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Whar concey, iy WD Wes wrt be Obed on ES Ki ound: ; git) Mp teee ag S Da i $ eS ZA When Pakistan came into existence as a sovereign state, it had no constitution of its own. A constituent Assembly was established to frame a new constitution.jFor the time being the Indian Act of 1935 with some amendments was adopted for the interim period. The member of constituent Assembly and famous scholar, Maulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani took the first step towards framing constitution by preparing the text of a resol tion. Other Ulemahs also accepted this resolution) Ehis-A resolution was presented in constituent Assembly’on 12" March 1949 by Liaqat Ali Khan. This resolution came to be known as “Objective Resolution” js gthe history of constitution making in Pakistan. his resolution represented the Muslims of Pakistan and, it declared that the next constitution in Pakistan would be according to Quran and Sunnah. Pakistani people and “ the representatives will carty on their duties under the restrictions given by Allah, Headnf ue Begun | oh Tlowm (satient features of Objective Resolution: 7 Objective resolution has got a fundamental status in the constitution-making history of Pakistan. ion are the salient features of objective resolution. ngs a a ET ate Constitd | ———_——sememea-—cameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeceeceeceseececeaasaaesseaaaaaaaeasaaasaacaasascacaacassasassasaacaamcmaaaaassasaaaassaaa @ (sovereignty of Allah: pate of Q.7 The resolution clearly laid down that sovereign over the entire Universe belonged to the God Almigh; The authority delegated by the God Almighty is a sacreg trust which will be used by the representatives of the people in the light of Holy Quran and Sunnah. (2) {Following the Fundamental principles of Islam: Principles of democracy; equality; freedom, and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed. (3) \ | Promotion of Islamic teachings in Individual and collective lives: Maximum efforts shall be made to enable Muslims to order their lives in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam. ‘) (4) [ Safeguard of Rights of minority: The minorities shall be given due freedom to practice their religion and develop their culture. Arrangements shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interest of minorities and backward classes (under- developed areas)) ) ( Safeguard of the fundamental rights: Fundamental rights of the’citizens such as freedom; equality; nationality; freedom of giving opinions; practicing the religion; union formation shall be fully safeguarded.) (6X Federal form of Government and_ provincial independence: i Federal system of government shall be established in the country, in which provinces shall be given autonomy _ with limitations and powers as prescribed by Quran and sunnah. 0) { Independence of Judiciary: Judiciary shall be independent. Its independence shall be s@cured. No pressure will be applied by government and non-governmental bodies on the judiciary to make decisions. (se the approval of objective resolution, a committee for the basic principles was established to frame the country’s constitution. An Islamic teachings board was established to advice this committee. Maulana syed Suleman Nadvi was made the chairman of this board. “Ne Importance of Objective Resolution: Objective resolution has got a fundamental status in the constitution put an end to the discussion about country’s constitution and made it clear that constitution and principles in Pakistan will be according to Islamic teachings. This resolution was accepted by all the Ulemah’s, so this resolution was based on a, collective decision. was made the preamble in all Objective resolution e ] the next constitutions framed in Pakistan. Preamble is not titution but general Zia- the implemented part in the cons' ul-Haq in 1985, through the eight amendments made this resolution the complete part of the constitution.

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