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full name: charina de la Cruz zorrilla

Enrollment: LR-19-20980
Section: IDI-1304-3


This movie is about a group of executives who were fired from GTX Corporation where
they work because the company was not generating enough revenue, but still they were
efficient employees. They were dismissed without justification.


Bobby: Ever since he was fired, he was desperate to find a new job but was always
disappointed to show up for interviews. He sold his car because he needs the money to
pay for the house. He turned down his fat brother-in-law as a worker, but months later
without a job he went to apply for the job. He felt tired and desperate after so much
work he was not used to. Selling your car makes you very nostalgic, and it is frustrating
after being financially well and having to set limits

Emotions expressed by Bobby: surprise, disappointment, nostalgia, go, anger, joy.

Bobby's wife "Maggie": who was concerned about the debts they had at the time,
asked Bobby to reduce expenses because they are not generating enough money to pay
the mortgage on the house.

Emotions expressed by Bobby's wife: sadness, anger, joy

Woodward: dismissed businessman from the company with more than sixty years of
age who felt unsuccessful and useless because of his age, he decided to commit suicide.

Emotions expressed by Woodward: sadness, fear, fear.

Gene Maclaire: After being the first employee and vice president of the company, he
was fired, but thanks to his courage, courage, courage and enthusiasm, he created his
own company. Gene hired the other dismissed employees of the other company, he was
concerned about the unfair dismissals.

Emotions expressed by gene Maclaire: sadness, anger, joy.

personal opinion .
Thanks to this film, I understood that while we are employees of a company, it does not
matter how well we do our work, they will always make the most favorable decision for
the company. It is not up to you, much less that your capabilities have been limited.
We must have "courage, faith, and enthusiasm to achieve new goals. The correct thing
is to do as the character of jean maclaire who, thanks to his courage, faith and
enthusiasm, managed to form his own company, never more as a woodward than
because he felt insecure and lacked faith in himself and in his abilities, he lost
everything by believing that it is still late for him to continue setting goals.

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