Ideology and Ideology of Pakistan

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vie 'aiiiG Kepublic of Pakistan Chapter No. 1 © Establishment of Islamic On Republic of Pakistan ay ws A group of people having same language, living in same territory, having same religion, having same culture and values, having same goals and future; having a common past. If a group of people share any few points among themselves, then they form nation. Requirement of a state: Nation: There are three main requirement of a state: i Legislative Body to frame laws. 2. An Executive Body to implement laws. 3: A Judiciary to keep a check on both. Ideology{3() J :- ! ‘ The term “Ideology” means science of ideas or system of ideas. It contains those ideals which a nation strives to accomplish in order to bring stability and homogeneity to its nationhood. Ideology is a system of ideas which reflect the way of thinking of a nation or a class who has been denied its due place in society. The ideology grows amongst the dissatisfied, group of society as a challenge, to the prevailing social set up. Ideology is also defined as a set of ideas or norms on which the collective ideals of a community or nation are base@ An ideology offers an interpretation of the pasty and an explanation of the present and a vision of the future. POT 7 Chapter No.1 3°) SS ——— 1 eS OO eE— > Importance of Ideology: 5 0 Importance of ideology and its impact on lives of a nation can be explained by following points. 1. Means of unity and strength: Ideology provides the cement binding base to the seattered groups in a society and brig them closer to each other on a common plate form. It thus develops unity among the people of nation and provides them strength. 2. Identity of a nation: It helps to preserve the identity of a nation. 3. Way of development and progress: Ideology paves the way for development and progress of a nation. 4. Reflection of past, present and future: Ideology offers an interpretation of the past, and an explanation of the present and a vision of the future. 5. Provides a nation with clear destination: Nations having an ideology have a motivating force which helps a nation to strive hard to bring stability and homogeneity to its nationhood. Ideologies impel their adherents to follow a joint line of action for the accomplishment of their aims. 6. Basis of constitution and law: Keeping in view the main points of an ideology one can easily frame constitutions and laws for a country. 7. Custodian of culture and civilization: Ideology helps in the preservation and promotion of culture and civilization. (aims and objecttves of the “Ideology of Pakistan” before the creation of Pakistan: Ls 2. To make a separate homeland for the Muslims of J, India in the Muslim majority areas. 3, To make such a state where the Muslims have all yee the opportunities to lead their lives according to ay ee" the teachings of Islam. ‘Main objectives of the man of Pakistan after the creation of Pakistan: Firstly to preserve / safeguard Muslim culture. The main objective is the establishment of such a system of government in which all laws should be formulated according to the teachings f Islam. Definition of Ideology of Pakistan: Different definitions are there. Two are given: 1. “Ideology of Pakistan is the practical implementation of Islamic teachings in Pakistan.” (Ali Abbas) of “To mould our individual and collective lives according to the teachings of Islam and‘ to OC — %% safeguard ourselves against all those ideologies that are against Islam”. (Aslam Syed) Basic elements in the Ideology of Pakistan: 1. Islam: This is the most important basic element of the Ideology of Pak. The basis of Ideology of Pak was laid on religion. The Muslims were a separate nation due to their religious differences with Hindus. This difference led to the evolution of The Nation Theory which took the shape of the Ideology of Pakistan. 2. Democracy: The basis of democracy is the respect of the say of the majority but side by side the rights of the minorities are safeguarded and there freedom of speech. Another basic element of democracy is the right of self determination according to which every nation in the world has the right to decide its future for itself. The Muslim of United India demanded a separate homeland using this very principle. 3. Social Justice and Equality: The objective of the Ideology of Pakistan was the establishment of such a society where there is social justice and equality irrespective of caste, religion or creed. All are supposed to be equal in the eyes of law. 4. Fundamental Human rights: These are the rights that are evolved in society for welfare of its citizens. It includes safeguard of life, respect and property, freedom of religious beliefs and practices, freedom of speech and earning of a respectable living. This was special element as the Muslims had already suffered in Muslims minority areas in United India. }

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