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Alfredo Berzal

Teacher, Head of the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine of the Ministry of

Health. He has more than 60 scientific papers on molecular parasitology and is
responsible for 11 state contracts with the Spanish Ministry of Health on chemical
safety and biology in Spain, and on the molecular diagnosis of leishmaniasis. 21

At the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine of the Ministry of Health they

have discovered a new cause of bad breath: infection by parasites. Recent
research has revealed that the debris formed by parasites is toxic and creates a
favorable environment in the stomach for the growth of more spoilage microbes.
For this reason, people who have this type of parasites have bad breath.

Today we will talk about this topic with Alfredo Berzal, head of the Institute of
Parasitology and Biomedicine of the Ministry of Health.

Mr. Berzal, good morning! I will start with the main question, is it true that Spain
is the leader in infections due to parasites?

- Yes. Spain occupies one of the first positions in the ranking for the contagion of
parasites. This is due to poor ecological conditions, little support from the
government and little concern about this issue on the part of the population.

Mr. Berzal, how true is the research that you have contributed about the
connection between parasites and bad breath?
- A couple of years ago, most doctors still believed that bad breath forms in the
oral cavity. However, the latest research has shown that the main cause is due to
stomach and liver problems (always due to the contagion of parasites). Scientists
agree that this bad breath and its connection with parasites cannot be classified as
insignificant, since contagion due to the latter leads to the emergence of a large
part of serious diseases in humans.

I totally trust this research. What can be a common bad breath, can turn out to be
a serious illness. About 92% of human deaths are due to infection by parasites.
And not only of deaths due to diseases: the vast majority of so-called natural
deaths are a consequence of the activity carried out by parasites within our body.

- Normally by parasites common worms are understood. How can they lead to
bad breath and even death?

- Actually, believing that human parasites are just worms is a big mistake. There
are a large number of various parasites that live in the organs and lead to a large
number of consequences. The worms, and if we are more exact, the helminths are
the most dangerous parasites. They literally destroy the intestine leading to its
putrefaction, which often leads to the death of the person.

Besides them, there are thousands of parasites that can live in the liver, the
brain, the lungs, the blood and the stomach. And practically all of them cause
death. To some extent they are imperceptible, but they become such a large
quantity that the person's body cannot bear it and dies.

I can safely say that we are all infected with parasites. Simply most of them are
very difficult to detect. Even when an autopsy is done, special tests are needed to
detect them.

There are thousands of parasites that can live in the liver, in the brain, in the
lungs, in the blood, in the stomach, and practically all of them lead to death. Usually
everything starts with bad breath.

Could you give us some concrete examples of infection by parasites?

- I can count a hundred cases, but I will focus on those that most clearly show
the danger of parasites.

First of all, as has already been clarified, some cestodes can lead to cancer. The
problem is that it is not the person who is infected, but the parasites, but their cells
spread throughout the body, thus infecting the person. This occurs when the larvae
of the worm fall from the intestine to the lymph nodes. In short, they turn into
cancerous tumors that strike a person down. Death comes in a few months. Just
this week the death of a person due to similar tumors has been detected.

In the center of this photo you can see the cells of the malignant tumor that have
infected the person with the parasite.

Another very widespread case is the contagion of parasites in the brain. This
produces neurosis, continuous tiredness, excessive excitement and sudden mood
swings. In a more advanced stage, when the brain is full of these parasites, more
serious diseases develop that lead to death.

Now I am going to provide you with some photographs from an autopsy where
parasites were detected in the organs. Here are some, but I warn you, they can
hurt your sensitivity.

Larvae in the person's gallbladder:

Parasites in the brain that led to a cancerous tumor:

Larvae that have ended up leading to a heart attack:

The third example is a contagion of the heart due to parasites. It is believed to be

a rare disease, but in reality 23% of the population have a negligible number of
heartworms. In the earliest stages they are imperceptible and have little influence
on the body. But the more time passes, the more visible its activity is in the heart of
the person. Precisely these parasites are the leading cause of deaths due to heart
disease, and when it comes to heart attacks, in almost 100% of cases they are the

For what other reasons is the spread of parasites dangerous?

In men they cause prostate, impotence, adenoma, cystitis, kidney and bladder
stones, and in women they cause pain and inflammation of the ovaries. They
develop fibroids, myomas, inflammation of the adrenal glands, the bladder and the
kidneys. And also, without a doubt, they cause aging of the skin, since wrinkles,
eye bags, warts and papillomas appear.

How can we defend ourselves against parasites? Are there tests or medications

—Unfortunately, it can be said that today there is nothing exact to detect them. In
part, this is linked to the enormous presence of parasites (more than 2000 types
are known), added to the difficulty of their detection. In Spain, the procedure that
involves a complete parasite analysis is only available in some places and costs a
lot of money.

The first symptoms by which we can deduce that parasites live in our body are:

 Bad breath;
 Allergy (skin rash, watery eyes, cold);
 Skin rash and redness of the skin;
 Frequent colds, tonsillitis, stuffy nose;
 Chronic tiredness (You get tired quickly even if you haven't done anything);
 Frequent headaches;
 Constipation or diarrhea;
 Pain in the joints and muscles;
 Nervousness, sleep disturbances and appetite;
 Dark circles, bags under the eyes;
If you have any of these symptoms, it is 99% likely that there are parasites in
your body. And they must be fought as soon as possible with them!

If we talk about drugs, this is where the problem begins. Today there is only one
preparation that allows you to get rid of parasites and it has been created in Spain.

It is the remedy against parasites FitoBalt, which has been created with the
participation of our Institute of Parasitology and a large group of young scientists.
At the same time, we carry out two dozen remedies against parasites, but in the
process of elaboration we came to the conclusion that only FitoBalt is the most
FitoBalt contains a unique combination of bear bile, ferula orientalis, juice of the
fruits of the rumaque and 20 auxiliary components. During the creation and the
corresponding tests, this remedy proved to be exclusively effective. Today it is the
only preparation with 100% positive results. And if it were money, as much as
possible would be exported to the whole world, since in the west they are willing to
buy FitoBalt at any price, but we have an agreement with the Spanish Ministry of
Health whereby much of the volume of what is produced must remain in Spain and
be sold to the Spanish population.

In addition, the surcharge due to export for Western buyers (FitoBalt is sold
abroad 10 times more expensive than its starting price), allows us to sell it within
the country for prices much lower than its cost.

Why is FitoBalt so effective? Does it differ from the other variants of cleansing
the body against parasites?

- As I have already said, today it is the only cleansing remedy for the body
against parasites that exists in the world. This is why pharmaceutical companies
and networks around the world want it. Compared to other anti-parasite
preparations, this remedy quickly works against the spectrum of parasites that can
infect the population. Taking into account the problems to diagnose them, this
allows to clean the whole organism in a totally effective way. As I said above, it is
practically impossible to determine which parasites are found in the person's body,
and FitoBalt destroys and discards them wherever they are, from the brain to the
heart, liver and intestine. None of the preparations that exist today is capable of

In addition, this is not chemical medicine, but a totally natural product that
prevents allergic reactions, intestinal imbalance or other problems that arise when
taking the typical classic pills.

These are the official results of the investigation of the preparation FitoBalt®
carried out at the López Neyra Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine

1. The effectiveness of FitoBalt®, calculated using a standard method (number of sick people
who have regained health out of a group of 100 who have carried out the treatment) is due to:

- Elimination of helminthosis and eggs - 100%

- Normalization of the functions and state of the pancreas - 80%.
- Elimination of allergic dermatitis - 90%.
- Elimination of gastritis, ulcer, diarrhea - 90%.
- Elimination of anemia - 100%.
- Elimination of bad breath - 100%. Recovery is understood to be the liberation of the organism from parasites
and the diseases they cause, in addition to not having recidivism for 6 months.
2. No side effects of any kind have been detected.

3. FitoBalt® is recognized as the main preparation to combat all types of parasites in the
human body.

I think it will be interesting for our readers to know where they can buy FitoBalt

At this time the order in Spain can only be made in the official page of the
project. We have tried to agree on a large number of occasions with
pharmaceutical networks, but they want to take an extremely high surcharge with
FitoBalt and sell it much more expensive than we want. You understand that the
Institute of Parasitology is a non-commercial entity, so we have no objective to
make money with this. We simply want to supply the entire population with this
remedy, so we sell it without profit, making up the difference at the expense of its
export. And the main objective of the pharmaceutical networks is to get money,
that's why we have totally different paths in terms of prices.

I hope that with time we can agree and FitoBalt can be sold for this price in the
pharmaceutical networks. Meanwhile it can only be ordered on the website. We
have tried to make everything convenient and simple: the remedy is sent by mail
and payment is only carried out after receiving the product and checking it. There is
no need to do any unnecessary action.

- Mr. Berzal, do you want to say something to our readers before ending the

- All I want to say is that you should take care of your health. You can trust that
97-98% parasites live within you. They can be anywhere, in the blood, in the
intestine, in the lungs, in the heart, in the brain. Parasites literally devour everything
inside us, poisoning our body at the same time. In short, problems with health
appear over time that makes our life shorter by 15 or 25 years. And this without
taking into account sudden deaths, which also have to do with the action of
parasites in the person's body.

Currently for Spain the preparation FitoBalt® can be ordered at the official

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