listen.

AFGHANISTAN As on April 17, 328 people have tested

Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS)
claimed to have arrested a Kashmir born militant, positive for COVID-19 in UT of J&K that
Aijaz Ahmad Ahangar, 55, a resident of Nawa Kadal
in Srinagar. He was arrested along with the Islamic includes highest from Srinagar district
State Khorasan Province chief Aslam Farooqui. Accord-
ing to Hindustan Times, Ahangar, the IS Jammu Kash-
at 78, followed by 75 in Bandipora, 42 in
mir chief recruiter, had been a wanted man for more Baramulla, 27 in Kupwara, 26 in Jammu, 20
than two decades back home. “He had been arrested
once but then released in mid nineties. After his release in Udhampur, 17 in Shopian, 14 in Ganderbal,
he travelled to Bangladesh from where he took a flight
to Pakistan. And now after 25 years he was arrested
12 in Budgam, 5 in Kulgam, 4 in Samba, 3
by NDS.” The report claimed that in early questioning each in Pulwama and Rajouri and one each in
rounds, he claimed to be Ali Mohammad from Islamabad. Quoting sources in Afghanistan
and Delhi, the newspaper said Ahnagar was the son-in-law of Abdullah Ghazali aka Abdul Kishtwar and Anantnag districts
Ghani Dar, a former Tehreek ul Mujahideen in 1990, who was killed in a masjid in Maisuma
in February 2020. Interestingly, Ahanger’s son and son-in-law have both been killed in
Afghanistan in two separate attacks. GANDHI NAGAR
Last week moments of joy and sorrow were witnessed together in the corridors of
Government Hospital in Gandhi Nagar Jammu where a mother delivered a baby girl
but soon after her delivery the lady tested positive for the corona virus. The one
week old baby has now been put under 14 day mandatory quarantine period, 14
kilometres away from her mother. The lady from Tringli village had tested positive
hours after giving her delivery and as the last reports came in the hospital admin-
istration has said she is recovering and also confirmed that the new born baby, who
is yet to be named and her father have tested negative for the virus.

Amid the lockdown the patients are having tough times to reach hospitals. Report-
edly due to the lockdown blood donations have also decreased. But last week when
a 69 years old Nazir Hussain needed a rare blood transfusion in Poonch district, the
CRPF’s helpline Madadgaar came to his rescue when a CRPF personnel Ashok Kumar
having AB negative blood group, who is the only personnel in the 72nd battalion of At least 2303 people have been arrested
paramilitary force having this blood group, came to donate him blood. The family of so far by the JK police for defying lockdown
Hussain had sent an SOS message to the Kashmir-based CRPF madadgaar helpline
over social media, stating that they were in urgent need of ‘AB negative’ blood for orders in UT of J&K. Besides that 1012 FIRs
the patient suffering from the chronic kidney problem. The CRPF helpline got into
action and quickly went through its database to find if any of its Jammu-based units
were lodged and 1295 shops and vehicles
had a person with the rare blood group. Kumar is actually a resident of Arwal, Bihar. were also sealed



The residents moving the dead body of a civilians from an ambulance who was killed in the recent border shelling in Panzgam belt of Kupwara.


The recurrence of the border shelling between the rival armies from Kupwara to Poonch at the
peak of a pandemic does not augur well for the immediate future, more so, for the summer
ahead, writes Riyaz Wani

t a time when India and The fallout of these events doesn’t the region’s geo-politics too looks set dialogue had actually taken place.
Pakistan desperately augur well for the immediate future, to change after Taliban’s likely return All hopes of a return to this process
need to attend to the more so, for the summer ahead. There to power in Afghanistan following have been dashed since 2014 when
Covid-19 pandemic is a possibility that the intermittent the recent agreement with the US. Narendra Modi led BJP took power
within their countries they have
found time to fight each other along
the Line of Control (LoC), and kill
skirmishes could escalate into a big-
ger confrontation. The bitterness
between the neighbours now runs
E ven though the neighbours
keep bringing up the 2003
ceasefire agreement, the escalat-
at the Centre. After a feeble attempt
at a political engagement with Islam-
abad in the early period of his gov-
soldiers and civilians. Last week, much deeper than before. After the ing trend of the violent border ernment that went nowhere, Modi
five soldiers, five militants and four revocation of Article 370 in August exchanges over the recent years lost interest in such a pursuit. Ever
civilians died in the violence and 2019, the leaders of the two countries have already unravelled the accord since, the government has followed
continuing artillery duels along the have now even given up the pretence which had otherwise held strong an irremediably belligerent policy
LoC, the makeshift border in the of showing interest in the engage- for close to a decade. The calm bor- towards its neighbour leading to
region. Indian army also said that ment. This has let the violence take ders had become an important fac- surgical strike and Balakot attack
it responded to the Pakistani cease- the centre stage again. tor in the normalization of the rela- in response to major militant strikes.
fire violation and had destroyed ter- There is another dimension to the tions between the two countries, Balakot operation nearly brought
ror launch pads, and ammunition story: security agencies in Kashmir enabling them to start one of the the neighbour to the brink of war
dumps on the Pakistani side of Kash- claim Pakistan is pushing militants most promising dialogue processes after Pakistan responded, triggering
mir. The relations between the two into Kashmir under the cover of bor- through 2003-2007, which by accounts a dog fight between them. The with-
countries have once again taken on der firing. And the killing of five of the top leaders of the two countries drawal of Kashmir’s special status
a fraught dimension. This interplay security personnel – all from an elite who were at the helm of it was close in August has plunged the relation-
of conflict and disease in Kashmir battalion, serves to validate this claim. to a breakthrough on Kashmir. ship to its lowest. The prospects of
has threatened to take the focus away If that be so, the summer ahead could Looking back at the time, it seems a dialogue have since drastically
from the war against Coronavirus. be expected to be hot. More so, when unbelievable that a drawn promising diminished.

T his situation is a far cry from
the dialogue between former
Prime Pakistan Manmohan Singh
can only go from bad to worse and
possibly lead to dangerous conse-
quences. And it is the people of
and the then Pakistan president Per- Kashmir who have to endure its
vez Musharraf who championed tragic cost. Loss of four civilians,
radically flexible four point propos- that includes a six year old boy, has
als which envisaged a Kashmir solu- once again shown that Kashmiri
tion without any radical geographi- lives as expendable. The picture of
cal modifications. New Delhi had the wailing mother looking at the
gradually warmed up to the ideas. sky while holding the body of his six
By the time they could come around year old son symbolizes the tragedy
to sign a historic agreement, Mush- of this place.
arraf lost power. Along with killings, there is dis-
The BJP has contended in the past placement too. People have to leave
that even seven decades of the talks their villages and escape to safe shel-
with Pakistan have not achieved any ters in other villages. This time it
desired result, so there is no merit was not easy to do so due to outbreak
in the argument that the engagement of Covid-19. The families in other
helps. While the argument does safer areas refused to let them in and
appear true, it is specious. A dialogue for valid reasons as doing so went
will only succeed when the two sides against the prevailing practice of
engage in it meaningfully with an social distancing. What is more,
intention to resolve the lingering there are no bunkers for people in
issues. But in case of India and Pak- these areas as is the case along the
istan, the issues are so complex and international border and the LoC in
the positions of both the countries Jammu and some parts in Kashmir.
are so rigid that each one wants a But as was found during the previous
solution on the maximalist terms LoC exchanges, bunkers are no solu-

possible. Result is the continuing tion. People have to leave their homes
hostility between the neighbours. and hearth, sometimes in the middle
The frequent exchange of firing of the farming season.
along the borders in Kashmir and As things stand, the cross-LoC
A young lady carrying wailing with her dead baby in her lap in Panzgam village of Kupwara.
the consequent loss of lives is one of firing looks set to continue, inflicting
the most visible facets of it. And it is tragedy upon tragedy on the people.
a tragedy. This is deeply troubling and bodes there is a catastrophic war between that hasn’t happened for the past
ith return of the border eruptions ill for the future. And if there is an the two countries, its conclusion will more than seventy years. The lin-
with a vengeance alongside the con- escalation, there is no knowing where not resolve the issues. gering confrontation between them
tinuing break in engagement, there
is little hope that the situation will
improve. If left unaddressed, things
it will end with both nations being
nuclear armed. It will completely
destabilize the region. But even if
T he two countries thus need to
get real and practical about the
state of affairs which is something
serves none. In fact, it serves the
political needs of the governments
in power than any practical ends.
If India and Pakistan do resolve
their issues, it will be to their mutu-
al benefit.
Hence the need for the two countries
to reach out to each other and pull
the situation back from the brink.
With dialogue already suspended
and tensions rising high, India and
Pakistan can ill-afford to let the bor-
der skirmishes go on unchecked and
escalate into a major conflict.
At the same time, however, the
dialogue between them is also a dis-
tant possibility. The nullification of
Article 370 and now issuing of the
new domicile rules has left little space
for a bilateral engagement and com-
promise on Kashmir. And in turn,

this situation has created an ample

scope for violence. Here’s hoping the
two countries understand the dan-
gerous consequences of this new
dynamic in their relations and take
steps to create conditions for a long
The destruction after the Pakistan shells landed in Panzgam village.
term peace in the region.


Dr Hamidullah Marazi,
who heads the
department of
Religious Studies at
the Central University
of Kashmir, talks in
detail with Umar
Mukhtar on the
pandemic and the
issues of faith

KASHMIR LIFE (KL): A general impression peddled by the

media is that Islam is inflexible. Is it?
Dr HAMIDULLAH MARAZI (DHM): Islam is a natural way
of things as it is called as Din-al-Fitrat that means, the religion
conforming to the primordial nature of humans and the uni-
verse. To call Islam flexible is purely contextual. This statement
may lead people to think that Islam has no permanent stand
about the eternal problems people may face.Because Islamic
principles regarding the creed and doctrinal matters are eter-
nal and unshakable like Tawhid (monotheism), Risālah (belief
in the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad) and Akhirah (the
life hereafter) or the commandments about the prayers, Halal
(sacred) and Haram (profane).
However, I can say that Islam is a universal religion and
according to the belief of Muslims it is valid to all times
and the temporal and spatial conditions and situations
which may emerge from time to time.
Islam presents solutions to all such exigencies
and emergencies through the institution of Ijtihad
as it caters to the needs and exigencies of the
times to come till the day of judgement. Islam is
not a rigid religion or a denomination which
adopts superstitious approach to the emerging
situations and problems of the people, and in
that sense, it is very flexible, indeed.

KL:A pandemic has hit the world. As an Islam-

ic scholar how do you see emergence of the new
DHM: The outbreak has both scientific as
well as religious interpretations though the
issue is not religion specific. It has spread
throughout irrespective of any distinction. It
is definitely a reminder to do better and shun
all the wrong doings. At the same time, how-
ever, we must excel in scientific and medical

KL:How Islam guides during the course of There is a clear direction for the times of
pandemics? plague. Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf (RA) said: “I
DHM: Islam is a realistic and rational faith heard the Messenger of Allāh (SAW) say: “If
and always keeps the welfare and wellbeing you hear that (the plague) is in a land, do not
of people in view. As a student of Islam, I would go there, and if it breaks out in a land where
say that taking the necessary means and then you are, do not leave, fleeing from it.”
relying upon Allāh is something which is empha- Being positive and having an optimistic
sized in Islam. outlook is also being advised. The Prophet
“One-day Prophet Muhammad (SAW), noticed (SAW) has said: “Amazing is the affair of the
a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. believer, verily all of his affairs are good and
Khalifah Umar ibn He asked the Bedouin, ‘Why don’t you tie down this is not for no one except the believer, if
al-Khattab(RA) your camel?’ The Bedouin answered, ‘I put my something of good/happiness befalls him, he
has explained that trust in Allāh’ The Prophet then said, ‘Tie your is grateful and that is good for him, if something
camel first, and then put your trust in Allāh’. of harm befalls him, he is patient and that is
necessary precautions Khalifah Umar ibn al-Khattab(RA) has good for him”.
must be taken in explained that necessary precautions must be
situations where taken in situations where harm or potential KL:The clergy is divided over whether or not
danger could afflict you. The Khalifah was the prayers are held in a congregation in a
harm or potential travelling with a group of companions towards pandemic?
danger could afflict a town, which, it was said was afflicted with DHM: I saw a detailed fatwa from Saudi Ara-
you. The Khalifah was some contagious or an infectious disease. He bia by Hafiz Alimuddin Yusuf of Islamic Uni-
asked his companions whether they should versity, Medina, in which the views of both
travelling with a group proceed ahead or return to Medina, the centre the parties supporting and opposing suspension
of companions towards of the Caliphate. The majority of the compan- of obligatory prayers, Friday included, has
a town, which, it was ions said they should go back, but some object- been discussed. Finally the view has been
ed. Then one companion said he knew a hadith expressed that it is better to avoid big congre-
said was afflicted with where the Prophet (SAW) has said: “If you hear gations in wake of the epidemic nature of the
some contagious or an that this disease exists in a country, do not disease and its contagious tendencies espe-
infectious disease. He travel to that country.” So the Caliph decided cially with respect of the elderly and sick
that they should return home. Upon this a people. Such fatawa have come from the schol-
asked his companions companion asked him whether he was running ars like Yusuf al Qardawi and from al-Azhar
whether they should away from qadar (destiny). The Caliph replied in Cairo as well.
proceed ahead or that they were moving away from one qadar
to another qadar. KL: What is the role of Muslim preachers in
return to Medina, the The prophet (SAW) has said that a diseased such trying times?
centre of the Caliphate. camel should not be kept with the herd. He has DHM: The role of the religious preachers is
The majority of the also said that “one should flee from a person very crucial and they need to preach the life-
suffering from leprosy as one flees from a lion.” giving teachings of religion so that their lives
companions said they (Leprosy then was untreatable.) are not endangered. The lengthy speeches and
should go back, but sermons can be shortened and necessary reli-
some objected. Then KL: How advisable is that some people are going gious instructions regarding such situations
for repentance congregations (Majlis-e-Touba) should be made available to people through
one companion said he that compromises social distancing? social media rather than by making people to
knew a hadith where DHM: The ulema from Saudi Arabia and arrange big gatherings and assemblies. Now
the Prophet (SAW) has other Muslim countries have advised that we the advice and fatwa is in favour of offering
should avoid big gatherings. Some advisories all the prayers at homes, even during Ramadan.
said: “If you hear that suggest that the prayers should be offered in
this disease exists in a small groups and other social gatherings should KL:In such circumstances, some people resort
country, do not travel be avoided. to hoarding. How Islam describes them?
For every disease, Allah has created the DHM: It is inhumane and un-Islamic even in
to that country.” So the cure and treatment. Therefore, apart from normal conditions to do hoarding of the essen-
Caliph decided that they doing all pious works, we need to go by the tial commodities. Because the Prophet (SAW)
should return home. advices of the doctors and avoid getting exposed said that a person who deceives or deludes
to health hazards by neglecting the advisories people is not amongst us .It is a great crime to
Upon this a companion coming from the specialists and authentic take advantage of the situations and trouble
asked him whether he erudite Islamic scholars. The guidelines issued people by selling the essential commodities
was running away from by the experts’ world over are actually part of on high prices or hide the commodities under
the routine in Muslims. Washing handsis a one or the otherpretext.A person who does not
qadar (destiny). The part of ablution, and Muslims do it five times have mercy on the people on earth should
Caliph replied that they a day. The never expect mercy from the One on Heaves,
were moving away from Prophet (SAW) has said: “Cleanliness is part is the Hadith of the Prophet (SAW).
of faith”. Covering the mouth when sneezing In such circumstances our businessmen and
one qadar to another is Sunnat: “Whenever the Messenger of Allāh shopkeepers should be imbued with the phil-
qadar. (SAW) sneezed, he would cover his mouth with anthropic spirit and even should sell com-
his hand or a piece of cloth.” modities with less orno profit.



One of the blocked streets in Lal Bazar have been. The area has been declared as red zone.

After initial shock at their area being sequestered for possibly being infested with Coronavirus,
it is life as usual for the residents. But the people living in red zone are trying to adjust with the
restrictions and the limitations of movement, reports Tasavur Mushtaq  

itting in her kitchen wearing On April 9, the family was shocked to understand the nuances of Red than Red is the Orange zone which
glasses, Masooda stares at to know that Lal Bazar was declared Zone. “I had a difficult time explain- is explained as the areas with a
a television screen for the a Red Zone after four cases were ing them what the Red Zone means,” limited number of cases in the
whole day. Surfing channels reported from the area. Area’s all he said. past and with no surge in positive
to watch different news bulletins, entries and exits were sealed. Near- Masooda had to answer phone cases recently. In these areas, only
her only concern is the proliferative ly in tears, Masooda was worried calls from her relatives, both close restricted activities are allowed.
growth of Coronavirus. for her son who was out for work. and distant, for many hours till late However, Green is the area where
Masooda lives along with her Cold sweat broke out on their fore- at night. no Coronavirus positive cases have
husband Altaf Ahmad and their heads. Altaf, who had been recent- The colour is a concept to explain been detected.
only son Irfana in Srinagar’s Lal
Bazar area. The couple are cooped
up in their home since the day the
ly operated upon grew more anxious
than his wife. Somehow they settled
down and dialled the number of
the nature of risk. As per the offi-
cials dealing with the pandemic,
Red means the areas with substan-
I n the nearby colony lives Owais
Ahmad, nephew of Altaf. As the
news spread, he rushed to buy essen-
first Coronavirus positive case was their son, who was already on the tial numbers of positive cases and tials for the family. Living with his
detected in Srinagar. The only con- way back home. so it has to be ensured that the zone wife, Maryam and two children,
nection with the physical world is Moments later, as Irfan arrived; sees no activity. Huzaif and Hafsa, he managed to
their son. he had to help desperate parents On the other hand, slightly better reach back by the time the dozens

of roads were blocked by the admin- about the last 15 days of his stay in memories. The family watched old
istration. the area and the possible meeting TV serials, Dekh Bhai Dekh, Bun-
“When I heard the announcement with the infected person. “The trau- yaad, Circus and movies of the early
that our area is a Red Zone I became ma was to think about each day’s nineties. In between they found time
concerned,” he said.He shared the activities. From morning prayers to in playing Carom, Chess, Ludo,
details of the first few hours as he the evening stroll and trying to Snake and Ladder game, besides
started receiving calls from every- remember if I had by any chance met word building and Antakshari. He
body. “Even people who had not vis- the infected person,” he said. even started to lead prayers at home
ited me when I shifted to a new home The next thing, he said, was to joined by his wife and children, fol-
called to enquire about my well- remember the meetings with people lowed by recitation of the Quran and
being,” he said. with whom the infected person had reading books of hadith.
Before being declared as the Red met or his close associates. “It was A small distance from Owais lives
On April 9, the Zone, Owais still had concerns difficult to remember everything. Naseer Ahmad. Born and brought
about the safety. His next-door You meet so many people right from up atMukhdoom Sahab area, Naseer
family was shocked neighbour in the Alamdar Colony Masjid to the shop and to remember moved to his new house after mar-
to know that Lal was confirmed as a positive case every detail was troublesome.” riage a few years ago.
along with his daughters and Besides remembering his activi- After the area was declared Red
Bazar was declared nephew. “That was shocking and ties, Owais said, the news regarding Zone, Naseer went out and latched
a Red Zone after we were equally concerned for our bread maker turning positive was a the main gate. He talked to his fam-
family as we were for others in shock. “ It was a troubling develop- ily and it was agreed to manage with
four cases were the neighbourhood including the ment. I thought everyone in our whatever is present at the home. His
reported from the affected family,” he said. colony is infected.” However, merci- wifeMasarat took the lead to stop
While narrating the feeling of fully, it turned out that the news was him from going out for anything. 
area. Area’s all having a positive case in your next just a rumour.  “My children were of immense
entries and exits door and later the lockdown, Owais Owais had recently shifted to his support,” said Naseer’s wife. “Our
says, “It was difficult to compre- new home from the ancestral old city daughter went out and recorded
were sealed. Nearly hend what has happened,” adding house. At his erstwhile residence, video urging children to stop their
in tears, Masooda “for people far away it looks fine, he had lot many things to do with parents from venturing outside.”
but when it is at your locality, things his local friends, but the new place For the following days, whatever
was worried for her change.” has his family only. they had at home, they consumed.
son who was out for After the case was confirmed in Confined to their home, the young The green vegetables were taken
his neighbourhood, Owais says his couple decided to discuss their life from the lawn. “At times I had no
work first reaction was to sit and think before marriage and childhood idea what I was plucking and one




day when I showed it to my mother arbitrariness of the label and expressed storey window of his house. Injured,
through video call, she said it their frustrations.  his family went out to seek medical
is Kretch.” Living at a colony adjacent toLal help. She said all the roads were
Overwhelmed to see children Bazar, Danish Ahmad, a teacher by sealed with metal bars. The family
understanding the state of crisis, profession, said it was shocking to took a longer route, sneaked out
Naseer said they even planned not see the area being placed under the through a small alley and reached
to waste a single morsel of food. red zone without proper announce- to the main road, where another
“They stopped eating junk food, ment. “A tweet was enough for the barricade was erected. Luckily one
did not ask for anything beyond government to convey to a large of their neighbours was coming from
the regular family food.” population that they cannot move her parent’s house but was on other
Home quarantined, Home quarantined, the family outside,” he said. “It feels as if we side of the barricade. This neighbour,
the family started started thinking about activities are left to die so that rest of the according to Sumaira requested her
to keep them pre-occupied under population can be saved.” brother to take the injured kid to
thinking about lockdown As they were doing so, Sharing his family concern, Dan- hospital first.
activities to keep Naseer was taken back to childhood ish’s father recently had an open- “After reaching SMHS in time, the
days when he along with his friends heart surgery and he is apprehen- boy survived but what if that car had
them pre-occupied used to fly kites on Hariparbat. The sive that anything can happen. “I not come on the other side?” she ques-
under lockdown As idea struck his mind and was well don’t have access to the outside tioned.
taken by his family. They started world. Tell me what to do in case Another resident of the areas asking
they were doing so, making kites and later f lew them of an emergency.” the question said, “What about other
Naseer was taken on the terrace. When seen by neigh- Terming it as an only cosmetic mea- emergencies or for that matter fire.”
bourhood children, the activity sure, Danish saidthere was no official There was a fire in the belt but a few
back to childhood almost became a community affair. in the area to see whether to go for kilometres away in a green zone.
days when he along Masarat said she learned a quick mass testing or not.“By keeping peo- Lamenting the decision of the gov-
lesson in the quarantine. “Soil is ple inside does not mean you are done ernment to completely block the roads
with his friends the only companion unlike people,” with your job,” he lamented. by permanent fixtures, Adil Ahmad
used to fly kites she said. “Whatever you sow, it gives Sumaira, a resident of Eidgah, said: “This is a hindrance to the
you back.” also a red zone, has her own concerns. medical and other emergencies. In
on Hariparbat
W ith restrictions in place, some
in Red Zones grumble about the
According to her, a young boy in her
neighbourhood fell from the second
case of fire or a pregnant woman devel-
ops pain, what is the solution?”


Life inside a containment area is
no different from the lockdown. It
is the ostracization that makes it
different, reports Farzana Nissar

very road leading to Reshipora mohalla in
Kulgam is sealed with concertina wires and
barricades to prevent all movements. Cops
wearing masks, municipal workers spraying
disinfectants are a common sight. The atmosphere
becomes tense when, amid announcements urging
people to stay indoors, health professionals dressed in
full-body protection suits cross the barricades to trace
the contacts of the Covid-19 positive patients.
At around 7:30 pm on April 8, the area was declared
a red zone after first Covid-19 case was reported. It trig-
gered panic among the residents. Screenshots of the
official order went viral and frantic phone calls followed.
“I got almost 20 calls from friends and relatives, with
everyone asking about the patient and our proximity
with his house,” said Mubarak Ahmad, a resident.
Four days later, Bisma and Zainab, two sisters clean
every corner of their three storey house. Amid the
intensifying pandemic, these sisters are keeping busy
by rearranging household items and deep cleaning it
from top to bottom.
19 – APRIL 18,


“Ramadhan is approaching and

while we are locked down in a
red zone, it is an opportunity to
welcome the pious month with a
clean home,” one of the sisters
said. “We wash the matting, dust
the walls, clean the f loors and
then organize our wardrobe. We
do one room a day as it helps us
to deviate from the scare sur-
rounding this deadly disease.”
Although the administration has
assured it would take care of sup-
plying essential commodities,
people face the shortage.
“These days we were not able to
buy the essentials like milk and
These days we
roti. Our milkman has to come from
a different village, he might be scared were not able to
to enter a red zone or perhaps he
buy the essentials
may not be allowed in. Bakers also
prefer not to bake bread, as Kan- like milk and roti.
dirwans attract crowds,” said
Our milkman has
Mubarak, while sipping tea without
milk from his cup. to come from a
W hat worries residents is not
their red-zoning, but the reac-
tion of few in these difficult times.
different village,
he might be scared
Inhabitants of a nearby village,
to enter a red zone
Chambagund restricted the entry
of people from the town into their or perhaps he may
locality, fearing that they might
not be allowed in.
also contract the virus.
“I have a year old grand-son at Bakers also prefer
my home, so I went to the village to
not to bake bread, as
get milk for him but on the way, I
was stopped by the village head, Kandirwans attract
who asked me to return as they
don’t want anyone from the red-zone
to enter the village,” said Nisar



Ahmad, a resident of Kulgam town. given them a reason for endless
“It is quite obvious to care for one’s gossip. A short distance from
safety but they didn’t think for a Shafi’s house, two women in
moment that it is this main town, their 50s, Rafiqa and Fatima,
where they have to come for their talk to each other from their
daily works after situation gets windows. From the vegetables
normal.” both have grown in their kitchen
Not everybody can work from gardens to the recent gun-battle
home during this mass-quarantine that took place in their area, they
period. In rural areas, people most- discuss it all.
ly depend on farming; working “We cannot go to each other’s
from home is not an option. In home and talk, so these windows
Baghbal Kulgam, another red zone, are our new meeting points.
Mohammad Shafi, an orchardist Agar ne kath ti karew, pagalay
sits on the porch of his house and gasew (If we don’t even talk, we
dials the numbers of different pes- may turn mad),” said Rafiqa
ticide dealers in his area. As pink with a laugh.
buds have appeared on the trees, Aamir Ahmad, 30, an avid news
Shafi is concerned about season’s follower has stopped watching
first spray. the news to reduce the pandemic
“I have been trying to call all triggered stress and anxiety.
the dealers I know, but they are Instead, he has started to bring
unwilling to open their shops owing out the hidden talent in him.
to the strict restrictions,” Shafi “Breaking the gender stereotypes,
said. “We earn our livelihood from I have stepped in the kitchen to
these orchards, the government cook for my family. My family has
should know these chemicals are started to love it,” he said. “I used
essentials.” to help my wife in the kitchen,
A major crisis for these belts but I learnt cooking years ago
is the labour shortage. “Even when I was a student at the uni-
people from adjoining areas do versity.”
not agree at working in a place Not everyone is unhappy about
that has a Covid-19 positive the new norms residents have to
patient. But how can they, it is follow. Kids are finding themselves
the matter of their lives after blessed by having every family
all,” Shafi added. member around. “Children have

W indow talking among Kash-

miri women is nothing new,
and the sealing of the villages has
got a lot of people to play with, what
else they want,” said Irfana, a


Khalid Bashir Gura talked to a number of people from diverse backgrounds just to understand
how they manage their life in the lockdown that is now in the second month

s the Coronavirus cases Farooq Ahmed, a daily-wage earn- ing. We have already been through along with the brother spends his
spike, tragedies unfold er is reclined on his pillow and stares worst lockdown recently and when time playing cricket in the narrow
and life gets increas- at TV sadly.Farooq has to provide life seemed to limp back to normalcy, lane with their uncle, Aijaz Ahmed.
ingly into quarantine. for a family of four - wife and two we are pushed into another lockdown.  The brothers are often called by
As more and more people restrict- sons, aged 16 and 9. I am worried about debts that I may the parents to stay inside, wash hands
ed their movement, the family is It is not the first time that he is have to incur to keep our hearth frequently and study.
reviving itself. home spending time flipping TV burning,” says gloomy, stubble-faced “The situation is frustrating. I have
As the people rediscover the plea- channels and scrolling social media Ahmed. not been able to recharge my phone,”
sures of spending time with family, endlessly. At times he emerges on Mrs Farooq prepares meals said Danish. “Nor able to use social
and getting used to new ways of com- the veranda of his house, stretches silently. She calls her sons Danish media. And even if I will, my parents
municating with the outside world, his arms, calls out his sons and goes and Faisal who are playing in a constantly nag about my using it. I
many are sad for their work is linked back to his room. nearby alley. may have to attend online classes
to the earnings. “My savings are swiftly exhuast- Danish is in tenth standard. He soon. And how long a person can

study. One can’t go outside and play of wearing a mask, washing hands In the previous lockdown, he was Zahid complains about not being
because parents don’t allow it.” He and not meeting a lot of people”. able to carry out business from his able to give full time and attention
is desperate to visit his maternal Insha and Mehak, Aijaz’s teenage home as well as attend customers to the family because most of the
home at Rajbagh, so that he can play daughters remain busy with house- but now fear of virus has taken over time people of his community knock
at a less congested place with his hold work and sometimes they find and it is impacting his earnings. his door and ask for help. .
cousins. time to study.. Even though affluent he is worried Fear of hunger, lack of work and
None of Danish’s friends is visible “We are used to these lockdowns. about the impact of Coronavirus on drying up of resources are a source
in the mohalla as their parents don’t So we try to use our time best way” business. of anxiety with most non-locals.
let them go outside. says Insha as she dusts up carpets.“I Zahid Ahmed Fareedi, , a non-local Musa Mubark who is a research
Unlike Farooq, his brother Aijaz am thankful the internet is working. working as a traditional-Kashmiri scholar and was always juggling
Ahmed, a mechanic, has a shop This allows us to study online and snack maker , is from Uttar Pradesh between his research and teaching
at Lal Chowk. He has a family of five, entertain ourselves by watching and lives at Habba Kadal. He has Quran at darsgah has now enough
besides father Ghulam Qadir, who videos on social media”. been in Kashmir for more than three time to sit back and think and spend
also has a small shop at Lal Chowk
and is a retired gardener.
Aijaz’s family is more social and
I n South Kashmir’s, Pampore,
Manzoor Ahmed, a businessman,
is happy spending most of the time
decades and has experienced all
lockdowns. A tenant in old city’s
Habba Kadal, Zahid spends his time
quality time with family that at times
he yearned for.
Musa misses his packed sched-
jovial. His son Hashim, runs in alleys with his wife, two sons, aged  mother in his single room, praying five times. ules. He makes himself busy by
with his kite and spool. and siblings. “I spend my day on phone with running errands at home and help-
Aijaz juggles between cricket with “It is something I enjoy. I rarely my Kashmiri friends, apprising ing his mother in washing utensils,
his nephews, and helping his daugh- had an opportunity to focus on fam- them of the difficulties that most making some dishes, and listen-
ters and wife with washing clothes, ily and some issues. I feel happy that of the non-locals are facing espe- ing from his father interesting
dusting rooms and run errands which I don’t have to deal with lots of people, cially in  procuring ration,” says stories of his life.Musa says that
otherwise he rarely did.“I can’t con- sign cheques, attend customers or Zahid. “I console my other non-local conversations within the family
fine myself to the room. I go out only come home late,” says Manzoor  who friends on phone and try to help are an exhilarating experience.
to remain level headed,” says Aijaz. is also tearing down an old house them through Kashmiri friends. I Even though being confined to
“But I am also taking due precautions nearby that they recently bought. ensure they get ration”. four walls is not new for Kashmiris

Aijaz juggles
between cricket
with his nephews,
and helping his
daughters and
wife with washing
clothes, dusting
rooms and run
errands which
otherwise he
rarely did


this time it is more severe as social distancing stroll and meet people in person or gather at ley to scale up and connect with other scholars
is in place. a place, but the confinement of the last couple at Harvard and other places who help them make
“The only respite this time is the internet and of weeks has felt like an incarceration,” says things like ventilators in times like these.
I can study, research and contact my friends,” Nazir. “I spend almost eighteen hours on my work,”
he says. “One can’t socialize in times like these, as says Fayaz.
“After waking up I offer prayers, go back to
sleep, and then wake up to have breakfast, study
and help with chores in the kitchen”.
everyone seems suspect and the potential viral
load carrier”.
Nazir spends his time in the evening with fam-
R eshma (Abdul Rashid) who lives in Nawa
Kadal and became a household name for folk
songs wakes up in the morning, prays, and sits

S hazia Jan teaches at one of the colleges in

Srinagar. A mother of two sons, she has to
manage meals, kids, and her online classes besides
ily and watching web series and movies./“I
conduct google classes at home but only a few
students turn up for online studies. Some have
all day at home.
“The season of marriage was approaching and
I had to go to many places but everything stands
studying for herself. smart-phones and most don’t because of their cancelled. We are at the mercy of Almighty. One
“My two kidsspend time with online classes humble backgrounds,” says Nazir. can’t socialize in times like these,” he says.
and I have to be there to guide them as they can- Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh , a faculty member Rafia Rahim, an RJ at 98.3FM, otherwise used
not manage everything on their own. In the after- at the Centre for Innovation, Entrepreneur- to talking and meeting people is confined to
noon I teach my students online till 4 pm,” says ship and Strategy, School of Management, her apartment away from home. She works from
Shazia. Zhejiang University at China had come to her apartment.. Rafia has reconciled to the
She also has to compile study material for her Kashmir for winter vacations and hasn’t situation and tries to find something meaning-
online lectures.  Shazia ensures her kids don’t been able to go back. But his life remains ful to do in her loneliness.“Apart from work, I
spend much time with phones and television but unchanged. do things that make me happy. Above all the
engage in creative activities. “I had mentally prepared myself for what was lockdown gives one time to think for oneself,”
Nazir Ahmed, is a teacher at a government coming so I planned,” says Fayaz. says Rafia.
high school in Srinagar. “This lockdown is Fayaz envisions this lockdown as an opportu- Besides work, Rafia exercises every day. Being
different as we had just emerged from an eight nity. He is writing a book on innovations besides away from her family she connects with her
month long sieger. At least then we one could helping and guiding local innovators of the val- parents through video calls.


Several persons who were put under quarantine didn’t like the facilities and instead created uproar and broke the window panes, later all have been brought back by police.


Avoided by family and isolated at hospitals, the patients go through a gruelling ordeal on their
path to recovery, reveals Saima Bhat

n March 16, as a couple at woman were asked to report for to go for tests. The news spread and hospital running an isolation facil-
Srinagar’s Chattabal, screening,” said a member of the changed the social profile for the ity. The family alleged that once they
returned home after per- family. nine families living in a cluster with entered the hospital, they were left
forming Umrah, relatives, Without any further delay, the around 30 members. People shower- unattended in the compound. Reluc-
neighbours, friends, acquaintances, couple reached SKIMS and treating ing accolades a few days before for tant to share space with already
all welcomed them. There was a physicians advised them to go home the couple started to abuse them, declared positive cases, the family
large family gathering and a feast. as they had no symptoms. their journey and the presence in agitated.
Three days later, on March 19, when Following day, the couple was called the area. “There were four more positive
Kashmir reported its Covid-19 patient again to the hospital. Their swabs “It was a heart-wrenching scene cases in the corridor. Fearing for
zero from Khanyar, the trouble for were taken and sent for test. Again, at home. Our neighbours came out our lives, we decided to go home,”
the family began. They were shocked the couple was advised to go home. of their windows and abused us for said a member. “Yes we broke the
to learn the details of the patient, a After a few days a team from the something which we had no hand windows in the hospital because we
61 year old woman who has since Chest Disease hospital visited the in. They asked us to leave before were left to fend for ourselves.”
recovered. She had been a co-pas- family. They broke the shattering others are infected,” said a member The police have registered FIR
senger on their flight. Soon, the tour news. The couple had tested positive. amid tears. against the family.
operator called the family to report Later a team from Srinagar Munic- As the officials requested the fam- Walking the distance from Rain-
for mandatory tests at SKIMS. ipal Corporation (SMC), Srinagar ily to move, they cooperated. Their awari to Chattabal on foot, the fam-
“All the passengers sharing the visited the house and sanitized it. next destination was JLNM Hospital ily had tea at home before being
flight with the Covid-19 positive Other family members were asked at Rainawari, a designated Covid-19 taken back.


“We reached the hospital at 6 pm

but nobody was there, so we returned
and stayed home for four days,” said
the family.
But as one more member of the
family tested positive, the family
was called again and tested again.
“Presently two members of our
family are admitted at CD Hospital
and another one in JLNM Hospital.
Rest of us have tested negative but
most of us were taken to NIT and put
in quarantine except for one member
who suffers from liver disease,” said
a family member. They finally had
a get-together on Friday last when
their mandatory quarantine con-
The family has had a tough time all
these days. “We have suddenly become
outcasts. Nobody talks to us in our
area. Nor they open their windows
towards us. ,” a family member said.  

N ot far away from Chattabal, pan-

ic gripped Eidgah on March 30,
when a fleet of cars stopped at Laig-
aridoori area. As the officials entered
a house, all attention of the neighbour-
hood shifted to a particular place.
The family had reported a Covid-19
positive case, a 10-year-old boy. The poor facilities in isolated wards at JLNM Hospital, Rainawari Srinagar.

However, as per the family, the

boy had contracted the disease after started connecting the dots and were The family took the boy and reached and see her. “How can I leave my
coming in touch with the members apprehensive of the fever. Without home where he was kept in isolation son alone in this crisis. He even
of Tableeghi Jamaat who had come wasting time, father took his son to on the second floor. Not willing to doesn’t understand the magnitude
to the local Masjid and stayed there nearby SMHS Hospital from where leave his son alone, his mother became of the crisis.”
from March 18 to 21. the father-son duo was referred to the nurse for a while. Terming his stay at SKIMS, where
As per the family, they belong to the Chest Diseases (CD) hospital in Following day the father involved he shares a room with another Cov-
a Salafi school of thought and did an ambulance. media in highlighting his issue and id-19 positive patient from Soibug
not visit the Jamaat in the Masjid, At CD hospital, the dearth of beds it worked. The same day, he said the Budgam as an experience of being
locally known as Shaheed-i-Milat Mas- became a reason to refer them fur- concerned tehsildar along with his in jail, he says: “I have to check the
jid. However, on the last day of their ther to JLNM Hospital. Desperate team reached his place around noon temperature and the blood pressure
stay in the area, the Tableegi father had no option but to call his and took the boy to SKIMS where of my son myself”. But at the same
Jamaat came out of the Masjid and brother-in-law. “I had to call my his swabs were taken for testing. The time he expresses satisfaction with
visited the neighbourhood houses brother-in-law and ask him if he child tested positive.  the care and facilities.
to i nv it e t hem to joi n comes and take us to JLNM Hospi- Mercifully, other family members “For eleven days we used a wash-
for Magrib and Isha prayers. tal. He did the same but after reach- were also tested but they came neg- room where we had a commode and
The visiting delegation knocked ing there we couldn’t find any doc- ative. However, the father-son duo a washbasin but no water supply.
on the door of this family as well and tor with whom we could talk and continues to remain in the isolation Nobody listened to me or solved my
met the 10-year-old boy. One of the show the prescription. One of the ward of the hospital. The other mem- problem so I reached out to social
members said that the boy shook class 4th employees told us that bers including mother, sister, and media after which they fixed the tap
hands with them and he was taken they can’t be allowed to stay in the uncle of the boy were taken to NIT and we could have a bath after 11
along for prayers. hospital because they admit only quarantine centre. long days,” he said.
“The following day he complained
of fever and a runny nose for which
I gave him antibiotics and paracetamol
those patients who are ferried by
police,” the father of the child said.
Dejected, the father moved back
A t SKIMS, it is a story of pain and
helplessness. While sharing the
same space, the father is unable to
Right now, reportedly, the boy is
asymptomatic but he will be allowed
to go home only after spending manda-
at home. For three days he was in to SMHS hospital where he met the come closer to his son. “It is the worst tory time in the isolation ward after
fever but on March 28 his fever was CMO. “He told me to go home and time of my life. Being with my son which his tests will be repeated. He
under control and same evening an keep my son in quarantine for two and not able to hold him is painful,” meets the rest of his family virtually.
announcement was made from the weeks but I called the Director Health says the father. “At times his son “He is a kid how would he know what
local masjid’s loudspeaker that one Services Kashmir and he suggested insists him to hold him in his lap.” this isolation and quarantine means.
of the Tableegi Jamaat members was I go to SKIMS. At SKIMS also we While denying son the luxury of I have given him my phone and he
Covid-19 positive.” were told to go home and stay in sitting in his lap, the father becomes plays different games to pass his time
The announcement gave the parents quarantine. We came back at 2.30 more desperate when his daughter and makes video calls to remain con-
of young boy goose-bumps. They am that night.” calls from NIT and asks to come nected with his mother,” said the father.

Meanwhile at Eidgah, three under treatment at SKIMS upload- er, who had tested negative. The
friends of this boy and their families ed a post on social media: “I have patient said he sensed the uneasi-
have also been sent in quarantine been tested positive for Covid-19 ness from the woman’s harsh tone,
and one neighbour, a sumo driver few days back, Alhumdulillah I’m who was taking the care of her minor
who used to ferry Tableegi Jamaat doing well. We are 22 patients includ- daughters.
members in his sumo. His two chil- ing a female patient, sharing a com- “First thing she informs me about
dren and wife are also in quarantine. mon washroom, eating cold food, was the pathetic condition of our
One day we found On April 8, one of the neighbours without proper bedding and no washrooms and that we newcomers
of the family was tested positive official dares to visit us at SKIMS.” shouldn’t use the washroom that
cockroaches in creating further panic in the area. The one in the quarantine at NIT she has used for her kids and her-
our food and
following day they
A man from Lal Bazaar was in
Kolkatta. As he planned to return
home, he along with his two friends
had the same ordeal to narrate,
“One day we found cockroaches in
our food and following day they
self,” the patient said.
After three days, repeated requests
and increasing number of patients
gave us biryani preferred flight over the train. But gave us biryani and rajma mixture did not change the state of their
rest of his friends decided to come which smelled very badly. We ward. When the patients complained
and rajma mixture by train. Back home he developed uploaded some videos on social with the hospital staff, they sug-
which smelled symptoms and later was found posi- networking sites because we have gested a remedy ‘supplicate to Allah
tive. His two co-passengers and the understood that this administration for speedy recovery.’
very badly. We group who travelled by train are is more active on social networking Other than that, the patient add-
uploaded some doing well. His two daughters and sites than on ground,” said a person, ed that there were no doctors avail-
nephew have also been found positive. who added most of the people at NIT able who could come and physi-
videos on social Next door neighbour of the family have now got electric kettles from cally check and monitor the patients.
networking sites told Kashmir Life that man was seen home and a few get food from their “It’s a telephonic consultation in
even in the Masjid days before he home as well. the hospital,” he said. “At the best
because we
have understood
was confirmed positive. As this report
is being filed, the entire area has
been sealed and the process of sani-
A fortnight ago when a Covid-19
positive case was admitted at
JLNM Hospital along with his father,
they will knock at the door of the
ward, once in last three days, and
stay two meters away with all PPE
that this tization is going on. who had also tested positive, on gear on and ask you if you are okay.”
administration Caught in the quarantine, the March 30, they found their presence Only people who dare to enter these
patients see social media as an annoying for the other family. The wards, according to these patients,
is more active on important tool to communicate. father-son duo had together gone were the helping staff who cleans the
social networking Sharing their concerns, lack of for Umrah. wards. “All of it defeats the purpose
facilities and even appreciation for Once admitted in the isolation of being admitted in a hospital. If it
sites than on the doctors, the virtual world is ward of the hospital, they had to was all about telephonic consultation
ground emerging as a helpful platform. share the ward with two minor why not quarantine at home or some
A patient, confirmed positive and girls, both positive and their moth- better hygienic place.”

Entrance of JLNM Hospital, Rainawari Srinagar.



Since fifties, Peer Hafizullah Makhdoomi had
a conspicuous presence in Kashmir politics
till the 1990s. A confidante of the then leading
politician Mohiuddin Karra, he later joined
Abdul Gani Lone to float Peoples’ Conference.
He is perhaps the only politician of Kashmir
who died in rented accommodation and
without any child or property. In an interview
to Saima Bhat in September 2017, his last
before his death, Makhdoomi sheds light on
the politics and politicians of his time
Peer Hafizullah Makhdoomi

ndisposed and struggling with grandparents in the old city’s Khankah- doomi, then an undergraduate student. acceptance of becoming Chief Min-
his ailments, 85-years-old Peer e-Maula. An epi-center of freedom In jail, Karra cared for him like a ister, while he had been dethroned
Hafizullah Makhdoomi final- movement against Maharaja in thir- father, said Makhdoomi. and arrested as “Prime Minister”.
ly lost his battle on April 9, ties and forties, it had an impression Two years later when Sheikh At the same time, however, the
2020. He was one among the few on the young boy. Abdullah was arrested and sent to octogenarian felt that it was only
survivors of the breed of politicians “The gatherings and speeches, that central jail, Makhdoomi too was Sheikh Abdullah who could have done
who were active in the sixties and started every day at 4 pm, against the jailed. The reasons were different. something for Kashmir.  “If Sheikh
seventies. Born in 1934 Makhdoomi then Maharaja, shaped my ideology,” Makhdoomi was jailed for being had remained steadfast on just one
was witness to  the Quit Kashmir he remembered. “Pakistani, anti-India and anti- pursuit even then things would have
movement started by Sheikh His childhood caretaker was his government.” This was for the been better. He shouldn’t have changed
Muhammad Abdullah and Ghulam maternal uncle, a manager at Khidmat first time his name was mentioned his mind frequently. If he said we are
Mohi-ud-din Karra against the auto- Press. Every evening his uncle would in police records as bada inquila- for autonomy then he shouldn’t have
cratic rule of Hari Singh. get newspapers home and Makhdoomi bi (political activist). Afterward, changed it. Only he could have done
Once a member of the affluent fam- said he used to read every single his frequent arrests made him well anything for Kashmir because he had
ily, Makhdoomi along with wife lived line,  which helped him understand known. the support of masses.”
at a rented accommodation and man-
aged the living on  freedom fighters’
remuneration released by Govern-
things better years later.
He went to several schools like
Rangteng High School, then shifted
M akhdoomi remembered 1953 as
a year when everything went
wrong for Kashmir and as a result,
O nce on the same page Ghulam
Mohiuddin Karra plied an alter-
native political line.
ment of India. to Government middle school Nam- he believed Kashmiris were still Karra presented Pakistan as a
Born in the old city’s Nawakadal chebal and later to SP School before suffering. He accused Sheikh Abdul- “golden hen” to Kashmiris but when
area, Makhdoomi remembered every- joining the Amar Singh College. lah of committing a ‘blunder’. He Sheikh returned, Karra was unable
thing. Hard of hearing which was a Still, in college, Makhdoomi was alleged Sheikh was arrested for his to retain the public support. This
barrier while communicating with selected as an inspector in state police difference with Jawaharlal Nehru disheartened Karra and he formed
him, Makhdoomi recalled vividly all but his guardian didn’t allow him to actually, but he made a compromise his own political party, Political Con-
dates and events, important to the join. He wished his nephew to study for his release. He went to jail as the ference in 1954 but his own politics
history of Kashmir. more and he followed his uncle’s wish. Prime Minister of the state. would keep him away from the system
His wife, who does not know her The childhood impression had its Sheikh returned with a new nar- of governance.
age and her looks suggested she must impact, which got him close to Ghulam rative that suited his needs, believed Makhdoomi, then a student of
be in the early forties helped him Mohiuddin Karra who differed with Makhdoomi. Quoting Sheikh, Makh- final year, also joined Karra’s
in narrating the sequence of events Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah over doomi said, “Sheikh told people that party as a student activist. He along
to me, when I met him months before the future of Kashmir in wake of the I was betrayed by Nehru. I was help- with four other students started
his death. division of India. less.” People, however, trusted him campaigning for the party visiting

A fter his birth, Makhdoomi start-

ed living with his maternal
The journey started in 1951 when
Karra was jailed along with Makh-
and supported him again. Makhdoomi
sees sort of a “treason” in Sheikh’s
different colleges and students to
strengthen the political base. On


Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Ghulam Mohi-ud-din Karra Abdul Gani Lone

his visit to Degree College Sopore, refused to go but after the interven- “Karra Sahab was a noble soul,” not able to buy a house for himself
Makhdoomi found College princi- tion of many elders of his maternal he said, weeping. “If he would have and continued to live in rented accom-
pal was his former teacher. Known family, he had to go. Father and son been alive then I wouldn’t have faced modation at Sanat Nagar with his
to each other, Principal Prof Saif- had a reunion for ten days only as any problem at all.” wife, whom he refers more to a friend
ud-din helped him in identifying his father, who was in handicrafts Makhdoomi had spent nine years than wife. “I don’t own any property
eleven ‘vocal’ students and the list business, passed away. in jail with Karra. “It was this love neither I have any child,” he said.
included Abdul Gani Lone. On his death bed, he requested that till his death bed, Karra used to Makhdoomi’s wife is illiterate. Not
Lone  convinced Makhdoomi and Makhdoomi to take care of his tell me his secrets.” exactly knowing even her date of birth,
influenced eight more students to younger siblings, three brothers While dying Karra had told him “I she remembers her marriage year as
join. Lone became Makhdoomi’s pri- and three sisters. am defeated. People blindly follow “when Lone was assassinated, we
ority. Their first meeting was held in All his siblings settled down later Sheikh. No matter whether he does were married for a few months then,”
an orchard in Sopore where they but Makhdoomi decided to remain good or bad to them but people will says Makhdoomi’s wife. A resident
discussed their future roadmap. single. One of his brothers retired as support only him.” of Kupwara, she sees her husband as
In the subsequent years, Lone a teacher, another retired from the After his mentor’s death, Makh- her idol.
grew stronger and Makhdoomi lost
touch with him. A few years later,
Lone became so famous that he won
health department and third who has
also passed away now was an employ-
ee in PDD. The eldest sister is dead
doomi started practicing law in the
district and high courts. He said he
was a good orator so used to get a good
D uring G M Sadiq’s rule, various
freedom fighters of Kashmir met
him and asked if Indira Gandhi gov-
elections and became Education now,  two others are living with their number of cases. But his love for ernment could start a pension for
Minister. “Lone later told me he families. After his siblings, Makh- politics tempted him to stay in touch India’s freedom fighters who were
always desired to meet me but I have doomi had to look after two nieces with it till he met Lone again when old, then why they can’t be provided
never used anybody for my person- from his elder sister, for whom he he too had left politics. same benefits. “They believed in a
al benefits so I avoided meeting him,” then decided not to marry. “He questioned me why I got him way they too contributed by block-
Makhdoomi said. When responsibility took the front into politics and myself was practic- ing then Maharaja, who was a Brit-
Makhdoomi continued his passion seat, Makhdoomi had to leave ing law. That moment I returned ish stooge.”
and for all those years worked vigor- politics for at least 15 years as he formally to politics and we formed Makhdoomi said he didn’t apply
ously for his party as a foot-solider. had to travel frequently from Sri- Peoples Conference. Lone was the but once he was sitting in court and
He was again arrested in the 1958 nagar to Delhi for his family busi- president of the party and I became somebody whom he vaguely remem-
Hazratbal murder case, which ness. He says he had to work hard general secretary.” bered as Ghulam Mohammad Shah
became a headline for various inter-
national newspapers. He was sent
to jail for three years. And in the 1960s
because his siblings were school
goers then. In 1963 Karra quit his
politics. Makhdoomi continued for
M akhdoomi did not marry for all
these years. He had spent 26
years in jail but finally, in 2002, he
filled up a form for him. The form was
approved. That is the only income
Makhdoomi had in his last days.
when he returned, he went to Paki- few more years before he decided to married a young lady in Kupwara. A Confined to his home due to ill health
stan for a tour. In the following few be a student again. He got himself few month’s after his marriage,  Lone along with his wife, Makhdoomi was
years, he went to Pakistan again. admitted in the University of Kash- was killed in Eidgah on May 21.  a keen watcher of Kashmir’s situation.
He said he was offered  job as an mir for an LLB degree, which he Makhdoomi continued to be Peoples’ “Kashmiris are suffering because
“advocate for Kashmir cause” but completed in 1980. Conference’s general secretary till they are leaderless. Leader means
he turned the offer down.       

M akhdoomi’s father who had

abandoned him in his child-
M akhdoomi continued to be close
to Karra. He visited him fre-
quently and his love for Karra still
Lone’s son Sajad Lone joined main-
stream politics.
He said he had seen many leaders
who unites people but here we have
many so-called leaders and they
divide people. We need a leader who
hood after his mother’s death had moistened his eyes. While thinking who used to work for their personal is liked by all. That quality was with
requested him to return home in about Karra’s ‘incomplete mission’, gains but claimed his ideology was Sheikh only, he was liked by all,” said
Gojwara Nowhatta. Initially, he Makhdoomi cried his heart out. different and that is why even he was Makhdoomi. 
Subject: Fencing of Dumping site of Darnambal Sopore. NOTICE INVITING TENDER
Reference:- This office NIT No: 02 of 2020-21 e-tendering issued under No: 22-42 dated: 04.04.2020 NIT No- 04 of RnB-Sopore of 2020-2021 e-tendering DATED: 15 -04-2020
*** For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K e-tenders (in Single Cover System) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible contractors registered with
J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:
The tender dates for the above mentioned NIT is hereby extended as detailed below.
Est. Cost of Time of Time &
Earnest Major Posi-
Cost T/ DOC Comple- Date Class of

Name of Work Money Head of tion of
1. Date of issue of Tender Notice 04/04/2020 (Rs. In (In (In Rupees) tion of Opening Contractor Account AAA
Lacs) Rupees) In days of Bid

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Period of downloading of bidding
2. From 06/04/2020 to 23/04/2020 upto 4.00 P.M Restoration of road surface
documents by way of P/L WBM grade
3rd and 20mm thick OGPC 5.68 25.04.
01 300/ 11360/ 15 days DEE/ CEE 3054 M&R
in patches/ stretches to lacs 2020
3. Bid submission start date 06/04/2020 upto10.00 A.M Baomai inner links Laid

4. Bid submission end date 23/04/202 upto 4.00 P.M Restoration of road surface
by way of P/L WBM grade
24/04/2020 at 11.00 A.M in the Office of Executive Engineer, 3rd and 20mm thick OGPC 25.04.
5. Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 02
in patches/ stretches to
5.60 lacs 300 11200/- 15 days
3054 M&R
R&B Division Sopore. Warapora Dangerora road
laid manually
All other terms and conditions shall remain unaltered
NO: 53-57 Executive Engineer, Restoration of road
surface by way of P/L
Date: 15 .04.2020 R&B Division Sopore. WBM grade 3rd and
DIPK-164/20 25.04.
03 20mm thick OGPC in 2.90 lacs 200 5800/- 15 days DEE/ CEE 3054 M&R

� ‫ٹ‬
patches/ stretches to

‫ازدرتف ڈرٹسٹک ی‬
‫رٹسجم� ب�ڈاگم‬
Tujar inner links
laid manually.
Position of funds: Assure

OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE BUDGAM The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of
contract and other detail s can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website as per schedule of dates given below:-
(Chairman , District Disaster Management Authority) 01 Date of issue of Tender Notice 15 .04.2020
Phone /Fax 01951-255203/255204 Email: 02 Period of downloading of bidding documents From 16 .04.2020 (10.00A.M) to 24-04-2020 (4.00P.M)

IMPORTANT 03 Bid submission start date 16.04.2020 from (10.00A.M)

Subject: Closure of establishments in District Budgam under Section 2 of The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. 04 Bid submission end date 24-04 -2020 upto (4.00 P.M)
O R D E R NO: 70 / DMB OF 2020 05 Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 25-04-2020 at (11.00 A.M) in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Sopore
DATED 15-04-2020
 For and on behalf of the,
In view of the situation evolving due to spread of Covid-19 disease and to prevent rapid transmission of this disease  Lt. Governor of J&K,
I, District Magistrate, Budgam in exercise of the powers vested in me and in line with the Section 2 of The Epidemic No: 79-99 Executive Engineer,
Dated: 15 .04.2020  R&B Division Sopore
Diseases Act, 1897 hereby order closure of following establishments in the territorial jurisdiction of District Budgam
till 3rd May April, 2020:
a) All Anganwardi Centers, b) Offices,
c) Colleges, d) Malls,
e) Gyms f) Shops
g) Businesses h) Schools
In addition to above the following measures are hereby ordered to be taken with immediate effect up to 3rd May, 2020. DASTI QUOTATION
i. Complete restrictions on movement of Buses, Matadors, and other modes of public transport, except for au- For on behalf of Lt. Governor of Union Territory of J&K sealed Quotation affixed with revenue stamps Rs/= 6 are invited from Registered
thorized SRTC buses plying for essential purposes. contactors (DEE) for execution of the below mentioned works.The quotation should reach to the office of the undersigned/ Irri.Sub-
Divisional office Chadoora on up to 02:00 PM of 18-04-2020.The quantity schedule of work will be available from the division office/
ii. Gatherings of any kind ( social/cultural/political /religious /academic /sports /seminar / conference etc.,) Irri. Sub-Divisional office Chadoora.
shall be completely prohibited;
iii. People are required to stay at home and come out only to procure essential commodities for consumption ( Advertised cost of work.
one person per vehicle), in the immediate vicinity of their homes, while strictly following the norms of social S.No. Name of work (including Deptt Supply)
distancing provided further that there shall not be an assembly of more than three customers /clients in any (Rs in lacs)
establishment for seeking essential services. This shall particularly be ensured by the Banks, ATMs, Post
Offices, Chemists and Grocery Stores /shops. 1 Temporary restoration of Shushukhul and Nardekhul minors of Shumnag canal. 0..43
iv. The passengers coming out from and going to Airport shall be permitted to travel on production of air tickets.
2 Restoration of Nilnag lake by way of extension of lining wall near escape channel. 0.98
The staff deployed at Airport ( Public officials and belonging to Airlines) shall be allowed to move on production
of valid ID proof. Restoration by way of deepening/widening/protection of embankment of
v. Government employees of essential services departments or such other departments as required by govern- 3 0.43
Shikarbaghdara of Chattergam canal.
ment to function shall be permitted to move on production of ID proofs.
Restoration by way of removal of bed material at Off-take point/silt clearance at spots,
This order, however, shall not apply to the supplies of following essential services in line with the Government Order 4 0.99
Chattergam canal.
No. 60- FCS&CA – of 2020 dated 22-03-2020 and Addendum to Government Order No. 60- FCS&CA of 2020 dated
22-03-2020 issued vide endorsement No. FCS&CA/Secy/PS/02/2020 dated 23-3-2020: 5
Strengthening of embankment of Gam khulBadipora by way of providing and laying of
a. Supply of groceries ( Wholesalers and retailers) EC bags at spots.
b. Supply of Fresh fruits and vegetables ( Mandies and retailers) Restoration of Gam khulKanir m/o Shumnag canal by way of deepening/widening &
c. Dispensing of Petrol/Diesel at Pumps 6 0.95
laying EC bags.
d. Milk shops and dairies and related products
e. Supply of Cattle feed and fodder. 7 Clearance of slips/slides of Surasyar from RD2300 to Rd 2435m 0.57
f. Medicines and other pharmaceuticals ( retailers, wholsalers and manufacturing).
g. Banks and ATMs 8 Silt clearance of Surasyar canal from RD 700m to 1000m. Amount of work. 0.24
h. Supply of LPG ( domestic and commercial)
i. Health services ( including movement of staff thereof) 9 Construction of Lining wall on Ranger canal at RD 1200mtrs (Babagund). 0.46
j. Manufacturing of Health and Medical equipments.
k. Telecom operators and their designated agencies. 10 Desilting of Wathora canal at spots 0.99
l. Newspapers
m. Post offices 11
Restoration by providing boulder bund to off -take /supply channel near steel bridge
n. Loading and unloading of Wheat and Rice at FCI and State Food depots. Chadoora of Wathora canal.
o. Transportation of essential commodities through National and State Highways ( Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, TERMS AND CONDITION:-
Milk, Vegetables, Fruits, Groceries, FCI supplies etc) The first lowest tender shall attend the divisional office immediately after opening of quotation for obtaining formal allotment and
p. Eggs, Poultry, Meat, Mutton etc. shall executed the work within a time of 05 days
q. Poultry feed. If the agency failed to execute the work within stipulated time the penalty 10% shall be got imposed on him.
Since, it is not possible to serve prior notice of this order, it is as such being issued ex-parte. Any violation of this The work shall be got executed under proper super vision of concerned Assistant Ex. Engineer/Jr. Engineers per speciation/
order shall invite punitive action under section 188 of Indian Penal Code and other relevant sections of The The payment shall be made as and when the funds are available in the divisional office.
Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and The Disaster Management Act, 2005. The successful bidder shall deposit the Ernest money before obtaining formal Allotment order.
Since, it is not possible to serve this order individually it shall be circulated in electronic/print /social media for Other terms and conditions shall remain same as laid down in the PWD form No.25.
information of general public.  (Er.Najeeb-ul-Aziz Tramboo)
No: DMB/PS-MF/788-799 District Magistrate No Executive Engineer,
Date Irrigation Division Ompora,
Dated: 15-04-2020 Budgam DIPK-170/20Budgam.
Government of Jammu & Kashmir Government of Jammu & Kashmir
NIT No- 03 of RnB-Sopore of 2020-2021 e-tendering DATED- 15 -04. 2020.
For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K e-tenders (in Single Cover System) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible contractors regis-
NIT No- 05 of RnB-Sopore of 2020-2021 e-tendering DATED- 16 -04. 2020.
For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K e-tenders (in Single Cover System) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible contractors
tered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:
registered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:
Cost of Time of
Est. Earnest Time & Date Class of Posi- Est. Cost of Time of Time &
T/ DOC Comple- Major Head

Name of Work Cost Money of Opening Contrac- tion of Earnest

(In tion of Account Cost T/ DOC Com- Date Class of Major Head Position
(Rs. In Lacs) (In Rupees) of Bid tor AAA Name of Work Money
Rupees) In days SN (Rs. In (In pletion of Opening Contractor of Account of AAA
(In Rupees)
Lacs) Rupees) In days of Bid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Restorationof SoporeTownroads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
( Sidiq Colony/ Shalimar Colony
Cancal roads Right tube Km Ist Restoration of Sopore Bandi-
to 1.75 left tube Km Ist to 2.75,
Sopore Nowpora road Km Ist to pora road Ist and 2nd by way AAY with
25. 04.
4th, Sopore Mehrajpora road Km 01 of P/L 25mm thick semi-dense 12.10 lacs 600/ 24200/- 10 days HMPO/
Ist to 2nd, New colony link Km Ist 2020
with WMM in stretches ..( Ma- HMPO
to 2.50 Kms, Iqbal Nager road Km 25. 04. BEE/ 3054 M&R
01 16.75 lacs 800/ 33500 25 days chine Mix laid by paver)
Ist to 1.50, Hyder Colony Aamp- 2020 CEE 3054 M&R
ora , Badamabgh link Km Ist to
Restoration of (I) General road
2.5Km incl. Ibrahim Colony .
Nehrapora Shalpra road Km Ist, to Nadihal (2) Rohama Shitloo
Noorbagh inner links by way of road (3) Waterigam Dangiwacha AAY with
P/L WBM rade 3rd with 20mm 25. 04.
02 road Km 2,3,and 4th) by way 32.60 lacs 1100/ 65200/- 15 days HMPO/
thick OGPC in patches/ stretch- 2020
es. ( Laid Manually) of P/L 25mm thick semi-dense HMPO
3054 M&R
with WMM in stretches ..( Ma-
Restoration of Road from
Chankahan Bridge upto Octro chine Mix laid by paver)
post upto Eidgah ( Jamia Qa- Position of funds: Assured
deem road / Khankah Moula ) 25. 04. DEE/ The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions
02 6.36 lacs 300/- 12720/- 15 days
by way of P/L WBM grade 3rd 2020 CEE 3054 M&R
of contract and other detail s can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website as per schedule of dates given below:-
with 20mm thick OGPC in
patches/ stretches Km 1-3rd .
01. Date of issue of Tender Notice 16 .04.2020
Laid manually
Restoration of Sopore Said- 02. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 16.04.2020 (10.00A.M) to 24 -04-2020 (4.00P.M)
pora road Km 1-4th by way of
25. 04. DEE/ 03. Bid submission start date 16 .04.2020 from (10.00A.M)
03 P/L WBM grade 3rd and 20mm 6.45 lacs 300/- 12900/- 15 days 3054 M&R
2020 CEE
thick OGPC in patches/
stretches lid manually. 04. Bid submission end date 24-04 -2020 upto (4.00 P.M)
Restoration of road surface 05. Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 25-04-2020 at (11.00 A.M) in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Sopore
by way of P/L WBM grade 3rd
and 20mm thick OGPC in 25. 04. DEE/
patches/ stretches to Km Ist
6.30 lacs 300/- 12600/- 15 days
2020 CEE
3054 M&R  For and on behalf of the,
to 4th of Babab Shuker-ud- Din  Lt. Governor of J&K,
Sahib road laid manually No: 101-119 Executive Engineer,
Position of funds: Assured Dated: 16. 04.2020  R&B Division Sopore
No: 58-78 DIPK-172/20
Date 15 .04.2020
The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and condi-
tions of contract and other detail s can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website as per schedule of dates given below:-

01. Date of issue of Tender Notice 15 .04.2020

02. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 16 .04.2020 (10.00A.M) to 24 -04-2020 (4.00P.M) GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR
03. Bid submission start date 16 .04.2020 from (10.00A.M) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER IRRIGATION DIVISION
04. Bid submission end date 24-04 -2020 upto (4.00 P.M)
05. Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 25-04-2020 at (11.00 A.M) in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Sopore
 For and on behalf of the,
 Lt. Governor of J&K, For on behalf of Lt. Governor of Union Territory of J&K sealed Quotation affixed with revenue stamps Rs/= 6 are invited from
No:- 58-78 Executive Engineer, Registered contactors (DEE) for execution of the below mentioned works. The quotation should reach to the office of the
Dated: 15. 04.2020  R&B Division Sopore
DIPK-165/20 undersigned/ Irri.Sub-Divisional office Pakherpora on up to 02:00 PM of 16-04-2020.The quantity schedule of work will be
available from the division office/ Irri. Sub-Divisional office Pakherpora.

Advertised cost of work.

GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR S.No. Name of work (including Deptt Supply)
H.Q: Duderhama Ganderbal.
e – mail: | Phone/Fax: 0194 – 2416292, Temporary restoration of main khanchi canal near RD 1350 and Syed Ali Aalie
01 0.78
NOTICE INVITING e – TENDERS: (RA) Khul by way of Slip clearance and slit clearance at spots
Short Term e– NIT No:- Fresh 02/PHED/RWSD/Civil of 2020 – 21.
For and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir U.T., Fresh e – tenders are invited (in Two-Cover System) Temporary restoration of lonepora Branch of Munshi canal Upstream Village
02 0.16
on “item rate basis” from Registered/Approved /Valid Civil Contractors/Agencies for the following works: Futlipora.
Table (I)
Restoration of kral Khul M/o Nehama Khul B/o Khanchi canal at Baharampora
03 0.14
Tentative Annual Earnest
Class of Cost of Period of MH of
Name of work maintenance Money
No Contract Document completion Account
Cost (Rs. in Lacs) In Rs. Temporary restoration of main Khanchi Canal ner RD.22000ft and D/S
04 0.669
Annual Maintenance, Repairs, Shankerpora off-take by wy of silt clearance at spots.
and other emergent works of BEE/ 01/05/2020 MH2215 &
1 11.00 ₹22000/- ₹1000/- Temporary restoration of Laway pora Branch of Muhshi canal in village Dalwan
Rural Water Supply Sub-Division CEE/ DEE to 31/03/2021 MH4215 05 0.94
Srinagar. and U/S Village Dalwan(.Spot ist)
Position of funds: Available
The Bidding Documents and other details can be downloaded from the website: Temporary restoration of Laway pora Branch of Muhshi canal in village Dalwan
06 0.94
From 16.04.2020 (10:00a.m) UPTO 24.04.2020 (04:00p.m) and U/S Village Dalwan(.Spot 2nd)
The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings (if any), Book of
quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms, conditions of contract and other details can be seen / downloaded from the website: www. Temporary restoration of Gund Shamsh/Monu branch of Munshi canal by way
07 0.945 of earth filed bags and slip clearance.(spot ist)
As per schedule of dates given below
Temporary restoration of Gund Shamsh/Monu branch of Munshi canal by way
TABLE (II) 08 0.945
of earth filed bags and slip clearance.(spot 2nd)
01 Date of Publishing of Tender Notice 15.04.2020
02 Date of downloading of bidding documents From 16.04.2020 from 10:00 a.m To 24.04.2020 upto 04:00 p.m
The first lowest tender shall attend the divisional office immediately after opening of quotation for obtaining formal allotment
03 Pre-bid meeting date Already Held and shall executed the work within a time of 05 days
04 Last date of filing of pre-bid quarries 21.04.2020 upto 1:00 p.m
If the agency failed to execute the work within stipulated time the penalty 10% shall be got imposed on him.
The work shall be got executed under proper super vision of concerned Assistant Ex. Engineer/Jr.Engineeras per speciation/
05 Bid submission start date 16.04.2020 from 10:00 a.m drawings.
06 Bid Submission end date 24.04.2020 upto 04:00 p.m
The payment shall be made as and when the funds are available in the divisional office.
The successful bidder shall deposit the Ernest money before obtaining formal Allotment order.
08 Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 25.04.2020 from 02:00 p.m Other terms and conditions shall remain same as laid down in the PWD form No.25.
 (Er.Najeeb-ul-Aziz Tramboo)
No:- PHED/RWSD/Corrs./227 – 51.  Sd/= No. Executive Engineer,
Dated:- 15.04.2020  Executive Engineer Date:- Irrigation Division Ompora,
DIPK-169/20 Rural Water Supply Division, Ganderbal DIPK-171/20 Budgam.
Printed, Published and Owned by Masood Hussain | Editor: Masood Hussain | Published from: 9 - Press Enclave, Partap Park, Lal Chowk Srinagar 190 001 | Printed at: KT Press Pvt Ltd, Rangreth, Budgam

RNI No. JKENG/2009/32003 | Registered: JK NP-222/SKGPO-2018-2020 | Contact at: 0194 - 2477387 | +91 941 908 8042 | E-Mail:

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