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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but

where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Course design
Dear Students,

‌Welcome to this unit: "Course design"

‌The main objective of this training unit is to provide the foundations that all
students at the licentiate program must take into account to develop the
accompaniment to the process in the best way.

‌The invitation is to read the suggested material and develop the activities,
timely making the delivery of the same in time. Therefore, within the
development of different activities proposed, it is essential to remember the use
of bibliographic sources and webography if necessary.

‌I invite you to navigate through the components that make up this unit.

Let’s start! Grab your book! Yes, that one!

English for Specific Purposes Tom Hutchinson, Alan Waters


In ESP, the main concern of the research and the materials is on the
language analysis.  The language that we used in everyday life is the reflection
of the human thought processes. The better way in learning language is
actually not based on analysis the nature of the language but more to the
understanding the structures and processes in the mind. But it still has
difficulties because we only know a little about the way people in learning
something. The techniques, method, and content of language learning just
only can be improved by the action in the classroom.  Language that we learn
must have the theories, and in this case, we must describe the theories in
development of language according to the needs of the learners.
Having read the chapter, please use all you leant and….

Make chart where you compare the six main theories of learning.
In the chart include:
1. Definition
2. Principles
3. How Learning Occurs
4. How motivation occurs
5. Factors Influencing knowledge
6. Role of Memory
7. Instructional Design
8. Implications for Teaching

And send it to the following email address:

Once you finished this step, go to the forum in the following link : and answer the
question there.

So far you have finished part of the assignment!

Let’s continue….

Now go to CHAPTER 6 and read about NEEDS ANALYSIS!

Then answer the following:
1. Search over several sources and gather information to make a definition of
needs analysis, mention information about its origins

2. Make a diagram to show the course design cycle emphasizing when to

conduct a needs analysis and what consideration should you have.

3. Define and Stablish the difference between target situation needs, learning
needs. What focus should you have to analyze target situation needs, learning

4. How does this model differ from Dudley-Evans & St John (1998) model?
Make a T-chart.

5. Read the following statement and next to it write whether if they are target or
learning situation.

Write target situation or learning situation and complete the chart at the end
1. I need to see vocabulary written down. Learning Situation
2. I have occasional meetings with British Target Situation
3. I find it difficult to write persuasively. PSA
4. I pick things up by listening. Learning Situation
5. Student X needs to read more widely. Target Situation
6. I like problem solving. Learning Situation
7. I get my tenses mixed up. PSA
8. I hate group work. Learning Situation
9. I have to write reports. Target Situation
10. My problem is finding the right word. PSA

6. READ THE FOLLOWING article and answer the questions

Cowling, J.D. (2007). Needs analysis: Planning a syllabus for a series of

intensive workshop courses at a leading Japanese company. English for
Specific Purposes, 26(4), 426-442.

What was/were…
1. the client’s requirements? ▪some have estimated takes anywhere from 4-10 years of
training to reach an average level of proficiency.
▪the Accreditation Board for Engineering
Education in Korea (ABEEK) wants engineering students to
acquire English communication ability good enough to
cooperate globally in their professional fields.
▪The general English courses are in the lower years and ESP
courses are in the
higher years of the curriculum, which are expected to help
students to perform their career activities globally
2. the target group? ▪Engineering students in Korea.
▪We need to understand what the industries, engineering
professors and students need from English course.
3. sources of information used for ▪There are 5 sources for needs analyses in ESP: published
needs analysis? and unpublished literature, learners, teachers and applied
linguists, domain experts, and triangulated sources.
▪A needs analysis through survey questionnaire was done
on three different groups: students group, engineering
professors group, and industry workers group. With the
triangulated source the data could get credibility and is
expected to serve for ESP course development.
4. methods of data gathering used? ▪There are many methods in NA such as Non-expert
intuitions, Expert practitioner intuitions, interviews
structured or unstructured, surveys and questionnaires,
language audits, participant observation and so on.
▪This research used mainly questionnaire survey

5. methods of data gathering -Unstructural Interviews, because they need to

discussed but not used? Why were have general understanding of what industries
they not used? want.

6. information provided during each ▪Questionnaire items were divided into two major parts.
step in the data gathering process? One is to get general information which will help make the
frame work of ESP course. The other is to get detailed
information such as how important the specific English
abilities and skills are and what levels of fluency are
required with them and the frequency of a work context
and importance of certain English activities.
7. the most useful and the most ▪students need to understand the importance of general
disappointing step in needs analysis? business English
and need to be well motivated to learn if they plan to work
for an industry. If they want to pursue their career as
competitive global engineers with long term goals, they
need to familiarize themselves with engineering contents as
▪The students’ needs for daily
conversational English can be met by the General English
course provided in the lower grade.
7. According to this article, define their ▪We should understand what the industries want from the
target need and learning need. students as prospective workers, and what the professors
want from their students to meet the goal of each program,
and the students’ motivation to learn in English class.
▪we need to understand what the industries, engineering
professors and students need from English course.
▪Learning Need: Students Motivation to learn English Class.
–Engineers Students need to have or take an English Course
to regard of job seekers major fields.

Let’s continue learning, now……

Analyse the following cases and decide about their situation. Then suggest the
person to take a specific course that could cope with his requirements.
Learner 1:
What are his necessities, lacks and wants?
 Karl Jensen is a German engineer who has a frequent and important
need to read texts in English. He also needs to talk to overseas colleagues
occasionally, for example, at the annual planning conference. The company he
works for is a multi-national company and the operating language for
communication outside national boundaries is English, although the majority
of workers are non-native speakers. By any quantitative analysis Karl Jensen’s
need is for reading, because it is a much more frequent activity for him. But he
feels a far stronger need to spend his time in the English class improving his
oral competence. Why? The answer lies in the way in which he identifies his
own personality with the use of a foreign language. He reads in private and at
his own speed: he can use a dictionary if he wants. But when he is speaking,
his pride is on the line: his English competence (or lack of it, as he sees it) is
exposed for all to see and he is under pressure to participate at a speed
determined by the discourse.

Name Karl Jensen

Necessities The improvement of his oral proficiency

Lacks He reads in private and at his own speed: he can use a dictionary if he wants. But
when he is speaking, his pride is on the line: his English competence (or lack of it, as
he sees it) is exposed for all to see and he is under pressure to participate at a speed
determined by the discourse.
Wants He identifies his own personality with the use of a foreign language.

 Learner 2:
What are her necessities, lacks and wants?
Li Yun Zhen is a Chinese graduate in chemistry, who is going to study in the
United States. She needs to be able to survive socially and professionally in an
English-speaking community. Fluency is, therefore, her greatest need. Li Yun
Zhen, however, prefers to spend her time improving her knowledge of English
grammar. Why? Her answer lies in her estimation of priorities. In order to be
accepted for her course of study she must first pass a test. The most important
criterion in the test is grammatical accuracy. She, therefore, sees as her
priority need as being to pass the test.

Name Li Yun Zhen

Necessities  However, prefers to spend her time improving her knowledge of English grammar

Lacks grammatical accuracy

Wants her priority need as being to pass the test


Learner 3:
What are his necessities, lacks and wants?
 Jose Lima is a Brazilian salesman. He needs to be able to talk on the
telephone to customers and to other colleagues. He also needs to read
catalogues and business letters. Jose is an outgoing, sociable man, who gets on
easily with people. His spoken English is not very accurate, but is fluent. His
employer feels that Jose ‘s real need is for greater accuracy in spoken
conversation, because it reflects badly on the company’s image to have one of
its representatives speaking very incorrect English. However, Jose feels that
his spoken English very good, and he resents the implication that it is not.
After all, he communicates very well. He sees the English classes as a
criticism of his performance as a salesman. He, therefore, has little motivation
to attend classes.
Name Jose Lima

Necessities His spoken English is not very accurate, but is fluent. His employer feels that Jose ‘s
real need is for greater accuracy in spoken conversation, because it reflects badly on
the company’s image to have one of its representatives speaking very incorrect
Lacks He has little motivation to attend classes

Wants He communicates very well. He sees the English classes as a criticism of his
performance as a salesman.


8. Make an analysis of your own learners ‘needs (if you have or classmates)
using the framework for analyzing target needs suggested in the book
9. Make an analysis of your own teaching /learning situation using the
framework for analyzing learning needs suggested in the book

This work should be organized in a word document and send to

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