Tales From The Arabian Nights Class 6

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1. Why were the thieves surprised when they came back to the cave?
Because they didn't find the 4 pieces of the dead man and maybe they thought
someone else knows about the cave.

2. Where did the shoemaker take the thief?

To Kasim's house.

3. What happened when Marjana started to cook dinner?

The oil in his lamp went out.

4. What did Marjana do with the hot oil?

When the oil was very hot, she went outside and put some hot oil into every jar.
In this way, she killed thirty-nine of the forty thieves.

5. What happened with the last thief?

Marjana scared him. The man was afraid and got into the bottle and Marjana put
hot oil on him and he also died.

6. What did Ali Baba say to Marjana at the end of the story?
'You are a very smart girl. Will you marry my son?
So Marjana lived happily with the family for many years.


1. What did the thief think about the people in the city?
That people were very stupid.

2. What did the thieves do to take the donkey?

The two thieves followed the man, the first thief went behind the donkey and changed
places with him. At the same time, the second thief took the donkey

3. Why was the man surprised?

Because when he turned around he saw the thief and not his donkey.

4. When the thief’s mother say: “perhaps one day you’ll really change into a donkey”
Why did she say that?
Because he hit his mother and he was a very stupid man.

5. What did the man give to the thief?

He gave him money.
6. What did the man do the next morning?
He went to town with the intention of buying a donkey.

7. Why didn’t he buy the donkey?

Because the man thought that the thief had beaten his mother again and had become
a donkey again.

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