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W72xH72mm, Weekly/Yearly Timer uiFeatures @Besy to check and change the program setting, Customizable weekly or yearly unit time setting and control by user includes Daylight Saving Time function ©2 Independent contro! output. (Relay) Flush an snable to mount on DIN Rail with base plate Weekly/Yearly Timer By ing are in one unit. Ordering information L] [E] [7] )- 2 2 [2 Relay cutouts L___Fy Twraxnramm 7 [1 week? dave) E_ [WeokiyFYeary Timer 1 [E00 Disslay E Specifications Mager LETM-2 Power supely TO0=240VAC SO/6OHe Allowable veliage range 90 = 110% of rated voltage Pro Power consumption LEXI URN input ‘Short—cireult or open by switeh or relay Timing program 48 slops for weekly, 24 steps for yearly [Operation mode ON/OFF mode, Cycle mode, Pulse mode Temperature 001% £0 Mounting Front panel, Surface, DIN ra Time deviation Seecimontht ) CE Aseciwe Memory protection [contact woe Ove SPDT (Single Pole Double B yearstat 250) ‘ontact) Settin [Contact eapaciy] 250VAC 5A resistive load me output number Tndependent 2 cutput(le x 2) Relay [Mechanical Min, 6,000,000 operations (Switching capaciy 30 tmes/ininate) ite evel etecweal 0.000 operations———0 2 0 won TUE Wao om AAT a aiid 7] |e [_Jeweoe ) Day indicator 2 Day display Light ‘ Day is selected. #Light—out © Curront time setting mode indicator DST display (Daylight Saving Time) 3) AM/PM display @ Season display ) Progtam splay ) Display ON timo/day, OFF timo/day, ON time width, OFF time wiath @ AM/PM display 0 YEAR display Day is not selected Its lighted when set, check, modify delete yearly pro} holidays and operate yearly program. {Il Yearly START/STOP day display ‘am, set Yearly 58 Remaining step way] PressLll orL# koys to sot 08 ZAG | Spectres Press SEW]key alter press [A] or [wl keys to set cate 10. @Current time(AM, PM) setting “le Press Galor [F]kovs to select PM and move the flashing dia o poston nour by] Key. ud At @Current time(Hour, Min.) setting SONNEI a Delnoe to tS sn PM and move the flashing digit 460 | socasiion min. by [Bl key HEL | Press Lal or EAL key 10 sot 10min and press [SET] key ang itis returned to AUN moae winen press [ODE] key over Seve. advances to to “Current in ON above Current time is set upto 31, Dec, 2099, Check current year/month/date in RUN mode When Pe]key is pressed over sec in RUN mode it advances to current year/monthidace display lime setting mode’ status and set current time as shown Alter display current year/month/date for 3sec it returns to RUN mode displaying current display. =|Program setting Selling group 1 Weekly/Yearly Timer Betting group 2 OT SR cooing roun) | | [eaten setting oroun 2) (PROG PA" slashed) woh node aaa Woon s tlashed) Programa Weekly program ing made (PROG P2" is lashed) Programa Weekly program setting im selection] s llashed, Proorami Yearly ‘Season switching sek ‘mode (SExy 's ‘lashed, PROG Pt YEAR "i tached) ‘on or ‘OFF is tame) aoe = OE) Geen | | ote = Suman teow pom | SE] [Gegantveaw = sering mose [| progam soting Fao satina tor season moae] SEU | Ferca saring (PROG P2 YEAR’ is tlashes) [* l ('SEn’ is flashed, Period—set| per season i Seazon i htes and] | START" or “STOP is 1artoal Program’ weeny program | SET fan Proaramt Week = Geltg meee | prooram delete (PROG PI Lic’ is tlasheo) [*—] . 1 Dayton: sounotime | BEAT Sanam savne |i Selecicnmecs” [P| Time selection (SE slisshea, ft Progiam) Weekly prearam [at Proarame week’) ‘eke Re or 'nor' is ianise) } [epmog Pa Cie" nachos) Note2) ] z 2 ‘Ruromatio( AE) Daytoht | SEL Fautomatic Daviont Peete Program| Yeaty wing Tine geod [-——*) Saving Time oa Pt YEAR program setina mogeC ast = lasned.f*—) |__petioa setting PROG P1 YEAR Clr a nose gS" arse START. 0: ‘STOP’ isigvtoa T Programa Veal aroaram delete moses PROG P2 YEAR ELe* F] e(Notet) Season switching selection is "aFF" (Note2) Automatic switching selection of Daylight Time is Normal "ar" ving Slandare gay crange aay seting ‘When it advances to setting group 2 in RUN mode, output(QUT, OUT2) will be OFF When power of switch is ON again group 2, it returns to previous setting group Front [MODE] key is pressed in LEVEL? of set Yeauly holiday operation mode| (Hag, YEAR © Ma Yeayhotday operation mods seting| 2, iL returns to previous LEVEL] When season switching selection is changed from When it advances ta setting group 1 in RI put (OUTL, OUT2) will be OFF felt returns to previous setting ro of time switeh is ON again in setting group 1 When [MODE] key is pressed in LEVEL2 of group 1, current se to previous LEVEL IN mode up 1 when power ng will be canceled and it returns ‘OFF * to "an" or "an’ to '@FF" program will be deleted orevious set weekly setting Autonics LE7M-2 =|Program setting Weekly program setting ‘eWeekly ON/OFF mode }Outputl (OUT L) is ON from Monday co Friday a 8:00 F at 6:10 PM, AM and C MON | TUE | weo @Advance to program (P1) wi $y program setting m: [MODE] Koy s pr UAL, | Sotetlcte Press [ET] key in ON/OFF mode, Ua. [alr [e seys are crossed and te | ‘move ito Tuesday by [B] key. lighted. @ON time settinglAM, PR =a ==] Bikey is pressed. move the ‘lashing te hour aostion and sol > oy [a] or Le] keys when © BON time seiting(Hour, Minute) ee mm] 8888100 by [F]tay and press 4g. |S OFF time sotting (AM, PM) 7 bw ne wleod Select PM by [@X] or [¥] keys ana by Bl ke @OFF time setting Hour Minute) 7 RE 8 Vove the position aft aang sett complete to eWeekly Pulse mode Monday to Friday duri of SL, $2, S: lashing te hour pasion Hashing to minute 1 sot 6:00 oy [ali into as 10 and press Output2(OUT2) is ON for 10se ing SZ season in case, at 8:00AM from Mode yoo si ting Yee ow ee ee | Press (BET Key to |. @Season selection BET] Koy Press i] pratt SER hey. Prose I] suN | MON | TUE t we ie | mee ~ ~ key is pressed for 3sec in key when ON/OFF is select season $2 ™Program setting JON day setting Prase[B] key to move the inicato ghte eM = Thursday and Friday DON time setting(AM, PM) >rese DB] key. move the Ha fo hour position ana select PM by ior Felco wen ON ime Minute) sot 8:00 by [F] key and press Pulse width setting Pross[akoy to fas 103(1 0800 oy oct puso wicth Prose (SET key to sot addtional eWeekly Cycle ) Output 1) is ON for 10min and 01 Shin tom ondoy BOAR Wo Sanday 5 ow | won ceo J ow | amt | ox | [™ | i] here aS =a oon Advance to Program! (P1) weekly program setting mode Uae 088 [MODE] koy tor Se0e in RUN mode, "PROG PI" is ‘lasnec Autonics Weekly/Yearly Timer @Mode tyoe setting 42. ay ross [a] key when ON/OFF is flasned. CYCLE is flashes and olor to =A) ot ‘Weekly ON/OFF mode! to sot ON day, ON F day and OFF tims ®ON time width setting YD Pross[B] Key to at SBOFF time wiath setting WD reseDB}key to move the ashing ule postion and set as 5 me GOS t2Complete to se 34... key to set aastionst Weekly day change It operates when the specified day mode is required xr day from the set day and it returns setting to install in to previous program sutomatically when it is finished. Il is applied to program | (P1) and program2(P2) Weekly day change cancellation Change current year, month, date in current time setting mode @Change standard day ®elere al (1) and program ‘ogram in program @Season switching Setting example Output (UTI) is ON in Saturday at 9:00AM and OFF at 12:00PM and it is ON 8:30AM and OFF at 6:00PM from Monday to Friday and the mode of Monday and Tuesday is operated temporarily as Saturday (standard) program LE7M-2 ™Program setting Advance to weokly day change mode Start dato of yearly holiday setting Press [MODE] key over Seve to move tothe setting group! in AUN mode and press i repeatedty unt ‘Eds lasned in second display batt ans prese dt: ‘ress[Bkay unt mont postion istiashoe anc bot ay by Eakey tnd sress.[B) key unt cave oy after set Sh by Ley @End date of yearly holiday sotting Standard aay selection 5 t 7 2 STB ne er HU | Soicats ates! by fal or bl fer day " change day selection PressfB] key 19 move the indicator to Monday and select Monday to Hey | ctgrontton's ites oy Go eat he proc [eceis ans to select Tuesday to is lighted) and press complet, @ (Tue key to Yearly holiday mode L operates to off the output without program adjustment during previously set yearly holiday period available from present year to 31, Dec of the next year Designate the start date of yearly holiday and year of end date as every year(’=~") to repeat the holiday mode for specified in every year eSetting example Set every year 5, May to off the output (OUTI, oUT=). Advance to early holday mode ho ashing Is moved to manth position directly and press swart| ey to set May and press [B] key Unt gate pasion s Hashes, ” Press [BET] key after set Sin by 77 Bey, @Complete to yearly holiday Press [MODE] key to finish the | He BYearly program setting Yearly ON/OFF mode Output] (UTD) is ON from every 5, Apr to 7, Apr al $:00AM and OFF 5:10PM. Advance to Progtam{ (1) yearly program setting meds ote @Mode type setting ross [HOBE]koy for soe in RUN mode, PROG PI” flashed and press [MODE] key 3 times more lunil PROG P2 YEAR’ is tacheg and press (SETIkey. >ress [HOBE] key over Sse to 2veand move tothe salting rouot in RUN mode and press I repeatedly unt "He's lashod in socond display Patt ans press edt: Yearly holiday No. display oy when ON/OFF is oe Start date setting SE EE gs BET Key ator chec yooty eran] tes rr oy iy seer pe) ters ug fn ores ky ur sta UL gpon "power | SET coy alter st Sin Caley. Hel 8-63 Autonics ™Program setting date sotting uf Ff The Hashing is moved to month position diteetly and niess [al key < sey unt is flashes. key after th by N time settinglAM, PR ef. Bl sey 's ore: ‘lashing ta hour pasion and s Pt by [al or [x] keys when ON PS Seog G@ON time settina Hour time setting(Hour Minute) 2 [key to sot 9 and press key atter checks mn GOFF time setting(AM, PM) Soloct PM by[a] or [keys and ashing to haut posto Minute) we OE Move the flashing to minute positon altr set 5 by [alkoy and ihe minute as 10 and press key @Complete to set Yearly Pulse mod: (Bx) Output2 (UTE) i 2008 at 10:00AM, arama(P2) yearly program sett Prese SEH] key to set adaitional is ON from 2, ind OFF after Det, 2008 to 4, ON tor Sse. woe mode [MODE] coy is oressea for Seee In RUN mode, "PROG PY” is ‘lashed land press sey again PROG P2 YEAR’ s(kishoo and press SET key Weekly/Yearly Timer @Mode type setting _ ee @Start date setting End date setting we oe he v2 u ing(AM, PM) eu. @ON time coe m1 iH Pulse width setting Be @Complete to set [ilkey is pressed when ON/OFF is Hashes ULSE mode ana press Press [a key twice to set 08(year |} and move to month postion by Diy. Set Oct by [e]key and move to ‘ate postion by Db]key and oress oy alter set 2nd. by [a] The Hlashing is moved to month ponson aay by key and sel tn oy[a]key after move ito wate position by [B] key, then prose [BET] Koy. Btey is pressed, move the Tlasning to hour aosition an select PM by [a] or ¥ when ON time is afternoon ing(Hour, Minute) Press [W]key twice to set 10 and cy alter cnecx 00min Press [A] key 4 times to sete pulse width as Ss and sress Ht is able to set y% x of start Prose [BET] key to set acsitional program. \d date in yearly program setting up to 2 years later from the present yea LE7M-2 =|Program check, modify and delete , modify and del Weekly prog’ p>[__RUN mode Pres EA] Proarart Weekly roarar| record No.1 ted) ;ograrnt Weekly proarar record No. eB f sottng odity ana delete | [Program weet orogra ocard No.2leD2) Press (] rogram? Week proqar] : record No.1 (ef No Med # sotina setting check [J ‘ody ana celete 5 LT Yearly program check, modify and delete p>[__ AUN mode Prorat Yeany proaran| ary prog record No.t (nN Setina check record No.2¢e) seting ally and a aram2 Yeary progta raNoNe df sting ‘diy ang delete Programe Year prograr| veoord Noted) = YEAR program. 's Vohted wher 1eck, mosity or delete yearly med to ‘e1" any key is untouched for 60sec, it is AUN mode in weekly or yearly program check. ‘in weekly or yearly program check, it controls output ‘according to program setting and output is OFF in modity oF delete mo ‘eWhen [MODE] key is pressed in weekly or yo record modify, delete stand by or delete mi work is cancelled and it is returnes to check mode. ‘eWeekly or yeatly program record modify and delete y program 8-65 (1)Program record moaity When oress [SET] key over 3see in program check, ig flashed in second display part lt returns to check mode when finish the m same as the above procedure, (2)Program in second display part, press [a]or [e]keys until" Le" is flashed in second display part * Ete" is lighted in ram check, @Press key over asec whe! second display part, it returns to ‘Autonics

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