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The chart below gives information about the underground train system in six cities

The table illustrate underground train system in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington, Kyoto and Los

Overall, the table clearly shows that there is no correlation between cities and data. The older the
underground system is, the more they have kilometres of route with the exception of Kyoto. In addition,
the oldest ones which were built before 1976 had also more passengers in 2005.

As for London, was built in 1863, has the longest route with 394 kilometres. It is followed by Paris which
has 199 kilometres of route. In terms of passengers, they received a similar number of passengers in
2005 ( 1.3 and 1.5 billion respectively). Although Tokyo got the highest proportion of passengers,
amounting to 3.2 billion, has 155 km route.

On the other hand, the underground train system of Los Angeles and Kyoto which were built in 1981 and
2001, had the lowest level of passengers in 2005 ( 0.13 and 0.12 billion accordingl). Though Washington
DC train system is one of the oldest ones with receiving 0.2 billion passengers in 2005.

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