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IOT in home security

Samaksh arora

Objective: Our objective here is to make our homes secure using technology.
Iot has come a long way and has helped a lot in achieving this objective. The
proposed system is a low-cost system that takes care of making secure
household. Gas leakages are 2nd most common cause of house fires, 38% of
house fires in 2019 was caused because of the gas leakages. The main
objective of this system is to alert the owner if there is any gas leakage or
arising smoke by flashing a series of led lights, sounding an alarm and sending
an SMS alert to the owner using a gsm module in case he/she’s not at home.

Traditional practices:
Gas sensors are widely used by a lot a industries and households for multiple purposes. In
1927 Dr. Oliver Johnson introduced the first electric vapor indicator. This was used to
detect combustible mixtures in fuel tanks.
R. Sreenidhi proposed a system in which she used MQ6 gas sensor and ADC to convert
analogue signals to digital.
Work conducted by V. ramya and B. palaniappan used two sensors. They used UART to
enhance receiving and transmitting of signals. To coordinate operation they used PIC
Sunithaa jet introduced a system in which she used a load cell to convert varying values into
variable voltage.

Proposed System (with full Architecture and diagram):

In this paper I am proposing a home security system that used to detect any gas
leakages like LPG, Propane, Methane or any other harmful gas and senses
smoke around it. It is used to prevent house fires. The proposed system can
also be used in industries dealing flammable chemicals and gases. This system
is based on Arduino which is an open source microcontroller which makes this
system easy to make and affordable. Along with an Arduino circuit board it
uses a gas sensor which would be used to detect gas leakage or smoke. Piezo
buzzer is used to alert the owner in case of any gas leakage. It also uses a GSM
module to send an alert SMS to the user and the Authorities in case of leakage.
An lcd screen is used to indicate the amount of gas detected around the sensor.

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