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Citizen Media and Practice Email *

Currents, Connections, Challenges

Edited by Hilde C. Stephansen & Emiliano Treré

2020, Routledge

Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-13-857184-6

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Hardback: ISBN: 978-1-13-857182-2

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Citizen Media and

Practice: Currents,
Connections, Challenges

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Jan 15, 2020

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of the Introduction

Chapter 1 | Practice what you preach?

Currents, connections, and challenges in
New Book
theorizing citizen media and practice Release:

Hilde C. Stephansen & Emiliano Treré

This chapter explores the past, assesses the present,

and delineates the future of a media practice approach
to citizen media. The !rst section provides an extensive
overview of the di"erent currents in research on media
practices, identifying the antecedents of the media
practice approach in several theoretical traditions and
highlighting possible points of convergence between Citizen Media and
them. Hence, we ground the roots of the practice Currents,
approach in Latin American communication and media Connections,
studies, we scrutinize Couldry’s conceptualization in Challenges
connection to theories of practices within the social
Edited by Hilde C.
sciences, and we examine audience research, media
Stephansen &
anthropology, social movement studies, citizen and
Emiliano Treré
alternative media, and Communication for Development
and Social Change. The second section takes stock of
the current ‘state of the art’ of practice-focused research
on citizen and activist media and develops a critical
assessment of how the concept of media practices has
been used in recent literature, identifying key strengths
and shortcomings. In this section, we also discuss the
integration of media practices with other concepts, such
as mediation, mediatization, media ecologies, media
archeology, media imaginaries, and the public sphere.
The third section delineates future directions for
research on citizen media and practice, re#ecting on
some of the challenges facing this growing
interdisciplinary !eld. Here, we illustrate how the media
practice approach provides a powerful framework for
researching the pressing challenges posed by
mediatization and data!cation. Further, we highlight the
need for deeper theoretical engagement, underline the
necessity of dialogue between di"erent traditions, and
point out some unresolved issues and limitations. The
chapter concludes with an outline of the contributions
to this edited collection.

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Table of contents

Foreword Nick Couldry

Chapter 1. Practice what you preach? Currents,

connections, and challenges in theorizing citizen
media and practice

Hilde C. Stephansen and Emiliano Treré

[Abstract] [Free PDF download available]

Part I: Latin American communication theory –

Introduction by Clemencia Rodríguez

Chapter 2 | The Latin American lo popular as a

theory of communication. Ways of seeing
communication practices

Omar Rincón & Amparo Marroquín


Chapter 3 | Praxis in Latin American communication

thought: A critical appraisal

Alejandro Barranquero


Chapter 4 | Educommunication for social change:

Contributions to the construction of a theory of
activist media practices

Ángel Barbas


Part II: Activist agency and technological a!ordances –

Introduction by Donatella Della Porta

Chapter 5 | A genealogy of communicative

a"ordances and activist self-mediation practices

Bart Cammaerts

Chapter 6 | Time of protest: An archaeological
perspective on media practices

Anne Kaun


Part III: Practice approaches to video activism –

Introduction by Dorothy Kidd

Chapter 7 | Video activism as technology, text,

testimony – or practices?

Tina Askanius


Chapter 8 | Activist media practices, alternative

media and online digital traces. The case of
YouTube in the Italian Se non ora, quando?

Alice Mattoni & Elena Pavan


Part IV: Acting on media – Introduction by Andreas


Chapter 9 | Acting on media for sustainability

Sigrid Kannengießer


Chapter 10 | Conceptualizing the role of knowledge

in acting on media

Hilde C. Stephansen

Part V: Citizen data practices – Introduction by Helen

Chapter 11 | Acting on data(!cation)

Stefania Milan


Chapter 12 | Understanding citizen data practices

from a feminist perspective: Embodiment and the
ethics of care

Aristea Fotopoulou


Chapter 13 Situating practices in data!cation – from

above and below

Lina Dencik


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“Thinking about and exploring media practices entail

the recognition that we need another kind of gaze, other
points of view, other places from which to make sense
of culture and the media. Citizen Media and Practice
provides a renewed understanding of media practices in
connection to the people and the territories they inhabit.
The book explores the ambiguities of media practices
and charts the possibilities they open up to imagine
another kind of world and connect to other ways of
thinking about culture.”
Jesús Martín-Barbero, author of Communication,
culture and hegemony: From the media to
mediations (Sage, 1993) (Orig. edition: De los
Medios a las Mediaciones. Comunicación, cultura y
hegemonía, Gustavo Gilli, 1987)

“Citizen Media and Practice is an outstanding

contribution to practice-oriented research on citizen
and activist media today. Its contributions are delicately
balanced for stimulating interdisciplinary cross-
fertilisation based on empirical research into a great
diversity of topics related to media activism and social
movements in Europe and Latin America. The book
o"ers an up-to-date, cutting-edge overview of how
practice approaches are useful for grasping
contemporary activism and media processes, and how
materialities, digitalities, discourses, bodies, a"ects and
emotions are embedded into political actions that aim
to change the world we live in, through our makings and
aspirations, doings and sayings. This book demonstrates
that practice theories are alive and kicking because they
are powerful tools to understand ourselves as citizens;
active agents of the world we inhabit”.

Elisenda Ardèvol, Professor in Social and Cultural

Anthropology at UOC (Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya), Barcelona. Director of the Mediaccions
Research Group in Culture and Digital

“Stephansen and Treré have brought together a very

competent and interdisciplinary collective of
researchers that together have delivered an inspiring
book! It builds necessary bridges between Anglo-Saxon
and Latin American scholarship; it retrieves relevant and
almost forgotten past research, letting it inform
contemporary scholarship: and it establishes
connections between research into citizen media
practice with relevant and emerging !elds of inquiry in
the social sciences. The result is a very commendable
book that challenges and pushes the boundaries of not
only media scholarship but of social science more

Thomas Tufte, Professor at and Director of the

Institute for Media and Creative Industries,
Loughborough University London. Author of
Communication and Social Change – A Citizen
Perspective (Polity, 2017)

“There is a terri!c immediacy to Citizen Media and

Practice. Reading this book feels like sneaking into an
advanced seminar with leading Latin American and
anglophone scholars as they debate the latest
implications of the ‘practice turn’ for the study of media,
communication and social movements.

John Postill, Senior Lecturer in Communication at

RMIT University, Melbourne, author of The Rise of
Nerd Politics (Pluto, 2018)

“This book is a timely and necessary overview of the

notion of “media as practice.” It blends insights from
Latin American and Northern communication
scholarship, and takes stock of the current state of the
research. The chapters provide a wealth of insights to
further re!ne the understanding of “what citizens (and
social movements) do with media”. At a time of growing
concerns about the rise of anti-progressive movements
around the world, this book delivers hope without rose-
tinted, unrealistic promises. Amid the current obsession
with data, measurement and technology, this book
reminds us why organized, ordinary citizens matter in
the struggle to challenge power.”

Silvio Waisbord, Professor in the School of Media

and Public A"airs, George Washington University,
past Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Communication
(2015-2018), author of Communication: A Post-
Discipline (Polity, 2019).

“From data practices to video activism, this book brings

together the best scholars in the !eld who explore the
stories, the values and struggles of those working on
citizen media. A must read for anyone interested in
these media forms, their social importance, and their
struggle for social justice”.

Veronica Barassi, Senior Lecturer, Media,

Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths
University of London. Author of Activism on the
Web: Everyday Struggles Against Digital Capitalism
(Routledge, 2015)

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