Aims and Objectives of Creation of Pakistan

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AIMS AND OBJECTS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PAKISTAN Following factors can be named to be the objectives of the establishment of Pakistan. studies IF THE CEMENT (0 1. gEEGRGoF 600 ALMIGHTY Ea is built on the The sla mito concept of the Weve of the demand for ‘The prime he astablishment of 2 state Pakisin, wy God's supremacy could be where ties 2 government based on We enforced orripies could be instituted. The Islamic pring «We did not demand Pakistan fece of land, but Pakistan 1 S‘pomelana where we could Introduce FESTABLISHMENT OF ISLAMIC BemocRAcY Islam has given an ideal concept of democracy which is distinctively diferent gemwestern concept. In Isiamic democratic flem every one is equal and noone ‘Skye privileged position on the basis of Te mocial status, colour or creed. The Real, Naib of God on earth, strictly follows the principles of Islam and Sunnah in the Guministrton of state affairs, The Khalifa hes dual accountabilly — on earth he is Mewerable to the people and afterwards to God Aimighty ‘One of the main objectives of the freedom movement was that the Musims of sub-continent wanted a country where the ideal system of islamic democracy could be installed. The Muslims demanded Pakistan solely because they desired to lve aocording to the principles of Islam. The Two-Nation Theory, which became the basis of the freedom movement for Pakistan also implied that the Muslims of sub-continent wanted to mould their lives according to the Islamic principles. It was because of this reason that the famous slogan, Pakistan ka matlab kiya La ilaha-illa-llah, came on everybody's tongue. The Quaid-e-Azam said 0 *4th February, 1948 at Sibi “itis mY firm ‘eliet that’ our salvation os it ollowing the golden rules of conduct a6 Siven by our great law-giver, the Prophet Islam. Let us lay the foundations of Cultural & Historical Back, ‘gur democratic system on isamic 2a principles. The Almighty hae een agighat our decisions in the state wnat fail be guided by mutual consultant REVIVAL OF MUSL IDENTITY IM IMAGE AND field. The Muslims were not in a positon oy ire aie oe en a Foro heed ape leerreal no Hindus had adopted a prejudicial attitude jos oat Mae eno fraternal ade United India. mane 4. PROTECTION OF __- MUSLIM CULTURE & CIVILIZATION Muslims were always a separate nation because of their distinctive cultural values and pattems. They were easily distinguishable from other nations on the basis of their social behaviour. The Muslim culture, civilization and Iterature were tho living and proud symbols of identity as Separate and distinct nation. Although ‘Muslims lived with Hindus and other nations for centuries, yet they proudly maintained their separate image. The Muslims and other nations of sub-continent remained distinct with an emphasis on ther separateness. Hindus always desired to. crush Muslims as nation and utimatay merge em into. Hind sociaty. Several atempts were made by Hindus to erase the Musi Culture and civilization. Hindi-Urdu controversy, Shuddi__and Sanghi” movements are the glaring examples of the ignoble Hindu mentality. These attempts Wore aimed at the total elimination of Muslim culture inorder to merge it into Hindu Culture and Nationalism. One of the great objectives of the Pakistan moverent was the protection of Muslim culture and to save it from Hindy domination. Muslims were not prepared 1° accept Hindu superiorty over them. They: were’ very much alive to their sense. Of supremacy asa separate and distine’ nation. In fact this feeling of separateness was motivating eloment of | Pakistan movement. Muslims wanted to give stability fo their nationhood which was not possible in the United India under the Hind hegemony. Muslims, therefore, decided 10 Separate themselves from Hindus in order fo safeguard their cultural values: 5, TWO-NATION THEORY The entire freedom movement revolved around Two-Nation Theory which became the basis of demand for Pakistan. It meant that Muslims were a separate nation tuith their distinct culture, civilization, Iiterature, history, religion and social values. Islam, the religion of Muslims, was based on the concept of Tauheed and, therefore, Gould not be assimilated in any other system or religion. sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first Muslim leader who propounded this theory. In the beginning he was a staunch advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity. Later on while Sbserving the prejudiced Hindu and Congress attitude toward Muslims, he came forward with his Two-Nation concept and Goolared that Muslims were a separate Satin having their own culture and civilization. ‘The establishment of Pakistan further strengthened the Two-Nation concept which fmoant that Pakistan would be a country Mihere Islamic principles would be followed. With the creation of Pakistan it became Possible for Muslims to mould their lives according to the principles of Islam. 6 EMANCIPATION FROM THE PREJUDICIAL HINDU MAJORITY Muslims came to India with conquering armies and permanently settled there in the Indian society, though maintaining thelr separate identity. The ‘conversion of Hindus to Islam, in the later stages, caused the population of India to undergo a gradual change. With lapse of time Muslims came to form one-fourth of the {otal population of india, Muslims belonged to all walks of life and understandably dominated in _all spheres of social life during their rule. The Arab conquest was a blessing for sub- ‘continent which attained maximum ‘economic prosperity during Muslim rule. The Muslim domination aroused Hindu jealousy ‘who had to live under Muslim hegemony in spite of their numerical majority With the advent of the British rule Muslims lost their empire and political supremacy. The British extended favours to Hindus in view of their numerical strength in order to win their co-operation. Hindus who were eagerly looking for an opportunity to settle their old score with the Muslims, were very happy on the turn of the events. They Quickly ‘snatched the golden opportunity offered to them by their new masters, and jpined hands with the new rulers of India for the elimination of Muslims from the Indian society. se ssaray aon boris oe daa at eo Secor eae The demand for Pakistan was based on ts —z very feeling that the Muslims should be ‘emancipated from the clutches of the eterna, Hindu domination, 7. ESTABLISHMENT OF BALANCED ECONOMIC SYSTEM, The economic condition of Muslims, before partition, was deplorable. Hindus had monopolised commerce and trade. Musiins were not in a position to enter in the business and trade because of biased policy of government, After the 1857 War of Independence, the Briish Government had banned Muslims’ entry into government service. All high civil and military positions were reserved for the Hindus. Muslims were Considered eligible only for peon's and low ranking jobs. The Goverment had confiscated estates and properties of Muslims to punish them for their involvement in the War of Independence. The agricultural land was mostly owned by Hindus who fully exploited — Muslim cultivators. The Government policy provided no shelter to Muslims for earning their sustenance in a respectable manner. Muslims also lagged behind in the field of education. Hindus on the other hand had advanced in modern knowledge and were in a better position. The ignorance in ‘education also played havoc with the ‘economic condition of Muslims as they were ‘not capable of getting any reasonable job. ‘These measures and biased policies of the government badly affected the Condition of Muslims. Their future as a nation was destined to be ruined and they reached at the lowest ebb of their social and economic life in India. The inexorable ‘economic exploitation of the Muslims at the hands of the British and Hindus, compelled them to think about a separate homeland for their economic security. They wanted a country where they could erect a social and economic system free of exploitation and which coud pul them out oo out of despair to show them a new horizon of life, pare

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