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Vaibhav chaurasia

Submission for session 4
Sales closing and follow up

Point – 1
Understanding and observation of Eureka Forbes’s closing sales and follow up

In a selling process the process involves various stages from prospect to sales closing
and follow up.
In case of closing the sale there are many methods are involved such as trail close,
alternative choice, summary of benefits and T account balance sheet that is done by
sales person. From the salesperson to becoming friendly with customer are the steps
involved in sales close and there are methods of knowing the interest of the
After the sales is closed there are many activities and techniques to make customer
satisfied and increasing the sales performance. These techniques involve follow up,
customer order check, account penetration these techniques are done for customer
In case of Eureka Forbes company mostly hires enthusiastic and extrovert people
who are influent in local language because they can easily become friendly with the
customer which can help in closing the sale and making healthy customer
Eureka Forbes have 116 sales offices CRC, and five call centres for customer support
across the country with common phone no. for customer services after getting the
call their response time is 48 hours to resolve the problem of the customer which
help in customer relationship.
As Goklaney said that euro champs were more focused on completing their demo
and were missing to close the sale to the prospect. Poor training of euro champs on
objection handling failed them to close the sale.
Eureka Forbes’s group leaders responsible for check customer order for example
managing inventory, payment and installation.
Eureka Forbes’s division sales managers are responsible for customer data base
management for account penetration.
Point – 2
Technological impact on sales closing:
 Sales person can close the sale through email confirmation purchase order.
i.e. in B2B many companies send purchase order to supplier through mail.
 Payments can be online
 Sales person can show product features through website which is helpful to
make decision for customers vice – versa buyers can see other competitor
product online which can change the buyers mind.

Technology impact on follow up

 Following up customers become easy with technology sales person can create
proper data base for follow up.
 Salesperson can follow up remotely from anywhere through emails, calls and
various apps.
 Sales receipt and other document can generate through computer which
decrease the time efficiency of sales person
 Sales person can track delivery of the product through using vehicle tracking
 For complaint handling toll free no. are very effective

Point – 3
Sales close and follow up understanding of Asian paints:
Sales close signs from the possibility and their physical activities and clarifications are
chosen for their fulfilment and acknowledgment. The client request is rehashed and
the reasons for comprehension are repeated. The client is ensured development and
after deals administration. They stay in touch with the customer for his after-
deals/utilization criticism. This is a huge differentiator for the sales reps of Asian
Paints, which energizes them in keeping up associations with clients for a significant
stretch of time. A fulfilled paint prospect will affect his encompassing due to
noticeable item execution on a superficial level applied. The deals faculty are in
steady touch with the influencers to guarantee rehash business and reliability.
Point – 4
Video critic

in this particular video automobile salesperson asking about the test drive review
and overall experience to the buyer, sales person is hitting the trial close and
response from the buyer side is positive. Now salesperson is moving one step ahead
to sales close, sales person is answering to buyers about his queries telling him about
car accessories and other product benefits using FAB approach and sales close.

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