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Assignment 6

Case Study
Kinjal Rathod and Vikas Sharma

Answer a) As per the Law, an employee must not be made to work in any
situation when he/she is ill. In this case when Mr. Venkatesh said that he
doesn’t want to work in a Steel Rolling Section, Mr. Rama Rao thought that Mr.
Venkatesh is just making excuses and he is not interested in performing any
task. But, in reality Mr. Venkatesh was sick. Mr. Rama Rao did not even listen
to what Mr.  Venkatesh had to say and asked him to go back. Clearly, Mr. Rama
Rao is in fault in this case. If we were in the place of Mr. Rama Rao, we would
apologize to Mr. Venkatesh as there was misconduct in handling the situation
and a manager must listen to his employees before taking a decision. As Mr.
Venkatesh is an unskilled worker he doesn’t know how a company works in
this kind of situation. After apologizing in front of the union we would talk to
Venkatesh in person and talk to him about the medical issues he is facing. We
would ask him to mention the problems he is facing prior to taking the leave.
We would try to make him understand to not repeat the same mistake again
and if such situation arises in future it is his duty to intimidate the company so
that the company can find a temporary solution for it.

Answer b) If we were the personnel head, we would try to calm things down as
a worker strike would be bad for the company and the company would suffer
serious short-term losses. We must talk with Shinde and a meeting must be
held between the managers and the worker union to sort the issues out. We
should state the consequences about strikes to the workers and how that
would lead to injuries to the organization. As the worker union is threatening
the organization to go on strike, we should warn the union that a reaction like
this would lead to serious consequences in the future. We must be very careful
in handling this situation as a little step in the wrong direction can lead to a
full-fledged worker strike. However, we must not be afraid of the worker union
and must state what is wrong. Venkatesh must be confronted about why he
did not submit the intimation to the company prior to taking leave and that
failure to submit the intimation beforehand can lead to him getting sacked.

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